8820.nada by Pablo Amira
8820.nada by Pablo Amira
8820.nada by Pablo Amira
Written by Pablo Amirá
Thanks for respecting this art and keeping this document to yourself.
Table of Content
Mind Map: With this routine you will be able to predict a selected
country with 100% accuracy without any props.
Maybe you are in nude beach (we love that situation apparently),
maybe you have the opportunity of your life to perform to someone
who can give you something special for you but you are not able to
use your own props or even borrow them or you simply want to learn
new information to create apparent psychic phenomena anytime,
anywhere, propless.
I only have two things in this world:
My balls and my word…
Tony Montana
10 Commandments of Propless
his mind during a prediction routine, etc. I want this moment to
be as elongated and memorable as possible.
In “propless” this is relevant because most of the time because
your method lays in your words, you need to understand that
“procedure” and “process” needs to be harmonic. You cant do a
long procedure of mathematical calculations and then just in 2
seconds reveal the number. That is boring and just stimulates the
rational mind to understand the experience as a puzzle that waits
to be solved. In the other hand, if you understand how to create a
“procedure” that mixes with the interesting “process” in an
harmonic way (if you don’t know about music, you can study the
implications of the “harmony” concept in here) you will create a
flowing experience in which you apparently did nothing contrived
or complex. Complexity needs to be in your inner reality of the
method, not in the outer reality of the performance and overall
subjective experience of your participant.
So if you work towards this beautiful integration and let the
“process” to shine and the “procedure” to be as much as part of
the “process” possible, you will get great mysterious interactions
with others, I am sure.
procedure that I am doing not emotionally relevant and overall
boring? It is the main effect interesting to experience? How can I
make it more relevant for him? As you will see, in the next pages,
the core method of “Zodiaco” can be used also to reveal other
type of thoughts, not just zodiac signs, the same as “Mind Map”.
Be as much in the mind of your participants for real and use that
effort to improve your performance.
Being comfortable is kind of risky. I had a classic approach for
knowing a zodiac sign using a progressive anagram, but because
I didn’t want to become too comfortable with it, I wanted to
explore a new way that allows me to secretly get that information
to boost the experience of my participant during a casual
conversation and intimate connection. I then imagine the
dramatic pose of touching my participant´s hands and fingers
and from there I start to develop this full routine, in which we will
use several subtle methods to get the desire information covertly.
Outer Reality
During a casual conversation about the mysterious, numerology
and arcane world, the psychic entertainer ask his companion, a
beautiful girl called Patty to think about his “zodiac number”.
Then the performer claims that via a psychic connection he will
be able to know the unknown, revealing not just personal private
information but also her zodiac sign with 100% success.
Inner Reality
The wonderful method of “Zodiaco” isn’t based in long
mathematical processes and boring calculation. Just casual
conversation and dramatic moments presented as psychic
connection that will let you know the information that you need to
know. The method can be divided in separate phases:
1. Know if your participant born in November or December
(Month 11 and 12).
2. Know which month your participant born.
3. Know the exact zodiac sign.
Before going into “Zodiaco”, is important to know if your
participant knows his zodiac sign. If not, just let them know using
his smartphone or asking other person.
The performance starts with the dramatic pose of touching all 10
fingers with your participant, palms facing each other. You stare
her eyes keeping that position, revealing some information using
your best reading techniques, and at a moment say:
“I feel that your beginning isn’t on November or December,
In here language is important due the fact that “beginning” is an
ambiguous way to say “birthday”. If your participant agrees with
that, you know that her birthday is in the range January-October.
What if your participant born in November-December? No
problem. If your participant replies “no”, you just add:
“That´s interesting. That tells me that you have a emotional and
spiritual life that in a way or other let me feel that you have in a
way other beginning in your existence in other time of the
As you can understand, we will later give importance to other
moment in your participant´s life that happened in the range of
January-October. You can just fish for this later or just ask. The
nice thing is that your participant will feel the gaps himself and
give proper meaning to your statement.
So now, you know the information that you need to know.
Let’s cover first the case if your participant born either in
November or December. Because you just know that, you have 3
options to fish (Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn).
We will know which zodiac sign is just during casual conversation
presented as revelations. In here the key is not asking, rather
telling and see for reactions from that replies, always adjusting
In here is very important to create time lapses between your
fishing of information. You don’t want to be just a seeker of
information to end your “trick”, rather just embed those moments
during different revelations that you can create using your
reading techniques and intuition.
Regarding the Zodiac Signs, there are more probabilities that
your participant is a Sagittarius, so we will have that first option
to reveal and them branch the other options.
“ I feel that you have and interesting connection with nature that
allows you to be in there and feel refresh and energized. I also
feel that in a deep manner you want to be more out there and
enjoy the simple things in life.
I feel also that in a profound manner, in life you feel sometimes
that your behavior is very different from others, and that at times
make you feel both special and strange. That make sense to you
You know the symbol of your zodiac sign? Yes… great, because I
feel regarding your aura and energy that in your zodiac there
isn’t a strong connection with an animal, like Taurus for a Bull,
If your participant agrees with that, you know that she is a
Sagittarius, due the fact that Scorpio and Capricorn are linked to
animals in a direct manner.
If your participant denies that, add:
“And that´s because you feel that you are in control of you. Your
destiny isn’t written in the horoscope, rather I feel a strong self
knowing about yourself.”
So now you know that is either Scorpio or Capricorn. Now you
need to use “Non Verbal Fishing” to know which one is. Just
declare that you saw in the first letter of the word a “curve”. If
you receive good verbal/non verbal confirmation, you know that
is a C, if not, adjust yourself and declare that you are seeing
things clearly now and you see now the S.
This technique can be also used if your participant doesn’t know
the symbols/mascots of her zodiac sign, so you don’t need to say
before that her sign isn’t related with an animal.
Let’s see written example:
Performer: “Please visualize your zodiac sign as a word floating
between us…The first letter has a curve…
Participant: Yes (with certainty that allows you to know that is a
Performer: As a fact, it´s just a curve… right? (Reveal Capricorn
in your favorite manner. Hopefully a credible one)
Participant: Yes (with a tone of voice that allows you to know that
isn’t a C, rather a S)
Performer: ...Look at the middle of the word…There is a double
letter somewhere…
Participant: No
Performer: I say that because for a moment I saw a double
“P”…but I know that you know that Scorpio has only one “P”
2b. Participant: Yes
Performer: Yes, a moment ago you focus on that but you where
not sure that Sagittarius has a double “T”….
Now, lets take the other routine in which your participant says
“Yes” to your first statement about November-December. So, you
know that her birthday is in the range of January-October.
“I feel a strong energy in other place in the year.
There is something called your “zodiac number”, which is
basically the month in which you born. Think in that number
while I try to connect with you, and imagine placing a ring of light
on the finger that correspond your “zodiac number”, being your
left pinky finger 1 and your left right finger 10….”
In here I can tell you that most persons just look casually to the
finger. With this simple observation you can know which is the
number. If you can know with certainty and you want to check,
we will use and expanded version of Al Baker´s “The Finger
Knows”, which is basically doing CMR (contact mind reading)
using fingers and moving them to feel resistance. The more
resistant is the one thought of. If you don’t have experience
with this piece, you can start to just use the original use that Al
Baker teaches using just one hand (during maybe an ESP symbol
revelation). You just need to ask for cooperation and be
“pleasantly commanding” to instruct her clearly and feel the
proper resistance.
The process of CMR in “Zodiaco” is embedded as “psychic
connection”, so you can move your participant fingers casually
with your own mirroring finger or approaching your hand to each
finger. You can create in here your own dynamic, at the end you
need to know covertly the thought of number, knowing with that
the month of birth and keep proceeding with your performance.
“As you keep imagine that ring of light on that precise finger, you
will be in a calm state, being at the same time centered, and that
will allow me to feel your energy…”
In here is very important to NOT ASK, rather tell and be
observant about the subtle responses, I can’t stress this enough.
Now let’s see the different situations that can occur. Most are
very similar, but I will explain the approach nonetheless. With
some experience you can create your own approaches:
A. If the number is 1: You know that his birthday is in January,
thus knowing that his Zodiac Sign is either Capricorn or Aquarius.
In here we will use again the “Non Verbal Fishing” technique to
Participant: No
Performer: But that make you sense in a way, because if you
write the word all in lower case, the first letter has a curve… I feel
a lot of movement around you….water, you are Aquarius, right?
Performer: Now visualize your Zodiac Sign as a word between
us…that´s right, the first one in caps and the other ones in lower
case (Instructions as mindreading). The first letter has a curve…
Participant: Yes
Performer: (reveal Pisces in your favorite manner)
Participant: No
Performer: But that make you sense in a way, because if you
write the word all in lower case, the first letter has a curve… I feel
a lot of movement around you, water, you are Aries, right?
Performer: Now visualize your Zodiac Sign as a word between
us…that´s right, the first one in caps and the other ones in lower
case (Instructions as mindreading). The first letter has a line…
Participant: Yes
Performer: (reveal Taurus in your favorite manner)
Participant: No/Mmm…yes (with a tone of uncertainty that allows
you to know that is a “G” and not a “T”)
Performer: Not a big line… but I am seeing a line in that first
letter… You tend to be analytical about your experiences, almost
watching them in different perspectives…you have a friend who is
almost like your twin… you are a Gemini, right?
F. If the number is 6: You know that his birthday is in June, thus
knowing that his Zodiac Sign is either Gemini or Cancer.
Performer: Now visualize your Zodiac Sign as a word between
us…that´s right, the first one in caps and the other ones in lower
case (Instructions as mindreading). The first letter is a C….
Participant: Yes
Performer: Yes.. You are focusing in that… lot of love around you,
you are Cancer, right?
Participant: No/Mmm…yes (with a tone of uncertainty that allows
you to know that is a “G” and not a “C”)
Performer: and that C is morphing in your mind now into a G…
You tend to be analytical about your experiences, almost
watching them in different perspectives…you have a friend who is
almost like your twin… , you are a Gemini, right?
case (Instructions as mindreading). I sense that you are
visualizing just a few letters
Participant: Yes
Performer: (reveal Leo in your favorite manner)
Participant: No/Mmm…yes (with a tone of uncertainty that allows
you to know that is a Cancer and not Leo)
Performer: I am not saying that the word is short, just that, for a
moment, you were focusing just in some letters. I can see that
you tend to see yourself as casual, almost like just walking thru
life in a slow and calm manner… that tells me… you are Cancer,
persons…. Some more important than others, I see some green
in your aura… that tells me… you are Virgo, right?
Participant: No/Mmm… (if you see no nonverbal reaction that let
you know that you need to adjust your statement, thus knowing
that her sign is Scorpio)
Performer: And that line starts to curve in your mind… That
right… like you see in your life, always going thru the river and
working hard although some times you don’t receive that you
expect…. I feel a sharp and astute attitude and yellow auras, you
are a Scorpio, right?
Reading all this can see as a lot of hard work, but remember that
this is just a flowing conversation in which your participant is
cooperating, so the CMR and NCMR (watching subtle cues) will
help you to get your desire result.
At the end of the revelation one important factor that I found is
NOT communicate that this climax is the end of the routine. This
whole experience isn’t about the revelation, rather how mentally
you can connect with other. Keep reading her, always lifting her
up, giving positive suggestions and thought implantations.
Extra Ideas
a. You can use a pendulum for the 2nd phase of the method as
well. In that way you can know the “zodiac number” thru a
pendulum process of ideomotor movement. Just ask your
participant to just close her eyes while she holds the pendulum
and while you name out loud the numbers from 1 to 10,
whenever she hears her number, she needs to imagine a flowing
of energy from her mind and heart to the center of the pendulum.
Using this method you don’t need to discriminate the November
or December, so you can use from 1 to 12.
b. Being an opportunist is a great technique to have as Mentalist.
You can hear other one´s conversation, knowing someone month
of birth or his exact day. Then you can use the information and
create a miracle.
Credits and Inspiration
Al Baker's The Finger Knows- and Tells from Al Baker & Co.-Our
Mysteries. I read the use of ambiguity in phonetics from Joshua
Quinn and Gerard Grey.
Kenton Knepper for the idea of “Thought Implantations”, Richard
Webster and Neal Scryer for reading techniques.
I created this effect in 2010, when I first learned about
progressive/branching anagrams in the effort to create mindreading
with a random thought, not just a fixed information such as my
participant zodiac sign. After the realization of the core method and
the applications towards the theme of “planets” the complete method
and performance was created, including the visualization (which is
very important in my opinion, don’t dismiss it) and the potential
subtle sensations that you can cause using suggestion that again,
creates a deeper and stronger mystery piece.
A funny story. I prepared my “No Prop Act” and I had an immediate
opportunity to show it. For some strange reason I completely forgot a
performance that I was invited to do during an event at my colleague.
I receive a phone call while I was walking towards my house and the
woman told me “Hi Pablo, the audience is waiting you. Are you
coming?”. I say “Yes, I am coming”. I run like never before in my life
and at that moment I feel the pressure to arrive as quick as I could
but I also feel relief to the fact that I knew that I could use this “No
Prop Act” and entertain the group. I arrive to the small theatre, did
my performance and everything went as good as I could, doing this
piece and others.
A powerful lesson: ALWAYS WRITE your events and be sure to
remember them! Don’t committee my mistake.
Outer Reality
The performer invites a participant to an experience of visualization
and “guided mindreading”. The participant thinks in any planet from
our solar system. The mentalist then guides him to a visualization in
which he can enjoy an extraterrestrial experience full of sensations,
finishing with the arrival to his thought of planet.
Inner Reality
The core method of “Solar” is based in the concept of progressive
anagrams (also called branching anagram) used by Stanley Collins in
1920 for zodiac revelation. After this several other performers start to
use it for different effects. Several years ago I create this utilization
with the theme of planets but adding to the performance the use of a
visualization of part of the process for the participant, so although you
just need to memorize the progressive anagram to do it, you need to
engage your participant in that visualization to gave the performance
much more weight. In this manner you will not do just mindreading,
but a complete different experience. This also helps to you elicit more
emotional response, thus taking attention to the logical/rational
Originally when I use this routine Pluto was still a planet. Nowadays
the procedure is even shorter. You can add it if you want.
The planets are: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune. As you can see “Earth” is not an option because you are
asking in the narrative of the routine to think in a planet to do an
“imaginary journey”. I suggest you to take all the planets and make
your own progressive anagram. In that way you can play with
different finesses that you can add. As an option you can also get
applications and computer programs to do it. This is a possible
progressive anagram that you can use for:
If you don’t know how to use this type of method, I highly suggest
you to check the books from the “credits and inspiration” section. This
method can look like real mindreading or just a simple “guessing/20
questions” procedure. You need to obviously aim to excellence, so
work hard to make it look good and interesting. I will give you a brief
The planet at the end (Saturn) is the word that you will start to use
as the progression of the procedure. Naming the letters that are in
the left side (U-R-T and N) and the YES/NO answers from your
participant will let you know the possible outcomes. So for example if
your participant is thinking in “Jupiter”, during the process of
visualization and “mind-to-mind communication” you will name the
“U”, the “R”, the “T” and the “N”, receiving a NO in the last letter.
That negative reply will let you know that you need to move to the
right and not down.
Other example, your participant thinks in “Mars”. You will name the
“U”, and because you already received a “NO”, the progression now is
to the right, thus arriving to “Mars”.
In using progressive anagrams, it is VERY important to communicate
that a NO is not a failure from your part perse, rather part of the
process. You can communicate this in various manners in your script
and in the narrative of the performance. One of the ways that I use
particularly in this routine is to ask the participant to imagine “stars”
to form the letters from his thought of destination. So if I receive a
“NO” I immediately add:
“Ok, I am seeing it blurry, focus again please, don’t worry… That’s
right, now I can see better that form, is an S. I saw the curves but I
saw it from other perspective…”
So your “mistake” does not look and feel uncomfortable, rather a
moment that cements the idea of mindreading.
Let’s see the last example, so you can have a basic understanding the
progressive anagram used. Your participant is thinking in “Neptune”,
so you reveal the “U” and it is correct. Now you go to “R” but it is
incorrect. As you can see, we have only two options now (Venus and
Neptune), so now you can reframe your “mistake” with the “R” using
a common letter from the two options and continue with your
consistency as mindreader.
“Oh ok, I rush a little bit, don’t worry… now I see better.. you did that
letter in capital letters in your mind, right? I thought that it was
lowercase…but now I see the transformation more clearly, it is an
“N”… it is similar…”
How do you know that it will be capital letters? Simple, you will ASK
him to do it before the visualization of the letters, but thanks to the
timing of your revelations and words, the participant will not debate
the statement, and it will be seen as other small revelation.
Now you need to discern if the planet is “Neptune” or “Venus”. You
can use the letter “T” as a way to discern it as I suggest in the
“progressive anagram” but you can also use other psychological
techniques to do it. If you use the line that I gave you, you can add:
“ I see a double letter…”
And wait for a non-verbal answer from your participant. If your
participant agrees, you know that is “Neptune” (double “N”). If not,
add: “… but I am not sure…please focus more”. In here you will
basically hear unspoken words. You will interpret your participant´s
non-verbal communication to understand if he is telling “YES or “NO”.
This is a more advance approach but with the proper training, you can
do miracles with this type of techniques. This is what I call “Non
Verbal Fishing”. You say ambiguous statements and then read your
participant non-verbal reaction to know your need of adjustments,
but due the nature of it, it will never look as “fishing”, just casual
conversation. As you can see, there is a lot more than just going
straight in the “progressive anagram”. You need to understand the
subtext, use the narrative and theme of your routine to make
everything fit perfectly.
So now that you understand the core method, lets go with the whole
description of the performance. Take your participant and let him
know that he will do an “imaginary journey to space”. Ask him to
think in the name of one planet from the solar system as his
After this just guide him to a visualization process. Now you need to
use all your abilities as good communicator to do an interesting
performance and moments for your participant. I normally start this
imaginary journey placing my participant seated inside a rocket, so I
can do the countdown and let the participant even feel the force
against his chest and elicit various types of sensations through
suggestion. Then the rocket goes to space, and after a few moments
he can stand up and see thought a window all the stars and the
space. At that moment I ask him to visualize the letters in capital
size, made from stars from the thought of planet/destination
scattered in the space. Now you can slowly go to the progressive
Remember that the mindreading is just part of the process, is not all.
Do not place much attention on it rather have proper balance
between that and the visualization. This is one of the factors to a
successful performance in my opinion. Let the audience and
participant enjoy the whole experience, not just the mysterious. At
the moment that you know his thought of planet, do not reveal it yet.
Continue the visualization and after some moments add:
“Ok, now imagine that the rocket slowly stars to slow down. You are
arriving!. That thought of planet, that desire place for you…
The rocket stops. Now the door is open and you are going outside.
And outside there is a big sign that says, “Welcome to… Uranus”…”
As you can see, the revelation of the planet is not a separate moment
for the visualization. In this case, in my experience with the effect, I
have a flowing dynamic. After the affirmative response from my
participant I ask him to see one more time everything in his mind and
to comeback slowly while he opens his eyes. This is done so the last
conscious focus is not in the mindreading itself, rather in the
interesting subjective experience from your participant. Now you can
ask him some questions regarding his visualization, even about his
feelings once you start to read his thoughts (presupposition that you
actually did it) and conclude your performance with applause for your
This is a powerful demonstration of positive mind influence, guidance
and apparent real mindreading. Learn from this model of performing
and I am sure that you will get much less hecklers and resistance
during other performances.
Extra Ideas
1. You can add more options to the selection choice such as more
planets, different types of celestial bodies, etc. I prefer to keep it
short and simple.
2. After the performance, you can do a reading based on the planet
using Richard Webster-Psychometry from A to Z or Art Vanderlay-
Mind Map
I like the idea to invite my participant into a journey. From that
desire I create this piece, in which we will use our hand in an
interesting manner and also the power of communication to guide in
an opportunist manner to our participant into an impossible piece of
prediction or coincidence (however you want to frame it).
Outer Reality
Two participants are invited to a mysterious experience. One of
them is asked to keep in mind a piece of information, secret for
now. Other is invited to create a decision based in visualization.
After some procedures and choices, one country from the world is
chosen as destination, which was named as prediction to the first
Inner Reality
In the core method of “Mind Map” we will use a timing force to
arrive to one particular continent traced in the palm of your own
hand and then use “Imaginative Equivoque” to arrive to the
predicted country. If we are approaching this in a 100% propless
manner, we need to use a participant as “human prediction” but if
you have some paper, pen or a phone around, you can write it
So the first thing is to ask a participant to hear some secret words
that you will say. To him you will just say: “I feel that the selected
place will be FRANCE”.
Now you will find other participant to be the one which will do the
“imaginary journey”.
You know that sometimes you just enter to a trance-like state and
inspiration strikes you. Time ago I was looking my hand and I
realize that I could ask a participant to visualize in my palm a “world
map”, so from there I realize that I could be able to force one
particular continent using a timing force technique. I normally force
“Europe”, but obviously you can go with any one. It is obviously
very important that your participant has the typical image of a World
Map in his mind. I was surprised to share this piece with some close
friends around the world some time ago and realize that for some
people in some cultural and educational contexts they don’t know
with certainty a world map!
So as you can understand participant´s selection is important here.
Choose someone that you intuit will have basic knowledge of the
world map.
Imagine that in your hand you have the map of the world and you
will realize that at the base of your first finger, you can locate
roughly “Europe”. So in a basic aspect for the first half of the core
method, ask the participant to imagine a “world map” in your open
left palm and while you point with your first finger from your right
hand, ask him to say “THERE” whenever he feels like it to arrive to a
random continent while you move your finger on your palm. You will
obviously stop at the precise point in which “Europe” can be named
(base of your first finger)
After your participant says “THERE” (I use that word and not STOP
due the fact I prefer to have positive words in my act) you stop at
the precise place and ask: “In which continent we are?”
They will say “Europe”. If your participant has some problems, just
help him. It doesn’t matter, because he already made the “free
choice” of position. You can say: “At the right we can see “Asia”, at
the left “North America”, but the finger is on….”
So, you effectively force “Europe”, now let’s see how we can arrive
to a particular country. In here I use an opportunistic and
“Imaginative” approach to Equivoque, just imaginary choices are
I normally predict archetypical/psychologically appealing choices
such as FRANCE or ITALY (at least in my context). You can play with
your options and choose other countries, but the opportunistic
approach is all about being flexible and casual in your verbal and
non-verbal communication. A potential line is this: “So, we are in
Europe. Name quickly a country…”
A simple line like this will allow you to take the appropriate route, so
if you predict “FRANCE” to your “human prediction” participant and
your “traveler” choose “France” as his first option, you have a direct
miracle. If not and your participant names other one just add
casually: “Ok, an other one… (gesturing with your left hand as if
counting)” implying that you meant in the first place to name other
ones. If your participant names “France” now, you can again, be
flexible and choose if you stop there the selection procedure or
continue. I normally prefer to continue due the fact it has a better
flow in terms of procedure in my opinion. In my experience with
“Mind Map” I have never had more than 4 or 5 countries, so don’t
worry and be bold. If for some reason the third is not your predicted
country, just open the selection to the audience and just miscall a
named country.
After this and you have the selection of European countries, just
proceed with a properly equivocal procedure to arrive to the
predicted country. Because this 2nd half is highly flexible and
dependent, I will share with you some strategies. Lets say again
that you are forcing “FRANCE”:
Hopefully this small example can give you some ideas about how to
handle the “Imaginative Equivoque”. This document isn’t in any
means a crash course in the art of Equivoque, so if you need more
help, please search for the basic literature first.
So now, thanks to the innocent timing force and Equivoque, to can
predict ANY country, anytime, anywhere, even when you are
completely unable to use any visible props, literally NADA.
Extra Ideas
1. If you have access to a pen, you can ask the “human prediction”
participant to write the country in his hand. In that manner at the
revelation you have a visual cue and not just the verbal
2. You can also write the prediction in your other palm (the one that
will not be used in the procedure) so you can have a dramatic reveal
(slowly opening your palm)
3. You can also frame this effect as coincidence of thoughts, in
which your “human prediction” participant is apparently thinking in a
random country. So is not that you told him directly, rather you
create the dual reality that he is apparently thinking in any country
at all, still the mysterious event happens.
4. You can also ask the “human prediction participant” to close his
ears to the whole process and re-connect with the group after the
whole procedure is done. This adds an interesting drama to the
performance and for him, a subtle dual reality as well.
The use of hands in Mentalism is not new at all, but I think that
applying imagination, visualization to create a world map is original.
Other authors that had explored the use of the timing force beyond
playing cards are Patrik Kuffs and Kenton Knepper.
I love creative challenges, and being able to know a simple thought
in a propless manner was and is one of them for long time. I believe
that this is one of my best creations in the propless area. With a
simple, bold method you will be able to know the first letter of a
thought of word and from there start your psychic journey finishing
(hopefully) with the revelation of your participant thought. I love
this type of uncertainty, makes me alive during performance,
different from a billet read for example in which I clearly see the
thought and the process of revelation is pure acting. In here you will
know, but not much, so the realistic aspect and the opportunity to
use your psychological and intuitive capacities are huge.
Outer Reality
During a casual meeting, a strange proposal is asked. The
mysterious guy asks his companion to imagine any fruit in his hand.
Then thru a visualization process and some time of empathic
connection, the thought of fruit is revealed!
Inner Reality
RRV stands for “Real Remote Vision”, because in a way, you are.
Communication is a beautiful topic to study in life, specially as
performer. We can improve our lives understanding in a better
manner the subtle aspects of effective communication and in
performance we can create the difference between someone who
can’t connect with his participant/audience and the successful one in
creating entertainment and human connections using Mentalism.
script, language patterns and not in the subtle but fundamental
aspects of acting/theater applied in our context, non verbal
communication and fine methods that we can use to arrive to our
desire results. RRV is not based in words to get information, rather
just observe in a covert manner an imaginative process from your
participant. Mentalism in his roots is about creating reality with our
mind, and this is what we are doing. Through your relevant script
but most important, your effective communication and observation
you will really know your participant thought.
As you can see, I press the tip of my fingers to my right eye, slightly
showing the apparent pressure used, but in reality I was peeking
with my left eye. If you need straight vision, you can use the gap
between your ring and pinky finger.
You can also use a blindfold, although this takes always the propless
aspect, isn’t that important sometimes and it gives the performance
a visual dramatic element.
So, as you can understand, with RRV you can reveal ANY type of
information such as fruits, vegetables, drinks, names, zodiac signs,
musical bands, etc. Just adjust depending your performance
context, participant and personal preferences.
So your participant stars the dealing and you will simply count with
Because you are covertly observing, you will know when he stops,
thus knowing the first letter of his word. Remember that in your
instructions you clearly said to just stare the invisible card until you
“connect with him”. After some seconds that my participant stops, I
“I am starting to understand your mind pattern. Now lets do
something different (now you can really close both of your eyes,
take your hand away from the gypsy peek to gesticulate in a
moment, thus indirectly showing that both eyes were closed before)
Choose any other letter from the thought of fruit, ok? Now you will
simply cut the portion of cards (do the action with your hands) and
see that new letter for a moment…”
So know you effectively know the first letter of his word, in this case
his favorite fruit. From this simple information you can work
precisely the word or at least 2-3 options in which you can use what
I call “Non Verbal Fishing” to know, this demands from your part to
be observant to your participant´s non-verbal communication
BEFORE he agrees or denies your statement in a verbal manner and
to adjust so you can apparently re-phrase the original statement.
Now take off the attention to the “flash cards” and go for the
visualization of the fruit in your other hand. In here is very
important to make the process entertaining to really elicit different
images, sensations, flavors, colors, etc. Avoid direct and quick
revelations, make it credible
So let’s say that the first letter is “P”, so the options are: Papaya,
Passion Fruit, Pear, Pineapple or Plum. My strategy at this stage is
to just guess using my first feeling: “Which fruit I think he choose?”
As you can understand, each letter to each chosen category will be
different, so you need to be flexible and not be to focused in arriving
to a climax/TADA moment. Although this piece can be used in formal
performances, I prefer to use it in informal situations in which I am
not forces to create a more theatrical TADA context. I don’t care
really if I don’t hit directly the specific thought, far from that, if my
guess is not 100% correct, this alone construct in myself the identity
of a real mystery worker and not a trickster in the pejorative sense
of the word.
You can do “Non Verbal Fishing” with the size, shape, color and in
this case flavor of the object. Play with your creativity, the options
that you can arrive and make RRV your own. With practice and
proper understanding of your own ways you will discover many
subtle methods. You can even create an impromptu “Progressive
Anagram” if you know that the potential thoughts are 2 or 3 and you
can narrow the word using a particular letter to discriminate.
Extra Ideas
1. If your participant didn’t deal any cards, clearly the first
letter is “A”, so again as in the original routine, wait a
moment and then ask him to visualize any of the letters from
the word via a cutting procedure.
2. This RRV technique can be also used for “invisible numbered
flash cards”. You can play with the options for ACAAN for