Enacovid Proposed Project For: Providing Health Care Services For Vulnurable Populations in South West Nigeria

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PROJECT TITLE : Medical Outreach / Street Education .

PROJECT TYPE : Direct Service, Street Based

SPECIALIZATIONS : Health Talk (On hygiene, Vital Signs , Prevention of

future prevalence ), vital signs check and First-aid
Training and Referrals for medical consultation.


Director of South West Programs and Education

PROPOSED AMOUNT : N60,000,000.00


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ECACOVID will be embarking on Medical Outreach / Street Education activities in all Geo
political Zones of Nigeria a s f u l f i l l m e n t o f t h e m a n d a t e o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n .
Our mandates include liaising with local, national and international Ngo’s for the purpose of
advancing the course of providing health care for people. The supports of individuals and
corporate donors are therefore very crucial in order to effectively deliver the much needed
Medical Outreach / Street Education program and other needed services to all the
geopolitical zones in Nigeria. These are necessary to the future preparedness for pandemic as
our great country is recovering from the Covid 19 Pandemic. We will educate the societies more on
how to protect themselves as its imperative that we cannot go back to the way we did things before
the pandemic. We will therefore emphasize on the basic public health measures for the prevention
of Covid 19. We also have to be vigilant by checking the vital signs of Vulnerable ones who are at
disadvantage of assessing health centers and referring them to the hospitals if necessary

Through the ENACOVID Education and Medical outreach we will increase the course of
providing health care for people, educate the people on preventive measures of
malarial and extremely bad vital signs. We will also give basic education on water
related disease and preventions.


The Outreach and Education provides counseling and non-formal education to

Nigerians in all the geopolitical zones in Nigeria. Through twenty-one (21) trained
young professionals and social workers working as educators and counselors,
Nigerians will

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Be assisted through direct access to basic social services which includes counseling,
basic literacy, health care, and referral services.

Through the Medical Outreach and Education Program, Nigerians hopes to

achieve the following outcomes:

1. Develop knowledge and attitudes to protect themselves from water

related disease through their participation in Educational Program
2. Victims of high blood pressure, temperature, high or Low Sugar level
shall be tested advised on preventive measures, natural management
and referred to hospital if necessary.
3. Nigerians shall be educated on the rule guiding the prevention of COVID
19, the sign and symptoms.

4. Nigerians shall be educated on the preventive measures of Malaria as it

has high prevalence in Nigeria.

5. Nigerians will learn how to access basic/medical health services when

needed and will show significant improvements in their health condition;

6. Provision of alternative education sessions and other learning

opportunities shall include;

(I) Skills Training and Development

workshops/trainings on skills development shall be organized to the youth (i.e.,
singing, dancing, acting, sports skills, etc.) to help them further improve their talents
and/or enable them to learn new skills necessary to help them relate more
effectively with others and also to increase their self-confidence. Volunteers and/or
educators who have undergone training on enhancing identified creative/artistic
skills will be invited/requested to facilitate these sessions among the youth.

(II) Vocational / Technical Service Skills Training

Vocational Training will be given the youth to enable them become self-reliant (not
requiring a high school degree) for self- employment necessary to help them earn a
living . Training sessions will be conducted on the streets or in a place/venue near
the area where they normally stay. Resource persons (from technical/vocational
training institutions) will be invited to facilitate training sessions on courses such as
car washing, housekeeping, cosmetology, reflexology, etc.

7. Health/Medical services

Health education
Referrals for medical consultation, psychological tests, dental check-ups
First-aid treatment
Assistance for hospitalization
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Laboratory tests and X-rays
Provision of medicines

The Nigerians in need of health/medical assistance will be assisted through the

Mobile Health Clinic or referral to public health centers/ hospitals. They will be
interviewed using the Health Screening Tool (HST) by the Street Educators/Social
Workers and/or Junior Health

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Workers (JHWs)2, and shall be examined by the Mobile Health Clinic physician.
They will be provided medical/health assistance (i.e., first aid treatment, provision of
medicines, referral to a health center or public hospital, and others) based on the
identified health/medical problem.

8. Psychosocial Interventions

Appropriate psychosocial interventions people in distress Case

Individual and group counseling
Referrals to appropriate agencies for rehabilitation and continuing

IV.Project Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

The Program Manager of the project will be in-charge of the projects' daily
operations under the direct supervision of the President/Executive Director. The SE
Program Manager will directly supervise and monitor the activities of the
Educators with the help of two (2) social work supervisors. Monitoring, assessment
and evaluation of the program activities will be carried out through the following: (1)
Submission by the Street Educators of monthly accomplishment reports,
attendance records , activity feedback reports, case studies/summaries, completed
intake forms; (2) Supervisory conferences with SE's respective supervisors; (3)
Monthly program staff meetings and quarterly program staff and supervisors'
meetings; (4) Regular area monitoring visits; and (5) Review/analysis of documents
submitted by street educators.


CHAP subscribes to the perspective that sustainability is defined as not only the
availability of financial resources, but also the extent of public support and credibility
generated from other civil society groups and corporations. The sustainability of the
program is anchored on the following:
 Development and enhancement of knowledge, attitudes and capabilities, and
the empowerment of street educators, the partner NGOs, the LGUs, and
other civil society groups
 Continued partnership with the different civil society groups, other NGOs,
some corporations, and local and national government agencies as well as
active involvement and participation in different networks that promote the
rights of Nigerians, especially the vulnerable ones and improve existing
programs and services for street and urban poor Nigerians.

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 Need for provision of capacity building means of transportation and training
among staff in order to develop and enhance their skills and knowledge, as
well as leadership potentials, to be able to provide efficient and effective
services among the street children in Metro Manila.
 Continued generation of other resources through existing resource
mobilization and fundraising activities at the international and local levels.

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Proposed Budget Amount
(in Naira)
A. Sessions on Alternative Education (ALT ED) and FOCUSED
Meal allowance for 300 street children in 40 sessions / classes 15,500.00
B. Psychosocial Interventions for 300 Street Children 3,600.00
C. Vocational Technical / Service Skills Training for 30 street 3,500.00
C. Professional Fee of One (1) Street Educator 5,600.00
D. Professional Fee of One (1) Social Worker 5,700.00
E. Partial Professional Fee of One (1) Database Officer 2,300.00
E. Physical and Sports Activities (including food and 2,000.00
transportation allowance and funds for Annual Sports Festival)
F. Supplies for 300 street children participants of Educational 700.00
Assistance Program and Alternative Learning System
Grand Total: 38,900.00

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