Summative Test in Physical Science 11

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NAME: _______________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _________ SCORE: _______

INSTRUCTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the shape of the earth as described by modern astronomy?

a. Ellipsoid b. Hyperboloid c. Oblate paraboloid d. Oblate spheroid

2. Which of the following ancient Greek philosopher computed for the circumference of the Earth?
a. Anaxagoras b. Pythagoras c. Eratosthenes d. Aristotle

3. Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations used a primitive version of a sundial, called ______, in systematically observing the motion of
the sun.
a. Gnomon b. Clock c. Meter stick d. Telescopes

4. A star is composed of ________.

a. helium and oxygen b. nitrogen and helium c. hydrogen and helium c. helium only

5. It is a process in which the nuclei of atoms combine to form a heavier element and release energy.
a. hydrogen fusion b. helium fusion c. thermonuclear fusion d. nuclei fusion

6. A greek philosopher that lay down the foundation of motion.

a. Aristotle b. Galileo c. Erastostenes d. Phytagoras

7. It is the push or pull of an object.

a. Energy b. Force c. Mass d. Inertia

8. Author of the book that explained motion

a. Aristotle b. Galileo c. Erastostenes d. Phytagoras

9. It is the bending of light.

a. Reflection b. Refraction c. Diffraction d. Rarefraction

10. It is the bouncing back of light.

a. Reflection b. Refraction c. Diffraction d. Rarefraction

INSTRUCTION: Give the answer that corresponds to the given question. Write your answer on the space provided before the

_____________1. It is the small part within the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes are sensitive to and can detect.
_____________2. Light that has the least energetic because it has the least frequency.
_____________3. Light that has the highest frequency and most energy.
_____________4. It states that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence for all wavelengths and for any pair of
_____________5. The the famous scientist that proposed the Special Relativity Theory.
_____________6. Albert Einstein’s formula that says that every mass has an equal amount of energy.
_____________7. A special type of reference frame which means that the observer on it is at rest and not accelerating.
_____________8. Proposed that sun is the center of the universe.
_____________9. A German-born British astronomer who discovered the planet Uranus.
_____________10. The nearest star from the Earth.


1. What is the difference between Solar and Lunar Eclipse? (2 points)

2. Explain the Law of Reflection. (2 points)
3. Draw and label how lights reflects from a mirror surface. (6 points)

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