Geography Speciation
Geography Speciation
Geography Speciation
5 May 2003
The geography of speciation has long been contentious. that such phylogenetic approaches can make to the study
In recent years, phylogenetic approaches have been of the geography of speciation.
proposed to determine the geographical mode of speci-
ation. If reliable, these methods not only provide a Phylogenetic approaches and the geography of
means of settling the debate about the geography of speciation
speciation, but also indicate that sympatric speciation Methods and assumptions
is surprisingly common and that peripatric speciation is Most interspecific phylogenetic approaches to the geo-
relatively rare. Similar to any phylogenetic inference, graphy of speciation work by examining the distribution of
reconstructions of speciation mode are only useful if sister taxa: for example, if they are sympatric, then
the underlying assumptions of the method are met. In speciation is inferred to have been sympatric and if they
this case, the key assumption is that the geographical are allopatric, speciation is inferred to have been allopatric
range of both extant and ancestral species at the time (Fig. 1). For extant taxa, this approach leads to the
of speciation can be inferred from present-day distri- comparison of sister species; for deeper nodes in a
butions. We discuss whether, and under what circum- phylogeny, the procedure becomes more complicated
stances, such assumptions could be met. We conclude because the geographical distribution of ancestral taxa
that interspecific phylogenies are unable to test alterna- must first be inferred (Box 1).
tive hypotheses concerning the geography of speciation The Achilles heel of this approach is that it requires the
rigorously because of the lability of geographical ranges reconstruction of the geographical distribution of species
and the lack of correlation between the role of adaptive at the time of speciation. The obvious problem with this
processes and geographical mode of speciation. approach is that the current distribution of a species is
not necessarily a reliable indicator of the historical
In spite of half a century of research, resolution of the geographical range of the same species (K.A. Crandall,
controversies concerning the manner in which SPECIATION PhD thesis, Washington University, 1993, [8,9,14,24,25]).
(see Glossary) occurs does not appear to be imminent [1]. One need only consider the alteration of the ranges of
Given the great success of phylogenetic approaches over species that occurred during and after the Quaternary ‘Ice
the past 15 years in addressing a wide variety of Ages’ to recognize how radically ranges have shifted in
evolutionary questions (e.g. [2– 6]), attempts to apply recent evolutionary history, not only in glaciated areas
these methods to the study of speciation are not surprising [26 –28], but also in tropical forests and oceans [29 – 31].
(reviewed in [7]). Three lines of evidence indicate that the geographical
Spurred by Lynch’s influential paper [8], recent studies range of species can, and often does, change substantially
have attempted to use interspecific phylogenetic com- over short periods of time because of climate change,
parative methods to address one of the most contentious colonization of new areas, extinction of competitors, and a
issues in speciation: the geographical mode of speciation host of other reasons. First, the fossil record documents the
[2,9 – 24]. The results of such studies have attracted
considerable attention, both for their promise of resolving Glossary
long-standing questions and for their unexpected findings, Allopatric speciation: speciation resulting from divergent evolution of
such as the suggestions that PERIPATRIC SPECIATION is populations that are geographically isolated from each other.
Parapatric speciation: speciation resulting from divergent evolution of
relatively rare and that SYMPATRIC SPECIATION is surpris- populations that are geographically adjacent to each other.
ingly common [2,8,11,14,19]. If reliable, these methods at Peripatric speciation: a subset of allopatric speciation in which a peripherally
last provide an effective approach toward settling disputes isolated population diverges to become a new species.
Peripheral isolates: a geographically isolated population on the periphery of a
about the frequencies of different geographical modes of species’ range.
speciation. However, if the assumptions of these methods Speciation: divergent evolution resulting in two species from an initial
ancestral species.
are not met, the resulting conclusions might not be Sympatric speciation: speciation occurring within a single geographical area.
reliable. Here, we assess the extent to which these Vicariant speciation: a subset of allopatric speciation in which two populations
assumptions are realistic and evaluate the contribution become isolated by the fragmentation of an initially continuous range into two
or more allopatric populations, each of which is substantial in size (i.e. neither
is a peripheral isolate).
Corresponding author: Jonathan B. Losos ([email protected]). 0169-5347/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0169-5347(03)00037-5
Opinion TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.18 No.5 May 2003 221
Fig. 1. Testing hypotheses with interspecific phylogenies. Current geographical distributions of three species (a) are used to infer geographical modes of speciation. When
species that overlap geographically are sister taxa (b), sympatric speciation is inferred. When sister species do not overlap geographically (c), sympatric speciation is
rejected and allopatric speciation is inferred. When sister species do not overlap and the range of one is smaller than the range of the other (d), peripatric speciation is
occurrence of range shifts through time: some extant speciation, but also that entire clades do not experience
species are now found in localities in which they did not range contraction or expansion and that extinction does
occur prehistorically, and vice versa [32– 40]. Second, not occur [2,15,55,56].
observational studies in historical time have directly
documented countless changes in geographical distri- Allopatric versus sympatric speciation
butions [26,41 – 46]. Third, population genetic analyses Because of the unreliability of inferences of geographical
routinely uncover evidence for geographical range expan- ranges in the past, interspecific phylogenetic approaches
sions (e.g. [47,48]). As a result, the present-day range of a are unlikely to add much to the debate over sympatric
species will often differ greatly from the range of that versus ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION . Consider first sympatric
species when it first arose; for this reason, several authors speciation. Can a null hypothesis that speciation was not
have concluded that evolutionary inferences concerning sympatric be rejected if sympatric species are found to be
the geography of species in the past will often not be sister taxa? Given the potential for the evolutionary
reliable [14,41,49–51]. lability of geographical range, the finding that sympatric
These concerns are magnified further when attempts species are sister taxa does not strongly refute the
are made to reconstruct the geographical speciation mode alternative possibility that the species speciated in
of ancestral taxa (e.g. [8,9,19,21,22]). Recent studies have allopatry or parapatry and subsequently expanded their
revealed that, under many circumstances, phylogenetic ranges to come into sympatry. Indeed, this is the heart of
comparative methods are unable to reconstruct ancestral the classic debate about sympatric speciation: proponents
traits accurately; this is particularly true when the trait is note that sympatric species are closely related and infer
evolutionarily labile, such that the rate of trait evolution is that sympatric speciation has occurred; detractors con-
high relative to the rate of speciation [52– 54], as might be sider sympatric speciation to be unlikely on theoretical
the case for geographical range. Moreover, inferences grounds and consider allopatric speciation followed by
about the geographical distributions of ancestral taxa range expansion to be a more probable explanation [56,57].
deduced from the ranges of their descendants are based on Thus, phylogenetic approaches to the study of putative
a method that does not seem very robust (K.A. Crandall, cases of sympatric speciation really do no more than test
PhD thesis, Washington University, 1993, [25]): this the usually implicit assumption that the sympatric species
method reconstructs the geographical range of an ances- truly are sister taxa. Finding that the two species are not
tral species as the sum of the ranges of its descendants sister taxa would, of course, undermine support for a
(Fig. 2, Box 2). These reconstructions thus not only assume sympatric speciation scenario (e.g. [24,58,59]), but finding
that geographical ranges of species remain constant after that they are sister taxa would not address the primary
222 Opinion TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.18 No.5 May 2003
Box 2. The relationship between geographical modes of speciation and adaptive evolution
As a corollary to phylogenetic approaches to the geography of indicate that allopatric populations are more likely to speciate when
speciation, several workers [12,13,16] have suggested that not only selection causes their adaptive divergence [80 –83]. Consequently,
the geographical mode of speciation, but also the underlying evidence favoring the vicariant mode of geographical speciation does
process driving speciation, can be determined from examination of not constitute evidence that adaptation was not involved in the
phylogeny. In particular, they argue that some modes of speciation, speciation process; quite the contrary, these studies indicate that
such as peripatric speciation, involve adaptive evolution, whereas vicariant speciation is more likely when adaptation is involved.
other modes, such as vicariant speciation, do not. However, this Furthermore, founder-induced or peripatric speciation does not require
assumption is unwarranted – no relationship necessarily exists that the daughter species undergo adaptive divergence [84]. For
between the geographical mode of speciation and underlying example, Powell [85] used experimental studies to argue that founder
evolutionary process [79]. effects might lead to pre-mating isolation among populations of
Although parapatric and sympatric speciation almost certainly Drosophila pseudoobscura without accompanying adaptive diver-
involve adaptive processes, vicariant speciation and peripatric specia- gence. Hence, at least in allopatric speciation, no relationship exists
tion have no necessary relationship with adaptive versus nonadaptive between the mode of speciation and the extent of adaptive divergence
evolutionary processes. For example, field and laboratory studies during the speciation process.
Opinion TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.18 No.5 May 2003 223
Fig. 4. Plots of geographical range overlap through time. In three out of ten actual phylogenies [fairy wrens (Malurus), cranes (Gruidae) and swordtail fish (Xiphophorus)],
most comparisons among recently divergent taxa are allopatric [as indicated by the percent range overlap (x-axis) versus evolutionary age (y-axis)], a signature of allopatric
speciation with infrequent range shifts (although the swordtail fish do not show the predicted steady increase in overlap with age). However, the remaining seven groups
closely resemble the results of null models that assume frequent range shifts, conditions under which allopatric and sympatric null models are indistinguishable. The
inability to distinguish the observed patterns from those produced by the null models suggests that inferences concerning the geographical mode of speciation cannot be
made reliably. Reproduced, with permission, from [9,21].
applicable. For example, Friesen and Anderson [16] ancestral geographical ranges. However, it is based on the
suggest that vicariant speciation can be ruled out for assumption that, because geographical ranges shift over
taxa that exhibit relatively high rates of character change time, the geographical signal of speciation decays with age
because such high rates are the signature of adaptive such that the deeper one looks in a phylogeny, the less
differentiation, which is supposed to not be involved in sister taxa will exhibit a geographical pattern that
vicariant speciation. However, other processes can pro- conforms to the geographical mode of speciation they
duce high rates of character change and adaptive experienced.
differentiation might play an important role in vicariant Barraclough and Vogler [9] conducted an important test
speciation (Box 2). We suspect that no general relationship of this approach by using simulations to assess what
exists between patterns of character evolution and the patterns would be expected for a phylogeny given different
geographical mode of speciation. modes of speciation and different rates of geographical
range change. These models suggest that, when a
Shifts in range overlap through time particular mode of speciation predominates in a particular
Several studies have used phylogenies to test geographical group and ranges shift stochastically following speciation,
modes of speciation by examining changes in geo- modes of speciation can be inferred by plotting range
graphical range size and overlap of sister taxa through overlap versus evolutionary age (Fig. 4). However, these
time [8 – 10,21,24] (Fig. 4). If, for example, allopatric null models also indicate that, when rates of geographical
speciation is predominant, then recently diverged sister range change are high, it will be impossible to distinguish
taxa will tend to be geographically nonoverlapping, and among different geographical modes of speciation because
the degree of overlap is likely to increase between deeper range shifts will obscure the geographical pattern of
phylogenetic clades as a result of geographical range speciation for even the most recent events (Fig. 4).
shifts. Conversely, if sympatric speciation is the norm, In an examination of actual phylogenies, Barraclough
then recent sister taxa will be entirely overlapping, but and Vogler [9] found that, although many sister species are
sister clades deeper in the tree will be more likely to have allopatric and range overlap increases with age in some
shifted their ranges and thus overlap less. Similar groups, suggesting allopatric speciation, this correlation is
reasoning is used to distinguish peripatric from vicariant always weak and confidence limits around the y-intercept,
speciation. This test is a significant advance over previous which represents geographical overlap at time of specia-
methods because it does not require the reconstruction of tion, are often very large. Unfortunately, in most groups,
Opinion TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.18 No.5 May 2003 225
the correlation between evolutionary age and geographical The future of phylogenetics in the study of the
overlap is indistinguishable from simulations that incor- geography of speciation
porate high rates of geographical range change, regardless Because speciation occurs at the population/species inter-
of whether the geographical mode of speciation in the face, methods are needed that focus at that level [25,72].
simulations is allopatric or sympatric [9,21] (Fig. 4). In One recent approach has been to use phylogenetic
other words, the pattern frequently observed in real approaches to focus solely on recent divergence events,
phylogenies cannot be used to make inferences about the either between populations within a species or within
geographical mode of speciation. Given that the true rate closely related species (reviewed in [73]). These
of change in geographical range will usually be unknown approaches propose that the phylogenetic structure of
and, in many cases, might be large, drawing firm genetic variation among populations and very recently
conclusions from these studies will be difficult. The one diverged species will differ depending on geographical
exception is groups in which almost all sister taxa are mode of speciation. For example, the finding that a small
allopatric and in which only sister taxa deep in the tree and geographically isolated population was closely related
exhibit geographical overlap [24] (Fig. 4). In such cases, a to a population of a geographically widespread species,
conclusion that allopatric speciation has occurred is rendering that species paraphyletic, might indicate the
reasonable, although it seems unlikely that, even in the occurrence of recent peripatric speciation [72]. More work
absence of these methods, anyone would have considered is needed to validate these types of prediction, although
such geographical patterns to be the result of any other the more general concern still remains of whether, even
mode of speciation. among such closely related taxa, one can assume that post-
In summary, Barraclough and Vogler find that, under speciation range shifts have not obscured patterns of
the conditions of their null model, allopatric speciation and speciation.
sympatric speciation can be distinguished by plotting Other recent approaches have moved even closer
range overlap versus age, but only when range shifts have toward the population– species interface (Box 3). These
been relatively infrequent. In practice, few phylogenies historical population genetic methods can estimate several
present the clear-cut pattern exhibited by the null models, parameters that might be useful in attempts to distinguish
suggesting either that range shifts are too frequent to among alternative geographical models of speciation, such
leave a signature in most groups or that a single mode of as historical population size and rates of gene flow, and
speciation rarely dominates in a given group. could also be used to detect the signature of some
226 Opinion TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.18 No.5 May 2003
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