Combat Equipment

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As wars continue to flare across the Inner
Sphere and Clan homeworlds, every faction
pushes forward with new military
developments, fielding cutting-edge
equipment, from new personal weapons to
battle armor and ProtoMechs.

Combat Equipment ™ is a companion

volume to both Classic BattleTech ® and
Classic BattleTech RPG ™. Providing a plethora of new tools for
the battlefield, Combat Equipment also contains a rules expansion
allowing players to build non-combat vehicles from
buses to trains and large atmospheric craft to
super-large wet navy vessels. Also included: a
full technical readout section detailing fourteen
new battle armor designs in various stages of
prototype development; eight new ProtoMechs;
and pre-printed record sheets for the battle
armor and ProtoMech designs.


ALL THE GUTS, ARMOR AND COMBAT GARB 24 4. Determine Chassis/
NONE OF THE GLORY 4 Personal Armor 24 Control Weight 90
INTRODUCTION 7 Infantry Armor Kits 24 Chassis and Control Types 90
PERSONAL WEAPONS 8 Concealable Armor 26 Chassis and Controls
Melee Weapons 8 Aerie Light Power Armor 28 Modifications 97
Stun Staff 8 Afreet 30 5. Install Engine
Clan “Medusa” Whip 8 Clan Battle Armor 32 and Transmission 102
Ranged Weapons 10 Corona 34 Fuel Tanks and
Hawk Eagle Automatic Pistol 10 Golem 36 Consumption Rates 102
Martial Eagle Machine Pistol 10 Grenadier 38 Engine and Transmission 104
Ebony Assault Rifle 10 Hauberk Battle Armor 40 6. Add Other Equipment 106
Mauser 1200 Light Kobold 42 Add Armor 106
Support System 10 Nighthawk Power Armor (Light) 44 Add Weapons
Mauser IIC Infantry Phalanx 46 and Ammunition 110
Assault System 11 Rottweiler 48 Determine Crew
“Avenger” Crowd Tornado Power Armor (Light) 50 Requirements 111
Control Weapon 11 Trinity 52 Additional Crew 112
Sea Eagle Needler Pistol 12 Void Battle Armor 54 7. Complete Record Sheet 112
Gauss Submachine Gun 12 PROTOMECHS 56 EQUIPMENT 116
“Buccaneer” Boarding Gel Gun 12 Using ProtoMechs in CBT: RPG 56 Backhoe 116
LGB-46R “Paint Gun” Entering/Exiting ProtoMechs 56 Bays 116
Engineer’s Tool 12 ProtoMech Movement 56 Bay Door 117
Radium Sniper Weapon 13 ProtoMech Piloting Skill Checks 56 Bridgelayer
Rocket-Assisted Grenade (RAG) 13 ProtoMech Weapon Attacks 56 (Light, Medium, Heavy) 117
“Spitball” Gas Capsule Pistol 14 ProtoMech Physical Attacks 58 Bulldozer 118
Support Weapons 14 ProtoMech Damage 58 Cargo 118
“Bearhunter” Superheavy Special Case Rules CASE 118
Autocannon 14 for ProtoMechs 58 Chainsaw 118
“David” and “King David” Assigning ProtoMechs in Combine 119
Man-Portable Light CBT and CBT: RPG 61 Communications Equipment 119
Gauss Rifles 15 Erinyes 62 Concealed Weapon 119
“Firedrake” Incendiary Cecerops 64 Docking Units 119
Support Needler 15 Orc 66 Dual Saw 120
Man-Portable Plasma Rifle 16 Procyon 68 Dumper 120
’Mech Taser Rifle 16 Chrysaor 70 Ejection Seat 120
Weapon Accessories 17 Basilisk 72 Escape Pod 121
ISR-71G “Tripwire”/ISR-93TX Triton 74 External Stores Hardpoint 121
“Roundhouse” Cornershot 17 Delphyne 76 Field Kitchen 121
Sniper Gyrostabilizer 18 AND RULES 78 Flight Deck 121
M-11J “Cloaking Device” 18 Drugs 78 Heat Sinks 122
Munitions 19 Alcohol and Narcotics 78 Heavy-Duty Pile Driver 122
Personal Ammo Weights 19 Performance Enhancers 81 High-Res Image Camera 122
Radioactive Tracker Rounds 19 Booby Traps and Triggers 82 Helipad 123
Gauss-Delivered Combat Medipacks 84 Infrared Imager Camera 123
Payload Canisters 20 Vehicular Dropchutes 85 Ladder 123
Air-Burst Mortar Munitions 20 SUPPORT VEHICLE Lifeboat (Maritime) 123
Guided Mortar Munitions 20 CONSTRUCTION RULES 86 Lift Hoist 124
Air-Burst Rifle Munitions 20 Overview 86 Look Down Radar 124
Guided Gyrojet Munitions 21 1. Determine Chassis Type 86 Manipulator 124
Mines and Minefields 21 2. Determine Size Class MASH Unit 124
Land Mines 21 and Weight 88 Mine Dispenser
Sea Mines 22 3. Determine Equipment Rating 88 (Land or Maritime) 124
Space Mines 22


Minesweeper Production Staff And of course, the near and dear Rebec-
(Land or Maritime) 125 Art Direction ca “Beckie” J Beas (who still wonders exactly
Mining Drill 125 Randall N. Bills when “soon o’clock” is); the “Herblet Five”
Mobile Field Base 125 Cover Art (of course): Tribble, Annie, Oscar, Meggie,
Paramedic Equipment 126 Franz Vohwinkel and Merlin; and last but not least, my good
Quarters 126 Cover Design friend and creative companion, caffeine.
Pintle Mount 126 Jason Vargas
Power Amplifiers 126 Layout Joel Agee, Daniel “Cannonshop” Ball, Ron
Refueling Drogue 127 Jason Vargas “Steel Hawke” Barter, George “Skyhigh” Blouin,
Remote Sensor Dispenser 127 Illustrations Charles Borner, Paul Bowman, Scott Bukoski, Rich
Cencarik, Loren Coleman, Philip “Ketjak” DeLuca,
Rock Cutter 128 Doug Chaffee
Brent Dill, Benjamin “Hawk” Disher, Tim DuPertuis,
Searchlight 128 Chris Lewis John “Quentil” Dzieniszewski, David Fanjoy, Jeffrey
Sprayer 128 Matt Plog “Fletchi” Fletcher, Bruce Ford, Jon “AngelRipper” Frid-
Turret Mounted 128 Miniature Painting and Photography eres, John Alexander Gordon, Aaron “Bear” Gregory,
Anthony “Shadhawk” Hardenburgh, Ross “Koga”
Weapons 129 David Koerner, Photography Hines, Glen “Lobsterback” Hopkins, Rodney Klatt,
Wrecking Ball 129 Mike "Southpaw" Miller Michael “Konan” Koning, Alan “Brainburner” Kreilick,
COSTS 130 Mike Noe, Iron Wind Metals Peter La Casse, Edward “TenakaFurey” Lafferty, Chris
BATTLE VALUES 133 Tim Salay “SCUG” Lewis, Edward Lott, Michael Miller, Jeffrey
“Highlander” Morgan, Michael L Morgan, Darrell “Flail-
GENERAL RULES 135 Matt Solarz, FantasyWorks Studio ingDeath” Myers, James “Grey’s Shadow” Myers, Lou
Availability 135 Craig Tome “Nukeloader” Myers, Andrew Norris, Keith “Vang”
Large Vehicles 135 Oberschulte, Nathaniel “Sledge” Olsen, Aaron Pollyea,
Robin “Shooter” Powers, Simon “Big Ken” Pratt, Max
Support Vehicles in Special Thanks
Prohaska, Rick Raisley, Rick “Rick Steele” Remer,
BattleForce 2 137 To David McCulloch, who tackled Randal- Jason “Psychopompous” Richter, Ben “Ghost Bear”
Support Vehicles in l’s wacky idea of ‘a small rules set for creating Rome, Christopher Searls, Peter Smith, Joel “Sep-
Classic BattleTech RPG 138 support vehicles’ and spent a year relentlessly ticemia” Steverson, Michael “GuruMike” Stouffer, Rob
trying to incorporate development demands Strathmann, Geoff “97Jedi” Swift, Scott “Clutch” Tay-
TABLES 139 lor, Bruce “Tel Hazen” Terren, Roland “Ruger” Thig-
RECORD SHEETS 145 that ballooned them well beyond such a naïve
pen, Todd Thrash, John E. Tiffany, Øystein Tvedten,
LARGE NAVAL TEMPLATE 179 notion (easy for the same rules set to allow you Chad “Loki” Walker, Jason “Panzerfaust 150” Weiser,
to build a bicycle as well as a one hundred Chris “Chinless” Wheeler, Scott “Crimson Marauder”
thousand ton naval vessel, right?); not to men- Whitmarsh, Aaron A. Williams, Charles “IronSphinx”
CONSTRUCTION WORKSHEET 180 Wilson, Patrick “Roosterboy” Wynne, Andreas Zuber.
tion almost a full year’s worth of playtester
demands through twenty or so iterations before ©2005 WizKids, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Combat
CREDITS we lost count, and who knows how many thou-
sand plus e-mails. Those promised plates of
Equipment, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech,
BattleMech, Classic BattleTech RPG, MechWarrior,
Writing cookies are starting to pile pretty high. AeroTech 2, BattleForce 2 and WK Games are regis-
tered trademarks and/or trademarks of WizKids, Inc.
Herbert A. Beas II To Rick Raisley, who on a dime began cre-
in the United States and/or other countries. No part
Randall N. Bills ating the basics for a HeavyMetalSuppVee pro- of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
Warner Doles gram that allowed us to compare the stats for system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
all Support Vehicles—down to the littlest without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright
Chris Hartford
Owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other
Ken Horner details—to combat vehicles, allowing us to
than that in which it is published. Printed in the USA.
Nick “Gunslinger” Marsala keep these new units in ‘support roles.’ Permission granted to photocopy for personal
The proof checkers, who always wrangle a use only.
Paul Sjardijn
few more errors out of the product: Rich Cen- Version 1.0 (January 2005), based on the 1st
Christoffer “Bones” Trossen printing (2005) published by FanPro LLC, Chicago, Illi-
carik, Jeff Morgan, Mike Miller, Ben Rome,
All of the Guts, None of the Glory nois, USA
Peter La Casse and Chris Searls
Nick “Gunslinger” Marsala
Support Vehicle Construction Rules Published by FanPro LLC • 1608 N. Milwaukee •
Herb Beas would also like to thank: Suite 1005 • Chicago, IL 60647
David L. McCulloch To Randall for continuing to guide me
through some of the most hellish project devel- Find us online:
Product Development [email protected] (e-mail
opments I’ve seen yet; Loren Coleman for tips
Herbert A. Beas II address for any Classic BattleTech questions)
and pointers along the way; Rick Raisley for his (official MechWarrior:
Assistant Development
fine array of Heavy Metal products (which this Dark Age web pages)
Randall N. Bills book will only add to); All my fellow writers (list- (official Classic
BattleTech web pages)
ed above) for coming up with quality work,
Product Editing (FanPro web pages)
approximately on time; the massive playtester (WizKids web pages)
Jason M. Hardy
support apparatus (listed below) for running the (online ordering)
BattleTech Line Developer rules through their paces in perhaps the most
Randall N. Bills savage process I’ve seen to date.



Sometimes, it bothers me; gnaws on the back of my mind. and rows of fighters, you can easily see why they wanted to keep
When I walk down the street in uniform, even after all these the old girl around.
months, it still happens. People see the insignia, and I see the The ship’s Admiral was just as impressive. Tall and a bit
jaws drop, hear those couples whispering to each other. After all vulgar, she smelled like those cigars you find in backwoods
these years, it still hurts, still pains me, because the mysterious smoke shops. But she had a pretty face and I think she took a
nature about us used to be fun, when people spoke as if we were liking to me, and she let us take on fuel and supplies with little
wizards, practicing white magic to help others. haggling after I explained our position. When it came time to
But now they talk like we’re some sort of crazed monsters, leave, she gave me a bit warmer farewell then I expected, with
sucking your blood, or stealing children away in the night. They for- an invitation to return after everything was settled. It’s not every-
get that we’re the same people who did all the things they praised. day you get hit on by a carrier admiral, so I guess Blake was
All because of the heretics who spread lies about us. Yes, we’ve looking out for me in more ways than one.
had our bad eggs, some of us flying off the handle, but no more
than any other group. But to hear it from the heretics, every last
one of us is the same. I figured we had four days to set up minefields and get all the
Maybe that’s why we did it. weapons in place. It’s amazing what you can get your hands on
when you’re desperate. We swiped mortars and other assorted
support weapons, even some of those newly “acquired” David
The Raiders were heading halfway across the planet to the Gauss rifles. Our Quartermaster, Denny, didn’t want to give those
city of Morod for one last go at dissuading our pursuit. From there, babies up, but when you have a Nighthawk trooper pointing his
they’d lose everyone in the only mountain range on the planet until Mauser your way, who’s in a haggling mood? So while he was feel-
they could figure out a way to get off this rock. Fat chance of that ing generous, we helped ourselves to a generous amount of ammo
happening with Colonel Twohy running things. He’s wanted that crates that had recently arrived, and when we hit the LZ, we
bonus for nabbing those leftover mercs so long I bet he was cracked them open like kids on Christmas morning.
dreaming about it even when he ate those sloppy, sticky ribs he We set the mortars up on both sides of the bridge about a
loves so much. He was happy to order the bulk of his forces to qui- thousand meters out from the entrance and another dozen down
etly deploy on the other side of the city, to meet the Raiders in the the cliff on a few ledges while we landed. Hopefully, even if the rest
center at the last minute, and maintain some sort of surprise. of us bought it the mortar teams would live long enough to blow the
Some ruler in exile he was, not even evacuating the city to limit bridge as the Raiders crossed over. It probably took most of what lit-
non-combatant casualties. Sure, the city was loyal to Baron Mon- tle time we had getting them down there, as we had the ’Hogs and
tong, but no civilian should be coldly disregarded like that. the Nighthawks carry the troopers and tubes down safely. We
The route they were taking would bring them to the city in a almost lost one when a ’Hog accidentally scraped against the cliff
week, which gave me a few days to try and stop the madness. The wall, but it thankfully fell right onto the plateaus and didn’t roll off.
outskirts of Morod had only one bridge strong enough to hold their We set up a standard ambush alley; mined our flanks to
heaviest ’Mechs, so that’s where we would fight, even with that force them down the path, and lined up the pine-covered sides
Toyama CO of mine screaming court-martial threats in my ears if I with lasers and SRMs along the way. As they moved in, battle
went. The ringing in my head didn’t disappear for a few hours after armor would close the rear, and TAG them for the mortars.
he was done and I was gone. Enough mines, enough cockpit hits, and enough surprise, we
The concept was simple. Whatever troopers I got to volunteer, might actually pull it off.
I’d take to meet the Raiders at the bridge and delay them until the I figured we had just enough time to get the battlesuits into
pursuing garrison force could catch up. Apparently I wasn’t the only position and catch some rest before the fight. Unfortunately, we got
one who was thinking the same thing, since I was able to get plen- in position at about the same time we got word that good ol’ Twohy
ty of volunteers. After the battlesuit pilots weighed in, I pretty much had dropped a group on the Raiders’ flank to force their hand and
had every infantryman in our unit coming along. A few MechJocks make a hasty run for Morod. The Raiders wanted a running battle,
volunteered to help, but I didn’t allow it; ’Mechs moving in the area with the fastest ’Mechs breaking away to secure the bridge. They’d
may change the Raiders’ minds about heading that way. Besides, I given up all the feints and turns and made a beeline for us.
doubted I could sneak ’Mechs out under the Precentor’s nose. They’d be on us in less than thirty minutes.
Whatever they try to tell you about us Blakists, don’t believe
them; we got hearts, and we got souls. Blake doesn’t like to see ***
women and children butchered if he can help it, and right about Their scouts came down the road and didn’t spot a thing till it
now, I’m figuring I’m the help. was too late. A Scarabus was running full blast down the path, with
To avoid detection by both the Raiders and Twohy, we came in a Vulcan lagging behind several hundred meters. I decided I could
a fleet of civilian choppers instead of Droppers. Unfortunately, it only take out one of the two and called our demolition expert, Jake,
meant we needed to stop and refuel halfway. But Blake must love to detonate a few of the mines as the Scarabus passed over them.
the courageous, cause there was the old HRN Colossus sitting out We watched as the light ’Mech sped down the road in its self-made
a hundred klicks away from our landing zone, right in our flight dust ball, straight into our killing field. Jake blew the field just as
path. She was built centuries ago, but with that massive flight deck that baby was fully in.



We missed by five meters. who might have survived. Seeing no one, I limped out, hoping to
The explosives kicked up a lot of dirt and probably did some avoid a repeat. The Grasshopper stayed on course for the bridge,
damage, but the Scarabus was moving so fast it passed through strafing the sides of the roads while the Whitworth held back,
the field before Jake hit the switch. I looked through my HUD’s launching missiles at anything that moved. There just weren’t
rangefinder and could see Jake hanging his head in shame. I enough manpack weapons to take out the ’Hopper before it would
also saw the Scarabus making a tight turn on the road to see reach the bridge. Coming across a dead spotter, I picked up his
what just exploded behind him, arms raised to meet the threat. tagger. Staring at the slew of buttons on the side, hoping for any
A momentary lapse of judgment must have fallen upon the pilot, sort of obvious clue of what to press, I eventually gave up and just
as he all but stopped in his place to turn around. I could see the slapped my palm over a bunch of buttons, praying to Blake for
opportunity there, sitting right in front of me as I keyed up my good measure. I put the dot directly on the ’Hopper—only two hun-
mic on all friendly channels. dred meters from the bridge now—pulled the trigger, and called
“This is Spider leader. Badger One, blow that field now! All over the comm for everyone to throw whatever we had left on him.
units, let ‘em have it!” While the remaining missiles and lasers did little, I stood
I could see Jake raise his head to look at the ’Mech. He there, still holding the designator on target, waiting for the mortars.
rushed to detonate the next minefield as dozens of tracer rounds A hundred meters away, the Grasshopper made one final jump
and exhaust trails converged on the metal knight. Maybe the fire- toward the bridge to avoid our mines, but right as it was reached
power that slammed against the cockpit did it or the surprise of its apex, several large objects slammed into it. Huge fireballs blos-
another explosion directly underneath the BattleMech, but the pilot somed in mid-air where the ’Hopper was.
lost control and fell to the ground. Nighthawks leapt up immediate- The ‘Hopper landed in pieces. A severed arm slammed into
ly, landing on the ’Mech’s scarred head. The pilot made no motion one of our already ruined firing pits. The head, or what was left of
to resist, or wasn’t capable of it as they pulled him out. it, stayed in the air for a moment as the rest of the metal body
Scanning the horizon, I could see the Vulcan picking up speed crumpled to the ground. I was about to call over the comm and
in an effort to rescue his comrade, the shadows of the rest of his ask what the hell they loaded the mortars with when the roar of
group coming into view behind it. My HUD identified a several fighter jets overhead made me hesitate, and the crackle
Grasshopper, a Whitworth, and a limping Grand Dragon approach- of incoming communications cut me off completely. “Spider
ing at high speeds. Leader, this is Angel Leader. The Admiral sends her regards.
The Vulcan pilot was a bit smarter, keeping his speed up while We’re piggy backing our Arrows on one of your spotters. Hope
spraying us with his autocannon. A few Nighthawks made their way you don’t mind.” I glanced at the designator and realized in my
through the woods to where he was hopping around and tagged random slapping of buttons, Blake be praised, I must’ve turned
him. Our new mortar rounds homed in on the signals, exploding in on a general broadcast of targeting data.
the air and searching for vital spots. Heavier Purifier suits provided “We’ll deal with it Angel. Just have plenty more where that
continued distractions and soon the jock found his machine too came from.”
damaged to continue. “Well,” The pilot replied, “Look to the other side of the bridge,
However, that left us to deal with the big boys without our bat- and there’s your answer.”
tle armor support. The Grand Dragon and Grasshopper charged for- I turned and saw BattleMechs painted up in Hothead colors
ward, taking out dozens of soldiers with every PPC and laser salvo. just starting to come on the bridge. The Whitworth had already
We were running out of men and firepower, as the ’Hogs we had begun to back off and I guess an order to surrender occurred over
did a run on the limping Dragon, C8 in hand. Most clung to the a private frequency, causing my sensors to show the Raider was
damaged legs to plant their explosives, but one ambitious engi- powering down.
neer went higher, going for the cockpit. The jock saw what was Twohy came up over my headset, with that cocky attitude of
going on, so as the ’Hog was over his chest, he triggered the LRM his. “Hey Precentor, thanks for the assist. The mayor called and
launcher, disintegrating the exosuit in a slew of missiles. congratulated me. I think we just earned his loyalty. I’ll buy you one
Didn’t help him, though, when the C8s on his legs went off. back at the bar after you and my boys cle—“
The charges blew one leg completely off and shattered the internal I interrupted before he finished. “Now wait one goddamn
support in the other. The explosion took two more suits with it, minute! ‘Assist’ my ass! If it wasn’t for us, they would have made it
both too slow to jump away, and the ’Mech fell face forward to into town where your third rate jocks would have leveled the place
crush another one. and they still would have gotten away. You’ve done nothing but-“
The Whitworth launched a salvo of its missiles and someone Twohy returned the favor, only over a private channel. “Now
screamed out “Swarms!” I looked up to see the volley of mis- you listen, Blakey. I know you did this against Ahram’s orders, and
siles work its way up my side of the road, some missiles drop- he’s pretty pissed about it. Now we can do this easy and let me
ping down on each of the shallow firing pits as the salvo passed smooth him over or I can throw you and every one of your men to
over. My foxhole was no exception; a missile landed several the wolves. Your call.”
meters away from where I was holed up, and the explosion threw I stood there furious, letting the silence give my answer. I
me out of the hole, hurling me meters away, right on top of the knew I couldn’t let the rest of these guys get thrown in the brig, but
body of another dead grunt. that didn’t mean I had to like it. I did the right thing, and consoled
Getting up and shaking the dust and cobwebs out of my head, myself with that.
I spit out some bad-tasting blood and looked around for anyone What more could a man do, but the right thing?


As with Lostech and the Classic BattleTech Companion Classic BattleTech rules for ProtoMechs that allow Classic
before it, the book you now hold offers supplemental rules and BattleTech RPG players to integrate these unique battlefield units
equipment for use in Classic BattleTech games. However, in their own campaigns,and builds on the RPG rules for vehicular
beyond serving as merely an expansion for the Classic combat first presented in the MechWarrior’s Guide to Solaris VII.
BattleTech RPG, most of the new equipment and rules present- Miscellaneous Gear and Rules then describes a host of new
ed in this volume have also been painstakingly developed for equipment and supplemental rules for both Classic BattleTech
use in Classic BattleTech and Classic BattleTech RPG campaigns.
board games, and are Support Vehicles introduces
compatible with the rules for constructing, using, and
Classic BattleTech Master maintaining the wide range of vehicles
Rules, Revised, not normally seen on the battlefields
BattleForce 2, AeroTech 2, of the Inner Sphere, Periphery, and
Revised, and the Combat Clan space. Whether used to con-
Operations rules expan- struct a civilian hovercycle or a local
sion. Wherever possible, weather satellite, or to create the
rules that reference such modern versions of massive seagoing
products include the warships from times past, these rules
appropriate product help bring dynamic new options and
names and abbreviations, unexpected elements to Classic
allowing players and BattleTech and Classic BattleTech
gamemasters to quickly RPG games alike.
cross-reference any game Finally, the Tables section in the
effects as appropriate. back of this book presents the key
In the first two sec- details for all of the personal weapons,
tions of this book, armor, and equipment presented in
Personal Weapons and this volume, and includes not only the
Armor and Combat Garb, Classic BattleTech RPG data but also
players of Classic any applicable information for use with
BattleTech RPG and the Classic BattleTech Companion bat-
Classic BattleTech games tle armor construction rules and the
will find additional Combat Operations infantry construc-
weapons, accessories, tion system.
specialized ammunition,
and expanded options for MECHWARRIOR
personal armor derived THIRD EDITION
both from past sources MechWarrior Third Edition (MW3)
and fiction, or newly devel- was originally published by FASA
oped for the battlefield as Corporation. Upon its reprint by
the Clans and Inner FanPro LLC, the name was changed
Sphere continue their eter- to Classic BattleTech RPG (CBT:
nal arms race in the thirty- RPG). This product reference pages in
first century. The Battle CBT: RPG, but the page numbers are
Armor section introduces identical regardless of whether you
new battlesuit designs cre- own CBT: RPG or MW3.
ated using the rules pre-
sented in the Classic BattleTech Companion, and includes ABBREVIATIONS
armor designs mentioned in past sources, plus a host of new This rulebook references several other products, which are
models just now coming into use—or, in some cases, even still abbreviated as follows: Classic BattleTech RPG (CBT: RPG),
on their creators’ drawing tables. Lostech (LT), MechWarrior’s Guide to Solaris VII (S7), BattleTech
The ProtoMechs section not only introduces and details Master Rules, Revised (BMR), AeroTech 2, Revised (AT2), Classic
eight brand-new ProtoMech designs, it also expands on the BattleTech Companion (CBTComp), and BattleForce 2 (BF2).


The following section includes a host of new weapons, known as the electrowhip or the “Seeker” whip), which is prized
accessories, and munitions for use in CBT and CBT: RPG cam- for its ability to inflict pain without severe physical damage, as
paigns, most of which have only recently been developed by the well as its ability to “home in” on its victim thanks to a sophisti-
various factions in the Inner Sphere, Periphery, and Clan space. cated sensor in the handle that detects and interprets very sub-
tle gestures of the user’s hand and translates them along the
MELEE WEAPONS length of the whip via a series of fine myomer strands embed-
The following weapons follow all rules for standard melee ded within the device.
weapons in CBT: RPG unless otherwise noted. Able to deliver damage by contact or by shock, the
“Medusa” comes equipped with a variable setting, allowing the
user to control its power use and pain level, from a simple
kinetic strike to a minor, low-yield sting to a severe, high-pow-
ered jolt ideal for torture that may even cause nerve damage or
death from heart failure. Each Clan produces its own model of
STUN STAFF the “Medusa”, which is often used in extreme rituals, such as
Designed for bodyguards and other private security trained in some Rites of Surkai.
martial arts, the stun staff is a long, metal staff equipped with
neural shockers on each end to increase probability that the target Game Rules
will not dodge the attack. Another version has only one end As a Simple Action, the “Medusa” user may change the
equipped with the neural shocker, with the other weighted to pro- whip’s power setting before delivering a strike, increasing the
vide balance and damage the opposition more than a normal staff. weapon’s base damage by one die for every 0.25 power points
used per strike (a strike being defined as any time the whip is
Game Rules swung and makes contact with an object or character). The min-
When using the double-ended stun staff, resolve the attack imum setting, which uses no power, delivers 1D6 damage. The
as if the hit was made by a stun staff. If using the single-ended maximum, at 2 power points per strike, delivers 9D6 damage.
version, announce which end you intend to hit with. The powered “Medusa” whip damage is considered subduing damage, as
end delivers normal stun staff damage, while the weighted, most of the effect comes from the electrical jolt that accompa-
unpowered end delivers damage as a melee attack using a nor- nies each strike. Note that, because of its size, the “Medusa”
mal staff. Treat a fumble as a self-inflicted attack on the user may only make use of micro power packs.
(randomly determining which end strikes, if the staff is the sin- In addition to the above, sensors within the whip’s handle
gle-ended version), with a Margin of Success equal to the give an experienced user (Whips skill bonus of +2 or higher) of
attack’s failure margin (to a minimum of 1). the device a –2 TN to action checks when using the whip. If the
user is inexperienced in the whip’s use, ignore this bonus. Final-
CLAN “MEDUSA” WHIP ly, the “Medusa” can engage targets at up to 3 meters range
The Clan system of justice relies (rather than less than 1 meter), meaning that an opponent with
heavily on discouraging crime, an effort a shorter range melee weapon cannot inflict damage on the
accomplished to some extent by their rel- character using a “Medusa” during the first round of combat.
atively brutal punishments for even minor After the first round of combat, assuming the character not
infractions. A key tool in this strategy is wielding the “Medusa” can move, the combatants close to with-
the Clan “Medusa” neural whip (also in 1 meter range and melee may proceed normally.


Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Medusa Whip WHP E/E/E 0•* E — *§ 2,200/† 450 g Clan –2 TN on Whips Skill +2 and up; Subduing
(do not add STR); micro power packs only;
may engage at 3 m range.
Stun Staff, Single-End STF C/A/B 0•4D6 E — 1§ 300/† 3 kg — Can engage at 1 m; charged side only
does Subduing damage (do not add STR).
Stun Staff, Double-End STF C/A/B 0•4D6 E — 2§ 500/† 3 kg — Can engage at 1 m; Subduing damage (do
not add STR).
* “Medusa” whip is adjustable from 1D6 to 9D6 damage: each 1D6 damage over 1D6 uses 0.25 pwr/strike.
§ Represents power points used per attack.
† These weapons use power packs rather than ammunition clips.



The following weapons follow all rules for standard ranged
combat weapons unless otherwise stated.

Founded in 3032, Irian Pers-
Arms—an offshoot of Irian Tech- EBONY ASSAULT RIFLE
nologies—has risen to become The new Magistracy of Canopus laser assault rifle was
one of the FWL’s principal suppli- specifically designed and manufactured under a mandate from
ers of personal weaponry. The Eagle the Magestrix and the direction of the Magistracy Intelligence
series, of which the Hawk Eagle pistol is the Ministry. With an eye to providing MIM special forces with the
most prevalent, played a central role in Thomas most flexible laser rifle possible, the new firearm broke ground
Marik’s reformation of the FWLM. Irian PersArms weapons now by offering a variable power setting. By adjusting the focusing
account for almost half the small-arms used by FWLM line regi- matrix, the weapon can provide increased damage at a reduced
ments, though militia units are not as favorably equipped. effective range, or decreased damage at an increased effective
The caseless ammo used by the Hawk Eagle, together with range. Though several laser rifles, such as the Blazer and
its precision engineering, largely eliminate the chance of stop- Starfire, are superior within specific damage-vs-range brackets,
pages and allow the pistol to fire a selectable three-round burst the flexibility of the Ebony is quickly earning itself a broad repu-
that increases its stopping power at the expense of accuracy. tation for excellence.
Unfortunately, the specialized ammo used by the Hawk Eagle The rifle gets its name from the Ebon Magistrate—a new,
(and its larger kin, the Martial Eagle) make the pistol relatively secret special forces division of the Magistracy Intelligence Min-
expensive to operate and maintain. istry—which has almost exclusive access to the weapon.

Game Rules Game Rules

The Hawk Eagle follows all standard rules for ballistic The Ebony Assault Rifle functions like any standard laser
pistol weapons in combat and may be fired single-shot or in rifle in combat. However, it requires a Simple Action to change
3-shot bursts. to a new power setting.

Using the same case-
less ammo as its smaller
kin the Hawk Eagle, the Mar-
tial Eagle machine pistol is
largely immune to stoppages
but pays for this in the cost of its ammunition.
Furthermore, the small caliber and low velocity of
the rounds lack the armor penetration of other machine pistols,
but the Martial Eagle makes up for this with its high rate of fire MAUSER 1200 LIGHT
and reach as well as its small size. The FWLM troops equipped SUPPORT SYSTEM
with the Martial Eagle appreciate its compact design, but its Once the Holy Grail of infantry weapons, the original Mauser
inability to accept recoil compensators or silencers has limited 960 has all but disappeared from the Inner Sphere since the
its adoption by SAFE and other special-forces groups. destruction of the original Star League and the Succession Wars
that followed. Only ComStar had access to significant quantities
Game Rules of such prized weapons beyond the exotic collector’s item hand-
The Martial Eagle follows all standard rules for ballistic pis- ed down through the generations, though the system remained
tol weapons in combat and may be fired single-shot or in 10- uncommon even with them. After the schism, Word of Blake
shot bursts. engineers—with help from Free Worlds League arms manufactur-

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Hawk Eagle AutoPistol PIS C/C/C 4•3D6 B 5/20/50/100 15 100/10 500 g FW Burst (3/1)
Martial Eagle MP SMG D/D/E 3•3D6 B 5/20/50/100 30 180/20 1.8 kg FW Burst (10/2)


ers—began work on reviving this venerable system for the mod- Bulky and massing a hefty twelve kilograms, the Mauser IIC
ern era, producing the Mauser 1200 Light Support System. is difficult to wield, even with the aid of its integral shoulder
Keeping the compact grenade launcher and the vibroblade, strap. Its primary weapon system consists of an extended-range
engineers opted to strip out the survival kits that could already laser rifle, with an attached automatic grenade launcher for
be carried by other means in favor of a heavier, more potent added support fire, a detachable vibroblade for close combat,
laser rifle. Increasing the laser’s intensity and armor piercing and a field survival kit for extended operations.
ability, the team initially found it consumed an unacceptable
level of power during full automatic fire, and so reduced its rate Game Rules
to a more efficient power drain level. The Word of Blake has The Mauser IIC laser rifle functions like any standard rifle
since begun issuing the new Mauser 1200 LSS to its elite troop- in combat, and includes an attached auto-grenade launcher
ers, with most going to the organization’s newly re-fielded (see p. 40, LT), a detachable vibroblade (see p. 134, CBT:
Nighthawk battlesuit squads. RPG), and a survival kit identical to the original Mauser 960
model (see p. 34, LT).
Game Rules
The Mauser 1200 laser rifle functions like any standard “AVENGER” CROWD
rifle in combat and may be fired single-shot or in five-round CONTROL WEAPON
bursts. The full Mauser 1200 kit includes a detachable vibrob- The Clan-made
lade (see p. 134, CBT: RPG) and compact grenade launcher “Avenger”
(see p. 137, CBT: RPG). crowd control
weapon first
MAUSER IIC appeared in the
INFANTRY Inner Sphere
ASSAULT when Clan Steel
SYSTEM Viper troops were briefly called in to support Clan Ghost Bear
Unlike forces in bringing order to their recently seized worlds in the for-
the Inner mer Free Rasalhague and Draconis Combine regions. Though its
Sphere, the name implies that the weapon was designed for urban pacifica-
Clans man- tion, it has proven more efficient than the auto shotguns Inner
aged to Sphere manufacturers developed for battlefield use.
retain a sizeable cache of Mauser 960 assault systems in good
repair and began limited production well after their formation in Game Rules
the Kerensky Cluster. Over time, Clan technicians expanded The Avenger CCW functions like any auto-shotgun in com-
upon this system, increasing the Mauser’s size and firepower. bat, and may be fired single-shot or in three-shot bursts. The
The final result—the so-called Mauser IIC—first appeared fifty weapon may use shotgun solid-slug shots as well as the stan-
years ago and has seen widespread use by those Clans who dard rounds, though using solid slugs magnifies the weapon’s
still maintain elite unarmored infantry squads ever since. recoil in both single-shot and burst modes.

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Ebony Assault Rifle RFL F/E/F E 8,500/† 10 kg MoC Simple Action to change setting
High-Powered 5•4D6 50/160/350/700 12§
Standard 4•3D6 65/200/475/1,000 8§
Extended-Range 3•2D6 80/260/610/1,200 4§
Mauser 1200 LSS RFL E/E/E 4•4D6 E 55/170/365/740 5§ 10,000/† 11 kg WoB Burst (5/2); full kit includes a vibroblade and
6 shot compact grenade launcher
Mauser IIC IAS RFL F/E/F 4•5D6 E 90/300/700/1,400 5§ 18,000/† 12 kg Clan Encumbering; includes detachable vibroblade,
survival kit, and 6 shot auto-grenade launcher.

§ Indicates power points used per shot.

† These weapons use power packs.

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Avenger CCW SHT C/C/D 2•6D6 B 7/18/28/62 15 345/4 5.5 kg Clan Burst (3/1); splash; jam on fumble
w/ Solid Slug Ammo — — 5•6D6 B 7/18/28/62 15 —/16 — Clan No splash; Range mods: +0/+3/+6/+11


SEA EAGLE the Gauss SMG fires ferromagnetic tungsten alloy darts at subson-
NEEDLER PISTOL ic speeds, delivering short bursts with sufficient punch to defeat
Irian PersArms’ most forms of personal combat armor. Slightly larger than normal
sole entry into the submachine guns, this weapon looks more like an assault rifle and
needler weapons is selectable for single shot firing or three-round bursts.
market is light and
well balanced, allow- Game Rules
ing it to be used one-handed In combat, the Gauss submachine gun functions like any
unlike many other needler “pistols,” though a secondary grip SMG weapon and may be fired single-shot or in 3-shot bursts.
under the barrel allows it to be fired two-handed as well. Unfor- Like all Gauss weapons, the Gauss SMG requires both ammuni-
tunately, the lightweight design limits the size of the ammo tion and uses power packs to charge its acceleration coils, so
blocks used by the Sea Eagle and thus the number of shots each round fired consumes energy as well as ammunition. Note
available to the wielder. Indeed, at its maximum rate of fire the that using the Gauss SMG in burst-fire mode consumes ammu-
Sea Eagle can fire only two bursts though the speed of fire and nition and power at triple the single-fire rate.
excellent balance of the weapon mean that its recoil effects are
less than comparable weapons. “BUCCANEER” BOARDING GEL GUN
Mounting attacks while onboard fragile DropShips and
Game Rules JumpShips has always posed a problem to most engagements
The Sea Eagle functions like any needler weapon in combat using specialized ammunition like Frangible and AET rounds, but
and may be fired single-shot or in five-shot bursts. Like all such weapons do not entirely eliminate the risks of damaging
flechette weapons, the Sea Eagle has an effective AP of 0 the vessel or of ricochets. The “Buccaneer” boarding gun is
against all barrier types. designed to provide effective heavy firepower against enemy per-
sonnel while eliminating the chance of damage to the vessel.
GAUSS SUBMACHINE GUN The “Buccaneer” uses compressed gas to fire gel batons at
Within the occu- its target; additional gas discharge, coupled with the exhaust
pation zones of the from firing effectively cancels out its recoil in zero-G conditions.
invading Clans, the The baton rounds, while non-lethal, remain effective against light
rise of parti- and medium body armor but are of negligible value against the
san and heavy protection of battle armor. Still, all targets struck by a
guerrilla baton are likely to be knocked off their feet.
forces has
become a con- Game Rules
cern on some worlds. The “Buccaneer” delivers subduing damage, rather than
While deploying necessary forces to lethal damage in combat, but—like needler weapons—has an
keep the peace, many were still unprepared and improperly effective AP of 0 against all barriers. The weapon is considered
equipped to deal with the problem. BattleMechs and armored vehi- to have no recoil in zero-G combat as a result, but its gel batons
cles proved ineffective in such actions, and the deployment of pack a heavy wallop on impact that adds 2D6 dice to the
large numbers of armored infantry was considered impractical. As weapon’s damage when determining knockdown effects only.
the need grew apparent for more effective weapons for unarmored
security troops to combat these tactics of low intensity warfare, LGB-46R “PAINT GUN”
Clan Diamond Shark offered their solution—for a price. ENGINEER’S TOOL
Diamond Shark technicians developed the Gauss submachine A common component of toolboxes throughout inhabited
gun as a new small arm based on the Clan Gauss pistol many Clan space, the LGB-46R and similar models are used in both military
police forces already carried in the line of duty. Silent but deadly, and civilian environments. The LGB-46R “Paint Gun” discussed

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Sea Eagle PIS D/C/D 1•4D6 B 2/5/10/20 10 110/5 350 g FW Burst (5/3); AP 0 vs barriers; Splash


Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/

Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Gauss SMG SMG E/D/F 5•4D6 B 30/80/250/700 30, 1§ 2,000/10 4.5 kg Clan Burst (3/1); jam on fumble

§ Indicates energy points required per shot.


here can be considered a a small cartridge, while the second, a laser system mounted
baseline design, whose func- directly behind the accelerator, fires a beam straight through
tions are comparable to most this canister, arriving shortly before the isotopes do. The laser
others in known space. punctures a miniscule hole in the target’s body armor and flesh,
It uses pneumatic pres- allowing deeper injection of the much slower isotopes. The radi-
sure, either supplied by a com- um’s half-life cycle then quickly administers a lethal dose of
pressor or straight from pres- radiation into the target.
surized canisters to emit liquid The radioactive component of the Radium Sniper means
on a surface. It is most often that expended cartridges and the discharge of the weapon both
used to paint objects (anything create a considerable amount of hazardous radioactive waste.
from walls with acrylic paint to Bat- Because of this, the sniper must wear protective clothing and
tleMechs with EM absorbent paint) but more transport the weapon and its ammunition in special lead cases
specialized uses exist. Common payloads include an exothermic when not in use.
compound used to ‘soften’ damaged armor plates for removal,
an endothermic compound used to cool overheated components Game Rules
such as heat sinks and circuitry, or an acid used to clean sur- The Radium Sniper rifle functions like a standard rifle in
faces and destroy damaged or undesirable objects that cannot combat, but after delivering its initial damage, it deposits high-
be extracted by conventional means. These and other liquids ly radioactive toxins into the target’s bloodstream, which do
can be used against organic targets as well. the rest. The radium effects work according to the poison rules
The LGB-46T has a steel handle with a flat surface that can as a dose of lethal (injected) poison with a base damage of
serve as a hammer, making it heavier than the 46R model. 7D6, 1-turn speed, and a 1-hour total duration. These effects,
Paint Guns are considered multi-purpose tools and are often however, only occur on a hit that delivers a Minor Wound or
adorned with various tokens, charms and miscellaneous objects better, reflecting the deposit of sufficient radium into the tar-
by their owners. get’s bloodstream.


In combat, the LGB-46R can be set to fire a stream of fluid GRENADE (RAG)
or a much shorter-ranged spray. Most of the exothermic (high- Striker Arms Corporation, a
heat) and endothermic (high-cold) compounds it can handle division of Vicore Industries,
deliver 3D6 damage with an AP rating of 0, while common acid developed the Rocket-Assist-
compounds delivered by the LGB-46R inflict 2D6 damage and ed Grenade (RAG) as part
have an AP of 1. Acid chemical effects linger on any target for of an effort to improve
1D6/2 turns, inflicting the same damage each turn. the range and capabili-
ties of foot soldiers in
an age where battle
armor brings
increasingly heav-
ier and far-reach-
ing firepower to
the personal battle-
field. This new hand
RADIUM SNIPER WEAPON grenade, intended to overcome the
During the Reunification War, a Taurian agent used a dubi- limits of typical manual throwing distances, is the latest in hand-
ous prototype weapon originally considered incapable of killing a thrown weapons, increasing most hand-toss ranges five-fold
healthy adult to assassinate the sickly Admiral Kincaid of the thanks to a rocket-assisted motor built into the weapon.
SLDF. The Star League recovered neither the weapon nor any of The RAG has two selectable modes. In high-explosive
its technical details, and the Concordat’s conquest halted any mode, it operates as a normal thrown grenade, using its propel-
further development, causing the project to be mothballed short- lant as a damage multiplier. In assisted-flight mode, the
ly after its reactivation in 2607. Ironically, it was the discovery of grenade’s throwing distance is augmented by a short burst from
the Star League’s own 28th-century molecular engineering the grenade’s rocket that quickly burns up all fuel and works
research in the Helm memory core that allowed the Concordat with the weapon’s fold-up fins and internal gyrostabilizer to
to complete the long-postponed development of this weapon, achieve longer flights toward the intended target.
which has only recently appeared in the hands of TMI counterin-
surgency agents. Game Rules
The Radium Sniper is a two-part weapon. Its first part, a When throwing rocket-assisted grenades, the attacking play-
particle accelerator, projects a quantity of radium isotopes from er must declare first whether he is using the weapon in assist-


ed-flight mode or standard high-explosive mode. If using assist- “Spitball” rounds filled with corrosive or caustic chemicals—
ed flight, add a +2 penalty to the TN for the attack but multiply such as acids—will erode the “Spitball’s” ammo casings quickly,
the grenade’s effective range by 5 for each bracket, then reduce and must be used within 30 minutes of being filled (divide this
its AP by 2 and its base damage by 2 dice. In high-explosive time by the number of damage dice per round). Unused “Spit-
mode, the grenade functions as normal for Class C high-explo- ball” rounds left within the weapon after this time corrode inside
sive weapon, doing its listed damage. the magazine, automatically destroying all remaining ammunition
and destroying the weapon itself on a 2D6 roll of 6+.
“SPITBALL” GAS Because of the fluid contents in “Spitball” rounds, the
CAPSULE PISTOL weapon suffers a +1 TN modifier. Finally, the compressed air
Strange times call for cartridge used for the capsule pistol’s propellant must be
strange weapons and the replaced every 200 shots.
“Spitball” capsule pistol is “Spitball” gas pistols have no effect in CBT games.
such an item. Using com-
pressed gas to propel a plas- SUPPORT WEAPONS
tic ball, the Spitball can deliver The weapons detailed below follow the rules for support
different types of liquid, gas, or pow- weapons unless otherwise noted. Since most of these weapons
ered chemicals to a target. First utilized can be mounted on battle armor, the listings include information
by Loki agents, this seemingly innocuous for their use in CBT:RPG and CBT games.
weapon is now used in covert operations all over the Inner Sphere.
Each capsule can accommodate most any chemical that can “BEARHUNTER”
be injected into it by a special syringe, though highly volatile or SUPERHEAVY AUTOCANNON
caustic compounds are rarely used as they can quickly erode the Clan Hell’s Horses, arguably among the
plastic casings and leak into the firing chamber. Using simple, Clans’ most proficient employers of
compressed-air cartridges (good for up to 200 shots) rather than battlefield infantry, developed the
powder or magnetic acceleration, the “Spitball” does not compete “Bearhunter” Super-
with typical firearms and isn’t built to do so. A capsule that hits heavy Autocannon
its target breaks open and spills its contents, and, unless the tar- as a means of
get has some sort of chemical protection, the splash may seep improving the
through gaps between unsealed armor or react with the armor. offensive capa-
bilities of these
Game Rules conventional assets.
The “Spitball” capsule gun’s thin plastic rounds have an Built along the lines of a standard man-portable auto-
effective AP of 0, but may be filled by a vast array of chemical cannon, the superheavy design uses three rotating barrels to
fluids and powders. The chemical effects may be determined prevent weapon overheating and deliver an even higher rate of
using the Poison rules found on pp. 114-117 of Lostech, but fire than the original. In exchange, however, the “Bearhunter”
cannot have an injection vector and may inflict no more than comes at a higher cost and suffers a significant decrease in its
3D6 base damage per dose. Note that filling a “Spitball” round effective range. Furthermore, like the semi-portable autocannon,
with any chemical counts as a Complex Action. it cannot make use of recoil compensation, and thus a full burst


Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
“Buccaneer” Gel Gun SHT C/D/C 2•4D6 B 3/10/18/25 5 200/20 2.5 kg FW Subduing; AP 0 vs barriers; +2D6 for knock-
down; no recoil in zero-G
LGB-46R “Paint” Gun PIS C/B/B * E 1/2/3/4 15 50/10 1.8 kg — May be set to a range of 0/1/NA/NA for
Splash damage
Radium Sniper Rifle RIF E/F/F 4•5D6 E 95/350/750/1,500 5, 10§ 9,500/650 12 kg TC Poison: Lethal (injected), 7D6 base, 1-turn
speed, and 1-hour duration (Minor to Lethal
R-A Grenades THW C/A/E 5•10D6 X STR x 1/2/3/4 — 50 600 g — Indirect; Blast; +2 TN, –2 AP, and –2D6, x5
range in rocket-assisted mode
“Spitball” Gas Pistol PIS C/C/B * B 4/11/19/27 25 6/2 1 kg — +1 TN; Gas cartridges must be replaced every
200 shots; Cost: 1 C-bill/cartridge

* See special rules for this weapon.

§ Represents the power points used per shot fired.


of fire makes this weapon far less reliable than its smaller energy for each round fired—whether fired in single-shot or in
cousin. burst-fire mode (the “David” fires four-round bursts, while the
Unfortunately for the Horses, the “Bearhunter’s” introduction “King David” may fire in bursts of five). Both may be mounted
on the eve of their disastrous “war” against the Ghost Bear Clan on battle armor but must be fitted with extra fittings and cooling
led to several of these new weapons falling into the hands of their jackets that combine to increase the weapons’ size and bulk.
hated enemies. The Bears have since been able to field their own
ultra-heavy autocannons on their newly debuted Golem battlesuits. “FIREDRAKE” INCENDIARY
Game Rules With the development
The “Bearhunter” superheavy autocannon follows all stan- of the Shredder
dard rules for support-grade weapons and may not be fitted h e a v y
with a recoil compensator, though it can be used with a gyro- needler, the
scopic harness to enable one warrior to carry and fire it. The Lyran armed
weapon only fires in 10, 20, or 30-round bursts. This weapon forces and
may be mounted in battle armor at a significant increase in size intelligence
and bulk, accounting for its adapters, cooling jackets, and communities
expanded magazine. improved upon the range and power of classic flechette
In CBT games, the Bearhunter’s heavy recoil creates a weapons, giving greater punch and reach to the specialized
penalty of +1 to fire. infantry and commando squads who make use of this grisly
weapon’s potent anti-personnel capabilities. Continuing in that
“DAVID” AND “KING DAVID” MAN- spirit, Mauser and Grey, a primary producer of Lyran flechette-
PORTABLE LIGHT GAUSS RIFLES based firearms, developed the “Firedrake” heavy support needler
The growing prevalence of battle armor in as the ultimate in such weaponry.
combat has led to a number of ini- The “Firedrake” combines rapid-fire capabilities and
tiatives designed to improved range with the incendiary capability of its specially
give unarmored designed ammunition. Its polymer ammunition blocks encapsu-
troops a late hypergolic chemicals that, after shredding, ignite upon con-
fighting tact with air, allowing a single burst to spread white-hot needles
c h a n c e over a broad area, saturating a full squad of enemy infantry in
against their less than five seconds while at the same time instantly setting
suited foes. One most of the surrounding area ablaze. This gruesome weapon is
such develop- already beginning to see use in specialized LAAF headhunter
ment is the commando squads, troops whose primary role is the liquidation
“David” of any enemy “soft” assets.
armor rifle that uses the FWL’s light gauss Game Rules
technology to provide a weapon that has both range and stopping The “Firedrake” incendiary support needler functions like a
power yet remains man-portable (albeit only just). Mounted in a support-grade version of the standard needler that delivers
special harness that allows the wielder to maneuver the bulky splash damage with each successful hit and may be fired in sin-
weapon, the “David” can be employed in single-shot mode or fired gle shots or in bursts of up to 10 shots. Like all needler
in bursts. The latter method vastly increases the stopping power of weapons, the flechette munitions have an effective AP of 0
the weapon but severely degrades its accuracy. Furthermore, the against all barriers, but the hypergolic chemicals in the
limited magazine size of the weapon and its high power require- flechettes produce an incendiary effect, following the rules for
ments (which commonly require the wielder to wear a power back- incendiary weapons presented on p. 119 of the CBT: RPG rule-
pack) limit the “David’s” effectiveness in rapid-fire mode, and most book. This incendiary capability has no effect on battle armor,
users carry a pistol or needler as a secondary weapon. combat vehicles, or other armored BattleTech units, as the
The heavier support variant of the “David”, the so-called flechettes simply bounce off such heavy armor before it can be
“King David” features improved ammunition feed and recoil com- set on fire. The “Firedrake” may be mounted on battle armor but
pensation that vastly improves its abilities in laying down sup- must be fitted with extra fittings and an expanded magazine that
porting fire at the expense of portability and ease of use. This combine to increase the weapon’s size and bulk.
heavier variant, mounted on a tripod, requires both a gunner and In CBT games, the “Firedrake” has no effect on armored
a loader and is used almost exclusively in fixed defenses. units such as BattleMechs, ProtoMechs, vehicles, battle armor,
and hardened structures. However, the incendiary effects of the
Game Rules Firedrake enable infantry troopers so equipped to set a target
The “David” and the “King David” both follow the standard hex on fire on a base 2D6 roll of 6+, modified as per the normal
rules for Gauss weaponry, consuming both ammunition and fire rules (see pp. 79-80, BMR).


MAN-PORTABLE PLASMA RIFLE the target to the weapon’s own ultrahigh-power energy cells.
The introduction of Bat- Once the harpoon secures its target, the user then triggers a
tle Armor to the armies massive power dump from these cells, creating an electromag-
of the Inner netic surge powerful enough to overload electronics and (hope-
Sphere has fully) instantly shut down the enemy unit.
cast doubt Unfortunately, the energy required to do this and the
on the counter-surge that can occur in the brief moments when the
effective- ’Mech Taser Rifle connects both weapon and target are both so
ness of great that the Taser’s massive power cells often suffer devastat-
standard ing feedback and may even rupture violently. Though the weapon
infantry on the battlefield. In an effort to revitalize their infantry, features heavy shielding to contain these explosive effects, the
the CCAF used funding aid from Trinity Alliance members to call power surge can prove as devastating to its user as it is to its
for a new infantry weapon. Ceres Arms—a longtime Capellan target, making the short-ranged ’Mech Taser Rifle almost more
weapons manufacturer—responded by introducing the Man- dangerous to use than it’s worth.
Portable Plasma Rifle.
The M-PPR components include a ceramic-lined rifle tube, Game Rules
an energy coupler, cooling system, a 10-round magazine, and a The ’Mech Taser Rifle may only be mounted on battle
backpack power supply. The weapon utilizes a plastic-foam car- armor, thanks to its weight and the possible danger to infantry
tridge converted to plasma using a lasing process and released from a feedback explosion. No more than one Taser may be
through a rugged ceramic barrel. The plasma bolt effectiveness mounted on any battlesuit design, though all members of a
comes from its high-heat and splash dispersion upon impact given squad may make use of this weapon. Tasers may target
and can even set armor aflame much like an incendiary missile. any combat unit desired except for airborne vehicles and aero-
Consequently, its penetration is less than the Hellbore Assault space craft. However, conventional aircraft and VTOLs on the
Laser. The M-PPR is useable with battle armor with an adapter ground suffer effects as a conventional vehicle, and grounded
and a specialized heavy-duty cooling jacket. aerospace craft—except DropShips and other large craft—suffer
effects as a BattleMech. DropShips, large aerospace craft,
Game Rules structures, and other targets weighing over 100 tons are unaf-
In combat, the man-portable plasma rifle operates in a simi- fected by ’Mech Taser Rifle attacks.
lar fashion to Gauss rifles, consuming ammunition and energy In both CBT and CBT: RPG games, the ’Mech Taser Rifle
with each shot. With proper adapters and cooling systems, this is fired as a missile launcher, though the use of its connect-
weapon may be mounted in battle armor, but at a significant ing wire imposes a +1 to-hit penalty due to extra drag on the
increase in size and bulk. harpoon warhead during flight. Anti-missile systems do not
In CBT games, the incendiary effects of the M-PPR may set protect against a Taser attack, however. Once the ’Mech
a target hex on fire on a base 2D6 roll of 5+, modified as per Taser Rifle strikes a target, it delivers base damage as nor-
the normal fire rules (see pp. 79-80, BMR,). However, against mal, followed by the electromagnetic surge. Missed shots
armored units (BattleMechs, ProtoMechs, combat vehicles, bat- simply expend the Taser’s “harpoon” and line with no addi-
tle armor, and hardened buildings), this weapon inflicts armor tional effects. The surge has different effects for different tar-
damage only. get types, as described below for both CBT: RPG rules and
CBT rules.
’MECH TASER RIFLE CBT: RPG: In CBT: RPG games, if the target is a creature or
A radical new weapon a character not wearing an exoskeleton or battle armor, the
system designed for weapon does its listed damage in the form of the harpoon’s
ultimate penetration and a powerful electrical blast. If the target is wear-
develop- ing battle armor (or an exoskeleton), or is a vehicle, ProtoMech,
ment as a or BattleMech, roll damage as normal against the target’s cur-
Battle- rent energy armor value (10 for vehicles and ’Mechs).
M e c h - On a result of Minor Wound or better, after armor effects,
grade ver- roll 2D6, applying the Wound Value to the result. If the roll
sion, the exceeds 8+ (for battle armor/exoskeletons), 10+ (for Pro-
’Mech Taser Rifle toMechs and vehicles), or 12+ (for BattleMechs), the target
recently appeared in the unit’s power systems instantly overload and shutdown for a
arsenals of the Word of Blake’s battle armor troops. Too mas- number of turns equal to the Wound Value. Characters within a
sive and dangerous for use by standard infantry, the ’Mech battlesuit or exoskeleton hit by such a weapon receive half the
Taser Rifle consists of a wire-guided, armor-piercing harpoon Wound Value in the form of subduing damage as well, reflecting
delivered by a Gauss-type weapon, which effectively connects the shock of the electrical pulse.


Note that any other result of this roll produces +1 penalties to effects. If this roll is 7 or better, the attacking unit suffers a +2
the target’s gunnery, piloting, and sensor operations skills, reflect- penalty to all actions for 6 turns (3 turns in CBT games), reflect-
ing only a partial effect, which lasts for 6 turns after the attack. ing overloaded electronics and targeting systems from the feed-
Multiple ’Mech Taser Rifle hits do not increase this duration or back surge. A roll of 6 or less indicates the weapon’s cells have
penalty, so battle armor squads equipped with ’Mech Taser Rifles explosively ruptured, causing a massive feedback in the battle-
typically fire these weapons one at a time, rather than risk losing suit’s own integral power supply, incapacitating the suit for the
the entire squad from feedback damage (see below). same duration.
BattleTech: In CBT games, a successful ’Mech Taser Rifle In CBT game terms, a disabled battlesuit is considered
attack against conventional infantry automatically kills one trooper. destroyed, reducing its squad’s number of troopers by 1 for
Against battle armor, vehicles, ProtoMechs, and BattleMechs, a the remainder of the scenario. A battlesuit suffering from
2D6 roll must be made to check for shutdown after the weapon penalties, however, simply adds +1 to the rest of the squad’s
delivers its base damage of 1 point. Battle armor troopers shut attack rolls for the next three turns. Note that unless the
down (and are considered destroyed, for scenario purposes) on a ’Mech Taser Rifle misses (and thus does not discharge its
result of 9+, while ProtoMechs and vehicles shut down on 11+ cells), it cannot be reloaded or recharged for later use and
(with shutdown vehicles treated as though they are suffering from must be replaced after each use.
a “Crew Stunned” critical hit for the duration of the effect). Battle-
Mechs only shut down from a ’Mech Taser Rifle hit on a roll of 12. WEAPON ACCESSORIES
Shutdown units may make a restart check during the End Phase of The following weapon accessories improve the perfor-
every round thereafter, 8+ for vehicles and ProtoMechs, or 7+ for mance and versatility of many personal combat weapons used
BattleMechs. Shutdown units other than battle armor are consid- in CBT:RPG games, but (unless otherwise noted) have no
ered immobile, but not destroyed. effect in CBT games.
Note that if a unit is not shut down by a successful ’Mech
Taser Rifle attack, it suffers the same +1 penalties to all rolls ISR-71G “TRIPWIRE”/ISR-93TX
(for 3 rounds, in CBT-scale combat) as it would under the CBT: “ROUNDHOUSE” CORNERSHOT
RPG rules. The cornershot weapon accessory was first developed in the
Feedback (CBT: RPG/BattleTech): After a successful early 21st century as a device for urban combat. The ability to
’Mech Taser Rifle attack, in both CBT: RPG and CBT games, the look and shoot around a corner while remaining concealed can
attacker must make a second 2D6 roll to check for feedback be a critical element of urban combat, and methods to do this

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/ Weight
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload (kg) Affil Crew Notes
“Bearhunter” Superheavy AC SUP D/D/F 7•7D6 B 14/60/120/200 180 3,000/200 40 Clan 2 Burst (30/3)
“David” Lt Gauss Rifle SUP E/E/E 5•5D6 B 90/330/745/1535 8, 8§ 6,000/20 18 FW 1 Burst (4/1); Encumbering
“King David” Lt Gauss Rifle SUP E/E/E 6•5D6 B 100/350/775/1575 80, 8§ 8,000/200 30 FW 2 Burst (5/2)
“Firedrake” Support Needler SUP D/C/F 2•7D6 B 16/35/55/80 30 500/10 25 LA 2 Splash; Incendiary; Burst (10/2); AP 0
vs barriers
Man-Portable Plasma Rifle SUP E/D/F 5•10D6 E 60/250/500/1000 10, 5§ 7,500/10 30 CC 1 Encumbering; Incendiary; Splash
’Mech Taser Rifle SUP E/E/E 8•7D6 E 20/35/50/75 1 10,000/500 300 WoB 1 +1 TN to fire; Battle Armor only; see

§ Indicates energy points required per shot.

Item Damage Min/Sht/Med/Lng Weight Slots Shots (Wt.) BV/Ammo Cost/Ammo Notes
“Bearhunter” Superheavy AC 3 0/0/1/2 150 kg 2 20 (30) 4/0 11,250/650 +1 to-hit modifier in CBT
“David” Lt Gauss Rifle 1 0/3/5/8 100 kg 1 20 (15) 7/1 22,500/250 —
“King David” Lt Gauss Rifle 1 0/3/6/9 275 kg 2 20 (15) 7/1 30,000/250 —
“Firedrake” Support Needler 1 0/1/2/3 50 kg 1 30 (5) 2/0 1,500/100 May ignite target hex on 6+; no damage
to armored units.
Man-Portable Plasma Rifle 2 0/2/4/6 300 kg 2 20 (30) 12/2 28,000/20 May ignite target hex on 5+
’Mech Taser Rifle 1 0/1/2/3 300 kg 3 — 15/— 10,000/500 +1 TN to fire; see description


safely have been in demand for centuries. Gun-mounted cameras ally becomes quite restrictive, as it takes greater physical strain
used before the cornershot hit the market required part of the to fight its tendency to stabilize any motions.
operator to be exposed to enemy fire; the cornershot does not.
Essentially a mechanical mount for any weapon fed by Game Rules
automatic means (such as auto-pistols, lasers, and subma- The Mako is designed for rifles only, but may be mounted
chine guns), the cornershot consists of a rifle butt containing on any single-barreled small arm, including submachine guns,
the trigger mechanism, joint control, camera interface, power most shotguns, and pistols. When active, the Mako slows down
supply for the joint servo, and an interface for the weapon, all barrel movement, allowing the user to fine-tune long ranged
which is equipped with a camera, laser designator, and scope. shots and keep them steady, but making closer-ranged attacks
Neither the ISR-71G nor the ISR-93TX Cornershots may be used difficult. Short and medium ranged attacks using a Mako thus
in conjunction with recoil compensators, and so are best used suffer +2 and +1 TN modifiers, respectively, while long and
for single-shot weapons as adjusting for recoil effects while extreme ranged attacks receive –1 and –2 TN bonuses, respec-
shooting around corners is difficult. The -71G is ideal for pistol- tively. Note that the Mako does not act as a recoil compensator,
sized weapons, while the newer –93TX allows for mounting but weapons using a Mako may also make use of such items.
SMGs and even rifles, and features a built-in gyrostabilizer to The Mako gyrostabilizer has no effect in CBT games.
compensate for recoil.
Game Rules The M-11J cloaking device is an innovation brought into
The ISR-71G “Tripwire” may only mount pistol weapons that practical use shortly before the fall of the Star League. The per-
feed ammunition by non-manual means (such as auto-pistols fect covert ops tool, this sneak suit variant allows the wearer to
and lasers), and may not be used in conjunction with any form mask almost any object carried on his person from active scan-
of recoil compensation. Its bigger brother, the ISR-93TX “Round- ning, though it does not conceal the user himself in any way.
house” may fit rifles and submachine guns, and has its own sta- The M-11J consists of a skin-tight suit similar to most sneak
bilizer for recoil compensation (reducing all recoil TN modifiers suits, with its power supply and control components interwoven
by 1 to a minimum of 0), but again is restricted only to weapons through its three-dimensional mesh. Several myomer-laced pock-
that feature automatic ammunition feeds. ets found throughout the suit can be made to assume a shape
In CBT games, multiply all damage sustained by corner- (using an hidden external control module) considerably different
shot-equipped infantry units inside buildings (see pp. 51-52, from its contents size and shape. Typical settings attempt to dis-
BMR) by 0.75 (round up at 0.5). Note that this multiplier is guise items as body fat, while the M-11J’s myomers can also dou-
applied after the normal reduction for damage by building type ble as a corset to provide additional cargo room at the cost of
is determined, and does not apply to combat between units comfort. Even without this shape and texture control, however, the
within the same building. M-11J further conceals by automatically intercepting incoming
active scanning signals and using a combination of passive and
CDS-MHK3 “MAKO” SNIPER active techniques to fool its interrogator. Its extremely high com-
GYROSTABILIZER puting power usually accomplishes this feat before the scanner
The Mako Sniper Gyrostabilizer is a new product from realizes the deception, and, at the time of its development, the M-
Rorynex Industries that mounts below the barrel of a rifle and 11J was capable of outmaneuvering all known sensor devices.
effectively inhibits any fast motions that might spoil an other-
wise perfect shot. Using a variant of gyroscopic stabilizer tech- Game Rules
nology, the Mako effectively forces the rifle barrel to keep The M-11J does not conceal its user, but adds a +8 TN
steady during the aiming process, resisting any random jerks modifier to all efforts to detect that the user is carrying a
and twitches from the rifleman, involuntary or otherwise. This weapon or other concealed object on his person. Sensor Opera-
stabilization, though ineffective against recoil effects, helps tions, Perception, and other related skill checks are all affected
make aiming at long range extremely reliable. However, because by this penalty. The M-11J system covers the wearer’s legs,
the gyros also counteract any sudden movements from the oper- arms, and torso and is programmed using an external program-
ator, at closer ranges a weapon fitted with an active Mako actu- ming module barely larger than a noteputer. The cloaking device


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
ISR-71G “Tripwire” C/D/D 560 3.7 kg — Cornershot; Pistols only; Pwr use: 0.3/minute
ISR-93TX “Roundhouse” D/E/D 2,400 6.2 kg — Cornershot; Rifles, SMGs, and Pistols only; –1 recoil TN modifier (min. 0); Pwr
use: 0.5/minute
CDS-MHK3 “Mako” D/E/D 8,400 3.7 kg — Range TN Mods: +2/+1/–1/–2 when active; Pwr use: 1/minute
M-11J “Cloaking Device” F/F/F 4,350,000 4.5 kg CS/WB +8 TN modifier to detect; Pwr use 0.5/minute; may not combine with other
electronic sneak suits; Coverage: legs, arms, torso; may not conceal any
equipment that would encumber the user.



Weapon Class Applies To Ammo For: Weight Value

Archaic All weapons requiring ARC skill to use 2.0
Pistol All weapons requiring PIS skill to use 2.4
Rifle All weapons requiring RIF skill to use 3.0
Shotgun All weapons requiring SHT skill to use 3.4
Submachine Gun All weapons requiring SMG skill to use 2.8
Support Weapon All weapons requiring SUP skill to use 100.0

Weapon Type Applies To Ammo For: Weight Value

Powder-Propelled Conventional ballistic firearms +0.0
Chemical-Propelled Ballistic firearms using caseless ammo types or flares –1.0
Gauss-Propelled Gauss-based firearms –2.0
Self-Propelled Gyrojets, recoilless rifles, missile and rocket launchers +20.0
Flechette/Dart Needler, dart, and tranq weapons –1.0
Liquid/Fuel Ammo Flamers, paint guns, other liquid projectors +40.0
Auto-Feed Weapon All weapons with “Jam on Fumble” and/or “Burst” rules +1.0

may not be used with other electronic camouflage or sneak vide more shots per kilogram than another weapon said to use
suits, but can be worn under the user’s normal outer attire, con- the same ammo gauge. In such cases, the ammunition weight
cealing as much equipment as the user desires, so long as said variance may be the result of a specialized clip design unique to
equipment would not encumber him and is smaller in physical the weapon. It thus falls on the gamemaster and players to keep
size than a standard rifle. track of how many clips of ammo are in inventory for each
The M-11J has no effect in CBT games. weapon type fielded—a matter that largely helps explain why so
many military units and mercenary commands issue standardized
MUNITIONS weapons to their troops, rather than provide for a bewildering
The following rules for personal ammunition are designed to array of weapon types, sizes, and manufacturer’s models.
work in both CBT and CBT: RPG games and, unless otherwise To determine the weight of a given ammo clip, cross reference
noted, adhere to the extant rules in both systems. the weapon’s class (pistol, rifle, shotgun, etc.) on the Weapon
Ammo Weight Guide Table above and add appropriate modifiers for
PERSONAL AMMO WEIGHTS the weapon type (powder-propelled, Gauss-fired, self-propelled).
The weight of personal ammunition for the various types of Multiply the result by the number of rounds in an ammunition clip
personal combat weaponry used in both CBT: RPG and CBT and again by the number of damage dice shown under the
games is not typically stated in the statistics for each weapon weapon’s damage listing for this ammo to determine the weight of
because the size and relative weight of clips and rounds are a complete reload for the weapon, in grams (rounding up). Note
generally seen as an incidental issue for anyone with enough that a kilogram equals 1,000 grams and a ton of ammunition
pockets to spare. Gamemasters wishing for greater depth in weighs 1,000 kilograms. Note also that the weight of a full clip is
gaming, however, may soon find such assumptions make included in the base weight of the weapon that uses it.
increasingly less sense as their characters start toting as many For example, a 10-round clip for a standard auto-pistol (PIS
weapons as possible under the typical encumbrance rules, and skill to use, uses conventional powder-propelled ammo, jams on
then shell out enough C-bills for 20, 30, even 50 reloads which a fumble, base damage of 4D6) weighs 136 grams [2.4 (Pistol)
they then may also claim to be carrying at no extra weight. Like- +0.0 (powder-propelled) +1.0 (auto-feed) = 3.4; 3.4 x 10
wise, players of mercenary campaigns or other long-running (rounds per clip) x 4 (damage dice) = 136].
games where logistics becomes an issue may also wonder how A standard 80-round clip for the Rugan SMG, by comparison,
many spare clips a half-ton case may bring their infantry and uses 608-gram clips [2.8 (SMG) +0.00 (powder-propelled) +1.0
security troops on the front lines. To date, this too has been (auto-feed) = 3.8; 3.8 x 80 (shots per clip) x 2 (damage dice) =
regarded as an incidental expenditure next to the supplies need- 608], and a man-portable SRM launcher uses 1.68-kilogram
ed to keep a BattleMech fully loaded and armed. reloads [100.0 (SUP) + 20.0 (self-propelled) = 120; 120 x 2
The following rules provide a rough guideline for determining (shots per reload) x 7 (damage dice) = 1680 grams = 1.68 kg].
the weight of ammunition in personal combat weapons. Note
that, to account for such a broad array of weapons, these rules RADIOACTIVE TRACKER ROUNDS
make general presumptions for all weapons in a given class and While of little use on the battlefield, in many covert wars
may result in instances where a weapon that has been described radioactive tracers can be ideal for tracking people or objects.
as using a given gauge of ammo may make use of clips that pro- Able to be loaded as a liquid in an easy-break capsule, the liq-


uid—which includes a small suspension of easy-to-track radioac- AIR-BURST MORTAR MUNITIONS

tive isotopes (iridium-191 being one of the most popular)— Often when bombarding defensive positions, much of the
quickly dries and emits gamma radiation for a month unless it is mortars’ effectiveness is reduced as enemy soldiers have ample
thoroughly cleaned off. While the radioactive trace is insufficient cover in the way of sandbags and foxholes. Air-burst mortar
to cause harm, it may be noticed with the proper detection munitions get past this by exploding two to five meters above
devices, such as specialty bug detectors modified to detect the ground, raining down on targeted soldiers while sacrificing
gamma emissions, within a range of 35 meters. some punch and armor penetration in the bargain.

Game Rules Game Rules

Radioactive trackers may be fired by any slug-thrower Air-burst mortar rounds are treated exactly like normal mortar
weapon and deliver only a minimum of damage, reflecting the munitions, but ignore all terrain effects unless the target would
“sting” of impact. The radioactive chemicals remain on the tar- receive cover from attacks directly above it (such as ceilings and
get’s clothing or skin unless thoroughly washed away, but the the like). Air-burst mortars cost twice as much as their base ord-
target must first realize that he has been hit by a tracker (INT + nance type, but reduce their AP by 1 and base damage by one die.
WIL Check, with a +5 TN modifier). The tracker is detectable on In CBT games, air-burst mortar rounds add the splash damage
specially modified bug scanners to a range of 35 meters on a capability to mortar-equipped infantry units if using the infantry con-
successful Sensor Operations check (with a –1 TN modifier for struction rules from Combat Operations (see pp. 58-68). Further-
every five meters from the target under 30 meters.) more, air-burst mortar attacks on vehicular units deliver their dam-
Radioactive trackers have no impact on CBT games. age in one-point clusters, like LB-X cluster shot. Thus, before
resolving damage from successful air-burst mortar attacks against
GAUSS-DELIVERED vehicular units, the attacking player should first roll for the number
PAYLOAD CANISTERS of points delivered, based on the infantry unit’s current damage
While most modern militaries operate under the axiom capacity and the most appropriate column of the missile hits table.
“When brute force doesn’t work, you’re not using enough,” certain
force multipliers have not been used since the days of the Suc- GUIDED MORTAR MUNITIONS
cession Wars. It is peculiar that the Free Worlds League, who Desiring a more accurate indirect-fire weapon to support its
recently deployed the David man-portable light Gauss rifle, have infantry forces, Free Worlds designers took the electronic and
finished development of specialized gauss munitions designed to guidance from the widely successful semi-guided LRM munitions
deploy liquids, gasses and other ordnance. While the official use and added them onto the normally inaccurate mortar rounds,
of these devices is the deployment of non-lethal weaponry such allowing mortar teams to finally deliver accurate salvos onto an
as tear gas and olfactory agents, as seen on Zion recently, the enemy position.
potential usage with more lethal chemicals is hard to overlook.
Gauss-Delivered Payload Canisters (GDPC) are essentially Game Rules
hollowed out Gauss slugs for support-grade, man-portable Guided mortar munitions function just like semi-guided LRMs
Gauss weapons, filled with the desired chemical payload and (see p. 142, BMR), homing in on any vehicular unit “painted” by a
some explosives to crack the shell and disperse it. GDPCs may friendly TAG (or light TAG) unit. Guided mortar rounds function as
be impact or time-delay triggered, and the gunner can select normal mortar rounds in the absence of a successful TAG designa-
which method is used when he discharges the weapon. tion or a lack of a targeting spotter. Guided mortar munitions cost
four times as much as the base cost for mortar ordnance, or may
Game Rules be combined with air-burst capability for a cost multiplier of eight.
GDPCs function as Class D Ordnance (see p. 35, LT),
though they are somewhat less damaging. Used only in man- AIR-BURST RIFLE MUNITIONS
portable Gauss-based support weapons, GDPC’s deploy their In an effort to increase the lethality of their infantry against
payload depending on the setting of their fuse. If set to impact, unarmored opposition, the FedSuns military has begun testing a
the payload will deploy when the canister strikes an object, be it special high-tech version of standard explosive rifle munitions
the target or ground. The proximity setting detonates a split-sec- that can be programmed to detonate at specific ranges through
ond before impact. This setting can be pre-programmed, but a mechanism within the ammo clip itself. These air-burst rounds
more commonly the operator manually sets the range before enable snipers to hit targets hiding right around a corner; howev-
launch, counting the setting time as a Simple Action. This is usu- er, their expense, limited application, complexity, reduced dam-
ally accomplished by setting how many meters away from the age potential, and the limited ammo capacity per magazine (due
weapon the GDPC will detonate. to the presence of the programming mechanisms) make them
If using the infantry construction rules from Combat Opera- all but useless in a fluid battle.
tions (see pp. 58-68), the use of GDPC rounds gives Gauss rifle-
equipped infantry the equivalent of splash damage, which may Game Rules
slightly increase their damage effectiveness in combat. Rifles using air-burst munitions receive only half the rounds
per clip (rounded up). Loading a new clip of air-burst munitions


into a rifle or programming one for a new range setting counts as Game Rules
a Complex Action, at which time the player must announce to the Guided gyrojet munitions are available for all types of gyro-
gamemaster the range at which the player intends to program jet and gyroslug weapons at a significant increase in cost, but
the munitions to pre-detonate (up to the maximum range of the for any weapon to use them properly, it must also be equipped
rifle itself). Up to the announced range, the munitions function with a special guidance attachment that precludes the use of
like standard explosive ammunition, but they automatically deto- additional attachments to the weapon’s muzzle, such as the
nate once they reach the programmed distance, causing blast Mako gyrostabilizer. Firing a gyrojet weapon using guided muni-
damage based on the firing weapon’s normal damage, but at a tions is treated as a complex action instead of a simple action,
reduction of 1 AP and 1 damage die and with only one quarter of but the attack receives an additional –2 TN bonus in addition to
the normal blast radius. Note that the explosive charges are other bonuses for careful aim and the like.
unstable, so a fumbled Action Check when programming or firing In CBT games, guided gyrojet munitions decrease the base
air-burst munitions destroys the weapon using them. to-hit for rifle-equipped infantry units by –1 at all ranges, but only
In CBT games, air-burst munitions add the splash damage if every member of the unit uses the guided gyrojet munitions.
capability to rifle-equipped infantry units, if using the infantry
construction rules from Combat Operations (see pp. 58-68). MINES AND MINEFIELDS
As triggers and booby traps go on the battlefield, by far the
GUIDED GYROJET MUNITIONS most common of all types is the standard landmine. Designed
A recent development inspired by the advent of the Federat- to provide a static defense—or merely to act as a deterrent—
ed Suns’ precision-guided Autocannon rounds, guided munitions mines may vary in their method of operation, but are essentially
appeared only very recently as a means of providing infantry with the same: a ready-made booby trap, complete with its own built-
the same kind of semi-guided capability in small arms. Unable in trigger.
to mimic the effect of precision-guided autocannon rounds in The following rules expand on those previously published
personnel-scale rifles and machine guns, however, FedSuns for mines and minefields in both CBT and CBT: RPG games,
designers instead opted to build on a proven, yet little-utilized covering where and how mines may be used for maximum
alterative in recoilless, gyrojet-based weaponry. effect against both personnel and armored combat vehicles
Guided gyrojet munitions are specially modified versions of the (including BattleMechs).
typical gyrojet and gyroslug ammunition types, trading some explo-
sive potential for a miniaturized vectored-thrust system attuned to a LAND MINES
barrel-mounted transmitter attached to the weapon itself. Though The effectiveness of all landmines is directly related to how
flight times are brief (thanks to the rounds’ rocket-assisted flight), they are placed and how many are placed within a given area.
initial tests have shown that this guidance technology allows gyrojet- Too many mines too close to valuable equipment or personnel
equipped infantry to improve their accuracy by holding their sights positions may cause unwanted damage and may even cause
on the target while their rounds are in flight, minimizing the need for sympathetic detonations if the mines themselves are placed too
shooters to “lead” a moving target in the heat of battle. close together. Too few mines, too far separated, and an enemy


Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Munition/Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Radioactive Trackers — C/E/E 0•2D6 B — — x3.5 — — Slug-throwing pistols and rifles only; radioac-
tive signature: 1-month duration, 35-meter
range to specialized sensors.
Tracker Scanner SEN D/D/D — — 35 — 2,250 100 g — Detects radioactive tracker rounds; –1 TN for
each 5m under 30m range; pwr use: 0.5/hr
GDPC Rounds — +1/+1/— * O — — * — FW Gauss weapons only; Type and Cost as Class
D ordnance type; –1 AP and –2 Damage dice
(as applicable)*
Mortar, Air-Burst — +1/+1/+1 ** X — — x2 ** FW Blast; ignore all cover except from above
Mortar, Guided — +1/+1/+1 ** X — — x4 ** FW Blast; see semi-guided LRMs (p. 142, BMR)
Rifle, Air-Burst — +1/+1/+1 ** B — — x6 — FS Complex action to program; Blast damage at
set range (1/4 radius), half ammo capacity;
weapon destroyed on fumble
Gyrojet, Guided — +1/+1/+1 ** B — — x8 — FS Complex action to fire; –2 TN; requires Guid-
ance Module; no AP reduction at ext. range
Guided Rifle Module — E/D/F — — — — 2,000 250 g FS Required for Guided Gyrojet Munitions

* See weapon description for rules

** –1 AP from standard rounds, –1D6 from damage


may simply pass through the mined area with little to no dam- First, sea minefields may not be deployed in any terrain
age sustained. except water, and must be assigned a depth as well as a map
In CBT: RPG games, as per the rules in Lostech (see pp. 38- location. This depth may range from 0 (representing a surface
39), the effectiveness of a minefield is a matter of its density, minefield, effective against even hovercraft and hydrofoils, as well
which is expressed as a range from 1 to 11, and added to 7 to as surface vessels and partially-submerged units), to 12 levels (72
determine the target number to avoid setting off a mine as a char- meters) below the surface, including the bottom of the water fea-
acter ventures through the area. If the roll result exceeds the value ture, if applicable. Sea mines may thus only inflict damage upon a
of this number, no mines will detonate. Otherwise, a mine unit that passes through their location and depth.
explodes for the full effects of its ordnance and the field’s density Second, sea mines may be deployed conventionally (by engi-
is reduced by 1. An additional mine within 1D10 meters (direction neering teams and dedicated mine-layers, typically prior to the start
determined by normal scatter rules) may then explode in sympathy of a scenario) or as specialized “Thunder LRM” rounds per standard
on a separate 1D10 roll that equals or falls under the new mine- CBT rules. “Thunder LRM” launched sea mines—available only as
field density level. After causing additional damage to targets with- standard mines—are a special munition that, when used, are
in the area of effect, this sympathy detonation may force yet anoth- always considered to have an effective depth of 0 once deployed.
er check for further explosions until either the entire minefield is Third, any unit that ends a movement action or phase within
effectively wiped out (reduced to a density of 0) or until a sympathy two hexes (60 meters) of a sea minefield may detect the field’s
detonation roll exceeds the current density level of the field. location. In CBT games, this detection takes the form of a Pilot-
Based on these rules, a typical minefield is assumed to span ing Skill roll with a +2 modifier on behalf of the spotting unit. In
an area roughly 30 meters in diameter, with each point of mine- CBT: RPG games, a successful Perception/Sensor Operations
field “density” equating to 1 mine for every 5-meter area (or rough- Check (with a +2 TN modifier) is required instead. Units
ly 24 mines within the 30-meter diameter). Though each detona- equipped with active probes or improved sensors may double
tion reduces the field’s effectiveness, explosive ordnance may this detection range (to 4 hexes/120 meters) and apply a –2
thus remain live in the area even after the field is reduced to a modifier to either target number.
density of 0. By way of comparison, a field density of 11 means Finally, BattleMechs—which stand two levels tall in CBT—
that roughly 264 mines have been planted within the same 30- should take into account any level differences between their cur-
meter diameter (one CBT hex), with most separated by barely a rent position and that of any sea minefields they strike. A mine-
meter’s worth of space. field placed one elevation level above the BattleMech’s current
Standard minefields in CBT games equate to a CBT: RPG base level will thus inflict damage to the ’Mech on the Front
minefield with a density of 4 for standard mines, or a density of 3 Punch Table, rather than the Kick Table (so a BattleMech oper-
for command detonated and vibrabomb mines. Vehicle-based FAS- ating at Depth 1 will suffer Punch Table damage if it strikes a
CAM (“Thunder”) mines, which are delivered by large-scale missile minefield at Depth 0, but would take Kick Table damage if the
launchers by heavy battlefield units, have a density factor equal to same field were at Depth 1).
2 points for every five FASCAM missiles (or fraction thereof) fired, Damage from sea mines is applied in five-point groups, using
so “Thunder” mines launched from an LRM-20 are said to have a the Front Location Table relevant to the vehicle’s type (and eleva-
density rating of 8. Augmented Thunder rounds increase the densi- tion, in the case of BattleMechs). Note that all damage inflicted by
ty value by only half as much per five-missile flight, but expand the sea mines automatically forces the affected unit to roll for hull
minefield’s total area to 90 meters, rather than 30. breach on all affected locations per the standard rules, but only if
said locations are submerged (pp. 94-95, BMR), so the partially-
SEA MINES submerged ’Mech above would not require a hull breach check for
The maritime equivalent of the standard land minefield, sea mines it strikes at Depth 0, but mines at Depth 1 would strike the
mines have fallen into disuse proportionate with the decline in the legs and require a hull breach check.
prominence of wet navies on the worlds of the Inner Sphere and
Periphery. Nonetheless, these aquatic minefields still exist, often SPACE MINES
scattered around major offshore objectives on water-rich worlds, Space mines, while a great idea in theory, have proven far
where they menace surface vessels, subs, and even submerged less potent in practice in the face of relentless technological
BattleMechs. Most feature contact- or command-detonation fea- advances in sensors and armor for military spacecraft, and have
tures similar to their land-based counterparts, and use a system of thus all but disappeared from the modern space battlefield. Still,
floats and anchors or weights to hold their relative position either from time to time, well-deployed space mines have been known to
on the water surface, just below, or even along the sea bed itself. complicate battles particularly near critical spaceborne installa-
Sea Mines are available in command detonated and standard tions or asteroid fields. The screen launcher system, however, has
varieties, and work in accordance with the standard CBT and RPG breathed new life into these ancient defensive weapons.
rules regarding attacks, damage values, and clearing rules In AeroTech 2 gameplay, space minefields may be deployed
(although sea mines placed at depths greater than 1 level—6 only as alternate munitions from Screen Launcher-equipped large
meters—may only be cleared using torpedoes or by properly- craft (such as DropShips and WarShips), or by specially-trained
trained infantry equipped with SCUBA gear or UMU-equipped zero-G engineers equipped with EVA gear, who must work from a
armor), with the following exceptions: relative stop (Velocity 0) to release and deploy a canister of space


mines, taking as much as 5 minutes (5 turns in AT2 combat) per through a space minefield automatically detects its presence
canister. Either method may be used to deploy space mines prior and must make a Control Roll (Piloting Check for RPG games)
to or during an AT2 scenario. with a +3 target modifier to avoid striking a mine (reduce the
Similar to screen launcher rounds, space mine canisters deto- modifier to +1 if the unit is using an active ECM suite). Craft
nate in a target area to fill a globular area as large as 15 to 18 occupying the hex in which a space minefield deploys must
kilometers with its payload, but instead of chaff and electronic make an immediate Control Roll in the turn of deployment,
noisemakers, these munitions deliver approximately two thousand but receive a –2 TN modifier to the above roll to avoid a mine-
small bomblets to the area, each rigged with short-range passive field attack.
sensors and chemical thrusters to stabilize their positions, track If the roll succeeds, no mines or debris strike the unit. Other-
passing spacecraft, and maneuver into them quickly (screen wise, the unit is successfully “attacked” by the minefield and sus-
launcher-deployed minefield canisters include braking thrusters tains a number of points of standard-scale damage as shown in the
that bring them to a relative stop before deploying their own mines, Space Mine Damage Table for every point by which the roll failed.
explaining their increased mass over the conventional versions and The damage is then distributed in 5-point clusters like LRM damage
enabling a screen launcher-equipped unit to simply target a hex to the front of the craft. In the case of multiple units—including mul-
and fire a field into it). tiple fighters in a single formation—each craft passing through a
Space minefields may only be deployed on the space map in minefield makes a Control Roll to avoid a minefield’s attack. Also
AT2 games, although any placed closer than 10 hexes (180 kilo- note that each time a minefield successfully delivers an attack, it
meters) from a planet’s space/atmosphere interface suffer gravity reduces its overall attack capacity by the number of points shown in
effects per the the table
rules in AT2R, (though mine-
and are auto- SPACE MINE DAMAGE TABLE fields may deliv-
matically er their full max-
destroyed upon Damage per Unit Max. Damage Attack Capacity imum damage
reaching the Craft Type (per MoF point) per Attack Reduction per Attackeach attack). A
interface. As Fighter/Small Craft/Satellite 5 20 1 minefield
they are DropShip 10 50 2 reduced to 0 or
designed less JumpShip/Space Station/WarShip 20 100 3 less in this fash-
as an obscu- ion is consid-
rant and more ered depleted
as a defensive weapon, space minefields are less visible than and has no further effect on gameplay. Note that a space minefield
screens and do not have to be marked on the map—whether always begins play with an attack capacity of 6 points. Additional
deployed prior to the start of a scenario or by on-board launchers— fields in the same hex have no additional effect.
although they remain stationary on the map once they are placed. Finally, space minefields located inside the K-F field generated
Unlike screens, space minefields do not impede line of by an incoming JumpShip (i.e. in the same hex) are automatically
sight or impose a modifier on gunnery to-hits if weapons fire destroyed before they have a chance to inflict any damage to the
passes through a mined hex. However, a unit crossing arriving vessel.

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost
Mine Type Skill Ratings Damage† Type S/M/L/E (Each) Weight Affil Notes
Anti-Jump “Active” DEM E/D/E (D) O — 1,000 5 kg CC —
Anti-Jump, Thunder * +1/+2/– (C) O — 750 24 kg CC *
Command-Detonated DEM C/B/E (E) O — 75 600 g — —
Standard DEM B/A/E (E) O — 50 500 g — —
Standard, Thunder * +1/+1/– (C) O — 500 12 kg — *
Standard, Thunder-Augmented * +1/+2/– (C) O — 1,000 24 kg — *
Standard, Thunder-Inferno * +1/+2/– (C) O — 250 24 kg — *
Vibrabomb DEM D/C/E (E) O — 500 50 kg — —
Vibrabomb, Thunder * +1/+2/– (C) O — 625 24 kg — *
Sea Mine** ** **/**/** ** O — x2 x1 — Deployed in water only
Space DEM D/D/E (F) O — 10,000 8 tons — Deployed in space only
Space, Screen-Launched — +1/+2/– (E) O — 15,000 10 tons — Deployed in space only

* Thunder munitions are launched by vehicular missile launchers and use the appropriate Gunnery Skill to deploy and Demolitions skill to disarm. Cost and Weight reflect each
“Thunder” missile.
** Sea Mines use the skills, equipment ratings, and ordnance types for their land-based equivalents, but may only be deployed as standard, “Thunder” standard, and com-
mand-detonated mines.
† See Lostech, p. 35.



As weapons are constantly advancing, so, too, have the devote more resources to its battle armor and ’Mechs. Though
technologies behind personal armor. Featured in this section are less protective as a result, their light infantry armor kits allow
new rules covering personal armor and combat garb that supple- the wearer far more flexibility and freedom of movement than
ment those found in CBT: RPG and Lostech. their other Inner Sphere cousins.
Following Personal Armor, a host of new battle armor designs The Free Rasalhague Republic armor style, largely influenced
are presented; not only those currently entering production, but by their Combine roots, also emphasizes flexibility over protection
those still in development, and some still on the drawing board. as a means to keep troops as mobile as possible.


The following rules follow those for personal armor in CBT: With the creation and breakup of the Federated Common-
RPG games. wealth, FedSuns infantry armor kits have undergone several
changes over the decades to its present form. The new versions
INFANTRY ARMOR KITS move the communications system from their heavy gloves to the
While armor and combat garb come in many different types more traditional helmets, while the combat jacket has been
and styles, most major militaries issue their infantry armor along modified to allow a better range of movement at the expense of
a single, nationally recognized uniform standard. Though quite armoring the trooper’s arms.
possibly not the most effective standards, more often than not
the vests and suits worn by frontline troops surpass those of their Free Worlds League
civilian- or privately-owned counterparts. The capabilities of each Today the best equipped of the Successor States, the Free
infantry armor kit allow the major powers to reduce logistical prob- Worlds League’s infantry armor kit gives their wearer strong protec-
lems and receive more bang for the buck, rather than tailoring tion around the torso and head, while the arms and legs boast
each individual soldier for specific conditions. Still, each major weaker protection for the sake of greater dexterity.
army retains a style unique unto itself.
Lyran Alliance
Capellan Confederation The Lyran infantry armor kit emphasizes practicality over raw
Confederation infantry kits stress flexibility over protection, effectiveness. While little armor is devoted to the arms and legs,
though not as much as seen among their Draconis Combine the wearer’s torso and head are well protected, and the combat hel-
counterparts. Light plasteel mesh covers the arms and legs, met features integral night vision and infrared detection equipment.
allowing for a lighter, but equally effective, form of protection
from shrapnel and small arms fire. Periphery Powers
The sheer variety of small governments, pirate groups, and
Clans independent worlds that exist in the Periphery have given rise to
Taking plentiful amounts of the Star League’s infantry combat a broad range of infantry battle gear, with very few established
dress with them, the Clans never suffered the lack of the advanced interplanetary standards. Indeed, only the Magistracy of Cano-
technology and materials for armor that the Inner Sphere did, pus, the Marian Hegemony, the Taurian Concordat and the
though the introduction of Clan copper—a memory metal capable Calderon Protectorate have mustered the effort and resources to
of working out most of the kinks and dents caused by battle dam- standardize their infantry attire distinct to each realm. The Out-
age and blunt trauma—has revolutionized some aspects of Clan worlds Alliance, by way of comparison, instead prefers to leave
infantry armor, particularly in the area of combat helmet design, the outfitting of ground forces to their local governments, leading
which directly descends from the Star League standard. to standards that vary from world to world.

Comstar/Word of Blake GAME RULES

Though possessing large quantities of Star League technology, The Infantry Armor Kits Table below lists each affiliation, its
ComStar has historically lacked the ability to manufacture sufficient standard infantry armor kit components, and special rules. Note
numbers of the 360-degree wraparound vision infantry helmets from that some armored suits offer variable protection, depending on
the League era. To compensate for this, ComStar replaced its com- the body location hit, with arms and legs receiving a different
bat helmet visors with a miniature ultrasonic detector that is much level of protection than the torso. Such variable armor values
lighter but has only half the range of its full-sized cousin. This detec- are listed under the Notes for the appropriate armor.
tor covers the forward 120-degree field of vision, effectively allowing Note also that most helmets feature built-in military communi-
troopers to “see” through nearby walls and other obstacles. cators and extra gear, such as IR scanners or night vision. These
items function exactly like their counterparts in Lostech and the
Draconis Combine/Free Rasalhague Republic CBT: RPG rulebook. All of these combat helmets use an integral
The Draconis Combine has one of the poorest equipped high-capacity micro-power pack. The listed power/hour indicates
unarmored infantry armies in the Inner Sphere, preferring to how much the use of these items drains this pack per hour of con-




Equipment AV Cost/ Power
Item Ratings M/B/E/X Patch Weight Coverage /Hour Notes

Capellan Confederation Overall: 2/3/3/2; COPV: 1

Helmet C/B/D 3/4/5/3 200 1 kg Head — Military Comm.; +1 Perception
Suit B/B/C 3/4/3/2 200/10 4.5 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — 2/2/3/2 for arms/legs
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —

Clans Overall: 3/5/5/3; COPV: 2

Helmet E/E/F 5/6/5/3 1,400 1 kg Head 3 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Night Vision; Rangefinders;
–1 Perception
Suit E/E/F 3/6/5/3 4,000/150 6 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — —
Boots C/E/F 3/5/5/3 100/20 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves C/E/F 1/1/3/2 60 500 g Hands — —

ComStar/Word of Blake Overall: 4/5/4/3; COPV: 2

Helmet F/D/F 4/5/5/3 1,200 2 kg Head 3 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Night Vision; Rangefinders;
Ultrasonic detector (5m range); -1 Perception
Suit D/E/E 4/6/5/4 3,000/120 8 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves B/A/A 1/1/1/1 30 500 g Hands — —

Draconis Combine/Free Rasalhague Republic Overall: 2/2/3/1; COPV: 1

Helmet C/B/D 3/4/4/2 200 1 kg Head — Military Comm.
Suit B/B/C 2/2/3/1 100/8 5 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 g Hands — —

Federated Suns Overall: 2/3/3/2; COPV: 2

Helmet C/B/D 4/5/5/4 500 1.5 kg Head 2 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Rangefinders; +2 Perception
Jacket B/B/C 3/5/4/3 450/10 5 kg Torso, Arms — 1/2/2/1 for arms
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 2/2/2/2 40 1 kg Hands — –1 DEX

Free Worlds League Overall: 3/4/3/2; COPV: 2 (-1 MP)

Helmet C/B/D 4/4/3/3 250 1 kg Head 1 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; +2 Perception
Suit B/B/D 5/6/4/3 1,500/30 15 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — Encumbering; 3/4/2/1 for arms/legs
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 g Hands — —

Lyran Alliance Overall: 2/3/3/2; COPV: 2

Helmet C/B/D 4/6/6/4 300 1.2 kg Head 1 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Night Vision; +2 Perception
Jacket B/B/B 3/5/4/3 350/10 3.5 kg Torso, Arms — 2/4/3/2 for arms
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 g Hands — —

Magistracy of Canopus Overall: 1/3/2/1; COPV: 1

Helmet C/B/D 5/6/5/2 250 1 kg Head 1 Military Comm.; Rangefinders; +3 Perception
Vest C/A/B 1/5/2/3 75/10 3 kg Torso — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 kg Hands — —

Marian Hegemony Overall: 2/4/3/2; COPV: 2

Helmet C/B/D 5/6/5/2 300 1 kg Head 1 Military Comm.; Night Vision; Rangefinders; +2 Per-
Jacket B/B/D 3/6/4/3 1,200/25 10 kg Torso, Arms — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 kg Hands — —

Taurian Concordat/Calderon Protectorate Overall: 2/2/2/2; COPV: 1

Helmet C/B/D 3/5/5/3 210 1 kg Head — +1 Perception
Jacket B/B/B 2/3/3/2 50/5 3 kg Torso, Arms — —
Gloves B/B/B 2/2/2/2 60 1.2 kg Hands — Military Comm.
Boots B/A/A 1/1/1/1 48/10 500 g Feet — —

Periphery/Generic Overall: 1/3/1/2; COPV: 1

Helmet B/A/B 4/5/4/2 180 1.8 kg Head — +2 Perception
Jacket C/A/B 1/5/1/3 100/10 3.5 kg Torso, Arms — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —

tinuous use, not counting the use of communicators. Finally, most CONCEALABLE ARMOR
helmets restrict the wearer’s normal field of view when worn. The The increasingly wide array of personal weapons available
Perception TN modifiers reflect this. today and the increasingly lax weapons laws on so many border
Each listing of the armor kits above also includes an overall worlds throughout the various nations has created a curious new
armor rating for those using the rules for overall armor shown on p. niche market for personal armor in many modern cities. Here,
48 of Lostech. For those using the Infantry Platoon Construction where crime is often at its worst, the rich, famous, and powerful cre-
rules in Combat Operations (starting on p. 58), the armor’s Combat ated a demand for personal protection that can be concealed
Operations Protection Value (COPV) and MP modifiers (if any) are beneath daily outer clothing, a compromise between protection,
listed on the same line as the kit’s affiliation. comfort, and style.


Thanks to the rediscovery of more flexible, lighter-weight only, concealed ballistic plate offers some of the best protection
materials, these new concealable armor types have experienced a widely available in a discrete armor design, and is particularly
resurgence in use and are favored heavily over more obvious pro- favored by elite corporate security—including, according to rumor,
tective garb by corporate executives, undercover security, and the mysterious Black Guardsmen of the Lyran Alliance-based
even special military forces. Nashan Diversified company.

Concealed Ablative Neo-Chainmail Armor

Concealed ablative armor uses a sophisticated yet flexible and A new type of armor that looks at first glance like a mere
compact mesh of composite and ceramic “scales”—rather than the costume from far more primitive times has surfaced in recent
larger plates of the standard variety—to achieve its effectiveness years. Using titanium diboride-based ceramic metal composites,
against laser and particle weaponry. Available in vest, jacket, pants, arranged in a succession of interlocking links and lined with a
and suits, this armor is particularly popular on higher-technology heat-resistant, non-conductive polymer weave for both comfort
worlds where concealable ablative/flak armor is in short supply. and added protection against energy weapon attacks, this
remarkably effective, yet highly concealable personal armor has
Concealed Flak come to be known as neo-chainmail for its appearance. Based
Concealed flak armor loses some of the effectiveness of stan- on lighter-weight designs favored by deep divers in predator-
dard flak armor but also sheds some of its bulk thanks to the filled waters, neo-chainmail has proven most effective against
lighter and more advanced anti-ballistic materials woven into its melee and ballistic weapons, and reasonably effective against
fabric. Producers of this brand of concealable armor have even energy and explosive weapons as well. Neo-chainmail is hard to
been able to market versions that appear to the untrained eye as find, but is designed in vest, jacket, pants, and suit types, and
normal clothing. In fact, many concealed flak vests, jackets, pants, there are even hooded jackets available that provide added pro-
and suits on the market today come in a variety of colors, patterns, tection for the neck and most of the head.
and styles that—while quite conservative in appearance—offer
decent protection against most common slug throwers. Myomer Armor
Myomer armor is perhaps the rarest of all concealed armor
Concealed Ablative/Flak types, the latest version having only recently been developed at
Concealed ablative/flak (ab/flak) armor offers the same com- House Steiner’s Kyoto College. Effectively a low-power armor
bination of ablative and flak armor types with the same conces- made up exclusively of myomer bundles covered by an ultra-thin
sions to vanity and discretion as other concealed armor types. ballistic cloth, myomer armor custom forms to its user at the
Though slightly heavier and more bulky than those other types, touch of a button, becoming just rigid enough to provide excep-
concealed ab/flak armor—available in vest, jacket, pants, and suit tional defense against most small arms while restricting the wear-
types—nonetheless allows the wearer to don civilian clothes over er’s movements only slightly and allowing for the wearing of nor-
it and does not restrict physical activity to any appreciable degree. mal clothing over itself.
To maintain its concealment value, myomer armor is restrict-
Concealed Ballistic Plate ed to high-capacity micro power packs only, which provides its
The bulkiest concealable armor type available today, con- rigidity and protective value for roughly 40 minutes’ time. When
cealed ballistic plate uses thinner plates than the standard vari- the power supply is used up or the armor is switched off, the
ety, with more segments to permit a full range of motion, encased myomers loosen, creating visible bulk and vastly reducing their
in an outer fabric designed to appear to an untrained eye as a effectiveness. To date, myomer armor has been observed only in
simple black undergarment. Available in vest, jacket, and suits suit and vest types.


Equipment AV Cost/ Combat Ops
Item Ratings M/B/E/X Patch Weight Afil PV/MP Mod* Notes
Concealed Ablative E/B/D 2/1/4/1 x1.5 x0.75 — 1/— vest, jacket, pants, or suit
Concealed Flak D/B/C 1/4/1/2 x1.5 x0.75 — 1/— vest, jacket, pants, or suit
Concealed Ab/Flak E/C/D 2/3/3/2 x1.75 x0.80 — 1/— vest, jacket, pants, or suit
Concealed Ballistic Plate E/D/D 3/4/4/3 x1.8 x0.75 — 1/— vest, jacket, or suit; –1 Perception TN to spot
Neo-Chainmail D/C/D 3/3/2/2
Jacket, unhooded 700/17 1.9 kg — 1/— Coverage: Torso, Arms
Jacket, hooded 830/17 2.1 kg — 1/— Coverage: Head, Torso, Arms
Pants 450/17 2.8 kg — —/— Coverage: Legs
Suit 920/17 4.7 kg — 1/— Coverage: Torso, Arms, Legs
Vest 375/17 1.7 kg — 1/— Coverage: Torso
Myomer Armor E/E/E 3/5/4/5
Suit 5,800/150 18 kg LA 2/–1 Encumbering; Coverage: Torso, Arms, Legs; Pwr Use: 0.5/min;
half AV when deactivated (round down)
Vest 1,800/150 7.5 kg LA 2/— Coverage: Torso; Pwr Use: 0.5/min; half AV when deactivated
(round down).
* For Combat Operations’ Infantry Platoon Construction, protection values and MP modifiers are based only on armor worn over the torso.

POWER ARMOR Aerie power armor mounts no integral weapons sys-
Although Clan Snow Raven has developed numerous tems, but uses armored gloves and so may employ con-
Zero-G and space variants of battle armor suits since first ventional infantr y weapons without penalty. Its stealth
employing them in the Golden Century, none of these armor provides the following modifiers: [ECM:6, IR:6]. In
designs had been built expressly for space-born opera- addition, each Aerie features integral jump jets to enable
tions, either in free-flight or aboard larger vessels. In the it to jump as much as 90 meters per turn, plus space
3060s, as the Clan began to expand out of its homeworld adaptation gear (see p. 181-182, CBTComp) and extend-
holdings and into the Deep Periphery, the Ravens gained ed life suppor t systems for continuous operations up to
access to new resources and areas of expertise, leading 24 hours.
to the development of wholly new battlesuits. Equipment Ratings: F/D/F
Although Raven scientists have pursued numerous Cost: 329,500 C-bills + Hand Weapons
avenues of investigation, only one design—the lightweight Armor Value: 4/4/5/4
Aerie—has entered widespread use. Built with Clan tech- Coverage: Full
nology and drawing on marine combat experience by both Attribute Modifiers: STR +1
Snow Raven troops and their Outworlds Alliance counter- Melee AP: 0
parts, the suit masses just under 400-kg and is extremely Target Size Modifier: –1
swift and agile, as at-home in free-flight between orbiting Movement Modifier: +1/+2/+3, Jump Capable
vessels as it is on the ground. Its 35 kilograms of
advanced armor composites provide significant protection BattleTech Rules
against the hazards of space—not to mention weapons Class: Power Armor (Light)
fire, though this protection is minimal compared to that Tech Base: Clan
available on combat-dedicated models. The suit’s R&D Start Date: 3065
exoskeleton bolsters the wearer’s strength, enhancing Prototype Design and Production: 3066
their load-shifting abilities and melee combat capabilities, Standard Production: 3067
but the lightweight design does not hamper freedom of Cost (Point): 2,647,500 C-bills
movement. As such, it is ideal for close-quarters fighting BV (Point) with Pulse Laser Rifle: 25
aboard spacecraft (as when making or defending against Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: Yes/Yes/Yes
boarding operations). Aeries deploy in Points of 5, have 2 MP of ground
The Aerie has no integral weapons but its lightweight movement (3 MP jumping movement), may travel aboard
manipulators allow the user to wield standard weapons OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor rules, and
like a regular infantr yman. Raven armored infantr y may make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks. Each
equipped with the Aerie generally wield laser systems, suit has an Armor Value of 1, plus 1 additional point rep-
avoiding the recoil that might otherwise plague null-g oper- resenting the trooper inside, and includes stealth abilities
ations, but troopers also employ ballistic and missile that increase the to-hit modifier against Aerie units by +1
weapons, the former commonly equipped with recoil-sup- at short and medium range, and +2 at long. Beagle active
pression gear. probes and their Clan equivalents cannot locate hidden
Almost all the Aeries currently deployed are in the Aerie units.
hands of the Ravens’ Alpha Galaxy but a succession of Though Aeries lack integral weapons, they may use
unverified reports suggests the Alliance’s First Air Wing standard infantr y weapons. Attacks by an Aerie Point are
also employs several squads with their marines. If true, it resolved as a conventional direct fire attack, with ranges
is unclear whether this is repayment for assistance in the and damage as appropriate to the infantr y weapons
design’s development or sign of a closer relationship being used.
between the aerospace Clan and its periphery associates.
It seems likely, however, that if the Aerie has not yet see
combat it will soon do so in the feud brewing between the
Ravens and the Draconis Combine following the destruc-
tion of the White Cloud over Kanzaka.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Aerie Point 3J —/—/— — I 1/— 0 mec, soa, car5

AFREET vided to Hellion forces is immense, and Khan Montose has
The Afreet battle armor design is newly created more battle armor in full production, planning to deploy
and fielded solely by Clan Ice Hellion. them to every Galaxy, if not every Cluster.
As part of her campaign to rebuild the Ice Hellion’s
morale, which had been broken by former Khan Taney’s CBT: RPG Rules
reign, Raina Montose commissioned several projects Afreet battle armor mounts a 40-shot light recoilless
aimed at increasing both the strength of the Clan’s rifle (see p. 169, CBTComp). The suit uses standard manip-
Touman and the pride of her warriors at the same time. ulators with vibro-claw adaptors, and so may not employ con-
Few showed promise, and to save resources, lagging pro- ventional infantry weapons. In addition, each Afreet features
jects were folded into more promising endeavors. The end integral jump jets and a jump booster for a maximum leaps
result of some of these endeavors was the Afreet. of 120 meters per turn, plus an improved sensor array that
The Afreet is the combination of two suits that each functions as a portable radar sensor (see p. 107, LT).
showed some promise, but not enough for them to be fully As a Clan design, the Afreet also features a HarJel
developed separately. One suit was equipped with ample auto-repair system (see pp. 58-59, LT).
ground speed and VTOL jump capability meant for recon- Equipment Ratings: F/D/F
naissance, but its lack of primary weapons and credible Cost: 557,300 C-Bills
armor made it ineffective in combat. The other was an anti- Armor Values: 7/7/6/6
infantry suit, designed to take on Inner Sphere combined- Coverage: Full
arms forces. However, with the Hellions remaining a home Attribute Modifiers: STR +4, DEX –1, REF –1
clan for the foreseeable future, the suit was too narrow in Melee AP: 2
its focus to be used often. Montose combined the two pro- Target Size Modifier: -1
jects, charging engineers to produce a design that, in her Movement Modifier: Full, Jump Capable
words, “embodies the beliefs and traits of our totem.” The
staff of the two projects deliberated and debated, and in BattleTech Rules
some instances, the test pilots engaged in a Circle of Class: Medium Battle Armor
Equals when an agreement could not be reached. Finally, Tech Base: Clan
an acceptable prototype was delivered on schedule. R&D Start Date: August 3065
The Afreet maintains one of the highest speeds for a Prototype Design and Production: January 3067
Home Clan suit to date, second only to the Sylph. With jump Standard Production: August 3067
boosters obtained through Trials of Possession, Ice Hellion Cost (Point): 3,786,500 C-Bills
engineers managed to improve the Afreet’s movement great- BV (Point): 175
ly, enabling it to keep up with most heavy and assault ’Mechs, Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: Yes/Yes/Yes
though it still needs to hitch a ride in faster-paced battles. The Afreet deploys in Points of 5, has 1 MP of ground
While lighter than typical Clan battle armor, the Afreet’s movement (4 MP jumping movement), may travel aboard
weapons are respectable. A light recoilless rifle gives it the OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor rules, and
ability to fire repeatedly out to 180 meters. Many have com- may make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks (note
plained about using such an uncommon and archaic that the vibroclaws enable Afreet Points to deliver 2 extra
weapon, but the combination of cost, capability, and ease of points of damage during anti-’Mech attacks per trooper).
maintenance makes it a perfect match for the suit. Instead Each suit has an Armor Value of 5, plus 1 additional point
of anti-personnel weaponry, the Afreet has two retractable representing the trooper inside.
Vibroblades. In close quarters, the weapons not only give Each Afreet carries one Clan light recoilless rifle (see
the Afreet an advantage in hand to hand combat, but can p. 192, CBTComp), which is resolved as per standard bat-
deal more damage to a BattleMech as the point swarms tle armor direct fire attacks, and Afreet Points may also
over it. Finally, to take advantage of the suit’s speed, a make vibroclaw attacks against any units in the same hex
portable radar array was attached, allowing troopers to as they occupy, resolving hits as a missile attack by the
detect possible ambushes and mount counter-assaults. appropriate number of surviving Afreets, inflicting 2-point
Though Trials have been issued and suits destroyed, hits per trooper (delivered in 2-point damage groupings).
Clan Ice Hellion has been able to remain the exclusive user Finally, the Afreet’s improved sensors mimic an active
of the Afreet suit. The morale boost these events have pro- probe with a 3-hex range.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Afreet Point 4J 1/1/— — I 2/— 2 mec, srs, car5

Following its forced relocation to the Inner Sphere, Clan Battle Armor mounts a heavy flamer in the right
Clan Nova Cat faced a daunting task replacing equipment arm (with 10 shots), and two SRM 2 launchers in integral
lost in the withdrawal from Clan Space. As an Elemental, torso mounts (with a total of 4 missiles between them, all
Khan Santin West took a special interest in rebuilding his of which may be fired per turn). The statistics for both
battle armor forces. With many new designs from both the weapons may be found in CBTComp (pp. 167-168). The
Inner Sphere and the Clans starting to reach the battlefield suit uses basic manipulators and so may not employ con-
in numbers, Khan West charged his scientist Caste with ventional infantry weapons. Its integral jump pack and jets
developing a new Nova Cat design to match them. enable it to jump as much as 120 meters per turn.
Starting with the basic Elemental suit, the Scientists As a Clan design, Clan Battle Armor also incorporates
improved mobility by increasing jump performance using a HarJel repair system (see pp. 58-59, LT). The suit also
the “Jump Booster” pioneered by the Gray Death Legion in mounts a searchlight (see p. 181, CBTComp).
their Scout battle armor. The Installation of this bulky equip- Equipment Ratings: F/D/F
ment required some changes in the design. Armor protec- Cost: 560,500 C-bills
tion was reduced and twin shoulder mounted single-shot Armor Value: 9/8/7/7
dual short-range missile launchers replaced the detachable Coverage: Full
multi-shot short-range missile launcher. A fixed heavy Attribute Modifiers: STR +4; DEX –1; REF –1
flamer was substituted for the right arm modular weapon Melee AP: 2
system; the left arm anti-personnel weapon was removed. Target Size Modifier: –1
The inclusion of a powerful searchlight has proven to be a Movement Modifier: –1/–2/–3, Jump Capable
useful addition both on and off the battlefield.
The final styling was influenced by the Nova Cat’s new BattleTech Rules
home in the Draconis Combine; the influence of ancient Class: Medium Battle Armor
Samurai armor is clear to see. Tech Base: Clan
In 3062, development was interrupted as the Nova R&D Start Date: November 3061
Cats were caught up in hostilities between the Ghost Prototype Design and Production: August 3062
Bears and House Kurita. The few operational prototypes Standard Production: May 3067
proved successful against the Bears, and full-scale pro- Cost (Point): 3,802,500 C-bills
duction was finally started in 3067. BV (Point): 195
Clan Diamond Shark (now established on a handful of Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: Yes/Yes/Yes
Inner Sphere worlds) was quick to smell profit. By offering Clan Battle Armor deploys in Points of 5, has 1 MP of
the Nova Cats cut prices on weapons and supplies in ground movement (4 MP jumping movement), may travel
exchange for the blueprints, the Sharks merchants were aboard OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor
soon trading Clan Battle Armor manufactured in factories rules, and may make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm
on Twycross, Trondheim and Itabiana to the Ghost Bears attacks. Each suit has an Armor Value of 9, plus 1 addi-
and Vlad Ward’s Wolves. Unsubstantiated reports have it tional point representing the trooper inside.
that the design is also being marketed to the Inner Sphere Each Clan Battle Armor suit carries one flamer and
and Clan Wolf (in-Exile), a move that (if true) could earn two one-shot SRM 2s, which are resolved as per standard
the Sharks the censure of the Grand Council, or even battle armor direct fire and missile attacks, respectively.
spark a dangerous escalation in the Trials currently taking Missile attacks by a Clan Battle Armor squad should be
place on the Clan Homeworlds. resolved separately, as the launchers may be fired individ-
The Sharks are reported to be examining the potential ually or together in one round.
of the suit as a basis for new variants. Although no new ver- If using a Clan Battle Armor Point’s searchlights in
sion has yet been produced, it would be relatively simple to CBT games, note that the searchlight has a range of 9
replace the fixed heavy flamer with either an ER semi- hexes, and a facing for the light must be designated dur-
portable support laser or a semi-portable autocannon. ing the weapon attack phase.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Clan Battle Armor Point 4J 1/—/— — I 3/— 2 mec,car5

By all accounts, Clan Star Adder is one of the most Corona battle armor mounts a 12-shot heavy support
progressive Clans. After the combat trials that decided pulse laser in the torso (see p. 169, CBTComp), and an
which Clans would invade the Inner Sphere, Khan Cassius anti-personnel weapon mount in the right arm. The suit
N’Buta knew that some of the paradigms that had come to uses a battle claw on the left arm and a basic manipula-
define the Clan way of life would change considerably once tor in the right, and so may not employ conventional
mixed into the cauldron that is the Inner Sphere, so he infantry weapons.
charged a select group of warriors to develop new con- As a Clan design, the Corona also features a HarJel
cepts while he likewise charged his senior Scientists with auto-repair system (see pp. 58-59, LT).
designing new technologies that would help the Star Equipment Ratings: F/D/F
Adders retain their superiority. One of the products of this Cost: 412,500 C-Bills
think-tank would eventually be the heavy laser. Another Armor Values: 9/7/7/7
was the Corona battle armor. Coverage: Full
The Corona represents a departure from the well- Attribute Modifiers: STR +4; DEX –1; RFL –3
defined battlefield tactics and customs of the Clans that, Melee AP: 2
while not significant, was still radical enough to keep this Target Size Modifier: –2
battle armor from wide production for several years. The Movement Modifier: Full
Adders had long-ago defined their need for mechanized
battle armor cavalry, but what they did not have was a BattleTech Rules
heavy cavalry—heavily armed ground troops able to seri- Class: Heavy Battle Armor
ously threaten even assault-class BattleMechs from a dis- Tech Base: Clan
tance. That was the problem with the standard Clan Battle R&D Start Date: June 3050
Armor—once its missiles were expended, it had an Prototype Design and Production: November 3054
extremely limited range. The Corona is not so limited. Standard Production: April 3060
The Corona’s firepower is centered on a heavy sup- Cost (Point): 3,062,500 C-Bills
port pulse laser, allowing it to reach ranges that no other BV (Point): 450
Clan battle armor could, and with greater punch. Of course, Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: No/No/Yes
there was a price for this significant increase in firepower. The Corona deploys in Points of 5, has 2 MP of ground
The Corona’s designers had to drop the jump pack, signif- movement (no jumping movement), may travel aboard
icantly limiting its maneuverability. This was considered a OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor rules, and
secondary concern, however, as Corona points could still may not make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks.
be delivered to a battlefield by OmniMechs. Once on the Each suit has an Armor Value of 8, plus 1 additional point
ground, they pack a greater punch at a longer range than representing the trooper inside.
their cousins. Their limited maneuverability and unique Each Corona carries one Clan medium pulse laser,
characteristics require new tactical thinking, which is why which is resolved as per standard battle armor direct fire
deployment was put off for so long. attacks, with the usual –2 to-hit bonus for pulse lasers.
After the Burrock Absorption, however, the Corona
was put into production. It didn’t make its first true appear-
ance in Clan Space for several years; apparently Clan Star
Adder’s leadership didn’t want knowledge of their new bat-
tle armor leaking out until it could field it in great numbers.
Surprisingly, Xi, Rho, and Tau Provisional Galaxies were the
first to be assigned full binaries and trinaries of Coronas,
followed by Beta and Alpha Galaxies, where they are con-
centrated in the Assault and Armored Cavalry clusters.
Clan Cloud Cobra also fields some Coronas, mostly within
their Beta and Epsilon Galaxies.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Corona Point 2 2/2/— — I 3/— 5 mec, car5

GOLEM The suit uses basic manipulators, and so may not employ
In 3062, the Ghost Bear Clan, after having only conventional infantry weapons. Its fire-resistant armor
recently moved wholesale into the Inner Sphere, found gives the Golem an effective AV of 10 against fire and fire-
itself assailed on two fronts, with the Draconis Combine on based attacks.
one side and their traditional enemies, Clan Hell’s As a Clan design, the Golem also features a HarJel
Horses—backed by Vlad Ward’s Crusader Wolves—on the auto-repair system (see pp. 58-59, LT).
other. In the heavy fighting on both fronts, Ghost Bear Equipment Ratings: F/D/F
Elementals, though easily among the best of their kind, Cost: 790,300 C-bills
often came up short against the heavier battle armor field- Armor Values: 10/10/9 (10)/9
ed by their enemies, especially the Horses’ Gnome and the Coverage: Full
Combine Kanazuchi. Attribute Modifiers: STR +5; DEX –1; RFL –4
After the war’s end, Ghost Bear scientists were Melee AP: 3 (+2D6 damage)
charged with developing the Dominion’s own counter to Target Size Modifier: –2
these assault battlesuits, and eventually produced the Movement Modifier: half normal
Golem after a two-year battle armor development program.
The result was nothing short of devastating. BattleTech rules
Weighing in at a hefty 2,000 kilograms, the Golem Class: Assault Battle Armor
invests most of its mass in firepower and armor. Tech Base: Clan
Eschewing jump jets, but with a faster overland speed R&D Start Date: January 3064
than the Kanazuchi, the Golem boasts a thicker hide, Prototype Design and Production: February 3066
capable of shrugging off a direct hit from a Clan heavy Standard Production: September 3067
laser, and even features flame-resistant insulation to foil Cost (Point): 4,951,500 C-bills
inferno munitions and flamers. Its armament is equally BV (Point): 550
impressive, centered on a detachable improved SRM 5- Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: No/No/No
rack and two Ghost Bear equivalents of the Hell’s The Golem deploys in Points of 5, has 2 MP of ground
Horses’ “Bearhunter” superheavy por table autocannons movement (no jumping movement), and may not travel
(one in each arm). aboard OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor
For tunately for the Inner Sphere, the Ghost Bears rules, or make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks.
have been slow to mass-produce the Golem. To date, Each suit has an Armor Value of 18, plus 1 additional
only a trickle of the new battlesuits has appeared among point representing the trooper inside, and may ignore fire
the Dominion’s more elite troops. Some of these have effects and damage from flamers or inferno missiles.
even been spotted with the First Rasalhague Bears, Each Golem carries two “Bearhunters” (see p. 14),
where they are apparently commanded by ethnic which are resolved as per standard battle armor direct
Rasalhagians. fire attacks (with a +1 to-hit modifier), plus a 2-shot
advanced SRM 5, which is resolved as per a normal bat-
CBT: RPG Rules tle armor missile attack. When resolving hits by Golem
Golem battle armor mounts one 20-burst SRM fire, multiply the number of sur viving troops by 5,
“Bearhunter” ultra-heavy autocannon (see p. 14) in each then roll on the standard Missile Hits Table for the result-
arm, and a detachable advanced SRM-5 in the torso with ing number of missiles (adding the results of the 20 and
10 missiles, up to 5 of which may be fired in a turn (the 5 columns for a full 5-Golem Point). If the number of mis-
launcher reduces by 1 all TN modifiers for range, visibility, siles rolled is odd, add one to the result (to a maximum
and target size—to a minimum of zero—and adds +1 to of 25 missile hits).
the wearer’s RFL and movement rates when jettisoned).

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Golem Point 2 4/2/— — I 4/— 6 car5

GRENADIER Davion Assault Guards and the Ceti Hussars. Reports from
The Federated Commonwealth quickly took the lead the field so far indicate the Grenadier has been well-
in battle armor research and development in the 3050s, received by its operators.
primarily by leaning upon the Federated Suns military-indus-
trial complex. The NAIS quickly designed a suit that became CBT: RPG Rules
something of a template for all conventional Inner Sphere- The Grenadier battlesuit features modular weapons
produced battle armor since. The NAIS wasn’t the only R&D mounts in the torso and the left arm, plus an anti-person-
concern within the Federated Suns to delve into the realm of nel weapon mount in the right arm. Most commonly, the
battle armor, just the most famous and successful. The torso mount houses an SRM-4 launcher with 28 rounds (up
Hahm-Heinz Design Bureau had a long relationship with GM to 4 of which may be fired per turn), while the left arm
on Salem and Talcott, which got them in on the “ground floor” mount houses a 30-shot support laser (see pp. 169-170,
when the AFFC requested a battle armor design for its troops. CBTComp). The Grenadier has a basic manipulator on its
This took H-H into an entirely new realm of design, one right arm and no manipulator on the left, and so cannot
that proved more difficult than it had first appeared. H-H employ conventional infantry weapons beyond what may be
did not even submit a design during that initial request for mounted in the right arm anti-personnel mount. Its stealth
proposals, but neither did its engineers give up on the armor provides the following modifiers: [ECM:6, IR:6].
problem. They spent the next decade pondering the prob- Equipment Ratings: E/E/E
lems and studying the other designs put into the field, Cost: 606,310 C-Bills
making slow but deliberate progress. Armor Values: 9/8/7/7
In 3062 they approached the AFFC with the design Coverage: Full
specifications and two prototypes for cutting-edge assault- Attribute Modifiers: STR +4; DEX –1; RFL –4
class battle armor. The Grenadier was born when designers Melee AP: 3 (+2D6 damage)
tried to see just how many weapons they could mount on a Target Size Modifier: –2
battlesuit and still maintain acceptable mobility. Soon, how- Movement Modifier: half normal
ever, it became a heavy support unit, able to provide heavy
covering fire for other advancing forces and to stand against BattleTech Rules
BattleMechs; survivability was further increased significant- Class: Assault Battle Armor
ly by the addition of stealth capabilities. From the beginning, Tech Base: Inner Sphere
the Grenadier’s primary weapon system was the SRM. R&D Start Date: July 3053
Based upon recommendations from the field, however, the Prototype Design and Production: March 3062
Grenadier design was revised to add the ability to better cus- Standard Production: December 3065
tomize the suit’s weapons loadout in the field. The only sig- Cost (Squad): 3,025,240 C-Bills
nificant drawback to the Grenadier was that it could not be BV (Squad): 224
carried by OmniMechs but instead had to rely on APCs or Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: No/No/No
other transports for battlefield deployment. Considering the Grenadiers deploy in squads of 4, have 2 MP of ground
suit’s heavy weapons load, however, the Grenadier’s design- movement (no jumping movement), and may not travel
ers considered that a secondary concern. aboard OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor rules,
Never theless, the AFFC initially rejected the or make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks. Each suit
Grenadier. It wasn’t until the heart of the Civil War that the has an Armor Value of 9, plus 1 additional point for the
design resurfaced and was revisited. Officers on both trooper inside, and stealth abilities that increase the to-hit
sides of the war recognized the capabilities of the design modifier against its units by +1 at short and medium range,
and rushed it into production; the NAIS was responsible for and +2 at long range. Beagle active probes and their Clan
overseeing construction on New Avalon for the Loyalist equivalents cannot locate hidden Grenadier units.
forces while GM built them on Talcott for Field Marshal Grenadiers typically carry one SRM 4 with 7 shots, which
Hasek. None of the New Avalon-built Grenadiers ever saw resolve per the standard rules for battle armor missile fire
battle, though, as they were tied up behind a bureaucratic (but roll twice on the standard Battle Armor Missile Hits Table
wall of red tape. Even now, relatively few Grenadiers are in to resolve number of missile hits), and one small laser, which
service, and most have been distributed to the likes of the may be resolved as a battle armor direct-fire attack.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Grenadier Squad 2 2/2/— — I 2/— 2 car4

HAUBERK left arm battle claw with no right arm manipulator and so
may not employ conventional infantr y weapons. Its
improved stealth armor provides the following modifiers:
The Hauberk is a radical proposal put forward by
[ECM:6, IR:6].
members of the New Avalon Cavaliers working at the pres-
The Hauberk also mounts an extra power pack for an
tigious New Avalon Institute of Science. Though impressed
operational duration of up to 34 hours.
by Clan Goliath Scorpion’s innovative Undine battle armor,
Equipment Ratings: E/F/F
the Cavaliers were quick to point out that battle armor
Cost: 674,750 C-bills
designed for specialized environments is tactically limited.
Armor Value: 9/8/8/8
However, it was felt that the basic chassis - more refined
Coverage: Full
than anything the Inner Sphere has been able to produce
Attribute Modifiers: STR +4; DEX –2; REF –4
to date—could provide a solid foundation on which to
Melee AP: 3 (+2D6 damage)
develop a new assault battle armor; one capable of chal-
Target Size Modifier: –3
lenging designs such as the Kanazuchi and Golem.
Movement Modifier: half normal
Currently existing only as an interesting paper exer-
cise, the Hauberk design is slow and lacks a jump pack. If
BattleTech Rules
it were to be built, the suit would mount a potent combi-
Class: Assault Battle Armor
nation of weapons: a long-range missile rack mounted
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
above and behind the head and a support laser on a fixed
R&D Start Date: N/A
right-arm mount. For protection, the Cavaliers have pro-
Prototype Design and Production: N/A
posed using an advanced version of the stealth technolo-
Standard Production: N/A
gy first developed for the Infiltrator Mk. II. This would make
Cost (Squad): 3,335,000 C-bills
the Hauberk deadly when used in ambush, promoting the
BV (Squad): 244
suggestion that adding additional power cells to prolong
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: No/No/No
the suit’s endurance would be wise.
The Hauberk deploys in squads of 4, has 1 MP of
Like all assault battle armor, the bulky physical con-
ground movement (and no jumping movement), and may
struction would prevent the suit from engaging in anti-
not travel aboard OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle
BattleMech leg or swarm attacks. For the same reason,
Armor rules, or make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm
Hauberks could not travel with OmniMechs as mecha-
attacks. Each suit has an Armor Value of 11, plus 1 addi-
nized battle armor. The design incorporates a power ful
tional point representing the trooper inside, and includes
battle claw that can utilize the formidable strength of the
stealth abilities that increase the to-hit modifier against
assault suit.
Hauberk units by +1 at short range, +2 at medium, and +3
Even though the third generation of Inner Sphere bat-
at long. Beagle active probes and their Clan equivalents
tle armor is now entering production, it is unlikely that the
cannot locate hidden Hauberk units.
Hauberk will progress beyond the theoretical phase.
Each Hauberk carries one small laser and one LRM-5
Without access to examples of the Undine battle armor
with 5 reloads, which are resolved as per standard battle
(something that currently appears unlikely), the New
armor direct fire and missile attacks, respectively. Missile
Avalon Cavaliers still lack fundamental data.
attacks by a Hauberk squad should use the appropriate
column based on five times the number of surviving troop-
CBT: RPG Rules
ers (so a Hauberk squad of 3 members would roll on the
Hauberks mount a support laser in the right arm (with
15 column, as 3 x 5 = 15).
30 shots) and an LRM-5 launcher in an integral torso
mount (with a total of 30 missiles, up to five of which may
be fired per turn). The statistics for both weapons may be
found in CBTComp (see p. 169-170). The Hauberk has a

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Hauberk Squad 1 1/1/1 — I 3/— 2 car4, if

KOBOLD Equipment Ratings: E/E/F
The origins of the Kobold can be traced back to Cost:
3062, when the infantry of the Free Rasalhague Republic’s w/ Sup. Las. & Lght. TAG (Sqd. Sup. Wpn.):
Second Kavalleri sought to outfit themselves with Kage bat- 293,750 C-bills
tle armor. However, with tensions rising on all fronts, the w/ Auto. Gren. Lauch. & Sup. Pulse Las. (Sqd. Sup
Draconis Combine was unwilling to fulfill the Republic’s Wpn.): 278,200 C-bills
request. Undeterred, Överste Jack Koslow continued to lobby Armor Value: 7/7/6/6
his commanders until given approval to approach the SLDF Coverage: Full
and ComStar with a proposition. The Republic would supply Attribute Modifiers: STR +2; REF –1
raw materials, while ComStar and the SLDF would provide the Melee AP: 1
technological know-how towards a battle armor project that Target Size Modifier: 0
would be funded equally by all three. Research and develop- Movement Modifier: Full, Jump Capable
ment was started on Grumium, where construction of a pro-
totype manufacturing line was rushed to completion. BattleTech Rules
Originally started with the aim of copying the Kage’s Class: Light Battle Armor
abilities, the development team soon proposed several Tech Base: Inner Sphere
changes, resulting in a completely new design useful both R&D Start Date: July 3062
for reconnaissance operations and in frontline combat. Prototype Design and Production: May 3065
Though sacrificing some mobility, the Kobold boasts the Standard Production: 3069 (Projected)
Kage’s stealth capabilities and can carry one integral anti- Cost (Squad):
’Mech weapon, such as a support laser or auto grenade w/ Sm. Las. & Lght. TAG Sqd. Sup. Wpn.:
launcher. In addition, Kobold squads may also employ a sup- 1,775,000 C-bills
port weapon, which is usually a TAG for operations alongside w/ Mic. Gren. Launch. & Sm. Pulse Las. Sup. Wpn.:
friendly Arrow IV artillery units or other elements equipped 1,712,800 C-bills
with the rare Marik-manufactured semi-guided LRMs. BV (Squad):
Still in its prototype phase, testing of the new Kobolds w/ Small Laser and Light TAG Sqd. Sup. Wpn.: 120
continues with the Second Kavalleri at the forefront, while w/ Mic. Gren. Launch. & Sm. Pulse Las. Spd. Sup.
the SLDF has been forced to pull out of the project due to Wpn.: 88: 293,750 C-bills
ongoing conflicts amongst the League member states, Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: Yes/Yes/Yes
which has cut funding. The Kobold deploys in squads of 4, has 1 MP of ground
movement (3 MP jumping movement), may travel aboard
CBT: RPG Rules OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor rules, and
Kobold battle armor features a primary modular weapon may make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks. Each suit
mount in the right arm and a secondary or squad support has an Armor Value of 5, plus 1 additional point represent-
weapon mount in the left. Typically Kobolds use the right ing the trooper inside, and includes stealth abilities that
mount for a support laser (with 30 shots) or an auto-grenade increase the to-hit modifier against Kobold units by +1 at
launcher (with 20 shots) while the left is loaded with an anti- medium range and +2 at long. Beagle active probes and
personnel weapon of the user’s choice. Kobold squad lead- their Clan equivalents cannot locate hidden Kobold units.
ers typically act as the squad support weapon trooper by Most Kobolds mount one small laser or micro-grenade
using the left-arm mount for a light TAG, or a 15-shot support launcher as a primary weapon and one anti-personnel weapon
pulse laser (if carrying the right-arm support laser or grenade as a secondary (both of which are resolved as per standard
launcher, respectively). The statistics for these weapons may battle armor direct fire attacks, with anti-personnel weapon
be found in CBTComp (see p. 169-170). The Kobold ranges and damage as appropriate, see CBTComp, p. 191-
employes armored gloves and so may also employ conven- 192, for statistics). In addition, the first trooper of a Kobold
tional infantry weapons. Its stealth armor provides the fol- squad (Trooper #1) may carry a light TAG or a Small Pulse
lowing modifiers: [ECM:6, IR:6]. Its integral jump jets enable Laser (if using the Small Laser or Micro-Grenade Launcher,
it to jump as much as 90 meters per turn. respectively). Other weapons configurations may be deter-
mined using the rules in CBTComp, beginning on p. 155.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Kobold Squad w/ Small Laser (TAG) 3J 1/—/— — I 2/— 1 mec, car4, tag
Kobold Squad w/ Grenade (Sm. Pulse) 3J 1/—/— — I 2/— 1 mec, car4

NIGHTHAWK POWER est manufacturing plant on Tukayyid. Output has been
shared with the SLDF and new Mk. XXIs have seen action
with several Fury Teams.
The first Star League witnessed advances in science and
technology unparalleled at any other time in history. This was
CBT: RPG Rules
in part fueled by nightmares that plagued First Lord Jonathan
Nighthawk power armor mounts no integral weapons
Cameron. Obsessed with preventing the destruction of the
systems, but uses armored gloves and so may employ con-
League and the fall of Terra, the First Lord launched an ambi-
ventional infantry weapons without penalty. Its stealth
tious program to build up the Terran Hegemony’s defenses.
armor provides the following modifiers: [ECM:6, IR:6]. In
Although commercial exoskeletons had been in use
addition, each Nighthawk provides ECM cover to a radius of
since the development of myomer technology, they had
15 meters [ECM:6]. Its integral jump jets enable it to jump
never been successful in a combat role. It took some of
as many as 90 meters per turn. The Nighthawk also fea-
the best engineers in the Hegemony (backed by generous
tures extended life support systems and for continuous
funding) fifteen torturous years to perfect the concept.
operations of up to 24 hours.
After totally reworking their prototype twenty times, the
Equipment Ratings: E/E/F
SLDF High Command was presented with the Mk. XXI
Cost: 295,000 C-bills + Hand Weapons
Nighthawk in 2718.
Armor Value: 4/5/6/5
Tests proved that a Nighthawk-equipped trooper pos-
Coverage: Full
sessed mobility and protection that would remain unparal-
Attribute Modifiers: None
leled until the advent of battle armor. Sophisticated ECM
Melee AP: 0
and Stealth capabilities made the design ideal for recon-
Target Size Modifier: 0
naissance and covert missions. Though vulnerable to
Movement Modifier: Full, Jump Capable
heavy weapons, protection against small arms fire was
excellent. Armored gloves allowed the use of standard
BattleTech Rules
weapons (often the Mauser 960 Assault System) and
Class: Power Armor (Light)
equipment with no loss of dexterity—a highly useful fea-
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
ture, as the Nighthawk lacks integral weapons.
R&D Start Date: 2703
After successfully completing two years of field-testing,
Prototype Design and Production: 2718
the new suit entered service with the Special Forces
Standard Production: 2720
Command, who equipped their elite Special Armed
Cost (Squad): 1,780,000 C-bills + Hand Weapons
Services troops (the Blackhearts) with the Nighthawk. The
BV (Squad): 36
deployment was never acknowledged publicly, and the men
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: Yes/Yes/Yes
and women of the SAS were so skilled that all the other
Nighthawk Mk. XXIs deploy in squads of 4, have 1 MP of
Star League Member States ever heard were vague rumors
ground movement (3 MP jumping movement), may travel
of some kind of advanced sneak suit.
aboard OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor rules,
Attempts to develop a combat-orientated version for
and may make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks. Each
deployment in SLDF Royal Divisions produced the Mk. XXII,
suit has an Armor Value of 2, plus 1 additional point repre-
but the Amaris Coup and the fall of the Star League pre-
senting the trooper inside, and includes stealth abilities that
vented that version entering full production. With the out-
increase the to-hit modifier against Mk XXI units by +1 at short
break of the Succession Wars both versions were all but
and medium range, and +2 at long. Beagle active probes and
lost. ComStar retained a few Mk. XXIs, uncovered when
their Clan equivalents cannot locate hidden Nighthawk units.
Jerome Blake took control of Terra. Attempts to duplicate
Though Nighthawks lack integral weapons, they may use
the design produced the inferior Tornado PA(L). More
standard infantry weapons. Attacks by a Nighthawk squad are
recently, the Grey Death Legion discovered several
resolved as a conventional direct fire attack, with ranges and
Nighthawk suits on Karbala, and most of these suits were
damage as appropriate to the infantry weapons being used.
later turned over to the NAIS for study.
Each Nighthawk squad also has limited ECM capability, which
With the lessons learned from the development of
functions as a Guardian ECM suite that covers only the hex in
the Achileus and Purifier, the Word of Blake finally over-
which the squad is currently located.
came the technical challenges of duplicating the suit in
3065. ComStar quickly followed suit, establishing a mod-

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Nighthawk Mk XXI Squad 3J —/—/— — I 1/— .5 mec, mecm, car4

PHALANX weapons with the right hand. Both Phalanxes also have
While the Longinius and Achileus armors allowed the stealth armor which provides the following modifiers:
FWLM to quickly establish a formidable reputation for [ECM:6, IR:6].
armored-infantry operations, a constant criticism of the Equipment Ratings: E/E/F
designs was their lack of heavy-hitting firepower, particularly in Cost:
light of the growing anti-battle armor weapons and designs FWL Var. (with “King David” Lt. Gauss): 439,910
employed by the League’s enemies. Work on a heavier and C-bills
better-armed combat suit began in 3059 on the eve of the War WoB Var. (with ’Mech Taser Rifle): 419,660 C-bills
against Clan Smoke Jaguar but did not bear fruit until 3063, Armor Value: 8/7/6/6
when the first Phalanx prototypes began testing on Irian. Coverage: Full
A succession of problems dogged the Phalanx project Attribute Modifiers: STR +3, DEX –2, RFL –3
ranging from faulty myomer musculature to under-perform- Melee AP: 2 (left hand), 1 (right hand)
ing and fragile processor suites. The FWLM initially sought Target Size Modifier: –3
to develop the design solo but by early 3062 admitted Movement Modifier: –2/–4/–6
defeat and sough the assistance of the League’s Word of
Blake allies. The Blakists’ technological savvy quickly dealt BattleTech Rules
with the problems, resulting in a suit that, while not as Class: Battle Armor (Heavy)
capable as the Clan model, was nonetheless a first-rate Tech Base: Inner Sphere
design. The cost of this assistance was the right of the R&D Start Date: 3059
Word of Blake troops stationed in the League and on Terra Prototype Design and Production: 3063
to utilize the Phalanx in conjunction with their own special- Standard Production: 3065
ist designs like the Purifier and Tornado. Cost (Squad):
Retaining the mobility of its lighter cousins, the Phalanx FWL Var. (w/ “King David” Lt. Gauss): 2,359,640
is surprisingly swift and responsive for its mass, though the C-bills
presence of the bulky missile pod hinders its agility until jet- WoB Var. (w/ ’Mech Taser Rifle): 2,278,640 C-bills
tisoned. The vicious battle claw mounted on the left hand BV (Squad):
allows the suit to rend opponents, even those protected by FWL Var. (w/ “King David” Lt. Gauss): 200
‘Mech-grade armor. However, the duel FWLM-WOB usage of WoB Var. (w/ ’Mech Taser Rifle): 224
the design has led to the development of two variants of the Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: No/No/Yes
Phalanx, one employed by each military. The most common Both Phalanx designs deploy in squads of 4, have 2 MP
version (usually designated Phalanx-A), laid out in the initial of ground movement (no jumping movement), may travel
specifications and employed by the FWLM, adds a deadly aboard OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor rules,
man-portable King David Light Gauss rifle. The Word of and may not make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks.
Blake initially used the –A variant too, but later models swap Each suit has an Armor Value of 7, plus 1 additional point rep-
the Light Gauss for the newly developed ’Mech Taser Rifle, resenting the trooper inside, and stealth abilities that increase
resulting in the –B variant of the design that also features the to-hit modifier against its units by +1 at short, +2 and
additional EMP-hardening of its electronics. medium, and +3 at long range. Beagle active probes and their
Clan equivalents cannot locate hidden Phalanx units.
CBT: RPG Rules Both Phalanx designs carry one SRM-4 with 2 shots,
Both Phalanx battlesuit designs feature a detachable which resolve per the standard rules for battle armor mis-
SRM-4 mount in the torso with a total of 8 missiles, up to 4 sile fire (but roll twice on the standard Battle Armor Missile
of which may be fired per turn. (A +1 movement modifier Hits Table to resolve number of missile hits). In addition,
applies after jettisoning the launcher.) The Free Worlds ver- the Free Worlds version carries a King David light Gauss
sion also adds a 20-burst “King David” light Gauss rifle (see rifle (see p. 15), which may be resolved as a battle armor
p. 15), while the Word of Blake version uses a one-shot direct-fire attack. Word of Blake Phalanxes use one-shot
’Mech Taser Rifle (see p. 16). Both Phalanx versions have a ’Mech Taser Rifle instead of the King Davids and may fire
left-hand battle claw and a right hand armored glove, these weapons individually in any given round. Resolve
enabling the wearer to employ conventional infantr y each trooper’s ’Mech Taser Rifle fire separately.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Phalanx Squad (Free Worlds) 2 2/2/— — I 2/— 2 mec, car4
Phalanx Squad (Word of Blake) 2 2/2/— — I 2/— 2 mec, car4

ROTTWEILER The Rottweiler also features a 5-kilogram Mission
Though they greeted the Fenrir battlesuit with Equipment Bay (see p. 179, CBTComp) with a jaw-like
skepticism, the LAAF found the new quad armor useful hatch simulating the armor’s “mouth” and improved sen-
when a good punch and only decent movement were sors, which mimic the capabilities of a portable radar
required, but they still sought a unit capable of faster detector (see p. 107, LT).
recon work. While most Houses saw the quad battle Equipment Ratings: E/E/F
armor as second class at best, Lyran engineers saw Cost: 306,850 C-bills
promise in the superior motive power possible in such Armor Value: 8/7/6/6
designs and redirected their effor ts to create a suit Coverage: Full
faster than any other, and so low to the ground that it Attribute Modifiers: STR +2; DEX –4
would be almost impossible to hit. Deciding to push the Melee AP: 1
limits, Lyran engineers returned to the drawing boards to Target Size Modifier: 0
create the Rottweiler quad battlesuit. Movement Modifier: 60 m/turn (54 kph)
Capable of speeds up to 54 kph, the Rottweiler can Notes: +2 TN on ranged attacks made against Rottweiler
close in fast and yet has a thicker hide of more advanced, units due to quad configuration.
sensor-baffling armor than the Fenrir, despite weighing only
half as much. Eschewing the vulnerable turret assembly of BattleTech Rules
the Fenrir, the Rottweiler uses a simple spine-mount for its Class: Medium Battle Armor (Quad)
support laser and “Firedrake” anti-personnel weapon. This Tech Base: Inner Sphere
change enables the pilot to lie inside the machine much R&D Start Date: April 3061
more comfortably than possible in the Fenrir, so Rottweiler Prototype Design and Production: December 3063
troopers can endure longer missions with less fatigue. Standard Production: March 3065
Enhancing the Rottweiler’s capabilities as a scout, the suit Cost (Squad): 1,827,400 C-bills
also features an enhanced sensor suite. BV (Squad): 136
A few Rottweiler suits managed to make it to the field Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: No/No/No
during the FedCom Civil War when a few squads were The Rottweiler deploys in squads of 4, has 5 MP of
issued to the Loyalist Eleventh Lyran Regulars shortly ground movement (no jumping movement), and may not
before their deployment to Skye in 3065. When Free Skye travel aboard OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor
forces turned on him, Colonel Donner of the Eleventh rules, or make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks.
deployed his Rottweilers as part of a delaying tactic, keep- Each suit has an Armor Value of 7, plus 1 additional point
ing the separatists at bay as he gathered his surviving representing the trooper inside, and includes stealth abili-
DropShips for a retreat. The Rottweiler troops that sur- ties that increase the to-hit modifier against Rottweiler
vived several counter-infantry actions after the disaster units by +1 at medium range and +2 at long. Beagle active
were integrated into Donner’s “irregular operations probes and their Clan equivalents cannot locate hidden
troops”, which were left behind to harass the Free Skye Rottweiler units.
forces over the next year and a half. Each Rottweiler suit carries one small laser and one
“Firedrake” incendiary needler, both of which may be
CBT: RPG Rules resolved per standard battle armor direct-fire attacks (see
Rottweiler armor mounts a support laser (see p. 167, p. 15 for additional rules on the “Firedrake”). Each
CBTComp) and a “Firedrake” incendiary support needler Rottweiler also has improved sensors, which function as
(see p. 15) on its back (with 30 shots each). As a quad, an active probe with a two-hex range.
the suit uses no manipulators and so may not employ con-
ventional infantry weapons. Its stealth armor provides the
following modifiers: [ECM:6, IR:6].

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Rottweiler Squad 5 1/—/— — I 2/— 1 srs, car4

Tornado power armor mounts no integral weapons
systems, but uses armored gloves and so may employ con-
Based on the Star League’s form-fitting Nighthawk,
ventional infantry weapons without penalty. Its stealth
the G12 “Tornado” was one of a series of PA(L) suits devel-
capabilities and adaptive camouflage system provide the
oped in the late 29th Century as part of ComStar’s efforts
following modifiers: [ECM:6, IR:6, Camo: 4].
to maintain their military edge. The Tornado utilizes an
Equipment Ratings: E/E/F
optical camouflage system in addition to IR and ECM sup-
Cost: 279,000 C-bills + Hand Weapons
pression equipment. Like all ComStar and Star League
Armor Value: 4/5/6/5
PA(L) suits, the expensive Tornado was intended for spe-
Coverage: Full
cial-forces operations, employed initially by ROM and more
Attribute Modifiers: None
recently Blake’s Wrath.
Melee AP: 0
Each suit is custom-fitted to its wearer, fitting like a
Target Size Modifier: 0
second skin and complementing their physical actions,
Movement Modifier: Full
allowing them to strike harder and faster than un-aug-
mented troops while avoiding the encumbrance of full bat-
tle armor. However, the custom-made nature of the suits
BattleTech Rules
Class: Power Armor (Light)
make them almost unusable by any bar the designated
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
wearer without major adjustment and even the assigned
R&D Start Date: 2892
troopers must work hard to maintain their physical condi-
Prototype Design and Production: 2903
tion so as to gain the full benefit of the G12 system. The
Standard Production: 2905
built-in HUD system provides the wearer with information
Cost (Squad): 1,716,000 C-bills + Hand Weapons
on the suit’s status and the battlefield (including magnifi-
BV (Squad): 32
cation and low-light enhancement gear) though some
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: Yes/Yes/Yes
troopers choose to wear the suit without its helmet, for-
Tornados deploy in squads of 4, have 1 MP of ground
saking protection and electronic aids in exchange for unim-
movement (no jumping movement), may travel aboard
peded hearing and vision. The suit can likewise be worn
OmniMechs per the Mechanized Battle Armor rules, and
without its integral armored gloves, increasing manual dex-
may make anti-BattleMech leg and swarm attacks. Each
terity at the expense of protection. However, a trooper
suit has an Armor Value of 2, plus 1 additional point rep-
wearing G12 armor can operate most conventional
resenting the trooper inside, and includes stealth abilities
weapons while fully suited.
that increase the to-hit modifier against Tornado units by
ComStar employed its PA(L) suits numerous times in
+1 at medium range and +2 at long. Adaptive camouflage
the 30th and 31st centuries but the best known use of the
adds a +2 to the to-hit roll if the Tornado squad remains
Tornado came during the Word of Blake operation to seize
stationary (reduced to +1 if the Tornado squad moves).
Terra from their “schismatic” ComStar brethren. The com-
Beagle active probes and their Clan equivalents cannot
bination of stealth and power allowed Blakist special-
locate hidden Tornado units.
forces troops to seize elements of the Terran SDS in
Though Tornados lack integral weapons, they may use
advance of the main landings, overpowering the regular
standard infantry weapons. Attacks by a Tornado squad
infantry guarding the facilities and saving the invasion
are resolved as a conventional direct fire attack, with
force from grievous damage at the hands of the laser and
ranges and damage as appropriate to the infantr y
missile systems. Tornados also played a major role in
weapons being used.
securing the Titan shipyards, providing the Blakist troops
with considerable protection against vacuum exposure and
booby traps left behind after ComStar abandoned the facil-
ities. The last five years have seen a considerable increase
in PA(L) manufacture, despite the increased use of fully-
fledged battle armor, with many of the suits assigned to
Word of Blake marines and security troops, as well as sold
to FWLM units.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Tornado PA(L) Squad 1 —/—/— — I 1/— 0 mec, car4

TRINITY also has mimetic stealth armor—a feature not present in
Sun-Tzu’s Xin Sheng movement revitalized the either Periphery model—which provides the following mod-
Capellan military, but not all elements of the CCAF have ifiers: [ECM:6, IR:6, Camo: 4].
enjoyed equal benefits. As Fa Shih battle armor came into pro- Equipment Ratings: E/E/F
duction, only the Warrior Houses and premier front-line units Cost
received the bulk of the new suits, leading many commanders Ying Long (w/ Mim. Armor and Plasma Rifle):
to question—at the risk of their careers—the Strategios’ poli- 319,020 C-bills
cies. Surprisingly, the CCAF leadership listened and sought Theseus/Asterion (with Std. Armor and Medium
resolution to this issue, authorizing the development of a new Recoilless Rifle): 255,200 C-bills
armor that would free more Fa Shihs for second-line com- Armor Values: 9/7/7/7
manders, while also producing a model that political allies, Coverage: Full
such as the Taurian Concordat, could field. Protector Grover Attribute Modifiers: STR +3, DEX –1
Shraplen and Magestrix Emma Centrella agreed to support Melee AP: 2
most of the new armor’s research and development, while the Target Size Modifier: –1
Capellans manufactured the battlesuits until both realms Movement Modifier: +3/+6/+9
could produce their own models. Capellan engineers then pro-
duced a new suit in record time, leading many to wonder if the BattleTech Rules
R&D was already complete and funding was requested only to Class: Medium Battle Armor
jump start production. Tech Base: Inner Sphere
The Trinity armor is a medium-sized suit designed for anti- R&D Start Date: 3064
personnel and ’Mech operations. The Capellans’ version— Prototype Design and Production: 3065
known as Ying Long or “Shadow Dragon”—is identical in many Standard Production: 3066
ways to the Word of Blake’s Purifier battlesuit, complete with Cost (Squad):
the same mimetic armor technology, though how they man- Ying Long (w/ Mim. Armor and Plasma Rifle):
aged that is anyone’s guess (Blakist representatives have 1,876,080 C-bills
stopped just short of accusing the Capellans of espionage). Theseus/Asterion (with Std. Armor and Medium
The Ying Long possesses superb ground speed, power- Recoilless Rifle): 1,620,800 C-bills
ful battle claws, more than half a ton of armor, and a mod- BV (Squad):
ular weapons mount on the back that enables it to carry a Ying Long (w/ Mim. Armor and Plasma Rifle): 172
variety of weapons, including the new man-portable plasma Theseus/Asterion (with Std. Armor and Medium
rifle. Moreover, in keeping with the Xin Sheng, designers Recoilless Rifle): 196
molded the suit in the likeness of a Chinese dragon, though Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: Yes/Yes/Yes
the Taurians’ Asterion model and the Magistracy’s The Trinity deploys in squads of 4, has 3 MP of ground move-
Theseus—which both use standard armor—differ in appear- ment (no jumping movement), may travel aboard OmniMechs per
ance (Taurian officials have voiced their displeasure with the the Mechanized Battle Armor rules, and may make anti-
Canopians over their choice for the armor’s nomenclature). BattleMech leg and swarm attacks. Each suit has an Armor Value
of 8, plus 1 additional point representing the trooper inside, and
CBT: RPG Rules the Capellan model also includes mimetic stealth abilities that
Trinity battle armor features a modular weapon increase the to-hit modifier against its units by 3 minus the num-
adapter mount in the torso. The Capellan version (the Ying ber of hexes the Capellan Trinity squad moved during the move-
Long), usually occupies this with a 20-shot man-portable ment phase (so a stationary Capellan Trinity squad would receive
plasma rifle (seep. 16), while the Periphery versions (the a +3 modifier on attacks against them, while a squad that moved
Theseus and Asterion) typically use a 40-shot medium a full 3 hexes would receive no such modifier).
recoilless rifle (see pp. 169-170, CBTComp), though other A typical Capellan Trinity suit carries one man-portable
configurations are possible per the Battle Armor plasma cannon (see p. 16), while the Canopian/Taurian ver-
Construction Rules (see p. 151, CBTComp). The Trinity sion tends to carry one medium recoilless rifle (see p. 192,
uses battle claws, and so it may not employ conventional CBTComp). Resolve fire for these weapons as per a normal
infantry weapons beyond what is mounted. The Ying Long battle armor direct-fire attack.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Trinity Squad (Ying Long) 3 1/1/— — I 2/— 2 mec, car4
Trinity Squad (Theseus/Asterion) 3 1/1/— — I 2/— 2 mec, car4

VOID BATTLE ARMOR Upon the start of the training engagement, the
Though House Kurita became the first Inner Elemental’s superior skills allowed the Void to surpass all pre-
Sphere power to capture Clan Elemental battle armor, vious battle armor marks, including both the Kage and Raiden.
their traditional disdain for non ’Mech units led them to put With both the DCMS High Command seeing the combat poten-
few resources into their burgeoning battle armor program, tial of working so closely with Nova Cat personnel and the
despite Kanrei Theodore Kurita’s reforms. In the face of Procurement Department suddenly understanding the trade
such obstacles, however, the scientists in charge of the possibilities if the Nova Cats accepted the Void for use in their
DCMS’ battle armor R&D worked miracles, fielding three own military, the Void was pushed into full-scale production.
new battle suits within a decade.
Despite this early success, however, other Inner CBT: RPG Rules
Sphere powers began fielding more advanced and mission Void battle armor mounts a 14-shot support particle
dedicated designs, demonstrating the possible stagnation cannon (see p. 169, CBTComp). The suit uses armored
of the DCMS battle armor program. Such battle armor as gloves, and so may also employ conventional infantry
the Federated Suns Infiltrator Mk. II showed that a dedicat- weapons without penalty. Its improved stealth armor pro-
ed design, lacking in the versatility seen in so many other vides the following modifiers: [ECM:6, IR:6]. In addition,
models, could be devastatingly effective. With the ramping each Void features integral jump jets and a jump booster
up of the technology required to build and affect field for a maximum leaps of 120 meters per turn.
repairs to battle armor on a large-scale, it quickly became Equipment Ratings: E/E/E
apparent that battle armor was here to stay, regardless of Cost: 517,000 C-bills
those within the DCMS who would have it otherwise. Armor Value: 7/7/6/6
With that in mind, the commission for a new battle Coverage: Full
armor design was originally handed down in late 3062, Attribute Modifiers: STR +3; DEX –1; RFL –1
just weeks before the Ghost Bear-Combine War erupted Melee AP: 2
and fighting along the Kurita-Davion border exploded as Target Size Modifier: –2
well. With resources quickly shifted to expand production Movement Modifier: –1/–2/–3, Jump Capable
of extant units and shore up a burdened economy, the
optimistic date of 3064 for a premier of the new design BattleTech Rules
slipped by a full three years. Class: Battle Armor (Medium)
Instead of starting from scratch, the scientists used the Tech Base: Inner Sphere
already successful Kage as a base template, modifying the R&D Start Date: 3062
design to achieve the final specs requirements. However, Prototype Design and Production: 3065
upon presentation of the design, though its physical appear- Standard Production: 3067
ance differed radically from that of the Kage—in particular Cost (Squad): 2,668,000 C-bills
its height was extreme for a medium powersuit—it shared BV (Squad): 156
many of the same gross characteristics. This sparked a rag- Swarm/Leg Attack/Mech. Battle Armor: Yes/Yes/Yes
ing debate among the High Command as to whether the cost The Void deploys in squads of 4 (Points of 5, when
of producing two designs so closely related was justifiable. fielded by Clan forces), has 1 MP of ground movement (4
The scientists then unveiled the true nature of their MP jumping movement), may travel aboard OmniMechs per
coup. While the High Command waited impatiently at a test- the Mechanized Battle Armor rules, and may make anti-
ing facility, a Nova Cat Elemental suddenly appeared, strid- BattleMech leg and swarm attacks. Each suit has an Armor
ing towards the Void and, with the help of several techni- Value of 5, plus 1 additional point representing the trooper
cians, quickly suited up. The lead scientist quietly explained inside, and includes stealth abilities that increase the to-hit
to the High Command that though the technology of the modifier against Void units by +1 at short range, +2 at
design was pure Combine, the battle suit allowed for medium range, and +3 at long range. Beagle active probes
extreme changes in pilot height; though battle armor could and their Clan equivalents cannot locate hidden Void units.
adjust to different pilot sizes, the Void was engineered for Each Void carries one Support PPC (see p. 192,
such modification, allowing a greater variance (and more CBTComp), which is resolved as per standard battle armor
sure fit) than any previously fielded design. direct fire attacks.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Void Squad 4J 1/1/— — I 2/— 2 mec, car4


Originally developed by Clan Smoke Jaguar in its waning run or sprint). To turn, as with BattleMechs, ProtoMechs
days as a relatively inexpensive complement to their Battle- spend 10 meters worth of movement for every 45 degrees (or
Mech forces, ProtoMechs were a complete surprise to the fraction thereof) turned. ProtoMechs may move sideways
forces of the Inner Sphere coalition sent to take Huntress and (using walking MPs only), but at a three-to-one cost in MPs, so
end the Clan invasion. Making use of failed aerospace pheno- a unit that can move forward 90 meters in a turn can only
type warriors and the Clans’ advanced Enhanced Imaging sidestep at about 30 meters a turn for the same MP cost.
neural implant technology, ProtoMechs are lightweight, agile Because of their smaller size compared to BattleMechs
half-’Mechs which occupy a middle ground between assault and vehicles, ProtoMechs may enter some terrain more easily
battle armor, conventional vehicles, and full-scale Battle- than either unit type. ProtoMechs, for instance, may enter and
Mechs. In the years since the Jaguars’ destruction, several move through buildings without having to make a piloting skill
Clans have adopted this new technology to bolster their own check to avoid damage, though their considerable size over
forces, ensuring—for now—the survival and proliferation of people means that any building a ProtoMech chooses to enter
their final legacy. will sustain some minor damage from their entry and egress.


Under CBT: RPG rules, ProtoMechs follow many of the In Classic BattleTech, ProtoMechs are never required to
same rules as BattleMechs, but also share some things in make Piloting Skill checks. However, in CBT: RPG games,
common with battle armor, as they occupy a niche somewhere numerous situations may arise in which a ProtoMech pilot will
between the two. However, because of their smaller size and need to make such rolls to avoid damage or falls. When deal-
unique construction, some special rules apply to these units, ing with ProtoMechs in a CBT: RPG setting, Piloting skills rolls
as described below. must be made to perform actions such as grasping objects or
when making physical attacks, and to avoid falling whenever
ENTERING/EXITING PROTOMECHS the ProtoMech suffers damage that directly affects its pilot.
Climbing into or out of a ProtoMech is very similar to The check to avoid falling from pilot damage is made like a
dressing in battle armor, as the pilot must don a special full- modified Knockdown check, but is resolved uses the pilot’s
body contact suit, climb into the torso cockpit module, plug WIL, rather than STR as a modifier to the base target number.
into the machine’s systems, and assume a fetal position The ProtoMech pilot’s Piloting/Proto bonus is used as a modifi-
before activating the ProtoMech’s systems. Unassisted, the er to the roll result, rather than Acrobatics. If the roll fails, the
entire process takes a base time of 10 minutes, though a ProtoMech falls, but suffers no additional damage because of
successful Piloting/Proto Skill Check can reduce this figure by its short stature compared to BattleMechs. The ProtoMech may
the roll’s margin of success (in minutes, to a minimum of 4 get up again as a simple action as long as its legs remain func-
minutes). If the roll fails, the margin of failure equals the tional, at a cost of only 10 meters worth of MP.
number of extra minutes the warrior takes climbing into or out A ProtoMech may also willingly drop prone in CBT: RPG at
of the ProtoMech. a cost of 10 meters worth of MP. Doing so does not require a
Assisted, or when exiting the ProtoMech, the base time is roll. CBT: RPG ranged attacks against a prone ProtoMech
5 minutes, and may be reduced by a similar check to as little receive a +1 to-hit modifier, as do a prone ProtoMech’s ranged
as 1 minute. attacks against other targets.


As with BattleMechs and vehicles, the Walking, Running, ProtoMechs make weapons attacks per the vehicular
and Jumping MPs of ProtoMechs convert to the CBT: RPG rules, and use the same firing arcs as a BattleMech, but they
meters-per-turn standard by multiplying each figure by 15. The may not fire arm-mounted weapons in the same turn as they
height a ProtoMech can jump is equal to its Jumping MPs mul- fire a main gun weapon. The main gun has an effective firing
tiplied by 6. arc that covers its front, left, and right side arcs, and the Pro-
Because they share the same humanoid configuration as toMech’s ability to torso twist like a BattleMech gives this
BattleMechs, ProtoMechs move exactly as described in the weapon an effective 360-degree field of fire. As with Battle-
movement rules described for characters in the CBT: RPG Mechs, ProtoMechs must announce their torso position when
rules (see p. 110-111, CBT: RPG), with the following modifica- making attacks, to determine their firing arcs.
tions, based largely on the RPG rules for BattleMechs: To BattleMechs and vehicles weighing 20+ tons, Pro-
First, ProtoMechs can only move straight forward or back- toMechs are considered a small target, and a +2 TN modifier
ward (and may only move backward while at a walk, never at a applies to attacks against a ProtoMech by said BattleMechs



and vehicles. Conversely, to ProtoMechs, BattleMechs and rulebook, with each effective wound level over “Grazing Wound”
vehicles of 20+ tons’ mass are counted as larger targets, causing 1 point of armor damage in the hit location.
granting a –2 TN modifier to the ProtoMech pilot when making
weapon attacks against them. SPECIAL CASE RULES
ProtoMechs attacking individual characters outside of bat- FOR PROTOMECHS
tle armor apply a +2 TN modifier for all attacks, while attacks The following rules outline special circumstance rules
against battle armor by ProtoMechs suffer a +1 TN size modifi- unique to ProtoMechs in CBT: RPG combat.
er (in addition to the armor’s own size modifier). To unarmored
characters, a ProtoMech is treated as a very large target, ProtoMechs, Battle Armor, and Infantry Combat
granting a –4 TN to attack, while battle armored characters Battle armor and conventional infantry trained in anti-Bat-
receive a –3 TN bonus against ProtoMechs. tleMech combat are capable of closing with enemy Battle-
Mechs to climb upon them and deliver devastating attacks
PROTOMECH PHYSICAL ATTACKS with satchel charges and weapon attacks to strategic weak
ProtoMechs may deliver physical attacks as a BattleMech, points that heavier units often cannot target effectively.
using the same rules as per vehicular physical combat and the Though their methods are dangerous, such “knee-capping”
same relative size modifiers described under ProtoMech and “swarm” tactics have downed many a ’Mech through the
Weapon Attacks, employing the ProtoMech pilot’s Piloting Skill centuries and can even turn the tide of a battle. The advent of
bonus as a modifier, rather than Martial Arts. These physical the ProtoMech—a unit that shares much in common with Bat-
attacks—which may include kicks and punches—may also be tleMechs at only half the size—has presented such troops
directed against characters in or out of battle armor, using the with a new challenge, primarily because the ProtoMech’s
same rules. In such circumstances, ProtoMechs are consid- shorter stature and greater flexibility.
ered to have a melee AP equal to the ProtoMech’s tonnage, Though disallowed in CBT games, anti-BattleMech infantry
with a base damage of 2D6 for every two tons of ProtoMech and battle armored troops can attempt to use their anti-’Mech tac-
weight (rounded up). tics against ProtoMechs in a CBT: RPG game. However, while a
BattleMech has sufficient surface area for a squad of battlesuits
PROTOMECH DAMAGE or a full platoon of conventional anti-’Mech infantry to swarm
When an attacker hits a ProtoMech, the location of the them, a ProtoMech may only be “swarmed” by one-fourth as many
attack is resolved by rolling on the ProtoMech Hit Location troops—meaning only a 7-man squad of conventional infantry or a
Table, which appears both on p. 154 of the BMR, and on the single battle armored trooper may attempt to climb onto a Pro-
ProtoMech record sheet itself. Note that a hit location roll of 3 toMech at one time. Also, because of the ProtoMech’s smaller
and 11 represent a near miss in CBT, owing to the Pro- size and greater flexibility, all modifiers for the initial Climbing Skill
toMech’s small size and high maneuverability. Check for ProtoMech movement are higher than they would ordi-
Damage against ProtoMechs by vehicular weapons is narily be for BattleMechs. Thus, Checks to climb a walking or sta-
resolved as for other vehicle-scale combat rules, with each tionary ProtoMech receive a Very Difficult (+4) modifier, while Pro-
point of CBT damage crossing off one box of armor in the hit toMechs using running or sprinting movement impose an +6 mod-
location, transferring inward toward the torso as armor ifier. Troops attempting to swarm a jumping or evading ProtoMech
depletes. Hits to gray-shaded armor boxes, however, repre- face a substantial +10 modifier for their Climbing Check. Addition-
sent critical damage to the ProtoMech, and automatically al modifiers may apply as the gamemaster sees fit.
cross off a corresponding Critical Hit box in the hit location The Climbing Check is a complex action, and places the
(beginning with the left-most box). Note that a gray-shaded crit- attacking character on the ProtoMech’s torso once a success-
ical hit box represents damage to the ProtoMech pilot as well ful roll is made. Once there, a character may move to any loca-
as the end result of feedback through the machine’s EI inter- tion on the ProtoMech with a subsequent Climbing Check (also
face. See the rules under ProtoMech Enhanced-Imaging Sys- counted as a Complex Action). While on the machine, the char-
tem for more on how this damage affects the pilot. acter may attack any location on the ProtoMech’s body but
Damage to ProtoMechs by personal combat weaponry also must make a successful Climbing Skill Check each round (as a
functions much like it does on the vehicular scale, though Pro- Simple Action) in order to stay on it. Failure of any roll to stay
toMech armor is considered to have an effective AV of 10 on the ProtoMech or to move to another location on the Pro-
against all forms of CBT: RPG weapons (except for fire and toMech’s body is treated as a fall from a distance determined
flame-based attacks, for which the AP is effectively a 9). As with by where the character was on the body at the time of the fail-
BattleMechs and vehicles in combat, whenever a ProtoMech suf- ure. If the character falls from the torso or legs, the distance
fers an armor-defeating hit from these non-vehicular weapons, is considered to be 3 meters; if from the arms, 5 meters; a
the overall armor value does not degrade, but instead the Proto fall distance of 6 meters occurs if the character drops off the
takes armor point damage as per page 127-128 of the CBT:RPG ProtoMech’s head.


Alternatively, characters carrying jump packs or employing requires a successful Piloting/ProtoMech Skill Check to both
jump-capable battle armor may use these systems to reach lift the object and put it down safely—simply dropping an object
any point on the target ProtoMech with a single Simple Action. requires no roll. Note that a +1 TN applies to this roll if the
Characters using jump packs must make a successful Jump object being lifted is particularly fragile, such as a crate of fine
Pack Skill Check in order to grab hold of the machine, while china or an unarmored human being. Failure in a lifting/placing
those in jump-capable battlesuits use their Piloting/Battlesuit roll causes damage to the object in question.
skill. The same modifiers apply for these Checks as given for Note that ProtoMechs may not pick up an active unit of
Climbing Checks. any size during combat unless the unit is friendly, willing to be
Once a character reaches a desired location, a successful carried, and within the ProtoMech’s lifting capacity. While car-
Tactics/Anti-BattleMech Skill Check is needed to locate weak rying objects, a ProtoMech may not use any of its weapons,
points in the ProtoMech’s armor, just like on a BattleMech. nor may it make physical attacks of any kind. A ProtoMech car-
Characters attempting attacks after making such a roll receive rying objects also may not move faster than half speed, nor
a +2 bonus to the Armor Penetration value of each attack may it jump. Any damage that strikes the ProtoMech’s torso or
made from that position, replacing the usual +1 bonus for arms is considered to hit the object it is carrying first.
point-blank attacks. Other characters swarming the ProtoMech
may not make use of this bonus, nor is the bonus retained if ProtoMech Enhanced-Imaging System
the character changes body locations for another attack. The Enhanced-Imaging implants used by ProtoMech pilots
Dismounting from a ProtoMech requires a successful is a refined version of the basic EI technology and was devel-
Climbing, Jump Pack (or Piloting/Battlesuit), or Free Fall Skill oped strictly for use by warriors of the Aerospace Pilot pheno-
Check, with the same modifiers for ProtoMech movement out- type and specifically attuned for the unique control systems of
lined above, and may be done as a Simple Action at any point. ProtoMechs. Thanks to the development of the Fighter Pilot
Failure in this roll results in a fall as described above. phenotype, which breeds people whose brains and circulatory
Note that, while attacking a ProtoMech is more difficult systems are adapted to the rigors of high-G combat, these
than attacking BattleMechs, the ProtoMech also has an easier warriors have proven remarkably resistant to the more dramat-
time of dealing with swarming infantry than the BattleMech. As ic effects of EI technology, specifically in this form.
with BattleMechs, ProtoMechs can use their speed and mobili- The effect in game terms is that the ProtoMech version of
ty to shake infantry by simply providing more difficult penalties EI neural implants offers none of the advantages as seen in
for the infantry to hang onto them, or they can attempt to MechWarrior and battle armor trooper implants, but also coun-
brush off the infantry using their own arms and weapons. A teracts the vast majority of negative side effects as well. Nev-
ProtoMech attempting to deliver an attack against swarming ertheless, certain features remain an integral drawback of the
infantry in this fashion must make either a successful unmodi- technology, as described below.
fied Piloting/ProtoMech Check (in the case of physical First, ProtoMech warriors in vehicular combat must always
attacks), or a successful Gunnery/Humanoid Check (as appro- keep EI active, as the enhanced-imagining system keeps their
priate to the weapon used, with a +2 TN modifier) for weapons machines upright and mobile.
mounted in either the arms or ProtoMech’s main gun— Second, ProtoMech warriors are even more in tune with
whichever is not swarmed at the time. Successful hits apply their machines than are MechWarriors and battlesuit troopers,
damage from the ProtoMech’s attack and knock the swarming to the point where they almost lose all sense of identity while
character or battle suit off the ProtoMech’s body, with the entombed at their controls. Internal damage to a ProtoMech
same falling effects as before. feels almost as bad as real pain to them, a fact that not even
A fumble when attempting either action, however, results intense conditioning and chemicals can keep at bay. To reflect
in damage to the ProtoMech itself. For weapon attacks, this this, whenever a ProtoMech pilot’s machine sustains a critical
damage is treated as normal. Fumbled physical attacks cause hit to a shaded box, the pilot must make a BOD/WIL Check or
the ProtoMech damage equal to the ProtoMech’s tonnage suffer 3D6 damage, regardless of armor. This damage is
divided by 3. applied as an energy weapon attack to the same location on
the warrior’s body as the spot of the perceived damage,
ProtoMech Lifting Capabilities reflecting the “phantom pain.”
As part of their construction—typically to accommodate the Finally, the deteriorating effects of EI implants described
use of any main gun modules they may carry—ProtoMechs are for MechWarriors and battlesuit troopers is much more grad-
always designed with hand actuators. This feature also allows ual, suffering permanent Fatigue damage once every three
the ProtoMech, as needed, to serve as a support or salvage years after their implantation, rather than every year, and mak-
vehicle by granting them a limited degree of lifting capabilities. ing an immediate BOD/WIL Check to prevent a second Fatigue
When used in this fashion, ProtoMechs may pick up and carry point loss. As with MechWarrior and Elemental EI degradation,
objects weighing up to 20 percent of their total tonnage. Doing the negative effects become more pronounced each time, with
so, however, is a Simple Action that involves both hands and one point of permanent Fatigue taken at the end of the first



three years, two points after the second three years, three choosing the column appropriate to the Clan that would be
points after the third three years, and so on. fielding ProtoMechs in battle. Note that each assignment con-
As with MechWarrior and Elemental degradation, a stitutes a full Point of ProtoMechs, rather than an individual
BOD/WIL Check must be made upon taking this automatic loss unit, as ProtoMechs in CBT are typically fielded in homoge-
to see if the points of permanent (unrecoverable) Fatigue dou- nous Points of 5.
ble, and whether the character will sustain a negative trait of Characters in CBT: RPG campaigns must determine their
equivalent value. The negative traits, if sustained, are more ProtoMech assignment at character generation by first deter-
select than those a MechWarrior or battlesuit trooper may sus- mining their ProtoMech weight class before rolling on the ran-
tain, however, and must be confined to the following, based on dom assignment table below. A light ProtoMech (2 to 3 tons) is
point values: Amnesia, Clumsy, Combat Paralysis, Disabled, available if the character has 5 or 6 points in his or her Vehicle
Introvert, Madness, Quirk, Slow Learner, Timid, and Unhealthy. trait, while a medium ProtoMech (4 to 6 tons) may be chosen
If, through this event, the character sustains more than at a Vehicle level of 7 or 8. A Vehicle trait level of 9+ buys a
twice his or her WIL in permanent Fatigue loss, the ProtoMech character a heavy ProtoMech, which can weigh 7 to 9 tons.
pilot receives a 4-point Madness/Hysteria or Once the weight class in known, the player rolls or chooses
Madness/Berserker trait (gamemaster’s discretion) and may from Random Assignment Tables as appropriate to the charac-
function in battle as though he or she has 5 fewer points of ter’s level of Custom Vehicle trait (p. 80, CBT: RPG), ignoring all
permanent Fatigue damage than actually sustained. This machines above the maximum weight class the character may
effect reflects the final devolution of the “god complex” that claim. If randomly rolling for a ProtoMech, the player must con-
eventually envelops a typical ProtoMech pilot. tinue to roll until the result yields a ProtoMech appropriate to
the character’s vehicle weight class is found (or accept any
ASSIGNING PROTOMECHS IN CBT result that yields a ProtoMech of a lower weight class).
AND CBT: RPG Note that the numbers in brackets indicate the ProtoMech's
In CBT scenarios, ProtoMechs may be assigned simply by tonnage.
rolling on the Random ProtoMech Assignment Table below,


2D6 Blood Cloud Fire Goliath Hell’s

Roll Spirit Cobra Coyote Mandrill Scorpion Horses
2 Chrysaor 2 [6] Minotaur 2 [9] Siren [3] Delphyne [9] Roc [7] Centaur [5]
3 Delphyne [9] Minotaur [9] Satyr 2 [4] Harpy 3 [2] Orc [4] Harpy 2 [3]
4 Cecerops 2 [3] Siren [3] Procyon 2 [5] Minotaur [9] Satyr 2 [4] Orc 2 [4]
5 Roc 3 [7] Siren 2 [3] Procyon [5] Centaur 2 [5] Triton 2 [8] Hydra 2 [6]
6 Gorgon 3 [8] Siren 2 [3] Roc [7] Hydra [6] Satyr [4] Orc [4]
7 Roc 2 [7] Minotaur [9] Roc 2 [7] Gorgon 2 [8] Roc [7] Minotaur [9]
8 Cecerops [3] Basilisk [7] Gorgon 2 [7] Hydra 3 [6] Triton [8] Minotaur 2 [9]
9 Minotaur [9] Basilisk 2 [7] Procyon 2 [5] Roc 2 [7] Minotaur [9] Roc [7]
10 Chrysaor [6] Satyr [4] Satyr [4] Roc 3 [7] Minotaur 2 [9] Hydra [6]
11 Delphyne 2 [9] Satyr 2 [4] Orc [4] Centaur 3 [5] Roc 2 [7] Centaur 2 [5]
12 Hydra [6] Siren 3 [3] Orc 2 [4] Delphyne 2 [9] Orc 2 [4] Procyon [5]

2D6 Ice Jade Nova Snow Star Wolf

Roll Hellion Falcon Cat Raven Adder (in-Exile)
2 Gorgon 2 [8] Gorgon [8] Chrysaor [6] Satyr 2 [4] Chrysaor [6] Chrysaor 2 [6]
3 Siren [3] Erinyes 2 [2] Satyr [4] Cecerops 2 [3] Harpy [2] Satyr [4]
4 Siren 2 [3] Gorgon 2 [8] Satyr 2 [4] Chrysaor [6] Harpy 3 [2] Satyr [4]
5 Siren 2 [3] Centaur [5] Roc [7] Minotaur [9] Gorgon 3 [8] Satyr 2 [4]
6 Siren 3 [3] Centaur 2 [5] Roc [7] Roc 3 [7] Gorgon 2 [8] Satyr 2 [4]
7 Siren 3 [3] Centaur [5] Roc [7] Roc 2 [7] Gorgon 2 [8] Roc 3 [7]
8 Satyr 3 [4] Harpy [2] Centaur [5] Gorgon 3 [8] Minotaur [9] Roc 3 [7]
9 Satyr 2 [4] Centaur [8] Centaur [5] Gorgon [8] Minotaur 2 [9] Roc [7]
10 Satyr [4] Centaur 3 [8] Gorgon [8] Centaur 3 [5] Siren 3 [3] Roc [7]
11 Satyr [4] Erinyes [2] Gorgon [8] Cecerops [3] Siren 2 [3] Roc [7]
12 Minotaur [9] Harpy [2] Satyr [4] Chrysaor 2 [6] Siren [3] Chrysaor [6]

ERINYES Deployment
Mass: 2 tons The Erinyes, like all ProtoMechs fielded by the Falcons,
Chassis: Standard has seen only limited deployment since Khan Pryde ordered
Power Plant: 12 a halt to further production. Many, however, have turned up
Cruising Speed: 43 kph in low-profile garrisons throughout the Clan’s enclaves in the
Maximum Speed: 65 kph homeworlds and the Inner Sphere. Strange rumors, howev-
Jump Jets: 4 er, place most of these Erinyes under the authority of the
Jump Capacity: 120 meters Clan’s scientist caste. Though it seems highly unlikely that
Armor: Standard even the supposedly inferior Jade Falcon ProtoMech warriors
Armament: would answer to a lesser caste’s command, these rumors
1 SRM-1 Launcher have persisted ever since the first reports surfaced in 3065.
Manufacturer: Clan Jade Falcon
Communications System: Unknown Variants
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Accompanying reports of Erinyes under scientist
caste command are also reports of an energy weapon
Overview variant developed sometime after the cancellation of the
Soon after ProtoMechs debuted during the Smoke Falcon ProtoMech program. This version increases the
Jaguars’ annihilation on Huntress in 3060, virtually ProtoMech’s speed, drops its jump jets and missile tube,
every Clan with an active presence in the homeworlds and slightly decreases its overall armor levels in favor of
scrambled to get their hands on this unique battlefield mounting an extended-range micro laser with an accompa-
technology. The Jade Falcons, thanks to their presence nying single heat sink.
on the Jaguar capital of Huntress, were among the first
to obtain access to this new weapon system after the Type: Erinyes
Jaguars’ fall, enabling them to jump-start an experimen- Technology Base: Clan ProtoMech
tal ProtoMech development program of their own Tonnage: 2
months ahead of many of the others. However, the Fal- Battle Value: 45
cons’ legendary traditionalism, coupled with their own
firsthand observation of the Inner Sphere victory on Equipment Mass (kg)
Huntress and the poor performance of Falcon Pro- Internal Structure: 200
toMechs against the Lyran Alliance, led a very unim- Engine: 12 300
pressed Khan Marthe Pryde to terminate the entire Pro- Walking MP: 4
toMech experiment in 3064. Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4 200
Capabilities Heat Sinks: 0 0
The first and only ProtoMech developed by the Fal- Cockpit: 500
cons, the Erinyes was created as more of a proof-of-con- Armor Factor: 10 500
cept design than it was a proper line unit. However, the Internal Armor
decision to base this new design on the Jaguars’ Harpy Structure Value
may have sealed its fate—along with the entire Falcon Head 1 2
ProtoMech program—as the Erinyes barely improves on Torso 2 4
the speed or durability of the basic Clan battlesuit. With Main Gun — —
only a single SRM tube and five rounds of ammunition, in R/L Arm 1/1 1/1
fact, this design is woefully undergunned when compared Legs 2 2
to the standard “Toad”, leaving it ineffective for anything
beyond anti-personnel guard duty or crowd control in trou- Weapons
bled urban environments. and Ammo Location Mass (kg)
SRM 1 T 250
Ammo (SRM) 5 T 50

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Erinyes Point 4J 2/2/— — P 3/— 2 —

CECEROPS and alien aesthetics of the design—a situation which led
Mass: 3 tons directly to the Chrysaor following the more traditional Pro-
Chassis: Standard toMech physique—its debut against raids by the Star
Power Plant: 45 Adders began to change their minds.
Cruising Speed: 97 kph Currently only the Snow Ravens and Blood Spirits
Maximum Speed: 151 kph field the Cecerops.
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None Variants
Armor: Standard In an effort to increase the accuracy of the Cecerops’
Armament: firepower, a variant of this ProtoMech has appeared,
1 ER Micro Laser replacing the micro laser with a single Streak short-range
Manufacturer: Clan Snow Raven, Clan Blood Spirit missile tube.
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Type: Cecerops
Technology Base: Clan ProtoMech
Overview Tonnage: 3
Having established themselves as the ‘ProtoMech Battle Value: 47
Clan’—one of the few Clans actually developing a full Pro-
toMech training program, and the only Clan currently Equipment Mass (kg)
attempting to develop a dedicated ProtoMech pheno- Internal Structure: 300
type—in this second generation of ProtoMechs, the Blood Engine: 45 1,000
Spirits moved to break new ground and push the bound- Walking MP: 9
aries. As Clan Smoke Jaguar originally crafted the very Running MP: 14
armor of the ProtoMechs to instill fear in their enemies, Jumping MP: 0
the Blood Spirits were determined to take that to a new Heat Sinks: 1 250
level. The first such design was the Cecerops. Cockpit: 500
Though it certainly bears ‘snake-like’ qualities—thus its Armor Factor: 14 700
name—many pilots of this new design have noted the amaz- Internal Armor
ing similarities between the Cecerops and the sphinx raptor, Structure Value
one of the most deadly alien creatures in the Clan Home-
worlds; this is a comparison any Clansman finds favorable. Head 1 3
Torso 3 5
Capabilities Main Gun — —
Speed. As the defining characteristic of the R/L Arm 1/1 1/1
Cecerops, only the Siren attains a higher top speed; the Legs 2 4
ProtoMech can outdistance most ’Mechs easily and even
most hover vehicles. Even the ‘alien-ness’ of the design’s Weapons
armor aids the speed, with the forward thrusting head and and Ammo Location Mass (kg)
cowl aerodynamically engineered to reduce drag.
The inclusion of an extended-range micro laser in ER Micro Laser T 250
place of the Siren’s twin light machine guns not only pro-
vides more firepower in a single salvo, but also eliminates
the need for ammunition dependence, which is important
to the resource-starved Blood Spirits.

Though the Snow Ravens were originally reticent to
take their first shipment of Cecerops due to the extreme

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Cecerops Point 9 1/1/— — P 4/— 2 —

ORC Variants
Mass: 4 tons Some Beta Galaxy ProtoMech Stars have begun test-
Chassis: Standard ing a long-range variant of the Orc that replaces all four
Power Plant: 36 SRM tubes with two LRM 2-packs and a machine gun.
Cruising Speed: 65 kph Though lacking the ammo endurance of the base model,
Maximum Speed: 97 kph Stars of this variant can provide a decent volume of long-
Jump Jets: None range support fire.
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Standard Type: Orc
Armament: Technology Base: Clan ProtoMech
4 SRM-1 Launchers Tonnage: 4
Manufacturer: Clan Hell’s Horses Battle Value: 131
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Equipment Mass (kg)
Internal Structure: 400
Overview Engine: 36 900
Clan Hell’s Horses’ combined arms doctrine, coupled Walking MP: 6
with a recent revitalization program initiated by Khan James Running MP: 9
Cobb, has fueled an expansion of ProtoMech deployment Jumping MP: 0
since they first assimilated the new technology from the Heat Sinks: 0 0
fallen Smoke Jaguars. Indeed, not only has a serious reor- Cockpit: 500
ganization of the Clan’s touman already begun to accommo- Armor Factor: 20 1,000
date this new instrument of war, it has also led to the Internal Armor
development of new ProtoMech designs specifically created Structure Value
with the Horses’ unique battle philosophies in mind. Head 1 4
Torso 4 7
Capabilities Main Gun — —
Built for speed and survivability, the four-ton Orc is R/L Arm 1/1 2/2
the first Hell’s Horses ProtoMech to enter standard pro- Legs 3 5
duction. Protected by a full ton of armor, and overland
speeds comparable to many Clan medium ’Mechs and a Weapons
quartet of single-tube SRMs, the Orc is mobile and and Ammo Location Mass (kg)
durable, but might ordinarily be seen as little more than a SRM 1 RA 250
nuisance to most battlefield units. However, because Ammo (SRM) 5 RA 50
most Orcs carry inferno rounds rather than standard mis- SRM 1 LA 250
siles, their incendiary loadout upgrades this unit’s lethali- Ammo (SRM) 5 LA 50
ty against armored vehicles, a military force the Horses— 2 SRM 1 T 500
of all Clans—know better than to underestimate. Ammo (SRM) 10 T 100

Convinced of their value, the Horses have begun to
field entire ProtoMech Stars as special attachments to
every Cluster in their front-line forces. On paper, these units
are typically assigned to aerospace Trinaries, but most find
themselves working in close coordination with the vehicle
Supernovas instead. Nearly every ProtoMech Star in the
Clan’s Alpha and Beta Galaxies fields at least two Orcs.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Orc Point 6 6/6/— — P 5/— 7 —

PROCYON some mixed ProtoMech Points in Clan Hell’s Horses as
Mass: 5 tons well, a fact that suggests the two once-allied Clans may
Chassis: Standard have colluded on their recent ProtoMech developments.
Power Plant: 45
Cruising Speed: 54 kph Variants
Maximum Speed: 86 kph A missile-based variant—currently undergoing trials
Jump Jets: None with the Coyotes’ Alpha Galaxy—swaps the small lasers
Jump Capacity: None and heat sinks for the reach of twin arm-mounted LRM 4-
Armor: Standard packs and an additional 200 kilograms of armor. Though
Armament: tougher, this Procyon’s application seems limited due to
2 Extended Range Small Lasers its short ammo supply.
Manufacturer: Clan Coyote
Communications System: Unknown Type: Procyon
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Technology Base: Clan ProtoMech
Tonnage: 5
Overview Battle Value: 128
In what some have viewed as a desperate effort to
reclaim their prominence as the innovator Clan, the Coy- Equipment Mass (kg)
otes were among the first to stage Trials on Huntress for Internal Structure: 500
ProtoMech technology after the fall of the Smoke Jaguars. Engine: 45 1,000
To supplement this success, the Clan immediately initiat- Walking MP: 5
ed several development projects for new ProtoMech Running MP: 8
designs, both to vary the makes and models at their dis- Jumping MP: 0
posal, and also to prove that the Coyotes could once again Heat Sinks: 4 1,000
be a leader in military technology. The first of these new Cockpit: 500
machines to enter full-scale production, the Procyon has Armor Factor: 20 1,000
already become a symbol of the Coyotes’ rejuvenation. Internal Armor
Structure Value
Capabilities Head 1 2
Devised as a support unit for heavier BattleMech and Torso 5 8
Elemental formations, the Procyon is fast, durable, and Main Gun — —
capable of extended operations thanks to its energy R/L Arm 1/1 2/2
weapon payload. A 45-rated fusion engine gives this Pro- Legs 3 6
toMech good overland speed, while a ton of armor pro-
vides good protection for its five-ton size. A pair of extend- Weapons
ed-range small lasers mounted in the arms for the widest and Ammo Location Mass (kg)
possible firing arc provides firepower that can easily men- ER Small Laser LA 500
ace enemy battle armor one-on-one or combine with the ER Small Laser RA 500
rest of the Procyon’s Point-mates for a devastating effect
on BattleMechs.

The ProtoMech Stars in the Coyotes’ Alpha and
Epsilon Galaxies each field brand-new Procyons in Point-
sized formations, with Alpha currently possessing the
lion’s share. Some Procyons have also been seen in

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Procyon Point 5 5/5/— — P 5/— 6 —

CHRYSAOR Deployment
Mass: 6 tons Both Clans Blood Spirit and Snow Raven field the
Chassis: Standard Chrysaor. However, an undisclosed amount found their
Power Plant: 55 way into the hands of Diamond Shark merchants, who
Cruising Speed: 65 kph allegedly purchased them at cut-rate prices after the Arca-
Maximum Speed: 97 kph dia debacle, despite Andre’s redemption. Rumors suggest
Jump Jets: None that many have since been sold to Inner Sphere Clans.
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Standard Variants
Armament: Trading firepower for accuracy, a Chrysaor variant has
4 ER Micro Lasers appeared that replaces the four extended-range micro
Manufacturer: Clan Snow Raven, Clan Blood Spirit lasers with two micro-pulse lasers.
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Type: Chrysaor
Technology Base: Clan ProtoMech
Overview Tonnage: 6
Though the Cecerops entered full production first, the Battle Value: 101
Chrysaor was actually the first of two designs agreed upon
between Clans Blood Spirit and Snow Raven. However, Equipment Mass (kg)
the specs proved impossible to achieve and a series of Internal Structure: 600
failures resulted in a return to the drawing board before Engine: 55 1,500
the final production design proved viable. Walking MP: 6
If that were not enough, the image of the Chrysaor Running MP: 9
almost suffered an irreversible setback during its first Jumping MP: 0
deployment. An entire Trinary of Chrysaor were assigned
to the 171st Crimson Guards of the Omicron Galaxy in Heat Sinks: 4 1,000
their bid to retake the Spirit’s Arcadia enclave. However, Cockpit: 500
the Guards’ commander—Suzanne Church—could not Armor Factor: 28 1,400
accept the new role of ProtoMechs among her troops Internal Armor
and squandered their use, which was one of several key Structure Value
reasons Omicron failed to secure their Arcadia enclave
for so long. Placing full blame for this failure on the Head 2 3
‘worthless’ ProtoMechs, Star Colonel Church pushed to Torso 6 10
destroy not just the design but the credibility of Pro- Main Gun — —
toMechs among many within the Blood Spirits already R/L Arm 2/2 4/4
struggling to accept them. Legs 4 7
However, Andre Blood Spirit, a ProtoMech pilot him-
self, declared a Trial of Grievance against Star Colonel Weapons
Church; the scorn and public nature of his challenge could and Ammo Location Mass (kg)
not be ignored, and in a brilliant use of tactics Andre 1 ER Micro Laser RA 250
defeated the Star Colonel augmented. 1 ER Micro Laser LA 250
2 ER Micro Laser T 500
The Chrysaor is a solid medium design, featuring a
good blend of speed, firepower and armor. While not
standing out from the crowd, the Chrysaor’s workhorse
design usually gets the job done.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Chrysaor Point 6 4/4/— — P 7/— 5 —

Mass: 7 tons A close-range variant on the Basilisk has also been
Chassis: Standard spotted undergoing trials within Alpha Galaxy’s 149th
Power Plant: 45 Cobra Guard Cluster. Exchanging the medium laser for a
Cruising Speed: 43 kph small and two micros, and the LRM-3 for a 2-pack SRM
Maximum Speed: 65 kph with increased reloads, this model also adds jump jets for
Jump Jets: None greater mobility in tight confines.
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Standard Type: Basilisk
Armament: Technology Base: Clan ProtoMech
1 Extended Range Medium Laser Tonnage: 7
1 LRM-3 Launcher Battle Value: 231
Manufacturer: Clan Cloud Cobra
Communications System: Unknown Equipment Mass (kg)
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Internal Structure: 700
Engine: 45 1,000
Overview Walking MP: 4
The fighting in the homeworlds following the destruc- Running MP: 6
tion of Clan Smoke Jaguar—in particular, the Coyote Jumping MP: 0 0
Clan’s ill-conceived attack on the Babylon Diet in 3062— Heat Sinks: 5 1,250
taught the Cloud Cobras the value of strengthening their Cockpit: 500
historically weak ground troops, but centuries of preferen- Armor Factor: 38 1,900
tial treatment for their navy and aerospace proved difficult Internal Armor
to adjust. Turning to ProtoMechs for part of the answer Structure Value
and working in conjunction with their new allies in Clan Head 2 5
Blood Spirit, the Cobras recently unveiled the heavy Torso 7 14
Basilisk, their first homegrown ProtoMech design. Main Gun 1 3
R/L Arm 2/2 4/4
Capabilities Legs 4 8
Powered by a 45-rated fusion engine and lacking
jump jets, the base model Basilisk features average Weapons
mobility in exchange for heavy armor and firepower, in and Ammo Location Mass (kg)
keeping with its intended role as a support unit for ER Medium Laser T 1,000
armored infantry and heavy ’Mechs. Close to two full tons LRM 3 M 600
of armor keep the Basilisk’s warrior well protected, while Ammo (LRM) 2 M 50
its punch comes from the combination of its medium
laser and a 3-pack LRM launcher. Though reloads for the
LRM make its use quite restricted in a fire-support role, a
Point of Basilisks can use these weapons quite effectively
against lighter BattleMechs, armored vehicles, and even
assault battle armor.

Basilisks have only recently come into production,
but already many have been spotted in the Tanis sys-
tem, as part of several new ProtoMech Stars attached to
Beta Galaxy.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Basilisk Point 4 5/5/1 — P 9/— 12 if

TRITON Variants
Mass: 8 tons A fire support variant of the Triton exists that
Chassis: Standard swaps the Streak launcher for an LRM-3 and a dozen
Power Plant: 50 rounds of ammunition. The tonnage freed by the swap
Cruising Speed: 43 kph allows this ProtoMech to mount a second micro laser
Maximum Speed: 65 kph and an extended-range small for better endurance in
Jump Jets: 4 close-quarters combat.
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Standard Type: Triton
Armament: Technology Base: Clan ProtoMech
1 Streak SRM-4 Launcher Tonnage: 8
1 Extended Range Micro Laser Battle Value: 221
Manufacturer: Clan Goliath Scorpion
Communications System: Unknown Equipment Mass (kg)
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Internal Structure: 800
Engine: 50 1,500
Overview Walking MP: 4
Overtures to the Snow Raven Clan have done much to Running MP: 6
develop Clan Goliath Scorpion’s strength after a string of Jumping MP: 4 400
recent failures in the post-Crusade homeworlds. Though Heat Sinks: 1 250
Raven aid has been minimal, it did prove sufficient for the Cockpit: 500
Scorpions to build a new Galaxy, dedicated to their Seeker Armor Factor: 38 1,900
traditions. It also helped them jump-start their stalled Pro- Internal Armor
toMech development program, resulting in the creation of Structure Value
the Triton, a heavy ProtoMech devised to support the soli- Head 2 6
tary warriors who carry on the Seeker mandate. Torso 8 13
Main Gun 1 3
Capabilities R/L Arm 2/2 4/4
The Triton’s design emphasizes efficiency and surviv- Legs 5 8
ability. Featuring just over two full tons of armor, decent
ground speed, and jump capability, this machine uses the Weapons
remaining tonnage on an ammunition-efficient Streak SRM and Ammo Location Mass (kg)
4-pack, backed up by an extended-range micro laser. Streak SRM 4 M 2,000
Though this selection of firepower provides only modest Ammo (Streak) 10 M 400
damage by itself, when entire Points of Tritons enter a ER Micro Laser T 250
fray they can prove lethal to unsuspecting opponents.

The Triton, like most of the Goliath Scorpions’ newly
acquired ProtoMech technology, appears in its largest
concentrations in their new Chi Galaxy. Often attached in
Points to individual Seeker MechWarriors, the Scorpions
apparently plan to deploy their ProtoMechs as close Bat-
tleMech support in the same fashion that Elementals
have been used in the past. Whether this policy will
extend to line units as well as the solitary Seekers
remains to be seen.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Triton Point 4J 4/4/— — P 10/— 11 —

DELPHYNE The Delphyne is currently only found in Clan Blood
Mass: 9 tons Spirit and Kindraa Mick-Kreese-Kline.
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: 75 Variants
Cruising Speed: 54 kph One of the few complaints expressed by Delphyne
Maximum Speed: 86.5 kph test pilots centered on the ‘all-or-nothing’ weapons load
Jump Jets: 5 out. In an effort to provide a more broad-band weapons
Jump Capacity: 150 meters compliment, a slight amount of armor was sacrificed
Armor: Standard along with the medium pulse laser in exchange for two
Armament: extended-range micro lasers and two three-tube short-
1 Medium Pulse Laser range missile packs.
Manufacturer: Clan Fire Mandrill, Clan Blood Spirit
Communications System: Unknown Type: Delphyne
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Technology Base: Clan ProtoMech
Tonnage: 9
Overview Battle Value: 310
Having achieved success in pushing the boundaries
of the physical aesthetics of ProtoMechs in the Cecerops, Equipment Mass (kg)
the Blood Spirits moved to a whole new level with the Del- Internal Structure: 900
phyne. Incorporating a dragon motif, the Delphyne has Engine: 75 2,000
perhaps the most radical appearance of any ProtoMech Walking MP: 5
fielded to date. Running MP: 8
Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Clan Fire Man- Jumping MP: 5 500
drill’s Kindra Mick-Kreese—unlike Clan Snow Raven and
their reluctance concerning the Cecerops—was more than Heat Sinks: 4 1,000
willing to participate in a joint venture for the funding and Cockpit: 500
deployment of the final production model. Armor Factor: 42 2,100
Internal Armor
Capabilities Structure Value
The Delphyne is arguably one of the most potent Pro-
toMechs currently in full production. The base frame Head 2 6
mounts more armor than any other design, including the Torso 9 18
fearsome Minotaur. For offensive capabilities, it uses one Main Gun — —
of the heaviest weapons ever mounted on a ProtoMech, a R/L Arm 2/2 4/4
medium pulse laser. Finally, as though to demonstrate Legs 5 10
the Blood Spirits’ growing expertise in ProtoMech con-
struction, the Delphyne’s movement profile is extreme for Weapons
such a large design, easily matching most heavy ’Mechs and Ammo Location Mass (kg)
and even many medium ’Mechs. Medium Pulse Laser T 2,000

The Delphyne first saw action when deployed in
both the Blood Spirits’ Iota Galaxy and the 32nd Van-
guard Battle Cluster of the Fire Mandrill’s Kindraa Mick-
Kreese as they assaulted the world of Tathis. The sub-
sequent debacle, as forces from Kindraa Kline joined
the fray, quickly demonstrated the lethality of the Del-
phyne to all who participated.

BattleForce 2
Damage Over- Armor/ Point
Type MP PB/M/L heat Class Structure Value Specials
Delphyne Point 5J 4/4/— — P 10/— 16 —



The following rules cover items that fit into categories all receives a degree of pain tolerance due to numbed nerves and
their own and can impact Classic BattleTech and Classic Bat- the like, enabling him to ignore a number of Wound points equal
tleTech RPG games. Where appropriate, rules for both CBT to the sum Potency of all drugs (rounded down) still in his sys-
games and CBT: RPG have been provided. tem—but only when making stun or Knockout Checks. However,
this same total Potency level (rounded down) is also added as a
DRUGS modifier to all Skill Check TNs made while the character remains
Drugs and alcohol can have very dramatic effects upon the “under the influence”, reflecting his impaired judgment and
human body. The following rules represent the acute, short term coordination.
effects of various drugs in the Battletech world upon CBT: RPG Specific drug types also have added effects as well.
characters. Long term usage and addictions should be handled Depressants and hallucinogens cause half their strength in d6
by the GM as he or she sees fit. subduing damage (minus the character’s margin of success)
with every dose, while stimulants remove their strength in
ALCOHOL AND NARCOTICS fatigue points (plus the roll’s margin of success). These effects
When it comes to alcohol and narcotics, there are three continue for the drug’s listed duration (minus the sum of the
main types of drugs: depressants, stimulants and hallucino- character’s BOD score and the initial Tolerance Roll’s margin of
gens. Depressants slow a person’s coordination and inhibit success, in minutes), at the end of which both of these drug
good judgment, effectively wearing him down, while stimulants effects wear off. In the case of stimulants, however, the end of
produce the opposite effect, but cause a person to “crash” this duration is a “crash” which immediately inflicts twice the
once its effects wear off. Hallucinogens can play tricks on the drug’s listed strength in subduing damage.
user’s senses, effectively causing similar effects to depressants Remember that if a character consumes more “doses” of
as the person now must focus harder to sort out what is real such drugs while still under the influence, potency modifiers
and keep from acting on drug-induced hallucinations and other accumulate, and duration is figured from the time of the last
strange sensory effects. In the millennia since the effects of var- intake of drugs. For example, a character already under the influ-
ious chemicals on the mind were first discovered, countless ence of alcohol in the form of a single glass of beer currently
varieties of alcohol and narcotics have been developed, each has no modifiers to stun or knockdown checks because beer
with its own unique effects. has a potency of 0.5, which rounds down to 0 for modifier pur-
poses. However, if this same character then has another beer
CBT:RPG Rules within 2 hours of the first, the potency level rises to 1, allowing
Though drugs and alcohol have a broad range of effects, in the character to shrug off 1 Wound point when making stun or
game terms, all essentially follow similar rules for poisons as knockout checks, but adding +1 to all his TNs for skill checks.
found in Lostech with a few additions—notably each drug’s rela-
tive strength, duration, potency and base price in C-bills—as CBT Rules
shown in the Alcohol and Narcotics Table below. In Classic BattleTech games, alcohols and narcotics have a
A drug’s strength value indicates how powerful it is once more generalized effect on gameplay than they do under CBT:
imbibed, injected, or inhaled (either intentionally or accidentally). RPG rules. While some—such as Necrosia (see p. 182, Field
When taking any drug, the character should immediately roll Manual: Warden Clans) or specialized performance enhancers
2D10 and apply the modifiers indicated under the RPG Alco- (see p. 81)—have more specific effects, most fit into these
hol/Drug Tolerance Roll Table. If the roll result equals or standard categories. Players of CBT games should mutually
exceeds the modified TN, the drugs take their normal effect, as agree to use these rules before playing a scenario where alco-
described below. If the roll fails, however, the character consum- hol and narcotics might be a game factor.
ing the drug or alcohol suffers 1D6 points of lethal damage for To reflect the effects on any unit that partakes of a signifi-
every point of Drug Strength, plus the roll’s margin of failure. cant quantity of alcohol or drugs before coming into a CBT sce-
(Thus, a roll that fails by 3 when the character takes a dose of nario, the controlling player should roll 2D6 and consult the CBT
hard liquor inflicts 4D6+3 lethal damage.) Fortunately, a suc- Alcohol/Drug Effects Table below, adding half the drug’s
cessful MedTech Check may allow the character to immediately strength (rounding down) to the result. The table, based on drug
recover his BOD score, plus the Check’s margin of success. type (depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogenic) then describes
Whether or not the initial roll succeeded, a character using what effects, if any, the resulting roll has on the unit(s) in ques-
drugs or alcohol is considered “under the influence” of such tion. Note that rolls should be made for each unit that has con-
drugs for as long as they remain in the character’s system (cal- sumed enough alcohol or drugs to potentially affect its battle-
culated as the drug’s Duration in hours, minus the sum of the field performance (as determined by the game master or by play-
character’s BOD value and any Margin of Success in the Alco- er agreement).
hol/Drug Tolerance Roll). During this time, the character




Sample Alcohol or Primary Drug Duration Drug Base Equipment

Drug (By Type) Vector Strength (in hours) Potency Price Ratings
Alcohol: Beer/Wine Ingested 1 2 0.5 1 A/A/B
Alcohol: Mixed Drink Ingested 2 3 0.5 2 A/A/B
Alcohol: Hard Liquor Ingested 3 4 1 2 A/B/B
Alcohol: Fusionnaire Ingested 4 5 2 5 A/B/B
Cannabis/Hashish Ingested/Inhaled 2 3 1 2 A/B/C
Heroin Ingested/Inhaled 7 6 5 10 A/B/D
Codeine Ingested 5 8 3 6 A/B/C
Barbiturates Ingested 6 4 4 7 A/B/D

Caffeine Ingested 1 2 1 0.5 A/A/A
Nicotine Ingested/Inhaled 2 2 1 1 A/A/B
Cocaine Inhaled/Injected 3 4 4 7 A/B/D
Amphetamines Ingested/Injected 4 6 3 6 A/B/D
Methamphetamines Ingested 5 6 4 6 B/B/D
K-Z(“Krazy”) Ingested/Injected 6 10 8 10 C/C/E
uick Injected 3 2 5 2 C/C/E

Peyote/Mescaline Ingested/Inhaled 2 8 2 2 A/A/C
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD/Acid) Ingested 6 8 7 4 A/B/C
Phencyclidine (PCP) Ingested 7 8 10 6 A/B/D
Psilocybin (“Magic” Mushrooms) Ingested 3 4 2 3 A/A/A
Ingrot Venom Injected 4 6 3 9 A/C/D
Necrosia Ingested 8 4 4 12 C/D/E


Base Roll (2D10) TN: 10–BOD+Drug Strength
Condition TN Modifier
Drug Influence Modifier +Drug Potency Value (round down)
Wound Value Modifier per Wound Table (CBT:RPG, p. 114)
Toughness or Poison Resistance –2 per Trait
Glass Jaw or Unhealthy +2 per Trait
Addiction/Any +1 per Trait Level*

* Subtract 1 from this modifier if character is addicted to the particular drug being used.


Base Roll (2D6): 8+(Drug Strength/2)
2D6 Roll Piloting Skill Modifier/To-Hit Modifier (by Drug Type)
Result Depressants Stimulants Hallucinogens
7 or less No Effects No Effects No Effects
8-9 +1 to piloting and gunnery +1 to piloting and gunnery +1 to piloting and gunnery
10-11 +2 to piloting and gunnery +2 to piloting and gunnery +2 to piloting and gunnery*
12+ +3 to piloting and gunnery† +3 to piloting, +2 to gunnery‡ +2 to piloting and gunnery§

* Affected unit may not exceed Walk/Cruise MPs.

† Affected BattleMech, ProtoMech, aerospace fighter unit suffers 1 automatic pilot hit at scenario start.
‡Affected unit must use Run/Flank or Jump MPs at all times; friendly side suffers –1 initiative penalty per unit (max –3).
§ Affected unit must roll 1D6 every round; on 1, affected unit must attack the nearest combat unit or support vehicle with all available weapons (regard-
less of the target’s affiliation); on 6, the unit must retreat to home edge and may not fire for that round (it is considered destroyed if it exits the map).



Humanity’s long on-again, off-again flirtation with chemical Originally developed in the 2990s by Nashan Pharmaceuti-
“enhancers” as a shortcut to competitive advantage has found cals as a super-stimulant, Q u ikStim was intended to allow
a niche even in the thirty-first century. With so many factions troops to fight in sustained battles with a minimum of rest or
looking to get a leg up and no one wanting to be left behind, sleep. Today, this drug is most commonly found in the Lyran
dangerous—often experimental—chemical enhancers have Alliance, but has also appeared in the Federated Suns, Taurian
turned up over the centuries. Though popular culture often asso- Concordat, and the Magistracy of Canopus.
ciates their sanctioned use with more autocratic governments In CBT:RPG games, Q w ikStim enables the character to
such as the Draconis Combine and the Capellan Confederation, ignore all fatigue and any need for sleep for a duration of 72
or the more “sinister” realms of the Periphery, “combat drugs” hours (divided by the subject’s CRL+2). However, during this
and “performance enhancers” are actually used by almost every period, the character suffers a +1 modifier for any DEX-based
nation, despite public disdain. skill, due to excessive shaking. Once Q wikStim wears off, the
These chemicals differ from drugs and alcohol as they character “crashes” and instantly receives two Fatigue points
are not meant to alter the user’s state of mind but rather to for every hour spent under the chemical’s influence.
sharpen awareness, quicken reflexes, or enhance stamina In CBT games, Q wikStim allows the MechWarrior, fighter
long enough for warriors to attain their goals. These “short- pilot, or ProtoMech pilot to ignore the first pilot hit sustained
cuts” come at a price however, often in the form of severe from combat damage or heat effects (vehicle crews under u Qik-
side effects. Stim influence can ignore the effects of the first “Crew Stunned”
critical result they may sustain in combat). However, all such
General Game Rules units suffer a +1 modifier to any piloting skill rolls or physical
In CBT: RPG games, each time a character uses a perfor- attacks made throughout the scenario. In the case of infantry,
mance enhancer, the body builds up a resistance to chemicals one point of damage is inflicted upon the platoon prior to the
used upon it in a way that forces the character to make a BOD start of the scenario (battle armored infantry suffer one point
Attribute Check with each use, adding their current level of per trooper), but the platoon may add one point of damage per
resistance to the TN. If the check succeeds, the performance full squad (or one per trooper, in the case of battle armor) to
enhancer works in accordance with its normal rules. Other- every direct fire attack.
wise, the character’s resistance to the chemical increases by
one, and the chemical has no appreciable effect. The control- Rage
ling player of a character using performance enhancers should First developed in 2870, this combat drug works on many
note the character’s Current Resistance Level (CRL) some- of the same principles as PCP, interrupting the brain’s ability to
where on their characters’ sheet. Note that until a character feel pain, even when self-inflicted. Surprisingly, though a Capel-
first uses a given performance enhancer, his CRL is assumed lan invention, CCAF troops are not the biggest users of this
to be zero. drug. Instead, it has grown popular with many Warrior House
Additional doses of any performance enhancer made while a combatants and has shown up among ComStar/Word of Blake
previous dose is still in effect add only half the modifiers (round- ROM agents, as well as some Draconis Combine Azami. Even
ed down) and remain effective for only half the duration as the the Clans’ Dark Caste seems to use Rage, employing some kind
previous dose, with all modifiers and durations cumulative. of homegrown equivalent.
Characters using any performance enhancer run the risk of Rage adds 8 points to the user’s STR (divided by the user’s
addiction if they overuse these chemicals. To reflect this, any CRL+2) and total immunity from the TN effects of all wounds
time a performance enhancer wears off, the player whose char- short of a Fatal Wound—though all wounds remain subject to
acter used the chemicals must make an immediate Attribute bleeding effects and a character will still die from severe
Check against the character’s BOD+WIL, adding the character’s wounds in the absence of immediate medical treatment. In addi-
CRL to the roll result. If the roll fails by a margin of failure of 4 tion, a character suffering from Critical Wounds or worse while
or more, the character gains a 2-level Addiction Trait linked to using Rage receives 3D6 damage for any STR-based Skill check
the performance enhancer and suffers all the effects described they make, representing additional damage caused by excessive
for the Addiction Trait in CBT: RPG (p. 78). physical strain, but once again the character does not notice
In CBT games, each unit attempting to use a performance these effects or suffer TN modifiers as a result of them. One
enhancer must make a 2D6 roll prior to the start of a scenario. dose of Rage lasts 4+1D6/2 hours (rounded up).
On a result of 2, the unit is considered incapacitated and may In CBT games, Rage adds a –1 modifier to all gunnery to-
not be deployed in the scenario. On a result of 9 or better, the hits, but imposes a +1 modifier on all piloting targets. Rage also
enhancers work per their normal rules. On any other result, the inflicts 1 point of damage to MechWarriors, Fighter, and Pro-
enhancer fails and has no effect on gameplay. toMech pilots prior to the start of a scenario, but allows all such
The following is a list of the more popular performance warriors to make consciousness rolls as though they suffer from
enhancers, their effects, and where they are most likely to be one fewer pilot hits than they have actually received (so a war-
found. rior suffering from his third pilot hit would roll against a 5+,
rather than a 7+ target number). Infantry units (of any type)


using Rage lose one-fourth of their total number of troopers effectively eliminates one-fourth of the infantry unit’s starting
(rounded up) prior to the start of the scenario. members (rounding up).


The FedSuns-designed “logic drug” is a chemical that AND TRIGGERS
allows the brain to increase cognitive power and focus. While Whether rigged to alarms or set up with more lethal deter-
the NAIS has proprietary ownership of LD-512, the black mar- rents, booby traps have become a common element in both clas-
kets in the Free Worlds League and Capellan Confederation sical and modern warfare for their ability to secure areas or inflict
have managed to get their hands on some samples. Rumor damage on hostile intruders without requiring an operative’s
even has it that Clan Coyote bought a large shipment through direct involvement. Their ability to do so allows their users both
Diamond Shark merchants, but where the Sharks would come the maximum amount of safety from repercussions and greatly
by these performance enhancers is entirely unknown. enables smaller forces to hold objectives and facilities irrespec-
LD-512 has a duration of 1D6/2 hours (rounded up). Dur- tive of their size or their member’s location and area of influence.
ing that time, the user reduces all TNs for INT-based actions by Common military booby traps include minefields and pit-
12 (divided by the user’s CRL+3). However, for all activities falls—most of which are directed against “soft” targets, such as
beyond the character’s current task at hand, the character suf- enemy infantry (who are easier to injure and kill)—but more
fers a Perception Skill Check penalty equal to twice this bonus, complex methods are employed as well, both on and off the bat-
reflecting the single-minded focus on whatever he or she is tlefield. Assassins often prefer to use booby traps to prevent tip-
doing at the moment. Users of LD-512 also “crash” for 5 ping off a mark and to minimize their own chance of being cap-
Fatigue points per hour of the chemical’s effect, reflecting tured or killed after carrying out the deed.
intense headaches and nausea. The main drawback from traps comes from their very automa-
In CBT gameplay, LD-512 has no effect. tion, their inability to track targets in the absence of direct involve-
ment, forcing its designer to anticipate a target’s proximity to the
Spazz trap to ensure the desired result. This makes traps highly reliant
If Q
wikStim makes people edgy, Spazz makes them jump on the designer’s observation of behavior patterns, his ability to
off the walls. Found to increase synaptic responses many predict a target’s movements and to gauge the right timing and
times over, this performance enhancer greatly magnifies the distance for maximum security and maximum effectiveness.
subject’s response times, but at a noticeable decrease in fine Finally, to secure an area, traps have certain benefits as
motor control and focus. Spazz is frequently found in the black well. Some traps merely activate surveillance equipment to
markets of Solaris or the Chaos March, but has also appeared record an entry, while others might trigger the destruction of
in the Outworlds Alliance, the Draconis Combine, and even sensitive material, the intruder, or a combination of both.
among the Clans. The key to all these strategies is the ability to discharge the
Spazz increases a character’s RFL attribute by 12 (divided weapon at the correct moment. A broad selection of triggers is
by the user’s CRL+4) but imposes a +2 modifier to any DEX- available to a person with sufficient connections. Active triggers
based TNs for 3+1D6/2 hours (round up). Additionally, charac- require some active form of scanning which can be detected.
ters under the influence of Spazz temporarily receive the Mad- Passive detectors require a certain type of input to actuate and
ness/Paranoia trait at one-point level. Characters who already must be physically located in order to be detected.
possess this trait increase it by one point during this time. In CBT: RPG game terms, rigging a device to any type of trig-
In CBT gameplay, Spazz adds a +1 modifier to all gunnery ger requires a complex action and a check against the most
rolls and +2 to piloting rolls made by a unit under the influence applicable of either the Security Systems/Electronic (for trigger-
of this chemical. Unfortunately, for every unit on Spazz, the con- ing electronic surveillance and/or alarms), Security
trolling side suffers a –1 initiative penalty as well, reflecting the Systems/Mechanical (for triggering basic traps, such as clos-
erratic behavior of such units. In the case of infantry, Spazz ing/opening doors, or setting off simple weapons), or Demoli-


Equipment Cost/
Item Ratings Dosage Weight Afil Duration RPG Effects*
QikStim D/E/E 8 — LA 72/(CRL+2) hr Ignore Fatigue, +1 to DEX-based TNs for Duration. “Crash” for 2
Fatigue/hr x Duration
Rage E/E/E 10 — CC 4+(1D6/2) hr Ignore non-Fatal Wound TNs, +8/(CRL+2) to STR for Duration. +3D6
damage for STR-based skills with Critical Wounds or worse.
LD-512 E/E/E 12 — FS 1D6/2 hr +12/(CRL+3) to INT, –24/(CRL+3) to Perception for Duration;
“Crash” for 5 Fatigue/hr of Duration
Spazz D/E/E 10 — — 3+(1D6/2) hr +12/(CRL+4) to RFL, +2 to DEX-based TNs, +Madness/Paranoia
Trait for Duration.
* See rules for CBT game effects.


tions skill (for triggering explosive devices). Most trigger ic target’s bodyweight, or to prevent alarms and explosives from
devices, once set, function exactly like their remote sensor going off when every small creature passes by.
counterparts as described in Lostech (starting on p. 107) and
are considered to have a “skill bonus” equal to that of the char- Thermal Trigger
acter who rigs the device. Thermal triggers use simple contact sensors or limited-
In CBT game terms, booby traps and triggers have no effect range infrared (IR) detectors to set off their events once some
beyond the standard rules for standard, vibro-, and command- preset heat level is achieved. Heat triggers tend to respond to
detonated mines (though many published scenarios include specific IR radiation sources but can also respond to a rise (or
special rules for more elaborate traps and pitfalls). drop) in ambient room temperature or to the temperature of the
object to which they are attached. Responding to direct IR radia-
Pressure Trigger tion is useful when targeting the arrival of a heat source within
One of the most common and simplest trigger types avail- the trigger’s detection range, while ambient temperature sens-
able, the pressure trigger typically activates detonators or ing can be used to secure a room against intrusion, as any entry
alarms when pressure is applied to (or removed from) the sen- affects ambient temperature in some way. Contact sensing is
sor. Pressure triggers can be linked to any number of circum- useful to trigger events based directly on the heat level of a spe-
stances, from a person passing over a pre-arranged area to one cific object, such as that of a vehicle engine or a coffee pot.
sitting down or climbing out of a chair, lying down or rising from
bed, and other such events. Some booby traps—such as most Timer Trigger
landmines—use two-stage pressure triggers, where both the Another very common trigger type, timers are triggers used
application and the release of pressure is required to complete when targets are more static or their location will be known within
the event; the first stage (applying pressure) arms the device, a certain time frame. Timers are useful as they can be tiny, and
while the second (releasing pressure) sets it off. Such methods they may or may not include a countdown display. They are most
provide the users of such devices with a safeguard against error commonly used to set off explosives or other deadly traps and are
while planting them, enabling them time to disarm them or oth- most often used by military, covert, and criminal operatives.
erwise prevent their activation, while enemies aware they have
set off a two-stage trigger become effectively immobilized for a Audio and Video Triggers
time, possibly long enough to be captured. Audio and video triggers are devices that set off events
Pressure triggers can be configured to respond to very spe- based on sound or visual input. Audio triggers, the cheaper of
cific weight ranges, or to any weight. A specific range can be the two types, actuate either on any noise that hits a pre-deter-
useful when one intends to have the device actuate on a specif- mined decibel level or on specific tones, voices, or a set of code


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Pressure Trigger B/D/B 5 95 g — –1 TN to arm/disarm


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Thermal Trigger, Contact C/D/B 8.5 50 g — Object-heat sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Thermal Trigger, Ranged C/D/B 18 260 g — Ambient/IR-source sensitive (3m range); Pwr use: 0.2/hr


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Timer Trigger (w/ display) B/B/B 1 8g — –1 to arm; +1 to disarm
Timer Trigger (w/o display) B/B/C 7 1g — +1 to arm; +3 to disarm


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Audio Trigger (basic) C/B/B 3 12 g — Volume-sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Audio Trigger (advanced) C/C/C 14 18 g — Tone/voice/phrase sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Video trigger (basic) C/B/B 9 1 kg — Light/color/motion sensitive; Pwr use: 0.2/hr
Video trigger (advanced) D/C/C 19 1.4 kg — Image-recognizing; Pwr use: 0.2/hr


words. Video triggers, by comparison, can be set to respond to while simpler command triggers may be little more than a wire
a certain amount, color, or wavelength of light, to motion, or—in and a switch (commonly referred to as landline triggers). Com-
more sophisticated systems—on certain images using pattern- mand triggers are popular in situations where the operative
recognition software. wishes to assure his distance from a target (to establish an
alibi) or when a specific radio frequency is used, such as when a
Chemical and Radiological Triggers target makes a call on his personal communicator.
Chemical triggers actuate when they come into contact with a
particular chemical, typically airborne in nature, and can be set to COMBAT MEDIPACKS
react only to very specific marker chemicals placed on the target, As weapons technology advances, so does the damage
or even to the unique “scent” of an individual, depending on the each new weapon can inflict. In order to combat massive trau-
sensor’s sophistication. Radiological triggers use a similar means ma caused by increasingly powerful weapons, the combat field
to react to the presence of certain radiation types or electromag- medic needed a new tool beyond standard med kits. Knowing
netic waves, which again may be emitted by a marker placed on that most medics were not able to carry the equipment needed
the target or by the target itself (such as most powered vehicles). to keep the more seriously wounded alive, the Canopus-based
Unsophisticated radiological triggers typically actuate once they Angels of Mercy Medical Company used recently recovered
detect a preset level of radiation, while more sophisticated medical technology from the Grey Death memory core to devel-
designs react to specific types and amounts of radiation received. op the new Combat MediPack (CMP).
Roughly the size and weight of a standard satchel charge
Tripwire Trigger and activated after being placed over a victim’s wound, the
Another very common trigger type is the tripwire trigger. CMP is a highly specialized medical pack that can stabilize
Whether made of humble string or employing infrared lasers, most seriously injured patients. It can automatically diagnose
these triggers activate when their detection line is broken. a patient’s condition, administer the proper medications for
Mechanical triggers are currently in more common use, because pain and shock, and may even act as a defibrillator if neces-
they are inexpensive, time-honored, and exceedingly useful in sary. The MediPack can also administer blood coagulants and
most terrain situations, while laser-based tripwires are often anti-bacterial medicines while also give the patient the neces-
used indoors, where they can either cover entire rooms or be sary common antidotes for biological, chemical, and radiation
set to examine a small area. Despite their simplicity, tripwire exposure. With permission of the Canopian government,
triggers are a very reliable method to actuate a trap based on Angels of Mercy is exporting Combat MediPacks throughout
the entry or exit of a person, object, or vehicle. the Inner Sphere, and some have even found their way into
Clan occupied territories.
Command Trigger
Command triggers actuate after receiving an appropriate Game Rules
signal, be it from the rigger, from the target itself, or from some Use of a Combat MediPack adds a –4 modifier to all First
other source. Highly complex command triggers can respond to Aid, MedTech, and Surgery skill rolls. The CMP can be used to
a variety of hard-to-track signals, including HPG transmissions, stabilize a critically injured character as a Simple Action in the


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Chemical Trigger (basic) C/C/C 10 95 g — Requires tracker chemicals; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Chemical Trigger (advanced) D/D/C 25 120 g — “Scent” sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Rad. Trigger (basic) C/D/C 15 100 g — Broad-spectrum; Pwr Use: 0.1/hr
Rad. Trigger (advanced) D/D/C 35 125 g — Radiation type-sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Tripwire Trigger (mechanical) A/A/A 1 1 g/10 meters — –2 to arm; -1 Perception TN to detect
Tripwire Trigger (laser) C/B/C 14 20 g — –2 to arm/disarm; Pwr use: 0.1/hr


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Command Trigger (landline) A/B/A 5 1 g/10 meters — –2 arm/disarm; –1 Perception TN to detect; user-activated only
Command Trigger (basic) B/B/A 20 100 g — Signal range: 5 km; user-activated only; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Command Trigger (adv.) C/C/D 140 125 g — Signal range: 15 km; signal-sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr


field when administering emergency first aid according to the relatively delicate nature of the parafoil chutes and tethers make
rules in CBT:RPG, p. 123, allowing a skilled medic to move on to VDCs slightly less reliable during landings, especially in severe
other cases more quickly. Using more than one CMP on a single weather or when hostile aerospace is present. To reflect this, all
patient, however, does not enhance this effect. drop attempts made using VDCs receive a +1 modifier to the tar-
In CBT games, CMPs have no effect on gameplay. get number for a successful drop, increased to +3 (to the drop-
ping unit's gunnery skill) if the dropping unit is an unpiloted
VEHICULAR DROPCHUTES object, such as a cargo container. A failed roll results in the
A commonplace alternative to the standard jet packs and usual scatter and damage effects of a failed drop roll. Increase
jump jet thrusters employed during combat drops, Vehicular these modifiers by an additional +2 if local weather is anything
DropChutes (VDCs) have offered many battlefield commanders a but ideal, or if hostile aerospace is buzzing around the area, cre-
cheap, low-tech, and above all stealthy means of inserting vehi- ating excess turbulence and distractions.
cles and cargo into hostile combat areas—ideally in the Furthermore, while falling, a unit’s VDC may be targeted by
absence of hostile air cover. Essentially a large-scale parachute hostile aerospace more easily than the unit itself, applying a –2
system designed to handle loads as large as a BattleMech or modifier for all to-hits made against a deployed VDC (–1 if the
other heavy combat vehicle, VDCs are commonly composed of a VDC is a stealth version). However, as the chute is so broad,
series of disposable (or reusable) reinforced polymer chutes weapon hits to a VDC inflict only 1 point of damage for every 5
that deploy upon release in lower altitude drops and may be points of damage (or fraction thereof, treating missiles or auto-
guided through an on-board remote interface using myomer-lined cannon cluster munitions as separate hits). VDCs may sustain
reinforced tethers, often used in conjunction with special rocket- up to 15 points of damage in this fashion before they are con-
equipped pallets or airbags for cargo or vehicles. sidered destroyed. A unit that suffers the loss of its VDC during
Stealth versions of these chutes use a variety of camouflage a drop is automatically destroyed upon impact unless it pos-
patterns or may even be sheathed in special radar-deflecting mate- sesses integral jump jets to control its fall, in which case the
rials to aid in covert insertions, concealing the broad chute from standard rules for Dropping Troops apply.
detection while deployed and acting as a makeshift tarp once
grounded, to conceal landing troops from hostile reconnaissance. CBT: RPG Rules
Characters controlling BattleMechs, Vehicles, and other
BattleTech Rules piloted units dropped using VDCs control their descent using the
VDCs may be used by BattleMechs, vehicles, and even appropriate Piloting skill bonus plus the controlling character’s
cargo canisters weighing up to 100 tons in total mass, but they Free-Fall skill bonus (if any) and make such Skill Checks against
are only effective when used on worlds with an atmosphere of a TN of 10 to avoid the damage and scatter effects described in
some kind as they rely on air resistance to slow descent. Any the CBT rules above. Unpiloted units (such as cargo) dropped
unit so equipped—BattleMech or otherwise—operating in an with VDCs use the Bombing skill of the character controlling the
atmospheric body may thus use the rules for Dropping Troops DropShip from which the object was dropped and make their
given in the BMR (p. 78) and in AT2 (p. 50). However, all units landing rolls against a TN of 14.
dropped using VDCs must be released from inside the atmos- Note that some VDCs feature camouflage or stealth capa-
phere (below the space/atmosphere interface, when using the bilities, applying modifiers to sensor checks to spot them, both
AT2 High Altitude Map). BattleMechs that use special atmos- when deployed and when used as an improvised camouflage
pheric entry cocoons may be released from higher, deploying tarp on the ground. If used as a camo tarp, note that VDC
their VDCs—in place of landing jets or jet packs—once the shell chutes may completely cover objects the size of a vehicle, Bat-
is discarded within the atmosphere. tleMech, or aerospace fighter (up to 150 tons in total mass),
Note that, while more economical and versatile than tradi- imposing their camouflage modifiers to any Perception or Sen-
tional BattleMech jump packs and jets, wind, turbulence, and the sor Operations checks to spot the hidden units.


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Combat MediPack C/B/B 1,000 3.5 kg — Pwr use: 5; Refills cost 150 C-bills


Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes
VDC, Standard D/B/B 1,000 2,000 kg —
VDC, Camouflage D/C/D 3,000 2,000 kg — Camo: 2
VDC, Stealth D/D/D 5,000 2,200 kg — ECM: 4, IR: 4, Camo: 4
VDC, Reusable +1/+1/— x2 +500 kg — 5 min to stow


Support Vehicles encompass civilian, paramilitary, and non- BMR and AT2 are considered to be combat vehicles.
combat military units. The following rules allow for the construc- So long as Support Vehicles are built and used entirely in
tion of a wide range of such vehicles. accordance with the following rules, and combat units are built
Abbreviations: This section references several other prod- and used entirely in accordance with the appropriate rules as
ucts, which are abbreviated as follows: Classic BattleTech Mas- referenced in BMR or AT2, such units are considered compliant
ter Rules, Revised (BMR), AeroTech 2, Revised (AT2), Maximum with Level 2 Classic BattleTech rules. Units from either rule sets
Tech, Revised (MT), BattleForce 2 (BF2), Classic BattleTech RPG built using a mixture of the two, while technically feasible, are
(CBT: RPG), Lostech (LT), Combat Operations (CO), Classic Bat- considered the equivalent of mixed technology designs. Such
tleTech Companion (CBTComp) and Classic BattleTech Field Man- mixed technology designs are thus considered to be Level 3
ual: Mercenaries, Revised (FMMercs). units and are unsuitable for tournament play.


A Support Vehicle, depending on its Chassis Type and CONSTRUCTION OVERVIEW
Weight Class, can incorporate weapons and equipment from the Construction takes place using the following steps.
charts found in the BMR, AT2, MT, CBT: RPG, LT, CBTComp, or
this volume of Combat Equipment (CE); a player should have the 1. Determine Chassis Type
weapons and equipment charts they wish to use available. 2. Determine Size Class and Weight
Terminology: These construction rules allow for the building 3. Determine Equipment Rating
of many different types of Support Vehicles ranging in size from Tech Level
100 kilograms to 100,000 tons. As such, in these rules the Availability
term ‘unit’ refers to any Support Vehicle. Legality
Weights: For the sake of brevity, throughout these rules larger 4. Determine chassis/control weight
weights are listed in metric tons. To convert between tons and kilo- 5. Install engine and transmission
grams, divide the weight in kg by 1,000 to get tons; conversely, Determine fuel capacity
multiply the weight in tons by 1,000 for kilograms. When designing 6. Add other equipment (in any order)
Small Weight Class Support Vehicles (see p. 88, 2. Determine Size Add armor
Class and Weight) always round calculations up to the next full kilo- Add weapons and ammunition
gram; round up to the nearest half-ton (500kg) when designing Add other equipment
Medium and Large Weight Class Support Vehicles. Determine crew requirements
Though various larger Support Vehicles do exist, they reach 7. Complete record sheet
such a size that they cease being a unit on the map—rather
they are the map. Rules for such gargantuan constructs are 1. DETERMINE CHASSIS TYPE
beyond the scope of these rules and are not included in this Support Vehicles belong to one of nine Chassis Types
product. shown on the Support Vehicle Chassis Table.
Fractional Accounting: If using the Fractional Accounting
rule from MT, the Support Vehicle is always considered a Level Example 1: Bob is designing a new Support Vehi-
3 design. cle called a Mobile Field Base (MFB) for battlefield
Support Vehicles vs. Combat Vehicles: It is important to repair and re-supply operations. He wants it to be
recognize that though these rules follow similar steps, the introduced during the Clan Invasion, so it will have a
design and use of Support Vehicles differ significantly from vehi- high tech rating and be constructed solely for mili-
cles presented in the BMR and AT2, which reflect units built for tary operations.
the thirty-first century battlefield. Players should thus thoroughly To begin with, he decides he wants the MFB to be
familiarize themselves with these rules before attempting to tracked and consults the Support Vehicle Chassis
build their first Support Vehicle. Table for that information.
In addition, it should be noted that any vehicles built using
the chasses and engines of a Support Vehicle are automatically Example 2: Not to be outdone by her friend Bob,
classified as Support Vehicles, and that Support Vehicles Erica has an idea for a large Search and Rescue Air-
mounting weapons and equipment ordinarily used on combat ship design. Although introduced during the Age of
vehicles (i.e. the weapons and equipment listed in BMR or AT2) War, the Darling-class SAR Airship remains an uncom-
must do so in accordance with these rules. Conversely, any mon sight throughout the Inner Sphere.
units built using the engines or chassis design rules given in Erica consults the Support Vehicle Chassis Table
for information on Airships.




Base Chassis Base Engine

Equipment And Control and Transmission
Size Weight Range Rating Weight Weight
Chassis Type Class (tons) (Tech/Avail./Leg.) (% Vehicle) Factor
Wheeled Small 0.100 – 4.999 A/A–A–A/A 12 .25
Medium 5 – 80 A/A–B–A/A 15 .75
Large 80.5 – 160 A/B–C–B/A 18 1.5
Tracked Small 0.100 – 4.999 B/B–C–B/A 13 .6
Medium 5 – 100 B/B–C–B/A 15 1.3
Large 100.5 – 200 B/C–D–C/A 25 2.5
Hover Small 0.100 – 4.999 C/A–B–A/B 20 .25§
Medium 5 – 50 C/A–B–A/B 25 .4§
Large 50.5 – 100 C/B–C–B/B 30 .8§
VTOL Small 0.100 – 4.999 C/C–D–C/C 20 .2
Medium 5 – 30 C/C–D–C/C 25 .25
Large 30.5 – 60 C/D–E–D/C 30 .4
Airship Small 0.100 – 4.999 A/C–D–C/C 20 .4
Medium 5 – 300 B/D–E–D/C 25 .8
Large 300.5 – 1,000 C/D–E–D/C 30 1.2
Fixed Wing Small 0.100 – 4.999 B/C–D–C/C 8 .5
Medium 5 – 100 B/C–D–C/C 10 1
Large 100.5 – 200 B/D–E–D/C 15 1.5
Satellite Small 0.100 – 4.999 C/C–D–C/C 8 †
Medium 5 – 100 C/C–D–D/D 12 †
Large 100.5 – 200 C/D–E–D/D 16 †
Rail Small 0.100 – 4.999 A/C–C–C/C 15 .3
Medium 5 – 300 A/C–C–C/C 20 .4
Large 300.5 – 600 A/C–D–D/C 30 .5
Naval Vessel Small 0.100 – 4.999 A/C–D–C/C 12 .4
Medium 5 – 300 A/C–D–C/C 15 .7
Large 300.5 – 100,000 B/C–E–D/C 17 .9

†Satellites always have zero MP. Calculate engine and transmission weight as 10% of the satellite’s weight.
§Total Engine and Transmission weight must be a Minimum of 20% of the vehicle’s total weight.

MFB 60 tons.
2. DETERMINE SIZE CLASS Example 2: Erica elects to design her Darling-
AND WEIGHT class SAR airship as a Large Class unit and consults
Within each Chassis Type, all Support Vehicles fall within the Support Vehicle Chassis Table.
one of three Size Classes (Small, Medium and Large) as shown Large Airships range from anything over three
on the Support Vehicle Chassis Table. hundred to one thousand tons: Erica chooses to make
Once a Size Class has been chosen, a unit must have a her Airship 1,000 tons.
specific weight within the range given on the Support Vehicle
Chassis Table. The total weight of a unit’s components may not 3. DETERMINE EQUIPMENT RATING
exceed or fall short of this amount. The Equipment Rating of a Support Vehicle is comprised of
Mass Increments: The weight of Small Support Vehicles is three different values: Tech Level, Availability, and Legality, as
measured in increments of 1 kg. The weight of Medium and detailed below (see the Support Vehicle Equipment Ratings
Large Support Vehicles is specified in increments of .5 tons. Table for examples of what these ratings represent).
Once a unit’s Chassis Type and Weight Class are deter-
Example 1: Bob consults the Support Vehicle mined, the player consults the Equipment Rating column of
Chassis Table and decides he wants the MFB to be a the Support Vehicle Chassis Table to determine the minimum
Medium Class unit. Equipment Ratings of a design.
Since Bob has chosen a Medium Tracked Sup- The Equipment Ratings of a design can be increased (they
port Vehicle, he notes that the weight range is from can never be decreased below the minimum ratings) in two ways:
five to one hundred tons: he decides to make the First, a player can simply choose to increase the ratings,



Tech Level Tech Level (Classic BattleTech Rules Level) Availability Legality
A Primitive Technology (Level 1) Very Common Unrestricted
B Low: Industrial Revolution (Level 1) Common Monitored: i.e. driving test required
C Medium: Twenty-first to Uncommon Licensed: operating heavy goods
Twenty-second Century (Level 1) vehicle or passenger transport
D High: Age of War, Succession Wars (Level 1) Rare Controlled: fission powered
E Advanced: Star League (Level 2 Inner Sphere) Very Rare Restricted: military equipment
F Hyper-advanced: Clan (Level 2 Clan) Unique Highly Restricted
X N/A Not available N/A

depending upon the type of Support Vehicle he or she has in the third Availability Rating.
mind; for example, a military-only Support Vehicle or a Support Technology Base: Unlike the construction rules in BMR and
Vehicle from the original Star League era. AT2, there is no distinction between technology used in Clan
Second, when adding components to a design during con- and Inner Sphere vehicles, except that only Clan vehicles can
struction, a design’s Tech Level, Availability, or Legality may incorporate Tech Level F components.
increase based upon the ratings of individual components as CBT: RPG: Availability Ratings are identical to those found
shown in the Equipment Rating column of the Weapons and in CBT: RPG (see pp. 129-131) and indicate just how hard it is
Equipment Table (see p. 107). for an individual to find and purchase a specific vehicle; it is rel-
Note: Equipment Rating nomenclature is also used in the atively easy to walk off the street into a dealership and buy a
Field Manual series when equipping combat commands. Howev- ground car, but a communications satellite or a kiloton cargo
er, that rating system has no effect on the Equipment Rating sub is a different matter. This is a blanket value, and the
used in Support Vehicle design. gamemaster may wish to adjust availability by nation or world to
suit their scenario or campaign.
Tech Level BattleTech: For more details on using the Availability Rating
The Tech Level of a unit represents the basic level of tech- in CBT, see Availability, p. 134.
nology and industry required to produce a vehicle. For Support
Vehicles, this represents an extreme range, from pre-industrial Legality
bicycles to advanced technologies such as satellites. Operating a vehicle can take more than just climbing behind
Lower Tech Level: A Support Vehicle can include compo- the wheel. Operator and/or vehicle certification is often
nents of a lower Tech Level from that used as its base level, but required. Safety regulations for the transport of passengers or
the Tech Level of the vehicle itself does not change. sensitive materials can require special licenses. Private owner-
CBT: RPG: The Tech Levels (see p. 129, CBT: RPG) are ship of armed vehicles may be tightly controlled.
expanded to encompass Support Vehicle components. The com- CBT: RPG: Legality Ratings are identical to those found in
ponent with the highest Tech Level on a unit represents the CBT: RPG (see p. 131). Once more, a gamemaster may elect to
Tech Level of that Support Vehicle. adjust these ratings to suit the needs of a scenario or campaign.
BattleTech: The Support Vehicle Equipment Ratings BattleTech: Legality Ratings have no effect in BattleTech.
Table (see above) provides a guide for how Tech Levels relate
to BattleTech Levels (1, 2 and 3). Inner Sphere Support Vehi- Example 1: Consulting the Support Vehicle Chas-
cles incorporating Tech level F components are considered sis Table, Bob notes that a Tracked (Medium) Support
Level 3 designs. Vehicle has the following minimum Equipment Ratings:
Availability represents supply and demand; how easy is it to The B gives Tech Level (Low), while the three
acquire a particular Support Vehicle. To make this as useful as Availability Ratings show that the unit would have a rat-
possible, regardless of which time period is used, Availability ing of B during the first Star League (Common), C dur-
Ratings for three eras are provided: the first ranges from the ing the Succession Wars (Uncommon), and B following
Age of War to the fall of the first Star League (up to 2800), the the Clan Invasion (Common).
second encompasses the Succession War period through the Finally, the Legality Rating of A means it is legal
start of the Clan Invasion (2800 to 3050), and the final era cov- for anyone to purchase.
ers the Clan Invasion through the present (3051 onwards). However, these ratings do not fit in with Bob’s
The Clans always use the first (Star League era) Availability vision for his MFB, so he decides to tweak them. First,
Rating unless this is X (Not Available), in which case they use since he wants the vehicle to be introduced after the


Clan Invasion, he only needs to worry about that era’s vehicles) after all calculations are finished. For details on the
Availability Rating and he wants to make it high tech capabilities and limitations of each type of chassis and controls,
(Tech Level D). Additionally, he wants it constructed see Chassis and Control Types below.
only for military use (Availability Rating E, Legality Rat- Lower Tech Level: If desired, a lower Tech Level chassis
ing E), which provides a finished Equipment Rating of and controls can be used (provided the Tech Level is not less
D/E/E. That’s Bob’s MFB. than the minimum required for the Weight Class of the design).
Vehicle Crews: Medium and Large Support Vehicles include
Example 2: From the Support Vehicle Chassis basic accommodation for the crew automatically, but Small Sup-
Table, Erica sees that an Airship (Large) Support Vehi- port Vehicles must make provisions for a driver/pilot/helmsman
cle has the following minimum Equipment Ratings: and passengers.
Example 1: The Mobile Field Base is a 60 ton
The C gives Tech Level (Medium) while the three Tracked (Medium) Support Vehicle (Base Chassis and
Availability Ratings show that the unit would have a rat- Control Weight of 15, from the Support Vehicle Chassis
ing of D during the first Star League (Rare), E during Table) constructed with High Tech Level D (1.0 from the
the Succession Wars (Very Rare), and D following the Chassis and Controls Base Weight Table). Bob elects to
Clan Invasion (Rare). modify the chassis and controls and make them
The Legality Rating of C means that ownership armored (1.5 from the Chassis Modifiers Table)
and operation of such units is licensed.
Erica is happy to go with the default ratings and Chassis and controls weight = 15 x 1.0 x 1.5 =
aims to remain within these for her Airship design. She 22.5% of 60 tons = 13.5 tons.
goes for a final Rating of C/D/C.
Example 2: The Darling-class is a 1,000-ton Air-
4. DETERMINE CHASSIS/ ship (Large) Support Vehicle (Base Chassis and Con-
CONTROL WEIGHT trol Weight of 30 from the Support Vehicle Chassis
Once a unit’s target weight has been determined, the space Table) constructed with Medium Tech Level C (1.15
devoted to the chassis and control systems can be calculated. from the Chassis and Control Tech Modifier Table).
For simplicity, these rules combine the chassis and control sys- Erica elects to give the Darling amphibious capability,
tems into a single design element. so it may be used for offshore emergencies as well as
Consult the appropriate Tech Level column on the Chassis inland.
and Controls Tech Modifier Table (see below) that corresponds to
the Tech Level Rating of the design. When multiplied by the Base Chassis and controls weight = 30 x 1.75 x 1.15 =
Chassis and Control Weight taken from the row corresponding to 60.375% of 1,000 tons = 603.75 tons, which rounds
the Support Vehi- up to 604
cle’s Chassis tons.
Class on the CHASSIS AND
Support Vehicle Chassis and Controls Tech Level CONTROL
Chassis Table, A B C D E F TYPES
this generates Tech Level Multiplier 1.6 1.3 1.15 1.0 0.85 0.66 Nothing has a
the percentage of greater impact on a
the Support Vehi- unit’s design than the
cle’s total weight taken up by the chassis and controls (round up selection of chassis and controls. It is this element that dic-
to the nearest kilogram for Small vehicles and up to the nearest tates the capabilities of the final design. These rules cover
.5 tons for Medium and Large vehicles). Wheeled, Tracked, Hover, VTOL, Airship, Fixed Wing, Satellite,
Rail, and Naval Vessels.
Chassis and Control Modifiers The notes for each type of chassis and control systems
The chassis and controls can be further modified using details prohibited engine and transmission types (repeating the
options from the Chassis Modifiers Table (see p. 91). If one or information from the Chassis and Controls/Engine and Trans-
more of these modifiers are selected, apply them in sequence mission Compatibility Table (see p. 91) for convenience), the
using the result from the previous calculation with the next mod- maximum permitted design weight for a unit, and specific rules
ifier, but only round the weight up (to the nearest kilogram for for using each Chassis Type with CBT, CBT: RPG, AT2, CO,
Small vehicles and the nearest .5 tons for Medium and Large FMMercs, and BF2.



Chassis and Controls

Fixed Naval
Modification Wheeled Tracked Hover VTOL Airship Wing Satellite Rail Vessel
Amphibious Y Y N Y Y Y N N N
Armored Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Bicycle Y* N Y* N N N N N N
Convertible Y Y Y N N N N N N
Dune Buggy Y N N N N N N N N
Environmental Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y
External Power N N N N N N N Y N
Hydrofoil N N N N N N N N Y**
Monocycle Y* N Y* N N N N N N
Off-Road Vehicle Y N N N N N N N N
Omni Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Prop N N N N N Y N N N
Snowmobile Y Y N N N N N N N
Submersible N N N N N N N N Y
Tractor Y Y N N N N N Y Y
Trailer Y Y N N N N N Y N
Ultra-Light† Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

*Small Wheeled and Small Hover only

**Naval Vessels of 100 tons or less
†Small Support Vehicles only


Chassis and Equipment

Chassis Controls Weight Rating
Modification Multiplier (Tech/Avail./Leg.) Notes
Amphibious x 1.75 C/C–D–C/A Cross/Land on water of any depth
Armored x 1.5 A/C–E–D/D Armor enhancement
Bicycle x 0.75 A/A–A–A/A Operator/passengers exposed
Convertible x 1.1 A/A–A–A/A Soft top
Dune Buggy x 1.5 B/C–D–C/A Traverse sand without penalty
Environmental Sealing x2 C/B–D–C/A Operate in a vacuum
External Power Pickup x 1.1 B/C–C–C/D Rail only
Hydrofoil x 1.7 B/C–D–C/A +25% Cruise speed on vessels of up to 100 tons.
Monocycle x 0.5 B/D–D–D/A Operator/passengers exposed
Off-Road Vehicle x 1.5 B/B–C–B/A Traverse rugged terrain
Omni x1 E/X–X–E/A Vehicle can be configured
Prop x 1.2 B/B–C–B/C Prop-driven fixed wing
Snowmobile x 1.75 B/D–E–D/A Traverse deep snow without penalty
STOL x 1.5 C/B–C–B/C Fixed Wing (Short takeoff and landing)
Submersible x 1.8 B/C–D–C/C Underwater capable (Naval Vessels only)
Tractor x 1.2 A/A–A–A/B Tow one or more trailers
Trailer x 0.8 A/A–A–A/B Towed by a Tractor
Ultra-Light x 0.5 D/C–E–D/A Small Weight Class
VSTOL x2 C/C–D–C/C Fixed Wing (Vertical/Short takeoff and landing)


Wheeled A vehicle
A simple and inexpensive ground vehicle type, wheeled equipped with tracks has
units operate most efficiently on established road networks. a distinct advantage over a wheeled vehicle when crossing soft or
Some special models possess off-road capabilities. rough terrain. The expense, maintenance requirements, and dam-
Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: MagLev, Electric age they inflict on road surfaces can limit the use of tracked vehi-
(External) cles.
Maximum Weight: 160 tons Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: MagLev, Electric
CBT: RPG: Use Piloting/Wheeled for Driving Checks. When (External)
operating on good roads (or similar surface), add an additional Maximum Weight: 200 tons
15 meters/turn to the vehicle’s top speed. Conversely, when CBT: RPG: Use Piloting/Tracked for Driving Checks. Like
operating in an off-road environment, speed drops to half nor- Wheeled Support Vehicles, Tracked Support Vehicles add 15
mal—unless the vehicle is designed for off-road travel. Unless meters/turn to their top speed when operating on a good road
adapted for amphibious operations, wheeled vehicles cannot surface. Unlike Wheeled Support Vehicles, Tracked Support Vehi-
negotiate water of a depth of more than two meters. Should the cles are suited to off-road operations and thus are not penalized.
vehicle involuntarily enter terrain in which it cannot normally Unless adapted for amphibious operations (see p. 97), Tracked
function (through being pushed or skidding), it is immobilized; if Support Vehicles cannot negotiate water of a depth of more than
it enters water, it sinks and is destroyed. two meters. Should the vehicle involuntarily enter terrain in which
Firing a Heavy Weapon (see p. 110) mounted on the vehicle it cannot normally function (through being pushed or skidding), it
requires the appropriate Gunnery/Conventional Check. is immobilized; if it enters water, it sinks and is destroyed.
BattleTech: Use the wheeled vehicles movement rules (see Firing a Heavy Weapon (see p. 110) mounted on a Tracked
pp. 18-22, BMR). If a Wheeled Support Vehicle lacks the Off- Support Vehicle requires the appropriate Gunnery/Conventional
Road Vehicle Chassis and Controls Modification (see p. 99) Check.
then movement costs 1 additional MP per hex, unless the hex is BattleTech: Tracked vehicle movement rules apply (see pp.
pavement or road. As per normal vehicle rules, Wheeled Support 18-22, BMR). Tracked Support Vehicles cannot enter Water of
Vehicles receive a +1 MP bonus when moving exclusively Depth 1 or greater without the appropriate chassis modification
through roads or pavement hexes. (see p. 97). They can never enter Heavy Woods. As per normal
Unless equipped with the appropriate Chassis and Controls vehicle rules, Tracked Support Vehicles receive an additional +1
Modification, Wheeled Support Vehicles cannot enter Water of MP when moving exclusively through road or pavement hexes.
Depth 1 or greater, Light Woods, Rough, or Rubble hexes. Should the vehicle involuntarily enter terrain in which it cannot
Wheeled Support Vehicles can never enter Heavy Woods. normally function (through being pushed or skidding), it is immo-
Should the vehicle involuntarily enter terrain in which it cannot bilized; in water, it sinks and is destroyed.
normally function (through being pushed or skidding), it is immo- BF2: The CBT cruising MP is used for the element’s MP
bilized; in water, the vehicle sinks and is destroyed. value, and it is considered a tracked unit.
BF2: The element’s MP value is based on its CBT cruising
MP, and it is considered a wheeled unit. Unless it possesses Hover
off-road (or) special equipment, any formation containing the ele- Supported on a cushion of air, hovercraft can cross both land
ment must spend an additional 1 MP to enter any hex that is and water with equal ease. Sometimes referred to as “skim-
not paved or contains a road. As per normal vehicle rules, the mers”, hover vehicles see extensive use on water-rich planets.
element receives a bonus +1 MP when operating exclusively on Minimum Engine Weight: The minimum weight of a Hover
paved surfaces. Support Vehicle’s engine and transmission is 20% of the unit.
Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: Electric (External
and Solar), Steam, MagLev
Maximum Weight: 100 tons


VTOLs have a maximum operating altitude of about 18,000

VTOL Support Vehicles cannot mount Jet Boosters (see p.
66, MT)
Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: Electric (External
and Solar), Steam, MagLev
Maximum Weight: 60 tons
CBT: RPG: Use Piloting/VTOL for Piloting Checks. Firing a
Heavy Weapon (see p. 110) mounted on a VTOL Support Vehicle
requires a Gunnery/Aero Check.
BattleTech: All VTOLs use the rules presented in BMR, pp.
56-57 and 59-60. VTOLs have a maximum altitude of 3,000 ele-
vation levels (10 altitude levels under AT2 low-altitude rules).
BF2: The CBT cruising MP is used for the element’s MP
CBT: RPG: Use Piloting/Hover for Driving Checks. Hover value, and it is considered a VTOL unit.
Support Vehicles add 15 meters/turn to their top speed when
operating on a good road surface. Hover Support Vehicles can
also operate off-road at no penalty, although they cannot negoti-
ate especially rough or broken terrain. Water posses no obsta-
cle to hover vehicles except when weather conditions generate
waves of excessive height. Such environmental effects are at
the discretion of the Gamemaster as required by the intended
course of their scenario.
Firing a Heavy Weapon (see p. 110) mounted on a Hover Airship
Support Vehicle requires the appropriate Gunnery/Conventional These
Check. vehicles use
BattleTech: Hover vehicle movement rules apply (see pp. “lighter-than-
18-22, BMR). Unless equipped with the appropriate chassis air” gases (usu-
modification (see p. 99), Hover Support Vehicles cannot enter ally inert helium) to
any Woods hex. Hover Support Vehicles traveling over Water are fill lifting cells that
treated as surface vessels (see p. 58, BMR). As per normal keep them aloft, and pro-
vehicle rules (see p. 18 to 22, BMR), Hover Support Vehicles pellers for maneuvering and station keeping. Airships are an
receive a bonus +1 MP when moving exclusively through road or attractive form of low-tech bulk cargo transport for locations that
pavement hexes. Should the vehicle involuntarily enter terrain in lack rail or sea links.
which it cannot normally function (through being pushed or skid- In game terms, Airships are treated as a special form of
ding), it is immobilized. conventional aircraft and use Thrust Points to determine their
BF2: The CBT cruising MP is used for the element’s MP movement rate. However, unlike other aircraft and aerospace
value, and it is considered a hover unit. vehicles, Airships—because of their considerable bulk and rela-
tively low speeds—may be built using increments of one-quar-
ter Thrust Points for their Safe Thrust, as outlined under their
BattleTech/AeroTech 2 rules below. The Maximum Thrust of an
Airship may not exceed 3 Thrust Points and may be rounded to
the nearest 0.25 Thrust Point (round results ending in 0.125,
0.375, 0.625, and 0.875 up to the nearest multiple of 0.25).
Note that Airships moving at less than one Thrust Point may
not make strafing or level bombing attacks.
Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: Electric (External),
Maximum Weight: 1,000 tons
CBT: RPG: The new subskill, Piloting/Airship, is used when
controlling an airship. See p. 138 for full details.
Firing a Heavy Weapon (see p. 110) mounted on an Airship
VTOL Support Vehicle requires the appropriate Gunnery/Aero Check.
Rotary wings or vectored thrust vehicles can achieve Vertical In Terra-like gravity and atmospheres, Airships cannot
Take Off and Landing (VTOL). The high thrust-to-weight ratio this exceed a top speed of 540 kph, or operate above an altitude
requires limits the maximum weight of such flying machines.


of 18,000 meters. For non-Terran envi- Airships use the Aerodyne

ronments, modification of those limits AIRSHIP VELOCITY TABLE DropShip record sheet and hit loca-
is left to the discretion of the tions (see p. 27, AT2). However, all
gamemaster. Current Thrust Points per Cycle Turn critical hits to the K-F Boom, Docking
BattleTech/AT2: As a special class Thrust 1 2 3 4 Collar, or Gear destroy an item of
of conventional aircraft, Airships fly and 0.25 1 — — — equipment or a weapon chosen by
maneuver in the same fashion as Aero- 0.5 1 — 1 — the Airship’s controlling player.
dyne DropShips (see p. 33, AT2), but 0.75 1 — 1 1 Unlike DropShips, Airships do not
they may also hover like Spheroid Small 1 1 1 1 1 group their weapons into bays, and
Craft units and must use the Spheroid 1.25 2 1 1 1 instead resolve weapons fire as a
Small Craft rules for landing and takeoff 1.5 2 1 2 1 Small Craft.
(although hovering maneuvers only cost If an Airship’s Thrust is
1.75 2 1 2 2
an Airship 1 Thrust Point, rather than 2, reduced to 0, it does not necessarily
2 2 2 2 2
and landing maneuvers only require 1 crash, but instead drifts one quarter
2.25 3 2 2 2
Thrust Point; see pp. 33 and 53, AT2). of one hex per turn in the direction of
2.5 3 2 3 2
Because of their unique construction, the prevailing winds, moving one low-
2.75 3 2 3 3
however, Airships move far slower than atmosphere AT2 hex every four turns
3 3 3 3 3
most other conventional air vehicles and (determine wind direction using the
can be designed using fractional Thrust rules on p. 80 of BMR). This drift
Points. begins at the end of the four-turn
Rather than tracking fractional veloci- cycle in which the Support Vehicle
ty, Airships instead must “stockpile” loses Thrust. In addition, the Air-
their Thrust over a cycle of four game ship’s altitude may also change as
turns (using the AeroTech 2 low-altitude the vehicle goes out of control—roll
2D6 Result
operations scale) and may not change 2D6 and consult the Airship Random
2 Altitude reduced by 3*
the rate at which Thrust Points are Altitude Change Table below, at the
3 Altitude reduced by 2*
expended until the end of each cycle. (If end of each turn, crashing if its alti-
4 Altitude reduced by 1*
an Airship suffers damage that makes it tude reaches ground level (or lower).
5 Altitude reduced by 1*
impossible to maintain its current Thrust Airships attempting to travel at
6 Altitude remains the same
rate, it must immediately reduce its a velocity of greater than 3 (540
7 Altitude remains the same
Thrust appropriately at the end of the kph in low-atmosphere AT2) auto-
8 Altitude remains the same
four-turn cycle.) During each cycle, Air- matically go out of control. Airships
9 Altitude remains the same
ships using Thrust Points at their current cannot operate beyond the limits of
10 Altitude increased by 1*
rate may apply their accumulated points an atmosphere.
11 Altitude increased by 1*
in each turn of the cycle as indicated When landed, Airships use a
12 Altitude increased by 2*
under the appropriate Thrust Points per vehicle template appropriate to their
Cycle Turn column for their Current size to indicate which hexes they
* Airships may only climb as high as 10
Thrust. Special maneuvers that normally occupy. On the ground, an Airship is
AeroTech 2 low-altitude levels or fall as low
use more than 1 Thrust Point (such as treated as though it is “floating” 1
as 0 levels, representing a crash.
landing) must be announced at the begin- elevation level higher than the ter-
ning of each cycle. Unused Thrust Points rain upon which it has landed. Vehi-
are lost at the end of each cycle. cles and infantry may thus pass
When employing on-map movement, an airship moves the through any hex occupied by the landed Airship except the one
equivalent of 4 BattleTech hexes for every 0.25 points of velocity. in which the pivot point on the vehicle template falls (see the
Large Naval Template at the end of this book), as this repre-
For example, an Airship moving at a current rate sents the Airship’s gondola and anchoring mechanisms.
of 0.5 Thrust Points must do so for the length of its BF2: Airships operate as an Aerodyne DropShip, with the
four-turn cycle before it can increase or decrease its exception that they cannot operate in vacuum or above an alti-
Thrust. In the first and third turns of each cycle, the tude of 18,000 meters (Altitude 10 in Low-Altitude Operations or
Airship may expend 1 Thrust Point each. The Airship Altitude 0 on the Space Map).
may elect to simply apply that Thrust in forward move-
ment, or spend each point to continue hovering in Fixed Wing
place, or even announce at the start of the cycle that Lacking the flexibility of VTOLs because of their need for
it will be landing, and “bank” the first point so it may prepared runways, Fixed Wing Support Vehicles can operate at
execute the maneuver in turn 3. higher altitudes, are more rugged, and can be larger.


specific point once every 1 to 2 hours. A Geo-synchronous orbit

keeps a satellite over the same equatorial location continuously.
Satellites require no Piloting Checks to maintain their orbit.
However, when initially placed in orbit, or when its orbit is
changed, an Average Difficulty Skill Check against
Navigation/Space is required. A minor failure (by 1 or 2) dou-
bles the time required to change orbits. A Margin of Failure
(MoF) of 3 (Bad) or more causes the satellite’s orbit to decay in
2D10 weeks; a MoF of 6 (Terrible) or more has the same result
in 2D10 days. A MoF of 9 or more (Abysmal) immediately
All Fixed Wing Support Vehicles automatically incorporate sends the satellite spiraling into the body it orbits. A decaying
landing gear into the chassis weight and cost. orbit destroys the satellite, either through impact with the sur-
Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: Steam, MagLev, face or burning up as it reenters the atmosphere. If the error is
Electric (External) (Jet-propelled Fixed Wings are also prohibited caught in time, the situation can be rectified via a
from using Solar, Fuel Cell, and Battery-powered Electric engines). Navigation/Space Check that takes one day, but the difficulty
Maximum Weight: 200 tons depends on the level of failure of the previous Skill Check; Diffi-
CBT: RPG: Use Piloting/Aircraft for Piloting Checks. cult for a Bad result, Very Difficult for a Terrible result, and
Firing a Heavy Weapon (see p. 110) mounted on a Fixed Wing Extremely Difficult for an Abysmal result. Multiple attempts can
Support Vehicle requires the appropriate Gunnery/Aero Check. be made until the satellite falls out of orbit.
BattleTech/AeroTech 2: Fixed Wing Support Vehicles are The base weight of a Satellite’s engine and transmission is
treated as conventional aircraft as described in AT2. Large Fixed fixed at ten percent of the Satellite’s total weight.
Wing Support Vehicles, however, must double their minimum Prohibited Weapons: Light and Medium Weapons cannot
straight movement requirement for conventional aircraft before be mounted on Satellites.
they can make turns (see p. 34, AT2). Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: Steam, MagLev,
BF2: The CBT Safe Thrust rating is used for the element’s ICE, Electric (External)
MP value, and it is considered an aerospace unit. Maximum Weight: 200 tons
CBT: RPG: Once in position, satellites require no Piloting
Checks. Firing Heavy Weapons (see p. 110) mounted on a Satellite
Support Vehicle requires an appropriate Gunnery/Space Check.
Remote controlled satellites (constructed as Drones as
per the Level 3 rules in MT, p. 70) mounting weapons suffer a
+2 TN modifier over and above any other fire control modifiers.
Fully automated satellites cannot mount and use weapons
and are limited to operations not requiring a gunnery skill, such
as taking pictures and communication.
AT2: These units behave as space stations under AT2
rules. Satellites are only capable of station-keeping maneuvers;
the engine and transmission for Satellites has a fixed base
BF2: Satellites are treated as Space Station units.

Used for communications, surveying, and information
gathering, Satellites rely on station-keeping drives and lack
the powerful propulsion system that would make them true
spacecraft. Satellites automatically incorporate environmental
sealing technology, and so do not need to purchase that
chassis modification.
Under standard rules, all Satellites may be fully automated, Rail
but armed satellites require crews in order to use their weapons R a i l
in combat. (Remote-controlled Satellites, which are constructed systems trans-
as Drones under the rules in Maximum Tech, are an option out- port cargo and pas-
side these rules, reflecting their disappearance over the cen- sengers over land. Two very
turies of the Succession Wars.) different classes of track exist;
A Satellite can be placed in a fixed-period or Geo-synchro- standard tracks require little technology to produce or main-
nous orbit. A fixed-period orbit normally brings a satellite over a tain, but the advanced MagLev (which requires a much higher


level of technology) achieves far greater speed by both sus- road has been destroyed derails and skids. In such an event,
pending the train above the track and propelling it with power- the Rail Support Vehicle spends MPs as normal until it reach-
ful magnetic fields. es the cleared Railroad hex, then each component (Tractor
A Rail Support Vehicle usually consists of one or more and Trailer) skids for the remaining MP in the current direc-
“Tractor” units (see p. 100) pulling a string of un-powered “Trail- tion of travel, until ramming anything (units, buildings, or high-
er” units (see p. 101). er terrain) in its path. See above for damage inflicted by a
During construction, Rail Support Vehicles receive an addition- Rail vehicle ram.
al 2 MP cruising speed over and above that dictated by the size of If a Rail Support Vehicle consists of a mix of different Size
engine and transmission installed, but only if it is a Tractor. Rail Classes, then the speed change for the largest class Tractor
Trailer MPs are determined by the speed of the pulling Tractors. and/or Trailer in the Rail Support Vehicle is used (e.g., a Medi-
Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: None. MagLev um Tractor hauling a Large Trailer is only be able to change
trains mount only transmission, receiving all power from the speed by 1 MP per turn).
MagLev tracks themselves. BF2: The CBT cruising MP is used for the element’s MP
Maximum Weight: 600 tons value, and it is considered a wheeled unit, but with the rail or
CBT: RPG: Use the new Piloting/Rail skill when making Skill mag special equipment, which limits the vehicle to movement
Checks for operating a Rail Support Vehicle. Firing a Heavy along predetermined routes defined by rails or MagLev tracks.
Weapon (see p. 110) mounted on a Rail Support Vehicle
requires the appropriate Gunnery/Conventional Check.
BattleTech: Unlike most CBT vehicles, Rail Support Vehi-
cles take time to reach speed or slow down. Each turn a train
can increase or reduce its speed (up to the unit’s maximum cur-
rent MP limit). Small and Medium Rail Support Vehicles can
increase or decrease speed by 2 MP per turn, while Large Rail
Support Vehicles can only alter speed by 1 MP per turn. If a Rail
Support Vehicle is rendered immobile by damage, it does not
come to a sudden halt, but rather it decelerates by 2 MP per
turn (Small and Medium) or 1 MP per turn (Large) until speed
drops to zero.
Additionally, Rail Support Naval Vessel
Vehicles require a new terrain Often eclipsed by the DropShip, Naval Vessels are nonethe-
type to operate: Railroad. This ter- less a cost-effective means of transporting bulk cargo. Primitive
rain type represents a variety of paddle steamers still exist; their unsophisticated design is actu-
tracks, from traditional steel rails ally an asset on backwater worlds. Elsewhere, more advanced
on wooden ties, to advanced (and efficient) propulsion methods are employed.
extruded ferrocrete troughs for Prohibited Engine/Transmission Types: Electric (Exter-
MagLevs and more. This terrain is nal), MagLev
treated as Rough terrain by all Maximum Weight: 100,000 tons
ground vehicles (military or Support CBT: RPG: Skill Checks for controlling Naval Vessels are
Vehicles) and BattleMechs, but has no made with the Piloting/Naval Skill. Firing a Heavy Weapon (see
effect on any other unit’s movement and does not affect Line of p. 110) mounted on a Naval Vessel Support vehicle requires the
Sight in any way. appropriate Gunnery/Conventional Check.
Units occupying a Railroad hex when a train passes BattleTech: Light and Medium Naval Vessels maneuver as
through it are rammed by the train unless they make a suc- standard naval units (see p. 58, BMR), but Large Naval Vessels
cessful Piloting Skill Roll to get out of the way. Unlike other operate under slightly different rules.
ground vehicles, Rail Support Vehicles cannot intentionally There are several special rules for Large Naval Vessels.
make a ramming attack. If a unit is rammed by a Rail Support First, such Naval Vessels can be very large—longer than a 30-
Vehicle, damage is applied to the rammed unit based on the meter hex on a CBT map sheet (see Large Support Vehicles, p.
total weight of the train, including all its constituent Trailer and 135). Large Naval Vessels may only change facing by one hex
Tractor units. side per hex, and then only once it has moved forward until the
For Rail Support Vehicles to move on a mapsheet, they must center hex of the unit enters the position where the front hex of
move through a continuous, unbroken line of Railroad hexes. the unit was after the last facing change. When the unit is mov-
Railroads have a CF of 20 and may be attacked as per ing slowly this can take more than one game turn to occur.
the standard rules for attacking buildings. Once destroyed, a The unit pivots around the center point marked as the
Railroad hex is treated as a clear hex for movement and line “Pivot” on the Naval Vessel Template (located in the back of the
of sight. A Rail Support Vehicle entering a hex where the rail- book). The cost to change facing is still 1 MP.


Unlike most CBT units, Large Naval Vessels take time to The second Sniper misses the targeted hex, but
both speed up and slow down. Each turn a Large Naval Vessel the impact point drifts to catch two of the hexes in the
can increase its speed (up to the unit’s Flank MP limit) or slow outer 5-point blast area. Only one of these strikes
down by 1 MP. If a Large Naval Vessel is rendered immobile by (chosen by the player controlling the unit) is counted
damage, it does not come to a sudden halt but rather deceler- when determining the damage the vessel receives.
ates by 1 MP per turn until its speed drops to zero.
Large Naval Vessels may only operate in water hexes and BF2: The CBT cruising MP is used for the element’s MP value.
can run the risk of running aground when operating in shallow- AT2: Damage from a strafing attack is only applied once—
er depths. Consult the Large Naval Vessel Size Table (p. 136) regardless of the number of hexes occupied by the Naval Vessel
to find the safe water depth in which these units can operate. that fall in the strafing area. As with all other area-effect
A unit entering a water hex that is too shallow immediately weapons, bombs only inflict damage once.
runs aground and suffers damage equal to its tonnage divided
by 100 (rounded up). The unit, now beached, becomes a sta- A Large
tionary target for the remainder of the battle, unless another Naval Vessel
Naval Vessel with the tractor modification is present and able using a Type
to extract the vessel (see the rules for Naval Tractors, p. 101). C Template is
Unlike smaller Naval Vessels, Large Naval Vessel Support traveling at a
Vehicles can survive the destruction of a turret. Additional speed of 4
damage to a destroyed turret transfers to the side armor fac- MP. It moves
ing the attacker. Naval Vessels built with the Submersible forward 2
Chassis and Controls Modification (see p. 100) cannot dive hexes (bring-
once a turret is destroyed. Attempting to do so (or having a ing the center
turret destroyed while submerged) results in the unit automati- Pivot point to
cally being destroyed. the hex
With their larger crews, Large Naval Vessels deal with Crew where the
Killed critical hits differently from other units. For each such bow started)
critical hit suffered, one crew box is marked off and the corre- and then
sponding modifier is applied to any Gunnery or Piloting Skill spends 1 MP
Rolls required by the unit. When all six have been marked, the to turn 1 hex
crew are dead. facing to the right before moving the final MP (bringing
Likewise, critical hits to the engine or power plant do not total MP expenditure for the turn to 4 MP). Next turn,
immediately disable the Naval Vessel. Each Engine critical hit the unit increases its speed to 5 MP, but as it has not
reduces the unit’s cruise MP by 1. Each ammo/power plant criti- traveled the required distance to bring the Pivot point
cal hit likewise reduces the unit’s cruise MP by 1. Flank MP to where the bow was after the last facing change it
should then be recalculated. must move forward one more hex before spending 1
An ammo/power plant critical hit only results in an ammo MP to turn to the right once more.
explosion if ammunition is present for an ammunition-using The next 2 MP move the unit forward enough to
weapon in the hex of the vessel that was targeted for attack, once more bring the Pivot point to where the bow
but the Cruise speed is always reduced as noted (see CASE, started after the last facing change, and thus the unit
p. 118, for additional rules on ammo explosions on Large can make one final facing change at the cost of 1 MP.
Naval Vessels).
Damage from weapons with an area of effect, such as CHASSIS AND
artillery, is only applied to a single hex of a multi-hex unit. The CONTROLS MODIFICATIONS
hex affected receives the highest level of damage, or—if sev- The basic chassis and controls can be further adapted via a
eral would receive the same damage—the hex selected by the series of modifications to add special abilities. Each modifica-
attacker. tion includes specific rules for using each modification with CBT,
CBT: RPG, AT2, CO, FMMercs, and BF2.
A Hood-class Naval Vessel is attacked by two
Sniper artillery pieces. The first strike directly hits one Amphibious
of the hexes occupied by the vessel, inflicting the full Some Tracked and Wheeled Support Vehicles—normally used
10 points of damage, split into two blocks of 5 points for exploration—can traverse water. VTOL, Fixed Wing, and Airship
as normal. The adjacent hexes occupied by the vessel Support Vehicles can be modified to float—usually through a com-
ignore the 5 points of damage that would normally be bination of hull design and out-rigger floats—allowing them to land
applied to units in adjacent hexes, but any other units on or take off from water provided conditions are not too rough.
in those hexes are damaged as normal. CBT: RPG: Wheeled and Tracked Support Vehicles can nego-
tiate water at half speed. They always remain on the surface.


VTOL, Fixed Wing, and Airship Support Vehicles can land or BattleTech: The unit ignores the restriction on wheeled or
take off from water with a TN modifier of +2. Fixed Wing Support hover vehicles entering Light Woods but must still pay the addi-
Vehicles must have sufficient space in order to attempt this tional movement cost. They are still restricted from entering
maneuver (600 meters or 300 meters if the chassis and con- Heavy Woods.
trols have the STOL modification). Other TN modifiers may apply. BF2: The element possesses bicycle (bi) special equip-
BattleTech: Wheeled or Tracked Support Vehicles can move ment, which allows it to enter Light Woods—even if normally
through any water at a cost of 2MP per hex; for purposes of LOS, barred from doing so.
they are on the surface of the water. Any damage that reduces the
unit’s MP disables the amphibious modification, reducing the unit Convertible
to a stationary target if currently in a water hex. The hull integrity Wheeled, Tracked, or Hover Support Vehicles can be
rules (see p. 95, BMR) apply and a unit suffering a breach to any designed with a retractable fabric or solid top, which can be
location except the turret sinks and is automatically destroyed. If opened to expose the operator and passengers to the ele-
all the armor in a single location is destroyed then the unit is flood- ments. It takes 30 seconds for the vehicle to convert.
ed (again, except for the turret). If the unit is designed with no A vehicle designed as a convertible cannot mount a turret.
armor on a location (except the turret), then any hit floods the unit. CBT: RPG: It takes 6 turns for the conversion mechanism
VTOL and Airship units can land and take off from any to fully open or close. Once open, the vehicle’s operator(s) and
Water hex. Fixed Wing Support Vehicles can treat any stretch of passengers are exposed and receive no BAR protection to the
Depth 1 water as a standard runway, i.e. a line of 20 hexes chest, arms or head.
(600 meters) can be used for takeoff and landing—10 hexes BattleTech: It takes 3 turns for the conversion mechanism
(300 meters) if the unit has the STOL modification. to fully open or close. Any hit that would have been to the turret
BF2: Wheeled or Tracked Support Vehicle elements pos- automatically has the same effects as a Crew Killed critical hit.
sess amphibious (amp) special equipment, which allows it to
traverse depth 1 or greater water at a cost of 2MP per hex. Dune Buggy
VTOL, Airship, or Fixed Wing units can take off and land Wheeled Support Vehicles usually have difficulty traversing
from water as if it were a runway. sand. Some are built with a chassis and controls modifications
adapted to desert use, though these are poorly adapted to other
Armored terrain.
Support Vehicles are rarely armored for combat, but the Only wheeled Support Vehicles can mount this modification.
chassis and controls can be upgraded to allow the use of mili- Prohibited Chassis and Control Modifications: Dune Buggy
tary-grade armor. See Add Armor, p. 106. cannot be combined with the Amphibious, Off-Road Vehicle, or
Note that this modification may not be combined with the Ultra- Snowmobile modifications.
Light Chassis modification. Moreover, because of the nature of their CBT: RPG: A Wheeled Support Vehicle with a Dune Buggy
construction, Airships also cannot employ this modification. chassis and controls suffers a 15 meter/turn reduction in its Cruis-
CBT: RPG: The chassis and controls automatically attain ing speed. In addition, the vehicle cannot move at Flank speed
the highest BAR rating allowed by the Support Vehicle’s Tech when not operating on sand. While operating on sand, however,
Level (see p. 88), and the modification allows for armor of high- the Dune Buggy does not suffer penalties for operating off-road.
er BAR ratings than normally attainable by the Support Vehicle’s BattleTech: A Wheeled Support Vehicle with a Dune
Tech Level to be mounted later in the design process. Buggy chassis and controls suffers a reduction of 1 MP to its
BattleTech: Units that carry armor protection and attain a BAR Cruising speed and cannot move at Flank speed when not
of 10 are not vulnerable to penetrating critical hits (see p. 106) operating on sand.
and sustain critical hits in the same manner as standard CBT com- When driving on sand, Dune Buggy Support Vehicles may
bat vehicles. Units with this modification that do not achieve a BAR function as normal wheeled vehicles and suffer no penalties for
of 10 reduce the TN for penetrating critical hits by one. operating off-road.
Rules for Sand can be found in CBTComp p. 151.
A common chassis and controls design used in Small Environmental Sealing
Wheeled and Hover Support Vehicles, bicycles are often used as Not every world in the universe is as welcoming to humans
fast and agile personal transports. The operator and passengers as their birthplace—Terra. Environmental Sealing allows a com-
ride in an exposed position (unless the Environmental Sealing fortable shirtsleeve environment to be maintained.
adaptation is also used). The Bicycle chassis and controls modi- CBT: RPG: Medium and Large Support Vehicles with Envi-
fication cannot be combined with the Monocycle modification. ronmental Sealing incorporate an airlock for egress and
CBT: RPG: Operator and passengers receive no protection ingress. Small Support Vehicles lack the space for an airlock,
against the elements (or enemy fire) from the bicycle’s body and thus personnel must use suitable personal life support
shell, unless the unit also possesses the Environmental Sealing equipment before a door or hatch is opened. Support Vehicle
adaptation. Unskilled attempts to operate a bicycle vehicle operators and passengers who would otherwise be exposed to
receive an additional +2 TN modifier. the elements (such as on Bicycle and Monocycle Support Vehi-


cles) receive an effective Barrier Armor Rating (BAR) of 1 from Weather conditions are an element of the game best deter-
the Environmental Sealing. mined by the Gamemaster in line with the intended course of
BattleTech: Fusion, Fission, and Electric-powered Support their scenario.
Vehicles with this chassis and controls modification can operate BattleTech: Hydrofoil Naval Vessels are treated as a hydro-
in a vacuum environment per the Vacuum rules (see p. 85, foil on the Naval Vessel Hit Location Table (see p. 59, BMR).
BMR). Support Vehicles with this modification whose operators
would otherwise be exposed to the elements (such as Bicycles Monocycle
and Monocycles) are considered to have received a “Crew Killed” An uncommon chassis and controls modification, Monocy-
result if they receive any damage while operating in vacuum. cles are normally used as compact personal transports. As on a
Even with Environmental Sealing, Airships may never operate bicycle chassis, the operator and passengers ride in an exposed
in a vacuum, but they may operate in tainted or toxic atmospheres. position, unless the vehicle is environmentally sealed.
Only Small Wheeled and Hover Support Vehicles may mount
External Power Pickup this modification.
One advantage Rail Support Vehicles driven by electric Prohibited Chassis and Control Modifications: Monocycle
motors have is the option to draw power from over-head power cannot be combined with the Bicycle modification.
lines or the railroad tracks themselves. By placing the power CBT: RPG: Even with the best gyro-stabilization, it takes a
source outside the Rail Support Vehicle it is possible to carry degree of skill to safely operate a monocycle. All Piloting skill
more cargo and passengers or larger Tractors. The big disadvan- checks are made with a +2 TN modifier, and that modifier rises
tages are increased cost of building an electrified rail network to +4 if the Action Check is an unskilled one. Operator and pas-
and the vulnerability of the power-feed to damage. sengers receive no protection against the elements (or weapons
Only Rail Support Vehicles may mount this modification. fire) from the monocycle’s body shell, unless the vehicle also
CBT: RPG: With the power feed stretching for kilometers, it possesses the Environmental Sealing adaptation.
is difficult to defend against even the most amateur attempts at BattleTech: Vehicles utilizing a Monocycle chassis and con-
sabotage. While the TNs of Demolition Checks are not modified, trols ignore the restriction on wheeled or hover vehicles entering
the level of the quality of success should be increased by one Light Woods, but must still pay the additional movement cost.
step if the attempt is successful. They are still restricted from entering Heavy Woods.
A clumsy (or unlucky) individual who comes in contact with BF2: The element possesses monocycle (mon) special
the feed while grounded is dealt an Energy-based damage equipment, which allows it to enter Light Woods, even if normal-
attack of 4•10D6. ly barred from doing so.
BattleTech: Destruction of the railroad or MagLev track in
a Railroad hex (see p. 95) immobilizes all Rail Support Vehicles Off-Road Vehicle
using that track’s pickup for the rest of the game. Any MagLev Wheeled Support Vehicles are not commonly designed with
units in motion skid along the track like a derailed Rail unit off-road operation in mind. However, units with specially
(see p. 95). designed chassis and controls can operate more effectively
when off the beaten path.
Hydrofoil Prohibited Chassis and Control Modifications: Off-Road
Hydrofoils offer speed that displacement-hulled units lack. Vehicle cannot be combined with the Snowmobile or Dune Buggy
Featuring submerged “wings” that lift the vessel’s hull out of modifications.
the water, these Support Vehicles can achieve exceptional CBT: RPG: The unit does not have its speed reduced when
speed in clear water and good weather. The chassis and con- not traveling on good roads (or similar surface). The vehicle still
trols of Naval Vessels up to 100 tons can be given the Hydrofoil adds 15 meters/turn to its top speed when driving on roads.
adaptation. When conditions are suitable, multiply the Cruise BattleTech: The unit is not penalized for non-pavement
speed of a hydrofoil by 1.25 (round to nearest whole number, movement. Should the vehicle involuntarily enter terrain in which
rounding .5 up), and calculate Flank speed from this new value. it cannot normally function (through being pushed or skidding), it
Submersible Support Vessels only receive the benefit of the becomes immobilized; in water, it sinks and is destroyed.
Hydrofoil while operating on the surface. BF2: The Support Vehicle has the off-road (or) special
Only Naval Vessel Support Vehicles may mount this modi- equipment.
CBT: RPG: When operating in shallow water equal to the Omni
draft of the unit (see Large Naval Vessel Size Table p. 136) Though the groundwork for Omni technology was laid by the
the Gamemaster may call for Skill Checks on Piloting/Naval, designers of the Mercury, it would be up to the Clans to take the
Perception, or Sensor Operations from crewmembers to avoid concept to its ultimate conclusion. With the chassis and controls
damage to the hydrofoil. Such damage or adverse weather designed to accept interchangeable modules, a unit can be
conditions may prevent the use of the hydrofoil, reducing the reconfigured rapidly for the requirements of the next mission.
vehicle’s speed. Ironically, the Clans rarely employ this technology on vehicles,


but the Inner Sphere has rapidly deployed a wide range of com- automatically incorporate environmental sealing technology
bat and support OmniVehicles. and so do not need to purchase the modification.
CBT: RPG: The unit can be reconfigured (provided the While submerged, the unit cannot use Hydrofoils (provided
required pods are available). It takes 30 minutes to swap the they are equipped) to boost its speed.
equipment pods in each location (front, left side, right side, Only Fission- and Fusion-powered submersible units have
rear, or turret on a tracked vehicle for example) or double that an unlimited diving endurance. Units using other power
if an Easy Technician/Mechanics skill check is failed. sources must surface to recharge their power storage cells
BattleTech: The unit uses the rules for OmniVehicles (see they use when submerged.
p. 129, BMR), but unless they are equipped with magnetic Maximum Weight: 100,000 tons
clamps, Battle Armor cannot operate as Mechanized Battle CBT: RPG: The Naval Vessel can travel beneath the sur-
Armor with Omni-equipped Support Vehicles as they can with face as well as on it.
OmniMechs and combat OmniVehicles. Classic BattleTech: The Naval Vessel can operate as a
submarine (BMR p. 58). If a submersible suffers the loss of a
Prop turret or an ammunition critical hit while submerged, it is
Prop-driven Fixed Wing Support Vehicles are less expen- destroyed, even if equipped with CASE.
sive to build and operate but are limited to sub-sonic speeds.
CBT: RPG: In a Terra-like environment, prop-driven craft Tractor
cannot exceed the speed of sound (around 1,225kph) and Some Support Vehicles can pull Trailers (see Trailers) and
cannot operate above an altitude of 18,000 meters. For non- are designated Tractors. A Wheeled or Tracked Tractor can pull
Terra environments, it is left up to the discretion of the Wheeled or Tracked Trailers, but only a Rail Tractor can pull
gamemaster to modify accordingly. Rail Trailers, and if a Rail Tractor is designed to operate on a
AT2: Prop-driven units traveling at a velocity of greater MagLev Track then the Trailers it pulls must also share this
than 7 (faster than the speed of sound) automatically go out chassis modification (see p. 105).
of control. Prop-driven units cannot operate above the ground Wheeled and Tracked: Wheeled and Tracked Tractors may
altitude on the AT2 space map (altitude 10 on the low-altitude pull one or more Trailers whose combined weight is less than
map). or equal to its own weight. The weight of the Trailers reduces
the Tractor’s speed just as if it were carrying unprotected
Snowmobile cargo (see pp. 77-80, BMR). Wheeled or Tracked Tractors
Traversing deep snow is difficult for most wheeled or always pull Trailers from the front.
tracked vehicles. Those built with chassis and controls adapt- Note that Tractors with the Dune Buggy, Off-Road, or
ed for arctic use are much better off but don’t adapt well to Snowmobile chassis modification do not gain the benefits of
other terrain. such modifications if pulling Trailers or other Tractors that do
Prohibited Chassis and Control Modifications: Snowmobile not have the same modifications.
cannot be combined with the Amphibious, Dune Buggy, or Off- Rail: Rail Tractors may pull one or more trailers whose
Road Vehicle modifications. combined weight is less than or equal to five times its own
CBT: RPG: The unit suffers a 15 meter/turn reduction in weight. If the combined weight of these Trailers is less than
its Cruising speed. In addition, the unit cannot move at Flank one half of the Tractor’s weight, Rail Tractors suffer no penalty
speed when not operating on deep snow or ice. to their MP rating. If the combined weight of all Trailers is
BattleTech: The unit suffers a reduction of 1MP to its more than half the Tractor’s weight but less than twice the
Cruising speed. In addition, the unit cannot move at Flank weight of the Tractor, then cruising speed is reduced by 3 MPs
speed when not operating on Deep Snow or Ice (see p. 10, or by one-third of the Tractor’s normal MP rating (round
MT). down)—whichever penalty is smaller. A Rail Tractor pulling
Trailer(s) weighing greater than twice but less than or equal to
STOL four times its own weight reduces its cruising MPs to one half
The Short Take-Off or Landing adaptation allows Fixed (rounded down). When pulling Trailers over four times and up
Wing units to operate from smaller (often temporary) airfields. to five times their own weight, Rail Tractors are reduced to one
CBT: RPG: The unit requires a runway of at least 300 third of their starting cruise MP (rounded down), to a minimum
meters for takeoff and landing (as opposed to the 600 meters of 2 MPs. Rail Tractors may not individually pull Trailers with a
normally required). combined weight of over five times their own weight.
Classic BattleTech: The unit requires a runway of only Note that multiple Rail Tractors can be combined within a
300 meters for takeoff and landing. single “train”, however, to pull even greater weights. When
performing in unison, rail tractors are assigned a part of the
Submersible weight in proportion to their relative weights—with the final
A modification of the basic Naval Vessel Chassis Type, speed of the whole “train” dictated by the slowest tractor. Rail
submersibles have become vital to worlds that have developed Tractors operating in this capacity may be positioned anywhere
extensive under-sea farming or industry. Submersible units in the “train”.


Two Rail Tractors with cruise MP of 5, one 150 tons, the Note that though it is generally considered unwise, a towed
other 30 tons, can individually pull 75 and 15 tons—or vessel may attempt to break free from a Naval Tractor as well.
a combined weight of 90 tons—without any reduction in Doing so requires a successful Piloting/Naval Check on the part
their MP ratings. They may also pull up to 300 and 60 of the towed vessel, as modified above. If successful, both ves-
tons—or a combined weight of 360 tons—with a reduc- sels suffer damage as though rammed, and the link between
tion of cruise MP to 4 (one third of 5 is 1.67; which them is broken.
rounds down to 1, which is less than 3, and thus 5 – 1 BattleTech: A player may announce that a Tractor is detach-
= 4). Heavily loaded, these Tractors could also haul Trail- ing its Trailer at the end of the Movement Phase. In the following
ers weighing up to 600 and 120 tons, respectively—or a turn, the Cruise and Flank MPs of the Tractors may then be recal-
combined weight of 720 tons—with a Cruising Speed culated and the detached Trailer(s)—if not part of a Rail ‘train’—
reduction to 2 MP (one half of 5 MP is 2.5, rounded are now considered an immobile target. If the Trailer(s) are part of
down to 2). At their very maximum, however, these a Rail “train”, however, and the detached section does not include
‘trains’ could pull masses of 750 and 150 tons, respec- a functioning Tractor of its own, the Trailer(s) slow to a stop as indi-
tively—or a combined weight of 900 tons, at the same cated under the rules for Rail Support Vehicles (see p. 95).
speed (as one third of 5 = 1.6, rounding down to 1, Naval Tractors must announce they are attaching or detach-
which is lower than the 2 MP minimum). ing a “trailer” at the end of any Movement Phase in which they
As demonstrated, neither Tractor could pull up to 900 attempt to guide a vessel (including unbeaching maneuvers).
tons of Trailers on its own, even at a cruise MP of 2. While coupled, a Naval Tractor and its towed vessel behave as
However, while the 150-ton Tractor could pull up to indicated for Rail trains. When attempting to “unbeach” a vessel,
360 tons on its own, at a cruise MP of 2, the assis- a successful Piloting skill roll is required for the Naval Tractor to
tance of the 30-ton Tractor could help lighten the load, establish a connection, and—in the following turn—to pull the
allowing both to attain a comfortable cruise of 4 MP by beached vessel free of the land, in which case, the towing roll
sharing the burden. (not the initial connection roll) is modified as indicated under the
RPG rules to reflect different vessel weights. Failure on either roll
Naval: Naval Tractors are effectively “tugboat” designs, results in the effects of a ram attack made by the towing vessel.
intended to assist beached vessels or guide larger ships to port Note that a towed vessel attempting to break free of a Naval
(although, as vessels of any type may find themselves in such Tractor may do so with a successful Piloting Check (also as modi-
predicaments, no trailer modification is required of the “tugged” fied above for vessel weights), treating the results as a success-
vessel). With their Tractor gear evenly divided on the front and rear ful ram attack by the towed vessel.
of the vessel, Naval Support Vessels with this modification may
push or pull any one vessel up to five times their own weight, with Trailer
their movement rates affected as described in the rules for Rail A Wheeled or Tracked Trailer is constructed according to the
Tractors. Naval Tractors may push or pull their “tugged” vessels standard Support Vehicle construction rules for a Tractor chassis
from the front or from the rear of the Naval Tractor only. and controls, but has no engine or transmission. A Trailer may be
Movement: Once the Tractor’s modified Cruising MP has been towed by either a Tractor or by another Trailer. Any Trailer which is
calculated, the Flank MP is recalculated by multiplying by 1.5 and intended to tow yet another Trailer must incorporate both Tractor
rounding to the nearest whole number (round .5 up). and Trailer chassis and controls adaptations. See the Tractor chas-
CBT: RPG: Detaching a Trailer while moving requires a Piloting sis and controls adaptation (p. XX) for more details.
Check for the Tractor operator to avoid a mishap. When not mov- The Trailers are dependent upon the Tractor for power, and so
ing, this Check is automatically successful. the Tractors engine and transmission type applies to the entire
Naval Tractors require a successful Piloting/Naval Check to Tractor-Trailer rig. For example, if a Trailer is armed with a Heavy-
both attach and detach a “tugged” vessel. Tugging a beached class energy weapon (a laser or PPC), and its Tractor is powered by
vessel using a Naval Tractor also requires a successful Pilot- an ICE, then the Trailer must mount power amplifiers and Heat
ing/Naval Check. This “unbeaching” check has a modifier based Sinks for the weapon.
on the ratio of the pulling vessel to the beached vessel, deter- Trailers can mount weapons and equipment just like any other
mined by dividing the weight of the heavier vessel by the weight vehicle.
of the lighter vessel. Round this figure normally and apply as a CBT: RPG: Detaching a Trailer while moving requires a Piloting
positive modifier if the beached vessel is heavier, negative if it Check for the Tractor operator to avoid a mishap.
is lighter (to a minimum modifier of –4). A 3,000-ton Naval Trac- BattleTech: Small and Medium Trailers act as part of the
tor would thus suffer a +3 modifier to any attempt to unbeach a Tractor Support Vehicle for purposes of movement, stacking, and
vessel weighing 8,500 tons (8,500 / 3,000 = 2.83, rounded to firing (two Small and Medium Trailers together act as a single Sup-
3), but would receive a –2 modifier if the beached vessel port Vehicle). Large Trailers are treated as individual units for pur-
weighed only 1,250 tons (3,000 / 1,250 = 2.4, rounded to 2). poses of stacking, and they must always follow the movement of
Failure on any roll may result in damage to both vessels, which the Tractor (or Trailer) in front of them in the ‘train.’
may be treated as a successful ramming attack. If the LOS falls across the hexside through which the Trail-
er/Tractor is connected to another Trailer/Tractor in the ‘train,’


an attack cannot be made. A turret mounted on the Tractor may Airships and Fixed Wing Vehicles
fire as usual, but turrets on Trailers must follow the same rules Airships and Fixed Wing Support Vehicles measure movement
as other Trailer mounted weapons. in Thrust Points (180 kph or 1 point of thrust at low altitude in a
When attacking a Support Vehicle of a Tractor and one or game of AT2). The Safe Thrust rating of Airships and Fixed Wing
more Trailers (for Large Trailers) or two or more (for Small Trailers), Support Vehicles is used to calculate the Movement Factor.
the attacker announces the intended target—a specific Trailer or Note that, unlike other aircraft and aerospace vehicles, Air-
the Tractor. The specific target must be visible to the attacking unit ships can apply fractional Thrust in 0.25-point increments and
per standard LOS rules. For example, an attack from the sides may may only attain a maximum Safe Thrust of 2 Thrust Points (360
aim for any target, but an attack into the front arc could only be kph). Maximum Thrust for an Airship is calculated as normal
made against the Tractor, and one from the rear will strike the rear- but is rounded to the nearest quarter Thrust Point (round
most Trailer. Additionally, a Tractor may be visible, while terrain results ending in 0.125, 0.375, 0.625, and 0.875 up to the
obscures all or part of its Trailers. nearest multiple of 0.25).
Destroying a Trailer effectively detaches all Trailers behind it in
a chain as described under the rules for Tractors above (except, of Movement Factor = 4 + (Safe Thrust x Safe Thrust)
course, if a Rail “train” is equipped with multiple Tractors, one or
more of which is part of the detached segment). Other Support Vehicles
All other Support Vehicles use Movement Points (10.8
Ultra-Light kph; 30 meters per CBT turn, 15 meters per CBT: RPG turn).
Superior technology allows Small Support Vehicles to be The Cruising MP rating of the vehicle is used to calculate the
designed with a lighter chassis and controls and has no in-game Movement Factor.
effect beyond construction and costs.
The Ultra-Light Chassis modification may not be combined Movement Factor = 4 + (Cruise MP x Cruise MP)
with the Armored chassis modification (see p. 98). Furthermore,
units with this modification may not employ armor with a BAR high- Base Engine and Transmission Weight Percentage
er than 5. Once the Movement Factor has been established, multiply by
the Base Engine and Transmission Weight Factor from the Support
VSTOL Vehicle Chassis Table for the appropriate type and size of unit to
The Vertical/Short Take-Off or Landing adaptation allows Fixed give the Base Engine and Transmission Weight Percentage.
Wing Support Vehicles to operate from smaller (often temporary) Satellites always have a Base Engine and Transmission
airfields. Weight Percentage of 10.
CBT: RPG: The Support Vehicle can operate as a STOL unit,
or it can take off vertically. Base Engine and Transmission Weight Percentage =
BattleTech: The Support Vehicle can operate like a STOL unit, Base Engine and Transmission Weight Factor x Move-
or it can take off vertically. ment Factor

5. INSTALL ENGINE AND Final Engine and Transmission Weight

TRANSMISSION All Support Vehicles multiply the Base Engine and Transmis-
Each Support Vehicle mounts one power plant to power its sion Weight Percentage by the value supplied by cross-referenc-
movement and other systems. For simplicity, these rules group an ing the design’s Tech Level with the engine type on the Engine
engine and transmission into a single design element. Power Source Modifier Table (see p. 103). This final result is
Choose the Cruising Speed or Safe Thrust of the unit. The the percentage of the unit’s weight that must be devoted to the
higher the vehicle’s Cruising Speed is, the larger its engine and engine and transmission.
transmission. Calculate Flanking Speed or Maximum Thrust by mul- This weight is rounded to the nearest kg (Small Support Vehicles)
tiplying the Cruising Speed by 1.5 (round up). or .5 tons (Medium and Large Support Vehicles).
Lower Tech Level: If desired, a lower Tech Level engine and
transmission can be used (provided the Tech Level is not less than Final Engine and Transmission Weight Percentage = Base
the minimum required for the Weight Class of the design). Engine and Transmission Weight Percentage x Engine/Transmis-
Note: Not all types of engine and transmission can be used sion Weight Multiplier
on each Chassis Type. Use the Chassis and Controls/Engine
and Transmission Compatibility Table (see p. 103) to determine FUEL TANKS AND
which can be combined, or see the details in Engine and Trans- CONSUMPTION RATES
mission (see p. 104). Some power plants consume fuel while others (like Fission
and Fusion) have a rate of consumption that is hardly noticeable in
Satellites day-to-day operations.
Satellites are only capable of station-keeping maneuvers, and Solar or external power systems require no fuel.
so the Base Engine and Transmission for these are always calcu-
lated as 10.




Chassis and Controls

Engine and Fixed Naval
Transmission Wheeled Tracked Hover VTOL Airship Wing Satellite Rail Vessel
Steam Y Y N N Y N N Y Y
External N N N N N N N Y N
Batteries Y Y Y Y Y Y* Y Y Y
Fuel Cell Y Y Y Y Y Y* Y Y Y
Solar Y Y N N Y Y* Y Y Y
MagLev N N N N N N N Y N
Fission Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Fusion Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

*Prop Fixed Wing Support Vehicles only.


Engine/Transmission Fuel % of Engine Equipment

Fuel/Power Weight Multiplier (By Tech Level) and Transmission Rating
Source A B C D E F Weight per 100km† (Tech/Avail./Leg.)
Steam 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.5 3 Var./A–A–A/A
Internal Combustion (ICE) — 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.3 1.0 1* Var./A–A–A/A
Electric (External) — 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 N/A Var./C–C–C/D
Electric (Batteries) — — 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.8 5 Var./A–B–A/A
Electric (Fuel Cell) — — 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.5 Var./B–C–C/D
Electric (Solar) — — 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 N/A Var./C–D–C/A
MagLev — — 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.5 N/A Var./D–F–E/D
Fission§ — — 1.75 1.5 1.4 1.3 N/A Var./E–E–D/D
Fusion — — 1.5§ 1.0 0.75 0.5 N/A Var./C–E–D/B

†Airships and Fixed Wing use the Airships and Fixed Wing Fuel Requirements Table.
*1.25 for ICEs powered by Alcohol or Natural Gas.
§ Minimum weight of a Fission and Tech Level C Fusion power sources are 5 tons.


Fuel Weight (kg) Per Thrust Point By Tech Level

Fixed Wing/Airship Size A B C D E F
Small 50 30 23 15 13 10
Medium 63 38 25 20 18 15
Large 83 50 35 28 23 20

* For Airships and Prop-driven Fixed Wing Support Vehicles, fuel weight per Thrust Point is 75% that listed (rounded up). Note that
Airships and Prop-driven Fixed Wing Support Vehicles using Electric (Solar), Fission, or Fusion engines do not require fuel.

Airships and Fixed Wing Support Vehicles tion), all airborne Support Vehicles require some kind of reaction
Unless the Support Vehicle uses solar power, fission, or mass to maintain speed and lift. This reaction mass (fuel) varies
fusion engines and is propeller-driven in design (such as Air- with engine types and technology levels, as well as whether the
ships and Fixed Wing Support Vehicles using the Prop modifica- vehicle in question is propeller-driven or not.


The fuel requirements for all fuel-using airborne Support Vehi- As a fusion vehicle it has no fuel requirements.
cles can be calculated using the Airships and Fixed Wing Fuel With a chassis and controls weight of 13.5 tons and
Requirements Table below. This fuel is consumed at a rate of 1 an engine and transmission mass of 16 tons, the run-
point of fuel per Thrust Point generated up to the Safe Thrust limit, ning total is 29.5 tons.
and 2 points per point of Thrust over the Safe Thrust limit. In the
case of fractional Thrust Points, as used by Airships, fuel points Example 2: Erica wants her SAR Airship to be
are consumed at the indicated rate only in the turn where a full fast and gives it a Safe Thrust of 2, for a Maximum
Thrust Point is spent, to avoid computing fractional fuel points. Thrust of 3 (2 x 1.5 = 3). The Darling-class is a Large
AT2: Airships and Fixed Wing Support Vehicles that use fuel (Airship) Support Vehicle (1.2 from the Support Vehi-
must track their expenditure in the same manner as a Conven- cle Chassis Table) and is powered by a Tech Level C
tional Aircraft. Note that fuel Critical Hits on Airships and Fixed petrochemical-fueled ICE power plant (2.0 multiplier,
Wing Support Vehicles that carry no fuel have no effect. from the Engine Power Source Modifier Table).

Satellites Movement Factor = 4 + (2 x 2) = 8

Satellites powered by batteries or fuel cells consume the
equivalent of 100 km of fuel per week (low orbit) and 500 km of Base Engine and Transmission Weight Percentage
fuel per year (synchronous). = Engine Factor x Movement Factor = 1.2 x 8 = 9.6

Other Support Vehicles Final Engine and Transmission Weight Percent-

Fuel tankage (or its equivalent in the case of batteries) is age = Base Engine and Transmission Weight Per-
calculated as a percentage of the weight of the engine and trans- centage x Engine/Transmission Weight Multiplier =
mission. The Engine Power Source Modifier Table (see p. 104) 9.6 x 2.0 = 19.2%
lists this percentage for a quantity of fuel sufficient for the vehi-
cle to cruise 100 km. Fractional fuel quantities—say 150 km— 19.2% of 1,000 tons = 192 tons.
are also allowed, but normal rounding rules for the unit’s Weight
Class (Small, Medium, or Large) still apply to the final result. Burning petrochemical fuel, the Airship gets one
The range for such vehicles is based on the assumption Thrust Point per 27 kg of fuel carried (as an Airship,
that the maximum travel speed will not exceed its Cruise Speed. the Darling’s fuel weights are 75% of the norm; 75%
While traveling faster than Cruise Speed, fuel consumption dou- of 35 kg is 26.25 kg, which rounds up to 27 kg). Erica
bles; i.e. each kilometer traveled at greater than Cruise Speed wants to give her creation an extended range with
consumes fuel for two kilometers. 2,000 Thrust Points of fuel (2,000 x 27 = 54,000 kg),
BattleTech: Fuel consumption is not tracked in standard or 54 tons. The running total is 850 tons.
BattleTech games.
Example 1: Bob wants to give the Mobile Field Previous construction rules presented a limited selection of
Base a Cruising Speed of 4 MP (43.2 kph) and a power plants, focusing on those used for military purposes only.
Flank Speed of 6 MP (64.8 kph). The MFB is a Medi- These rules cover a much wider range of technologies and vehi-
um (Tracked) Support Vehicle (a Base Engine and cle types, presenting new options such as steam or solar power
Transmission Factor of 1.3 from the Support Vehicle Where appropriate, additional rules for using vehicles
Chassis Table) and is powered by a Tech Level D equipped with these alternative power sources in Classic Bat-
fusion power plant (1.0 multiplier, from the Engine tleTech, Classic BattleTech RPG, and AeroTech 2 are provided.
Power Source Modifier Table).
Movement Factor = 4 + (4 x 4) = 20 High-pressure steam generated by burning fossil fuels
converts water into
Base Engine and Transmission Weight Percentage expanding steam to
= Engine Factor x Movement Factor = 1.3 x 20 = 26 power a vehicle.
Though simple,
Final Engine and Transmission Weight Percent- steam power
age = Base Engine and Transmission Weight Per-
centage x Engine/Transmission Weight Multiplier =
26 x 1.0 = 26%

26% of 60 tons = 15.6, which rounds up to 16 tons.


requires vast quantities of fuel and water and can be both

smelly and dirty.
CBT RPG: Tech Level A and B steam-powered vehicles are far
from inconspicuous, so Perception Checks involving them normally
receive a –4 TN modifier. These units cannot operate in a vacuum
BattleTech: Steam-driven units cannot operate in a vacuum

ICE MagLev propelled units are a special kind of Rail Support
Short Vehicle. While MagLev units do not mount an engine (the
for Internal MagLev track itself is powered to lift and move them), they still
Combustion incorporate rows of super-conducting magnets on which the
Engine, the rela- track exerts influence.
tively compact and CBT: RPG: MagLev-driven units are restricted to operating
easy to maintain power only pre-laid rails (which also provide the vehicle with power).
source remains popular, BattleTech: MagLev units are operated just like any Rail
despite the environmental impact. Support Vehicle (see p. 95).
CBT: RPG: ICE vehicles are probably the most common
means of powering vehicles in known space. They cannot oper-
ate in a vacuum or near vacuum.
BattleTech: ICE vehicles cannot operate in a vacuum envi-

Electric power
directly drives the vehi-
cle’s motors. Clean and
quiet, electric vehicles sound like Fission
the perfect setup—until their limitations are factored in. Any Fission power plants convert heat generated via a con-
source of electricity has drawbacks. Batteries are heavy and take trolled nuclear chain reaction. This heat can be used to gener-
time to recharge, solar arrays are big and results very depending ate electricity and drive a vehicle.
on available sunlight, are usually less efficient than ICE. Though able to operate for years before refueling, the advan-
Some Rail units lack their own internal generator, making tages of fission power are offset by a host of disadvantages. The
use of external power provided either through the rails them- minimum size of a viable reactor (5,000 kg) limits the use of fis-
selves or pylons running alongside the track. sion to larger vehicles, and those that employ it require heavy
All these factors limit electric powered vehicles in range or shielding. Worse, the spent fuel remains highly radioactive and
area of operation in one way or another. storage or disposal can be a hazardous undertaking.
CBT: RPG: Perception Checks involving electrically powered Although some rare fission engines capable of producing
vehicles receive a +2 TN modifier because such vehicles often weapons-grade plutonium as a byproduct still exist, all fission
have a low audio and IR signature (although Checks to spot the reactors commonly available for use in Support Vehicles use
rails and other stationary pick-ups for externally powered electric fuel and materials that are virtually incapable of producing
Support Vehicles do not receive this modifier). weapon-grade byproducts.
BattleTech: Electric powered vehicles can operate in any CBT: RPG: Any maintenance or repair work carried out on a
environment (including a vacuum) provided their chassis and fission power plant requires the Technician/Fission Skill.
controls include the Environmental Sealing adaptation.


BattleTech: Fission powered units can operate in any envi- Support Vehicles track armor protection in two ways. First
ronment (including a vacuum) provided their chassis and con- are standard armor points, where damage is tracked per the
trols include the Environmental Sealing adaptation. standard rules found in the BMR, with the damage inflicted from
a weapon hit subtracting the number of armor points from that
location. However, as Support Vehicles are not combat vehicles,
their armor does not provide the full protection that military vehi-
cles receive; a weapon hit can more easily penetrate Support
Vehicle armor, even if the armor in that location is not rendered
useless. To represent this fact, each unit’s armor protection is
also assigned a Barrier Armor Rating (BAR), which represents
how easily weapons fire can penetrate the armor; the BAR does
not change at any time, regardless of damage taken.
Fusion Every Support Vehicle automatically receives a Barrier
Fusion Armor Rating of 2. The weight of a given armor type that adds to
power was the the unit’s protection and BAR is dependent on both the Tech
key to the stars for Level used and the type of material employed. The Armor Limits
mankind. The introduction of compact fusion power in civilian Table (see p. 109) details the maximum armor protection that a
vehicles held the promise of elimination one of the greatest Support Vehicle can mount. Note that VTOLs can mount no
forms of pollution—ICE powered vehicles—until the needs of more than 2 points of armor on their rotors.
the military and the technological decline of the Succession Small Support Vehicles round weight to the nearest kilo-
Wars limited the technology almost exclusively to frontline com- gram and can add armor as single points. Medium and Large
bat formations. Support Vehicles round weights up to the nearest half-ton
CBT: RPG: Any maintenance or repair work carried out on a (500kg), so armor is always added in half ton increments. The
fusion power plant requires the Technician/Fusion skill. number of armor points the vehicle receives for each half ton is
BattleTech: Fusion-powered units can operate in any envi- dependent upon the armor tech level.
ronment (including a vacuum) provided their chassis and con- Note: The armor types presented in BMR or MT cannot be
trols include the Environmental Sealing adaptation. mounted on Support Vehicles.
CBT: RPG: The Barrier Armor Rating (BAR) is identical to
6. ADD OTHER EQUIPMENT that used in the optional Barriers Rule (see p. 121, CBT: RPG).
With chassis/control and engine/transmission installed, BattleTech: Because they are not often built for the bat-
the remaining weight can be devoted to other equipment. A wide tlefield, Support Vehicles handle damage differently in Bat-
selection of equipment can be found on the Weapons and tleTech than combat vehicles. Every time a Support Vehicle
Equipment Table (see p. 107); definitions can be found in Equip- suffers a hit that exceeds its BAR rating, there is a chance for
ment, beginning on p. 116. a critical hit (called a penetrating critical hit), even if there is
Other equipment listed in CBT: RGP, LT, CBTComp or this still armor present in that location. Penetrating critical hits are
volume can be included in the design of a Support Vehicle at rolled in the same fashion as standard critical hits, with the
their listed Tech Level, Availability Rating, Legality Rating, weight following exceptions:
and cost. If the Support Vehicle possesses the Armored chassis/con-
Weapons from Maximum Tech or other sources should be trols modification and a BAR of 10, it is immune to penetrating
considered Tech Level E (Inner Sphere) or Tech Level F (Clan). critical hits. The unit is thus treated as a standard combat vehi-
The Availability Rating for such items is always E or F. cle when resolving critical damage effects.
Space Limit: Support Vehicles of up to 300 tons can mount If the Support Vehicle possesses the Armored chassis/con-
5 items of equipment, plus 1 additional item per 10 tons (round trols modification but has a BAR of less than 10, modify the roll
down). Vehicles over 300 tons are limited to 35 items of equip- for penetrating critical hits by –1.
ment, plus 1 per 100 tons (round down). If the Support Vehicle suffers damage from a weapon using
Fire Control, Bay Door, CASE (Clan), Concealed Weapon, armor piercing ammunition (see p. 133, BMR), treat the Support
Ejection Seat, Escape Pod, Lifeboat, Heat Sink, Power Amplifier, Vehicle as though it has an effective BAR equal to one-half its
Searchlight (Hand), Pintle Mounted, and Turret Mounted do not rating (rounded up), regardless of whether or not the Support
count towards a vehicle’s equipment limit. Vehicle has the Armored chassis/controls modification. The
penetrating critical check is still modified, however, if the chas-
ADD ARMOR sis has the Armored modification.
Support Vehicles usually do not use military grade armor. Note that penetrating critical hits may occur in addition to
Their exterior exists to protect components, passengers and any other normal critical hits due to location or damage to inter-
cargo from the elements, not from bullets and laser beams. nal structure. Rolls for these normal critical hits are not affected
by the Armored chassis and controls modification.



Equipment Equipment
Weight Rating
Type (Items) (Tech/Avail./Leg.) Notes
Backhoe 5 tons (1) B/B–B–B/B Cannot attack
Infantry Variable (1) Var./E–E–E/E Accommodation for up to 28
Infantry (Compartment) Variable (1) Var./E–E–E/E Seats up to 28
’Mech/Fighter 150 tons (1) C/C–E–D/E 1 ’Mech, Aerospace or Conventional Fighter
ProtoMech 50 tons (1) C/X–X–C/A 5 ProtoMechs
Small Craft Bay 200 tons (1) C/B–C–B/C 1 Fighter or Small Craft of 100 to 200 tons
Vehicle, Light 50 tons (1) C/B–B–B/A 1 unit of up to 50 tons
Vehicle, Heavy 100 tons (1) C/B–C–B/A 1 unit of between 51 to 100 tons
Vehicle, Super-heavy 200 tons (1) C/C–D–C/A 1 unit of between 101 to 200 tons
Bay Door N/A (0) A/A–A–A/A Usable by one unit per turn
Light 1 ton (1) B/E–E–E/C 30-meter span; CF 7
Medium 2 tons (1) C/E–E–E/C 30-meter span; CF 20
Heavy 6 tons (1) D/E–E–E/C 30-meter span; CF 45
Bulldozer 2 tons (1) B/C–C–C/B Wheeled and tracked units only
Standard Variable (1) A/A–A–A/A Mass as per cargo stored
Container Storage 10 tons (1) A/A–A–A/A Cubicle storage; Weight/Items are per cubicle
Standard Liquid Variable (1) A/A–A–A/A Storage tonnage = Cargo mass x 1.1
Insulated or Refrigerated Variable (1) B/A–A–A/A Storage tonnage = Cargo mass x 1.15
Livestock Variable (1) B/B–B–B/B Storage tonnage = Cargo mass x 1.2
CASE 0.5 tons (1) E/C–X–C/B Ammunition storage
CASE (Clan) 0 kg (0) F/X–X–C/B Ammunition storage
Chainsaw 5 tons (1) B/E–E–E/B Base to-hit 6, damage 5
Combine 2.5 tons (1) B/C–C–C/B Base to-hit 3, damage 3 (1D6 to Infantry)
Communications Equipment Variable (1) D/C–D–C/B Installed in 1-ton units, but occupies 1 item slot only
Concealed Weapon +5% weight* (1) A/C–C–C/F Light/Medium Weapons only; Perception skill to spot
Docking Units 2% vessel weight (3) B/C-C-C/B Allows pivot-in-place (Large Naval Vessels only)
Dual Saw 7 tons (1) C/E–E–E/B Base to-hit 6, damage 7
Dumper 5% cargo weight (1) A/A–A–A/B Tilting cargo bed
Ejection Seat 0.1 tons (0) B/D–D–D/B Small vehicle personal escape system
Escape Pod (Space or Maritime) 7 tons (0) D/C–D–C/C 7-person emergency escape system
External Stores Hardpoint 0.2 tons (1) C/D–E–D/E Fixed Wing only. One per 10 tons of unit
Field Kitchen 3 tons (1) A/C–C–C/C Feeds 150
Fire Control
Advanced +10% weight* (0) D/C–D–D/E Applies to all Heavy and Medium weapons
Basic +5% weight* (0) C/B–C–C/E Applies to all Heavy and Medium weapons
Flight Deck 2,500 tons (10) B/E–E–E/C Recover and launch aircraft
Heat Sink 1 ton (0) D/B–B–B/A Removes 1 point of energy weapon heat
Heavy-Duty Pile Driver 10 tons (1) B/E–E–E/B Base to-hit 8, damage 9
High-Res Image Camera 2.5 tons (1) C/D–E–D/A —
Helipad 500 tons (5) B/C–C–C/C 1 per hex
Infrared Imager Camera 5 tons (1) C/D–E–D/A —
Ladder 0.1 ton per 20 m (1) A/A–A–A/A Maximum of 100 meters
Lifeboat (Maritime) 1 ton (0) A/B–C–C/B 10 person capacity
Lift Hoist 3 tons (1) A/A–A–A/B Lift up to half vehicle’s weigh
Look Down Radar 5 tons (1) C/D–E–D/B —
Manipulator 10 kg (1) C/C–D–C/A Mechanical grab (100-kg lifting capacity)
MASH Unit Variable (1) B/C–E–D/D 3.5 tons, plus 1 ton per additional theater
Mobile Field Base 20 tons (1) D/X–X–E/B Acts as a repair bay
Continues on page 108



Equipment Equipment
Weight Rating
Type (Items) (Tech/Avail./Leg.) Notes
Mine Dispenser (Land/Maritime) 0.5 tons (1) B/E-E-E/E Lays two 10-point minefields per dispenser
Minesweeper (Land/Maritime) 3 tons (1) C/D-D-D/D Clears land and water mines to depth 2, as type
Mining Drill 3 tons (1) B/E–E–E/B Base to-hit 5, damage 4
Paramedic Equipment 0.25 tons (1) C/C–C–C/B Per patient
Crew 7 tons (**) A/A–A–A /B Additional crew quarters
Passenger, Steerage 5 tons (**) A/A–A–A /B Basic accommodations
Passenger, 2nd class 7 tons (**) A/A–A–A /C Standard accommodations
Passenger, 1st class 10 tons (**) A/A–A–A /C Luxurious accommodations
Pillion, Crew/Passenger 25 kg (0) A/A–A–A /A Small unit only. Riding on vehicle exterior.
Seat, Crew/Passenger 75 kg (0) C/E–E–E/B —
Power Amplifier +10% weight* (0) D/B–C–B/A Required for Heavy Energy Weapons
Pintle Mounted +5% weight* (0) A/A–A–A/D 180-degree arc of fire: Light and Medium Weapons
Refueling Drogue 1 ton (1) C/B–B–B/A In-flight refueling
Remote Sensor Dispenser 0.5 tons (1) E/X-X-D/C Dispense up to 30 remote sensor units
Rock Cutter 5 tons (1) C/E–E–E/B Base to-hit 7, damage 5
Hand-held 5 kg (0) A/A–A–A/A Illuminate objects up to a range of 270 meters
Mounted 0.5 tons (1) A/A–A–A/C Illuminate objects up to a range of 5,000 meters
Sprayer 15 kg (1) B/B–B–B/A Dispense 100kg liquid/turn
Turret Mounted +10% weight*(0) C/C–C–C/E 360-degree arc of fire
Light † (†) †/†/D Small Vehicles only
Medium † (†) †/†/E Small Vehicles only
Heavy † (†) ††/C–E–D/E All attacks w/o fire control receive a +4 TN modifier
Wrecking Ball 4 tons A/E–E–E/B Base to-hit 7, damage 8 (16 to buildings)

*Weight based on associated weapon(s).

**50 Steerage, 20 Second Class, 5 First Class or 20 Crew Quarters per equipment item.
†As per weapon details in BMR, AT2, MT, CBT: RPG, LT or CE.
††See Weapon Tech Level Table.


Tech Equivalent CBT

Level Tech Level Weapons
A Level 1 None
B Level 1 MG, Vehicle Flamer, Rocket Launchers*
C Level 1 AC/2, AC/5, AC/10, AC/20, SRM, LRM, Thumper, Sniper, Long Tom, LRT, SRT, MRMs*
D Level 1 Small Laser, Medium Laser, Large Laser, PPC, Flamer
E IS Level 2 Gauss Rifles†, Pulse Lasers, ER Lasers†, ER PPC, Ultra ACs†, LBX ACs†, RACs§, Arrow IV, AMS, ECM, C3§, C3i§,
Active Probe, TAG, Targeting Computer§, Streak SRMs†, Artemis IV FCS, NARC, iNARC§
F Clan Level 2 All ClanTech§

*Although producible by lower technology, Rocket Launchers and MRMs are considered Level 2 Inner Sphere technology in CBT terms and were not
available to the first Star League.
†Light/Heavy Gauss Rifles, ER Small/Medium Lasers, Ultra ACs (other than the UAC/5), LBX ACs (other than the LB 10-X), and Streak 4 and 6
SRMs were not available to the first Star League.
§Not available to the first Star League.


A Tracked Support Vehicle with an

Armored chassis and a BAR of 7, with 12
armor points per side, takes a hit from a
Type Total Maximum Armor Points*
large laser to its front side—location roll
Wheeled 4 + 1 point per 0.5 tons weight
of 7. Because the laser’s 8 points of
Tracked 4 + 1 point per 0.5 tons weight
damage exceeds the vehicle’s BAR, a
Hover 4 + 1 point per 1 tons weight
penetrating critical hit has occurred,
VTOL† 4 + 1 point per 1 tons weight
even though 4 points of armor remain in
the front.
Small and Medium 4 + 1 point per 3 tons weight
Because the Support Vehicle has an
Large 89 + 1 point per 20 tons weight
Armored chassis, however, the roll for the
Fixed Wing 4 + 1 point per 1 tons weight
penetrating critical is modified by –1. When
Satellite 4 + 1 point per 2 tons weight
the attacker rolls for the critical, his result
Rail 4 + 1 point per 2 tons weight
of 8 becomes a 7, narrowly saving the unit
Naval Vessel
from a possible critical hit.
Small and Medium 4 + 1 point per 3 tons weight
In a later turn, the same Support Vehi-
Large 89 + 1 point per 20 tons weight
cle takes a second large laser hit to its
front, in this case from a location roll of 2.
*Round all values up to the next whole number.
The laser causes a penetrating critical hit,
†VTOLs can only ever mount a maximum of 2 points of armor on the rotor.
has breached the armor, and has struck
on a location roll that gives the attacker an
additional possible critical hit. The attack-
er thus rolls three times for critical hit
effects, modifying only the first roll—the
Barrier Armor Weight per Armor Point (kg) by Tech Level
one for penetrating critical hits—by –1.
Rating (BAR) A B C D E F
The crew of the stricken Support Vehicle
2 40 25 16 13 12 11
should really consider running away if they
3 60 38 24 19 17 16
survive the results.
4 80 50 32 26 23 21
Note that if the Support Vehicle in the
5 100* 63 40 32 28 26
above example possessed a BAR of 10,
6 130* 75* 48 38 34 32
neither penetrating critical roll would be
7 180* 88* 56* 45 40 37
made, though it would still suffer the stan-
8 230* 120* 64* 51* 45 42
dard critical hit chances for damage to its
9 — 180* 100* 57* 51* 47
internal structure and the possible critical
10 — 250* 150* 63* 56* 52*
for a hit location of 2.
If, on the other hand, the sample Sup-
*The Armored Chassis modification is required to attain these BAR levels
port Vehicle was struck by an Autocan-
at this Tech Level.
non/5 using armor-piercing rounds rather
than a standard large laser, it would have
been considered to have a BAR of 4 (7 / 2 = 3.5, Example 1: Bob has thoughtfully designed the
rounding up to 4) rather than 7, for purposes of deter- Mobile Field Base with an armored chassis, allowing
mining penetrating critical effects. Both hits would him to add military grade armor with a BAR of 10. At
thus deliver the chance for critical damage as they 60 tons, the MFB can mount up to 124 points of
exceed the unit’s effective BAR, even though together armor [4 + (60 / 0.5) = 124]. For this design he
the two autocannon hits would only mark off 10 of the decides to add a total of 23 points of armor.
Support Vehicle’s 12 armor points. At 63 kg per point (at Tech Level D), that
requires 23 x 63 = 1,449 kg of armor—rounded up
AT2: Fixed Wing and Satellites are the exception to this to 1,500 kg or 1.5 tons.
rule. Any location without any kind of additional armor beyond The Running Total is now 31.0 tons.
the basic BAR of 2 receives an AT2 Damage Threshold of 0. Any
location protected by armor with a BAR rating of up to 9 receives Example 2: Given its intended purpose, Erica
an AT2 Damage Threshold of 1 regardless of the amount of intends to incorporate only minimal armor protection
armor carried. When using armor with a BAR 10 rating, Damage into her airship design. At 1,000 tons, the Darling-
Threshold values are calculated as normal (see p. 28, AT2). class SAR Airship can mount up to 139 points of
armor (89 +1,000 / 20 = 139).



CBT: RPG Weapon Equivalent CBT Weapon CBT Range (S/M/L) CBT Damage Notes
Semi-Portable Machine Gun Light Machine Gun 2/4/6 1 —
Support Machine Gun Machine Gun 1/2/3 2 —
Semi-Portable Autocannon Heavy Machine Gun 1/2/— 3 —
Heavy Flamer Flamer 1/2/3 2 —
Heavy Support Laser Medium Laser 3/6/9 5 —
Support Laser Small Laser 1/2/3 3 —
Ultra Heavy Support Laser Heavy Medium Laser 3/6/9 10 +1 to-hit
Semi-Portable Heavy Laser Heavy Small Laser 1/2/3 6 +1 to-hit
ER Heavy Support Laser ER Medium Laser 4/8/12 5 —
ER Support Laser ER Small Laser 2/4/5 3 —
ER Semi-Portable Support Laser ER Micro Laser 1/2/4 2 —
Heavy Support Pulse Laser Medium Pulse Laser 2/4/6 6 –2 to-hit
Support Pulse Laser Small Pulse Laser 1/2/3 3 –2 to-hit
Semi-Portable Support Laser Micro Pulse Laser 1/2/3 3 –2 to-hit
Light Recoilless Rifle Light Recoilless Rifle 2/4/6 2 —
Medium Recoilless Rifle Medium Recoilless Rifle 2/4/6 3 —
Heavy Recoilless Rifle Heavy Recoilless Rifle 3/5/7 3 —
Advanced SRM SRM 4/8/12 2/missile —
SRM SRM 3/6/9 2/missile —
LAW Rocket Launcher 3/7/12 1/missile —
Semi-Portable PPC Support PPC 2/5/7 2 —
Magshot Gauss Rifle Magshot 3/6/9 2 —
Heavy Mortar Heavy Mortar 2/4/6 3 Min. Range 2
Light Mortar Light Mortar 1/2/3 3 Min. Range 1
Heavy Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher 1/2/3 1 —
Automatic Grenade Launcher Micro Grenade Launcher 1/2/— 1 —
Compact NARC Compact NARC 2/4/5 0 —
Light TAG Light TAG 3/6/9 0 —

Choosing to employ armor with a Barrier Armor Medium Weapons: These are equivalent to support
Rating of 5, Erica elects to apply 60 points or armor weapons from CBT: RPG, LT, and this publication. Each medi-
to her creation. um weapon and ammunition counts as two items of equip-
At 40 kg per point (at Tech Level C), this ment. Medium and Large Support Vehicles must round the
requires 60 x 40 = 2,400 kg of armor—rounded up weight of each medium weapon up to the nearest .5 tons.
to 2,500 kg or 2.5 tons. One heat sink is required for each energy support weapon
The Running Total is now 852.5 tons. (lasers or particle weapons). In CBT games, many support
weapons function as their equivalent CBT weapon (see the
ADD WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION RPG Support Weapon Conversion Table below for details).
It is unusual, but not unknown, for Support Vehicles to be Note that CBT and RPG rules for the new support weapons
armed. A Support Vehicle’s ability to mount a given weapon is introduced in this book may be found under Support
based upon the weapon’s category. For the purposes of Sup- Weapons, p. 14.
port Vehicle construction, all weapons fall into the following Crew requirements for Support Vehicle-mounted Medium
three classifications: Weapons are half normal (Round up).
Capital Weapons: The Capital-scale weapons found in Heavy Weapons: Weapons presented in the BMR con-
AT2 cannot be mounted on Support Vehicles. struction rules are considered Heavy Weapons. Heavy
Light Weapons: These weapons are equivalent to personal Weapons and ammunition occupy as many equipment slots
small arms such as those found in CBT: RPG, LT, and this pub- as they have critical spaces and function as their CBT equiva-
lication. Each light weapon and ammunition counts as one item lents in combat (although their to-hits may be modified based
of equipment. They do not have any effect in CBT-scale games. on the Support Vehicle’s fire control system—or lack thereof).
A light weapon requires a single gunner. The number of gunners required to man a Heavy Weapon
is calculated on a per-weapon basis, with one gunner per 3
tons of weapon (rounded up) required.


An AC/20 weighs 14 tons and requires a crew The running total is now 33.0 tons. No fire control
of 5 (14/3 = 4.667, rounded up to 5), where as 28 is included.
MGs requires 28 gunners (0.5/3 = 0.167 rounded
up to 1 per MG for a total of 28). Example 2: Erica’s SAR Airship is not armed.


Any number of weapons or appropriate equipment can be All manned Support Vehicles require crew, even if this is
mounted in a turret. The weight of a turret is 10% of the just the rider of an electric scooter. Small Support Vehicles
weight of the weapons installed in it. The weight of power must add accommodation for operators, but Medium and
amplifiers, heat sinks, fire control, and ammunition is not Large Support Vehicles include basic accommodation for the
included in the weapon weight. Once the final turret mass has crew in the weight of the chassis and control systems.
been calculated, it must be rounded up to the nearest kg If using the Level 3 Drone rules from Maximum Tech,
(Small Support Vehicles) or half ton (Medium and Large Sup- Revised, one operator is required for every 5 crew the vehicle
port Vehicles). would require if manned.
The turret does not count towards the vehicle’s equip- Consult the Minimum Crew Requirement Table (see p.
ment limit. 113) to find additional Support Vehicles crew requirements.
VTOL, Airship, Satellite, and Fixed Wing Support Vehi-
cles: These units are prohibited from mounting turrets. Airships and Naval Vessels
Large Naval Vessels: Large Naval Vessels (see Large Sur- Airships and Naval Vessels calculate their minimum crew
face Vessel Size Table, p. 136) can be outfitted with more than requirements slightly different from other vehicles, with a
one turret. One turret can be installed in each location denoted basic crew of 3 plus one per 500 tons of vehicle mass (5,000
on the Large Vessel Template (at the back of the book). Turrets for Naval Vessels), rounded up. Over and above this is a
mounted forward of the pilot point can fire into the front 300- requirement for Officers to command and coordinate the
degree arc. Conversely, Turrets mounted aft of the pivot point crew, with one Officer per 5 Enlisted/Non-rated, Equipment
can fire into the rear 300-degree arc. crew, or Gunners (see the Minimum Crew Requirement Table
below). As Bay Personnel are not considered part of the crew
Ammunition (being passengers), they are not included in the crew count
Each Light or Medium Weapon automatically includes the when determining the Officer requirement.
weight of sufficient ammunition for the number of shots listed
for it in CBT: RPG, LT, CBTComp, or this volume. Additional Other Support Vehicles
ammunition can be carried for the weight listed in the appro- All other Support Vehicles have a fixed basic crew size,
priate volume or for 10% of the weapon’s weight if not listed. with additional personnel added to man the weapons and
Heavy Weapons must carry at least one ton of ammuni- equipment added during the design process.
tion per weapon type mounted (half a ton for MGs).
Fire Control Support Vehicles must make provision for crew and pas-
Any Support Vehicle that mounts Medium or Heavy sengers they carry. The quality of the available accommoda-
Weapons may or may not have a Fire Control system to tions varies between the different Support Vehicle Size Class-
reduce crew needs and combat penalties (see p. 121). Any es. Vehicle and Infantry bays incorporate basic quarters for
Medium or Heavy Weapons mounted on a Support Vehicle the troops/vehicle crew and their technical support staff.
that does not make use of Fire Control Systems suffer a +2 Small: The chassis of Small Support Vehicles incorporate
TN penalty (applicable in CBT: RPG, CBT, and AT2 games) in no accommodation for crew or passengers. Each must be pro-
addition to all other applicable modifiers. vided with a seat (or saddle if riding pillion).
Medium: Basic accommodations consisting of a seat,
Example 1: Bob decides to mount a turret couch, or saddle for all crewmembers are incorporated into
mounted Small Laser (Support Laser) on his Mobile the fabric of the vehicle itself. Expanded crew quarters suit-
Field Base. able for long term occupation can be added as desired.
The laser weighs in at 0.5 ton. As Bob used a Large: Large Naval and Airship Support Vehicles incorporate
fusion power plant there is no need to add a power crew quarters suitable for long-term occupation into the fabric of
amplifier, but Bob will have to add one heat sink. the chassis. All other Large Support Vehicles include the same
The turret has a mass of 10% of the weapon (0.05 kind of short-term facilities found on Medium-size vehicles.
tons in this case), which is rounded up to the near-
est half ton, giving a weight of 0.5 tons. Example 1: Consulting the Minimum Crew
Combined, the small laser, heat sink, and tur- Requirement Table, Bob sees that his Medium Class
ret add another 2 tons to the weight of the MFB. MFB requires a crew of 8—2 for a Medium Support


Vehicle, an additional 1 to man the turret mounted Example 1: The 60-ton MFB has space for 11
small laser, and a 5-man technical team to operate items of equipment (5 + 60 / 10 = 11). Bob com-
the Mobile Field Base. pletes his Mobile Field Base by adding a Mobile
Because the MFB is a Medium Weight Class Field Base (20 tons) and CASE (0.5 tons), an Inner
Support Vehicle, basic crew accommodation is Sphere Foot Infantry Platoon compartment (3 tons
included with the chassis by default. Bob chooses with a 28 man capacity), and a 3.5-ton cargo com-
not to add anything more luxurious. partment with which the MFB transports spare parts
and ammunition (protected by the CASE).
Example 2: The Darling-class SAR Airship A Bay Door opening into the rear arc takes up
requires a crew of 4 Enlisted/Non-rated (3 + 1,000 no weight.
/ 5,000 = 3.2, rounded up to 4), 10 MASH person- Adding the weight of all this equipment to the
nel, 3 Officers (1 per 5 crew—14 Crew requires 3), running total of 33 tons brings the total weight up to
and 8 Vehicle Bay personnel (not counted when 60 tons. The design is complete.
determining the number of officers). The MFB can carry additional ammunition for
All crew accommodation is included with the the units it services. Hence CASE is still of use—
chassis and equipment by default. even if no ammo weapons are mounted

ADDITIONAL CREW Example 2: At 1,000 tons, Erica’s SAR Airship

While most Support Vehicles are crewed with as few per- can mount 45 items of equipment (35 + 1,000 /
sonnel as possible—usually enough to satisfy minimum crew 100 = 45). She adds a lift hoist (3 tons), Look
requirements—some (especially Large Naval Vessels), are Down Radar (5 tons), 4 Searchlights (.5 tons each),
designed to operate with larger crews, either to fully man the a MASH unit with 2 operating theaters (3.5 + 1 =
unit at all times or to accommodate casualties. 4.5 tons), two Light Vehicle Bays (50 tons each), a
Bay door (0 tons), and 33 tons of cargo space.
Small and Medium Vehicles Adding the 147.5 tons that this takes up brings
Each additional crewmember must be provided with appro- the running total to 1,000 tons.
priate accommodations (usually nothing more that a seat).
BattleTech: Each multiple of the unit’s minimum crew 7. COMPLETE RECORD SHEET
requirement allows the Support Vehicle to ignore one Crew Complete the record sheet for the appropriate Support Vehicle.
Killed critical hit.
AT2: Fixed Wing Support Vehicles carrying additional crew Allocate Armor
reduce crew hit modifiers by 1 for each multiple of the minimum The total armor points chosen for a design must be allocat-
crew carried (but never increasing the modifier above zero). ed to specific locations. Consult the Armor Location Table below
to determine which CBT record sheet to use and which locations
Large Vehicles on said record sheet are used for a given Support Vehicle.
Naval Vessels and Airships must provide quarters for The player chooses the exact number of Armor Points used
additional crewmembers. Other Large Support Vehicles must to protect a given area, but the number of Armor Points in a
make basic provision for additional personnel with appropri- single location may not exceed the unit’s Maximum Armor
ate seating. Points as shown on the Armor Limits Table (see p. 109).
BattleTech: Naval Vessels can ignore one crew hit for
every one-sixth of the minimum crew levels carried as addi- Example 1: The Mobile Field Base has armored
tional crew (round up). On other Large Vehicles, each multiple chassis and controls, giving it a BAR of 10. Bob has
of the minimum crew requirement allows the vehicle to ignore added 23 points of armor, allocating 5 points to the
one Crew Killed critical hit. front, 5 to the sides, and 4 to the rear and 4 points to
AT2: Fixed Wing Support Vehicles carrying additional crew the turret.
reduce crew hit modifiers by 1 for each multiple of the minimum
crew carried (but never increasing the modifier above zero). Example 2: The Darling-class SAR Airship is pro-
tected by 60 points of BAR 5 rating armor. This is
Bay Personnel allocated with 20 points to the nose, 10 points to
These represent personnel temporarily attached to a Sup- each wing, and 20 points to the aft.
port Vehicle. They consist of the crew and support teams for
vehicles carried in vehicle bays, or infantry and their support Internal Structure or Structural Integrity
transported as passengers in a vehicle bay. The number of points of internal structure a Support Vehi-
cle receives depends on both the Chassis Type and Size.



Airships and Naval Vessels

Enlisted/Non-rated (Naval) 3 + 1 per 5,000 tons*
Enlisted/Non-rated (Airship) 3 + 1 per 500 tons*
Bay Personnel See Bay Personnel
Officers 1 per 5 crew (excluding bay personnel and passengers)*

* Round fractions up

Other Vehicles
Satellites 0
Small Vehicles 1
Medium Vehicles 2
Large Vehicles 3

Gunners (All Support Vehicles)

Per Light Weapon 1
Per Medium Weapon Half normal listed crew (round up)
Per Heavy Weapon 1 per 3 tons of weapon weight (excluding ammunition, round up).


Equipment (All Support Vehicles)

Communications 1 per ton
Field Kitchen 3
Flight Deck 20
Helipad 5
MASH 5 per theater
Mobile Field Base 5


Bay Type Units Carried Unit Personnel Technicians

’Mech 1 ’Mech 1 1
ProtoMech Point 5 ProtoMechs 5 1
Light Vehicle* 1 Light Vehicle 4 1
Heavy Vehicle† 1 Heavy Vehicle 7 1
Super-heavy Vehicle‡ 1 Super-heavy Vehicle 14 1
Aerospace Fighter 1 Fighter 1 1
Small Craft 1 Small Craft 4 1
Battle Armor Squad (IS) 4 troopers 4 2
Battle Armor Squad (Clan) 5 troopers 5 1
Mechanized Infantry Squad 5 troopers 5 1
Infantry Platoon, Foot (IS) 28 troopers 28 0
Infantry Platoon, Jump (IS) 21 troopers 21 0
Infantry Platoon, Motor (IS) 28 troopers 28 0
Infantry Platoon, Foot (Clan) 25 troopers 25 0
Infantry Platoon, Jump (Clan) 25 troopers 25 0
Infantry Platoon, Motor (Clan) 25 troopers 25 0

*Light Vehicles include all vehicles with a weight up to 50 tons.

†Heavy Vehicles weigh between 50 and 100 tons.
‡Super-heavy Vehicles weigh over 100 and up to 200 tons.



Chassis Type CBT Record Sheet Armor Locations

Wheeled, Small and Medium Ground Vehicle Front, Rear, Left, Right*
Wheeled, Large Super Heavy Tank Front, Rear, Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right*
Tracked, Small and Medium Ground Vehicle Front, Rear, Left, Right*
Tracked, Heavy Super Heavy Tank Front, Rear, Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right*
Hover, Small and Medium Ground Vehicle Front, Rear, Left, Right*
Hover, Heavy Super Heavy Tank Front, Rear, Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right*
VTOL, All V.T.O.L Front, Rear, Left, Right, Rotor†
Airship, All Aerodyne DropShip Nose, Left Wing, Right Wing, Aft
Fixed Wing Conventional Fighter Nose, Left Wing, Right Wing, Aft
Satellite, All Space Station Nose, Fore-Left, Fore-Right, Aft-Left, Aft-Right, Aft
Rail, Light and Medium Ground Vehicle Front, Rear, Left, Right*
Rail, Heavy Super Heavy Tank Front, Rear, Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right*
Naval Vessel, Small and Medium Naval Front, Rear, Left, Right*
Naval Vessel, Large Large Naval Front, Rear, Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right*

*Plus Turret(s) if present.

†Maximum of two points armor on Rotor.

Airships: Airship Support Vehicles receive a Structural BattleTech: Standard CBT and AT2 record sheets can be
Integrity (SI) value equal to their Safe Thrust, or 1 point per used to record the details of Small and Medium Support Vehi-
50 tons (round up) of weight, whichever is greater. cles. Large Support Vehicles use the new record sheets pro-
Naval Vessels: Small and Medium Naval Vessels receive vided at the back of the book.
1 point of internal structure per 10 tons (10,000kg) total
weight (round up). Example 1: Bob completes his Mobile Field Base
Large Naval Vessels receive 30 points of internal struc- by designating that the small laser is mounted in the
ture plus 1 point per 2,000 tons total weight (round up). turret. He also notes that the cargo compartment,
Fixed Wing and Satellites: Fixed Wing Support Vehicles MFB, and infantry compartment are located in the
receive an SI equal to their Safe Thrust, while Satellites body, and that the bay door is located in the rear arc.
always have an SI of 1.
Other: All other Support Vehicles receive 1 point of inter- Example 2: Erica’s Airship mounts no weapons,
nal structure in each location per 10 tons (10,000 kg) total but she notes that all equipment is located in the
weight (round up). Support Vehicle’s body, except the searchlights (one
each in the nose, left wing, right wing, and aft arcs)
Example 1: The Mobile Field Base is a 60-ton and the lift hoist (in the nose arc).
Tracked (Medium) Support Vehicle. As such it has 6 She also notes that the bay door is located in
points of internal structure per location (60 / 10 = the nose arc.
6). In this case that is 6 points of internal structure
in the front, left and right sides, rear, and turret.

Example 2: The Darling-class SAR is a 1,000-

ton Airship (Large) Support Vehicle. As its Safe
Thrust of 2 is less than 20 (1,000 / 50 = 20), the
Airship receives an SI value of 20.

Allocate Weapons
Turret mounted weapons are located in the turret into
which they were designed to fit. All other weapons are mount-
ed in a specific arc, depending on Chassis Type: Front,
Fore/Left, Fore/Right, Left, Right, Aft/Left, Aft/Right, or



This section provides descriptions and rules for equip- BattleTech: A Support Vehicle with sufficient capacity
ment commonly mounted on support vehicles. Each is pre- can carry one or more infantry units. Individual infantry units
sented in a format that gives a general description of the item cannot be split between multiple Support Vehicles.
and requirements or limitations for including the equipment When using Morale rules for infantry (see p. 37, MT), a
on a Support Vehicle. This is followed where appropriate by unit that has spent 8 hours or more being transported in an
specific rules for Classic BattleTech (CBT), Classic BattleTech Infantry Compartment without at least 8 hours rest receives a
RPG (CBT: RPG), AeroTech 2 (AT2), Combat Operations (CO), modifier of +2 to its Morale Target.
Field Manual: Mercenaries, Revised (FMMercs), and Battle- CO: After the first turn, for each consecutive campaign
Force 2 (BF2); if rules for a given rules set are not included, turn an infantry unit is deployed in a Support Vehicle
then the equipment has no effect. equipped with an Infantry Compartment, the infantry unit
Note: It is important to remember when using CBT: RPG, receives an additional 3 fatigue points. Infantry Bays are fully
the onus still falls on the gamemaster to determine many of equipped for long-term occupation and infantry units occupy-
the effects this equipment will have in individual scenarios or ing a bay do not suffer from fatigue.
campaigns. BF2: The Support Vehicle is designated as an infantry
transport (tran#), where the # is the compartment weight
BACKHOE (which dictates the troop capacity).
Designed for excavating soil, a vehicle can mount this
tool on the front, back or turret. ’Mech/Fighter Bay
Prohibited Equipment: Only a single backhoe can be Designed for long-range transport of a single ’Mech, aero-
mounted in any one location, which cannot be shared with a space fighter, conventional fighter, or Fixed Wing Support
bulldozer blade, chainsaw, combine, dual saw, heavy-duty pile Vehicle of up to 100 tons, the bay includes maintenance facil-
driver, mining drill, rock cutter, or wrecking ball. ities and basic quarters for vehicle crew and support person-
CBT: RPG: Apply a –2 TN modifier to any skill check nel.
made when digging with a backhoe. CO: The bay counts as a vehicle cubicle when using the
BattleTech: Support Vehicles cannot use the Backhoe to repair rules.
make an attack of any kind.
CO: The defending force in any Recon Raid, Base Attack, ProtoMech Bay
Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or Breakthrough scenario can A point of five ProtoMechs can be transported in this bay,
create prepared positions—3 per backhoe-equipped Support which also includes maintenance facilities and basic quarters
Vehicle assigned to the Regimental Battle Group (RBG). for their pilots and support personnel.
BF2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle CO: The bay counts as a ProtoMech vehicle cubicle when
(eng). using the repair rules.

BAYS Small Craft Bay

Support Vehicles can be designed to carry a multitude of Designed for long-range transport of a single Small Craft,
units, from infantry to ’Mechs. Each unit requires its own the bay includes maintenance facilities and basic quarters for
unique bay; rules governing each bay are found below. unit crew and support personnel. The bay can also accommo-

Infantry Compartment/Bay
Infantry Compartments are
intended for transporting infantry and
their equipment over short dis-
Tons Tech
tances—standard cargo compart-
Infantry Type Men Compartment/Bay Level
ments can be used to carry infantry
Inner Sphere Foot Infantry Platoon 28 3/5 A
with little or no modification. Infantry
Inner Sphere Jump Infantry Platoon 21 4/6 C
Bays, on the other hand, include life
Inner Sphere Motorized Infantry Platoon 28 6/7 C
support, living quarters, maintenance
Inner Sphere Battle Armor Squad 4 4/10 D
facilities, and support personnel,
Inner Sphere Mechanized Infantry 5 5/8 B
allowing them to be used over
Clan Foot Infantry Point 25 3/5 A
extended periods.
Clan Jump Infantry Point 25 4/6 C
Space Limit: Each Infantry Com-
Clan Motorized Infantry Point 25 6/7 C
partment/Bay is counted as a single
Clan Battle Armor Point 5 5/10 D
item of equipment.
Clan Mechanized Infantry 5 5/8 B


date a single aerospace fighter, conventional fighter, or Fixed toMechs while in flight. One ’Mech or ProtoMech, one battle
Wing Support Vehicle if required. armor squad or Point, or one jump infantry platoon can drop
CO: The bay counts as a vehicle cubicle when using the from a Bay Door each turn. They deploy in the same manner as
repair rules. units deploying from a Support Vehicle on the ground.
Non-jump capable units deploying from airborne Support
Vehicle, Light Vehicles are automatically destroyed.
Designed for long-range transport of a single Wheeled, Submerged Support Vehicles can launch or recover sub-
Tracked, Hover, or VTOL vehicle (combat or Support) of up to mersible units and BattleMechs. BattleMechs deployed under
50 tons, the bay includes maintenance facilities and basic water fall to the bottom of the body of water unless equipped
quarters for crew and support personnel. with Underwater Maneuvering Units (see MapPack: Solaris VII,
The bay can accommodate only one unit of up to 50 tons p. 62); for further rules on the effects of extreme depths on
at a time. BattleTech units, see Extreme Depths, p. 168, Handbook:
CO: The bay counts as a vehicle cubicle when using the House Steiner.
repair rules.
Vehicle, Heavy MEDIUM, HEAVY)
Designed for long-range transport of a single Wheeled, A Support Vehicle outfitted as a bridgelayer carries a 30-
Tracked, Hover, or VTOL vehicle (combat or support) of up to meter-long folding bridge mounted on the front. This temporary
100 tons, the bay includes maintenance facilities and basic bridge can be deployed quickly to allow BattleMechs, vehicles,
quarters for crew and support personnel. and people to cross rivers, ravines, or ditches. A Support
The bay can accommodate only one unit of up to 100 Vehicle equipped as a bridgelayer cannot mount a turret.
tons at a time. Space Limit: The bridge and deploying mechanism count
CO: The bay counts as a vehicle cubicle when using the as a single item for the purposes of construction limits.
repair rules. CBT: RPG: The bridge can be deployed in 4 turns (20
seconds), requiring an Engineering Check.
Vehicle, Super-heavy Once deployed, the bridge can support a weight in tons
Designed for long-range transport of a single vehicle (com- up to its current CF (doubled when deployed on water); see
bat or support) of up to 200 tons, the bay includes maintenance Weapons and Equipment Table, p 107.
facilities and basic quarters for crew and support personnel. BattleTech: While the 1-hex-long folding bridge is carried,
The bay can accommodate only one unit of up to 200 any attacks that would otherwise have hit the turret location
tons at a time. hit the bridge, reducing its CF by a like amount of damage.
CO: The bay counts as a vehicle cubicle when using the Critical hits to the bridge disable the mechanism that deploys
repair rules. the bridge. Additional critical hits have no effect.
The bridgelayer’s controlling player may declare that the
BAY DOOR Support Vehicle is deploying the bridge during any End Phase.
Any Support Vehicle that carries personnel, cargo, or The Support Vehicle must remain stationary during the follow-
even other units internally can also incorporate one or more ing turn. At the end of that turn, the bridge is placed in the
Bay Doors into its design. While these doors occupy no addi- hex directly in front of the bridgelayer, along the same facing
tional weight or space, they do dictate the direction in which as the Support Vehicle. (i.e. the bridge cannot extend away
the transported unit(s) can board or disembark. from the bridgelayer at an angle. A bridge may be placed in
Small and Medium Support Vehicles can be outfitted with any Water hex, but must be adjacent to at least one land hex
one door in each of the four arcs (front, left, right, and rear). (or another bridge).
Large Support Vehicles can be outfitted with one door per unit The bridge is made of a strong, lightweight material and
bay (see p. 116). Each of these doors should be allocated to is supported by flotation devices when deployed on water so
one of the six Large Vessel arcs (front, front-left, front-right, that it can support greater weight than its CF would normally
rear-left, rear-right, or rear), see p. 135. allow. A bridge on water can support units weighing up to
Space Limit: Bay Doors do not count towards the equip- twice its current CF before collapsing. This limit is the total
ment count of the Support Vehicle. weight of all units standing on the bridge in a particular hex.
BattleTech: Each turn, one unit can enter or exit the Sup- Alternatively, the bridge can be placed between two ele-
port Vehicle through each bay door. The unit should be placed vated hexes to bridge a gap—provided there is no more than
on the map adjacent to the transporting Support Vehicle any- one elevation level difference between the two hexes. Finally,
where in the arc to which the door belongs. Stacking limits the bridge can be deployed in a hex two elevation levels high-
(see p. 21, BMR) still apply. er or lower than the one occupied by the bridgelayer to serve
Airborne Support Vehicles can drop jump capable ’Mechs, as a ramp. BattleMechs, ground vehicles, and infantry can
jump capable battle armor, jump infantry, or jump capable Pro- move up this ramp as if it were a road for a cost of 1MP.


BULLDOZER Level E CASE (Inner Sphere) must be fitted as part of the Sup-
A Wheeled or Tracked Support Vehicle may mount a sin- port Vehicles design, has a weight of 0.5 tons (500kg), and
gle bulldozer blade on the front to assist in clearing rubble. counts as one item of equipment.
Prohibited Equipment: A bulldozer blade cannot be Large Naval Vessels must mount CASE for each “center
mounted on the front of a Support Vehicle with a backhoe, line hex” it occupies (see Large Naval Vessel Size Table p.
chainsaw, combine, dual saw, heavy-duty pile driver, mining 136). CASE on Large Naval Vessels directs the blast upwards
drill, rock cutter, or wrecking ball. through blow-out panels on the deck.
CBT: RPG: Apply a –2 TN modifier to any Skill Check CBT: RPG: In most circumstances, a character caught in
made when clearing rubble. The bulldozer blade provides pro- an exploding Support Vehicle will be killed or seriously wound-
tection from attacks made from the front, and the Support ed. If the Support Vehicle is equipped with CASE then an
Vehicle is considered to have a BAR of 8 (unless its front has ammunition explosion does not injure the crew.
been armored to a higher level). BattleTech: When a Support Vehicle receives an ammo
BattleTech: A bulldozer can clear a path through a Rub- critical hit, the unit is destroyed, but the crew survive.
ble hex, allowing units to move through it as if through a The exception to this rule is when CASE is used on a
Clear hex. This process takes a varying amount of time, Large Naval Vessel. When a Large Naval Vessel equipped with
based on the type of structure the rubble represented before CASE receives an ammo critical, only one type of ammunition
it was destroyed. Rubble from a Light structure takes 2 turns carried is destroyed, along with all equipment in the hex loca-
to clear. Each heavier class of structure doubles the required tion damaged by the initial attack. The ammunition bin that
time, so a Medium structure takes 4 turns, a Heavy takes 8 detonates is for either the most destructive weapon in the
turns, and the rubble from a Hardened structure takes 16 hex of the Vessel attacked, or from any random ammunition
turns to clear. While it is clearing rubble, the Support Vehicle bin elsewhere on the Vessel if no ammunition-using weapons
must remain in the hex, though it can make facing changes are present in the affected hex. If no ammunition is present
as usual. It can make weapons attacks, though all shots are on the Vessel at all, the critical hit has no other effect. Note
modified as though the Support Vehicle was moving at Flank that in addition to destroying all equipment in the affected
speed (+2 modifier). section, exploding ammunition causes additional damage
Also, a Bulldozer Support Vehicle takes half damage directly to the internal structure of the hit location. This addi-
when it charges, though the damage it takes from being tional damage is equal to one round of the exploding ammuni-
charged is unmodified. Each time the Support Vehicle takes tion. If the internal structure is not destroyed, the Large Naval
damage to the front armor, roll 2D6. On a result of 2, the Vessel remains operational, provided it is not submerged.
Bulldozer blade is destroyed. (Submerged Vessels that suffer ammunition criticals automat-
BF2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle ically sink, but a CASE-equipped unit enables the crew to sur-
(eng). vive and use any escape pods to abandon ship.)
CO: Before the start of play, the defending force in any Gauss ammunition does not detonate but is rendered
Recon Raid, Base Attack, Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or useless.
Breakthrough scenario can clear 3 rubble-filled hexes for
every bulldozer-equipped Support Vehicle assigned to its Regi- A Jormungand-class Bluewater Cruiser receives a
mental Battle Group (RBG). hit to the unit’s rear arc that generates an ammo criti-
cal hit. The LR Torpedo ammunition is selected ran-
CARGO domly as the ammunition type that explodes. The cruis-
Internal cargo space can be set-aside during the design er suffers 20 points of damage (the damage from one
process. Support Vehicles are often called upon to transport round of LR Torpedo 20 ammunition) to the rear inter-
a much more diverse range of cargoes than their battlefield nal structure (reducing it from 60 to 40 points) and the
cousins. See Add Other Equipment, p. 106, for a selection of aft SR Torpedo 6 launchers are destroyed.
cargo types. Apparently out of luck, the unit is hit again—this
The mass devoted towards cargo is always factored into time on the turret in hex #6 of the Large Navel Ves-
the Support Vehicles movement rates—that is, a Support sel Template. This hit also generates an ammo criti-
Vehicle that devotes 50% of its internal mass towards cargo cal hit, detonating the Long Tom ammunition, inflict-
will not travel faster when empty. ing another 20 points of internal structure damage to
the turret, and destroying all turret-mounted
CASE weapons.
Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE) can be fit-
ted to allow a Support Vehicle’s crew (if not the unit itself) to CHAINSAW
survive the accidental detonation of stowed ammunition. Tech Feared throughout the botanical universe, the chainsaw
Level F CASE (Clan) is installed automatically as part of the can reduce even the most stubborn growth to a pile of kin-
ammo bin and takes up no additional equipment slots. Tech dling (or usable timber) in minutes.


Prohibited Equipment: Only one chainsaw can be mount- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT

ed on the front, back, or turret of a Support Vehicle, and it Often of military grade, this equipment is commonly
cannot be mounted in the same location as a backhoe, bull- found on civilian incident-control vehicles used by police, fire-
dozer blade, combine, dual saw, heavy-duty pile driver, mining fighters, and emergency medical units.
drill, rock cutter, or wrecking ball. Space Limit: Communications equipment is installed in 1-ton
CBT: RPG: Apply a –2 TN modifier to any Skill Check (1,000 kg) blocks but is treated as a single item of equipment.
made when performing logging operations. CBT: RPG: The equipment is equivalent to a long-range
BattleTech: This logging device can be used in a modified communications kit. ComStar and Word of Blake units often
Charge Attack with a base to-hit number of 6, modified as nor- upgrade this to their Advanced Field Communications Kit,
mal by movement and terrain modifiers. A successful attack which has an Availability Rating of D. Each ton of communica-
inflicts 5 points of damage to BattleMechs, vehicles, and bat- tions equipment can operate as a monitoring station for one
tle armor; against ’Mechs, use the appropriate Kick Location type of remote sensor (see Remote Sensors, p. 107, LT and
table or the appropriate full-body hit location table if the ’Mech Remote Sensor Dispenser, p. 181, CBTComp).
is prone. Against standard infantry, the chainsaw delivers 1D6 BattleTech: If a Support Vehicle has 3 to 6 tons of com-
damage (doubled as usual if the infantry unit is in open ter- munications equipment, it can function as a basic field HQ,
rain). Damage to buildings by a chainsaw is 1 point. granting its side a +1 Initiative bonus each turn. If the Sup-
A chainsaw can clear a path through Wooded hexes. This port Vehicle carries 7 or more tons of communications equip-
process takes 2 turns to reduce a Wooded hex from its cur- ment, it is an advanced mobile HQ, granting a +2 Initiative
rent state to one lower (Heavy Woods becomes Light Woods; bonus. A side may benefit from only one mobile HQ at a time
Light Woods becomes Rubble terrain). While clearing woods, (see p. 70, MT), including BattleMechs with the command
the Support Vehicle must remain in the hex, though it can console cockpit (see p. 59, MT).
make facing changes as usual. It can also make weapons Each ton of equipment can be used to monitor one
attacks, though all shots are modified as though the unit was remote sensor (see Remote Sensors, p. 107, LT and Remote
moving at Flank speed (+2 modifier). Sensor Dispenser, p. 127).
BF2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle BF2: If a Support Vehicle carries 7 or more tons of com-
(eng). munications equipment, it is considered to be equipped with
CO: Before the start of play, the defending force in any headquarters (hq) special equipment.
Recon Raid, Base Attack, Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or CO: Any unit with one or more Support Vehicles outfitted
Breakthrough scenario can turn 3 woods-filled hexes into with communications equipment receives a +1 modifier when
rough terrain for every chainsaw-equipped Support Vehicle making supply rolls (see pp. 46-49, CO).
assigned to its Regimental Battle Group (RBG). FMMercs: Each ton of communications equipment in a
mercenary force generates between 20 to 50 Administrative
COMBINE Support points, depending on Experience Level (see p. 151,
The bane of vegetable life forms across known space, a FMMercs).
single combine can be mounted on the front of a wheeled,
hover or tracked vehicle. CONCEALED WEAPON
Prohibited Equipment: A combine cannot be mounted in Smaller, lighter weapons can be modified to blend into
the same location as a chainsaw, backhoe, bulldozer blade, the body of a Support Vehicle. This is highly illegal in most cir-
dual saw, heavy-duty pile driver, mining drill, rock cutter, or cumstances. Heavier weapons, such as those mounted on
wrecking ball. combat vehicles, cannot receive this modification as their
CBT: RPG: All harvesting activities receive a –2 TN modi- size and bulk is almost impossible to conceal.
fier when using a combine. Only Light and Medium Weapons may receive this modifi-
BattleTech: A Support Vehicle can attack one enemy unit cation.
in the same hex with a combine. Performed during the Physi- Space Limit: The concealed weapon modification does
cal Attack Phase, the attack has a base to-hit number of 3, not count towards the Support Vehicle’s equipment limit, but
modified as normal by movement and terrain modifiers. A suc- the weapon itself does.
cessful attack inflicts 3 points of damage to ’Mech, vehicle, CBT: RPG: Concealed weapons can only be spotted via a
or battle armor units; for BattleMech targets, use the appro- successful Perception Check. If the weapon goes undetected it
priate Kick Location Table or the full-boy Hit Location Tables if can be used to launch a Surprise Attack (see p. 120, CBT: RPG).
the target is prone. Standard infantry units suffer 1D6 points
of damage from a successful Combine attack (doubled if the DOCKING UNITS
infantry is in open terrain, per standard rules). Combines A modification common on larger naval vessels to assist
inflict only 1 damage point to buildings. in close-quarters maneuvering (such as during docking opera-
tions at the typical seaport), docking units are an extensive


series of maneuvering propellers or underwater “jets” located ’Mech), vehicles, battle armor, or standard infantry (as nor-
along the bow and aft of large vessels and inactive during nor- mal, damage is doubled if the infantry is in open terrain).
mal operations. When the vessel is not operating at speed, A dual saw can clear a path through the wooded hexes,
these units may be used to spin the vessel in place or even using the rules for a chainsaw (see Chainsaw, p. 118).
sideslip it into a tight berth. BF2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle
Only Large Naval Vessels can use this equipment. (eng).
CBT: RPG: Use of Docking Units enables a Large Naval CO: The defending force in any Recon Raid, Base Attack,
vessel to pivot in place or move laterally, but only when not Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or Breakthrough scenario can
currently using the main engines for forward (or reverse) clear 2 wood-filled hexes before the start of play per dual
movement. Their use during docking operations provides a –2 saw-equipped Support Vehicle assigned to the Regimental
TN modifier for any required Pilot/Naval Checks deemed nec- Battle Group (RBG). Alternatively, the equipment can be used
essary by the gamemaster. to weaken or destroy structures. Each dual saw-equipped unit
BattleTech: Docking Units may be used to allow any can distribute 35 points of damage between all structures on
Naval Vessel that is otherwise stationary (e.g., expending no the maps before the start of the first round.
MPs on either forward or reverse movement in the current
turn) to pivot in place or move laterally, in exception to the DUMPER
standard rules for Large Naval Vessel movement (see p. 96). The cargo bed of the Support Vehicle is designed to tilt
Note that these maneuvers can only use Cruising MPs. (usually to the rear, but sometimes to one side or the front),
Pivoting in place costs a Docking Unit-equipped vessel 3 allowing the contents to be emptied in a minute or less. The
MPs per hexside of facing change, with the vessel pivoting tilt mechanism weights 5% of the cargo capacity.
around its template’s pivot point. CBT: RPG: The Support Vehicle can drop the entire con-
Using Docking Units to move laterally costs 4 MPs per tents of its dumper in a single turn as a Simple Action.
hex of movement. This maneuver moves the entire vessel BattleTech: The Support Vehicle can drop all cargo car-
sideways one hex, with the pivot point moving to either ried in a dumper-equipped cargo area (see p. 78, BMR) at the
desired adjacent hex on the left or right side. end of the Movement Phase, at no MP cost.
Note that Large Naval Vessels attempting either maneu- CO: The defending force in any Recon Raid, Base Attack,
ver may spend MPs on no other movement type when using Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or Breakthrough scenario can
Docking Units in this fashion. Also, should the vessel lack use its dumper-equipped units to create up to 5 prepared
sufficient Cruise MPs to complete such maneuvers in one positions each, prior to the start of play.
turn, they may “bank” any remaining Cruising MPs to com-
plete the maneuver in the following turn, so a Large Naval EJECTION SEAT
Vessel with a Cruise of 3 attempting to make a lateral move- Normally reserved for high performance Fixed Wing or
ment must spend two turns executing the maneuver, and VTOL Support Vehicles, an ejection seat can be used in place
could only shift its position on the map in the second turn, of a standard seat as crew accommodations in Small Support
when the maneuver is completed. Vehicles.
CBT: RPG: Any character can eject (or automatically be
DUAL SAW ejected) at any time via a Simple Action. Triggering the ejec-
The dual saw is a commonly used construction tool. More tion system automatically activates all ejection seats in the
powerful than the chainsaw, the dual saw uses twin high- Support Vehicle unless the system is disabled.
speed ferro-carbide circular blades instead of a chain-fed cut- BattleTech: When the Support Vehicle is destroyed, either
ter design. The saw was developed specifically with hard through weapons fire or crashing, any crew equipped with an
objects, such as industrial steel and pavement, in mind. ejection seat automatically ejects unless the controlling player
Prohibited Equipment: Only one dual saw can be mount- elects to disable the system prior to the start of play.
ed on a single Support Vehicle, and it cannot be mounted in After ejection, the crew is deposited in the hex directly
the same location as a backhoe, bulldozer blade, chainsaw, behind their ex-Support Vehicle and treated as a foot infantry
combine, heavy-duty pile driver, mining drill, rock cutter, or rifle platoon with the number of active members equal to the
wrecking ball. number of crew.
CBT: RPG: When working hard materials, this equipment Landing in prohibited terrain (such as water) results in
adds +2 to the TN of Skill Checks. instant elimination of the crew as a viable unit.
BattleTech: This construction tool can be used in a modi- CO: Each consecutive campaign turn a Support Vehicle
fied Charge Attack with a base to-hit number of 6, modified as equipped with only ejection seats and/or crew and passenger
normal by movement and terrain modifiers. A successful seats is deployed, the unit receives an additional 3 fatigue
attack inflicts 7 points of damage to ’Mechs (using the Kick points.
Location Table, or the full Hit Location Table against a prone



This escape system is identical to the standard AT2 Support Vehicles lack the sophisticated sensor systems
escape pod (see p. 167, Technical Readout 3057, Revised). installed in combat vehicles. Heavy Weapons are less accurate,
A maritime version of this equipment also exists for use and Medium Weapons require a full crew to operate them. Two
on submersible vessels. These pods, once activated and eject- types of fire control are available: Basic and Advanced.
ed, automatically float to the surface, ascending at a rate of 5 Only Advanced Fire Control can be used in conjunction
levels per turn from the depth of their ejection. Once on the with a targeting computer.
surface, the pods function as a maritime lifeboat (see p. 123).
Advanced Fire Control
EXTERNAL STORES HARDPOINT Advanced Fire Control weighs 10% of the weight of all
Mounted on the underside of the wing or fuselage, these Heavy or Medium Weapons mounted on the Support Vehicle
hardpoints allow Fixed Wing Support Vehicles to carry external and does not count towards a unit’s equipment limit. It can-
stores (bombs, rockets, external fuel tanks, and so on) in the not be used in conjunction with Basic Fire Control on the
same manner as aerospace or conventional fighters (see p. same Support Vehicle.
38, AT2). CBT: RPG: Heavy Weapons tied into Advanced Fire Con-
One hardpoint can be mounted per 10 tons of Support trol attack as normal. Medium Weapons require only a single
Vehicle weight (rounded up) and can carry one ton of ordi- operator, which can also be the driver.
nance (either a bomb, a fuel tank, a rocket pod, or a TAG BattleTech: Heavy Weapons mounting Advanced Fire
pod). Five are required to carry an Arrow IV missile. Control avoid the usual +2 to-hit modifier. Medium Weapons
CBT: RPG: require only a single operator,
When carrying which can also be the driver.
bombs on a hard-
point, attacks are Basic Fire Control
resolved using Basic Fire Control weighs
Vehicle Maximum Fixed Wing VTOL
the Bombing Skill. 5% of the weight of all Heavy or
Template Flight Decks Capacity Capacity
Rockets, mis- Medium Weapons mounted on
A 0 N/A N/A
siles, or target the Support Vehicle and does
B 0 N/A N/A
acquisition gear not counts towards a unit’s
C 1 1 4
use the Gun- equipment limit. It cannot be
D 2 2 8
nery/Aerospace used in conjunction with
E 3 3 12
subskill appropri- Advanced Fire Control or a tar-
ate to the weapon geting computer on the same
type. Support Vehicle.
AT2: Fixed Wing Support Vehicles with external stores CBT: RPG: Heavy Weapons tied into Basic Fire Control
can use them to carry bombs and make bombing attacks per receive a +2 TN modifier. Medium Weapons require only a sin-
the Bombing rules in AT2 (see p. 37). gle operator but cannot be operated by the driver.
BattleTech: Heavy Weapons mounting Basic Fire Control
FIELD KITCHEN avoid the usual +2 to-hit modifier, receiving only a +1 to-hit penal-
Troops can go for weeks on standard field rations, but ty. Medium Weapons require only a single operator but cannot be
even advanced Clan MREs (Meal: Ready to Eat, unofficially operated by the driver.
known as Meal: Rejected by Everyone) are no substitute for a
decent hot meal. A properly equipped field kitchen can cook FLIGHT DECK
for a large body of personnel in the field. Large Naval Vessels can use a flight deck to launch and
CO: When using the Fatigue rules (see pp. 54-55, CO), recover aerospace fighters, conventional fighters, or Fixed
forces that have access to field kitchens reduce Fatigue by 1 Wing Support Vehicles. Consisting of a 120-meter deck area,
extra point. One field kitchen can supply 150 combat troops launch catapult, and arresting mechanisms, the system also
(and their support personnel) per week. When determining includes a lift to move units to and from the hanger space
which forces have access to the available field kitchen (represented by the appropriate bay). This process takes 1
resources, do not split any units: i.e. all 28 ground-pounders minute, and so a flight deck can recover one unit, take it
in that platoon are counted, or none are. below decks, bring up another and launch it in two minutes.
If a command is suffering from supply problems then the The flight deck can also handle up to four VTOLs (either com-
field kitchen gives no bonus until the situation improves. bat or Support Vehicle). While any VTOLs are on the flight deck
it cannot be used for other launch and recovery operations.
Submerged Support Vehicles cannot perform launch or
recovery operations.


Additional flight deck facilities can be added as indicated Sparrowhawks, that fighter also receives 10 points
by the Flight Deck Capacity Table. Each flight deck reduces of damage (on the aft hit location table as the fight-
the number of turrets a Support Vehicle can mount by 3. er is orientated to face the front of the carrier).
Space Limit: Each flight deck is treated as 10 items of The second Sparrowhawk is not affected.
CBT: RPG: A catapult launch is relatively straightforward, HEAT SINKS
requiring a Very Easy Piloting Check. On an Abysmal result the Heavy-class energy weapons (Lasers, PPCs, and all Flamers
launch goes catastrophically wrong, with the launched unit except Vehicle Flamers) generate a tremendous amount of heat
crashing several hundred meters ahead of the carrier. that the Support Vehicle must dissipate. Heat Sinks are mount-
Landing is a somewhat more challenging operation, ed expressly for this purpose. Unlike their military counterparts,
requiring an Average Difficulty Level Check. An Almost or Bad Support Vehicle fusion or fission power plants have only a basic
failure means that the pilot was waved off the approach and cooling system capable of managing essential requirements,
must repeat the attempt (if sufficient fuel remains). A Terrible and the unit receives no “free” Heat Sinks. The Support Vehicle
failure means the unit missed the arrester gear and the pilot must carry sufficient Heat Sinks to dissipate the heat generated
must make an Average Skill Check to get airborne again or by all Heavy-class energy weapons.
end up diving off the flight deck with the same result as a Support vehicles can employ only single heat sinks.
failed catapult launch. An Abysmal failure means the unit
crashed into the flight deck (and is effectively destroyed), ren- HEAVY-DUTY PILE DRIVER
dering the deck unusable for further launch or recovery opera- A common sight on Inner Sphere construction sites, the
tions. How much time and money is required to repair the pile driver is used to pound into place the piles on which the
flight deck should be based upon the type of crash and is left foundations of tall buildings rest.
up to the discretion of the game master. It can range from a Prohibited Equipment: Only one heavy-duty pile driver can
simple clean-up operation (which would take all of five to fif- be mounted per unit (must be mounted on the front of a
teen minutes as the wreckage is shoved overboard by Wheeled or Tracked Support Vehicle), and it cannot be mount-
onboard vehicles) to an emergency return to drydock for a ed in the same location as a backhoe, bulldozer blade, chain-
deck replacement, effectively putting the carrier out of com- saw, combine, dual saw, mining drill, rock cutter, or wrecking
mission for as long as a month. ball.
BattleTech: Large Support Vehicles can carry other units, CBT: RPG: The Heavy-Duty pile driver provides a –2 TN
which they can deploy or recover from a flight deck 120 modifier to any Skill Check involving the construction of foun-
meters (4 hexes) long. A Piloting Skill Roll (with appropriate dations for building projects.
modifiers for the condition of the craft) is required when BattleTech: This powerful construction equipment can be
launching or landing (see Launching/Recovering Small Craft, used to make a modified Charge Attack with a base to-hit
p. 55, AT2). Any damage suffered by the unit during landing number of 8, modified as normal by movement and terrain
as a result of a failure is also applied to the rear of the modifiers. A successful attack inflicts 9 points of damage to
launching craft. A failure during takeoff that results in a crash ’Mechs (using the Kick Location Table or the full Hit Location
effectively destroys the crashing unit. Table against a prone ’Mech), vehicles, battle armor, or con-
While on deck, all units are treated as unprotected cargo ventional infantry (as normal, damage is doubled if the
(see pp. 77-78, BMR), and the controlling player must deter- infantry is in open terrain).
mine in which hex each unit is located. Any damage from a BF2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle (eng).
weapon hit on that hex is resolved against both the carrying CO: The defending force in any Recon Raid, Base Attack,
Support Vehicle and the landed unit contained in the hex (or Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or Breakthrough scenario can
against one unit landed in the hex, determined randomly, if use the pile driver to weaken or destroy structures. Fifty
there is more than one). Fixed Wing units (aerospace fighters, points of damage can be distributed between all structures
conventional fighters, and Fixed Wing Support Vehicles) are on the map before the start of the first round from each pile
assumed to be orientated to face the front of the carrier unit. driver-equipped unit in the RBG. Alternatively, each pile driver-
The controlling player determines the facing of a VTOL when equipped unit can be used to create up to 5 prepared posi-
the unit is brought up on deck; otherwise facing is the unit’s tions before the start of play.
most recent heading prior to landing.
A PPC strikes a Nautilus-class carrier from Information is ammunition, and the High-Res image cam-
astern. The vessel recovered two Sparrowhawk aero- era can provide a wealth of information when mounted on sur-
space fighters during the previous turn. The 10 vey and spy satellites. With the advanced optics of this equip-
points of damage are resolved against the carrier ment it is possible to resolve objects of one meter or larger
unit as normal (using the Rear hit location table), from orbit during daylight hours, depending on weather condi-
but as the PPC struck a hex occupied by one of the tions: i.e., cloud cover obscures a target and so on.


CBT: RPG: With access to intelligence from satellite (Tech Level D and above) versions can detect body heat, even
imagery, Tactics and Strategy TNs receive a –1 modifier if one inside buildings.
or more satellites are available. The satellite imagery is nor- CBT: RPG: With access to intelligence from satellite
mally only available during daylight hours, and only when imagery, Tactics and Strategy TNs receive a –1 modifier if one
cloud cover (as determined by the Gamemaster) does not or more satellites are currently in use. This modifier is not
obscure the area of interest. This bonus in not cumulative, cumulative, even if a single satellite also mounts a High-Res
even if a satellite is also equipped with an Infrared Image Image Camera or Look Down Radar. See Heat Sensor rules
Camera or Look Down Radar. (pp. 107-108, LT).
BattleTech: At the start of play, an opponent must make BattleTech: At the start of play, an opponent must make a
a 2D6 roll for each hidden unit they control. On a result of 8+, 2D6 roll for each hidden unit they control. On a result of 8+,
the location of the hidden unit must be revealed to the player the location of the hidden unit must be revealed to the player
controlling a satellite equipped with a High-Res Image Camera. controlling a satellite equipped with an Infrared Imager Camera.
CO: During a campaign turn the controlling player gains a CO: During this campaign turn, the controlling player
+1 Initiative bonus during one daytime battle if a satellite gains a +1 Initiative bonus during one battle for each satellite
equipped with a High-Res Image Camera is available, i.e., if equipped with an Infrared Image Camera.
three battles are fought in a campaign turn and the player has This modifier is not cumulative, even if a single satellite
2 satellites available, then the Initiative bonus can be allocat- also mounts a High-Res Image Camera or Look Down Radar.
ed to two of the battles.
This bonus in not cumulative, even if a satellite is also LADDER
equipped with an Infrared Image Camera or Look Down Radar. An extending ladder with a reach of 20 to 100 meters
can be mounted in a fixed location or on a turret, allowing it
HELIPAD to rotate to face any direction.
Large Naval Vessels can be equipped with a helipad to CBT: RPG: Climbing Checks made using a ladder are con-
carry and launch VTOLs (either combat or Support Vehicles). sidered to be Very Easy difficulty.
The system includes a lift to bring up or return a VTOL to its BattleTech: Friendly conventional infantry units may use
hanger space (represented by the appropriate vehicle bay). a ladder to change elevation levels at a rate of 1 MP per level
This process takes 1 minute, and so a landing pad can recov- of change, allowing them to climb to higher elevations adja-
er a VTOL, take it below decks, bring up another and launch it cent to the ladder-equipped vehicle. However, while using the
in 2 minutes. Each helipad replaces one turret location and ladder, the infantry unit is treated as unprotected cargo on
counts as 3 equipment items. the ladder-wielding vehicle. Note that the ladder may only
No launch or recovery operations can be performed by a accommodate one infantry unit at a time in this fashion.
submerged unit.
CBT: RPG: Normally a landing or takeoff from a Large LIFEBOAT (MARITIME)
Naval Vehicle requires a Very Easy Skill Check. The difficulty Emergency equipment carried by blue-water vessels, the
of the Skill Check may increase in difficult weather or if the maritime lifeboat (not to be confused with its spaceborne
VTOL has suffered damage. counterpart) is equipped with survival gear, food, and water
BattleTech: The basic launch/recovery system repre- for 10 people for 7 days.
sents a 30-meter section of flight deck. This landing area can- In some regions it is a legal requirement that sufficient
not be used to launch or recover other VTOLs while another is lifeboat capacity for all passengers and crew be provided. In
present. others, such luxuries are reserved for first class passengers
While on deck all craft are treated as unprotected cargo alone.
(see pp. 77-78, BMR), and the damage from each weapon hit CBT: RPG: Maritime Lifeboats are considered to have an
is resolved against both the carrying unit and one randomly armor value (AV) of 1/1/1/1 and provide minimal cover for
selected, landed VTOL unit. The controlling player determines characters within. If a lifeboat suffers damage from an attack
the facing of a VTOL when the unit is brought up on deck; oth- that results in the equivalent of a Serious Wound or better, the
erwise facing is the unit’s last heading prior to landing. lifeboat sinks in the following turn. Lifeboats come equipped
See the Flight Deck rules (p. 121) for details on resolving with small electric or gas-powered outboard motors, enabling
damage against landed VTOLs. them to move at a modest rate of 15 meters per turn with a
maximum range of 50 kilometers. Any Action Checks required
INFRARED IMAGER CAMERA while piloting a lifeboat require the Piloting/Naval skill. If the
Used by both military and civilian satellites, the infrared boat exceeds its operational range, it may drift unless the char-
imager can resolve objects of one meter or larger from orbit, acters are willing and able to row. Rowing requires no Action
even when the target area is in darkness. More advanced Check and enables the rowing characters to move the lifeboat
a number of meters per turn equal to the combined STR


Attribute scores of all rowing characters, divided by 5 (rounding This modifier is not cumulative, even if a single satellite
up). Note that gamemasters may require a Navigation Check to also mounts a High-Res Image Camera or an Infrared Image
guide a lifeboat on the open seas or in inclement weather, Camera.
where land and safe ports may be out of visual range.
BattleTech: In the turn it is destroyed (or any time prior MANIPULATOR
to that), the crew of a Large Naval Vessel (a submersible unit An articulated arm with a gripping claw can be mounted
must be on the surface) can abandon ship. Lifeboats are to the exterior of a Support Vehicle, allowing those inside to
treated as conventional infantry units for purposes of stack- interact with the surrounding environment without exiting the
ing, with a damage capacity equal to one point plus the num- unit. The manipulator can handle objects of up to 100kg.
ber of people on board (to a maximum of 11). Lifeboats have CBT: RPG: The gripper is somewhat clumsy and any
a movement rate of 1MP on water hexes only. actions performed with it receive a –4 DEX modifier. The
manipulator cannot wield infantry weapons effectively.
A Support Vehicle can mount up to four lift hoists, each MASH UNIT
of which is counted as a separate item of equipment. Each In the thirty-first century, a Mobile Surgical Army Hospital
lift hoist allows a Support Vehicle to lift cargo equal to half its (MASH) unit is a sophisticated vehicle-mounted facility with
tonnage (or 200 tons, whichever is lower). These limits can the capabilities of a fully functional field hospital. It drives
be combined. For example, a 70-ton unit mounting three lift near the battle zone and within a matter of hours deploys an
hoists can lift a single item weighing 105 tons. entire hospital, including recovery rooms, staff quarters, and
CBT: RPG: The Support Vehicle must remain stationary for operating theaters.
four combat turns (20 seconds) in order to load or unload cargo. A MASH unit can be mounted on any type of Support
BattleTech: The Support Vehicle can load or unload a Vehicle except VTOLs. The basic unit contains stores and
cargo item unassisted in two turns (20 seconds). The unit administrative and diagnostic systems, and a unit with one
can neither move nor fire while loading cargo. Unless the unit operating theater weighs 3.5 tons. Additional theaters weigh
has sufficient cargo capacity or transport bays to carry the 1 ton each.
item, then for purposes of combat the cargo in a lift hoist is Space Limit: The whole unit (regardless of the number of
treated as “unprotected cargo” and damage is resolved per theaters) counts as a single item of equipment for purposes
the Cargo Carrier rules (see p. 77, BMR). of vehicle space limits.
CBT: RPG: The MASH is normally equipped with all med-
LOOK DOWN RADAR ical equipment available under the Support Vehicle’s Tech
Look Down Radar is employed by satellites and Fixed Wing Level. The wealth of drugs and equipment represented by a
Support Vehicles to accurately map the surface of a planet MASH unit is normally accompanied by substantial security
(and monitor movement). Unlike most civilian radar systems forces (usually military police) deployed to deter theft.
the Look Down Radar is not affected by ground clutter. BF2: The Support Vehicle has the MASH (mash) special
ECM systems block Look Down Radar. equipment.
CBT: RPG: With access to radar intelligence, Tactics and CO: The Support Vehicle counts as a MASH unit and can
Strategy TNs receive a –1 modifier if one or more satellites perform a number of Healing Actions determined by the expe-
are currently in use, provided the opposition is not equipped rience level of its personnel as described in Medical Services
with any form of ECM. (see p. 57, CO).
This modifier is not cumulative, even if a single satellite FMMercs: Each MASH Unit generates between 20 and
also mounts a High-Res Image Camera or an Infrared Image 50 Medical Support points, depending on Experience Level
Camera. (see p. 150, FMMercs).
BattleTech: At the start of play, an opponent must make
a 2D6 roll for each hidden unit they control. On a result of 8+, MINE DISPENSER
the location of the hidden unit must be revealed to the player (LAND OR MARITIME))
controlling a Satellite or Fixed Wing Support Vehicle equipped Mine dispensers are one-shot canisters that allow a vehicle
with Look Down Radar. to rapidly deploy a minefield. Available in both land-based and
CO: During a campaign turn, the controlling player gains a maritime versions, each is effective only in its designed venue.
+1 Initiative bonus during one battle for each Satellite or Mine dispensers may be mounted on all wheeled, hover,
Fixed Wing Support Vehicle equipped with Look Down Radar. or tracked Support Vehicles and can lay landmine fields as
If the opposing force is equipped with ECM then this bonus is described below. Maritime mine dispensers may only be
not received. mounted on naval vessels and may only deploy conventional
and command-detonated sea mines (p. 22) in accordance
with these rules, to a depth of 72 meters (12 levels in Clas-
sic BattleTech gameplay).


CBT: RPG: Each dispenser contains sufficient mines to For conventional minefields, make the standard 2D6 roll
lay two minefields that can cover 350 square meters each. to see if the mines detonate. The mines explode on a result of
Laying a minefield is a Complex Action. For more detailed 6+ rather than the standard 7+. If the mines explode, the
minefield rules see Lostech, p. 38-39 (and in this book under entire hex is cleared and the minesweeper device takes 6
Mines and Minefields, p. 21). points of damage. If the mines do not explode, make a second
BattleTech: While more than one dispenser system can be 2D6 roll to check for detonation (which occurs on a result of
mounted on a vehicle, only one can be activated per turn. A sin- 7+). If a mine explodes on this roll, the damage is applied to
gle dispenser allows the unit to deploy a 10-point minefield, the front armor of the vehicle, and the hex remains mined per
which may be Conventional, Command Detonated, Anti-Jump standard rules for an accidental detonation (see p. 86, BMR).
“Active”, or Vibro-bomb (determined before the start of play). Normal attack damage to the vehicle does not affect the
Any turn the vehicle does not move or attack it may deploy minesweeper device. If the vehicle makes a charging attack
mines in the current hex. or another vehicle crashes into or charges its Front side, both
As with Thunder munitions (see p. 144, BMR), units occu- the front armor and the minesweeper device sustain damage.
pying the hex during the same round that the hex is mined The minesweeper device can take 30 points of damage
with conventional mines is not subject to mine attack upon before it is destroyed.
leaving the hex. Vibro-bombs and Command-detonated mines BF 2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle
operate as normal. (eng).
The maximum damage a minefield (or multiple minefields
if a mix of mines is used) is 20 points. For example, if a vehi- MINING DRILL
cle were to deploy a 10-point command-detonated minefield Used to bore through the hardest ores, the mining drill is
and two 10-point conventional minefields in the same hex, capable of much finer control then the rock cutter. With a small-
then the maximum damage a unit can sustain in a single turn er surface area, however, it is much less effective as a weapon.
through attack by these minefields would be 20 points. This equipment can only be mounted on Wheeled,
Tracked, or Naval Vessels.
MINESWEEPER (LAND OR MARITIME) Prohibited Equipment: Only one mining drill can be
Minesweepers are designed to detonate mines at a safe mounted per vehicle (it must be turret mounted), and it can-
distance in front of the vehicle, clearing a safe path for other not be mounted in the same location as a backhoe, bulldozer
units. Though the forms these devices take tend to vary, blade, chainsaw, combine, dual saw, heavy-duty pile driver,
especially with some designed for maritime use and others rock cutter, or wrecking ball.
for land, many consist of large rotating drums with chains or CBT: RPG: Apply a –4 TN modifier to any Skill Check
other protrusions designed to intentionally detonate mines, made when digging or tunneling with a mining drill.
all mounted on a supporting structure that holds the system BattleTech: The mining drill can be used to make a modi-
safely away from the front of the vehicle. fied Charge Attack with a base to-hit number of 5, modified as
Ground-based minesweepers may only be mounted on normal by movement and terrain modifiers. A successful
wheeled, tracked, or hover vehicles, while their maritime attack inflicts 4 points of damage to ’Mechs (using the Kick
equivalents may only be mounted on naval vessels. Note that Location Table or the full Hit Location Table against a prone
the ground-based minesweeper may only be used against ’Mech), vehicles, Battle armor, or standard infantry (as nor-
landmines, while the maritime minesweeper may be used mal, damage is doubled if the infantry is in open terrain).
against sea mines (see Sea Mines, p. 22) from surface water BF2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle
level down to a depth of 12 meters (2 levels). (eng).
CBT: RPG: When disarming minefields with this equipment, CO: The defending force in any Recon Raid, Base Attack,
a character receives a –3 TN modifier on Demolitions Checks. Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or Breakthrough scenario can
BattleTech: The procedure for using a minesweeper dif- use the drill to weaken or destroy structures. Thirty points of
fers from the rules for infantry Clearing Minefields (see pp. damage can be distributed between all structures on the map
86-87, BMR), primarily in that the minesweeper clears the before the start of the first round from each drill-equipped unit
mines as it moves rather than spending time in a hex to clear in the RBG. Alternatively, each drill-equipped unit can be used
them. In this way, the procedure is more like detonating a to create up to 5 prepared positions before the start of play.
minefield then clearing it, with the aim being to have the
minesweeping device, rather than the body of the vehicle, suf- MOBILE FIELD BASE
fer the damage. Minesweeper devices only detonate conven- The Mobile Field Base (MFB) is equipped with devices
tional minefields and vibrabombs set to the exact tonnage of such as welders, grippers, and lifting gear which help a team
the minesweeper vehicle. Other mine types are unaffected by of Techs service and repair ’Mechs and vehicles. Shielded
use of a minesweeper. Vibrabombs of the appropriate type control stations allow the maintenance crew to work safely on
are detonated automatically, inflicting 10 points of damage to a unit, even one emerging directly from the heat of battle or
the minesweeping device. suffering a reactor shielding breach.


CBT: RPG: The MFB includes tools equivalent to the repair number of Steerage Passenger Quarters by 50 (round up) to
kits listed in the equipment section of the CBT: RPG rules. find how many equipment items are required.
CO: When using the Repairs rules (see pp. 56-57, CO),
an MFB is equivalent to a field repair platform. Three MFBs Passenger, 2nd Class
combined perform as a standard ’Mech bay but only have a These are roughly equivalent to the accommodations one
capacity of one ’Mech (or other unit) at a time. might find in a basic hotel. Divide the number of 2nd Class
BF2: Each MFB can be used to aid in making a single Passenger Quarters by 20 (round up) to find how many equip-
repair roll with a –2 target modifier. ment items are required.
FMMercs: Each MFB generates between 20-50 Technical
Support points, depending on Experience Level (see p. 150, Passenger, 1st Class
FMMercs). With a level of comfort equivalent to a High Class hotel,
this is the minimum standard of accommodations that the
PARAMEDIC EQUIPMENT rich and famous would tolerate. Every five 1st Class quarters
Though not nearly as well equipped as a MASH unit, the counts as one item of equipment.
rapid response of a paramedic unit often means the differ-
ence between life and death. Deployed on any kind of Support Pillion, Crew/Passenger
Vehicle, trained medics use their equipment to stabilize a Small Monocycle and Bicycle Support Vehicles rarely
patient and transport them to a fully equipped hospital. have the internal capacity for operator or passengers. This
CBT: RPG: This provides equipment equivalent to an most basic crew and passenger accommodation, the pillion
Advanced Medical Kit for first aid treatment (see pp. 123-124, seat leaves the rider open to the environment.
CBT: RPG) necessary to stabilize a patient long enough to get
them to a properly equipped facility. The Tech Level of the Sup- Seat, Crew/Passenger
port Vehicle determines what equipment is actually available. Small Support Vehicles require that provision be made
BF2: The vehicle carries MASH (mash) special equipment for all crew and passengers. This is usually in the form of a
but receives a +2 modifier when making a repair roll. seat secured to the chassis and equipped with safety
CO: Each set of paramedic equipment can be used once restraints.
a week to perform a single Healing Action as described in CO: Each consecutive campaign turn a Support Vehicle
Medical Services (see p. 57, CO). equipped with only ejection seats and/or crew and passenger
FMMercs: Each Paramedic Equipment generates 20 Med- seats is deployed, the unit receives an additional 3 fatigue
ical Support points. points.


In order to safety and conveniently carry passengers A common means of mounting Light and Medium-class
aboard a Support Vehicle, several types of quarters are avail- Weapons, the mount allows the weapon a 180-degree arc of
able. Additionally, some Support Vehicles require specific fire but also exposes the weapon crew to the elements (and
quarter accommodations for their crew. enemy fire). The mount increases the weight of the weapon by
5% (round the total weight up to the next whole kg for Small
Crew Support Vehicles or the nearest half-ton for Medium and
All Medium Support Vehicles and Large Support Vehicles Large Support Vehicles). On Small Support Vehicles provision
not built as a Naval Vessel or Airship lack long-term accom- must still be made for the weapon crew.
modations for the crew. Vehicles deployed for days rather Space Limit: The weapon mount itself does not count
than hours (a 300-ton coastal patrol cutter for example) need towards the unit’s equipment limit.
to provide quarters for the crew. CBT: RPG: The weapon can fire in a 180-degree arc of
Space Limit: Roughly equivalent to the accommodations fire, usually directly ahead, to one side, or to the rear.
found in Standard hotel, every 20 Crew Quarters counts as BattleTech: The weapon’s field of fire is centered on one
one item of equipment. hex side and encompasses all hexes on that side of the vehi-
CO: Each consecutive campaign turn a Support Vehicle cle, included “half” hexes.
not equipped with Crew Quarters (except Large Naval Vessels
and Large Airships) is deployed, the unit receives an addition- POWER AMPLIFIERS
al 3 fatigue points. If a Support Vehicle is not powered by fission or fusion
power plants, but it mounts Heavy-class energy weapons
Passenger, Steerage (lasers and PPCs) it must also mount power amplifiers to fire
The most basic long-term accommodation available, these weapons. The weight of the power amplifiers is 10% of
Steerage is equivalent to a Tube or Dive hotel. Divide the the total energy weapon weight (like all equipment, this is


rounded to the nearest 1kg in Small Support Vehicles, or the drogues) and must be in the same hex. During the next turn,
nearest half-ton in Medium and Large Support Vehicles) and neither unit may fire weapons. If either is forced to make a
the amplifiers do not count towards the unit’s equipment limit. Control Roll during the refueling process, the refueling fails
Light- and Medium-class Weapons are equipped with their automatically and the units must each make a test for colli-
own integral power supply and do not draw power from the sion per the Out of Control rules (see p. 17, AT2).
unit. They do not require power amplifiers. The pilot of the refueling unit must make a Control Roll
during this turn. If the Control Roll succeeds, the craft may
REFUELING DROGUE load a number of tons of fuel equal to 1+ Margin of Success
The ability to perform airborne refilling has proven to be (MoS). If the refueling Control Roll fails, the unit does not go
an invaluable force multiplier over the centuries. An aircraft out of control, but no fuel is transferred from the Tanker.
can serve as a tanker, deploying one or more refueling A Tanker may simultaneously refuel one unit for every
drogues to which any aerospace or conventional fighter can working refueling drogue.
attach (the drogue design has become standardized across Any attacks made against the Tanker or refueling unit
known space over the centuries). during the refueling process may also cause damage to the
The Refueling Drogue can only be mounted on Fixed other unit(s). Roll 1D6 for each successful attack. On a result
Wing, VTOL, and Airship Support Vehicles. of 1-5, it strikes the intended target. On a 6 it hits another
Space Limit: A Support Vehicle can mount multiple refuel- target (determined randomly from the other fueling/tanker
ing drogues, but each is considered a single item of equipment. units in the hex) other than the original target.
CBT: RPG: In-flight refueling is not the simplest of proce- When operating on a BattleTech map, the tanker and
dures, either for the tanker or the refueling craft. The pilot of refueling units are targeted individually.
the tanker must make the appropriate Piloting Check with an
Average level of difficulty (with additional TN modifiers REMOTE SENSOR DISPENSER
deemed appropriate by the Gamemaster to reflect flight condi- Usable by any vehicle type except satellites, a Remote
tions and any damage the tanker may have suffered) to keep Sensor Dispenser (RSD) is an internal bay containing 30
his unit steady. The refueling unit must make three similar remote sensors and a deployment mechanism.
rolls when engaging with the drogue, while refilling, and while CBT: RPG: The RSD can carry and deploy 30 remote sen-
disengaging. A Bad level of failure results in damage to both sors (LT p. 107-109).
the tanker’s drogue and the refueling vehicle’s in-flight refuel- BattleTech: Ground and VTOL vehicles can deploy one
ing system. This prevents further refueling attempts. A Terri- sensor per RSD at any point during the Movement Phase at
ble or worse result indicates a collision between the two the cost of 1MP. VTOLs and Fixed Wing vehicles can deploy a
units, probably resulting in a crash unless each pilot can per- sensor provided they are at an altitude of 7 or less (Altitude 1
form a Very Difficult Piloting Check (again modified as in AT2). Sensors deployed by naval units float on the surface.
deemed appropriate by the Gamemaster). While monitored by a suitably equipped unit within range
BattleTech: VTOLs can refuel in flight from other VTOLs (effectively any unit currently in the area of play) each sensor
equipped with a refueling drogue. The refueling unit must acts as a stationary light active probe located in that hex (see
position itself in an adjacent hex in the rear arc of the tanker p. 130, BMR). Any unit with an active probe can monitor two
and make a successful Piloting Skill Roll to hook up. Multiple sensors, while a C3 master computer or command console
attempts are allowed on consecutive turns. Once hooked up, can monitor 4 sensors. A vehicle equipped with communica-
the refueling unit must stay in the aft arc of the tanker in an tions equipment can monitor 1 sensor per ton of equipment.
adjacent hex. Each turn an additional Piloting Skill Roll is These values are cumulative, so a unit with an active probe
required to remain hooked up. Failure results in contact being and two C 3 master computers can monitor 10 sensors at
broken and no fuel being transferred that turn. Fuel is trans- once. While they can be used to detect hidden units (unless
ferred at a rate of up to 1,000kg (one ton) per turn. that unit is immune to such detection) these sensors cannot
Fixed Wing Support Vehicles and Airships operating on a be used to call in indirect fire, paint a target for artillery, or
BattleTech map can also act as tankers—though VTOLs may operate as part of a C 3 network. A monitoring unit should
have difficulty in maintaining contact with the faster craft. Fixed declare its selection of sensors to monitor during the End
Wing and Airship Support Vehicles, aerospace fighters, and Phase of a turn. These are the sensors from which data is
conventional fighters can use VTOL tankers if they can maintain received during the following turn. The area of effect of hostile
position. The AT2 rules govern the refueling of such units. ECM that encompasses a sensor hex or crosses the line-of-
AT2: Fixed Wing and Airship Support Vehicles, aero- sight to the monitoring unit blocks reception of information
space, and conventional fighters can carry out “in-flight” refu- from the sensors, but the fact that the transmission is blocked
eling by docking with the external fuel drogues. To do this, will be evident to the monitoring unit.
the refueling unit must match and maintain velocity and head- Sensors deployed by friendly Battle Armor can also be
ing with a friendly tanker (equipped with one or more refueling monitored.


An enemy unit can destroy a remote sensor by making a Mounted

successful weapon attack on the hex that contains it (receiv- Much more powerful than the smaller hand-operated ver-
ing a to-hit bonus for attacking a stationary target) or by end- sion, this searchlight can illuminate a 60-degree arc out to
ing movement in the same hex and declaring they are dis- 5,000 meters.
abling the sensor. This counts as a Kick for BattleMechs but CBT: RPG: The Support Vehicle mounts a flashlight to
requires no attack rolls. illuminate its surroundings. It operates like a Barrel-Mounted
Flashlight (see p. 47, LT) but with a range of 5,000 meters.
ROCK CUTTER BattleTech: The Support Vehicle operates in night com-
When mounted on the front of a Support Vehicle, this bat as if it has a searchlight (see p. 87, BMR). The facing is
incredibly tough chain of neocarboalloy links and diamond dependent on the location of the searchlight, with a turret-
monofilament cutting heads is a powerful mining tool capable mounted light requiring the controlling player to designate a
of grinding away large swaths of rock. “facing” for the turret.
Prohibited Equipment: Only one rock cutter can be
mounted on a Support Vehicle, and it cannot be mounted in SPRAYER
the same location as a backhoe, bulldozer blade, chainsaw, Whether fighting fires or crop dusting, shooting oils or
combine, dual saw, heavy-duty pile driver, mining drill, or caustic liquids, any Support Vehicle carrying a liquid cargo
wrecking ball. can mount one or more sprayers to dispense it. The liquid
CBT: RPG: Apply a –2 TN modifier to any Skill Check can be emitted at a rate of up to 100 kg liquid/turn, to a
made when digging or tunneling with a rock cutter. range of up to 30 meters.
BattleTech: A Support Vehicle can make a modified CBT: RPG: Any character hit by a jet of liquid must make
Charge Attack with a base to-hit number of 7, modified as nor- a STR Attribute Check each turn or be knocked over. The
mal by movement and terrain modifiers. A successful attack effects of the projected liquid—as determined by the
inflicts 5 points of damage to ’Mechs (using the Kick Location gamemaster—also apply.
Table or the full Hit Location Table against a prone ’Mech),
vehicles, battle armor, or standard infantry (as normal, dam- TURRET MOUNTED
age is doubled if the infantry is in open terrain). Damage to a Weapons can be mounted in a turret giving them a 360-
building is 10 points per turn. degree arc of fire (300 degrees for turrets on Large Support
BF2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle Vehicles). The weight of the turret is 10% of the weapon
(eng). (rounded up to the nearest kg on Small Support Vehicles and
CO: The defending force in any Recon Raid, Base Attack, the nearest half ton on Medium and Large Support Vehicles).
Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or Breakthrough scenario can When calculating the turret weight, do not include fire
create prepared positions; 3 per cutter-equipped Support control, power amplifiers, or ammunition in the weight of the
Vehicle assigned to the Regimental Battle Group (RBG). Some weapon.
vehicles may instead choose to inflict up to 25 damage Turrets cannot be mounted on VTOL or Airship Support
points to buildings per Rock Cutter-equipped unit. Vehicle types unless using the Level 3 chin turret rules (see
p. 66, MaximumTech, Revised). Fixed Wing Support Vehicles
SEARCHLIGHT may never mount turrets.
Simple but effective, searchlights are universally used Space Limit: The turret does not count towards the unit’s
and have the same general effects, regardless of make equipment limit.
and/or model. CBT: RPG: Turret-mounted weapons fire at any target in a
120-degree arc of fire, but this arc can be rotated as the tur-
Hand-held ret is moved through a 360-degree arc. Support Vehicles
Often door- or roof-mounted, this hand-operated search- mounting more than one turret are limited to a 180-degree
light can clearly illuminate objects up to 270 meters away. arc of rotation.
CBT: RPG: The Support Vehicle mounts a flashlight to Turret positioning can be adjusted each round unless the
illuminate its surroundings. It operates like a Barrel-Mounted turret is jammed as the result of a critical hit.
Flashlight (see p. 47, LT) but with a range of 270 meters. BattleTech: The facing of a turret is resolved via the
BattleTech: The Support Vehicle operates in night combat Torso Twist/Turret Rotation rules (see p. 26, BMR). Weapons
as if it has a searchlight (see p. 87, BMR) but it can only illumi- in turrets on Large Support Vehicles may have a restricted arc
nate up to a range of 9 hexes. The facing is dependent on the of fire.
location of the searchlight, with a turret-mounted light requiring
the controlling player to designate a “facing” for the turret.


WEAPONS rare to find them even on military Support Vehicles, for they
In a universe that has been at war for centuries, even are usually reserved for dedicated combat designs.
Support Vehicles not typically designed for battle can be and Space Limit: A Heavy Weapon and its ammunition count
are employed in combat situations. as 1 item of equipment per critical: e.g., an Inner Sphere
For the purposes of Support Vehicles, all weapons in the SRM 6 with 1 ton of ammunition would count at 3 items of
BattleTech universe are divided into three categories, equipment (2 for the launcher and 1 for the ammunition),
explained below: Light, Medium and Heavy. while an AC/20 with 2 tons of ammunition would count as 12
(10 for the weapon and 2 for ammunition).
Light CBT: RPG: Heavy Weapons lack integral fire control sys-
This classification is used to encompass small arms tems, relying on the unit in which they are fitted to provide
such as pistols, rifles, assault rifles, and submachine guns. this. If no Fire Control System is present then all attacks
Poorly equipped local militias or private bodyguards occasion- receive a +4 TN Modifier.
ally mount these weapons on Support Vehicles. BattleTech: Units mounting Heavy Weapons (any weapon
Light Weapons can be mounted as a fixed weapon or from the BMR or MT) must mount a Fire Control System or
mounted in a turret or pintle mount. suffer a +2 to-hit penalty. If outfitted with a Basic Fire Control
Size Class: Light Weapons can only be mounted on Small System this modifier is reduced to a +1 to-hit penalty, while
Support Vehicles. the instillation of an Advanced Fire Control System eliminates
Space Limit: A Light Weapon and all its ammunition the to-hit penalty completely.
count as a single item of equipment.
CBT: RPG: Any weapon classified as a Pistol (PIS), Rifle WRECKING BALL
(RFL), or Submachine Gun (SMG) found in CBT: RPG, LT or A common sight on IndustrialMechs and construction
this volume can be mounted as a Light-class weapon. vehicles, the multi-ton wrecking ball is a spherical lump of fer-
BattleTech: Light-class Weapons have no impact in Bat- rocrete surrounded by a hard shell of titanium-steel alloy
tleTech games. swung by a myomer-laced chain.
CO: As an optional rule, Light Weapons can be used in Prohibited Equipment: Only one wrecking ball can be
CBT games. All attacks are performed using the range modi- mounted on a Support Vehicle (Turret only), and it cannot be
fiers shown on the Weapon Range To-Hit Modifiers Table (see mounted in the same location as a backhoe, bulldozer blade,
p. 60, CO). The sum of the damage for each successful chainsaw, combine, dual saw, heavy-duty pile driver, mining
attack is then rounded up to the nearest whole number, and drill, or rock cutter.
the result is applied to the target in blocks of 5 points, with CBT: RPG: A wrecking ball provides a –2 TN Modifier to
any remainder applied as a separate (smaller) block. all Skill Checks made when demolishing buildings or striking
other immobile objects, but receives a +4 TN Modifier if used
Medium to attack any active battlefield units.
Medium weapons are often mounted on military and para- BattleTech: For Support Vehicles, the Wrecking Ball is
military vehicles. These weapons can either be crew-served extremely difficult to use as a weapon, and so has a base to-
(using the base weight of the weapon but requiring the num- hit of 7 when used in combat, modified as usual for move-
ber of personnel to operate) or include improved fire control, ment, terrain, and other battlefield conditions. Against battle-
allowing a single individual to operate it field units and support vehicles, the Wrecking Ball can deliver
As with Light Weapons, Medium Weapons can be mount- 8 points of damage on a successful attack. However, against
ed as a fixed weapon or mounted in a turret or pintle mount. its chosen target—buildings—this equipment can deliver 16
Size Class: Medium Weapons can only be mounted on points of damage per turn with each successful attack. Note
Small Support Vehicles. that these attacks receive the –4 immobile target modifier.
Space Limit: A Medium Weapon and all its ammunition BF2: The element is considered an engineering vehicle
count as two items of equipment. (eng).
CBT: RPG: Any Support Weapon (SUP) from CBT: RPG, CO: The defending force in any Recon Raid, Base Attack,
LT, CBTComp, or this volume can be mounted as a Medium- Hide and Seek, Hold the Line, or Breakthrough scenario can
class Weapon. use the wrecking ball to weaken or destroy structures. Eighty
BattleTech: See the RPG Support Weapon Conversion points of damage can be distributed between all structures
Table (p. 110) for Medium-class Weapon game stats. on the maps before the start of the first round for each wreck-
ing ball-equipped unit in the RBG.
Access to military-grade Heavy Weapons is tightly con-
trolled, and they almost never appear on civilian vehicles. It is


To determine the cost of a custom-
designed Support Vehicle, add the cost of SUPPORT VEHICLE COST TABLE
all components together according to the
formulas listed below. When formulas refer Structure Costs Formula for Cost (In C-Bills)
to weight, use that of the component itself, Chassis and Controls 2,500 x Chassis Modifiers x Chassis and
except for the final cost multiplier, which Controls Weight (in tons)
uses the Support Vehicle’s total weight. Engine and Transmission 5,000 x Engine Type Modifier x Engine and
Regardless of era of origin, all Support Transmission Weight (in tons)
Vehicle costs are calculated in C-bills. Armor Armor Points x Cost Per Point
Weapons and Equipment See Weapons and Equipment Prices
Example 1: Bob now calcu- OmniVehicle Cost of Chassis and Controls, Engine and Trans-
lates just how much his Mobile mission, Armor, Weapons and Equipment x 1.25
Field Base costs. He has
designed a Tracked Vehicle with a
13.5 ton armored chassis and SUPPORT VEHICLE COST MULTIPLIERS
controls, 16 tons of Fusion Engine
and Transmission, 23 points of Vehicle Type Total Cost Formula
BAR 10 armor, and mounting a Wheeled 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 200)
Mobile Field Base, CASE, an Tracked 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 100)
Infantry Bay, 7 tons of cargo Hover 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 50)
capacity, and a bay single door. VTOL 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 30)
Airship 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 10,000)
First, Bob calculates the base cost Fixed Wing 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 50)
of the Chassis and Controls. The Satellite 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 75)
base formula is: 2,500 x Chassis Rail 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 250)
Modifiers x Chassis and Controls Naval Vessel 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 100,000)
Weight (in tons).

The Chassis Modifiers for an Armored chassis =

Total weight of the Chassis and controls is 13.5
tons. Chassis
Modification Cost
This gives the chassis and control cost as Amphibious x 1.25
2,500 x 2.0 x 13.5 = 67,500 C-bills. Armored x 2.0
Bicycle x 0.75
Next Bob deals with the Engine and Transmission. Convertible x 1.1
The base formula is 5,000 x Engine Type Modifier x Dune Buggy x 1.25
Engine and Transmission Weight (in tons). Environmental Sealing x 1.75
External Power Pickup X 1.1
For a Fusion engine, the Engine and Transmis- Hydrofoil x 1.3
sion cost modifier is 2.0. Monocycle x 0.75
Off-Road Vehicle x 1.2
The Engine and Transmission Weight is 16 tons. Omni x 1.0
Prop x 0.75
This gives the engine and transmission cost of Snowmobile x 1.3
5,000 x 2.0 x 16 = 160,000 C-bills. STOL x 1.5
Submersible x 3.5
Moving on to Armor, Bob sees that the 23 Points of Tractor x 1.1
BAR 10 armor cost 625 C-bills for each point, giving Trailer x 0.75
a total armor cost of 23 x 625 = 14,375. Ultra-Light x 1.5
VSTOL x 2.0


Finally, Bob totals the cost of Next Erica deals with the
the weapons and equipment ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION Engine and Transmission.
carried by the MFB. COST MULTIPLIER TABLE The base formula is
5,000 x Engine Type Mod-
Small Laser = 11,250 Fuel/Power ifier x Engine and Trans-
1 Heat Sink = 2,000 Source Cost mission Weight (in tons).
0.5 ton Turret = 2,500 Steam 0.8
Mobile Field Base = ICE 1.0 For an ICE engine,
150,000 Electric (External) 1.0 the Engine and Transmis-
CASE = 50,000 Electric (Batteries) 1.2 sion cost modifier is 1.0.
1 Infantry Platoon Com- Electric (Fuel Cell) 1.4
partment = 0 Electric (Solar) 1.6 The Engine and
1 Bay Door = 1,000 MagLev 2.5 Transmission Weight is
3.5 tons Cargo = 0 Fission 3.0 192 tons.
Fusion 2.0
Total Cost = 216,750 This gives the engine
and transmission cost
Totaling these gives a Running of 5,000 x 1.0 x 192
Total 458,625 C-bills. = 960,000 C-bills.
Type Cost (per point)
This total is adjusted using the Moving on to Armor, Erica
BAR 2 50
Vehicle Cost Multiplier, which is 1 calculates that the 60
BAR 3 100
+ (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 100) = Points of BAR 5 armor
BAR 4 150
1 + (60 / 100) = 1 + 0.6 = 1.6. costs 200 C-bills per point,
BAR 5 200
BAR 6 250 giving a total armor cost of
Multiplying the running total by 60 x 200= 12,000.
BAR 7 300
the Vehicle Cost Multiplier gives
BAR 8 400
Bob a final cost of 458,625 x 1.6 Finally, Erica totals the cost
BAR 9 500
= 733,800 C-Bills for his MFB of the weapons and equip-
BAR 10 625
design. ment carried by the Darling.

Example 2: Erica calculates how 1 Lift Hoist = 50,000

much her SAR Airship will cost. RAIL COST TABLE 2 Light Vehicle Bays =
She has designed an Airship Sup- 2 x 10,000 = 20,000
port Vehicle with 604 tons of Type Cost 4 Searchlights = 4 x
chassis and controls, 192 tons of Normal Track (per 30 m) 7,000 2,000 = 8,000
ICE Engine and Transmission with MagLev Track (per 30 m) 14,000 MASH with 2 Operating
a 54 ton fuel tank, 60 points of Theaters = 10,000 x 4.5 =
BAR 5 armor, and mounting Look 45,000
Down Radar, 4 Searchlights, a MASH unit with 2 operat- Look Down Radar = 400,000
ing theaters, two Light Vehicle Bays, a Bay Door, a Lift 1 Bay Door = 1,000
Hoist, and 33 tons of cargo space. 33 tons Cargo = 0

First, Erica calculates the base cost of the Chassis and Total Cost = 524,000 C-Bills
Controls. The base formula is: 2,500 x Chassis Modi-
fiers x Chassis Weight (in tons). Totaling these gives a Running Total 3,383,500 C-bills.

The Chassis modifier for Amphibious is 1.25. This total is adjusted using the Vehicle Cost Multiplier,
which is 1 + (Vehicle Weight (tons) / 10,000) = 1 +
Total weight of the Chassis and controls is 604 (1,000 / 10,000) = 1 + .1 = 1.1.
Multiplying the running total by the Vehicle Cost Multipli-
This gives the chassis and control cost as er gives Erica a final cost of 3,383,500 x 1.1 =
2,500 x 604 x 1.25 = 1,887,500 C-bills. 3,721,850 C-Bills for her SAR design.



Type Cost (unloaded) Reload Cost Type Cost (unloaded) Reload Cost
Backhoe 50,000 — Heat Sink 2,000 each —
Bay Helipad 200,000 —
Infantry 15,000 — High-Res Image Camera 150,000 —
’Mech/Fighter 20,000 — Infrared Imager Camera 250,000 —
ProtoMech 10,000 — Ladder 5 x Length (meters) —
Small Craft 20,000 — Lifeboat 5,000 —
Vehicle, Light 10,000 — Lift Hoist 50,000 —
Vehicle, Heavy 10,000 — Look Down Radar 400,000 —
Vehicle, Super-heavy 20,000 — Manipulator 7,500 —
Bay Door 1,000 — MASH Unit 10,000 x tonnage of equipment —
Bridgelayer Mine Dispenser
Light 40,000 — Standard
Medium 75,000 — (Land or Maritime) 20,000 20,000
Heavy 100,000 — Anti-Jump “Active”
Bulldozer 50,000 — (Land only) 30,000 30,000
Cargo Command Detonated
Basic 0 — (Land or Maritime) 25,000 25,000
Container Storage 0 — Vibro-bomb (Land only) 30,000 30,000
Liquid Storage, Standard 100 — Minesweeper
Liquid Storage, Insulated 250 — (Land or Maritime) 40,000 —
Livestock 2,500 — Mining Drill 100,000 —
Refrigerated Storage 200 — Mobile Field Base 150,000 —
CASE 50,000 — Paramedic Equipment 7,500 —
Chainsaw 100,000 — Quarters
Combine 75,000 — Crew 15,000 —
Communications Passenger, Steerage 5,000 —
Equipment 10,000 x tonnage of equipment — Passenger, 2nd class 15,000 —
Concealed Weapon 5% weapon cost — Passenger, 1st class 30,000 —
Docking Units 15,000 x tonnage of equipment — Pillion, Crew/Passenger 10 —
Dual Saw 100,000 — Seat, Crew/Passenger 100 —
Dumper 5,000 — Pintle Mounted 1,000 x Pintle Tonnage —
Escape Pod Power Amplifier 20,000 x Amplifier Tonnage —
(Land or Maritime) 5,000 — Refueling Drogue 25,000 —
Ejection Seat 25,000 — Remote Sensor Dispenser 30,000 21,000
External Stores Hardpoint 5,000 Var. Rock Cutter 100,000 —
External Stores Searchlight
High Explosive (HE) — 5,000 each Hand-held 500 —
Cluster — 8,000 each Mounted 2,000 —
Laser-Guided (LG) — 10,000 each Sprayer 1,000 —
Inferno — 6,000 each Turret 5,000 x Turret Tonnage —
Mines — 12,000 each Weapon
Rocket Launcher 15,000 1,000 Light * —
Arrow IV — As per BMR Medium * —
TAG As per BMR — Heavy * —
Field Kitchen 25,000 — Wrecking Ball 80,000 —
Fire Control
Advanced 10% weapon cost — * See base weapon cost in BMR, AT2, MT, Revised, CBT: RPG, LT, CBT-
Basic 5% weapon cost — Comp, or this volume.
Flight Deck 1,000,000 —
Heavy-Duty Pile Driver 100,000 —


The procedure for calculating a Support Vehicle’s BV is Multiply by Vehicle Type Modifier (0.8) = 0.8 x 38 =
very similar to that found in the BMR (see pp. 154-155). The 30.4
Defensive and Offensive Battle Ratings of the Support Vehicle
are determined, then combined to produce the final BV, then The MFB can move a maximum of 6 hexes at
round up to the nearest whole number. flank speed, giving a +2 movement modifier, which
The BV ratings for weapons and equipment are listed in gives a DBV multiplier of 1.2 from the Defensive
the Inner Sphere and Clan Weapons and Equipment BV Tables Movement Factors Table.
in the BMR, beginning on p. 156.
Final DBV = 30.4 x 1.2 = 36.48
Step 1: Calculating Defensive BV (DBV)
First ADD the following figures: Example 2: The SAR Airship is a 1,000-ton Air-
ship Support Vehicle. It is protected
Total Armor Factor x (BAR / 10) by 60 points of BAR 5 armor. As a
Internal Structure / 2 (including the VEHICLE TYPE 1,000-ton Airship, Erica notes that
internal structure of rotor, turrets, and MODIFIERS TABLE the Darling-class Airship has 20
each part of a large vehicle, for all Sup- points of structural integrity. The
port Vehicles except Airships, Fixed-Wing, Vehicle Type Modifier Darling also carries 54 tons of fuel.
and Satellites) Tracked 0.8
Structural Integrity / 2 (for Airships, Fixed- Wheeled 0.7 Defensive BV
Wing, and Satellite Support Vehicles only) Hover 0.6
Fuel: Fixed Wing Support Vehicles and Air- Naval Vessel 0.5 Armor = 60 x 5/10 = 30
ships add 1 DBV per ton of fuel (or fraction VTOL 0.4 Structural Integrity/2 = 20/2 = 10
thereof). If no fuel is carried (i.e. a fusion- Airship 0.8 Fuel = 54
powered prop-driven vehicle), add 10 DBV. Satellite 1.0
Total BV of all Defensive Equipment Fixed Wing 1.0 Sum = 30 + 10 + 54 = 94
(Defensive equipment includes anti-mis- Rail 0.4
sile systems—including ammo—and ECM Multiply by Vehicle Type Modifier
suites. All other weapons and equipment (0.8) = 0.8 x 94 = 75.2
are considered offensive equipment).
The Darling receives no Defensive Movement
Next, MULTIPLY the current value by the appropriate Vehicle Factor as it is an AT2 unit.
Type Modifier from the Vehicle Type Modifiers Table. A vehi-
cle’s Vehicle Type Modifier represents its terrain restrictions Final DBV = 75.2
and vulnerability to critical damage.
Step 2: Calculating Offensive BV
Now MULTIPLY the figure by the appropriate Defensive Move- A Support Vehicle’s offensive Battle Rating is calculated
ment Factors Table (BMR p. 153). The final result is the vehi- by determining the unit’s Base Weapon Battle Rating, then
cle’s Defensive BV. Note that units that use AT2 rules, such multiplying the rating by the unit’s speed factor.
as Fixed-Wing Aircraft, Airships, and Satellites, do not receive
a Defensive Movement Factor. Calculate Base Weapon Battle Value:
First, add the BV ratings of all remaining weapons, ammu-
Example 1: The Mobile Field Base is a 60-ton nition, and equipment. Add only half the BV of rear-mounted
Tracked Support Vehicle with armored chassis and weapons (though all ammo is worth its full BV). If the rear arc
controls. It is protected by 23 points of BAR 10 armor. BV is greater than the front arc, then use the full BV of the
As a 60-ton Support Vehicle, Bob notes that the MFB rear arc and half the BV of the front arc.
will have 6 points of internal structure per location To prevent excessive ammo from distorting the Battle
(front, back, left side, and right side, and turret). Value, the BV added for ammunition cannot exceed the BV of
the weapon itself. If the BV of the ammo exceeds the BV of the
Defensive BV weapon, simply reduce the ammo BV to match the weapon BV.
Next, adjust the Battle Value of all Heavy Weapons and
Armor = 23 x 10/10 = 23 their ammunition by the fire control multiplier from the Offen-
Internal Structure/2 = 30/2 = 15 sive BV Adjustment Table (see p. 135). Light and Medium
Weapons are not adjusted.
Sum = 23 + 15 = 38


Multiply the Base Weapon Rating by the

unit’s Speed Factor from the Speed Factor EQUIPMENT BV TABLE
Table (see p. 153, BMR).
Item OBV Item DBV Ammo BV
Example 1: The Mobile Field Type (unloaded) (unloaded) (per load)
Base mounts a single small laser
Backhoe 8 — —
with a BV of 9. As the MFB lacks any
form of fire control, this is adjusted Bridgelayer
by multiplying 0.8. 9 x 0.8 = 7.2. Light — 5 —
The MFB is capable of a maxi- Medium — 10 —
mum speed of 6, giving a speed fac-
tor of 1.12. This gives the MFB an Heavy — 20 —
OBV of 7.2 x 1.12 = 8.064. Bulldozer — 10 —
Chainsaw 7 — —
Example 2: Although Erica did
Combine 5 — —
not arm the Darling-class SAR Air-
ship, she did equip it with Look Communications Equipment
Down Radar with a BV of 10. The Air- Basic HQ (3 to 6 tons) 100 — —
ship is capable of a maximum speed
Advanced HQ (7+ tons) 200 — —
of 3, giving a speed factor of 0.77.
This gives the SAR Airship an OBV of Docking Units — 10 —
10 x 0.77 = 7.7. Dual Saw 9 — —
The Look Down radar is an item External Stores
of equipment—not a weapon—and
so the fire control modifier is not High Explosive (HE) — — 12
applied to its BV. Cluster — — 13
Laser-Guided (LG) — — 20
Step 3: Calculate Final BV
Inferno — — 16
Add the Defensive and Offensive Battle
Value Ratings and round off the resulting sum Mines — — 17
to the nearest whole number. The result is the Rocket Launcher — — 18
vehicle BV.
Arrow IV — — As per BMR
This formula yields the BV of a Support
Vehicle controlled by a crew with the standard Tag — — As per BMR
Gunnery and Piloting Skills of Gunnery 4 and Heavy-Duty Pile Driver 5 — —
Piloting 5. If a crew with a different skill level
High-Res Image Camera 10 — —
pilots the unit, multiply the BV by the appropri-
ate skill level multiplier (see Skill/Experience Infrared Imager Camera 10 — —
Level Multipliers, p. 158, BMR). Look Down Radar 10 — —
Mine Dispenser
Example 1: The Mobile Field
Base has a DBV or 36.48 and an Standard 5 — —
OBV of 8.064. Summing these Anti-Jump “Active” 5 — —
together gives a BV of 44.544. Command Detonated 5 — —
Rounding this up (because it is equal
Vibro-bomb 5 — —
to, or greater than .5) gives Bob the
final BV of 45 for his creation. Minesweeper — 30 —
Mining Drill 6 — —
Example 2: The Darling-class Air-
Remote Sensor Dispenser 25 — 25
ship has a DBV of 75.2 and an OBV of
7.7. Summing these two together gives Rock Cutter 6 — —
a BV of 82.9. Rounding this up Wrecking Ball 8 — —
(because it is more than .5) gives Erica
the final BV of 83 for her creation.


The following general rules apply, CLASSIC BATTLETECH
where appropriate, when using Sup- OFFENSIVE BV AVAILABILITY MODIFIER
port Vehicles in different rules sets. ADJUSTMENT TABLE Normally Support Vehicles only
feature in a CBT game in the role of a
AVAILABILITY Fire Control OBV Adjustment mission objective. However, in a cam-
The Availability Modifier Table None 0.8 paign of linked scenarios—such as pre-
includes modifiers used when check- Basic 0.9 sented in Combat Operations—Support
ing for the availability of a Support Advanced 1.0 Vehicles can serve an important pur-
Vehicle or a component. No availability pose behind the scenes as noted in the
rolls are required during the process Equipment section, starting on p. 116.
of unit design. When creating their force, players
RAIL BV TABLE can devote BV or C-bills towards acquir-
CBT: RPG AVAILABILITY ing Support Vehicles. However, a unit is
MODIFIER Type BV not available automatically, and an Avail-
This value is used as a TN modifier Normal Track (per 30 m) 10 ability roll using 2D6 is required. The tar-
to Skill Checks made when acquiring a MagLev Track (per 30 m) 10 get number is dictated by the Availability
Support Vehicle or component (e.g., Level of the Support Vehicle in question.
Bureaucracy Check to requisition Should the roll succeed, a play-
a Support Vehicle, or Scrounge er can continue rolling for
Check to find a fusion initiator for AVAILIBILITY MODIFIER TABLE another unit of the same type.
that wrecked Speeder). In addi- Once the availability roll is
tion, the modifier is used in con- CBT RPG CBT failed, no additional Support
junction with the rules for buying Level Availability Modifier Availability Target Vehicles of that model are
or selling vehicles, as presented A +3 3+ available during unit creation.
in the CBTComp (see pp. 146- B +2 4+ CO: When using the Bat-
147). C 0 5+ tleTech Operations Rules (see
D –2 7+ p. 40, CO), all Support Vehi-
Bertrand Horriks is E –5 10+ cles are grouped into a Regi-
a scout working for Hal- F –8 12+ mental Battle Group (RBG),
l’s planetary govern- X Not available Not available which is deployed by the
ment. Communications Defender in any Base Attack
with the town of scenario.
Ipswich have been interrupted, and Bertrand’s orders
are to investigate. Rather than spend days driving Chris is generating a force for to use in a Com-
his skimmer, Scout Horriks requisitions a Harvey bat Operations-style campaign. Wanting to remain
Utility VTOLs (Availability Rating C). mobile, Chris decides to add four Mobile Field Base
The Gamemaster considers this a reasonable Support Vehicles (MFBs). With an availability rating of
request and Horriks only has to make an Average D, that gives each one an Availability Target of 7+.
Bureaucracy (Hall) Check. The base TN is 10 with a Chris rolls 2D6 for 5 and 4, then for 4 and 3,
TN modifier of +0 (for an Availability Rating of C), giv- and then for 3 and 2. With a failure on his third roll,
ing a final TN of 10. Chris has to make do with only two MFBs.
As Bertrand lacks a Bureaucracy (Hall) Skill but
does possess Bureaucracy (Federated Common- LARGE SUPPORT VEHICLES
wealth) +2, he makes the Skill Check with 3D10 (2, Support Vehicles much larger than the familiar combat
5, and 6) and discards the highest (see Regional vehicles can be encountered throughout known space. Addi-
Subskills, p. 95, CBT: RPG). That gives him a result tional rules are presented here to deal with any Support Vehi-
of 7 (2 + 5) + 2 (Skill bonus) +1 (CHA of 7), for a cle falling within the Large Size Class.
total of 10. A narrow success, Bertrand is now able Standard stacking limits do not apply for any Large Sup-
to reach Ipswich quickly (where the Gamemaster port Vehicle when used in CBT. No other unit may occupy a
plans for him to fall afoul of a covert Word of Blake hex currently occupied by a Large Support Vehicle unless they
assault force). are under, above, or standing upon the Support Vehicle itself.



Vessel Weight Vessel Template Elevation CBT RPG CBT

(Tons) (CASE Hexes) Above/Below surface TN Modifier To-Hit Modifier
5 – 500 A (1) 0/1 –4 –0
500.5 – 6,000 B (3) 1/1* –4 –1
6,000.5 – 12,000 C (5) 1/2* –4 –2
12,000.5 – 30,000 D (7) 2/2* –4 –3
30,000.5 – 100,000 E (9) 3/3* –4 –3

*Submersible Large Naval Vessels only have elevation above the surface when surfaced. When diving, the unit must be
in water of depth equal to the sum of both or run aground.


Large Naval Vessels are truly massive, potentially occupy-
ing more than a single hex on a CBT map and (unlike other
units in CBT) blocking line-of-sight.
Jumping units can stand on Large Naval Vessels as if they
are a Hardened Building of the same height, and VTOLs and air-
craft may land on the deck (if the design permits). Any unit that
moves onto a Large Naval Vessel in this way moves with that
unit until they disembark.
Such activities are not possible if the Large Naval Vessel
is submerged.

Classic BattleTech
A Large Naval Vessel is far easier to hit than something
as small as a 12-meter-tall BattleMech. Any attack against a
Large Naval Vessel receives an additional to-hit modifier from
the Large Navel Vessel Size Table.
Attacks against a Large Naval Vessel are otherwise con-
ducted as normal, except the attacker chooses the hex
against which an attack will be made. Any attack that gener-
ates a Turret hit location on a hex without a turret hits the
appropriate side instead.
Any BattleMech or infantry unit bold enough to board a hostile
against the hex where the third turret position (T3) is
Large Naval Vessel and launch an attack can never miss. All mis-
located, giving a range to target of 7 hexes. Fortunate-
siles launched against a Large Naval Vessel by units standing upon
ly, the Hood is a very big (Template D) target, and so
them will hit; there is no need to roll on the Missile Hits table.
the Pegasus receives a –3 to-hit modifier.
Attacks by a Large Vehicle use the appropriate Template
The Hood (not surprisingly) returns fire.
to determine the hex from which range should be determined.
The weapons mounted in the Aft/Right location
BF2: Large Naval Vessels units using Template A, B, or C
count the range to target from the template hex indi-
occupy one BF2 hex and can maneuver as a normal naval vessel.
cated (AR), which gives a range of 8 hexes to the
Support Vehicles represented by template types D or E
Pegasus. Fore/Right weapons (FR) are 6 hexes from
are three BF2 hexes in length and one hex wide. These excep-
the target, and bow-mounted turret weapons (T1) are 7
tionally large units must always move one hex forward before
hexes from the target. The turret-mounted Long Tom
performing a facing change.
Artillery (T2, T3, and T5) use the artillery direct-fire
All CBT to-hit modifiers also apply in BF2.
rule, as the target is less than 17 hexes from each.
A lone Pegasus scout hovercraft attacks a mighty
Hood-class Large Naval Support Vehicle. The minimum
distance to the ocean-going leviathan is 6 hexes, but
Infantry deployed on the deck of a Large Naval Vessel
in an attempt to knock out some of the unit’s turret-
(either via another unit or under their own power) may attempt
mounted weapons, the Pegasus launches an attack


to board the vessel. Use the Boarding Actions rules found in AIRSHIPS
Combat Operations (see p. 69–72) to resolve the attempt. Although Airships are VTOL-capable, they still require pre-
The boarding force must remain on the unit once it is cap- pared landing areas at least as large as the vehicle’s “foot-
tured, and the Large Naval Vessel is only capable of maneu- print” on the ground. Thus, Airships may only land in clear,
vering until a prize-crew can be assigned after the battle. paved, or rough hexes, but only so long as all of the hexes
covered by their appropriate template do not contain buildings,
MULTI-HEX VEHICLES AND FIRE IN woods, or elevation levels above the vehicle’s pivot point hex.
CLASSIC BATTLETECH Airships with the amphibious chassis modification may land in
Multi-hex Support Vehicles—including Large Naval Ves- water hexes, though the same general restrictions apply.
sels, Rail Trains, and landed Airships, are as vulnerable to fire To reflect their relatively lower airspeed and maneuverabil-
as other conventional vehicles, but each hex of such units is ity, all attacks against Airship Support Vehicles receive a –1
treated separately in terms of damage and critical effects. to-hit modifier.
When a multi-hex Support Vehicle enters a burning hex (or
begins a turn in one) the unit suffers 1D6 points of damage to OTHER LARGE VEHICLES
the appropriate facing (or, if the hex is a center-line one, to Wheeled, Tracked, Hover, Rail, and VTOL Support Vehicles
either the left or right sides, or turret, if present—determined of this size are easy targets, and their relative bulk puts them
randomly). If the unit is the target of an Inferno attack, then at a severe disadvantage when making ramming attacks, as
the hex of the unit that takes the hit burns for the required smaller, faster units can more easily dodge their ponderous
number of turns, and the unit receives 1D6 damage during advances. To reflect this, ranged attacks against such units
each End Phase. receive a –1 to-hit modifier, and physical attacks receive a to-
As with standard damage, damage from fire may inflict hit modifier of –2. In addition, any Large Support Vehicles
penetrating critical hits if the damage rolled exceeds the Sup- capable of ramming suffer a +1 to–hit modifier when attempt-
port Vehicle’s BAR. Damage from fire that hits the unit’s inter- ing such an attack.
nal structure also applies critical hits as normal.
Fire on multi-hex Support Vehicles may spread per the CLASSIC BATTLETECH RPG
standard rules for fire (see pp. 80-82, BMR), treating each hex The placement of equipment has no direct impact on the
of the Support Vehicle as a Heavy Building for the roll modifier. use of a Large Support Vehicle in an RPG environment, aside
However, in contrast to the standard spreading fire rules, fires from indicating the general location of cargo holds or the loca-
on multi-hex Support Vehicles only spread in the direction of tion of smaller vehicles aboard a larger one.
the prevailing winds if the multi-hex Support Vehicle is station- All Large Support Vehicles are considered Very Large tar-
ary at the time. If the unit is in motion, “downwind” is consid- gets, and all attacks against them receive the corresponding
ered to be in the direction opposite of the unit’s travel (i.e., –4 TN modifier.
towards the rear of a forward-moving multi-hex Support Vehi-
cle, or towards the front of a multi-hex Support Vehicle moving SUPPORT VEHICLES IN
in reverse). Note that fires on multi-hex Support Vehicles may BATTLEFORCE 2
not skip hexes, unlike normal spreading fires. The following rules apply when using Support Vehicles in BF2.


Any multi-hex Support Vehicle equipped with ECM is treat- Support Vehicles use the BattleTech Conversion rules
ed as if the ECM source is located in the pivot hex on the (see p. 100–104, BF2) with the following modifications.
Large Naval Vessel Template.
LARGE FIXED WING VEHICLES An element’s MP is equal to its Cruising MP. Wheeled Sup-
Large Fixed Wing Support Vehicles require double the run- port Vehicles not designed for off-road operation face the same
way length for takeoff and landing and require twice the mini- movement restrictions as in CBT. Airships are treated as VTOLs.
mum straight movement as their smaller cousins before they
can execute turns. Armor/Structure
The combination of their size and lack of maneuverability The Structural Value is modified by the BAR rating of the
makes them easy targets as a result, both for other airborne armor. Total the internal structure and armor (including turrets
units and by ground fire; all attacks against Large Fixed Wing or rotors), then divide by 10. Multiply the result by the element’s
Support Vehicles receive a –1 to-hit modifier. BAR and divide by 30 (round .5 up).


Base Damage Airborne Vehicles

Reduce the damage for weapons with no fire control For Airships, Fixed Wing, and VTOL Support Vehicles, the most
installed by 20 percent. Weapons with only Basic Fire Control perilous times are takeoff and landing. A failed Piloting Check
are reduced by 10 percent. with a Margin of Failure (MoF) of less than 6 results in an abort-
ed takeoff or landing. A higher MoF results in the unit crashing.
Special Equipment and Abilities The crashed unit’s movement ends immediately, and charac-
See the entries for each item of equipment listed in Equip- ters onboard cannot take any further action during the turn. All
ment, beginning on p. 116. characters aboard suffer 1D6 melee-type damage per MoF point
and the gamemaster determines the unit’s damage (at the very
SUPPORT VEHICLES IN least the unit suffers significant damage to the landing gear).
The following rules apply when using Support Vehicles in VEHICLES FOR CHARACTERS
CBT: RPG. Support Vehicles are considered to be normal equipment,
unlike BattleMechs, battle armor, combat vehicles, aerospace
PILOTING SKILL CHECKS and conventional fighters, DropShips, or JumpShips. Thus a
AND CRASHES character must have access to equipment with the Tech Level
Gamemasters may require that players make Piloting and Availability Rating of a desired Support Vehicle (via the
Checks any time they attempt dangerous maneuvers with their Well-Equipped Trait) if they are to receive a Support Vehicle
Support Vehicles (such as turning too sharply). The gamemas- during the process of character generation.
ter sets the TN modifiers for the Skill Check, based on the
standard TN modifiers on page 17 of CBT: RPG. If the Piloting NEW AND MODIFIED SKILLS
Check fails, the vehicle crashes. The following expand on the use of certain skills for Sup-
port Vehicles. Unless otherwise stated, these skills follow the
Ground Vehicles rules in CBT: RPG (see p. 95).
A crashed vehicle’s movement ends immediately, and
characters onboard cannot take any further action during the Piloting (Expanded)
turn. If the check’s Margin of Failure (MoF) is 6 or more, the In addition to the existing Piloting sub-skills (see pp. 103-
unit flips and rolls, causing 3D6 melee-type damage to all 104, CBT: RPG), these rules add two new ones.
characters (gamemaster determines the unit’s damage). The Piloting/Airship: Grouped with the Aero and Aircraft skills,
unit cannot move until rolled over and repaired. If a Hover Sup- this is a difficult skill.
port Vehicle crashes while moving over water, it sinks and any Piloting/Rail: This sub-skill is not grouped with any other
crew and passengers have to swim for it. Piloting sub-skill. It is not a difficult skill.
The gamemaster determines if the crash affects any other
units or characters, based on the maneuver that was attempt- Technician (Expanded)
ed, the surrounding terrain, and the proximity of other units at Technician/Fission: Fission power plant operation and
the time of the crash. maintenance is a difficult skill and is grouped with Techni-


Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
“Medusa” Whip WHP E/E/E 0•* E — *§ 2,200/† 450 g Clan –2 TN on Whips Skill +2 and up;
Subduing (do not add STR);
micro power packs only; may
engage at 3 m range.
Stun Staff, Single-End STF C/A/B 0•4D6 E — 1§ 300/† 3 kg — Can engage at 1 m; charged
side only does Subduing dam-
age (do not add STR).
Stun Staff, Double-End STF C/A/B 0•4D6 E — 2§ 500/† 3 kg — Can engage at 1 m; Subduing
damage (do not add STR).
* “Medusa” whip is adjustable from 1D6 to 9D6 damage: each 1D6 damage over 1D6 uses 0.25 pwr/strike.
§ Represents power points used per attack.
† These weapons use power packs rather than ammunition clips.

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Hawk Eagle Auto-Pistol PIS C/C/C 4•3D6 B 5/20/50/100 15 100/10 500 g FW Burst (3/1)
Martial Eagle Machine Pistol SMG D/D/E 3•3D6 B 5/20/50/100 30 180/20 1.8 kg FW Burst (10/2)
Sea Eagle Needler PIS D/C/D 1•4D6 B 2/5/10/20 10 110/5 350 g FW Burst (5/3); AP 0 vs barriers;

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Ebony Assault Rifle RFL F/E/F E 8,500/† 10 kg MoC Simple Action to change setting
High-Powered 5•4D6 50/160/350/700 12§
Standard 4•3D6 65/200/475/1,000 8§
Extended-Range 3•2D6 80/260/610/1,200 4§
Mauser 1200 LSS RFL E/E/E 4•4D6 E 55/170/365/740 5§ 10,000/† 11 kg WoB Burst (5/2); full kit includes a
vibroblade and compact 6 shot
grenade launcher.
Mauser IIC IAS RFL F/E/F 4•5D6 E 90/300/700/1,400 5§ 18,000/† 12 kg Clan Encumbering; includes detach-
able vibroblade, survival kit, and
6 shot auto-grenade launcher.
§ Indicates power points used per shot.
† These weapons use power packs.

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Avenger CCW SHT C/C/D 2•6D6 B 7/18/28/62 15 345/4 5.5 kg Clan Burst (3/1); splash; jam on
w/ Solid Slug Ammo — — 5•6D6 B 7/18/28/62 15 —/16 — Clan No splash; Range mods:

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Gauss Submachine Gun SMG E/D/F 5•4D6 B 30/80/250/700 30, 1§ 2,000/10 4.5 kg Clan Burst (3/1); jam on fumble

§ Indicates energy points required per shot.


Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
"Buccaneer" Gel Gun SHT C/D/C 2•4D6 B 3/10/18/25 5 200/20 2.5 kg FW Subduing; AP 0 vs barriers; +2D6
for knockdown; no recoil in zero-G
LGB-46R “Paint” Gun PIS C/B/B * E 1/2/3/4 15 50/10 1.8 kg — May be set to a range of
0/1/NA/NA for Splash damage
Radium Sniper Rifle RIF E/F/F 4•5D6 E 95/350/750/1,500 5, 10§ 9,500/650 12 kg TC Poison: Lethal (injected), 7D6
base, 1-turn speed, and 1-hour
duration (Minor to Lethal Wounds)
Rocket-Assisted Grenades THW C/A/E 5•10D6 X STR x 1/2/3/4 — 50 600 g — Indirect; Blast; +2 TN, –2 AP,
and –2D6, x5 range in rocket-
assisted mode
"Spitball" Gas Pistol PIS C/C/B * B 4/11/19/27 25 6/2 1 kg — +1 TN; Gas cartridges must be
replaced every 200 shots; Cost:
1 C-bill per cartridge
* See special rules for this weapon
§ Represents the power points used per shot fired

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Crew Notes
“Bearhunter” Superheavy AC SUP D/D/F 7•7D6 B 14/60/120/200 180 3,000/200 40 Clan 2 Burst (30/3)
“David” Lt Gauss Rifle SUP E/E/E 5•5D6 B 90/330/745/1535 8, 8§ 6,000/20 18 FW 1 Burst (4/1); Encumbering
“King David” Lt Gauss Rifle SUP E/E/E 6•5D6 B 100/350/775/1575 80, 8§ 8,000/200 30 FW 2 Burst (5/2)
“Firedrake” Support Needler SUP D/C/F 2•7D6 B 16/35/55/80 30 500/10 25 LA 2 Splash; Incendiary; Burst
(10/2); AP 0 vs barriers
Man-Portable Plasma Rifle SUP E/D/F 5•10D6 E 60/250/500/1000 10, 5§ 7,500/10 30 CC 1 Encumbering; Incendiary;
’Mech Taser Rifle SUP E/E/E 8•7D6 E 20/35/50/75 1 10,000/500 300 WoB 1 +1 TN to fire; Battle Armor
only; See description.
§ Indicates energy points required per shot

Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
ISR-71G “Tripwire” C/D/D 560 3.7 kg — Cornershot; Pistols only; Pwr use: 0.3/minute
ISR-93TX “Roundhouse” D/E/D 2,400 6.2 kg — Cornershot; Rifles, SMGs, and Pistols only; –1 recoil TN modifier (min.
0); Pwr use: 0.5/minute
CDS-MHK3 “Mako” D/E/D 8,400 3.7 kg — Range TN Mods: +2/+1/–1/–2 when active; Pwr use: 1/minute
M-11J “Cloaking Device” F/F/F 4,350,000 4.5 kg CS/WB +8 TN modifier to detect; Pwr use 0.5/minute; may not combine with
other electronic sneak suits; Coverage: legs, arms, torso; may not con-
ceal any equipment that would encumber the user.

Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost/
Munition/Item Skill Ratings Damage Type S/M/L/E Shots Reload Weight Affil Notes
Radioactive Trackers — C/E/E 0•2D6 B — — x3.5 — — Slug-throwing pistols and rifles only; radioac-
tive signature: 1-month duration, 35-meter
range to specialized sensors.
Tracker Scanner SEN D/D/D — — 35 — 2,250 100 g — Detects radioactive tracker rounds; –1 TN for
each 5m under 30m range; Pwr use: 0.5/hr
GDPC Rounds — +1/+1/— * O — — * — FW Gauss weapons only; Type and Cost as Class
D ordnance type; –1 AP and –2 Damage dice
(as applicable)*
Mortar, Air-Burst — +1/+1/+1 ** X — — x2 ** FW Blast; ignore all cover except from above
Mortar, Guided — +1/+1/+1 ** X — — x4 ** FW Blast; see semi-guided LRMs (see p. 142,
Rifle, Air-Burst — +1/+1/+1 ** X — — x6 ** FS Complex action to program; Blast damage at
set range (1/4 radius), half ammo capacity;
weapon destroyed on fumble
Gyrojet, Guided — +1/+1/+1 ** B — — x8 — FS Complex action to fire; –2 TN; requires
Guidance Module; no AP reduction at ext. range
Guided Rifle Module — E/D/F — — — — 2,000 250 g FS Required for Guided Gyrojet Munitions

* See weapon description for rules.

** –1 AP from standard rounds, –1D6 from damage.


Equipment AP • Range (Meters) Cost
Mine Type Skill Ratings Damage† Type S/M/L/E (Each) Weight Affil Notes
Anti-Jump “Active” DEM E/D/E (D) O — 1,000 5 kg CC —
Anti-Jump, Thunder * +1/+2/— (C) O — 750 24 kg CC *
Command-Detonated DEM C/B/E (E) O — 75 600 g — —
Standard DEM B/A/E (E) O — 50 500 g — —
Standard, Thunder * +1/+1/— (C) O — 500 12 kg — *
Standard, Thunder-Augmented * +1/+2/— (C) O — 1,000 24 kg — *
Standard, Thunder-Inferno * +1/+2/— (C) O — 250 24 kg — *
Vibrabomb DEM D/C/E (E) O — 500 50 kg — —
Vibrabomb, Thunder * +1/+2/— (C) O — 625 24 kg — *
Sea Mine** ** **/**/** ** O — x2 x1 — Deployed in water only
Space DEM D/D/E (F) O — 10,000 8 tons — Deployed in space only
Space, Screen-Launched — +1/+2/— (E) O — 15,000 10 tons — Deployed in space only

* Thunder munitions are delivered by vehicular missile launchers and use the appropriate Gunnery Skill to deploy and Demolitions skill to disarm. Cost and Weight reflect
each “Thunder” missile.
** Sea Mines use the skills, equipment ratings, and ordnance types for their land-based equivalents, but may only be deployed as standard, “Thunder” standard, and
command-detonated mines.
† See Lostech, p. 35.


Equipment AV Cost/ Power
Item Ratings M/B/E/X Patch Weight Coverage /Hour Notes*
Capellan Confederation Overall: 2/3/3/2; COPV: 1
Helmet C/B/D 3/4/5/3 200 1 kg Head — Military Comm.; +1 Perception
Suit B/B/C 3/4/3/2 200/10 4.5 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — 2/2/3/2 for arms/legs
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —

Clans Overall: 3/5/5/3; COPV: 2

Helmet E/E/F 5/6/5/3 1,400 1 kg Head 3 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Night Vision; Rangefinders; -1 Perception
Suit E/E/F 3/6/5/3 4,000/150 6 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — —
Boots C/E/F 3/5/5/3 100/20 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves C/E/F 1/1/3/2 60 500 g Hands — —

ComStar/Word of Blake Overall: 4/5/4/3; COPV: 2

Helmet F/D/F 4/5/5/3 1,200 2 kg Head 3 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Night Vision; Rangefinders; Ultrasonic
detector (5m range); –1 Perception
Suit D/E/E 4/6/5/4 3,000/120 8 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves B/A/A 1/1/1/1 30 500 g Hands — —

Draconis Combine/Free Rasalhague Republic Overall: 2/2/3/1; COPV: 1

Helmet C/B/D 3/4/4/2 200 1 kg Head — Military Comm.
Suit B/B/C 2/2/3/1 100/8 5 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 g Hands — —

Federated Suns Overall: 2/3/3/2; COPV: 2

Helmet C/B/D 4/5/5/4 500 1.5 kg Head 2 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Rangefinders; +2 Perception
Jacket B/B/C 3/5/4/3 450/10 5 kg Torso, Arms — 1/2/2/1 for arms
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 2/2/2/2 40 1 kg Hands — –1 DEX

Free Worlds League Overall: 3/4/3/2; COPV: 2 (-1 MP)

Helmet C/B/D 4/4/3/3 250 1 kg Head 1 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; +2 Perception
Suit B/B/D 5/6/4/3 1,500/30 15 kg Torso, Arms, Legs — Encumbering; 3/4/2/1 for arms/legs
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 g Hands — —

Lyran Alliance Overall: 2/3/3/2; COPV: 2

Helmet C/B/D 4/6/6/4 300 1.2 kg Head 1 Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Night Vision; +2 Perception
Jacket B/B/B 3/5/4/3 350/10 3.5 kg Torso, Arms — 2/4/3/2 for arms
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 g Hands — —



Equipment AV Cost/ Power
Item Ratings M/B/E/X Patch Weight Coverage /Hour Notes*
Magistracy of Canopus Overall: 1/3/2/1; COPV: 1
Helmet C/B/D 5/6/5/2 250 1 kg Head 1 Military Comm.; Rangefinders; +3 Perception
Vest C/A/B 1/5/2/3 75/10 3 kg Torso — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 kg Hands — —

Marian Hegemony Overall: 2/4/3/2; COPV: 2

Helmet C/B/D 5/6/5/2 300 1 kg Head 1 Military Comm.; Night Vision; Rangefinders; +2 Perception
Jacket B/B/D 3/6/4/3 1,200/25 10 kg Torso, Arms — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves A/B/B 1/1/1/1 30 500 kg Hands — —

Taurian Concordat/Calderon Protectorate Overall: 2/2/2/2; COPV: 1

Helmet C/B/D 3/5/5/3 210 1 kg Head — +1 Perception
Jacket B/B/B 2/3/3/2 50/5 3 kg Torso, Arms — —
Gloves B/B/B 2/2/2/2 60 1.2 kg Hands — Military Comm.
Boots B/A/A 1/1/1/1 48/10 500 g Feet — —

Periphery/Generic Overall: 1/3/1/2; COPV: 1

Helmet B/A/B 4/5/4/2 180 1.8 kg Head — +2 Perception
Jacket C/A/B 1/5/1/3 100/10 3.5 kg Torso, Arms — —
Boots B/A/A 2/3/3/1 48/10 2 kg Feet — —


Equipment AV Cost/ Combat Ops
Item Ratings M/B/E/X Patch Weight Afil PV/MP Mod* Notes
Concealed Ablative E/B/D 2/1/4/1 x1.5 x0.75 — 1/— vest, jacket, pants, or suit
Concealed Flak D/B/C 1/4/1/2 x1.5 x0.75 — 1/— vest, jacket, pants, or suit
Concealed Ablative/Flak E/C/D 2/3/3/2 x1.75 x0.80 — 1/— vest, jacket, pants, or suit
Concealed Ballistic Plate E/D/D 3/4/4/3 x1.8 x0.75 — 1/— vest, jacket, or suit; –1 Perception TN to spot
Neo-Chainmail D/C/D 3/3/2/2 — — — — —
Jacket, unhooded — — 700/17 1.9 kg — 1/— Coverage: Torso, Arms
Jacket, hooded — — 830/17 2.1 kg — 1/— Coverage: Head, Torso, Arms
Pants — — 450/17 2.8 kg — —/— Coverage: Legs
Suit — — 920/17 4.7 kg — 1/— Coverage: Torso, Arms, Legs
Vest — — 375/17 1.7 kg — 1/— Coverage: Torso
Myomer Armor E/E/E 3/5/4/5 — — — — —
Suit — — 5,800/150 18 kg LA 2/–1 Encumbering; Coverage: Torso, Arms, Legs; Pwr Use:
0.5/min; half AV when deactivated (round down)
Vest — — 1,800/150 7.5 kg LA 2/— Coverage: Torso; Pwr Use: 0.5/min; half AV when
deactivated (round down).

* For Combat Operations' Infantry Platoon Construction, protection values and MP modifiers are based only on armor worn over the torso.


Equipment Cost/
Alcohol/Drug Ratings Dosage Weight Afil Duration RPG Effects*
Alcohol: Beer/Wine A/A/B 1 — — 2 hr Depressant; Strength 1, Potency 0.5*
Alcohol: Mixed Drink A/A/B 2 — — 3 hr Depressant; Strength 2, Potency 0.5*
Alcohol: Hard Liquor A/B/B 2 — — 4 hr Depressant; Strength 3, Potency 1*
Alcohol: Fusionnaire A/B/B 5 — — 5 hr Depressant; Strength 4, Potency 2*
Cannabis/Hashish A/B/C 2 — — 3 hr Depressant; Strength 2, Potency 1*
Heroin A/B/D 10 — — 6 hr Depressant; Strength 7, Potency 5*
Codeine A/B/C 6 — — 8 hr Depressant; Strength 5, Potency 3*
Barbiturates A/B/D 7 — — 4 hr Depressant; Strength 6, Potency 4*
Caffeine A/A/A 0.5 — — 2 hr Stimulant; Strength 1, Potency 1*
Nicotine A/A/B 1 — — 2 hr Stimulant; Strength 2, Potency 1*
Cocaine A/B/D 7 — — 4 hr Stimulant; Strength 3, Potency 4*
Amphetamines A/B/D 6 — — 6 hr Stimulant; Strength 4, Potency 3*



Equipment Cost/
Alcohol/Drug Ratings Dosage Weight Afil Duration RPG Effects*
Methamphetamines B/B/D 6 — — 6 hr Stimulant; Strength 5, Potency 4*
K-Z (“Krazy”) C/C/E 10 — — 10 hr Stimulant; Strength 6, Potency 8*
X-Quick C/C/E 2 — — 2 hr Stimulant; Strength 3, Potency 5*
Payote/Mascaline A/A/C 2 — — 8 hr Hallucinogen; Strength 2, Potency 2*
LSD (”Acid”) A/B/C 4 — — 8 hr Hallucinogen; Strength 6, Potency 7*
Phencyclidine (PCP) A/B/D 6 — — 8 hr Hallucinogen; Strength 7, Potency 10*
Psilocybin (Mushrooms) A/A/A 3 — — 4 hr Hallucinogen; Strength 3, Potency 2*
Ingrot venom A/C/D 9 — — 6 hr Hallucinogen; Strength 4, Potency 3*
Necrosia C/D/E 12 — — 4 hr Hallucinogen; Strength 8, Potency 4*
Performance Enhancers
QwikStim D/E/E 8 — LA 72/(CRL+2) hr Ignore Fatigue, +1 to DEX-based TNs for Duration. “Crash” for 2
Fatigue/hr x Duration
Rage E/E/E 10 — CC 4+(1D6/2) hr Ignore non-Fatal Wound TNs, +8/(CRL+2) to STR for Duration. +3D6
damage for STR-based skills with Critical Wounds or worse.
LD-512 E/E/E 12 — FS 1D6/2 hr +12/(CRL+3) to INT, –24/(CRL+3) to Perception for Duration.; “Crash”
for 5 Fatigue/hr of Duration
Spazz D/E/E 10 — — 3+(1D6/2) hr +12/(CRL+4) to RFL, +2 to DEX-based TNs, +Madness/Paranoia Trait
for Duration.
* See text for additional rules and CBT effects.

Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Pressure Trigger B/D/B 5 95 g — –1 TN to arm/disarm
Thermal Trigger, Contact C/D/B 8.5 50 g — Object-heat sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Thermal Trigger, Ranged C/D/B 18 260 g — Ambient/IR-source sensitive (3m range); Pwr use: 0.2/hr
Timer Trigger (w/ display) B/B/B 1 8g — –1 to arm; +1 to disarm
Timer Trigger (w/o display) B/B/C 7 1g — +1 to arm; +3 to disarm
Audio Trigger (basic) C/B/B 3 12 g — Volume-sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Audio Trigger (advanced) C/C/C 14 18 g — Tone/voice/phrase sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Video trigger (basic) C/B/B 9 1 kg — Light/color/motion sensitive; Pwr use: 0.2/hr
Video trigger (advanced) D/C/C 19 1.4 kg — Image-recognizing; Pwr use: 0.2/hr
Chemical Trigger (basic) C/C/C 10 95 g — Requires tracker chemicals; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Chemical Trigger (advanced) D/D/C 25 120 g — “Scent” sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Radiological Trigger (basic) C/D/C 15 100 g — Broad-spectrum; Pwr Use: 0.1/hr
Radiological Trigger (advanced) D/D/C 35 125 g — Radiation type-sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Tripwire Trigger (mechanical) A/A/A 1 1 g/10 meters — –2 arm/disarm; –1 Perception TN to detect
Tripwire Trigger (laser) C/B/C 14 20 g — –2 to arm; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Command Trigger (landline) A/B/A 5 1 g/10 meters — –2 arm/disarm; –1 Perception to detect; user-activated
Command Trigger (basic) B/B/A 20 100 g — Signal range: 5 km; user-activated only; Pwr use: 0.1/hr
Command Trigger (adv.) C/C/D 140 125 g — Signal range: 15 km; signal-sensitive; Pwr use: 0.1/hr

Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes:
Combat MediPack C/B/B 1,000 3.5 kg — Pwr use: 5; Refills cost 150 C-bills

Item Ratings Cost Weight Afil Notes
VDC, Standard D/B/B 1,000 2,000 kg —
VDC, Camouflage D/C/D 3,000 2,000 kg — Camo: 2
VDC, Stealth D/D/D 5,000 2,200 kg — ECM: 4, IR: 4, Camo: 4
VDC, Reusable +1/+1/— x2 +500 kg — 5 min to stow.



Item Damage Min/Sht/Med/Lng Weight Slots Shots (Wt.) BV/Ammo Cost/Ammo Notes
“Bearhunter” Superheavy AC 3 0/0/1/2 150 kg 2 20 (30) 4/0 11,250/650 +1 to-hit modifier in CBT
“David” Lt Gauss Rifle 1 0/3/5/8 100 kg 1 20 (15) 7/1 22,500/250 —
“King David” Lt Gauss Rifle 1 0/3/6/9 275 kg 2 20 (15) 7/1 30,000/250 —
“Firedrake” Support Needler 1 0/1/2/3 50 kg 1 30 (5) 2/0 1,500/100 May ignite target hex on 6+; no dam-
age to armored units.
Man-Portable Plasma Rifle 2 0/2/4/6 300 kg 2 20 (30) 12/2 28,000/20 May ignite target hex on 5+
’Mech Taser Rifle 1 0/1/2/3 300 kg 3 — 15/— 10,000/500 +1 TN to fire; see description.

* See Battle Armor Construction in Classic BattleTech Companion, beginning on p. 155.


Weapon Base Damage Cost
Item Type Range (Each) (C-bills) BV
Hawk Eagle AutoPistol Standard 0 0.27 100 0.27
Martial Eagle Machine Pistol Standard 0 0.25 180 0.25
Sea Eagle Needler Pistol Standard 0 0.11 110 0.11

Ebony Assault Rifle Standard 2 0.21 8,500 0.21

Mauser 1200 Light Support Sys Standard 2 0.36 10,000 0.36
Mauser IIC Infantry Assault Sys Standard 3 0.35 18,000 0.35
Avenger Crowd Control Weapon Standard 0 0.33 345 0.33

Gauss Submachine Gun Standard† 1 0.45 2,000 0.90

“Buccaneer” Gel Gun Standard 0 0.07 200 0.07
LGB-46R “Paint” Gun Standard 0 0 50 0.00
Radium Sniper Rifle Standard 3 0.18 9,500 0.18
“Spitball” Gas Pistol Standard 0 0 6 0.00

“Bearhunter” Superheavy AC Support† 0 2.33 3,000 4.66

“David” Light Gauss Rifle Support† 3 0.56 6,000 1.13
“King David” Light Gauss Rifle Support† 3 0.68 8,000 1.35
“Firedrake” Support Needler Support 1 0.91 500 0.91
Man-Portable Plasma Rifle Support† 2 1.58 7,500 3.15

* See Infantry Platoon Construction in Combat Operations, beginning on p. 58.

† Weapon is anti-armor capable.


The Clan Blood Spirit Alpha Galaxy pushes back a drive by Star Adder's Gamma Galaxy to expand their foot-hold
on York, following the collapse of Omega Galaxy.

A Spirit’s Alpha Galaxy Roc/Chrysaor ProtoMech Star moves to destroy an Adder Gamma Galaxy Warhammer IIC.

Chrysaor ProtoMech Gorgon ProtoMech Roc ProtoMech

Seventh Blood Drinkers Cluster 133rd Hussar Cluster Fifty-fifth Red Vanguard Cluster
[Blood Spirit] [Star Adder] [Blood Spirit]

Orc ProtoMech Hydra ProtoMech

Watch Minotaur ProtoMech Watch
[Hell's Horses] Watch [Hell's Horses]
[Hell's Horses]

Clan Hell's Horses' Watch makes in-roads to the coreward Periphery of the Inner Sphere, annihilating any pirates that interfere.

A Ryukin-ni lance, currently assigned to military exercises with Clan Nova Cat, defends against a Delta Galaxy Ghost Bear raid.

Gnome battle armor Kage battle armor

Eighth Bear Cuirassiers Void battle armor Ryuken-ni Brigade
[Ghost Bear] Nova Cat Irregulars Cluster [House Kurita]
[Nova Cat]

The Third McCarron's Armored Cavalry raid Kyrkbacken, striking against the Third Free Worlds Legionnaires.

Achileus battle armor Yin Long battle armor

Third Free Worlds Legionnaires Third McCarron's Armored Cavalry
[House Marik] [House Liao]
Phalanx battle armor
Third Free Worlds Legionnaires
[House Marik]

Basilisk ProtoMech Afreet battle armor Elemental battle armor

Forty-fifth Cobra Grenadiers Fortieth Hellion Lancers 121st Cobra Fang
[Cloud Cobra] [Ice Hellion] [Cloud Cobra]

In a classic Ice Hellion "tantrum," an Alpha Galaxy force makes an ill-advised raid against the Tanis System, where the
Cobra Beta Galaxy makes short work of the incursion.

An Eleventh Arcturan Guards' Grashopper and VTOLs try vainly to hold against a Davion Assault Guards’ Templar and Sagittaire.

Inner Sphere battle armor Grenadier battle armor

Davion Assault Guards Davion Assault Guards
[House Davion] [House Davion]
Rottweiler battle armor
Eleventh Lyran Regulars
[House Steiner]

The Eleventh Arcturan Guards try to hold off long enough to evacuate, against a massed assault from the
Davion Assault Guards on Tikinov during the FedCom Civil War.

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