U-Next: Opera Duo Georadar Data Acquisition SW v. 1.0

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User manual

Opera Duo Georadar Data acquisition SW v. 1.0

MNG/2017/006 Rev 1.0



1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 APPLICATION FIELD............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 TRADEMARKS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3 THE SOFTWARE MENU ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 MAIN MENU .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 New Project ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
4 NEW ASSISTED PROJECT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Open Project .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
4.3 Settings ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
5 IDS GEOMAP GUIDE...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.1 THE EXPORT TO IDSGEOMAP COMMAND..........................................................................................................................................................................34
5.2 IDS_GCAD_XYZ APPLICATION .............................................................................................................................................................................................34
6 PRELIMINARY JOBSITE INVESTIGATION........................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
6.1 JOBSITE FEATURES ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................40
6.2 TECHNICAL MAPS ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................40
6.3 OPENING MANHOLES .........................................................................................................................................................................................................41

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7 FIELD WORKING PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42

7.1 UTILITIES MAPPING USING A POSITIONING .......................................................................................................................................................................42
7.2 UTILITIES MAPPING WITHOUT A POSITIONING SYSTEM....................................................................................................................................................42
8 IDS GEORADAR ON-LINE ASSISTANCE .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
8.1 DOWNLOAD AREA ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................44
8.2 REMOTE ASSISTANCE USING WEBEX SUPPORT CENTER ....................................................................................................................................................44
APPENDIX A POSITIONING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 48
APPENDIX B DISCLAIMER .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
APPENDIX C CONTACTS INFO............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51

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NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association

1 INTRODUCTION CORS: Continuously Operating Reference Station
UHF: Ultra High Frequency
This manual explains how to use U-Next software in all its parts, both GSM: Global System for Mobile communications
during data acquisition and data review phases. WMS: Web Map Service

1.2 APPLICATION FIELD DXF: Digital eXchange Format

U-Next software is dedicated to the radar detection and mapping of KML: Keyhole Markup Language
underground utilities; it can drive and control the following the Opera Duo GIS: Geographic Information System
IDS GeoRadar system.
1.3 TRADEMARKS Raw data: unprocessed data obtained during a field survey.
Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 are owned by the Microsoft
Corporation. Maps: graphics showing the change in received radar signal with
Google is owned by Google Inc. respect to the scanning direction.
Zeno Connect is owned by Leica AG. Survey: the name given to a collection of acquisitions, which
together cover all the areas of a large investigation: typically an
entire town or a large urban area.
Scan: a single movement of the antenna trolley from the beginning
RADAR: RAdio Detection And Ranging
to the end of a pre-established path.
USB: Universal Serial Bus
GPR: Ground Penetrating Radar Setup: initialization of a piece of equipment or a software process.

HDOP: Horizontal Dilution Of Precision Encoder: a distance measurement device which constantly signals
RTK: Real Time Kinematic the distance travelled from the start of the scan back to the Control
LAN: Local Area Network
GPS: Global Positioning System Transmitter: part of the antenna dedicated to emitting the radar
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System signals.

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Receiver: part of the antenna dedicated to detecting the radar


Utilities: the objects the Detector Duo searches for, i.e. pipes
supplying gas and water, electricity cables, etc.

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 Ethernet port
U-Next software manages the acquisition and storage of data acquired with
the Opera Duo radar systems.


The only requirement to use U-Next software is about performance of
Usually IDS GeoRadar furnishes its instrumentations with laptop Panasonic
FZ-G1 (Fig. 1), but users are free to choose other type of personal
computer which has, at least, the following system requirements:
 Processor: i3 1.7 GHz
 RAM: 1 GB
 Graphic adapter compatible with Open GL 2 or newer
 Operative system: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Fig. 1 - Panasonic FZ G1

 Ethernet port
However, for an optimal performance we recommend the following Prior to the software installation the user should be sure that the
requirements: drivers of the graphic adapter are updated to the latest version.
 Processor: i5 1.7 GHz For example for Intel graphic adapter those steps can be followed:

 RAM: 2GB
1. Connect the laptop to internet (the user should set the IP
 Graphic adapter compatible with Open GL 2 or newer address to dynamic for this operation);
 Screen resolution: 1024 X 786 2. Open an internet browser and go to
 Operative system: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 3. Install the updated drivers;
 Hard disk: 40 GB shock proof 4. Change again the IP address to the original one.

 Serial port RE 232 (only used with the GPS or the Total Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of the graphic drivers
Station) from the Intel website. Otherwise please find for the updated version of the
drivers using on the web and install them manually on your laptop.
 USB port

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Prior to the software installation the user must be sure that the graphic
adapter drivers are updated. To install the software the user has to launch
U-Next-x.x.x.exe file (where x.x.x is the version number) and follow the
screen’s instruction.
Click a single time with right mouse button on U-Next installer and choose
the option Run as administrator (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2 - U-Next Software Installation

In the first window, Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010, select the first option and Fig. 3 - Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010
continue by pressing Next (Fig. 3).

This opens the new window named One Vision Setup. Click Next (Fig. 4).

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Fig. 4 - One Vision installation setup

Fig. 5 -License agreement

Accept the License Agreement shown in Fig. 5 by clicking I Agree.

Choose the folder where you want to install the new software and
click Install to continue the installation process (Fig. 6).

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Fig. 6 - Choose destination folder Fig. 7 - Installation process

When the green bar reaches the right side, the installation process
The process begins when the green bar starts to load, as shown in has ended and the window shown in Fig. 8 opens.
Fig. 7.

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Fig. 8 - Software installation is completed Fig. 9 - Main Menu

Click on Finish button. Now U-Next is installed on your computer. At the first start of the software, the Menu icons are all greyed out as the
If you leave a tick on Run U-Next 01.00, automatically a new U-Next software should first be activated. To do this, press on the Help
window with Main Menu of U-Next, as the one in Fig. 9, opens. button; a window, as the one shown in Fig. 10, shall appear highlighting the
Status “Unregistered”. The User should now copy the Product ID number
indicated here, and forward it to the Customer Care e-mail address
([email protected]). In answer to this request, the user shall
receive a license file that should be pasted into the installation folder of U-
Next (by default this is installed at the following directory C:\Program Files
(x86)\IDSGeoRadar\uNext). As this file is correctly copied, the Status of the

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software shall turn to Registered and now all the icons shall now be active
and usable, as in Fig. 11.

Fig. 10 - "About" window of the Help Menu

Fig. 11 - The main Menu after software activation

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The U-Next main menu contains 5 commands:
1. New Project
2. New Assisted Project
3. Open Project
4. Settings
5. Exit
Fig. 12 - Software version number and contact information
In the Menu bar at the top of the screen the user can select the following
1. File:
3.2 New Project
- New Project: select this button when you work Clicking the New Project button in the main menu (Fig. 11), the software
acquiring a radar scan without using a base line and/or calibrates the radar and in Fig. 13 is shown when the calibration is
using GPS; completed.
- New Assisted Project: this command gives the
opportunity to draw a Reference Line and acquire
radar maps following a grid;
- Open Project: to review radar scans;
- Exit: to quit the software. Fig. 13 - Radar calibration completion
2. Options:

- Settings: from this button the user can modify

Survey, Hardware and International Settings. If the radar fails to calibrate (Fig. 14), the user should check if the LAN cable
3. Help: is properly connected to the laptop and the DAD is turned on; if the
problem persists contact the IDS GeoRadar customer care.
- About U-Next reports software version number and
IDS GeoRadar Customer Care contact as visible in Fig. 12.

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If one of the channels is not working, a calibration error (Fig. 14) appears, IMPORTANT NOTE: it is important to remember that, if the tomography
indicating the failing channel. map command is used after a dataset with GPS/TPS has been collected,
acquisition lines must be marked as either Transversal or Longitudinal,
during the acquisition phase, so that the software may correctly run the
interpolation process as per above explanation. Failing to do so may lead to
unwanted effects in the Map View tomography imaging.

Fig. 14 - Calibration error

After the calibration, the acquisition main window automatically opens (Fig.

15). The upper toolbar (5) is collapsible by using the button and the
target (4) as well acquisition commands (3) windows, can be re-positioned
and/or re-sized by the user, within the main window. Also, the command

allows visualizing the tomography map, being this rendered after the
interpolation of the single acquisition lines. The radar signal amplitude
value interpolation, works by performing the interpolation process itself on
both the transversal and the longitudinal acquisition lines, separately first;
then the interpolation process is carried out merging the amplitude
interpolated values of both the transversal and longitudinal acquisition

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2. Area map and radargrams

3. Acquisition commands
4. Target commands
5. Acquisition menu
6. System status
7. Map visualization buttons

3.2.1 Map layer List

The user can load one or more maps from a saved file or from the internet
to visualize the scan lines and the targets on them.

To load a raster map use the button; the type of file format that can
be loaded are .tif, .tiff. Be sure to load a map containing the area you are
currently scanning.

To load a vector map use the button; the type of file format that can
be loaded are .shp, .kml, .dxf.
The user can also select in which Spatial Reference System will be the input
of geographical projection (Fig. 16):

Fig. 15 - Acquisition main window (“A”, general View; “B”, detail of the
Tomography View on the Area Map Window)

The main window (Fig. 15) is composed by the following sections:

1. Map layer list Fig. 16 - Select Coordinate Reference System

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3.2.2 Area map and radargram

To load maps from internet use the button; the layers that can be This section is divided into 3 parts:
uploaded are shown in Fig. 17. 1. Area map
2. 700 MHz radargram (Shallow)
3. 250 MHz radargram (Deep) Area map

This map shows the loaded map layers, a compass , the scan
trajectory and the inserted targets (Fig. 18). The current position of the

radar is represented as a yellow icon .

Fig. 17 - Downloadable map layers

Each layer can be removed from the list using the button, turned off

by clicking the button and made more transparent using the slider

The layers are visualized in the Area map.

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Fig. 19 - Radargram

Fig. 18 - Area map

If the map is too long for it to be displayed at the selected zoom level, the
user can scroll it using the blue bar below it (see Fig. 19); the scrolling is
synchronized between the two radar maps.
The user can zoom to the entire extent of the scan with the button The same zoom commands can be found in the Area map section; the zoom
is synchronized between the two radar maps; in addition the user can
and zoom in/out with the button.
adjust the contrast of each map with the command. 700 and 250 MHz Radargrams
This map shows the two radargrams in real time, complete with horizontal
scale (distance travelled) and vertical scale (depth), see Fig. 19. In the lower
part of the map the last propagation velocity select is shown, if no
propagation velocity is been set, than the software shall use the one (10
cm/ns) set by default.

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3.2.3 Acquisition Commands 3.2.4 Target Commands

Before starting any acquisition, the user can chose the scan direction (Push
To insert a marker click the button and then click directly on the
or Pull) using the button, in order to push or pull the radar (shortcut anomaly seen on the radargram: this opens the Place/Modify Target
F2). window. The list of the targets inserted, is visible in the Target Commands

To start an acquisition, click the button; after that the button

changes into the button that needs to be clicked to stop and save window (4) .
the acquisition. At the same way to Start and Stop the acquisition the User
can press shortcut F1.
During the first scan, the software uses a very short part of the radar scan To delete a marker click the button then select the marker to be
(about half a meter) to evaluate soil characteristics and to calculate the deleted using the mouse.
best graphic settings for the visualization of radargrams. Following this, the
software continuously adjusts those settings.
To modify an existing marker click the button then select the marker
If a sudden change in the soil condition is encountered, the software won’t to be edited on the radargram; this opens the Place/Modify Target
be able to adjust the graphic settings properly. The user should click the window.

button to reset the map filtering based on the acquired data. Note
If the Spray Support is installed and connected, the user can click the
that, by doing this, any previous calibration data shall be lost (Fig. 20).
button to mark the target on the ground (Fig. 21) or press F5.

Fig. 20 - Re-calibration warning

Fig. 21 - Marker Spray

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THE SOFTWARE MENU Place/Modify Target Window

This window opens after a marker has been placed on the radargram using

the button, or a marker is selected to be modified using the

button. In the left part of this window (Fig. 22) the user can edit the
inserted marker, defining:
 Target type (Fig. 23);
 Name: a list of the previous inserted targets is available. A
default name is proposed based on the selected target
 Colour: default colour is defined according to the target
 Notes.
If two markers are inserted using the same name, the software connects
them with a line in the map, forming a so-called “Target”.
The details of the target (position, depth, swath number and channel
number) can also be seen in this window, the first two parameters can be
modified to refine the target positioning.
A special note as to be done in relation to the target defined as “EML” in Fig. 22 - Place/Modify Target window
Fig. 23. It is possible including a target in the radar map which has been
detected by using an external Electromagnetic Cable detector and not with
the Georadar itself. No Cable detector/EML device is included in the Opera
Duo/U-Next bundle.

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Fig. 23 - Target type

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The right part of the Place/Modify Target window is used for the
propagation velocity estimation: the user can superimpose the red By clicking the button, the Create Report window opens.
hyperbola on the radargram using the slider below the map or modifying
one of the three values below the slider (Fig. 24). All these parameters are
bound by a relationship. At the same time the user can modify dielectric With the button, the grid on the radargrams can be turned on and
constant or expected depth in order to find the best propagation velocity. off.

The button can be used to delete the last acquired scan (Fig. 25).

Fig. 24 - Propagation velocity, expected depth and dielectric constant


Fig. 25 - Delete last scan

With the button the user can reset the propagation velocity to the
last confirmed value.

The user can click the button to access the Settings menu; please
note that the settings window during a project is only for the visualization,
On the right of the radargram the zoom buttons , and
to change the settings the user must access the window using the main
, can be found.
To confirm the insertion of the marker click the OK button, otherwise click
To stop the current Project and go back to the main menu click the
3.2.5 Acquisition Menu button.
This bar contains a series of buttons to manage various functions.

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THE SOFTWARE MENU Create Report In the Header section the Company and Operator name and the Date/Time
In the Create Report window the user can manage the options for the can be inserted; the user can also insert a Logo to be printed in the report,
survey report generation (Fig. 26). clicking in the upper right section of the window.

In the lower left part of the window additional notes can be entered, as
well as the acquisition date and time.

The lower right part of the window can be used to include (or remove)
additional figures, as well as related captions (see Fig. 27).

Fig. 26 - Create Report

Fig. 27 - Add Figure to Report

In the Report Type section the user can choose to create a Planimetry
Report (formed by target maps and tables) or Data Analysis Report (formed Click Save to generate the report, select Preview to visualize it before
by radar maps with inserted targets), the user can also switch between saving or Cancel to avoid saving the report.
different Paper sizes (A3 or A4), Planimetry scales (from 1:50 to 1:1000) and 3.2.6 System Status
Output types (PDF or HTML).

In the Survey Description section the user can see the Survey name, and The status of the radar , the GPS , and the battery
can insert the Project name and the job Location. can be checked in this section.
The user can verify the status of the system by clicking on one of these
buttons (Fig. 28).

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If the number of satellites seen by the GPS is low the window in Fig. 29will 3.2.7 Map visualization menu
be shown.

The user can turn on and off the Area map , the “shallow” channel

and the “deep” channel .

Shortcut Associated command

Press F1 Start and Stop acquisition
Press F2 Push or Pull the radar
Press F3 Start wheel calibration
Press F5 Mark the target
Fig. 28 - Status details Tab. 1 - Shortcut to use during the acquisition

Fig. 29 - Low number of satellites

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4 NEW ASSISTED PROJECT When the grid is complete the user should click to begin

4.1.1 Assisted Project Setup

the acquisition, or to go back to the main menu.
When the Assisted Project button is clicked in the main menu (Fig. 11), the
software opens the Assisted Project Setup window (Fig. 30); here the user
must setup the measurement grid. Area Map
This section contains the loaded map layers and the grid sketch
superimposed on each other.

3 The user can zoom to the entire extent of the grid with the button

2 2
and zoom in/out with the button.

To draw the grid reference line the user must click and then click on
the map to place two or more points (Fig. 31).
Fig. 30 - Assisted Project Setup 2

The Setup window is composed by the following parts:

1. Map layers list

2. Area map
3. Reference Line commands
4. Grid Settings

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The reference line can be modified if the button

is clicked again.
The user can delete the reference line with the

Selecting one of the points of the reference line the user can change the
distance from the previous point and the angle relative to the previous
segment of the line (Fig. 32).

Fig. 31 - Reference Line

Fig. 32 - Reference Line point setup

To pan the map click the button, then click and drag the mouse. Grid Settings
In this section the user can change the dimension and the step of the grid in Reference Line Command the transversal (T) and longitudinal (L) directions. There is also the option to
When the drawing of the reference line is finished, the user can click flip the grid 180°. The total number of scans needed to complete the survey
is also shown here (Fig. 33).

. The T axis is the starting point of the transversal scans while the L axis is the
starting point of the longitudinal scans.

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(with respect to the expected starting point of that line). Another thing that
can be modified in this window is the scan direction (Forward or Backward).
The radar picture is interactive, green arrows can be clicked to modify the
values of the in-line and lateral displacements. The radar icon on the Map is
positioned on the pre-defined grid according to the parameters set in this

Fig. 33 - Grid dimension

The grid can be deleted using the button.

4.1.2 Assisted Project Acquisition Window

The Acquisition window is the same as the one explained at paragraph 3.2
Fig. 15, but has two new available commands.

The button allows the user visualizing the Tomography map. This
map is obtained by the interpolation of the single acquisition lines.
Fig. 34 - Starting Point Editor
Clicking opens the Starting Point Editor window, from which the
user can modify the starting position of the next scan with respect to the
defined grid. This function is available before starting a scan. 4.2 Open Project
The Open Project button in the main menu (Fig. 11) is used to open an Starting Point Editor existing project select the .xml file found inside the survey folder, this
From this window the user can modify the Starting Point of the scan (with opens the Review Acquisition window (Fig. 35).
respect to the 0 point of the grid) and the Displacement of the selected line

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4.2.2 Review Acquisition Menu

This bar contains the commands to manage various software functions.

The , , and functions are explained earlier in par


The and the functions are also described in paragraph 3.2.

By clicking the button the user can resume the saved Survey and
proceed with data acquisition (for example, for completion with missing

With the command the targets are exported to external files in one
of the following formats:
1. IDS Geomap
2. ESRI Shapefile;
Fig. 35 - Review Acquisition Window
3. AutoDesk DXF;
4. OpenGIS KML.
The Review Acquisition window is composed by the following parts:
The user can also select in which Spatial Reference System will be the
1. Area map and radargrams output of geographical projection (Fig. 36):
2. Target Commands
3. Map visualization buttons
4. Review Acquisition menu

4.2.1 Target Commands

These commands are the same as the ones explained in 3.2, except the

button is not present.

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4.3 Settings
The Settings menu, is accessible using the Settings button of the main
menu (Fig. 11), is subdivided in three tabs:
1. Survey Settings
2. Hardware Settings
3. Graphics Settings
4. International Settings

4.3.1 Survey Settings

In the Survey Settings menu the user can (Fig. 37):
1. Modify the project name and saving folder;
2. Turn on and off the GPS and access the Positioning
3. Unable Zeno Connect option: this option allows the User
Fig. 36 - Coordinate Reference System activating a direct connection between U-Next 1.0 and
LeicaTM Zeno Connect software to manage LeicaTM GG03
GPS unit.

Using the Scroll menu , the user can

switch between the various scans.

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In the COM Port Settings the user must insert the same value used for the
setting of the GPS or the TS (refer to the GPS/TS user manual).

Access to

Fig. 37 - Survey settings

With the button the user can go back to the initial settings. Positioning Settings Fig. 38 - COM Port Settings

The Positioning Settings menu contains two tabs:
1. COM Port Settings (Fig. 38)
In the Positioning System menu the User can select for the use of the GPS
2. Positioning System (Fig. 39)
or the Total Station, and also contains a Status section displaying the
In addition, the status of the GPS or the Total Station (TS) and the incoming following information:
NMEA strings can be found in the same window.

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1. Satellites (only for acquisition with GPS): indicates the number It should be noticed that an “Assisted Project” cannot be ran with a
of satellites from which the GPS is receiving data, for a good Positioning system (GPS or TS) activated. In this case, a warning message
signal at least 5 satellites are required. like the one shown in Fig. 40shall pop up.
2. HDOP (only for acquisition with GPS): Horizontal Dilution of
Precision, the lower this number is, the better accuracy is
achieved; for a good positioning this value should be no greater
than 2.
3. Fix (only for acquisition with GPS): indicates the Real Time
Kinematic status, the value can be GPS Fix (without RTK) or RTK
Fix (with RTK); if the value is RTK Float it means that the
connection with the base station is lost.

Fig. 40 - Warning message of positioning system with Assisted Project

acquisition type

Also, if no positioning data is flowing between the GNSS receiver and U-

Next, the Error message shown in Fig. 41 shall pop up.

Fig. 41 - GPS Acquisition error

Fig. 39 - Positioning System menu

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NEW ASSISTED PROJECT Zeno Connect 4.3.2 Hardware Settings

LeicaTM Zeno Connect software manages the GG03 positioning unit and The Hardware Settings menu (Fig. 43) is used for:
allows sharing information about positioning between U-Next 1.0 and Zeno
1. Modifying the radar depth range (in ns);
Connect. U-Next automatically sets positioning parameters to correctly
receive GNSS data on a virtual serial port. 2. Modify the number of samples per scan;
The procedure to activate the connection between U-Next and Zeno 3. Modify the performance of the instrument, choosing for a
Connect is as follows: higher maximum speed or a greater penetration;
 Start Zeno Connect and select GG03 GPS unit (Fig. 42). 4. Selecting the scan step (please note that changing the scan
 Start U-Next and open the Settings menu. step will result in a different hyperbola shape);
 Activate the positioning button and press the Zeno
Connect tool. 5. Calibrate the encoder with the button.

Fig. 42 - Start Zeno Connect through the tool indicated by the red circle

U-Next shall guide the user to the setting of Zeno Connect, enabling to the
following functions:
 Check if Zeno Connect (and the Leica GG03 antenna) is
running correctly.
 Verify that the serial setting of the Leica GG03 system is
consistent with Opera Duo setting.
 Checking the positioning settings including RTK, update
frequency, NMEA output.

Note: LeicaTM Zeno Connect software needs a separate procedure to be

installed into the laptop where U-Next is running. Please refer to the
LeicaTM Zeno Connect user’s manual for the details.

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The user must click Calibrate (Shortcut F3) to start the wheel calibration,

see Fig. 44, and then click the Start button in the encoder calibration

Fig. 44 - Calibration start

Fig. 43 - Hardware Settings

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Fig. 45 - Encoder calibration Fig. 46 - Calibration phase

Once enough distance is travelled the green bar will be completely filled
and the word “Done!” will be displayed; at this point the user must click the

Stop button (Fig. 46), write the travelled distance and click the OK
button, see Fig. 47.

Fig. 47 - Calibration finished

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In the last row of the Fig. 43 you may read the new spatial resolution value
(i.e. 0.00310 m).
To be sure that the measured distance is right the user should repeat the
calibration every 30 days.

4.3.3 Graphic Settings

In the Graphic Settings tab the user can choose between various colour
palettes for the radar maps (Fig. 48).

Fig. 48 - Graphics Settings

4.3.4 International Settings

The international Settings menu allows the user to choose the language,
the measurement system and units (Fig. 49). Fig. 49 - International Settings

The available units of measurement for distance are meters, feet and yards;
for depth the user can choose between meters, centimetres, inches or feet.

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5 IDS GEOMAP GUIDE 2. Press Load from radar export , the fifth button of the
The main function of this IDS GEOMAP module is it enables you to Ids_gcad_xyz toolbar. The data will be automatically
export data (Inserted scans and targets) to AutoCAD. The Full represented on the drawing and georeferenced with respect
Versions of AutoCAD compatible with the One Vision are: 2010- to the present GPS system of the hardware used.
2011-2012-2013-2014-2015 -2016. All AutoCAD versions require
Windows 7 or 8 (32 bits or 64 bits) platform.
3. Current project allows you to manage more than one
project on the same CAD design. The procedure is:
It is possible to export the entire inserted target to AutoCAD in by clicking  Repeat step 1 & 2 for each new project you want to export
into CAD (remember that One Vision creates a different ASCII
file for each project inside its directory). Choose the current
the Save button , on One Vision software. project among the ones contained in the list.
4. Once you have selected the project, click the Objects
creation button from the Ids_gcad_xyz toolbar (fourth
Once the AutoCAD application is launched by clicking the icon, and button). This button opens the New object window where
AutoCAD opens, you will see the Ids_gcad_xyz toolbar, Fig. 50 you can choose between a: Point, Line/Pipe, Cover, Box or a
appear in the AutoCAD workspace. Solid.

5. Make Section allows you to automatically obtain

schematic longitudinal, traversal, horizontal and diagonal
sections of the cartography imported from the Data Base.
Fig. 50 - Ids_gcad_xyz toolbar Activating this button opens the window in Fig. 51, in which
you can decide which section to perform. To create a section
you need to edit the following fields:
 Section name: insert the name of the section
1. To Open an export target file in AutoCAD, select the  Vertical Limits: insert the min & max depth of the
first button of the Ids_gcad_xyz toolbar and choose the vertical section
folder where the DataExport.dat file is contained, then press
 Grid : insert the X-step & Y-step of your reference grid
 Vertical Scale Factor: select the scale relation in vertical

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After having completed the setting phase, press Create - choose where to place the new section in the AutoCAD
Section (Fig. 51). workspace. In this workspace you can visualize the
name of the section, intersected targets, grid step,
length and the depth of the section.

Fig. 52 shows a NE – SW oriented section that intersects 3

East – West oriented targets, while the image after this (Fig.
53) shows an XY map with all targets located in the area.

Fig. 51 - Dialog window parameter section parameters Fig. 52 - A-A Section across three horizontal targets

To create a new section you have to:

- in the Main Window, use the left mouse button to
select two or more points;
- stop the selection by pressing the right mouse button;

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8. Shade 3D Objects automatically executes a

“rendering” of all the 3D elements in the AutoCAD file, see
Fig. 54.

Fig. 54 - 3D View with rendering activated

Fig. 53 - XY representations of targets
9. Unshade 3D Objects allows you to view the 3D
6. Dress Pipe allows you to “dress” the pipes, creating elements in the so-called “iron wire” view (Fig. 55).
the vectors of a cylinder around the pipe axis. This type of
viewing gives the pipe a so-called “iron wire” look. After
activating Dress pipe, the curser becomes a small square
which you use to select the pipes to “dress”.

7. Undress Pipe allows you to “undress” the pipes,

highlighting the pipe axis. This command allows you to
reduce the pipe to a poly-line, and may be modified using
normal AutoCAD tools.

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Fig. 55 - 3D View in iron wire mode

10. Layout Manager activates the dialog in Fig. 56 that

manages the creation of the various printing Layouts.

Fig. 56 - Layout Manager window

In this dialog, you can select the following fields:

 Select Paper Size (from A0 sheet to A4 sheet);
 Define Output Scale;
 Click on Insert Frame;

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 On the main window select one or more frames to

represent in the final layouts (left click once for each If you wish to cancel a layout, you must repeat the insertion using
frame; right click to end the process); Make All Layouts, in this case the warning message shown in Fig.
58 will appear, if you press Yes, you accept the creation of new
 Press the Make all Layouts button (to create various printing layouts).
printing layouts, which will substitute the ones previously
 Select the Visible frames when closing check box: this displays printing created.
borders in the AutoCAD design.

Chosen Targets information


Fig. 58 - Frame creation confirmation window

Project information
11. Object Information transforms the AutoCAD cursor
into a white square; you can click on the desired item and the
dialog in Fig. 59 will appear. This shows all the general
information regarding the Project and Zone and regarding
information about the selected object, for example, type of
plot “R-PIPE” and the name “PIPE-01”.
Fig. 57 - Example of Layout

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Fig. 59 - Information dialog box

From here you can edit the following fields:

 Color: you can press Select Color to choose the color you
want to associate to the selected element from the
AutoCAD palette.
 Diameter of Pipe: change pipe diameter.
 Step for Pipe Depth Text: select the distance interval of
the fields associated to each pipe (red rectangle in Fig.
59). In this way you can weakly read the depth at which
the target can be found with respect to the reference
surface (XY Plane).

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Technical maps of the existing utilities are produced by the various utilities
6.1 JOBSITE FEATURES These give general indications in a schematic way about the type
The first fundamental phase for any field survey consists in understanding and position of the utilities that are managed and/or have been
the features of the jobsite: the scope is to acquire all the necessary constructed by them.
information for the logistics of the operation, taking into account the These maps can be requested by contacting the cartographic or
objectives to be performed. planning office of the companies, specifying clearly the streets and
In the specific case of a GPR investigation for underground utilities areas of interest.
detection, the first thing to consider is the accessibility of the site, in terms The most important types of utilities (which may be managed by
of the space available for the passage of the GPR equipment and any different agencies) to be considered are:
architectural features that could cause an obstacle to the data acquisition
phase. Often, in fact, the investigation is performed in streets, squares and  Public Street Lighting
on pavements with a relatively high level of urban traffic, and above all, in  Low, Medium and High Voltage Electricity Cables
the presence of randomly parked cars.
 Water supply
The main points to be considered during this phase are described below:
 Gas
 Specific permission must be obtained (access to pedestrian
zones, permission to interrupt the traffic flow, etc.);  Telephone Cables

 Any difficulties in accessing the site must be considered;  Sewers

 The space available; Even though they may be very generic, these maps represent an
important support during the extraction and data interpretation
 The presence of parked cars; phases, since they give you a first idea, if not an exhaustive one, of
 The level of traffic. the utilities that are present.

You must take all these points into consideration when planning For this reason, it is important that you activate the procedures for
the survey. obtaining these maps well in advance to make sure that they are
available during the data extraction phase.

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This phase is normally performed once the acquisition phase has been
completed, and consists in opening the manholes present in the
investigated site.
The data regarding the depth, diameter, and direction of the utility should
be saved on the work sheet: this provides you with further reference data
during the interpretation phase, and allows propagation velocity estimates
to be performed in order to calculate the depth of the identified utility as
precisely as possible.

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8. Start the acquisition and start moving;

7 FIELD WORKING PROCEDURE 9. When a target is found stop and insert it estimating the
Prior to departure to the jobsite be sure that the laptop and radar batteries correct depth;
are fully charged. 10. If a Spray support is present go back on top of the target
Upon arrival at the jobsite mount the system and connect all cables, mount and mark it on the ground;
the eventual GPS/TS system and verify if it is acquiring data. 11. When a line is finished stop the acquisition and position the
For a correct acquisition follow the instruction in the following paragraphs. instrument at the start of a new line;

For the GPS and TPS requirements please read APPENDIX A – 12. Repeat the steps from 8 to 11 until the entire area is
POSITIONING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. covered; after concluding, save the Survey report and exit
the acquisition phase.
13. The Acquisition can be reviewed using the Open Project
7.1 UTILITIES MAPPING USING A POSITIONING 14. The data can be also exported to IDS Geomap for editing in
If a GPS is present a georeferenced map of the targets can be created, AutoCad.
following these steps:
1. Turn on the laptop;
2. Start up the U-Next software;
If the purpose of the job is to obtain a map, but a GPS is not available, the
3. Connect and configure the GPS using the Settings menu; user must setup an acquisition grid following these steps:
4. Click on the New Project button because a grid is not 1. Turn on the laptop;
required in this situation;
2. Start up the U-Next software;
5. After the radar calibration check the radar, GPS and battery
status; 3. Click on the New Assisted Project button ;

6. If an internet connection or a cartographic file is available, 4. If an internet connection or a cartographic file is available,
the user can download a map layer to be underlayed with the user can download a map layer to be underlayed with
the scan lines and targets; the scan lines and targets);

7. Choose the movement mode, pulling or pushing the 5. Setup the acquisition grid;
instrument and position the instrument at the start of a line 6. After the radar calibration check the radar and battery
to be scanned; status;

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7. Choose the movement mode, pulling or pushing the

8. Position the instrument on the first line to be scanned,
select a new line in case the one suggested by the software
is to be skipped; the starting position and movement
direction can also be modified;
9. Start the acquisition and start moving;
10. When a target is found stop and insert it estimating the
correct depth;
11. If a Spray support is present go back on top of the target
and mark it on the ground;
12. When a line is finished, stop the acquisition and position
the instrument at the start of a new line. The user can
modify the starting point and movement direction or select
a different line;
13. Repeat the steps from 7 to 10 until the entire grid is
covered; after concluding, save the Survey report and exit
the acquisition phase.
14. The Acquisition can be reviewed using the Open Project
15. The data can be also exported to IDS Geomap to be edited
in AutoCad.

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The request will be handled by the Customer Care of IDS GeoRadar; the
user will receive an email with its credentials to access the download area.
8 IDS GEORADAR ON-LINE ASSISTANCE Credentials shall be entered at the webpage of the IDS GeoRadar Customer
Area to be found at the link https://www.idscorporation.com/idsgeoradar-
8.1 DOWNLOAD AREA login (Fig. 61)
The Georadar section of the IDS GeoRadar website has a download area
accessible from the customer to get the latest update of software, manuals,
guides and other useful tools.
To do this the first step is to fill the registration form, accessible from
https://www.idscorporation.com/idsgeoradar-Login (Fig. 60).

Fig. 61 - Customer Care Login area


The Webex Support Center is a service that allows the activation of a two
host session, making your application or your desktop available to another
user or letting you capture another remote desktop.
It can be used to perform web conferences and presentations, and is easy
to use thanks to a simple and intuitive interface.
Since there are no firewalls or other types of network configurations, it is a
fast and secure means of reaching any client host in any part of the world.
In fact, you only need to accept to download a small plugin used to permit
the service authentication and functioning.

Fig. 60 - Registration form

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You will receive an email from IDS GeoRadar Customer Care containing a
link to the support session (Fig. 62).

Fig. 63 - Client data insertion form

Clicking Submit, the following page appears showing a downloading

bar. The session starts as soon as the download is complete (Fig.

Fig. 62 - IDS GeoRadar email sent to the client

Clicking on the link in the email, the following window appears.

Insert your user data into the form (Fig. 63).

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Fig. 65 - Welcome to Webex Support Center window

Fig. 64 - Webex Set up window

At this point, IDS GeoRadar Customer Care can perform a range of

As shown in the following screen (Fig. 65), you are given a console, operations on your desktop:
containing the Chat, Video and Leave Session commands.
 Request control of your desktop using the Request Control
 Give you control of the IDS GeoRadar customer care
desktop using the Share Control command;
 Request to view your desktop using Request View;
 Share the visualization of the IDS GeoRadar customer care
desktop using Share View.

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Before each command is activated, you are asked for confirmation

through the window shown in Fig. 66.

Fig. 66 - Command acceptance window

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1. During bright sunny days, make sure that the TS correctly

APPENDIX A POSITIONING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS tracked the prism: sometimes it may happen that the TS
GPS Requirements: recognize other reflective objects, as the prism.
2. The prism, mounted onto the Systems support, may not be
1. Dual frequency (L1+L2); perfectly vertical hence affecting the precision of the Total
2. Positioning update minimum 5 Hz; Station.
3. Once the GPR data acquisition is started through U-Next,
3. RTK: connection to a base station via radio link (UHF or GSM) or
waiting for a few second before moving the system so that the
connection to a Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS)
Total Station can correctly associate the position to the GPR
via internet;
4. NMEA output; 4. Once the GPR data acquisition is stopped in U-Next, waiting for
5. Serial cable (RS232) is required, alternatively the GPS can be a few seconds before stopping the Total Station positioning
connected to the laptop via Bluetooth. system.

Total Station Requirements:

1. Robotic Total Station

2. Motorized
3. Automatic Target Recognition (ATR)
4. Positioning update greater than 5 Hz
5. Range >1000 m (with prism)
6. Angular accuracy: <3”
7. Measure synchronization: angles measure and distance measure
have to be synchronized; maximum permitted latency must be less
than 2 ms.
8. WiFi/Bluetooth controller is required.
9. Serial port (RS-232) on the controller is required
10. Formatted output strings, pseudo NMEA output (Northing and
Easting coordinates expressed in meters) is required.

For an optimized use of TS with the GPR, the user should note the

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IDS GeoRadar harmless against any liability (including

APPENDIX B DISCLAIMER attorney’s fees) for non-compliance with the terms of this
 That no operation or use of the IBIS products shall be started
DISCLAIMER before its designated Operator/s has got the IBIS User
Generals. Certificate, as defined by IDS GeoRadar specific procedure
i. The present Disclaimer applies to all products (the “Products”) which the Buyer confirms to know and accept.
designed, produced and distributed by IDS GeoRadar srl its Subsidiaries, iv. For Products which include specific “Operational” software with
Affiliated and authorized Distributors. IDS GeoRadar reserves full automatic data processing and analysis “Tools”, i.e. the IBIS Products,
ownership and intellectual property rights of any “Information” User shall be aware that the results provided by these “Tools” may be
contained in this Disclaimer including Trade Marks and Graphics. No not error free. User that completely relies on the outcomes provided by
part of this Disclaimer may be used or reproduced in any forms without these Tools only, does it at his own risk.
the prior written agreement of IDS GeoRadar. v. In no event IDS GeoRadar shall be liable for special, direct, indirect,
ii. In the event that any provision of this Disclaimer may be invalid, incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages including, but
unlawful or incapable of being enforced by a rule of law, all other not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, caused by the use of the
provisions shall, nonetheless, remain in full force and effect. Failure to Products, either separately or in combination with other products or
either enforce or exercise any right, privilege, or legal remedy at any relied upon the results provided by the above “Tools”.
time, any provision contained in this Disclaimer, shall not be deemed a
waiver of such provisions or right, remedy, or privilege. Disclaimer for the “Use” of the Products.
iii. This Disclaimer shall be interpreted, governed, construed and enforced i. The User shall follow the instructions provided by IDS GeoRadar in its
in accordance with the laws of Italy. Buyer hereby consents to the official “Reference Documentation” for the Product, in particular the
exclusive jurisdiction of Pisa User’s Technical Manual which contains all the specific steps and
recommendations for a correct setting-up and use of the Product.
Initial Precautions for Setting-up and Use of the Products. ii. In no event IDS GeoRadar shall be liable for special, direct, indirect,
i. The Buyer, for setting-up and using the purchased Products, shall consult incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages including, but
the official documentation provided by IDS GeoRadar for the Products not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, caused by the missed or
(“Reference Documentation”) and carefully ascertain the compliance incomplete observance of the instructions and prescriptions for the use of
with national laws and requirements, which may limit or even forbid the Products, either separately or in combination with other products, in
their use. particular for the following main aspects:
ii. For Products which shall operate by circulation in Public Areas/Roads, a. Use of IDS GeoRadar Products outside its limitation of use,
with or without moving traffic, Buyer/User shall verify the approval of without proper and adequate scientific/technical knowledge or
local authority and/or site’s owner according to their specific procedures. without specific training.
IDS GeoRadar shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, b. Use of results/outcomes of the measurements performed by the
incidental or consequential damages or injuries, including without Product aimed to safety aspects without using adequate control
limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, resulting by un-authorized use of procedures and assessment by skilled personnel.
the Products in Public Areas/Roads. c. Opening of the Equipment (for HW Products) without express
iii. For IBIS Products Family, Buyer/User warrants: written authorization of IDS GeoRadar.
d. Unauthorized changes and additions to the Products.
 That these Products are not being used, in the design,
e. Use of the Products connected to suspected non-working
development, production or use of chemical, biological, nuclear
equipment or with equipment (mainly PC) having
ballistic weapons. Buyer/ User will defend, indemnify and hold

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characteristics non in compliance with the required incidental or consequential damages or injuries caused by such reliance
specifications of IDS GeoRadar on not expressly authorized by or for the use of IBIS Products by operator not holding an “IBIS User
IDS GeoRadar. Certificate” issued by IDS GeoRadar. Any Buyer or User that completely
f. Poor or faulty operation of the electrical and telecommunication relies on information obtained from the automated data
networks not directly managed by IDS GeoRadar or its processing/analysis tools only does so at his own risk and possible
delegates. damages caused to IBIS products during operations performed by not-
g. Poor or faulty operation Software/Hardware of the third parties certified operators are not covered by the applicable Warranty Terms in
connected with IDS GeoRadar Equipment. force.
h. Poor or faulty operation of the Products due to Software Virus
which infected the Products after their delivery.
i. Use of the Products which have encountered suspected
manumissions, accidents, electrostatic shocks, flashes, fire,
earthquake, flooding or other natural disasters or unexpected
j. Use or storage of the Products outside the limits of the
“Operational Temperature Range” specified by IDS GeoRadar.

Disclaimer for the “IBIS Family” Products.

i. IBIS Products include specific “Operational” software with automatic

data processing and analysis which may give outcomes/results for
helping User in the monitoring of “the stability conditions” of a specific
ii. Nevertheless, IDS GeoRadar has the obligation to remind the Users that
the performance of IBIS might be influenced by two main factors which
may distort its outcomes, thus giving rise to false or missing alarms:
a. The parameters introduced by the operator/s.
b. The particular environmental conditions: (even though the radar
technology employed by IBIS is deemed among the most
reliable for the monitoring of “instable slopes).
iii. Therefore, when IBIS Products are used in “Critical Monitoring for
safety purposes” applications, like real time monitoring of unstable
slopes including Opencast Mining, User must be aware that the “the
assessment of the stability conditions of the observed targets” must be
tasked to skilled and certified operator/s able to understand data supplied
by either IBIS or other equipment employed to such purpose; only
operators officially trained and regularly updated by IDS GeoRadar
(holding an “IBIS User Certificate” thereof) are allowed to use IBIS
iv. IDS GeoRadar assumes no liability for any direct, indirect special,

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IDS Georadar s.r.l.

Via Enrica Calabresi, 20 - Loc. Montacchiello
Tel: +39.050.3124.501Fax: +39.050.3124.205

Customer Care department:

[email protected]
Tel.: +39.050.3124.356/458

Sales & Marketing department:

[email protected]
Tel.: +39.050.3124.352/350/373/374

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