Physical Science

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Elements heavier than beryllium are formed through stellar nucleosynthesis.

Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process by which elements are formed within stars. The
abundances of these elements change as the stars evolve.
Evolution of Stars
The star formation theory proposes that stars form due to the collapse of the
dense regions of a molecular cloud. As the cloud collapses, the fragments contract to form a
stellar core called protostar. Due to strong gravitational force, the protostar contracts,
and its temperature increases. When the core temperature reaches about 10 million K,
nuclear reactions begin. The reactions release positrons and neutrinos which increase
pressure and stop the contraction. When the contraction stops, the gravitational
equilibrium is reached, and the protostar has become a main sequence star.
In the core of a main sequence star, hydrogen is fused into helium via the proton-
proton chain. When most of the hydrogen in the core is fused into helium, fusion stops, and
the pressure in the core decreases. Gravity squeezes the star to a point that helium and
hydrogen burning occur. Helium is converted to carbon in the core while hydrogen is
converted to helium in the shell surrounding the core. The star has become a red giant.

When much of the helium in the core has been converted to carbon, then the rate
of fusion decreases. Gravity again squeezes the star. In a low-mass star (with mass less
than twice the Sun’s mass), there is not enough mass for a carbon fusion to occur. The
star’s fuel is depleted, and over time, the outer material of the star is blown off into space.
The only thing that remains is the hot and inert carbon core. The star becomes a white

When the majority of the helium in the core has been converted to carbon, then the
rate of fusion decreases. Gravity again squeezes the star. In a low-mass star (with mass less
than twice the Sun’s mass), there is not enough mass for a carbon fusion to occur. The
star’s fuel is depleted, and over time, the outer material of the star is blown off into space.
The only thing that remains is the hot and inert carbon core. The star becomes a white
However, the fate of a massive star is different. A massive star has enough mass
such that temperature and pressure increase to a point where carbon fusion can occur. The
star goes through a series of stages where heavier elements are fused in the core and in the
shells around the core. The element oxygen is formed from carbon fusion; neon from
oxygen fusion; magnesium from neon fusion: silicon from magnesium fusion; and iron
from silicon fusion. The star becomes a multiple-shell red giant.
The fusion of elements continues until iron is formed by silicon fusion. Elements
lighter than iron can be fused because when two of these elements combine, they produce a
nucleus with a mass lower than the sum of their masses. The missing mass is released as
energy. Therefore, the fusion of elements lighter than iron releases energy. However, this
does not happen to iron nuclei. Rather than releasing energy, the fusion of two iron nuclei
requires an input of energy. Therefore, elements lighter than and including iron can be
produced in a massive star, but no elements heavier than iron are produced.
When the core can no longer produce energy to resist gravity, the star is doomed. Gravity
squeezes the core until the star explodes and releases a large amount of energy. The star
explosion is called a supernova.

LEARNING COMPETENCY: Describe the evidence of Big Bang theory.

Activity 1. Cosmic Connection: Jumbled UNIVERSE

Identify the jumbled words being presented below. Write the CAPITAL LETTER on
the space provided.
___ ____ _______
______ ______
____ _________
_______ ___ _____


_____ _____ _______

Activity 2. Putting it All Together

Read the selection and carefully answer the questions that follow.


Just like living things and humans, stars have a life cycle, which consists of
birth, growth, development, middle age, old age, and death. The life cycle of a star
spans over billions of years. All stars start as a nebula. A nebula is a large cloud of gas
and dust. Gravity can pull some of the gas and dust in a nebula together. The
contracting cloud is then called a protostar. A protostar is the earliest stage of a star’s
life. A star is born when the gas and dust from a nebula become so hot that nuclear
fusion starts. Once a star has “turned on” it is known as a main sequence star. When
a main sequence star begins to run out of hydrogen fuel, the star becomes a red giant
or a red super giant.

After a low or medium mass or star has become a red giant, the outer parts
grow bigger and drift into space, forming a cloud of gas called a planetary nebula.
The blue-white hot core of the star that is left behind cools and becomes a white
dwarf. The white dwarf eventually runs out of fuel and dies as a black dwarf.

A dying red super giant star can suddenly explode. The explosion is called as
supernova. After the star explodes, some of the materials from the star are left
behind. This material may form a neutron star. Neutron stars are the remains of
high-mass stars. The most massive stars become black holes when they die. After a
large mass star explodes, a large amount of mass may remain. The gravity of the
mass is so strong that gas is pulled inward, pulling more gas into a smaller and
smaller space. Eventually, the gravity becomes so strong that nothing can escape, not
even light.
Activity 2.A. Identify the letter that corresponds to the correct order as shown in the
illustration below. Write your answer on the space provided.

__________1. Black Hole

__________2. Supernova
__________3. Protostar
__________4. Gravity causes this to condense into a protostar
__________5. Main sequence star
__________6. When a star begins to run out of fuel and grows larger
__________7. Neutron star

Activity 2.B. Fill in the graphic organizer based on the given selection.


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