WEEK 7-9: Strategy Implementation Unit Learning Outcome (ULO A) Metalanguage Essential Knowledge Strategy Implementation
WEEK 7-9: Strategy Implementation Unit Learning Outcome (ULO A) Metalanguage Essential Knowledge Strategy Implementation
WEEK 7-9: Strategy Implementation Unit Learning Outcome (ULO A) Metalanguage Essential Knowledge Strategy Implementation
College of Business Administration Education
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Local 131
Unit Learning Outcomes: At the end of the unit, they are expected to:
1. Assess the factors that may influence a company's decision to adopt a type
of organizational structure.
Essential Knowledge:
Strategy implementation
Organizing is central: the last twenty years have moved away from
traditional hierarchical frameworks to favor ideas on organizing to develop and
design research that encourages collaboration and process management.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
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College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
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Local 131
organizing center and often managed by a general manager whose staff reports
its headquarters. This kind of multi-divisional structure is called the M-form
Last twenty years, the opposite has occurred when many multinational
companies have flattered their organizations to the number of middle managers
and the scale and number of centralized roles at a corporate headquarters. In
part, it represents a move towards a more customer-focused organization based
on business processes like lean working.
Process Organization
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
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Cross-Functional Structure
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Increasing environmental dynamism and volatility brought on by
globalization and the advent of new types of hyper-competition, such as internet
companies, have made common consolidation and downsize. Yale sociologist
Richard Sennett (2006) wrote about the new capitalism's versatile organization:
state-of-the-art companies need employees who can learn new skills, rather
than cling to old skills. He claims that the dynamic organization underscores the
need to process and interpret evolving knowledge and practice bodies. A
person's value as a strategist is less their skill based on previous experience
and more about their ability to deal with new topics and issues.
McKinsey's 7S framework
College of Business Administration Education
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thing about them is that they're interlinked. Neither factor can be treated in
solitary confinement; they must function together.
Changing strategy, structure, and systems can be implemented quickly, but the
other factors must also be strategically managed, especially shared values, a concept
that is virtually the same as core values, to be fully effective. It may take years to
achieve improvements in non-strategy and structure factors; the real speed of change
is primarily a function of all seven variables.
Soft Strategy
Throughout the 1980s, around the time the 7frameworkrk was adopted,
management writers and consultants emphasized the so-called 'softball' essence of
competitive advantage throughout having an undefined corporate culture and
associated interdependencies that are hard to replicate for rivals. Others went on and
argued in support of a soft-based approach to managing organizations. Sumantra
Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett (1997) argued in favor of replacing what they called
hard elements. The strategy, structure, and system – with soft ones, namely the
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
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Local 131
purpose, which they viewed as setting a strategic direction; the method, the use of
self-directing teams; And people, or the facilitation of engagement and interaction.
Thus, it suggests a lack of formal structure, which will undoubtedly make it difficult for
strategic management to coordinate.
Where does strategic planning leave? Days of classic strategic planning are
gone. Strategic initiatives have been more programs in the shorter term, more focused
on priorities, and less precise on how applications and services are being carried out
at the local level. Strategic planning now has less to do with structured strategic
decision-making and more with a structure to coordinate how people handle
strategically related activities in action. Implementation is achieved through an
organization's structure and control structures, but it is widely accepted that policy
evolves through day-to-day management during its execution.
Strategic planning for many large and complex organizations is mainly an
execution practice, and it operates across medium-term strategies. The medium-term
business plan is a guiding structure for the information to be carried out at an average
management level during annual planning.
Strategic Control
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
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Local 131
Since introduced, the role of strategy in operations has been a neglected field of
strategic management.
Strategic control levers are four information-based mechanisms that can be used by
senior managers to direct an enterprise into a desired decisive role.
A review wheel is positioned at the bottom left to show several periodic review
levels. At its heart is the day-to-day management of activities, where processes are
controlled continuously, according to the PDCA principle; regular operational analysis
is frequent and single-looped, requiring rectifying and exploitative learning. The next
level involves less frequent strategic reviews of the progress of strategically linked
priorities; these are mainly dual-looped and affect explorative learning. The wheel's
final step is an annual diagnostic or company analysis of handling the organization's
core areas.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
Both layers of analysis feed into one another to inform a top-level analysis of
long-term purpose, objectives, and strategy so that they can be modified, followed up,
and updated. A shaping, evaluating, and analyzing practice would be reviewing the
longer-term components of strategic management. Implementation of the strategy to
the right as a downward box by emphasis, alignment, incorporation, and analysis – is
about strategy in practice.
KPIs are interpreted as goals to drive continuous and gradual change in business
processes. Around the same time, it provides a limited range of ambitious strategic
objectives to use as overall strategic priorities. Usually, these include a rethink of how
procedures are structured and executed. The strategic performance management
mechanism is focused on an ongoing succession of strategic focus, alignment,
integration, and review – a continuous FAIR period (Witcher and Butterworth, 1999).
The annual series continues by focusing the organizations first on the strategic
targets. These are then used to align strategically the action plans and the systems
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
used at the operational level for routine annual planning. Regular management is
carried out to incorporate the strategic objectives into operations based on these
strategies. Eventually, the success and implementation of strategic goals are checked
at the end of the process. The results are used to guide the reorientation of the next
process's priorities and the following year.
The content of an annual strategic goal will depend on two main things: a need
to address an issue that is concerned with the mission of the organization and a need
to move the organization forward to a new visionary position significantly. The critical
point is that these strategic targets are annual objectives to be discussed by all and
that they must also be very few, say, between one and four: that is, they are called the
critical few.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
The critical few in a company are taken as their strategic objectives to be used
in routine local preparation and used at other levels. Although planning is mainly based
on local priorities and KPIs, the critical few objectives take precedence as a tool for
organizing daily schedules. It includes preparing plans of action and moving them
between teams to reach agreements with potential partners on achieving the targets
in daily operations.
Some strategic goals may need a long period of development to sort out their
day-to-day management implications. Typically, for several activities, including
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
departments, these need to clarify the extent of their relevance. Such an event that
solves problems is usually a job for project management. Once the catch ball is
approaching completion, departmental management supervises the agreements'
ramifications to verify that the necessary workload and resource level is feasible.
When plans are completed, teams start implementing their operations as part of
their regular management practices with the newly defined targets. During integration,
management principles and market methodologies get into their own. The guiding
concept for managing goals is the PDCA cycle; work is tracked to plan (objectives),
and teams respond by problem-solving to correct anomalies and ensure that
improvements are successful. A hallmark of proper process management is to make
sure priorities are clear and appropriate. Departmental heads have to ensure that
budgets, staff reviews, and benefits are compatible with program management. It is
essential to ensure that individuals are not overwhelmed and can provide the
development support they need.
Systematically, the annual FAIR cycle review phase includes the top executive
and senior manager level's involvement in analyzing how an organization's core areas
are being handled concerning strategy and target. This operation goes under various
names; the 'executive audit' and 'president's diagnosis' are the most common. It
requires the involvement of top and senior management levels. The aim is to diagnose
the most critical issues by listening to reports and personal accounts provided by staff
in different organization sections.
It happens at the end of the annual FAIR process and reflects its evaluation
phase. Top-level participation as auditors is essential, as it provides a basis for
understanding how the organization's strategy is being implemented at the operational
level. It also provides for the next focus process with information. The auditing activity
brings senior managers into touch with the organizational realities, and their
involvement helps to provide an overall strategy for leadership and encouragement for
lower-level management. Thus, the operation offers a lever for strategic control that
promotes organizational learning and new strategies emerging.
The Nissan Motor Company identifies 13 core business areas for creating value
(Witcher, Chau, and Harding, 2008). It also specifies seven core competencies: daily
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
control; the determination of the vital few objectives; the coordination of the essential
few through development and deployment; the establishment of control items (targets
and means); analytical and problem- solving abilities; check and action taken; and
leadership and participation by high-ranking personnel.
Belief systems encourage the quest for new opportunities and guide them. It is
done through a specific set of purpose statements formally communicated by senior
managers and systematically reinforced to provide the organization with the
fundamental values and direction. The notion of conviction suggests that an
organization's life's ideals must be profoundly ingrained and based on the intent.
Initially, Simons did not include opinions but later changed his mind, reflecting a new
emphasis on vision and its relevance to leadership.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
Simons argues for a control balance between positive and negative control to
harmonize the restrictive attributes of boundary and diagnostic systems with the more
expansive characteristics of belief and interactive systems. Strategic performance
management puts diagnostic and interactive control under pressure. However, a
strong emphasis on daily management's overall main strategic goals is required for
successful strategic management, concentrating on 'how to get things done' rather
than 'what to do.' If things are done correctly, if the right things are done, it will become
more apparent. Therefore, it still has to believe in the importance of information and
evidence in addressing this.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
Strategic Leadership
Strategic leadership how top management and other executive levels guide the
company to work to accomplish its purpose.
Leadership styles are the distinctive manners in which leaders act to influence
the strategic management of their organizations.
The primary responsibility for the project strategy and ensuring it works is at the
top of the company. The executive and other senior managers are expected to direct
the company to achieve its objective. Effective strategic leadership is the foundation
for using the Strategic Management process successfully.
There will be people with leadership qualities and abilities at every organization
level: those who lead units, sections, teams, and specialists in essential areas of
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
knowledge and skills. Many of these would be critical for motivating and inspiring
others located in various areas of an organization to create strategic change. People's
management ability is central, especially in developing core competencies.
Observers usually say that a successful leader should seamlessly transfer skills
between various leadership types, depending on the situation they face at any time.
To some degree, this depends on emotional intelligence: an ability to identify and
appreciate one's own emotions and other's emotions. High emotional intelligence
includes articulating openly about feelings, controlling and using good effect emotions,
and empathizing with others. That may expect a lot, but it is essential to consider these
qualities, at least.
Executive leadership is by its very definition remote because there would be daily
interaction with top executives only for a small part of a large company's workers. In
this case, leadership appearance is essential. Writing regarding princes in the early
sixteenth century, Niccolo Machiavelli (1532) observed that men usually judge by their
eyes rather than by their ears. While all are in a position to watch, few can come in
direct contact with senior executives. All see what you seem to be; few experience
what you are. How leaders do is significant as an indication of reputation and
legitimacy, as reflected in the symbols and artifacts.
Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus (1985) identified four management competencies
for ethical leadership – attention, meaning, trust, and self.
It is an ability to attract and draw people to them, to sustain and encourage them
with their attentiveness. It is usually associated with charismatic leadership; At the
same time, a leader might be ordinary. It is the strength of an underlying dream that
inspires and provides a sense of certainty about what will happen next and that it will
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
A leader should know their skills and not stress about making decisions or
agonizing about improvement and outcomes. They must focus on mistakes for long
enough to learn from them and step quickly forward again. It gives others confidence;
it is not the leaders' trust that counts but the assurance of their influence and acts.
Leadership Styles
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
leadership style partner. A contrasting leadership style is a low key, mostly self-
effacing and quiet.
According to Jim Collins, big businesses have leaders who do not force change
or seek to inspire people directly; instead, they have leaders who work with the
organization's core values. Leaders are working to develop a balanced corporate
culture that can produce long-term success. It is not commanded and orders, but it
demands that everyone stick to a precise practice method. It is about allowing people
to participate in rational thinking and then pursue it with artful action. Collins believes
that the challenges of participation, commitment, motivation, and progress are melting
away as they take care of themselves in a straightforward, organized way.
There is often a distinction between leadership and strategy on the one hand and
management and control. This view encourages senior executives to think they are
doing strategy while others are doing management. Initially, this separation began with
the classical notion that the execution of the plan would obey formulation. There is a
growing belief that leadership is distinct from management.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
Abraham Zaleznik (1977) was the first to argue in the Harvard Business Review
that leadership and management are different roles: a leader is a shaper and mover
of change, while a manager is based on procedures, coordination, and working within
the current organization. The distinction is not readily known in certain national
cultures; in Japan, there are no equivalent leaders expected to manage the separation.
Strategic Change
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
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Local 131
recruits new members motivated by the original ideals and spreads them. The culture
of an organization, as its diversity becomes more similar, becomes more distinct. If
events call for radical change, group-thinking is a disadvantage, though.
If the need arises, perhaps because of a disaster, a new leader and team may
find it challenging to execute a change programmed. John Kotter (1996), Harvard
Leadership Professor, devised an eight-stage sequence to guide the strategic and
cultural transition. He argues that they are all important and that any failure to
implement them is why change programs fail:
1. Establish a sense of urgency: this makes others aware of the need for change
and works while motivation is strong.
2. Create a guiding coalition: put together a group with enough power to drive the
change and work as a team.
3. Develop a change vision: change direction to develop strategies for achieving
the vision.
4. Communicate the vision to others as many as possible. It needs to understand
and accept the vision with its associated strategies – a vision should be
communicated by a factor of 10, 100, even 1,000.
5. Empower action across the organization: remove obstacles to change; change
systems and structures that seriously undermine the vision; encourage risk-
taking and non-traditional ideas, activities, and actions.
6. Generate short-term wins: plan for achievements that can easily be made
visible and follow through with these to recognize and reward those employees
who were involved.
7. Never let up: continuously sustain and reinforce the increasing credibility of
the change, recruit, promote champions, develop these and other employees
who can implement the vision, and reinvigorate the change process with new
projects, themes, and change agents.
8. Incorporate changes into the culture: the new ways of doing things must be
seen to compare favorably with traditional ways, articulate the connections
between the new behaviors and organizational success, develop the means to
ensure leadership development and succession.
Kotter's sequence for change is logical, but perhaps perseverance is the most
critical change (and luck) leadership philosophy. However, it should be remembered
that most organizations are everyday affairs and that the people in them (including
clients) are human beings. Organizations and people are rarely prepared for strategic
management. So, being tough-skinned as well as open-minded is essential to leaders.
They have to run and manage their organizations regardless of the circumstances,
and necessarily, it's not a strategy, but how the procedure is handled that matters.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further understand
the lesson:
Flores, Marivic F. 2017, Business policy and strategy. Intramuros, Metro Manila:
Books Library Services and Publishing Inc.
Young, F. C., 2015, Strategimanagementnt made simple. Manila: Rex Book Store
Let's Check
Instructions: Read the statement below and write your answer in the space provided.
_______1. Involves teams with individuals who come from different functional areas
of an organization working together to meet an objective.
_______2. The creation of the appropriate organizational structure and processes to
execute the strategic plan.
_______3. Sequence of related tasks to deliver an objective.
_______4. Organizing action into a cohesive and functional body.
_______5. The division of labor into specialized operations.
_______6. Act as an integrated system.
_______7. As the center at the top of the organization, Hierarchical administers the
transition process's overall design.
_______8. Allows each division to be focused either on unique products or on a
distinct regional market.
_______9. Described as the use of information technology to overhaul business
processes resulting in a revolutionary shift.
_______10. Formal structures, written protocols, rules, and pro-certificates that
condition routines and standard working methods.
_______11. The guiding beliefs or fundamental ideas around which an organization
is built.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
Let's Analyze
Activity 1. In this part, you are required to elaborate your answer to the
questions below:
1. Discuss the review wheel for strategy.
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
2. What is your opinion about the lever of strategic control? What do you think
are the success factors to better control an organization and achieve strategic
In a Nutshell
This section allows the students to list down all emerging questions or
issues. Ask questions in the LMS or other modes.
Questions/Issues Answers
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
College of Business Administration Education
2nd Floor, SS Building
Bolton St. Davao City
Telefax: (082)227-5456
Local 131
Thank You