Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) Syllabus

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Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) Syllabus


Preliminary Examination Syllabus

JPSC Priliminary examination includes two papers i.e. General Studies & Jharkhand specific
General Studies

General studies paper includes the following subjects:

History of India: Ancient India ; Medieval India and Modern India

Geography of India: General Geography; Physical Geography ; Economic Geography
and Social & Demographic Geography.
Economic and Sustainable Development: Basic features; Sustainable Development
and Economic issues.
Indian Polity and Governance: Constitution of India; Public Administration and Good
Governance; Decentralization: Panchayats & Municipalities
General Science; Technology & IT; Agriculture
National & International Current Events
Jharkhand Specific Questions (General Awareness of its History, Society, Culture &
Miscellaneous questions of general nature.

General Studies Paper-II (Jharkhand specific includes:

History of Jharkhand
Jharkhand movement
The specific identity of Jharkhand
Jharkhand: Literature and Literary people
Jharkhand: People and Literature; dance; music; instruments tourist places; tribal
Jharkhand: major educational institutions
Jharkhand: Sports
Jharkhand: Land related Laws/Acts
Jharkhand: Industries and resources

Jharkhand: Disaster Management
Jharkhand Miscellaneous

Main Examination Syllabus

Paper 1: General Hindi and General English(Qualifying)
The paper 1 will have 2 sections:
Both the sections will have equal weightage i.e. 50 marks each. The purpose of
the paper is to test the working knowledge of the candidates in the above 2
languages. The level of both sections will be of metric standards.
As per the JPSC exam pattern, the paper will broadly test the candidate on the
Paper 2 (Language and Literature)
Candidates have to choose from one of the following languages and literature:
1. Oriya Language and Literature
2. Bengali Language and Literature
3. Urdu Language and Literature
4. Sanskrit Language and Literature
5. English Language and Literature
6. Hindi Language and Literature
7. Santhali Language and Literature
8. Panchpargania Language and Literature
9. Nagpuri Language and Literature
10. Mundari Language and Literature
11. Kurux Language and Literature
12. Kurmali Language and Literature
13. Khortha Language and Literature
14. Khadia Language and Literature
15. Ho Language and Literature

Paper 3 (Social Sciences, History and Geography)
History: It covers the syllabus from the following topics:
Ancient period
Medieval Period
Modern Period
History of Jharkhand
Geography: It covers the syllabus from the following topics:
Physical Geography (General Principles)
Physical and Human Geography of India
Natural Resources of India: Development and Utilization
Geography of Jharkhand and utilization of its resources.
Industrial and Urban Development
The pattern on Urban Settlement and Pollution problems.

JPSC Mains Syllabus – Paper 4 (Indian Constitution, Polity, Public Administration
and Good governance)
Indian Constitution and Polity: It covers the following topics:
Preamble, salient features of the Indian constitution, Fundamental Rights
and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy
Union Government (Executive and Legislature)
State Government (Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, Panchayats and
Centre-state relations
Special provisions relating to the administration of Scheduled Areas and
Scheduled Tribal Areas.
Emergency provisions of the Constitution
Election Commission of India
Political parties and pressure groups
Public Administration and Good governance: It covers the following topics:
Public Administration – Meaning, scope and significance
Public and private administration
Union Administration – Central Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Prime
Ministers Office, Planning Commission, Finance Commission
State Administration- State Secretariat, Chief Secretary, Chief Ministers
District Administration – Origin and development of the office of District
Magistrate and Collector, changing role of the District Collector, the impact
of the separation of the judiciary on district administration
Personnel Administration – Recruitment of civil services, Union Public
Service Commission and State Public Service Commission, training of civil
servants, leadership and its qualities, employees morale and productivity
Delegation, Centralization and decentralization of authority
Bureaucracy – its merits and demerits, the role of bureaucracy in policy
formulation and its implementation; nexus between bureaucracy and
political executive; generalist versus specialist
Development administration
Disaster Management- causes, mitigation, classification of disasters,
immediate and long term measures
Good governance – Lokpal, Lokayukta, Central Vigilance Commissioner,
grievance redressal, right to service act, right to information act, right to
education act, consumer protection act, domestic violence against women
(prevention) act
Human Rights – concept, meaning, universal declaration of human rights,
National Human Rights Commission, State Human Rights Commission,
terrorism, social issues

Paper 5 (Indian Economy, Globalization, and Sustainable development):
Basic features of Indian Economy:
National Income – elementary concepts of national income, and methods of
its calculation, example – GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP, GSDP, NSDP, DDP at
constant and current prices, at factor cost etc
Inflation – Concept, control of inflation, monetary, fiscal and direct
Demographic features
Agriculture and Rural economy – green revolution, white revolution, rainbow
revolution, WTO
Industrial economy – policy initiative and changes
Public finance – the scope of public finance, principles of public finance,
Public expenditure
Fiscal policy- centre and state fiscal relationship, the role of the finance
Structure of Indian monetary and banking system in India.
Indian Trade, Balance of Payment
Sustainable Development, Economic Issues, and Indian Development
Meaning and measurement of Economic development; characteristics of
underdevelopment, indicators of development: HDI, GDI, India’s HDI
Role of Foreign capital and technology in the growth of the economy
Sustainable development – concept and indicators of sustainable
development, economic, social and environmental sustainability, the
concept of GDP
Development status and issues pertaining to socially and economically
marginalised sections, like ST, SC, religious minorities, schemes launched
by the Central/State Government.
Poverty and Unemployment: Measurements and trends, identification of
BPL families, Multidimensional poverty index.
Food and nutritional security – trends in food production and consumption in
India, the problem of food security, problems and issues of storage,
procurement, distribution, import and export. Government policies,
schemes, and programmes such as Public Distribution System, Mid-day
meal schemes, government policies for food and nutritional security.

Economic Reforms, Nature and Impact on Indian economy
New economic reforms – Liberalization, Privatisation, Globalization, good
understanding of International Finance Institutions like IMF, World Bank;
World Trade Organisation
Financial and Banking sector reforms, economic reforms, NABARD, RRB
Globalization of Indian Economy – its positive and negative impacts on
different sectors, issues of FDI and FII in India.
Agriculture sector – Growth, Issues of subsidies and public investment in
Industrial development and economic reforms in India – major changes in
Industrial policy, its impact on industrial growth, the role of public sector
enterprises in India’s industrialisation in post reforms period, disinvestment
and privatisation of public enterprises.
The economy of Jharkhand – features, issues, challenges, strategies
Economic growth and structure of Jharkhand’s economy, sectoral
composition, growth in SDP, and per capita NSDP in the last decade,
agricultural and industrial growth in Jharkhand.
Demographic features of Jharkhand – population, growth, sex ratio, density,
literacy, the composition of the workforce, rural-urban composition etc.
Status of poverty, unemployment, food security, malnutrition, education, and
health indicators in Jharkhand, major initiatives, issues of agricultural and
rural development, major programmes and schemes, poverty alleviation
programs, food security schemes.
Land, forest and environmental issues in Jharkhand

Paper 6 (General Sciences, Environment & Technology Development)
Physical Science:
Basic knowledge on system of units like MKS, CGS, SI
Topics on Speed, velocity, gravity, mass, weight, force, impact, work, power
and energy
Covers topics related to solar system
Concepts concerning sound, wavelength frequency, infrasonic and
ultrasonic sounds characteristics and applications.
Life Science:
Concepts on the living world, cell-structure, its functions, diversity of
organism, biomolecules cell reproduction
Medallion inheritance, theories of the evolution of life on earth, including
human evolution.
Agriculture Science:
A good understanding of the agro-climatic conditions of Jharkhand, rainfall
pattern and abiotic stresses in each zone.
Knowledge of Food and horticultural crops of Jharkhand, understanding the
need behind the diversification of crops, nutritional security due to the onset
of climate change, the role of rainwater harvesting in improving agricultural
production, and fish farming.
Candidates are required to have sound knowledge on Soil fertility,
measures that are undertaken to improve soil health, concepts on organic
farming,agroforestry, wastelands and government schemes to help the
farmers of the state.
Environmental Science:
Measures that were taken by the Government of India to preserve the
environment measures to tackle global environmental issues, air pollution,
water pollution.
Understanding of numerous environmental laws.
Candidates’ knowledge on Biodiversity hotspots and threats to biodiversity
Science and Technology:
Indian Government policies concerning Nuclear technology, focus on global
nuclear policies.
Plans made by the Government to meet the energy demands of the country
through various renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
A good understanding of the Indian Missile program, the space program.
Knowledge of the latest developments in Information Technology challenges
faced due to Cybercrimes.


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