Case Analysis

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Case Analysis

1. Suppose you decide to become an analyst after you graduate. What type of analyst
would you most prefer to be? What type of courses should you take before you
graduate? What type of summer job or internship should you seek?

QUESTION: Develop a short plan that describes how you will prepare for your
career as an analyst.

2. A major retail store recently spent $24 million dollars on a large private satellite
communication system that provides state-of-the-art voice, data, and video
transmission between stores and regional headquarters. When an item gets sold, the
scanner software updates the inventory system in real time. As a result, store
transactions are passed on to regional and national headquarters instantly, which
keeps inventory records up to date. One of the store’s major competitors has an
older system in which transactions are uploaded at the end of a business day. The
first company feels that its method of instant communication and feedback allows it
to react more quickly to changes in the market, giving the company a competitive
advantage. For example, if an early winter snowstorm causes stores across the
upper Midwest to start selling high-end (and high-profit) snow throwers quite quickly,
the company’s nearest warehouse can prepare next-day shipments to maintain a
good inventory balance, while the competitor may not move quite as quickly and thus
lose out on such quick inventory turnover.


1. Do you think a $24 million investment in a private satellite

communication system could be justified by a cost-benefit analysis?
Could this be done with a standard communication line (with encryption)?
2. How might the competitor attempt to close the “information gap” in this

3. The South Dakota Department of Labor, Workers’ Compensation division was

sinking under a load of paper files. As a state agency which ascertains that
employees are treated fairly when they are injured on the job, the agency had a
plethora of paper files and filing cabinets. If a person (or company) called to see the
status of an injury claim, the clerk who received the call would have to take a
message, get the paper file, review the status, and call the person back. Files were
stored in huge filing cabinets and were entered by year and case number (for
example, the 415th person injured in 2008 would be in a file numbered 08-415). But
most callers did not remember the file number and would give their name and
address and the date of injury. The clerk would look in a spiral notebook for the last
name around the date that was given—and then find the file number to retrieve the
folder. Some folders were small—possibly documenting a minor cut or minor injury,
and the employee was back to work after a brief treatment period. Other folders
could be very large, with numerous medical reports from several doctors verifying the
extent of a serious injury and treatment (such as an arm amputation). A digital
solution was suggested—reports could be submitted online via
a secure website. Medical reports could be submitted electronically, either as a pdf
file or as a faxed digital file. This solution would also mean that the clerk taking the
phone call could query the database by the person’s name and access the
information in a matter of seconds.

Prepare a systems request for this project. Fill in as much as you can on the
basis of the information provided.

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