They Came To Play Ball Spreads

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Adira Slattery


Game and Layout by Adira Slattery

Art by Gannon Reedy
Title Design by Carly Ho

Using The Firebrands Framework by

Meguey Baker and D. Vincent Baker

First edition, August 2020

This game contains references to violence, death,
sex, blood, alcohol, cosmic horror, hallucination,
and monstrousness.
Humanity ventured into space, finding it was alone in You’ll need 3–5 players. Set aside at least two hours to
the universe. Until THEY came from behind physics, and play, more the more players you have. Each player
THEY CAME TO PLAY BALL. Now, teams of athletes needs their own copy of this zine and a tent card for
touched by the Eldritch energies of the Void Beyond character info.
meet on the pitch, to the screams of the roaring fans,
to play the greatest game of all: Antiball. You’ll need an assorted group of tokens, glass beads,
plastic pieces, or coins. These are called Momentum.
Your teams have gathered at Athabasus Station for You’ll want 20-30 tokens and to keep them in a central
the commencement of the TOURNAMENT OF BELLS, stash.
an event held only during The Alignment of Chord
Nebulae. Untold prestige will come to the winning team Before beginning, make sure you are all familiar with
as all the eyes of the galaxy are upon you. And THEY the first eight pages of this zine and the Appendices.
are watching, too. Consider reading them all out loud as a group, taking
turns with different pages or paragraphs. You should
Somewhere needs to house all the rambunctious and also build your characters, following the instructions on
fired up players though… enter Riot City! Every the specific team pages.
Alignment, this ramshackle area of tents, stalls,
beached spaceships, and prefab mansions is built over To start, introduce your characters. Describe their look
the ruins of the previous Riot City. Filled with athletes and demeanor. After you have introduced your
(and even a few fans) all crammed together, it’s a den character, take 4 momentum from the stash.
of sanctioned sin and transgression. And touched with
the Void, even more strangeness can occur there. But To play, take turns around in a circle following the
that’s just the life of an Antiball Player. instructions in the Rounds section. On your turn,
choose a game to play. Turn to that page of the zine
You are one such foolhardy aspirant to the tournament and follow the rules you find there.
title. You live complicated lives, face off in front of a
screaming crowd, fall in love, get into trouble, deal with Go around and around until one player chooses the
fame, and even sometimes die on the pitch. game Closing Ceremony. The Tournament has then
drawn to a close, a winner is chosen, and the bells ring.
The object of the game is to create messy
entanglements. Fall in love with your enemies, ally
Welcome to Athabasus Station... with your rivals, fight with your friends.

1 2
You are an Antiball player, Eldritch Gladiators of the 15-18 Galactic Press
future. Both Human and Not, you exist to PLAY BALL.
Whether a rookie their first time hearing the Cosmic 19-20 Blow Off Steam
Bells, or a seasoned veteran, everyone has a shot at the
title. 21-22 Conversation Over Drinks

Choose a team, three attractive qualities, one eldritch 23-24 Entreat The Void
mark, your name, your position and number, and your
pronouns. Announce them to the group, and then take 25-26 One On One
4 momentum from the stash. Each character should be
on a different team, so when you’re choosing, consider 27-32 Play Ball
the choices of the players who went before you. Details
on pages 10-15 33-34 Practice Together

Write your details on a tent card and put it out on the 35-36 Time Away From Crowds
table. You may wish to write on both sides of the tent
so that you can reference your own information just as 37-38 Listen To The Bells
easily as the rest of the players. 39 Closing Ceremony

Take turns around in a circle. If you are unable to 42 The Cosmic Bells of Athabasus Station
decide who goes first, go with whoever most recently
accomplished something meaningful in a sporting event. 43 Excerpts from the Tournament Sanctions, Third
On your turn, choose one of the games. Turn to that
page in the zine and follow the rules there.
Before the first turn, go around the circle. Everyone The games are made up of choices, little descriptive
should play Galactic Press to elaborate and create the sentences or questions and answers. You can always
starting scenario. just read out what’s written, verbatim, and fill in any
blanks from your own imagination. You can also ad lib
After you’ve played the first round of Galactic Press, it’s instead, conveying the thrust of what is written. You
the next player’s turn to choose. They choose any game can always elaborate freely, and should add any
they want, except Closing Ceremony. Keep taking turns embellishes you choose, as long as it does not
around and around. After you’ve been all the way contradict what is written. Expand upon the world of
around at least once, you may choose Closing Athabasus Station and make it your own, do not feel
Ceremony. constrained by what is on the page.
3 4
Play smiling, play wild, play free, and always let the Your momentum carries over between the rounds. You
other players make their own decisions for themselves. must have momentum to spend it. If not otherwise
Keep in mind that while your characters might be in a stated, always take momentum from the stash and not
competition, you the players are not. You are working another player.
to create something together.
If you don’t know which game to choose, Galactic Press PLAYING SAFE
is a good choice. It’s quick and anyone can use it as a Be sure to have a conversation before play so that you
jumping off point. Conversation Over Drinks is a good can be open to any spaces that players are aware of
choice too, if you have a specific person you want to that the game will need to avoid if necessary, but do
play with but are unsure what sort of scene you are not pressure any player to disclose any issues they do
interested in. not wish to. Make sure to keep in mind that this game
contains references to violence, death, sex, blood,
Whenever anyone asks you a question about your alcohol, cosmic horror, hallucination, and
character, or about the current situation, answer it. If monstrousness.
you don’t know the answer, make something up. Feel
free to make up details about the Tournament, Antiball, Keep an open door and check in with your other players
your teams, or Athabasus Station. If you’re stuck, ask during play. If something happens you are
for suggestions from your other players. Especially uncomfortable with or need to process, do not hesitate
those whose characters are not in the current scene. to bring it up. Play can be paused at any time.

When you don’t happen to be playing the current game, It’s possible to get your character killed during play. It
you can either play Listen To The Bells quietly by won’t happen by accident, you’ll be able to see when
yourself or flip through the games and think about your decisions are leading up to it, but it can happen. If
which one you might want to play next. Some games you feel your character should or shouldn’t die, discuss
call upon you as the crowd or potential ally, though, so with everyone but ultimately that narrative choice is
keep at least one ear open to the game at hand. Pay yours.
full attention when Antiball matches are being played
though, as those involve all players. You can introduce a new character, you can continue as
a supporting character already part of the game, or else
If you find that you’ve missed a rule or played a game you can keep playing without a character, participating
incorrectly, just try to go along with the other players in the games that call for a crowd, as the whispers of
and do what seems most fair. You can work out what THEM, and through questions.
should have happened instead later on, for next time.
If you aren’t playing with all of the teams, don’t worry
about it. Just please refrain from picking any of the
options in the book that reference that team specifically.
5 6
Teams come from across known space to Athabasus
station to compete in the Tournament of Bells. While
many Antiball teams have come to the tournament,
here are five teams to use when playing the game.
The Auroras: Holding the most Tournament titles of
any team, the shining knights of the Auroras plan to
soar over the competition.
The Blue Skulls: Aquatic and serious, the Blue Skulls
have been long time attendees to the Tournament of
Bells. They have never won the title. Ever.
The Roughnecks: First timers to the tournament, the
Roughnecks are here to have a rip roaring good time.
And maybe crack a few skulls, that’s always fun.
The Gargoyles: The unrelenting fury of The Gargoyles
is only matched by how much they love their fuzzy
widdle beasts.
The Hellions: Burning their way across the pitch, the
Hellions are cunning, crafty, and will do whatever it is to
takes to win. All with a smile.

Players should write all their information publicly, likely
onto tent cards or placards. These are either notecards
Marcy Murder, far centre for the Blue Skulls or pieces of paper folded up so that they can stand
freely. Make sure to write your information on both
sides so everyone can reference it. No information
needs to remain secret in play.

7 8
The Auroras The Blue Skulls
The Auroras are the reigning champions of the last The Blue Skulls are grim fixtures of the Tournament of
Tournament of Bells. And the last one, and the last one. Bells. Some say they have been a part for every
On and on, this team is brutal and cold in their Alignment. Despite this, they have never once left
continued domination of the tournament. Clad in scant Athabasus station with the title. The Blue Skulls are not
armor and bravado, these argent warriors glide to the discouraged, for they know they will win the
net over and over. For you know that unlike the rest of tournament soon. They have seen it in the waters.
this rabble, you deserve to win. None can fight the pull of the deep forever.
In a match, the Auroras wield long handled blades and In a match, the Blue Skulls play the long game.
prize speed over raw power. Their games always end Inevitably, their time will come. They often come to the
being high scoring, either for them or the other team. pitch with a variety of wicked hooked swords.
Choose three attractive qualities. You’re: aloof, Choose three attractive qualities. You’re: determined,
confident, fair, insightful, loyal, lithe, glamourous, efficient, fearless, fluid, introspective, patient, practical,
severe, sophisticated, radiant. somber, striking, versatile.
Choose a name that will be easy to remember. You can Choose a name that will be easy to remember. You can
use your own real name if you like. use your own real name if you like.
Choose a position and number for your character. Choose a position and number for your character.
Some positions on the Auroras include, but are not Some positions on the Blue Skulls include, but are not
limited to: Brightback, Forward Knight, Small Centre, limited to: Deepsweeper, Wave Safety, Pallbearer, Mid
Point Wing Vigil
Interacting with The Void Beyond leaves a permanent Interacting with The Void Beyond leaves a permanent
change on the soul of a person, and warps the body. change on the soul of a person, and warps the body.
Describe your eldritch mark. It should be related to Describe your eldritch mark. It should be related to
feathers, the dawn, fragility, or light. chitin, pallidity, scales, or tentacles.
Your teammates are your comrades in arms, always You and your teammates are bound together by
ready to lend a hand. Think of them as knights, heralds, death. Think of them as mourners, eulogists, and
and loyal champions. celebrants.
Write your details on a tent card and put it out on the Write your details on a tent card and put it out on the
table. table.

9 10
The Roughnecks The Gargoyles
This is the first time that the Roughnecks will be in The Gargoyles go everywhere with their beasts, acting
the Tournament of Bells. They come from many like a roving menagerie all through Athabasus Station.
backgrounds, having fought their way out of prisons They are always affectionate and tender to their furry
and asteroid mines, but none of that matters on the friends, a strong contrast with how solidly they pulverize
pitch. Riot City has been all the more rambunctious this their enemies on the pitch. Despite their fearsome
Alignment, as the Roughnecks don’t go anywhere reputation, or maybe because of it, the Gargoyles are
without having a good time. really just a bunch of big softies.
In a match, the Roughnecks wield whatever is In a match, the Gargoyles are always trying to bring
convenient to great effect. When they play it look less beasts with them onto the pitch. Usually they are left
like an organized game and more like a drunken brawl. with only their gnawing living swords in hand.
Choose three attractive qualities. You’re: blunt, Choose three attractive qualities. You’re: generous,
broad, down-to-earth, excited, funny, hardy, hefty, idealistic, imposing, kind, perceptive, quiet,
hardscrabble, loud, open, strong. resolute, statuesque, thoughtful
Choose a name that will be easy to remember. You can Choose a name that will be easy to remember. You can
use your own real name if you like. use your own real name if you like.
Choose a position and number for your character. Choose a position and number for your character.
Some positions on the Roughnecks include, but are not Some positions on the Gargoyles include, but are not
limited to: Whiskey Centre, Slamback, Hard Forward, limited to: Whisperback, Watcher, Second Beastman,
Big Guard Full Line
Interacting with The Void Beyond leaves a permanent Interacting with The Void Beyond leaves a permanent
change on the soul of a person, and warps the body. change on the soul of a person, and warps the body.
Describe your eldritch mark. It should be related to Describe your eldritch mark. It should be related to
brawn, hair, horns, or spikes. stone, extra limbs, eyes, and unusual size.
Your teammates are like your rambunctious best Your teammates aren’t just the other human players,
friends. Think of them as cousins, blood brothers, or but also include more beastial members. All deserve
even a big polycule. love, snacks, and cuddles just the same.
Write your details on a tent card and put it out on the Write your details on a tent card and put it out on the
table. table.

11 12
The Hellions
The Hellions take a different tack to the Tournament of
Bells, focusing on the wheeling and dealing that
happens off the pitch. More than just athletes, the
Hellions are performers in the truest sense. And they
give the crowd what it craves, blood and sweat and

In a match, the Hellions revel in the chaos and take
many hidden curved blades onto the pitch. Their games
inevitably involve a “creative” interpretation of the rules.
Choose three attractive qualities. You’re: alluring,
artistic, dangerous, dashing, fiery, flexible, shrewd,
sneaky, treacherous, witty.
Choose a name that will be easy to remember. You can
use your own real name if you like.
Choose a position and number for your character.
Some positions on the Hellions include, but are not
limited to: Redsider, Juggleback, Hidden Centre, Foul
Interacting with The Void Beyond leaves a permanent
change on the soul of a person, and warps the body.
Describe your eldritch mark. It should be related to
fire, darkness, fiends, or serpents.
Your teammates are your fellow untrustworthy
showmen. Think of them as jesters, pranksters, and
pain artists.
Write your details on a tent card and put it out on the

13 14
Galactic Press
Only you play. Use the section for your team.
The Blue Skulls
● “Our album, Dirges To The Deep, is not just for
CONDUCTING GALACTIC PRESS funerals anymore! Available at a stall near you!”
Choose a press release from the list for your team. ● “We will win the Tournament of Bells. Not even
Simply read it aloud, and perform any actions listed. death can stop us. This is our year.”
Refrain from embellishing on your opinions of the press ● “Those old Auroras should sit back down before they
release until the next game you play. break something. Like their Tournament chances.”
● “We appreciate newcomers to the Tournament of
If you chose Galactic Press for your turn, take 1 Bells, but couldn’t THEY have found better than
momentum. Do not take this during the initial setting those Roughnecks?
establishing round of Galactic Press.
● “The Gargoyles should just stay at home and play
with their pets.”
● “The Hellions… Weren’t they disqualified last
The Auroras Alignment?”
● “Official Team Aurora autographs will be available for ● “None can escape us. We challenge [insert another
sale outside the main pitch at noon.” team] to a Tournament Match.”
● “Shining Fury Crisp Rice Cereal now at a stall near
● “The Blue Skulls will never claim the title, just get
The Roughnecks
● “Official Roughneck Moonshine now in Riot City!”
second place again like last Alignment.”
● “Let’s get our party on! Meet at the main pitch
● “The Roughnecks are just a bunch of unwashed and everybody! Roughnecks, Roughnecks, Roughnecks!”
unkempt farmers. They do not deserve the title.”
● “The Auroras… More like the Fuckoras, amirite?”
● “The Gargoyles can’t scare us with their cute little
creatures. We’ll eat them for breakfast!” ● “The Blue Skulls… More like the Blue Fucks, amirite?”
● “The Hellions are all talk and no burn.” ● “The Gargoyles… More like the Fuckoyles, amirite?”
● “With love and light, anything is possible. We ● “The Hellions… More like the Fuckions, amirite?”
challenge [insert another team] to a Tournament ● “To the void with you folks. We challenge [insert
Match.” another team] to a Tournament Match.”

15 16
The Gargoyles
● “The Large Beast Experience is now back open for
visitors. We the Gargoyles played no part in that
regrettable death, the visitor should have known
● “Everybody could use a pet and companion.
Consider opening your home and your heart to a
beast today.
● “Light is no match for beastial power, silly Auroras.”
● “The Blue Skulls are just bones. We chew on bones.”
● “While we admire the Roughnecks dedication, we
will crush them at Antiball anytime anywhere.”
● “The Hellions… Those cheaters don’t have what it
takes to stand on the pitch and fight us.”
● “We will consume, gnash, and destroy. We challenge
[insert another team] to a Tournament Match.”

The Hellions
● “The Devil Dancers, the Hellions own cheer squad, is
performing at midnight on the main pitch.”
● “The ends justify the means. We can and will do
anything it takes to win."
● “The Auroras don’t understand true heat.”
● “The Blue Skulls… don’t cut yourself on that edge…”
● “The Roughnecks couldn’t hit the broadside of
Athabasus Station, let alone hit the net when we are
on the pitch.”
● “The Gargoyles can’t scare us with a bunch of silly An Esteemed Member of the Press
little creature. We’ll run circles around them!”
● “How well do you burn? We challenge [insert
another team] to a Tournament Match.”

17 18
● An impromptu and friendly practice match springs up
Everyone plays. They don’t call it Riot City for between our teams. Who wins?
● Somebody tries to start a brawl by punching you in
Ask each other: How do you look to me? What’s your the face. Do you respond in kind?
mood? ● We see a darkened room with shapes inside,
intertwined. Do we join them?
During the riot, anyone may ask anyone for details ● Smiling and laughing, some people are walking
about the location, participants, and circumstances. through Riot City without any shoes. Do we join
CONDUCTING THE RIOT ● A stall is open and unguarded, ripe for the picking.
Go around the circle. Each of you goes once. You go Do you smash in and take your fill?
● Someone has found some buckets of paint and an
On your turn, choose another player and a empty wall. What mural do we create together?
circumstance. Read it out loud and elaborate freely ● I sit alone by a fire and wrap bandages around my
together. wounds from the last match. Do you sit with me?
● Someone has drawn a blade on me and backed me
ENDING THE RIOT into a corner. Do you intervene or leave me to my
When everyone’s had a turn to introduce circumstances, fate?
and it’s comes back around to you for your second turn,
choose an end to the riot. Choose the one that best fits ● An Aurora strides up to us and tries to admonish us
the events up to that point. for something they think we did. Did we do it?
● Some Blue Skulls start an impromptu dirge circle and
After the riot, everyone loses 1 momentum. makeshift concert. Do we stay to watch, maybe even
join in?
ENDS ● A Roughneck has a massive cask of strange liquid
● One voice rises above the crowd, and everyone stops perched on top of where a stall once was. Do you try
in their tracks. Whose voice is it? it?
● Athabasus Station turns to expose Riot City to the ● A Gargoyle is leading a massive creature on a leash,
dawn. Everyone reluctantly heads home to sleep for giving everyone a ride who wants one. Do you get
the day. on?
● Everybody ends up just passing out wherever, ● Some Hellions are juggling flaming bits of a
leaving a peaceful sea of bodies and trash. destroyed stall back and forth. Do you stay to watch,
maybe even join in?
● New grudges are formed, and plans are set in place.
19 20
Conversation Over Drinks
Choose another player. Ask how you two came to be
● I boast about my Antiball skills. How do you
drinking together, and who else you’ve invited. respond?
Those players can accept or decline to join in. ● I compliment your playing in detail. Do you return
Ask each other: How do you look to me? What’s your the gesture?
mood? ● I’m feeling talkative. What do you want to know
about me? Do you just listen and let me ramble?
Anyone can ask for details about the setting, occasion, ● I tell a joke. Is it any good? Do you laugh anyways?
or circumstances whether or not they are in person. If
you are drinking in public, others may chime in as fans ● I hope you don’t bring — up. Do you?
or press trying to draw your attention. ● I need you to come clean about —. Do you?
● I accidentally spill the secret that —. I try to cover,
CONDUCTING THE CONVERSATION but do you pick up on it anyway?
On your turn, choose one or more of your ● I’m trying to keep you occupied while —. Am I able?
conversational partners and choose an action:
● I hope to complain with you about —. Am I able?
● Ask a topical question. ● I need you to reassure me about —. Will you?
● Engage in impromptu conversation. ● I hope to convince you that —. Can I?
● Pass, saying instead something about the drinks. ● I hope to get you to agree to do —. Can I?
● Leave the conversation, or signal that you’ll no ● I hope you don’t blame me for —. Do you?
longer be taking part.
Some Topics
The results of the latest Galactic Press or any other game
END THE CONVERSATION The bullshit referee call in your last Tournament match
End the conversation either when everyone has passed Locations to get some off the books Underdeck action
in a row, or when everyone has left the conversation Complaints about lack of privacy on Athabasus Station
but one.
Gossip from Riot City about who’s sleeping with who
If you feel that another player formed an understanding Recent allegations of cheating against one of the teams
of you over the course of the conversation, you may How you both got your start in the sport
give them a momentum when it is over.
What you plan to do after you retire
Your relationship with THEM

21 22
Entreat The Void CHANTS
Perform a ritual to gain THEIR attention. You BESEECH YOU! GIVE US YOUR BOUNTIES AND WE
may either perform it alone, or with another WILL AID YOUR PASSAGE THROUGH THIS WORLD!”
Decide if the ritual is being performed in public, perhaps ● “DARKNESS SURROUNDS ME, BUT I AM NOT
on a pitch, or in private, away from prying eyes. AFRAID!”
If performing the ritual with a partner, ask them: How ● “THE BELLS THE BELLS THE BELLS THE BELLS THE
do you look to me? What’s your mood? BELLS THE BELLS THE BELLS THE BELLS THE
Choose one other player to embody THEM. That player BELLS”
should describe how THEY manifest in the scene. Or, a chant of your choosing
During the ritual, anyone may ask anyone for details
about the location and circumstances. COSTS
● A friend or teammate will lose someone dear to
CONDUCTING THE RITUAL ● Your blood is taken to the Void Beyond, leaving you
Choose a chant and read it clearly and strongly out
loud. If performing the ritual with a partner, attempt to injured and drained.
speak it in unison if possible. While performing the ● You will be unable to sleep for weeks or even
ritual, describe how your bodies are intertwined. months.
When you have finished chanting, each player chooses ● 100 of your fans, selected at random, die suddenly.
any number of costs. When another player chooses a ● The light of the stars dims slightly.
cost, you may pay that cost for them instead. You must Or, ask for a cost from THEM
tell the player, but you may decide yourself if your
character tells their character. Why are you willing to
pay their cost for them? RESPONSES
● Pleasing parabolas wash over your body, and your
flesh feels renewed and rejuvenated.
After the players have paid any number of costs, THEY ● A million eyes peer at you from within your gullet.
choose a response. Then, each involved in the ritual You cough and only sight exits your mouth.
takes 3-6 momentum at THEIR discretion. Gain an ● A prickling sensation crawls from the floor, ever
eldritch mark to reveal your involvement with the slowly, up until it reaches out past your head. You
ritual. feel it growing ever higher, reaching for something
23 Or, whatever it is THEY desire to communicate 24
One On One PLAY
● I drive down the pitch, ball in hand. Spend 1
Choose one of the other players to be your momentum to keep up, otherwise get pushed aside.
opponent. Decide together how you came to be
standing alone on the pitch. ● I pretend to falter and bobble the ball. Spend 1
Both players should discuss: What grudge are you momentum to hold steady, otherwise fall for the
settling? What are you trying to prove? ruse.
● I shove my shoulder forward with my weight behind
Take 2 momentum from the stash. it. Spend 1 momentum to rebuff me, otherwise eat
the ground hard.
Ask each other: How do you look to me? What’s your
mood? ● I shove you aside and slam the ball towards the net.
Spend 1 momentum to block it, or get dunked on.
During the game, anyone can ask anyone for details ● I overreach slightly and you have an opportunity.
about the location and circumstances. If conducting the Spend 1 momentum to punish me, otherwise let me
game in public, they may react as the crowd, the press, recover.
or even be observing themselves.
● The ball is out in the open after a clash. Spend 1
momentum to seize it, otherwise give it up to me.
CONDUCTING ONE ON ONE ● Our blades clash as we forget the ball. Spend 1
The player with the least momentum begins by making momentum to go for a cut, otherwise bleed yourself.
a play. Thereafter take turns making plays, back and
forth. ● I have my blade’s wicked tip under your chin. Spend
1 momentum to stare defiant, otherwise submit.
After the third play, the buzzers come into play. ● We circle, a ball floating between us. What do you
Thereafter, you can call the buzzer instead of making a say?
play, whenever you choose.


Keep asking questions back and forth until one of the ● The sound rings out. I stop, panting heavily, and
answers ends the game. smile. Do you laugh with me?
Note that some of the plays might end the game, and ● The sound rings out. I pivot a foot and throw a wild
some of the buzzers might allow the game to continue, and desperate shot. Does it go in?
depending on the answer. ● The sound rings out. Your last goal has knocked me
to the ground. Do you help me back up?
If you feel that you end the fight injured, disgraced, or ● The sound rings out. We whirl around each other in
embarrassed, then tell the other player to take a
momentum from the stash. an almost dance. What do you say?
25 26
To bid, gather your momentum and hide it inside a cup
The crowd cheers and the Bells ring out. or in a hand. Leave some hidden, and select how many
Choose one of the other players to be your you wish to bid. At any time, you can ask how much
enemy on the Antiball pitch. THEY are watching. momentum your enemy has left in total.
Decide together how this match came about. Is this an
official Tournament match or off the books Underdeck Both players reveal their bids simultaneously. Whoever
play? bid more wins the benefit of that quarter. Both players
discard any momentum bid. On a tie, no one wins the
You and your enemy each gain 2 momentum from the quarter. Both players discard half their bid momentum,
stash. If it is a Tournament Match, Auroras and Blue rounded down.
Skulls both gain an extra momentum. If it is Underdeck
play, Roughnecks and Gargoyles both gain an extra If you have fewer momentum than your enemy has,
momentum. you can choose to bid 0 momentum. Otherwise, you
must always bid at least 1 momentum.
Ask each other: How do you look to me? What’s your
mood? Throw in the towel: Instead of bidding, you can
choose to throw the match. You might choose this
During the game, anyone can ask anyone for details option to preserve the momentum you have left.
about the pitch, the circumstances, or the conduct or
appearance of the teams. React as the crowd as
There are three ways that the match might end
CONDUCTING THE MATCH One of the teams throws in the towel. They lose.
The other players conduct the match.
One of the teams is reduced to zero momentum without
Take turns leading the teams through a series of bids throwing in the towel. They lose.
and vignettes. On your turn:
All four quarters are played to completion. Whoever
Choose a quarter based on the style of match and the won the most quarters wins, breaking ties to whoever
teams involved. has the most momentum left.
Have the teams bid, as on the next page. Take turns around the circle until one of these three
possibilities develops. When it does, the match ends.
Whichever team wins the bid, complete any actions in The victor chooses a benefit from the Winner’s Circle.
the quarter’s description and mark that they won the
quarter and they discard any momentum bid. Let them
narrate the outcome.
27 28
Cheating has a time honored place in the traditions of QUARTERS
the Tournament of Bells. Any team may cheat at any
time, even those just watching the game, by spending 2 ANY MATCH
momentum. Except for the Hellions, who only spend 1 ● The ball changes possession rapidly back and forth
momentum. as dark energies fling out across the pitch. The
winner of this bid keeps one of their momentum.
When you cheat, do one of the following:
● Goals are slammed back and forth in quick
One of the teams in the match takes a momentum. succession. The winner of this bid keeps one of their
Make one of the teams place their bid in the open, ● Blades clash and sparks fly as this quarter is
before the other player. dominated by combat. The winner of this bid keeps
Force a new quarter to be selected. one of their momentum.
● The crowd roars as a massive drive towards the net
is launched. The loser of this bid spends one extra
● The crowd goes wild! The winner takes 3 momentum
for each quarter they won, and the loser takes 1 ● Someone is injured. Play is paused as their body is
momentum for each quarter they won. dragged off the pitch. No one bids this quarter.
● Both teams are left beleaguered, injured, and
panting. A even match, it could have gone either
way up to the buzzer. No one takes any momentum.
● The Bells chime through the whole quarter, an
● A star is born or falls! Describe how the station’s auspicious sign. The winner of this bid keeps all of
opinions have changed for one of the characters on their momentum.
the winning team. The winner takes 2 momentum ● The crowd rises to their feat as a desperate throw is
from the stash for each quarter they won. made before the buzzer. Both teams keep their
● THEY were watching. And THEY are pleased. Both momentum from this bid.
characters involved gain another eldritch mark that ● The coaches call a timeout after a particularly brutal
marks their time in the match. Both take 2 play. Both teams take 1 momentum from the stash.
● A hush falls over the crowd as a player lies dead in
the centre of the pitch. The Bells ring hungrily. Every
single player takes 1 momentum.

29 30
● The crowd screams out for blood as blades flash in Someone is injured on the pitch, a perfect distraction.
the air. Someone on the losing team gets injured. The winner of this bid can cheat once for free next
● A fist fight breaks out between the coaches as play quarter.
ignores them. The winner of this bid keeps two of
their momentum.
● The unstable non-regulation ball explodes, injuring
the teams and even the crowd. The match ends
prematurely, and no one wins.

The Auroras
Shining light erupts as the station rotates into a new
dawn. The loser of this bid does not lose their

The Blue Skulls

Goal after goal is slammed into the net, utter
dominance is within your grasp. The winner of this bid
counts this quarter as 2 quarters when the match ends.

The Roughnecks
Play is fast and furious as nothing is held back by either
team. The winner of this bid gains 5 momentum.

The Gargoyles
A large slobbering beast has gotten onto the pitch. An Antiball Pitch
Teams must bid a minimum of 3 momentum this
quarter, and can only bid 0 if they have less than 3 left.

31 32
Practice Together QUESTIONS
● Sweat rolls down my face. Do you wipe it off?
Choose one of the other players to be your
partner for practice. Decide together how you ● Your mouth is close to my ear. What do you say?
two decided to practice together. ● I lose my footing on the pitch. Do you let me eat the
Other players can join freely, if it makes sense for their ground, or do you catch me?
characters to also be practicing. ● The movement of the game separates us. When it
brings us back together again, do you blush?
Ask each other: How do you look to me? What’s your
mood? ● Something about me catches your eye and your look
lingers. What is it?
During practice, anyone can ask anyone for details ● You have the opportunity to spill my blood on the
about the pitch and situation. Anyone may choose to pitch, just a flesh wound. Do you take it?
react as the crowd, the press, or just be observing
themselves. ● Hands and limbs entangle as we fall into a pile. Do
you avoid my touch or use the opportunity to
embrace me?
Take turns asking each other questions. Each of you ● My face is close to yours. Do you turn subtly toward
gets to ask the other two questions, taking turns, and me, or subtly away?
then the practice ends. ● You move in to tackle me. Do you linger after I fall?
If other players have joined, you each get to ask two ● Drill swords are passed out for safety. Do you look
questions in total, choosing which scrimmage partner relieved? Disappointed?
for each question. Take turns around the circle as the ● At this moment in the practice, you laugh. At what?
movements of the scrimmage bring you from partner to ● The coaches tell you to practice with someone else.
partner. Whom? When they send you back to me again, are
The player with the least momentum begins, choosing you pleased or frustrated?
their first partner and asking their first question. ● A lull in practice allows me to step close to you and
linger very near. Am I welcome?
ENDING PRACTICE ● I take a long swig from my water bottle and offer it
Once everyone has asked two questions, the practice to you. Do you take a drink?
ends. Everyone present takes 2 momentum from the ● I stand panting in a corner. Do you come over to
stash. encourage me or to scold me?
● When practice ends, will you walk with me to the
locker rooms?

33 34
Time Away From Crowds ADVANCE
● I reach for your hand. May I?
An intimate affair. Choose one or more of the
other players to be your partners in the liaison. ● I bring your fingertips to my lips. May I?
● I pull you close by your waist. May I?
Decide together how you came to be close in this ● I lean in to breathe on your cheek. May I?
private fashion.
● I tangle my hand in your hair. May I?
Ask each other: How do you look to me? What’s your ● I nibble on your ear. May I?
● I reach for your neck. May I?
During the liaison, anyone can ask anyone for details ● I scratch your skin with my nails. May I?
about the location and circumstances.
● I gaze longingly on your eldritch mark. May I?
● I wipe away blood and sweat. May I?
Converse as you like, naturally. During the conversation, ● I touch your —. May I?
anyone may, whenever they like, begin an exchange by ● I reach beneath your uniform and pads. May I?
making an advance. You are encouraged to incorporate
your own eldritch marks in your advances. The other ● I loosen my own pads or clothing. May I?
player then answers to conclude the exchange. Return ● I do not only touch, but kiss you, as above. May I?
to conversation or advance into the next exchange as
you like. ANSWERS
● You may.
NEVER TRULY ALONE ● You may, and also I [make an advance]. May I?
After the third exchange, one of you is asked to spend 1 ● You may, but first I want —. Can we?
momentum. If at least one spends, you may continue
uninterrupted. If all choose not to, the liaison has ● You may, but only for a moment.
ended. Choose whether you drifted away naturally, or ● You may, but only for a moment, then I pull back.
were interrupted and left wanting more.
● You may, but only for a moment, then I break off
and depart.
ENDING THE LIAISON ● You may, but at this moment we’re interrupted.
Continue your conversation and exchanges until you all
part, draw a curtain upon what follows, or you are ● You may, and let’s draw a curtain upon what follows.
interrupted. If you leave the liaison feeling relieved or ● You may not, but instead I [make an advance]. May
refreshed, take 1 momentum from the stash. I?
● You may not, and I retreat to a cautious distance.
35 ● You may not, and I break off and depart. 36
Listen To The Bells REVELATION
Only you play, and you play in silence. I
You may play this during any other game. DON’T
Read the revelation on the next page or meditate on WHAT
whatever topic you choose. THE
Look up and away from the other players until you are BELLS
finished. Do not speak out loud. Just think and digest SOUND
the revelation or topic fully. Lean back and listen to the LIKE
universe. What does it say in return?
Return your gaze to the other players once you have SEEMS
finished to let them know you are done. Look towards TO
each of them in turn.
Because of the revelation, there’s something about you, THEM
some detail of your mood, your actions, your WHAT
appearance, that everyone else might notice. Decide
what this change is. SHOULD
The next game you play, make sure to communicate the
detail you chose. DO
The Bells ring out. I
Closing Ceremony
Choose this game only when you wish to end,
and after you have gone around the circle at
least once.

The Tournament of Bells has come to an end.

All is still.

Whoever has the most momentum left wins the

Tournament of Bells and claims the title! In the case of
a tie, the other players vote and discuss to determine
the winner. The winner narrates and describes the final
ceremony where THEY bestow the title unto the
winning team.
See who has the least momentum. That player
narrates the state of Athabasus Station with the closing
of the tournament. Where does the station go?
Then, go around in a circle ending with the winner. Each
player may provide a short epilogue about their
character, their team, and any other relevant topics.
Take this opportunity to ask any questions you may

The Chord Nebulae will align again.

The Bells will ring out once more.
You cannot stop it.
THEY came to play ball...
39 40
The Cosmic Bells of
Athabasus Station
Athabasus Station floats lonely through space, until the
Chord Nebulae Align and everything changes. The
station explodes in life, an entire city is built whole
cloth, and through it all The Bells Begin To Ring.

Appendices Some say The Bells are just pleasant off-gasing from
the station’s engines and life support.
Some say The Bells were crafted by a single person
with a singular vision, one who never lived to see their
life’s work completed.
Some say The Bells are a gift from THEM, forged in the
upside-down fires of the Void Beyond and given to
humanity out of thanks for welcoming strangers with
open arms.
Some say The Bells were already here. Waiting.
Where they come from, none can deny that The Bells
exist. Large and imposing, they dominate the black sky
as brass constellations of sound. Their arrival signals
the beginning of the Alignment, and some locals to the
station even take to wearing ear plugs when they are
out and about.
But The Bells don’t bother you, a hardened veteran of
the pitch. You’ve seen, and heard, weirder things.
It’s okay, The Bells don’t mind.

41 42
Excerpts from the
Tournament Sanctions,
Third Edition
Below are a number of selected rules which govern the
official matches of the Tournament of Bells. Off the
books Underdeck Matches obviously do not happen
during Alignment, and as such these rules have little
bearing over those nonexistent and vicious challenges
of pride.
1.13.G “All Teams will arrive on the pitch with weapons
[Regulation Swords] in hand, and all must be able to be
manipulated and carried by a single Player. For More on
the definition of Regulation Swords, see Section 6:
Official Murder.”
4.67.X “The Ball must enter the Net to score a Goal. It
does not count if the Net enters the Ball”
3.21.A “Penalties shall be awarded for Mercy at the
sideline referee’s discretion.”
7.80.R “Coaches may not call a timeout if the Ball is in
motion, only when it is at rest.”
5.37.I “Play will not be paused in the event of the
following disasters occurring on the pitch: Wildfire,
Spaceship Crash, Meteor Shower, or Flooding. Play will
be paused for commercials as normal during the stated
0.00.A “Antiball is a game, played in matches. It is
nothing more, nothing less. It is only a game.”

43 44
Humanity ventured into
space, slowly finding it was
alone in the universe...

Until they came from behind

physics, and THEY CAME

Now we play! Play for the

ringing of the bells! Play for
the roar of the crowd! Play
for the love of ANTIBALL!

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