3, 3 3 4 9 (1974)
The effects of interaction with surrounding water on the dynamic response behaviour of cantilever tower structures
are studied. Expressions for response to harmonic ground motion in individual modes of vibration, including
hydrodynamic interaction, are presented, the accuracy of responses obtained by ignoring surface waves and
compressibility of water in the hydrodynamic solutions is evaluated, the effects of hydrodynamic interaction on
the fundamental period of vibration are studied and the commonly used ‘added mass’ approach to account for
effects of surrounding water is examined. The conclusions deduced from the results of this investigation include
the following. Interaction with surrounding water increases the fundamental period of vibration of the tower
and decreases the modal damping ratio. Compressibility of water has essentially no influence in the hydro-
dynamic effects on slender towers. The traditional definition of added mass is conceptually deficient, but is simple
to employ; the errors in this simple added mass representation are negligible for the first mode of vibration of
The dynamic response behaviour of cantilever tower structures, such as intake towers and bridge piers, is
influenced by the surrounding water. Interaction with water causes additional dynamic forces on the structure
and also modifies its dynamic properties.
The classical theory of hydrodynamics,’ concerned with the motion of rigid bodies in incompressible
fluid, has had for many years profound influence on the point of view and assumptions adopted by researchers
concerned with earthquake analysis of structures interacting with water. The early investigations of water
pressures acting on gravity dams? on cylindrical tanks containing wate? and on cylindrical structures
surrounded by water,3 assumed the structure to be rigid, considered water to be incompressible and deter-
mined an ‘added mass’ of water which when considered moving with the structure was equivalent to the
hydrodynamic effects of the fluid.
Until a few years ago, these basic assumptions-rigid structure and incompressible fluid-had not been
systematically examined. Recent investigations4-’ concerned with concrete gravity dams demonstrated that
dynamic interaction between the flexible structure and water might have profound influence on dynamic
behaviour and response of the structure. It was further shown that significance of compressibility of water
depends on the dynamic properties of the structure relative to the reservoir of water.4 The significance of
structure-water interaction and of water compressibiIity in the earthquake response behaviour of cantilever
towers surrounded by water had not been completely investigated prior to the present study. Solutions for
hydrodynamic pressures on cylindrical towers-circular* or elliptical9 in plan-for prescribed harmonic
motions-rigid body or in a deformed shape-of the tower were obtained. Although the significance of
compressibility of water was not examined, the magnitude of added mass of water considered to be moving
with the structure, which will lead to the correct change in period of vibration due to the surrounding water,
was presented. Following the formulation and concepts developed for studying the dynamics of gravity
dams including hydrodynamic interaction? the dynamics of towers in the fundamental mode of vibration
was studied.1° The results presented were not complete enough to reach definite conclusions.
t Graduate Student.
t Associate Professor.
Received 19 October I973
Revised 20 December 1973
0 1974 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2 33
The magnitude of added mass of water which should be considered moving with the tower has also been
determined from experimentally measured changes in the period of vibration of the structure due to hydro-
dynamic interaction?‘
The main purpose of this investigation is to develop fundamental understanding of the dynamic response
behaviour of cantilever tower structures, surrounded by water, subjected to earthquake ground motion.
The vertical component of ground motion essentially causes no lateral response of slender cantilever
structures. Because the most significant stresses in slender towers are caused by lateral flexural deformations,
the effects of the vertical component of ground motion are essentially of no consequence and only the
horizontal component of ground motion is considered in this study.
Expressions for response to harmonic ground motion in individual modes of vibration of cylindrical
towers, including interaction with surrounding water, are presented. The accuracy of responses obtained
by ignoring surface waves and compressibility of water in the hydrodynamic solutions is examined. The
effects of hydrodynamic interaction on the fundamental vibration period and dynamics of the tower in the
first two modes of vibration are studied. The commonly used ‘added mass’ approach to account for effects
of surrounding water is examined.
Figure 1. Cylindrical tower submerged in water subjected to horizontal ground motion
If it is assumed that the tower can distort only in the shape of its fundamental mode of vibration in air,
the equation of motion for its response to a horizontal ground acceleration, G&), in terms of Yl(t),the
generalized co-ordinate representing the amplitude of this deformation, is
Mf Y1(t>+Ct &(?)+KT Yl(t)= -u&)Al-P,*l(t) (1)
The generalized properties denoted in this equation are defined by the following expressions, in which
the fundamental mode of the tower in lateral vibration without the surrounding water is denoted by +&),
the frequency by w1 and the damping ratio by &,
M : = /oHk(z)+l(z)adz
where m(z) represents the mass of the tower per unit of height
K: = o fM :
C: = 2f;01 Mf
and PA(?)represents the generalized load in the first mode of vibration of the tower associated with hydro-
dynamic pressures pc(8, z, t ) acting on the outside surface of the tower. It will be shown later that for planar
vibration of the tower this radial pressure varies around the circumference as cos 8 (Figure l), i.e.
P,(& z, 0 = P&O, z , o cos 8
The resultant hydrodynamic force per unit of height in the plane of vibration is
Assuming water to be linearly compressible and neglecting its internal viscosity, the small amplitude
irrotational motion is governed by the wave equation in cylindrical co-ordinates (Figure 1):
in which p(r, 8, z, t) is the hydrodynamic pressure (in excess of hydrostatic pressure) and C is the velocity of
sound in water = 4,720 fps. The hydrodynamic pressure acting radially on the outer surface of the tower,
pe(8, z, t ) = p(ro, 8,z, t). Also the following relations hold for any particle of water
g at2 ar
w a2 uz - ap
at2 az
where uryu* and uz respectively are the radial, tangential and vertical components of particle displacement of
water in the co-ordinate system shown in Figure 1; w = the unit weight of water, g = the acceleration due to
For the present, only cylindrical towers are considered, i.e. the tower surface in contact with water is
vertical. The reservoir bottom is assumed to be horizontal, i.e. the depth H of water in the reservoir is
constant. It is further assumed that water extends to infinity in the radial direction from the tower.
Equation (9) together with appropriate boundary conditions at various boundaries-the outer surface of
the tower, the reservoir bottom and the free surface of water-defines the problem for the water system.
Generalized displacement
Yl(t)= Tl(w) eiul
Generalized acceleration -
Yl(t) = Yl(w) eid = - w2 P,(w) eid
Acceleration of the tower along 0 = 0
ii(t> = [I +T1(w) +,(z)] eid
Hydrodynamic pressures
P,(& z, t> = pC(& z, w ) eid
Considering a cylindrical tower surrounded by water, subjected only to the horizontal component of ground
motion, the boundary conditions for the wave equation are:
(iii) The radial component of motion of the boundary r = ro is the same as the radial
motion of the outer surface of the tower
Because the governing equation as well as boundary conditions are linear, the principle of superposition
applies. The complex frequency response function for pe can therefore be expressed as
with k = 0 and I is the solution at r = ro of the wave equation [equation (9)] for the following boundary
The solutions Po and pl correspond to do(.) = 1 and dl(z) respectively. po is the complex frequency response
function for the hydrodynamic pressures on the tower surface when the excitation is the horizontal
acceleration of the ground and the tower is rigid. p1 is the corresponding function when the excitation is the
acceleration of the tower in the first mode of vibration and there is no ground motion.
The complex frequency response function for the response of the tower is presented next in terms of Po
and pl. Expressions for po and p1 obtained from solutions of the wave equation [equation (9)] with the
boundary conditions of equation (14) are presented later.
Structural response
The complex frequency response function for generalized modal acceleration obtained from equations
(1) and (13) is
in which the equations and boundary conditions governing pk were stated earlier. The solutions to these
boundary value problems are presented next.
For a tower with no surrounding water, d k = 0, consequently Bk = 0, and equation (15) becomes the
standard expression for structural response in the fundamental mode of vibration of any structure.
Hydrodynamic solutions
Po and jl obtained from steady-state solutions of the wave equation for the boundary conditions of
equation (14) are given by
h-0 Do(&, ro)cosh (a,, z) eiEora
2%H+ sinh (2%H )
ml--lh Ikm
m-1 Am 2umH + sin (2a, H )
ro)cos (umz)eic-ro
m a l hk 2ormH + sin (2umH)
Em(&, ro)cos (a,~)
In equation (18) k takes on the values of 0 and 1; m1is the smallest integer value of m such that a , > o/C;
with the stipulation that if m1 = 1 the first series disappears; a,, and or, are solutions of
a,tan(or,H) = --w2
g I
where +o(z) = 1 and +&) is the shape of the fundamental mode of vibration of the tower (without water),
In equations (21)-(23), J, and Y, are the Bessel functions of order n of the first and second kind respectively,
and K , is the modified Bessel function of order n of the second kind.
If waves at the free surface are ignored, the wave boundary condition at the free surface [equation (14b)l
is replaced by
p(r, 8, H, t ) = 0 (24)
The solution for p k for boundary conditions (14a), (14c), (14d) and (24) is a special case of equation (18)
in which the first term does not appear, equation (19b) becomes tan 01, H = 0 the solutions for which are
~ (2m - 1) 7r/2H, i.e.
0 1 , ~=
pk as presented in equations (18) and (25) is a complex valued quantity, and hence out of phase with the
excitation, for w > 01, C.
A further simplification in the solution for p k results if compressibility of water is neglected, an assumption
commonly made in many earlier investigations. The governing equation then is the Laplace equation
instead of the wave equation (9). Neglecting compressibility of water, the solution for j k ignoring surface
waves can be obtained either by solving equation (26) for the boundary conditions defined by (14a), ( I ~ c ) ,
(14d) and (24) or by substituting C = cc in equation (25)
in which = a, = (2m - 1) 7r/2H.It should be noted that p k is now independent of the excitation frequency
w and in phase with the excitation for all frequencies.
(2m - 1) r
a, =
which is identical to the one presented earlie9 and is apparent from equation (28) that j j k is unbounded
at a discrete set of frequencies o = a , C, m = 1,2,3, ..., the resonant frequencies for the water.
In contrast, the hydrodynamic pressures pk on an axisymmetric tower [equation (25)] are bounded for all
values of w including w = am C because
This lack of ynbounded resonance in pk is of considerable significance in the dynamics of tower-fluid inter-
action. This is one of the reasons why compressibility of the water has essentially no influence in the tower
Neglect of surface waves is equivalent to assigning g = 0 in equations (14b) and (19) or equivalently w = 03
in equation (19). Surface waves are therefore not expected to be of any significance in responses at high
frequencies; however, they would possibly be significant at relatively low frequencies.
The frequency responses of total hydrodynamic force on a rigid tower-the integral of po(z,w) over
depth of water, H-computed from equations (18) and (25) are presented in Figure 2. A basic parameter
on which the hydrodynamic responses depend is ro/H;if surface waves are included an additional parameter
H also enters into the results. It is apparent that surface waves have no effect on hydrodynamic responses
except at low frequencies. The effect of surface waves on the values of Po and also of p1 at low frequencies
could significantly influence structural response [equation (1 5)] only if the fundamental frequency of the
tower lies within or close to this low frequency range. Such would very rarely be (if ever) the case because
structural frequencies are much higher. It is concluded that surface waves will be of little consequence in the
earthquake response of towers surrounded by water.
3. 25
I I I I l l I t I l l I
0 005 010 02 05 I 2 5 10
Figure 2. Frequency responses of hydrodynamic force, rigid tower
Expressions for the response of towers considering only the fundamental mode of vibration have been
presented in equation (15) in which A,, M T , B,(w) depend on the mode shape +,(z). The responses considering
only the second mode of vibration can also be computed from equation (15) if $,(z) is replaced by d2(z), the
shape of the second mode of vibration, in computing the above-mentioned quantities and w , and 5, are
replaced by w2 and c2, the frequency and damping ratio of the second mode.
In a strict sense, a normal mode of vibration of the tower (without the surrounding water) should not be
treated independently of the other modes because these modal co-ordinates do not remain uncoupled when
hydrodynamic interaction is included. The uncoupled responses presented here are, however, suitable for
the purpose of evaluating the significance of compressibility of water.
Excitation frequency: w / u ,
Figure 3. Frequency responses of slender tower (ro/H8= 0.05) with t/r, = 0.2. Results are the same whether compressibility
of water is included or not
The frequency response of generalized accelerations in the first two modes of vibration, treated separately,
is computed from equations (15) to (17) and presented in Figure 3 for the slender tower (ro/Hs = 0.05). The
familiar frequency response curves for one-degree-of-freedom systems describe the behaviour of the tower
when there is no surrounding water; in this case B k ( W ) = 0 in equation (15). Although in designing towers
the height of the structure is always selected to be greater than the maximum depth of the surrounding
water, the depth of water was taken as equal to the tower height for simplicity. The response for this case
was computed from equation (1 5) with j kcomputed from equation (25), considering compressibility of water
but ignoring effects of surface waves which, as demonstrated earlier, are of essentially no consequence.
The effect of surrounding water on the dynamic behaviour of the tower is twofold: firstly, the resonant
frequencies are lowered; secondly, the response exhibits sharper resonance implying an apparent decrease
of the modal damping ratio.
If compressibility of water is neglected, j k [equation (27)] and hence Bk in equation (15) are real valued
and independent of the excitation frequency. The frequency responses of the tower neglecting compressi-
bility of water were also computed. These results were almost identical to those obtained including water
compressibility and displayed no perceptible difference when plotted on the scale of Figure 3.
The frequency responses of generalized acceleration in the first two modes of vibration of the squatty
tower (ro/Ha= 0.25) for the three cases considered earlier, are presented in Figure 4. The effects of hydro-
dynamic interaction on response in the first mode are generally similar to those discussed earlier for the
First mode responses -p
1-No surrounding woter, H=O
2-Fully submerged tower, H=H,
24 Second mode respomes-p
3-No surroundnq water,H=O
4-Fully submerged tower,H= H,
- -
' Water compressibility
- Included
--- Neglected
Excitation frequency:u/u,
Figure 4. Frequency responses of squatty tower (ro/H, = 0-25) with tlro = 0.2
slender tower. Compressibility of water has more effect in the response of the squatty tower compared to
the slender tower. Even for the squatty tower, however, the effects of compressibility of water on the first
mode response are negligibly small. The surrounding water affects the response in the second mode rather
differently in the case of the squatty tower. Firstly, hydrodynamic interaction does not cause the significant
decrease in the resonant frequency, which was observed in the case of the slender tower. Secondly, com-
pressibility of water causes drastic damping of the response especially near the resonant frequency.
The functions B k ( W ) are presented in Figure 5 to aid in discussing the reasons for the different type of
effect due to hydrodynamic interaction and compressibility of water in the higher mode response of the
squatty tower. The phase of B k ( W ) is zero, i.e. Bk(w) is a real valued function, for all values of the excitation
Water compressibiity
.- 0.6
0 ‘1 2 3 4 5 16 7 a
cur of tower oo5 u2of tower u2 of tower
Excitation f r e q u e n c y : + $ )
Figure 5. Effects of compressibility of water on functions &(w)
frequency w less than 7rC/2H no matter whether compressibility of water is recognized or not. The range of
frequencies in which hydrodynamic effects are similar to those of an ‘added mass’ includes the first two
resonant frequencies of the slender tower and the fundamental but not the second resonant frequency of the
squatty tower. In the vicinity of the second resonant frequency of the squatty tower, the phase angle of
Bk(w) exceeds 60 degrees when compressibility of water is considered. This implies a doininant imaginary
component which in equation (15) has the effect similar to an ‘added damping’. The result is a drastically
reduced response but essentially no change in the resonant frequency. On the other hand, the phase of
Bk(w) is zero at all frequencies when compressibility of water is ignored, which produces large errors in
response of the second mode of the squatty tower over a broad range of frequencies.
y 50
a \
d 3 = 0.02
40 -- 005 40
LL 0.10
0 30
2 IC
a I I I I I 01 I I I I I
0: 8 16 24 32 40 0 5 10 15 20 25
z CT, / ti ELASTIC M O D U L U S : E - K S I
Figure 6. Increase in fundamental period of tower due to surrounding water of depth equal to tower height
The previous results were for systems with depth of surrounding water equal to the height of the tower.
Similar computations were performed for partially full reservoirs. The increase in the fundamental period
of vibration due to surrounding water, noted from a frequency response analysis for each case, is plotted in
Figure 7 as a function of the ratio of depth of surrounding water to tower height for different values of the
ratio ro/Hs. Based on the preceding conclusions, water is assumed to be incompressible. The results obtained
under this assumption apply to all values of the elastic modulus. These results demonstrate:
(i) The fundamental period of vibration of the tower with a full reservoir increases by more than 25 per
cent due to interaction with surrounding water.
(ii) For typical design values of H / H , = 0.8 to 0.9, the increase in fundamental period ranges between 10
and 30 per cent depending on the ro/Hs ratio.
(iii) This increase is negligible for H/Hs less than 0.5.
(iv) The increase in the period of vibration is larger for slender towers.
e 401 0.05
The period of vibration Fl and the damping ratio t1 for the fundamental mode of the tower including
effects of hydrodynamic interaction can, from equation (30), be expressed in terms of the corresponding
quantities Tl and 5, without surrounding water as
Surrounding water therefore has the effect of lengthening the period of vibration and decreasing the damping
ratio, These changes can be directly obtained from Figure 7.
The effects of surrounding water on the dynamics of towers in the first mode of vibration are exactly
and completely accounted for by considering
as an additional mass per unit height of the tower. It can be shown that equation (30) is also the equation
of motion for a tower in air, with mass distribution
f i ( 2 ) = m(2) +
ma(.) (35)
with mu(z) given by equation (34), constrained to be vibrating in the shape +&). The additional mass
depends on this vibration shape so that it will vary with the shape $&) of the mode of vibration of the
tower considered, which implies that no one function m,(z) will be exactly valid for all modes of vibration
of the tower. The additional mass computed from equation (34) for the first mode of a uniform tower is
presented in Figure 8.
I 0.8 -
3 06-
w 04-
0 0.2-
I I I I I 1 I I I
O; 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 1.2
ADDED MASS RATIO: m,tz)+$r,,~
Figure 8. Comparison of added-mass distributions
The concept of an added mass to represent the inertial influence of water in contact with a structure has
been applied for many years in many different situations, including problems in classical hydrodynamics>
ship vibrations18and earthquake effects on dams? These earlier investigations assumed the structure to be
rigid and computed an added mass to reproduce the hydrodynamic pressures on the vibrating structure.
For towers, such a concept leads to an added mass
mu(4 = Pb(4 (36)
with $*(z) given by equation (32); it is compared with equation (34) in Figure 8, The additional generalized
loading term in the first mode associated with this added mass is Jfm,(z)+l(z) dz which can be shown to be
equal to B,, but the additional generalized mass which is m,(z) $1(z)2 dz is not equal to Bp Consequently,
the added mass defined by equation (36) is not an exact representation of the hydrodynamic effects. It
appears that this conceptual discrepancy has not been realized earlier, perhaps because most of the
investigations have been directed towards hydrodynamic effects on rigid towers. Even the investigations8-l0
which have considered flexible towers have not examined this aspect, although it has been discussed in a
recent study of hydrodynamic effects in liquid storage tanks.13
As discussed above, the equation of motion for a tower in air whose total (or virtual) mass is equal to its
actual mass plus the added mass, defined by equation (36), is not identical to that for the tower including
effects of the surrounding water. However, this added mass has the advantage that it does not depend on the
dynamic properties, such as vibration mode shapes, of the tower. It is therefore of interest to investigate
whether the added mass of equation (36) is adequate as an approximate representation of the hydrodynamic
effects. Values for the increase in periods of the first two modes of vibration due to surrounding water having
depth equal to tower height are presented in Figure 9. The added mass is taken as given by equation (34)
to compute the ‘exact’ increase in the vibration period, and by equation (36) to obtain an approximate
value. The estimated fundamental period of vibration of the tower including effects of the surrounding
water, based on the approximate curves in Figure 9, will err by less than 3 per cent. The errors in the
second mode period are higher but not excessive. The errors progressively increase with the mode number.
2 50 r
Fundomental mode
50 r Second mode
.S 40- Approximate
?,.0 30 - 30
‘5 ‘20 -
P * O 1t
.E I
- 0
0 005 010 0.15 0.20 0.25
Figure 9. Evaluation of approximate added-mass representation
It has been established that the effects of surrounding water on dynamics of towers can be approximately
represented by an added mass m,(z) = p’,(z) distributed along the height. The total (or virtual) mass of the
tower f i ( z ) is simply the sum of m(z), the mass of the tower itself, and m,(z) the added mass of the water.
m,(z) has been computed from equation (36) for a range of values of the ratio ro/H. It has been normalized
with respect to the mass per unit height of the water displaced by the tower and is presented in Figure 10.
Strictly speaking, these results are only valid for towers with vertical outside walls; however, they are useful
even for tapered towers. It is recommended that the added mass at any location above the base along the
height of a tapered tower be computed from the curve for r,/H = ro(z)/Hpertaining to that location. This
simply obtained approximate value checks favourably with accurate solutions based on a finite element
analysis of the Laplace equation for fluid domains surrounding tapered towers.lP Once the added mass has
been determined from Figure 10, the virtual mass is used in a standard earthquake response analysis just as
if the tower were not submerged in water.
The earthquake response of the tower with virtual mass can, of course, be analysed by standard mode
superposition ~r0cedures.l~ Typically, only the first few modes of vibration need be included in such an
analysis. However, responses in the modes higher than the fundamental may err significantly, with the
errors increasing with mode number, because of the approximations in the added mass approach discussed
above. It is therefore most logical to use the added mass approach only to obtain estimates of earthquake
forces for purposes of design considering only the fundamental mode of vibration, and to develop a
procedure without the approximations of the added mass approach for purposes of accurate analysis of
earthquake re~ponses.1~
0 0.2 09 0.6 0.8 I.0
ADDED MASS RATIO: m,,(z) +: -rr:
Figure 10. Added-mass representing hydrodynamic effects
1. A rational approach to account for the effects of structure-fluid interaction in the dynamic response
behaviour of towers submerged in water has been developed.
2. Interaction with surrounding water increases the fundamental period of vibration of the tower;
associated with this is a decrease in the modal damping ratio for the structure.
3. Compressibility of water is essentially of no consequence in the hydrodynamic effects on slender towers.
The errors in the periods of vibration as well as in dynamic response of the tower resulting from neglecting
the compressibility of water are negligible. These errors become significant for the higher modes of vibration
of squatty towers.
4. Because compressibilityof water is not important, the effects of surrounding water are entirely equivalent
to an additional mass of magnitude and distribution depending on the deflected shape during vibration.
The equation governing vibration of the tower with virtual mass, equal to the sum of the actual mass and the
added mass, is identical to the equation of motion of the tower surrounded by water. This definition of
added mass is not the same as the one traditionally used. The traditional definition of added mass, based
on hydrodynamic pressures on a rigid structure, is conceptually deficient but is simple in that it does not
depend on the vibration mode shapes of the structure. The errors in the simpler added mass representation
are negligible for the first mode of vibration of towers.
This paper is based on a report14 on a research investigation sponsored and financially supported by the
Office of the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C. Also, the authors are grateful
to Professor A. S . Veletsos for his comments which led to improvements in the paper, especially in the
presentation of Figure 10.
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