An Eulerian Approach For Dynamic Analysis of Reservoir Adjacent To Concrete Gravity Dam

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Research Article

An Eulerian approach for dynamic analysis of reservoir

adjacent to concrete gravity dam
Kalyan Kumar Mandal1 · Munna Aziz1

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

The present paper deals with the finite element analysis of infinite reservoir adjacent to gravity dam. Two-dimensional
eight-node isoparametric elements are used to discretize the domain. In order to reduce the degrees of freedom in the
domain, the equation of motion for fluid motion is simulated by pressure-based Eulerian formulation. Different artificial
boundary conditions are compared to obtain most suitable boundary condition. In this comparison of boundary condi-
tions, it is noted that almost all the boundary conditions are frequency dependent. Some of the conditions are suitable
for the exciting frequency less than the fundamental frequency of reservoir. However, the boundary condition proposed
by Gogoi and Maity is suitable for all ranges of exciting frequencies. Further, the force vibration analysis is carried out
with and without considering compressibility of water. The hydrodynamic pressure on dam is independent of exciting
frequency when the compressibility of water in the reservoir is neglected. However, the effect of exciting frequency
on the performances of reservoir is distinct for compressible fluid. Similarly, the magnitude and location of maximum
hydrodynamic pressure change continuously, if the inclination of upstream face of dam is considered.

Keywords Infinite reservoir · Absorbing boundary · Compressibility · Finite element analysis · Time history analysis

1 Introduction of absorption of presser wave at reservoir bottom. Maity and

Bhattacharya [13] incorporated a nonreflecting condition
The precise estimation of hydrodynamic pressure on water at the artificial boundary of infinite reservoir. However, this
retaining structures such as concrete gravity dam is con- condition cannot be defined for the case when the exciting
sidered to be the major issue in design of these structures. frequency is greater than the fundamental frequency of the
Westergaard [1] evaluated hydrodynamic pressure on the reservoir. Gogoi and Maity [7] proposed similar frequency-
vertical upstream face of dam. Thus, a lot of research work dependent absorbing boundary condition for the analysis of
was carried out in this area. A group researcher [2–6] used infinite reservoir. The hydrodynamic pressure acting on con-
displacement-based finite element method to obtain hydro- crete gravity dam depends on several parameters such as
dynamic pressure. Another group of researchers [7–10] used characteristic of reservoir bottom, compressibility of water
Eulerian approach as the number of unknowns per node in the reservoir and the inclination of upstream face of dam.
reduces to one and the critical irrotational condition of fluid In most of the cases, the reservoir bottom is considered to
motion is satisfied automatically. Again, in finite element be rigid and the hydrodynamic pressure on adjacent dam
analysis of reservoir adjacent to concrete gravity dam, dif- obtained from such cases is overestimated. Lotfi [14] stud-
ficulties arise mainly due to the infinite extend of reservoir. ied the effect of sediment layer at reservoir bottom on the
The first radiation boundary condition in fluid domain was performance of reservoir. In this study, the sediment layer
proposed by Sommerfeld [11]. Similarly, Sharan [12] pro- is considered to be viscoelastic and almost incompress-
posed another boundary condition considering the effect ible. Some researchers [12, 15, 16] implemented a damping

* Kalyan Kumar Mandal, [email protected] | 1Department of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:709 |

Received: 28 February 2019 / Accepted: 29 May 2019 / Published online: 11 June 2019

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:709 |

boundary condition at the reservoir bottom to simulate the If the viscosity of fluid is neglected, Eq. (5) becomes
reservoir bottom absorption. In some cases, the reservoir
Tij = −p𝛿ij (6)
is considering water to be incompressible [17–19]. On the
other hand, Maity and Bhattacharya [13], Gogoi and Maity Generalized Navier–Stokes equations of motion are given
[7], Mirzabozorg et al. [8]. Mandal and Maity [9, 10, 20], Adhi- by
kary and Mandal [21] considered water to be compressible.
( )
It is apparent from the literatures referred above that for 𝜕vi 𝜕v
𝜌 + vj i = + 𝜌Bi (7)
precise estimation of hydrodynamic pressure on concrete 𝜕t 𝜕xj 𝜕xj
gravity dam, finite element analysis is considered to be an
efficient numerical tool in which water in the reservoir can where Bi is the body force and ρ is the mass density of
be modelled as either compressible or incompressible fluid. fluid.Substituting Eq. (6) in Eq. (7), the following relations
Several truncation boundary conditions are available in the are obtained.
existing literatures. However, the suitability of these bound- ( )
ary conditions is not explained. In the present study, a com- 𝜕vi 𝜕v 𝜕p
𝜌 + vj i = 𝜌Bi − (8)
puter code in MATLAB environment has been developed to 𝜕t 𝜕xj 𝜕xi
compare existing boundary conditions. Further, the study is
extended to observe the effect of compressibility of water If u and v are the velocity components along x and y axes,
and the inclination of dam upstream face. respectively, and fx and fy are body forces along x and y direc-
tion, respectively, and if the convective terms are neglected,
the equation of motion may be written as
2 Theoretical formulation 1 𝜕p 𝜕u
+ = fx (9)
𝜌 𝜕x 𝜕t
The state of stress for a Newtonian fluid is defined by an iso-
tropic tensor as
1 𝜕p 𝜕v
+ = fy (10)
� 𝜌 𝜕y 𝜕t
Tij = −p𝛿ij + Tij (1)
′ Neglecting the body forces, Eqs. (9) and (10) become
where Tij is total stress. Tij is viscous stress tensor which
depends only on the rate of deformation in such a way 1 𝜕p 𝜕u
+ =0 (11)
that the value becomes zero when the fluid is under rigid 𝜌 𝜕x 𝜕t
body motion or rest. The variable p is defined as hydrody-
namic pressure whose value is independent explicitly on 1 𝜕p 𝜕v
+ =0 (12)
the rate of deformation, and 𝛿ij is Kronecker delta. For iso- 𝜌 𝜕y 𝜕t

tropic linear elastic material, the most general form of Tij is
The continuity equation of fluid in two dimensions is
� expressed as
Tij = 𝜆Δ𝛿ij + 2𝜇Dij (2) ( )
𝜕p 𝜕u 𝜕v
+ 𝜌c 2 + =0 (13)
where μ and λ are two material constants. μ is known as 𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕y
first coefficient of viscosity or viscosity and (λ + 2μ/3) is sec-
ond coefficient of viscosity or bulk viscosity. Dij is the rate where c is the acoustic wave speed in fluid. Now, differen-
of deformation tensor and is expressed as tiating Eqs. (11) and (12) with respect to x and y, respec-
tively, the following relations are obtained.
1 𝜕vi 𝜕vj 1 𝜕2p 𝜕 𝜕u
( )
Dij = ( + ) and Δ = D11 + D22 + D33 (3) + =0 (14)
2 𝜕yj 𝜕xi 𝜌 𝜕x 2 𝜕x 𝜕t

Thus, the total stress tensor becomes 1 𝜕2p 𝜕 𝜕v

( )
+ =0 (15)
Tij = −p𝛿ij + 𝜆Δ𝛿ij + 2𝜇Dij (4) 𝜌 𝜕y 2 𝜕y 𝜕t
For compressible fluid, bulk viscosity (λ + 2μ/3) is zero. Adding Eqs. (14) and (15), the following expression is
Thus, Eq. (4) becomes finally arrived.
2𝜇 1 𝜕2p 1 𝜕2 p 𝜕 𝜕u
( )
𝜕 𝜕v
( )
Tij = −p𝛿ij − Δ𝛿ij + 2𝜇Dij (5) + + + =0 (16)
3 𝜌 𝜕x 2 𝜌 𝜕y 2 𝜕x 𝜕t 𝜕y 𝜕t

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:709 | Research Article

Differentiating Eq. (13) with respect to time, the following And if the surface weave is neglected, the condition
expression can be obtained. becomes
{ ( ) ( )}
2 𝜕 𝜕u 𝜕 𝜕v p(H, x) = 0 (21b)
+ 𝜌c + =0 (17)
𝜕t 2 𝜕x 𝜕t 𝜕y 𝜕t (ii) At surface II
Thus, from Eqs. (16) and (17), one can find the following At water–tank wall interface, the pressure should satisfy
(0, y, t) = 𝜌f aei𝜔 t (22)
1 𝜕2p 1 𝜕2p 1 𝜕2 p
( )
+ − =0 (18)
𝜌 𝜕x 2 𝜌 𝜕y 2 𝜌c 2 𝜕t 2
where aei𝜔 t is the horizontal component of the ground accel-
Simplifying Eq. (18), the equation for compressible fluid eration
√ in which 𝜔 is the circular frequency of vibration and
may be obtained i = −1. n is the outwardly directed normal to the element
surface along the interface. 𝜌f is the mass density of the fluid.
∇2 p(x, y, t) = p(x,
̈ y, t) (19) (iii) At surface III
If the compressibility of fluid is neglected, Eq. (19) will be If this surface is considered as rigid, then pressure
modified as should satisfy the following condition

∇2 p(x, y, t) = 0 (20) 𝜕p
(x, 0, t) = 0.0 (23a)
The pressure distribution in the fluid domain may be 𝜕n
obtained by solving Eq. (19) with the following boundary And if the reservoir bottom absorption is considered,
conditions. A typical geometry of tank–water system is Eq. (23a) is modified as [16]
shown in Fig. 1.
(x, 0, t) = −qp(x,
̇ 0, t) (23b)
(i) At surface I 𝜕n
Considering the effect of surface wave of the fluid, the
1 1−𝛼
( )
boundary condition of the free surface is taken as q= (23c)
c 1+𝛼
1 𝜕p
p̈ + =0 (21a) 𝛼 is the frequency-independent reflection coefficient.
g 𝜕y
(iii) At surface IV
The specification of the far-boundary condition is one
of the most important features in the FE analysis of a semi-
infinite or infinite reservoir. This is due to the fact that the
Y Surface I
developed hydrodynamic pressure, which affects the
response of the structure, is dependent on the truncation
boundary condition. Application of Sommerfeld [11] radia-
tion condition at the truncation boundary leads to

Surface IV 𝜕p
=0 (24a)
Reservoir 𝜕n
Surface II
L represents the distance between the structure and the
truncation boundary. Incorporating the effect of reservoir

Rigid Dam
bottom absorption, Sharan [12] has incorporated the fol-
lowing condition.
Point A
𝜕p 𝛱 1
= − p − ṗ (24b)
Surface III
𝜕n 2H c
L According to Maity and Bhattacharya [13] and Gogoi and
Maity [7], the following boundary condition at truncation
surface is proposed.
Fig. 1  A typical geometry of dam–reservoir system

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:709 |

𝜕p ( 1

[ ]T 𝜕p

= 𝜁m − ṗ
{ } { } { } { }
𝜕n c [F] = Nr d𝛤 = Ff + Ffs + Ffb + Ft
According to Maity and Bhattacharya [13], (32)
Here the subscripts f, fs, fb and t stand for the free sur-
(−1)m+1 ∕(2m − 1) e(−f m x∕H) cos(𝜆m y∕H)

[ ]
𝜁m = −
𝛴m=1 face, fluid–structure interface, fluid–bed interface and
(−1)m+1 ∕(2m − 1) fm e(−f m x∕H) cos(𝜆m y∕H) truncation surface, respectively. For surface wave, Eq. (21a)

[ ]
(25a) may be written in finite element form as
And from Gogoi and Maity [7], { } 1[ ]
Ff = − Rf {p}
̈ (33)
∞ 𝜆 m Im
e(−k m x ) 𝛹m
( )
i 𝛴m=1
𝜁m = −
(25b) in which
∞ 𝜆 2m Im (−k x ) ( )
𝛺� c 𝛴m=1 e m 𝛹m
𝛽m km [ ]T [ ]

[ ] ∑
Rf = Nr Nr d𝛤 (34)
2.1 Finite element formulation for fluid domain 𝛤f

By using Galerkin approach and assuming pressure to be At the dam–reservoir interface, if {a} is the vector of
the nodal unknown variable, the discretized form of Eq. (19) nodal accelerations of generalized coordinates, {Ffs} may
may be written as be expressed as
{ } [ ]
Ffs = −𝜌 Rfs {a} (35)

1 ∑
[ ∑ ]
Nrj ∇2 Nri pi − 2 Nri p̈ i d𝛺 = 0 (26) in which

[ ] ∑ [ ]T [ ]
where Nrj is the interpolation function for the reservoir and Rfs = Nr [T ] Nd d𝛤
Ω is the region under consideration. Using Green’s theo- 𝛤fs
rem, Eq. (26) may be transformed to

𝜕Nrj ∑ 𝜕Nri 𝜕Nrj ∑ 𝜕Nri ∑ 𝜕Nrj

[ ]

∫ c ∫ ∫
1 ∑
− pi + pi d𝛺 − 2 Nrj Nri d𝛺 p̈ i + Nrj d𝛤 pi = 0 (27)
𝜕x 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕y 𝜕n

in which i varies from 1 to total number of nodes and Γ where [T] is the transformation matrix at fluid structure
represents the boundaries of the fluid domain. The last interface and Nd is the shape function of dam. At reser-
term of the above equation may be written as voir–bed interface,
{ }
Ffd = 0 (37)

{F} = Nrj d𝛤 (28)
𝜕n And at the truncation boundary:
{ } [ ] 1[ ]
The whole system of Eq. (27) may be written in a matrix Ft = 𝜁m Rt {p} − Rt {p}
̇ (38)
form as
Ē P̈ + Ḡ {P} = F

[ ]{ } [ ] { }
(29) [ ] ∑
Rt =
[ ]T [ ]
Nr Nr d𝛤
where 𝛤t

1 ∑ [ ]T [ ] After substitution all terms, Eq. (29) becomes
Ē = 2
[ ]
Nr Nr d𝛺 (30)
[E] P̈ + [A] Ṗ + [G]{P} = Fr
{ } { } { }
𝛺 (40)

[ ] where

[ ] ∑ 𝜕 [ ]T 𝜕 [ ] 𝜕 [ ]T 𝜕 [ ]
Ḡ = N N + N N d𝛺 (31) [ ] 1[ ]
𝜕x r 𝜕x r 𝜕y r 𝜕y r [E] = Ē + Rf (41)
𝛺 g

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:709 | Research Article

{ } [ ] Table 1  First five natural frequencies of the reservoir

Fr = −𝜌 Rfs {a} (42)
Mode number Natural frequency (Hz)
1[ ] Present study Sami and
[A] = R (43)
C t Lotfi [22]

1 3.121 3.115
[G] = Ḡ + 𝜁m Rt
[ ] [ ]
2 4.812 4.749
For any given acceleration at the fluid–structure inter- 3 8.101 7.796
face, Eq. (40) is solved to obtain the hydrodynamic pres- 4 9.897 9.300
sure within the fluid. 5 10.324 9.958

2.2 Time history analysis of dynamic equilibrium

equation algorithm almost match with the results obtained by Sami
and Lotfi [22]. Slight discrepancies in results are observed
Dynamic equilibrium equation of fluid can be expressed as due to different meshing of reservoir domain.
[E] P̈ + [A] Ṗ + [G]{P} = Fr
{ } { } { }
3.2 Comparison of various truncation boundary
In a linear dynamic system, these values remain con- conditions for infinite reservoir
stant throughout the time history analysis. The force vec-
tor is given by {Fr}. To obtain the transient response at In this section, results from different boundary conditions
time tN, the time axis can be discretized into N equal time (Sommerfeld [11]; Sharan [12]; Maity Bhattacharya [13];
intervals (tN = j=1 jΔt ). The choice of method for time Gogoi and Maity [7]) are compared with the closed-form
history analysis is strongly problem dependent. Various solutions obtained by Bouaanani et al. [23] to study the
direct time integration methods exist for time history anal- effectiveness of these boundary conditions for finite ele-
ysis that are expedient for structural dynamics and wave ment analysis of infinite reservoir. The water in the present
propagation problem. Amongst these, the Newmark fam- case considered is linearly compressible, inviscid and of
ily of methods is most popular and is given by small amplitude of motion. Here, the depth of the reservoir
(H) is considered as 70 m. The mass density and acoustic
Δt 2 [
speed of water are considered as 1000 kg/m3 and 1440 m/
{p}j+1 = {p}j + Δt{p}
̇ j+ (1 − 2𝜗){p}j + 2𝜗{p}
̈ j+1
(46) sec, respectively. The reservoir bottom refection coefficient
is taken as 0.95. The study is carried out for different val-
[ ] ues of Tc/H, i.e. 1, 4 and 100. The amplitude of the external
̇ j+1 = {p} ̈ j + 𝛾{p}
̇ j + Δt (1 − 𝛾){p} ̈ j+1 (47)
sinusoidal excitation, i.e. a, is assumed to be equal to the
Here, 𝜗 and 𝛾 are chosen to control stability and accu- gravitational acceleration 1.0 g. The pressure coefficients at
racy. It is evident from the literature that the integration the heel of the rigid dam (cp = P/ρaH) are determined for
scheme is unconditionally stable if 2𝜗 ≥ 𝛾 ≥ 0.5. different boundary conditions and presented in Table 2. It
is noted that the pressure coefficient obtained from all the
boundary conditions are almost equal to those obtained
3 Results and discussions from closed-form solution when the truncation of infinite
reservoir is at a distance of 3.0H. For Tc/H = 4, the Sharan
3.1 Validation of the algorithm boundary [12] gives exact pressure coefficient for reservoir
length equal or greater than (L) 0.5H. However, for Tc/H = 1
In order to validate the algorithm, a benchmark problem is and 100, the results are almost equal to the exact results for
considered. The results are compared with an existing lit- L ≥ 1.0H. On the other hand, for all Tc/H values and all trun-
erature [22] for reservoir adjacent to the Pine Flat Dam. The cation lengths, the hydrodynamic pressure obtained from
reservoir is truncated at a distance of 200.0 m, and Som- Gogoi and Maity boundary condition [7] is equal to those
merfeld [11] boundary condition is implemented at this obtained from closed-form solution. Thus, the remaining
truncation surface. In this case, the geometric and mate- study associates with infinite reservoir, Gogoi and Maity
rial properties are as considered by Sami and Lotfi [22]. boundary [7] condition is implemented at the truncation
The first five natural frequencies of reservoir are summa- surface and the infinite reservoir is truncated at a distance
rized in Table 1. The results obtained from the developed of 0.5H from the upstream face of the dam.

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:709 |

Table 2  Comparison of truncation boundary conditions

Tc/H L/H α Exact cp Sommerfeld [11] Sharan [12] Maity and Bhattacharya Gogoi and Maity [7]
cp % Error cp % Error cp % Error cp % Error

1 0.2 0.95 0.1073 0.8080 653.03 0.3152 193.8 Not defined 0.10378 − 3.30
0.5 0.6937 546.51 0.3171 195.5 0.10872 1.38
0.2 0.5 0.1414 4.2313 2892.4 0.2930 107.2 0.14609 3.316
0.5 0.2657 8.80 0.2939 107.8 0.14359 1.54
4 0.2 0.95 4.4364 33.01 644.07 0.6969 − 84.2 Not defined 4.46194 0.57
0.5 4.864 9.63 1.1068 − 75.0 4.46040 0.53
1.0 6.488 46.24 2.0032 − 54.9 4.43624 0.0
0.2 0.5 1.2187 56.998 4577 0.6838 − 43.8 1.86418 52.9
0.5 12.658 93.86 1.0729 − 9.74 1.28262 5.19
1.0 11.661 852.90 1.3630 11.59 1.24975 2.48
100 0.02 0.95 0.7431 25.618 3347.4 0.6550 − 11.8 0.7402 − 0.04 0.74247 − 0.07
0.1 0.5 0.7430 5.1551 593.7 0.7064 − 4.93 0.7423 − 0.01 0.7431 0.00
0.02 25.697 3347.4 0.6550 − 11.8 0.7402 − 0.04 0.74236 − 0.08
0.1 5.1710 593.7 0.7064 − 4.92 0.7422 − 0.01 0.74301 0.00

30 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon

60 degree inclinaon





0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Pressure coefficient
Fig. 2  Distribution of hydrodynamic pressure coefficient along an
inclined surface for Tc/H = 1
Fig. 3  Distribution of hydrodynamic pressure coefficient along an
inclined surface for Tc/H = 4
3.3 Analysis of infinite reservoir with different
inclinations of upstream face for compressible
fluid 1.2
30 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon

60 degree inclinaon
In this section, the hydrodynamic pressure at the upstream
face of concrete gravity dam having different inclinations
is computed against harmonic excitations of different fre- 0.6

quencies and earthquake excitation. For this, the geomet- 0.4

ric and material properties of reservoir are as considered in 0.2

Sect. 3.2 and the water is considered to be compressible. 0

The hydrodynamic pressure distribution along the reser- 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Pressure coefficient
voir–structure interface having different inclinations of
the upstream face is presented in graphical form (Figs. 2,
Fig. 4  Distribution of hydrodynamic pressure coefficient along an
3, 4, 5). Here, the reflection coefficient at the reservoir
inclined surface for Tc/H = 100
bottom is considered as 0.95 and results are presented
for three different slopes of the fluid–structure interface,
i.e. θ = 30°, ­45° and ­60°. From these plots, it is evident that of Tc/H = 1 (Fig. 2) the distribution is slightly different. For
with the increase in inclination the pressure coefficient earthquake excitation (Koyna earthquake), the distribu-
(cp) is also increased. It is also clear that the distribution tion of hydrodynamic pressure (Fig. 5) along the face of
for Tc/H = 4100 (Figs. 3, 4) is almost parabolic, but in case the dam follows almost similar pattern for all angles of

SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:709 | Research Article

1.2 30 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon

60 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon
30 degree inclinaon 60 degree inclinaon

0.8 0.3

Pressure coefficient
0.6 0.1

0.4 -0.1


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 -0.5
0 5 10 15 20
Pressure coefficient
Time (sec)

Fig. 5  Distribution of hydrodynamic pressure coefficient along an

Fig. 8  Variation of hydrodynamic pressure at point A for Tc/H = 100
inclined surface for Koyna earthquake

30 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon

3 60 degree inclinaon

Pressure coefficient



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Time (sec)

Fig. 6  Variation of hydrodynamic pressure at point A for Tc/H = 1

Fig. 9  Variation of hydrodynamic pressure at point A for reflection
coefficient 0.95 for Koyna earthquake

30 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon

3 60 degree inclinaon 0.25 60 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon

0.2 30 degree inclinaon

Presure coefficient

Pressure coefficient

0 0.05

-1 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Time(sec) -0.2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 7  Variation of hydrodynamic pressure at point A for Tc/H = 4
Time (sec)

Fig. 10  Variation of hydrodynamic pressure at point A for reflection

inclination. However, the maximum hydrodynamic pres- coefficient 0.5 for Koyna earthquake
sure occurs when the angle of inclination is ­60°.
The time history of hydrodynamic pressure at point
A (Fig. 1) is also plotted for different excitations. Here excitations. For sinusoidal acceleration with different
the reflection coefficient is considered as 0.95 in case frequencies, the maximum hydrodynamic pressures at
of sinusoidal acceleration (Figs. 6, 7, 8) and 0.95 and 0.5 point A occur when θ = 60° and this difference is com-
(Figs. 9, 10) for earthquake excitation for better under- paratively higher when Tc/H = 1.0. Similarly, for earth-
standings the responses of reservoir under earthquake quake excitation, the hydrodynamic pressure increases

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:709 |

with the increase in angle of inclination, the maximum 30 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon
60 degree inclinaon
hydrodynamic pressure occurs when the angle of the 0.5
­ 0° and this increase is more
upstream face of the dam is 6
when the reflection coefficient is 0.95. 0.3

Pressure coefficient
3.4 Analysis of infinite reservoir with different
inclinations of upstream face for incompressible -0.1

In the present section, the compressibility effect of water is

neglected. The geometry of infinite reservoir is as consid- -0.5
0 5 10 15 20
ered in Sect. 3.2. The mass density of water is considered Time (sec)
as 1000 kg/m3. Similar to Sect. 3.3, the study is carried out
for different upstream slopes and hydrodynamic pres- Fig. 13  Variation of hydrodynamic pressure coefficient on at heel
sure at point A (Fig. 1) is determined against sinusoidal for Tc/H = 100
acceleration of different frequencies (Figs. 11, 12, 13). It is
clear from these figure that the variation of hydrodynamic
pressure with upstream slope of hydrodynamic pressure is pressure occurs when the upstream slope is ­60° and the
almost similar to the trend obtained in case of compressi- variation of hydrodynamic pressure coefficient with Tc/H is
ble fluid, i.e. the hydrodynamic pressure increases with the not so much significant when the compressibility of water
increases in upstream slope and maximum hydrodynamic is neglected.

30 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon 4 Conclusions

0.5 60 degree inclinaon

The characteristics of hydrodynamic pressures on concrete

gravity dam are studied for different exciting frequencies.
Pressure coefficient

0.1 The governing equation for water is expressed in terms of

the pressure variable and is discretized by the finite ele-
ment method. In finite element modelling of reservoir, a
simple but effective boundary condition at the truncation
surface of the infinite reservoir is used in the present study.
-0.5 The present far-boundary condition has capable of taking
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time (sec)
care of reservoir bottom absorption effects. It is observed
from the results that the present far-boundary condition
Fig. 11  Variation of hydrodynamic pressure coefficient on at heel
produces accurate results for all ranges of excitation fre-
for Tc/H = 1 quencies. The results also show that the unbounded reser-
voir domain may be truncated even at a relatively smaller
distance away from the dam, resulting in great computa-
30 degree inclinaon 45 degree inclinaon tional advantages. The variation of hydrodynamic with dif-
60 degree inclinaon ferent excitations of various frequencies is not significant,
i.e. hydrodynamic pressure on dam remains independ-
0.3 ent of exciting frequency when the water is modelled as
Pressure coefficient

incompressible one. On the other hand, the hydrodynamic

pressure coefficient very much depends on the frequency
-0.1 of excitation for compressible water. Similarly, the effect
of reservoir bottom absorption is found to be small for
lower values of excitation frequencies. However, this effect
-0.5 may not be neglected if the excitation frequency becomes
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
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reservoir. The hydrodynamic pressure increases with the
Fig. 12  Variation of hydrodynamic pressure coefficient on at heel increase in the slope of the upstream face of the rigid dam.
for Tc/H = 4 The distribution of hydrodynamic pressure also varies with

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