Rev. 0 Hirarc - 002 Site Survey Activity
Rev. 0 Hirarc - 002 Site Survey Activity
Rev. 0 Hirarc - 002 Site Survey Activity
1. Mobilization of Miss information Loss of property 3=3X1 - Obtain approval for site material 2=2X1 DPSSB
material, gate pass from DPSSB personnel Personnel,
equipment and before entering to site. ESE
machinery . - Ensure all machinery, equipment Team, Operator,
and tools are inspected. HSE)
- Ensure all related document
- Brief/Discuss the logistic planning in
the toolbox talk.
2. Entering the Communication No information 3=3X1 - Ensure all worker are attended 2=2X1 DPSSB
work area about work to be safety induction by DPSSB. Personnel,
- To apply PTW (Cold work) permit ESE
carried out (Management
before start this activity. Team, HSE, All
- Brief/Discuss the work activity in worker)
the toolbox talk.
Slip, trip and fall Physical injuries 3=3X1 - All workers are compulsory to wear 2=2X1 ESE
(Minor cut, basic PPE. (Site Supervisor,
tripping) - Perform regular housekeeping HSE, All
before and after work start. Worker)
- Proper material arrangement must
be practices at all times.
3. Selection of Lack of Physical injuries, 3=3X1 - Ensure all tools are inspected by 2=2X1 DPSSB
proper tools ; knowledge Property damage DPSSB. ESE
theodolite, - Survey equipment must have (HSE, Site
calibration certificate. Supervisor,
automatic level. Storekeeper,
- Ask superior for more information
on using any tools.
- Supervisor need to supervise the
work at all the time.
- Wear PPE.
4. Site survey Miss Physical injuries, 3=3X1 - All work crew must understand 2=2X1 ESE
(HSE, Site
work and level communication Property damage work sequence and briefed during Supervisor,
marking. toolbox meeting. Worker)
Ergonomic Back pain, collapse 6=3X2 - Worker to apply with the right 2=2X1 ESE
(Site Supervisor,
(continuous and position when working. Foreman,
repetitive - Ensure sufficient energy during Workers)
awkward body perform continuous task (Buddy
posture) System).
- Ensure this work perform in buddy
system / job rotation.
Excessive hot Heat Stress 6=3X2 - Ensure work perform in buddy 2=2X1 ESE
(Site Supervisor,
weather system / job rotation. Foreman,
- Drink sufficient fluids to avoid Workers)
Lightning Serious injuries, 12 = 4 X 3 - To immediate stop activity if 4=2X2 ESE
(Site Supervisor,
Fatality instructed by supervisor and go to Foreman,
nearest ‘safe haven’ (lightning Workers)
arrestor) point.
- To ensure all workforce evacuate to
safe haven point.
Slip, trip and fall Physical injuries 3=3X1 - All workers are compulsory to wear 2=2X1 ESE
(Minor cut, basic PPE. (Site Supervisor,
tripping) - Perform regular housekeeping HSE, All
before and after work start. Worker)
- Proper material arrangement must
be practices at all times.
5. Demobilization Miss information Loss of property 3=3X1 - Obtain approval for site material @ 2=2X1 DPSSB
of material, machinery removal gate pass from Personnel,
equipment, DPSSB personnel before out. ESE
machinery etc. - Ensure all machinery, equipment Team, Operator,
and tools is belongs to contractor. HSE)
- Brief/Discuss the logistic planning in
the toolbox talk.
6. Housekeeping Sharp Physical injuries 3=3X1 - Wear suitable hand glove. 2=2X1 ESE
(Site Supervisor,
object/edges - No storing surplus at the access Foreman,
way. Worker)
Slip, trip and fall Physical injuries 3=3X1 - Comply with basic PPE 2=2X1 ESE
(Site Supervisor,
requirements. Foreman,
- Perform housekeeping after finish Worker)
Ergonomics Back pain, collapse 6=3X2 - To brief workers on good lifting 2=2X1 ESE
(Site Supervisor,
method. Foreman,
- Use mechanical aid if object lifted is Worker)
too heavy.
PEOPLE ASSETS Extremely unlikely Very Unlikely Occasional Probable frequent
requires multiple Possible or known to Event or near miss or common or repeating
Remote Possibillity
Risk to safety failures occur having occurred occurrence
Financial Risk
1 2 3 4 5
high multiple 5
single fatality 4
medium Disability 3 Low medium high
lost time injury 2
low 1