A2 Flyers Listening Part 1

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A2 Flyers Listening Part 1


This lesson plan has been designed to help students prepare for A2 Flyers Listening Part 1. This
lesson plan can be delivered face to face or online. The ‘online options’ column gives teachers ideas
about how the stages could be adapted for teaching online.

In this lesson students work through a series of stages in which they describe and respond to
descriptions of people. Completing the A2 Flyers Listening Part 1 activity builds familiarity with the
exam text and task.

Time required:
Materials  Handout 1 – Meet the Flyers
 Handout 2 – A2 Flyers Listening Part 1
 Audio recording – A2 Flyers Listening Part 1 exam
 Guess who? – https://poki.com/en/g/guess-who
 The A2 Flyers Listening Sample Paper and transcript can be
downloaded from:

Aims:  Practise listening for detail

 Identify people by listening to spoken descriptions of them
 Complete A2 Flyers Listening Part 1


Lesson Stages Online options

Greet students, introduce yourself and mime Ask students to turn on their webcam
something you’ve done since the previous lesson. when miming the activity.
Prompt students to guess what it is.
Ask for a volunteer to do the same, with the rest of
the class guessing. Encourage them to say, “Are
you [verb+ing]?”
In smaller classes repeat until all students have
introduced themselves. In larger classes, complete
in groups.

Meet the Flyers: Vocabulary challenge
Put students into groups containing a mixture of
ability levels.
Display the picture at the top of Handout 1 so
Use your platform’s whiteboard to display
everyone can see it. Ask what is pictured: students
the picture.
at school/college.
If students can draw on your whiteboard
Tell the groups they will have a competition: they
then you could name items from the
must list as many things as possible that are a
picture and choose students to race to find
certain colour.
them on the picture.
Start competition, with ‘blue’. After a minute:
Otherwise ask students to write the name
• Tell groups to count the number of items they of objects that are the specified colour, in
listed. the chat.
• Ask a student from the highest-scoring group
to point to their answers on the Handout 1 (to
check answers)
• Award points to teams.

Repeat with red, yellow/gold, and grey/silver.

Make this a lively, competitive activity, adding up the
scores at the end of each round.
Meet the Flyers: Who’s who?
Give a copy of Handout 1 to each student. Explain Share handouts with parents, or students
that as you describe the people in the picture, through your platform before the lesson.
students should write the names on the correct line in
Choose a student to circle the area on the
Handout 1 Part 2.
picture that gives each answer.
Read the descriptions (on Answers - Handout 1).
Give students time to think, compare answers with a
partner and write them.
Check answers.
Meet the Flyers: True or false
Tell students that you will say some statements If students are able to use their webcams,
about the picture on Handout 1. If a statement is: then demonstrate this activity using your
whiteboard and camera/microphone.
• True: they should stand with their hands in
the air. Otherwise use the statements to create a
• False: they should sit with their hands on quiz (https://kahoot.com/ for example).
their heads.

This could be done as a competitive activity, with the

last student(s) to get the correct answer in each
round eliminated (until there is just one left).
Read the following statements:
a) David is wearing spotted shorts. (False)
b) Holly is wearing spotted tights. (True)
c) Richard is looking at his laptop. (False)
d) Betty and Michael are wearing glasses.
e) Sarah has fair hair. (True)

f) Helen is picking up her sock. (False)
g) Emma is talking to Robert. (False)
h) William is carrying a book. (True)
i) Harry has something strange in his pocket.
j) The teacher looks angry. (False)

Meet the Flyers: Corrections

Write the incorrect sentences from the previous Create a shared document for each group
stage on the board. Ask students to work with a (https://docs.google.com/document)
partner and correct them. containing the false statements.
Check answers: Ask students to work with group members
to correct the statements.
• David is wearing spotted striped shorts.
• Richard is looking at his laptop mobile / Choose students to write the correct
phone / cell phone. statements in the chat and earn points for
• Helen is picking up her sock spotted glove. their team.
• Emma is talking to Robert George.
• The teacher looks angry happy / cheerful.

A2 Flyers Listening Part 1

Tell students that the A2 Flyers Listening Part 1 If students do not have safe access to a
exam tests how well they can understand webcam, then you can still do this activity
descriptions of people (which they’ve just been by encouraging students to do it at home,
practising). but giving them some thinking time before
you show them the correct action.
Elicit the names around the picture on Handout 2,
helping with pronunciation if necessary.
As you check each name, ask students to: Play the audio recording over your
platform – or share a link to the recording
- touch their head if it’s a girl’s name Jane, Sally,
with parents before the lesson and ask
them to get it ready.
- touch their ears if it’s a boy’s name Harry, William,
David, Richard
Ways of checking answers:
Explain that they’ll listen to two people talking
together. A girl and her grandma (or grandmother). If you are able to safely manage breakout
They’ll describe some of the people in the picture, rooms, then allow students to compare
but not all of them. answers there.
Tell students they will listen to the recording twice. Share answers in the group chat.
The first time they should circle all the people that
Ask for a volunteer to turn on their
are mentioned.
microphone and share their answers
4. Play audio recording (00:50 – 03:15) and check (choose a different person each time)
5. Tell students to listen again and draw a line from
the name to the person. Play the audio recording
(00:50 – 03:15).
6. Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
Play recording again if necessary, checking as a
whole class.

Speaking and writing (optional extension task)
Ask students to describe William. For example: This activity can be completed individually
– either during the class or as homework.
• William is wearing a brown hat.
• William is sitting. Ask parents to send you their child’s
• William has grey hair. True/False statements. Add them all to a
shared online document
Highlight that these are all true. Ask students to (https://padlet.com/ for example).
change them so they are false. For example:
When complete (you may need to correct
• William is wearing pink striped tights. their writing a little), share the link and ask
• William is playing volleyball. Etc. students to try and complete each other’s
activities by identifying which sentences
Give each group a sheet of paper. Ask them to write are true/false and making corrections.
10 sentences describing the picture in Handout 2 (or
as many as possible within a time limit). Some
should be true, others false.
Ask groups to swap pictures and descriptions.
Groups work to identify the true sentences and
correct the false ones.
Guess who? (optional extension task) Using the link, open Guess Who? on your
screen. Screen share on your platform.
Open Guess Who? on a screen that can be seen by
all students. Demonstrate play, asking students to
suggest questions and responses at each
2. Demonstrate how to play, asking students to
suggest questions and responses at each stage.
Share the Guess who? link and prompt
3. Share the Guess who? link with students, if you
them to play independently until winning
have access to safe devices in the classroom,
at least 3 games in a row.
challenging them to play until winning at least 3
games in a row. Otherwise tell them this is
something they can play at home.

Handout 1 | Meet the Flyers

Part 2 | Who’s who?

Handout 2 | A2 Flyers Listening Part 1

Answers: Handout 1 | Meet the Flyers
Read the descriptions to students:

Part 2 | Who’s who?

Robert William


Katy Sarah

Answers: Handout 2 | A2 Flyers Listening Part 1

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