Children's Book Illustration For Preschool and Primary Education in Iran A Visual Analysis of Digital and Traditional Styles in Picture Book

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This study analyzes and compares the qualities of illustrations in both traditional and digital styles of picture books for preschool and primary children in Iran. It examines selected picture books through visual analysis to understand the specific features of each style.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the qualities of illustrations in both traditional and digital styles of picture books for preschool and primary children in Iran. A number of picture books are selected to examine them through visual analysis.

The two styles of illustrations discussed in the paper are digital and traditional styles, each with their own specific features.

Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Children’s Book Illustration for Preschool and

Primary Education in Iran: A Visual Analysis of
Digital and Traditional Styles in Picture Book
Negin Amin Dehkordi, 2Valliappan Raju
Post Graduate Centre, Art and Innovation Faculty,
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya,

Abstract:- Illustration is folk art through which the I. INTRODUCTION

illustrator conveys ideas and concepts to the audience.
The artist's awareness of different illustration methods The first artistic images were on the walls and stone
leads to better communication with the viewer. In this surfaces of the caves, which were based on magical beliefs,
regard, the views of the audience, the publisher, and the and then the narrative, ritual, and decorative aspects can be
author are influential on the illustrator's choices in the seen on stone, pottery, metal, and wood. The narration of
execution of the artwork [1]. Contemporary Iranian historical stories about the victories of war in the civilizations
illustration arises from the experiences of Iranian of Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Far East, and Iran, as well as the
illustrators of the past decades, influenced by European expression of the daily life of the people and mythical events
methods and combining it with indigenous, traditional, among the gods in the Greek civilization have been the
and ethnic characteristics. Despite all the efforts made in subjects of these works. In the fifth century AD, religious
recent decades in this regard, preschool and primary stories about the life of Christ in Europe and literary texts
children in Iran have received less attention from writers such as Ferdowsi's Shahnameh were the first steps in book
and illustrators than other age groups and have witnessed illustration. Animal caricatures on horizontal scrolls by
a lack of attention to picture books. However, the new TobaSojo in the early tenth to the twelfth century of Japanese
artistic activities that have been done in this regard with art are the earliest examples of illustrations for children.
the formation of councils, child support associations, and Later in classical Europe, the combination of illustration and
centers for the intellectual development of children and story can be seen in works such as the three-part painting
adolescents cannot be ignored [2].Attracting the audience “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bush, the
and conveying the meanings of the text is one of the most wall and roof painting of the Sistine church by Michel
important missions of illustrating the book. The artist's Angelo, the humorous works by the Pieter Bruegel,
responsibility towards the audience, the publisher, the “Departure” painting by Max Beckmann in Expressionist
writer, and the type of his attitude shows the high risk of style and even in native Indians artworks. The separation of
this field. The artist's awareness of the structures in this the image from the painting was done in Iranian miniature,
field leads to better artworks because from each of them, but the occurrence of this process took place in the 15th
many solutions are obtained for a transcendent century in Europe. The first professional children's book
performance [1]. Therefore, there are two styles of illustrators in Europe were “Walter Crane”, “Randolph
illustrations as digital and traditional with their specific Caldecott” and “Kate Greenaway” who lived in the early
features. The principal results are the equal quality, eighteenth century [1, 3]. The beginning of this art in the
importance, and valuation of both digital and traditional book was in the manuscripts until 1455 when the printing
styles separately or as mixed styles. Expected industry was produced. Since the invention of the
contribution leads to researchers who are eager to photographic camera in 1839, illustration has declined, and
continue this study in other age groups and aspects of its effectiveness has been limited to children's books, fiction,
illustration in order to achieve a progressive path through and reference books. [1, 4]. Therefore, the presence of
analyzing and searching visual and pictorial elements. narrative illustration has been with human beings since the
very beginning of artworks, and with the creation of
This article intends to study the qualities of technology, it found less demand[1]. History shows that the
illustrations in both traditional and digital styles of purpose of illustrating walls, texts, and books was to send the
picture books for preschool and primary children in Iran. message as effectively as possible, to establish the necessary
Therefore, a number of picture books are selected to communication, and to create understanding [2, 5].In
examine them through visual analysis. children's books, illustration has a particular charm and is the
first thing that attracts attention, hence it has special
Keywords:- Children’s Book Illustration, Picture Book, importance that should be done with specific care and
Preschool Education, Primary Education, Iranian elegance [6]. The illustration domain plays a prominent role
Illustrators, Illustration in Iran, Digital Style, Traditional to educate children’s minds and imagination more than
Style. context as it can narrate a story without writing a text.
Children live in a completely visual world. They imagine
everything they hear in their minds. Children use the
appearance of objects or their visual representation to explore

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the environment and understand the world. Creating all kinds literature, having a book with artistic, creative, and
of picture books for children to enjoy, is one of the most exploratory images, can determine the culture and future
valuable ways to raise their visual awareness and cognition. vision of the child; just as negligent images in the process of
By reading picture books, parents can make their children producing “Bazari” picture books lead him to a superficial
aware of the power within them that this power can shape and transient understanding of the book and the phenomena
and create a loving world for them. In most comics, children around him [8].
are taught the importance of kindness, forgiveness, or deep
friendships. What is certain is that picture books have a In this study, the picture books of two illustrators are
special place in children's lives and help children to know the randomly selected to study and analyze both traditional and
world around them [2, 7]. The formation of a children's book digital styles. The hypotheses of the article are based on the
in its current form is a result of the pervasive motivations of fact that there is a logical connection between the text and the
children in the tendency to reading, see, and the origin of pictures of the reviewed children’s picture books and also the
writers and illustrators in finding rich moments that take illustrations of these books are drawn according to their age
place in moments of book formation. Peer review of text and group and have been qualitatively successful. Moreover, this
image in picture books for elementary school children, more article introduces criteria for the study of these books and
valuation for the image in picture books for young children, analyzes and matches the pictures of books with the
and more valuation of the text in picture books for presented criteria. In the meantime, the weaknesses of the
adolescents indicates the current origins, which have their tradition of illustrating children's picture books are revealed.
roots in the history of book production and the interests of The library documents and descriptive and visual analysis
children and adolescents in different age groups and their have been used as research methods in this article.
individual circumstances[2, 8].The book illustrator is always
responsible to the audience, the publisher, and the type of II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
author’s attitude. Precision in selecting image details has an Most children’s picture books have unprofessional and
effective impact on the intellectual destiny of society. In this amateur digital illustrations by uneducated publishers whose
regard, the content and taste of society are one of the most aim is just economical aspect for affordable fees. Moreover,
important issues that need to be considered because it has an some illustrations are copied from “Walt Disney” cartoon
influential role in choosing the style, technique, image layout, characters and West animations with no smart thinking to
and even the type of coloring of the image (Safari, create a creative book. These picture books are called
1393).Most children's books are illustrated, but not all picture “Bazari” that are sold in supermarkets or newspaper kiosks
books are picture books. A picture book tells a story or instead of bookshops. Hence, parents prefer to buy those
conveys information through a collection of related images, books because of their cheap price and availability without
either with a short text or without text [8, 9]. The illustration regard to their poor context, illustration, quality, and more
is divided into two styles as traditional and digital with important child’s interest. In addition, some children’s book
different techniques, methods, materials, and equipment. The illustrations have unnecessary images with many details that
illustrator can choose his own style according to his talents, make it difficult for children to concentrate and understand
abilities, and favor but sometimes the publisher determines the contents of the book. So these colorful illustrations that
the style which is not based on artistic criteria. Every style are created to motivate child readers can have the opposite
has its own limitations and advantages. effect and divert children’s attention from the main story and
The image in picture books is a gateway for the child to text of the book.
enter the imaginary realm of stories and poems, which are III. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
first searched by the child with the help of lines and colors in
the image and then the words in the text; as the words of the The aims of this research are to analyze visually the
text accompany the child with the endless abilities of illustrations of digital and traditional styles of picture books
language in the field of literature and the acquisition of in Iran in order to find their rank among buyers and readers
increasing knowledge, the image teaches the child how the such as parents and children, and the effect of less popular
connection between the lines creates the shape and also the publications on picture books’ illustration and their
connection between the colors creates the volume and makes distribution is correct and suitable places.
the phenomena real in the illustration processand what are the
characteristics of knowing the world around it. The different IV. RESEARCH QUESTIONS
shapes in the process of producing picture books for toddlers
and children have such attractions and variety that no child How do unknown publications affect picture book
can ignore them. The variety of sizes and different functions illustration and page layout in a society?
of today's books allow the child to choose a new interest in
each of them and fall in love with them as well. This interest Which two digital and traditional styles of picture book
is first created by the efforts of the illustrator and graphist in illustration have been more popular and acceptable among
producing the visual effects of the book, and afterward, it is children and illustrators?
completed by hearing the story and narrating the text. Thus,
the image is the first incident in choosing a book by the child
and cultivating his taste in understanding the visual effects of
illustration. Since this devotion leads to the next interest of
the child in how he tends to the aesthetics of illustration and

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
V. LITERATURE REVIEW falls in love with it. In the picture book, the images do not
play a pivotal role but have a complementary role to the
A. Picture books, concept, features, and purposes text[8]. In a picture book, meaning is conveyed to the child in
Picture books are those books in which pictures are both text and image. The illustrations of such books do not
designed in such a way that they are an integral part of the narrate all the stories, but they play a role in the development
text and the combination of text and image conveys a single of the events of the story and cause the growth of the reader's
concept. The purpose of picture books is to provide images thoughts and feelings. In such books, visual narratives must
so that the child without the ability to read can directly convey the hidden meaning of the text to the reader.
understand the concept of the book and understand it. These Illustrators try to do this process with engaging techniques
books are usually suitable for preschool children [2]. Images and methods[8, 16]. Some believe that the image with the
in picture books have a high value that some of them without text limits the reader's imagination and his mental images to
words still have their own vital effect and children react to the spaces provided by the illustrator. Such a view is also
them. The role of age and experience in the reactions of seen among critics and artists, but it is important to note that
preschool and primary children to picture books is very the presence of the image not only enhances the appeal of
important and the first reaction of most children to them is book selection and storytelling but also the creativity of the
mainly physical. [2, 10, 11]. Picture books convey illustrator gives it a new identity and facilities to continue the
information or tell a story through a large series of pictures, sequence of the text and its effects. In teen picture books, the
with more or less text or even without text [2, 12]. Images illustrator only pays attention to the climaxes of the story and
are often a means of attracting readers to read a book that illustrates them. This feature in primary school picture books
expands the original design and creates something beyond is in such a way that almost all important events are
the visual accompaniment of the text for the reader. The illustrated through a story and the illustrator adds elements to
value of an image is equal to a thousand words and pictures his illustration that are not mentioned in the text. Hence, this
are at the heart of the book [2, 13]. Images can decorate a approach, provides new features for the reader to understand
book or expand a text. It depends on which one you choose the narrative story that has been the result of the illustrator's
as an illustrator or what your impression of the text is. That is intervention in completing the text, in his own way and
why we say that the illustrator has an important role in personal look [8].Statistics show that the goals of illustrating
creating a book. He is not an imitator of the author, he is a children's books are divided into two categories: 1- Better
partner, someone who, like the author of a book, has an understanding of the subject to the child, 2- Attract the child
important word to say and sometimes a more important role to the book[2, 5]. The purposes of illustrating and creating
than the author [8, 14]. Most of the time, the illustrator does picture books for children in preschool and primary can be
his work based on the subject or text that is ordered to him. mentioned as follows: Helping to understand more concepts
So he only suggests better methods and will not be the in children aged 0-11 years, influencing the child's mind and
decision-maker in the text [1]. Picture books that have been want to continue this influence, helping to record the subject
created for children aged 0-7 years are very important. in the child's mind, adding cognition and general information
Moreover, these books can express any subject through to the child, strengthen the child's artistic inclinations,
pictures [2, 15]. A picture book for children should be short, facilitate the learning of children in various fields, replacing
simple, and understandable; it has few meanings and if its picture language with spoken language for children,
meanings are unfamiliar, it should not go beyond the child's establishing effective emotional-intellectual relationships
comprehension[2, 10, 11]. Image in picture books is not only between young readers and book characters, increase growth
to complete the story but also to remove ambiguity and even depth and wide of thoughts, imaginations, dreams and
fill the missing words. Some picture books, such as alphabet positive wishes of children [2].In picture books, the image
books, enable children to recognize the connection between plays the main role in storytelling, and in such books, either
letters and sound and expand their lexical power. Some of the text is not seen or it is used only to complete the picture.
these books, such as concept books, help a child to develop In such books, the child "reads" pictures and understands the
intellectual development by cultivating the power of text by following the formative events in consecutive images.
understanding concepts. Non-verbal picture books also Before discussing "Picture Reading", it can be discussed the
reinforce observational skills in children and encourage them child's physical experiences in the book familiarization phase
to use descriptive words and create stories with logical [8]. As mentioned previously, the first reaction of most
sequences. The image in picture books arouses children's children to picture books is mainly physical; like when a
sensitivity to art and beauty.However, many picture books set child examines the size, shape, texture, and moving parts of
a balance between text and image, so that each one is an unfamiliar object.The child may put the book in his mouth
incomplete without the other [2]. In fiction and non-fiction or even flip it over to get to know it. With the guidance of
picture books, the main burden of forming the story and its adults, the child soon realizes the specific purpose of the
subject is on the text, and the image completes the content book and the pleasures hidden in it and reacts to the symbolic
elements of the text, such as characterization, theme, and nature of the books. The child pays attention to the content of
atmosphere. The presence of relatively long text in picture the pictures, connects to the depicted objects and the
books of the last years of primary school or for teenagers concepts with their sounds and names, and it does not take
reduces the necessity and efficiency of the image, and long for the child to realize that the book has a story [8, 9].
narrative elements in the forms of reading or listening, are Picture books without text or with little text are narrated with
caused to feel imagination in children and adolescents; in the help of words that the child or the reader of the book uses
such a way that the reader or listener, without seeing the for the child. The child's personal perceptions of the visual
pictures, understands the process of formation of stories and narratives that are made with the help of words drawn

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
through the lines and colors of the images, arouse his the child can take it to the bathroom as a playmate. 1-5
curiosity and mental vibrancy and he excites the pleasure of Embossed book surfaces with tridimensional images allow
receiving the hidden relationship in the layers of the images. children to feel the textures and protrusions of the pictorial
Participating in finding the desired concepts and organizing surfaces by touching them. Although many images in
the formed adventures sometimes leads to his personal children's books are provided through collages of fabric,
inferences and listening to them for adults can reveal the paper, and other objects, the direct usage of these objects,
hidden layers of the child's mind and sometimes lead to the especially in handmade books in the process of image
use of sweet, audible, and wonderful sentences and formation, provides new chances to develop the sense of
inferences. "Picture Reading" is the most important feature of child. They also understand the nature of images by looking
picture books; a process that makes a child interested in at the features of textures, and pictorial surfaces, and by
characters and visual spaces before reading a possible text in touching the image. 1-6Pudgy book images appear using
a book, and often influences his choice to choose his favorite chemical and industrial materials softly and prominently on
book. It is always pleasant to see children sitting on their the cardboard pages of the book and provide a new
parents' knees while the text of a picture book is read by opportunity for the child's tactile communication. Although
adults; children who have amazed and eager eyes follow the the embossed texture of these images is not the actual texture
pictures, events, and characters in the book and with their of the phenomena, it is a kind of fascination that helps the
sweet conversations, they make a lively and close child to attract to the book.
relationship with the book and its characters. Sometimes we
see children holding their favorite book like a doll and falling 1-7 Tactile book is included in both Flap book and
asleep. [8].Images in children's books can be as original and Participatory book. The child can read through images with
creative as other art forms, such as painting and sculpture, tactile and visual features; hence, he can have a close
and do not need to be viewed as commercial art [2].The relationship with images via the tactile textures, objects, and
variety of shapes and functions of picture books makes it flowers that can be smelled, as well as moving visual pieces.
possible for the book to attract the child's attention in A tactile picture book, with embossed visual surfaces, allows
different ways and purposes and to acquaint him with the blind children to enjoy touching pictures and learn those who
process of reading books. The picture books for preschool are are unable to read the printed text to read in Braille. It is very
included:1- Toy book has different types and the difficult for children with congenital blindness to perceive
phenomenon of playing is a background for children to tend the image. Transforming phenomena into geometric
to such books. In some of these books, the child becomes simplified forms; allows blind young children to recognize
acquainted with a play-like event in the book, and the process characters and objects in geometric shapes in a simple and
of playing leads him to follow the theme of the book. 1- virtual way without visual experiences. Disabled children and
1Shape book meanscutting the covers and pages of the board adolescents have very different needs and skills rather than
and non-board books in various ways, in the form of a others, therefore the definition of a book and its illustrations
flower, an animal, or a house, which is very interesting and have special and unique features for them. Although deaf
spectacular for children. In this book, the shape used to cut children use their eyes to receive information instead of their
the book acquaints the child with the theme of the book, and ears, they do not have a good knowledge of written and
at first, the process of reading the book begins with seeing spoken language. The use of linguistic signs in the form of
the shape of a book. It is interesting and wonderful for young coded images instead of text has made it necessary to use
children to see a book in the form of fish, ladybug, truck, new images in the favorite books of such children. Books
house, etc. 1-2Board book is provided for infants and young with pictograms develop linguistic skills and remind the child
children (up to three years old) with large pictures, the low of abilities in learning the language. Many published books
number of pages, thick and cardboard sheets. Board book has for disabled children are also used for normal children; for
usually 6 to 12 pages and is made of thick, durable example, creating embossed,tactile pictures and pictogram
cardboard. The colors used in this type of book's illustrations shapes for normal children along with pages that are written
are mostly shadowless, bright, vibrant, and less blended, also in Braille; provides the conditions for the book to be usable
the images are very simple and without details. There is no for all children. 2- Accordionbook appears in the form of
text in the board book (except for a few words) and the folded pages, and consecutive narrative images are placed
cardboard material of the pages allows the child to play with side by side in the form of a slideshow.The provision of
it.Multi-volume collections in providing board books such as folding books in their ancient and traditional forms also has
animals, flowers and plants, objects and etc. allow the child many examples in different countries. Also, two facing pages
to know the shape of the phenomena around him and to get of books are opened like a gate from both sides, and the child
ready to face their real presence in the future. 1-3Flap book follows the pictures and text of the book on each page of it.
has tabs on the edge of the cardboard pages and moving the 3- Pop-up book is another type of picture book that by
tabs moves parts of the image, such as tree leaves, bird opening the pages, the cutoff images are raised from the
wings, and animal heads and the child participates in creating horizontal surface of the book and become embossed. In such
story events and changing the status of the story elements by books, children are confronted with the amazing process of
moving on the tabs. The usage of music in musical books, protruding images in which the walls of towers and castles
which is done with the push of a button and listening toa rise from the horizontal surface of the earth, the trees
familiar song accompanies the poems and pictures of the vertically place and the visual elements occupy the space
book, hence the child accustoms to a new event from the above the pages of the book. The believability of the events
musical features of the songs and poems. 1-4Plastic Bathtub and the more realistic spatialization allow young children to
book is made of soft, thick, plastic, and flexible sheets, and enter into the realm of fictional stories and participate in their

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
roles and characters. The images of the pop-up book are put number of objects, animals, humans, or any other
back in their place as the pages are closed, and its spatial phenomenon that is depicted to represent a number must be
sense is limited to the horizontal space of the books until re- clear and recognizable in the counting book. This book is for
reading. Moreover, the image in this book has two one to three years old children, the pictures are simple and
dimensions of length and width, and the sense of the clear so that children can easily count the objects, animals, or
architecture of walls, trees, humans, animals, and any other depicted subject. The purpose of counting books
phenomena; acquaints children with the available proportion for this age group is to get more familiar with objects,
between the components of the image and also provides the animals, flowers, and fruits through pictures. In addition to
possibility of tracing the heroes of the story among castles, counting numbers, the goal of this book for children over
forests and other visual spaces.4- Practical book isalso three is to classify different groups of objects [17]. 6-
related toa Participatory book that invites children and teens Wordless books according to Emma Bosch who is the author
to engage in interactive activities. This type of book, which is of critical essays about children’s literature is, “books that
mostly dedicated to the field of scientific and non-fiction tell a story through a series of illustrations without written
books, includes methods for making various shapes. Images text.” There are three elements of a wordless picture book
of such books are mostly associated with design, based on Bosch’s opinion that create the format of the book,
photography, and prototyping; in such a way that the child the usage of ordering to narrate the story and not writing a
and adolescent understand the method of making samples by text as part of a narration[18]. The wordless book is a
seeing the pictures and drawings. Nevertheless, the artist's combination of text and image to describe a story and it is
visual look in the formation of the created samples has a unique because visual pictures have the main role to tell a
graphic feature and reminds children and teenagers to engage story. The difference between a wordless book with its
in intelligent and creative looks [8]. 5-.Concept book helps traditional one is that the text is imagined in mind not seen on
children to comprehend meanings through pictures; namely, pages. “In these books, the illustrations carry the meaning; it
understanding simple meanings such as color, shape, or more might tell a story, demonstrate a concept, or provide
complex meanings such as time, relativity, spatial meanings, information”[19].“Of course, the title of a wordless book
and contrasts can be done with the help of concept books. By often contains important clues regarding what the story will
measuring far and close distances or large and small sizes be about.” It is prominent to note that, “many wordless books
with each other, the child understands the concept of incorporate words in the illustrations”[20]. Hence, it can be
relativity. Furthermore, by showing concepts such as fast and said that probably wordless book has words as a part of
slow, long and short, fat and thin, the child understands the illustrations that do not narrate a story. David Wiesner who
contradictions. By showing the front and behind, up and has won three Caldecott medals for his wordless books;
down, right and left, the child realizes the concepts of space. presents an explanation that “care and clarity in every aspect
Concept book cognitively helps children very much. Children of the picture making. Because the images are the “text,”
need the first-hand experience to understand concepts, and as everything in them must contribute not only to the
they grow older, they will figure out common features and advancement of the plot but to revealing the emotions and
relationships such as color, size, weight, or position. The feelings of the characters. There are no words to tell us how
concept book is one of the first children's informational characters are feeling or what they are thinking. Gestures,
books to help them discover these features and posture, and facial expressions alone must describe a
commonalities among phenomena; it makes children talk and personality”[21]. 6-1 Easy Reader bookhas some
expand their vocabulary. Moreover, concept book deals with characteristics like simple text structure, limited vocabulary,
simpler meanings for young children and more complex ones predictable text, picture cues, and colorful illustrations on
for older children. One of the simplest concept books is the every page even though they are not essential to understand
color book. Color names are simple meanings that children the story and it establishes independent reader habits to
from 15 months and up can learn. 5-1Alphabet bookhas comprehend new words in context easily6-2 Pre-Reading
always been traditionally prepared to teach the alphabet to bookgives opportunity to children for reading and
preschool or primary school children. In this book, the image understanding the story by themselves. Parents can
helps children to recognize letters separately or in the middle encourage children with recognizing their talents to read the
of a word, and to expand their vocabulary. Each letter is story by using their selected words. Moreover, they learn to
identified by a word and one or more images. Images depict find ceus in the pictures as the best strategy to comprehend
objects or animals whose names begin with that letter. The the meaning of the story. Independent readers can profit from
alphabet book is included a wide range of simple to complex telling or writing storiesrevealed in the illustrations; they can
picture books based on what age group they are targeting. An also add details about the background, characters, and layout
alphabet book for children one to three years old has simple design to progress their storytelling expertise.
and clear pictures of familiar and recognizable objects and
animals for this age group. The usage of alphabet books for B. Evaluation of children’s book illustration for preschool
young children is more about learning about objects, animals, and primary age groups in Iran
flowers, or fruits through pictures rather than about letters. In The beginning of children's books illustration in Iran
some alphabet books, the letters of the alphabet are should be found in the constitutional period. The educational
accompanied by childish poems or simple stories. 5-2 picture books used in schools before this period included
Counting book has the most important goal to teach picture books for adults, which for some reason children had
numbers and math concepts to children. In addition to to use them. One of the first conceptual picture books in Iran
empowering children in numbers, the purpose of the counting for preschool children, which can be referred to the book
book is to recognize the act of equality one by one. The “Before the Age of Seven in the Arms of Parents” written by

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
“Nasrullah Khoshnevisan”[2, 22].In this book, which has an VI. VISUAL ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL STYLE
alphabetic and counting theme, the pictures help the child to
get acquainted with the shape of the alphabet letters and A. Digital style: concept, advantages, and disadvantages
numbers, as well as the names of the animals and the Nowadays, digital style is popular among illustrators who
phenomena around them. Over the time in Iran, non-Iranian use illustration software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
techniques and methods that had been influenced by Western Illustrator, Adobe In Design, Digital Painting, Motion
characterizations and atmospheres became indigenous Graphic, and Corel Draw with the laptop, iPad, and light pen
features in children's books illustration. In the 80s and 90s or computer. Hence, it encompasses technology to create
after the Islamic Revolution, the illustration of children's digital pictures that are more moving and transformative to
books changed; the characteristics of the works include a be reusable in any field. Undoubtedly, illustrators of digital
realistic view, referring to the deprived of society, along with style should be skillful at drawing and sketching and also
simplicity in expressing the image and color, and after that, know the required knowledge about using artistic software
the professional view of some Iranian artists and illustrators, like illustrators of traditional style. A digital style is a tool
led to the creation of more creative works. Beginning in the that reproduces handicrafts and it is purely digital and cannot
80s, the third and fourth generations of children's books be illustrated manually. One of the advantages of digital style
illustrators entered the field of Iranian illustration. The fourth is that the artist or illustrator can work wherever they want
generation of illustrators includes hard-working artists who like at the home, office, or even in a car because of the
started to illustrate in the early 90s and have not given up on flexibility and mobility afforded by modern technology. It is
this endeavor. The artists of this generation followed easy to make corrections while the illustrator is drawing and
illustration from the previous generations but their artworks he can try different methods and colors on a virtual page
created creative and attractive works with more several times. Moreover, the artist does not need to pay for
comprehensive approaches with a tendency to abstraction and art supplies and materials; he should just have a laptop or
even the use of the extensive capabilities of tablet. Working with digital style has easy preparation and
computers[2].Since illustration expresses the concept and there is no need to tidy up after finishing the artwork. The
content, it is accordingly divided into imaginary, non- process of the image without any limitation can be done to
imaginary, and scientific categories. It can also be mentioned make the illustration more attractive tothe audience. Digital
in two commercial and cultural groups. The root of style has easier tracing which means mimicking the image
commercial illustration is related to the political propaganda and helps to learn how to draw illustrations; just copyrights
of kings and rulers in the mountains and cliffs of main roads. should be considered. On the other hand, the disadvantage of
It is seen in the memorial columns in the west; such as books, the digital style is that an artist or illustrator cannot feel the
carvings, murals, and mintage. In the 19th century, with the physical sense and texture of materials and enjoy working
expansion of printing and the industrial revolution, there was with these tools and artistic instruments which are used in the
a greater need for this group to promote and sell mass traditional style. Furthermore, the picture or illustration can
products and it converted to a new form [1]. In the general be deleted because of a technical issue of a digital device or
study of various types of children's books in Iran, especially by an illustrator in deliberately.
preschool and primary age groups, the book production
process and its publication have not grown much; although B. The evaluation of “Bazari” picture books with digital
significant changes have taken place in the Iranian art of style in Iran
illustration in recent decades, the weakness and scarcity of The evaluation of Iranian children’s books illustration
children's picture books are noticeable[2]. In expressing the along with the artworks of successful children's book
background of the research, the studies show that in Iran this illustrators and also insufficient attention of specialists,
issue has been less studied, and still a lot of research and officials, educators, and even publishers of children's picture
study can be done. An article examines illustration in the books to preschool and primary education levels has
publications of the Center for the Intellectual Development of increased the distribution of so-called “Bazari” books without
Children and Adolescents that some researchers have artistic quality. According to the research, what can be found
explicitly stated the importance of picture books that are very in both preschool and primary education is in the two
effective in shaping children's minds and imaginations. These sections of “Bazari” and artistic (with relatively desirable
books introduce children to normal life. While parents read quality), that the number of “Bazari” picture books (without
books, children make connections between text and images. literary and visual qualities) in Iran is more than artistic
It is often argued that the aesthetics and appropriateness of picture books[2]. These artworks are without literary and
preschool and primary books illustration are as important as visual qualities and are not useful in developing children's
the text [2, 23]. thinking and cognition. Usually, such works are created
under the influence of images of big animation companies
such as Walt Disney, and sometimes using clichéd images
creates a collection of completely marketing and seemingly
attractive books. At first glance, such books have a low rank
among the audience, which due to a lack of creativity in
drawing images and page layout, the child does not want to
read them. Studies on the quality of images in these books
and their relationship with children have shown that children
do not have much interest in images and do not stimulate
their imagination and mental development. Children may

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
also have possible pleasure from reading such books because selected to be analyzed visually. When we look at these
of reminding cartoon and animated characters. Such images picture books; it is obvious that the illustrations, book covers,
try to instill pre-determined desirable values and deprive the and pages’ layout have not been illustrated and designed in a
child of the power of thinking. These books are educationally professional and perfect method. For example, the title has
weak and cannot establish a deep connection between the typed inside a stereotypical frame or on the main illustration
image, the text, and the child. Schwartz one of the German or image of the book cover without any thinking about its
researchers in children and adolescent literature believes that position and font. Moreover, the related texts for title and
the Walt Disney School has played a major role in Copy write pages have been typed inside a rectangular frame
reinforcing a kind of stereotype in children's books on the pictures that have faded to read the text better and
illustration. While there is no denying that Walt Disney and easier. There is not a good composition on all pages and the
its fans have contributed to societies through their creativity text has typed under the illustration basically. Some
and inventions of entertainment and gaming, its negative publishers prefer not to offer to the popular illustrator and
impact and its fans’art works of picture books around the author to illustrate the pictures and also write the story due to
world should not be overlooked [2, 24]. Although the Walt avoid extra and high fees. Therefore, they exactly imitated
Disney School has a stereotypical effect on children's picture the Walt Disney characters and story of their animations with
books, at least in many countries it is presented with good low quality in book cover and page layout design by
illustration quality and technique; unfortunately, in Iran, themselves; then they publish these picture books in large
these books are not of good quality and their quality has numbers and distribute them in newsstands instead of
decreased due to the high cost of books or the haste in bookshops. Furthermore, some illustrators do not have
publishing them. Publishers' view of such books is purely adequate and necessary skills in digital style, hence, some
economic and revenue-generating and return on investment is publishers choose them because of their low salary and
the most important professional concern of the publisher. The expectations. By looking precisely, it can be seen that no
irresponsible publisher publishes the book in large numbers attention has been paid to the selection and usage of colors.
without knowing the literary and visual values. The There is a little artificial light and shadow and also there is
stereotypical forms of heroes and characters from many not even a sense of vividness or liveness in colors. In
stories or animated paintings may be more appealing to addition, the illustrations of these picture books have some
children, but it must be said that their effect on the thinking special visual effects that have been created by computers
and mentality of children is very immediate and fleeting, in and make them more worthless (See Figures 1-4). Children
fact only entertain them and create false emotions for them. cannot communicate with these types of “Bazari” picture
However, the illustrator's commitment and responsibility to books and they do not attract to read them because of their
children are more serious and deeper than just a temporary low quality both in digital images and the translated story.
means of entertaining them. This kind of stereotyping causes Probably, they have a brief and quick look at these picture
the acceptance of the child and adolescent mind to be fixed books for the first time but it is just a fleeting sense and they
and unchangeable, and does not accept any point of view put aside them soon. Parents and other buyers should pay
outside the framework of the ideas and opinions that are attention to not selectingthese picture books in spite of their
presented through the story and the image[2].“Bazari” picture availability and cheap price due to their negative effects on
books that have been inspired by Walt Disney animations and their children’s imagination and growth.
translated and published in Iran with digital style have been

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 1: The Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs picture books with digital style

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Fig. 2: The Little Match Girl picture books with digital style

Fig. 3: The Alice in Wonderland picture books with digital style

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 4: The Cinderella picture books with digital style

The weak and stereotypical images of “Bazari” picture offer any book and qualitative evaluation of books should
books make the audience try not to equate the relationships also be one of the criteria of the organizers of the
between colors, text, and imagination. The original image is exhibition. Furthermore, the displayed books at the fair
not found in “Bazari” picture books, and because there is should be chosen more selectively so that families no
no spirit of being alive and moving in them, it deprives the longer have to worry about whether the book they bought
power of intellectual development and ultimate pleasure of for their child is appropriate or not. Not all families can be
child and limits the necessary visual and intellectual expected to have enough knowledge to choose a good
teachings. BioukMaleki who is an Iranian poet for children book. This should be done by the education center during
and adolescent believes that “Bazari” picture book means a the students' studies so that children become familiar with
superficial book that is usually published for children who books and reading and they see and read enough books to
do not like to read in order to entertain the child and easily distinguish between good and bad books. Certainly,
acquaint him to read books gradually, in this way, he can the taste of the audience in exhibitions and bookstores no
enjoy to read it too. Nowadays, in Iran, it is thought that the longer accepts “Bazari” and low-quality picture
“Bazari” picture book is published only for sales and more books[25].Due to the rising price of paper in the country,
profit, hence publishers choose the weakest text and page the conditions for publishing books have become difficult,
layout and also the lowest quality paper and illustration for and this has also affected the fields related to book
it. Moreover, instead of publishing a “Bazari" picture book, publishing, one of which is the children's book illustration.
they publish a "commercial commodity" only for sale, and Therefore, as mentioned previously one of the serious
their goal is simply to publish a lucrative product and issues is the prosperity of “Bazari” picture books, which are
nothing else. The authorities should state and justify to marketed with weak and unprofessional images also
those publishers who want to publish a “Bazari”picture families are more inclined to buy these books because of
book, that should be done in accordance with the rules and their cheap price and availability in irrelevant places like
regulations. On the other hand, at a big event such as the newsstands for their children. It is really impossible to
Tehran International Book Fair, great books of high quality imagine a world without books and paper magazines,
should be presented. Unfortunately, the large volume of children should not be allowed to focus on other options
“Bazari” picture books in the children's booths of the than books by publishing good books [26]. Through
exhibitions has reduced the children's access to good books, looking at “Bazari” picture books that are published by
and they can hardly afford to buy some high-quality books unknown publications in Iran, it is obvious to understand
in the turbulent market. Therefore, book fairs have become the valueless and less popular among buyers. Using flat
a business, and many publishers are just looking for more colors without light and shadow, special computerized
sales, not cultural work. The book exhibition should be effects, typing the text inside a quadrilateral frame and its
specialized and authorities should not allow publishers to wrong position on the page, weak drawing, and the narrow

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strip at the button of pages with repetitive images are the
clear features of these “Bazari” picture books. Some of
them are published by an artistic group who do not have the
necessary knowledge about illustrating and designing
pages’ layout and book cover (See Figures 5).

Fig. 5: “Bazari” picture books with digital style that are published in Iran

C. Analyzing the digital style in illustrations of Ali Miri because of his interest in old memories, he chooses his style of
There are many perfect and great illustrations with the illustration based on nostalgia and expresses all his memories
digital style that some Iranian illustrators choose as their in the language of illustration instead of expressing them in
artistic and personal style. For example, Ali Miri is one of the words. He published his first artwork in a magazine 28 years
popular illustrators who has a special skill and talent to draw ago when he was in his 17th and since then he is working in
nostalgic paintings/illustrations with inspiration from the this field using manual and then digital tools professionally.
social life and sweet memories of his childhood. Hence, He finished high school in Math and his education was not

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very related to painting he studied industrial design for only to do to have better relationships and be happier than before.
two semesters at university and then dropped out. He started to The priority of hisillustrations is that human beings should pay
paint in digital style in 1996 and the common denominator attention to themselves, then to those around them, and use
seen in all of his illustrations is, of course, himself, but the technology in that direction.In addition, Ali Miri states that the
main factor he was always willing to focus on was his purpose of drawing these illustrations is to "create a good
grandparents. At first, he illustrated with a traditional style but feeling in the society" and he believes that it is not logical to
with the advancement of technology; decided to choose the think about the past very much, hence, it is better to look for
digital style by using a light pen as a magic brush. He was the best way to solve the problems of life with the good
interested in illustration from the very beginning and he feeling that can get from remembering those days. Ali Miri is
remembers himself illustrating most of his life. He learned the illustrator fora number of children’s picture books that
drawing from his own experience and did not have any master have been published by different publications. The digital style
or teacher. His portfolio includes children's books, magazines, of these illustrations has high quality and skill to draw each
animation, advertisements, etc. While he rather working for image and select the best color and composition (See Figures
children due to its freedom and freshness. As an illustrator, he 9).As has previously mentioned, he has the potential ability to
sees his best accomplishment in making a pure and intimate draw illustrations in realism style with complete details as
connection to his artwork for the viewer and leaving him/her reality, or cartoon and animation with funny and humorous
with a better feeling: A trustful, intimate, and nice feeling like characters. These cartoons are illustrated with few colors or
the childhood. He tries his best to improve himself every day more colors artistically and have purposeful meaning about
on this path.Ali Miri became the selected artist in17th book of society, culture, and policy (See Figures 10). Obviously, Ali
the year in the section of culture and art by judges in Khorasan Miri is very professional in the field of illustration as drawing,
Razavi province in 2020.The title of this memorable picture sketching, and painting and he is familiar with human
book is “Good Old Days” which is in the fourth edition now anatomy, body movements, and gestures. Hence, this
and has 168 pages with 82 illustrations(See Figures 6).These proficiency and ability in the drawing of characters and objects
illustrations have been published as postcards (See Figures 7), can be seen at the first sight in his illustrations undoubtedly.
and also a fantasy desk calendar based on these nostalgic The bright and lively colors with different tonalities, light, and
illustrations of the “Good Old Days” picture book has been shadow along with the sense of three-dimension space are
published as well (See Figures 8).It is interesting to know that important visual features of his illustrations. Moreover, the
the purpose of these illustrationsin the “Good Old Days” book cover, pages’ layout, and composition have been
picture book is to make the audience think about what we need designed very well.

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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Fig. 6: “Good Old Days” picture book with digital style, illustrator: Ali Miri
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission

Fig. 7: Illustrations of “Good Old Days” picture book as postcard, illustrator: Ali Miri
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 8: Illustrations of “Good Old Days” picture book as desk calendar, illustrator: Ali Miri
This figure has been reproduced with kind permission

Fig. 9: Children’s book illustration with digital style, illustrator: Ali Miri
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission from

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 10: Drawing cartoons with digital style, illustrator: Ali Miri
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission from

VII. VISUAL ANALYSIS OF TRADITIONAL STYLE B. Analyzing the traditional style in illustrations of Golnar
A. Traditional style: concept, advantages, and disadvantages Golnar Servatian is a famous illustrator who focuses most
The traditional style is related to hand-drawn artworks of her time on illustrating children’s books and magazines and
professionally. There are different techniques for traditional she has been illustrating for children since 2006. She has
style in children’s book illustrations that are chosen by an participated in many international exhibitions and festivals all
illustrator optionally and manually. For example, acrylic, around the world and also she has won a variety of awards and
watercolor, color pencil, pen/pencil, charcoal pencil, oil/chalk certificates. She has illustrated around 60 picture books for
pastel, collage, ecoline/ink color, marker, oil color, and a children that some of them have been published in bilingual
variety of printings methods such as mono print, wood print, (Persian and English) format in Iran and other countries with
etching print, linoleum print, silkscreen print, terafarad print different publishers. Also, her hobbies are painting, writing
and so on. Illustrator learns these techniques during studying stories, and poems. GolnarServatian is a lecturer who teaches
in school, college, and university from educated and book illustration in art schools and universities with a new and
professional lecturers along with personal practical creative educational method logically and mathematically.
experiences. Moreover, he should be familiar to use the Namely, she improved the weakness in the design of human
software in order to design page layouts and book covers. It characters with a simple solution based on mathematical
can be said that with the advent of technology, technological principles; a weakness that can be seen in lectures and
devices, and also digital style, the value, and importance of educational books. Hence, this problem can be solved and
traditional style have increased. Therefore, the illustrator can lecturers can be taught this creative method to students. The
also choose the mixed-media style that is a combination of important features of a perfect illustration that are included
both traditional and digital styles. He should adapt himself to good composition which means the eyes movement in all parts
technological advances and not ignore the main role and effect of the two opposite pages (one frame), page layout design
of digital style on traditional style. One of the advantages of which means the suitable place to type text, title and page
the traditional style is that the artist can sense the feeling of numbers, technique, and coloring style are seen in all
real and touchable materials and enjoy drawing with a variety illustrations of Golnar Servatian. Mostly, she uses watercolor
of tools and instruments to illustrate an artwork. Hence, it is technique but she is proficient in other traditional techniques
called a “hand-drawn feel” that leads to useful experiences for and also digital style as well. The bright and lively colors, light
the next artworks. Also, an illustration with a traditional style and shadow, different tonalities, the good selection of viewing
will not delete or disappear suddenly and it can be kept angles to draw characters and objects, and also drawing the
forever. On the other hand, the disadvantage of the traditional details are prominent visual features of her illustrations. After
style is the limited places to work that illustrator cannot be free finishing her illustrations; she edits the visual features like
to choose where to work since he always should carry the brightness and contrast, light and shadow, and adds small
necessary materials. details of each page or frame on Photoshop or Procreate to
finalize them professionally (See Figures11-14). Golnar
Servatian believes that it would be a successful style not to

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rely on teaching different techniques. She spends much time cases harmonious, but sometimes the image appears in a
during the semester just using pencil and paper and thinks a complementary role. For example, when "Sharp-Eyed" is
perfect pencil etude on the wall is more valuable than a weak depicted with a magnifying glass in hand or when in the third
but flashy and framed color artwork. She is also interested in sequence, after the plural verb "to go" is used, a picture of a
cartoons and sometimes she illustrates artworks in this field. In little girl is seen next to him. But the culmination of the
general, the topic of humor and happiness hasan attractive connection and completion of the text with the image is
sense to her. She draws funny characters and other objects evident in the introduction. In the text, we read: “Sharp-Eyed”
with simple human anatomy and uses fewer colors in likes to look at things differently. what about you?,
comparison with her book illustrations. Nevertheless, her conversely, an image of the "Sharp-Eyed" is displayed, with a
cartoons have meaningful and thought-provoking concept physical deformation, expressing his reverse view of objects.
rather than their simplicity and plainness in composition, In other words; the abstract meaning of "seeing differently" in
technique, and coloring (See Figures 15). Moreover, the the text has been transformed into an objective concept and
illustrator of “Roshd” child magazine number 1 published in meaning by the image, which is more understandable to the
2017, is GolnarServatian. The subject of pages 28-29 is child in the preschool stage and the early years of primary
"psychological-scientific and social" which raises the issue of school. Because the child at this age interprets words based on
the child's curiosity and how to get answers to the mental his experiences. The same visual features that have been
questions arising from this curiosity. Its language is simple mentioned before can be seen in these two opposite pages (one
and its character is a child boy called "Sharp-Eyed" who asks frame) of “Roshd” child magazine. In addition, the text has
questions most of the time and likes to look at everything been typed in different sections step by step with an
"differently" and this is the set of mental and behavioral illustration with an aura of background that is related to each
actions in this direction. The text and the image are in most paragraph (See Figures 16).

Fig. 11: “Our Colorful World” picture book with traditional style, illustrator: Golnar Servatian
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 12: “Lucas and Grandpa” picture bookwith traditional style, illustrator: GolnarServatian
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission

Fig. 13: “The Coolest Career” picture bookwith traditional style, illustrator: GolnarServatian
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission from

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 14: “Horse Named Horace” picture bookwith traditional style, illustrator: GolnarServatian
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission from

Fig. 15: Cartoons about Corona Virus, illustrator: GolnarServatian

These figures have been reproduced with kind permission from

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 16: “Roshd” child magazine with traditional style, illustrator: GolnarServatian
These figures have been reproduced with kind permission from

VIII. RECOMMENDATION quality picture books, although small, in terms of technical

capabilities, innovation, creativity, ideas, and execution,
Regarding the subject of this article as children’s book have outstanding features and are among the prominent
illustration that is very prominent and vital to search and European works in this field. Many publishers of children's
study, I recommend to other researchers to consider books do not have a standard for creating children's picture
illustration in high school as teenagers age group as well. books, as well as for creating illustrations before the
They should analyze the limitations, gaps, pros and cons of printing stage. Successful publishers and illustrators of
page layout, coloring style, story text, binding type, and children's books have been able to create a large number of
most importantly different techniques and methods in picture books suitable for the age group of children and
picture books to understand the weak and strong points to have been desirable in terms of form and color. In general,
improve and progress the picture book publishing in the however, the publication of children's books of the desired
future. Moreover, I suggest to researchers encourage quality has been less than commercial books, and they have
audiences as children and parents to buy and read picture not yet found their place. The illustrator can have a greater
books with inspiring Iranian ancient stories and proverbs to impact on the audience by choosing one or more suitable
represent history, culture, and traditions. ways that fit with the text. All children have more or less
certain reactions to picture books at different stages of their
IX. FUTURE SCOPE growing up. Stories and legends in picture books are a
The main purpose of this article is to consider and pay valuable tool for developing and strengthening children's
attention more to publishing a high-quality picture book in imagination. Picture books that are mostly published for
all artistic aspects such as illustration style, page layout, preschool and primary age groups can teach new
technique, coloring method, and age group. The population experiences to children who welcome the creativities of
that I am studying for this study is related to preschool and artists, writers, and illustrators with their strong
primary children and the duration of the research is about imaginations. The interesting and attractive subjects of
five months. The topics or titles that I discuss are generally picture books lead the child to react to these books and play
included children’s book illustrations, different types of an essential role in the mental development of children. By
picture books, and its styles. Iran is the geographical reading picture books through images, the first steps
location covered in this study. towards the development of literacy, literary understanding,
and aesthetics of the child are taken. Children who become
X. CONCLUSION familiar with different types of picture books, in addition to
being familiar with the structure and story, learn the correct
Examining the illustrated books of preschool, we usage of words and different descriptions so that they can
came to the conclusion that the works of illustrated books easily benefit from them in the future. A variety of images
of this age group in Iran are very few and exist in both in different colors and styles enhance the child's ability to
commercial and artistic sections, which in total the statistics recognize and interpret. In this way, first, he pays more
of commercial picture books without literary and visual attention to the image that engages him in cognitive
quality are more than picture books with desirable and development. Every time children turn the pages of their
artistic quality in Iran. Unfortunately, the lack of pay favorite book, they discover new details in the pictures, and
attention by successful children's book publishers to this sometimes these details attract them for a short time.
age group, as well as the placement of a book in two age Picture books with color illustrations are a greatand useful
groups to attract more audiences, is the reason for the choice for developing children's observation skills; this is
increase in the distribution of commercial picture books. It how they see similarities and differences. Children
is important to note that the works of illustrators of good understand chronology through some picture books and by

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Negin Amin Dehkordi obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Graphics from Azad University of
Tabas, Iran. Then shereceivedher Master’s degree in Visual Artsin Cultural Centre,
University of Malaya. Currently, she is a Master Student in the field of Innovation
Management at the Faculty of Art, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology,
Cyberjaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Her specializations include children’s book
illustration, graphic design, photography, and also jewelry designer and maker. Her current
research interests are book illustration, visual analysis, traditional and digital styles in
illustration, innovative and creative methods in illustration, Persian symbols, and myths, and
ancient Zoroastrian ceremonies. She has illustrated a poem picture book during her
bachelor’s that has been published by Faravang publication in Iran. Moreover, she has
participated in international exhibitions and galleries and has won different awards and
certificates. Her artworks have been published in a variety of art books, magazines,
newspapers, and websites. Her collection of illustrations hasbeen published as a book by
Partridge publication in Singapore and her second picture book the title of “Mullah
Nasreddin Stories” will be published next year by Partridge publication.

Valliappan Raju specializes in research methodology and spearheads Ph.D. program at

Limkokwing University. And he exercises his Postdoc fellowship on FinTech research at
IIUM, Malaysia. In April 2022 he obtained his Full-Professorship. He has published more
than 250+ research publications at Scopus (Q1), SSCI, EI indexed journals. He is appointed
as External Examiner to assess Ph.D. Viva defenses at Universities in Malaysia, UK and
India. Under his supervision, 53 candidates have graduated with Ph.D. degrees. He serves
Dissertation Supervisor at Arden University (Germany) and a proud member of Oxford
Philosophical society (UK), PMI (USA) and CPA (Australia). He reviews World Bank
Conference Journals (USA) and appointed as Guest Editor for Q1 journals. Vally’s book
‘Fundamentals of Thesis’ was well received among the research community. 14 researchers
are presently under his supervision for Ph.D. Management program. He is constantly invited
as Conference chair / keynote speaker at research forums held Worldwide. He focuses on
Delphi Technique researches in Anthropology and FinTech. Recognizing his academic
talent, he was given Resident Pass-Talent (RP-T) Visa by Immigration of Malaysia.

IJISRT22JUN1309 759

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