Final Demo - Revising A Creative Nonfiction Text Based On A Critique
Final Demo - Revising A Creative Nonfiction Text Based On A Critique
Final Demo - Revising A Creative Nonfiction Text Based On A Critique
Revising a Creative Nonfiction Text Based on a
Prepared by:
Rosela B. Gayan
BSEd English 4B
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Creative Nonfiction (Grade 12)
I. Objectives
At the end of the instruction, the students will be able to:
1. Identify the tips to optimize feedback from teacher or peers in revising.
2. Apply comments to one’s own work.
3. Discern which comments to use in revising.
4. Revise a literary piece based on critique.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Revising a Creative Nonfiction Text Based on a Critique
b. References: Quipper School, Creative Nonfiction, General Academic Strand,
Humanities and Social Sciences
Benedict, Carol. “Guidelines for Nonfiction Critiques.” The
Writing Place. September 28, 2009.
nonfiction -critiques/.
Lumen Learning. “Revising and Editing.” Lumen Learning.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
“Good morning, everyone! I hope you are all (A student will lead the prayer)
well today. Before we start the class, let us
pray first.”
2. Greetings
“How is everyone?”
4. Passing of Assignment
5. Review
“Can you read the objectives, anyone? Please Student: At the end of the discussion, I will be
try to read it as you own them.” able to:
• Identify the tips to optimize feedback • Identify the tips to optimize feedback
from teacher or peers in revising. from teacher or peers in revising.
• Apply comments to one’s own work. • Apply comments to one’s own work.
• Discern which comments to use in • Discern which comments to use in
revising. revising.
• Revise a literary piece based on
• Revise a literary piece based on critique.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Prepare
Points to remember:
Writing Tip
3. Ask
Writing Tip
C. Generalization
D. Application
Am I clear with the instructions? Do you have Student answers if yes or none
questions or clarifications?
1. It is a part in the writing process that allows the revisiting of the text often as a result of
feedback from peers and/or the teacher to improve and enhance the writing
a. Pre - writing
b. Drafting
c. Revising
d. Proofreading
2. It is reading to identify the gist or main point of the comments or the critique.
a. Scanning
b. Skimming
c. Intensive reading
d. Extensive reading
3. To become an effective communicator and scholarly writer, you must hear from your
audience, specifically your teachers. This means that….
4. A criticism of your writing is not a criticism of your personality. This means that….
5. A tip to optimize feedback that allows you to take charge of your revisions by asking certain
a. Prepare
b. Scan
c. Skim
d. Ask
6. Addressing all of the concerns and comments on your work is impossible in how many
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
7. If available, you can always refer to this if you are still not sure what points to prioritize in
revising your work.
a. Checklist
b. Rubric
c. Rating Scale
d. Portfolio
8. Revision of your work starts in the introduction and conclusion, paragraph organization, and
idea development.
9. Revising your work include grammar, spelling, sentence, and style revisions.
10. When revising, you have to manage your time wisely to ensure that you have time
for ͟_________ and _________.
Teacher’s Feedback
Key for Correction
IV. Evaluation
1. c
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. d
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. b
10. c