UG2020 11 HumanPsychology1.6
UG2020 11 HumanPsychology1.6
UG2020 11 HumanPsychology1.6
Submitted by
UID: UG2020-11
Submitted to
(Professor of Psychology)
APRIL 2021
The word divorce derives from a Latin derivative that means "splitting of a unit."
In other words, it is the actual division between partners that is irreversible.
Divorce can be a life-changing ordeal for the entire family, including the children,
the couple, and extended family members. The social, cultural, and economic
changes brought on by migration and industrialization are posing an increasing
threat to India's marriage and family institutions and the country is witnessing
more cases of divorce or failed relationships. The research paper focuses on study
about divorce and unsuccessful relationships through various readings and
general observation as well as using a survey for the same. The research paper is
based upon the factors that could lead to divorce or unsuccessful relationship and
how generally anyone around the world or India would deal with such an issue.
The research paper starts finding factors the issue through research such as trust
issues, communication and compatibility, extra-marital affairs etc. and discusses
these problems elaborately and also looks at the flexibility of the research and if it
applies to the cultural world of India. The paper uses survey conducted online with
over 7 questions and 28 people’s responses and collects data to further elaborate
on the factors with much evidence and database to support the reasoning.
Keywords: Relationship, Culture, Communication.
1st year student, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, [email protected]
Many matrimonial laws define marriage as a union between two people imposing certain marital
obligations on each partner and conferring special legal rights on each. Marriage has traditionally
been a heterosexual union; however, in some parts of the country, same-sex spousal unions have
recently been legalized and socially sanctioned as marriage. Divorce is described by the Oxford
Dictionary of Sociology as "the formal legal dissolution of a legally constituted marriage." The
word divorce derives from a Latin derivative that means "splitting of a unit." In other words, it is
the actual division between partners that is irreversible. Divorce can be a life-changing ordeal for
the entire family, including the children, the couple, and extended family members. The majority
of Indians regard marriage as sacrosanct rather than simply a sacrament. Marriage is seen as a
safe place for raising children, a protection from hardship, and the foundation of a stable
community. Individuals who are married have higher psychological and physical well-being than
those who are unmarried, separating, or divorced. Marriage is the structure in India by which
culture bestows authority and assures that a family runs smoothly. Family members pass down
societal sanctions and expectations from generation to generation, with different additions and
deductions based on the value structures of the time period in which the group resides. 1
Nora Ephron, HEARTBURN, 1st ed. 1996, pp. 34-56.
Rachel Cusk, AFTERMATH: ON MARRIAGE AND SEPERATION, 1st ed. 2013, pp. 12-18.
customs are the heart and soul of the marital union, enhancing its meaning, dignity, and
confidence. In India, the union of marriage has both common and religious depth and strength.
India is divided into several ethnic areas, each with its own set of religious and ethical values. In
India, there are variations in the nature and culture of marriage and divorce between religious
communities and areas. The social, cultural, and economic changes brought on by migration and
industrialization are posing an increasing threat to India's marriage and family institutions. The
redefining of gender norms has also had a profound effect on sexuality and family life. Women
have a different perspective on their position and standing in society and the family as a result of
the women's revolution, and many men are still unsure how to react to this transition. In many
parts of Asia, divorce and non-marriage are becoming more common. The marriage rates in East
Asia have dropped, and divorce rates have briefly surpassed those in other Asian countries.
Despite significant social changes over the last three decades, marriage in India remains
predominantly caste endogamous, universal, and early, with active family and kin involvement
in spouse selection.3 Divorce is no longer a taboo subject, and marriage is no longer a sacred
word. With the passing of time, an increasing number of Indians are entering the divorce process.
Divorce, also known as separation of marriage, is a civil process that ends a marriage and
removes all legal obligations and liabilities. It breaks the bonds of matrimony between two
people and changes both parties sociocultural responsibilities to each other. While certain facets
of the marriage arrangement have changed, such as marriage age and partner placement, the
structure of marriage has remained largely unchanged. There has been little socio-demographic
study on marital breakdown in India, despite the fact that much is known about trends in
marriage structure. Divorce is no longer a taboo subject, and marriage is no longer a sacred
word. With the passing of time, an increasing number of Indians are entering the divorce process.
Divorce, also known as separation of marriage, is a civil process that ends a marriage and
removes all legal obligations and liabilities. It breaks the bonds of matrimony between two
people and changes both parties sociocultural responsibilities to each other.4
Corley, Charles & Woods, “Socioeconomic, Sociodemographic and Attitudinal Correlates of the Tempo of
Divorce”, JOURNAL OF DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE, Vol.16. No.1 1991, pp.47-68.
Walters Champman and Sharon Price, “The Effects of Guilt on Divorce Adjustment” JOURNAL OF DIVORCE AND
REMARRIAGE Vol.22. No.1 1995, pp. 163-177.
The research method so used to write this research paper is doctrinal as well as empirical. It is
doctrinal in the sense that it comes from the credible sources herein, books, articles published in
renowned and justified web pages and journals. It is empirical in the sense that the database used
in this research paper is through a survey conducted on the particular topic amongst students,
married people and divorce lawyers. The project also uses deductive reasoning for research. The
source of information also consists of theoretical knowledge the researcher possesses as a law
student. The data is excerpted from Journals, Articles, and e-law websites. The whole research
paper is done in an organized way. Firstly, the necessary chapters have been selected then only
possible efforts have been made to collect information required for each chapter.
The research paper uses google forms as a platform to perform survey among students, married
people and divorce lawyers to know their perception on divorce and unsuccessful relationships in
The survey uses features such as long paragraph, drop down boxes, multiple choice etc. and
collects data from 28 people using 7 questions on divorce and unsuccessful relations in India.
The major source of information for the project has been online books, web articles, journal
articles and blogs. The books used by the research paper are “Contemporary sociology: An
introduction to concepts and theories” and with the help of this book the theory of separation and
different mindset of two different people has been read and evolved throughout the research
The online articles provide a wider coverage of topics and an in-depth analysis. The online
articles which focuses on the factors responsible for fall of marriage include Psychology today,
Insider which focuses on many factors that are responsible for divorce and unsuccessful
relationship such as trust issues, compatibility, communication etc. The research paper also uses
psychalive for reading about compatibility issues and its impact on a couple. The websites such
as bustle, crosswalk help understand money and technology as factors of divorce and also brings
about the idea of impatience among the couples in relationship.
Apart from online websites, the paper also uses journals and blogs such as “Divorce, Families
and Adolescents in India: A Review of Research” to understand divorce and the culture of
divorce in India so that the factors can be looked at in different aspects. The research paper also
uses the journal article “Divorce and separation in India” to look around the culture of divorce in
Asia, OECD countries and how it is different from what divorce culture is in India.
“Psychological components for marital distress and divorce in newlywed Indian couples” is
another journal article the paper uses to evaluate emotions in relationship and marriages and find
out the link it forms with factors such as communication and compatibility. “Intergenerational
relationship: An Indian perspective” is also used in the article to form the basis on how the
marriage and divorce culture in India has evolved.5
They are having more control over their lives through the progress of Indian women's education,
freedom and democracy. And divorce is something that Indian women who are not dependent on
a man would readily choose to do in order to end a life that no longer serves them. Economic,
mental, social, and physical liberation have all been attained by Indian women. Due to financial
reliance, Indian women used to "stick it out" for their husbands. Women no longer have to
depend on men, and they are no longer able to put up with Indian men and extended families
Patrick C. McKenry and Sharon J. Price, “Alternatives for support: Life after divorce - A literature review”
who do not treat them with the esteem, regard, or compatibility they want. As elderly people do
not have the means to help resolve difficulties and do little to engage themselves in relationships,
it is harder for spouses to agree and relate to each other than give marriages time, patiently chat
and try to solve problems. This makes divorce a possibility for Indian women and men who
consider it their only choice. Many Indian women's marriages today are also agreed and this is
not their only union. They know that divorce in India is a viable option now if it doesn't work,
unlike in the past.6
divorce-rate-in-india/ (Visited on April 17, 2021).
2006, pp. 76-89.
In this age of instability, economic upheaval, divorce, and fragmented family life, it has become
increasingly difficult to remain vulnerable, trusting, and open to life. Fortunately, all of us have
family members and friends, on which we can trust, or a partner on whom we can transform as a
safe haven where we can rest and become guards. But things can still get awkward even here.
The Oxford Dictionary defines trust as “a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength
of someone or something”. For example, we trust people who are kind to us, have dignity, and
behave in accordance with their words. We have faith in someone we can rely on to always do
what is “right.” If he or she is predictable, reliable, and trustworthy, we trust our partner in a
close relationship. Trust can also be described as a verb: behavior taken as a result of one's faith
or trust in oneself. On a practical level, confidence entails being able to "do something without
fear or apprehension."
Trust is important in any intimate relationship. Intimate relationships require authenticity and
transparency. They are founded and sustained by our belief that we should believe what we are
told.” In reality, trust can be thought of as the glue that keeps a relationship together because it
allows partners to form a meaningful emotional bond based on intimacy, love, and loyalty. The
presence of oxytocin, a neuropeptide in the brain that promotes bonding between a newborn and
its mother, strengthens mutual trust in happy couples. Loving, affectionate, and sexual
interactions between partners produce oxytocin, which, according to some scientists, “makes
people trusting rather than gullible.” Mistrust, on the other hand, can destabilize even the most
loving relationship. There are several circumstances that can lead to distrust and suspicion in one
or both partners over the course of a relationship. Most people respond to a partner's cheating or
lying in the same way they did to their parents' lies, dishonesty, and mixed messages. Mixed
messages and trust issues, Deception, infidelity, self-destructive behavior, and trust issues, are all
the problems that are faced by couple who are in relationship. A loss of confidence is one of the
most harmful infections for a couple's success. There are no two essential foundations of a stable
bond in a partnership without trust: security and safety. Jealousy, possession, irrational infidelity,
mental unfaithfulness, physical/sexual unfaithfulness, relativity, loss of loyalties and
confidentiality, lacks of encouragement, lack of economic equilibrium and lack of supporting
goals are all examples of trust problems.8
A. Dutta, “How and why number of young Indian couples getting divorced has risen sharply”, HINDUSTAN TIMES,
New Delhi, January 4, 2015, p.3.
1.4) Extra-marital affairs and Technology
Cheating and extramarital relations are major causes of divorce in India. With the advent of
smartphones and apps, this issue has gotten worse, enabling you to touch people with a quick
"swip and press" screen. Cheating a wedding wife was usually done by men once, but the
wedded Indians are now still involved in business. Also for single persons or other married
partners, this happens secretly.
Many Indian women are mindful of the affairs of their husbands and turn a blind eye because of
their marital age or years. This does not mean, though, that marital conditions are healthier.
Indian women are more independent and work with men. Affairs are a reality. If a woman has a
business, it's more obvious than if a male, and therefore it's just unforgivable, which leads to
divorce. When an adultery is discovered, it is the single most damaging thing that can happen to
a marriage. It undermines faith, desire, affection, and care, but many marriages continue due to
family and societal pressures.9
In today’s world where we can see technology has advanced so much that relationships and
marriages are being fixed online. There are some pro’s to this technology that you just need to
install an app and look for your type of person through your own preferences. However, I
particularly feel that the true sense of a relationship has degraded with these apps and websites.
We can figure it out that many of our friends, collegues who use the app for dating eventually
don’t end up with a good relationship though yes there are few exceptions. The technology has
made people connect with each other so easily that the efforts that should be put in a relationship
are not actually done by either one side or both the sides. These result in relationships not lasting
long enough with people actually putting other things above relationships and in case of
marriages the option to know each other and find the things about each other yourself is taken
away. This results in people hiding things from their partners and also the true sense of a
relationship is not yet felt by either sides in a relationship or a marriage.10
1.5) Money
P. Dommaraju, Divorce and Separation in India, POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, vol. 42, no. 2, 2016,
pp. 195–223.
why-im-deleting-my-dating-apps-for-good (Visited on April 17, 2021).
Nobody wants to fight. Nobody fantasizes about debating. What couples do not see when they
look into the future is how a little thing they've known since childhood can easily come between
them. Money is a little thing. It stands to reason that if you deal with anything in your marriage
on a regular basis, you will have a higher risk of having tension over it. Most people probably
don't argue with their partner over who gets to drive the yacht, but arguing over everyday money
use gets a lot of attention. When you bring two people together, you're bound to have a
disagreement at some point. She believes that if he brought his lunch every day instead of eating
out at work, their budget would look healthier. He believes she should get a cup of coffee at
home instead of paying Rs. 100 per day at the drive-thru. And so it starts. Money may appear to
be just a "rate of exchange" or dollars and cents - something very tangible and unemotional - but
this is not always the case. When anyone criticizes your spending habits, it feels very personal.
The claim or attack sounds personal, not just lattes, credit card swipes and receipts indicate you
are not the only one. The way you handle money is ingrained in your DNA and fundamental to
your personality, so any accusing or attacking about your financial habits feels like you're being
judged for who you are, not just how you invest or save. Another source of tension between
spouses when it comes to money is a lack of clear roles or incorrectly assumed or "assigned"
roles in financial management. You married a coworker, a teammate, a friend, and a helpmate.
Not your mother or father. The wisdom of the word tells us to "leave and cleave," so avoid
developing a parent/child relationship when you and your spouse handle income.11
2.1) Survey
In the survey that was conducted amongst people in relationships, married people and divorce
lawyers, it can be found that approximately 70% or around 19 people have witnessed a
unsuccessful relationship either with themselves or around their close circle. From this we can
say that the research paper involves data that supports the objective of the research paper. After
asking the people if they have witnessed any unsuccessful relationship another question was
asked that whether they know the reason for the same. As per the data collected it can be said
that majority of them think that compatibility and right communication is not done properly in a
relationship which results into miscommunication and misunderstanding.
In the survey when asked what could be other reasons that a relationship is falling down, 23 out
of 27 people believed that compatibility and communication issues could be a greater reason that
other reasons mentioned in the dropbox.
If we know it or not, we still engage with each other. Apart from literal words, non-verbals such
as facial gestures and body language unwittingly interact through the sound of our breath, and
through our behaviour we communicate. Couples that fail to actively communicate will fight
love, tension and creation in connection. It is necessary for true communication to understand the
inner world of your partner and to understand it yours. You will find that you will grow apart
over time because you struggle to communicate in a way which promotes your relationship. Lack
of contact can't be overlooked, particularly if you believe you can't interact actively with your
Compatibility Issues: Compatibility in relationships first and foremost occurs when a couple
behave fairly and respectfully. For couples it is vital to have fun and enjoy their time together.
Their partnership thrive as two individuals share an association and an activity. A couple do not,
though, have to express any common interest. Often people make the error, that they believe
there is only one individual or "soul mate," and only he should compliment them. The question is
that they should use this definition to exclude possible partners that do not match their image.
Even if you find the perfect match, that person will not share all of your interests or fulfill all of
your needs. It's also necessary to have friends and a larger network of support and
companionship so you can fulfill all aspects of yourself.13
2.3) Impatience
The romantic heart is commonly characterized as impatient— "It's either now or never. It will be
too late tomorrow." The survey which was conducted shows that around 93% or 25 out of 27
people agree with the fact that couples in today’s modern world or modern India are impatient to
understand each other’s side. It is believed that postponing fulfillment in matters of love is not
natural. Contrary to common belief, the romantic heart can be very patient in a variety of
situations. Instability is a fundamental feature of emotions. Emotions suggest a transition in
which the previous context has shifted but no new context has yet to settle. Emotions are like a
storm: they are strong, intermittent, and of limited duration as unstable states that indicate some
agitation. Impatience of the heart is linked to another key characteristic of romantic love: it is
perceived as an irrational, relentless, uncontrollable, and persuasive emotional force. According
to an old adage, passion is what makes the world go round. But it's not just love that keeps a
relationship alive; it's also patience. You may be madly in love with each other, but if you aren't
careful, you won't be able to deepen your relationship and make it last. Nobody can master
patience, and keeping it in your hands takes a lot of strength and dedication. Yet persistence
works wonders, not just in the relationship but also in the individuals involved in it. So, indeed, it
couples/ (Visited on April 17, 2021).
is high time that you learn its intricacies because it is a critical component of having a long-
lasting and meaningful relationship.14
Apart from the reasons that could actually result in a divorce or a relationship falling down,
which have been thoroughly researched and talked about in this paper, the survey also included a
question of whether what people would have done or would do if they want to save a marriage or
a relationship from falling apart. Their experiences also suggest that communication is one of the
issues that a relationship lacks and that does affect it to this extent. When one person is not able
to talk to each other about his/her needs and also when they are not able to express their
emotions in the truest sense that results into lack of communication. However, what can be
actually done so that the commitment to communicate better is not compromised?
We all have a deep desire to feel connected and a sense of belonging. As a result, positive social
experiences improve our subjective well-being and provide more life satisfaction. Nursing social
relationships boost happiness because spending time with friends or coworkers generates
positive feelings, which are a necessary component of happiness.
The irrational feelings are important to consider. Don't dismiss them as inacceptable, infantile or
unimportant. Try to talk about the feelings that you like to suppress. You would be shamed or
humiliated when you show them by emotions that you are afraid. People also find their wishes
humiliated. I'd like a new restaurant. I would like a new dress, and I'd like a break. But you're
deep within your personal needs, where you are most vulnerable: I want you to supply me, I
want to be affectionate with you.
Most individuals have a special way to communicate with their friends only. The irony is that it
involves such abusive, demanding, bossy, irritable, cynical, childish, maternal and
condescending behaviours, to name only a few. Stop talking to your wife and inquire, "Can I talk
to another person like this?" Do you ever whine (I'm so tired) or ask for (Get me a drink of
water) or postpone (What am I supposed to order for dinner?) in ways you never do for others?
Try treating your partner with the same respect and decency as you would treat someone else
after all since your partner is just another individual.15
R. Ariplackal, & T. S George “Psychological components for marital distress and divorce in newlywed Indian
couples”, JOURNAL OF DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE, Vol. 56 2014, pp. 1-24.
Many matrimonial laws define marriage as a union between two people imposing certain marital
obligations on each partner and conferring special legal rights on each. In India, the family,
marriage, and divorce scenarios are all intertwined with religious traditions. In India, there are
variations in the nature and culture of marriage and divorce between religious communities and
areas. Despite significant social changes over the last three decades, marriage in India remains
predominantly caste endogamous, universal, and early, with active family and kin involvement
in spouse selection. Divorce, also known as separation of marriage, is a civil process that ends a
marriage and removes all legal obligations and liabilities. In the survey that was conducted
amongst people in relationships, married people and divorce lawyers, it can be found that
approximately 70% or around 19 people have witnessed a unsuccessful relationship either with
themselves or around their close circle. In the survey when asked what could be other reasons
that a relationship is falling down, 23 out of 27 people believed that compatibility and
communication issues could be a greater reason that other reasons mentioned in the dropbox.
Apart from the reasons that could actually result in a divorce or a relationship falling down,
which have been thoroughly researched and talked about in this paper, the survey also included a
question of whether what people would have done or would do if they want to save a marriage or
a relationship from falling apart. Hence, it can be said that there are various factors that could
affect marriages and result to divorce and these factors are common in India as well though
Indian being a “cultural country” where traditions and customs regarding the marriage are
something that do not change with time. However, with more education and technology the
problems that happen post marriage do take place normally like anywhere in the world except for
few situations which the paper has pointed out while explaining the factors responsible for
divorce and failed relationships.
A. Dutta, “How and why number of young Indian couples getting divorced has risen
sharply”, HINDUSTAN TIMES, New Delhi, January 4, 2015, Hindustan Times Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
S. Biswas, “What divorce tells us about modern India”, INTERNATIONAL NEW
YORK TIMES, New Delhi, October 5, 2016, International New York Times Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.