Soal Mid 22 Genap

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Kelas/Semester : VIII/I
Waktu : 90 menit

1. Tulislah lebih dahulu nama, nomor peserta, dan mata pelajaran pada tempat yang tersedia pada
lembar jawaban.
2. Bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum anda menjawab.
3. Laporkan pada pengawas jika ada tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal kurang.
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang dianggap mudah.
5. Periksa ulang lembaran jawaban anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

Choose the best answer. Cross a, b, c, or d on your answer sheet!
Read the text and answer question 1 and 4.

Scout Association of SMP N 1 Solok

To: All members

In order to celebrate our Youth Pledge Day, we are

going to go camping at Bumi perkemahan
Pagaruyung from 14 to 16 December 2017
The contribution is Rp. 50. 000. Those who want
to join the activity please contact Mr. Rijal.
Registration will be opened starting from 5th
Desember 2017.
For further information, please contact the

Chair person
1. The camping will start on...
1. 5 December 2017
2. 14 December 2017
3. 15 December 2017
4. 16 December 2017

5. Whom should you meet to register for the program?

1. The chair person.
2. The committee
3. Mr. Rijal
4. Jaisul

5. What is the activity held for?

1. To go camping at Bumi Perkemahan
2. To celebrate the Youth Pledge Day
3. To contact the committee
4. To join the activity

5. How long will the activity last?

1. 2 days
2. 3 days
3. 14 days
4. 16 days

Read the text and answer question 5 and 6.

To: Yeni

Sorry honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with

you to the Central Busana tonight. I’ve to meet
Mrs. Haltis at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry.

5. How is Yeni’s mother feel about her promise?
1. Impressed
2. Confused
3. Relieved
4. Guilty
5. Mom writes the text in order to …
1. apologize for not keeping the promise.
2. remind Welly that she has a promise with her.
3. tell Welly that she has to go to the meeting.
4. say that she cannot meet her in the Central Busana

Read the text and answer question 7 and 9.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Syam

It takes hands to build a house, but only

hearts can build a home.
Congratulations on your new home
May your new place give you ….
Warmth, happiness and lots of joy!
Your sincerely

Mr. and Mrs. Dedy

5. From the text we can say that Mr. and Mrs. Syam have just …a new house
1. sold
2. built
3. bought
4. moved into

6. What is Mr. and Mrs. Dedy’s purpose for sending the card?
1. To congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Syam for their moving into a new house
2. To give warmth and happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Syam’s house
3. To ask Mr. and Mrs. Syam to come to their house
4. To help Mr. and Mrs. Syam build anew house

5. “May your new place give you …”

The antonym of the word “new” is …
1. Long
2. Old
3. Good
4. Bad
Read the text and answer question 10 and 13.

I have a close Friend. She is beautiful, attractive and

trendy. Recently, she bought a new stylist foot legs
from blowfish shoes products. These shoes really
match on her.

Her new blowfish women's shoes are wonderful.

When she is walking on those shoes, all her friends,
including me watch and admire that she has the
most suitable shoes on her physical appearance. The
style, bright color, and brand represent her as a
smart woman of the day. She really has perfect

She is really mad on those shoes. She said the

products are international trade mark and become
the hottest trend.

5. The writer’s friend has just bought … from blowfish shoes products.
1. a new match shoes
2. a new stylist foot legs
3. a trendy and attractive shoes
4. a brand and bright color shoes

6. Why does the writer admire her friend?

1. She likes wearing an international trade mark shoes.
2. She always wants to be a trendy and attractive woman.
3. She has the most suitable shoes on her physical appearance.
4. She really has perfect appearance with her wonderful shoes.

5. Writer writes the text in order to …

1. describe her friend’s style and her new shoes.
2. explain an international trademark shoes.
3. share her experience with her friend.
4. tell blowfish products.

5. “She really has perfect appearance.” The word ‘she’ refers to …

1. the writer.
2. a close friend.
3. the writer’s friend.
4. a blowfish.

Read the text and answer question 14 and 18.

It was early in the morning we left Ubud and

travelled to Gili Air which is one of three islands of
Lombok. It took 4 hours in total by boat. The travelling
was not bad but it was a hot day. I said to Jane on the
slow boat " It`s alright babe, it won`t be so hot and
stuffy once we get moving.”
When we got to Gili Air it was still quiet so we were
able to get a bungalow near the beach for about $ 15
a night plus breakfast. We shared our room with quite
a number of geckos. Some of them were quite large
The weather was still hot when I went diving. Jane
waited for me at the seashore. She observed some
fishermen who had just caught some fish. She did not
want to dive because she had a trauma with sea
animals. We had three days here which we spent
walking around the island which takes about an hour.
Every night, we sat on the couches near the beach and
watched the waves and the stars.
It was a fantastic journey that I ever had.
5. The purpose of writing the text above is …
1. to amuse the readers.
2. to advertise a tourism object.
3. to retell the writer’s experience.
4. to describe the view in Lombok.
5. Jane did not join diving with the writer because …
1. the weather was hot at that time.
2. she had a bad experience with sea animals.
3. there were some fishermen catching the fish.
4. she preferred to wait for the writer at the seashore.

5. “It was a fantastic journey that I ever had.” (last paragraph)

The underlined word is similar in meaning to …
1. meaningful.
2. wonderful.
3. interesting.
4. beautiful.

5. We can conclude that the hotel they stayed in …

1. had geckos farm.
2. was not luxurious.
3. only had bungalow.
4. served lunch and dinner.

5. What is Gili Air? It is a name of ….

1. an island
2. a city
3. a place
4. a person

Read the text and answer question 19 and 20.

Our plan to visit our friends who suffer
from Sinabung eruption is cancelled.
The weather is not good to fly. I will let
you know later.

5. From the text we know that …

1. Welly and Eva go to Sinabung.
2. Welly suffers from Sinabung eruption.
3. Sinabung’s weather is fine.
4. Welly and Eva cancell their visit.
5. How are Welly and Eva going to visit their friends?
1. By bus
2. By ship
3. By train
4. By plane

Read the text and answer question 21 and 24.

Cantia is a girl of medium height, and somewhat

thin. She wear her hair in two plaits. She lives near my

We are the same age. We go to the same school,

and sits next to me in the classroom. We do everything
together. She is my best friend.

Cantika and I share many interest. She likes to

read as I do. She collects stamps too, and we exchange
them with one another. We like to discuss our school work
and help each other with it.

I am fortune to have Julia for a friend. She is

5. According to passage Cantia and the writer are ... .
1. family
2. sisters
3. classmates
4. roommates

5. The following statements aren’t correct about Cantia, ...

1. She is older than writer.
2. Her hobby is collecting stamps.
3. She is helpful girl
4. She likes reading.

5. What is the text tell us about?

1. cantia’s hobby
2. The writer’s hobby
3. Cantia’s best friend
4. The writer’s best friend
5. “She lives near my house.”
What is the same meaning of the underlined word?
1. Not far
2. Long
3. New
4. Bad

Read the text and answer question 25 and 26.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hansen

request the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown
on the occasion of their
25th Wedding Anniversary
on Saturday 28 May at 8. p.m.
Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No. 4
Cengkareng Jakarta Barat
R.S.V.P: Windy (02154390231)

5. Who will celebrate the wedding anniversary?

1. Windy
2. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
3. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen
4. The company

5. What is the text written for?

1. To invite somebody to a party
2. To celebrate a wedding anniversary
3. To inform the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen
4. To give direction for Taman Orchid Indah Block 2D

Read the text and answer question 27 and 29.

To : All students of SMP Bahagia Semarang.

To celebrate the National Education Day,Students

body will hold some interesting programs such as
English Speech Contest, Debate, and Class Wall
Magazine Competition.
5. What does the text announce?
1. A Student Organization
2. An English Speech Contest
3. A National Day Celebration
4. A National Education Day ceremony

5. Based on the text we can say that ...

1. the programs will last for 4 hours.
2. the programs will be held in the morning.
3. two competitions will be held.
4. Mr.Andi is the organizer of the programs.

5. Whom is the announcement for?

1. Mr. Syam
2. All Students
3. Students body
4. Competitions

Read the text and answer question 30 and 32.

5. What is the text about?
1. Opening of a new shop
2. Description of a new home
3. Advertisement on a new restaurant
4. Congratulation to someone on moving to a new house
5. “ a blessing upon your new dwelling” The underlined word has similar meaning with…
1. family
2. house
3. street
4. room

5. “a blessing on your hearth”

What does the underlined word refer to?

1. The sender

2. The writer

3. The receiver

4. The deliverer

Read the text and answer question 33 and 36.

5. What is the text written for?

1. To invite somebody to a party
2. To celebrate a new baby
3. To welcome a princess
4. To show the way to Lexington

6. Who should we contact to make a confirmation?

1. Brianna
2. Airy Princess
3. Mr. Solomon
4. Kathy

7. When will the party be held?

1. In the morning

2. In the afternoon

3. In the evening

4. At night

5. How long will the party last?

1. One hour

2. One and a half hours

3. Two hours

4. Two and a half hours

Read the text and answer question 37 and 39.

To Mr. and Mrs. George

I’d like to congratulate you
on your 10th wedding anniversary
we wish you both happy forever.

Yours sincerely,


5. What do the writer hope of her friends?

1. Mr. and Mrs. George celebrate their wedding anniversary.
2. Mr. and Mrs. George congratulate her on her wedding anniversary
3. Mr. and Mrs. George live happily forever
4. Mr. and Mrs. George invite her to their wedding anniversary

5. “I’d like to congratulate you.”

The underlined word refers to ….
1. Mr.George
2. Mrs. George
3. Victory
4. Mr. and Mrs. George

5. “we wish you both happy forever.”

What is the similar meaning of the underlined word …
1. Sad
2. Fun
3. Glad
4. Sorry

text and answer questions 40 to 42

My Uncle Martin is my mother's elder

brother. He is my favorite among my mother's
brothers. He is a very interesting man. He lives
quite near us with my Aunt Angela and my cousins
Anne and Bob. I often go to his house.
He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite
good-looking. He is tall and well-built. He has blue
eyes and a strong face. He wears glasses. He is short
sighted. He takes them off when he doesn't work.
Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works
for a big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job.
He is an expert in solving problems with machines.
At present, he is in the United States. He is visiting
the firm's customers there.
He is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at
seaside. He goes there every weekend in summer
to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousins at their
house on the coast. When Uncle Martin is at home,
he usually takes us out in the boat.

5. Uncle Martin is ... .

A. Bob's father.
B. Anne's uncle.
C. My mother's uncle.
D. Aunt Angela's neighbor.

6. Paragraph ... talks about the physical description of Uncle Martin?

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

5. What is the text about?

1. Description of Martin’s mother
2. Description of Aunt Angela
3. Description of writer’s mother
4. Description of Uncle Martin
Read the text and answer questions 43 to 45.

Last Holiday ,my brother and I visited our

grandparents in Bandar Lampung.There are many
touris , destination ,such as
museum ,shores ,waterparks ,zoo ,and Way
Kambas.During our visit , we decided to go to Way
Kambas,the Elepant Training Centre.We wanted to
watch the huge animals playing football.

Way Kambas is situated in East Lampung about

110 km from Bandar Lampung the capital city of
Lampung .It took 3 hours for us reach Way Kambas
from our grandparents’ home .We left early in the
morning at 6 a.m by car.It would take longer to go
there by motorcycle or bus

We were lucky to visit the place on the

weekend,because the elephant football show Is only
held on weekends.The shows was great .It was
amazing to see such big animals running and kicking
the ball .

. The ball was larger than the one used in regular

football.After that we watched

Other attractions . My brother had a ride on the big

animals ,but I didn’t .I was too nervous to do it.

At 4 p.m ,we returned to Bandar Lampung .We

were very tired ,but impressed.It Was really an
interesting experience for us .

5. Why did the writer visit Way Kambas in her holiday ?

1. She wanted to see elephants playing football

2. It was the only tourist destination she knew

3. Her grandparents lived in Bandar Lampung

4. She wanted to ride an elephant

5. From the text we know that ..

1. The writer went to Way Kambas by motorcycle

2. The writer was very sad to visit her grandparents house

3. Way Kambas located is far from the writer’s house

4. The elephant show is every day

5. What is main idea of the second paragraph ?

1. Watching elephants attraction

2. The location of Way Kambas

3. The writer ‘s holiday experience

4. The writer’s feeling when she had the holiday

For questions 46 to 48, choose the best word to complete the text below!
Lucy. Don’t forget to …(46)… together at
my house …(47)… 4 pm. Don’t forget to
bring my story …(48)….

1. Don’t be late

1. Study
2. Studying
3. Studied
4. Student

1. At
2. In
3. On
4. Of

1. Pen
2. Dictionary

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