RTG CPR DLC NightCityTarot v1 - 1

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night city tarot

add chaos to combat — one card at a time

Writing and Design by James Hutt•Editing by J Gray•Art Direction by Jaye Kovach

Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray•Art Courtesy of CD PROJEKT S.A.

Copyright © 2021 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc.; CD PROJEKT®, Cyberpunk®, Cyberpunk 2077® are registered trademarks of CD PROJEKT S.A.
Tarot art © 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.


O ur p ar t ner s a t C D
w hat is this?
w h a t i s t h i s w h a t i s t h i s w h a t i s t h i s
Night City Tarot is an optional new subsystem to enhance your Cyberpunk RED
PROJEKT S.A. produced
Major Arcana images for combat by introducing wild and rare new Critical Injuries and outcomes, providing
Cyberpunk 2077, and climactic moments and shaking up your game.
they were so cool that they

inspired us to incorporate ow do I use it?
the Major Arcana into h o w d o i u s e i t h o w d o i u s e i t h o w d o i u s e i t
Cyberpunk RED through
this subsystem. Thanks to Using Night City Tarot is easy. You'll only need the 22 Major Arcana Cards from a
them for letting us borrow standard Tarot deck, which are listed below. Mechanically, it's also simple.
the images for Night City

Whenever three or more dice rolled for damage from a

Night City Tarot Melee or Ranged Attack come up 6, draw the top card of
Playtesters your Night City Tarot deck and apply its effects as listed
instead of a typical Critical Injury. There are two caveats.
James "ELH" Adams, Jared
Barnes, Jason Becker, Iceo
(M.K) Bergins, Manuel First, only draw a card if the Attack is against a
Cáceres, Naomi Calhoun,
C a t b o o m e r, C C D M ,
single target. Never draw for grenades, rockets,
John Cochran, Sasho or other Attacks with an area of effect.
Coates, Nehemiah Cox,
Cyberpork, Dannyb, Kevin
Diehl, DomTom, Fantoche, Second, only draw a card if both the attacker
Luke "Big Baz" Gaffney, and defender are capable of sustaining Critical
Phillip Gleason, Gormarius,
Victor Gonzalez, Injuries. For example, don’t draw if one of the
Shawn Gregory, Robert combatants involved in the Attack is a drone.
"GrimmeDev" Grimes,
Stephen Henderson,
April Hergert, Gabriel Many of the Night City Tarot card effects inflict Critical
Huppenbauer, Karolka
"Fox x yMama" Kmieć,
Injuries. Whenever a card inflicts multiple Critical
Paul Khalifé, LuiLu92, Don Injuries, each Injury causes 5 bonus damage directly to
Northness, Marco Palmieri,
Ian Pierson, Benji Rai, Jason
HP unless noted otherwise. After the effect of the card
Rand, Joe Random, Victor is resolved, put that card on the bottom of the deck,
Romero, George Saghbene
(CFGEXTREME), Sebastian,
and put the deck away, because only one card can be
Galen Shila, Nathan Garry pulled from the Night City Tarot per game session.
Skole,Tavner, TexasKeke,
TheSlovak, John "Dryss"
Trez ze , Tw i z t , S a g e One last thing... after the first pull, don’t shuffle the
Whitney, Wisp. deck until the campaign has experienced each card
once... bad things happen when you tempt fate.


(0) The Fool (III) The Empress

The Fool is returned to the The Empress spreads blessings
beginning of their journey by a evenly amongst her childrens’
lucky shot. attacks.
Effect: All of the victim's Cyberware Effect: The music swells. The next three
is rendered inoperable for one hour. successful Attack Checks made against
Cyberlimbs that are rendered inoper- a single opponent in this combat are
able act as their meat counterparts do guaranteed to inflict Critical Injuries,
when they have been dismembered, no matter what the damage dice say.
but they still hang loosely. Should this leave a target
This applies to Light Melee Weapons but not
without any ability to sense an opponent, any Check
Biotoxins, Poisons, Stun Batons, and other weapons
they make suffers an additional -4 modifier, as if
normally incapable of causing a Critical Injury.
obscured by smoke or darkness.
If the victim has no Cyberware they instead suffer (IV) The Emperor
the Foreign Object Critical Injury and experience 3d6
The Emperor grants a Player
Humanity Loss.
the authorit y to shape the
(I) The Magician narrative.
The GM selects a Player to choose
A battery sparks fire through
one Critical Injury from the Head table
The Magician’s power.
(CP:R page 188), and one from the
Effect: The GM selects one of the vic- Body table (CP:R page 187). The victim
tim's pieces of cyberware. That piece suffers both of those Critical Injuries.
of cyberware is destroyed (although
not beyond repair). Additionally, the (V) The Hierophant
victim is now Deadly On Fire (CP:R
The Hierophant brings gifts, but
page 180).
requires a sacrifice to tradition.
If the victim has no Cyberware, they are now Deadly
Effect: The Attack deals twice the
on Fire, and one of their worn or held weapons mal-
amount of damage it would have
functions, requiring an Action to reverse the malfunc-
done, after armor and any multipliers
tion before it can be used again.
are taken into account. However, if it
(II) The High Priestess was made by a weapon, that weapon
is destroyed beyond repair.
The High Priestess guards
the secret of poisoning from (VI) The Lovers
The Lovers bring the combatants
Effect: The victim suffers the Foreign even closer together.
Object Critical Injury, except instead
Effect: This Attack now hits the head,
of re -suf fering Bonus Damage
even if it was originally aimed else-
whenever they move further than 4
where. Additionally, if it was a Melee
m/yds on foot in a Turn, they must
Attack that drew The Lovers, the victim
instead beat a DV 15 Resist Torture/Drugs Skill
is now considered to be defender in a
Check or suffer 3d6 damage directly to their Hit
grapple with the attacker.


(VII) The Chariot (VII or XI) Justice

The Chariot offers the control Justice arrives to deliver pierc-
required to strike true. ing clarity and truth directly to
the gut.
Effect: The Attack finds a fortuitous
flaw in the target's armor, which forms Effect: The Attack knocks the wind out of
a gaping hole. The victim's armor in the victim. For the next minute they suffer
the damaged location is ablated by a -5 penalty to Evasion Skill Checks when
an additional 5 points, even if it was attempting to avoid a Melee Attack and
not penetrated by the Attack. they cannot dodge Ranged Attacks at all.

(VIII or XI) Strength (XII) The Hanged Man

The order and Strength empowers an attack The Hanged Man means sacrifice.
names of the
Major Arcana with overwhelming force.
can change
Effect: The victim is knocked prone
from deck Effect: The Attack deals an additional and suffers the Spinal Injury and
to deck. One
of the most
25 damage. This additional damage Whiplash Critical Injuries.
common is added to the rolled damage before
armor SP is subtracted and/or any
switching the multipliers are calculated.
positions of
the Strength
and Justice
cards. Later (IX) The Hermit
in this article, (XIII) Death
we’ve included
two versions The Hermit forcibly invites you
Death is ever present, sudden,
of each card on a journey inward.
so you can i nev i t a b l e, a n d e t er n a l l y
customize the
deck to your
Effect: The victim suffers the Lost Eye transformative.
preferences. Critical Injury twice, although the
Effect: The victim must immediately roll
penalty for the injury is only applied
a single Death Save. If they fail, they
once. Should this leave a target without
are reduced to 0 HP and are knocked
any ability to sense an opponent, any
unconscious for one minute. Upon
Skill Check they make suffers an addi-
regaining consciousness, the victim
tional -4 modifier, as if obscured by smoke or darkness.
regains 3d6 Humanity Points (up to their maximum
(X) Wheel of Fortune Humanity) from the experience.

Wheel of Fortune twists with Of course I believe in fate .

forces outside of human control.
You can't make a gun big enough
Effect: The Attack goes wild. If it was
to kill the Triple G oddess and
a Ranged Attack, the GM randomly
determines a new target to replace you can' t outlaw her existence ,
the intended target. If it was a Melee no matter how hard the C orps
Attack, the person who caused Wheel
try. B y the way, you owe
of Fortune to be drawn immediately
falls prone, and the Attack is considered a miss instead me 100eb for your reading .
of a hit. Either way, any weapon used to make the —Brighid brightchild,
Attack malfunctions, requiring an Action to reverse the Triple Moon Clan priestess
malfunction before it can be used again.


(XIV) Temperance (XVIII) The Moon

Temperance requires a choice The Moon shines over a vicious
for which you’ll find your own attack born of primal instinct.
Effect: The victim suffers the Foreign
Effect: The victim must choose one Object Critical Injury twice, once in
of their limbs to suffer a Dismembered the body and once in the head. If The
Critical Injury, and then must choose a Moon was drawn by a Melee Attack
different one of their limbs to suffer a made using a melee weapon, that
Broken Critical Injury. weapon is now stuck in the victim's
body, and the attacker is disarmed.
(XV) The Devil
(XIX) The Sun
The Devil exists to represent and
punish your fear and excess. The Sun is a celebration of
carnage that overcomes all
Effect: This Attack now hits the head,
even if it was originally aimed else-
where. Additionally, the victim suffers Effect: If the victim is carrying any
the Brain Injury and Lost Ear Critical grenades or other explosives, the
Injuries. GM chooses one of them to explode
immediately . If they weren't carrying
any grenades, the GM chooses a non-
(XVI) The Tower weapon piece of equipment on the victim to destroy
The Tower is a disaster that beyond repair.
reveals hidden resilience when
it falls.
(XX) Judgement
Effect: The victim suffers the Cracked Judgement is a painful awak-
Skull, Crushed Windpipe, and Whiplash ening you might not walk away
Critical Injuries. These Injuries deal no from.
Bonus Damage. For one hour, the victim Effect: The victim suffers the Crushed
cannot feel pain and can ignore the Fingers Critical Injury on one of their
effects of the Seriously Wounded Wound State. hands, and the Dismembered Hand
Critical Injury on another hand.
(XVII) The Star
The Star represents an attack
you can have faith in.
(XXI) The World
Effect: If the Star was drawn due to a The World puts everything in
Ranged Attack, it hits the first target, passes perspective in a moment of
through, and ricochets into a second enemy understanding.
within 20 m/yards, chosen by the GM. If Effect: The character who caused
there is no additional enemy, the ricochet The World to be drawn may take an
instead hits the original target a second time. additional Turn after this one. During
This ricochet Attack always hits and does so in the body. Roll this additional Turn they receive a +5
new damage dice for the ricochet Attack.
to any Skill Check, ignore the negative
If The Star was drawn due to a Melee Attack, the victim suffers effects of all Wound States, and do not have to make
the Broken Ribs and Collapsed Lung Critical Injuries. a Death Save if Mortally Wounded.

Need a Tarot Deck? Just print this one out on cardstock! The pages are set up to print perfectly,
front to back and give you 22 gorgeous Cyberpunk-themed Tarot cards!

(0) The Fool (1) The Magician (1I) The High priestess

(III) The Empress (1V) The Emperor (V) The Hierophant

© 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. For personal use only, commercial use is strictly prohibited.
© 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. For personal use only, commercial use is strictly prohibited.
(VI) The Lovers (VII) The Chariot (V1II) strength

(IX) The hermit (X) wheel of fortune (XI) justice

© 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. For personal use only, commercial use is strictly prohibited.
© 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. For personal use only, commercial use is strictly prohibited.
(XII) The hanged man (XII1) death (XIV) temperance

(XV) The devil (XVI) The tower (XVII) The star

© 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. For personal use only, commercial use is strictly prohibited.
© 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. For personal use only, commercial use is strictly prohibited.
The two cards on the bottom right of this page are duplicates of Justice and Strength, numbered as they
might be in older, pre-Rider-Waite-Smith decks. Only include one copy of each card in your deck.

(XVIII) The Moon (XIX) The sun (Xx) judgement

(XXI) The world (VIII) justice (XI) strength

© 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. For personal use only, commercial use is strictly prohibited.
© 2021 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. For personal use only, commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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