Server Manager Guide

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Server Manager Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide


Part Number: E61438-37

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide


Preface .................................................................................................................................. i

1 Getting Started 1
Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent ........................................................................................ 1
Accessing the Certifications (Minimum Technical Requirements) ....................................................................................... 1
Configuring Server Manager Console to Work with Java 8 Update 201 (and later) (Release ........................... 2
Configuring Server Manager Console to Work with Java 8 Update 201 (and later) (Tools Release and later)
............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32

2 Concepts and Terminology 33

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Features at a Glance .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Server Manager Architecture .................................................................................................................................................... 34
Server Manager Components .................................................................................................................................................... 37

3 Functional Overview 41
Standardized Remote Deployment ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Configuration Management ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
Audit History ................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Remote Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................................ 42
Operational Control for Managed Servers ............................................................................................................................. 42
Flexible Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Simplification and Automation of System Administration Tasks by Using Orchestrations (Release 9.2.6) .............. 43

4 Configuring Server Manager Console to Start Automatically 45

Server Manager Console Automatic Startup ......................................................................................................................... 45

5 Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent 47

Start a Management Agent ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
Stop a Management Agent ........................................................................................................................................................ 51
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide

Restart a Management Agent ................................................................................................................................................... 53

6 User Interface for the Management Console 55

User Interface Layout .................................................................................................................................................................. 55
User Interface Productivity Hints ............................................................................................................................................. 66

7 Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings 69

Configuring Default Configuration Settings .......................................................................................................................... 69
Configuring Default Configuration Settings Based on Existing Instance ........................................................................ 73
Using Centralized Configuration for EnterpriseOne HTML Servers (Release 9.2.7) ....................................................... 73
Using Centralized Configuration for EnterpriseOne AIS Servers (Release ......................................................... 77

8 Configure Management Console Users 79

Configure Management Console Users .................................................................................................................................. 79

9 Managed Software Components 81

Upload Software Components ................................................................................................................................................... 81
Distribute or Delete Managed EnterpriseOne Software Components ............................................................................. 84
Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component ........................................................................................ 90
Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component .................................................................................................. 91
View the Software Release History for a Managed Instance ............................................................................................. 92

10 Manage JDBC Drivers 95

Obtain JDBC Drivers .................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Upload JDBC Drivers to the Management Console ............................................................................................................. 96
Update Bundled JDBC Drivers for WebLogic Server ........................................................................................................... 98
Install JDBC Drivers to J2EE Servers ....................................................................................................................................... 98
Uninstall the JDBC Driver from J2EE Servers ....................................................................................................................... 99
Install JDBC Drivers to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Servers ....................................................................... 101
Uninstall JDBC Drivers from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Servers ............................................................ 102
Install JDBC Drivers to JD Edwards Enterprise Servers (Release ....................................................................... 103
Uninstall JDBC Drivers from JD Edwards Enterprise Servers (Release ............................................................. 104

11 Manage System Administration Tasks by Using Administrative 107

Orchestrations (Release 9.2.6)
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 107
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................................ 107

Upload Administrative Orchestrations .................................................................................................................................. 108
Delete Administrative Orchestrations .................................................................................................................................... 109
Run Administrative Orchestrations ........................................................................................................................................ 109
Start and Stop Administrative Orchestrations Using the Scheduler ............................................................................... 110

12 Register an Application Server 111

Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 14c ................................................................................................................................ 111
Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 12c ................................................................................................................................ 115
Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 11g ............................................................................................................................... 120
Register a WebSphere Application Server, Version ........................................................................................ 128
Register a WebSphere Application Server, Version 7.0 ....................................................................................................... 133

13 Create a J2EE Server Container 141

Create a J2EE Server for an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain .......................................................................................... 141
Create a J2EE Server Container for the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) ............................................................ 147
Install or Uninstall JDBC Drivers to the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS) ................................................................................. 151

14 Manage an Application Server and Related Components 155

Manage a WebLogic Server Instance ..................................................................................................................................... 155
Manage a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Instance ................................................................................................ 158

15 Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New Managed Instance 167

Register an Existing Deployment Server as a New Managed Instance .......................................................................... 167
Change Component for the Deployment Server (Release 9.2.3) ...................................................................................... 174
Change Component for the Deployment Server (Release 9.2.4) ..................................................................................... 180
Change Component for the Deployment Server (Release 9.2.5) ..................................................................................... 184

16 Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New Managed 187

Visual Studio Requirements for Microsoft Windows-based Enterprise Servers ........................................................... 187
Prerequisites and Recommended Registration or Creation Sequence for an Enterprise Server as New Managed
Instance ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 189
Register an Existing Enterprise Server as a New Managed Instance ............................................................................. 189
Create (Install) an Enterprise Server as a New Managed Instance .................................................................................. 197
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide

Configuring an IBM i Enterprise Server to an Existing DB2 Database (Release ............................................. 205
Change Component for the Enterprise Server (Tools Release 9.2 Update 3) ............................................................... 206
Enabling TLS on the Enterprise Server (Release .................................................................................................... 212
Enabling TLS on the Deployment Server (Release ................................................................................................ 213

17 Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a New Managed 215

Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence for Managed Instances for Web-Based Server Instances
.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 215
Create a HTML Web Server as a New Managed Instance ................................................................................................. 216
Create a Transaction Server as a New Managed Instance ................................................................................................ 235
Create a Collaborative Portal Server as a New Managed Instance ................................................................................. 246
Create a Business Services Server as a New Managed Instance ..................................................................................... 253
Create an Application Interface Services (AIS) Server as a New Managed Instance ................................................... 268
Configure the Scripting Libraries (Release 9.2.6) ................................................................................................................ 274

18 Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver 277

Prerequisites and Recommendation Installation Sequence for the Data Access Driver ............................................. 277
Create a Data Access Driver .................................................................................................................................................... 277

19 Manage an Oracle Database Instance 289

Prerequisite for registering an existing Oracle Database as a new Managed Instance .............................................. 289
Register an Existing Oracle Database as a New Managed Instance ............................................................................... 289

20 Manage an IBM i Database Instance 295

Prerequisites for Registering an Existing IBM i Database as a New Managed Instance ............................................. 295
Register an Existing IBM i Database as a New Managed Instance ................................................................................. 295
Update an HTML Instance (JAS) to Enable TLS (Release - IBM DB2 only) ...................................................... 298
Update the Development Client to Enable TLS on an IBM DB2 Database ................................................................... 300

21 Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Server 303

Instance (Release
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 303
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................................ 303
Downloading EnterpriseOne ADF Foundation .................................................................................................................... 304
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide

Downloading EnterpriseOne ADF Applications .................................................................................................................. 304

Installing an ADF Server Instance Using Server Manager Console ................................................................................ 305

22 Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio 311

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 311
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................................. 311
Download the Orchestrator Components ............................................................................................................................. 313
Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio ...................................................................................................................... 313

23 Remove a Managed Instance 319

Remove an Application Server Managed Instance ............................................................................................................. 319
Remove a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Instance ...................................................................................................... 321

24 Overview of Management Console Administration 325

Overview of Management Console Administration ........................................................................................................... 325

25 Administer Management Console Users and User Groups 327

Configure the Management Console for User Setup ......................................................................................................... 327
Manage Management Console Users ................................................................................................................................... 329
Manage User Groups ................................................................................................................................................................ 330
Assign Server Manager Permissions ..................................................................................................................................... 332
Run the User Access Report .................................................................................................................................................... 336

26 Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers 337

E-Mail Configuration ................................................................................................................................................................. 337
Monitors ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 340

27 Available Log Files 353

Managed Home Log Files ........................................................................................................................................................ 353
Managed Instance Log Files .................................................................................................................................................... 355 Logging .............................................................................................................................................................. 363

28 Update Server Manager 369

Update the Management Console ......................................................................................................................................... 369
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide

Update a Management Agent ................................................................................................................................................. 372

Troubleshooting an Unsuccessful Management Console Update .................................................................................. 376

29 Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a New 379

Managed Instance
Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence for Managed Instances for Data Access Server Instance
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 379
Create a Data Access Server as a New Managed Instance .............................................................................................. 380

30 View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance 389

Enterprise Server Runtime Metrics ........................................................................................................................................ 389
EnterpriseOne Web-based Servers Runtime Metrics ........................................................................................................ 403
Application Interface Services Server Runtime Metrics ..................................................................................................... 419
Transaction Server Administration ........................................................................................................................................ 420

31 Configure Enterprise Server Instances 425

Configuration Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 425
General and Instance Properties ............................................................................................................................................ 428
Instance Properties .................................................................................................................................................................... 428
Refresh Environment on Oracle Database (9.2.7) ............................................................................................................... 443
Improve Workload Performance for an Oracle Database (9.2.7) ..................................................................................... 444
Available Log Files ..................................................................................................................................................................... 447
Configuration Groups ............................................................................................................................................................... 447
Configuration Items .................................................................................................................................................................. 450
Compare Instances .................................................................................................................................................................... 452
Troubleshooting the Configuration of EnterpriseOne Server Instances ........................................................................ 455

32 Administer Server Groups 457

Overview of Server Groups ..................................................................................................................................................... 457
Manage Server Groups ............................................................................................................................................................. 458

33 Clear Table Cache 461

Understanding Clear Table Cache .......................................................................................................................................... 461
Using the Clear Table Cache Feature .................................................................................................................................... 462
Clear Data Cache (Release ........................................................................................................................................ 469
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide

34 Health Check (Release 9.2.2) 471

Understanding Health Check ................................................................................................................................................... 471
Using the Health Check Feature ............................................................................................................................................ 477
Understanding Pod Health Check (Release 9.2.6) .............................................................................................................. 483

35 Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release 485

Understanding Collect and Generate Diagnostics ............................................................................................................. 485
Configuring Server Manager for Collect and Generate Diagnostics .............................................................................. 490
Using Collect and Generate Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................... 491

36 Automatic Pre-Generation of Serialized Objects (Release 9.2.6) 493

Understanding Automatic Pre-Generation of Serialized Objects ................................................................................... 493
Configuring Automatic Spec Generation ............................................................................................................................. 494

37 Enabling Oracle Database Connection Pooling (Release 9.2.6) 497

Configuring the jde.ini File for the Enterprise Server and Deployment Server ............................................................ 497
Configuring the HTML Web Servers ..................................................................................................................................... 499
Configuring the jde.ini and jdbj.ini File for the Development Client .............................................................................. 500

38 Appendix A - Best Practices 501

Multiple Management Consoles ............................................................................................................................................. 501
Management Agents ................................................................................................................................................................. 501
Multiple Agents on a Single Machine ................................................................................................................................... 503
Multiple WebSphere Application Servers ............................................................................................................................. 503
Separate WAS Profiles .............................................................................................................................................................. 503
Verify HTTP Ports ...................................................................................................................................................................... 504
HTTP Ports on UNIX Operating Systems ............................................................................................................................ 504
Setting Up Windows Firewall in Windows Server 2008 .................................................................................................... 505
ojdbc7.jar Support on WAS ...................................................................................................................................................... 519
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Server Manager Guide
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Preface
Server Manager Guide

Welcome to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne documentation.

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Related Information
For additional information about JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications, features, content, and training, visit the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne pages on the JD Edwards Resource Library located at:

The following text conventions are used in this document:

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Preface
Server Manager Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

1 Getting Started

Installing the Server Manager Management Console and

The Server Manager Guide discusses the administration of Server Manager.

As of March 2016, the following chapters have been removed from this guide and added to the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Installation and Upgrade Guides:

• Installing the Server Manager Console

• Running the Installation Wizard
• Installing the Server Manager Agent
There are twelve (12) install and upgrade guides for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications for various combinations
of platform and database. For the chapters that describe the installation of the Server Manager Console and Server
Manager Agent, the content is identical across all guides. Access the Installation or Upgrade guide for your particular
platform and database to find the aforementioned chapters.

The installation and upgrade guides are located in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Installation and Upgrade
Documentation Library at:

Accessing the Certifications (Minimum Technical

Customers must conform to the supported platforms for the release as detailed in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Certifications (MTRs). In addition, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne may integrate, interface, or work in conjunction with other
Oracle products. Refer to the following link for cross-reference material in the Program Documentation for Program
prerequisites and version cross-reference documents to assure compatibility of various Oracle products.

Upgrading from 9.1 to 9.2 Server Manager Consoles can be done using the Server Manager Console Update (self-update)
functionality for WAS and WLS based Server Manager Consoles. For an OC4J based Server Manager Console, please
follow the documentation below.

You can locate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2 Certifications from My Oracle Support.

To access JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2 Certifications:

1. Navigate to My Oracle Support ( ).

2. Click the Certifications tab.
3. Search for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Manager 9.2.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Configuring Server Manager Console to Work with Java 8

Update 201 (and later) (Release
This section contains the following topics:
• Configuring Server Manager Console Overview
• Secure JMX and Using SSL Settings for the Server Manager Console
• Additional JVM Arguments
• Steps with Examples
• JVM Arguments Configuration
• Server Manager Agent Configuration
• File

Configuring Server Manager Console Overview

Starting with Tools Release, you can make the following configuration changes if you are using Server Manager
with Java 8 Update 201 and later (and equivalent Java 7 releases). Review the tasks in this section if you made the
configuration changes described in the following My Oracle Support document:

E1: SVM: Console Not Communicating With Agent And/Or Runtime Metrics Not Displaying After AS400 / iSeries / IBM
Java Update Disables 3DES_EDE_CBC Algorithm (Doc ID 2256869.1).

If you performed the configuration changes specified in the above support document, begin by reverting those
1. Stop the Server Manager Console and the Admin server in the domain on which the Server Manager Console is
2. Stop the Server Manager Agents.
3. Stop the Managed Instance.
4. Undo the changes to the $jdk/jre/lib/security/ file or restore the file from a backup. This process
of managing the $jdk/jre/lib/security/ file applies to the Java Installation used by the Server
Manager Console, Server Manager Agents, and other Managed Instances on the respective machines.

Secure JMX and Using SSL Settings for the Server Manager
The subsequent sections are applicable if you have the following settings in the SCFMC/config/ and
$SCHFA/config/ files.



These settings are required only if Secure JMX is enabled. By default, the Secure JMX setting is enabled.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Additional JVM Arguments

Additional JVM Arguments that are required to support Java 8 Update 201 and later (and equivalent Java 7 releases) are
as follows (where this command is a single contiguous command line with no line breaks or carriage returns):

-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2\certs\keystore.jks -<key_store_password> -<key_password>\Java64\jdk1.8.0_201\jre\lib\security

In the argument, replace the values that look like <password> with the actual password.

The functions of the additional JVM Arguments are:

Additional JVM Argument Value Function

-Djdk.tls.client.protocols TLSv1.2 This sets the TLS

version for JMX
Communication to 1.2.

TLSv1.3 This sets the TLS

version for JMX
Communication to 1.3. C:\certs This is the location

\keystore.jks of the Identity store
or Keystore file that
contains the private key. <key_store_ This is the passphrase

password> for the Identity store or
Keystore file. JKS This is the format of

the Identity store or
Keystore file; formats
include JKS, PKCS12,
and PEM. <key_password> This is the passphrase

for the private key
stored in the Identity
store or Keystore file. C: This is the location

\Java64\jdk1.8.0_ of the Truststore of
201\jre\lib jre (Java Runtime
\security\cacerts Environment) that
contains all the public
keys. Typically, the
Truststore is at located

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Additional JVM Argument Value Function

at $jdk/jre/lib/security/
cacerts. <trust_store_ This is the passphrase

password> for the Truststore file. JKS This is the format of the

Truststore file; formats
include JKS, PKCS12,
and PEM.

Note: Starting with Tools Release 9.2.5, TLSv1.3 support is available on WebLogic Server (WLS) if you are using Server
Manager with Java 1.8 Update 261 and later. But, if you are using any Non-Oracle Java (i.e IBM, HP) in your setup for
any web component, Enterprise Server or Server Manager Console or if you are using the Server Manager Console
installed on WebSphere Server (WAS), you must continue to use the default version or use TLSv1.2. Also, starting with
Tools Release 9.2.5, Java 1.7 is no longer supported with JDEdwards for any web and non-web components.

Additional JVM Arguments that are required to support Java 8 Update 201 and later and TLS 1.2 and later are as follows
(where this command is a single contiguous command line with no line breaks or carriage returns:
<server Instance name>
<server Instance name> keystore.jks
<server Instance name>.jdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2
<server Instance name><key_password>
<server Instance name> /SCFHA/jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts
<server Instance name><trust_store_password>
<server Instance name><key_store_password>
<server Instance name>

In the argument, replace the values that look like <password> with the actual password and <server Instance name >
with the BSSV or RTE instance name. These JVM Arguments update the file of the embedded agent
($SCFHA/config/ and these are required for Healthcheck to work.

The functions of the additional JVM Arguments are as explained in the table at the beginning of this section.

Steps with Examples

1. Create the Identity Store: Create the Identity store (Keystore) that stores the private key. Typically, the Identity
store is created on the Server Manager Console machine only.

C:\Java64\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\keytool -genkey -alias <your_machine_name> -keyalg RSA -keypass

<private_key_password> -storepass <identity_store_password> -keystore C:\certs\keystore.jks
2. Export the Certificate: Export the Certificate from the Keystore created in previous step. Typically, the
Certificate is exported to the Server Manager Console machine only.

C:\Java64\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\keytool -export -alias <your_machine_name> -storepass

<identity_store_password> -file C:\certs\<your_machine_name>.cer -keystore C:\certs\keystore.jks

The Certificate is stored in the file: C:\certs\<your_machine_name>.cer.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

3. Import the Certificate: Import the Certificate from the Certificate file created in previous step. Typically, the
Certificate is imported to Server Manager Console, Server Manager Agents, and on all machines that have
Managed Instances. If you are using a custom Truststore, you will must import the Certificate into the custom
Truststore. The command to import the Certificate to the Standard Truststore (cacerts file) is as follows:

◦ Windows Platform

C:\Java64\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias <your_machine_name> -file C:

\certs\<your_machine_name>.cer -keystore C:\Java64\jdk1.8.0_211\jre\lib\security\cacerts -keypass
<private_key_password> -storepass <trust_store_password>Certificate was added to keystore [Storing

Run the following command to confirm that the import process was successful:

C:\Java64\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\keytool -list -v -keystore C:\Java64\jdk1.8.0_211\jre\lib\security

\cacerts -alias <your_machine_name> -storepass <trust_store_password>

◦ UNIX Platform

/u01/java8/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias <your_machine_name> -file /u01/

certs/<your_machine_name>.cer -keystore /u01/java8/jre/lib/security/cacerts -keypass
<private_key_password> -storepass <trust_store_password>Certificate was added to keystore
[Storing /u01/java8/jre/lib/security/cacerts]

Run the following command to confirm that the import process was successful:

/u01/java8/bin/keytool -list -v -keystore /u01/java8/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias

<your_machine_name> -storepass <trust_store_password>

◦ AS/400 Platform

/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk80/32bit/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias

<your_machine_name> -file /certs/<your_machine_name>.cer -keystore /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/
JavaVM/jdk80/32bit/jre/lib/security/cacerts -keypass <private_key_password> -storepass
<trust_store_password>Certificate was added to keystore [Storing /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/

Run the following command to confirm that the import process was successful:

/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk80/32bit/bin/keytool -list -v -keystore /QOpenSys/QIBM/

ProdData/JavaVM/jdk80/32bit/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias <your_machine_name> -storepass

Note: If there are multiple Certificates in the Certificate Chain of the Server Manager Console, all the Certificates in
the Certificate Chain must be imported into the Truststore. Import of multiple files is commonly required for a CA
Signed Certificate where a Root Certificate and an Intermediate Certificate exist in addition to the actual Certificate
used by the Server Manager Console.

JVM Arguments Configuration

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

WebLogic and WebSphere Servers

The following screenshots show how the JVM Arguments are configured for the Server Manager Console on the
WebLogic and WebSphere servers.

Server Manager Console on the WebLogic Server

Navigate to Home -> Summary of Servers -> <SM_J2EE_Server>, append the arguments as shown.

Server Manager Console on the WebSphere Server

Navigate to Application servers -> <SM_J2EE_Server> -> Process definition - Java Virtual Machine, append the
arguments as shown.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Setting the HttpOnly and secure attributes for the SMCONSOLE_SSID cookie (Tools
After you update the Server Manager Console to, perform the steps in the following sections to set the HttpOnly
and secure attributes for the SMCONSOLE_SSID cookie.

Server Manager Console on Weblogic Server

Note: These steps are applicable only if you are using the Server Manager Console installed on WebLogic and is
accessed over HTTPS or /SSL.

1. Stop the Server Manager Console.

2. Update the weblogic.xml file and uncomment the following lines:

3. Start the Server Manager Console.
4. After the Server Manager Console starts up, log in to the Server Manager Console over HTTPS or SSL to
complete the configuration.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

5. To confirm that the HttpOnly and secure attributes are set for the SMCONSOLE_SSID cookie, use the Browser
Debugging tool and ensure that the attributes of this cookie are the same as the attributes shown in the
following screenshot:

This completes the configuration.

Server Manager Console on the WebSphere Server

Note: These steps are applicable only if you are using the Server Manager Console installed on WebSphere and is
accessed over HTTPS or /SSL.

1. Log in to the WebSphere Admin Console profile in which the Server Manager Console is installed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

2. Navigate to the J2EE container in which the Server Manager Console is running.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

3. In the Container Settings section, click the Session Management link.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

4. In the General Properties section, select the Enable Cookies option.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

5. Verify that the settings are configured as illustrated in the following screenshot:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

6. Navigate back to the J2EE container in which the Server Manager Console is running and expand the Ports
option and note down the port number for the WC_defaulthost_secure name.

This completes the configuration.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

7. Navigate to Virtual Hosts, select default_host, add the port number that you noted in Step 6 for
WC_defaulthost_secure, and click Save.

8. Restart the Server Manager Console and access the console over the WC_defaulthost_secure port.
9. To confirm that the HttpOnly and secure attributes are set for the SMCONSOLE_SSID cookie, use the Browser
Debugging tool and ensure that the attributes of this cookie are as same as the attributes shown in the
following screenshot:

AIS and HTML Servers

The following screenshots show how the JVM Arguments are configured for the Web Component Managed Instance on
the WebLogic and WebSphere server for the AIS and HTML servers:

Web Component on the WebLogic Server

For the AIS server, navigate to Home -> Summary of Servers -> <AIS_J2EE_Server>, append the arguments as shown in
the screenshot.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

For the HTML server, navigate to Home -> Summary of Servers -> <JAS_J2EE_Server>, append the arguments as

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Web Component on the WebSphere Server

For the AIS server, navigate to Application servers - AIS_92 - Process definition - Java Virtual Machine, append the
arguments as shown.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

For the HTML server, navigate to Application servers - AS_JS_82 - Process definition - Java Virtual Machine, append the
arguments as shown.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Enterprise Server
The following screenshot shows how the JVM Arguments are configured for the Enterprise server.

Configure the JVM Arguments in the DefaultOptions entry in the [JDE JVM] section of the Enterprise server JDE.INI file.

Applying TLS Configuration Setting for Server Manager Console

and Agent (Tools Release 9.2.5 and later)
You can access Server Manager TLS Configuration Settings by clicking the TLS Configuration Settings link in
the What do you want to do? pane. After you have uploaded and distributed the Server Manager keystore file and
certificate file, you can validate the configuration changes and apply these changes to the Server Manager Console and
the Server Manager Agents by selecting the appropriate TLS version and entering the trust store, keystore, and private
key passwords.

Note: Click here to view a recording of this feature.

Note: Before starting with the TLS configuration, ensure that all the agents associated with the Server Manager
Console are in a running state. If any Server Manager Agent is stopped or not required, remove the corresponding
entry from the management dashboard. Additionally, update the Server Manager Agents to the same release as the
Server Manager Console.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Perform the following steps to apply the TLS configuration settings to the Server Manager Console and the Server
Manager Agents:

1. Click the Choose File field to select the certificate file or the keystore file you want to upload and distribute. You
can select only one file at a time to be uploaded and distributed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

2. Click the Upload and Distribute button. To upload multiple files, repeat the above processes again.
If all the agents associated with the Server Manager Console are not in a running state during the configuration,
the following error message is displayed:
Before performing validation, ensure that all the agents connected to the Server Manager Console are running.
If any of the agents associated with the Server Manager Console are not updated during the configuration, the
following error message is displayed.
Ensure all the Agents connected to Server Manager Console are updated to the same release as Server Manager
Console, prior to performing validation and applying the TLS automation.
3. Select a TLS version from the TLS Version drop-down list.

Note: For the WebLogic Server, you can select either TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3.

4. Complete these fields:

◦ Trust Store Password
Enter the password of the trust store file. The password for all the trust store files in the setup on the
Server Manager Console machine and the Server Manager Agent machines is the same.
◦ Keystore Password
Enter the password of the keystore file.
◦ Private Key Password
Enter the password of the private key file.
5. Click the Validate button to validate the uploaded files and input passwords.
After validation is successful, the following message is displayed and the Apply and Restart button is enabled.

If the validation fails, the following error message is displayed:

Validation of the Certificate, Keystore, and Truststore failed with the inputs provided. Check the Server Manager
Console logs for more information. Correct the errors and try again.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

6. To select a different TLS version, click the Reset button. The system will reset the TLS version and passwords
7. After successful validation, click the Apply and Restart button.
8. On the confirmation dialog box, click OK to apply the TLS configuration settings to the setup.

The restarting of the Server Manager Console brings up a short-lived terminal window on the Windows
machine on which the Server Manager Console is installed. You will see this window only if you are connected
to that machine. No operation is to be performed on this window and it will automatically close after the restart
of Server Manager Console is complete.
9. Click Management Dashboard and restart all the managed instances for which the message Instance Restart
Required is displayed. After you restart the managed instances, you can see the associated runtime metrics.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

• When the certificate used for TLS configuration is due to expire in 7 days or when it has already expired, a
warning is displayed in the Managed Homes and Managed Instances page. You will need to take corrective
action for the certificate before it expires (upon seeing the warning message). If the certificate expires, the
secure communication over TLS will stop and you will need to manually reconfigure the TLS setting.
• If the Server Manager Console is on the WebLogic Server, after applying the TLS configuration, you will need to
restart the admin server of the domain in which the Server Manager Console is installed.
• For any web component in a horizontal cluster setup, you must copy the $SCFHA/config/
file from the primary member to the horizontal cluster member after the automation has been applied.
Additionally, you must copy the keystore file, certificate file, and trust store file and place them in the same
location as the primary member.
• All the TLSv1.2/1.3 configuration information is saved in the $SCFMC/config/ file and $SCFHA/
config/ file.

• The trust store file is automatically configured in the $SCFHA/jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts file on the agent
machines and to the $jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts file of the Java installation used by the WebLogic Server
and the WebSphere Application Server on the Server Manager Console machine.
• When you create a new instance in a setup where TLSv1.2/1.3 automation has been applied, for the new
instance, TLSv1.2/1.3 is automatically configured.
• If the system property setting is management.server.usesecurejmx=false in the $SCFMC/config/
file and the $SCFHA/config/ file, the system property setting will be automatically be changed
to management.server.usesecurejmx=true after applying the TLS configuration setting.
• You must import all the certificates from the $WAS_profile_dir\etc file for all the profiles into the agent’s
keystore and trust store files for the agent to connect to the WebSphere profiles.

Configuring TLS Setting for a Newly Installed Agent

To configure the TLS setting for a new agent installation:

1. Install the agent using the Agent Installer.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

2. After installation, copy the certificate file, keystore file, and trust store file[SC1] from an existing agent and place
these components on the new machine in a location similar to where they were stored in the existing agent.
3. Copy the $SCFHA/config/ file and make changes to the paths of the certificate file, keystore file,
and trust store file if required.
4. Restart the agent.

Server Manager Agent Configuration

This section describes the configuration changes that are necessary for the Server Manager Agent to work with Java 8
Update 201 and later (and equivalent version of Java 7) without having to make changes to the file.

Server Manager Agent on Windows

Note: After you update the Server Manager Agent to Tools Release or later, create a copy of the $SCHFA
\bin\installAgentServiceV2.bat file and save the file as $SCHFA\bin\installAgentService.bat. This step is necessary
to persist the changes related to TLSv1.2 to the agent. If you do not perform this step, your changes will be
overwritten when the agent is updated. If the file $SCHFA\bin\installAgentService.bat is already present, use it to
make the changes related to TLSv1.2. Do not use the $SCHFA\bin\installAgentServiceV2.bat file if the $SCHFA\bin
\installAgentService.bat file is already is present.

Then perform the following tasks:

1. Stop the Server Manager Agent by using the $SCFHA\bin\stopAgent.bat file.

2. Uninstall the existing Server Manager Windows Service by using the $SCFHA\bin\uninstallAgentService.bat
3. Changes the $SCHFA\bin\installAgentService.bat file as follows:

A sample start params entry is provided below. The changes are shown in bold in this entry sample, make the
same set of changes in the do32 and do64 sections.

"--StartParams =-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2; C:\certs

\keystore.jks;<password>;;-<password>; C:\Java64\jdk1.8.0_211\jre\lib
\security\cacerts;<password>; ;-
4. Install the Server Manager Agent Windows Service by using the modified $SCFHA\bin\ installAgentService.bat
5. Start the Server Manager Agent by using the $SCFHA\bin\startAgent.bat file.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Server Manager Agent on UNIX and AS/400 Platforms

After you update the Server Manager Agent to Tools or later, for Server Manager Agent installations on UNIX and
AS/400 platforms, perform the following tasks:

1. Create a copy of the $SCHFA/bin/runAgentV2 file and save it as $SCHFA/bin/runAgent.

2. Stop the Server Manager Agent by using $SCFHA/bin/stopAgent.
3. Change the $SCHFA/bin/runAgent file as follows:

A sample start parameters entry is provided below. The changes are shown in bold in the sample entry.
4. For AS/400, the Administrator must update the $SCFHA/config/ file to include these values:
os.os400.as400.password=<plain text as400 user JDE password>

After these values are set, the Administrator should restart the AS/400 Server Manager agent.

echo Starting the management agent on `date` in home $JDEHOME >>$JDEHOME/logs/e1agent_0.log

$JAVA $BITFLAG -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2

certs/keystore.jks<password> -<password>
jre/lib/security/cacerts<password> -
classpath $JDEHOME/lib/scfagent.jar com.jdedwards.mgmt.agent.Launcher >>$JDEHOME/logs/e1agent_0.log 2>&1 &

echo $!>$JDEHOME/

exit 0

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

AS/400 Platform

If you are managing the WebSphere Managed Instance on the AS/400 platform, configure the $SCFHA/bin/runAgent
script to use the 64-bit Java installation. Typically, the Java Installation used by the WebSphere Installation is:


If you are managing the Enterprise Server Managed Instance on the AS/400 platform, configure the $SCFHA/bin/
runAgent script to use the 32-bit or 64-bit Java installation depending on whether it is a 32-bit or 64-bit Enterprise Server
Managed Instance installation.

The install location of the Java 8, 32-bit and 64-bit, respectively, on the AS/400 machine is:



echo starting the management agent

$JAVA_HOME$JDKBIN$JAVAEXE -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2

JavaVM/jdk80/32bit/jre/lib/security/cacerts<password> - -classpath "$JDEHOME/lib/scfagent.jar:/QIBM/ProdData/HTTP/Public/jt400/lib/
jt400.jar" com.jdedwards.mgmt.agent.Launcher 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &

In order to enable the Server Manager agent to read the PTF.LOG file, you must use the DDM/DRDA AS/400 user and
password using this procedure:

1. The Administrator must update the $SCFHA/config/ file to include these values:
os.os400.as400.password=<plain text as400 user JDE password>

2. After these values are set, the Administrator should restart the AS/400 Server Manager agent.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

Server Manager Agent on AS/400 if DDM/DRDA is Enabled

If DDM/DRDA is enabled on your AS/400, you must update the file of the Server Manager agent for
that server. You must include these settings:

os.os400.as400.password=<plain text as400 user JDE password> File
If you have modified the $jdk/jre/lib/security/ file, and removed the anon and NULL entries from this file,
add the entries again or restore the file to its original condition. The following screenshot highlights these entries:
You must edit the file in $<Server_Manager_Console_Weblogic_Domain>\bin\
cmd. In, edit the command and add the content as shown in bold in the sample below. Also,

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 1
Server Manager Guide Getting Started

you must edit the same command to restart the Admin Server of the WebLogic Domain on which the Server Manager
Console is installed.

SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 "

Note: Restart the Server Manager Console after making the changes to the command.

Updating the ManagementLoginModule_JAR.jar in the

$SMC_WLS_Domain_Dir/lib Location (Release 9.2.4)
For the Server Manager Console on the WebLogic server when using Java 8 update 201 and later:

1. Stop the Server Manager Console J2EE container.

2. Stop the Admin server.
3. Stop all the other J2EE containers that are running in the domain in which the Server Manager Console is
4. Delete the $SMC_WLS_Domain_Dir/lib/ManagementLoginModule_JAR.jar.

For this specific set-up, the file can be found in the following directory:

o /u01/OracleSMC/user_projects/domains/smc_domain/lib/ManagementLoginModule_JAR.jar
5. Copy the latest ManagementLoginModule_JAR.jar file from $SCFMC/stage/ManagementConsole_WAR.ear/
ManagementConsole_WAR.war/WEB-INF/lib/ManagementLoginModule_JAR.jar to the
$SMC_WLS_Domain_Dir/lib directory.

For this set-up, the file can be found in the following directory:

o /u01/SMConsole/SCFMC/stage/ManagementConsole_WAR.ear/ManagementConsole_WAR.war/WEB-INF/
lib/ManagementLoginModule_JAR.jar to above location. The timestamp of the file should show the new date
and time.
6. Start the Server Manager Console.
7. Perform the Change Component operation to confirm that the operation is successful.

Configuring Server Manager Console to Work with Java 8

Update 201 (and later) (Tools Release and later)
If you are using Server Manager version or later, you can remove the TLS arguments that were added in JVM
Arguments Configuration and Server Manager Agent Configuration since these arguments are for the Server Manager
versions earlier than the release

If you are using Server Manager version or later, these arguments will be taken from the file that
is present in the $SCFMC\config and $SCHA\config folders.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 2
Server Manager Guide Concepts and Terminology

2 Concepts and Terminology

Server Manager for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is a web based application used to manage the complete life cycle of the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server products. It is delivered with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 8.97 and
later releases and supports the same JD Edwards EnterpriseOne associated application releases that are supported by
the tools releases.

Features at a Glance
Server Manager provides:

• Web Based System Management

You can securely access and manage your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation from anywhere using a
standard web browser.
• Remote Deployment and Upgrades

You can install, uninstall, and update your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers regardless of their physical
location or platform.
• Remote Operational Control

You can start and stop any of your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers, Oracle J2EE application servers, or
supported third party J2EE application servers directly from the Management Console .
• Secure Administrative Tasks

Server Manager permits you to specify which existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users have access to the
Management Console control, which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers the user may view, and specify which
administrative tasks the user may perform on those servers.
• Configuration Management

Server Manager provides a web-based interface for managing the configuration of all managed servers. The
application presents each configuration item along with integrated help describing the configuration setting.

Note: Beginning with the availability of Server Manager , it is strongly advised that all changes to
configuration files (such as jde.ini, jas.ini, jdbj.ini,, etc.) for any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
server managed by Server Manager be accomplished using only the Management Console interface of
Server Manager . In addition to providing usability improvements, using Server Manager reduces the risk of
introducing configuration errors by providing dropdowns that contain only valid values where applicable.
Further, the tool provides a useful Audit History for any modifications made to configurations using Server
Manager .

• Configuration Comparison

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 2
Server Manager Guide Concepts and Terminology

Use Server Manager to compare the configuration of two or more servers to identify configuration differences.
You can compare configurations through the Management Console application regardless of the platform
or location of the actual JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. You can also compare individual servers with the
default configuration of the corresponding server groups to which the servers belong.
• Audit History
Server Manager maintains a history of changes made to the managed servers. This includes a history of
each configuration change, each server start and stop, and each tools release update, including the user that
performed the change or operation. The Management Console application provides mechanisms to query and
view the audit history that is maintained.
• Integrated EnterpriseOne Software Management
Use Server Manager to centrally maintain all your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server tools releases, including
the ability to copy the software to the remote server machines.
• Logical Server Grouping
Server Manager allows you to group servers with a similar purpose. These groups can include any of the
server types such as Enterprise Server, HTML Web Server , and so on. A default, or template, configuration is
maintained for each server group.
• Application Release Independence
Server Manager is delivered with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 8.97 (and later) and is compatible
with any supported JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application release beginning with Application Release 8.9
through the currently supported release. No electronic software updates (ESUs) are required to support Server
Manager .
• Self-Contained Installation
The installation of Server Manager delivers all components that are required by the Management Console
application. There are no third party requirements regardless of your existing or intended middleware topology
(for example, Oracle WebLogic Server, WebSphere Application Server, or no application server).
• Tools Release Independence
Newer versions of the Server Manager application will continue to support the management of earlier tools
releases back to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne its initial release in Tools Release 8.97.
• Offline Monitoring and Scheduling of System Administrative Orchestrations (Release 9.2.6)
Use Server Manager to monitor and schedule system administrative orchestrations in the offline mode. The
Server Manager system administrator can run administrative orchestrations even when the HTML, Database,
and Enterprise servers are down. Administrative orchestrations are orchestrations that contain only these types
of components: Open API-type connectors connecting to a Server Manager Console Open API endpoint, rules,
or child orchestrations with a similar structure as the parent orchestration.

Server Manager Architecture

The key benefits of the Server Manager architecture include:
• An integrated, web-based Management Console application.
• Management Agents that are installed on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 2
Server Manager Guide Concepts and Terminology

• Use of Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology by the Management Agents running on the servers to
run as background processes that interact with the Management Console web application.
• Secure and encrypted network communication between the Management Console and Management Agents .
The design goal of Server Manager is to reduce the total cost of ownership of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server
products from installation and configuration, to ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting. Server Manager manages
these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers:

• Enterprise Servers
• HTML Web Servers
• Transaction Servers
• Collaborative Portal Servers
• Business Services Servers
A high level view of the architecture is illustrated by this diagram:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 2
Server Manager Guide Concepts and Terminology

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 2
Server Manager Guide Concepts and Terminology

Server Manager Components

This section discusses:

• Management Console
• Management Agent
• Managed Home
• Managed Instance
• Instance Properties
• Software Component
• Server Configuration and Runtime Metrics

Management Console
The central element of the Server Manager architecture is the Management Console , a web-based application. The
Management Console is responsible for:

• Hosting the HTML-based interface accessed using a standard web browser.

• Communicating with Management Agents installed on remote machines.
• Monitoring the runtime operation of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers.
Server Manager is required for all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installations that use Tools Release 8.97 (and later) tools
releases. The Management Console is a J2EE application with a web-based user interface that is accessed by the end
user through a browser. For the management user, this interface is the only means of directly accessing any servers
managed by Server Manager .

The Management Console can be installed on either a Windows-based or Linux-based machine.

Typically the most suitable machine within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne architecture is the Deployment Server,
although the Management Console can be installed on any server that meets the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Certifications (MTRs) of the Deployment Server (for details refer to Accessing the Certifications (Minimum Technical
Requirements) in this guide). The Management Console uses a J2EE application container to host the application.

Optionally, the Management Console can be configured to use the secure protocols of HTTPS/SSL.

See Also

• For an illustration of the role of the Management Console within Server Manager , refer to Architecture.

Management Agent
Server Manager uses Management Agents that are installed on the physical machines that run JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne server products. These Management Agents communicate directly with the Management Console and
are instructed to perform operations as a result of user actions in the Management Console web application.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 2
Server Manager Guide Concepts and Terminology

The Management Agent is based on the JMX Java management specifications. Management Agents interact only
with the Management Console web application; however, much of the work, such as starting and stopping servers, is
actually performed by the Management Agent .

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server products contain an embedded variant of the Management Agent . This
Management Agent is responsible for providing the runtime information about an active server instance to the
Management Console web application.

The Managed Home Agent is a standalone Management Agent which functions as an installed daemon process.

The responsibilities of the Management Agent within Server Manager include:

• Creating, registering, uninstalling, and updating the EnterpriseOne servers.
• Starting and stopping any managed EnterpriseOne server.
• Managing the configuration files used by the EnterpriseOne server.
• Providing access to the log files generated by the EnterpriseOne server.
• Providing basic management of the third-party application servers on which the web-based EnterpriseOne
server products run.
• Transferring and managing a local copy of EnterpriseOne server software components (that is, the Tools
The Server Manager Management Console web application determines whether the Management Agent should be
updated. If so, the Management Agents are updated using the Management Console .

Managed Home
The location in which the managed home agent is installed is a Managed Home . Similar to the concept of an
ORACLE_HOME, the Managed Home is the deployment location of the standalone Management Agent and a
structured file system containing the constituent parts of managed JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers.

The Managed Home is created by the installation of the standalone Management Agent . The structured nature of the
Managed Home simplifies the installation and maintenance of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software.

You must install at least one Managed Home on each physical machine before installing or managing any JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne servers. It is possible for a machine to host more than one Managed Home that might not use the same
Management Console . Each unique Managed Home is associated with exactly one Management Console .

See Also
• For an illustration of the role of the Managed Home within Server Manager , refer to Architecture.

Managed Instance
Each EnterpriseOne server, Oracle Application Server, or WebSphere Application Server is referred to as a Managed
Instance . A Managed Instance is a particular instantiation of a software component on a physical machine. Each
Managed Instance is identified by an instance name that name is unique to the machine on which the Managed
Instance resides. The instance name is supplied by the user who either created or registered the server with the
Management Console .

Each Managed Instance is associated with a Managed Home on the same physical machine.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 2
Server Manager Guide Concepts and Terminology

Instance Properties
Instance Properties are the unique characteristics needed to identify an individual managed instance. For example, only
a single instance property might have been defined for an Enterprise Server:

• Installation path
As another example, an HTML Web Server software component might define two instance properties:

1. Instance name of the application server under which it runs.

2. J2EE container within the application server target instance.

Software Component
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Releases are downloaded as a portable archive (.PAR) and are referred to as
Software Component s in Server Manager . The JDBC driver implementations (JAR files) are also Software Component
s in Server Manager .

This section describes:

• Server Components
• JDBC Driver Components
See Also

• For an illustration of the role of the Software Component within Server Manager , refer to Architecture.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Components

These Server Components are a subset of the Software Component s that can be deployed and managed by Server
Manager :

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transaction Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Collaborative Portal Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Services Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Deployment Server

JDBC Driver Components

Server Manager can also distribute and deploy JDBC Drivers to:

• J2EE containers that run the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based server products.

These drivers are required components on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server and any other
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server component that requires JDBC database connectivity that is not natively
provided by the underlying application server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 2
Server Manager Guide Concepts and Terminology

• RMI java application that runs on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server.

The JDBC driver for this server is required to provide native database connectivity for the application (such as
Oracle BI Publisher) or program that is accessing the Data Access Server.

Note: Do not use Server Manager to install or uninstall an Oracle jdbc driver for any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web
Server that it WebLogic Server-based. If you need to update a JDBC driver for WebLogic Server for any reason, you
should use the native WebLogic Server tools, which are available at the below links:

Using JDBC Drivers with WebLogic Server WebLogic 12c

Using JDBC Drivers with WebLogic Server WebLogic 14c

Server Configuration and Runtime Metrics

Server Configuration and Runtime Metrics are a grouping of related managed resources. A Software Component
defines the configuration and metrics that an instance contains. For example, a section from thejas.ini file can be
defined as a configuration metric for the Software Component for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server .

Runtime metrics provide insight into the current state of a running Managed Instance . For example, the active user
sessions are a runtime metric provided by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server .

For details, refer to these chapters and sections within this guide:

• Configuration

For details refer to the chapter in this guide entitled: Configure EnterpriseOne Server Instances.
• Runtime Metrics

For details refer to the chapter in this guide entitled: View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 3
Server Manager Guide Functional Overview

3 Functional Overview

Standardized Remote Deployment

Server Manager provides a depiction of the EnterpriseOne topology through the managed deployment of all server

Using Server Manager through the web-based Management Console , the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne administrator
can create a new JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server on a remote machine. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software
used for installation is stored on the Management Console machine after being downloaded from the Customer
Connection website or using Change Assistant.

The software may be distributed, or copied, to the remote machine from the Management Console . This server
software ( JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release) can now be used to create the new JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
server. The Management Home Agent performs the installation of the specific server type and automatically performs
the requisite default configuration. After it is successfully installed, the server can be maintained entirely through the
Management Console . This deployment process is similar for all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server types.

Configuration Management
Server Manager provides a complete configuration management system for all server types. Each configuration entry
from the .INI and .properties files has been defined in metadata contained within the Management Console . It is no
longer necessary to directly edit any of these configuration files, or even to know where they exist.

The configuration items are grouped into logical configuration topics. These topics are presented on the management
page for each JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Managed Instance . Selecting a configuration topic displays all the individual
configuration items contained within. These items are further grouped and displayed for viewing or editing. Each
configuration item is displayed with a plain text description. Configuration items with a list of allowed values are
displayed using drop down boxes.

A link to display context sensitive help is displayed next to each configuration item. Clicking this link displays the name
of the .INI file that is being viewed, the section and entry name in the file to which the .INI pertains, the default value
of the setting, and a full description of the configuration item. For items with an associated list of allowed values, each
value is displayed in the help text.

The contents of the contextual help for each setting are also available in reference form in the Management Console

Through the Server Manager Management Console , a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne administrator can compare
configurations for each remote Managed Instance , even if they reside on separate physical machines. This capability
significantly reduces the effort required to ensure consistency among configurations, especially for those installations
containing numerous JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 3
Server Manager Guide Functional Overview

Audit History
Before the introduction of Server Manager , many of steps in the software life cycle were not logged by any JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne mechanism. With Server Manager , the Management Console records and makes available an audit trail
of actions, such as:
• Installing or changing tools releases on a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server.
• Installing or changing runtime code on a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server .
• Changing to configuration items of Server Metrics.
• Recording implemented notifications (for example, for a critical failure).

Remote Troubleshooting
An administrator can use the Management Console to troubleshoot any of the Managed Instances within the
management domain. Troubleshooting includes:
• Retrieving and modifying configuration entries of managed servers.
• Retrieving log files.
• Comparing configurations of a particular instance with any other.
Before Server Manager , some of this functionality was available through the Server Administration Workbench (SAW)
web interface. However, Server Manager greatly enhances the capability of the administrator by extending this ability
to managing all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server-based products (for a list of supported servers, refer to Server
Components). Additionally, unlike the previous SAW implementation, which was directly embedded in the product, the
Server Manager configuration management and troubleshooting tools are available even if the target instance is not
running or fails to start.

Operational Control for Managed Servers

Using Server Manager , the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne administrator can remotely start any Managed Instance
through the browser-based Management Console . This functionality reduces the effort required to perform
configuration or performance tuning changes by removing the necessity to have physical access to the machine.

Flexible Monitoring
Due to its inherent knowledge of the registered topology, Server Manager can accurately determine and subsequently
monitor all entities constituting an EnterpriseOne installation. As such, Server Manager provides enterprise-wide views
rather than machine specific views, which eliminates the potential for inaccurate monitoring of general information. For
example, Server Manager contains real-time data for user sessions, Java memory usage, JDBj connection cache, and
prepared statement configurations. Without Server Manager , such information is not available.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 3
Server Manager Guide Functional Overview

See Also

• View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Simplification and Automation of System Administration

Tasks by Using Orchestrations (Release 9.2.6)
The Server Manager system administrator can perform system administration tasks by running administrative
orchestrations even when the HTML, Database, and Enterprise servers are down, with only the AIS server and the Server
Manager Console running. In addition, the orchestrations can be scheduled to run at defined time intervals.

The Server Manager system administrator can use the Management Console to upload system administrative
orchestrations, which are designed to perform system administration tasks, and then use the Orchestrator Studio to
run the administrative orchestrations. This capability of Server Manager enables system administration tasks to be
completed even when the EnterpriseOne servers are down, ensuring business continuity.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 3
Server Manager Guide Functional Overview

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 4
Server Manager Guide Configuring Server Manager Console to Start Automatically

4 Configuring Server Manager Console to

Start Automatically

Server Manager Console Automatic Startup

In Tools Release 9.2, WebLogic or WebSphere Server Manager Console installations will need to be configured to start
automatically, since they do not include automatic startup by default.

The information to setup automatic startup is available at:

E1: SVM: How to Configure Server Manager Console to Start Automatically With the Operating System When
Installed on WLS or WAS (Doc ID 2066799.1):

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 4
Server Manager Guide Configuring Server Manager Console to Start Automatically

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 5
Server Manager Guide Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

5 Start, Stop, and Restart a Management


Start a Management Agent

You can start the Management Agent by using a script that is delivered when the Management Agent is installed. The
script resides on the machine on which you installed the Management Agent and is typically located in these platform-
dependent directories:

• Microsoft Windows
• OS400 ()

Microsoft Windows
You can use these methods to start the Management Agent :

• Start a Management Agent as a Service

• Start a Management Agent from a Script

Start a Management Agent as a Service

The Management Agent installer creates a windows service that can be used to start, stop, or restart the Management
Agent . This is the format of the service name:

SM Management Agent [install_location\JDE_HOME]

Note: The path installation_directory\JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

For example:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 5
Server Manager Guide Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

Start a Management Agent from a Script

You can use this .bat file to start the Management Agent :


Note: The path installation_directory\JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

You can use this script to start the Management Agent :


Note: The path installation_directory/JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

OS400 ()
In order for the Management Agent to function, it is required that JDK 1.5 be installed on the IBM i machine.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 5
Server Manager Guide Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

Start the Management Agent as a Background Job

As shown below, you must use the "&" switch as a suffix for the command script in order to start the Management
Agent as a background job. Launching the job in this manner means that when you leave the qshell the job will not die.

User Installing, Starting, or Restarting the Management Agent

The user who installs, starts or restarts the agent must have the minimum permissions of *ALLOBJ, *SAVSYS and
*JOBCTL and *SECADM. After the Management Agent installation is complete, it will start. It is important to note that
when starting the Management Agent the user that is signed onto the IBM i machine is the user that executes the
functionality when the Management Agent is performing Server Manager work. That user must not be a user that has
a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server library in its library list (for example: E900SYS).

Agent Commands

For the Management Agent running on the IBM i platform, you can run these commands from the default /JDEdwards/
JDE_HOME/SCFHA/bin folder:





To submit each command to batch:

1. To stop, start, or restart the Management Agent , log in to OS400 with a user profile which has sufficient
privileges to operate these services.

You should ensure that the job queue that the user belongs to is one that is not interrupted during processing.
Because it is interruptible, a job queue such as QINTER might not be the best choice for the job queue in which
to run the Management Agent . You should consider this warning when selecting the user with the correct
permissions and configuration to run the Management Agent processing tasks.
2. To submit the Management Agent action (stop, start, or restart) to batch so it runs in a subsystem other than

where in this example, the job queue is QTXTSRCH, which is a job queue that is delivered by IBM. This job queue
has no thread limitation and runs in the QBATCH subsystem.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 5
Server Manager Guide Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

3. You can use the work with active jobs command to view the processes running under the QBATCH subsystem. For

4. If you want to kill the initial startAgent job, you can issue this command:


where QTXTSRCH is the name of the job queue previously started.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 5
Server Manager Guide Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

5. To verify the job is killed, you can use this work with active jobs command to view the processes running under
the QBATCH subsystem:


Stop a Management Agent

You can use these methods to stop a Management Agent :

• Stop a Management Agent from the Management Console

• Stop a Using a Script
• Stop a Management Agent as a Service (Microsoft Windows only)

Stop a Management Agent from the Management Console

Using the Management Console , Server Manager users with appropriate permissions (refer to Administer
Management Console Users and User Groups) can stop a specific Management Agent , each of which is uniquely
associated with a specific Managed Home . You can specify which Management Agent to stop by checking the check
box of the associated Managed Home and then clicking the Stop Agent button on the Management Console .

Note: If a user does not have sufficient privileges to stop a Management Agent , the Stop Agent button on the
Management Console is disabled (grayed out).

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 5
Server Manager Guide Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

Stop a Management Agent Using a Script

You can stop a Management Agent using a script that resides on the machine on which you installed the Management
Agent . Typically the stopAgent script is located in a platform-dependent directory:

• Microsoft Windows
• OS400 ()

Microsoft Windows
You can use this .bat file to stop the Management Agent :


Note: The path installation_directory\JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

You can use this script to stop the Management Agent :


Note: The path installation_directory\JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 5
Server Manager Guide Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

OS400 ()
Use this command within qshell to stop the Management Agent :


Note: The path installation_directory\JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

Stop a Management Agent as a Service (Microsoft Windows only)

Refer to Start a Management Agent from a Script in this chapter.

Restart a Management Agent

You can restart (that is, "bounce") a Management Agent that is currently running using a script that resides on the
machine on which you installed the Management Agent . Typically the restartAgent script is located in a platform-
dependent directory:

• Microsoft Windows
• OS400 ()

Microsoft Windows
You can use this .bat file to restart the Management Agent :


Note: The path installation_directory\JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

You can use this script to restart the Management Agent :


Note: The path installation_directory\JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 5
Server Manager Guide Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

OS400 ()
User Installing, Starting, or Restarting the Management Agent. The user who installs, starts or restarts the agent
must have the minimum permissions of *ALLOBJ, *SAVSYS, *JOBCTL, and *SECADM. After the Management Agent
installation is complete, it will start. It is important to note that when starting the Management Agent the user that is
signed onto the IBM i machine is the user that executes the functionality when the Management Agent is performing
Server Manager work. That user must not be a user that has a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server library in its
library list (for example: E900SYS).

Use this command within qshell to stop the Management Agent :


Note: The path installation_directory\JDE_HOME refers to the install location of the Management Agent .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

6 User Interface for the Management Console

User Interface Layout

The user interface for the Management Console is comprised of these segments, starting from the top-left most
portion of the page:

• Select Instance Dropdown

• Quick Links - What do you want to do?
• Views of the Management Console

Select Instance Dropdown

The Select Instance dropdown is available on every Management Console page. It is always located at the top-most
portion of the left-hand pane, just above the What do you want to do? list.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

When you click the Select Instance... dropdown, the Management Console displays a list of currently available instances
registered with this Management Console . The list is organized by these groups:

• Independent Instances

These are instances not associated with a server group.

• Server Group: name

Where name is the name of the server group. For example, default.
Each instance is listed by its name, which is a link to the instance, and a description of the instance. If you click the link
for the instance, the Management Console displays the management page of the instance.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

Quick Links - What do you want to do?

The Management Console displays a section in the left-hand pane of each web page called What do you want to do?
that provides easy navigation to the Management Console functions for INSTALL, CONFIGURE, and TRACK:


• Management Agents

Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent of this guide
• Managed Software

Refer to Managed Software Components of this guide

• Database Drivers

Refer to Manage JDBC Drivers of this guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console


• Server Manager Users

Refer to Configure Management Console Users of this guide

• Server Groups

Refer to Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings and Administer Server Groups of this guide

• User Activity

Refer to "Search for User Resources" of this chapter

• Server Activity

Refer to Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers of this guide

• Clear Table Cache

Refer to Clear Table Cache of this guide

Views of the Management Console

The user interface for the Management Console supports these views:

• Management Dashboard
• EnterpriseOne Servers By Type
• EnterpriseOne Servers By Group
• Search for User Resources

Management Dashboard
The Management Dashboard is the entry point into the management application. The web page displays the status
of all the Management Agents and Managed Instances . This view shows each of the known Managed Homes and
the Managed Instances that they contain. Managed Homes and Managed Instances can be accessed by clicking their

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

To choose the Management Dashboard view of the Management Console , on the Home page, use the Select View
dropdown to choose Management Dashboard.

Note: This is the default view whenever you start the Management Console .

EnterpriseOne Servers By Type

The EnterpriseOne Servers By Type view of the Management Console lists each logical machine within the
management domain of the Server Manager for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne . As such, this view also includes the
Management Console itself. The complete list in this view includes:

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Management Console

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transaction Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Collaborative Portal Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Services Server
To select the EnterpriseOne Servers view of the Management Console :

1. On the Home page, use the Select View dropdown to choose EnterpriseOne Servers By Type.

On the resulting page, the EnterpriseOne servers are organized by types.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

2. The grids in this view show the operational status of each installed server and their associated Managed
Instances . For any installed servers, you can click on the associated link to Instance Name to work with the
instance. The grids lists these items:

◦ Instance Name

Identifies the name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time it was created or registered.
◦ Managed Home Details

Displays the details of the Managed Home and the Managed Home host name of the target server.
◦ Server Group

Specifies the name of the server group of which the Managed Instance is a member.
◦ State

Lists the operational state of the managed instance, where valid values are:

- Running
- Stopped
- Starting
- Stopping
- Failed
- Undetermined
◦ User Activity

Provides a summary of the current user activity on the instance.

For an Enterprise Server, the display includes the number of active CallObject (kernel business function)
user and the number of active security server kernel users.

For an HTML Web Server , the display includes the number of active user sessions.

This screen shot displays an example of the grid for an installed Enterprise Server.

This screen shot displays an example of the grid for an installed HTML Web Server :

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

3. The view also lists server types that are available, but not installed.

This screen shot displays an example of the Management Console if the Enterprise Server is not installed:

EnterpriseOne Servers By Group

In Server Manager, you manage servers by grouping similarly purposed servers into logical groupings called server
groups. You determine how you want to group servers depending on your particular JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
implementation. For example, you may want to put all production servers in one server group and manage
development servers in another. Or, you may decide to place servers in separate server groups based on geographical
location. How you organize and manage servers in server groups is up to you.

At a minimum, the EnterpriseOne Servers By Group view of the Management Console includes a default server group
that you can use to initially manage servers. You can move any server from the default server group to a newly created
server group. A server cannot belong to more than one server group, including the default server group.

You can include the following types of servers in a server group:

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Management Console

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transaction Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Collaborative Portal Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Services Server
To select the EnterpriseOne Servers By Group view of the Management Console :
1. On the Home page, use the Select View dropdown to select EnterpriseOne Servers by Group.

2. The EnterpriseOne servers are organized by server groups, where every installation will have at least one server
group called default. For example:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

3. The grids in this view show the operational status of each installed server and their associated Managed
Instances . You can click on the link in the Instance Name column to access the instance. The grids lists these

◦ Instance Name

Identifies the name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time is was created or registered.
◦ Managed Home Details

Displays the details about the Managed Home and the Managed Home host name of the target server.
◦ Managed Instance Type

Lists the type of server the Managed Instance represents.

◦ State

Lists the operational state of the managed instance, where values are:

- Running
- Stopped
- Starting
- Stopping
- Failed
- Undetermined
◦ User Activity

Provides a summary of the current user activity on the instance.

For an Enterprise Server, the display includes the number of active CallObject (kernel business function)
user and the number of active security server kernel users.

For an HTML Web Server , the display includes the number of active user sessions.
4. Start and Stop buttons are available to start and stop individual or multiple servers in a group.

Search for User Resources

You can use the Search for User Resources selection of the Management Console to view activity sorted by JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne users or or by package name (starting with Tools Release

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

To select the Search for User Resources view of the Management Console :

1. On the Home page, use the Select View dropdown to select Search for User Resources.

2. Complete these fields:

◦ Search User Name(s)

Enter one or more JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user names to filter the returned results. You should
separate multiple names with spaces. Leave this field blank to search for all users.
◦ Search Package Name(s)

Enter one or more JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user names to filter the returned results. If you enter
multiple names, separate each name with a space. Leave this field blank to search for all the packages.
◦ Search Environment(s)

Enter one or more environment names to filter the returned results. Server Manager will only display
user resources that are associated with an environment for the environment that you specify. Leave this
field blank to search for all environments.
◦ Detail Level of Results

Select a radio button for your desired level of results, where the choices are Low, Medium, or High.
3. Click the Search button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

User Interface Productivity Hints

This section describes:

• Grid Multiple Item Selection

• Grid Column Alphanumeric Sorting
• State Column Settings - Managed Homes
• State Column Settings - Managed Instances

Grid Multiple Item Selection

For any grid displayed by the Management Console , the display includes these two links just above the heading of the

• Select All
• Select None

Grid Column Alphanumeric Sorting

For any grid displayed by the Management Console , you can alphanumerically sort the content of a column by clicking
on the heading title. The first time you click on a heading, an icon appears indicating the column is sorted in ascending
order, as indicated by a downward pointing arrow to the right of the heading text.

If you click the heading title again, the sort toggles to descending, as indicated by an upward point arrow to the right of
the heading text. For example:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

Note: The system keeps track of the sort using a browser cookie.

State Column Settings - Managed Homes

The state of a Managed Home is indicated by a graphical representation in the State column of the grid display. There
are two possible states:

• Running

A green up arrow indicates the Managed Home is running.

• Stopped

A red down arrow indicates the Managed Home is stopped.

State Column Settings - Managed Instances

The state of a Managed Instance is indicated by description in State column of the grid display. There are three
possible states:

• Running
• Stopped
• Undetermined

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 6
Server Manager Guide User Interface for the Management Console

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

7 Configure the Default Server Group

Configuration Settings

Configuring Default Configuration Settings

All server groups, including the default server group, contain default configuration settings that you can configure
for each type of server that you manage in the Management Console. The default configuration settings allow you to
provide the initial configuration settings for a particular server type. This allows you to configure the settings once for
multiple servers before you create server instances.

When you create a new server instance, the Management Console applies the default configuration settings for that
type of server to the newly created server. For example, in a server group, you can define the default configuration
settings for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server. Each HTML Web Server that you create in that server group
uses the server groups default configuration settings for HTML Web Servers.

You can modify the configuration settings for an individual server as needed. The changes are reflected only in the
configuration settings of that particular server and do not affect the default configuration settings for that type of
server in the server group. Conversely, modifying the default configuration settings for a server group does not affect
the configuration of any servers that have already been created.

Note: When you create a server group, the Management Console copies default configuration settings from the
default server group to the new server group. In the new server group, you can modify the default configuration
settings as appropriate.

See Also

• Administer Server Groups

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

To configure the default configuration settings for a server group:

1. In the What do you want to do now? section of the Management Console, click the Server Groups link.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

2. In the Select [Server Group] pane of the Server Groups page, click the Server Group Name hyperlink in the
Server Group Name row.

Note: If prior to 9.1.4, click the Configure icon.

In the Server Group Default Configuration pane, the Management Console lists each type of JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne server that could belong to the group and the configuration categories for each.
3. Under the appropriate server type, click a configuration category link.

Server Manager displays the parameters for that category.

4. Click the information icon next to each setting to view a definition of the parameter. The definition contains a
description of the setting and if applicable, a set of valid values.

If a set of valid values exists, the Management Console displays these values in a dropdown menu.

Note: There might be some configuration items that are installation-specific and therefore not displayed in
the default configuration template. These settings are automatically configured for a new server when it is

For example:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

Configuring Default Configuration Settings Based on

Existing Instance
You can set server group defaults based on an existing instance. You may set the server group defaults based on an
instance in the group, or apply the current server group default values to an instance in the group.

To configure the default configuration settings based on an existing instance:

1. In the Server Group Default Configuration section of the Configure Server Group default page; select the
existing instance from the dropdown menu.

2. Select the << Set defaults Based on this Instance button to set the server group defaults based on an existing
3. Select the Apply defaults to this Instance >> button to apply the current server group default values to an
instance group.

Using Centralized Configuration for EnterpriseOne HTML

Servers (Release 9.2.7)
Starting with Tools Release 9.2.7, you can use Centralized Configuration in Management Console to configure default
configuration settings across EnterpriseOne HTML servers. Centralized Configuration enables you to configure server
settings from a single location that can be applied to all the HTML servers assigned to a server group.

You can use Centralized Configuration under Configure section in Management Console to create a centralized
configuration file,, that will help Management Console and HTML server instance to connect with
the database.

The configuration file will be distributed to all the applicable instances in the Server Manager Console, enabling
Centralized Configuration. Management Console will use the values defined in the centralized configuration file to
connect with the database. Each HTML server, that has Centralized Configuration enabled, will read the configuration
files (such as jde.ini, jas.ini, jdbj.ini,, etc.) from the database and create the .ini file before starting the

After you enable the Centralized Configuration, the group level default configuration settings will be applicable to the
server group as well as all the HTML server instances in that server group. Any changes made on the configuration of
server groups will be applicable to HTML server instances as well. However, if you change the configuration settings at

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

instance level, the system overrides the group level configuration settings and uses the instance level configuration. You
have the option to restore the default group level configuration settings for such instances. See Understanding How to
Restore Group Default Settings for HTML Server Instances for details.

When you add a new server to a server group, Management Console automatically applies the default configuration
settings for that type of server to the newly added server. See Configuring Default Configuration Settings for details.
Moving an existing server from a group to a different server group will use the settings of the server group it is moved
to, if you have the Centralized Configuration enabled for a server instance. Server Manager automatically applies the
default configuration settings of that server group to the newly added HTML server instance.

Below prerequisites should be fulfilled before you enable Centralized Configuration:

• The Sever Manager Console and the HTML servers should be on Tools Release 9.2.7.
• All the required drivers and certificates must be installed on both Server Manager Console and JAS for Server
Manager Console to communicate with the database.
• Latest Tools Rollup ESU must be installed.

Any changes to configuration settings on group or instance level requires you to synchronize the settings and restart
the HTML server instance for to use the new settings. For such instances, the system displays a Warning message along
with a Synchronize Configuration button. Click the Synchronize Configuration button to sync the changes and restart
the instance.

For all cluster setup, you must manually copy the file, that has the database details, along with the
e1Central_config folder, if available, to the node’s config folder.

Note: If you have more than one Sever Manager Console, you need to have different data sources for respective
consoles. For each Server Manager Console, you must create different F98CCONF (E1 Centralized Configuration Table)
table in different data sources. The table F98CCONF (E1 Centralized Configuration Table) in system data source will be
created as part of latest Tools Rollup ESU.

In case there is a change in the data source, you need to manually migrate all the records from F98CCONF (E1
Centralized Configuration Table) table to the new data source.

Note: HTML servers that are on and above Tools Release 9.2.7, must be restarted after synchronization is complete
with the new settings. When Centralized Configuration is enabled, any update that is made manually will not take
effect after the server is restarted. The changes are lost as the changes will be downloaded from the database.

Note: Click here to view an OBE of this feature.

Understanding How to Enable Centralized Configuration for

EnterpriseOne HTML Servers
After you save the settings in the Centralized Configuration for the first time, it is applied to the server group’s
HTML server configuration and all the HTML server instances within that group. Upon a successful save, Centralized
Configuration inserts a group level configuration to the database. An instance level override, for those instances where
the level configuration settings are different from the server group it belongs to, is also inserted.

Centralized Configuration is also enabled for HTML servers that are on Tools Release 9.2.7 while you create a new
instance. Alternatively, with Tools Release 9.2.7, you can perform a Change Component operation on the existing server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

instances which enables Centralized Configuration. Change component will make all the current configuration entries in
database as instance level configuration.

To enable Centralized Configuration:

1. Log in to Server Manager Console.

2. Click Centralized Configuration to access the database details.

Note: Make sure you have required drivers and certificates installed to allow the JAS instances and the
Server Manager Console to connect with the database.

3. Complete the below fields:

◦ Username
Enter the username to use for centralized configuration when connecting to the configured database.
◦ Password

Enter the password to use for centralized configuration when connecting to the configured database.
◦ Database Type

Use the dropdown to select a database where the centralized configuration table is stored. Tnsname.ora
field is populated when you select Oracle Database and the Use TLS field is populated when you select
either IBM UDB, AS/400 or SQL.
◦ Owner

Enter the database object owner where the centralized configuration table is stored.
◦ Server

Enter the server name where the centralized configuration table is stored.
◦ Database Name

Enter the database name where the centralized configuration table is stored.
◦ Physical Database

Enter the physical database name where the centralized configuration table is stored.
◦ Server Port

Enter the database server port where the centralized configuration table is stored.
◦ Data Source Name

Enter the database server port where the centralized configuration table is stored.
◦ Use TLS

The Use TLS option appears for selection after you select either IBM UDB, AS/400, or SQL. Select the
checkbox if you want a secure TLS connection to either of the databases.
◦ Tnsname.ora

The Tnsname.ora field appears for modification after you select Oracle Database in Database Type. Enter
the Tnsname.ora connection details.
4. Click Save.
The system will continue to apply the settings and it will take between 5 to 15 minutes to complete the action depending
on the number of server instances in the group. Do not refresh your web browser until the system prompts that the
operation is successful.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

If the database details are incorrect, the system displays an error message. You must rectify the incorrect details to
enable Centralized Configuration.

Note: The data migration is a one-time event. If the database already has the records, the migration will not initiate
after you click Save. The system only performs the database connection validation.

Understanding How to Restore Default Group Settings for HTML

Server Instances
Once enabled, the Central Configuration settings are applicable to all the instances in a group and does not have an
override option. However, you can update the configuration settings for individual instances. For server instances
where you have different configuration settings than the server group, the system provides you an option to restore the
default configuration setting of the server groups.

To restore the instance configurations settings to group configuration settings:

1. Access the instance that has different configuration settings than the group it belongs to.
2. Navigate to Configuration > Advanced.
3. Open any configuration head. For example, the Cache configuration of the instance.
4. Under the configuration section, click Revert to Group Defaults button.
Note: The Revert to Group Defaults button is only activate if the instance level configuration settings are
different from the group level configuration settings. If the Revert to Group Defaults button is not available
under the configuration items of an instance, any configuration setting that you update at the server group
level is applicable to the instance as well.

Understanding How to Validate Centralized Configuration with

Data Browser
After you enable Centralized Configuration, the system creates a file in the database. You can
validate it by accessing the table F9CCONF (E1 Centralized Configuration Table) through the Data Browser tool.
1. Log in to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment.
2. Type databrowser in the Fast Path.
3. In the Query Selector form select the By Table option.
4. In the Name field located under the By Table option, enter F98CCONF.
5. Press Tab.
6. The Data Source field automatically displays the name of the data source in which the table resides for the
environment that you are logged into.
7. In the Data Source field, if the data source that is displayed is different than the one from which you want to
search, type a new data source, or use the search button to locate a data source.
8. Click OK.
9. The Data Browser search form appears for F9CCONF (E1 Centralized Configuration Table).
10. Click Find. The system displays all the server groups and instances under the InstanceName column that have
Centralized Configuration enabled.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

All server groups listed under the InstanceName column will have a prefix of star symbol. For the sever instances,
JdeHome and SmHostName columns will list the names of the managed home and host names they are part of.

Understanding How to Disable Centralized Configuration for

EnterpriseOne HTML Servers
To disable Centralized Configuration for HTML servers:
1. Access the install location of Server Manager Console.
2. Navigate to \targets\home\config.
3. Delete the e1central_Config folder.
4. For the cluster setup, from the target\<targetname>\config folder delete file and
e1Central_config folder from all JAS instances and respective nodes.
5. Delete file from WAS/WLS deployment WEB-INF/classes folder.

Note: If you disable the Centralized Configuration, you can restore the previously saved configuration else
the existing ini will continue to work.

Using Centralized Configuration for EnterpriseOne AIS

Servers (Release
Starting with Tools Release, you can use Centralized Configuration in Management Console to configure default
configuration settings across EnterpriseOne AIS servers. Centralized Configuration enables you to configure server
settings from a single location that can be applied to all the AIS servers assigned to a server group.

Note: If you have enabled Centralized Configuration for HTML servers in the previous Tools Release (9.2.7), the
Centralized Configuration will be automatically enabled for AIS servers in Release Alternatively, with Tools
Release, you can perform a Change Component operation on the existing server instances which enables
Centralized Configuration. Change component will make all the current configuration entries in database as instance
level configuration. See Using Centralized Configuration for EnterpriseOne HTML Servers (Release 9.2.7) for details.

After you enable the Centralized Configuration, the group level default configuration settings will be applicable to the
server group as well as all the AIS server instances in that server group. Any changes made on the configuration of
server groups will be applicable to AIS server instances as well. However, if you change the configuration settings at
instance level, the system overrides the group level configuration settings and uses the instance level configuration. You
have the option to restore the default group level configuration settings for such instances. See Understanding How to
Restore Group Default Settings for AIS Server Instances for details.

Understanding How to Enable Centralized Configuration for AIS

When you perform a Change Component operation with Tools Release, Centralized Configuration for AIS servers
will also be enabled if you enabled Centralized Configuration for HTML servers in the previous release (9.2.7). However,

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 7
Server Manager Guide Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

Centralized Configuration for AIS servers will not be enabled if you did not enable Centralized Configuration for HTML
servers in the previous release.

The steps to enable Centralized Configuration for AIS servers are same as enabling Centralized Configuration for HTML
servers. See Understanding How to Enable Centralized Configuration for EnterpriseOne HTML Servers for details.

Also see, Understanding How to Validate Centralized Configuration with Data Browser.

Understanding How to Restore Default Group Settings for AIS

Server Instances
Once enabled, the Central Configuration settings are applicable to all the AIS server instances in a group and does not
have an override option. However, you can update the configuration settings for individual instances. For AIS server
instances where you have different configuration settings than the server group, the system provides you an option to
restore the default configuration setting of the server groups.

1. Access the AIS instance that has different configuration settings than the group it belongs to.
2. Navigate to Configuration > Advanced.
3. Open any configuration head. For example, the Cache configuration of the instance.
4. Under the configuration section, click Revert to Group Defaults button.

Note: The Revert to Group Defaults button is only activate if the instance level configuration settings are different
from the group level configuration settings. If the Revert to Group Defaults button is not available under the
configuration items of an instance, any configuration setting that you update at the server group level is applicable to
the instance as well.

Understanding How to Disable Centralized Configuration for

EnterpriseOne AIS Servers
The steps to disable Centralized Configuration for AIS servers are same as disabling Centralized Configuration for HTML
servers. See Understanding How to Disable Centralized Configuration for EnterpriseOne HTML Servers for details.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 8
Server Manager Guide Configure Management Console Users

8 Configure Management Console Users

Configure Management Console Users

Management Console users are JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users that you import from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne . You
determine which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users should have access to the Management Console and assign each
user to user groups, which are used to define the actions the users may perform.

An authorized user signs into the Management Console with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne credentials; a separate user
ID and password are not required. The Management Console uses a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne security server for
user authentication. The Management Console employs user groups as an efficient way to manage permissions and
servers. Instead of administering these items at the user level, you can associate permissions with a user group.

For example, you might assign a set of users to a user group that allows the users to view the log files of a particular
group of servers but not allow the users to start or stop the servers. You might also create a user group that enables its
group members to completely administer the development servers but not to see the production servers within the
Management Console application.

The Management Console user repository stores user group definitions, server group definitions, and authorization

Refer to these applicable tasks in Advanced Console Administration part of this guide:

• Configure the Management Console for User Setup

• Manage Management Console Users
• Manage User Groups
• Assign Server Manager Permissions
• Run the User Access Report

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 8
Server Manager Guide Configure Management Console Users

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

9 Managed Software Components

Upload Software Components

You access Managed Software Components by clicking the Manage Software link within the What do you want to do?
pane. Once you have uploaded the Managed Software Components , you can distribute them to Managed Home
Locations where you plan to create new server instances. Or, if the software component is a new version of the
Management Console you can use it to update the Management Console itself.

You use the Upload Software Components page to upload JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software components to
the Management Console . Once you have uploaded and distributed the Managed Software Components to a
Management Agent , you can use them to create new server instances.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

To upload Managed Software Components :

1. On Upload Software Components, click the Browse button to locate the various .par files for each Managed
Software Component . Typically you will obtain these files from Customer Connection using the Change
Assistant, although they can also be on CD.

For example:

2. On File Upload, select the .par file(s) for the Managed Software Component that you wish to upload and click
the Open button.
3. On Upload Software Components, click the Upload button to upload the selected file.

As soon as the file is successfully uploaded, the Management Console updates the page to include the
Managed Software Component .
If you attempt to upload a Management Console that already exists with the identical file name, the Management
Console displays this warning, discards the request, and does not overwrite the existing file:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

Tip: You can also add Managed Software Components by manually copying the files to the components directory on
the machine running the Management Console . This directory is auto-detected by Management Console and is
displayed in the tip section of the Upload Software Components section. For example, in the preceding section, the
directory is: D:\servermanager\demosystem\components

Distribute or Delete Managed EnterpriseOne Software


This section discusses these Managed EnterpriseOne Software Components functions:

• Distribute Software Components to Managed Homes

• Delete Managed Software Components from the Management Console
• Delete Managed Software Components known to the Management Console

Distribute Software Components to Managed Homes

Once you have uploaded them, the Managed EnterpriseOne Software Components page displays all the Managed
Software Components that have been uploaded to the Management Console .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

To distribute Management Consoles to Managed Homes :

1. On Managed EnterpriseOne Software Components, select one or more available Software Components that
you want to distribute to a connect Managed Home .
2. Click the Distribute button.

The Management Console displays a page of connected Managed Homes to which you can distribute the
selected Software Component .
3. On the list of available Managed Homes to which you can distribute the selected Software Component , select
one or more Managed Homes .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

4. Click the Distribute Software button.

The Management Console displays a progress panel and performs the requested operation.
5. To verify that the selected Software Component is distributed, you can navigate to the Managed Home
to which you distributed the Software Component and check the list of software components in Managed
Software Components. Management Consoles .

Delete Managed Software Components from the Management

To delete Managed Software Components from the Management Console:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

1. In the What do you want to do? section, click on the link for Manage Software.

2. On the Managed Software Components section, use the check box to select one or more Managed Software
Components to delete.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

3. Click the Delete button.

4. On the confirmation dialog, click OK to perform the requested deletion.

You cannot delete a Software Component that has a Dependent Managed Instance. Such instances are displayed in the
last column of the Managed Software Components grid.

Delete Managed Software Components known to the

Management Console
To delete Managed Software Components known to the Management Agent:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

1. On the Managed Homes and Managed Instances page, click on the link to a Managed Home.

2. On the Managed Software Components section, use the check box to select one or more Managed Software
Components to delete.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

3. Click the Delete button.

4. On the confirmation dialog, click OK to perform the requested deletion.

You cannot delete a Software Component that has a Dependent Managed Instance. Such instances are displayed in the
last column of the Managed Software Components grid.

Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software

When you click the link for a Managed Instance , the Instance Name page displays information in two categories:

• General
• Instance Properties
The General section of the page shows the status of the Managed Instance . If the status is either Started or
Stopped, the page contains either the Stop or Start button, as appropriate. If the status of the Managed Instance is
undetermined, the page does not contain either button.

For example, if the status is Running, you can stop the instance by pressing the Stop button as shown below:

Also for example, if the status is Stopped, you can start the instance by pressing the Start button as shown below:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

When you click the link for a Managed Instance , the Instance Name page displays information in two categories:
• General
• Instance Properties
In the General section of the page contains a section for Software Component Version, under which is a Change button.

If there is only a single version of the Software Component associated with this Managed Instance , clicking the
Change button displays this Change Tools Release dialog that indicates there is no component available to which to

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

If multiple versions of the Software Component are available to the Management Console , clicking the Change button
displays the Change Tools Release dialog that lists each available Software Component . For example:

To change a Software Component :

1. Select the radio button associated with the Management Console to which you wish to change.
2. Click the Change Component button.

There is no confirmation dialog for this action. As soon as you click the Change Component button, the
Management Console begins the work. You can always revert to your previous version assuming you have a
copy of the Software Component for the Management Console to which you want to change.

Note: If you are using WebSphere Application Server and running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne as part of a federated
(or clustered) web server, you may need to regenerate the WebSphere global plugin configuration after deploying the
newest tools release. This is required when new servlets have been added to the tools release you are deploying.

View the Software Release History for a Managed

If more than more version of a Software Component has been installed to a Managed Instance the Software Release
History icon is displayed in the General section of the page. For example:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

To view the Software Release History for a Managed Instance :

1. Select a Managed Instance for which you wish to view the Software Release History.
2. In the General section of the page, click the Software Release History icon (refer to preceding graphic).

The Software Release History popup displays these grid items:

◦ Date
◦ User Name
◦ Old Release
◦ New Release

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 9
Server Manager Guide Managed Software Components

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

10 Manage JDBC Drivers

Obtain JDBC Drivers

Tip: Web-Based Servers. Although not absolutely required, the sequence of installing JDBC drivers on your
Management Console machines should precede the installation of any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based server.
This sequence is recommended because the process of installing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based servers
includes starting the server after the installation is complete. If the requisite JDBC driver is not installed, the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based server cannot communicate with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Security Server
thus the server cannot start.

Server Manager allows you to centrally manage JDBC drivers that are required to enable the various web-based servers
to access their respective databases. Using Server Manager you can upload and install any of these JDBC drivers
supported by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based servers:
• Oracle Database
• MicroSoft SQL Server
• IBM DB2 for Windows or Unix
• IBM DB2 for IBM i
You should obtain the required driver files from the database vendor. Once all the required files have been obtained
they can be uploaded to the management console. This table lists the requisite JDBC drivers.

Database JDBC Driver Files

Oracle 9i classes12.jar

Oracle 10g (JDK 1.4) ojdbc4.jar

Oracle 11g (JDK 1.5) ojdbc5.jar

Oracle 11g (JDK 1.6) ojdbc6.jar

Oracle 12c (JDK 1.7) ojdbc7.jar

Oracle 12c/19c (JDK 1.8) ojdbc8.jar

SQL Server (JDK 1.4/JDK 1.5) sqljdbc.jar

SQL Server (JDK 1.6) sqljdbc4.jar

SQL Server (JDK 1.7) sqljdbc41.jar

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

Database JDBC Driver Files

SQL Server (JDK 1.8) sqljdbc42.jar

SQL Server 2019 (JDK 1.8) mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar

IBM DB2 UDB Type-2 (JDK 1.4/JDK 1.5)

IBM DB2 UDB Type-4 (JDK 1.4/JDK 1.5) db2jcc.jar


IBM DB2 UDB (JDK 1.6) db2jcc4.jar

IBM DB2 for IBMi ( IBM i ) jt400.jar

For the Oracle database, you can locate the driver file in these locations:

• Beginning with WebLogic 12.1.3, WebLogic is pre-configured to use a bundled Oracle 12c database JDBC
driver. This JDBC driver comes pre-installed with the WebLogic Server installation, and no additional steps are
required to connect to an Oracle 12c database.
• Oracle Database

Your installation of an Oracle database product includes the JDBC Thin driver for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3.
• Oracle Technology Network (OTN)

• JD Edwards Update Center

Search for classes12.jar at this link:

Upload JDBC Drivers to the Management Console

To upload JDBC drivers to the Management Console :

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

1. Navigate to the JDBC driver management page using this quick link in the What do you want to do? section:
Database Drivers
2. Locate the section corresponding to the type of driver you wish to install.
The Management Console displays this JDBC Driver Upload form only if you have not previously uploaded the
JDBC driver.
For example, if you have not previously uploaded the Oracle driver, the form looks like this:

3. For each of the required files use the Browse button to select the corresponding file previously obtained.
For example, if you were uploading the driver for Oracle, you would browse to the location of the classes12.jar
4. Click the Upload button.
The selected driver file(s) are uploaded to this directory, which contains the Management Console software

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

where x: is the drive on which you installed the Management Console , and

where JDE_HOME is the name that you defined as the home for the Management Console .

Tip: External to the Management Console , the functional equivalent of using this form to upload the driver is to
place it in the specified directory by other means. Once you have placed the driver files in the appropriate directory,
refreshing the JDBC Drivers page displays the available application servers on which the drivers are not already
installed, but on which they can be installed. Server Manager will not display bundled JDBC drivers that come already
installed with Oracle WebLogic Server. The bundled JDBC driver does not need to be uploaded or installed through
Server Manager.

Note: If you need to update the JDBC driver for the WebLogic Server that is bundled with Server Manager, refer to the
following section entitled: Update Bundled JDBC Drivers for WebLogic Server

Update Bundled JDBC Drivers for WebLogic Server

Refer to this document on My Oracle Support for instructions on how to update JDBC and UCP drivers that JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne bundles with WebLogic Server for Server Manager:

How To Update the JDBC and UCP Drivers Bundled with WebLogic Server (Doc ID 1970437.1)

Also refer to these Oracle documents:

Adding Third-Party JDBC Drivers Not Installed with WebLogic Server

Upgrading and Using Latest Oracle 19c JDBC Drivers with WebLogic Server

Also refer to this blog:

Upgrading to use the Latest Oracle 19.x Drivers with WebLogic Server

Install JDBC Drivers to J2EE Servers

Once the JDBC driver file(s) are successfully uploaded for the chosen database type, they can be installed on the
application servers within the management domain.

Management Console installs JDBC drivers in a web container within an Application Server installation. This installation
corresponds to a Managed Server within an Oracle WebLogic Server and to a J2EE server in IBM WebSphere.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

To install a driver on an Application Server:

1. Verify that the Status of the target application server for the installation is Not Installed.
2. Select the check box for the application server on which you want to install the driver.
3. Click the Install Driver button.
4. Refresh the JDBC Driver page and verify the status is changed to Installed.

Uninstall the JDBC Driver from J2EE Servers

To uninstall the JDBC Driver from J2EE Servers:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

1. Verify that the status of the J2EE server on which you wish to uninstall the JDBC Driver is Installed.
2. Enable the check box for the application server on which you want to uninstall the driver.
3. Click the Uninstall Driver button.

4. On the resulting confirmation dialog, click the OK button to confirm that you want to delete the JDBC driver
from the selected server.
5. Refresh the JDBC Driver page and verify that the status is changed to Not Installed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

Install JDBC Drivers to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data

Access Servers
After you have uploaded the JDBC driver file(s) for the chosen database type, and after you have installed your
Data Access Server, use the Server Manager to install the JDBC driver file(s) to the Data Access Servers within the
management domain.

To install a driver on a Data Access Server:

1. Verify that the Status of the target Data Access Server for the installation is Not Installed.
2. Select the check box for the Data Access Server on which you want to install the driver.
3. Click the Install Driver button.
4. Refresh the JDBC Driver page and verify the status is changed to Installed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

Uninstall JDBC Drivers from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Data Access Servers
To uninstall the JDBC Driver from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Servers:

1. Verify that the status of the Data Access Server on which you wish to uninstall the JDBC Driver is Installed.
2. Enable the check box for the Data Access Server on which you want to uninstall the driver.
3. Click the Uninstall Driver button.

4. On the resulting confirmation dialog, click the OK button to confirm that you want to delete the JDBC driver
from the selected server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

5. Refresh the JDBC Driver page and verify that the status is changed to Not Installed.

Install JDBC Drivers to JD Edwards Enterprise Servers

After you have uploaded the JDBC driver file(s) for the chosen database type, and after you have installed your
Enterprise Server, use the Server Manager to install the JDBC driver file(s) to the Enterprise Servers within the
management domain.

To install a driver on an Enterprise Server:

1. Verify that the Status of the target Enterprise Server for the installation is Not Installed.
2. Select the check box for the Enterprise Server on which you want to install the driver.
3. Click the Install Driver button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

4. Refresh the JDBC Driver page and verify the status is changed to Installed.

Uninstall JDBC Drivers from JD Edwards Enterprise

Servers (Release
To uninstall the JDBC Driver from JD Edwards Enterprise Servers:

1. Verify that the status of the Enterprise Server on which you wish to uninstall the JDBC Driver is Installed.
2. Enable the check box for the Enterprise Server on which you want to uninstall the driver.
3. Click the Uninstall Driver button.

4. On the resulting confirmation dialog, click the OK button to confirm that you want to delete the JDBC driver
from the selected server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

5. Refresh the JDBC Driver page and verify that the status is changed to Not Installed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 10
Server Manager Guide Manage JDBC Drivers

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 11
Server Manager Guide Manage System Administration Tasks by Using
Administrative Orchestrations (Release 9.2.6)

11 Manage System Administration Tasks by

Using Administrative Orchestrations (Release

The Server Manager system administrator can perform several system administration tasks by running system
administrative orchestrations, with only the Server Manager Console and AIS servers running and without any
dependency on other EnterpriseOne servers. For example, a system administrator can automatically bring up
the EnterpriseOne servers and perform administration tasks such as updating the Tools Releases or updating the
EnterpriseOne server configuration by running a system administrative orchestration even when the HTML, Database,
and Enterprise servers are down.

A system administrative orchestration is an orchestration that contains only these types of components: Open API-type
connectors connecting to a Server Manager Console Open API endpoint, rules, or child orchestrations with a similar
structure as the parent orchestration.

To upload a system administrative orchestration to the Server Manager Console and run the orchestration, you must
ensure that:

• The AIS server is running.

• The Server Manager Console is running.
• The system administrative orchestration is published or shared, and then exported. When exporting the
orchestration, you must ensure that the orchestration and all the associated components are exported.

For information about how to create orchestrations, see "Creating Orchestrations" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide .

Orchestrations and orchestration components are saved and managed as user defined objects (UDOs) in JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne. For information about how to publish and share UDOs, see "Publishing UDOs" in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Using and Approving User Defined Objects Guide .

For information about how to export orchestrations, see "Exporting Orchestration Components from the
Orchestrator Studio" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 11
Server Manager Guide Manage System Administration Tasks by Using
Administrative Orchestrations (Release 9.2.6)

Upload Administrative Orchestrations

You can upload an administrative orchestration to the Management Console so that you can run it offline with only the
AIS server and the Server Manager Console running, without any dependency on the EnterpriseOne servers, including
the HTML server, Enterprise server, and Database servers.

Note: You can upload only administrative orchestrations, which have been shared or published and then exported,
to the Management Console . An administrative orchestration is an orchestration that contains these types of
components: Open API-type connectors, rules, or child orchestrations.

To upload an administrative orchestration to the Management Console :

1. Log in to Server Manager Console as the jde_admin user.

2. Navigate to the Server Manager Offline Orchestration page using the quick link Offline Orchestration in the
What do you want to do? section:

3. On the Server Manager Offline Orchestration page, click the Browse button to locate and select the file that
contains the exported administrative orchestration components that you want to upload.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 11
Server Manager Guide Manage System Administration Tasks by Using
Administrative Orchestrations (Release 9.2.6)
4. Click the Upload button to upload the selected file that contains the orchestration components.
The system displays a message that the orchestration has been imported successfully.
If you attempt to upload an orchestration that is not an administrative orchestration, the system displays a
warning message. The following image shows an example of a warning message that is displayed when you
attempt to upload a non-administrative orchestration:

After you upload an administrative orchestration to the Management Console , you can run the orchestration offline.
See Run Administrative Orchestrations.

Delete Administrative Orchestrations

To delete administrative orchestrations from the Management Console:
1. Log in to Server Manager Console as the jde_admin user.
2. Navigate to the Server Manager Offline Orchestration page using this quick link in the What do you want to do?
Offline Orchestration
3. On the Server Manager Offline Orchestration page, in the Select [Orchestration] section, select the check box to
select one or more orchestrations to delete. Use the Select All link to select all the orchestrations.
4. Click the Delete button.
5. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

Run Administrative Orchestrations

To run an administrative orchestration:
1. Log in to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio as the jde_admin user.
On the Orchestrator Studio Home page, only the Run Orchestrations and Scheduler icons are enabled and all
the other orchestration component icons are disabled.
2. Click the Run Orchestrations icon.
The Run Orchestrations page displays only the administrative orchestrations that have been uploaded to the
Server Manager Console.
3. Select the administrative orchestration that you want to run.
4. In the Value column, enter a value for each input. Alternatively, click the Raw button to enter the input values
directly in the JSON format or the XML format in the input grid.
5. Click Run.
The Output section displays a green check mark if the orchestration completes successfully.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 11
Server Manager Guide Manage System Administration Tasks by Using
Administrative Orchestrations (Release 9.2.6)
For more information about running orchestrations, see "Testing Orchestrations" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide .

Start and Stop Administrative Orchestrations Using the

If a schedule is attached to an administrative orchestration, you can start and stop the administrative orchestration job
by using the Scheduler user interface.

To start or stop an administrative orchestration job:

1. Log in to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio as the jde_admin user.

On the Orchestrator Studio Home page, only the Run Orchestrations and Scheduler icons are enabled and all
the other orchestration component icons are disabled.
2. Click the Scheduler icon.
3. On the Scheduler user interface, select the orchestration job you want to start or stop and then perform either
of the following actions:

◦ To start the orchestration job, slide the toggle in the Started column to the right.
◦ To stop the orchestration job, slide the toggle in the Started column to the left.

For more information about the Scheduler, see "Working with Scheduler" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Tools Orchestrator Guide .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

12 Register an Application Server

Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 14c

Only Oracle WebLogic Servers that are registered with the Management Console can be managed by the Management
Console. The Oracle WebLogic Server must be installed outside of Server Manager. You should always verify that your
Oracle WebLogic Server versions are fix-current per Oracle directives. You should also verify that your version of Oracle
WebLogic Server is compatible with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers (for details refer to Installing the Server Manager
Management Console and Agent in this guide).

Note: Registration of an Oracle WebLogic Server requires that a Management Agent first be installed on the Oracle
WebLogic Server. This server must be installed with the correct user and also started with the correct user. Refer to
Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

To register an existing Oracle WebLogic Server:

1. Select the Managed Home where you want to register an Oracle WebLogic Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

2. On Managed Instances, click the Create New Managed Instance button.

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select the Oracle WebLogic Server 14c radio button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

4. Click the Continue button.

5. On the Create/Register a Managed Instance screen for Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

◦ Oracle WebLogic Server Install Location

Enter the installation location for the existing Oracle WebLogic Server. This is the Oracle WebLogic Home,
where the default value is:


◦ Oracle WebLogic Admin User

Enter the administrative user for the Oracle WebLogic Administrative Console on which this Managed
Instance will be created. The default admin user is:

Oracle WebLogic
◦ Oracle WebLogic Admin Password

Enter the administrative user for the Oracle WebLogic Administrative Console on which this Managed
Instance will be created.
6. Click the Continue button.

7. On the Create/Register a Managed Instance screen for Confirmation, there are no configuration items to

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

8. Click the Continue button.

9. On the Create/Register a Managed Instance screen for Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the
registration of the Oracle WebLogic Server.

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the newly
registered Oracle WebLogic Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance within the corresponding Managed

For each registered Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Instance, the Management Console displays appropriate
information at the top of the web page:

General Properties

• Product Description

Oracle WebLogic Server 14c

• Version
Instance Properties

• Instance Name

Displays a clickable link for the name assigned to the Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Instance at the time is
was created or registered.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

• Oracle WebLogic Home

Displays the complete path to the Oracle WebLogic Server Home where this Oracle WebLogic Server instance
was installed.
• Oracle WebLogic Administrative User

Displays the administrative user credential that is used by Server Manager to perform administrative tasks on
the Oracle WebLogic Server instance.
• Oracle WebLogic Administrative Password

Displays the administrative password credential that is used by Server Manager to perform administrative tasks
on the Oracle WebLogic Server instance.

You can click the Reset button and reset the administrative password.

Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 12c

Only Oracle WebLogic Servers that are registered with the Management Console can be managed by the Management
Console. The Oracle WebLogic Server must be installed outside of Server Manager. You should always verify that your
Oracle WebLogic Server versions are fix-current per Oracle directives. You should also verify that your version of Oracle
WebLogic Server is compatible with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers (for details refer to Installing the Server Manager
Management Console and Agent in this guide).

Note: Registration of an Oracle WebLogic Server requires that a Management Agent first be installed on the Oracle
WebLogic Server. This server must be installed with the correct user and also started with the correct user. Refer to
Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

To register an existing Oracle WebLogic Server:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

1. Select the Managed Home where you want to register an Oracle WebLogic Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

2. On Managed Instances, click the Create New Managed Instance button.

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c radio button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

4. Click the Continue button.

5. On the Create/Register a Managed Instance screen for Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

◦ Oracle WebLogic Server Install Location

Enter the installation location for the existing Oracle WebLogic Server. This is the Oracle WebLogic Home,
where the default value is:

◦ Oracle WebLogic Admin User

Enter the administrative user for the Oracle WebLogic Administrative Console on which this Managed
Instance will be created. The default admin user is:

Oracle WebLogic
◦ Oracle WebLogic Admin Password

Enter the administrative user for the Oracle WebLogic Administrative Console on which this Managed
Instance will be created.
6. Click the Continue button.

7. On the Create/Register a Managed Instance screen for Confirmation, there are no configuration items to

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

8. Click the Continue button.

9. On the Create/Register a Managed Instance screen for Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the
registration of the Oracle WebLogic Server.

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the newly
registered Oracle WebLogic Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance within the corresponding Managed

For each registered Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Instance, the Management Console displays appropriate
information at the top of the web page:

General Properties

• Product Description

Oracle WebLogic Server 12c

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

• Version
Instance Properties

• Instance Name

Displays a clickable link for the name assigned to the Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Instance at the time is
was created or registered.
• Oracle WebLogic Home

Displays the complete path to the Oracle WebLogic Server Home where this Oracle WebLogic Server instance
was installed.
• Oracle WebLogic Administrative User

Displays the administrative user credential that is used by Server Manager to perform administrative tasks on
the Oracle WebLogic Server instance.
• Oracle WebLogic Administrative Password

Displays the administrative password credential that is used by Server Manager to perform administrative tasks
on the Oracle WebLogic Server instance.

(Release 9.2.1)You can click the Reset button and reset the administrative password.

Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 11g

Only Oracle WebLogic Servers that are registered with the Management Console can be managed by the Management
Console. The Oracle WebLogic Server must be installed outside of Server Manager. You should always verify that your
Oracle WebLogic Server versions are fix-current per Oracle directives. You should also verify that your version of Oracle
WebLogic Server is compatible with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers (for details refer to Accessing the Certifications
(Minimum Technical Requirements) in this guide).

Note: Registration of an Oracle WebLogic Server requires that a Management Agent first be installed on the Oracle
WebLogic Server. This server must be installed with the correct user and also started with the correct user. Refer to
Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

To register an existing Oracle WebLogic Server:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

1. Select the Managed Home with which you wish to register an Oracle WebLogic Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

2. On Managed Instances, click the Create New Managed Instance button.

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

Oracle WebLogic Server 11g

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

4. Click the Continue button.

5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

◦ Oracle WebLogic Server Install Location

Enter the installation location for the existing Oracle WebLogic Server. This is the Oracle WebLogic Home,
where the default value is:


◦ Oracle WebLogic Admin User

Enter the administrative user for the Oracle WebLogic Administrative Console on which this Managed
Instance will be created. The default admin user is:

Oracle WebLogic

◦ Oracle WebLogic Admin Password

Enter the administrative user for the Oracle WebLogic Administrative Console on which this Managed
Instance will be created. For the default password refer to the /u01/Oracle/Middleware/utils/quickstart/ program. Access the Start Administration Console option.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

6. Click the Continue button.

7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, there are no configuration items to confirm.

8. Click the Continue button.

9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the registration
of the Oracle WebLogic Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the newly
registered Oracle WebLogic Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance within the corresponding Managed

For each registered Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Instance, the Management Console displays appropriate
information at the top of the web page:

• General Properties

◦ Product Description

Oracle WebLogic Server 11g

◦ Version

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

• Instance Properties

◦ Instance Name

Displays a clickable link for the name assigned to the Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Instance at the
time is was created or registered.
◦ Oracle WebLogic Home

Displays the complete path to the Oracle WebLogic Server Home where this Oracle WebLogic Server
instance was installed.
◦ Oracle WebLogic Administrative User

Displays the administrative user credential that is used by Server Manager to perform administrative
tasks on the Oracle WebLogic Server instance.
◦ Oracle WebLogic Administrative Password

Displays the administrative password credential that is used by Server Manager to perform administrative
tasks on the Oracle WebLogic Server instance.

You can reset the administrative password using the Reset button. The following window is displayed
when you click the Reset button.

Enter the passwords in the fields, and click Change to confirm the new password.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

Register a WebSphere Application Server, Version
Only WebSphere Application Servers, version 8.5 that are registered with the Management Console can be managed
by the Management Console . The WebSphere Application Server must be installed outside of Server Manager . You
should always verify that your WAS versions are fix-current per IBM directives. You should also verify that your version
of WAS is compatible with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers (for details refer to Accessing the Certifications (Minimum
Technical Requirements) in this guide).

Note: Registration of a WebSphere Application Server requires that a Management Agent first be installed on the
WebSphere Application Server. This server must be installed with the correct user and also started with the correct
user. Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

If you have enabled administrative security in a WebSphere Application Server profile, refer to Configure WebSphere
Application Server to Work With Server Manager When Administrative Security is Enabled in this section.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

To register an existing WebSphere Application Server:

1. Select the Managed Home with which you wish to register the WebSphere Application Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance within the Managed Home

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select the WebSphere Application Server 8.5/9.x
radio button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

4. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

◦ Install Location

Enter the installation location for the existing WebSphere Application Server. This location should include
the path up to the parent folder of the profiles folder.

For example:

OS400 (IBM i)



5. Click Continue.

6. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, there are no configuration items to confirm.

7. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

8. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the registration of
the WebSphere Application Server.

After you have completed the installation the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the
newly registered WebSphere Application Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance within the
corresponding Managed Home .

For each registered WebSphere Application Server Managed Instance , the Management Console displays
appropriate information at the top of the web page:

◦ Product Description

Displays the description for this WebSphere Application Server Managed Instance .
◦ General

- Version

Displays the version of this WebSphere Application Server Managed Instance .

◦ Instance Properties

- Application Server Install Location

Displays the full path for the install location of the selected WebSphere Application Server
Managed Instance .
- Instance Name

Displays a clickable link for the name assigned to the WebSphere Application Server Managed
Instance at the time is was created or registered.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

Configure WebSphere Application Server to Work With Server

Manager When Administrative Security is Enabled
To configure WebSphere Application Server to work with Server Manager when Administrative Security is enabled:

1. Locate the soap.client.props file associated with the security profile.

Typically the file is found at this location:

2. Modify these settings in the soap.client.props file:

where admin_user and admin_password are values appropriate to your environment.

3. In order for the security changes to take effect, you must restart the Management Agent to which the
WebSphere Application Server is registered. For instructions, refer to Restart a Management Agent.

Register a WebSphere Application Server, Version 7.0

Only WebSphere Application Servers, version 7.0 that are registered with the Management Console can be managed
by the Management Console . The WebSphere Application Server must be installed outside of Server Manager . You
should always verify that your WAS versions are fix-current per IBM directives. You should also verify that your version
of WAS is compatible with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers (for details refer to Accessing the Certifications (Minimum
Technical Requirements) in this guide).

Note: Registration of a WebSphere Application Server requires that a Management Agent first be installed on the
WebSphere Application Server. This server must be installed with the correct user and also started with the correct
user. Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

If you have enabled administrative security in a WebSphere Application Server profile, refer to Configure WebSphere
Application Server to Work With Server Manager When Administrative Security is Enabled in this chapter.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

To register an existing WebSphere Application Server:

1. Select the Managed Home with which you wish to register the WebSphere Application Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance within the Managed Home

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select the WebSphere Application Server 7.0 radio

4. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

◦ Install Location

Enter the installation location for the existing WebSphere Application Server. This location should include
the path up to the parent folder of the profiles folder.

For example:

OS400 (IBMi / IBM i )



5. Click Continue.

6. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, there are no configuration items to confirm.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

7. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

8. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the registration of
the WebSphere Application Server.

After you have completed the installation the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the
newly registered WebSphere Application Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance within the
corresponding Managed Home .

For each registered WebSphere Application Server Managed Instance , the Management Console displays
appropriate information at the top of the web page:

◦ Product Description

Displays the description for this WebSphere Application Server Managed Instance .
◦ General

- Version

Displays the version of this WebSphere Application Server Managed Instance .

◦ Instance Properties

- Application Server Install Location

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

Displays the full path for the install location of the selected WebSphere Application Server
Managed Instance .
- Instance Name

Displays a clickable link for the name assigned to the WebSphere Application Server Managed
Instance at the time is was created or registered.

Configure WebSphere Application Server to Work With Server

Manager When Administrative Security is Enabled
To configure WebSphere Application Server to work with Server Manager when Administrative Security is enabled:

1. Locate the soap.client.props file associated with the security profile.

Typically the file is found at this location:

2. Modify these settings in the soap.client.props file:

where admin_user and admin_password are values appropriate to your environment.

3. In order for the security changes to take effect, you must restart the Management Agent to which the
WebSphere Application Server is registered. For instructions, refer to Restart a Management Agent.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 12
Server Manager Guide Register an Application Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

13 Create a J2EE Server Container

Create a J2EE Server for an Oracle WebLogic Server

Note: There is a one-to-one relationship between a web-based server and a J2EE Server. You cannot install more
than one web-based server in each J2EE Server.

To create a J2EE Server for an Oracle WebLogic Server domain:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

1. Select the existing Managed Instance for a running Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Instance with which you
wish to create a new Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

2. In the Oracle WebLogic domains section, click on the link for the domain into which you want to create a new
Oracle WebLogic Server.

For example, in the above screen shot, the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain is E1_Apps.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

3. In the J2EE Server section of the page, use the form to create a new J2EE Server instance within the Oracle
WebLogic Server domain by completing these fields:

◦ Server Name

Enter the name for the Oracle WebLogic Server instance.

◦ Listen Port

Enter a unique port number. This Oracle WebLogic Server must listen on a port that is different from all
of the others servers in the domain.
◦ Machine

Use the pull-down to select an existing machine to which this Server is associated. The machine must
have already been created in the Oracle WebLogic Server Admin Console.

Note: All Servers created within Server Manager must be associated with a machine so that they can
be started and stopped through Server Manager.

4. After the above three (3) fields are complete, click the Create Server button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

5. On the J2EE Servers section of the page, select the J2EE Server that you just created and click the Start button.

Note: While technically you are not required to start the Oracle WebLogic domain, it is good practice to
ensure that it is properly created and able to start. Otherwise, it might not start as expected during the
installation process for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based server.

Tip: Server Manager displays a progress monitor indicating that the Start operation is in progress and will
continue even if you close the browser. After the progress monitor is no longer displayed, you can refresh the
Management Console page to verify that the newly-created Oracle WebLogic Domain starts as expected.

Note: If you do not install the JDBC drivers before installing the Web-Based Server Instance, the Web-Based Server
Instance will not be able to start as expected at the end of the installation. Refer to Install or Uninstall JDBC Drivers to
the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS).

Create a J2EE Server Container for the WebSphere

Application Server (WAS)
Note: There is a one-to-one relationship between a web-based server and a J2EE Server Container. You cannot install
more than one web-based server in each J2EE Server.

To create a J2EE Server Container:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

1. Select the existing Managed Instance for a running WebSphere Application Server with which you wish to
create a new J2EE Server Container.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

2. In the Profiles and Servers section of the page, click the on an existing Profile Name.

Tip: If you plan to use this J2EE Server Container to run a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Services
Server , you should select a secure profile. This profile must be created and configured within the WebSphere
Application Server itself.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

3. On the J2EE Servers section of the page, use the form to create a new J2EE Server Container, complete these

◦ Node Name

Use the dropdown to select an existing node name.

◦ Server Name

Enter a name for this J2EE Server Container.

4. Click the Create Server button.

5. On the J2EE Servers section of the page, select the J2EE Server Container that you just created and click the
Start button.

Note: While you are not required to start the J2EE Server, it is good practice to ensure that it is properly
created and able to start. Otherwise, it might not start as expected during the installation process for a JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based server.

Tip: The Server Manager displays a progress monitor indicating that the Start operation is in progress and
will continue even if you close the browser. After the progress monitor is no longer displayed, you can refresh
the Management Console page to verify that the newly-created J2EE Server starts as expected.

Note: If you do not install the JDBC drivers before installing the Web-Based Server Instance, the Web-Based Server
Instance will not be able to start as expected at the end of the installation. Refer to Install or Uninstall JDBC Drivers to
the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS).

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

Install or Uninstall JDBC Drivers to the J2EE Server (WLS

or WAS)
After you have created a J2EE Server (WLS or WAS), you must ensure that requisite JDBC drivers are installed in the
J2EE Server, as applicable. Select the database drivers that are required for the connection with your JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne database server. If you have not already uploaded JDBC drivers to your Management Console , refer to
Manage JDBC Drivers. Some versions of WebLogic Server automatically have a bundled Oracle Database JDBC driver
already installed and configured. The JDBC driver install step is not needed if connecting to an Oracle database that is
supported with the WebLogic bundled JDBC driver.

In addition to and in conjunction with the procedure previously described in Manage JDBC Drivers this section

• Install JDBC Drivers to the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS)

• Uninstall JDBC Drivers from the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS)

Install JDBC Drivers to the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS)

To install JDBC drivers to the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS):

1. Click the link for a J2EE Server (WLS or WAS).

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

2. Use the JDBC Driver dropdown to select the JDBC driver to install.

Note: Only JDBC drivers that have been uploaded to the management console but are not currently installed
are displayed.

3. Click the Install Driver button.

Server Manager installs the driver and adds it to the list of JDBC drivers that can be uninstalled.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

Uninstall JDBC Drivers from the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS)

To uninstall a JDBC driver from a J2EE Server (WLS or WAS):

1. From the JDBC Drivers section of the page, select the JDBC Driver Filename to be deleted.
2. Click the Uninstall button.

Note: If you Uninstall a JDBC driver, the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS) must be restarted in order to unload a memory
resident JDBC driver.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 13
Server Manager Guide Create a J2EE Server Container

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

14 Manage an Application Server and Related


Manage a WebLogic Server Instance

This section describes:

• Start, Stop, or Restart the WebLogic Server

• Instance Properties

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

Start, Stop, or Restart the WebLogic Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

To start, stop, and restart an Oracle WebLogic Server, first select the server using the check box and then click the
appropriate button.
• Started

If the status is Started, you can select one or more application servers using the check box and then click the
Stop button to stop the WebSphere Application Server.
• Stopped

If the status is Stopped, you can select one or more application servers using the check box and then click the
Start or Restart button to start or restart the WebSphere Application Server.

Instance Properties

When you select an Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Instance, the top right portion of the page contains an Instance
Properties area that includes these fields:
• Instance Name

Identifies the name assigned to the managed instance at the time it was created or registered.

In this example, the Instance Name is: NEWAdmin.

• Oracle WebLogic Home

Displays the complete path to the Oracle Home where this Oracle WebLogic Server instance was installed. In
this example, the Oracle Home is:

In this example, the Oracle Home is /u01/Middleware2.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

Tip: You can determine the complete path to your Oracle Home by issuing the pwd command from the root
directory where your Oracle WebLogic Server is installed.

• Oracle WebLogic Administrative User

Displays the administrator user credential that you specified when creating the domain and is used by Server
Manager to perform administrative tasks on the Oracle WebLogic Server instance. By definition, all servers in
the same domain have the same administrative user and password.

This section includes a Save button that enables you to change your administrative user name.
• Oracle WebLogic Administrative Password

Displays the administrator password credential that you specified when creating the domain and is used by
Server Manager to perform administrative tasks on the Oracle WebLogic Server instance. By definition, all
servers in the same domain have the same administrative user and password.

This section includes a Save button that enables you to change your administrative user password.

Manage a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Instance

This section describes:

• Start, Stop, or Restart the WebSphere Application Server

• Profiles and Servers
• Start, Stop, or Restart a J2EE Server
• Available Log Files

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

Start, Stop, or Restart the WebSphere Application Server

When you click on the Managed Instance for your installed WebSphere Application Server, you can view the status of
the installed applications servers in the Application Servers column of the grid.

• Started

If the status is Started, you can select one or more application servers using the check box and then click the
Stop button to stop the WebSphere Application Server.
• Stopped

If the status is Stopped, you can select one or more application servers using the check box and then click the
Start or Restart button to start or restart the WebSphere Application Server.

Profiles and Servers

This section describes:

• Start, Stop, or Restart a WebSphere Application Server

• Grid Items for Profiles and Servers

Start, Stop, or Restart a WebSphere Application Server

When you select a WebSphere Application Server the Profiles and Servers section allows you to select a profile from a
list that to start, stop, or restart a selected application server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

Grid Items for Profiles and Servers

The Profiles and Servers section of the page includes these grid items:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

• Profile Name

These are clickable links to existing profiles in the WebSphere environment. These profiles can only be created
using the WebSphere administration tool.
• Profile Path

Displays the path to the WebSphere profile.

• Cell Name

Displays the name of the cell within the WebSphere profile.

• Node Name

Displays the name of the node within the WebSphere cell.

• Application Servers

Lists all applications servers associated with each profile. The status of the application servers is also shown. If
the status is Running, the display includes a clickable link to the application server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

• Related Managed Instances

Lists clickable links to EnterpriseOne servers that are deployed for this profile on this WebSphere application

Start, Stop, or Restart a J2EE Server

To start, stop, or restart a J2EE Server:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

1. Select the existing Managed Instance for a running WebSphere Application Server with which you wish to
start, stop, or restart J2EE Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

2. In the Profiles and Servers section of the page, click the Profile Name that contains the J2EE Server that you
want to start, stop, or restart.

3. Click the Start, Stop, or Restart button as appropriate.

Tip: The Server Manager displays a progress monitor indicating that the Start operation is in progress and
will continue even if you close the browser. After the progress monitor is no longer displayed, you can refresh
the Management Console page to verify that the J2EE Server is in the expected state.

Available Log Files

For information on log files for Managed Instances , refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 14
Server Manager Guide Manage an Application Server and Related Components

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance

15 Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server

as a New Managed Instance

Register an Existing Deployment Server as a New

Managed Instance
Only JD Edwards Deployment Servers (Tools 9.2 or later versions) that are registered with the Management Console can
be managed by the Management Console.

Note: Registration of a Deployment Server requires that a Management Agent first be installed on the Deployment
Server. Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

1. Select the Managed Home with which you wish to register the Deployment Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance within the Managed Home.

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select the Register an Existing Deployment Server radio
4. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the dropdown to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong. Currently, the
only available option is 'default'.
◦ Instance Name

Enter a name in the Instance Name field. This field must be populated.
◦ Install Location

Enter a valid install location for the existing Deployment Server. This field must be populated. For


Note: The Deployment Server is only installed on the Microsoft Windows platform.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
6. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
7. Verify the configurations settings, then click Continue.

8. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the registration for
the Deployment Server.

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the
newly registered Deployment Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance in the corresponding
Managed Home .

For each registered Managed Instance , the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top
of the web page:

◦ General

- Status

Valid values are:


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
This status only indicates that Server Manager is able to communicate with the Management
Agent on the Deployment Server machine.
This status only indicates that Server Manager is not able to communicate with the Management
Agent on the Deployment Server machine.
For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled Available Log Files.

Change Component for the Deployment Server (Release

This section discusses the changes in Server Manager to apply the Tools release including how to uplift the Deployment
Server to 64-bit.

Setting Up the Password

Use the following procedure to set up the password for the Deployment server and the Enterprise server component
1. On the Server Manager Management Console, select the Server Manager Users in the CONFIGURE section of
the tab on the left.
2. In the Server Manager User Authentication section, verify that the Primary Security Server is the Enterprise
Server that is being used for the Security Server. Also, verify that the Outgoing JDENET Port value is same as
the value in the jde.ini file.
3. Click the Save button.
4. Click the Management Dashboard link.
5. From the Select Instance drop-down menu, select the Home Management Console option.
6. In the Configuration section of the tab on the left, click JDBJ Database Configuration.
7. Enter the required values in the JDBJ Bootstrap Datasource field in this window.
Click the information icon next to the text box for more information about the jde.ini section that contains this
information. Do not use jde.ini file of the Deployment Server. Navigate to the OneWorld Client Instal\misc path,
and then use the jde.ini file located in this path for the information.
Note: Do not enter any values in the JDBJ Connection Pools section. The values in the JDBC Drivers section
are auto-populated.

8. In the Oracle Database Settings section, make sure that the path in the Location filed points to the location
of the console. For example, /slot/ems6282/oracle/Middleware/jde_home_1/SCFMC/targets/home/config/
9. In the File Content field for the Oracle Database, add the content in the TNSNAMES.ora file of your Database.
You can leave the field blank when connecting to a Microsoft SQL or an AS400 Database.
Example 1:
Navigate to the path C:\Oracle\E1Local\NETWORK\ADMIN, and then copy the section for the database that
you are using for EnterpriseOne and paste it in the File Content field.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
Example 2:

Copy and paste the following section for the database that you are using for EnterpriseOne:

ems6282 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = den60212jems)(PORT =

10. Click the Save button.
11. Log off, and then log in again to Server Manager.

Changing the Component for the Deployment Server

To change the Deployment Server Component:

1. Sign in to the Server Manager console, and access the Deployment Server.

Note: The EnterpriseOne installers provided with Tools Release are not compatible with those from
the previous Tools releases. Because of these incompatibilities, the installers must be placed into
empty directories when the Deployment Server Component is updated by the Server Manager. To accomplish
this requirement, update the Server Manager Agent to or higher before updating EnterpriseOne to
Tools Release or higher. A change has been implemented in the Server Manager Agent that will place
the EnterpriseOne installers into empty directories (install and stage directories), and then copy the relevant
information from the old Development Client installer's oraparam.ini file into the new file. If the following
directories under the <E1_dep_svr_install_dir>\OneWorld Client Install directory exist, they are updated by the
Server Manager Agent.
◦ install
◦ stage
◦ ThirdParty\WLSH4A\install
◦ ThirdParty\WLSH4A\stage
◦ ThirdParty\WASH4A\install
◦ ThirdParty\WASH4A\stage
Important: Make sure to use or higher oraparam.ini files (for Development Client, WLSH4A,
and WASH4A installers) and the H4A installers' response files (for example, WLSH4A_install.rsp and
WASH4A_install.rsp) during the installation.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
2. Click the Change button.

You will see the following three new options at the bottom of the Change Tools Release window.

1. No multi-foundation, component change only

Selecting this option replaces the system and OneWorld Client Install folder without creating a backup of the
current system and the OneWorld Client Install folder.

This option:

◦ Replaces the system and the OneWorld Client Install with the new component.
◦ Copies the jdbj.ini, jas.ini, tnsnames.ora, and from the old location to the new location.
◦ Copies the JRE into the system folder either from the current system\jre if it is the same bit or from the
path entered by the user.
◦ Sets the PackageInfs and CurrentReleaseMasterPath entries in the oraparams.ini from the path in the
current oraparams.ini.
◦ Copies the jdbc folder to the OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature folders from the
previous OneWorld client install.
◦ Copies the OneWorld Client Install\misc folder from the previous OneWorld client install.
◦ Resets the Desktop and Program File JDEdwards path.
◦ Resets any environment variable changes in the registry.
◦ Compresses the system into the systemcomp folder.

2. Component change and backup current system for multi-foundation

Selecting this option backs up the current system, systemcomp, and OneWorld Client Install into a version
directory, and replaces these directories with the new component.

This option:

◦ Backs up the current system, systemcomp, and OneWorld Client Install directory into a version directory
called 'foundation_<version>_<X86 or X64>'. For example, foundation_9.2.2.2_X86.
◦ Replaces the system and OneWorld Client Install with the new component.
◦ Copies the jdbj.ini, jas.ini, tnsnames.ora, and from the old location to the new location.
◦ Copies the JRE into the system folder either from the current system\jre if it is the same bit or from the
path entered by the user.
◦ Sets the PackageInfs and CurrentReleaseMasterPath entries in the oraparams.ini from the path in the
current oraparams.ini.
◦ Copies the jdbc folder to the OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature folders from the
previous OneWorld Client Install.
◦ Copies the OneWorld Client Install\misc folder from the previous OneWorld client install.
◦ Resets the desktop and Program File JD Edwards path.
◦ Resets any Environment variable changes in the registry.
◦ Compresses the system into the systemcomp folder.
◦ Changes all the <package name> .inf files that point to the default system to the version directory.
◦ Updates any package .inf files that points to the default system to point to the version directory.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
◦ Populates the F9883 table with a new Foundation item with the path pointing to the version directory.
◦ Updates the package record in the F9631 table to have a Foundation item if any package .inf files were

3. Component download for multi-foundation only

Selecting this option downloads the new component into a version directory.

This option:

◦ Creates a directory called 'foundation_<version>_<X86 or X64>'. For example, foundation_9.2.2.3_X86.

◦ Downloads the component into the version directory.
◦ Copies the jre into the system folder either from the current system\jre if it is the same bit or from the
path entered by the user.
◦ Sets the PackageInfs and CurrentReleaseMasterPath entries in the oraparams.ini from the path in the
current oraparams.ini.
◦ Copies the jdbc folder to the OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature folders from the current
OneWorld Client Install.
◦ Copies the OneWorld Client Install\misc folder from the current OneWorld Client Install.
◦ Compresses the version directory system into the systemcomp folder.
◦ Populates the F9883 table with a new Foundation item with the path pointing to the version directory.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
3. To download a 64-bit component, select the option Component download for multi-foundation Only, and then
click the Change Component button.

4. On the following message, click the OK button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
5. On the login window, enter the Username and Password for the SYSTEM Datasource tables such as F00942,
and then click the Login button.

Note: This is not the login for EntepriseOne or Server Manager.

6. On the 64-bit JRE path, specify the path to the 64-bit JRE home directory, and then click the OK button to
download the 64-bit component to a 64-bit version directory.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
7. Verify the following to make sure that the component was downloaded successfully to a version directory such
as 'foundation_9.2.3.0_X64'. The version directory will have a:
◦ New system directory.
◦ New systemcomp directory.
◦ OneWorld client Install directory.

Change Component for the Deployment Server (Release

This section discusses the changes in Server Manager to apply the Tools Release 9.2.4 including how to uplift the
Deployment Server to 64-bit.

Setting Up the Password

Use the following procedure to set up the password for the Deployment Server and the Enterprise Server component
1. On the Server Manager Management Console, select the Server Manager Users in the CONFIGURE section of
the tab on the left.
2. In the Server Manager User Authentication section, verify that the Primary Security Server is the Enterprise
Server that is being used for the Security Server. Also, verify that the Outgoing JDENET Port value is same as
the value in the jde.ini file.
3. Click the Save button.
4. Click the Management Dashboard link.
5. From the Select Instance drop-down menu, select the Home Management Console option.
6. In the Configuration section of the tab on the left, click JDBJ Database Configuration.
7. Enter the required values in the JDBJ Bootstrap Datasource field in this window.
Click the information icon next to the text box for more information about the jde.ini section.
Note: Do not enter values in the JDBJ Connection Pools section. The values in the JDBC Drivers section are

8. In the Oracle Database Settings section, make sure that the path in the Location field points to the location
of the console. For example, /slot/ems6282/oracle/Middleware/jde_home_1/SCFMC/targets/home/config/
9. In the File Content field for the Oracle Database, add the content in the TNSNAMES.ora file of your database.
You can leave the field blank when connecting to a Microsoft SQL or an AS400 Database.
Example 1:
C:\Oracle\E1Local\NETWORK\ADMIN, and copy the section for the database that you are using for
Example 2:
ems6282 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = den60212jems)(PORT =
1603)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = ems6282) (SERVER = DEDICATED) ) )

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance





(SID = CLRExtProc)


10. Click the Save button.
11. Log off, and then log in again to Server Manager.

Changing the Component for the Deployment Server (Tools

Release 9.2.5)
Starting with Tools Release the Deployment Server will allow 64-bit as the default system. If you apply 64-bit as
the default system, you must upgrade the Deployment Server to 64-bit.

When you change the component for the Deployment Server you are presented with three options. When selecting
the first two; No multi-foundation, component change only or Component change and backup current system for
Multi-foundation, you can have 9.2.4.x 64-bit be installed as the default system. If you select a 64-bit component prior
to, it will install the Deployment Server as multi-foundation. You can select 32-bit or 64-bit as default
system. If you select 9.2.3.x 64-bit, it will install as multi-foundation regardless of the option selected.

To change the Deployment Server Component:

1. Access the Deployment Server Instance in the Server Manager Console.
2. Click the Change button.
You will see the following three new options at the bottom of the Change Tools Release window.
No multi-foundation, component change only
Selecting this option replaces the system and OneWorld Client Install folder without creating a backup of the
current system and the OneWorld Client Install folder.
This option:

◦ Replaces the system and the OneWorld Client Install with the new component.
◦ Deletes the Oneworld Client Install\thirdparty\OEE and the Oneworld Client Install\thirdparty\SSE
◦ Copies the jdbj.ini, jas.ini, tnsnames.ora, and from the old location to the new location.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
◦ Copies the JRE into the system folder either from the current system\jre if it is the same bitness or from
the path you entered.
◦ Sets the Package.Infs, CurrentReleaseMasterPath, SourceTnsnamePath, DataByPathCode, and
ConfigToolTimeoutMins entries in the oraparams.ini from the path in the current oraparams.ini.
◦ Copies the jdbc folder to the OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature folders from the
previous OneWorld Client install.
◦ Copies the OneWorld Client Install\misc folder from the previous OneWorld client install.
◦ Resets the Desktop and Program File JDEdwards path.
◦ Resets any environment variable changes in the registry.
◦ Compresses the system into the systemcomp folder.
◦ Copies in new CD Templates\ESU and ASU files.
◦ Verifies the path in the jde.ini for InprocessJVMHome is valid.

Component change and backup current system for multi-foundation

Selecting this option backs up the current system, systemcomp, and OneWorld Client Install into a version
directory and replaces these directories with the new component.

This option:

◦ Backs up the current system, systemcomp, and OneWorld Client Install directory into a version directory
called foundation_<version>_<X86 or X64, for example, foundation_9.2.2.2_X86.
◦ Replaces the system and OneWorld Client Install with the new component.
◦ Copies the jdbj.ini, jas.ini, tnsnames.ora, and from the old location to the new location.
◦ Deletes the Oneworld Client Install\thirdparty\OEE and the Oneworld Client Install\thirdparty\SSE
◦ Copies the JRE into the system folder either from the current system\jre if it is the same bitness or from
the path you entered.
◦ Sets the PackageInfs, CurrentReleaseMasterPath, SourceTnsnamePath, DataByPathCode, and
ConfigToolTimeoutMins entries in the oraparams.ini from the path in the current oraparams.ini.
◦ Copies the jdbc folder to the OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature folders from the
previous OneWorld Client Install.
◦ Copies the OneWorld Client Install\misc folder from the previous OneWorld Client install.
◦ Resets the desktop and Program File JD Edwards path.
◦ Resets any Environment variable changes in the registry.
◦ Compresses the system into the systemcomp folder.
◦ Copies in the new CD Templates\ESU and ASU files.
◦ Verifies the path in the jde.ini for InprocessJVMHome is valid.
◦ Changes the <package name> .inf files that point to the default system to the version directory.
◦ Populates the F9883 table with a new Foundation item with the path pointing to the version directory.
◦ Updates the package record in the F9631 table to have a Foundation item if any package .inf files were

Component download for multi-foundation only

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
Downloads the new component into a version directory and updates the settings needed to install this system
with a package.

This option:

◦ Creates a directory called foundation_<version>_<X86 or X64>, for example, foundation_9.2.2.3_X86.

◦ Downloads the component into the version directory.
◦ Copies the JRE into the system folder either from the current system\jre if it is the same bitness or from
the path you entered.
◦ Deletes the Oneworld Client Install\thirdparty\OEE and the Oneworld Client Install\thirdparty\SSE
◦ Sets the PackageInfs and CurrentReleaseMasterPath entries in the oraparams.ini from the path in the
current oraparams.ini.
◦ Copies the jdbc folder to the OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature folders from the current
OneWorld Client Install.
◦ Copies the OneWorld Client Install\misc folder from the current OneWorld Client Install.
◦ Compresses the version directory system into the systemcomp folder.
◦ Populates the F9883 table with a new Foundation item with the path pointing to the version directory.
3. Select EnterpriseOne Deployment Server x64 software component.
4. Select Component change and backup current system for multi-foundation and click the Change Component

5. On the login window, enter the username and password for the SYSTEM data source an click the Login button.

Note: This is not the login for EntepriseOne or Server Manager.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
6. On the 64-bit JRE path, specify the path to the 64-bit JRE home directory, and then click the OK button.

Note: The previous default 32-bit foundation will be backed up to a version directory.

7. Verify the following to ensure a successful component change:

◦ New system directory is: ..system\bin64
◦ New systemcomp directory.
◦ The OneWorld Client Install directory has been updated (files have today's date).
◦ A version directory exists, for example: foundation_9.2.3.4_X86 with the system, systemcomp, and
OneWorld Client install directory.

Change Component for the Deployment Server (Release

This section discusses the changes in Server Manager to apply the Tools Release 9.2.5 including how to uplift the
Deployment Server to 64-bit.

Updating Deployment Server jde.ini

To run web packages, a new service JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Client Network is available on the deployment server
that accepts messages from the enterprise server. A one-time setup is needed in jde.ini on the deployment server to run
this service.
1. Open an enterprise server’s jde.ini file and copy the User and Password values.
2. On the deployment server, edit C:\Windows\jde.ini.
3. Navigate to the Security section.
4. Paste the values of the User and Password fields that you copied from the enterprise server to the following
◦ User
◦ Password
5. If you want to use a security server, enter the security server key’s value. Leave the field blank if you do not
want to use the security server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance
6. Save the jde.ini file.

Starting the Deployment Server Service

Starting with Tools Release Microsoft Windows service is used. This service is used by Server Manager to
perform various actions. This service was installed when you upgraded the deployment server component to Tools
Release or higher. You must start this service manually from within the Server Manager console the first
time after the upgrade. After the initial upgrade to Tools Release 9.2.5, the service will start automatically when the
deployment server component is upgraded or the machine is rebooted.

1. Log in to Server Manager as the jde_admin user.

2. On the Managed Homes and Managed Instances page, under the Managed Instances column, locate the
EnterpriseOne deployment server and select the deployment server.
3. Near the top of the page, click the Start button.

Note: For Tools Releases prior to , clicking the Start and Stop buttons has no effect.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 15
Server Manager Guide Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New
Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance

16 Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise

Server as a New Managed Instance

Visual Studio Requirements for Microsoft Windows-

based Enterprise Servers
Server Manager detects the supported and installed versions of Visual Studio for Microsoft Windows-based Enterprise

CAUTION: Not all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications and Tools releases support various Visual Studio versions.
Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Certifications (MTRs) and Package Management Guide for support levels.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Administrator can navigate to the Compiler Selection screen by navigating to the
Enterprise Server Instance and clicking the Package Builds link.

As shown below, the supported and detected versions of Visual Studio on Microsoft Windows-based JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server. The Administrator can select the appropriate version of Visual Studio and click the
Apply button. As a result, Server Manager updates the entries in the [JDE_CG] section and [BSFN BUILD] section of the
jde.ini file.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance

Prerequisites and Recommended Registration or

Creation Sequence for an Enterprise Server as New
Managed Instance
The following steps represent the prerequisites and recommended sequence for creating an Enterprise Server as
a new Managed Instance :
1. Prerequisite: Management Agent is installed on target machine.
Refer to Getting Started.
2. Prerequisite: The Enterprise Server Software Component is uploaded to the Management Console.
Refer to Upload Software Components.
3. Prerequisite: The Enterprise Server Software Component is distributed to the target Managed Home.
Refer to Distribute Software Components to Managed Homes.
Prerequisite and recommendation for registering an Enterprise Server as a new Managed Instance :

Prerequisite: Management Agent is installed on target machine.

Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

Register an Existing Enterprise Server as a New Managed

The only Managed Instance that can be registered after being installed by a method other than Server Manager is a
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server. The Enterprise Server may have been installed using the Platform Pack
installer or manually created outside of Server Manager . Regardless of the method of creation any Enterprise Server
running Tools Release 8.91 (and later) may be registered with Server Manager in preparation for upgrading to 8.97 (and
later). Management of Tools Releases 8.96 outside the immediate upgrade steps is not supported.

Only JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Servers that are registered with the Management Console can be managed
by the Management Console . The Enterprise Server may have been installed using the Platform Pack installer or
manually created outside of Server Manager . Regardless of the method of creation, any Enterprise Server running
Tools Release 8.97 (and later), including multi-foundation Enterprise Servers, is fully supported.

Note: Registration of an Enterprise Server requires that a Management Agent first be installed on Enterprise Server.
Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

Registration of Tools Release prior to 8.97 is only intended to facilitate an upgrade to Tools Release 8.97 (and later). Once
you have upgraded to Tools Release 8.97 and later you cannot use Server Manager to revert to a release prior to the
base release of Tools Release 8.97. If you want to run simultaneous releases of 8.97 (and later) and releases prior to 8.97,
you should use Multiple Foundations, which is described in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2 Reference

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance

UNIX Installation Note

On UNIX-based platforms, you must install and run the Management Agent as the same operating system user as the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server.

To register an existing Enterprise Server instance:

1. Select the Managed Home with which you wish to register the Enterprise Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance within the Managed Home .

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

Register an Existing Enterprise Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
4. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the dropdown to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.
◦ Instance Name

Enter the name in the Instance Name field.

◦ Install Location

Enter a valid install location for the existing Enterprise Server. For example:





For both Windows and UNIX, you must specify the Install Location as the full path.

IBM i:


IBM i Enterprise Servers. These systems do not require a full path. Instead, you should only enter the
library name that corresponds to the IFS directory in which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is installed.
Ensure that there are no slash characters in the Install Location.

For example, E920SYS , E920SYS_1 , E920SYS_2.

Based on this Install Path, the requested path code libraries and IFS directories are created accordingly by
appending the addendum at the end of the pathcodes. For example,

E920SYS will create the requested path codes in this format: DV920 , PY920, PS920, PD920.

E920SYS_1 will create the requested path codes in this format: DV920_1 , PY920_1, PS920_1, PD920_1

E920SYS_A will create the requested path codes in this format: DV920_A , PY920_A, PS920_A, PD920_A

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
6. Click Continue.

7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items, where the web page
displays a variety of fields depending on the database and environments of your installation

You can further configure any item as required.

Note: If the server was installed using the Platform Pack installer, typically you are not required to perform
further configuration. Server Manager reads these values from the existing Enterprise Server installation;
they are valid if the Enterprise Server was functioning properly at the time of registration.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
8. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the registration of
the Enterprise Server.

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the
newly registered Enterprise Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance in the corresponding
Managed Home .

You must re-link the Business Functions after you install the 9.2 or later Tools Release to an IBM i-based
Enterprise Server using the Server Manager. For instructions, refer to the chapter entitled: Re-Linking Business
Functions in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2 Reference Guide.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
For each registered Managed Instance , the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top
of the web page:

◦ General

- Software Component Version

Displays the version of this software component.

- Status

Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

- E1 Application Component Version (Release 9.2.1)

Displays the EnterpriseOne application component version.

- Path Codes (Release 9.2.1)

Displays the path codes.

◦ Instance Properties

Install Location

Displays the full path for the install location of the selected Managed Instance .

Instance Name

Displays a clickable link for the name of the selected Managed Instance .
For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled Available Log Files.

Create (Install) an Enterprise Server as a New Managed

You can use Server Manager to install new Enterprise Servers. These Enterprise Servers only contain a system
(foundation) and a path-code. There is no package delivered. These Enterprise Servers are not fully functional until the
user adds a plan in EnterpriseOne. Refer to the Additional Task at the end of the screen prints. Additionally, at least one
Enterprise Server in your installation must be installed outside of Server Manager using the Platform Pack installer
which includes the platform and database dependent application data and path codes.

To create an Enterprise Server as a new Managed Instance using Server Manager , you must obtain the appropriate
Enterprise Server software components either directly from the Management Console or from Customer Connection
using Change Assistant. There are two software components needed. The foundation(system) par file and the
application .par file from a Package Build. The Managed Software Components must be uploaded to the Management

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
Console and distributed to the Management Agent to which you wish to install the new Enterprise Server. For additional
information, refer to Managed Software Components.

To create an Enterprise Server as a new Managed Instance :

1. Select the Managed Home with which you wish to create the Enterprise Server as a new Managed Instance .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance in the Managed Home .

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

Install New Enterprise Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
4. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the dropdown to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.
◦ Instance Name

Enter the name for the instance.

◦ (Release Install Location

Enter a valid install location for the existing Enterprise Server.

For both Windows and UNIX, you must specify the Install Location as the full path.



IBMi Enterprise Servers. These systems do not require a full path. Instead, you should only enter the
library name that corresponds to the IFS directory in which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is installed. Ensure
that there are no slash characters in the Install Location.

For example, E920SYS , E920SYS_1 , E920SYS_2.

Based on this Install Path, the requested path code libraries and IFS directories are created accordingly by
appending the addendum at the end of the pathcodes.

For example,

- E920SYS will create the requested path codes in this format: DV920 , PY920, PS920, PD920.
- Addendum ‘_1’ creates E920SYS_1 with the requested path codes in this format: DV920_1 , PY920_1,
PS920_1, PD920_1.
- Addendum ‘_A’ creates E920SYS_A with the requested path codes in this format: DV920_A ,
PY920_A, PS920_A, PD920_A.
◦ Foundation Component

Select the required foundation component from the drop-down menu.

◦ Application Component

Select the required application component from the drop down menu that was created by package build.

Use the drop-down menus to select the foundation and application components from the list of
Enterprise Server components distributed to this Management Agent .
◦ Path Code

Pathcode built in the component will be automatically selected unless this is a PS package then all
pathcodes are available to be selected. This is used for One-Click provisioning.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
6. Click Continue.

Validate or update the configuration items. Use the help which directs you to the setting in the ini file.

(Release For IBMi, ensure that you fill out the Application Path Addendum under Installation
section. This will identify the Tools Release (example: 'E920SYS<addendum>') with the pathcode (example:
'DV920<addendum>, PY920<addendum>').

7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items. The web page
displays a variety of fields depending on the database and environments of your installation.

You can further configure any item as required.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
8. Click Continue.

9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the installation of
the Enterprise Server.

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the
newly registered Enterprise Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance in the corresponding
Managed Home .

Beginning with Release, IBMi-based Enterprise servers do not need to re-link the business functions.
This is automatically done once the installation is complete.

Prior to Release to an IBMi -based Enterprise Server, as in previous JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Releases, you must re-link the Business Functions.

For instructions, refer to the chapter entitled: Re-Linking Business Functions in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Deployment Server Reference Guide Reference Guide.

Note: Click here to view a recording of this feature.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance

Additional Task (Release

Before you start the component, perform these tasks:
1. If a site key is used, in Server manager on the Enterprise Server home page, enter the same passphrase and
click the Generate button or copy from an existing jde.ini the site key.
2. Add the Enterprise Server through Add a Server Plan.
On the Deployment Server, sign into EnterpriseOne JDEPLAN environment, and Add a Server Plan. For more
information, refer to the Applications Upgrade Guides.
3. If the server is a Microsoft Windows based Enterprise Server, ensure you set the Visual Studio compiler settings.
Refer to Visual Studio Requirements for Microsoft Windows-based Enterprise Servers.
4. If the server is UNIX based, then you should update these three settings on the enterprise server under /e920/
◦ ORACLE_USER_ACCT= <database user>
◦ ORACLE_HOME= < path to database>
◦ ORACLE_SID=< name of database >
5. If you are installing Multi-Foundation or Multi-Instance on the same machine, when creating the new instance
on the Configuration page for the ‘Service Name Listen’, Service Name Connect’ and the ‘Start IPC Key Value’,
ensure they are unique values.
If the values are set at the same value as another instance, it can cause unpredictable issues. The ‘Start IPC Key
Value’ can be whatever you want as long as startIPCKeyValue + maxIPCResources does not collide with a range
on another EnterpriseOne instance on the machine.
6. Start the EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server Instance.

For each registered Managed Instance , the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top of the
web page:
• General

◦ Software Component Version

Displays the version of this software component.
◦ Status
Valid values are:
When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.
When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
◦ E1 Application Component Version (Release 9.2.1)

Displays the EnterpriseOne application component version.

◦ Path Codes (Release 9.2.1)

Displays the path codes.

• Instance Properties

◦ Install Location

Displays the full path for the install location of the selected Managed Instance .
◦ Instance Name

Displays a clickable link for the name of the selected Managed Instance .
For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files.

Configuring an IBM i Enterprise Server to an Existing

DB2 Database (Release
After Installing an IBM i Enterprise Server as explained in Create (Install) an Enterprise Server as a New Managed
Instance, you must configure it to point to a Pre-Existing DB2 Database.

Make changes to the jde.ini file as shown in the following example to get the Enterprise Server up and running by
pointing it to an existing Database Server. These ini file changes may be different depending on the environment you
are using.


Base Datasource=DENQAS7 - 920 Server Map

Database=DENQAS7 - 920 Server Map


Default Env=DV920

Default PathCode=DV920

Default Pwd=JDE

Default Role=*ALL

Default User=JDE





JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance


DataSource=System - 920









Note: Configure the Spec.ini file to point to the Correct values.

Change Component for the Enterprise Server (Tools

Release 9.2 Update 3)
This section discusses the changes in Server Manager to apply the Tools release including how to uplift the Enterprise
Server to 64-bit.

Note: See the section 14.2.1, "Setting Up the Password" to set up the password for the Enterprise server component
change. Starting with Tools Release, the pathcode directory structure has changed to support the no lock
on kernels during the deploy of the package. When there is a change component going from a Tools release prior
to to a Tools Release starting with, the directories under each pathcode for that Instance will change.
The dll/.so under the <pathcode>/bin64 will now be under a <pathcode>/bin64/<package name>. For IBMi, the
SVRPGM are under the package name library and not the pathcode library. The spec.ini is now under 2 locations, the
<pathcode>/spec and <pathcode>/spec/<packagename>. The <pathcode>/spec/spec.ini references the deployed
package. The <pathcode>/spec/<packagename>/spec.ini references the Central Objects Data source. The TAM files,
dddict, ddtext and glbltbl are now under <pathcode>/spec/<packagename>. If you go back to a Tools Release prior to, it will restructure the pathcode directory back to the original way.

To change the Enterprise Server Component:

1. Sign in to the Server Manager console, and access the Enterprise Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
2. Click the Change button.

For IBM i starting with Tools Release, the component change links the business function at the end
of the change if you select the Link the business functions option during the component change. After the
change is complete, you must wait until the linking of the business functions are complete before starting the
EnterpriseOne services.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
3. Select the EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server option to change your component from 32-bit to 64-bit.

For IBM i, starting with Tools Release, an alert message is displayed to remind you to link the business
function at the end of the change if you did not select the Link the business functions option or to ensure that
the linking of the business function is complete before starting EnterpriseOne.
4. On the login window, enter the Username and Password for the Database Server, and then click the Login

Note: Ensure that you have set the password correctly. For more information see Section 14.2.1, "Setting Up
the Password".

5. On the window that is displayed, as shown in the following image, click the OK button to change the Enterprise
Server Foundation from 32-bit to 64-bit.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
6. On the window that is displayed, as shown in the following image, click the OK button.

Note: This message is displayed only if your Enterprise Server requires an Oracle Client.

7. On the 64-bit Database Client home directory window, enter the correct path, and then click the OK button.

Note: Make sure that the 64-bit Database Client install directory has permissions to allow the Server
Manager Agent to read and write contents into it's files. If you are on Unix, make sure that the system user
has the permission to start the SVM Agent process.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
8. On the 64-bit JRE Path window, enter the correct path, and then click the Submit button.

9. (Release If the new component is of version or newer, the old version is older than, and the
Enterprise server is Windows with an Oracle database, you will see this popup to enter the path to the Oracle

10. With Release and newer, a Database Driver is needed on the Enterprise Server. The change component
will check if the driver is already uploaded in the E920 misc folder on the Enterprise server. If there are no
drivers uploaded, you will see this alert message.

After the install, navigate to the Database Driver -> Driver Type -> Enterprise Servers Utilizing Driver to
upload and install the necessary driver to the Enterprise Server. For any Enterprise Server component change,
you will see this message until you upload the drivers.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
11. Wait for the process to complete.

12. Verify that the component change is successful on the EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server window.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance
13. Verify that the values in the Installation, Package Builds, and JVM Location in the Miscellaneous section are
updated with the 64-bit information.

Note: To revert to a 32-bit component, access the Change Component window, and select a 32-bit
component that ends with _X86.

Enabling TLS on the Enterprise Server (Release

Starting with Tools Release, you can enable TLS for communication between Enterprise Servers and database

To enable communication between Enterprise servers and database servers using TLS, perform the following
configuration steps on the Enterprise Server instance in the Server Manager Console:

Navigate to Enterprise Server Instance > Configuration > Advanced > Database > Bootstrap Datasource. Enter the
secured port number in the Database TCP/IP Port field.

The Database TCP/IP Port field is not applicable to AS/400 database and is not displayed when AS/400 database is

Note: You must update the Database TCP/IP Port field for IBM UDB and Oracle Database. However, AS/400 and MS
SQL Server have default Database TCP/IP Port and updating the Database TCP/IP Port field is not required.

Navigate to Enterprise Server Instance > Configuration > Advanced > Java Runtime Properties > JDBj Bootstrap
Datasource. Enter the secured port number in the Database TCP/IP Port field.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance

Navigate to Enterprise Server Instance > Configuration > Advanced > Java Runtime Properties > JDBj Runtime
Properties. Use the drop-down menu to select true for the Use TLS field.

Note: The Use TLS configuration is not applicable to Oracle Database.

Enabling TLS on the Deployment Server (Release

Starting with Tools Release, you can enable TLS for communication between Deployment Server and database

To enable communication between Deployment Server and database servers using TLS, perform the following
configuration steps on the Deployment Server instance in the Server Manager Console.

To use secured database port in Database Configuration for Deployment Server, navigate to Deployment Server
Instance > Configuration > Advanced > Database > Bootstrap Datasource. Enter the secured port number in the
Database TCP/IP Port field.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 16
Server Manager Guide Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance

Note: You must update the Database TCP/IP Port field for IBM UDB and Oracle Database. However, AS/400 and MS
SQL Server have default Database TCP/IP Port and updating the Database TCP/IP Port field is not required.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

17 Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-

Based Server as a New Managed Instance

Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence

for Managed Instances for Web-Based Server Instances
These steps represent the prerequisites and recommended installation sequence Managed Instances for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne web-based servers:

Note: Please make sure HTTP Server install location doesn't contain the Space.

1. Prerequisite: Management Agent is installed on the target machine.

Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

2. Prerequisite: Application Server (WLS or WAS) is installed on target machine.

Refer to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server Reference Guide for details on installing and configuring
WLS and WAS.
3. Prerequisite: The Web-Based Server Software Component is uploaded to the Management Console.

Refer to Upload Software Components.

Note: Exception. There is no Software Component available or required for creating the Business Services

4. Prerequisite: The Web-Based Server Software Component is distributed to the Managed Home.

Refer to Distribute Software Components to Managed Homes.

Note: Exception. There is no Software Component available or required for creating the Business Services

5. Register an Application Server (WAS or WLS) to create a new Managed Instance for an Application Server in the
target Managed Home.

For WLS 11g, refer to Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 11g.

For WLS 12c, refer to Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 12c.

For WLS 14c, refer to Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 14c.

For WAS 8.5 or WAS 9, refer to Register a WebSphere Application Server, Version

For WAS 7.0, refer to Register a WebSphere Application Server, Version 7.0.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
6. Create a J2EE Container (WLS) or J2EE Server (WAS) in the Application Server.

Note: There is a one-to-one relationship between a web-based server and a J2EE container. You cannot
install more than one web-based server in each J2EE container.

For WLS 11g, refer to Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 11g.

For WLS 12c, refer to Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 12c.

For WLS 14c, refer to Register an Oracle WebLogic Server 14c.

For WAS 8.5 or WAS 9, refer to Register a WebSphere Application Server, Version

For WAS 7.0, refer to Register a WebSphere Application Server, Version 7.0.
7. Install JDBC drivers to the J2EE Server (except Collaborative Portal Server).

Refer to Install JDBC Drivers to the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS).

Note: If you do not install the JDBC drivers before installing the Web-Based Server Instance, the Web-Based
Server Instance does not start as expected at the end of the installation unless the server already has a
bundled JDBC driver as part of the install.

8. Install the web-based server Managed Instance.

Refer to:
• Create a HTML Web Server as a New Managed Instance
• Create a Transaction Server as a New Managed Instance
• Create a Collaborative Portal Server as a New Managed Instance
• Create a Business Services Server as a New Managed Instance

Create a HTML Web Server as a New Managed Instance

You must use Server Manager to install a new HTML Web Server instance.

WebSphere Security Consideration for Federated Servers. For WebSphere Federated Servers only, if Administrative
Security is turned on for the profile containing the deployment manager, you must turn it OFF before proceeding
with the creation of the Managed Instance for the HTML Web Server . After disabling security, you must restart the
deployment manager. All nodes in the management domain will also have to be restarted and resynchronized. The
Management Agent to which the WebSphere Application Server is registered must also be restarted. For additional
details, refer Post Install for a Federated Server in Network Deployment Mode to in this chapter.

See Also

• Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence for Managed Instances for Web-Based Server Instances
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server Reference Guide for details on installing and configuring WLS or
WAS and additional tasks and topics related to Server Manager .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
To install an JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server instance:

1. Select the Managed Home in which you wish to install the HTML Web Server .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance in the Managed Home .

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

EnterpriseOne HTML Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
4. Click Continue.

Note: The Propagate Enterprise Server Config drop-down appears only if any enterprise server is registered
within the Server Manager console. The Propagate Enterprise Server Config drop-down contains the available
enterprise server instances registered with the SM console within a particular selected server group. NONE is
added to the drop-down by default.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the dropdown to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.

Also refer to Administer Server Groups.

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

Tip: A good business practice is to name your instances so that they are easily and consistently
identifiable. For example: PRODUCT_SERVER_PORT where PRODUCT is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server
type, such as Enterprise_Server, HTML_Web_Server, RTE_Transaction_Server, Collaborative_Portal, or
Business_Services, and where SERVER is the machine on which the instance is installed, and where PORT
is the HTTP port which is defined for use by this server.

◦ J2EE Server

Use the dropdown to select a valid J2EE server.

◦ HTTP Port

You must ensure that the port that you specify is available and is not being used by any other application
currently installed and running on the server on which the application server is running.

- Verify HTTP Ports
- HTTP Ports on UNIX Operating Systems

◦ Software Component

Use the dropdown to select the version of this Software Component that you wish to install.
◦ Propagate Enterprise Server Config

Select the enterprise server from the drop-down list to propagate the configurations.

Note: By default, the selected item is set to NONE. Selecting NONE signifies that you do not wish to
propagate configurations from any available enterprise server. If any enterprise server is selected, all of
the inherited values are seen in the next screen, otherwise the properties are seen with blank/default
values. If propagated, the propagated values are not editable on the confirmation page, however they
can be modified post installation.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
6. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

Note: This example illustrates an installation on a WebSphere Application Server by selecting an enterprise
server to be propagated. If installing on WLS, the HTTP Server (WAS Only) field is not displayed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

Note: This example illustrates an installation on a WebSphere Application Server by selecting NONE under
Propagate Enterprise Server Config. If installing on WLS, the HTTP Server (WAS Only) field is not displayed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items. The page displays
a variety of fields depending on your application server (WAS or WLS). The values on this form must be
confirmed manually. You must validate or update, as appropriate, all configuration items.

Tip: For help, click the Information icon next to the title of a field.

◦ Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

8. After you have validated and updated all configuration items, click Continue to proceed to the next installation

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the installation of
the HTML Web Server .

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for
the newly registered HTML Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance in the corresponding
Managed Home .

For each registered Managed Instance , the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top
of the page:

◦ General

- Status

Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
Note: Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

- Software Component Version

Displays the version of this Software Component .
Note: Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

◦ Instance Properties
- Instance Name
The name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time it was created or registered.
- HTTP Port
Displays the HTTP Port for this server and also provides a link to the HTTP server.
- Application Server Instance
Displays the application server into which this EnterpriseOne server is installed and also provides
a link to the application server instance and associated domain (Oracle webLogic Server) or profile
(WebSphere Application Server).

Note: The display of some information is dependent on the status of the Managed Instances . For example, if a
Managed Instance is not running, then the Software Component information cannot be displayed.

For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files.

Post Install for a Federated Server in Network Deployment Mode

After you have completed the creation of a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server as a Managed Instance in
Server Manager the Management Console displays this warning:

Do not click the Synchronize Configuration button yet. Follow the steps in this section.

To install a HTML Web Server HTML Web Server to a WebSphere Federated Server in Network Deployment Mode:

Note: Steps 1 and 3 below are only applicable if the J2EE server you selected to create the HTML Web Server
managed instance resides on a machine different that the deployment manager. The remainder of the steps are
applicable to all federated deployments. You may ignore steps 2 and 4 if the federated server you selected resides on
the same machine as the deployment manager.

1. If you are using an Oracle database, configure the tnsnames.ora setting using these steps:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
a. Use this navigation path for the Managed Instance you just created in Server Manager :

Configuration > JDBJ Database Configuration > Oracle Database Settings > TNSNAMES.ORA Location
b. Configure the setting to tnsnames.ora without the full file path.

For example:

2. If you have not already done so, install the JDBC driver to the J2EE container. Refer to Install JDBC Drivers to
J2EE Servers in this guide.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
3. After installing the JDBC driver, you must modify the WebSphere JDBC provider as described in these steps:

a. Copy the JDBC driver file(s) appropriate to your database to a location on the physical machine on which
the federated server resides. For example:

b. Use these steps to modify the JDBC provider for the remote J2EE container in WebSphere to point to the
driver file in this new location.

i. In the WebSphere Administrative Console (for the deployment manager), navigate to the section called
JDBC Providers as shown in this screen:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
ii. Complete the filter fields with the appropriate Cell, Node and Server information for the J2EE Container
to which the HTML Web Server was deployed.

For example:

iii. Click the Apply button.

iv. On JDBC Providers, click on the appropriate JDBC provider for the database which you are using with
HTML Web Server .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
Note: The preceding example screen assumes an Oracle database.

v. Replace the path to the JDBC driver files as configured by Server Manager to the machine-specific
path where you previously placed the drivers. Refer to the preceding Step 3 where you copied the JDBC

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
driver file(s) appropriate to your database to a location on the physical machine on which the federated
server resides.

This example screen assumes Oracle JDBC driver files were placed in the location /u01/JDBCDriver:

vi. Click the OK button to save the configuration change and initiate node synchronization through the
deployment manager.
c. This completes the modification of the WebSphere JDBC provider.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
4. Configure the HTTP Server by copying the appropriate text:

from this file:


to this file:

The httpd.conf file of the HTTP server you wish to use for this Managed Instance .

where e1_html_server_instance_name is the name you defined in Server Manager .

You must modify the path to the Readme.txt file to reflect the JDE_HOME location and the Managed Instance
name in your environment. This is an example of a properly configured Readme.txt file:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
5. Make any other configuration changes required to define this Managed Instance .

6. In Server Manager , navigate to the page for the Managed Instance and click on the Synchronize Configuration

The synchronization process may take a few minutes to complete. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Managed
Instance is configured and ready to use after the preceding steps have been completed.
For any subsequent configuration changes made to this Managed Instance , Management Console re-displays the
Synchronize Configuration button with the corresponding warning message. You must click the button to apply the
configuration changes to the remote server. After the changes are applied, the Management Console no longer
displays the button and warning message.

Create a Transaction Server as a New Managed Instance

You must use Server Manager to install a new Transaction Server instance.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
• Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence for Managed Instances for Web-Based Server Instances
• Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transaction Server Reference Guide for details on additional tasks and
topics related to Server Manager .

To install a Transaction Server instance:

1. Select the Managed Home in which you wish to install the Transaction Server.

2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance in the Managed Home .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

EnterpriseOne Transaction Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
4. Click Continue.

Note: The Propagate Enterprise Server Config drop-down appears only if any enterprise server is registered
within the Server Manager console. The Propagate Enterprise Server Config drop-down contains the available
enterprise server instances registered with the SM console within a particular selected server group. NONE is
added to the drop-down by default.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the dropdown to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.

Also refer to Administer Server Groups.

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

Tip: A good business practice is to name your instances so that they are easily and consistently
identifiable. For example: PRODUCT_SERVER_PORT where PRODUCT is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server
type, such as Enterprise_Server, HTML_Web_Server, RTE_Transaction_Server, Collaborative_Portal, or
Business_Services, and where SERVER is the machine on which the instance is installed, and where PORT
is the HTTP port which is defined for use by this server.

◦ J2EE Server

Use the dropdown to select a valid J2EE server.

◦ HTTP Port

You must ensure that the port that you specify is available and is not being used by any other application
currently installed and running on the server on which the application server is running.

- Verify HTTP Ports
- HTTP Ports on UNIX Operating Systems

◦ Software Component

Use the dropdown to select the version of this Software Component that you wish to install.
◦ Propagate Enterprise Server Config

Select the enterprise server from the drop-down list to propagate the configurations.

Note: By default, the selected item is set to NONE. Selecting NONE signifies that you do not wish to
propagate configurations from any available enterprise server. If any enterprise server is selected, all
of the inherited values are seen in the next scree, otherwise the properties are seen with blank/default
values. If propagated, the propagated values are not editable on the confirmation page, however they
can be modified post installation.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
6. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

Note: This example illustrates an installation on a WebSphere Application Server by selecting an enterprise
server to be propagated. If installing on WLS, the HTTP Server (WAS Only) field is not displayed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

Note: This example illustrates an installation on a WebSphere Application Server by selecting NONE under
Propagate Enterprise Server Config. If installing on WLS, the HTTP Server (WAS Only) field is not displayed.

7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items. The page displays
a variety of fields depending on your application server (WAS or WLS). The values on this form must be
confirmed manually. You must validate or update, as appropriate, all configuration items.

Tip: For help, click the Information icon next to the title of a field.

◦ Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
8. After you have validated and updated all configuration items, click Continue to proceed to the next installation

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the installation of
the Transaction Server.

Note: This process may take fifteen or more minutes to complete.

After you have completed the installation, the HTTP server associated with the J2EE Server (WAS) must
be restarted manually. If you do not restart the HTTP server, you will not be able to login to JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne .

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the
newly registered Transaction Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance in the corresponding
Managed Home .

For each registered Managed Instance , the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top
of the page:

◦ General

- Status

Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

Note: Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

- Software Component Version

Displays the version of this Software Component .

Note: Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

◦ Instance Properties

- Instance Name

The name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time it was created or registered.
- HTTP Port

Displays the HTTP Port for this server and also provides a link to the HTTP server.
- Application Server Instance

Displays the application server into which this EnterpriseOne server is installed and also provides
a link to the application server instance and associated domain (Oracle WebLogic Server) or profile
(WebSphere Application Server).
For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files.

Create a Collaborative Portal Server as a New Managed

You must use Server Manager to install a new Collaborative Server instance.

The WebSphere 7.0 or 8.5 installation must also include an HTTP Server.

• Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence for Managed Instances for Web-Based Server Instances
• Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Collaborative Portal Server Reference Guide for details on additional
tasks and topics related to Server Manager .

To install a Collaborative Portal Server instance:

1. Select the Managed Home in which you wish to install the Collaborative Portal Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance in the Managed Home .

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

EnterpriseOne Collaborative Portal Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
4. Click Continue.

5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the dropdown to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.

Also refer to Administer Server Groups.

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

Tip: A good business practice is to name your instances so that they are easily and consistently
identifiable. For example: PRODUCT_SERVER_PORT where PRODUCT is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server
type, such as Enterprise_Server, HTML_Web_Server, RTE_Transaction_Server, Collaborative_Portal, or
Business_Services, and where SERVER is the machine on which the instance is installed, and where PORT
is the HTTP port which is defined for use by this server.

◦ J2EE Server

Use the dropdown to select a valid J2EE server.

◦ Software Component

Use the dropdown to select the version of this Software Component that you wish to install.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
6. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items. The values on this
form must be confirmed manually. You must validate or update, as appropriate, all configuration items.

Tip: For help, click the Information icon next to the title of a field.

◦ Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

8. After you have validated and updated all configuration items, click Continue to proceed to the next installation

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the installation of
the Collaborative Portal Server.

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the
newly registered Collaborative Portal. This server also appears as a Managed Instance in the corresponding
Managed Home .

For each registered Managed Instance , the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top
of the page:

◦ General

- Status

Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

◦ Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

- Software Component Version

Displays the version of this Software Component .

◦ Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

◦ Instance Properties

- Instance Name

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
The name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time it was created or registered.
- Application Server Instance

Displays the application server into which this EnterpriseOne server is installed and also provides a
link to the application server instance and associated WebSphere Application Server profile.
For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files.

Create a Business Services Server as a New Managed

CAUTION: This Caution is applicable only if you are creating a Business Services Server on a WebSphere application
server. Ensure that you have already installed a version of WebSphere that is compatible with the Business Services
Server (refer to Accessing the Certifications (Minimum Technical Requirements) in this guide). In order to enable
Server Manager to install a Managed Instance for a Business Services Server , you must have configured the
supported version of WebSphere with a secure profile. For general security settings directly related to Server Manager
, refer to Configure WebSphere Application Server to Work With Server Manager When Administrative Security is
Enabled in this guide. For recommendations for securing the WebSphere profile, refer to the Business Service Server
Reference Guide. You should also ensure that the server profile associated with the J2EE Server that you created for
the Business Services Server is in the Running state before installing the Business Services Server through Server
Manager . If this server is not running, the installation will fail.

Note: To deploy JAX-WS business services to a business services server instance on WebLogic Server or WebSphere
Application Server, ensure that your Server Manager Console and Agent (under which the business services server
instance on WebLogic Server or WebSphere Application Server are registered) are the same level as the Management

Note: Starting with Tools release 9.2.1, when you build a new BSSV package for deployment, the files
BSSVpackage.EAR and BSSVpackage.JAR are created. You can deploy this JAR file directly from the Server Manager
Console See Deploying the JAR file from the Server Manager Console

See Also

• Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence for Managed Instances for Web-Based Server Instances
• Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Services Server Reference Guide for details on additional
tasks and topics related to Server Manager .
• Refer to the for details on other tasks and topics extraneous to Server Manager .
To install a Business Services Server Instance:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

1. Select the Managed Home in which you wish to install the Business Services Server .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
2. In the Managed Instances section of the page, click the Create a New Managed Instance button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

EnterpriseOne Business Services Server

Note: The Propagate Enterprise Server Config drop-down appears only if any enterprise server is registered
within the Server Manager console. The Propagate Enterprise Server Config drop-down contains the available
enterprise server instances registered with the SM console within a particular selected server group. NONE is
added to the drop-down by default.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
4. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the dropdown to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.

Also refer to Administer Server Groups.

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

Tip: A good business practice is to name your instances so that they are easily and consistently
identifiable. For example: PRODUCT_SERVER_PORT where PRODUCT is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server
type, such as Enterprise_Server, HTML_Web_Server, RTE_Transaction_Server, Collaborative_Portal, or
Business_Services, and where SERVER is the machine on which the instance is installed, and where PORT
is the HTTP port which is defined for use by this server.

◦ J2EE Server

Use the dropdown to select a valid J2EE server.

Ensure the J2EE Server that you choose is a secure WebSphere 7.0 or 8.5 profile (releases prior to 7.0 are
not supported). Otherwise, Server Manager will not allow you to continue the installation.
◦ HTTP Port

You must ensure that the port that you specify is available and is not being used by any other application
currently installed and running on the server on which the application server is running.

- Verify HTTP Ports
- HTTP Ports on UNIX Operating Systems

◦ Propagate Enterprise Server Config

Select the enterprise server from the drop-down list to propagate the configurations.

Note: By default, the selected item is set to NONE. Selecting NONE signifies that you do not wish to
propagate configurations from any available enterprise server. If any enterprise server is selected, all
the inherited values are seen in the next screen, otherwise the properties are seen with blank/default
values. If propagated, the propagated values are not editable on the confirmation page, however, they
can be modified post installation.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
5. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

Note: This example illustrates an installation by selecting an enterprise server to be propagated.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

Note: This example illustrates an installation by selecting NONE under Propagate Enterprise Server Config.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
6. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items. The values on this
form must be confirmed manually. You must validate or update, as appropriate, all configuration items.

Tip: For help, click the Information icon next to the title of a field.

◦ Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

7. After you have validated and updated all configuration items, click Continue to proceed to the next installation

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
8. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the installation of
the Business Services Server.

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for
the newly created Managed Instance . This Managed Instance also appears as a Managed Instance in the
corresponding Managed Home .

Note: After you have created the EnterpriseOne Business Services Server Managed Instance , unlike all
other web-based server products it does not start automatically. This is because the Managed Instance is
not functional until the Business Services components are installed in it through the special JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne package build process designed for that product. Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Tools Release 9.2 Package Management Guide.

For each registered Managed Instance , the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top
of the page:

◦ General

- Status

Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
◦ Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

- Software Component Version

Displays the version of this Software Component .

◦ Instance Properties

- Instance Name

The name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time it was created or registered.
- HTTP Port

Displays the HTTP Port for this server and also provides a link to the HTTP server.
- Application Server Instance

Displays the application server into which this EnterpriseOne server is installed and also provides a
link to the application server instance and associated WebSphere Application Server profile.
For information on log files for Managed Instances , refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files.

Configuring a Clustered Business Services Server Instance for

Consumer Business Services
Note: If you do not configure a clustered business services server instance, then clustering for consumer business
services cannot be attained and only one business services server will run all consumer business services requests.
This configuration is not applicable if you are using a standalone business services server instance.

You can configure a clustered business services server instance to support clustering for consumer business services.
This clustering feature enables scalability, load balancing, and high availability for consumer business services by
providing multiple incoming ports so that multiple servers in the cluster can open socket connection to different ports
to receive incoming JDENet messages from the Enterprise Server, and the Enterprise Server can send JDENet messages
to multiple clustered business services server ports.

After you create and register a managed instance of a business services server, you can configure the business services
server instance to support clustering for consumer business services.

To create a cluster for consumer business services:

1. Open the Server Manager console.

2. In the Managed Homes pane, click the EnterpriseOne Business Services Server instance.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
3. In the left-hand side Configuration pane, select Advanced from the View drop-down list, and then click the
Miscellaneous link.

4. In the Miscellaneous pane, expand the cluster Outbound Configuration item.

5. In the Cluster Listen Host/Port field, enter cluster servers with assigned ports.

Specify multiple servers in the cluster with assigned JDENet listen ports for each server in host1:port1|
host2:port2|host3:port3 format. Host can be specified with machine name or fully qualified machine name and
IP address.

Deploying the JAR file from the Server Manager Console

To deploy the JAR file from the Server Manager Console, complete the following steps:

1. In the INSTALL section of the Server Manager Console, click the Manage Software.
2. Upload the JAR file generated from the BSSV Package build process.
3. Select the uploaded file, and then click the Distribute button.
4. Navigate to the BSSV Server in the Server Manager Console.
5. Stop the BSSV Server.
6. To change the deployed component version, click the Change button.
7. Choose the previously uploaded package and then click the OK button.
8. Start the BSSV server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

Create an Application Interface Services (AIS) Server as a

New Managed Instance
You must use Server Manager to install a new EnterpriseOne AIS Server instance.

If you are using Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1 to host the AIS Server, then you must upgrade the AIS Server and Server
Manager to EnterpriseOne Tools You cannot run AIS Server releases and lower on Oracle WebLogic
Server 12.2.1.

• Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence for Managed Instances for Web-Based Server Instances
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services Server Reference Guide

Note: Starting with Tools Release 9.2.7, you can select the JAS server while creating an AIS server as a New Managed
Instance. The Propagate JAS settings column enables you to choose the JAS server and the settings for JDBj.ini and
tnsnames.ora are copied directly from the JAS server to the AIS instance.

To install an AIS Server instance:

1. Select the Managed Home in which you wish to install the AIS Server.

2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance in the Managed Home.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
4. Click Continue.

5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the dropdown menu to select the Server Group where you want this instance to belong.

Also refer to Administer Server Groups

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

Tip: A good business practice is to name your instances so that they are easily and consistently
identifiable. For example: PRODUCT_SERVER_PORT where PRODUCT is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server
type, such as JAS, RTE, CollabPortal, AIS, or BusSvcs; where SERVER is the machine on which the
instance is installed; where PORT is the HTTP port which is defined for use by this server.

◦ J2EE Server

Use the dropdown to select a valid J2EE server.

◦ HTTP Port

You must ensure that the port that you specify is available and is not being used by any other application
currently installed and running on the server on which the application server is running.

- Verify HTTP Ports
- HTTP Ports on UNIX Operating Systems

◦ Software Component

Use the dropdown to select the version of this Software Component that you wish to install.
◦ Propagate JAS Settings (Tools Release 9.2.7)

Use the dropdown to select the JAS instance to propagate the JDBj.ini and tnsnames.ora file of the JAS
instance into the AIS instance.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
6. Click Continue.

7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items. The page displays
the settings that are typically required to successfully start your instance. The values on this form must be
confirmed manually. You should validate or update, as appropriate, all configuration items.

Note: When setting up an AIS server instance, you should also review the Allowed Hosts setting for the
corresponding EnterpriseOne HTML server instance.

Tip: For help, click the Information icon next to the title of a field.

Note: Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

8. After you have validated and updated all configuration items, click Continue to proceed to the next installation

9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the installation of
the AIS Server.
After you have completed the installation, if you are running on WebSphere, the HTTP server associated with the
J2EE Server must be restarted manually. If you do not restart the HTTP server, you will not be able to login to the AIS

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

You can verify the updated fields for JDBj.ini and tnsnames.ora after you have created the new managed instance. To
1. Open the newly created managed instance.
2. Navigate to the Configuration section on the left
3. Click Database.
4. Scroll down to view the and tnsnames.ora sections. The information is updated, except the password
fields, as per the JAS server you selected while creating the managed instance.
If you want to use TLS with AIS server, ensure that you update the field Use TLS to true under JDBj Runtime Properties

Note: AIS instances created prior to this enhancement will also have the Database configuration with default values
for JDBj.ini and tnsnames.ora. You can configure the fields as per your requirement.

To verify the installation is successful:

1. Navigate to the AIS Server instance.
2. Click on the Test connection link.

Note: The Test connection link is only enabled when the server is running.

3. Review the DefaultConfig file.

Note: Click here to view recordings on monitoring the AIS Server.

After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the newly
registered AIS Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance in the corresponding Managed Home.

For each registered Managed Instance, the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top of the
• General

◦ Status

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

Note: Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

◦ Software Component Version

Displays the version of this Software Component.

Note: Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

• Instance Properties

◦ Instance Name

The name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time it was created or registered.
◦ HTTP Port

Displays the HTTP Port for this server and also provides a link to the HTTP server.
◦ Application Server Instance

Displays the application server into which this EnterpriseOne server is installed and also provides a link
to the application server instance and associated managed server (Oracle WebLogic Server) or profile
(WebSphere Application Server).
For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files

Instance Access Configuration (Tools Release

The Instance Access Configuration section enables the Server Manager Console Administrative user to configure the
properties to access the managed instance.

Note: This option is available only to the Administrative users.

The Instance Access Configuration fields are prepopulated with default values in the Managed Instance home page. The
administrative user can edit these values in the Instance Access Configuration section and save the values by clicking
the Apply button. The Instance URL field in the Instance Properties section is updated based on the values provided by
the user.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance
Note: The value in the Hostname/ IP Address configuration field is used as the Instance URL. If your managed
instance is on Cloud, enter the Public IP in the Hostname/ IP Address configuration field. The Health Check feature
uses the Fully Qualified Domain Name to access the managed instance.

The following example shows the Instance Access Configuration window for the HTML Web Server and the
EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services Server.

You can click the help icon next to each of these fields to see the details.

The following configuration options are available for the EnterpriseOne Transaction Server and EnterpriseOne Business
Services Server:
• SSL Enabled
• Port
• Fully Qualified Domain Name
Similarly, the following configuration options are available for the Enterprise One ADF Server and Enterprise One
Orchestrator Studio:
• SSL Enabled
• Port
• Hostname/ IP Address

Note: As of Tools Release, the Instance URL is displayed instead of the HTTP port in the Instance Properties
section of the HTML Server, AIS Server, ADF Server and the Orchestrator Studio. This instance URL is displayed only if
the instance is running.

Configure the Scripting Libraries (Release 9.2.6)

Starting with Tools Release 9.2.6, the AIS Server is no longer preconfigured to create and run Groovy scripts. To edit or
run the existing Groovy scripts or to create new ones, you must first configure the AIS Servers with the Groovy libraries
using the Server Manager. You must follow the same process for Jython. The AIS Servers are preconfigured for JRuby.

The previously shipped release for Groovy was Groovy 2.5.8. The following five jars are recommended to support the
main functionality in orchestrations using Groovy.




JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance


You can also upload additional groovy-* jar files based on the use of the Groovy API.

Download the Groovy JAR files from

Download the Jython JAR file from .

Uploading the JAR File

1. Navigate to the AIS Server instance.
2. Stop the AIS Server instance.
3. On the AIS Server instance page, in the Upload JAR section in the left panel, click the Scripting JAR upload link.
The Scripting JAR Upload page is displayed.
4. In the Upload JAR section, click Choose File, and then browse and select the JAR file.
5. Click the Upload button.

Note: Verify that the uploaded JAR file is listed in the Available Scripting Libraries section along with the
scripting library file name, type, and version details. To delete an already uploaded scripting JAR file, select
the required JAR file in the Available Scripting Libraries section and then click Delete.

6. Restart the AIS Server instance to apply the changes.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 17
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

18 Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data

Access Driver

Prerequisites and Recommendation Installation

Sequence for the Data Access Driver
It is important to note that the Data Access Driver differs from the existing Data Access Server. In addition to
implementation differences, the Data Access Driver utilizes a different, more efficient, read-only JDBC driver to access
the database.

Tip: For integration with BI Publisher, the recommended configuration is the Data Access Driver.

For implementation details, refer to the JD Edwards Interoperability Guide on the Oracle Technology Network:

This list shows the prerequisites and recommended installation sequence for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data
Access Driver:

1. Prerequisite: Management Agent is installed on target machine.

Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

2. Prerequisite: The Data Access Driver Software Component is uploaded to the Management Console.

Refer to Upload Software Components.

3. Prerequisite: The Data Access Driver Software Component is distributed to the target Managed Home.

Refer to Distribute or Delete Managed EnterpriseOne Software Components.

4. Prerequisite: Create a Data Access Driver.

Refer to Create a Data Access Driver.

• Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Interoperability Guide in the chapter Using Java Database Connectivity
for additional tasks and topics related to the Data Access Driver.
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Guide

Create a Data Access Driver

You must use Server Manager to create a Data Access Driver.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

• Prerequisites and Recommendation Installation Sequence for the Data Access Driver

To install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

1. Select the Managed Home in which you wish to install the Data Access Driver.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance in the Managed Home.

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Tip: Ensure you choose the correct instance type for your intended installation. That is, there are two similar
appearing instance types, one for Data Access Server and one for Data Access Driver.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

4. Click Continue.

Note: The Propagate Enterprise Server Config drop-down appears only if any enterprise server is registered
within the Server Manager console. The Propagate Enterprise Server Config drop-down contains the available
enterprise server instances registered with the SM console within a particular selected server group. NONE is
added to the drop-down by default.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the pull-down to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.

Also refer to Administer Management Console Users and User Groups.

◦ Instance Name

Enter the name for the instance.

Tip: A good business practice is to name your instances so that they are easily and consistently
identifiable. For example: PRODUCT_SERVER_PORT where PRODUCT is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
instance type, such as Data_Access_Driver, and where SERVER is the machine on which the instance is
installed, and where PORT is the HTTP port which is defined for use by this server.

◦ Usage Type

Use the pull-down to select the usage type for this Data Access Driver.

If you choose BI Publisher, that application must already be installed. By default, Server Manager
populates this field with the typical value for a BI Installation location, where you must manually complete
this variable value for your installation:


For example, a typical completed location to a BI Publisher installation might be:


If you choose Generic, you must provide the complete path to the application directory into which you
wish to install the Data Access Driver. For example:


This location must be unique, must be empty, and must not be within the Management Agent directory
◦ Software Component

Use the dropdown to select the version of this Software Component that you wish to install. For example:

EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver Version

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

6. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Note: This example illustrates an installation by selecting an enterprise server to be propagated.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Note: This example illustrates an installation by selecting NONE under Propagate Enterprise Server Config.

7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items. The values on this
form must be manually confirmed. You must validate or update, as appropriate, all configuration items.

Tip: For help, click the Information icon next to the title of a field.

◦ Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

8. After you have validated and updated all configuration items, click Continue to proceed to the next installation

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the installation of
the EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver.

Once the installation is complete the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the newly registered
Data Access Driver. This driver also appears as a Managed Instance within the corresponding Managed Home.

For each registered Managed Instance, the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top of the
• General

◦ Status

Valid values are:

- Running

This status is set whenever the Management Agent on the machine where the Data Access Driver
is installed reports that the Java class is loaded for use by BI Publisher or the Generic application.
The agent checks and reports status periodically so the status shown by Server Manager will be
accurate within a few minutes.

Note that unlike Managed Instances for Servers, there is no option to Stop the driver from Server
Manager. Therefore, no Stop button is displayed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 18
Server Manager Guide Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

- Stopped

This status is set whenever the Management Agent on the machine where the Data Access Driver
is installed reports that the Java class is unloaded by BI Publisher or the Generic application.
The agent checks and reports status periodically so the status shown by Server Manager will be
accurate within a few minutes.

Note that unlike Managed Instances for Servers, there is no option to Start the driver from Server
Manager. Therefore, no Start button is displayed.
◦ Software Component Version

Displays the version of this Software Component.

You must stop the system using the Data Access Driver (BI Publisher or Generic) before you can change
the Software Component Version.

• Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

• Instance Properties

◦ Install Location

The location where the Data Access Driver was installed.

◦ Instance Usage Type

Identifies the usage type of the Data Access Driver as either BI Publisher or Generic.
◦ Instance Name

The name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time it was created or registered.
For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 19
Server Manager Guide Manage an Oracle Database Instance

19 Manage an Oracle Database Instance

Prerequisite for registering an existing Oracle Database

as a new Managed Instance
This chapter discusses the topics that are necessary to register an existing Oracle Database as a Managed Instance.

1. Management Agent is installed on the same target machine where you have installed the Oracle Database
which you are trying to register.
2. As an oracle user, you must be able to login to the database using the following value:

sqlplus / as sysdba.

Ensure that the ORCL_SID, ORACLE_HOME, and PATH environment variables are properly configured.
Refer to Chapter 1, "Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent".

Register an Existing Oracle Database as a New Managed

Note: The steps explained in this section are applicable only for Linux OS.

To register an existing Oracle Database instance:

1. Select the Managed Home with which you wish to register the Oracle Database. Click the Create a New
Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance within the Managed Home.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 19
Server Manager Guide Manage an Oracle Database Instance

2. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

Register an Existing Oracle Database

3. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 19
Server Manager Guide Manage an Oracle Database Instance

4. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the drop-down menu to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.
◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

◦ Oracle Database Server Host/IP

Enter the name of the Oracle Database Server Host or IP.

◦ Port

Enter the Port.


Enter the System ID.

◦ Password

Enter the password.

5. Click Continue.
6. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items, where the web page
displays a variety of fields depending on the database and environments of your installation.

You can further configure any item as required.

7. Click Continue.
8. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, click the Finish to complete the registration of the Oracle Database.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 19
Server Manager Guide Manage an Oracle Database Instance

9. After you have completed the installation, the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for
the newly registered Oracle Database. This Oracle Database also appears as a Managed Instance in the
corresponding Managed Home.

For each registered Managed Instance, the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top of
the web page:


◦ Software Component Version

Displays the version of this software component.

◦ Status

Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

Instance Properties
◦ Instance Name

Displays the name of the instance.

◦ Oracle Database Server Host/IP

Displays the name of the Oracle Database Server Host or IP.

◦ Port

Displays the port number.


Displays the System ID.

◦ SYS/SYSTEM Password

To change the Oracle Database password, click the Reset button, enter the new password, and then click
the Save button. Note that this functionality works only with the Database Cloud Service if the PDB name
is jdeorcl.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 19
Server Manager Guide Manage an Oracle Database Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 19
Server Manager Guide Manage an Oracle Database Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 20
Server Manager Guide Manage an IBM i Database Instance

20 Manage an IBM i Database Instance

Prerequisites for Registering an Existing IBM i Database
as a New Managed Instance
This chapter discusses the topics that enable you to register an existing IBM i Database as a managed instance.
1. Management Agent is installed on the same target machine where you have installed the DB2 that you are
planning to register.
Note: Refer to Chapter 1 of this guide, "Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent".

2. As an IBM i user, you must be able to log in to the database with the following authority:
3. You must enable the IBMi DB2 database for Transport Layer Security (TLS). Refer to the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Installation Guide for Code Current.

Register an Existing IBM i Database as a New Managed

Note: The steps explained in this section are applicable only to the IBM i OS.

To register an existing IBM i Database instance:

1. Select the Managed Home with which you want to register the Oracle Database. Click the Create a New
Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance within the Managed Home.

2. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this option:

Register an Existing IBM i Database

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 20
Server Manager Guide Manage an IBM i Database Instance

3. Click Continue.
4. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the drop-down menu to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.
◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

5. Click Continue.
6. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items, where the web page
displays a variety of fields depending on the database and environments of your installation.

You can further configure any item as required.

7. Click Continue.
8. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, click Finish to complete registering the Oracle Database.
9. After you have completed the installation, the browser redirects you to the Management Console page for
the newly registered Oracle Database. This Oracle Database also appears as a managed instance in the
corresponding Managed Home.

For each registered managed instance, the Management Console displays the appropriate information at the
top of the web page:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 20
Server Manager Guide Manage an IBM i Database Instance


◦ Software Component Version

Displays the version of this software component.

◦ Status

Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

Instance Properties
◦ Instance Name

Displays the name of the instance.

◦ IBM i Database Server Host/IP

Displays the name of the Oracle IBM i Server Host or IP.

◦ IBM i Current Job User

Displays the current job user name.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 20
Server Manager Guide Manage an IBM i Database Instance

Update an HTML Instance (JAS) to Enable TLS (Release - IBM DB2 only)
Note: The steps explained in this section are applicable only for connections to the database for IBM i DB2 for IBMi
and DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.

To update an HTML Server to enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) to an IBM DB2 database server:

1. Select the Managed Home of the JAS instance for which you want to enable TLS.
2. Navigate to <HTML Server Instance > Configuration > Advanced > Database > JDBj Runtime Properties.
3. Set the following value:

Use TLS = true

For additional information on setting up TLS for the IBMi, refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Installation Guide for Code Current , in the section Enabling TLS (Release 9.2.6) .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 20
Server Manager Guide Manage an IBM i Database Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 20
Server Manager Guide Manage an IBM i Database Instance

Update the Development Client to Enable TLS on an IBM

DB2 Database
To update an HTML Server to enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) to an IBMi database server:

1. Import the Database Server certificate to the WebLogic Server Java trust store on the HTML Web Server.
2. Select the Managed Home of the JAS instance for which you want to enable TLS.
3. Navigate to <HTML Server Instance > Configuration > Advanced > Database > JDBj Runtime Properties.
4. Set the following value:

Use TLS = true

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 20
Server Manager Guide Manage an IBM i Database Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 20
Server Manager Guide Manage an IBM i Database Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 21
Server Manager Guide Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server Instance (Release

21 Deploy an Oracle Application Development

Framework (ADF) Server Instance (Release

Note: Alternatively, you can use the createadfinstance Server Manager REST API to create the ADF Server instance.
See REST API for Server Manager guide. Although not recommended, you can manually install an ADF Server using
the EnterpriseOne ADF Application Build Scripts. See the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Deploying and Developing
Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Applications for EnterpriseOne guide.

Applications built with Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) must be deployed on an Oracle WebLogic
Server with ADF runtime, hereafter referred to as an ADF Server.

Oracle delivers EnterpriseOne applications developed with Oracle ADF. This chapter describes how to deploy an ADF
Server instance through Server Manager, which involves installing the EnterpriseOne ADF Foundation and determining
which EnterpriseOne ADF applications you want to deploy in the ADF Server instance.

Note: This configuration supports Oracle WebLogic Server version 12c (also known as 12.1.3 and 12.2.1.x). Refer to the
Oracle Certifications for more information about minimum technical requirements for your particular environment.

Deploying an ADF Server through Server Manager requires the following prerequisites:
• A minimum of EnterpriseOne Tools
• An Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Server with ADF runtime installed.
For Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3, you have to install Oracle WebLogic Server and then configure it with the
runtime libraries for Oracle ADF.
If using Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure to install Oracle WebLogic Server, it comes
preconfigured to support ADF applications; the additional configuration of ADF runtime libraries is not
required. Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure also provides an option to install Oracle WebLogic Server
separately, which after installing, requires configuring it with the runtime libraries for Oracle ADF.
• A Management Agent installed on the target machine where Oracle WebLogic Server resides.
Refer to Installing the Server Manager Console and Agent.
• The Oracle WebLogic Server registered with the Server Manager Management Agent.
• A J2EE Container installed in this domain. See Install JDBC Drivers to the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS).

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 21
Server Manager Guide Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server Instance (Release
• An EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services (AIS) Server configured with an EnterpriseOne HTML Server.

Downloading EnterpriseOne ADF Foundation

To download the EnterpriseOne ADF foundation, complete the following steps:

1. Access the Oracle Update Center.
2. In the Type field, select EnterpriseOne ADF, and then make sure that All Releases is selected in the Release field.
3. Click SEARCH.
4. Download the E1 ADF Foundation.

The download includes the ADF Par file, which you can save to your destination server.

Downloading EnterpriseOne ADF Applications

To download the EnterpriseOne ADF applications, complete the following steps:

1. Access the Oracle Update Center.
2. In the Type field, select EnterpriseOne ADF, and then make sure that All Releases is selected in Release field.
3. Click SEARCH.

The results display a list of available EnterpriseOne ADF applications.

4. Download the latest version of the EnterpriseOne ADF applications that you want to deploy, making sure the
version is supported on your current EnterpriseOne release.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 21
Server Manager Guide Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server Instance (Release

Installing an ADF Server Instance Using Server Manager

1. In the Managed Software Components window, click Choose File, select the EnterpriseOne ADF Foundation
component downloaded from the Update Center, and click Open.

2. Click Upload.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 21
Server Manager Guide Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server Instance (Release
3. Verify that the EnterpriseOne ADF server components are uploaded as shown in the following example.

4. Select the EnterpriseOne ADF server components, and then click Distribute.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 21
Server Manager Guide Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server Instance (Release
5. In the Managed Software Components window, select required Managed Instances, and then click Distribute

The Distributed ADF Server Components will be available in the selected Server Manager Agent as shown in the
following example.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 21
Server Manager Guide Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server Instance (Release
6. To create a new ADF Server instance, select EnterpriseOne ADF Server in the "Deploy a New EnterpriseOne Web
Component" window.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 21
Server Manager Guide Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server Instance (Release
7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:
◦ Server Group
Use the pull-down to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.
Also refer to Administer Management Console Users and User Groups
◦ Name
Enter a name for the instance.
◦ J2EE Server/Cluster
Select the already created J2EE Container for creating the ADF Server Instance.
◦ Foundation Component
Select the Foundation Component. The distributed ADF Server Foundation component(s) will be
available in the drop-down menu.

◦ Application Components
The ADF Application components are auto selected. Select or deselect the ADF Application Components
as required.
8. In the AIS Server URL field, enter the AIS Server to use with this ADF Server.

9. In the HTML Server Whitelist field, enter the URLs to the supported EnterpriseOne HTML Servers for this ADF
Server. For each EnterpriseOne HTML Server, you must provide the long and short host name along with port

10. Click Continue, and then click Create Instance.

11. You can modify or update the configuration entries after the ADF Server instance is created successfully.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 21
Server Manager Guide Deploy an Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server Instance (Release
Note: After the ADF Server instance is created, you must update the HTML Server configuration setting in
Server Manager to point to this ADF Server.

It is not necessary to install the JDBC Driver on the ADF Server instance since it does not connect to the EnterpriseOne
database directly.

By default, the ADF Server timeout setting is 20 minutes and the AIS Server timeout setting is 30 minutes. If you adjust
these settings, make sure that the timeout for the ADF Server is less than the timeout for the AIS Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 22
Server Manager Guide Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

22 Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator


Note: As an alternative to following the instructions in the chapter, you can use the createorchinstance Server
Manager REST API to create the Orchestrator Studio instance. See REST API for Server Manager guide.

Note: Support for deploying the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio with Server Manager starts with the Tools
Release for Server Manager and Orchestrator Studio version 5.0.0.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio was built with Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF).
Applications built with Oracle ADF must be deployed on an Oracle WebLogic Server with ADF runtime, hereafter referred
to as an ADF Server.

This chapter describes how to use Server Manager to install the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio on an ADF Server

Note: You cannot deploy the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio on the same ADF Server instance used for running
other EnterpriseOne ADF applications. When you install the Orchestrator Studio through Server Manager, the steps
include deploying an ADF Server instance for running the Orchestrator Studio.

Note: Orchestrator Studio is the latest version which requires a minimum of EnterpriseOne Tools
The Orchestrator Studio is deployed as a component of the Application Interface Services (AIS) server. The
standard Server Manager process is used to deploy an AIS server, and the Orchestrator Studio is immediately
available through a URL endpoint to that server. The Orchestrator Studio does not require the installation and
maintenance of a discrete WebLogic Server or ADF environment.

Note: This document covers installations for Oracle WebLogic Server version 12c (also known as 12.1.3 and 12.2.x).
Follow the Oracle Certifications to determine which version is supported for your particular environment.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 22
Server Manager Guide Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

Installing the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio 5.0.0 or higher through Server Manager requires the following

• A minimum of:

EnterpriseOne Tools to support Orchestrator Studio 5.x.0.

EnterpriseOne Tools 9.2.2 to support Orchestrator Studio 6.0.1.

EnterpriseOne Tools to support Orchestrator Studio 6.1.0.

EnterpriseOne Tools 9.2.3 to support Orchestrator Studio 7.x.0.

EnterpriseOne Tools 9.2.4 to support Orchestrator Studio 8.

EnterpriseOne Tools 9.2.4 to support Orchestrator Studio

Note: The Orchestrator Studio 9.2.4 is deployed along with the AIS Server and can be accessed by
using the AIS server URL. Therefore, the Orchestrator Studio 9.2.4 does not require additional set-up or
installation steps. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio 9.2.4 is installed on AIS server instance.

• An EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services (AIS) Server configured with an EnterpriseOne HTML Server.
See Create an Application Interface Services (AIS) Server as a New Managed Instance for more information.

You can use an existing AIS Server or deploy a new AIS Server instance through Server Manager for the
sole purpose of running orchestrations. It is recommended that you set up two AIS Server instances for an
Orchestrator configuration, one for testing orchestrations and one for production.

For an AIS Server deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server, there is an additional required configuration that
enables the Orchestrator Client (the tool for testing orchestrations) to run properly. See "Configuring Oracle
WebLogic Server Domain for HTTP Basic Authentication" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application
Interface Services Server Reference Guide .
• An Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Server with ADF runtime installed.

For Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3, you have to install Oracle WebLogic Server and then configure it with the
runtime libraries for Oracle ADF. For instructions on how to install Oracle WebLogic Server with ADF Runtime,
see "Setting Up Oracle WebLogic Server with ADF Runtime" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Deploying
and Developing Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Applications for EnterpriseOne Guide.

If using Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure to install Oracle WebLogic Server, it comes
preconfigured to support ADF applications; the additional configuration of ADF runtime libraries is not
required. Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure also provides an option to install Oracle WebLogic Server
separately, which after installing, requires configuring it with the runtime libraries for Oracle ADF.
• A Management Agent installed on the target machine where Oracle WebLogic Server resides.

Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent

• The Oracle WebLogic Server registered with the Server Manager Management Agent.
• A J2EE Container installed in this domain. See Install JDBC Drivers to the J2EE Server (WLS or WAS).

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 22
Server Manager Guide Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

Download the Orchestrator Components

The Orchestrator Components download contains files for deploying the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio.

1. Access the Oracle Update Center.
2. In the Type field, select EnterpriseOne Orchestrator, and then make sure that All Releases is selected in the
Release field.
3. Click SEARCH.
4. Download the Orchestrator Components file, making sure the version is supported with your EnterpriseOne
Tools release.
The download contains additional files that are not needed for the Orchestrator Studio installation. The additional
files are for developing custom Java for orchestrations. See "API and JAR Files for Developing Custom Java for
Orchestrations" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide for Studio Version 8 and Prior .

Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

To install an Orchestrator Studio instance using the Server Manager Console:

1. In the Managed Software Components window of the Server Manager Console, click Choose File, select the
Orchestrator Components file downloaded from the Update Center and click Open.

2. Click Upload.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 22
Server Manager Guide Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

3. Verify that the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator components are uploaded as shown in the following example. Select
the Enterprise Orchestrator components, and then click Distribute.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 22
Server Manager Guide Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

4. In the Managed Software Components window, select required Managed Instances, and then click Distribute

5. The Distributed EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Components will be available in the selected Server Manager Agent
as shown in the following example.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 22
Server Manager Guide Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

6. To create a new EnterpriseOne Orchestrator instance, select EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio Server in the
Deploy a New EnterpriseOne Web Component window.

7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group
Use the pull-down to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.
Also refer to Administer Management Console Users and User Groups
◦ Name
Enter a name for the instance.
◦ J2EE Server/Cluster
Select the already created J2EE Container for creating the EnterpriseOne Studio Server Instance.
◦ HTTP Port

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 22
Server Manager Guide Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

Enter the HTTP Port.

◦ Software Component

Select EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio Components available in the drop-down menu as required.
◦ Propagate Application Interfaces Services

Select the value from the drop-down menu as required.

8. The Orchestrator Studio connects with a working AIS Server in order to function. In the CONFIGURATION
section, enter the AIS Server Details, and then click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 22
Server Manager Guide Install an EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio

9. The Orchestrator Studio instance is created successfully as shown in the following example. You can start the
EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio instance after it is created.

10. You can also modify the configuration entries after the installation is created successfully.

It is not required to install the Database JDBC Driver into the Orchestrator Studio instance since it does not
connect to the EnterpriseOne Database directly.
After installing the Orchestrator Studio, you need to set up the Orchestrator Studio as described in the "Setting Up the
Orchestrator Studio" section of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide for Studio Version 8 and Prior.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 23
Server Manager Guide Remove a Managed Instance

23 Remove a Managed Instance

Remove an Application Server Managed Instance

You cannot remove an application server (either WebSphere Application Server or Oracle Application Server) Managed
Instance that has a Server Manager dependent Managed Instance . You must remove all dependent Managed
Instances before removing the application server Managed Instance .

To remove an application server Managed Instance :

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 23
Server Manager Guide Remove a Managed Instance

1. On the Managed Instances section of the page, select the Managed Instance Type associated with the
application server that you want to remove.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 23
Server Manager Guide Remove a Managed Instance

2. Click the Remove Instance button to remove the selected application server Managed Instance .

3. On the confirmation dialog, click OK if you are sure that you want to remove the selected Managed Instance .

If you choose OK, the application server will not be physically removed from the remote machine. It will,
however, no longer be manageable with Server Manager .
If you attempt to remove an application server that has a dependent Managed Instance , the Management Console
displays this error message:

Remove a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Instance

Note: This section uses screen captures of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne "RTE" (Transaction Server) as an example.
However, the procedure is identical for all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers with the exception of a JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server that was registered to (not created by) Server Manager . If you used Server Manager
to register an existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server that was created outside of Server Manager , and
you use Server Manager to remove that Managed Instance , the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server is not
actually removed from the machine; only the Managed Instance is removed from Server Manager .

To remove a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server Managed Instance :

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 23
Server Manager Guide Remove a Managed Instance

1. On the Managed Instances section of the page, select the Managed Instance Type associated with the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne server you want to remove.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 23
Server Manager Guide Remove a Managed Instance

2. Click the Remove Instance button to remove the selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server Managed Instance

3. On the confirmation dialog, click OK if you are sure that you want to remove the selected Managed Instance .

If you choose OK, the Managed Instance will be permanently removed from the application server to which it
was installed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 23
Server Manager Guide Remove a Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 24
Server Manager Guide Overview of Management Console Administration

24 Overview of Management Console


Overview of Management Console Administration

Administering the Management Console involves these tasks:

• Setting up Management Console users and user groups

The Management Console supports granular control of the managed instances a user may view and actions a
user may perform. The Management Console employs user groups as an efficient way to manage permissions
and servers. Instead of administering these items at the user level, you can associate permissions to a user
group. You can determine which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users have access to the Management Console
and the user group or user groups to which the user should belong.
• Assigning permissions to user groups

The Management Console contains two sets of permissions that you can assign to user groups: global
permissions and server group permissions. Global permissions allow members of a user group to perform
particular administrative tasks in the Management Console . Server group permissions allow users to perform
certain administrative tasks on the servers that are managed centrally through the Management Console .
• Creating server groups

◦ Control the default configuration for all servers in a group.

◦ Manage updates to the server group members from one release to the next.
◦ Control the tasks that Management Console users can perform on the servers in a server group.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 24
Server Manager Guide Overview of Management Console Administration

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

25 Administer Management Console Users

and User Groups

Configure the Management Console for User Setup

This section describes:

• Specify the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Used for User Authentication

• Change the jde_admin User Password
You must use the jde_admin user ID and password to sign into the Management Console initially. This non-JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne user ID and password are configured during the Server Manager installation. The jde_admin user has
the authority to perform all functions within the Management Console and is responsible for adding and setting up the
initial Management Console users from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, as well as assigning permissions to those users.

You can import users from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne using the Management Console Setup and Configuration Wizard,
or you can add them as needed using the Management Console. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users are authenticated
using the security server services of an EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server. The Enterprise Server name and port used by
the Management Console must be properly configured.

Note: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users cannot access the Management Console with their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
user IDs and passwords until they have been added as Management Console users.

See Complete the Management Console Setup Wizard for information about using the Management Console Setup
Wizard to add JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users to the Management Console.

Specify the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Used for User

In addition to user authentication, you must define the name and port number of the security server to enable the use
of site keys for the encryption of sensitive data stored in EnterpriseOne configuration (ini) files. If site keys are set up
in the Security Server jde.ini file, when sensitive data such as a password is entered in a server configuration setting
in Server Manager, Server Manager accesses the site keys to encrypt the data. The Server Manager agent will return
the site key to the Server Manager Console even if the Security Server is not running. See "Encrypting Sensitive Data in
EnterpriseOne" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide for more information on how to
generate site keys.

Note: All servers managed by an instance of Server Manager must use the same site key. For example, to have a
production environment with servers that use one site key and a test environment with servers that use a different site
key, you would need to install two separate Management Consoles, one for all servers in the production environment
and one for all servers in the test environment. The configured Security Server must be a managed instance in the
Server Management Console. Previously, the Security Server could have been managed by a different Server Manager

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Manager Users link.

2. In the Server Manager User Authentication pane, in the Server Name field, enter the name of the Enterprise
Server to use for security services. The server must be running and listening on the same JDENET port that this
instance is configured to use for outgoing connections.
3. In the Outgoing JDENET Port field, enter the TCP port to use for outgoing JDENET communications
with a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server. This value must match the JDENET Incoming Port
(ServiceNameListen) defined for the Enterprise Server(s) with which this web server will communicate.
4. Click the Save button.

Note: It may be necessary to restart the management console application for the new settings to take effect.

Change the jde_admin User Password

The jde_admin user password is the only password that you can change in the Management Console. All other
Management Console users use their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user ID and password to sign in to the Management
Console and these passwords are changed in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Manager Users link.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

2. In the jde_admin Password section in the left pane, complete the Old Password, New Password, and Verify New
Password fields to change the jde_admin password.

Note: If you lose the jde_admin password, there is no way to recover it. You will have to reinstall the
Management Console.

Manage Management Console Users

All users that you add to the Management Console are displayed in a grid in the interface. The Management Console
displays the name of the user along with the user groups that are assigned to the user. You can sort each column
alphabetically by clicking a column heading. All changes made to Management Console users and user groups take
effect immediately.

This section describes:

• Add a User
• Remove a User

Add a User
1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Manager Users link.

2. On Server Manager Users, in the Management Console Users pane, enter the name of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne user in the EnterpriseOne User Name field.
3. Click Add User.

The Management Console adds the user to its user repository. The added user will not belong to any user

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

Remove a User
1. On Server Manager Users, in the Management Console Users pane, select the check box next to the user that
you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete button.

Manage User Groups

This section describes:
• Create a User Group
• Delete a User Group
• Assign Users to a User Group
• Remove Users from a User Group
The Management Console employs user groups to manage permissions and group together users who perform similar
tasks. Permissions are assigned to user groups, not individual users. A user may belong to zero or more user groups and
will be authorized to perform the actions that are granted to each user group to which the user belongs.

See Assign Server Manager Permissions for a list of all the permissions that you can assign to user groups in Server

The Management Console displays each user group that you add in a grid. You can sort alphabetically on each column
of the grid by clicking the column heading. The Management Console displays this information for each user group:
• User Group Name
• User Group Description
• Users Belonging to User Group
• Granted Permissions
The Management Console is delivered with the following predefined groups:
• console_user
Any user who successfully authenticates and possesses this role may utilize the management console. If users
do not belong to this user group, they cannot access any of the management console pages. You must have
this permission to sign into the Management Console.
• console_admin
This role is equivalent to having all permissions granted to a user. Users who belong to this user group
automatically assume the rights of the console_user user group; it is not necessary to assign them to the
console_user user group. The jde_admin user is always a member of the console_admin user group.
Note: The user groups that are delivered with Server Manager cannot be altered or deleted.

Create a User Group

1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Manager Users link.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

2. In the User Groups pane, click the Create User Group button.
3. Complete the User Group Name and Description fields and then click the Add User Group button.
The Management Console adds the new user group and displays the details about the user group in the grid.

Delete a User Group

Note: You cannot delete a user group if one or more users belong to that group.

1. In the User Groups pane, select the check box of the row that contains the user group that you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete User Group button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

Assign Users to a User Group

1. On the Server Manager Users page, scroll down to the Management Console Users pane and select the check
box next to the user that you want to add to a user group.
2. Click the Grant or Revoke User Groups button.
3. In the User Group Name drop-down menu, select the user group to which you want to assign the user and then
click the Grant User Group button.

Remove Users from a User Group

1. On the Server Manager Users page, select the check box next to the user that you want to remove from the user
2. Click the Grant or Revoke User Groups button.

Assign Server Manager Permissions

This section provides an overview of Server Manager permissions and discusses how to:
• Assign Global Permissions
• Assign Server Group Permissions

Understand Server Manager Permissions

Server Manager contains two types of permissions that you can assign to user groups global permissions and server
group permissions. Both types of permissions are only assigned to user groups, not individual users. Server Manager
follows Oracles secure by default security model. Management Console users cannot perform any functions unless they
are authorized and have been assigned the appropriate permission to do so.

Global permissions allow users to perform administrative tasks in the Management Console that do not pertain to a
particular server group, such as updating the Management Console software, distributing software components to
managed homes, and granting other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users access to the Management Console.

Server group permissions allow users to perform certain tasks on a particular server group. When you assign a server
group permission, the permission applies to all servers that belong to the server group.

See Administer Server Groups for information about setting up and managing server groups.

Assign Global Permissions

Global permissions include:
• Application Server Management appServerConfig
This permission is required to perform management tasks on an application server (Oracle WebLogic or
IBM WebSphere). A user who has this permission may register new application server instances, create new

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

J2EE servers within the application server, start and stop application server components, and modify the
configuration of the application server components. Users without this permission may see the application
servers within the management console but may not perform any actions directly on those servers.
• Manage Software Components managedComponents

This permission allows users to manage software components within Server Manager. With this permission,
users can add software components to the Management Console User Repository, distribute or copy those
components to managed homes, and delete software components both from the managed homes and from
the management consoles.
• Monitor Configuration monitorConfig

This permission allows users to manage the monitoring components of Server Manager. With this permission,
users can create, delete, and start or stop configured monitors. Any user allowed to use Server Manager may
view the contents of a running monitor; however, this permission is required to make any changes to the
configuration of an existing monitor. In addition, users with this permission may remove any monitor reports
from the monitor history.
• Console Configuration and Administration consoleConfig

This permission allows users to manage the configuration of Server Manager. With this permission, users
can update the Server Manager release, update deployed managed home agents, remove managed homes,
configure the TCP/IP ports used by Server Manager, and download managed home agent installers. This
permission is not required to manage the Management Console user repository; that permission is granted by
the userManagement permission.
• Server Manager User Management userManagement

This permission allows users to administer the Server Manager user management repository. With this
permission, users can add additional JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users as Management Console users and
assign permissions.
• Web Product User Session Management

This permission allows users to manage web product user sessions. It allows users to terminate OWVirtual
sessions, terminate user sessions including any running OWVirtual sessions, broadcast messages to OWVirtual
clients, and temporarily disable logins to a web product.
To assign global permissions to a user group:

1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Manager Users link.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

2. In the User Groups pane, click the link of the user group to which you want to add permissions. For example, if
you chose Global Permissions you would have these available options:

3. On Modify a User Group, in the Global Permissions pane, select a permission from the Available Options box.
4. Click the Move link (single right arrow) to move the permission to the Selected Options box.
You can also grant the user group all global permissions by clicking the Move All link (double right arrow).
To remove global permissions from a user group:
1. In the User Groups pane, click the link of the user group to which you want to remove permissions.
2. In the Global Permissions pane, select the permission that you want to remove from the Select Options box.
3. Click the Remove link (single left arrow).
You can also remove all permissions in the Selected Options box by clicking the Remove All link (double left

Assign Server Group Permissions

Server group permissions include:
• Permit Clearing JDBj Caches clearCache
This permission allows users to clear the JDBj caches that are maintained with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
web products.
• Enterprise Server Instance Management - enterpriseServerInstance
This permission allows users to create new Enterprise Servers, remove existing Enterprise Servers, configure
Enterprise Servers, and start or stop Enterprise Servers. This permission also allows users to change the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools release of a corresponding server. This permission is required to manage a JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server.
• View Group Members viewGroupMembers

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

This permission allows users to view the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers that are members of a server
group. Without this permission, users cannot view the server group members in the Management Console. You
must explicitly grant this permission to each desired server group; no other permission implies or inherits this
• Web Product Instance Management webProductInstance

This permission allows users to create new web product instances, remove existing web product instances,
configure web products, register/de-register application servers, configure application servers, and start
or stop application servers and web products. This permission also allows users to change the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools release of a corresponding server. This permission is required to allow users to manage JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne web products including HTML servers, Transaction Servers, Business Service servers,
and the corresponding application servers (Oracle WebLogic and IBM WebSphere).
• Web Product User Session Management webSessions

This permission allows users to manage web product user sessions. With this permission, users can terminate
OWVirtual sessions and user sessions (including any running OWVirtual sessions), broadcast messages to
OWVirtual clients, and temporarily disable anyone from signing onto a web product.
To assign server group permissions to a user group:
1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Manager Users link.
2. In the User Groups pane, select the user group to which you want to assign server group permissions.

The Management Console displays a separate pane for each server group in the Management Console. Each
pane displays the permissions for that particular server group.

3. On Modify A User Group, scroll to the server group to which you want to add server group permissions for the
user group.
4. Select the permission from the Available Options box and then click the Move link (single right arrow) to move
the permission to the Selected Options box.

You can also grant the user group all server group permissions by selecting the Move All link (double right
To remove server group permissions from a user group:
1. In the User Groups pane, select the user group to which you want to remove server group permissions.
2. On Modify A User Group, scroll to the server group to which you want to remove server group permissions from
the user group.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 25
Server Manager Guide Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

3. On Modify A User Group, in the Server Group pane, select the permission from the Selected Options box and
then click the Remove link (single left arrow) to remove the permission.

You can also remove all server group permissions from the user group by selecting the Remove All link (double
left arrow).

Run the User Access Report

The User Access Report generates a list of all the Management Console users and lists the following information for
each user:

• The user groups that a user is a member of

• Global permissions assigned to each user group of which a user is a member
• Server group permissions assigned to each user group of which a user is a member
Use this report to verify that you have added users to the appropriate user groups and that you have applied the
appropriate permissions to each user group.

You must have the userManagement global permission to be able to view the report.

To run the User Access Report:

1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Manager Users link.
2. In the User Management Tasks section, click the User Access Report link.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

26 Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

E-Mail Configuration
When you click the Server Activity link in the What do you want to do? pane, the Management Console displays
another pane under What do you want to do? called E-Mail Configuration.

E-Mail is sent through SMTP and is SMS/pager friendly.

Starting With Tools Release 9.2.7, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides secured email communication by enabling the
TLSv1.2 and SMTP authentication for the email notification framework.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

To configure e-mail notification for monitors:

1. Complete these fields:

◦ Mail Server (SMTP)

Defines the name of the SMTP mail server Server Manager will utilize for sending e-mails.
◦ SMTP Port

The TCP/IP port to use when connecting to the SMTP mail server for sending e-mails. The default value
is 25, though some mail servers may be configured to use an alternate port.
◦ Sender Email

The e-mail address to use as the sender for e-mail notifications sent by Server Manager.
◦ Email Address

Enter an email address (or multiple addresses separated with a comma).

◦ Connection Security

Enter any one of these connection types as per your requirement:

Connection Type Description

PLAIN Connection shall be established/made with the SMTP server without encryption.

STARTTLS Informs the mail server to upgrade the non-encrypted connection to an encrypted connection.

SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/ A secured connection shall be established or made with the SMTP server by encrypting the
Transport Layer Security) communication with the TLS1.2 protocol.

◦ Enable Authentication

Enter True or False. The email is delivered only when the value is True and when authentication is
enabled on the SMTP server.
◦ SMTP Username

Enter the username to authenticate with the SMTP server. This applies only when authentication is
enabled on the SMTP server.
◦ SMTP Password

Enter the password to authenticate with the SMTP server.

2. Click the Save button to save your settings.
3. To verify your settings and email address for use by Monitors, click the Test button. If the test is not successful,
an error appears.

Note: If the Server Manager is TLS enabled, the system selects the Keystore name, Truststore name, and password
settings automatically from the global Server Manager settings. Therefore, separate TLS level settings are not
provided in the Email Configuration pane.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Email delivery system has been tested and certified with the SMTP Server for Microsoft
Office 365 Exchange.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

Consider the following to ensure that the EnterpriseOne email delivery system works with Microsoft Office 365

• The Sender's email address must be valid.

• If the SMTP Username is different than the sender's email ID, you must provide the "Send As" permissions to
the sender's email address. Otherwise, the email delivery fails and the system displays the “Send As Denied”
error message.
• Multi-factor/2FA authentication should be disabled for the FROM email ID/SMTP Username.
• SMTP Auth should be enabled.

Note: Click here to view a recording of this feature.

See Clients and Mobile Exchange Online

This section describes:

• Create a Monitor
• Monitor Configuration
• Available Monitors
• Monitor History

Create a Monitor
You use monitors to track events that occur within the management domain and record historical data of managed
instances. Once you create the monitor, the configuration page for the new monitor will be displayed. Multiple monitors
can be created with different parameter settings to monitor various aspects of managed instances. An email can then
be sent to the appropriate person or group alerting them to specified status changes in the managed instances.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

To create a new monitor:

1. Complete these fields:
◦ Monitor Name
Defines the name of the new monitor. The monitor name must be unique.
◦ Monitor Type
Defines the type of the new monitor. The available monitor types appear in the drop down selection.
2. Click the Create button to create your new monitor. When the new monitor has been created a monitor
configuration page is displayed.

Monitor Configuration
All configuration items for the new monitor are displayed on this page.

This section describes:

• General Properties
• Managed Instances
• Monitored Events
• Notification Hours
• E-Mail Subscriptions

General Properties

To configure General Properties for monitors:

1. Complete these fields:
◦ Query Interval (Seconds)
Specifies the number of seconds between collections. Some monitored events are pushed to the
management console, in which case the corresponding notifications will be sent soon after the event
occurs. Other events require periodic polling to identify. This value specifies the amount of time between
those polls. Use caution when setting this to a low value (such as under a minute), as this may negatively
impact performance of the managed instances.
◦ Automatically Start Monitor
You select this to automatically start the new monitor. If the Management Console should stop and
restart, the monitor will start automatically if this has been selected.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

2. Click the Save button to save your settings.

Note: The Save button applies only to the pane where the Save button is located. It does not save the entire page.
The Save button must be clicked within each pane for changes made within that pane.

Managed Instances
This section describes:
• Include a Managed Instance(s) in a Monitor
• Remove a Managed Instance(s) from a Monitor

Include a Managed Instance(s) in a Monitor

One or more managed instances may be selected to be monitored.

To include a managed instance(s) in a monitor, either:

1. Select an instance from Available Options and click Move, or
2. Click Move All to include all managed instances.

Remove a Managed Instance(s) from a Monitor

To remove a managed instance(s) from a monitor, either:
1. Select an instance from Selected Options and click Remove, or
2. Click Remove All to remove all managed instances.

Note: Changes made to the instance selection, if the monitor is currently running, will take effect immediately and
does not require restarting the monitor.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

Monitored Events
You can select the individual events that a specific monitor should observe that will trigger an e-mail alert.

Examples include:

• Enterprise server kernel crashes

• Web user unable to sign in due to system error
• Security server down
• Simultaneous users exceeding specified thresholds
• Low disk space on enterprise server
• Managed instance down
• Managed home down

Note: Some events may require threshold values.

To specify the events to monitor:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

Events may be dynamically enabled or disabled for a particular monitor.

1. On Monitored Events, select from these fields:

◦ Zombie Kernel Process

This event occurs when an enterprise server process (including network, kernel, and runbatch processes)
unexpectedly terminates.
Starting with Tools Release, the email notification will contain contextual and actionable
information that will enable you to troubleshoot the issue.
The email includes information such as the ID of the EnterpriseOne process which crashed, process
type (kernel process or UBE process), Enterprise Server host name, name and number of the business
function that crashed, the last modified time of the business function, name and email address of the
user who last modified the business function, and a link to navigate to the Server Manager Console
instance details page of the Enterprise Server instance where the zombie occurred.
The email notification also contains two attachments, a call stack trace file of the problem process or
thread and the whole dump file of the zombie process.

Note: As the business function details and the user details are retrieved from the respective
EnterpriseOne databases, you must upload the correct JDBC drivers during the initial Server Manager
Console configuration. If the Enterprise Server JDE.INI files are encrypted, then Server Manager
Console will have a valid Enterprise Server registered which will be used during the site key decryption
to retrieve the EnterpriseOne database authentication details.

◦ Managed Instance Down

This event occurs when a matching instance was in the running state on the previous collection but is no
longer running.
◦ Managed Home Down
This event occurs if the connection between the management console and a connected managed home
is lost. This could be because the management agent within the managed home is down, or the network
connection was severed.
◦ Managed Home Up
This event occurs if when the connection between a managed home and the management console is
◦ Managed Instance Restarted
This event occurs when a managed instance is stopped and restarted within the last sampling interval.
If a server is stopped and restarted but the operation does not complete within the sleep interval of this
monitor the notification will be handled as a managed instance down rather than restart.
◦ Simultaneous Users
This event is triggered when the specified threshold of users is reached. This event is checked on the
timed interval specified for the monitor. You may set thresholds for the number of simultaneous users
active in an EnterpriseOne HTML server, connected to a single CallObject kernel on the enterprise server,
or connected to a security server kernel on the enterprise server. This notification will be sent the first
time the threshold value is met, and each time thereafter when the value is larger than any previously
sent notification.
◦ HTML Server Sessions

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ CallObject Kernel Users

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ Security Kernel Users

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ HTML Server Login Failure - System

This event occurs when a user cannot sign onto a HTML server due to a system related failure. It does not
include login failures caused by incorrect user activity, such as supplying incorrect login credentials.
◦ Enterprise Server Disk Space

This event occurs when a physical disk on a monitored enterprise server meets the specified threshold
value(s). You may specify the 'Percent Used Threshold', in which an event will be triggered if the usage on
the disk/volume reaches or exceeds the specified percentage. An event may also be specified when the
disk has less than a specified number of kilobytes available. The enterprise server must be running at the
time of collection for this metric to be evaluated.
◦ Percent Used Threshold

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ Remaining Space Threshold (KB)

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ Long Running UBEs

Allows you to specify, in seconds, a threshold value for the duration of UBEs. If a UBE takes longer than
the specified threshold to complete a notification will be sent.
◦ Time Limit (Seconds)

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ Web Server CallObject Errors

This event enables receiving notification whenever a problem occurs while performing a CallObject
(business function) request from an EnterpriseOne HTML server to an enterprise server. You may specify
a threshold for each of the error types that may occur. Once reached notifications will be sent for the
corresponding CallObject error.
◦ Application Error Threshold

Specifies the threshold when an event will be triggered.

◦ System Error Threshold

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ Timeout Error Threshold

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ Outstanding Requests

This event occurs when a kernel process reaches the supplied threshold value for outstanding request.
Outstanding requests are requests that are queued for the kernel but have not yet executed to do current

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

work. The notification will be sent each time outstanding requests are greater than the last sample period
and above the specified threshold value.
◦ Outstanding Requests Threshold

Specifies the threshold when the event will be triggered.

◦ Security Server Connection Failure (Web Products)

This event occurs if a user attempts to sign on to a web product and the configured security server did
not successfully respond to the authentication request.
2. Click the Save button to save your settings.

Note: Changes to the event selection for a monitor, if running, will take effect immediately and do not require
restarting the monitor.

Note: If input values are used in the enterable fields, the parameter field immediately above the input section must
have the check box selected in order for the input values to be applied.

Notification Hours
You may specify the hours of the day in which e-mail notifications will be sent. If an event occurs outside the configured
times the event will still be recorded in the monitor history. An email per event, per threshold, per duration will be sent.

You may have identical monitors assigned to different time frames to notify different people. A monitor may be set up
to notify a person during prime hours, and a different identical monitor to notify a different person for non-prime hours.

To specify notification hours, enter start and stop times using the twenty four hour clock. For example 11:33 PM would
be specified as 23:33. The day's range is between 00:00 and 23:59.

E-Mail Subscriptions
Specified e-mail addresses, including distribution lists, will receive a notification when any of the subscribed events
occur. An unlimited amount of e-mail addresses may be added to a monitor.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

To add e-mail subscriptions:

1. Enter an email address (or multiple addresses separated with a comma).

2. Click the Add button.
To remove e-mail subscriptions:

1. Select the check box for an email address(es).

2. Click the Remove button.

Available Monitors
Displays each of the monitors. Use the links to modify the configuration of the individual monitor. If the monitor is
currently running or has been run since the management console was started you may view the monitor results.

This section describes:

• Start a Monitor
• Stop a Monitor
• Delete a Monitor
• Modify the Monitor Configuration
• View a Monitor Report
• Create a Duplicate Monitor

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

Start a Monitor
To start a monitor:

1. Select the check box for a monitor(s).

2. Click the Start button.

Stop a Monitor
To stop a monitor:

1. Select the check box for a monitor(s).

2. Click the Stop button.

Delete a Monitor
To delete a monitor:

1. Select the check box for a monitor(s).

2. Click the Delete button.

Modify the Monitor Configuration

To modify the monitor configuration, click the icon in the Configure column for the monitor.

View a Monitor Report

To view a monitor report, click the icon in the View Report column for the monitor. The icon will change if the report has

Create a Duplicate Monitor

To create a duplicate monitor:

1. Click the icon in the Create Duplicate column for the monitor.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

2. Specify a name for the new monitor, by completing the Monitor Name field.

3. Click the Continue button.

4. Complete the Monitor Configuration page.
5. Click the Save button for every pane.

Monitor History
The Monitor History section displays all monitors that are currently or have previously run.

This section describes:

• Delete Monitor History

• View the Monitor Start Time
• View Report

Delete Monitor History

To delete monitor history:

1. Select the check box for a monitor(s).

2. Click the Delete button.

View the Monitor Start Time

To view a monitor start time look in the Monitor Start Time column for the monitor.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

View Report
To view a monitor history report:

1. Select the check box for a monitor(s) history.

2. Click the icon in the View Report column.

The report provides information for the event and email. The Emails Not Sent field will report the number of emails
accumulated outside the Notification Hours designated in the configuration settings for the monitor. The Failed Emails
field will report the number of emails not delivered due to any issues with the email system, such as an email server
being down.

Note: Currently running monitors will also appear in the monitor history list. Their history may not be deleted while
the monitor is active.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 26
Server Manager Guide Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

27 Available Log Files

Managed Home Log Files

This section describes:

• Details
• Agent Log Level

Server Manager generates log files detailing its activity within the Managed Homes . Managed Home logging
can be accessed from the main menu. Upon logging into Server Manager , find the Managed Home that you
want to access by selecting the view in the Select View field called Managed Homes and Managed Instances. In
the grid field called Managed Home Location, select the Managed Home Location with the logs that you want
to view.

Managed Home Details

When a Managed Home Location has been selected, the Managed Home Details section appears on the next screen.
This section provides selection options for configuring the messaging level for the Management Agent logs.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

Agent Log Level

The Management Agent generates log messages at various log levels. Use the Agent Log Level dropdown to change
the level of the messages are written to the Management Agent logs. Any changes to the log level are stored in the
Managed Home configuration and are used even after the Management Agent is restarted.

The log file receives all messages that are at or above the selected log level. For example, if the log level is configured to
Fine the log files will receive all generated messages at the Fine, Config, Info, Warning, and Severe level.

The default and recommended level is Fine. The finer and finest log levels should only be used for troubleshooting a
specific Server Manager issue.
• Off
This setting prevents any log messages from being written. It is not recommended to disable logging.
• Severe
This level is for errors from which the system is not able to recover. Severe events are very rare for Server
Manager and indicate a significant problem that needs to be addressed.
• Warning
This level is for errors from which the system can recover; however these errors indicate a deviation from the
expected path of least resistance scenario and are indicative of failure points in overall system health.
• Info
This level receives messages that indicate the high-level tasks the agent is performing.
• Config
This level includes information about the configuration or environment used by the Management Agent .
• Fine

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

This level includes trace-level logging messages used to understand not just which actions the Management
Agent is performing but also details about how it is performing those tasks.
• Finer

This level contains more detailed messages.

• Finest

This level contains the most detailed messages and may generate large log files.
• All

At this level all log messaging levels are displayed; it is equivalent to selecting Finest.
The Management Agent writes log files to a subdirectory named logs on its the installation path. The log files may be
viewed using the Server Manager log file viewer.

The Management Agent maintains up to ten log files with a maximum size of 10MB each. The most recent log file
always has _0 in the filename. As the current log file reached the 10MB limit, the last log file is removed, the log index
file for existing log files is increased, and the logging continues with a new file using the zero log index.

Managed Instance Log Files

Log files for all Managed Instances , including the Management Agent , are viewable through Server Manager .
Log files for the Managed Home are available by selecting the Managed Home from the Management Dashboard
page. Log files for Managed Instances , including EnterpriseOne servers, Oracle application servers, and third party
application servers, are available by selecting the corresponding Managed Instance anywhere throughout the
Management Console . In all cases the management page contains an Available Log Files section.

This section describes:

• View Available Log Files

• Write Log Message [Web Products Only]
• Delete Log Files
• Log File Viewer

View Available Log Files

The log files for the managed instance or Managed Home are listed in a table in this section. A filter is provided to limit
the list of log files based on the last time they were updated. By default only logs modified with the last 24 hours are
displayed. You can use the available options to expand or narrow the subject of log files to be displayed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

• Filename
The complete path and name of the log file.
• File Size
The size of the log file, in bytes.
• Last Modified
The date and time the log file was last modified as reported by the operating system.

Write Log Message [Web Products Only]

Server Manager provides a mechanism for adding messages to the active log files. This mechanism is available only
for the web-based JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers and only when the instance is running. A free-form text message
can be entered that is written to all the active log files for the Managed Instance . After entering the message, click the
Write Log Message button to post the message to the active log files.
• Message to Write

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

A free-form text message can be entered that is written to all the active log files for the managed instance.

Delete Log Files

Log files that are no longer of interested can be deleted using Server Manager . To remove a log file select the check
box next to the desired log file(s) and click the Delete button. The selected log files are removed from the file system and
no longer appear in the Available Log Files section.

Log files that are currently in use cannot be deleted. A warning indicates which log files cannot be deleted because they
are in use.

On UNIX-based operating systems it might be possible to delete a log file while it is still in use. The file is removed from
the file system and no additional log messages are written to the file.

Log files should be deleted only if you are sure they are no longer needed.

Log File Viewer

Selecting a log file from the Available Log Files transfers the file to the Management Console and display the contents
using the integrated log file viewer. Transferred log files are cached by the Management Console and only fetched
again if the contents of the file have changed. On IBM i machines, the EBCDIC conversion is performed automatically.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

This section describes:

• Filter Log Files

• Criteria
• Apply Filter
• Save As Favorite
• Download
• Results

Filter Log Files

The first segment of the log file viewer is the Filter Criteria. Advanced filtering capabilities are provided for locating only
the log entries of interest. Any number of filter criteria may be added to limit the log lines displayed. Filter criteria may
be saved as a favorite for reuse at a later time.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

Criterion may be added to narrow the results that are returned. Additional rows can be added by clicking the Add
Another Row button.

• Criterion Type

The Criterion Type field has a dropdown list with the following filter criteria:


Does Not Contain

Matches regex

Does Not Match regex

Log Level Message Is

Log Level Message Is Not

• Value

The Value field is a free-form text input field.

Note: Multiple criteria are evaluated in the order listed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

Apply Filter

Available filter fields are:

• Page Size

Log file contents are displayed using finite page lengths. Use this dropdown to customize the maximum
number of lines that may be displayed in a single returned page. Select from these options:

250 Lines

500 Lines

1000 Lines

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

• Match Type

Select how multiple criteria will be evaluated. Selecting Any Criterion returns log lines that match one or more
of the supplied filter criteria. Selecting All Criterion (should be criteria, but if its that way in the software, then
leave it of course) returns only those lines that match all of the supplied criteria.
After selecting the filtering preferences, click the Apply Filter(s) button to apply the filtering.

Save As Favorite
This section describes:
• Save a Favorite
• Run a Favorite
• Remove a Favorite

Save a Favorite
To save a favorite:
1. Click the Save As Favorite button.
2. Specify a name for the save criteria.
3. Click the OK button.
The favorite appears in the Favorite field drop down list for selection. These filter favorites are saved to the user account
used to sign in to the management console.

Run a Favorite
To run a favorite:
1. Click the Favorite dropdown arrow.
2. Select a favorite from the list.
3. Click the Go button.

Remove a Favorite
To remove a favorite:
1. Click the Favorite dropdown arrow.
2. Select a favorite from the list.
3. Click the Remove button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

You can download log files for viewing or parsing using other tools.

To download a log file:

1. Click the Download Entire Log File link or

2. Select one of these options:

◦ Open with
◦ Save to Disk
3. Click the OK button.
Some very large log files might not be displayed properly within the log file viewer. If a file is too large for viewing using
the integrated viewer, an appropriate message appears. You can still download these large log files for viewing with
tools more suited to handling large text files.

The second segment of the log file viewer is the log file. Results are color-coded and displayed in pages. EnterpriseOne
log files are color coded for improved readability. The last date modified and file size information appears in the Last
Modified and File Size fields.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

If the log file contains more lines than the current page size a dropdown appears on the upper and bottom right of the
log contents. Use the dropdown or Previous/Next links to view the page of interest. Logging
The web based EnterpriseOne servers use the file to configure their logging activity. The Java-based
Enterprise Server kernels also utilize the file to configure their own logging activity. Server Manager
provides an interface to configure these log files without having to directly modify the corresponding properties file.

From the management page for an EnterpriseOne server select the Database link in the Configuration pane. A page
appears that provides details about the current configuration defined within the properties file.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

Each configured log file appears as a row in the Log File Configuration section.

The grid fields in this section are:

• Log Name
A unique identifier for this logging configuration. It is used as the section name in the log
configuration file.
• Log File Name
The file name used to construct the actual file name. The actual log file is in the directory specified. The log file
name is appended with the date the file was created and possibly the backup index of the file if the maximum
size has been reached. For web products running using multiple JVMs a JVM specific identifier may also be
appended to the generated log filename.
• Log Level Threshold
Defines the threshold of log messages that should be written to the file. The order is Critical Errors, Warnings
and Recoverable Errors, Application Level Activity, and Low Level Troubleshooting Messages (Verbose).
Selecting Application Level Activity, for example, will receive all Critical Errors, Warnings and Recoverable
Errors, and Application Level Activity level messages and Low Level Troubleshooting Messages (Verbose is
The available values are:

◦ Critical Errors
◦ Warnings and Recoverable Errors
◦ Application Level Activity
◦ Low Level Troubleshooting Messages (Verbose)

• Log Format

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

There are three different formats available that differ in the amount of technical information included with each
log message.

The recommended format is Applications Format. The technical format contains the same information
but adds the line number of the originating logging call. Line number information is not included in the
EnterpriseOne products. Technical with Threads adds the name of the thread in which the log message
• Append Log Files

If TRUE, log files will append to existing log files with the same name. If FALSE, existing log files with the same
name is truncated prior to writing the first log message.
• Max. Log Size

This value defines the maximum size a log file may reach before it is renamed to a backup file and new log is
created. The value should be specified in xxMB, where xx is a number specifying the number of Megabytes.
Example: 10MB.
• Max. Backup Index

The maximum number of backup files to retain. When a log file reaches the maximum allowed file size it is
archived to another log file. This value specifies the maximum number of those backup entries to keep.
• Log Components

Specifies the components within the EnterpriseOne product to log. You may specify ALL or the individual
components (such as Runtime, JDBJ, etc.) that should be logged.

Remove Log Definitions

You can delete the log file definition by selecting the check box in the desired row and clicking the Delete button.

Apply Changes
After making changes, click the Apply button to save any modifications. Changes including adding new log
configurations are dynamically re-loaded by the running managed instance each time the Apply button is selected.

For the web-based server products adding, modifying, or removing log files takes effect immediately after pressing
Apply if the corresponding server is running. Java based enterprise server kernels will take up the modifications the next
time the server is started.

New Log Configuration

New log definitions may be created by selecting the Create New Log Configuration button. The application prompts for
a name for the new definition. The supplied name contains only characters and must not already be used by an existing
log configuration. Select OK to create the new definition.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

Server Manager creates a new log definition using default values based on the E1LOG definition, if present. The log file
path is created based on the log definition name supplied. You can change any of the default values created just as you
would modify any of the log configurations.

User Specific Log File Configuration

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server supports user-specific log definitions. Any activity by the
configured user is logged to the corresponding file as configured. Creating and modifying a user-specific log definition
is nearly identical to creating a regular log definition.

Create SQL Bind Values Inline Log File Configuration (Release
You can merge the SQL bind values and the SQL statements instead of logging them in seperate HTML server log files
by enabling the setting in the JDBJ log, as shown in the following example. You can specify a delimiter to separate the
clause columns.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

The following example shows the SQL log statements.

Create New User Specific Log File Configuration

Rather than prompt for the name of the log definition the application prompts for the user name instead.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 27
Server Manager Guide Available Log Files

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

28 Update Server Manager

Update the Management Console

The Management Console and the Management Agents have codependent release levels. The Management Console
constantly monitors the version levels of the registered Management Agents and if it determines that a registered
Management Agent is out of sync (mismatched) with the Management Console 's own release level, then it notifies the
user that an update is required for a specific Management Agent . This can happen any time you change the release
level of the Management Console , either to a newer release or to an older release.

You must manually update a Management Agent when notified, as described in this chapter. If you do not update the
Management Agent , unpredictable and undesirable results can occur in the execution of Server Manager requests on
the target machine on which the Management Agent resides.

If you update the Management Console to a new Tools Version (for example, 8.98.3), you must upgrade the
Management Agents to the same version. Otherwise your Server Manager cannot communicate and operate with the
target machines as expected.

You update the Management Console by changing its Software Component using the same method as changing any
other Server Manager Managed Instance (refer to Managed Software Components).

CAUTION: Changing the Software Component version for the Management Console will automatically restart the
Management Console application and terminate any active user sessions.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

To update the Software Component :

1. On Managed Homes and Managed Instances, locate the Managed Home Location for your Software
Component and click the link for the associated Managed Instance for home.

This is the location you specified when you installed the Software Component , where the default is c:\jdehome.

2. In the General section of the page, under Software Component Version, click the Change ... button.

The Management Console displays a popup with a list of available Managed Software Components is
displayed. For example:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

3. On the Change Tools Release popup, you can select a Software Component radio button and click the Change
Component button to change to that version.

The update process starts immediately and upon completion the Management Console application will
automatically restart. If the Management Console fails to restart as expected, refer to Troubleshooting an
Unsuccessful Management Console Update in this chapter for a description of symptoms and recovery.

Note: To update the WebLogic Server to, you must first update the Tools Release to

Update a Management Agent

After you update a Management Agent to a new tools version (for example, Tools Version 8.98.3), any existing WAS 6.x
instances will display this message:

To resolve the Warning you must restart the Management Agent to complete the update process.

When the Management Console determines that a Management Agent version is out of sync (mismatched) with the
version of the Management Console itself it displays a notification under the Managed Home Location of the applicable
Management Agent . For example:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

To update a Management Agent :

1. On Managed Homes, select the Managed Home Location for which indicates: Agent Update Required.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

2. Use the check box to select the appropriate Managed Home Location.

3. Click the Update button.

The Management Console displays this confirmation dialog:

4. Click OK to immediately begin updating the selected Management Agent . Once the update is complete, Server
Manager will automatically restart the Management Agent .

When the pre 9.2 Server Manager Agent is updated to 9.2 (the update process initiated from the Server
Manager Console itself when the "Agent Update Required" message is seen by the Administrator and the
Administrator selects the checkbox and performs the update operation) from an earlier tools release, it is
necessary for the Administrator to manually change/replace the $SCFHA/jdk/jre within the Server Manager
Agent after the update.

The Administrator should use a 32-bit jdk/jre if the Server Manager Agent is going to manage a Deployment/
Enterprise Server, otherwise use a 64-bit jdk/jre.

It is recommended not to use the existing jdk/jre which came with the older Server Manager Agent installation.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

(Release 9.2.1) To start or to stop all the instances, on Managed Homes and Managed instances, click Start All Instances
or Stop All Instances button.

Troubleshooting an Unsuccessful Management Console

There may be times when updating the Management Console application is not successful. The symptoms of a failed
updated is the lack of a logon screen after the update completes, even after restarting the Management Console .
Server Manager provides a fallback script that can be used to redeploy the application and recover the Management
Console without any data loss. The script will deploy the intended (change-to) release.

To troubleshoot an unsuccessful Management Console update:

1. Stop the Management Console service.

2. Start the Management Console service.
3. Open a command prompt and navigate to this directory:


where jde_home is the install path of the Management Console .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

4. Invoke the redeployManagementConsole.cmd recovery script.

The script takes one parameter, which is the password used to initially install the Management Console . For

redeployManagementConsole.cmd password

Upon successful execution of this script, you can log on to the Management Console application.
(Release If you updated WebLogic Server to and the Management Console update was unsuccessful,
troubleshoot the Management Console update before updating to EnterpriseOne Tools release or later.

1. Ensure that the Server Manager Console is on a Tools Release earlier than
2. Stop the Managed Server where Server Manager Console is installed on the WebLogic Server.
3. Extract the ManagementAgent_JAR file from Server Manager JAR file. The ManagementAgent_JAR file
is located at <E1_ServerManagerConsole.jar>\ManagementConsole_WAR.ear\ManagementConsole_WAR.war\WEB-IN\lib
4. Replace the ManagementAgent_JAR file with the file you have extracted in the previous step at following

◦ <jde_home>/SCFMC/stage/ManagementConsole_WAR.ear/ManagementConsole_WAR.war/WEB-INF/lib

◦ <WLS_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<domain_name>/servers/<server_name>/tmp/_WL_user/

You need not replace the ManagementAgent-JAR file at this location if the lib folder is not available.
5. Start the Managed Server.
6. Update the Tools Release for Server Manager to

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 28
Server Manager Guide Update Server Manager

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance

29 Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data

Access Server as a New Managed Instance

Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence

for Managed Instances for Data Access Server Instance
This list shows the prerequisites and recommended installation sequence for Managed Instances for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Data Access Servers:

1. Prerequisite: Management Agent is installed on target machine.

Refer to Installing the Server Manager Management Console and Agent.

2. Prerequisite: The Data Access Server Software Component is uploaded to the Management Console.

Refer to Upload Software Components.

3. Prerequisite: The Data Access Server Software Component is distributed to the target Managed Home.

Refer to Distribute Software Components to Managed Homes.

4. Create a Data Access Server as a New Managed Instance

Refer to Create a Data Access Server as a New Managed Instance.

• Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Interoperability Guide in the chapter Using Java Database Connectivity
for additional tasks and topics related to the Data Access Server.
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Guide
• Refer to various Red Papers in the Red Paper Library on Customer Connection.

Navigation: Customer Connection > Implement, Optimize, and Upgrade > Implementation Guide >
Implementation Documentation and Software > Red Paper Library

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance

Create a Data Access Server as a New Managed Instance

You must use Server Manager to install a Data Access Server instance.

• Prerequisites and Recommended Installation Sequence for Managed Instances for Data Access Server Instance

To install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne EnterpriseOne Data Access Server instance:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance

1. Select the Managed Home in which you wish to install the Data Access Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance
2. Click the Create a New Managed Instance button to create the Managed Instance in the Managed Home .

3. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Type, select this radio button:

EnterpriseOne Data Access Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance
4. Click Continue.

5. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Instance Properties, complete these fields:

◦ Server Group

Use the pulldown to select the Server Group to which you want this instance to belong.

Also refer to Administer Server Groups.

◦ Instance Name

Enter a name for the instance.

Tip: A good business practice is to name your instances so that they are easily and consistently
identifiable. For example: PRODUCT_SERVER_PORT where PRODUCT is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server
type, such as Data Access_Server, and where SERVER is the machine on which the instance is installed,
and where PORT is the HTTP port which is defined for use by this server.

◦ Install Location

Specify where the Data Access Server is to be installed.

This location must be unique and not within the Management Agent directory structure.
◦ Software Component

Use the dropdown to select the version of this Software Component that you wish to install.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance
6. Click Continue.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance
7. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Confirmation, review the key configuration items. The values on this
form must be manually confirmed. You must validate or update, as appropriate, all configuration items.

Tip: For help, click the Information icon next to the title of a field.

◦ Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

8. After you have validated and updated all configuration items, click Continue to proceed to the next installation

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance
9. On Create/Register a Managed Instance, Finish, click the Create Instance button to complete the installation of
the EnterpriseOne Data Access Server.

Once complete the browser is redirected to the Management Console page for the newly registered Data
Access Server. This server also appears as a Managed Instance within the corresponding Managed Home.

For each registered Managed Instance, the Management Console displays appropriate information at the top of
the page:

◦ General

- Status

Valid values are:


When the status is Running, the Stop button is available.


When the status is Stopped, the Start button is available.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 29
Server Manager Guide Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a
New Managed Instance
◦ Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

- Software Component Version

Displays the version of this Software Component .

◦ Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component

- Data Access Server Password

Allows you to change the Data Access Server Password when the Data Access Server is running.
The new password is taken from the current configuration value for the Data Access Server
◦ Instance Properties

- Install Location

The location Data Access Server was installed.

- Instance Name

The name assigned to the Managed Instance at the time it was created or registered.
For information on log files, refer to the chapter entitled: Available Log Files.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

30 View Runtime Metrics for a Managed


Enterprise Server Runtime Metrics

The runtime metrics provide operational information about insight to the EnterpriseOne servers. Runtime metrics are
only available when the server is running.

A Runtime Metrics information summary and links to detailed information are available for each Enterprise Server
that is running. Metrics are provided by an embedded variant of the management agent built into each EnterpriseOne
server. A new kernel definition, the management kernel, was added in 8.97. A single management kernel process is
created when the enterprise server is started. The management kernel is responsible for securely networking between
the enterprise server and the server manager management console while providing the runtime details of the enterprise

Note: You must import the Server Manager Console certificate to the Trust Sore of all the Managed Targets that have
the Runtime Metrics. Otherwise, the Runtime feature will not work with the Server Manager Console configured on

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The following runtime metrics are available for a running enterprise server:
• General
• Process Detail
• Environment Variables
• Disk Space Usage
• Kernel Ranges
• Audit History

Runtime Metrics will display runtime information for these parameters:
• Uptime
The amount of time the Enterprise Server has been running.
• Network Jobs
The number of network listener processes (jdenet_n) that are currently running.
• Kernel Jobs
The total number of kernel processes (jdenet_k) that are currently running.
• Zombie Processes
Zombie status refers to an Enterprise Server process that has unexpectedly terminated without properly
cleaning ups its resources. This value will display the total number of zombie processes that are tracked in the
enterprise server shared memory segment.
• Security Kernel Users
The number of EnterpriseOne users that have a currently active security server connection to the Enterprise
• Call Object Users
The number of EnterpriseOne users that have a currently active CallObject (business function) connection to
the Enterprise Server.

Process Detail
Information about all of the running network, kernel, and other enterprise server processes can be viewed by selecting
the Process Detail hyperlink from the Runtime Metrics pane. The management kernel process will periodically query
the enterprise server to retrieve the runtime information. This polling will occur approximately every thirty seconds;
therefore it is possible that the information displayed through the server manager process detail pages may be up to 30
seconds old.

The process detail page includes:

• A Process Summary
• A Batch Summary

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

• A Process Table
The top of the page includes a Process Summary section providing a quick reference to the number of active enterprise
server processes and provides a Batch Summary that displays the running batch queues, active batch jobs, and pending
batch jobs.

A Process Summary
The status information fields for Process Summary are:

• Network Jobs

The total number of network listener jobs active on the Enterprise Server.
• Kernel Jobs

The total number of kernel jobs active on the Enterprise Server.

• Thread Count

The total number of threads active on the Enterprise Server.

A Batch Summary
The status information fields for Batch Summary are:

• Batch Queues

The number of batch queues that are managed by the queue kernel process on the Enterprise Server.
• Active Jobs

The number of jobs that are currently being processed (running) in the batch queues.
• Waiting Jobs

The number of jobs that are currently in the queue awaiting processing.

A Process Table
The process table contains a row for each EnterpriseOne server process contained within the shared memory segment.
The shared memory segment is created by the first server process created during server startup. Each additional server
process will register itself within that shared memory segment. Server Manager uses this shared memory to identify
and display all the running server processes.

The process table lists each of the processes found. Each process is displayed along with some key columns. The table
also provides links to directly view the associated JDE and JDEDEBUG log files.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Selecting the process name will display more detailed information.

This section describes:

• Remove Zombie
• Process Detail

Remove Zombie
A zombie process is an enterprise server process registers itself within the shared memory segment then terminates
without removing its registration information shared memory. The most likely cause of a zombie process is a process
that performs an illegal operation and is terminated by the host operating system.

Zombie process may have their information removed from the shared memory segment. Removing the zombie process
will prevent it from showing up in the process table. To remove a zombie process select the check box next to a process
in the zombie state and click the Remove Zombie button. Selecting and attempting to remove a process that is not in
the zombie state will have no effect.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Process Detail
Selecting the process name in the process table section will display additional information about that process.

The additional detail includes:

• General Information
• Connected Users
• Log File Configuration
• Thread Detail

When an individual process is selected for viewing, a process detail screen will be displayed with the Process ID number
in the heading of the page. The General Information section is always displayed followed by additional relevant sections.
Hyperlinks will appear below the Process ID that will link to the additional sections.

General Information

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The General Information section will provide information for these parameters:
• Process Name
The name of the kernel process. The name indicates which kernel definition the kernel belongs to.
• Process Type
The description of the Enterprise Server process type.
• Kernel Range
The kernel definition index. The Enterprise Server is composed of kernels that process messages from other
servers and clients. There are more than thirty different types of kernels. The range index indicates which
kernel group this kernel belongs to.
• Process ID
The operating system assigned process identifier for the kernel process.
• Process Index In Shared Memory
An internal identifier used to locate the process position in the shared memory resources that track kernel and
network processes.
• Start Time
The time the process was created.
• Last Active Time
The last time the kernel performed any activity such as processing incoming JDENET messages.
• Messages Received
The total number of messages (requests) that have been processed by the kernel process.
• Outstanding Requests
The number or requests that are queued and awaiting processing by the kernel process.
• Parent Process ID
The operating system assigned process identifier of the parent process.
• IBM i Job Number
The job number of the process, valid on the IBM i platform only.
• Process User ID (OS)
The operating system user id under which the process is running.
• OS Group ID
The group identifier of the os user running the process; valid only on unix based platforms.
• OS Username
The operating system user name under which the process is running.
• OS Status
The status of the process as reported by the operating system:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

0 = Sleeping

1 = Running

2 = Stopped

3 = Zombie

4 = Other

Connected Users

Security and CallObject kernel processes have active users associated with the process. The page will display a section
containing the names, originating machine, and connection time of each remote user that is active on the kernel

Log File Configuration

Logging may be dynamically enabled or disabled for an individual process.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The Log File Configuration section will contain up to three segments. The first segment allows for configuration
enablement of the JDE.LOG and the JDEDEBUG.LOG, and for setting the log levels for different log files.

The parameters available to change log files are:

• Enable JDE.LOG

This setting controls whether error and other significant messages are written to the jde.log. It is highly
recommended this logging type always be enabled.

This setting controls whether debug and trace messages are written to the jdedebug.log. These messages
are very useful when troubleshooting an Enterprise Server; however, enabling debug logging will impact
• JDECACHE log level

Configures the level of logging generated by the cache manager. This setting will have no effect if JDEDEBUG
logging is disabled.
• IPC log level

Configures the level of logging generated by the interprocess communication (IPC) related functionality. This
setting will have no effect if JDEDEBUG logging is disabled.
• JDENET log level

Configures the level of logging generated by the JDENET network related functionality. This setting will have no
effect if JDEDEBUG logging is disabled.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

• Thread log level

Configures the level of logging generated by the thread handling functionality. This setting will have no effect if
JDEDEBUG logging is disabled.
• JDETAM log level

Configures the level of logging generated by the TAM specification access routines. This setting will have no
effect if JDEDEBUG logging is disabled.
• Security log level

Configures the level of logging generated by the security related functionality. This setting will have no effect if
JDEDEBUG logging is disabled.
• ENVDOC log level

Configures the level of logging generated by the EVNDOC (Interop) functionality. This setting will have no effect
if JDEDEBUG logging is disabled.
• IEO log level

Configures the level of logging generated by the IEO (Interop) functionality. This setting will have no effect if
JDEDEBUG logging is disabled.
Click the Save button to save any changes made to the parameters.

The second segment will display the filename, size, and last modified date of the JDE.LOG file. Select the View button to
retrieve and view the log file contents using the integrated log file viewer.

See Log File Viewer

The third segment will display the filename, size, and last modified date of the JDEDEBUG.LOG file. Select the View
button to retrieve and view the log file contents using the integrated log file viewer.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Thread Detail
The active threads for the Enterprise Server process are displayed in the Thread Detail section. Each thread is displayed
along with its thread identifier, index in shared memory, and thread name. If thread metrics are enabled selecting a
thread identifier will display additional thread related metrics.

If Thread metrics has been enabled, then when the hyperlink for a Thread ID is clicked, then a Thread metrics screen
will appear with additional information for the Thread ID. If Thread metrics has not been enabled, then this screen will

Environment Variables
The Environment Variables hyperlink, when selected, will display the environment variables that are active on the
selected Enterprise Server. The displayed environment variables are those that were used to create the server process.
Changes made after the kernel process was started will not be reflected.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Disk Space Usage

The Disk Space Usage hyperlink, when selected, displays this information on the disks that make up the Enterprise
Server that you are monitoring.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The information available on the Disk Space Usage screen is:

• Name

The name of the physical disk.

• Volume

The volume, or mount point, of the disk.

• Used Space (KB)

The amount of space that is currently in use on the disk, in kilobytes.

• Free Space (KB)

The amount of space that is available on the disk, in kilobytes.

• Volume Size (KB)

The total amount of space available on the disk, in kilobytes.

Kernel Ranges
Selecting the Kernel Ranges hyperlink will link to the Kernel Ranges screen. This screen has two sections:

• Network Listener Jobs (JDENET_N)

• Kernel Process Jobs (JDENET_K)

Network Listener Jobs (JDENET_N)

The first section of this screen is for Network Listener Jobs (JDENET_N). The maximum number of simultaneous
network listener jobs can be designated by entering a number into the Maximum Net Listeners field.

• Maximum Net Listeners

The maximum number of network listener jobs (jdenet_n) that may be active at any given time.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Kernel Process Jobs (JDENET_K)

This section will list each of the kernel types and the current number of processes for each type. The information in this
section includes:

• Kernel Index

The kernel definition index. Each kernel type has a distinct value, which corresponds to the
JDENET_KERNEL_DEF## section in the JDE.INI where ## represents the kernel index value.
• Kernel Type

A textual description to the kernel process type.

• Active Kernel Count

The number of kernel processes of the specified type that is running.

• Current Maximum

The current maximum number of processes of the specified type that may simultaneously exist. This value is
an in-memory value only; if the Enterprise Server is restarted the maximum processes will be reloaded from the
INI configuration file.
• New Maximum

You may specify a new maximum number of simultaneous processes for a particular kernel. The value must be
equal to or greater than the current number of processes of the specified kernel type.
If the New Maximum has been changed, click the Save button next to the changed number to save the change.

Audit History
You may view the configuration changes that have occurred over time by selecting the audit history link. Each
configuration item that has changed will be listed in chronological order. You may also use the filter criteria to narrow

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

down the results returned. Audit history will also contain a record for each start and stop of the server that was
performed using server manager. This screen has three sections:

• Report Configuration
• Deployment History
• Changed Metrics

Report Configuration
The Report Configuration section will display all of the timestamps in which audit events have been recorded.

The fields and values that are reported are:

• Timestamp

This field will have values that can be selected from a dropdown box in the format of date, then time.
• Granularity
• This field allow you to choose:



• Metric Name

This field permits narrowing down the returned results to specific configuration topics.
After selecting the values for these parameters, click the Submit button to process your selection.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Deployment History
Deployment History will provide information for the selected instance including installs, uninstalls, and changes to the
tools release within the selected time period.

Changed Metrics
Changed Metrics will display all the configuration metric changes within the selected time period.

EnterpriseOne Web-based Servers Runtime Metrics

Runtime Metrics for EnterpriseOne web products provides metric information for:

• User Sessions (HTML Server Only)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

• CallObject Stats
• JDBj Database Caches
• Database Connections
• JDBj Runtime
• JDENET Stats
• Java Environment

User Sessions (HTML Server Only)

Active user sessions may be viewed for a single HTML server instance or across all instances you are authorized to view.

This section describes:

• Terminate
• Send Message

In the Instance Name field, select the instance name of the managed instance from which you wish to view user
sessions, or select ALL to view all instances.

• Instance Name

The name of the instance. The selections available are:


individual instance name


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Active User Sessions information includes:

• JVM Node Id

An identifier that uniquely identifies a singe JVM.

• User Name

The user name that created the HTML server session.

• Client Address

The name of the remote machine used to create the user session. This may be returned as the machine name
or IP address. If proxy servers are used the machine name may be that of the proxy server and not the actual
remote client.
• Environment

The name of the user's sign in environment.

• Display Mode

This value indicates the type of user session: 'HTML' for HTML server session, 'Data Browser', or 'Portal'.
• Login Time

The time the user session was created.

• Idle Time

The amount of time, in seconds, that the user has been idle.
• Remote Environments

Each remote environment represents a call object kernel session that has been created for the user. The format
is host:port PID:pid, where host indicates the name of the enterprise server, port indicates the JDENET port of
the enterprise server, and pid indicates the process id of the corresponding call object kernel process.
• Session Identifier

A unique identifier for each user session.

• Open Applications

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Each application stack currently active for the user session will be listed.

The Terminate button is available to terminate user sessions. You may terminate a user session along with any
applications that are running. Use caution because the user will not be informed of this action and any work in progress
may be lost. Select a check box for the user session that needs termination, and then click the Terminate button. A
management console user must posses the userSession permission granted for the managed instance on which the
user is active in order to terminate the session.

Send Message
The Send Message button is available to send messages to the applications active within a user session. You may select
users and send a message. Messages will be received only by users who have an application running, and only when
they perform an activity within the application such as pressing Find on the toolbar.

CallObject Stats
The CallObject statistics detail the business functions that have been invoked by a web product. Each business function
that is called is recorded and displayed along with timing, invocation counts, and error counts.

Business function invocations and related statistics may be viewed for a single instance or multiple instances In the
Instance Name field, select the instance name of the managed instance from which you wish to view user sessions, or
select ALL to view all instances you are authorized to view. After making the selection, click the Submit Query button to
refresh the results.

• Instance Name

The name of the instance. The selections available are:


individual instance name


CallObject Table
Statistics may be dynamically cleared for individual or all business function invoked.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The Call Object (BSFN) Stats window displays cumulative data about each type of business function that has run during
a server session. This table summarizes the information displayed for each business function:

• JVM Node Id

An identifier that uniquely identifies an individual JVM. This column will appear only if an instance was
detected with multiple JVMs.
• Enterprise Server

The Enterprise Server name and port of the Enterprise Server to which the statistic applies.
• Business Function Name

The name of the business function.

• Total Invocations

The total number of invocations of the business function.

• First Time

The amount of time, in milliseconds, that a first invocation of the business function took. The first invocation is
not counted towards the average due to its initial overhead.
• Average Time

The average time, in milliseconds, that a first invocation of the business function took. The first invocation is
not counted towards the average due to its initial overhead.
• Shortest Time

The shortest amount of time, in milliseconds, that an invocation of this business function took.
• Longest Time

The longest amount of time, in milliseconds, that an invocation of this business function took.
• Total Time

The longest amount of time, in milliseconds, that an invocation of this business function took.
• Timeout Errors

The number of invocations of this business function that resulted in a JDENET timeout rather than a successful
• Application Errors

The number of invocations of this business function that resulted in an application returned error rather than a
successful completion.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

• System Errors

The number of invocations of this business function that resulted in a system error rather than a successful
The CallObject Information view also displays the number of business function processes in progress. This number can
be important for troubleshooting purposes. A large number of in-progress processes may indicate that the Enterprise
Server is running slowly and alert you that you need to investigate the possible causes.

Reset Statistic
The Reset Statistic button will reset the statistics for the selected business functions.

JDBj Database Caches

JDBj Database Caches cache management enables one to select the Instance that they want to look at, and within the
Instance the Cache name that they want to track. Based on this selection the appropriate JDBj Service Cache metrics are
displayed. Caches maintained by the HTML server may be viewed and cleared across a single or multiple instances.

In the Instance Name field, select the instance name of the managed instance from which you wish to view user
sessions, or select ALL to view all instances. After making the selection, click the Submit Query button.

The fields in the Cache Management section are:

• Instance Name

All can be selected which will display every instance selected, or an individual instance can be selected. The
selections available are:


individual instance name


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

• Cache Name

All can be selected which will display every cache within the instance selected, or an individual cache can be

Values available are:

Data Dictionary Glossary Text

Data Dictionary Alpha Cache

Row Column Cache

JDBJ Security Cache

JDBJ Service Cache

Serialized Objects

Menu Cache
Select a value from the Instance Name and Cache Name field. When both fields have been selected, then click on the
Submit Query button.

JDBj Service Caches

JDBj Services Caches are displayed for the selected managed instances.

• Instance Name

This will display based on the Instance Name selected in the previous Instance Name drop down selection. The
unique name assigned to the managed instance at the time it was created or registered.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

• Cache Name

This will display based on the Instance Name selected in the previous Instance Name drop down selection. The
name of the JDBj service cache.
• Cache Hit Ratio

The ratio of cache requests that find an object in cache, as a faction of 1.

• Cache Size (Entries)

The number of items that are stored with the cache.

• Cache Accesses

The total number of requests the cache has serviced.

• Cache Hits

The total number of requests the cache has serviced and returning a matched result.
• Cache Misses

The total number of requests the cache has serviced and did not find within its cache.

Clear Cache
The Clear Cache button will clear cache for the selected Instance/JVM.

Database Connections
Database connections and prepared statement caches can be viewed across a single instance or multiple instances
simultaneously. The Database Connections hyperlink will link to the JDBj Connection Caches screen.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The Instance Name field allows for all instances to be selected which will display every instance, or an individual
instance can be selected. Once the Instance Name has been selected, click the Submit Query button.

• Instance Name

All can be selected which will display every instance selected, or an individual instance can be selected. The
selections available are:


individual instance name


JDBj Pooled Database Connections

JDBj Pooled Database Connections shows the number of available pooled connections for each JDBj logical data source.
The numbers below represent the number of available, unused connections and do not include open connections that
are currently in use.

Prepared Statement Cache Detail

The Prepared Statement Cache Detail shows each of the SQL prepared statements being cached on each managed web
server. The numbers indicate the number of pooled database connections that are caching that prepared statement.
These values are further broken down by the logical database connection URL.

Note: Prepared statement caches are not maintained for the Oracle products; Oracle products use the Oracle native
prepared statement caching instead.

JDBj Runtime
The JDBj Runtime screen allows for viewing or modifying the runtime configuration of JDBj, which can be done across a
single instance or multiple instances simultaneously.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

In the Instance Name field, select the instance name of the managed instance from which you wish to view user
sessions, or select ALL to view all instances. After making the selection, click the Submit Query button.

• Instance Name

All can be selected which will display every instance selected, or an individual instance can be selected. The
selections available are:


individual instance name


The Properties section allows the Value of the property to by dynamically changed.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The Properties section allows the value of the property to by dynamically changed.

• Value

The current value in use for the property. This value may be defined in a drop down menu or may be a text field
that allows free-form entry of the value.

When a value has been entered, click the Apply button to dynamically apply the change.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The JDENET Stats hyperlink connects to the JDENET Connections screen, which has these sections:
• JDENET Connections
• JDENET Connection Pools
• JDENET Socket Connections

JDENET Connections

EnterpriseOne web products maintain a pool of JDENET connections that are shared among all the active users of the
web product. A connection pool is created for each foreign host, such as an Enterprise Server, that the web product
contacts using JDENET. Each connection pool has a number of established JDENET connections to the foreign host.
A request to a particular host will use one of these sockets, or if no sockets are available, wait until a socket in the pool
becomes available.

Viewing the JDENET statistics for connections established by the HTML server can be viewed across a single instance or
multiple instances simultaneously.

The Instance Name field allows for all instances to be selected which will display every instance, or an individual
instance can be selected. Once the Instance Name has been selected, the screen will refresh with the updated
information. In the Instance Name field, select the instance name of the managed instance from which you wish to view
user sessions, or select ALL to view all instances.
• Instance Name
All can be selected which will display every instance selected, or an individual instance can be selected. The
selections available are:
individual instance name

JDENET Connection Pools

The JDENET Connection Pool Information view displays connection and messaging data for each Enterprise Server
connected to the web server. Information about the volume of data and messages transmitted and received is
contained in this set of parameters:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

• Host Name

The name of the Enterprise Server the connection pool represents.


The JDENET port used to initially contact the Enterprise Server.

• Threads Waiting for Socket

The number of threads that are currently waiting to use a socket connection contained within this thread pool.
If this number is non-zero then one or more threads are being held up. In this case it may be beneficial to
increase the maximum pool size.
• Max Threads Blocked

The maximum number of threads that have been simultaneously been waiting for a socket from the connection
• Maximum Pool Size

The maximum number of sockets that may be created for this connection pool. Once this threshold is retrieved
any additional threads attempting to connect to the Enterprise Server/port will wait until a in use socket is
returned to the pool.

JDENET Socket Connections

JDENET Socket Connections displays all of the available socket connections in the connection pools for the selected
managed instance(s). Sockets currently in use (check-out) are not displayed.

The grid fields for JDENET Socket Connections are:

• Enterprise Server

The name of the Enterprise Server the connection pool represents.

• Local TCP/IP Port

The TCP/IP port actually used by the connection.

• Enterprise Server Connect Port

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The initial port (connect port) used to contact the Enterprise Server.
• Actual Foreign Port

The actual port on the Enterprise Server used.

• Socket Good?

If true the socket is valid and usable.

• Timeout (ms)

Timeout in milliseconds.
• Messages Written

The number of JDENET messages that have been written on the socket connection.
• Bytes Written

The number of bytes that have been written on the socket connection.
• Socket in Use?

If true the socket is in use by a thread

• Checkout Time

The time the socket was checked out by the thread using it.

Java Environment
The java environment runtime metrics provide insight into the JVM(s) running the EnterpriseOne Web products. This
information may be helpful in understanding or troubleshooting the java environment in which these products operate.
The Java Environment hyperlink, when selected, will link to the Java Environment Runtime Detail screen.

Java Environment Runtime Detail

Viewing Java JVM runtime information such as memory used, threads created, and system properties can be viewed
across a single instance or multiple instances simultaneously. Garbage collection on the JVM may also be invoked.

The Java Environment Runtime Detail information includes:

• General Java Information

• Java Memory Usage
• Run Garbage Collection
• Java Thread Information
• Java System Properties

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

General Java Information

General information about the Java virtual machine for the managed instance is displayed in the General Java
Information section:

• JVM Node Id

An identifier that uniquely identifies a single JVM.

• Name

A description of the java system property.

• Value

The value of the system property.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Java Memory Usage

Information about the current memory usage is available. The information is current at the time the page is initially

Run Garbage Collection

Each container will have a Run Garbage Collection button that initiates the garbage collection process for each
container providing more current usage information.

Java Thread Information

Each of the threads contained within the JVM are displayed.

• Thread Name

The name of the java thread.

• Thread Group

The group in which the thread belongs.

• Is Alive?

True if the current thread.

• Is Daemon Thread

True if the thread is a daemon, or background thread.

• Thread Priority

The priority assigned to the thread.

Java System Properties

The Java System Properties displays all of the java system properties. This list is current at the time the page is loaded.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The Java System Properties displayed are:

• System Property Name
The name of the system property.
• System Property Value
The value of the system property.

Application Interface Services Server Runtime Metrics

Runtime metrics for Application Interface Services Servers provide metric information for:
• AIS Information
• Login Metrics
• User Info Metrics
• Runtime Configuration
• Form Metrics
• Session Metrics
• Java Environment

AIS Information
The AIS Information section provides metrics for:
• AIS JVM Count
• AIS Uptime
• Online Users

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

See the context sensitive help for more information on each metric.

Login Metrics
Displays the login request and response metrics for the AIS Server.

User Info Metrics

Displays user information contained in the F0092 table.

Runtime Configuration
Displays the runtime configuration settings being used by the AIS Server.

Form Metrics
Displays the form related metrics specific to user activity with a particular application and form.

Session Metrics
Displays the user session SSO metrics.

Java Environment
See: Java Environment Runtime Detail

Transaction Server Administration

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

The Transaction Server Admin section has hyperlinks for:

• Failed Events
• Subscribers
• Event Metrics

Failed Events
The Failed Events section contains:

• Select [Failed Events]

• Delete Failed Events
• Delete All Failed Event

Select [Failed Events]

Failed Events and their associated failure messages are listed for the transaction server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Delete Failed Events

The Delete Failed Event button will delete selected events.

Delete All Failed Event

The Delete All Failed Events button will delete all failed events.

The Subscribers section contains:
• Select [Subscriber]
• Purge Subscriber Queued Messages

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

Select [Subscriber]

The subscribers section outlines the subscribers for the transaction server.

Purge Subscriber Queued Messages

The Purge Subscriber Queued Messages button, when selected, will purge all subscriber queued messages.

Event Metrics
The Event Metrics section outlines the event metrics for the transaction server. Information is provided for the Metric
Name and the Metric Value grid fields.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 30
Server Manager Guide View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

31 Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Configuration Overview
Every configuration setting (*.INI, .PROPERTIES, etc.) is manageable through the management console. The
configuration files still exist in the same form as prior tools releases. The management console provides a front end for
modifying the configuration values and adds the following benefits:
• Every configuration item is present and documented with online help.
• A list of values, when applicable, is used for settings that have distinct allowed values.
• Changes to configuration settings are recorded for historical analysis and auditing, including the user that
made the change.
• The configurations of multiple managed instances may be compared to identify differences.
• New configuration settings are merged into existing configuration files when a tools release upgrade is
Configuration is accessed from the management page for an instance. Configuration settings are grouped into high
level categories. Selecting a category displays all the settings contained within.

Each high level category is divided into sub-categories containing the individual configuration parameters.

There is also a drop down menu that displays options for Standard and Dynamic views.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

The Work with Configurations section provides the following:

• Compare Instances
• Save or Restore
• Configuration Summary

Save or Restore
Save or Restore allows users to:

1. Save a copy of the current configuration for later reference.

2. Restore the configuration to a previously saved state.
3. Export a saved configuration to a zip file format (by clicking on the link to the configuration name)
4. Import a previously exported configuration from another instance or server.

Configuration Summary
The Configuration Summary provides a list of all current configuration values for an instance on one page.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

General and Instance Properties

When you click an instance name from the list of servers the Management Console displays another page called server
name: instance name.

In the General section of the page you can:

• Start or stop a Managed Instance .
Refer to the section entitled: Start or Stop a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component in this guide.
• Change a Software Component Version.
Refer to the section entitled: Change a Managed EnterpriseOne Software Component in this guide.
• View Software Release History.
Refer to the section entitled: View the Software Release History for a Managed Instance in this guide.
• View Path Codes.

Instance Properties
The Instance Properties section of the page lists specific properties for a managed instance. For example, the properties
for a Managed Instance for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server would include:
• Instance Location
• Instance Name
• CallObject Kernel Memory Limit
• Runbatch Memory Limit

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Generating the Site Key (Release 9.2.1)

To generate the site key:

1. Enter the passphrase in the Enter Passphrase to Generate the Site Key field. The conditions to set the pass
phrase are as shown in the following screenshot. This window is displayed if you enter an invalid passphrase.

2. Click Generate. You will see the following window if the site key is generated successfully. Also, you will see a
warning window saying "Both Current Key and Previous Key are found in JDE.ini." if you enter a duplicate value.

3. Click OK. Verify the site key in the JDE.ini file.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Refreshing Kernels (Release 9.2.6)

Understanding Kernel Refresh
To optimize overall system workload into logical segments, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne assigns processing tasks to
various kernel processes running on a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server. These kernels use static and
dynamic database connections at process initiation and maintains those connections to a database for the entire
EnterpriseOne process life cycle. In case of any interruption to the database connection or connection sessions therein,
the connection or session must be recovered or restarted. Understanding how static and dynamic EnterpriseOne
database connections work and their impact on the JD Edwards system is important.

The JDBC interface of the EnterpriseOne HTML Server is a single-process connection to a database; on the other
hand, multiple connections are made through the Enterprise Server kernel processes using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
CallObject kernels. The EnterpriseOne HTML Server depends on communication to the Enterprise Server Security kernel
for authentication and other security process requests to function properly; thus loss of database connections on the
Enterprise Server Security and Metadata kernel processes has a subsequent downstream effect on the EnterpriseOne
HTML Server performance.

Kernels that are classified as static use a bootstrap login to establish the connection. This means that the login
credentials are stored in and read from the jde.ini of the Enterprise Server. This is called the login environment. Unlike
dynamic connections, a login to a static kernel is never logged out during the process lifetime. Again, this is because
unlike dynamic connections, a static login environment is not subject to timeouts due to inactivity or logouts. Under
normal conditions, these static kernels are only restarted when the Enterprise Server is restarted. Otherwise static
kernels can only be restarted by manually killing the process and restarting it.

Among the key functions of a static kernel are database connections. If the connection to the database is temporarily
lost for any reason such as network unavailability, the kernels have fault-tolerant logic to retry the connection for up to
75 seconds reusing the same connection. If the connection cannot be reestablished within 75 seconds, the process is
failed. As previously mentioned, an entire static process can only be restarted by either restarting the Enterprise Server
or by manually killing and restarting the process.

In order to avoid the situation where the database connection within a kernel process are in a failed state (timed out
for more than 75 seconds) that is unknown to the system, functionality is added to Server Manager to refresh those
database connections in static environments either periodically or on demand. This functionality is only available to an
Admin user for Server Manager. When invoked, this function refreshes each static kernel for all database connections.
The list of such static kernels may change from release to release, so it is not important that they be individually listed.
Additionally, a static environment type, such as Security, may include multiple kernels of the same type. In such cases,
this function will refresh each kernel in a static environment type.

It is important to note that the intent of a "refresh" is primarily to reestablish the database connections without
resorting to a destructive "kill" action. As such, a refresh preserves the other logical states in the kernel and the kernel
maintains the same internal functional state as it was prior to the refresh of the database connections.

One exception to the static kernel model is the Workflow kernel. This kernel can only free expired environments, that
is, environments that have timed out. If a workflow environment is still active, it will not be forcibly freed by the refresh

Automatic Kernel Refresh

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Note: The implementation of Automatic Kernel Refresh is only compatible with Oracle databases that are using multi
node Real Time Application Cluster (RAC). This is because the process depends on the availability of a functioning
node, which is not the case in a single node database in the event of a failure due to such factors are hardware
or network issues. Multi node RAC environments are typically available for Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB)

In order to avoid disrupting normal processing, the JD Edwards kernel automatic kernel refresh logic only executes on
an idle kernel process. If a kernel uses multiple threads, the logic will wait to refresh until all threads are idle. Basically
a refresh involves a logout and a bootstrap login which reestablishes the database connections either using existing
connections or establishing new connections; thus ensuring the connections are valid. This logout/login process does
not kill a process or establish a new process - it reuses the existing process with reestablished database connections
and returns the kernel to its prior state.

For implementation details, refer to the following section entitled: Using Automatic Kernel Refresh.

On-Demand Manual Kernel Refresh

You can use the Refresh Environments button to force a refresh for all static environments and CallObject kernels
(which are dynamic kernels).

For static environments, the refresh will occur regardless of whether the kernel is idle. However, the refresh will wait
until all threads of the kernel are complete. As with the automatic kernel refresh, the refresh does not kill a process or
establish a new process - it reuses the existing process with reestablished database connections.

For CallObject kernels, these are dynamic kernels which are created by actual or programmatic user logins. Clicking the
Refresh Environment button flags these kernels for recycling. In this case, recycling means the system will attempt
to terminate a CallObject kernel gracefully, which means when all users of the CallObject kernel are either voluntarily
logged out or forcibly logged out by an inactivity timeout (typically either 6 or 12 hours, for inactive or forced logouts,
respectively). New CallObject kernels are created upon user login. This reestablishes the database connections for the

For example, in Production environments you might use the on-demand function if you are performing database
patching during a planned maintenance window. In this case you would not be constrained by a short loss in system

For implementation details, refer to the following section entitled: Using On-Demand Kernel Refresh.

Using Automatic Kernel Refresh

Note: The implementation of Automatic Kernel Refresh is only compatible with Oracle databases that are using
multi node (2 or more nodes) in a Real Time Application Cluster (RAC). This is because the process depends on the
availability of a functioning node, which is not the case in a single node database in the event of a failure due to such
factors are hardware or network issues. Multi node RAC environments are typically available for Oracle Autonomous
Database (ADB) implementations.

Note: You must have Administrator privileges in Server Manager in order to enable automatic kernel refresh.

The automatic kernel setting is set by Server Manager in the Security section for the Enterprise Server. The Bootstrap
Environment Refresh Interval setting allows you to set the automatic refresh environmental interval for all static
environments. Values can be set in one hour increments 0 to 24. If the value is set to 0, then no automatic refresh will
occur for static environments. For a description of the logic, refer to the preceding section entitled: Understanding
Kernel Refresh.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Note: This function creates Server Manager logs which you can use to verify program functionality or to perform
additional debug, if necessary.

To use automatic kernel refresh:

1. In Server Manager, select the Enterprise server that you wish to configure for automatic kernel refresh.
2. Navigate to Configuration > Advanced > Security

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

3. On Security, complete the following field:

◦ Bootstrap Environment Refresh Interval
Specify a value (in seconds) for the interval to refresh all static kernels.

Valid values are from 0 to 24 hours (0 to 86,400 seconds), where the default value is 3600 (one hour).
Enter a value of 0 if you want to disable this functionality.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

4. You can also set a value for this database setting that enables, disables, and controls the broadcast functionality
for Automatic Kernel Refresh.

Note: This function is related to the implementation of Automatic Kernel Refresh, which is only compatible
with Oracle databases that are using multi node (2 or more nodes) in a Real Time Application Cluster (RAC).
This is because the process depends on the availability of a functioning node, which is not the case in a single
node database in the event of a failure due to such factors are hardware or network issues. Multi node RAC
environments are typically available for Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) implementations.

Navigate to Configuration > Advanced > Database.

5. On Database, complete the following field:

◦ Refresh Environment On OCI Server Not Connected Interval

Specify a value (in seconds) for the interval to send a broadcast message regarding the availability of a
RAC node for kernel refresh.

Valid values are from 0 to 30 seconds, where the default value is 0. Enter a value of 0 if you want to
disable this broadcast functionality.

When enabled, after connections are drained from one of the multiple RAC nodes, for every SQL
statement execute and call to refresh the environment, if the system detects that the database
connection is not connected to the database server, it sends a broadcast message indicating the

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

database is not connected. Examples of reasons why a database might be disconnected are for planned
maintenance, or some type of node malfunction.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Using On-Demand Kernel Refresh

Note: You must have Administrator privileges in Server Manager in order to perform an on-demand kernel refresh.

You can trigger an on-demand kernel refresh (which also includes a recycle of CallObject kernels) from Server Manager.
For a description of the logic, refer to the preceding section entitled: Understanding Kernel Refresh.

Note: This function creates Server Manager logs which you can use to verify program functionality or to perform
additional debug, if necessary.

To use on-demand kernel refresh:

1. In Server Manager, select the Enterprise server that you wish to trigger an on-demand kernel refresh.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

2. In the Instance Properties section, click the Refresh Environments button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

3. The following dialog is displayed.

4. Review the content of the dialog which states:

This will refresh static environments in system kernel processes and will trigger all callobject kernels to recycle.

Are you sure you want to refresh environments in this enterprise server instance?
5. Click the OK button to begin the processes to refresh the static environments and to trigger all CallObject
kernels to recycle.

Log All SAW Processes Callstack (9.2.6)

Enhanced logging functionality is invoked by clicking the Log All SAW Processes Callstack button for an Enterprise
Server instance. This deep diagnostic tool can be used to determine the root cause for why a kernel did not respond as
expected to a broadcast message that was sent by an on-demand refresh, or has other outstanding requests that are
not being addressed. Potential reasons for unresponsive kernels are that they are deadlocked, looping, or in some other
similar undesirable zombie state. This diagnostic function is not necessarily restricted to debugging kernel refreshes; it
can be helpful to debug any suspected kernel anomaly.

Logging SAW process callstacks creates a log with a snapshot of each active kernel process, including associated
threads, in their current state at the point in time that this function executes.

Note: A practical debugging use case might be to take multiple snapshots over time and compare the callstacks to
the expected function.

To log the callstack for all SAW processes:

1. Use Server Manager to select an Enterprise Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

2. In the Instance Properties section, click the Log All SAW Processes CallStack button.

Note: The snapshot includes the callstack of every active kernel and every thread within that kernel.
Therefore, depending the volume of threads in your environment, the entire process can take some time.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

3. The following dialog is displayed.

4. Review the content of the dialog which states:

This will log call stacks for all active SAW processes in this enterprise server and will log them in the jdelogstk
program's jde.log in the enterprise server log folder.

Are you sure you want to log all active SAW processes in this enterprise server instance?
5. Click the OK button to begin the processes to log all callstacks.
6. Note: The resulting log files are named: jdelogstk.xnn. For example, jdelogstk.c42.

Refresh Environment on Oracle Database (9.2.7)

You can use a setting to enable the time interval in seconds to send a broadcast message to refresh the environment
whenever any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server receives a message from an Oracle database indicating the
Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Server is not connected.

Note: This setting is only applicable for an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) database. Do not enable this setting
for a standalone non-RAC single instance or single node database.

To configure the Refresh Environment on OCI Server Not Connected Interval setting, navigate to Configuration >
Advanced > Security

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Improve Workload Performance for an Oracle Database

Increasing the fetch size for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne components to an optimal value may improve the performance
of queries from the JD Edwards database driver to an Oracle database.

By default JD Edwards EnterpriseOne fetches a preset number of rows and bytes from an Oracle database. However,
you can override the default setting by using Server Manager to:

• Configure the Database Fetch Size on the Enterprise Server

• Set the SQL Statement Fetch Size on the HTML Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Configure the Database Fetch Size on the Enterprise Server

Using Server Manager, you can configure these database fetch size settings on the Enterprise Server:

• Maximum Fetch Number of Rows (MaxFetchNumRows)

• Maximum Fetch Number of Bytes (MaxFetchNumBytes)
Use these steps to use Server Manager to configure the Oracle database fetch size parameters for an Enterprise Server:

1. Select the Enterprise Server instance that you want to configure.

2. Navigate to Configuration > Advanced > Database > Bootstrap Datasource
3. Complete these fields:
◦ Maximum Fetch Number Of Rows
This is the maximum number of rows to fetch for a SQL select statement for an Oracle database. If the
buffer size of the maximum rows is less than the maximum number of bytes, then the maximum number
of rows is used. Otherwise, the number of rows is adjusted to fit into the maximum number of bytes limit.
◦ Maximum Fetch Number Of Bytes

This is the maximum number of bytes to fetch for a SQL select statement for an Oracle database. If the
buffer size of the maximum rows is less than the maximum number of bytes, then the maximum number
of rows is used. Otherwise, the number of rows is adjusted to fit into the maximum number of bytes limit.
The following shows example settings.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Set the SQL Statement Fetch Size on the HTML Server

You can override the default setting for database fetches by the HTML Server.

1. Use Server Manager to select the HTML server for which you want to override the default fetch size to an Oracle
2. Navigate to Configuration > Advanced > Database > JDBj Runtime Properties
3. Configure the Statement Fetch Size parameter:

You can set this integer value greater than the default value of 0 to override the number of records to fetch for a
SQL select statement. This is used only for Oracle database. The default value of 0 uses the default value of the
Oracle JDBC driver to fetch a number of records to fetch for a SQL select statement.
The following shows example settings.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Available Log Files

Refer to the section entitled: Available Log Files in this guide.

Configuration Groups
The Configuration section displays a list of Configuration Groups that varies according to the server type. This section
lists the Configuration Groups for these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers:
• EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server
• EnterpriseOne HTML Server

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

• EnterpriseOne Business Services Server

• EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services (AIS) Server
• EnterpriseOne Transaction Server
• EnterpriseOne Data Access Server
• EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server

This section lists these Configuration Groups for an Enterprise Server:
• Batch Processing
• Database
• Installation
• Interoperability
• Kernel Definitions
• Logging and Diagnostics
• Miscellaneous
• Network and IPC
• Package Builds
• Security
For details of each Configuration setting within a configuration group, refer to the Server Manager internal help for each

EnterpriseOne HTML Server

This section lists these Configuration Groups for a HTML Web Server :
• Cache
• Database
• Miscellaneous
• Network
• Security
• Web Runtime
For details of each Configuration setting within a configuration group, refer to the Server Manager internal help for each

Note: In the Cache group, you can use the UDOCheckInterval setting to set a specified time for the system to
automatically clear the shared UDOs cache. The default value for this setting is 24 hours (86400000 milliseconds).
Depending on the number of shared UDOs a user has access to, the UDOCheckInterval setting can be set to an
appropriate value. If the number of shared UDOs available to a user is small (for example: less than 100), you can set
a shorter time, so that the purging can take place more frequently. The UDOCheckInterval setting is applicable to
UDOs such as notification, orchestration, rule, whitelist, cross reference, form service, schedule, search group, form
extension, and personal form. (Release

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

EnterpriseOne Business Services Server

This section lists these Configuration Groups for a Business Services Server:
• Cache
• Database
• HTTP Settings
• Inbound Settings
• Miscellaneous
• Network
• Runtime Settings
• Security
For details of each Configuration setting within a configuration group, refer to the Server Manager internal help for each

Note: In the Cache group, you can use the UDOCheckInterval setting to set a specified time for the system to
automatically clear the shared UDOs cache. The default value for this setting is 24 hours (86400000 milliseconds).
Depending on the number of shared UDOs a user has access to, the UDOCheckInterval setting can be set to an
appropriate value. If the number of shared UDOs available to a user is small (for example: less than 100), you can set
a shorter time, so that the purging can take place more frequently. The UDOCheckInterval setting is applicable to
UDOs such as notification, orchestration, rule, whitelist, cross reference, form service, schedule, search group, form
extension, and personal form. (Release

EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services (AIS) Server

This section lists these Configuration Groups for an AIS Server:
• All Settings
For details of each Configuration setting within a configuration group, refer to the Server Manager internal help for each

EnterpriseOne Transaction Server

This section lists these Configuration Groups for a Transaction Server:
• Database
• Network
• Real Time Events
• Security
For details of each Configuration setting within a configuration group, refer to the Server Manager internal help for each

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

EnterpriseOne Data Access Server

This section lists these Configuration Groups for a Data Access Server:

• JDBJ Database Configuration

• Network Settings
For details of each Configuration setting within a configuration group, refer to the Server Manager internal help for each

EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

This section lists these Configuration Groups for a Data Access Server:

• Database
• Installation
• Network
• Security
For details of each Configuration setting within a configuration group, refer to the Server Manager internal help for each

Configuration Items
This section describes:

• Help
• History

Each configuration item is identified using a short, readable name. Clicking the Help icon will link to the following

• The INI section the parameter pertains to.

• The INI entry the parameter pertains to.
• The location of the INI file being updated.
• A list of allowed values, if applicable.
• An extended description detailing the purpose of the configuration parameter.
• The default value, if applicable.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

History is maintained for each configuration item. The old and new values are recorded along with the user that made
the change. Changes made directly to the configuration files are not audited.

To view History, click on the History icon.

The History - <configuration item> popup screen that appears contains these fields:

• Date

The date the change occurred.

• User

The user that made the change.

• Old Value

The value before the change.

• New Value

The value after the change.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

History may also be viewed for all configuration parameters for an instance.

See Also

• Audit History

Compare Instances
Two or more managed instances may be selected to identify configuration differences. Each selected instance will also
be compared with the default configuration of the server group to which it belongs.

This section describes:

• Create Comparison
• Comparison Results

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Create Comparison
To create an instance comparison:

1. Click Compare Instances in the Work With Configurations section.

2. Select the check box for the instances to compare.
3. Select the check box for Show All Values.

If selected all configuration items for each selected instance and corresponding server group(s) will be
displayed. If not selected only configuration items that are not identical between the selected instances and
their server groups will be displayed.
4. Click the Run Comparison button.

Comparison Results
This section describes:

• Results
• Modifications

The comparison results appear in a new pane under the Instance Selection section.

The comparison is detailed by these columns:

• Configuration Metric

Configuration items are associated into logical groupings, which are referred to as a Configuration Metric.
• Configuration Item

The individual configuration item that is being compared between the selected instance(s) and their
corresponding server group.
• Permissions for Server Group: <Server Group Name>

Specifies configuration values.

• <Instance Name>

Specifies configuration values and paths.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

You can apply the Server Group default values to an instance by selecting the configuration items and then selecting the
Apply Server Group Default button.

Troubleshooting the Configuration of EnterpriseOne

Server Instances
This section describes:

• Permission Denied

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 31
Server Manager Guide Configure Enterprise Server Instances

Permission Denied

If you receive an error that permission is denied to write to a configuration file, you need to ensure that the file is not
purposely locked in a manner that prevents the user under which Server Manager is running from modifying it. You
should check the file permissions to ensure the file is writable.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 32
Server Manager Guide Administer Server Groups

32 Administer Server Groups

Overview of Server Groups

In Server Manager, you manage servers by grouping similarly purposed servers into logical groupings called server
groups. You determine how you want to group servers depending on your particular JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
implementation. For example, you may want to put all production servers in one server group and manage
development servers in another. Or, you may decide to place servers in separate server groups based on geographical
location. How you organize and manage servers in server groups is up to you.

The Management Console provides a default server group that you can use to initially manage servers. You can move
any server from the default server group to a newly created server group. A server cannot belong to more than one
server group, including the default server group.

You can include the following types of servers in a server group:

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server

• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Server
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Collaborative Portal Server
• Transaction Server
• PIM Synch Server
• Business Services Server
In the Management Console, you can configure default configuration settings for each type of server in a server group.
When you add a server to a server group, Server Manager automatically applies the default configuration settings for
that type of server to the newly added server.

Note: You can manage and monitor certain features of application servers (Oracle WebLogic or IBM WebSphere
Application Server) through the Management Console, but these types of servers cannot be members of a server
group. See Overview of Basic Instance Administration for more information.

Server Group Security

Server Manager contains a set of server group permissions that enable you to control the activities Management
Console users can perform on the servers within a particular server group. This layer of security enables you to control
the tasks that Management Console users can perform on a server as well as the configuration data that they can
access. You can grant permissions that allow a set of users to perform certain types of tasks in one server group, but
not another. For example, you can permit developers total access to a server group that manages servers for a test
environment, but not give the same developers access to production servers managed in another server group.

Security for server groups, or server group permissions, is assigned to user groups. See Assign Server Manager
Permissionsfor more information.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 32
Server Manager Guide Administer Server Groups

Manage Server Groups

You can create your own unique server groups to manage different sets of servers. How you choose to manage servers
in server groups, and whether you choose to use server groups at all or just manage all servers in the default server
group, is up to you.

Note: When you create a server group, the Management Console copies default configuration settings from the
default server group to the new server group. In the new server group, you can modify the default configuration
settings as appropriate.

Create Server Group

To create a server group:

1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Groups link.

2. On Server Groups, enter a unique name in the Server Group Name field.
3. Complete the Group Description field.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 32
Server Manager Guide Administer Server Groups

4. Click the Create Group button.

The Management Console displays the new server group in the grid.

Note: You must have the consoleConfig permission to create a new server group.

Modify Server Group

This section describes:

• Add Server Group Members

• Delete Server Group

Add Server Group Members

You can move servers from the one server group to another server group, provided a second server group has been
created. Moving a server changes its group membership only; it does not modify the configuration of the server.

A server, or managed instance, cannot belong to more than one server group.

To add server group members:

1. In the Quick Links section of the Management Console, click the Server Groups link.
2. On Server Groups, click the group name link for the group that you want to add a server to the server group.

3. In the Add Server Group Members section, click the Instance Name drop-down menu to select a managed
instance (server) that you want to migrate to the server group. The list contains all the servers that do not
belong to the current server group. The group to which the servers belong is shown in parenthesis.
4. Click the Add Group Member button to add the server as a member of the server group.

The system displays all members of the server group under the Server Group Members heading.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 32
Server Manager Guide Administer Server Groups

Delete Server Group

To delete a server group:

1. On Server Groups, click the check box next to the server group that you want to delete.

2. Click the Delete button.

Note: You may not remove a server group that has server members.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

33 Clear Table Cache

Understanding Clear Table Cache

The JDB feature called Clear Table Cache can be used to improve performance by caching specific tables in the Call
Object Kernel. For tables cached by JDB, any update or delete of a record in a cached table requires a clear of the cache
on that kernel for the data to be available to all users. The adoption of the JDB Clear Cache API in specific EnterpriseOne
Applications provides up-to-date data availability. CNC administrators with administrator access can use Server
Manager to perform a dynamic cache refresh while users are logged on.

Clear Table Cache refresh allows a specific JDB table cache that is registered in the F98613 table to be cleared across
kernel processes and across all Enterprise Servers as long as they are managed by the same Server Manager. As a result,
all Enterprise Servers and all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Servers managed by the same Server Manager no
longer need to be bounced (restarted) in order to clear cache. Since there is no table caching for the HTML Web Servers,
it is not necessary to clear the cache on those machines.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

Using the Clear Table Cache Feature

To use the Clear Table Cache feature in Server Manager:

1. Launch the Server Manager Management Console.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

2. In the What do you want to do? section, click the Table Cache link.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

3. On the Clear Table Cache Results page there are two sections:

◦ Clear Table Cache by Environment

◦ Clear All Tables Caches in All Environments

Clear Table Cache by Environment

To clear all caches for all tables which are registered in F98613 in all environments across all Enterprise Servers that are
managed by the same Server Manager:

1. On the Clear Table Cache Results page, go to this section:

Clear Table Cache by Environment

2. Complete these fields:

◦ Table Name

Enter a valid table name that is registered as a cached table in F98613 table using the P98613 application.
◦ Environment Name

Enter a valid JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment from which the table cache will be cleared.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

3. Click the Clear Table Cache button.

The system displays a section that lists all cache that has been cleared for the requested table. For example, if
you chose the F0010 table and the JDV910SA1 environment the following is displayed:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

Clear All Tables Caches in All Environments

To clear all caches for all tables which are registered in F98613 in all environments across all Enterprise Servers that are
managed by the same Server Manager:

1. On the Clear Table Cache Results page, go to this section:

Clear All Table Caches by Environment

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

2. Click the Clear All Table Caches button.

The system displays a section that lists all cache that has been cleared for all tables in the selected
environment. An example is shown below.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

Clear Data Cache (Release

Clear Data Cache can be used for clearing the data cache on the AIS and HTML Servers. If the HTML Server and AIS
Server are setup in a cluster, Clear Cache will clear all the relevant cache on all the members of the cluster. In the case
of HTML Server, cache is cleared for Form Extension, Personalized Forms, and Search Group entries. In the case of AIS
Server, the cache is cleared for Orchestration, Notification, Form Service and Data Service, and Read Data entries.

Using the Clear Data Cache Feature

To use the Clear Cache feature in Server Manager:

1. Launch the Server Manager Management Console.

2. On the Managed Instances section of the Server Manager Management Dashboard, click on the required
managed instance of the HTML or the AIS Server for which you want to clear the cache.
3. Do one of the following:

a. On the EnterpriseOne HTML Server managed instance page, click the Clear Caches button to clear the
Form Extension, Personalized Forms, and Search Group caches.
b. On the EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services managed instance page, click the Clear Caches
button to clear the Notification and Orchestration caches. Click the second Clear Caches button to clear
the Form Service and Data Service, and Read Data caches.

Note: The Clear Caches button is disabled if the status of the HTML or AIS server is anything other than "Running".

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 33
Server Manager Guide Clear Table Cache

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

34 Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

Understanding Health Check
Beginning with Tools Release 9.2 Update 2, the Server Manager supports on-demand health checks on the following
• Enterprise Server
• HTML Server
• Application Interface Services (AIS) Server
• Business Services Server (BSSV)
• Transaction (RTE) Server
• Oracle Database Server

Note: The health check feature is supported only for the instances running with Tools Release and higher. The
health check feature is available only to administrative users. If the user does not have permission to run the health
check on a particular instance, the message " User <user name> doesn't have access to run Health Check on this
instance" is displayed.

This section contains the following topics:

• Understanding Health Check Tasks
• Setting Permissions for Target Servers
• Granting Access to the Server Groups
• Prerequisites for an One View Report (OVR)

Understanding Health Check Tasks

The following table lists the tasks the system performs when you run the health check on an instance:

Instance Name Health Check Task

HTML Server Checks the following:

• Login

Logs in to the server using the health check user name and password.
• Interactive App

By default, launches the interactive application P01012_W01012B with version ZJDE0001.

Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the interactive application and version to run
as part of executing the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The
Server Manager navigation to configure a specific application and version for a health check is
Configuration → Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

Instance Name Health Check Task

By default, runs the UBE R0006P with version XJDE0001.

Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the UBE and version to run as part of executing
the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The Server Manager
navigation to configure a specific UBE and version for a health check is Configuration →
Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.

Runs the OVR using the task ID OVRHEALTHCHECK.

Enterprise Server Checks the following:

• Port Test

Runs the port test.


By default, runs the UBE R0006P with version XJDE0001.

Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the UBE and version to run as part of executing
the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The Server Manager
navigation to configure a specific UBE and version for a health check is Configuration →
Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.

Runs the GetEffectiveAddress BSFN.

AIS Server Checks the following:

• Login

Logs in to the server using the health check user name and password.
• Form Service App

By default, launches the interactive application P01012_W01012B with version ZJDE0001.

Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the interactive application and version to run
as part of executing the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The
Server Manager navigation to configure a specific application and version for a health check is
Configuration → Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.
• Form Service UBE

By default, runs the UBE R0006P with version XJDE0001.

Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the UBE and version to run as part of executing
the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The Server Manager
navigation to configure a specific UBE and version for a health check is Configuration →
Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.
• JWT Trust Login

Checks the JWT Trust login.

• Basic Auth (Release

Checks if Basic Authentication is configured properly for the AIS Server.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

Instance Name Health Check Task

BSSV Checks the following:

• BSSV login and BSSV DB Service

Checks the BSSV login and runs the dbservice BSSV (JPR01000 - getAddressBook).
• BSFN Execution

Runs the GetEffectiveAddress BSFN.

RTE Server Checks the following:

• DB Connection

Connection to the bootstrap database.

• Deployment

All the available JMS resources. This includes JMS Queue/Topic/QueueConnectionFactory/

TopicConnectionFactory/EJB and JDBC DataSource (if applicable).

Connection to the Event client.

• Event Trigger

If the event trigger is available and active.

Oracle Database Server Checks the following:

• Connection

Connection to the DB.

• Configuration

The File System I/O options of the DB. Displays the status as success if the value is SETALL;
otherwise a warning is displayed.

The DB log mode. Displays the status as success if the DB log mode is ARCHIVELOG; otherwise a
warning is displayed.

The password profile information. Displays the status as success if PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME

parameter is set to UNLIMITED; otherwise a warning is displayed.
• E1 User Account

The account status for the user JDE.

• Schema Deployment

The schema deployment status. Displays the status as success if the pathcode/shared shemas
are available else, displays an error.

Setting Permissions for Target Servers

This procedure is optional. If you do not set up permissions for the Target Servers, the health check uses the user name,
password, and environment of the default Bootstrap user.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

To set up the permissions for the Target Servers, add the following ini entries in jas.ini, jdeinterop.ini, jde.ini, rest.ini files
for the RTE and JAS server, BSSV server, Enterprise server, and AIS server respectively.





Granting Access to the Server Groups

To grant access to the server groups:

1. In the Server Manager Management Dashboard, click Server Groups link in the Configure section.
2. In the User Groups section, click the required name of the user group.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

3. In the Permissions for Server Group: default section, move the HealthCheck from the Available Options window
to the Selected Options window.

4. Navigate to the Server Manager Users Page and in the Management Console Users section, select the required
user to whom you want to grant the Health Check permission.
5. Click Grant or Revoke User Groups, and select the user group to which you added the Health Check permission
in step 3.

6. Click Save.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

Prerequisites for an One View Report (OVR)

The health check summary of an OVR instance is displayed along with the EnterpriseOne HTML server. Ensure that you
meet the following prerequisites to view the health check summary of an OVR instance.

1. The BI Publisher connection with the name ONEVIEW_BIP_CONN is available.

2. A task of Task Type as One View Report and Task ID as OVRHEALTHCHECK is available in the Work With Tasks
program (P9000).

Note: The OVR should not contain any sensitive or critical data because this report is used while running the Health

To create a Task ID called OVRHEALTHCHECK:

1. Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

2. Type P9000 in the Fast Path field and press Enter.
3. On the Work With Tasks form, click Add.
4. Enter the Task ID as OVRHEALTHCHECK.
5. Enter the required Task Name.
6. In the Common tab, enter the required values in the Product Code, Jargon, and Country Code fields.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

7. Click the Executable tab, select the Task Type as One View Report, and complete the fields as shown in the
following example.

8. Click the Task Description tab, and enter the description for your new Task ID.
9. Click OK.

Note: You can create a new OVR or use an existing OVR to create the Task ID called OVRHEALTHCHECK.

Using the Health Check Feature

You can run the health check and view the summary of the server instances by using these two methods:

• Health check of an individual instance

• Health check of an individual or multiple instances from the Server Manager
When you run a health check for single or multiple instances, you will see a summary window with these icons. You can
hover over these icons to see the details.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

Icon Description

Indicates that the health check is completed successfully.

Indicates that there is an error while running the health check.

See the following log files for more details:

• Server Manager log files if the error is NOT RUN.

• Embedded Agent log files of the JDE instance on which Health Check is running if the error is
• SM Agent log files of the registered Database server if the error is FAILED.
• Jde log files of the instance on which the health check is running if the error is FAILED.

Indicates a warning. For example, warning occurs if the pre-requisites for running the health checks are
not configured properly.

Health Check of an Individual Instance

To view the health check summary of an individual instance, select the required managed instance from the Server
Manager Management Dashboard, and then click Run Health Check. The following is an example screenshot of the
Health Summary window of the EnterpriseOne AIS Server instance.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

Health Check from the Server Manager

To view the Health Check summary of a single instance or multiple instances from Server Manager:

1. Launch the Server Manager Management Console.

2. Click the Health Check link in the TRACK section.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

3. In the Health Check Results window, select the following options as required, and then click Run Health Check:

◦ Target Type - Select this option to choose your target type.

◦ Target Machine - Select this option to choose the required target machine.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

◦ Server Group - Select this option to choose the required server group.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

◦ All Servers - Select this option to view the health check information for all the servers of the supported
target types configured in Server Manager.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

Understanding Pod Health Check (Release 9.2.6)

Note: The pod health check described in this section is not invoked from the Server Manager console nor as a Server
Manager REST API. It is included here because of its relativity to the other Server Manager health checks.

In the recommended EnterpriseOne production architecture, the web tier comprises a set of interrelated servers:

• An HTML Server, sometimes called a "front-end" HTML Server because it receives the requests from end users'
• An application interface services (AIS) Server
• A second HTML Server, sometimes called a "back-end" HTML Server because it fulfills the requests from the
AIS Server
Taken collectively, these servers are called a "pod". For scalability and fault tolerance, it is common to deploy redundant
sets of pods, often behind a load balancer, which directs traffic across the pods. The Enterprise Server and the database

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 34
Server Manager Guide Health Check (Release 9.2.2)

are also essential parts of the complete stack. If any servers in the stack are experiencing a fault, EnterpriseOne
transactions will fail.

The pod health check is a lightweight service which returns the health information of the POD. In a load-balanced
environment, the load balancer can run this service to determine if it is possible to forward load to a particular POD. You
can send a HTTP GET request to an HTML Server instance to verify the health of a group of interdependent servers:

https://<IP Address/Fully Qualified Domain Name>Port>/jde/PODHealthChecker

If the servers are available, an HTTP response with the 200 status is returned, otherwise, the status is either 500
(servers down) or 404 (front end JAS is down).

Note: To run the POD health check, AIS and Server Manager Health Check must be configured on this server

In addition, the system returns the details in the JSON format. Here are some sample responses.

• If the servers are available, the system returns {"status":"POD available"}

• If the servers are down, the system returns{"status":"AIS or backend JAS not available"}

Starting with Tools Release, if the JAS instance reaches the maximum user limit, the pod health check service
returns the 409 status with the message "Exceeds maximum JAS user limit".

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 35
Server Manager Guide Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

35 Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

Understanding Collect and Generate Diagnostics

Collect and Generate Diagnostics provides a simple interface that you use to efficiently and automatically collect
diagnostic data and system information. You have the flexibility to collect just the data that pertains to a specific server.

Collect and Generate Diagnostics is available with Tools Release

Important: Technical tables, files, and logs may contain confidential data and passwords. Therefore, it is your
responsibility to verify that sensitive data is removed prior to attaching the collected data to a Service Request or
sharing the data.

Note: The password values in the .ini files are removed prior to collection.

The Collect and Generate button creates the following directories:

• CaptureDiagnostics
Every time you click the Collect and Generate button the directory is deleted and recreated.
• CaptureDiagnosticsZip
This directory contains the generated .zip files and a temp directory. If it does not exist, it is created.
• Temp
A sub-directory of CaptureDiagnosticsZip directory. This directory contains a copy of the most current .zip
file for the Download Zip--<instance name> link. If the collected .zip file is over two gigabytes in size, it is
recommended that you to manually copy the file. If you attempt to download the .zip file, the browser could
It is recommend that you periodically delete the .zip files in the following directories:
• Deployment Server: <install path of Deployment Server instance>\CaptureDiagnosticZip
• Enterprise Server: <install path of Enterprise Server instance>\CaptureDiagnosticZip
• HTML Server: <install path of Server Manager Agent >\CaptureDiagnosticZip
• Server Manager Console: <install path of Server manager Consolde>\CaptureDiagnosticZip

Deployment Servers
This section describes the available fields for the Deployment Server.

Deployment Servers

Lists the available Deployment Servers you can select to collect diagnostics.

ESU Install Issue

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 35
Server Manager Guide Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

Collects the ESU jde.log and the UBE files for:

• Load XML Data to Table (R98403XB)
• Spec Merge Driver (R98700)
• Software Update History Report (R96701)
• Table and Index Creation (R98407)
• Table Conversion/Merge Driver (R98405)
• Data Dictionary Merge (R989200P)
• User Defined Codes Merge (R9600042)
• Solution Explorer Merge for ESU (R9690002O)
• Service Constants Merge (R96951002)
• XMLP Merge (R96956002)
• RPDF Merge (R96956202)
The jde.ini, jdbj.ini, jas.ini,, ptf.log and logs from the Deployment Server are also collected.

OneWorld Client Install Issue

Collects the files under the OneWorld Client Install directory, which includes the following:
• installManager.htm
• install/oraparam.ini
• misc/ini files
• stage/products.xml
• ThirdParty/WebDevFeature/WASH4A
• WLSH4A/ install/oraparam.ini
• reponse/WXXH4A_install.rsp
• stage/products.xml
The jde.ini, jdbj.ini, jas.ini,, ptf.log and logs from the Deployment Server are also collected.

Package Build Files

Collects the package.inf file, ServerLogs, the local svrpkgbuild.log, the local clientpkgbuild.log and the work folder for
the specified package name entered.

The jde.ini, jdbj.ini, jas.ini,, ptf.log, local logs, and the last five instances of the Package Build pdfs
(R9621S and R9622C) in the Print Queue are also collected.

Pathcode of Package

The pathcode the package was built from.

Package Name

The name of the package to retrieve diagnostics from.

UBE Output

Collects the last five PDF files for the UBE entered in the UBE Report Name field. The jde.ini, jdbj.ini, jas.ini,, ptf.log and logs from the Deployment Server are also collected.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 35
Server Manager Guide Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

UBE Report Name

The name of the UBE(s) you want to collect. You can enter multiple UBE reports by separating them with a comma.

Special characters / wildcards are not allowed in this field.

Server Management Agent Issue

Collects the Server Management Agent logs for the Deployment Server specified in the drop-down.

Collect and Generate Button

Each time the Collect and Generate button is clicked a .zip file is generated from the contents of the CaptureDiagnostics
directory with a specific naming convention ( and saved in the temp directory.

The following directories are created:

• CaptureDiagnostics directory replacing the current directory if it exists.

• CaptureDiagnosticsZip directory with a sub directory called temp.
It is recommend that you periodically delete the .zip files in /CaptureDagnosticsZip/temp directory.

Download Zip--<instance Name>(<host Name>,<agent Home>)

Downloads the zip file from the agent to the local machine.

Enterprise Servers
This section describes the available fields for the Enterprise Server.

Enterprise Servers

Lists the available Enterprise Servers you can select to collect diagnostics.

Enterprise Server Configuration & Logs

Collects the jde.ini, ptf.log, and the jde logs from the Enterprise Server specified in the Enterprise Server dropdown.

UBE Output

Collects the last five PDF files for the UBE entered in the UBE Report field. The jde.ini, ptf.log and logs from the
Enterprise Server are also collected.

UBE Report Name

The name of the UBE(s) you want to collect. You can enter multiple UBE reports by separating them with a comma.

Special characters / wildcards are not allowed in this field.

Server Management Agent Issue

Collects the Server Manager Agent logs, jde.ini, ptf.log and logs from the Enterprise Server specified in the dropdown.

Collect and Generate Button

Each time the Collect and Generate button is clicked a .zip file is generated from the contents of the CaptureDiagnostics
directory with a specific naming convention ( and saved in the temp directory.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 35
Server Manager Guide Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

The following directories are created:

• CaptureDiagnostics directory replacing the current directory if it exists.

• CaptureDiagnosticsZip directory with a sub directory called temp.
It is recommend that you periodically delete the .zip files in /CaptureDagnosticsZip/temp directory.

Download Zip--<instance Name>(<host Name>,<agent Home>)

Downloads the zip file from the agent to the local machine.

HTML Servers
This section describes the available fields for the HTML Server.

HTML Server

Dropdown list of the available HTML Servers you can select to collect diagnostics.


Collects the HTML logs from the HTML Server specified in the dropdown.

Server Management Agent Issue

Collects the Server Management Agent Logs from the HTML Server specified in the drop down.

Collect and Generate Button

Each time the Collect and Generate button is clicked a .zip file is generated from the contents of the CaptureDiagnostics
directory with a specific naming convention ( and saved in the temp directory.

The following directories are created:

• CaptureDiagnostics directory replacing the current directory if it exists.

• CaptureDiagnosticsZip directory with a sub directory called temp.
It is recommend that you periodically delete the .zip files in /CaptureDagnosticsZip/temp directory.

Download Zip--<instance Name>(<host Name>,<agent Home>)

Downloads the zip file from the agent to the local machine.

Server Manager Console

This section describes the available fields for the Server Manager Console.

Server Manager Console

Dropdown list of the available Server Manager Consoles you can select to collect diagnostics.

CNC Tables

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 35
Server Manager Guide Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

Collects the following technical tables from the system datasource:

• Library Lists - User (F0092)
• Library List Master File (F0094)
• Environment Detail – One World (F00941)
• Object Path Master File (F00942)
• Object Path Master File Tag Table (F00942T)
• Release Master (F00945)
• Security Workbench Table (F00950)
• Machine Master (F9650)
• Machine Detail (F9651)
• Deployment Locations Definition (F9654)
• Deployment Locations Definition (F986101)
• OMW System Settings (F98230)
• Role Relationships Table (F95921)
ESU Tables

Collects the following technical tables from the system datasource:

• Software Update Master (F9670)
• Software Update Detail (F9671)
• Software Update Pathcode Information (F9672)
• Specification Merge Logging File (F98881)
• SpecMerge Tracking (F988810)
OMW Tables

Collects the following technical tables from the system datasource:

• OWM Project Master (F98220)
• OWM Project Users (F98221)
• OMW Project Objects (F98222)
• OMW Allowed Actions (F98223)
• OMW Status Activity Rules (F98224)
Package Tables

Collects the following technical tables from the system datasource:

• Package Build Header (F9603)
• Server Detail per Portnum and Pathcode (F96511)
• Package Deployment Scheduling (F98825)
• Package Deployment on Servers Information (F98826)
Server Management Console Issue

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 35
Server Manager Guide Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

Collects the Server Manager Console logs (e1agent_x.log).

Collect and Generate Button

Each time the Collect and Generate button is clicked a .zip file is generated from the contents of the CaptureDiagnostics
directory with a specific naming convention ( and saved in the temp directory.

The following directories are created:

• CaptureDiagnostics directory replacing the current directory if it exists.
• CaptureDiagnosticsZip directory with a sub directory called temp.
It is recommend that you periodically delete the .zip files in /CaptureDagnosticsZip/temp directory.

Download Zip--<instance Name>(<host Name>,<agent Home>)

Downloads the zip file from the agent to the local machine.

Configuring Server Manager for Collect and Generate

The JDBJ Datasource and TNSNAMES need to be configured correctly to use Collect and Generate Diagnostics.

To configure Server Manager for the JDBJ Datasource:

1. On Managed Homes and Managed Instances page, under the Managed Instances column, click "home" for the
Management Console.
2. On the left side of the page, under the Configuration Panel, click on JDBJ Database Configuration.
3. Verify the values in the following fields are valid:

◦ Database Type
◦ Database Name
◦ Database Server Name
◦ Database TCP/IP Port
◦ Physical Database
◦ Object Owner
◦ Support Large Objects (LOBS)
◦ Unicode Database
4. Click the Apply button.
To configure TNSNAMES in Server Manager Console:
1. On Managed Homes and Managed Instances page, under the Managed Instances column, click "home" for the
Management Console.
2. On the left of the page, under the Configuration Panel, click on JDBJ Database Configuration.
3. Scroll down to Oracle Database Settings.
4. If the EnterpriseOne database is an Oracle database, complete the File Contents with the tnsames.ora
information for the sign on to the database. This is found under the Oracle Client location: product

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 35
Server Manager Guide Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

Using Collect and Generate Diagnostics

To use Collect and Generate Diagnostics:

1. Launch the Server Manager Management Console.

2. In the What do you want to do? section, click the Collect and Generate Diagnostics link.
3. Scroll to the server type you want to collect data on: Deployment Server, Enterprise Server, HTML Server, or
Server manager Console.
4. Select a specific server from the dropdown to collect data from.
5. Check the Checkbox (es) for the data to be collected. If appropriate, provide requested information, such as
pathcode and package name for the Package options.
6. Click the Collect and Generate Button.

When the data retrieval is complete, an on-screen message will be presented providing the path to the zip file
of the collected data.
7. Click the link for the specific server to download the .zip files from the agent.

Note: It could take some time to collect all files, depending on your system.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 35
Server Manager Guide Collect and Generate Diagnostics (Release

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 36
Server Manager Guide Automatic Pre-Generation of Serialized Objects (Release

36 Automatic Pre-Generation of Serialized

Objects (Release 9.2.6)

Understanding Automatic Pre-Generation of Serialized

Note: The automatic pre-generation of serialized objects feature supersedes the functionality of the eGenerator
function of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne that was available in releases prior to Tools Release 9.2.6.

At some point you must generate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne specifications into Java code to access JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne applications in HTML that is delivered using HTML/JAS Web Servers. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
forms and applications that you generate are serialized Java objects. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne stores these objects in a
database (in serialized object tables F989998 & F989999), and retrieves them at runtime.

The automatic pre-generation of serialized objects is optional. If you do not enable this feature to pre-generate
serialized objects, then the objects will be generated on demand. If you enable automatic pre-generation of serialized
objects, you can further specify which objects to pre-generate.

If you enable automatic pre-generation of serialized objects, and you do not list specific objects, then these objects are

• All objects that are not already generated (based on entries in the serialized object tables)
• Any objects in a full or update package that are new or changed
• All objects that are part of a newly applied Tools Release
Optionally, instead of generating objects as described above, you can specifically list objects to generate in these
• Applications To Generate
• Reports To Generate
• NERs To Generate
• Business Views To Generate
• Tables To Generate
• Data Dictionaries To Generate

When enabled, the process for automatic pre-generation of serialized objects is triggered by a JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server machine restart or by the deployment of a new package (full or update). If multiple
HTML/JAS Web Servers are configured to use this function, the system will only generate serialized objects for one
server at a time.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 36
Server Manager Guide Automatic Pre-Generation of Serialized Objects (Release

Configuring Automatic Spec Generation

To configure auto-generating of serialized objects:
1. In Server Manager, select the HTML/JAS server that you wish to enable auto-generating serialized objects.
2. Navigate to Configuration > Advanced > Miscellaneous > Automatic Spec Generation Settings
3. Complete the following fields:
◦ Automatic Spec Generation
Set this to true to enable automatic pre-generation of serialized objects.
The default value is false.
◦ Max thread pool size
Enter a value to specify the thread pool size to pre-generate serialized objects concurrently using
automatic spec generation. Valid values are from 1 to 30, where the default value is 10.
◦ Applications To Generate
The default value is blank (no specific applications will be pre-generated).
Optionally you can list a specific application, list of applications, or all applications to be automatically
pre-generated. Multiple application names must be specified with comma separators. To pre-generate
specs for all applications, use the * character.
For example, any of these are valid values:
- P01012 (single application)
- P01012, P4210, P0911, P40G30 (multiple applications)
- * (all applications)
◦ Reports To Generate
The default value is blank (no specific reports will be pre-generated).
Optionally you can list a specific report, list of reports, or all reports to be automatically pre-generated.
Multiple report names must be specified with comma separators. To pre-generate specs for all reports,
use the * character.
For example, any of these are valid values:
- R0008P (single report)
- R0008P, R0010P (multiple reports)
- * (all reports)
◦ NERs To Generate
The default value is blank (no specific NERs will be pre-generated).
Optionally you can list a specific NER, list of NERs, or all NERs to be automatically pre-generated. Multiple
NER names must be specified with comma separators. To pre-generate specs for all NERs, use the *
For example, FetchUBEMapping.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 36
Server Manager Guide Automatic Pre-Generation of Serialized Objects (Release
◦ Business Views To Generate

The default value is blank (no business views will be pre-generated).

Optionally you can list a specific business view, list of business views, or all business view to be
automatically pre-generated. Multiple business view names must be specified with comma separators. To
pre-generate specs for all business views, use the * character.

For example, any of these are valid values:

- V9001B (single business view)

- V9001B, V0101E (multiple business views)
- * (all business views)
◦ Tables To Generate

The default value is blank (no tables will be pre-generated).

Optionally you can list a specific tables, list of tables, or all tables to be automatically pre-generated.
Multiple table names must be specified with comma separators. To pre-generate specs for all tables, use
the * character.

For example, any of these are valid values:

- F9860 (single table)

- F9860, F9210 (multiple tables)
- * (all tables)
◦ Data Dictionaries To Generate

The default value is blank (no data dictionaries will be pre-generated).

Optionally you can list a data dictionary, list of data dictionaries, or all data dictionaries to be
automatically pre-generated. Multiple data dictionaries names must be specified with comma separators.
To pre-generate specs for all tables, use the * character.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 36
Server Manager Guide Automatic Pre-Generation of Serialized Objects (Release

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 37
Server Manager Guide Enabling Oracle Database Connection Pooling (Release

37 Enabling Oracle Database Connection

Pooling (Release 9.2.6)

Configuring the jde.ini File for the Enterprise Server and

Deployment Server
To enable the Oracle Database Connection Pooling feature, use Server Manager to make settings for both of these JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne servers:

• Enterprise Server
• Deployment Server
1. In Server Manager, use this navigation:

Enterprise_Server_ or _Deployment_Server_Instance > Configuration > Database > Configuration > View:
Advanced > Bootstrap Datasource
2. The following settings are mandatory in order to enable Oracle Database Connection Pooling:
◦ Database Connection Timeout
◦ Oracle DB Statement Cache Size
◦ Use Oracle DB Connection Pool
◦ Oracle DB Connection Pool Max Connections
◦ Oracle DB Connection Pool Min Connections
◦ Oracle DB Connection Pool Inc Connections

The following shows the default values for the above settings (circled in red):

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 37
Server Manager Guide Enabling Oracle Database Connection Pooling (Release

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 37
Server Manager Guide Enabling Oracle Database Connection Pooling (Release

Configuring the HTML Web Servers

To enable the Oracle Database Connection Pooling feature for use by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne web servers, you
must use Server Manager to modify the the JDBj Connection Pools for each of these web servers that are deployed in
your environment:
• HTML Server
• BSSV Server
• RTE Transaction Server

Note: The Oracle Database Connection Pooling is not applicable to AIS Web Servers.

In Server Manager, use this navigation:

Web_Server_Instance > Configuration > Database > View: Advanced > Database

The following shows default values for settings in the JDBj Connection Pools section:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 37
Server Manager Guide Enabling Oracle Database Connection Pooling (Release

Configuring the jde.ini and jdbj.ini File for the

Development Client
To enable the Oracle Database Connection Pooling feature for use by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development
Client, you must modify these files:
• jde.ini

• jdbj.ini

Development Client jde.ini

The following are mandatory settings and default values in the jde.ini file to enable Oracle Database Connection
Pooling for the Development Client:

Development Client jdbj.ini

The following are required settings and recommended values in the jdbj.ini file to enable Oracle Database Connection
Pooling for the Development Client:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

38 Appendix A - Best Practices

Multiple Management Consoles
If desired, you can install and operate multiple separate Management Console installations on a single machine. This
model is supported in addition to the standard functionality whereby you can use a single Management Console to
manage separate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installations.

To install multiple Management Consoles on a single machine, you should install each Management Console in
completely separate locations. The Management Console installer automatically detects a prior console installation
and will properly configure any subsequent installations. This includes the configuration of the TCP/IP ports used by
the embedded J2EE application server and the creation of the Microsoft Windows service name to ensure there are no
conflicts. Additionally, you should ensure the HTTP port supplied during the Server Manager installation is unique and
not currently in use. Refer to Verify HTTP Ports in this appendix.

When you are installing an additional Management Console on a machine it is important that the existing previous
installations be stopped. There are two TCP/IP ports utilized by server manager that must be manually configured to
prevent conflicts during the setup wizard:
• Management Server JMX Port
This is the port on which the Management Console listens for incoming connections from remote
Management Agents . The default value is 14501.
You must define this value to an unused port on the machine. A good practice is to increase the value by 1000
to 15501 for the second console, 16501 for the third, and so on, provided those ports are not used by any other
application running on the machine. You must properly set this value prior to installing any Managed Homes .
• Management Agent Starting Port
This port is the start port the Management Console will assign to remote Management Agents . The default
value is 14502.
If you will be using the new Management Console to manage machines that are also managed from another
Management Console , you must change this value. A good practice is to change this value anytime you change
the Management Agent Starting Port. Unlike the Management Server JMX Port, you can change this port at any
time, including after you have installed Managed Homes .
When you have properly configured these ports you can simultaneously start and run any other Management Console
instances on the same machine.

Management Agents
This section describes these recommendations:
• One Agent Per Application Server Installation
• Management Agents on WLS
• Management Agents on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Servers

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

• Multiple Agents on a Single Machine

One Agent Per Application Server Installation

You should only use one Management Agent to manage an Application Server installation. The reason is because if you
use multiple agents to manage the same application server it can lead to slow response times and unpredictable results
such as this scenario:

• Management Agent A

WAS_HOME/Profile1/ServerA: EnterpriseOne HTML Server

• Management Agent B

For the above two agents, Management Agent B cannot determine if Management Agent A has an EnterpriseOne HTML
Server installed on WAS61/Profile1/ServerA. As a result, if you start or stop ServerA you would also unknowingly start or
stop the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server .

Management Agents on WLS

In order for Server Manager to manage WLS, you should install the Management Agent on your machine that has
Oracle WebLogic Server as the oracle user. Additionally, you should enable the Management Agent to run as the oracle

For UNIX systems, if you cannot install the agent as a non-root user (for example, on AIX), then install the agent as the
ROOT user and then change the owner using the chown command.

Before proceeding, you should ensure that you stop the Management Agent and select it with the new owner.

Management Agents on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise

In order for Server Manager to manage JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Servers, you should install the
Management Agent as the EnterpriseOne user. For example, depending on your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
applications release, valid users might be:

• jde900
• jde910
• jde920

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

Multiple Agents on a Single Machine

You can install multiple agents on a single machine provided you adhere to the caveats explained in these preceding

• One Agent Per Application Server Installation

• Management Agents on WLS
• Management Agents on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Servers

Multiple WebSphere Application Servers

It is recommended that you only install only one version of WebSphere Application Server (WAS) per machine. This
is because running multiple versions of WAS on the same machine can lead to conflicts in the assignment of port
numbers, node names, and cell names. This can cause unexpected results when trying to manage applications running
in these application servers using both the native WAS management tools and through Server Manager.

Separate WAS Profiles

It is recommended that you create separate WAS profiles when managing:

• Multiple environments (such as production, test, and development)

• Multiple instances of a web-based server (such as HTML Web Server, Transaction Server, and Business Services
Server) in a Network Deployment (ND) WAS installation. Also in a ND WAS installation all the different WAS
profiles can share one web server definition.
• Multiple foundations of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (such as Tools Release 9.0, 9.1 etc.)
• Transaction Server

Note: During profile creation, it is recommended that you specify your starting port number to a value that will give
you a sufficient amount of port numbers (for example, 1000) between the last profile you created so as to not conflict
with other currently assigned ports and ports that will be assigned in the future.

Note: If you configure the WebSphere Application Server SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS port number outside of Server
Manager (for example, from the WebSphere Administrative Console), you must restart the Management Agent
that is managing that WebSphere Application Server instance. This is required because Server Manager uses that
port to communicate with the WebSphere Application Server and only acquires the port value on start up of the
Management Agent .

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

Note: WAS Base/Standalone. The general recommendation is to use a single WAS profile to deploy and manage
multiple instances of EnterpriseOne web-based servers (such as HTML Web Server, PIM Sync Server, and Business
Services Server). This is because of the limitation of WAS Base/Standalone functionality and how the web server
plug-ins are used and modified across profiles. The exception to the general recommendation is the Transaction
Server. The recommendation is to deploy and manage the Transaction Server in a separate WAS profile. This is
because of conflicts between HTML Server and Transaction Server within the same profile. In WAS standalone, when
creating separate profiles you must create a separate web server definition and have a separate HTTP Server. See IBM
WebSphere Administration documentation for more details on this requirement.

Verify HTTP Ports

When installing any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based servers that requires you to specify a HTTP port, you must
ensure that the port you specify is available and is not being used by any other application currently installed and
running on your application server. This applies not only to the instances within Server Manager, but any software
installed on that machine. The port number entered for this instance must not be in use. You must be sure to know the
ports being used on all machines in the managed domain. The installer does not programmatically determine whether a
port is used by another application, so if you specify a port that conflicts with another application unpredictable results
will occur.

HTTP Ports on UNIX Operating Systems

When using HTTP ports to install a Web-Based Server, make sure not to select a port in the range restricted by the UNIX
operating system for root access only. These are usually ports from 1 1024, but may include others in your particular
environment. Using a port in a restricted range will cause undesirable results as the Management Agent will not have
the rights to manage the products installed to these ports.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

Setting Up Windows Firewall in Windows Server 2008

By default, Windows Server 2008 has the Windows Firewall turned on. This default firewall prohibits Server Manager
from being fully functional. Additionally, the Server Manager Agent may not work correctly unless you follow these

1. In Windows Server 2008, open Windows Firewall.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

2. On Windows Firewall, in the left-hand pane, click this setting:

Allow a program through Windows Firewall

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

3. On Windows Firewall Settings, on the Exceptions tab, click the Add Port button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

4. On Add a Port, complete these fields to add a port for the Server Manager Agent:

◦ Name

Enter this value:

Server Manager Agent

◦ Port Number

Enter this value:

◦ Protocol

Choose the radio button for this value:

5. Click the OK button.

6. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to add another Server Manager port.

On Add a Port, complete these fields to add a port for the Server Manager JMX connection:

◦ Name

Enter this value:

Server Manager JMX Port

◦ Port Number

Enter this value:

◦ Protocol

Choose the radio button for this value:


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

7. At this point, if not already installed, you can install the Server Manager Agent for Microsoft Windows as
described in the Server Manager Guide, in the section entitled: Installing the Server Manager Management
Console and Agent.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

8. On Windows Firewall Settings, on the Exceptions tab, click the Add Program button.

9. On Add a Program, browse the list and locate this program:

10. Click the OK button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

11. At this point, if not already installed, you can install a Managed Instance for the Enterprise Server as described
in the Server Manager Guide, in the section entitled: Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New
Managed Instance.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

12. On Windows Firewall Settings, on the Exceptions tab, click the Add Port button.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

13. On Add a Port, complete these fields to add a port for the Server Manager Agent:

◦ Name

Enter this value:

JDENET <port>

where <port> is a variable value for JDENET corresponding to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Release. See description below for valid values.
◦ Port Number

Enter this value:


where <port> is a variable value for JDENET corresponding to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Release. For example, the default values per release are listed in this table:

JD Edwards Application Release Default JDENET Port Value

9.0 6015

9.1 6016

◦ Protocol

Choose the radio button for this value:


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

14. On Windows Firewall Settings, on the Exceptions tab, highlight the jdenet_k program and click the Add Program

15. On Edit a Program, verify the values in these fields are correct for jdenet_k:

◦ Name

◦ Path

Path to the jdenet_k.exe program. For example:


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

16. Click the OK button to accept the values.

17. Repeat Steps 14 through 16 above, substituting jdenet_n.exe for jdenet_k.exe.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

18. Optionally, if the database for your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications reside on a different machine than
the Enterprise Server, you must repeat the applicable steps above to add a port for that database. You may
need to check with your DBA or database vendor documentation to determine the applicable port.

The below example shows the typical database port for SQL Server 2008.

ojdbc7.jar Support on WAS

By default, WebSphere is delivered with IBM JDK 1.6. However, when using ojdbc7.jar for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
instances created on WebSphere to connect to an Oracle database, the only supported JDK is IBM 1.7. This version
must be installed on the WAS machine (it comes as an optional installation) and the user must enable and set JAVA
7 as the default SDK to their respective profiles in which the required instances are being created. These procedures

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Chapter 38
Server Manager Guide Appendix A - Best Practices

are described in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Reference Guides for WebSphere. Refer to the chapter entitled:
Installing and Configuring WebSphere 8.5.5, which is in platform-specific guides on OTN at the following links:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server on WebSphere for IBM i

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server on WebSphere for UNIX

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server on Microsoft Windows

If the user fails to do this, then they will receive this error:

com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException: [CONNECTION_MANAGER_BOOT_ERROR] Connection Manager could not be

initialized. java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version; class=oracle/jdbc/driver/
OracleDriver, offset=6


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