Xochipa Viro Spwla-2002-Yy

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SPWLA 43 rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

A Saturation Model for Complex Carbonates in Mexico

Oscar Dario Xochipa Lopez, PEMEX
Eduardo Viro, Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Abstract Field location and geology

A new petrophysical interpretation The Taratunich field is located about 50 mi (80
methodology was developed during a study of kill) northwest of Cuidad del Carmen in the
the Taratunich field in the Gulf of Mexico. In Bay of Campeche, Mexico (Fig. 1). Production
the Taratunich field, production comes from comes from a thick Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)
complex carbonates that have a heterogeneous dolomite unit and a thinner (less than 328 fi
combination of intergranular or matrix [100 m]) sedimentary breccia of Late
porosity, fractures, connected rugs, Cretaceous to Paleocene age. Production from
unconnected vugs, and shale water. Under the two reservoir zones is not commingled in
these conditions the new methodology is both any well. Fig. 2 is a base map of the field
predictive and practical, and it can be used to showing the deviated well paths and well
predict saturation in a variety of carbonate locations.
reservoirs, especially when they have only a The structural configuration of the
reduced log suite with no modern logs Taratunich field is a NNW-SSE-trending
available. faulted antiform with a salt piercement
structure at the center of the field. Reverse
faults trending NNW-SSE bound the field to
Introduction the north and south, and two subparallel
A comprehensive study of the Taratunich field opposing normal faults bound the area of the
in the Gulf of Mexico was conducted to salt dome. The main structural event that
characterize the producing reservoirs using formed the Taratunich antiform was the
three-dimensional (3D) seismic, well logs, Chiapaneca orogeny, which occurred from the
core and cuttings analyses, and production late Oligocene to the early Miocene. The
data. To develop the best possible reservoir present configuration of the field is consistent
model, considerable integration between with left-lateral shear of the Chiapaneca
disciplines was attained to maximize the orogeny. Salt movement and the formation of
economic yield of the field. Specifically, the a salt piercement dome at the center of the
reservoir model provided a consistent, field- antiform added to the structural configuration
wide stratigraphic correlation of key horizons and complexity of the Taratunich field.
and faults that were interpreted using The field is divided into three main blocks
integration of geologic, petrophysical, (101, 201 and 301) (Fig. 2) by the two parallel
engineering and geophysical data. NNW-SSE-trending reverse faults and the two
An important element of the model was a subparallel normal faults that trend nearly N-S.
new petrophysical interpretation methodology A fourth block, as yet undrilled in the
that allowed the Archie parameters, m and n, reservoirs, lies over the salt dome and has been
(Archie, 1942) to be varied to account for the named Block 401. The Taratunich field
vertical changes in pore type and wettability. includes two main reservoir intervals and one
The cementation exponent, m, was lowered to potential reservoir. Fig. 3 shows the geological
account for the presence of natural fractures in column. The main intervals are the Jurassic
tight intervals and increased to account for the Kimmeridgian (JsK) and the Upper Cretaceous
effect of vugular or oomoldic porosity. The Paleocene Breccia (BPT-Ks).
resistivity index was used to model the The JsK interval is the main reservoir in
increased oil wettability in the deeper and the field. It consists primarily of mostly vuggy
more porous reservoirs. A mathematical dolomite in the western block (301) and
algorithm was derived to calculate variable m limestone and shale in the eastern blocks (101
based on standard inputs. and 201). The BPT-Ks is composed of mainly
lime breccia, grainstone and mudstone
lithologies. A central block, designated Block
401, may have some potential in the BPT-Ks
and Cretaceous intervals. The JsK is

SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

interpreted to be absent in this block because first lobe to the let~ represents mainly primary
of salt displacement. Fig. 4, a SW-NE cross porosity, with a mean value that corresponds
section, illustrates the structural complexity of to the central value. The lobe to the right
the field. shows a lower occurrence frequency of
vugular porosity. Integration of the frequency
curve yields total porosity. Discrimination of
Lithology and porosity determination the different porosity types contributes to the
total porosity obtained through separation of
Lithology was determined using density-
neutron logs along with the photoelectric the different lobes.
factor, if available. Total porosity, OT, and
matrix density, Pm~, were determined from
Use o f wettability in petrophysicai evaluation
density and neutron logs. Fig. 5 shows an
example of a conventional density-neutron To determine water saturation from wireline
crossplot used to describe lithology. The bulk logs in the Taratunich field, it was necessary to
density, Pb, and neutron porosity, ¢)NL, define apply different degrees of wettability in the
the total porosity, matrix density and lithology. algorithms used, based on tests conducted on
The sonic matrix value was obtained from the cores for each reservoir within the field.
computed value of matrix density. Then, the Formation evaluation on Cretaceous and
sonic logs allowed the determination of sonic Upper Jurassic Tithonian formations did not
porosity, 0s. Shale volume was computed from present problems regarding rock wettability.
gamma ray spectroscopy logs, and effective However, the Upper JsK rocks showed
different degrees of wettability in core tests
porosity was computed as ¢~e = Or (1 - Vsh),
conducted on samples taken from Taratunich
where Vsh is the shale volume. When the shale-
corrected sonic porosity and shale-corrected A and B wells, which indicated that the rock
was preferably oil wet. Therefore, several
total porosity from density-neutron coincide,
studies were conducted to determine the effect
no secondary porosity is assumed, and the
cementation exponent m - 2. On the other of wettability on the computation of water
saturation. Pickett plots yielded extremely low
hand, when the shale-corrected sonic porosity
initial water saturations in water-invaded
is less than the shale-corrected total porosity
from density-neutron, secondary porosity is zones. Similar results were obtained by
assumed. In this case, the exponent m is no applying the Archie equation with constant
longer 2; m > 2 if vugular or oomoldic parameters. Therefore, it was necessary to
establish a variable n in the Archie equation to
porosity predominates, and m < 2 if fracture
account for the different degrees of wettability,
porosity predominates.
and to reflect results according to the response
Microresistivity images were used to
of wireline logs and match the existing
determine secondary porosity. The images
provide a map of wellbore conductivity with pressure-production tests. These studies
indicated that for water-wet rocks, either from
the maximum horizontal coverage varying
the aquifer or the reservoir, a value of 2 for n
with hole diameter. This coverage reaches
80% for 8 1/2-in. wells and 100% for 5 5/8-in. was adequate, and for oil-wet rocks, good
wells. The log has a 0.016-fi [0.5-cm] vertical results were obtained with n > 2.
resolution, which is particularly useful in
heterogeneous formations (PEMEX, 2000).
Determining wettability in Taratunich A Well
The resistivity map (Fig. 6) was converted
into a porosity map through application of Four core samples taken in their native state,
Archie's law, assuming that, within the from interval X940.07 to X942.28 m on
volume of rock logged, the formation fluids Taratunich A Well, were selected. Wettability
had been displaced by mud filtrate. Therefore was determined by the Amott method, which
the flushed zone water saturation is Sxo - 1. involves four steps:
This allowed us to derive, for each
measurement depth, a porosity distribution 1. brine immersion (static)
which, plotted as a frequency histogram, 2. brine displacement (dynamic)
displays typical forms as a function of porosity 3. oil immersion (static)
type and degree of formation heterogeneity. 4. oil displacement (dynamic).
Fig. 7 shows two main types of porosity. The
SPWLA 43 r'~ Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

Table 1 shows the results obtained, where For low porosity and high Rt, this
expression tends to zero/zero. Because the
8w- water displacement ratio porosity is too low, the computed value of
80- oil displacement ratio water saturation is always very high regardless
UN- undetermined because of low of porosity type. This explains why computed
permeability to liquid. logs may show high water saturation in
producing zones with 1- to 2-p.u. porosity.
Since the goal in the Taratunich field was
Log interpretation to develop an accurate reservoir model, a new
methodology was needed to determine
In the field study, traditional methods of
predictive values for water saturation. The
interpreting density-neutron, photoelectric
various techniques found in the literature for
effect and natural spectrometry log data were
computing a variable exponent, m, in the
verified by data from petrographic studies.
Archie water saturation were inadequate. The
These conventional analyses worked well for
new variable m technique is called pivot-m,
determining porosity and lithology, but the
and it uses conventional porosity logs to
conventional methods did a poor job of
achieve excellent correlation between new
computing water saturation with m - 2. The
saturation values obtained from the model and
models did not account for the effects of
results obtained from petrographic studies in
porosity heterogeneities on the log responses,
zones with vugular porosity (high m values)
and they generated incorrect Sw values in
and in zones with intergranular porosity
carbonates with complex pore structure.
(medium m values). Since very few cores were
Specifically, the computed water saturations
from fractured zones, no comparisons were
were often too high above the hydrocarbon-
made wherever fracture porosity predominated
water contact or too low below the
(low m values). Consequently, the pivot-m
hydrocarbon-water contact. For example, a 10-
values correlate well with Lesley-m values,
p.u. clean carbonate, with water resistivity Rw
which were obtained from a linear regression
= 0.05 ohm-m and true formation resistivity Rt
of core-derived m values versus porosity.
= 50 ohm-m, would have the following values
A new relationship for the saturation
of S~, depending on the value of m used
exponent, n, in the Archie formula was
(defining the resistivity formation factor as F -
developed to represent rock wettability
1/02) • 100% if m - 3, 32% if m - 2,16% if m
changes. The n computation results were
= 1.4.
supported by laboratory analysis and capillary
Fig. 8 shows a typical log from the
pressure tests, as described later in this paper.
Taratunich field. The figure displays the
Applying both the new variable-m and
producing intervals, which show low water
variable-n techniques to more than 25 wells
saturation. In low-porosity zones (1 to 2 p.u.),
produced a good match to the existing core
where primary porosity is predominant, water
data, the known fluid contacts and the
saturation is irreducible at 100%, and nothing
production history of the field.
will flow. If opened fractures are predominant,
permeability will be higher and the zone will
produce. However, Archie's equation cannot
Pivot-m calculation
be used to predict water saturation in the
fractures because the volume of fluid is not The variable-m methodology is used to
high enough to characterize it from porosity calculate m in tight carbonates using
and resistivity. Consequently, water saturation conventional resistivity and porosity
is also very high since most interpretation measurements.
programs handle the zero/zero indetermination
as S w - 1. The indetermination comes from the
Step l" Determine lithology and porosity
following equation:
Lithology and porosity can be determined
S w 2 - R o / R t - F × R w / R t - (Rw/ Rt) / ( 1 / F ) - from crossplots or from an interpretation
(Rw / Rt) ./ Om .................................................. (1) program, either by neglecting hydrocarbon
effects on density-neutron logs for total
where Ro - wet formation resistivity. porosity computation (acceptable for medium-
to-heavy hydrocarbon types), or by evaluating

SPWLA 43 ~'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

total porosity with an equation of the type n - Saturation exponent, normally taken - 2 .
"two ninths plus seven ninths," as in Or =
[(2/9) × 0x] + [(7/9) X ~ ] , where q~Xis neutron Note that 1 p.u. (some analysts prefer 2
p.u.) corresponds to the average in'educible
porosity and ~ is density porosity.
water porosity (volume) assumed for
carbonates; in clastic formations, this value
Step 2: The variable-m curve computation ranges from8 to 10 p.u., which represents the
volume of water in the formation that will not
This computation can be made as follows: move.

A. Computing maximum and minimum B. Computing the pivot-m model

limiting values for m
B. Computing the pivot-m model
The proposed pivot-m method uses sonic
C. Constraining m curves between the
porosity and density-neutron or total porosity
mmax and mmin to detect secondary porosity. The secondary
porosity index (SPI) is defined as ~ - ~.
A. Computing maximum (max) and minimum
This model applies G6mez Rivero's
(min) limiting values for m (Vel~,squez and
recommendation (G6mez-Rivero, 1981) and
Viro, 1989)
assumes that whenever the total porosity is
below 7 p.u., secondary porosity comes from
The following Dual-Water model equations
fractures; when the total porosity is above 7
apply for mmax ( S w - 100% implies m - mmax)"
p.u., secondary porosity comes from vugs. The
value of the exponent can be computed with
mm~tr- [log (a*Rweq / Rt)] + log OT, with the following equation:
R weq- 1 / C weq, and Cweq- [(Cw x ~}~)] +
m;i,,o,- 2.0 + 0.125 × [1 - ( ~ / ~c)] ×
[(Cwb × ~ b ) ] / Or, .......................... (2)
( 0 r e - 7) ............................................... (4)
where Osc- shale corrected sonic porosity and
a = Coefficient, taken as 1 in the DWM, q~rc- shale Corrected total porosity.
Rweq= Equivalent water resistivity,
Rt - true formation resistivity, Here, the coefficient 0.125 was chosen to
Cweq-- Equivalent water conductivity,
produce the proper slope with q~sc/ @c equal to
Cw - formation water conductivity, at
5/25 - 0.2 (the highest secondary porosity
formation temperature
found in this field study). This slope allows
q~e - effective porosity, as determined in computation of a predictive value of m, which
Step 1, was known from core analysis. This equation
Cwb - bound water conductivity, at can be varied to match local field or reservoir
formation temperature data.
0wb - bound water porosity (volume), as
determined in Step 1 C. Constraining m curves between the mmax
and mm_i___v_(Velfisquez
~ and Viro, 1989)
q~r - total porosity, as determined in Step
The resulting values for variable m have to be
limited between mmax and mn~, to ensure that
computed values for water saturation are never
The tbllowing equations apply for mmin ( S w -
greater than 1 or smaller than the value of Swi.
Swi implies m - mmin).
To ensure that a Dual-Water model works
with m - 2 at 100% shale, it is advisable to
mr~n- [log (a*Rweq / Rt × Swin)] + log q~r, limit the resulting values as follows:
with Swi- (1 p.u. + 0wb) / # ............ (3)
Limit m between mhigh -- 6 - 4 x Vsh, and maow
where S w i - irreducible water saturation and - - 2 + 4 x Vsh.
SwTi- irreducible total water saturation,
SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

2- D 2)/(D 2-
Note that m is "funneled" toward the value Lf - 1 - (1-10[2*(DTvD Top Bot
m = 2 when Vsh increases from 0 to 1. DTop211)/33
Similar control must also be applied when L f - 1 above TVD--Drop
the effective porosity has very low values
except when Vsh increases (which is covered where DvvD - true vertical depth, DTop -- JsK
by the above funnel); the typical case is in a top vertical depth, and DBot - JsK bottom
clean, tight carbonate. In this case, it is vertical depth.
recommended that m should also tend to a
value of 2.
Results supported by laboratory experiments
Step 3: Determine water saturation using the The m and n computation results were
variable m curve from Step C supported by laboratory analysis and capillary
pressure tests.
The Dual-Water model equations that apply
are the following: Lesley correlation
Lesley Evans (PEMEX, 2000) derived the
Total water saturation: Swr = (Roeq / R3 n, with linear regression of core-derived m values
Roeq = F x Rweq and F = 1 / ~m. versus porosity using total porosity instead of
The meaning of Rweq is explained in Step 2A, secondary porosity. This correlation is
above. expressed as m - 0.0811 × 07" (p.u.) + 1.4328.
Total bound water saturation: Swb = Owb / Or. With this correlation, the value of the
"Effective" water saturation: Sw = (Swr- Swb) / cementation exponent m results are higher than
(1 - Swb). 2 when total porosity is greater than 7 p.u. The
correlation yields m < 2 when Or is < 7 p.u.,
which fits very well with G6mez-Rivero's
Model f o r the saturation exponent n (1981) observations. These results (m > 2 for
The model for the saturation exponent n comes Or > 7) are obtained even when all porosity is
from data gathered in thin beds, which suggest primary porosity, as the algorithm does not
the rock is oil wet. In addition, the literatm'e discriminate between primary and secondary
confirms that the JsK formation is oil wet. The porosity types. Fig. 9 shows a comparison
model properly matches well test data and core between the pivot-m model and the Lesley
data. For water-wet rocks, the model implies correlation for variable m. The figure shows
that n - 2 either in the aquifer or the reservoir. very good agreement when there is secondary
For oil-wet rocks, n > 2. The water saturation porosity. Unfortunately, because of the
must be Sw < 100% to have an effect when scarcity of cores from fractured zones, no
changing the value ofn. comparisons could be made where fracture
The algorithm to compute the saturation porosity predominated (low m values). The
exponent is lack of comparisons explains why the pivot-m
values match only high values of Lesley-m.
n=4-2 xlR 1/6 Figs. 10 and 11 show logs from the
Taratunich field over an interval with
secondary porosity. Core data are plotted over
where IR is the resistivity index. This equation
the log. Again, the figures show excellent
yields n - 2 for each value of n if IR = 1 (Sw -
agreement between values of pivot-m and
Lesley-m over zones with high values of
secondary porosity.
In the Taratunich field study, we included a
Lithostatic factor, Lf, which increases the Capillary pressure tests
value of n toward the base of the JsK
formation. This factor accounts for the The minimum m is computed if the water
increase in wettability with increasing depth. saturation is equal to the irreducible water
The algorithm is saturation (Sw = Sw/). The value of m cannot be
less than this number because of the limit on
irreducible water saturation. Irreducible water
nLf = 2 + (n - 2) × L f
saturation was determined using capillary
pressure data. These data were obtained using
SPWLA 43 r~ Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

mercury injection. Fig. 12 shows some test References

results. The plot shows irreducible water Archie, G.E.: The electrical resistivity log as
saturations varying from 19% to 100% at a an aid in determining some reservoir
capillary pressure of 100 psi and from 5% to characteristics. Trans. AIME 146, 54-62, 1942
20% at a capillary pressure of 10,000 psi, for
samples tested to high pressures. Trends Gdmez-Rivero, O • "Discussion of the
continue to about 400 psi. The tests also show Porosity Exponent and Matrix Porosity
some samples apparently failing at low Resistivity Factor Relationship," paper
pressures, indicating natural fractures (not presented at the 1981 Society of Professional
matrix) or sample failure. However, no trend Well Log Analysts, June 1981.
was found in Swi versus permeability data. The
tests also showed that as the height above the PEMEX: Estudio Integral del Campo
free water level decreases, water saturation Taratunich, PEMEX Exploracidn y
increases with capillary pressure. Even high- Producci6n, Schlumberger report, Denver, CO,
permeability rocks have higher water USA (Dec. 2000).
saturations at low heights. Well logs were
calibrated to minimum water saturations in the Velfisquez, H.M. and Viro, E." "Estudio del
Kimmeridgian, Tithonian and Cretaceous exponente m e n la prediccidn del contenido de
formations to average minimum saturations of Fluidos,", paper presented at the 1989 AIPM
approximately 15 %. Asociacidn de Ingenieros Petroleros de
M6xico, Mexico, Nov. 16-1989.
The cementation exponent m curve computed Evans, Estudio Integral del Campo
with the method presented in this paper allows Taratunich, PEMEX Exploracidn y
the computation of correct values for Sw from Producci6n, Schlumberger report, Denver, CO,
conventional porosity and resistivity logs USA (Dec. 2000).
when modern log data are not available. The
increased value of the saturation exponent n in
oil-wet rocks matches laboratory data. These About the authors
new methods of computing water saturation
Oscar Xochipa has a degree in petroleum
and determining wettability proved highly
engineering. He has worked for PEMEX
useful in deriving more accurate reservoir
Exploration and Production (PEP) since 1989.
interpretation studies of the Taratunich field.
Currently assigned to the Abkatun asset, he
works in reservoir characterization as a
Acknowledgments specialist in hydrocarbon reserves, as a
We are grateful to PEMEX and Schlumberger petrophysicist and in integrated studies. He is a
Oilfield Services for permission to publish this member of CIPM and AIPM.
paper. Special thanks go to Lesley Evans,
geologist for Schlumberger, who derived the Eduardo Viro, an electronic engineer, earned
linear regression of core-derived m values a degree from Buenos Aires National
versus porosity used in this study, and to our University. He has worked for Schlumberger
colleagues Rafil Ledn Ventura, Robert Brown, since 1970, occupying positions as field
Eduardo Campos Iglesias for their suggestions engineer, log analyst, interpretation
and many contributions. development petrophysicist, computing center
manager, and data and consulting services
project manager in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
Chile, Mexico, the United States, and
Venezuela. Eduardo is a member of SPWLA.
SPWLA 43 ~dAnnual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

Table 1. Wettability determined by the Amott method.

Sample # Depth Status Porosity Sw~ ko @ Sw~ kw @ Nor ~water ~oil Amott-Harvey Wettability
(m) (%) (%) (mD) (mS) (~) (ao) Index

1 X940.07 Native 13.88 73.54 34.9 34.43 0.1429 0.2727 -0.1298 Oil

2 X941.67 Native 8.80 UN UN kIN 1.0 1 0 Intermediate

3 X941.96 Native 20.70 46.52 449 88.83 0.0099 0.4286 -0.4187 Oil

4 X942.26 Native 17.44 52.52 75.59 27.09 0 0.125 -0.125 Oil

J / / "t
/ 1
l.~\l ~... .i

f "-~ f -"- Taratunich Field

,f. "-x J I" "/ :f "" Ciudad del Carmen

" ,;i ,f :


Fig. 1. Field location in the Bay of Campeche.

SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

Block 301

Block 101

Block 201

Fig. 2. Base map of the field showing the deviated well paths and well locations.
SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

Geological column, Taratunich field

Medium- to coarse-grained great sand bodies with,

Pliocene thin-bed intercalations of shale

Shale slightly calcareous with intercalations of fine-grained

Miocene sandstones, cemented in argillaceous calcareous material


O Shale calcareous, bentonitic in parts, with intercalations

N Oiigocene of fine-grained sandstones

Shale calcareous with intercalations of fine-grained
Eocene sandstones and compact mudstone

Shale slightly calcareous, bentonitic in parts with

intercalations of mudstone to wackestone

Dolomitized breccia formed by wackestone-packstone

clasts of intraclasts and dolomitized bioclasts
Cretaceous Microcrystalline dolomite with thin. laminations of
calcareous shale and bentonitic shale

Microc~stalline dolomite and partially dolomitized

Middle mudstone with thin laminations of bituminous shale and
Cretaceous bentonite; sporadic flint fragments

Lower Dolomitic compact mudstone, dolomite and bentonitic

o calcite
Upper Argillaceous and bituminous mudstone, occasionally
Jurassic dolomitized with intercalations of bituminous shale,
Tithonian microcrystailine dolomite and sandy siitstone

Upper Microcrystalline dolomite to argillaceous mesoc~stalline,

Jurassic sandy in parts with intercalations of sandy siltstone and
Kimmeridgian bituminous shale

Bentonitic shale slightly calcareous, sandy in parts;

Upper appears with intercalations of mudstone wackestones,
Jurassic occasionally bentonitic; sittstones grading to
Oxfordian fine-grained sandstone

Fig. 3. Geological column.

SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002


X800 X800

X3000 X3000

X3200 X3200

X3400 X3400

X3600 X3600

X3800 X3800

X4000 X4000

X4200 X4200

X4400 X4400

Fig. 4. A structural cross section depicting the complexity of the field.

Fresh water, liquid-filled holes (pr = 1,0)




2.2 30

2.3 25
2.4 Q.

z~ 10

2.6 X
5 ._

2,7 "D
0 43


2.9 -10

3.0 . ', . .. I ........ I I I. I ......
0 i0 20 30 40
¢ONLcom n e u t r o n porosity index (pu) ( a p p a r e n t l i m e s t o n e porosity)
Fig. 5. Density-neutron crossplot for porosity and lithology determination.

SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002


Upper Hemisphere - Wulff Projection
Top D i p = 3 9 6 4 , 1 8 m Top Zone= 3 9 5 0 . 8 7 m
Bottom Dip= 4399.74 m Bottom Zone= 4 4 0 0 . 1 4 m
GreatCircle Mean Orientation
S~t Name # [Dips (Dip and Azimuth) (Oip an~l Azimulh)
I~ Vugs+bedding.,. gl 69 82 t 217.22 25,24 .,' 358,43
• ;rlter-Crossge., 132 72.891 216 1,S 22.10 ! 355.43
+ Eros,i..~nal ScoLI.._ 27' 59.g9/164.55 31.14t0,133
i ~, ..... i~:;,: BedBo~lnclary. , 220 87.g21199,83 23 581 358.90

330 ~-~
/ ,'C\
/\ x \
/- ,\ ,, ...

° i?i~::i:
~i:i:]i 3ooQ % ( " , , \ I / "/- / % 60
i ---Z,. "--Z\,
2~oI 7 - ~
......i:i;J7J:J:::: (--- L _ . j % / ;
\ \ ,,./-\ ../
\/ ,~-
\.I i
z16"-~. .... , > - ' t 150


Fig. 6. Resistivity images used to generate a porosity map.

Primary + Secondary- 'Total

C "



Fig. 7. The two main types of porosity determined from the porosity map.


S P W L A 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002



'~" VSLDASP 100

0 100
10 100
0.2 200 0 100
i0:~711 ii'."i" "i~0.1 ~ ........... ~ 2.95 0 1"~
0.2 ........ 20o 140 40 0, 100
200 45
t2g PHIMZ .... 4

tLD NPH ~° ~o~A 12°¸1 SMVAR | PHIE I

0.2 200 0.45 ' ' ' -5 51o 10o125 . . . . . . . 01

'I , i i-

t I ~=:

, i:i~:,~:il;ii!!

i i :,
i r iii,i ~

i~i i. L::il JI

Fig. 8. Typical log of the Taratunich field.

5 _

...... .............................................................................. | ............................. ; ...........................................................................................

0 5 7 10 15 20 25 3O
Total porosity (%)
Fig. 9. Cementation exponent m from pivot-m method and Lesley correlation.

SPWLA 43 ~'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002
............................... ..,.:,:.:--,..,: ....... , .... ................................................................................................... :: : : ~::-:: ~,-:,.: ~: ,: :,, ......
Lithology m and n Porosity
1 curves 6 50% 0

Clay . ' I Tota,~orosity

ffective p o r o s i t
Dolomite I Sonic Porosity "
!~!t~;~!!~!~:~!~,:i;~ii~,i~::~.;,~:,'.~i~4~!~.:~?~¢i~:~!~i~ Water saturation Core permeability Core porosity
Water 1 0 /1..:.. " •

Fig. 10. Comparison of the pivot-m method with the Lesley correlation.


SPWLA 43 "~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

m and n Porosi~
Lithology 1 cu~es 6 50%

Fig. l 1. Comparison of the pivot-m method with the Lesley correlation.

10000 1785.0

i } i: :i ~ ilr;: : 1606,5
8000 1428.0 ,,~

& 7000 i .... ....... "1249,5 ~"

6000 11071.0
I i=
5000 892.5 ,~:
4000 714.0 •

3000 535.5 ~
0 t-

| ..............
i;:;~::?'~::~ i; ![i~::;I:~~:I::~,::+:i+T::i~~
~ i~ ~ ~:i
:~(:~ ~ 'i:ii~::i; :
:T;:~: :~::::{+;:::~;::i~!;

1000 178,5
%: ~ • : i: [ .... = :: ; ~ i
.................. ....... :............ : . . . . =i .............. " ....... :I +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - :+', ..........::+;i+ .... ( ..... ] ............ + +.:.... + ......
0 0.0

0,000 O, t00 0.200 0,300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000

Wetting phase saturation, %

Fig. 12. Mercury-injection capillary pressure curves.


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