Date of Issuance Name of Head of Procuring Entity Position Name of Procuring Entity Address
Date of Issuance Name of Head of Procuring Entity Position Name of Procuring Entity Address
Date of Issuance Name of Head of Procuring Entity Position Name of Procuring Entity Address
Contract ID:
Contract Name:
Location of the Contract:
Date of Issuance
Dear Sir/Madame:
Supplementing our Organizational Chart for the abovestated Contract, we submit, and certify as
true and correct, the following information:
1. We have engaged the services of the following key personnel to perform the duties of the
positions indicated in the abovestated Contract if it is awarded to us:
2. We submit the enclosed Curriculum Vitae and Affidavits of Commitment to Work on the
Contract of these key personnel.
3. We ensure that the abovementioned personnel shall employ their best care, skill, and ability
in performing the duties of their respective positions in accordance with the provisions of the
Contract, including the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Drawings, and that they
shall be personally present in the jobsite during the period of their assignment in the
4. In the event that we choose to replace any of the abovementioned key personnel, we shall
submit to you in writing at least fourteen (14) days before making the replacement, for your
approval, the name and biodata of the proposed replacement whose qualifications shall be
equal to or better than that of the person to be replaced.
Department of Public Works and Highways
Contract ID:
Contract Name:
Location of the Contract:
5. We understand that any violation of the abovestated conditions shall be a sufficient ground
for us to be disqualified from this Contract and future biddings of the DPWH.