27 Risk Assessment-Construction of Ecm Holding Tank and Silt Trap

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Company Hong Hup Machinery & Construction Pte Ltd K.JayaKumar(WSHS)

Conducted by: G.Kannan (Admin Executive)
(Names, designations) K.Sethupathi (Site Engineer)
Process / Method / Construction of Ecm holding tank / silt trap (Date) G.SathyaRaj (Site Engineer)
Location 2 Pandan Ave
V.Prabhu (Site Engineer)
Approved by: Eric Teo, Project Manager
(Name, designation) 01 Sep 2016 Last Review Date: 01 Sep 2016 Next Review Date: 31 Aug 2019
(Date) Rev. 0

1. Aspect / Hazard Identification 2. Impact / Risk Evaluation 3. Impact / Risk Control

1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 3a. 3b.
Possible Accident / Action Officer,
Processes/ Aspect / Existing Risk Control Additional Risk Control
No. Ill Health & S L R Designation
Activities/Services Hazard (if any) Measures
Persons-at-Risk (Follow-up date)
1 Worker hit by Injury/Death to Trained excavator 5 2 10 Tool box meeting WSH Supervisor
excavator person(s) operator with certificate Warning blinking light Site Supervisor
No workers to be near install at excavator and in
excavator during good working condition
Person fall into Injury to person(s) Warning signs are 3 2 6 Site safety inspection to WSH Supervisor
excavated placed at strategic ensure barricades in good Site Supervisor
area < 2m locations to warn of the condition.
excavation. Toolbox meeting.
Sides of excavation to
be guarded by effective
To provide proper ladder
for safe access
Damages to Serious injury or Cable detection drawing 5 1 5 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
service death of worker & Trail hole to check for Site Supervisor
damaged to property existing cable
2 Stockpile Soil erosion Injury/ Death to Materials to be placed at 5 2 10 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
person(s) least 1m from edge of Cordon off work area Site Supervisor
excavation Clear away stockpile

1. Aspect / Hazard Identification 2. Impact / Risk Evaluation 3. Impact / Risk Control
1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 3a. 3b.
Possible Accident / Action Officer,
Processes/ Aspect / Existing Risk Control Additional Risk Control
No. Ill Health & S L R Designation
Activities/Services Hazard (if any) Measures
Persons-at-Risk (Follow-up date)
3 Formwork Fingers caught Injury Use of proper PPE – 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
in between protective gloves Site Supervisor
Trip & fall Injury Removal of unwanted 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
material / debris Site Supervisor
Proper stacking &
arrangement of
Bad posture at Back injury Workers brief on proper 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
work working posture. Site Supervisor
Work rotation when
squad down for long
Contact with Injury Use of proper PPE - 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
sharp / protective gloves Site Supervisor
protruding Protruding nails to be
parts de-nail or to be bend
Unsafe Injury Use of proper PPE – 3 2 6 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
handling / hand gloves Site Supervisor
operation of All tools’ operation
cutting / manuals to be made
sawing tools available for reference
Use of defect Electric shock or No operation of 5 1 5 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
electrical tools electrocution electrical tools in wet Site Supervisor
environment Visual
inspection of electrical
tools to ensure no
defects before use.
Provision of socket
outlet assemblies with
monthly LEW
1. Aspect / Hazard Identification 2. Impact / Risk Evaluation 3. Impact / Risk Control
1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 3a. 3b.
Possible Accident / Action Officer,
Processes/ Aspect / Existing Risk Control Additional Risk Control
No. Ill Health & S L R Designation
Activities/Services Hazard (if any) Measures
Persons-at-Risk (Follow-up date)
4 Reinforcement Fingers caught Injury Use of proper PPE – 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
in between protective gloves Site Supervisor
Trip & fall Injury Removal of unwanted 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
material / debris Site Supervisor
Proper stacking &
arrangement of
Bad posture at Back injury Workers brief on proper 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
work working posture. Site Supervisor
Work rotation when
squad down for long
Contact with Injury Use of proper PPE - 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
sharp / protective gloves Site Supervisor
protruding Protruding nails to be
parts de-nail or to be bend
5 Concreting Cuts from Injury Provide proper PPE - 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
sharp corners hand gloves Site Supervisor
of concrete Wear long sleeves
buckets clothes to reduce
likelihood of cuts from
Workers Hit by Injury Provide proper PPE - 5 1 5 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
concrete Safety Helmet, Safety Site Supervisor
buckets Shoes
Bucket to stabilised and
held by worker during
Workers to keep away
from bottom of the
bucket during hoisting.

1. Aspect / Hazard Identification 2. Impact / Risk Evaluation 3. Impact / Risk Control
1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 3a. 3b.
Possible Accident / Action Officer,
Processes/ Aspect / Existing Risk Control Additional Risk Control
No. Ill Health & S L R Designation
Activities/Services Hazard (if any) Measures
Persons-at-Risk (Follow-up date)
5 Concreting Concrete spill Environmental Issue Inspect wheel barrow to 2 2 4 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
(cont.) out from the be in good condition Site Supervisor
wheel barrow before use.
Ensure no materials to
obstruct the access path
to the fabrication yard
Proper handling of the
wheel barrow
Contact with Skin disease Provide proper PPE - 3 2 6 Toolbox Meeting. WSH Supervisor
wet concrete rubber gloves and Site Supervisor
rubber safety shoes;
Briefing of SDS of
concrete to workers

Not Expected to occur but still
1 Negligible Not likely to cause injury or ill-health 1 Rare
Injury or ill-health requiring first-aid only (includes minor
Not likely to occur under normal
2 Minor cuts and bruises, irritation, ill-health with temporary 2 Remote
Injury requiring medical treatment or ill-health leading to
disability (includes lacerations, burns, sprains, minor
3 Moderate 3 Occasional Possible or known to occur
fractures, dermatitis, deafness, work-related upper limb
Serious injuries or life-threatening occupational disease
4 Major (includes amputations, major fractures, multiple injuries, 4 Frequent Common Occurrence
occupational cancer, acute poisoning).
5 Catastrophic Fatality, fatal diseases or multiple major injuries. 5 Almost Certain Continual or repeating experience

Severity Rare (1) Remote (2) Occasional (3) Frequent (4) Almost certain (5)
Catastrophic (5) M(5) M(10) H(15) H(20) H(25)
Major (4) M(4) M(8) M(12) H(16) H(20)
Moderate (3) L(3) M(6) M(9) M(12) H(15)
Minor (2) L(2) M(4) M(6) M(8) M(10)
Negligible (1) L(1) L(2) L(3) M(4) M(5)

Action for Risk Levels

Risk Level Risk Acceptability Description
No additional risk control measures may be needed. Frequent review and monitoring of hazards are required to ensure
Low Risk Acceptable
that the risk level assigned is accurate and does not increase over time.
A careful evaluation of the hazards should be carried out to ensure that the risk level is reduced to as low as
reasonably practicable (ALARP) within a defined time period.
Medium Risk Tolerable Interim risk control measures, such as administrative controls or PPE, may be implemented while longer term measures
are being established.
Management attention is required.
High Risk level must be reduced to at least Medium Risk before work commences.
There should not be any interim risk control measures. Risk control measures should not be overly dependent on PPE
High Risk Not Acceptable or appliances.
If practicable, the hazard should be eliminated before work commences.
Management review is required before work commences.

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