Flexible Evaluation Mechanism (FEM) Understanding Culture Society and Politics

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Flexible Evaluation Mechanism (FEM)

Understanding Culture Society and Politics

Competencies to Develop Based on Minimum Standards Evaluation of Achieved Competencies

Implied Criteria
Percentage Remarks
and Percentage
Standar Allocation of Criteria and
of the
Skills Necessary Enabling ds for a the Criteria Standards for the Highest
Criteria for Final
to Develop in Knowledge to Skill Assessment Successf for the Successful Achievement w/ Highest And Lowest
Attitude to Develop the Grade
UCSP Attain Activities (EAA) ul successful Completion of the of Learning Development Development
Comple Completion PT Competencies in Skill ( ) in Skill ( )
tion of of EAA in UCSP
of the PT
the EAA
1.Learners have 1.Contemplative Thinking Skills EAA 1: Content:
the ability to about the The learners are Presents the
identify the social consequences of tasked to give the Content information
Critical Thinking 50% 40%
problems in their social problems Communicatio cause and effect and clearly.
community with the view of n Skills of social problems Analysis
based on their developing care, in their
knowledge of the responsibility and community.
complex responsiveness to EAA 2: Comprehension:
interrelationship people’s collective The learners are Accurately
of culture, difficulties. tasked to write an answers the
society and 2.Disciplined about essay on how to Organiza questions.
Problem Solving
politics. (MET1) using UCSP lens in
30% 30%
develop care, tion of
2.Learners have understanding responsibility and Ideas
the capacity to social problems responsiveness to
explain why and with the view of people’s
how social eliminating difficulties.
problems in their uncritical biases or EAA3: Preparation and
community occur social prejudices The learners are Presentation:
in the context of against groups, tasked to do a Off script,
changing people or Mechani
project proposal completely
Collaboration processes using communities. 20% 20%
on how to prepared,
their knowledge cs
minimize social excellent eye
of the key lens or problem in their contact with
frames in UCSP. community creativity and
(MET2) charisma.
Collaboration: 10%
The whole group
worked incredibly
well together

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