Identification and Mitigation of Blackspots and Implementation of An Advanced Traffic Management System On NH-216A (A Spur of National Highway-16)
Identification and Mitigation of Blackspots and Implementation of An Advanced Traffic Management System On NH-216A (A Spur of National Highway-16)
Identification and Mitigation of Blackspots and Implementation of An Advanced Traffic Management System On NH-216A (A Spur of National Highway-16)
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
Abstract: As the population is increasing day by day the number of vehicles is also increasing. As the number of vehicles is
increasing, the number of accidents also increases. Analysis of previous data indicates that 66% of the accidents occur due to
human error and 33% due to road parameters such as road and vehicle interaction, other road users, and environmental factors.
Road safety has recently become a major concern in most modern societies. The identification of sites (black spots) that are more
dangerous from an accident point of view can help in better scheduling road safety policies. The study includes the collection of
accident data and prioritizing the accident-prone locations by using the Weighted Severity Index (WSI) method. This study
includes the identification of Accidental Black Spots and improving these Accidental Black Spots by using ATMS. This project
emphasizes accident studies on the National Highway-216A (Diwancheruvu to Siddantham) in East Godavari District, State of
Andhra Pradesh, India. So the main aim of this study is, therefore, to identify the major accident black spots on National
Highway -16 and mitigation of Accidental Black Spots by using Advanced Traffic Management System.
Keywords: Accident, National Highway, Black Spots, Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), Weighted Severity Index
A. Accidents
The increase in the number of motor vehicles is due to the growth of population and unconventional growth of technology and
economics. As mobility increases, the probability of accidents also increases. The basic elements in traffic accidents are road users,
vehicles, road and its condition, road geometry, and environmental factors, etc. The fatality rate is more in developing countries as
compared to developed countries.
The main cause of road accidents is drunken driving, careless and rash driving, over speeding, sudden braking, skidding, traffic
rule violation, sudden twists, and turns while driving, etc. Moreover, road accidents can affect 1% of the annual gross product
resources of developing countries.
Road accidents cannot prevent/stop, but by using suitable traffic engineering, safety plan, and management measures, the accident
rate can be decreased. One of the most important factors to reduce traffic is the identification of hazard locations. In recent years,
road safety and the rapid growth of traffic have become a major concern throughout the world. A road traffic accident is a major
As per the Road Accident Report for 2019, a total number of 4,49,002 accidents took place in the country during the calendar year
2019 leading to 1,51,113 deaths and 4,51,361 injuries. Road accidents in India kill almost 1.5 lakhs of people annually.
Accordingly, India accounts for almost 11% of the accident-related deaths in the World. It is estimated that the economic losses
due to road accidents in India are over Rs 100 billion per year. The identification of accident location, analysis, and treatment of
road accident black spots are widely regarded as one of the most effective approaches to road accident prevention.
B. Road Accident
Road Accident is an accident (collision, overturning, or slipping) that occurred or originated on a road open to public traffic
resulting in either injury or loss of life, or property damage, in which at least one moving vehicle is involved.
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 345
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
C. Accident Type
1) Fatal: An accident in which one or more persons are killed.
2) Major (Hospitalised): An accident in which none of the victims are killed however at least one person has sustained one or
more serious injuries such as fractures, internal body injury, severe general shock, unconsciousness and needs hospitalization
for medical treatment.
3) Minor (Not Hospitalised): An accident in which none of the victims were killed nor was any victim hospitalized. However, at
least one of the victims has a slight injury and requires first aid.
4) No Injury: An accident in which were harmed in any way and does not even require first aid. However, public or private
property may have been damaged and requires restoration.
D. Black Spot
A black spot is a place on a road that is considered to be dangerous because several accidents have happened there. Accidents
happened there because of a variety of reasons, such as sharp curves in a straight road, so oncoming traffic is concealed, the design
of junctions is not proper on a fast road, poor or concealed warning signs at a crossroads. Accident black spots can be improved by
improving the signage, speed restrictions, improving sightlines, straightening bends, etc. In Andhra Pradesh, in the last ten years,
33,922 accidents occur in which 10,727 people died and approximately 54,702 people were injured. It shows that every year in
Andhra Pradesh more than 1000 people died in road accidents. The major causes of road accidents in Andhra Pradesh are the
condition of roads are not good and also the rough driving is responsible for this.
1) Definition of Road Accident Black Spot as per MoRT&H: Road Accident Black spot is a stretch of National Highway of about
500m in Length in which either 5 road accidents (in all three years put together involving fatalities/grievous injuries) took
place during the last 3 calendar years or 10 fatalities (in all three years put together) took place during the last 3 calendar years.
2) Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS): A system of vehicle detectors, cameras, and communication systems is used
to monitor traffic, optimize signal timing, and improve the flow of traffic. The difficulties arising in controlling traffic
congestion have attracted the attention of many researchers to work in the areas of Advanced Traffic Management System
(ATMS). Intersections integrated with intelligent technologies have the potential to control traffic congestion and its
outcomes. Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) is an efficient and cost-effective solution to manage highway
traffic by collecting real-time information, processing, analysing, and finally providing the proper solution according to the
situation to the users. Various applications of the Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) are suggested which will
help to manage the traffic efficiently, reduce the traffic congestion on the study route and improve the road safety of the road
users. The study provides possible solutions for reducing traffic congestion through the application of the Advanced Traffic
Management System (ATMS). Broadly, the ATMS implementation shall cover the design, supply, installation,
commissioning, and operation and maintenance of Advanced Traffic Management Systems (which is one of the components
of Intelligent Transport System – ITS). The system would include outdoor equipment including emergency call boxes,
variable message sign systems, vehicle actuated speed system, meteorological data system, close circuit TV camera (CCTV)
system, traffic counting and classification system, mobile radio communication system, and transmission system. The indoor
equipment would comprise a large display board, central computer (with Network Management System – NMS), CCTV
monitor system, call center system, or management of emergency call boxes housed in a control center with uninterrupted
power supply.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
The methodology of the project is shown in the flowchart given below.
Fig.1 Methodology
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
B. Collection of Data
The data collected are 1
1) Accident Data Collection: The past 3 years (2018 To 2020) accident data is collected from the National Highways Authority of
India for the section of Diwancheruvu to Siddantham section (from Km. 901+500 to Km. 950+542). The analysed accident data
is represented in table 1:
Table 1
Road Accidents on NH-16 for the Section of Diwancheruvu to Siddantham
Total Major Minor
Year Fatalities
Accidents Injured Injured
2018 438 36 215 254
2019 371 35 171 325
2020 348 27 101 295
400 Total
2018 2019 2020
Fig. 3 Road Accidents on NH-16 for the section of Diwancheruvu to Siddantham
2) Traffic Volume Studies: The Traffic volume studies are carried out manually for one week by taking vehicle data for the section
of Diwancheruvu to Siddantham at Ethakota Toll Plaza. Daily vehicle details are noted in the datasheet shown in table 2. The
data is collected for different vehicles based on axle loads and are grouped for PCU.
Table 2:
Datasheet used for Conducting Traffic Volume Studies
Two Three Min Temp 2 3 M Cycle
Dat Car/Jee Bu r with Tracto Cycl
Wheel Wheel i o/ Axl Axl Axl Ricksha
e p s Traile r e
er er Bus LCV e e e w
The traffic volume studies are conducted at Ethakota Toll Plaza on both sides of the carriageway from 10.05.2021 to 16.05.2021
timing 24X7. The vehicle data is collected and presented in table 3.
Table 3
Traffic Volume at Ethakota toll Plaza (10.05.2021 TO 16.05.2021)
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
3) Speed and Delay Study: The speed and delay study was carried out by using the moving observer method from Diwancheruvu
to Siddantham (49.042 Kms) and Siddantham to Diwancheruvu (49.042 Kms) to find out the average journey speed presented
in table 3.4 and delay of the traffic stream is presented in table 3.5.
a) Speed Studies
Table 4
Speed Studies
Stretch Average Speed
b) Delay Studies
Delay Studies
Stretch Average Delay Time Reason for Delay
Traffic Signals at
Diwancheruvu to Siddantham 192 Seconds 1. Lalacheruvu Junction(62 Sec)
2. Morampudi Junction(130 Sec)
Traffic Signals at
Siddantham to Diwancheuvu 188 Seconds 1. Lalacheruvu Junction(62 Sec)
2. Morampudi Junction(126 Sec)
Fig. 4 Traffic Signal at Lalacheruvu Junction Fig. 5 Traffic Signal at Morampudi Junction
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
1) Weighted Severity Index (WSI): In this method, the weighted severity index is calculated based on the classification of accidents
as fatal, grievous injuries and minor injuries. Location having the highest severity index value is ranked first followed by the
rest. The concept of this method is that the fatality or injury crashes are given greater weightage than property damage-only
crashes. The data is analysed and the Black Spot locations as per the Weighted Severity Index (WSI) are presented in table 7.
Table 7
Black Spot Locations As Per The Weighted Severity Index (WSI)
Chainage Total
Total accidents Total Major Minor
Sl. Fatalities in
Location From in past injuries in past injuries in
No To Km. past
Km. 3 years 3 years past 3
3 years
1 Chemudulanka centre 929.780 930.330 48 6 35 26
2 Jonnada Ramp Centre 936.400 936.900 46 5 38 15
3 Gopalapuam center 947.200 947.560 42 3 28 30
4 Kadiyapu lanka Center 923.250 923.750 19 3 6 8
Govt J.R.Collage
5 940.770 941.270 46 2 21 30
center,RTC Ingate
6 Madiki centre 928.180 928.680 34 2 15 24
7 Mulastanam 932.850 933.350 52 1 33 30
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
Choppella Lakula
8 931.650 932.150 31 1 19 26
9 Vemagiri Junction 918.200 918.700 16 1 13 9
10 Ethakota center 945.050 945.550 41 0 14 34
11 Morampudi Junction 910.550 911.050 25 0 9 9
12 Choppella 931.120 931.620 20 0 14 13
13 Lalacheruvu Junction 907.750 908.250 14 0 3 5
1) The data collection involves Location details Road Features, Median opening details, Approach Road conditions, Intersection
details, and Pavement cross-sections.
2) Pavement condition involves Alligator cracking, Bleeding, Block cracking, Bumps and sags, Corrugations, Depressions, Edge
cracking, Joint reflections, Lane/shoulder drop-off, Longitudinal, and transverse cracking, Potholes, Rutting, Shoving, Slippage
cracking, Swelling, Ravelling.
3) Road Furniture condition involves the condition of Road Markings, Road Signs, Road Studs, Safety Barriers, Guard Posts,
Traffic Delineators, and Highway Lighting.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
Location Reasons for Black Spot Short Term Measures Long Term Measures
Road studs are not provided Opening at Km. 929+800
Un-Authorized Median Opening at Km. 929+800 to be closed.
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development
Junction improvement
(Densely Populated). Sign Boards to be provided
to be done as per IRC:
The Shelter lane is not provided for median as per IRC:67-2012.
SP:84-2014 and as per
opening at Km. 933+165. Road Markings to be
Jonnada There is a T-Junction at Km. 936+450. provided as per IRC:35-
Highway lighting to be
Ramp Centre Illegal parking’s at the shoulder side of the 2015.
Km. 936.400 Highway. Road Studs to be provided
Vehicular Under Pass
to Km. Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes as per IRC: SP:84-2014.
(VUP) should be
936.900 along the earthen shoulder. Encroachments to be
provided with a Service
Highway lighting is not provided. removed.
road of 7.5m on Both
Sign Boards not provided. Earthen Shoulder should be
Sides of the
Road Marking faded. repaired.
Road studs are not provided
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development Junction improvement
Sign Boards to be provided
(Densely Populated). to be done as per IRC:
as per IRC:67-2012.
The Shelter lane is not provided for median SP:84-2014 and as per
Govt Road Markings to be
opening at Km. 936+450. IRC-SP-41-1994.
J.R.Collage provided as per IRC:35-
There is an X-Junction at Km. 940+880. Highway lighting to be
center, RTC 2015.
Illegal parking at the shoulder side of the Highway. provided.
Ingate Road Studs to be provided
Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes Vehicular Under Pass
Km. 940.770 as per IRC: SP:84-2014.
along the earthen shoulder. (VUP) should be
to Km. Encroachments to be
Highway lighting is not provided. provided with a Service
941.270 removed.
Sign Boards not provided. road of 7.5m on Both
Earthen Shoulder should be
Road Marking faded. Sides of the
Road studs are not provided Carriageway.
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development Junction improvement
Sign Boards to be provided
(Densely Populated). to be done as per IRC:
as per IRC:67-2012.
The Shelter lane is not provided for median SP:84-2014 and as per
Road Markings to be
opening at Km. 947+560. IRC-SP-41-1994.
Gopalapuam provided as per IRC:35-
There is an X-Junction at Km. 947+560. Highway lighting to be
center 2015.
Illegal parking at the shoulder side of the Highway. provided.
Km. 947.200 Road Studs to be provided
Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes Vehicular Under Pass
to Km. as per IRC: SP:84-2014.
along the earthen shoulder. (VUP) should be
947.560 Encroachments to be
Highway lighting is not provided. provided with a Service
Sign Boards not provided. road of 7.5m on Both
Earthen Shoulder should be
Road Marking faded. Sides of the
Road studs are not provided Carriageway.
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development
(Densely Populated). Sign Boards to be provided
The Shelter lane is not provided for median as per IRC:67-2012.
opening at Km. 945+150. Road Markings to be
Junction improvement
Ethakota There is an X-Junction at Km. 945+150. provided as per IRC:35-
to be done as per IRC:
center Illegal parking’s at the shoulder side of the 2015.
SP:84-2014 and as per
Km. 945.050 Highway. Road Studs to be provided
to Km. Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes as per IRC: SP:84-2014.
Highway lighting to be
945.550 along the earthen shoulder. Encroachments to be
Highway lighting is not provided. removed.
Sign Boards not provided. Earthen Shoulder should be
Road Marking faded. repaired.
Road studs are not provided
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 352
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
Location Reasons for Black Spot Short Term Measures Long Term Measures
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development
Sign Boards to be provided
(Densely Populated).
as per IRC:67-2012.
The Shelter lane is not provided for median Junction improvement
Road Markings to be
opening at Km. 928+420. to be done as per IRC:
provided as per IRC:35-
Madiki center There is a T-Junction at Km. 928+515. SP:84-2014 and as per
Km. 928.180 Illegal parking at the shoulder side of the Highway. IRC-SP-41-1994.
Road Studs to be provided
to Km. Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes Highway lighting to be
as per IRC: SP:84-2014.
928.680 along the earthen shoulder. provided.
Encroachments to be
Sign Boards not provided. Pedestrian Guard Rails
Highway lighting is not provided. to be provided.
Earthen Shoulder should be
Road Marking faded.
Road studs are not provided
Sign Boards to be provided
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development
as per IRC:67-2012.
(Densely Populated).
Road Markings to be
The Shelter lane is not provided for median
provided as per IRC:35-
opening at Km. 931+900.
2015. Junction improvement
Choppella There is a T-Junction at Km. 931+900.
Road Studs to be provided to be done as per
Lakula centre Illegal parking at the shoulder side of the Highway.
as per IRC: SP:84-2014. IRC:SP:84-2014 and as
Km. 931.650 Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes
Encroachments to be per IRC-SP-41-1994.
to Km. along the earthen shoulder.
removed. Highway lighting to be
932.150 Highway lighting is not provided.
Earthen Shoulder should be provided.
Sign Boards not provided.
Road Marking faded.
Un-Authorized Median
Road studs are not provided
Opening at Km. 931+400
Un-Authorized Median Opening at Km. 931+400.
to be closed.
Junction improvement
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development Sign Boards to be provided
to be done as per IRC:
(Densely Populated). as per IRC:67-2012.
SP:84-2014 and as per
The Shelter lane is not provided for median Road Markings to be
opening at Km. 910+800. provided as per IRC:35-
Morampudi Highway lighting to be
There is a T-Junction at Km. 910+774. 2015.
Junction Km. provided.
Illegal parking at the shoulder side of the Highway. Road Studs to be provided
910.550 to Vehicular Under Pass
Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes as per IRC: SP:84-2014.
Km. 911.050 (VUP) should be
along the earthen shoulder. Encroachments to be
provided with a Service
Sign Boards not provided. removed.
road of 7.5m on Both
Road Marking faded. Earthen Shoulder should be
Sides of the
Road studs are not provided repaired.
Sign Boards to be provided
as per IRC:67-2012.
Illegal parking at the shoulder side of the Highway.
Road Markings to be
Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes Junction improvement
provided as per IRC:35-
Choppella along the earthen shoulder. to be done as per
Km. 931.120 There is a T-Junction at Km. 931+370. IRC:SP:84-2014 and as
Road Studs to be provided
9to Km. Highway lighting is not provided. per IRC-SP-41-1994.
as per IRC:SP:84-2014.
31.620 Sign Boards not provided. Highway lighting to be
Encroachments to be
Road Marking faded. provided.
Road studs are not provided
Earthen Shoulder should be
Kadiyapu There is a Built-up area with ribbon development Sign Boards to be provided Junction improvement
Lanka Center (Densely Populated). as per IRC:67-2012. to be done as per IRC:
Km. 923.250 The Shelter lane is not provided for median Road Markings to be SP:84-2014 and as per
to Km. opening at Km. 923+510. provided as per IRC:35- IRC-SP-41-1994.
923.750 There is a T-Junction at Km. 923+510. 2015. Highway lighting to be
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 353
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
Location Reasons for Black Spot Short Term Measures Long Term Measures
Illegal parking on the shoulder side of the Road Studs to be provided provided.
Highway. as per IRC: SP:84-2014. Vehicular Under Pass
Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes Encroachments to be (VUP) should be
along the earthen shoulder. removed. provided with a Service
Traffic flow against the laneway. Earthen Shoulder should be road of 7.5m on Both
Highway lighting is not provided. repaired. Sides of the
Sign Boards not provided. Carriageway.
Road Marking faded.
Road studs are not provided
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development
Junction improvement
(Densely Populated). Sign Boards to be provided
to be done as per IRC:
The Shelter lane is not provided for median as per IRC:67-2012.
SP:84-2014 and as per
opening at Km. 918+507. Road Markings to be
There is an X-Junction at Km. 918+500. provided as per IRC:35-
Vemagiri Highway lighting to be
Illegal parking on the shoulder side of the 2015.
Junction Km. provided.
Highway. Road Studs to be provided
918.200 to Vehicular Under Pass
Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes as per IRC: SP:84-2014.
Km. 918.700 (VUP) should be
along the earthen shoulder. Encroachments to be
provided with a Service
Highway lighting is not provided. removed.
road of 7.5m on Both
Sign Boards not provided. Earthen Shoulder should be
Sides of the
Road Marking faded. repaired.
Road studs are not provided
There is a Built-up area with ribbon development Junction improvement
Sign Boards to be provided
(Densely Populated). to be done as per IRC:
as per IRC:67-2012.
The Shelter lane is not provided for median SP:84-2014 and as per
Road Markings to be
opening at Km. 907+830. IRC-SP-41-1994.
provided as per IRC:35-
Lalacheruvu There is an X-Junction at Km. 907+825. Highway lighting to be
Junction Km. Illegal parking at the shoulder side of the Highway. provided.
Road Studs to be provided
907.750 to Highway lighting is not provided. Vehicular Under Pass
as per IRC: SP:84-2014.
Km. 908.250 Encroachments lying within ROW and bushes (VUP) should be
Encroachments to be
along the earthen shoulder. provided with a Service
Sign Boards not provided. road of 7.5m on Both
Earthen Shoulder should be
Road Marking faded. Sides of the
Road studs are not provided Carriageway.
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 354
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue V May 2022- Available at
A. The identification and analysis of accident black spots help in identifying the stretches where accidents are more and these spots
reduce road safety in general.
B. The spot-on road where traffic accidents frequently occur is termed as black spots. The current study was an attempt to find out
the most vulnerable accident locations or black spots on NH-16 in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. The Weighted
Severity Index (WSI) method was used to rank the accident locations. We have suggested some possible alternative measures to
improve the safety and effective transportation system.
C. The safety hazards are observed along project highways such as Un-Authorized Median openings, deficiencies in illumination
(Highway lighting), and Road furniture items. It is suggested that priority be given to improving the safety at Median opening
and Junction locations. The suggested priority action plan is to improve the road markings, develop the Junctions, improve the
visibility of signage and maintain them in good condition.
D. The implementation of the Advanced Traffic Management system is started on NH-16 from Anakapalli to Gundugolanu. We
are meeting the officials of the NHAI and the Concessionaire of the study stretch in that meeting they said that the
implementation will be completed by the end of 2021 and the Advanced Traffic Management System is available from 2022 in
the project stretch.
I would like to express my gratitude to the management and Principal sir Professor. P V Surya Prakash M-Tech (PhD), Pydah College of
Engineering, for their encouragement.
I would also like to thank the Head of the Department B. Ramesh M-Tech, for his support and encouragement for doing this work.
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