Bhuj-Bhachau Road (BOT)

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Invitation of Proposals for Expression of Interest (EOI) for services of Independent Engineer for Improvement and Strengthening of Bhuj-Bhachau

road on BOT Basis.

Gujarat State Road Development Corporation Limited

Ground Floor, 'Nirman Bhavan, Sector 10A, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382 010, India Tel.: 079 23252912/15 Fax: 079 23252090 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Invitation of Proposals for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road (SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis.


Gujarat State Road Development Corporation (GSRDC) has been entrusted by Government of Gujarat (GoG), Roads and Buildings Department (R&BD) with the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road (SH-42, Km. 0/0 to Km 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis.

As per Concession Agreement (CA), GSRDC shall invite expressions of interest from consulting engineering firms or bodies corporate to undertake and perform the duties and functions set forth in Schedule P and thereupon shortlist 10 qualified firms in accordance with pre-determined criteria. GSRDC shall convey aforesaid list of firms to the Concessionaire for scrutiny and comments, if any. The Concessionaire shall be entitled to scrutinize the relevant records of GSRDC to ascertain whether the selection of firms has been undertaken in accordance with the prescribed procedures and it shall send its comments, if any, within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the aforesaid list of firms. Upon receipt of such comments, if any, GSRDC shall, finalize and constitute a panel upto 10 (ten) firms (the Panel of Firms) and convey its decision to the Concessionaire. GSRDC shall invite the aforesaid firms in the Panel of Firms to submit their respective technical and financial offers, each in a separate sealed cover. All the technical bids so received shall be opened and pursuant to evaluation thereof, GSRDC shall shortlist top eligible firms on the basis of their technical scores. The financial bids in respect of such 3 (three) firms shall be opened and the order of priority as among these firms shall be determined on the basis of a weighted evaluation where, technical and financial scores shall be assigned respective weights of 80:20. GSRDC proposes to procure a short list of Independent Engineer (IE) for the project for which details are given hereunder.
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EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Sr. No.

Project stretch

Project length (Km) 77

Total Project Cost (Rs. In Crores) 256.88

Construction period (in months) 18 months


Interested firms may apply for the above project based on their eligibility as per eligibility criteria mentioned in Annexure IV. 5 As per terms and conditions of the Concession Agreement, the Independent Engineer is required to (i) independently and on behalf of GSRDC and the Concessionaire / lenders to review activities associated with design, design review, construction, operation and maintenance of the Project to ensure compliance with the requirements of Concession Agreement. (ii) assist the Parties to interpret the Concession Agreement, in arriving at an amicable settlement of disputes if any. GSRDC now invites eligible engineering firms / companies / joint ventures for Expression of Interest for the Independent Engineer for discharge of duties as mentioned above. Based on relevant experience of project monitoring, construction supervision, contract management, project Management, Independent Engineer etc. as detailed in letter of invitation, GSRDC will shortlist firms and prepare a panel of 10 consultants which shall be valid for above mentioned project. Particulars of Expression of interest Document (Application): i) ii) EOI document shall be purchased Cost of EOI Document [Additional Rs. 1000/-(One thousand) shall be paid separately in the form DD if EOI document required through Courier] Last date for submission of Proposal EOI Opening at GSRDC Office Pre-Application Meeting From-01/06/2011 to 30/06/2011 up to 1700 Hrs. on working days. Rs 25000 /- (non-refundable and non transferable) in form of DD in favour of Gujarat State Road Development Corporation Limited, payable at Gandhinagar. 01/07/2011 up to 1700 Hrs. 01/07/2011 at 1730 Hrs. 15/06/2011 at 1300 Hrs.
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iii) iv) v)

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Applicants can procure and submit the qualification documents for the project from the GSRDC office at the address given below. 9. The firm or a company as part of joint venture, which is presently working with VALECHA-PBA CONSORTIUM or its affiliated firms shall not be considered for qualification for this project as a sole firm or as a part of joint venture. Expression of Interest should be submitted in sealed cover and delivered at the address given below latest by 1700 hours on 01/07/2011 and clearly marked Empanelment for Independent Engineer (IE) for BhujBhachau road. Interested consulting engineering firms / companies / joint ventures may obtain further information at following address: Gujarat State Road Development Corporation Ground Floor, Nirman Bhavan, Sector 10A, Gandhinagar 382010, Gujarat, India. Phone: +91-79-23252912, +91-79-23252915 Fax: +91-79-23252090



EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Letter of Invitation (LOI)


Short-listing for Independent Engineer services for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau road on SH-42 on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis.

Dear Sir, 1 Gujarat State Road Development Corporation (GSRDC) has been entrusted by Government of Gujarat (GoG), Roads and Buildings Department (R&BD) with the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau road on SH42 on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis. Procurement of the concessionaire is completed. GSRDC now intends to short-list eligible consulting firms/joint ventures who have proven experience in BOT/public funded projects to act as Independent Engineer (IE). In order to carry out the implementation of above project as per Concession Agreement, GSRDC will engage eligible consulting engineering firms/joint ventures to act as Independent Engineer. The sole applicant / members of joint venture (JV) should have an experience as specified in Annexure - IV. Experience of projects that have been substantially completed (not less than 90% of contract value) shall be considered towards qualifying experience. Only those consultants who satisfy above minimum eligibility criteria need apply. Client certificates shall be required for experience. In case a consulting engineering firm claims experience for a project undertaken as a member of JV, the particular firms position in the JV needs to be clearly brought out in the Clients certificate or in a supporting sheet by memorandum of JV itself. Engineering services to be provided by an integrated multi disciplinary team of key-personnel consisting of Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer, Senior Bridge Engineer / Structural Engineer, Traffic and Transportation Expert, Senior Pavement Specialist, Senior Quality/Material Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Financial Expert, Legal Expert, Environmental Expert and Road Safety Expert. Duration of services is about 36 months.

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Short listing of Independent Engineer will be done based on marks obtained by the firm after evaluation of firms experience, credentials etc. The points assigned for evaluation criteria have been given in Annexure V & VI. Instructions for submission of Expression of Interest are enclosed at Annexure I and guidelines for preparation of Expression of interest are enclosed at Annexure II. Eligible consulting engineering firms / joint ventures interested in short-listing for Independent Engineer should fill up the enclosed Expression of Interest form (Annexure III) along with self evaluation statement-1 and statement-2 in hard and soft copy in excel format in CD and submit together with a letter of intent so as to reach GSRDC not later than 17.00 hours on 01/07/2011. Enclosures: As Above

Paras K. Sanghvi General Manager (P) GSRDC Gandhinagar

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Annexure - I Instructions for submission of Expression of Interest statement

1. Accomplished Expression of Interest statement (Application) must be submitted together with a Letter of Intent not later than 17.00 hours on 01/07/2011. 2. The Application shall be basis of drawing up a shortlist of consultants who will be invited to submit proposal for services required. 3. All Applications shall be submitted in English. 4. Power of attorney (on stamp paper duly notarized) of the person submitting the Expression of Interest on behalf of the Applicant shall be attached. Joint Venture (JV) shall not be more than 2 (two) partners. One of the JV partner shall be designated as Lead member. 5. In case of the Application made by a Joint Venture (JV), either Joint Venture MOU/Agreement or a Letter of Intent to form Joint Venture shall be attached with necessary details. 6. A particular firm is allowed to be an eligible Applicant provided it has applied either as a sole firm or in joint venture with one partner. Formulation of more than one joint venture with different partner is not allowed and all such Expression of Interest involving the firm shall be treated as non responsive. 7. The Application along with enclosures should be hard bound, page numbered and initialed on each page. Loose/ spiral bound or comb bound Expression of Interest shall be considered as non responsive.
8. The Application and all related correspondence and documents should be

written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by Applicant with the Application may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied with translations in the English language. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Application, the English language translation shall prevail.

9. Application shall remain valid up to 29/10/2011 (Application Validity Period). GSRDC reserves the right to reject any Applications, which does not meet this requirement. 10. The Applicant shall provide all the information sought under this Qualification Document. GSRDC would evaluate only those Applications that are received in the required format and complete in all respects. Incomplete and / or conditional Applications shall be liable to rejection. 11. The Applicant shall prepare one original of the documents comprising the Application and clearly marked ORIGINAL. In addition, the applicant shall make One (1) copy of the Application, clearly marked COPY as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copy, the original shall prevail.

12. The Application and its Copy shall be typed or written in indelible ink and the Applicant shall initial each page in blue ink. All the alterations, omissions, additions, or any other amendments made to the Application shall be initialed by the person(s) signing the Application. The Application shall contain page numbers and shall be hard bound. 13. The Application shall contain no alterations or additions except those to comply with the instructions issued by GSRDC or as necessary to correct errors made by the Applicant in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person(s) signing the Application. 14. The Applicant shall seal the original and each copy of the Application, together with their respective enclosures, in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as ORIGINAL and COPY. These two envelopes (called as inner envelopes) shall then be put inside one outer envelope.

15. The envelopes shall clearly bear the following identification:

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Proposals for Expression of Interest (EOI) for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau road, SH-42 on BOT Basis.
In addition to the identification required in as above, each of the envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the Applicant to enable the Application to be returned unopened in case it is received and declared late or GSRDC declares the application as non-responsive. Submission must be addressed to the following: General Manager (Projects) Gujarat State Road Development Corporation Nirman Bhavan, Sector 10A, Ground Floor, Gandhinagar 382010, Gujarat, India. Phone No.(079) 23252912/15

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Annexure - II Guidelines for Preparation of Expression of Interest statement

The numbers below correspond to the numbers combined in the enclosed form (Annexure III). Note: Short listing of consultants shall be done based on the marks obtained by the Applicant after evaluation of the firms experience, credentials, capacity, manpower, etc. A consultancy firm may submit the proposal either as a sole applicant or as a member of Joint Venture. However, if a firm submits Expression of Interest in different combinations, all such Expression of Interest involving the firm shall be treated as non responsive. 1. Complete name of firm, date of establishment and type of organization whether individual, proprietorship, partnership, private limited company, public limited company etc. 2. Name of affiliate firms, their years of establishment, countries of origin and type of organization. 3. Exact and complete corporate/registered/home office address, business address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, E-mail and cable address. For consulting firms of foreign registry, indicate if there is any branch office(s) established in India with details in aforesaid manner. Information is to be furnished by sole applicant or members of JV individually. 4. If present firm is the successor to or outgrowth of one or more predecessor firms, fresh name(s) of former entity (ties) and year(s) of their original establishment with details in aforesaid manner. Information is to be furnished by sole applicant or members of JV individually. 5. Present a brief narrative description of the firms. Information is to be furnished by sole applicant or members of JV individually. 6. List of not more than two (2) principals who may be contacted by this Office. Listed principals must be empowered to speak for him or for the firm on policy and contractual matters. Information is to be furnished by sole applicant or members of JV individually.
EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis Page 9 of 19

Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

7. (i)

Indicate number of employees by discipline who have been with the company for at-least one year. While some personnel may be qualified for several disciplines, however each person should be counted only once in accordance with his / her primary functions. Indicate number of permanent / regular employees by discipline with experience of 5 to 10 years and more than 10 years.


8. Under this item, indicate financial figures from consultancy business for past 5 (five) financial years. Gross fees received as Sole Consultant or in joint venture with other consulting firms separately for design consultancy, supervision consultancy, independent engineer, Independent Engineer, preparation of pre feasibility, feasibility studies and preparation of detailed project report. 9. This item represents completed highways and bridge consultancy projects of the consultant and those handles in last 5 (five) financial years. a. First column represents list of all eligible projects. b. Second column represents name of project and how it was accomplished i.e. as Sole Consultant s or through joint venture or in association with other consultants. If it was implemented as an association with other consultant(s), indicate name(s) of other consultant(s). c. Third column represents consultancy services rendered, defined as clearly as possible. d. Fourth column represents length of the project(s). e. Fifth column represents client for whom services were rendered and address (including contact numbers, e mail ID etc.) of the Client f. Sixth and seventh column represent fees received by the Consultant and the last column represent duration of services. The Currency conversation rate(s) shall be furnished if applicable. Attach services completion certificates or equivalent proof to substantiate the experience. The firm should furnish project wise supporting statement which best illustrates experience of the firm relevant to the Project. g. Eighth Column represent the duration of the project.

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Annexure - III
Expression of Interest Form for Consulting Engineering Firm or Joint Venture (To be filled up by each of the constituent in case of a Joint Venture)

Consultant 1. 2. Name Affiliated Firms

Date of Country Establishment Individual

Type of organization Partnership Corporation Other

3. Corporate/registered Office / Business Address / Telephone Nos. / Cable Address/ E mail address 4. Consulting firms former name and year of establishment 5. Narrative description of firms if any (Use other sheet, if necessary) 6. Name of, not more than two (2) principals who may be contacted with title, telephone number/ fax number, E mail address. 7. Number of personnel in the organization who have been with the organization for atleast one year.

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Key Personnel * Experience > 10 years.

* Experience between 5 to 10 years Experience in BOT projects.

Team Leader-cumSenior Highway Engineer. Senior Bridge / Structural Engineer Senior Pavement Specialist Traffic & Transportation Expert
Senior Quality/Material Engineer Geotechnical Engineer Environmental Expert Financial Expert Legal Expert Road Safety Expert * Experience here means experience in the capacity of Independent Engineer / Project Supervision Consultants only.

8. Financial Statement of the last five financial years. Sr. No. 1. 20102011 20092010 20082009 20072008 20062007

Particulars Annual turnover from Consulting business Total Assets Current Assets Total Liabilities Current Liabilities Net Worth Working Capital Net Profit.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Note: i) The amount shall be stated in Indian Rupees (INR). ii) For the purpose of evaluation the conversion to Indian Rupees shall be based average of the buying and selling rates of State Bank of India as on the Proposal submission date. iii) In case the exchange rate for any currency is not available as per the provision of this section, then GSRDC reserves the right to use the rate available from an alternative source at its sole discretion. 9 Highway Projects Handled by the Consulting Firms During the Last Five Years (Only those projects be included, which are supported by the certificate of the clients mentioning that the consultancy work has been completed satisfactorily or has been substantially completed in case of project supervision works (substantial completion mean 90% work (of tender value) in terms of financial value having been executed) satisfactorily.

Sr. No.

Projects Name / Year

Type of services rendered including (A, B, C)

Length of Project (Kms)

Client (With complete address, contact person, telephone Nos. , Fax Nos and E mail address)

Fee in INR (Applicants share in case of JV)


Sole Consultant, Lead Member, Other Member, Association (Road / Highway projects with or without bridges)
1 2 3 4 5

Fee for IC/ Fee for Project design supervision and other services

A. DPR of Six/Four-lane highway projects or Expressways. B. Independent Engineer / Project Supervision of Six/ four- lane highway projects/ Expressways. C. Design/ Proof checking of major highway (Expressway/Six/four-lane) structures.
EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis Page 13 of 19

Gujarat State Road Development Corporation


Each projects considered in Annexure-III(9) shall be supported by client's

certificates to be furnished with following details: Name of Overall Project: _______________________ ______________________ Location of Overall Project: ____________________ Owners Name and Address: _______________________ Completion (Actual/Estimated vis--vis Stipulated): _______ Description of Project: __________________________ Description of Services provided by the firm: ______________________

Authorised Signatory Name of Client

I certify that the information in the above Expression of Interest forms is true to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that any misleading or wrong information will disqualified this application straightaway. President / Managing Director or Authorized Signatory of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ date of ______ 2011, ____ at ____. Notary Public. # Please attaches Power of Attorney as described or valid authorisation.

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Annexure - IV
BROAD ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 1. The eligibility criteria in respect of experience of firms has been mentioned below: (A) Eligibility Criteria for sole applicant firm or lead partner in case of JV/ Association.
Sr. No. Minimum Experience of the firm during last 5 year. Preparation of DPR Project Supervision (Expressway/NH / SH in / IC / IE India /or Equivalent (Expressway/NH / SH in abroad) India /or Equivalent abroad) Annual Turnover*

a) The firm should have a) The firm should have Annual turnover experience of minimum experience (average of last 5 preparation of Detailed of project supervision financial years or Project Report (DPR) of Six/ four-laning that of the of Six/ four-laning highway/ Expressway preceding two highway/ Expressway projects of 100 km years, whichever projects of 100 km aggregate length or is higher) of the aggregate length or more, and firm should be more, and b) Firm should also have equal to or more b) Firm should also have experience of project than Rs. 15.00 prepared DPR for atsupervision /IC of at- Crores.(Rs. fifteen least one project least one project crores) (single) of Six/ four(single) of Six/fourlaning highway/ laning highway/ Expressway of 50 km Expressway of 50 Km length and length, and c) Firm should also have c) at-least one project at-least one project involving major involving major bridge/ bridge/ flyover/elevated flyover/elevated highway/Expressway highway/Expressway of length not less than ( Six/ four laning) of 300m length not less than 300m (excluding approaches)
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EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

Gujarat State Road Development Corporation


Annual turnover should be duly certified by statutory body like Chartered Accountant or Independent Auditors who are competent to do so as recognized by the State concerned.


In case of JV, lead partner must fulfill the above requirement as mentioned in Para (A) above and the other JV partner (not more than one partner shall be allowed) should fulfill at-least 40% of the eligibility criteria as indicated in Para (A) above.

Note: The weightage given for experience of a firm would depend on the role of the firm in the respective assignments. The firms experience would get full credit if it was the sole firm in the respective assignment. In case it was a lead firm, it would get 75% weightage; if it was the other partner in a Consortium of two firms, it would get 25% weightage; and if it was an associate, it would only get 10% weightage for the respective assignment. The above weights are reflected in the following table: Table-4.1 Status of the firm Sole firm Lead partner in a JV Other partner in a JV Associate

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4

Weightage for experience

100% 75% 25% 10%

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Annexure - V
POINTS ALLOCATED FOR EVALUATION CRITERIA Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Description Year of Establishment of Firm Average annual turnover (last five years) Number of Key personnel Experience of the firm in DPR preparation for Highway/ Expressway (Six/Four-laning) Marks 05 10 10 10

projects during the last 5 years. 5 Experience of the firm in DPR preparation / design highway/ review/supervision/IC Expressway of major 10


structures of length more than 300m during the last 5 years. 6 Experience of the firm as an Independent Consultant/Independent highway/ Expressway Engineer (Six/Four for 35


projects during the last 5 years. 7 Experience of the firm as a supervision consultant for highway/ Expressway 20

(Six/Four-laning) projects- structure during the last 5 years.

The Applicant scoring minimum 75 marks and ranking in the top-ten list for each Project shall be considered for further short listing for the Project.

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Annexure VI
Sr. No.i Description Maximum Marks Parameterii Marking of parameters for following marks Full 50% of between Marks Full 100% to Marksiii 50% marks On proportion basis

Year of Establishment of Firm


Years of establishment of firm

Average annual turnover (last five years) Number of Key personneliv Team Leader-cum-Senior Highway Engineer. Senior Bridge / Structural Engineer


In Rs. Crores

15 years (i.e. on or before 1996) 30 Crores

5 years (i.e. on 2006)

In between 15-5 years

15 Crores

In between 30-15 Crores In between 15-8 In between 15-8 In between 15-8 In between 15-8 In between 15-8 In between 15-8 In between 6-3 In between 6-3 In between 6-3 In between 6-3

3 a)

10 2



Senior Pavement Specialist


Traffic & Transportation Expert



Senior Quality/Material Engineer


Geotechnical Engineer



Environmental Expert



Financial Expert



Legal Expert



Road Safety Expert


Nos. of professional having experience more than 10 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 10 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 10 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 10 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 10 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 10 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 05 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 05 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 10 years Nos. of professional having experience more than 05 years







EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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Gujarat State Road Development Corporation

Sr. No.i Description Maximum Marks Parameterii Marking of parameters for following marks Full 50% of between Marks Full 100% to Marksiii 50% marks On proportion basis

Aggregate Experience of preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) - Six/four-laning Highway/ Expressway projects (and shall have at- least one single project of Six/fourlaning Highway/ Expressway of 50 km.) during the last 5 years Aggregate Experience of preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) - Six/four-laning Highway/ Expressway projects-Structure during the last 5 years Aggregate Experience of as an Independent Consultant/ Independent Engineer/PMC/Construction Supervision for highway projects - Six/four-laning Highway/Expressway projects (and shall have at- least one single project of Six/four-laning Highway/ Expressway of 50 km.) during the last 5 years Aggregate Experience of as an Independent Consultant/ Independent Engineer/PMC/Construction Supervision for - Six/four-laning Highway /Expressway projects-Structure during the last 5 years


Length (in km.) of SH/NH/Expressway/Equivale nt road abroad but shall not consider city/town/ring road



In between 200-100


Length (in m.) of major bridge / flyover / elevated highway/ Expressway of excluding approaches



In between 1200-300


Length (in km.) of SH/NH/ Expressway/Equivalent road abroad but shall not consider city/town/ring road



In between 200-100


Length (in m.) of major bridge / flyover / elevated highway/ Expressway of excluding approaches



In between 1200-300

For Sr. No. 4 to 7 category, experience shall be considered only for the eligible assignments which are substantiated by the Client certificate as required in this EOI document, ii Parameter shall be considered after giving the effect of weightage as given in Table 4-1 iii The Applicant who has not secured 50% marks for any category (i.e. form Sr. No. 1 to 7) shall be considered as disqualified for the Project iv For purpose of considering under this category, the person who has assumed the position of Superintending Engineer or above in the Government sector experience during such tenure shall not be considered except Legal Expert and design experience.

EOI for services of Independent Engineer (IE) for the work of Improvement and Widening of Bhuj-Bhachau Road(SH-42, KM 0/0 to KM 77/0) in the State of Gujarat on BOT Basis

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