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Battle For The Modern Security Operations Center

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IDC Technology Spotlight

Sponsored by Kaspersky


Konstantin Rychkov
Battle for the Modern Security Operations Center
Christopher Kissel The Evolution of Security Operations and the Contemporary State
of Play

August 2020 Today more than ever, security is not about buying the latest security novelties; it is
about building efficiencies into the processes that contribute to overall business
priorities, without undermining key security prerequisites. Currently, over half of all
global businesses with 2,500 or more employees already have a security operations
center (SOC) in one form or another, and 72% of those have built these capabilities
within the last five years. The most advanced organizations build their internal
security operations centers so that they are integrated with overall IT governance
and guided by strategic priorities on the horizon.

This change in approach is reflected in many layers:

• Cybersecurity automation intelligence response and orchestration

technologies, which previously had an exclusive position at the core
of the SOC, now compete with other technologies and/or have
become inclusive components of detection and response
technologies and services.
• SOCs have become collaborative projects, involving NetOps,
SecOps, DevOps, and business contributors.
• The expansion of organizational perimeters has led to floods of
alerts and masses of noise, thus encouraging greater use of:

o Functional outsourcing, whereby organizations rely on

managed security services (MSS) from select service providers
or security vendors (with 85% of companies currently
outsourcing at least part of their SOCs to MSS providers and
32% fully outsourcing their SOCs)
o Research and triage augmentation with threat intelligence (TI),
either through paid feeds or by building a TI practice and
plugging it into a specialized platform (with overall spending on
TI among North American organizations of over $1.2 billion)
o Streamlining functions and SOC processes with automation and
orchestration (with a 5-year CAGR for the SOAR market in
North America of 7.4%, even when accounting for the impact of
the COVID-19 crisis)

The modern SOC has evolved dramatically, as have requirements for its
efficiency and effectiveness.

IDC #EUR246697320

Challenges of the Modern SOCs

Increasing Volume of Alerts Compounded by the Skills Gap
Triaging and system maintenance eat up the time of resource-restricted security
teams. This problem is not novel to the industry, and over 90% of teams are
operating understaffed. Analysts' time would be better spent working on more
sophisticated alerts that need human intervention, as well as proactively threat
hunting to minimize the time from breach discovery to resolution.
Today, on average, a
Swiveling Chair Problem
cybersecurity analyst stays
A typical security operations center may use a combination of 20 or more
in a company for 27
technologies, which understandably can be difficult to monitor and manage
months, 4 months of which individually. Triage can be hard across even two different dashboards, but normally
are spent on induction we are looking at numbers well above three: network, security incident and event
training. management (SIEM), TI, and so on.

A lack of integration between tools complicates the resolution push. Usually, we

have separate endpoint, network, and web policies, and the situation is worsening
due to the number of deployment environments in the cloud and on premises.1

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Since the initial round of regulatory upheaval in 2016–2017, the importance of
compliance for security operations has grown tremendously. Regulatory
compliance is now among the top-five priorities for security leaders.

Despite the security industry's active progress in this direction, legal and security
compliance are still unsolved issues. Even if we ignore the impact of numerous
"tick-box compliance" exercises aimed at passing audits, issues such as regulatory
overlaps for multinationals will remain. Moreover, this is yet another process,
console, and/or tool to manage for the SOC team.

Demonstrating immediate ROI for SOC tooling is almost impossible, but businesses
still prefer this indicator for defining budget allocations. If we take the formula for
ROI from the official guide to CISSP-ISSMP, the hardest to assess would be the
monetary impact from applying countermeasures. And, yes, it still leans on a
reactive approach to security.

While the long-term effects of COVID-19 are still to be determined, a global IDC
survey of 880 IT professionals found that 54% of companies plan an increase in, or
no change to, their IT budgets in 2020 and 2021. More companies were expected
to have reduced their planned IT budgets than those planning to increase them,
but IT has become an essential part of every business. With a greater shift to
remote working and growing economic uncertainty, perhaps the case for getting a
better performance out of the SOC is now stronger than ever.

IDC Technology Spotlight: Integrated Cybersecurity Delivers Efficiency and
Effectiveness in a Challenging Environment

IDC #EUR246697320 2

Knowledge Transfer and Talent Sourcing

The security talent sourcing problem is no surprise, but issues currently also exist
around knowledge transfer for sophisticated enterprise systems, especially in
connection to business routines.

Acquiring and raising talent internally costs money, but the time a tier-one analyst
spends at a company is decreasing each year. Nowadays, on average, a
cybersecurity analyst stays in a company for 27 months, 4 months of which are
spent on induction training.
Progression through
maturity stages by using A lack of documented processes and procedures forces SOC leaders to start from
internal resources and only scratch every time a shift in the team occurs. So, increasing turnover among
analysts decreases the efficiency of the entire security program.
enhancing the SOC stack
with technology is not Human-less Technology's Impact on Operations
feasible for most According to IDC research, the majority of CISOs find that time is wasted on routine
organizations. For that tasks and maintenance when that time could be better spent on actual response.
reason, the automation of Building a “great filter” can help to prioritize real problems and resolve the basics
security functions and the much faster.
augmentation of the We can engage tier-one analysts, and, as we build in more automation and
internal SOC with managed orchestration, our SOC will evolve along the maturity curve, as shown here:
security services are
Figure 1
inevitable and, in fact, Maturity Curve for Security Operations

Source: IDC

Progression through stages by using internal resources and only enhancing the
SOC stack with technology is not feasible for most organizations. For that reason,
the automation of security functions and the augmentation of the internal SOC
with managed security services is inevitable and, in fact, recommended.

Recently, security technology has leapfrogged the expected evolutionary stages to

help practitioners with this problem. Automation and outsourcing help the security
team speed through the traditional sequence of monitor, collect, correlate, analyze,
detect, and report. Incident management automation builds an operational link
between insight and action. Threat intelligence, in turn, helps in incident
prioritization and preemption, guiding the team's efforts to maximize efficiency.

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Filling the Gaps in Your SOC

To overcome the challenges of building and running a security operations center,

CISOs need a comprehensive solution that can enable the team to achieve the

• Build automation and transfer that knowledge into custom incident

response playbooks, which can subsequently simplify dealing with
similar incidents
• Enable expert teams to build a threat intelligence program to utilize
TI information and maximize the output, demonstrating return on
investment to the management (This use of TI has long been
advocated in the market.)
• Proactively hunt threats to help prevent possible attacks and build
defenses and a posture validation mechanism in accordance with
the threat landscape that the enterprise faces
• Integrate the incident management toolkit with all systems that the
computer security incident response team (CSIRT) requires for
ticketing, runbook automation, collaboration channels,
forensicating, and key performance indicator (KPI) monitoring
(Agility in the response phase is essential for an effective SOC.)
• Establish a central console in which all sources of information from
the web, networks, endpoints, email, and additional analytics are
correlated and retained for investigation (This functionality
becomes crucial to the SOC in the event of an advanced attack on
the organization.)
• Dedicate resources to managing cloud architectures (In North
America, the average business uses 1.63 cloud providers for hosting
and IaaS, and roughly 55% of companies have more than half of
their workloads in clouds.)
• Implement security and privacy guidelines from the very start of
building the SOC plan, and focus on risk-driven governance
• Establish programs to retain and upskill personnel from the SOC's
inception onward (Training should not only help in building
essential knowledge in the team, but also facilitate effective
knowledge-transfer processes. Security skills gaps exacerbated by
turnover can interrupt and indefinitely delay the most well-
structured SOC transformation plans.)

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Considering Kaspersky Expert Framework and Toolset for SOC

With the breadth and depth of problems that security leaders face en route to
building a next-generation SOC, it is hard to imagine a single solution that can plug
To enable a next-generation
all the gaps and would fit any environment. Frankly speaking, it truly is not yet
SOC, a solution would need
possible. Such a solution would need to include processes, people, and technology,
to include processes, with associated guidelines, wrapped into a comprehensive out-of-the-box
people, and technology, operational framework and delivered as a platform or a managed service. While
with associated guidelines, this is currently a tall order, transformation offerings exist on the market that can
wrapped into a enhance the traditional SOC and facilitate the journey up the maturity curve.
comprehensive out-of-the-
Kaspersky's Expert framework links a vast portfolio of advanced tools with
box operational framework
dedicated services and expert support. In its essence, Kaspersky's approach is to
and delivered as a platform identify issues and oversights in both the process and the underlying technology,
or a managed service. and then address them with comprehensive solutions and services to enable SOC
While this is a tall order, transformation. A high-level overview of key components is shown in Figure 2,
transformational offerings below.
exist that can enhance the
Figure 2
traditional SOC and Kaspersky for Security Operations Center
facilitate the journey up the
maturity curve.

Source: Kaspersky

At the core of this offering sits a single technology platform comprising three key

• Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) platform

• Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response (KEDR) Expert offering
• Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Expert offering

Expert solutions are extended versions of the offering for the mainstream market,
delivered within Kaspersky's Optimum framework. Kaspersky's Optimum framework
includes Kaspersky EDR for anomalous detection across endpoints, Kaspersky
Sandbox to convict individual files, and Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.2

This framework is discussed in more detail here:

IDC #EUR246697320 5

The list of the Expert framework components for SOCs includes:

• Kaspersky TI and CyberTrace fusion tool

• Kaspersky cybersecurity training programs
• Enterprise-wide and industry-specific security assessment services
• Incident investigation and response services
• Professional services (e.g., SOC consulting and technical support)

Kaspersky Base Functionality for Mature SOCs

As discussed above, Kaspersky's security offering for mature clients includes
additional features. The KEDR Expert offering shifts the focus to investigation
automation for increased SOC efficiency. Alongside the full capabilities of the
Optimum offering, SOC teams receive unique indicators of attack (IoAs) with MITRE
ATT&CK mapping, a customizable research sandbox for on-demand deep analysis
of suspicious samples in isolated simulation, and access to threat intelligence for

MDR, under the Kaspersky Expert framework, runs 24x7 monitoring, incident
validation, and automated and managed threat hunting, with extended raw data
storage terms for retrospective threat hunting. This service enables the outsourcing
of tier-one functionalities and adds a direct communication channel to Kaspersky's
SOC experts for assurance and validation. All raw and TI data is available for
forensicating and internal investigations. The goal here is to lift the burden of time-
consuming processes and ensure the true transience of externalized operations.

Mean time to resolution (MTTR) — which is the time from the automatic
generation of an alert (from the automated analysis of events) to its resolution by
Kaspersky experts — is 25 minutes on average.3 Frankly, this metric for the industry
varies from hour to days, or even weeks, especially when we consider breach
remediation. Reaction time counted in minutes is essential in a modern and fast-
moving SOC environment.

The most important component of functionality from Kaspersky for mature SOCs is
the KATA platform, which centralizes operations in one web-based console for
network traffic analysis, endpoint activity monitoring, and unified visibility and
control. The platform automates collection, normalization, correlation, storage, and
investigation across metadata from networks, email, the web, and endpoint
telemetry. Semi-automated functionality includes root cause analysis (RCA),
forensics, YARA detection, indicator of compromise (IoC)-based discovery, IoA
mapping, querying for threat hunting, and integration with Kaspersky's TI portal.

Discovery and investigation results on the KATA platform are set to trigger and
execute a gateway-level auto-response based on customizable policies and
thresholds. The KEDR and KATA products both have a Syslog API and support all
SIEMs and security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) stacks that can
work with Syslog CEF. This capability can tremendously decrease the level of
"noise" and help to focus efforts on significant security events. With pre-filtered


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alerts, compute and storage in SIEM substantially decrease, subsequently reducing

per-use fees and the overall cost of ownership.

In a nutshell, three components of the SOC Expert core offering can provide
advanced and customizable tooling for the detection and prevention of both
known and novel 0-day and advanced threats. The managed component eliminates
the need for personnel to monitor, triage, and investigate ad-hoc incidents. On-
demand components can support the most sophisticated cases with in-depth
services and capabilities. All components are linked with the TI platform, providing
context for actions and investigations.

Value-Add Components for SOC Programs

KATA, KEDR, and MDR are designed for the automation and orchestration of
In a nutshell, three core advanced investigations and response processes. Still, gaps remain in SOCs that
components of the SOC currently cannot be fully covered by technology alone. For this reason, the Expert
Expert offering can provide framework from Kaspersky includes a set of services and supporting tools to help
identify and mitigate flaws in security setups.
advanced and customizable
tooling for detection and SOC transformation is a complex process that requires a clear roadmap and
prevention of known and continual verification of its execution. Security assessments, despite their snapshot
novel 0-day and advanced nature, reveal major issues and inconsistencies within the security program and
threats. All components are technology stack. The findings of penetration tests, red teaming, and software
security assessments are key constituents of a changing blueprint and can help to
linked with the TI platform,
assess progress as well as benchmark against peers.
providing context for
actions and investigations. Expert guidance, technical support, and consultancy services can help to build an
SOC program that customizes best practices to align with organizational business
objectives. Effective planning reduces costs and helps to make risk-based
architecture decisions, as well as to demonstrate the security ROI to enterprise

As mentioned already, personnel are the most critical asset and the main issue for
an SOC of any size. Training and upskilling analysts should be prioritized in a
modern security operations strategy. Kaspersky has thus included education and
training in the Expert framework for SOCs, listing courses for different levels of
personnel, from security awareness basics for lines of business to incident response,
malware analysis, and threat hunting for tier-three analysts.

With an evolution roadmap derived from realistic and critical assessments of the
organization's posture — one that incorporates industry best practices for security
operations augmented by trained personnel and backed up with technical support
— we can embark on a journey to a modern SOC.

Fueling the SOC with Threat Intelligence

As much as a modern SOC relies on technology and processes, it also leans on
contextualized insights for timely and informed decisions. Standalone components
of the Expert framework can deliver value as purpose-built solutions, but we need a
common information plane to connect them beyond technology integration.

The last major component of the value-add proposition from Kaspersky is its TI
platform. Threat data feeds are layered over the enterprise threat profile to help
triage and highlight the most relevant and impactful IoCs. The list of Kaspersky

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feeds includes, but is not limited to: URLs segmented by threat type (ransom,
phishing, etc.) and targeted-environment type (IoT, mobile, etc.), IP reputations,
APT IoCs, passive DNS resolutions, FQDNs, vulnerabilities and CVEs, C&C botnets,
and MD5 hashes. TI also includes methods, techniques, and tactics from ATP
research to keep defenders up to date with the threat landscape.

In the SOC Expert offering, KEDR and KATA support the import of IoCs for machine
scanning. These solutions natively integrate with Kaspersky Security Network (cloud
knowledge base), which sources TI from third-party vendors, partners, and open-
source intelligence. Kaspersky's TI portal enables the looking up and matching of
objects against feeds, with the subsequent alerting of incident-response teams.
Finally, the CyberTrace TI fusion and analysis tool helps to merge feeds from all
sources (in JSON, STIX, XML, and CSV formats, including custom internal feeds) and
push them into SIEM or run correlations across logs.

Having TI is less important than being able to use and apply it. In its early days,
security teams piled up intelligence, but, without process integration, it was
doomed to become shelfware. Actionable and company-/industry-specific
intelligence must become an integral part of operations and feed into

Challenges & Outlook

Kaspersky's Expert framework and toolset for SOCs is a highly detailed and
specialized offering designed to cover gaps in security operations from people,
process, and technology perspectives. The chosen approach uniquely bonds
together service and technology to enhance the capabilities of SOC analysts, retain
and increase knowledge, retain and train talent, and enrich security functionality.
Nonetheless, as is the case with any solution, this offering has its limitations.

The sophistication of components requires SOC leads to have an advanced skills set
at their disposal. The Expert framework from Kaspersky targets very mature
environments and teams in which many components are already in place and that
operate under a detailed governance framework. The standalone components of
the Expert offering can fit a mature environment with minimal adjustment, yet a full
framework may require the restructuring of processes and integration with existing
tools, especially custom ones. A detailed assessment of requirements at the proof-
of-concept stage is advisable. Assessment services can support this analysis to a
degree, leaving the decisions to SOC leads and the CISO.

The cost associated with entire-stack implementation can be prohibitive for some
organizations, especially when Kaspersky solutions will be replacing products under
terminal licenses. ROI evaluations in such projects should be among the first steps.
Alternatively, components can be acquired separately, but the cost of integrating
these with in-house inventory must be verified.

The core technology stack of Kaspersky's Expert framework is fit to combat threats
across the estate. The functionality and effectiveness of KEDR and KATA are rated
highly by industry experts and practitioners, but some limitations apply here, as
well. KATA's traffic throughput is limited by the machine setup; it requires the well-
thought-out design and architecture of data-flow processing to sustain

IDC #EUR246697320 8

performance. KEDR is lightweight and can run alongside non-Kaspersky endpoint

protection tools. But, to deploy it, the organization will need a dedicated KEDR
server and Kaspersky Security Console (KSC) server to manage installation, update,
removal, and agent-related scenarios. In some implementations, the automatic
forwarding of suspicious objects from KEDR to a sandbox is not possible; it requires

From the architecture perspective, both KEDR and KATA can run on physical
machines or virtual servers, and some limited functionality can be deployed in the
public cloud of choice. Currently, the biggest limitation for the KEDR component is
Kaspersky's Expert the OS on which agents can be deployed. Currently, that only includes Windows-
framework and toolkit for based devices, but the product development roadmap includes plans for Linux and
SOCs is a unique offering macOS support in 2021.
with the sole purpose of
KATA's advanced web and email analysis features reportedly work best with the
helping mature SOCs
Kaspersky stack. Deployments in heterogenous environments will require full-stack
maximize the efficiency of integration to map the metadata for analysis.
security operations and the
level of protection provided Kaspersky's threat intelligence suite, like KATA, has a dedicated server as a
prerequisite. Log correlation may require forwarding from SIEM and back,
to the enterprise. As it
generating additional network footprint. A new release of CyberTrace is planned for
evolves, such a framework
2021, which may partially solve related issues.
can become a cornerstone
of the modern SOC. On a higher level, Kaspersky's Expert offering requires a deep understanding of
technology; it is not a simple one-size-fits-all solution. Out-of-the-box capabilities
that can be customized and integrated flexibly can be invaluable for a modern SOC,
but maximizing the value of Kaspersky's suite without Kaspersky's Expert services
would not be a trivial task. The complexity and the number of components require
a clear vision and professional support from the vendor. Ideally, this offering should
come with reference architecture and a use-case portal to simplify its

Finally, Kaspersky's Expert framework and toolkit for SOCs is a unique offering that
continuously evolves with the addition of new features and integrations. Its sole
purpose is to help mature SOCs maximize the efficiency of security operations and
the level of protection provided to the enterprise. As it evolves with MDR and
people-centric services, such a framework can become a cornerstone of
transformation from a traditional to a modern SOC.

IDC #EUR246697320 9
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