Competencies To Develop Based On The Minimum Standards Evaluation of Achieved Competencies

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Competencies to Develop
Evaluation of Achieved Competencies
Based on the Minimum Standards

Implied Percentag Remarks

Allocatio High Average
n of the Achievement of And lowest
Standards w/ highest
Skills Criteria learning development in
for a FINAL development in
Necessary to Skill EFAA for a competencies in Skill
Successful GRADE Skill
Develop Knowledge to Attain Attitude to Develop Successfu 21st Century
l Literature from the
n of the
Completi Philippines and the
on of the World

1.Communicati MET 1 Through the 1.Communi EFAA 1: Content 20%

on Skill Through the application of the cation Skill
application of the 21st 21st Century Comparative
2.Thinking Century Themes, Themes, Elements, 2.Thinking Graphic
Skills (Critical Elements, Devices, Devices, Techniques, Skills Organizer
and Problem Techniques, and and Genres, the (Critical and
Genres, the students students are able to Comparison and
solving) Problem
are able to understand be rational in Contrast of the
3.Communicati and interpret global understanding and 21st century
on and issues reflected in the interpreting global genres and the
Technology representative texts. issues reflected in the ones from the
Skills (Creative representative texts. earlier
and Innovation) genres/periods
citing their
Solving Skills
structures and
5.Collaborative traditions
1.Communicati MET 2 1.Communi EFAA 2: Content 20%
on Skill Through close Through close cation Skill
analysis and critical analysis and critical Author Profiling
2.Thinking interpretation of a interpretation of a 2.Thinking
Research of the
Skills (Critical literary text in terms literary text in terms Skills
and Problem of form and theme, of form and theme, (Critical and
with a description of with a description of personal
solving) Problem
its context derived its context derived background
3.Communicati from research, the from research, the
on and students are able to students are able to
Technology understand the 21st appreciate the 21st EFAA 3: 20%
Skills (Creative Philippine literature Philippine literature Character Map
and Innovation) from the regions. from the regions.
4.Problem Mapping for
Solving Skills content and
context analysis
5.Collaborative which includes
Skills the author’s
1.Communicati MET 3 1.Communi EFAA 4: Creativity
on Skill cation Skill and
Through close Author Profiling Originalit
2.Thinking analysis and critical 2.Thinking y
Research of the 20%
Skills (Critical interpretation of a Skills
Through close author’s
and Problem literary text in terms (Critical and
analysis and critical personal
solving) of form and theme, interpretation of a Problem
with a description of background
literary text in terms solving)
3.Communicati its context derived of form and theme, EFAA 5:
on and from research, the with a description of
Technology students are able to Critical Analysis 20%
its context derived
Skills (Creative understand 21st Latin Paper
from research, the
and Innovation) American literature. students are able to
appreciate the 21st Analysis of
4.Problem content and
Solving Skills Latin American
literature. context of the
story which
includes the
Competencies to Develop
Evaluation of Achieved Competencies
Based on the Minimum Standards

Implied Percentage Criteria

Allocation and
Criteria and of the Standards
of the
Standards for a Criteria for for a
Skills Necessary to Criteria for FINAL
Skill EAA Successful a Successfu Remarks
Develop Knowledge to Attitude to a GRADE
Completion of the Successful l
Attain Develop Successful
EAA Completio Completi
n of the on of the
of the PT

MET 1 EAA 1:
60% of Achieveme
w/ And
the PT nt of
highe lowe
Grade learning
st st
+ devel deve
es in 21st
op- lop-
40% of Century
ment ment
the Ave. Literature
in in
Grade of from the
Skill Skill
the EAAs Philippines
and the
MET 2 EAA 2:

MET 3 EAA 3:

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