Operating Manual: Edition: 01 / 2016

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Operating manual

SV 2000 / 80

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 01 / 2016
Operating manual

© 2009

All rights reserved:

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co.KG

Hauptstraße 102
74235 Erlenbach – Binswangen

Post office box 1151

74148 Neckarsulm

Tel.: +49 (0) 7132 367-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7132 367-215 (Inland)
+49 (0) 7132 367-289 (Export)
Internet: www.jab-becker.de
Email: [email protected]

No part of this manual may be duplicated by mechanical or

electrical means without the express written permission from
J.A. Becker & Söhne.

All particulars in this manual are specified to our best

knowledge, but without guarantee. We reserve the right to
make changes to information in hardware and firmware docu-
mentation at any time without previous announcement.

We are thankful for any criticism and suggestions.

Table of contents

1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ...................................... 5


2.1 General instructions .................................................... 7

2.2 Target groups of these instructions ............................... 7

2.3 Connection between the documentation and the plant .... 8


3.1 Instruction of the users ............................................... 9

3.2 Laws, regulations and standards................................. 10

3.3 Manufacturer’s declaration ......................................... 10

3.4 Declaration of conformity .......................................... 10

3.5 Use of the system in accordance with the provisions ..... 10

3.6 Improper use ........................................................... 12

4 INTRODUCTION ................................................ 13

4.1 General ................................................................... 13

5 CONTROL AND DISPLAY ELEMENTS .................. 14

5.1 Manometer for oil pressure ........................................ 14

5.2 Manometer for every pressure stage ........................... 14

5.3 Oil level gauge / oil level eyes and/ or oil level dipstick . 14

5.4 Oil shut-off valve (ball valve) / valve spindle ................ 17

5.5 Safety devices.......................................................... 18

5.6 Other equipment and/ or special equipment................. 19

5.7 Behaviour in case of failure ........................................ 21

6 INSTALLATION / COMMISSIONING .................. 22

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 1
6.1 Installation of the system .......................................... 22

6.2 Electrical connection ................................................. 25

6.3 Piping connections .................................................... 26

6.4 Relieving lines .......................................................... 26

6.5 Safety valves ........................................................... 27

6.6 Downstream pressure vessel ...................................... 28

6.7 Oil filling .................................................................. 28

6.8 Function testing of the oil pressure switch ................... 28

6.9 Leak testing ............................................................. 30

6.10 Running time of the compressor ................................. 31

6.11 Commissioning following long storage ......................... 31

7 MAINTENANCE ................................................. 32

7.1 Description of the maintenance measures .................... 32

7.2 Oil level check .......................................................... 32

7.3 Oil change ............................................................... 32

7.4 Recommendations regarding lubricating oil .................. 34

7.5 Cleaning/ replacing the filter cartridge on the air intake

filter ....................................................................... 34

7.6 Cleaning the intercooler and the after-cooler ................ 35

7.7 Replacing the fine filter cartridge ................................ 35

7.8 Valve inspection on all pressure stages........................ 36

7.9 Cleaning oil and water separator ................................ 38

7.10 Relief valves ............................................................ 39

7.11 Elastic coupling between electric motor and compressor 40

7.12 Replacing piston rings/ cylinders................................. 40

7.13 Commissioning after maintenance .............................. 41

2 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

7.14 Maintenance log ....................................................... 41

7.15 Malfunctions (causes and remedying) ......................... 42

8 TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................... 44

8.1 Target-actual comparison .......................................... 44

8.2 Fault diagnosis ......................................................... 44

9 PRESERVATION................................................. 46

9.1 Standard delivery of compressors without preservation . 46

9.2 Delivery of compressors with preservation ................... 46

10 TECHNICAL DATA .............................................. 47

10.1 Operating pressures and set points ............................. 48


11.1 Spare part lists for maintenance service ...................... 49

11.2 Pictures and spare part lists ....................................... 52

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 3


Please comply with the safety instructions specified below. Any non-
compliance can result in serious damage to life and health and/ or in ma-
terial damage. The following applies with regard to the safety instructions:

Danger! ... refers to an immediate and imminent danger. If such a dan-

ger is not avoided, it might result in fatal consequences or extremely seri-
ous injuries.

Warning! ... refers to a situation which might be dangerous. If such a

situation is not avoided, it might result in fatal consequences or extremely
serious injuries.

Caution! ... refers to a situation which might be dangerous. If such a sit-

uation is not avoided, it might result in slight or minor injuries and/ or
material damage.

The safety instructions listed below will not be repeated in this manual.
Reference will only be made to these.

Warning! Automatic/ inadvertent start-up of the ma-

Danger of injury and danger to life. The system has to be
disconnected from the power supply and protected against
switching-on prior to any work activities on the compressor!

Danger of explosion! The plant might explode.

Danger of injury and danger to life. A risk of explosion can
also arise in the operation of air compressors in areas with a
risk of explosion. All the relevant and local safety instruc-
tions regarding the construction, equipment and operation
of the compressors have to be complied with!

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 5

Warning! Unreprocessed air – Health hazard.
Compressed air has to be reprocessed sufficiently prior to its
use as breathing air.

Caution! Risk of falling during transport.

In this case, persons might sustain injuries or the compres-
sor might be damaged. Only use equipment capable of se-
curely lifting the weight of the compressor. Only lift the ma-
chine on the transport lugs provided to that end.

Warning! Fast rotating fan.

Danger of injury and danger to life. Never operate the ma-
chines without shock protection on the axial fan.

Warning! Danger on account of electricity.

Danger to life! Only have the electrical connection estab-
lished by persons qualified to perform such work on account
of their training and authorised to do so on account of statu-
tory provisions.

Warning! Hot surfaces after longer operation.

Risk of injury from burns. Let the machine cool down before
any work activities on it. Check whether the machine has
reached a safe level before starting of work to work on it.

Warning! Sudden generation of noise during operation

of the machine.
Damage to hearing. Always wear hearing protection in the
area of the compressor.

6 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm


2.1 General instructions

Carefully read this manual before commissioning the compressor.

1. Familiarize yourself with:

• instructions in this manual,

• valid regulations.

2. JAB does not accept any liability for cases of damage / malfunctions

resulting from any non-compliance with this manual!

Technical changes compared with the statements and information in this

manual, which become necessary for the improvement of the product, are
reserved. Illustrations in this manual might deviate from the actual execu-
tion. This does not affect the content of material information. This manual
does not constitute an expansion of the terms and conditions of delivery
and sale.

2.2 Target groups of these instructions

This manual comprises the entire documentation required for your com-
pressor. It is aimed at all those who are in charge of the operation and
maintenance of the compressor and has to be read by them and complied
with in all points by them.

• The sections entitled Installation / commissioning (see section 6 on

page 22) and Malfunctions (Causes and remedies) (see item 7.15 on
page 42) comprise all the information required for correct operation.

• The section entitled Maintenance (see chapter MAINTENANCE on

page 32) lists and describes all the inspection and maintenance activi-
ties in such detail that any person entrusted with the maintenance

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 7

of JAB compressors can carry out the work activities in a workman-like

2.3 Connection between the documentation

and the plant

This manual is a part of your compressor system.

1. Storage:

• throughout the entire service life of the system

• easily accessible near the compressor

2. Forwarding:

• to all those who are involved in the use of the system

• to the subsequent owner

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3.1 Instruction of the users

The operator shall ensure that only persons instructed in the opera-
tion and the safety measures use/ operate the machine.

This comprises in particular the following measures:

1. Before the machine is switched on, the following has to be secured:

• The compressor is in a state ready for operation with safety de-

vices in accordance with the appertaining provisions.

• There is no danger for persons because of the starting com-

pressor or the beginning supply with compressed air.

2. Persons not expressly authorised to that end must not stay in the
danger zone of the compressor during operation.

3. Persons not expressly authorised to that end must not interfere in

the operation of the compressor.

4. Work is not carried out on or near the compressor during opera-


5. The compressor is shut down immediately in case of malfunctions

which might affect safety (see Behaviour in case of failure on page 21).

6. There are no unauthorised modifications or changes, in particular

of the safety devices

7. Safety instructions, safety-at-work instructions and hazard

warnings are always easily legible within sight. Moreover, all other
persons staying in the danger zone of the machine should also be fa-
miliar with the behaviour in case of a malfunction (see Behaviour in
case of failure on page 21).

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3.2 Laws, regulations and standards

In your capacity as the operator you ensure that all the laws, regulations
and standards in force in your country are taken into account and com-
plied with. For the territory of Germany and/ or Europe, this comprises
primarily EN1012-1, safety requirements for compressors as well as fur-
ther relevant standards and guidelines.

• Environmental legislation

• Autonomous regulations of the trade associations

Abroad, further regional laws, regulations and standards might have to be

taken into account.

3.3 Manufacturer’s declaration

This declaration describes built-in compressors which leave the manufac-

turing plant in a state not ready for operation but which are assembled
into a system ready for operation on site at the destination plant. For this
reason, the operating manual only comprises a manufacturer’s declara-

3.4 Declaration of conformity

Ready-to-operate pressurised systems receive a declaration of conformity.

The compressors and systems comply with the quality provisions accord-
ing to German and European standards and directives.

3.5 Use of the system in accordance with the provisions

Air-cooled piston compressors are used for diverse applications in the field
of commercial, industrial and private use.

Your JAB compressor is released for the following gasses/ gas mixtures:

• Air with the normal atmospheric composition

• Inert gasses, e.g. nitrogen

10 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

All other gasses may only be compressed if a technical examination has
been carried out by JAB and once an express written release has been
granted by JAB. Any use of the compressor exceeding these provisions is
considered as not being in accordance with the applicable provisions. The
manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage resulting from this; in this
case, the risk shall be borne exclusively by the operator/ user.

The use of the system in accordance with the provisions also includes
compliance with the operating instructions and, first foremost, compliance
with the maintenance intervals.

The compressor systems are built in accordance with the valid safety-
related rules and correspond to the state of the art. Any use of the system
which is not in accordance with the provisions can result in risks for the
life and health of the operator and/ or damage to the compressors or
mounting parts in case these:

• are not used in accordance with the provisions

• are not operated by staff authorised to that end

• are impaired in their function by unauthorised changes or modifica-

tions or

• in case the relevant safety and accident-prevention rules are not

complied with.

The compressors may only be used, maintained and repaired by persons

who are familiar with these and have been instructed with regard to the
risks. For this reason, any person dealing with the operation, mainte-
nance, servicing and repair of these shall comply with the accident pre-
vention rules as well as the generally recognised safety-related and indus-
trial medicine provisions. A record should be prepared regarding commis-
sioning and maintenance.

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Unauthorised changes to the machines lead to an exclusion of liability for
any damage resulting from such on the part of the manufacturer.

3.6 Improper use

• The compressor must not be used for any other purposes than
those specified above.

• Do not compress any other gasses or gas mixtures than those

specified above unless you receive an express release for your specif-
ic compressor from JAB.

• Do not compress aggressive or toxic gasses or mixtures of gas-

ses under any circumstances.

• Do not use the compressor if it has not been maintained regular-

ly and in accordance with the applicable provisions.

• Do not use the compressor in case modifications have been made

on it which have not been released by JAB.

12 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm


4.1 General

Decades of experience in the construction of compressors, modern design

and production procedures, careful testing and the highest possible quality
requirements ensure the reliability and working order of your JAB product.

The following are the essential characteristics of JAB compressors:

• Piston compressors

• Two- to five-stage

• Air-cooled by axial fan with intercooler and after-cooler

• Single-acting

• Equipment with forced oil lubrication and monitoring by manometric


• Equipment with maintenance-free oil and water separator

• Standard oil-pressure controlled or solenoid valve-controlled com-

pressor relief with automatic condensate drain from the separators

• Safety valve for all pressure stages

• Direct power transmission by means of flange-mounted electric motor

• Elastic installation on 3 rubber-bonded metal elements

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This section provides an overview of the control and display elements

on the compressor which are important for you.

5.1 Manometer for oil pressure

The oil pressure can be read off on this manometer. Normally, the oil
pressure amounts to approx. 3 to 4 bar.

5.2 Manometer for every pressure stage

Your compressor compresses the medium in several stages – in this pro-

cess, the pressure increases from stage to stage.
On the manometers you can read off the pressure of a given pressure
stage. The values displayed on the pressure displays constitute an im-
portant and helpful tool for assessing flawless functioning of the compres-
sor and for fault diagnosis (see Troubleshooting on page 46).

5.3 Oil level gauge / oil level eyes and/ or oil level

Depending on the respective type, the compressors have the following

equipment for checking the oil level in the crankcase:

• Oil level gauge

• Oil level eyes

• or an oil level dipstick

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In case the oil level is too low and/ or in case of a mal-
function of the oil pressure, the machine is switched
off automatically in the normal case. In case the oil
level is too high, this might result in damage or in mal-
functions of the machine!

The following applies to compressors with oil level gauges: The oil level
has to lie between the MIN and the MAX labelling.

Picture 1: Oil level gauge

The following applies to compressors with oil level eyes: The oil
level has to lie in the area between the centre of the lower oil level eye
and the centre of the upper oil level eye.

Picture 2:Oil level eyes

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Oil level eyes: Depending on the type of compressor, there might be two
or three eyes which can also be arranged in an offset position towards

one other (i.e. not exactly below each other as shown in the illustration).

The following applies to compressors with an oil level dipstick: The

oil level is checked by means of a dipstick on the crankcase.

Picture 3: Oil level dipstick

Warning! Automatic/ inadvertent start-up of the


If the machine is not running:

• Unscrew dipstick.

• Wipe off any oil with a cloth or the like.

• Screw dipstick into the oil container completely and unscrew again.

• Read off the oil level on the basis of the notches (Picture 3: Oil level
dipstick on page 16).

The oil level has to lie in the area between the MIN labelling and
the MAX labelling.

16 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

Environmental protection! Oil contamination.
During the inspection of the oil level on the dipstick, oil
can be discharged and it can, hence, leak into the
groundwater or the soil. Collect the oil drops and intro-
duce these as well as any oil-contaminated cloths or the
like into proper disposal.

5.4 Oil shut-off valve (ball valve) / valve spindle

The oil shut-off valve is a diagnosis tool for

• checking the oil pressure monitor (cf. Function testing of the oil pres-
sure switch on page 28)

• leak testing of the compressor (cf. Tightness testing on page 44)

In most machines, the oil shut-off valve is executed as a valve spindle on

the left or right sight of the crankcase (see the following illustration). In
some machines they are executed as ball valves on the oil overflow valve
block, however.

Picture 4: Valve spindle on the crankcase

(Depending on the type of compressor, it might be located

on the opposite side.)

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Ball valve

Picture 5: Position of the ball valve

ATTENTION: During normal operation the valve spindle or the ball

valve has to be open! (lever in the flow direction)

5.5 Safety devices

This chapter provides an overview of the safety devices on the compres-

sor which are important for you.

5.5.1 Oil pressure switch

The oil pressure switch is used to monitor the oil pressure on compres-
sors. Upon starting-up, the NO contact of the oil pressure switch has to be
bridged for approx. 8 seconds. During this period of time the oil pressure
builds up from 0 to more than 2 bar. In a star-delta connection the pres-
sure switch is connected to the delta contactor. Because of this, a time
relay is not required.

5.5.2 Safety valves for all pressure stages

Every pressure stage of the compressor is equipped with a safety valve

which is adjusted individually to a maximum overpressure. If the stage
pressure increases to above the value set on the safety valve in the event
of a valve or pressure stage malfunction, the valve blows off into the at-
mosphere. This prevents any further pressure increase.

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5.6 Other equipment and/ or special equipment

5.6.1 Electromagnetic relief 1st pressure stage (NO) in star-delta


The LP and HP compressors in the output range of up to 15 kW (partly up

to 18.5 kW depending on the respective type) are usually equipped with a
zero-current, open solenoid valve (NO) for star-delta starting. In this case,
the solenoid valve has the function of a starting aid upon the start of the
compressor and it is also used as a relief valve upon switching-off of the
machine. The valve remains current-free during the starting procedure so
that the compressor can run up in a relieved state. After the run-up period
of 6 to 8 sec. a voltage has to be applied on the valve, so that the valve
closes and compression begins. Upon switching off of the compressor the
solenoid valve can be set dead simultaneously with the switch-off of the
motor. The relief of the 1st pressure stage of the compressor is triggered
via the solenoid valve in this process. The remaining pressure stages are
relieved via pneumatically controlled relief valves.

5.6.2 Starting solenoid valve (NC) in star-delta starting

As an alternative, a so-called starting solenoid valve (NC), to which a

voltage has to be applied upon star starting, is used in bigger compres-
sors. This valve is used as a starting aid and prevents the build-up of
pressure during starting of the compressor. The valve is opened for ap-
prox. 6 to 8 seconds during star starting. After the run-up of the compres-
sor and the switch to delta, the solenoid valve has to be set dead on ac-
count of which measure the pressure can build up in individual stages.

Please note: In the compressors the solenoid valve is only used as a

start-up aid and it only has to be controlled during the start of the com-

5.6.3 Compressor heating

Heating rod for crankcase and separator with thermostatic control.

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• Permits range of application of the compressors below +5°C to at
maximum -20°C

• Facilitates starting-up of the compressor during winter operation

• Ensures a good supply with lubricating oil right from the start

5.6.4 Stage pressure switch for all pressure stages instead of

safety valves

Upon request, every pressure stage of the compressor can be equipped

with a pressure switch which is individually adjusted to a maximum over-
pressure. If the stage pressure increases to above the value set on the
stage pressure switch in the event of a valve or pressure stage malfunc-
tion, the compressor has to be shut down by means of the electrical con-
trol system installed on the plant.

5.6.5 Temperature display and/ or temperature monitoring for

individual or all pressure stages

Depending on the customer’s requirements, the compressor can be

equipped with temperature monitoring and/ or a temperature display in
the individual pressure stages. Temperature monitoring switches off the
compressor if the temperature set is exceeded.

5.6.6 Electrical control system

The electrical control systems controls the functions of the compressor

and is usually produced in accordance with the customer’s specifications.
For this reason, a general description of the control system does not
form part of this manual.

5.6.7 Compressor base

The 250 mm high compressor base facilitates the oil change and the
maintenance of the compressor. Moreover, it provides protection against
the accumulation of dirt on the compressor.

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5.7 Behaviour in case of failure

In case the following happens during operation, the machine

has to be shut down immediately:

• Unusual noises are generated on the compressor,

• oil leaks out,

• a safety valve responds,

• or in case other conspicuous circumstances arise.

To that end, you either operate the emergency stop or the main switch
on the electrical control system.
Until the malfunction has been removed, the main switch has to
be protected against renewed switching-on! Only approach the
compressor once it has completed its relief (discernible through loud
hissing sound). After that, only approach the machine with the utmost
care until you have ascertained that the compressor is pressureless by
reading off all manometers.
If the machine stops under pressure: Close off danger zone and warn
other persons against approaching the machine. Contact your JAB
service partner in order to sort out the causes of the malfunction as
well as remedying of the malfunction.

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The installation requires special expert knowledge ex-

ceeding the knowledge required for the daily operation. You
have e.g. attained this knowledge in the course of your
technical training or your long-standing experience in work-
ing with compressors. In case of doubt, call in persons with the required
technical knowledge or commission trained service staff familiar with the
installation of JAB compressors.

• Electrical installations must only be carried out by skilled electri-
cians in any case.

• Comply with the statutory provisions.

6.1 Installation of the system

6.1.1 Transport

Transport the compressor to the place of installation.

• Transport with forklift or other suitable lifting equip-


• Transport in suspended position on the transport lugs, e.g. with

the help of a crane.

• Only use equipment which is able to securely lift the weight of the
compressor. Information on the mass of your compressor is pro-
vided in the Technical Data.

6.1.2 Compressor room

1. Clean, dry, dust-free, well ventilated

2. Subgrade level, firm and suitable for the weight of the plant.

3. The air taken in is free from harmful gasses.

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4. Temperature between +5°C and +40°C (with optional compressor
heating: at temperatures from < +5°C to -20°C)

5. Sufficient supply of fresh air and carrying-off of heat.

6. Avoid direct insolation. If necessary, select northern side of the


7. Devices or pipe systems generating additional heat should not be in-

stalled in the same room or such should be insulated sufficiently.

8. In conformity with the relevant standards and guidelines. Compressor room with natural ventilation

Usually sufficient for small to medium-sized compressors in the output

range of up to approx. 15 kW. In smaller rooms or in case of unfavourable
room conditions or in case of a risk of overheating of the compressor
room, artificial ventilation by means of a fan is required!

(A) Distance
at least 500 mm

(B) Distance to wall or

distance between 2
at least 800 mm

(C) Fresh air

(D) Exhaust air Compressor room with artificial ventilation

In case of drive capacities of more than 15 kW natural ventilation is nor-

mally not sufficient any more. Under certain circumstances this can also
apply to lower drive capacities, e.g.:

• if the compressor has to be installed in a very small room,

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 23

• if the cooling air openings cannot be sufficiently big,

• if other devices generating a high amount of heat are operated in the

same room or

• if two or more compressors are operated in the same room.

The following principle applies: Artificial ventilation is required if the room

temperature increases to above the maximum ambient temperature per-
missible (40°C) during operation with natural ventilation.

(A) Distance
at least 500 mm

(B) Distance to wall or

distance between 2
at least 800 mm

(C) Fresh air

(D) Exhaust air via

exhaust fan

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The required flow of cooling air which is to be generated with the help of a
fan is calculated with the following formula:

Required flow of cooling air [m³/h] = 300 x driving power[kW]

Example: In case of a driving power of 30 kW the required flow of cooling

air amounts to 300 x 30 = 9000 [m³/h]

The following formula can be used for dimensioning any cooling air ducts
which might be required:

Flow of cooling air [m³/h]

Duct cross-section [m²] =
Flow velocity [m/s] x 3600

The recommended ideal flow velocity amounts to 3 to 5 m/s; however, it

should not exceed 10 m/s.

6.2 Electrical connection

Please consider section 6 on page 24 with regard to this. The following has
to be taken into account during the installation of the electrical equip-

• Provisions by the local power utilities.

• Only have the connection established by an expert.

• Check Motor voltage, switchgear voltage and frequency for compli-

ance with mains voltage and mains frequency. Fuse protection has to
be effected in compliance with the provisions by the competent power
utility company.

• Set thermal motor protection overcurrent relay to rated motor cur-

rent in case of direct circuit and to rated motor current x 0.58 in case
of star-delta switching-on.

Example: Rated motor current = 10 A, setting at 5.8 A

• Take the sense of rotation of the compressor into account upon con-
necting the system to the supply grid. (Arrow indicating the sense of
rotation on the fan wheel guard)

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6.2.1 Before switching the machine on for the first time:

1. Check oil level: The oil level has to lie between the min-
imum and the maximum marking.
2. Turn fan wheel manually: It must be possible to turn
the wheel fully once easily and without any major re-

6.2.2 Prior to first commissioning:

Check sense of rotation:

• Switch on the electric motor briefly to that end.

• Check whether the sense of rotation corresponds to the arrow mark-

ing on the hood of the fan wheel.

6.3 Piping connections

The following applies to all piping connections:

• Flexible via hose lines

• Permit free oscillation of the compressor

6.4 Relieving lines

In case two or more compressors are operated:

• Do not bring the relieving lines together directly.

• Provide for each one separate line to the condensate-collecting


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Connection of the relieving lines: (1) First compressor; (2) Second

compressor; (3) Condensate collecting container; (4) Relieving line.

Environmental protection! Condensation water

containing oil.

This might contaminate the soil and groundwater. For

this reason, the condensation water absolutely has to be
collected and introduced into reprocessing. Your JAB ser-
vice partner is pleased to assist you in the selection of a
suitable collecting container for condensation water.

6.5 Safety valves

Please check the following:

• Is the sealing on the safety valves there and is it free from damage?

In case there is no sealing or in case the sealing is damaged, do not

commission the compressor. Procure the required and prescribed safe-
ty valves and install these on the corresponding pressure stage.

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6.6 Downstream pressure vessel

If a pressure vessel is connected downstream of the compressor, the

Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC as well as other provisions which
might be applicable have to be complied with prior to first commissioning.

The safety valve installed on the pressure vessel has to be dimensioned

for the appertaining volume flow rate and the maximum operating over-
pressure of the compressor (see Technical Data) in order to make sure
that the permissible operating overpressure is not exceeded.

6.7 Oil filling

Your compressor is delivered with an oil filling. However, you should still
check the following:

• Is sufficient oil available? Inspection (see Oil level gauge / oil level
eyes and/ or oil level dipstick on page 14)

• Refill oil if required (cf. Oil change on page 35)

6.8 Function testing of the oil pressure switch

This measures is absolutely required and ensures that the

oil pressure switch works flawlessly in case of an oil pressure

28 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

Close ball valve
on oil overflow valve block
(or valve spindle).

Switch on compressor

after 6 to 8 seconds



Oil pressure switch Malfunction or

works defective connection

Open valve on oil Find and remove

overflow valve block
(oil shut-off

In case of a malfunction:

• Check integration and/ or wiring of the oil pressure switch within the
electrical control system with the help of the circuit diagram!

The oil shut-off valve or the valve spindle has to be

opened again after function testing of the oil pressure

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 29

6.9 Leak testing

Turn off the valve spindle in a clockwise direction or close the oil ball valve
while the machine is running. This blocks automatic relieving. Switch off
the compressor and check piping connections for tightness. Turn on the
valve spindle or open the ball valve again after the check, the compressor
can relieve and is ready for operation again.

Picture 6: Valve spindle on the crankcase

(It might be on the opposite side depending on the respective type of


Ball valve

Picture 7: Ball valve

The valve spindle or the oil ball valve has to be opened

at all times during operation of the compressor!

30 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

6.10 Running time of the compressor

During continuous operation the compressor has to be switched off briefly

after an uninterrupted running time of at max. 1 hour so that the conden-
sate from the oil and water separators of the 1st to 4th pressure stage
can be led off by means of automatic relieving.

6.11 Commissioning following long storage

If the compressor is commissioned more than twelve months after deliv-

ery or in case it has not been used or in case it has been stored under un-
favourable conditions for a longer period of time, the cylinders, cylinder
heads and valves have to be checked for cleanness/ corrosion effects.

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 31


7.1 Description of the maintenance measures

An overview of the maintenance measures to be carried out regularly is

provided herein.

Warning! Automatic/ inadvertent start-up of the ma-

chine. Danger of injury and danger to life. Disconnect the
system from the power supply and protect against renewed
switching on prior to all work activities on the compressor.

Warning! Hot surfaces after longer operation. Risk of in-

juries from burns. Let the machine cool down before com-
mencing any work activities on it. Check whether the temper-
ature has reached a safe level before the commencement of
work activities.

After every maintenance measure:

• Spin the compressor manually.

• Enter the maintenance activities carried out in the checklist.

7.2 Oil level check

Regularly! (at the latest every 4 weeks)

7.3 Oil change

After 2000 operating hours respectively; in case of low running times, the
oil has to be replaced at the latest after 2 years, however.

Attention! The machine has to be shut down before the be-

ginning of the oil change.

32 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

Execution of the oil change:

1. Place an oil collection container under the oil drain screw. Make
sure that the volume of the collecting container is big enough to take
up your compressor’s oil filling.
2. Open the oil fill pipe.
3. Open the oil drain screw.
4. Wait until the oil has drained completely into the collecting contain-
5. Screw out any oil screen which might exist and wash out and
blow out any contaminations with petroleum or a similar solvent.
6. Rinse out contamination in the oil sump with a little fresh oil!
7. Please note: In systems with external oil filter, the filter has to be
replaced upon every oil change!
8. Close the oil drain screw.
9. Fill in the prescribed quantity of fresh oil (see below for recom-
mendations regarding lubricating oil).
10. Close the oil fill pipe.
11. Introduce the waste oil collected into environmentally compati-
ble disposal.

Environmental protection! Oil contamination.

During the inspection of the oil level on the dipstick, oil

can be discharged and it can, hence, leak into the
groundwater or the soil. Collect the oil drops and intro-
duce these as well as any oil-contaminated cloths or the
like into proper disposal.

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 33

7.4 Recommendations regarding lubricating oil

Only the compressor oils released by us must be used in any case. Mixing
of different oil grades must be avoided at any rate.

7.4.1 Recommendation regarding mineral oils

Manufacturer: Oil grades as per DIN 51 506:

Shell AG Shell Corena P100

Exxon Mobil MOBIL OIL RARUS 427

7.4.2 Recommendation regarding synthetic oils

We especially point to the use of synthetic lubricating oils which entail ad-
vantages in their viscosity behaviour and with regard to the formation of
oil carbon compared with mineral lubricating oils according to DIN 51 506.

Manufacturer: Oil grade:

Exxon Mobil MOBIL OIL RARUS 827

FRAGOL GmbH Compressor oil ANDEROL 555

45481 Mülheim

7.5 Cleaning/ replacing the filter cartridge on the air

intake filter


1. Open air intake filter.

2. Remove cartridge.
3. Either:

• blow out cartridge (inside out) or

• replace cartridge.

34 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

4. Insert new/ cleaned cartridge.
5. Close air intake filter.

Every filter cartridge should only be blown out once and replaced upon the
next maintenance.

7.6 Cleaning the intercooler and the after-cooler

The cooling ribs of the flat tubular radiator as well as the tube intercoolers
and after-coolers have to be cleaned in case they are contaminated in or-
der to ensure a flawless cooling effect. Shut down the compressor first of
all and protect it against renewed switching on. Consider the warnings in
the section entitled MAINTENANCE on page 32.


• Blow through with compressed air.

• Wash out if required.

7.7 Replacing the fine filter cartridge

In the event of the optional equipment of the compressor with a fine filter,
the filter cartridge has to be replaced upon every maintenance (or every
2000 operating hours) as described below. Shut down the compressor and
protect it against switching on again before replacing the cartridge.


1. Unscrew screwed pipe connections to the relief valve.

2. Unscrew set screw of the locking thread on the upper part of the fil-
3. Loosen and unscrew filter housing.
4. Take out the Delrin retaining washer located under the setscrew.
5. Screw filter cartridge off the threaded rod.
6. Screw on new filter cartridge and tighten well manually.

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 35

7. Check O-ring in the filter lid for flawless state and replace if re-
8. Re-assemble the filter in reverse order and replace the retaining
washer with a new one in the process.

7.8 Valve inspection on all pressure stages

Every 2000 operating hours or upon every oil change!

7.8.1 Disassembly and installation of the valves

Disconnect the flanged connection and/ or screwed pipe connection of the

cooling pipes on the cylinder heads.

Unscrew cylinder head studs and/ or cylinder head cover studs and take
off cylinder heads and/ or head covers. Remove reed valves and/ or indi-
vidual valves, clean these if possible and check for damage or wear.

Residues of old gaskets on the cylinders, cylinder heads and valves have
to be removed cautiously without damaging the contact face.

If the valves are still free from wear and tear and undamaged, they can
be reused and re-installed with new gaskets. Worn or damaged valves
have to be renewed. Installation in reverse order.

We recommend that the valves be renewed in their entirety after 4000 h

for optimum reliability of operation. The cylinder and cylinder head gas-
kets have to be replaced upon every inspection.

36 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

7.8.2 Tightening moment

Type of screw MMax

M6 screw, quality 8.8 10 Nm

M6 screw, quality 10.9 14 Nm

M8 screw, quality 8.8 24 Nm

M8 screw, quality 10.9 32 Nm

M10 screw, quality 8.8 50 Nm

M10 screw, quality 10.9 70 Nm

M12 screw, quality 8.8 88 Nm

M12 screw, quality 10.9 120 Nm

M12 screw, quality 12.9 130 Nm

Central pressure screw conc. valve 200 Nm

Maximum tightening moments for cylinder head screws and connecting

rod screws

Information regarding quality, e.g. 8.8 and 10.9

See marking on the screw head for the determination

of the quality of the screw.

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 37

7.8.3 Concentric valve of the 3rd or 4th pressure stage,
disassembly and installation

Unscrew the screwed pipe connection on the inlet and outlet side on the
cylinder head, loosen and unscrew nut, SW,[width across flats] 55. Loosen
central pressure screw (width across flats 30) and unscrew by approx. 2
pitches. Unscrew 4 Allen screws on the cylinder head and take off cylinder

Remove concentric valve from the cylinder seat, clean and check for dam-
age. Replace valve in case damage is found.

Remove all old gaskets and clean seal faces before re-assembling
the valve.

Insert new gaskets. In this context, pay close attention to make sure that
the gaskets are inserted precisely into the circumferential slot on the cyl-
inder and on the central screw. For better fixing in the position, the Cu
sealing rings have to be “glued“ into the groves with a little grease.

After that, insert valve and cautiously place cylinder head with the mount-
ed central pressure screw on the cylinder and screw tight. Consider tight-
ening moment!

Afterwards, cautiously “position“ central pressure screw and screw tight

with a torque wrench (200 Nm).

In case the aluminium edge sealing ring on the outside of the central
screw is damaged, insert new ring.

Screw on cap nut (SW [width across flats] 55) and tighten carefully. After
that, tighten screwed pipe connection again.

7.9 Cleaning oil and water separator

The oil and water separator is maintenance free; however, it can be

opened and cleaned by rinsing with petroleum in case dirt has accumu-
lated. Do not use petrol.

38 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

To that end, the screwed pipe connections and screws have to be un-
screwed from the separator lid (see also operating instructions in the
manufacturer’s certificate regarding the separator).

Caution: Do not damage the seal faces. Replace O-rings before re-

7.10 Relief valves

Check and clean the relief valves upon every oil change or every 2000 op-
erating hours.

7.10.1 Disassembly of relief valves

Disconnect air or control air lines on the relief valves on the crankcase or
on the base of the separator.

Unscrew screws and remove relief valves from the crankcase and/ or from
the base of the separator.

Screw out screws and dismantle valves into their individual parts.

Check lip seals on the pistons for cleanness and damage, the same also
applies to the gaskets inserted on the face side of the pistons. If required,
renew parts.

Before assembly, grease pistons and lip seals with acid-free grease. Cover
gaskets and O-rings have to be replaced.

7.10.2 Solenoid valve (NO) or starting solenoid valve (NC) in case

of star-delta starting

In case of a defect on the solenoid valve, unscrew cap nut of the screwed
pipe connections and electric supply cables.

Note down cable connection and/ or terminal diagram.

Replace valve and fasten it again with the help of the screwed pipe con-

Re-connect the connecting cables in the right order.

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 39

7.11 Elastic coupling between electric motor and

Compressors with an electric motor greater than or equal to 7.5 KW are

usually equipped with an elastic coupling (exceptions: SV 500/40; SV

During every maintenance the elastic coupling has to be checked for cou-
pling clearance. To that end, “hold“ the axial fan on the compressor and
check whether any clearance is discernible by turning the motor shaft
(remove cover of the motor fan).

Replace coupling buffer in case coupling clearance has been ascertained.

The coupling buffers of the elastic coupling have to be replaced regularly,
however, at the latest every 10,000 operating hours in order to prevent
damage to the drive (as of SV 300/250).

7.12 Replacing piston rings/ cylinders

Indications for replacement: Very long running time / output is decreas-

ing. In this case, replace piston rings, if required entire pistons and the
appertaining cylinders. Consider placement of rings.

In case nothing to the contrary is specified, the following applies to piston
rings with the marking or designation“TOP“ on the ring joint: The “TOP“
marking has to point to the piston crown. Depending on the number of
rings, the ring joints should be arranged in a position offset from one an-
other by 90° to 120°. Lubricate cylinder, piston and rings well before as-

40 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

Please note:
Special rules regarding piston ring assembly apply with regard to diverse
types of compressors and/ or compressor stages.

In case pistons display signs of wear and tear, the entire pistons incl. the
piston rings have to be replaced.

7.13 Commissioning after maintenance

After maintenance has been carried out, the compressor has to be turned
manually and checked for smooth running. Check all screws and screwed
pipe connections unscrewed during maintenance for tight seat. Switch on
machine and allow to warm up for approx. 10 to 15 min. Check oil pres-
sure and pressures of the stages and compare these with the set values.
After that, switch off machine and tighten all screws and screwed pipe
connections once again.

Afterwards, the oil pressure switch has to be submitted to testing for

proper functioning. (see Function testing of the oil pressure switch on
page 28)

Leak testing (see Leak testing on page 46)

Recording the maintenance in the machine maintenance log

7.14 Maintenance log

In order to provide fast access to all the information regarding your com-
pressor to all those persons involved in maintaining and operating the
compressor, we urgently recommend that you also keep a maintenance

• Documentation of all maintenance measures

• Facilitating troubleshooting

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 41

7.15 Malfunctions (causes and remedying)

7.15.1 Decrease in pressure and output

• Leaks on the screwed pipe connections or flanged connections of the

cooling pipes, re-tighten screwed connections and screws and check
machine for tightness.

• Air intake filter contaminated, the flow of air taken in is curbed. Clean
or replace filter cartridge.

• Cylinder head gasket of the 1st pressure stage or the reed valve is
damaged. Check and replace defective parts.

• Air is blown off on the oil and water separator via the relieving line
while the compressor is running. Relief valves leaky. Unscrew locking
screw as well as screwed connection on the relief valves. If air is dis-
charged from the opened drill hole while the compressor is in opera-
tion, the piston with its gasket does not seal perfectly on the valve
seat. Check the corresponding valve and replace defective parts.

• Worn piston rings after a very long running time. Replace piston
rings. See list of spare parts for placement of piston rings.

7.15.2 Safety valve of one stage blows off

The cylinder head gasket or the suction and/ or pressure valve of the fol-
lowing pressure stage are damaged. Check and replace defective parts.

7.15.3 Air is blown off to the outside via the relieving line while
the machine is not running

(Air flows back to the compressor from the air pressure tank.) The non-
return valve or the pressure control valve is leaky on the compressed air
outlet. Gasket in the non-return valve, packing or O-ring of the pressure
control valve is defective. Replace defective interior parts or entire valve.

Attention! In case there is no shut-off valve between the compressor and

the pressure air tank, the pressure air tank has to be emptied before the
pressure control valve or the non-return valve is dismantled.
42 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm
7.15.4 Malfunction on pressure oil lubrication

• Oil pressure drops to below 1.8 - 2 bar so that the oil pressure switch
switches off the machine. Pressure oil lubrication is interrupted.

• Check oil level (lack of oil).

• Oil screen on the oil drain plug is contaminated. Dismantle, wash out
and blow out with compressed air. The oil has to be drained to that

7.15.5 Malfunction on the pressure control valve

Compressor does not reach the operating pressure set on the pressure
valve or the safety valve of the last pressure stage blows off.

• The adjustment of the valve has changed. The operating pressure can
be increased by turning down the pressure regulation hood (in a clock-
wise direction) or the operating pressure can be increased by turning
up the pressure regulating hood. After the desired operating pressure
has been set, the pressure regulation hood is secured against self-
adjustment by means of a locknut.

• If required, replace defective interior parts or the entire valve.

Attention! In case there is no shut-off valve between the compressor and

the pressure air tank, the pressure air tank has to be emptied before the
pressure control valve or the non-return valve can be dismantled.

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 43

7.15.6 Knocking of the compressor

Hard metallic knocks instead of the normal working sounds indicate a run-
ning clearance of the connecting rods on the crank pin of the crankshaft or
on the gudgeon pins of the pistons which is too big. Such a defect has to
be remedied by means of the installation of new connecting rods forth-


This section helps you to:

• assess whether the machine is in a flawless state,

• identify errors,
• take countermeasures in case of malfunctions.

8.1 Target-actual comparison

Your compressor documentation comprises an individual acceptance or

inspection record. This record can help you to compare individual machine
data established during operation of the machine with the original values.

8.2 Fault diagnosis

8.2.1 Tightness testing

Warning! Sudden generation of noise during operation

of the machine. Damage to hearing. Always wear hearing
protection in the area of the compressor.

Tightness testing aims at detecting leaks on the compressor. Testing

is effected as follows:

• in the switched-off state and

• under pressure

44 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

In order to be able to carry out this examination a situation has to be pre-
vented in which the compressor relieves after it is switched off. The com-
pressor cannot relieve in case the oil shut-off valve is closed.

1. Start the compressor and wait until it reaches nominal pressure.

2. Close the oil shut-off valve.

3. Switch off the compressor. The pressure readings on the manome-

ters of the stages remain approx. on the operating level

4. You can now start the leak test:

• Acoustically: Based on your hearing (To that end, only take off
your hearing protection for as long as is absolutely required and
make sure that the valve on the oil overpressure valve is closed at
all times throughout this period!)

• Visually: Leaks can be detected quickly and safely by covering all

pressurised components with suds or leak detector spray.

5. Open the oil shut-off valve again: The compressor relieves (wear
hearing protection!).

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 45


9.1 Standard delivery of compressors without


The compressors are delivered with oil filling. No additional measures are
required upon commissioning. Normally, the machines can be stored for
up to 6 months in this version and under adequate storage conditions.

9.2 Delivery of compressors with preservation

If a period of more than 6 months has to be expected to elapse between

the delivery of the compressor and the installation/ commissioning at the
operator’s facility and if this fact is already known upon the conclusion of
the contract, the compressors are supplied with internal preservation by
means of corrosion protection oil. In these cases, the lubricating oil is
supplied separately in a can. Before commissioning, the compressor has
to be filled with compressor oil at least up to the minimum marking on the
oil dipstick (see Oil level gauge / oil level eyes and/ or oil level dipstick on
page 14). After that, allow the compressor to warm up for approx. 20 to
30 minutes (rinsing run) and drain again. Afterwards, fill the compressor
with new compressor oil up to the maximum marking. Recommendations
regarding oil are provided in section 7.4.1 and in section 7.4.2 on page

46 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm


Compressor type:
SV 2000/80
Cooling air
Number of stages 4/3
Displaced volume l/min 2394
Piston - Ø mm 120 / 120 / 70 / 40
Stroke mm 72
Rpm U/min 1470
Output acc. to VDMA 4362 (±5%) l/min 1965
max. working overpressure bar 80
Oil quantity in sump Liter 14,5
Stored oil quantity between max.
Liter 11
and min. oil level
Stored oil quantity between max.
h 2000
and min. oil level sufficient for approx.
Operating range (standard) °C +5 to +40
Operating range (with heating) °C -20 to +40
Noise level
at 1 mtr. distance dB(A) 95
at 7 mtr. distance dB(A) 88
E-motor 30kW / 50cycles, B5, IP55
Power requirement kW 27
Weight kg 590
Length mm 1460
Width mm 1080
Height mm 1085

When driven by a 60 cycles motor the compressor output increases by

12%, the power demands by 15%.

Alterations in design subject to change!

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 47

10.1 Operating pressures and set points

Operating pressures [bar] bei 0,5bar

Compressor type Vordruck

1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage oil

SV 2000 / 80 ca. 5,2 ca. 17 ca. 80 ca. 4,0

Set points pressure switch /

Safety valve [bar]
Compressor Type
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage oil

SV 2000 / 80 >8 >25 >90 <1,8 - 2

Alterations in design subject to change!

48 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm


11.1 Spare part lists for maintenance service

Recommended spare parts for 2000, 4000, 6000 running hours and
also for complete overhaul and complete gasket set.
Order- Gasket 2000 4000 6000
Item- Description Revision
No. set 1) h h h
1/100 169118 silent blocks Ø 100x55 - - - - 3
2/34 157643 gasket ring R 1" 1 1 1 1 1
2/36 027871 gasket ring A 21x26 CU 1 1 1 1 1
2/62 072958 O-Ring 32x4 1 1 1 1 1
3/4 157740 retainer BA SL 32x56x10 1 - - 1 1
3/12 162429 retainer BA 70x100x10 1 - - 1 1
3/20 162449 coupling buffer - - - 10 10
4/2 162431 connecting rod 2. + 3. Stage - - - - 2
4/1 508622 connecting rod 1. Stage - - - - 2
4/5 502232 piston cpl. 1. Stage Ø 120 - - - - 2
4/7 511921 piston cpl. 3. Stage Ø 40/90 - - - - 1
4/10 031640 piston cpl. 2. Stage Ø 70 - - - 1 1
5/1 198332 gasket ring 142,47X3,53 2 - - 2 2
5/2 195517 cylinder 1. Stage Ø 120 - - - - 2
5/3 161554 cylinder gasket 2 2 2 2 2
5/4 510545 lamella valve 1. Stage - - 2 - 2
5/5 161555 cylinder head gasket 2 2 2 2 2
5/6 161556 cylinder head gasket 2 2 2 2 2
5/12 529421 filter cartridge - 2 2 2 2
6/1 198332 Di-Ri-Quad 142,47X3,53 1 - - 1 1
6/2 511063 cylinder 2. Stage Ø 70 - - - - 1
6/3 168850 cylinder gasket 1 1 1 1 1
6/4 511859 lamella valve 2. Stage - - 1 - 1
6/5 168848 cylinder head gasket 1 1 1 1 1
6/6 168849 cylinder head gasket 1 1 1 1 1
7/1 198332 Di-Ri-Quad 142,47X3,53 1 - - 1 1
7/2 161141 cylinder 2. Stage Ø 90 - - - - 1
7/3 073598 O-Ring 90x3 1 - - 1 1
7/5 193247 cylinder 3. Stage Ø 40 - - - - 1
7/8 168847 cylinder gasket 1 1 1 1 1
7/9 503218 lamella valve 3. Stage - - 1 - 1
7/16 197465 cylinder gasket 1 1 1 1 1
8/3 162242 gasket flange 3 3 3 3 3
11/4 167109 fan wheel cpl. - - - - 1

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 49

Order- Gasket 2000 4000 6000
Item- Description Revision
No. set 1) h h h
12/13 030848 USIT-Ring UA 16x10x1,5 - 3 3 3 3

12/28 072737 O-Ring 10x3 4 4 4 4 4

discharge valve piston cpl.
12 177257 - 1 1 1 -
3. stage
12/24 029505 cover gasket 1 1 1 1 1
discharge valve piston cpl.
12 177258 - 1 1 1 -
2. stage
discharge valve piston cpl.
12 177258 - 1 1 1 -
1. stage
12/14 096679 cover gasket 1 1 1 1 1

12/4 162059 oil pressure switch - - - - 1

12/7 072940 O-Ring 32x2,5 1 1 1 1 1

12/15 158267 O-Ring 12x3 1 1 1 1 1

12/3 096709 discharge valve cpl. 3. stage - - - - 1

12/2 096610 discharge valve cpl. 2. stage - - - - 1

12/1 162414 discharge valve cpl. 1. stage - - - - 1

13/4 168025 solenoid valve 220 V - - - - 1

13/4 175125 solenoid valve 24 V - - - - 1
13/6 168024 silencer - - - - 1
non-return valve RHV 22-
14/9 169048 - - - 1 1
14/35 162423 O-Ring 60x2,5 4 4 4 4 4
15/2 168808 safety valve 3. stage, 90 bar - - - - 1
15/3 034444 safety valve 2. stage, 25 bar - - - 1 1
15/4 034347 safety valve 1. stage, 8 bar - - - 1 1
1) 511886 gasket set cpl. SV 2000/80

2) In case of high decrease of delivery rate a revision of the compressor

will be necessary and diverse parts of revision set have to be exchanged.

50 J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm

J.A. Becker & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG Neckarsulm 51
11.2 Pictures and spare part lists

SV 2000 / 80
Pos. Benennung description

1 Verzeichnis der Bildtafeln index of pictures

2 Kurbelgehaeuse crank case
3 Kurbelwelle crankshaft
4 Kolben und Pleuel piston and connecting rod
5 Zylinder, kpl. 1.Stufe cylinder, compl. 1st. stage
6 Zylinder, kpl. 2.Stufe cylinder, compl. 2nd. Stage
7 Zylinder, kpl. 3.Stufe cylinder, compl. 3rd. stage
8 - 10 Kuehlung cooling
11 Luefterrad und Radschutz fan wheel and gear wheel guard for axial fan
12 Entlastungsventile, kpl. discharge valve, compl.
13 Anlaufentlastung für Stern-Dreieck-Anlauf discharge valve for star-delta start
14 Oel- und Wasserabscheider, kpl. oil and water separator, compl.
15 Sicherheitsventile und Druckwaechter safety valves and pressure switches
16 Temperaturueberwachung temperature control
17 Temperaturanzeige 1. - 3. Stufe temperature display 1st. - 3rd. Stage
18 Kompressor - Heizung compressor heating
Elasto-Rundelement D50 x 40 - 40SH, 3 Stueck flexible mount D50 x 40 - 40SH, 3 pieces
Bestell-Nr. 077976, order-no. 077976
Schraube M10 x 16, 3 Stueck screw M10 x 16, 3 pieces
Bestell-Nr. 002607 order-no. 002607
Spannscheibe D10, 3 Stueck spring washer D10, 3 pieces
Bestell-Nr. 094463 order-no. 094463
2 crank case SV 2000 / 80
Pos. Benennung description
1 69370 Verschraubung GE 6-LLR 2 fitting GE 6-LLR
2 016829 Rohr 6 x 3 1 tube 6 x 3
3 156604 Deckeldichtung 1 cover gasket
4 502138 Gehaeusedeckel 1 housing cover
5 094463 Spannscheibe D10 2 spring washer D10
6 080772 Mutter M12 2 nut M 10
7 076333 Schraube M12 x 45 6 screw M12 x 45
8 094471 Spannscheibe D12 6 spring washer D12
9 080764 Mutter M12 6 nut M12
10 162441 Schraube M8 x 100 4 screw M8 x 100
11 094455 Spannscheibe D8 6 spring washer D8
12 005550 Mutter M8 6 nut M8
13 001384 Schraube M6 x 30 4 screw M6 x 30
14 094447 Spannscheibe D6 4 spring washer D6
15 007420 Sicherrungsring 70 x 2,5 1 guard ring 70 x 2,5
16 139424 Anlaufscheibe 1 thrust washer
17 156396 Pumpendeckel 1 pump cover
18 073644 O-Ring 90 x 3 1 O-ring 90 x 3
19 001104 Schraube R1/2" 1 screw R1/2"
20 071145 Dichtkantenring R1/2" 1 fitting gasket ring R1/2"
21 088668 Schraube R1/4" 1 screw R1/4"
22 001074 Schraube R1/8" 1 screw R1/8”
23 027820 Dichtring A 14 x 18 Cu 1 gasket ring A 14 x 18 Cu
24 001155 Schraube R1/4" 1 screw R1/4"
25 095699 Einstellschraube 1 adjusting screw
26 156531 Ventilkegel 1 valve cone
27 096164 Druckfeder 1 valve spring
28 150010 Ventilgehause 1 valve housing
29 001074 Schraube R1/8" 1 screw R1/8”
30 001090 Schraube R1/2" 1 screw R1/2"
31 027863 Dichtring A 17 x 21 Cu 1 gasket ring A 17 x 21 Cu
32 148784 Ventilspindel kpl. 1 valve spindle cpl.
33 72702 O-Ring 8 x 2 1 O-ring 8 x 2
34 157643 Dichtkantenring R1" 1 gasket ring R1”
35 138835 Siebzylinder-Filter 1 Strainer
36 027871 Dichtring A 21 x 26 Cu 1 gasket ring A 21 x 26 Cu
37 196509 Kugelhahn R1/2" 1 ball valve R1/2"
38 160883 Dichtring A 20 x 25 Cu 1 gasket ring A 20 x 25 Cu
39 096172 Schraube M20 x 1,5 1 screw M20 x 1,5
40 080764 Mutter M12 20 nut M12
41 094471 Spannscheibe D12 20 spring washer D12
42 139491 Schraube M12 x 30 16 screw M12 x 30
43 008257 Typenschild 1 type plate
44 5398 Kerbnagel 2 x 4 4 notched nail 2 x 4
45 167225 Kurbelgehaeuse 1 crank case
46 167587 Kupplungsgehaeuse 1 coupling housing
47 172002 Schraube M8 x 70 2 ccrew M8 x 70
48 162442 Schraube M16 x 35 4 ccrew M16 x 35
49 007064 Federring A 16 8 lock washer A 16
50 005614 Mutter M16 8 nut M16
51 167899 Schraube M12 x 35 4 screw M12 x 35
52 001473 Schraube M8 x 16 2 screw M8 x 16
53 027766 Dichtring A8 x 11,5 Cu 2 gasket ring A8 x 11,5 Cu
54 167766 Schraube M16 x 50 4 screw M16 x 50
55 000760 Ringschraube M16 1 ring screw M16
56 068888 Verschraubung EVT 8-PLR 1 fitting EVT 8-PLR
57 032751 Tecalan Rohr 8 x 5 2 tecalan tube 8 x 5
58 010154 Tecalan Einsteckhuelse 8 x 5 4 tecalan bush 8 x 5
60 501065 Kurbelgehaeuseentlueftung 1 crank case bleeding
61 162270 Oelkontrollstab mit Dichtung 1 oil dipstick
62 072958 O-Ring 32 x 4 1 O-ring 32 x 4
63 146692 Schraube M10 x 20 2 screw M10 x 20
3 crankshaft SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity
1 001511 Schraube M8 x 30 1 screw M8 x 30
2 094455 Spannscheibe D8 1 spring washer D8
3 089893 Scheibe 1 washer
4 157740 Wellendichtring BA SL 32 x 56 x 10 1 radial shaft seal BA SL 32 x 56 x 10
5 164575 Oelpumpe 1 oil pump
6 169041 Zylinderrollenlager 1 cylinder roller bearing
7 168697 Kurbelwelle 1 crankshaft
8 169038 Gegengewicht 1 counter balance
9 001694 Schraube M10 x 50 4 screw M10 x 50
10 94463 Spannscheibe D10 4 spring washer D10
11 163251 Gegengewicht 1 counter balance
12 162429 Wellendichtring BA 70 x 100 x 10 1 shaft sealing ring BA 70 x 100 x 10
13 162430 Zylinderrollenlager 1 cylinder roller bearing
14 162428 Passfeder 16 x 10 x 50 1 feather key 16 x 10 x 50
15 001074 Verschlussschraube R1/8" 1 locking screw R1/8"
16 007544 Passfeder 8 x 7 x 28 1 feather key 8 x 7 x 28
17 005029 Schraube M8 x 20 1 screw M8 x 20
18 168700 Kupplungshaelfte 1 coupling half
19 162447 Zylinderkerbstift A 12 x 70 10 grooved cylindrical pin
20 162449 Kupplungs-Puffer 10 coupling buffer
21 162448 Scheibe 10 disc
22 007196 Sicherungsring 12 x 1 10 locking ring
23 162265 Schwungrad 1 fly wheel
24 162445 Scheibe 1 disc
25 007064 Federring A16 1 spring washer A16
26 083321 Schraube M16 x 45 1 screw M16 x 45
Kolben und Pleuel
4 piston and connecting rod
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 508622 Pleuel kpl., verstärkt 2 connecting rod cpl., added

2 162431 Pleuel kpl. 2 connecting rod cpl.
3 502229 Kolbenring M 120 x 110 x 3 3 piston ring M 120 x 110 x 3
4 502230 Kolbenring G 120 x 110 x 5 1 piston ring G 120 x 110 x 5
5 502232 Kolben kpl. 120 2 piston cpl. 120
6 500422 Kolbenring M 40 x 36,6 x 2 6 piston ring M 40 x 36,6 x 2
7 511921 Kolben kpl. 40/90 1 piston cpl. 40/90
8 043303 Kolbenring M 70 x x 2,5 3 piston ring M 70 x x 2,5
9 043664 Kolbenring G 70 x x4 1 piston ring G 70 x x4

10 031640 Kolben kpl. 70 1 piston cpl. 70

Zylinder, kpl. 1. Stufe
5 cylinder, compl. 1st. Stage
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity
1 198332 Quad-Ring 142,47 x 3,53 2 quad-ring 142,47 x 3,53
2 195517 Zylinder D120 5 cylinder D120
3 161554 Zylinderdichtung 2 cylinder gasket
4 510545 Lammellenventil 2 lamella valve
5 161555 Zylinderkopfdichtung 2 cylinder head gasket
6 161556 Zylinderkopfdichtung 2 cylinder head gasket
7 165252 Zylinderkopf 2 cylinder head
8 162434 Schraube M10x140 12 screw M10x140
9 094463 Spannscheibe 12 spring washer
10 510099 Ansaugrohr mit Flansch 2 suction tube with bead
11 529816 Filter 2 filter
12 529421 Filterpatrone 2 filter cartridge
13 082970 Verschraubung GE 12-L/R1/4 2 fitting GE 12-L/R1/4
14 157295 Einsteckhülse 12/8 2 insert sleeve 12/8
15 032778 Tecalan-Rohr 12/8 2 tecalan tube 12/8
Zylinder, kpl. 2. Stufe
6 cylinder, compl. 2nd. Stage
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 198332 Quad-Ring 142,47 x 3,53 1 quad-ring 142,47 x 3,53

2 511063 Zylinder D70 1 cylinder D70
3 168850 Zylinderdichtung 1 cylinder gasket
4 511859 Lamellenventil 1 lamella valve
5 168848 Zylinderkopfdichtung 1 cylinder head gasket
6 168849 Zylinderkopfdichtung 1 cylinder head gasket
7 168678 Zylinderkopfdichtung 1 cylinder head
8 160250 Schraube M10 x 120 6 screw M10 x 120
9 094463 Spannscheibe 6 spring washer
10 069191 Verschraubung EVW 28-LR 2 fitting EVW 28-LR
11 167057 Verschraubung evL 28-L 1 fitting evL 28-L
Zylinder, kpl. 3. Stufe
7 cylinder, compl. 3rd. Stage
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 198332 Quad-Ring 142,47 x 3,53 1 quad-ring 142,47 x 3,53

2 161141 Führungszylinder D90 1 cylinder D90
3 073598 O-Ring 90 x 3 1 O-ring 90 x 3
4 004294 Schraube M10 x 30 6 screw M10 x 30
5 193247 Zylinder D40 1 cylinder D40
6 094463 Spannscheibe 6 spring washer
7 080772 Mutter M10 6 nut M10
8 168847 Zylinderdichtung 1 cylinder gasket
9 503218 Lamellenventil 1 lamella valve
10 169034 Verschraubung K 28-L 1 fitting K 28-L
11 068020 Rohrstutzen R1" x 28 1 tube socket R1" x 28
12 162438 Schraube M8 x 120 6 screw M8 x 120
13 094455 Spannscheibe 6 spring washer
14 069191 Verschraubung EVW 28-LR 1 fitting EVW 28-LR
15 168680 Zylinderkopf 1 cylinder head
16 197465 Zylinderkopfdichtung 1 cylinder head gasket
17 070190 Reduzierstutzen L 28-22 2 reducing fitting L 28-22
18 069159 Verschraubung evW 22-L 1 fitting evW 22-L
8 cooling
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity
1 161877 Kühler 1. Stufe 1 cooler 1st stage
2 168844 Kühlrohr 1. Stufe 1 cooling tube 1st stage
3 162242 Flanschdichtung 3 flange gasket
4 002496 Schraube M8 x 30 4 screw M8 x 30
5 094455 Spannscheibe 12 spring washer
6 002488 Schraube M8 x 25 4 screw M8 x 25
7 001163 Verschlussschraube R3/8“ 2 locking screw R3/8
8 027863 Dichtring 17 x 21 x 1,5 Cu 2 gasket ring 17 x 21 x 1,5 Cu
9 001180 Verschlussschraube R1/2 2 locking screw R1/2
10 027871 Dichtring 21 x 26 x 1,5 Cu 2 gasket ring 21 x 26 x 1,5 Cu
11 173595 Dichtring 42,7 x 53 x 3 1 gasket ring 42,7 x 53 x 3
12 095877 Verschlussschraube R1“ 1/4 1 locking screw R1“ 1/4
13 069647 Verschraubung GE 28-LR 2 fitting Ge 28-LR
14 071102 Verstaerkungshuelse VSH 28 x 2 - Ms 6 bush VSH 28 x 2 - Ms
15 025070 Rohr 28 x 2 1 tube 28 x 2
16 069191 Verschraubung Evw 28-LR 2 fitting Evw 28-LR
17 503258 Zyklonfilter 1 cyclone filter
18 070610 Verschraubung WE 8-LLR 1 fitting WE 8-LLR
19 157155 Distanzrohr 2 distance tube
20 162721 Kühler 2. Stufe 1 cooler 2nd stage
21 069655 Verschraubung GE 28-LR / Stoß 1 fitting Ge 28-LR / joint
22 002666 Schraube M10 x 35 4 screw M10 x 35
23 094463 Spannscheibe 4 spring washer
9 cooling
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 168832 Kuehlrohrhalter 3. Stufe 1 cooling tube mount 3rd stage

2 168833 Kuehlrohrhalter 2. + 3. Stufe 2 cooling tube mount 2nd + 3rd stage
3 169517 Strebe 1 rod
4 168837 Befestigungsplatte 5 fastening plate
5 104884 Schraube M10 x 60 10 screw M10 x 60
6 168837 Distanzrohr 10 distance tube
7 001732 Schraube M10 x 90 1 screw M10 x 90
8 001643 Schraube M10 x 25 15 screw M10 x 25
9 094463 Spannscheibe 22 spring washer
10 169035 Befestigungsschelle D22 / 25 35 fastening clamp
11 001635 Schraube M10 x 20 3 screw M10 x 20
12 080772 Mutter M10 2 nut
10 cooling
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 164912 Rohr 22 x 2 Cu 1 tube 22 x 2 Cu

2 069302 Verschraubung G 22-L 4 fitting G 22-L
3 169541 Verstaerkungshuelse VSH 28 x 2 - Ms 12 bush VSH 28 x 2 - Ms
4 025070 Rohr 28 x 2 Cu 1 tube 28 x 2 Cu

5 071102 Verstaerkungshuelse VSH 28 x 2 - Ms 2 bush VSH 28 x 2 - Ms

Luefterrad und Radschutz
11 fan wheel and gear wheel guard for axial fan
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 168839 Haube 1 fan wheel hood

2 002445 Schraube M8 x 16 10 screw M8 x 16
3 094455 Spannscheibe D8 10 spring washer D8
4 167109 Luefterrad kpl. - Linkslauf 1 axial fan cpl. - counterwise rotation
5 008311 Drehrichtungsschild 1 rotaiting direction label
6 005398 Kerbnagel 2 x 4 2 groove pin
Entlastungsventile, kpl.
12 discharge valve, compl.
SV 2000 / 80
Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order- quantity

1 162414 Entlastungsventil kpl. 1 discharge valve cpl.

2 096610 Entlastungsventil kpl. 1 discharge valve cpl.
3 096709 Entlastungsventil kpl. 2 discharge valve cpl.
4 162059 Öldruckwächter Typ 0180 1 pressure switch type 0180
5 027820 Dichtring 14x18 Cu 1 gasket ring 14x18 Cu
6 161871 Deckel 1 housing cover
7 072940 O-Ring 32x2,5 1 O-ring 32x2,5
8 096210 Lippendichtring 32x24x7x6 2 lip sealing ring 32x24x7x6
9 129933 Ventilkolben 2 piston cpl.
10 071382 Lippendichtring 16x10x5x4,5 4 lip sealing ring 16x10x5x4,5
11 037397 Feder 2 spring
12 162257 Gehäuse 1 casing
13 030848 USIT-Ring 16x10x1,5 4 gasket ring 16x10x1,5 USIT
14 064254 Ventilsitz 4 valve seat
15 158267 O-Ring 12x3 1 O-ring 12x3
16 038997 Manometer 63D 0-10 bar 1 pressure gauge 63D 0-10 bar
17 026760 Dichtring 1 gasket ring
18 106860 Red-Stutzen 1/8x1/4 1 reducing socket
19 175110 Dichtring 1 gasket ring
20 096660 Deckel 1 casing cover
21 096679 Deckeldichtung 1 cover gasket
22 096687 Gehäuse 1 casing
23 062081 Deckel 1 casing cover
24 029505 Deckeldichtung 1 cover gasket
25 071439 Lippendichtring 25x15x5x4,5 1 lip sealing ring 25x15x5x4,5
26 062219 Ventilkolben 1 valve piston
27 096717 Gehäuse 1 casing
28 072737 O-Ring 10x3 6 O-ring 10x3
Anlaufentlastung für Stern-Dreieck-Anlauf
13 Discharge valve for Star-Delta Start
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 068462 Reduzierstueck R1" x R3/4" 1 reducing socket R1" x R3/4"

2 069612 Verschraubung GE 22-LR 2 fitting GE 22-LR
3 164912 Rohr 22 x 2 Cu 1 tube 22 x 2 Cu
4 168025 2/2 Wege Magnetventil 230V / 50Hz 1 solenoid valve 230V / 50Hz
5 068012 Rohrstutzen R3/4" 1 tube socket R3/4"
6 168024 Schalldaempfer 1 silencer
7 027960 Dichtring A 33 x 39 1 gasket ring A 33 x 39
8 166511 Rohrstutzen R1" IG x 22 1 tube socket R1" IG x 22
9 162311 Verschraubung WSV 22-L 1 fitting WSV 22-L
10 002461 Schraube M8 x 20 2 screw M8 x 20
11 094455 Spannscheibe D8 2 spring washer D8
12 169292 Halter 1 mount
13 006505 Scheibe A31 2 washer A31
14 024996 Rohr 10 x 1,5 Cu 1 tube 10 x 1,5 Cu
15 069477 Verschraubung GE 10-PLR 1 fitting GE 10-PLR
16 068250 Reduzierstueck R1/2" x 1/4" 1 reducing socket R1/2" x 1/4"
Oel- und Wasserabscheider, kpl.
14 oil and water separator, compl. SV 2000 / 80
Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order- quantity
1 168825 Luftleitrohr 3. Stufe 1 air pipe 3rd stage
2 168826 Luftleitrohr 2. Stufe 1 air pipe 2nd stage
3 093270 Verschraubung 1 fitting SWVE 6-PLR A2
4 039063 Manometer 2. Stufe 0 - 60 bar 1 gauge 2nd stage - 0-60 bar
5 039055 Manometer 3. Stufe 0 - 100 bar 1 gauge 3rd stage - 0-100 bar
6 027782 Dichtring A 10 x 13,5 Cu 3 gasket ring A 10 x 13,5 Cu
7 106860 Anschlussstueck R1/4” x R1/8” Ms 3 connecting piece R1/4” x R1/8” Ms
8 026760 Dichtring R1/4 “ Cu 3 Gasket ring R1/4“ Cu
9 169048 Rueckschlagventil RHV 22-PLR ED 1 non-return valve RHV 22-PLR ED
10 168824 Abscheiderdeckel 1 separator cover
11 162420 Mutter NF M 16 6 nut NF M 16
12 082198 Typenschild 1 type plate
13 005401 Kerbnagel 2 x 6 2 notched nail 2 x 6
14 005428 Kerbnagel 3 x 6 1 notched nail 3 x 8
15 068020 Rohrstutzen R1” x 28 1 tube union R1” x 28
16 169542 Verschlusskegel VKA 28 1 male connecting nipple VKA 28
17 169034 Verschraubung K 28-L 1 fitting K 28-L
18 070190 Reduzierstutzen L 28-22 2 reducing piece L 28-22
19 069101 Verschraubung EVW 28-LR 1 fitting EVW 28-LR
20 069655 Verschraubung GE 28-LR 1 fitting GE 28-LR
21 168827 Schraube M16 x 615 6 screw M 16 x 615
22 162260 Abscheidersockel 1 separator body
23 088668 Schraube R1/4" 2 screw R1/4”
24 096814 Dichtring A 5,5 x 8 Cu 1 gasket ring A 5,5 x 8 Cu
25 002194 Schraube M5 x 10 1 screw M5 x 10
26 038997 Manometer 1. Stufe 0 - 10 bar 1 gauge 1st stage 0 - 10 bar
27 069191 Verschraubung EVW 28-LR 1 fitting EVW 28-LR
28 162269 Anschlagschraube R 3/8" 1 stop screw R3/8”
29 027863 Dichtring A 17 x 21 1 gasket ring A 17 x 21
30 071242 Kugel D12 1 ball D12
31 109240 Reduzierstutzen L 10-6 1 reducing piece L 10-6
32 069043 Verschraubung evW 10-O 1 fitting evW 10-O
33 068705 Verschraubung EVL 10-PLR 1 fitting EVL 10-PLR
34 069051 Verschraubung EVW 10 PLR 1 fitting EVW 10 PLR
35 162423 O-Ring 60 x 2,5 4 O-ring 60 x 2,5
36 168828 Abscheidergehaeuse 2 separator housing
37 168830 Halter für Abscheider 1 clamp for separator
38 002666 Schraube M10 x 35 6 screw M10 x 35 DIN 933- 8.8 A2A
39 094463 Spannscheibe D10 6 spring washer D10
40 167900 Unterlage 2 Base

10-14 Abscheider, nackt 1 seperator, nacked
Sicherheitsventile und Druckwaechter
15 SV 2000 / 80
safety valves and pressure switches

Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 027871 Dichtring A21 x 26 3 gasket ring A21 x 26

2 168808 Sicherheitsventil 3. Stufe 90 bar 1 safty valve 3. stage 90 bar

3 034444 Sicherheitsventil 2. Stufe 25 bar 1 safty valve 2. stage 25 bar

4 034347 Sicherheitsventil 1. Stufe 8 bar 1 safty valve 1. stage 8 bar

1-4 511874 Sicherheitsventile, kpl. SV 2000 / 80 1 safty valve, cpl. SV 2000 / 80

16 temperature control
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 169294 Halter 1 support

2 094455 Spanscheibe D8 2 spring washer D8
3 002461 Schraube M8 x 20 2 screw M8 x 20
4 162608 Fernthermometer 2 gauge
5 005398 Kerbnagel 2 x 4 4 groove pin
6 008265 Schild "Oel" 1 plate " Oel"
7 008290 Schild "3. Stufe" 1 plate "3rd. stage"
8 071137 Dichtkantenring 1 fitting gasket ring
9 169054 Einschraubteil für Messsonde 1 screw for sensor
10 027863 Dichtring A 17 x 21 Cu 2 gasketring A 17 x 21 Cu
11 168852 Anschlussstueck für Messsonde 1 connecter for sensor

1-11 169296 Temperaturueberwachung 1 Temperature display

Temperaturanzeige 1. - 3. Stufe
17 Temperature display 1st. - 3rd. Stage
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity
1 008273 Schild "1. Stufe" 1 plate "1st. stage"
2 008290 Schild "3. Stufe" 1 plate "3rd. stage"
3 002461 Schraube M8 x 20 3 screw M8 x 20
4 094455 Spannscheibe D8 3 spring washer D8
5 Fernthermometer 5 gauge
6 169800 Halter 1 support
7 005398 Kerbnagel 2 x 4 10 groove pin 2 x 4
8 Schild "3. Stufe Abscheider" 1 plate "3rd. stage seperator"
9 008281 Schild "2. Stufe" 1 plate "2nd. stage"
10 008273 Schild "1. Stufe" 1 plate "1st. stage"
11 168852 Anschlussstueck für Messsonde 3 connecter for sensor
12 027863 Dichtring A 17 x 21 Cu 3 gasket ring A 17 x 21 Cu

1-12 Temperaturanzeige, kpl. 3 temperature display, cpl.

18 compressor heating
SV 2000 / 80
Best.-Nr. Stück
Pos. Benennung description
order-No. quantity

1 103489 Heizpatrone 2 heating cartridge

2 161682 Thermostat 2 thermostat

3 / Klemgehaeuse 1 clamping case

1-3 170544 Kompressorheizung, kpl. SV 2000 / 80 1 compressor heating, cpl. SV 2000 / 80

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