Dlpa 216

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DL PA 216


1. There are three important reasons why we study organization and management.
From your point of view, how would these reasons apply to your own organization?
There are many reasons why we study organization and management, but the
following are the three important reasons given:
1. Organization and management contribute to the present standard of living or
way of life of people worldwide;
2. Organization and management are building the future; and
3. Organization and management keep and connect people to their past.
These reasons applies when employees in our organization shares or practice
the experiences they had in their past that may exploit new ideas whenever we interact
with each other. The differences we had were also a key to resolve issues. As a result,
may develop their skills and attitude that would help the organization to improve if
there is any, the strategy or management they had to achieve its primary goal. Not just
for the organization, but also for themselves such as to improve their way of life and
reflect its progress from their past.
Experiences really connects people to understand how they behave before and
as to present and a realization on how effective they were at work that enable them to
get through things done. The better future depends upon on how they learn from their
mistake in the past.

1. One of the important characteristics of organization is “having distinct purpose”.

State that distinct purpose of the organization where you belong.
Answer: It was said that organization have a distinct purpose which is typically
expressed in terms of goals that the organization hopes to accomplish. Distinct
purpose serve as the grounds to achieve the set goals of an organization.
In our organization, each and every department has a distinct purpose so as to
reach the goal. Especially, we are in the field of Tax mapping division assigned in
Assessor’s office. Each and every department has a different task and function to
ensure that the valuation of tax is right and correct.
The distinct purpose of our organization is to inspect the compliance of
business establishments to registration, invoicing, bookkeeping and other rules and
regulation of the Bureau of Internal Revenue and also the important purpose of this is
to catch tax evaders. As a conclusion, the distinct purpose is the key to achieve the
goal or objective set.

2. Which of the definitions of management presented in this module do you appreciate

most and why.
Answer: Many definitions were given in the word of management but I appreciate
most was “ management applies to small and large organizations, to profit or non-
profit enterprises to manufacturing as well as service industries…..Thus managers are
charged with the responsibility of taking actions that will make it possible for
individual members of organization to give their best contributing to group
All the definitions given were different but with same goal at the end same
objectives. I appreciate this one as most because it recognized the small organization
which most of the time were left behind. Even an individual has a management with
himself. Everything we do need to be manage, in order that we could not waste
energy or resources doing things that is not helpful the objective. The objective of the
organization is just to achieve what is the best not only for the organization for each
members also. Members contribute most in an organization without them it is hard to
reach the objective.

3. Give your own example of efficiency “doing things right” and effectiveness “doing
the right thing” as it applies to your organization.
Answer: Efficiency is doing things right which means careful and minimize use of
resources. As an example in Assessor’s Office, to minimize the use of our resources
like in time, as an illustration we provide a charter chart as a guide for the citizens
who were going to process such as transfer of ownership in the tax declaration so that
each every person will not ask again and again the steps and needed documents
because it is already posted, so the time is efficiently used. The charter will not only
benefit our organization but also the people. In effectiveness it is doing the right thing,
which means taking more focus on a determined goals to achieve. An example of it
was, in our organization we focus on our objectives and goal, we focus on our sole
purpose on tax mapping purposes. It is to provide the needs of our clients efficiently
and effectively without any hindrances.

4. What are the three managerial skills and how are they different from one another?
Give particular examples for each.
Answer: Robert Katz identifies these three kinds of skills which are the following:
1. Technical Skills;
2. Human Skill; and
3. Conceptual Skill
The technical skills gives Supervisor the knowledge and ability to use different
techniques and would have the ability to work with and teach employees to achieve
the objective. An example of it was in enterprise system, a Supervisor on sales
department, there are qoutas needed to achieve every month, in order to achieve this,
he needs to communicate to his employees and give strategies on how to get the
attention of the customers to buy their product.
While human skills speaks of the ability to understand and communicate with people
to build cooperation with one another and had teamwork to accomplish the task, an
example of it is that when the supervisor is able to communicate well with the sales
lady for example, the human skill such as sales talk in order to sell a product.
And, the conceptual skill is the ability of the Supervisor to picture out the goal of the
organization as a whole and understand the relationship of the organization
elements.An example of it is, the Supervisor was able to analyze and diagnos the
problem why they were not able to reach the quota, and immediately make an action
to solve such problems.
Page 18
1. Present an analysis of Frederick Taylor’s principles.
Answer: Taylor’s major concern was the efficiency in production without the
expenditure of more human energy or effort.
Efficiency in production means that enable to maximize human work at the
lowest possible cost of human energy.
Taylor’s principle gaves us the idea on how to organize well a workplace or a
management. The philosophy focused on the belief that making people work as hard
as theycould was not as efficient as optimizing the way the work was done.
Allocate the work well on the right person who is expert on a specific task and enable
the managers to spend their time planning on how to efficiently and effectively make
their objective with less cost but with best result. Taylor’s principle aims to use
practically the energy of each person on doing work so that the objective be achieve.
As an example in our organization, each and every person is hired based on its
expertise, as myself, I am a draftsman. I was assigned on the field based on my
expertise so that it would be easy not only to myself, but also for the management to
reach our goals and to save energy for each of workers.

2. Gantt, Frank and Lllian Gilbreth are followers of Taylor, present commonalities
among their principles.
Answer: The principle of Taylor was "The Principles of Scientific Management”
which he proposed that by optimizing and simplifying jobs, productivity would
increase.  The concerne of his principle was on improvemnet of productivity through
the application of scientific method.
The commonalities among the principles of Gantt, Frank and Lllian Gilbreth
were the idea of needed improvement on human productivity, that not only the
worker’s should have the interest in work but alaso the management should have
interest to the workers. They were all aiming for the improvement and betterment of
the management.
In Gantt, his principle is the need for developing mutuality of ineterest
between management and labor like Taylor’s harmoniuos cooperation.
In Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, the husband and wife team principle is the
interest of Frank in productivity while Lillian is in the human aspect that made up into
conclusion that dissatisfaction of worker’s is not due to monotony of work, but the
management’s lack of interest in workers.

3. Give your own interpretation of the 14 principles of Henri Fayol by providing

example situations.
Answer: Essentially, the 14 principles of Henri Fayol explained how the head of an
organization should organize and interact with the workers or staff and should always
remind them of the organizations goals and objectives.
To start up a business it is a good basis to have an idea for decision-making in
an organization. F.W. Taylor viewed Management as the art of knowing what you
want to do and seeing thatthey are done in the best and cheapest way. Fayol (1916)
“To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and
to control”.
As an example,the situation in our organization things in the organization
should be done in an orderly manner, so therefore, if work is not done in an orderly
manner, there will be chaos. Every material have beeen put in its right position and
the right job was assigned to the right employee.

4. Which of the principles from the different period do you think are still appropriate
and applicable today and why?
Answer: I submit the the 14 principles of Henri Fayol, it explain each and every of
his principle very well that an organization in this modern world, having modern
technology still contributes as a guide of how can a management succeed especially in
the division of labor. Putting the employee on his expertise so that he can work
accordingly on his skills and in order. When you see an organization now, they were
arranged in order especially in our organization we are designated base on our
expertise and skills so that the goal and objective of the management be attainable.
Page 23
Exercise 3
1. Explain the definition of planning.
Answer: The definition of planning given in this lesson is that it involves identifying
missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them. It is well define that planning
is identifying, means that in order to construct the structure of a plan there were things
needed to consider on laying down ideas in order to achieve the objectives of
planning. There is a need to picture out what would be the outcome of planning,
connecting each elements of process in order to meet its end.

2. Give the difference between mission/purpose and goal/objective.

Answer: Mission/purpose and goal/objective were different especially in its statement
but they have connections. The difference between them is that mission/purpose talks
about the task in general of an organization while goal/objective is a detailed
statement that naturally helps to achieve the mission.

3. Think of a particular program/project and prepare their goals/objectives. Make sure

the objectives are verifiable.
Answer: “Assessment Mission”
The objective of the mission is to provide free of charge and service to 50
persons on appraisal and assessment to all real properties (taxable and exempt) within
the taxing jurisdiction of the province.

4. Based on the institution where you belong, the different types of plans mentioned in
this module exist. Test your ability to recognize them by giving example for each
The different types of plans given are the following:
1. With regard to the mission of our organization it applies on every act took
by every employee on an assessment as we provide a systematic method and
system of real property tax.
2. With regard to the objective or goal of our organization it can be recognize
when we conduct Field Ocular inspection on the different municipalities of
Palawan province that we aim to visit personally the area to enhance real
property collectibles.
3. With regard to policies in a government sector we have the Anti-Red Tape
Act and the No Gift Policy.
4. With regard to procedures, we implement step-by-step procedures for the
clients to walkpapers so they can use their time effeciently.
5. With regard to rules
6. With regard to programs, the program of the Provincial Assesor is to assess
its constituents with their concerns on real properties.
7. With regard to budget it is allocated by every department and it is spend on
a given item or program and there was a Design a System For Monitoring
In our work organization the mission is to establish a systematic method of
assesment in the manner prescibed and accordance with the rules and regulations
issued by the Provincial Government.It has also objectives, policies, procedures, and
rules to be acknowledged as steps to achieve the mission. Moreover, the programs
available are the tangible steps to achieve what has been desired by the constituent
like offering the programs to pave way for the assesment of real properties.

5. Are plans permanent?

Answer: I submit no. Plans may change from time to time depending on the situation.
There are instances if the outcome of the plans turns into negative outcome, why
pursue one? We are open to adopt changes that can improve the plans.

Page 27

1. Why is decision making relevant to planning? Why do we consider decision-
making as a continuous process? To explain your answers it will be appropriated to
cite examples to justify your answer.
Answer: It is relevant in a way that in planning there was a need of decision making.
We cannot achieve planning without having decision making. Decision making means
selection of a course of action from among alternatives. Therefore, planning helps in
smooth decision-making in an organization. An organization makes plan and choose
what is the best to achieve the objective in connection a decision making make the
flow of the plan easier because there was a set of plans decided what is best.
It was considered as continuous process, because an organization will not stop
on making steps. Once they achieve their goal, there is another set of plans that needs
decision making of what is best on the basis of previous activity or task. Therefore, it
is a continuous process it makes an organization to improve and develop its skill.
One of its example was in our organization, in doing our objective, there was a
meeting set to plan what would be the best step to take. From our everyday
experiences, the decision making made by the superiors were being improved in order
to achieve the best and avoid the unnecessary steps we had before that caused
problems and delays.

2. The term “satisficing” is applied in rational decision-making. Is this a good premise

in making decisions particularly to long-range plans? Again you are asked to justify
your point by giving particular examples.
Answer: Yes. In decision making we need to consider several factors that would
affect such actions. As satisficing,which means picking a course of action that is
satisfactory or good enough under circumstances therefore in making decisions we
need to consider such if it is benefitable or would make the organization suceed. The
aim of an organization did not focus only on the achievement of their organization but
also to achieve such there is a need to satisfy clients or customers and also the
employees. The organization will not suceed by themselves itself but with the help
and cooperation of the employees and clients.
As an example in our organization, our client who wants to legalize his
property went into our office. Ask for assistance in compliance of legalization of his
property. Our organization has a designated person to assist the client and will
forward the information to the related team to organize what to do. The process would
not succeed if there is no decision making has been made settled by the organization
proving that the client would be satisfied in our service. As a government agency, it
would be an honor to hear from our clients the satisfaction they had.

3. In the present institution or organization where you belong enumerate programmed

and un-programmed decisions as they apply to your structure.
Answer: Under the programmed decision those that are repeated over time and for
which an existing set of rules can be developed to guide the process, one of it is the
ocular visit or inspection on the area to determine the right size and value of it;
Establishing the schedule might be complex, but it is still a programmed decision: it is
made on a regular basis based on well-understood criteria, so structure can be applied
to the process. 
In an un-programmed decisions that are generally based on criteria that are not
well-defined, this might be in an ocular inspection we have doubt if we might be
using the new technology on doing our job.

4. Prepare ideas for presentation in brainstorming in our class during face-to-face

Answer: (vague question)

5. Have you been a member of a synectic group? If yes, describe the task assigned to
the group.
Answer: Yes. As a draftsman under the Assesor’s Office there are many problems that
may arise during our inspection. But as a group we create solutions to reach our goals
based on our past experiences.

Page 39
Exercise 5
1. Explain the concept of “a place for everyone and everyone in his place” and “a
place for everything and everything in its place”.
Answer: “a place for everyone and everyone in his place”
The concept of this phrase is giving emphasis on everyone has its own place.
The word everyone refers to human being. There is a place for everyone, for every
individual as a human being. In an organization we have our own place as an
employee base on our expertise or skills. When we apply for work, we choose the
position that is fit on our skills. From the time that we were hired, we can say that we
are on our own place.Thus, an organization to reach the goal and objective organize
the management of its employees according on its order, on a place where they
belong. The employees and staff shoul be place on the position they were fit.
“a place for everything and everything in its place”
While in this concept the word everything refers to things,objects,activities or
actions. For example in an organization, the objects or things that is being used by the
employee were being placed on its table or drawer. Everytime an employee needs
something he knew where it is place. Everything should be place in order or it should
be organize well to maintain the cleanliness in an office. Every object should have its
own place according to its use, and if it not in use should be put back where it is

2. How would you relate the informal organization in your plcae of work to the formal
structure. Do they influence one another?
Answer: An infromal organization as defined by Keith Davis is a network of personal
and social relations not established or required by the formal organization but arising
spontaneously as people associate with one another.
In my organization I can say that there is an informal organization form under
a formal organization. The personal relationship between members,sharing opinions,
experiences and problems inside and outside workplace. To relate ths in formal
structure, when sharing such problems and experiences it were driven to set solutions
toward reaching a specific goals. And through this, we influence one another because
we are highly adaptable to change for the better.

3. Which type of structure is preferable narrow or wide span. Explain your choice.
Answer: I prefer narrow span as there is a close supervision or close control and fast
communication between supervisors and subordinates. In this kind of setting, the
manager is more hands-on and the relationship or personal interaction with the
employee is much easier. Knowing that the group has a small number of members,it is
easier to control or manage. But either you choose narrow span or wide span, it is
upon how the organization manage its subordinates. And, it depends on the business
that would put up.

4. Can a person have all the 3 kinds of powers in him? What advantages would they
have to a manager?
Answer: There were three (3) powers given which are the following: 1. legitimate
power; 2. knowledge power; and 3. personal or referent power. Yes, an individual can
possess all of these power. The advantages they would have is the knowledge power,
not all things is kniwn by the manager, he will not be able to know and understand its
subordinates because he is busy doing his task while a person who is not a manager
may know what is going on like a normal staff because they were able to interact to
its co-employee and may understand it.
5. Explain the theory of decentralization.
Answer: Decentralization is more than a delegation. It is the philosophy o
organization and managemnet. The philosophy is the distribution of activities of an
organizatiion from central to local. It says that the delegation or distribution is
necessary for organization to exist. It is a way to reach the gosl of an organization, a
famous phrase would relate “no man is an island”. An organization would not exist
without the help of its employee or subordinates.
6. What is the concept of life and staff, explain.
Answer: This concept is a unified command structure where there was a flexibility in
control of the line and staff. Each staff have their own important rles to play on an
organization, they help the line in attaining the objectives and goal of their
7. How would you describe your organization climate?
Answer: Our organization climate is not good as always or not always a smooth one
but I could say that it was a great organization because we were able to handle our
problems by helping one another. We cannot avoid problems or conflict on an
organization it was a part of our daily life but domain of our customer service that
deals to our clients were a positive one which in turn or considered as a customer
The organization climate affects how our superior communicate with the
employees, which in turn affects the attittude, priorites and compliances that were set.
8. Do you beleive that an organization with good organization climate or culture is a
place where one finds happiness in working?
Answer: Yes. As to personal experience if I were sorrounded by people who works
positively, it has an impact on me,I am also motivated to do my tasks which leads to
happiness because I will be able to finish my tasks with a smiling face by the good
vibes that my organization have. Even though if there was a problem arise on my
organization,having a good organization climate solving a problem is much easier or
much smoother, especially if one another would help each other instead of blaming
Page 43
Exercise 6
1. Give particular examples applicable to the 10 sub-functions of staffing.
Answer: An example, having a business of distributor of oil. As an owner, I would
plan and set my needed employees. I am the general manager and I would hire a
human resource to help me hire employees. In looking for employees to fill the vacant
positions we would join a job fair. In the job fair, a lot of people passed their resume
and the human resource would choose the suitbale person. After choosing the desired
person we would put him or her on the position where the were suitable. And we will
give them the rate of their salary dependent upon the position and performance they
Later on, as my business grow I would promote some of my staff to
theirsuitable positions or deserved positions as they developed their skills working
and we will join or conduct a training or team building to enhance or developed the
skills of our staff of manager.

2. Managers to be effective must posses 4 personal characteristics as presented in this

module. In your own words give your description of these 4 characteristics.
Answer: Every organization must have a manager or a head of a department that must
possess a strong power on different aspects of an organizatoion. There were given
four (4) personal characteristics that manager must posses which were the following:
1. A desire to manage;
2. Communcation skills and empathy;
3. Integrity and Honesty;and
4. Past Performance as a Manager.
A desire to manage is the willingness of a manger to work. It means that it is
not just a want because it offers a big salary but this is a desire by heart to help the
business itself to achieve its aim and goals.
Communication skills and emphathy is also a much needed. A manager should
not achieve the goal and objective of its organization without communicating to
clients or its employees or staff. The manager should be able to understand the
feelings of every person he should communicate with. It is necessary to be a powerful
person be able to communicate or get a long with the persons whom he will work
with. And it is not only an oral communication but also on a wrtten form. It is better if
a manager could possess both orally and written.
Integrity and honesty must be possess by anyone but as a manager it is really a
must because you would stand as a role model to your subordinates or staff. A
manager should be transparent, honest and must have a good moral character so that
its subordinates would respect him. Especially in money matters he should be honest
dealing with it. Managers should earn and give respect to everyone

3. Give your own explanation of the 3 principles of staffing.

Answer: There are three (3) major principles for staffing given which are the
1. Principle of the objective of staffing;
2. Principle of staffing; and
3. Pinciple of job definition.
The first principle aims the objctive of that positions must be filled by the
persons suitable and qualified who are willing to do the responsibilities and roles
attached to the position.
The second one, principle of staffing is defining the the organizational roles
and positions must have by an organization that the manager should implement. It
must identify the requirements and qualifications needed. The better implementation
the manager, the higher that the manager is great and has a quality.
The last one, the principle of job definition it says the precise definition of
each employee by salary,status or the power that makes the manager be able to
perform his job well by having an organize goals and objectives. In short, it speaks
about how the manager give the job description of its staff or employee so that they
would be able to perform their job well.

Page 55
Exercise 7
1. Define and explain in your own words the leading function.
Leading function may be define from the word leading as the head of an
organization should be a role model that would influence and motivate its members to
do the same to provide a quality output and service towards the goals and objective of
the organization.

2. Why is motivation an important topic included in this function?

I submit it plays critical role to person’s productivity because doing things or
working when you are motivated it drives you to do your utmost. It makes your work
more smoother as you always think to finish the task or what you desire. And once
you show that you are motivated in your organization it also affects the vibes of your

3. Famous Theory X and Theory Y by Mc Gregor is an important tool to managers.

Explain why?
Theory X and Theory Y are both important tools to managers because he
would be able to see himself in relation to others. It enable them to see what motivates
their people that can affect their management style about the supervision and
recognition. It really affects the manager’s maagerial functions and activities.

4. Describe at which level you are now under Maslow’s Hierarchy.

At Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, I am now at the highest level which is need
for self-actualization. As working on the government sector that is under the
Provincial Assessor’s Office I still aiming to maximize my potential and to prepare
my future.

5. Which of the motivational techniques do you appreciate most and explain why?
I appreciate the most is the Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation. As it
speaks of a person’s perseverance to do things to reach the goal. If you are motivated
you are persevere to reach your goals no matter of the hindrances you may had.

Page 62
Exercise #8
1. Is leadership synonymous to managership? Whether your answer is yes or no
justify your answer.
No. In a manner that leadership has a followers whatever the leader wants,the
followers do. Managership is that manager have people who work for them. It can be
said that all managers are leaders but all leaders are not managers. A manager creates
circles of power and lead by authority.A leader creates circles of influence and lead
by inspiring. On the other hand, it is not important for a leader to play the role of a
2. Think of three (3) managers/supervisor in your organization and describe their
style. Identify first which category each belong then enumerate the characteristics of
each to conform with what style youhave placed him or her. Use pseudo names not
real means.
Supervisor 1 an autocratic leader who dictate all the working methods and
process and expects compliance on it.
Supervisor 2 a democratic leader who ask for the opinion of its subordinates
and encourage everyone innovation.
Supervisor 3 a free/rein leader who wants you to be independent and will left
decision making to the employees.

3. Analyze a situation in which you were the leader.Which leadership approach

discusses in this part of the module helps explain why ere considered the leader in that
In a situation where I need to make a decision whether to push through with it
or not I would rather ask for the opinions of my subordinates which is I consider as a
democratic leader. It is better to ask opinion with your subordinates because there
were things that you were not aware but your subordinates may have which would be
a big help in your organization to reach yiur goals.

Page 69
Exercise #9
1. Briefly describe the communication process model. Select a communication
problem, and determine the causes by applying the model in your analysis.
It is a visual presentation of the process on how we communicate to each
other. It involves the transmission of the messages from the sender to the recepient
how effectively the plan coordinates. However there were a lot of communication that
may arise but I will select the un-clarified assumptions that causes from a message
that being communicated by the sender and the receiver might have a different
assumption on it. Therefore the sender must be clear on what he wants to tell and use
a language that the recepient must understand. Everyone must be clear on everything
especially on transmitting a message.

2. Make a list of different channels of communications and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of the various channels you have listed.
1. Emails provide instantaneous written communication; effective for formal
notices and updates, as well as informal exchanges and has a disadvantage when
it comes on receiving it it relies on internet connection.
2. Letters are a more formal method of written communication usually reserved
for important messages such as proposals, inquiries, agreements, and
recommendations and has a disadvantage of sometimes it may be misplaced or
can seen by everyone.
3. Telephone meetings/conference calls allow for long-distance interaction and
has a disadvantage of it may end on misunderstanding specially when the signal
is poor. And, it is hard to interact on telephone.
3. How effective are the upward, downward and crosswise communications?
In an effective organization, communication flows in various directions;
downward, upward and crosswise.It helps to develop the communication flow of an
information. It ensures that the right information is being transmitted or forwarded on
the right person.
4. Have you ever experienced communication overload? How did you deal with it.
Yes. By setting time management and give most attention on the important
matters. Time management is very important once everything was arranged well the
communication flow is much easier.
5. Recall a situation that occured at work where you experienced a problem. Discuss
how the topics included in this module can help you locate and solve the problem.
When the demand of the clients comes up simultaneously and there was a
deadline it is very hard to think where to start. This module would help to understand
on how to deal with it by asking help on the right person or the person who has a
knowledgeby way of communication and also by setting time management.

Page 71
1. State as many specific obejectives and give the corresponding performance
standards or yardsticks to measure performance.
In connection with the organization where I belong the objectives are
1. Discover, list and assess all real property and personal property.
2. Establish a systematic method of real property assessment.
3. Install and maintain a system of tax mapping, showing graphically all
property subject to assessment and gather all data concerning the same.
Such objective should be reach by setting standard with the help of
communication with the corresponding target areas. There should be a standard
criteria for example 90% and the out of 50 properties target only 30 properties
complied with which is equal to 60%.

Page 76.
Exercise 11
Prepare your own SWOT analysis and strategic plan. This maybe a simple one the
essence of the exercise to test your ability to apply theories.

PHYSICAL Physically Lack of sleep Affordable Stress
Fit vegetables in the
SPRITUAL Respect Sins Vacant time to Influence of
attend church social media
SOCIAL Respect Not able to Out of town Misunderstandi
socialize with assignment ng
FINANCIAL Salary Spend too Sidelines Leisure and
much beyond Health
the budget problems
PROFESSION Draftsman Impatience Trainings and Lack of
AL III programs and out Training
of town

Page 78
Exercise #12

TQM is the need of our time. Answer the following questions to prove you
understood this lesson:
1. Provide answers to the seven guides towards client satisfaction.
A. Client is the receiver who accorded the highest importance in which the
total quality management improve its processes for and do better according to their
respective needs and expectation.
B. Clients need a satisfactory service from the organization whom they entrust
some of their life needs and ownerships.
C. Clients expect for a quality service that would help them to assess their
needs and improve its deficiency .
D. Our services are the assessment and appraisal which are tangible roles with
accompanied actions and tasks that will fulfill the needs of the clients.
E. Exceeding the expectations of clients means empowering customers. On the
services we offer it is way better and very helpful way to gain the trust and reliance
of clients.
F. There was a plan-do-check-act scheme that before providing the need of
the client, we have to know first what are these specific needs, work out on how to
produce it, and do it with all diligence to provide a quality service to the clients.
G. The improvements necessary in the process of serving our clients are first
found out when we seek to know where their queries usually arise from and asnwers
such queries according to its needs to provide quality of service.

2. As a starting point what activities do you propose to implement TQM in your place
of work.
Most of our related-work activities really needs a Total Quality Management
(TQM). I propose for the continuation development of our organization
communication is really one of the key. In all actions to be done, communication
really helps like in empowering we need to communicate with one another.
The main goal of the organization is to provide a quality service that will
satisfy clients and also we as a worker should also enjoy and satisfy our desire to
reach the goal.

Page 79.
Write a narrative evaluation as to the significant learning acquired and level of
satisfactions in enrolling at the Distance Learning Program of the Open University,
I found that the subject was interesting and very informative. As a student of
this institution, one of the most important activities is to understand how people
should behave in organizations. I learned that the nature of management is mainly
power, influence and of course,leadership. Managing has been essential to ensure
coordination of every people’s efforts either inside the organization or outside of it.
I’ve also learned about how being an effective leader involves working with other
people’s goals and motivations, which you can also learn from other people.
I also learned about employee motivation and satisfaction, communication,
power and politics, conflict management, and organization design and change. I
believe with this knowledge on these topic, I may be become more observant on my
work environment at a different perspective. I believe this knowledge has given me
the tools to understand how an organization works no matter what the field of the
business it is focused in. And also the characteristics of an organization and be able to
analyze and picture out with our organization why are those things happen.
Generally, it satisfies on different aspects especially on how to handle
problems that may arise and deal with it calmly.Especially on dealing with with
clients we need to serve the best wuality of service that you need to satisfy its desire
and provide its needs. This modules has completely satisfied me with learnings that I
woul probably not forget to apply and consider to provide a quality service to the
organization and to the clients that I render my service with now and in the future.

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