500 - Visa Document Checklist - 20211105

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Subclass 500 Visa Document Checklist – Student

All documents submitted MUST be translated into English and Certified Copies
of the Original.
Form 157A Paper or Online AGENT
Form 956 – Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration AGENT
Electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCoE) and/or letter of offer issued by BOTH
your education provider for the course(s) you are undertaking.
Proof of Visa Application Charge payment. AGENT
Form 1229 – Consent to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 BOTH
Visa grant letter - most recent (if applicable) CLIENT

Visa additional information form CLIENT

Excel template to be provided

Certified copy of the biographical pages of current passports of all people CLIENT
included in the application – photo, personal details and the issue/expiry
One digital passport-sized photographs of each person in the application. CLIENT
The photos must be as follows:
 Photographs should not be more than 6 months old
 Photographs should be of the head and shoulders only against a
plain (white/beige) background
Certified copy of your birth certificate showing both parents’ names. CLIENT

If you do not have a birth certificate and are unable to get one, you must
provide a certified copy of the identification pages of at least one of the
following documents:
 Family book showing both parents’ names
 Identification document issued by the government
 Court-issued documents that verify your identity
Evidence of the relationship between yourself and all members of your CLIENT
family unit. Example:
 certified copies or notarised copies of birth certificates (including
those who are not joining you in Australia)
 marriage certificate.
If you are living in a de facto relationship, independent evidence that you CLIENT
have been in the relationship for at least 12 months.
 joint bank account statements
 billing accounts in joint names
 photos
 evidence of communication

 evidence of living at the same address e.g lease agreement, letters
showing the same address, etc.
If you or anyone included in the application has been permanently CLIENT
separated, divorced or widowed, a certified copy of the statutory
declaration/separation certificate, divorce decree absolute or the death
certificate of the deceased partner (as appropriate).
If anyone in the application has changed his or her name, certified copies of CLIENT
documents verifying the name change. Example:
 marriage or deed poll certificate
 a certified copy of evidence of the name change.
If any dependent child included in the application is adopted, certified CLIENT
copies of the adoption papers.
If your family members have turned 5 years of age, but have not yet turned CLIENT
18, and are remaining with you in Australia, you will need to provide
evidence of enrolment in an Australian school, including payment of any
required fee.
Certified national identity card (if applicable) CLIENT
Certified driver licence (if applicable) CLIENT
Ties to your home country: CLIENT
 Photos with your family, friends and community
 Ongoing memberships to any clubs, societies or other institutions
 Job offer upon completion of studies
 Assets – land, property, motor vehicles
 Family responsibilities


Qualification obtained inside Australia. If there are no tertiary qualifications, CLIENT
provide your highest level of education.
Qualification obtained outside Australia. If there are no tertiary CLIENT
qualifications, provide your highest level of education.
Evidence of satisfying English Language Requirements: CLIENT
 IELTS (5.5 Overall – score decreases if packaged with ELICOS)

Not required if you are enrolling in Primary School, High School or ELICOS.
Other exemptions are available at the end of the document.
Genuine Temporary Entrant statement – Main Applicant + Secondary CLIENT
Applicant under 18
A Template will be provided
Genuine Temporary Entrant statement – Secondary Applicant 18 years or CLIENT
 One Statement per Secondary Applicant
A Template will be provided
Evidence of Employment of All Applicants (if applicable) CLIENT
 Payslips (Preferred)

 Tax lodgments (Preferred)
 Bank Statements
 Superannuation or Retirement fund
 Employment contract
 Letter of employment (Preferred)
Any combination of at least 2-3 of the above is acceptable
Letter of Offer from Employer upon completion of studies (if applicable) CLIENT
Any of the following information you have previously provided to CLIENT
immigration or your education agent:
 Statement of purpose
 GTE Statement


Evidence that you have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the BOTH
duration of your visa. Your visa expiry date will be determined by the expiry
date of your OSHC.
Note: If you are from Norway, Sweden or Belgium, you may not need to obtain
Affinity can organize this for you if you require. Kindly let us know.
You may be required to undergo a Medical Examination BOTH
You may be required to provide a penal clearance for any country you have lived in BOTH
for 12 months, or longer, in the last ten years, since reaching 16 years of age. If you
have served in the armed forces of any country, you may be required to provide
certified copies of military service records or discharge papers. To Be ADVISED.

You must have sufficient funds to cover yourself and your family members for the duration of your
stay in Australia for:
 travel (flight tickets)
 living costs
 tuition costs
 school costs for any school-aged children.

Evidence can include bank statements, money deposits, government loans or scholarships. The
funds to support you and your family members can come from any source except non-cash assets
(example: property, shares). Non-cash assets may only be used if they have been liquidated (and
held as a money deposit) or used as collateral for a loan.

Annual income requirement for the visa applicant’s parent(s), spouse or de facto partner providing
the financial support:
 AU$62,222 for a single student
 AU$72,592 for a student accompanied by a family member

If you are relying on an auntie, uncle, cousin, grandparents or sibling for financial support, the
money must be available in the form of cash held in savings accounts or term deposits. You cannot
rely on evidence of income only.

Student visa living costs and evidence of funds must meet the minimum requirements in the table below and

can be accessed here.

1. Student/Guardian – AU$ 21,041

2. Partner/Spouse – AU$ 7,362
3. Child – AU$ 3,152

Schooling for school aged children costs approximately AU$ 8,296 per year per child.
Evidence of finances – Self-Funded Study: CLIENT
 Recent Bank Statements of all bank accounts held
 Letter of Employment (if applicable)
 2-3 Recent Payslips (if applicable)
Evidence of finances – Funded by a Sponsor: CLIENT
 Bank statement of sponsor
 Evidence of annual income of sponsor
 Evidence of employment of sponsor
 Letter of financial support from sponsor
 Evidence of relationship between Sponsor and Visa applicant


Certified copies of documents to verify custody and access arrangements CLIENT
for children under 18 years of age. This is not required if both parents or
legal custodians are included in the application.
If you are under 18 years of age you must provide evidence of either (a), (b) or (c): CLIENT

a) If you intend to reside in Australia with a parent, or a person who has

custody of you, you must provide evidence of the relationship, and that
they have the right to remain in Australia for the period of your stay, or until
you turn 18, whichever is the lesser period.


b) If you intend to reside in Australia with a relative nominated by a parent

or a person who has custody of you, you must provide evidence of the
relationship, evidence that the relative is at least 21 years old, police
clearance/s, and evidence that the relative has the right to remain in
Australia for the period of your stay, or until you turn 18, whichever is the
lesser period.
Police clearances do not need to be submitted at the time you lodge your
application but will need to be submitted before your visa can be granted.


c) If you will not be residing in Australia with one of the above mentioned
persons, you must provide a signed statement from your education provider
confirming that appropriate arrangements have been made for your
accommodation, support and general welfare during your stay in Australia.

Form 157N – Nomination of a student guardian in Australia (If applicable)

If you are under 18 and are applying in Australia for a student visa you will CLIENT
need to show evidence that appropriate arrangements are in place for your

welfare at the time you lodge your application.
Evidence of enrolment in Australia for School-Aged children CLIENT

English Language Exemptions

For the purpose of subclause 500.213(2) of Schedule 2 to the Regulations, subclause 500.213(1) of
Schedule 2 to the Regulations does not apply to the following classes of applicants:

(a)          an applicant who is a citizen of, and who holds a valid passport issued by:
                                                                  (i)                   the United Kingdom;
                                                                  (ii)                   the United States of America;
                                                                 (iii)                   Canada;
                                                                 (iv)                   New Zealand; or
                                                                   (v)                   the Republic of Ireland; or

(b)          an applicant who is enrolled in a principal course of study that is:

                                    (i)                   registered to be delivered in a language other than English;

                                    (ii)                   a registered ELICOS course, as defined in regulation 1.03 of the


                                    (iii)                   a registered school course; or

                                    (iv)                   a registered post-graduate research course; or

(c)               an applicant who is a:

                                                                   (i)                   Foreign Affairs student;

                                                                   (ii)                  Defence Student; or

                                                                 (iii)                 Secondary exchange student; or

(d)               an applicant, who, in the 2 years before applying for a Subclass 500 (Student)
visa, has successfully completed:

                                                                     (i)                   the requirements for a Senior Secondary

Certificate of Education, in a course that was conducted in Australia
and in English; or

                                                                   (ii)                   a substantial component of a course leading to a

qualification from the Australian Qualifications Framework at the
Certificate IV level or higher that was conducted in Australia and in
English, while the applicant was holding a student visa; or

(e)          an applicant who has successfully completed a minimum of 5 years of study in
English undertaken in one or more of the following countries;

                                                                  (i)                   Australia;

                                                                  (ii)                   Canada;

                                                                 (iii)                   New Zealand;

                                                                 (iv)                   South Africa;

                                                                   (v)                   the Republic of Ireland;

                                                                 (vi)                   the United Kingdom;

                                                               (vii)                   the United States of America.


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