Lesson Plan - Smart Start 1

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Week 23 (13/02 – 17/02/2023)

Date of planning: 30/01/2023

Date of teaching: 13/02 (1A1, 1A2), 16/02 (1A3)

Period 45 - Lesson 2 (page 46)

1. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recognize the /ɪ/ sounds.
1.1. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: letter I/i, vocab (insect, ink).
Sentence pattern: “This is an (insect)”.
Skills: Recognize the letter I/i and make the /ɪ/ sound.
1.2. Competences
Self-control and independent learning: Building up interests and good habits in learning English
Communication and collaboration: Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
Critical thinking and creativity: Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics
to be a life-long learner.
1.3. Attributes
Kindness: Knowing how to share joyfulness in singing together.
Diligence and Honesty: Being hardworking in studying.
Accountability: Becoming responsible for others.
2. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh 1 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs,
Flashcards, DCR, DHA, and ITS on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any),
PowerPoint slides.

- Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh 1 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook.
3. Procedures
A. Warm up (5 minutes)
Choose one of the following activities to do warm-up.
a. Objectives: Students can join in the game to recall the vocab in the previous lessons.
b. Content: Joining in the game to recall the vocab in the previous lessons.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment:
- Task completed with excellence: Students can join in the game to recall the vocab in the previous
lessons correctly and fluently.
- Task completed: Students can join in the game to recall the vocab in the previous lessons correctly.
- Task uncompleted: Students can join in the game to recall the vocab in the previous lessons but with
some difficulties.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Option 1: Write numbers and count things.
- Draw pictures of the same things (but different numbers of
things) in different areas of the board, e.g. One picture of - Join the game, write numbers and
two dogs, one picture of three cats, one picture of one count things.
- Have one, two or three students go to the board and write
the corresponding number next to each picture, e.g., number
2 next to the picture of two dogs, number 3 next to the
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picture of three cats…
- Have Class count the animals/ objects in each picture out
Option 2: Play the game “Matching”.
- Write the words/sentences on the board. - Follow and do as guided.
- Have students read the words/sentences on the board. - Read the words/sentences on the
- Give students flashcards. board, match the flashcards with the
- Have students match the flashcards with the words/sentences on the board and
words/sentences on the board and call out the call out the words/sentences.

B. New lesson
1. Task 1. Listen and repeat. Trace. (CD2 - Track 13) (6 minutes)
a. Objectives: Students will be able to listen, repeat, and trace letter I/i.
b. Contents: Listening, repeating and tracing letter I/i.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can listen, repeat, and trace letter I/i correctly.
- Task completed: Students can listen, repeat, and trace letter I/i.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in listening, repeating, and tracing letter I/i.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning
The alphabet (5’) https://
- Play the alphabet song and have students eduhome.com.vn/
listen. - Follow T’s guides. DCRSlide?
- Play audio again and sing the song. - Listen and sing all idThemeApp=338&i
- Put the flashcards on the board for the letters together and individually. dLevel=1&idtheme=
in red (i and j). 7&indextheme=8&id
- Point to each flashcard, call out the letter's ServerData=8&idLes
name, and have students repeat. son=32
Letter I
1- Listen and repeat. Trace.
Listen and repeat:
- Have students look at the letter. - Listen and repeat.
- Play audio. Have students listen and repeat all
together and individually. Correct student’s
pronunciation if necessary.
- Have some students demonstrate the activity
in front of the class. - Trace the letters I/i with
Trace: their fingers.
- Have students call out the letter sound. - Practice in class.
- Demonstrate the steps of tracing the letters
with your finger.
- Have students trace the letters with their
- Have some students demonstrate the activity
in front of the class.

2. Task 2. Listen and repeat. (CD2 - Track 14) (5 minutes)

a. Objectives: Students will be able to listen and repeat.
b. Contents: Listening and repeating.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
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- Task completed with excellence: Students can listen and repeat correctly.
- Task completed: Students can listen and repeat.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in listening and repeating.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning materials
2. Listen and repeat. https://eduhome.com.vn/
- Have students look at the picture, letter DCRSlide?
and word. - Listen to the audio idThemeApp=338&idLevel=1
- Play audio. Have students listen and and look at the &idtheme=7&indextheme=8&
point to the letter and word as they hear. pictures. idServerData=8&idLesson=32
- Have students listen and repeat all - Listen and repeat.
together and individually. Correct
student’s pronunciation if necessary.
- Have some students demonstrate the
activity in front of the class.
3. Task 3. Sing. (CD2 – Track 15) (6 minutes)
a. Objectives: Students will be able to sing the song in 3.
b. Contents: Singing the song in 3.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can sing the song in 3 correctly.
- Task completed: Students can sing the song in 3 but with minor difficulty.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in singing the song in 3.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning
3. Sing. https://
- Have students look at the lyrics and eduhome.com.vn/
pictures. - Listen and do as DCRSlide?
- Read the lyrics as a whole class. guided. idThemeApp=338&idLev
- Play audio, have students listen and point at el=1&idtheme=7&indext
the letters/words. - Listen, sing along, and heme=8&idServerData=8
- Have students listen and sing along. do the actions &idLesson=32
- Have students sing and make a gesture (of individually/ chorally.
an insect). - Sing the chant and
- Have some students sing and make the make a gesture (of an
gesture in front of the class. insect).

4. Task 4. Listen and clap. (CD2 - track 16) (6 minutes)

a. Objectives: Students will be able to listen and clap.
b. Contents: Listening and clapping.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can listen and clap correctly and nicely.
- Task completed: Students can listen and clap.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in listening and clapping.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning materials
D. Listen and clap. (CD2 - track 16) https://eduhome.com.vn/
- Demonstrate the activity. - Follow T’s DCRSlide?
- Have students stand up. instructions and do idThemeApp=338&idLevel=

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- Have students clap when they hear the 'i' the activity. 1&idtheme=7&indextheme=8
sound. - Join in the game &idServerData=8&idLesson=
- Have some students demonstrate the and practice. 32
activity in front of the class.

5. Consolidation and homework assignment (6 minutes)

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Consolidation (3 minutes)
Option 1: Game: “Slapping”
- Have students sit in a circle and place some flashcards in - Do as guided.
the middle of the circle. 
- Tell students to put their hands on their heads. 
- Shout out the letter/ word of one of the flashcards and - Race to touch the letter/word.
have the students race to touch it. The student who touches
it first get to keep the object. The student who has the most
flashcards at the end of the game is the winner. 
Option 2:
"Musical dictation" game
- Divide the class into teams.
- Have each team take out a pencil and a piece of paper.
- Play some music and have teams pass their pencil from - Do as guided.
one student to the next within the group.
- When the music stops, the students who have just received - Join in the game, try to write the word
the pencil write down on their paper what the teacher has when the music stops.
dictated to them (E.g., “insect”)
- Give the first team to write the word/sentence correctly
one point. The team that gets the most points win.

4. Reflection

Week 23 (13/02 – 17/02/2023)

Date of planning: 30/01/2023
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Date of teaching: 16/02 (1A1, 1A3), 14/02 (1A2)

Period 46 - Lesson 2 (page 47)
1. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recognize /dʒ/ sounds.
1.1. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: Letter J/j, Vocab (jump, juice).
Sentence pattern: “Everybody, Jump”.
Skills: Recognize the letter J/j and the sound /dʒ/ in words and produce them individually.
1.2. Competences
Self-control and independent learning: Building up interests and good habits in learning English
Communication and collaboration: Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
Critical thinking and creativity: Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics
to be a life-long learner.
1.3. Attributes
Kindness: Knowing how to share joyfulness in singing together.
Diligence and Honesty: Being hardworking in studying.
Accountability: Becoming responsible for others.
2. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh 1 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs,
Flashcards, DCR, DHA, and ITS on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any),
PowerPoint slides.
- Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh 1 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook.
3. Procedures
A. Warm up (5 minutes)
Play one of the two following activities to do warm-up.
a. Objectives: Students can join in the game to recall the letters and the words in the previous
b. Content: Joining in the game to recall the letters and the words in the previous lesson.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment:
- Task completed with excellence: Students can join in the game to recall the letters and the
words in the previous lesson correctly and fluently.
- Task completed: Students can join in the game to recall the letters and the words in the previous
lesson correctly.
- Task uncompleted: Students can join in the game to recall the letters and the words in the
previous lesson but with some difficulties.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning materials
(This step can be skipped when periods https://www.youtube.com/
1 and 2 are taught in only ONE watch?v=P56hZEhqFCw
session.) - Do as guided.
Option 1: Review. Singing.
- Have students sing the songs of letter - Try to sing and make
‘i’ again. the gesture of an ant.
- Have them sing and make the gesture
of an insect.
- Have some students sing and make
the gesture in front of the class.

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Option 2: Review. Clap.
- Call out a letter sound or a word with - Follow and do as
that letter. guided.
- Have students stand up and clap if
they hear the ‘i’ sound. - Join the game, stand up
and clap if they hear the
‘i’ sound.

B. New lesson
1. Task 1. Listen and repeat. Trace. (CD2 - Track 17) (10 minutes)
a. Objectives: Students will be able to listen, repeat, and trace the letter J/j.
b. Contents: Listening, repeating, and tracing the letter J/j.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can listen and repeat, trace letter J/j correctly.
- Task completed: Students can listen and repeat, trace letter J/j.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in listening and repeating, tracing letter J/j.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning
1. Listen and repeat. Trace. (CD2 - Track https://
17) eduhome.com.vn/
Listen and repeat: - Listen and repeat all DCRSlide?
- Have students look at the letter. together and individually. idThemeApp=338&idLev
- Play audio. Have students listen and repeat - Trace the letters J/j with el=1&idtheme=7&idLess
all together and individually. Correct their fingers. on=32&indextheme=8&i
student’s pronunciation if necessary. dServerData=8
- Have some students demonstrate the
activity in front of the class. - Pair work.
- Have students call out the letter sound.
- Demonstrate the steps of tracing the letters - Practice in class.
with your finger.
- Have students trace the letters with their
- Have some students demonstrate the
activity in front of the class.

2. Task 2. Listen and repeat. (CD2 - Track 18) (5 minutes)

a. Objectives: Students will be able to listen and repeat.
b. Contents: Listening and repeating.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can listen and repeat correctly.
- Task completed: Students can listen and repeat.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in listening and repeating.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning
2. Listen and repeat. (CD2 - track 18) https://
- Have students look at the picture, letter and eduhome.com.vn/
word. - Listen to the audio DCRSlide?

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- Play audio. Have students listen and point to the and look at the idThemeApp=338&id
letter and word as they hear. pictures. Level=1&idtheme=7
- Have students listen and repeat all together and - Listen and repeat. &idLesson=32&index
individually. Correct student’s pronunciation if - Trace and write the theme=8&idServerDat
necessary. letters. a=8
- Have some students demonstrate the activity in - Demonstrate the
front of the class. activity in front of the

3. Task 3. Sing. (CD2 – Track 19) (5 minutes)

a. Objectives: Students will be able to sing the song in 3.
b. Contents: Singing the song in 3.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can sing the song in 3 correctly.
- Task completed: Students can sing the song in 3 but with minor difficulty.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in singing the song in 3.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning materials
3. Sing. (CD2 – Track 19) https://eduhome.com.vn/
- Have students look at the lyrics and DCRSlide?
pictures. - Listen and do as guided. idThemeApp=338&idLeve
- Read the lyrics as a whole class. l=1&idtheme=7&idLesson
- Play audio, have students listen and =32&indextheme=8&idSer
point at the letters/words. verData=8
- Have students listen and sing along. - Sing and make the gesture.
- Have students sing and make a gesture
- Have some students sing and make the
gesture in front of the class.

4. Task 4. Listen and jump. (CD2 - track 20) (5 minutes)

a. Objectives: Students will be able to listen and jump.
b. Contents: Listening and jumping.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can listen and jump correctly and nicely.
- Task completed: Students can listen and jump.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in listening and jumping.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Digital learning materials
4. Listen and jump. (CD2 - https://eduhome.com.vn/
track 20) - Follow T’s instructions and DCRSlide?
- Demonstrate the activity. do the activity. idThemeApp=338&idLevel=1&
- Have students stand up.
- Have students jump when they idtheme=7&idLesson=32&index
hear the /dʒ/ sound. theme=8&idServerData=8
- Have some students demonstrate
the activity in front of the class.

5. Consolidation and homework assignment (6 minutes)

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Option 1: Review. Play the game “Listen and tap”.
- Write the letters and the words in different areas on the
board. - Do as guided.
- Divide the class into groups.
- Invite a student from each group to go to the board.
- Call out a letter sound or a word.
- The students will run and slap the letter or the word on the
board and say it loudly.
- The faster student will be the winner.
- Repeat the activity with other students.
Option 2: Review. Look, point, and say.
- Write “I/i, J/j, insect, ink, jump, juice” in different areas on
the board. - Do as guided.
- Show a phonics card to the class, covering the letter/ word - Point at the letter/ word (on the board)
on it. corresponding to the phonics card and
- Have students point at the letter/ word (on the board)
corresponding to the phonics card and call the letter/ word call the letter/ word out loud.
out loud.
- Repeat the activity with other phonics cards.

4. Reflection

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