Factors in The Distribution of Successful Marriage

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Factors in the Distribution of Successful Marriage

Article  in  International Journal of Social Sciences and Management · January 2016

DOI: 10.3126/ijssm.v3i1.14315


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Jyotirmoy Ghosh
Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums


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S. Dey and J. Ghosh. (2016) Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage. Vol-3, issue-1: 60-64

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S. Dey and J. Ghosh. (2016) Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage. Vol-3, issue-1: 60-64
DOI: 10.3126/ijssm.v3i1.14315

Research Article
Seema Dey1* and Jyotirmoy Ghosh2
Post Graduate Department of Home Science, Ranchi University, Ranchi-834008, India
ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi-834010, India
*corresponding author email: [email protected]

Successful marriage is a dynamic growing relationship in which the personalities of both partner continue to develop to achieve personal
satisfaction. The earlier the adjustments are made, the more likely is the marriage to be happy and the fewer the areas in which the couples
fails to adjust, the better are the chances for happiness in the marriage. The findings of the study revealed that factors that emerged to be
important for enhancing marital satisfaction were respect for emotion, attitude towards marriage, expression of love, regard for views and
importance to the likings of the spouse, ignoring weaknesses of the spouse, sexual adjustment, temperament, value, taste and interest. The
lower ranks of management of time, management of income, technological factors and job related factors reflect that these are not considered
serious because couples are already enjoying labour saving and luxury items and frequently go for outings. With respect to conflict resolution
avoidance was given higher rank in comparison to arbitration.
Keywords: Factors; marriage; satisfaction
use couple assessment to assist self-evaluation of their
Introduction relationship’s strengths and weaknesses, and to understand
Urbanization, industrialization, education, migration and the influences that have lead the relationship to take its
other socio-cultural factors are affecting various aspects of current form. This understanding is used as the base from
traditional Indian society. After independence due to which each partner is assisted to identify self- change that
constitutional provisions, planned economic development, can enhance the relationship (Halford, 2001). Forgiveness
science and technology there has been a great change in the appears to be especially important in marital relationship.
family and society. Women who adopted the ideal-typical Marital forgiveness is seen as an exciting area for future
role of the working women generally changed their old exploration and one that is ripe with possibility (Fincham et
attitude and developed modern attitudes. Earlier women had al., 2006). Women seem to be most satisfied with husbands
faced problem like economic, dependency, male with similar age or older to them by 1 to 5 years. The
domination, discrimination etc. The modern society gave satisfaction diminishes as the age difference increases
rise to new problem for women like mal-adjustment, status (Bernard 1934). Individuals whose spouses were of a
problem, family crisis, divorce and inter-generational different religious persuasion than themselves had been
conflict. The relationship between wives’ employment and found to report lower levels of marital satisfaction (Ortega
marital satisfaction has changed over the last 30 years. et. al., 1988). Hafstrom and Dunsingh (1972) also reported
Marital quality (satisfaction, happiness or adjustment) that income acts as a source of power in marital relationship
decreased particularly among husbands, when wives were due to higher income, the husband can afford to have other
employed outside the home in the 1960s (Burke and Weir, resources which minimize the wife’s participation in
1976; Orden and Bradburn, 1969). By the 1970s there was domestic work. It revealed that there was a significant effect
no significant difference in marital quality for husbands or of similar personality traits of the spouses in achieving
wives in families in which the husband was the only wage marital satisfaction. Certain dissimilar temperamental traits
earner and in two-earner families (Glenn and Weaver, 1978; also helpful for marital adjustment. Regarding similarity
Locksley, 1980). Satisfaction level was found to be highest between spouses with regards to value of life is generally
among those whose husbands helped in cooking and lower found to be conducive to marital satisfaction. Perceived
among those who did their cooking alone It was found that spousal support adequacy uniquely predicts marital quality
small family size, good health, adequate family income (Dehle et. al., 2001).
and grown up children were the main factor promoting Jharkhand, a mineral rich state, has witnessed fast
satisfaction level of the working women in respect of their industrialization in 20th century which picked up after
home role performance (Kaur and Punia, 1986). Couple independence. The process of industrialization facilitated
therapy approach placed emphasis upon helping couples to
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S. Dey and J. Ghosh. (2016) Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage. Vol-3, issue-1: 60-64
emergence of subsidiary industries and social technological, job related and conflict resolution factors
infrastructures like, school, college and hospitals. The divided into 32 items related with marital satisfaction. The
massive social reforms and awakening programmes items were ranked on the bases of frequency of the
undertaken by voluntary organizations particularly respondents against selected factors.
Christian Mission helped a lot in socio-economic Doctor gave first rank to adjustment with prioritized work
empowerment of women. Chhotanagpur region of of the spouse followed by respect for emotion, expression
Jharkhand comprises two divisions viz., Ranchi and of love, regard for views and enjoying leisure time with
Hazaribagh where the concentration of industries and spouse. Last rank was given to freedom to take part in social
voluntary organization is more. The present study was and religious activities. Officer rated attitude towards
planned to investigate factors in the distribution of marriage as the most important factor followed by
successful marriage of working women from different expression of love, respect for emotion, regard for views
organized sectors. and sexual adjustment. They gave last rank to refraining
from comparing with others. As far as the suggestions of
Materials and Methods college teacher is concerned, they considered attitude
The study was carried out in four district of Jharkhand state towards marriage as the most important factor followed by
namely Ranchi, Hazaribag, Ramgarh and Bokaro on the expression of love, importance to the likings of the spouse,
basis of representative average of working women in the respect for emotion and ignoring weaknesses of the spouse.
state. A substantial number of women are employed in For school teacher the factors in descending order of
industries and social organizations like schools, colleges importance were; suitable working hours, respect for
and hospitals. A total of three hundred respondents were emotion, attitude towards marriage, regard for views and
randomly selected- 100 from different professions like leisure time with spouse. In the opinion of clerk, the most
education, health and other services. The variables were important factor was attitude towards marriage followed by
measured with the help of scales and indices already removing undue interference of elders, say in decision
available as well as developed under this study. The making, consensus expenditure and consensus savings.
information on socio economic condition of the working They gave last rank to similarities of habits. Nurse placed
women were collected through a specially designed highest importance on psychological factors. According to
schedule for the purpose and adopted for the survey after them the factors in descending order of importance were;
needed modification in the light of the requirement of the similarities of temperament followed by the factors like
pre-testing through a pilot study. The data thus collected value, habits, interest and taste. The responses of different
was systematically classified tabulated and analyzed for categories of the respondents were aggregated to decide the
drawing the relevant interferences. Conceptual framework overall rank of the items. Respect for emotion emerged to
of marital satisfaction is shown in Fig. 1. be the most important factor followed by attitude towards
marriage, expression of love, regard for views and
importance to the likings of the spouse, ignoring
weaknesses of the spouse, sexual adjustment, temperament,
value, taste and interest.
Psycho-personal factors were more important than other
factors to reduce marital stress and increase marital
satisfaction. It is natural for anybody to expect that one’s
emotion is respected. The bondage developed out of
emotion is the strongest. However, this bond is very
sensitive and requires high skills on the part of partners for
its sustenance. Spouses could be suggested to respect the
emotions of one another on continuous basis. Attitude
towards marriage is deeply rooted in traditional values.
Fig. 1: Conceptual framework of marital satisfaction
Favourable attitude lies on elders as well as social and
Results and Discussions cultural organizations. Love is internal but suggested to
express to the maximum possible extent, by presenting gift
Suitable measures for overcoming marital stress and on appropriate occasion, appreciation, continuous contact if
enhancing marital satisfaction located at distant place, patting, kissing, hugging or any
The importance of this study lies in recommendations for means permitted by the respective culture. Everybody
reducing marital stress and enhancing marital satisfaction expects regard for ones intellect. Spouses, must respect the
(Table 1). For this suggestions of the respondents were views of the partner.
sought on psychological, personal, social, family
,management of time, management of income, recreational,

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S. Dey and J. Ghosh. (2016) Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage. Vol-3, issue-1: 60-64

Table 1: Suggestions for overcoming marital stress and enhancing marital satisfaction
Respondent Doctor Officer College teacher School teacher Clerk Nurse Overall
Factor N R N R N R N R N R N R N R
I Psychological
Interest 33 XIII 31 X 25 XI 28 XIII 12 XXII 42 IV 171 X
Value 34 XII 33 IX 24 XII 27 XIV 11 XXIII 46 II 175 VIII
Temperament 36 XI 35 VIII 26 X 25 XV 10 XXIV 48 I 180 VII
Taste 30 XIV 37 VII 22 XIV 36 VII 8 XXV 40 V 173 IX
Habits 4 XXXI 40 VI 23 XIII 1 XXXII 1 XXXII 44 III 113 XV
II Personal factor
Attitude towards marriage 28 XXV 49 I 47 I 45 III 46 I 23 XIV 238 II
Expression of love 46 III 47 II 45 II 30 XII 29 X 27 XII 224 III
Respect for emotion 47 II 45 III 40 IV 46 II 28 XI 39 VI 245 I
Regard for views 45 IV 43 IV 30 VIII 42 IV 27 XII 25 XIII 212 IV
Importance to liking of the spouse 41 VII 29 XI 42 III 32 XI 26 XIII 38 VII 208 V
Ignoring weaknesses of the spouse 37 X 27 XII 37 V 33 X 25 XIV 33 IX 192 VI
Sexual adjustment 38 IX 42 V 35 VI 22 XVI 24 XV 31 X 192 VI
Adjustment with prioritized work of the spouse 49 I 5 XXIX 32 VII 9 XXIV 23 XVI 29 XI 147 XII
Refraining comparing with others 5 XXX 2 XXXII 27 IX 35 VIII 18 XIX 35 VIII 122 XIV
III Social factors
Freedom to take part in social and religious
3 XXXII 4 XXX 2 XXXI 20 XVII 16 XX 21 XV 66 XXV
Freedom to interact with outsiders 40 VIII 3 XXXI 1 XXXII 18 XVIII 14 XXI 19 XVI 95 XX
IV Family factors
Removing undue interference of elders 26 XVI 25 XIII 21 XV 16 XIX 44 II 15 XVIII 147 XII
Say in decision making 24 XVII 24 XIV 20 XVI 15 XX 42 III 17 XVII 142 XIII
V Management of time

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S. Dey and J. Ghosh. (2016) Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage. Vol-3, issue-1: 60-64

Table 1: Suggestions for overcoming marital stress and enhancing marital satisfaction
Respondent Doctor Officer College teacher School teacher Clerk Nurse Overall
Factor N R N R N R N R N R N R N R
Enjoying leisure time with spouse 44 V 22 XV 15 XIX 40 V 22 XVII 14 XIX 157 XI
Spare time for household chores 23 XVIII 20 XVI 14 XX 13 XXVI 20 XVIII 13 XX 103 XIX
VI Management of income
Consensus expenditure 10 XXVI 19 XVII 16 XVIII 11 XXII 40 IV 11 XXII 107 XVII
Consensus savings 9 XXVII 18 XVIII 18 XVII 10 XXIII 38 V 12 XXI 105 XVIII
VII Recreational factors
Joint outings 6 XXIX 17 XIX 13 XXI 10 XXV 3 XXX 10 XXIII 59 XXVI
Joint home entertainment 7 XXVIII 16 XX 9 XXIV 9 XXVI 2 XXXI 9 XXIV 52 XXVII
VIII Technological factors
Use of labour saving device 11 XXV 7 XXVII 10 XXIII 8 XXVII 5 XXVIII 8 XXV 49 XXIX
Use of luxury items 12 XXIV 6 XXVIII 11 XXII 34 IX 4 XXIX 7 XXVI 74 XXIII
IX Job related factors
Spousal support in job related matters 20 XX 15 XXI 6 XXVII 7 XXVIII 36 VI 6 XXVII 90 XXI
Employers support in family matters 18 XXI 13 XXII 3 XXX 6 XXIX 34 VII 3 XXX 77 XXII
Suitable working hours 15 XXIII 10 XXV 5 XXVIII 47 I 32 VIII 4 XXIX 113 XV
Genuine work load 17 XXII 9 XXVI 4 XXIX 4 XXX 30 IX 5 XXVIII 69 XXIV
X Conflict resolution
Avoidance 42 VI 12 XXIII 8 XXV 38 VI 7 XXVI 1 XXXII 108 XVI
Arbitration 22 XIX 11 XXIV 7 XXVI 2 XXXI 6 XXVII 2 XXXI 50 XXVIII

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S. Dey and J. Ghosh. (2016) Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage. Vol-3, issue-1: 60-64
Going by ones likings is natural phenomenon. Partner Burke R and Weir T (1976) Relationship of wives’ employment
should be allowed to do the things of one’s choice to the status to husband, wife and pair satisfaction and
permissible limit. If liking is against the society, norms and performance. Journal of Marriage and the Family. 38:
could not be permitted as per resources available, the matter
should be resolved by using intellect and emotions. No Dehle C, Larsen D and Landers JE (2001) Social support in
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overlooked to the possible extent. At the same time efforts Fincham FD, Hall J and Beach SRH (2006) Forgiveness in
should be made to remove those weaknesses. Sex is the marriage: Current status and future direction. Family
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Conclusion Kaur S and Punia RK (1986) Performance of and satisfaction from
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