Toni Expert Operating Instructions Structural Shape 6215: Building Materials Testing

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Building Materials Testing

Operating Instructions
Structural Shape 6215

Table of Contents 2.2. Unpacking ..................................... 7

2.3. Disposing of the Packaging
1. General Product Description ............... 3 Material............................................. 7
1.1. Intended Use ................................. 3 2.4. Preparing the Product for Use....... 7
1.1.1. Definition / Abbreviations.......... 3 2.5. Installation and Assembly ............. 7
1.1.2. Pictogram Definitions ............... 3 2.6. Shut-Down .................................... 8
1.1.3. Applications-Related Hazards .. 4 2.7. Store and Protect the Product at
1.1.4. Sample-Related Hazards ......... 4 Downtimes........................................ 8
1.1.5. Safety Precautions in Normal 2.8. Repacking ..................................... 8
Operation (Run Mode) .............. 4 2.9. Instruction Location ....................... 8
1.1.6. Safety Precautions with 3. Operating Instructions......................... 9
Service/Maintenance................. 4 3.1........................................................ 9
1.2. Emergency-Off Equipment ............ 4 3.2. Start up and Initialise .................... 9
1.3. Residual Risk ................................ 4 3.3. Software Handling......................... 9
1.4. Installation and Environmental 3.3.1. Display Menu ........................... 9
Conditions......................................... 4 MiXpert Main Menu........... 10
1.5. Design ........................................... 5 Siemens Service menu..... 10
1.6. Functioning.................................... 5 The Parameter Menu........ 10
1.7. Technical Specifications................ 5 Tools menu....................... 12
1.8. Benefits ......................................... 5 3.3.2. Button Functions .................... 12
1.9. Accessories (Scope of Delivery).... 6 3.3.3. Run Mode .............................. 14
2. General Routines Outside of Normal Water on/off Option........... 14
Use ......................................................... 7 EN..................................... 14
2.1. Transport and Storage .................. 7 ASTM................................ 14
Building Materials Testing Others ............................... 14 List of Figures My Programs..................... 14 Figure 1 - Transport Rods............................................................. 7
Figure 2- Rear side....................................................................... 7 Manual .............................. 14 Figure 3 – The water tank seal ..................................................... 8 An Example of Manual ...... 14 Figure 4 – The main switch and emergency-off switch.................. 9
Figure 5 - EN menu ...................................................................... 9 Example – EN196-T1W .... 15 Figure 6 - MiXpert and Siemens menu.......................................... 9
3.3.4. iP Mode .................................. 16 Figure 7 – The main menu.......................................................... 10
Figure 8 – The main menu structure ........................................... 10 Actions .............................. 16 Figure 9 – The service menu ...................................................... 10
3.4. Hardware..................................... 18 Figure 10 – The parameter menu ............................................... 10
Figure 11 – Speeds 1-2 .............................................................. 10
3.4.1. Variable Water Feeding.......... 18 Figure 12 - Standard program and language .............................. 11
Figure 13 - Water calibration....................................................... 11
3.4.2. Sand Feeding ......................... 18 Figure 14 - Water Correction ...................................................... 11
Figure 15 - H2O Offset ............................................................... 11
3.4.3. Bowl and Agitator ................... 18 Figure 16 - Tools menu............................................................... 12
3.4.4. The Door of the Test Room Figure 17 - Entering the password .............................................. 12
Figure 18 – The copy function .................................................... 12
Guard ...................................... 19 Figure 19 – The version number ................................................. 12
Figure 20 – Individual programming............................................ 16
3.5. Fault Messages ........................... 19 Figure 21 – Water fault ............................................................... 19
4. Service and Cleaning ......................... 20
4.1. Water Feeding............................. 20
4.1.1. Adjusting the Quantity of Only trained and skilled workers should
be entrusted with the operation of
Water ...................................... 20 ToniMIX EXPERT. It is essential for them H2O Factor ....................... 20 to be familiar with the operating Offset (tick)........................ 20 instructions. ToniMIX EXPERT may only
4.2. The User Carrying out Cleaning .. 21 be used for the intended purpose.
4.3. The User Carrying out
Maintenance ................................... 21 © Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH 2004
5. Customer Service ............................... 22 Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
5.1. Maintenance Cycles .................... 22 Berlin, Germany
5.2. Calibrating Cycles ....................... 22 phone: + 49 30 46 40 39-23
6. Table of Spare Parts ........................... 23 fax: + 49 30 46 40 39-24
7. Conformity Declarations .................... 24
7.1. CE Declaration ............................ 24 All rights reserved (including the right to make
changes). All exploitation (such as photomechanical
7.2. EN196-1 Conformity Declaration. 25 reproduction, entering into a storage medium or
7.3. ASTM C305 Conformity other dissemination of the work or its parts) only with
Declaration...................................... 26 prior permission of the copyright owner.
8. Appendix ............................................. 27 A great deal of care was put into the correctness of
8.1. MiXpert Menu Structure .............. 27 this manual. However, we cannot assume any
guarantee that the data in these operating
8.2. Action Table ................................ 28 instructions are still correct if there are technical
8.3. Maintenance Check List .............. 29 changes.
8.4. Electrical Diagram ....................... 30
8.5. Component Part Diagram............ 31
8.6. Routine Diagrams........................ 32

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Building Materials Testing

1. General Product Description 1.1.2. Pictogram Definitions

Important places in the text of this documentation
are highlighted with symbols on the margin that have
1.1. Intended Use the following meaning:
Standard application in conformity with EN196-1,
EN196-3, ISO679, ASTM C 305, C359, C451. Symbol Explanation
Mixing cement, mortar, gypsum and other materials
with an automatic mixing process according to Always follow this instruction
internal specifications and limited by the gap to avert injuries to yourself and
dimension between the agitator and bowl.
others and prevent property
1.1.1. Definition / Abbreviations damage.

run mode: Heed this information to guarantee

Run mode is active when the wrong password has the functionality of your hardware
been stored or the machine was just started. Trial and software, avoid malfunctions
runs are only executed in run mode. and prevent potential damage.

iP mode:
iP mode allows individual programming, changing
protected parameters and the use of the copy Important general or additional
function. You can activate iP mode by keying in your
information on special topics
password. Trial run cannot be started in this mode.

H2O is the chemical name for water. Whenever this
appears in the MiXpert software, it is the
abbreviation for water. This symbol indicates that gloves
should be worn.
H2O Offset:
H2O Offset always implies the possibility of
increasing or reducing water with all “internal
programs”. This is a water correction that can also
be deactivated under parameters (refer to This symbol indicates that
Offset (tick): goggles should be worn.
Offset(tick) is adjusting the quantity of water in the
parameter menu (refer to

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Building Materials Testing

1.1.3. Applications-Related Hazards Do not use any automated routines to

check the motor function. Instead, use
Assuming all protective equipment is functioning, the manual function if the function of
there are not any applications-related hazards (refer the limit switch has been bridged for
to 1.1.5.). service and maintenance.

1.1.4. Sample-Related Hazards

1.2. Emergency-Off Equipment
Cement can irritate the skin. This is the
The emergency-off switch should be pressed
reason why you should wear gloves,
immediately whenever there is the hazard of injury
goggles and respiratory equipment. If
(Figure 1). This immediately shuts ToniMIX EXPERT
you use special additives, please read
off completely. The emergency-off switch has to be
the safety instructions for this material.
turned clockwise to turn ToniMIX EXPERT on again
until it clicks out (see the direction of the arrow).

1.1.5. Safety Precautions in Normal 1.3. Residual Risk

Operation (Run Mode)
There is no residual risk worth mentioning in run
Three safety functions are installed to guarantee you mode when using the standard programs
can work safely with ToniMIX EXPERT. The agitator (EN/ASTM/others).
is disconnected from the mains with two safety
switches and the optional protective test room door
is monitored by a software switch.
Individually programmed routines can
The optional door switch of the test room guard cause extreme dusting and/or
magnetically monitors the door to ensure that it is splashing in the simultaneous
closed and prevents the motor from starting. combination of adding water and
The lever control on the right-hand side of ToniMIX adding sand and high speeds (refer to
EXPERT has a safety switch so that the motor can 1.1.4.)
only run when the lever control is in the rear position.
The second safety switch monitors the bowl position.
The motor is only released by the switching rod on
the edge of the bowl when the bowl has been 1.4. Installation and Environmental
inserted, the bowl switch is up and the lever has
locked in.

Install ToniMIX EXPERT at a location that:

1.1.6. Safety Precautions with
Service/Maintenance • can support the weight of ToniMIX EXPERT
It may be necessary to use tools or mechanical • has sufficient space on the right-hand side to
means to bridge limit switches for service, allow unobstructed lever control
maintenance and calibration work.
• is not directly exposed to sunlight to keep the
In this state, there is the rule: water from heating up for longer pauses
• has a temperature of 10°C – 35 °C
Only skilled workers may carry out work
(especially work on the electrical • has a relative humidity < 80%
system). • has voltage fluctuation of ±10% of rated voltage

Place the water tank under or next to ToniMIX


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Building Materials Testing

1.5. Design 1.7. Technical Specifications

ToniMIX EXPERT is engineered to be especially area needed
robust with a long service life. It also has a new – basic area (W x D) mm 500 x 700
housing frame made of a hollow steel section. The – height mm 800
toothed belt and planet wheel gear guarantee low-
electronic connection
noise and service-free operation. The motor’s speed
- voltage
is controlled electronically and the rpm’s can be V 110/230
- frequency
adjusted variably. Automatic disconnect switches on Hz 50 / 60
- output
the bowl and drop lever guarantee the CE protection appr. kW 0.4
for the agitator zone. Built-in PLC program control gross/net weight appr. kg 110 / 89
ensures automatic running for various programs. A package of dimension appr. mm 600 x 800 x 900
stainless steel mixing bowl checked for conformity areas of water and sand quantities
with standards and a low-wear standardised quantity of water ml 50-500
stainless steel agitator is part of the scope of quantity of sand* g 1345, 1385, 2035
delivery (in conformity with ASTM or EN). ToniMIX *depending upon the tank and 2700
EXPERT is equipped with variable water feeding. agitator’s speed range
The water can be fed at accuracy of ±1 ml and at a agitator revolution around
minimum quantity of 50 ml and maximum quantity of rotation the drive axle
500 ml. An automatic sand feed device for standard mixing speed
testing is included in the scope of delivery. Various min-1 min-1
storage tanks guarantee passage over 30 s
minimum 113 50
depending upon the quantity.
maximum 455 200
tolerance in conformity with EN196-1
1.6. Functioning
1.8. Benefits
The agitator carries out a rotational movement
opposite the planet wheel gear. The agitator fixing is
• solidly preinstalled mixing routines defined in
very precise and free of play with long service life.
conformity with standards (3 EN and 5 ASTM)
The agitator can be easily replaced with a quick-
acting closure. • five individually programmable mixing routines with
the MiXpert software
A lifting device with a lever control and spring • programmable speeds in the range of 50-200
support makes it easier to quickly install and remove rev/min (tolerance in conformity with EN196-1)
the mixing bowl. The space between the agitator and (planet gear)
bowl remains constant. After selecting and • variably programmable water feeding from 50 ml -
confirming in the text display, the PLC automatically 500 ml at an accuracy of ± 1 ml (tolerance in
controls the program routine of the selected conformity with EN 196-1)
standard and indicates the mode with the running off
• storage tank level monitoring
time. There is also a visual and acoustic indication if
it is necessary to have the operator at the ToniMIX • robust housing with a long service life
EXPERT. Pressing the stop button exits the • wear-resistant precise agitator gear
program. Program automation triggers an impulse • text display with mixed-speed display, display of
that opens the automatic sand feed. The mixing current operating state and acoustic support
water should be precisely added to ± 1 ml with the
• illuminated mixing space for inspection
program as selected before or after keying in the
weighed quantity of cement via precision pump. • water-repellent operating elements
• series production dust-suctioning device
• design in conformity with CE with emergency-off

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Building Materials Testing

1.9. Accessories (Scope of Delivery)

Configuration of the different Models

Description 6215/EN 6215/ASTM 6215 G
Shield 6214.004 ? -

Fold-away shield with safety switch 6215.005 - -

Door with safety switch 6214.005 ? -

Paddle EN 1551.31 ?
Paddle ASTM 1551.32 ?
Mixing bowl 1551.18
Mixing bowl cover 6215.004 - -
Automatic sand supply 6214.20
Sand container
EN 196 - 1345 g 6214.96
ASTM C109 (6) - 1385 g
Sand container
6214.98 ?
ASTM C109 (9) - 2035 g
Sand container
6214.97 ? ?
2x EN - 2700 g
Variable water dosage
50 ml - 500 ml

Floater with acoustical signal

Software miXpert
including EN and ASTM standard programs

Configuration Legend
Included in delivery
? Optional available
- Not available in this configuration

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Building Materials Testing

2. General Routines Outside of 2.4. Preparing the Product for Use

Normal Use A couple of things should be checked before
ToniMIX EXPERT can be used. Please make sure
2.1. Transport and Storage that the agitator is firmly installed and the bowl is in
Two transport rails are attached for transporting the working position. Bolt the desired sand tank
ToniMIX EXPERT. Place these rails in front and in (refer to 1.9.) into the red mount on ToniMIX
the rear across the upper side of ToniMIX EXPERT EXPERT. Then close the protective test room door.
so that the drillholes point upwards or downwards.
Now tighten the bolts on the rails with the attached
M8 bolts. You can now grip and transport ToniMIX
EXPERT on the overhanging rails. After Only use distilled water to keep the
transporting ToniMIX EXPERT to the place of water system from calcifying. If this is
installation, remove the rails again and store them not complied with, the water accuracy
together with the fastening bolts. Finally, bolt the can no longer be guaranteed without
four attached feet into the drill hollows. being recalibrated.

2.2. Unpacking
• separate the tightening straps with the tin
2.5. Installation and Assembly
shears Connect the hoses of the mixer with the storage
• remove the cardboard cover tank to function properly [feed (1) / return (2)]. First
• screw the yellow transport rods into the lead the blue lid in the correct direction onto the
upper bases (refer to the figure with the feed hose.
transport rods on this page) Never shorten the hoses because it can impair the
• 4 persons should bring the mixer to the final water feeding function.
place of installation with the yellow mounted Connect the plug of the water tank level control with
transport rods the bushing on the rear side of the mixer [plug (3)].
• screw in the supplied adjustable feet and
use a bubble level to make it level on the Make sure that the main switch is off (refer to 3.1).
head plate Check the information on operating voltage given
• secure the feet with counternuts on the nameplate to see if it is identical with local
• disassemble the transport rods and store conditions.
with the bolts
2 3

Figure 1 - Transport Rods

Figure 2- Rear side

2.3. Disposing of the Packaging Material

Store the packaging material a couple of weeks
after putting the mixer into operation for the first
time and then dispose of it in an environmentally
friendly fashion in conformity with national

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Building Materials Testing

Fill the water tank with distilled water and hang the 2.7. Store and Protect the Product at
feed hose in with the lid, bolt the lid closed and put Downtimes
the return hose to the vertical opening on the lid
again. The cable binder on the return hose forms a Please make sure that there is no residual water in
limit so that the return hose is always outside of the the hoses of ToniMIX EXPERT and that all points
water. under 2.6. (Shut-Down) were correctly carried out.

Please also remember:

• not to roll up hoses and cables too tightly
• storage conditions: 10°C - 35°C;
relative humidity < 50%
• store all accessories (refer to 1.9) with the
return mixer (including the operating instructions)
feed • protect against dust deposits

2.8. Repacking
Repack ToniMIX EXPERT in the same fashion as
the packing diagram from Toni Technik GmbH.
Figure 3 – The water tank seal

2.9. Instruction Location

2.6. Shut-Down
The instructions should be available to all users and
Follow these points in the order given: there should be a sign on the machine stating
• take the suction hose from the water where the instructions are located.
• turn the mixer on and off (let the pump run
until you get a warning signal)
• main switch off
• press the emergency-off
• bowl holder downwards
• remove the agitator and bowl
• pull the plug
• separate the hoses from the tank
• evacuate the hoses
• separate the plug for the level monitoring
system (rear wall of the mixer)
• evacuate the water tank

After turning on, the water pump runs

1 min without monitoring

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Building Materials Testing

3. Operating Instructions 3.2. Software Handling

3.2.1. Display Menu
The figures in the operating instructions are
generally in English and the mixer is in the
desired language (refer to for Familiarise yourself with the entire menu
available languages). and display structure (refer to 9.1.)

3.1. Start up and Initialise The automatic program of ToniMIX EXPERT is

controlled via display buttons (refer to Definitions of
Buttons under 3.2.2). This is a two-line display.
The TD200 display has an internal Siemens service
menu and our MiXpert Main menu.

<Standard Programm>

Figure 4 – The main switch and emergency-off switch
The mains switch on the left-hand side is used for ASTM
turning ToniMIX EXPERT on and off. If there is a Eigene Prog.
danger situation, please press the emergency- Manual
off switch. Parameters

It is not possible to operate the mixer

without inserted the bowl for reasons of
safety. ESC ESC

After turning on the mixer, the automatic

mechanism requires 2-4 s for internal reset.
“Initialising” can be seen on the display during this Siemens Service
time, after which the mixer is ready for operation Menu
and it starts in the run mode in the preset standard
menu (refer to item 2 of DISPLAY ALARMS

Figure 6 - MiXpert and Siemens menu

You get into the main menu (Figure 7) by pressing

the ESC button. Use the arrow keys to select an
item on the menu. For instance, if you selected EN
and press ENTER, confirm your selection and enter
Figure 5 - EN menu this submenu. The EN menu appears on the display
(Figure 5) with the first program. You can use the
arrow keys to select 5 programs.

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Building Materials Testing MiXpert Main Menu

The main menu has 7 items on the menu.
Changes in speeds under parameters do
not have an impact on standard programs.

Figure 7 – The main menu 1

You can use the arrow keys to select the seven
submenus in the main menu (Figure 8).

ASTM Figure 11 – Speeds 1-2
My Program You can use the arrow keys to change back and
manual forth between the various parameters in the
parameters Parameters menu. All parameter spaces with the
tools exception of speed 1-2 are write-protected and can
only be changed in iP mode. Standard Menu &
Language (refer to figure 12), Water Calibration
Figure 8 – The main menu structure (Figure 13) and Water Correction (Figure 14) are
among the protected parameters. For instance, to Siemens Service menu
change the language, you have to first key the
You can press the ESC button to go from the main password into the Tools menu to be able to edit the
menu into the Siemens service menu (Figure 9). language under parameters again. Press ENTER
You cannot make any changes in this menu. Press until the number flashes next to the language, use
ESC again to exit it. the arrow keys to change the number to the desired
language index and confirm with ENTER. The
following languages are available under an index:

• “0“ – English

Figure 9 – The service menu

• “1“ – German
• “2“ – French The Parameter Menu
• “3“ – Spanish
• “4“ – Italian
• “5“ – Portuguese
• “6“ – Polish
• “7“ – Czech

You have to confirm the selection with the ENTER


The new language is automatically

Figure 10 – The parameter menu initialised after confirmation.

Confirm the Parameters item on the menu in the

main menu (Figure 8) and speed 1-2 is shown
(Figure 11). You can press ENTER to modify the
changeable spaces and the current space is

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Building Materials Testing

2 The H2O factor is a proportional factor.

That means that the impact of the change
has an influence depending on the quantity
of water. Refer to 5.3.2 for help adjusting
the factor. The Offset (tick) Parameter is
antiproportional and a change of 1.00
Figure 12 - Standard program and language
equals 0.45 ml.

The standard menu parameter states which

program routine the mixer should call up as You go from the Water Calibration display to the
default when it is started. Take a look in the “H2O Adjustment and Active” menu by pressing the
MiXpert menu structure in the appendix for a arrow key downwards again (Figure 14). Water
graph (refer to 8.1.). Adjustment activates and deactivates H2O Offset
for My Programs (this is a special offset that is only
effective there). “0“ means deactivated and “1“
The trial runs below are available: means activated. „H2O Active“ is an parameter to
deactivate the whole water system. “0“ means
• 0-4 stands for the 5 “EN” standards deactivated and “1“ means activated. After
• 5-9 stands for the 5 “ASTM” standards changing the H2O Active parameter, restart the
• 10-14 stands for the 5 Other standards
• 15-19 stands for the 5 My Programs After changing the H2O Active
parameter, restart the machine!
• 20 stands for the Manual mode

Refer to 3.2.3 for more details. 4

To accept the change, turn ToniMIX
EXPERT off and on again or exit iP
mode by resetting the password.
Figure 14 – H2O Adjustment and Active
If H2O Offset is activated, a new space appears
with all My Programs [H2O] that can be raised or
lowered with the action and reference button (refer
to 3.2.2.) We will take a fictitious program Free 1 as
3 an example that has a fixed quantity of water. Since
trial run is identical although the quantity of water
varies, we have to run our example routine with 11
ml more. This is the reason why we raise the H2O
offset by +11 (refer to Figure 15) using the action
and reference button.
Figure 13 - Water calibration

You go from the Standard Menu & Language

display to the Water Calibration menu by pressing
the arrow key downwards again (Figure 13). The
H2O factor is a machine-specific constant for the Figure 15 - H2O Offset
quantity of water. This value should be adjusted if
there is water inaccuracy. The Offset(tick)
Parameter is an offset for all quantities of water and
it has the same impact on all quantities of water so
that it only makes sense for temporary adjustments.

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Building Materials Testing Tools menu

There is no warning for overwriting so
make sure that the target has been
Passwort : 1000 correctly set.
Kopie : STARTdr.
2 0 ==> 15 3
3 * * V 4.0 * C 1.0 *
Figure 16 - Tools menu
Figure 19 – The version number
Enter the Tools submenu from the main menu.
There are three single windows under this item on The version number is a useful bit of information for
the menu: our service if there are problems. The version
number can also show you whether a software
Entering the password (Figure 17), copy function update was successful.
(Figure 18) and version number display (Figure 19).

1 3.2.2. Button Functions

Figure 17 - Entering the password

Das password for ToniMIX EXPERT is

1010 and cannot be changed.

Entering the password makes it possible to change

between the run mode and iP mode. The iP mode
needs the correct password and run mode needs
an incorrect input.
START run mode:
2 This starts a program
iP mode:
This inserts a new step with a
“nop” action (all other steps are
shifted to the right and step 25 is
Figure 18 – The copy function eliminated).

The Copy Function is exclusively conceived for

individual programming. This function enables you STOP run mode:
to copy each program to one of the 5 My program
slots. You have to be in iP mode to do this. You This stops the current program or
can use the action button to set the program to be action
copied (0-19) while you can use the reference iP mode:
button to set the target program (15-19). After
everything has been set, press the START button -
and an acoustic signal sounds when everything has
been done.

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SHIFT run mode: action run mode:

This activates the second standards: water on [+H2O]
assignment of a button.
My Programs: H2O + 10ml
(If this button is held down, all buttons are in
second assignment) My Programs /
second function: H2O – 10ml
iP mode:
The same as run mode iP mode:
Next action
second function: previous action
ESC run mode:
Copying: increase original
This goes back in the menu program
Copying / second function:
(This stops running programs)
Decrease original program
This cancels editing a space
iP mode:
reference run mode:
The same as run mode
standards: water off [-H2O]
My Programs: H2O + 1ml
ENTER run mode:
My Programs /
This confirms an item on the second function: H2O – 1ml
This edits and stores a space iP mode:
iP mode: Next program step
The same as run mode second function: previous program
Copying: increase target program
arrow run mode:
buttons Copying /second function: reduce
Up and down in the menu structure
target program
Increase values
second function: pointer to the left
and right
second function: decrease values
(Holding down for quick changing)

iP mode:
The same as run mode

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Building Materials Testing

3.2.3. Run Mode ASTM

As many as 5 ASTM standards are available under this
During run mode, it is possible to execute all
item on the ASTM menu:
programs and use manual operation (refer to All menu structures can be seen and program 5: C305 mortar 6 cubes +water option
speeds 1 & 2 can be adjusted under parameters program 6: C305 mortar 9 cubes +water option
while the rest of all functions and parameters are program 7: C305 paste
write-protected. program 8: C359-05
program 9: C451-99

Summary: Others

As many as 5 other standards are available under this
When lowering the bowl during mixing, please item on the Others menu:
keep the following points in mind:
program 10: ISO679 +water option
program 11: other 2 (empty)
• The bowl should be brought upwards into
program 12: other 3 (empty)
working position no later than with the
program 13: other 4 (empty)
second flashing interval with automatic
program 14: other 5 (empty)
routines. Otherwise, the mixture is not in
conformity with the standard because the My Programs
time (program) is stopped.
As many as 5 individual programs are available under
• If the mixing bowl is lowered outside of the item on the My Programs menu:
the regular time, you have to press the program 15: free 1 (empty)
start button to continue the mixing program 16: free 2 (empty)
process. program 17: free 3 (empty)
program 18: free 4 (empty)
program 19: free 5 (empty) Water on/off Option Manual
There is an option in the display of some standard
The Manual function is intended for fast and easy
programs for activating or deactivating the water
mixtures, although water and sand are not integrated.
feed. When the water is deactivated [-H2O], the
There are two speeds and one waiting function. Speeds
program skips the water feed and begins normally.
1 & 2 are those in the Parameter menu that can be
action button for activating: changed without a password. This function has the
program number 20 for the standard menu. An Example of Manual

This is an example of using the Manual function:
Fill in sand, water and/or cement depending upon what
reference button for deactivating: is needed. Then place the bowl and put it into its
working position (lever control caught in the lower
position). Select Manual in the main menu and press
As many as 5 EN standards are available under this
item on the EN menu: Start speed 1 with the start button.
program 0: EN480-1
program 1: EN196-1 +water option
program 2: EN196-3
program 3: EN 4 (empty)
program 4: EN 5 (empty)

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Building Materials Testing

If you press the start button again, speed 2 is executed

(if you press start again, speed 1 is executed again)

After the bowl is back in the working position, you can

press the START button to continue. The display shows
the current speed and waiting. The program waits at
When you press STOP, a waiting period is introduced. this point in conformity with the standards.

Now, the program can continue with START or be After 30 seconds of slow speed, the sand valve is
stopped with the STOP button. opened and the sand intake also needs 30 seconds
(the valve is closed after 45 s).
Speeds 1 and 2 can be changed without any
problems since they do not have an impact
on standards. Example – EN196-T1W

This is an explanation of the automatic mixing After 30 seconds of sand intake, it starts the high
procedure using EN 196-T1 with automatic water speed.
Place the bowl and put it into its working position.
Select EN196-1W in the EN menu (Figure 2) and
make sure that the water feed is activated ([+H2O]
has to appear on the display.
5 s before the mixer stops, an acoustic signal sounds.
When the mixer has stopped the edge of the bowl
should be cleaned.

Start the program and water feed with the START


The bowl can be lowered while the light flashes.

Connecting should be completed after 30 seconds.

Now the water is filled into the bowl (225 ml within

28 s).

The waiting period of 90 s to guarantee the rest

period in conformity with the standard.
When water feed is completed, W. START is called up
(waiting for start). Now you can lower and remove the
bowl to fill in cement.

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3.2.4. iP Mode

iP mode is active as long as the password

is correctly set under Tools.
The bowl should be in working position again no You cannot execute any programs in this
later than after the second light has stopped mode, but you can change all parameters
flashing (5 s). and the copy function can be used.

The following section explains the main application

for the iP mode: individual programming.
You have to know the correct password to get into
iP mode. Go into the Tools menu from the main
Now the high speed is turned on and maintained menu and press ENTER as soon as password
with a command to wait for 30 s. appears on the display. Use the arrow keys to set
the correct password and press ENTER (ToniMIX
EXPERT initialises in iP mode again).
After Initialising, you are automatically in the first My
Program (Figure 20) with a changed display.

A brief acoustic signal (2 s) indicates that the mixing

procedure is completed.
Figure 20 – Individual programming

“free 1” is the name of the current Individual

Program (it can be changed with ENTER). Please
remember that this name consists of two text
spaces with 4 characters each. Press the ENTER
button again to get to the second text space.
Step shows the current program step. 25 individual
steps are available per program, each of which
constitutes one action.
“Nop” stands for the current action and it can be
changed with the ACTION button. There are 16
different actions.
Value is a parameter depending upon the action; it
might be a time, quantity of water or speed. If a time
is called for, the value keyed in equals 0.1s (for
instance, 105 = 10.5 s). You have to press ENTER
a total of three times to edit this space. Actions
This is a list of actions in terms of their limits and
In the event that it is the Waiting Period parameter,
you can give a time for how long you want the step
to go before the next step is executed (like a wait
command). If you leave the value at 0, the next step
is executed immediately.

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speed 1 water
action number: 1 action number: 10
can be used in parallel: yes can be used in parallel: yes
parameter (value): waiting period parameter (value): quantity of water
remarks: can be changed in the Parameter menu value limit: 50-500 ml
without a password remarks: can be called up several times

speed 2 sand
action number: 2 action number: 11
can be used in parallel: yes can be used in parallel: yes
parameter (value): waiting period parameter (value): waiting period
remarks: can be changed in the Parameter menu remarks: sand valve is decoupled, always open 45
without a password s, however the sand only needs 30 s depending
upon the quantity and tank (refer to 1.9.)
action number: 3 end
can be used in parallel: no action number: 13
parameter (value): duration can be used in parallel: -
remarks: keeps a program in a position for a certain parameter (value): no effect
period remarks: this stops the entire program

signal 1 W.START
action number: 4 action number: 14
can be used in parallel: no can be used in parallel: no
parameter (value): duration parameter (value): no effect
remarks: fast acoustic signal remarks: waits until START is pressed

signal 2 Nop
action number: 5 action number: 15
can be used in parallel: no can be used in parallel: no
parameter (value): duration parameter (value): no effect
remarks: slow acoustic signal remarks: zero operation, command does nothing

W.Water (waits until water is ready)

motor off action number: 16
action number: 6 can be used in parallel: no
can be used in parallel: yes parameter (value): no effect
parameter (value): no effect remarks: needs a prior water command (otherwise
remarks: this stops the motor it waits 10 minutes)

light on speed (variable)

action number: 7 action number: 17
can be used in parallel: yes can be used in parallel: yes
parameter (value): no effect parameter (value): speed (rpm)
remarks: value limit: 25-200 rpm
remarks: can be called up several times; please
light off keep in mind the fact that WAITING makes sense
action number: 8 afterwards because the next command would be
can be used in parallel: yes executed directly otherwise.
parameter (value): no effect

action number: 9
can be used in parallel: no
parameter (value): duration
remarks: light off afterwards

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Use the table of actions on page 23 for a The suction hose should be as straight as possible
compact overview. between the water tank and ToniMIX EXPERT.

3.3. Hardware

Use a hose length and install it so that

3.3.1. Variable Water Feeding the open end in the storage tanks is
Variable water feeding is capable of administrating always above the water line of the water
50-500 ml of distilled water with a tolerance of 1 ml. tanks when filled and that there is a
When ToniMIX EXPERT is started, the pump is slope as large as possible over the
initialised to fill the system with water and get all of entire length.
the air out. That takes 2 minutes. Every 2 minutes a
3 s pump start is started to keep the water system
stable and check to see whether there is water in
the tank. If water is used in a program, it is not inlet 3.3.2. Sand Feeding
immediately but after 10 s of pump starting time.
The sand feed device is used for standard sand
feeding with the automatic routines. Fill this device
A program cannot be started as long as the before you start the automatic routine. Pay attention
mixer is in pump initialisation (2 minutes to the order of granulation when filling if the
after turning on ToniMIX EXPERT). standard calls for this order of feed.

Structure. Water feeding is integrated into the Do not use the sand feed to add water
housing and the end of the flexible water feed is or other liquids.
located above the bowl. The water tank takes about
12 litres of distilled water. A sensor built into the
Design: a tank directly installed in the mixer with a
water tank monitors its level. The automatic
magnetically operated sealing flap and triggered by
program regulates the quantity of water that can be
an automatic program.
A signal coming from the automatic program opens
The pump (built into the housing) transports the
the sand feed for 45 s, although the sand runs in
water in a cycle and a damper stabilises the
within 30 s. Special sand tanks were developed
impulse-like water thrusts of the pump. Then a
with special nozzles to generate these 30 s for
water pressure sensor follows for a pressure 2 bar
different quantities (refer to 1.9).
(higher pressure is diverted via bypass). A
flowthrough meter counts the water flow in ticks
(each tick equals approximately 0.45 ml). When the 3.3.3. Bowl and Agitator
system is completely filled with water (after a couple
of seconds), a valve is opened and the water flows Unlock the switch handle on the right-hand side of
into the mixing bowl. It is diverted by a separate the stand (working position = switch handle shows
bypass as long as the valve is closed. towards the back) by pressing to the right and
swivel forward to the catch. The bowl mount moves
Water Tank: You can loosen the mixing bowl by rotating in the
Fill the water tank with distilled water and make right direction and then remove from the retainer.
sure that the water has the temperature required by Insert the agitator into the quick-action seal with a
the standard before a program is started. Distilled slightly rotating movement until you feel it catch and
water has to be used to prevent deposits in the chuck it by turning the knurled ring to the right.
water system (such as lime or algae).
Set the mixing bowl into the centred drillhole on the
It has to be guaranteed that the suctioning hose lower retainer (the vertical surface of the centring
length and the way it is hung in ensure that the filter flange of the mixing bowl points towards the front)
and open end are on the bottom of the water tank. with its centring flange and chuck it by turning it to
the right.
Caution: The filter has to be fastened
with the sleeve supplied on the end of Swivel the switching lever to the rear until it
the suctioning hose. catches. The mixing bowl is in the working position.

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Always make sure that you only lower If the door stays open until the current
the bowl in the pauses provided with step is over (such as sand), the program
automatic routines and that it is brought is stopped and the START button has to
into the working position again no later be pressed. This is shown in the display
than at the second flashing interval. with STARTdr. Please remember that
interrupting the routine no longer
satisfies the standard.
Lowering the mixing bowl during the mixing process
immediately interrupts mixing, but it can be
continued with the START button. That means that 3.4. Fault Messages
the mixing process is extended by the time until
START is pressed again. That would mean that the water faults:
mixing process was no longer standardised. ToniMIX EXPERT has a fault message for too little
water. If there is not enough water in the water tank,
For reasons of safety, mixer operation the sensor notices this and a signal sounds for 2
is not possible without inserting the seconds while a warning triangle appears in the
bowl and the switching lever not being display (Figure 21). You have to press STOP to
caught. reset the fault as soon as the water tank is filled
again. The mixer will then make another water
initialising step which takes about 2 minutes.
Please remember: If there should be a water
Summary: fault due to regular pump start when a program
is running, there is no effect on this program as
long as no water inlet is imminent.
Always keep the following items in mind when
lowering the bowl in mixing:

• The bowl should be brought upwards into

the working position no later than at the
second flashing interval with automatic
routines. Otherwise, the mixture is not
Figure 21 – Water fault
standardised since the time (program) is

• If the mixing bowl is lowered outside of the

regular time, the START button has to be
Figure 22 – Water fault
pressed to continue the mixing process.
reasons for faults:
1. The system draws air when the water tank
is full and there is still a fault. Check the
water feed for air bubbles forming. If this is
The adapter sleeve and bowl should both the case, try to seal the hose.
always be tensed by right-hand rotation. 2. If this is not the case, check the float switch
in the water tank (it should be horizontal).
3.3.4. The Door of the Test Room Guard If the fault is not listed, get in contact with our
service department.
A protective test room door is built on the front side
of ToniMIX EXPERT as an option. The light goes
on when this door is opened outside of a program.
The light depends on the trial run during a program
run. When the motor runs and the door is opened, it
stops and the program runs normally.

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water. Now you should have an amount of 225ml,

4. Service and Cleaning please check that with a scale. If the tolerance is
too high (>1ml) it is needed to change the factor.
We give an example of 3.25ml as difference; the
4.1. Water Feeding water amount is 221.75ml.
Check the correct quantity of water on a regular To change the H2O factor in the needed way, take
basis (such as monthly). Use a tarable scale at an a look to the following table:
accuracy of 0.1 g or more. Check as follows:

1. Select EN196 in the EN menu Properties of the H2O factor

2. Place the empty bowl on the scale and tare it to The given values are only approximate due to
0 (or note the empty weight). natural oscillation.
3. Place the mixing bowl in the mixer and put the H2O factor reference
bowl into working position. change (ml)
digit (ml)
4. Start water inlet with the START button 0.0001 225 0,010107
5. When the water has run in, end the program 0.0010 225 0,10107
with the STOP button 0.0100 225 1,0107
6. Remove the bowl and weigh the amount of 0.1000 225 10,107
water 1.0000 225 101,07
7. Empty the bowl and dry it with a dry cloth or rag
The middle digit of the H2O factor (0.0100) has an
8. Repeat items 2-7 at least 7 times influence of nearly 1ml, so you have to increase the
The maximum difference is + 1 g. That means that number by 3. Now you have compensated round
none of these 8 measurements may be outside of about 3.03ml of the needed 3.25ml. When you
this tolerance. change the digit 0.0010 and 0.0001 in the same
manner you get the missing 0.22ml. The factor was
4.1.1. Adjusting the Quantity of Water then modified as follows: 2.2606 +0.0321 à
If you have measured an excessively large or small
amount of water, form the mean from all When you add the digits to the H2O factor you will
measurements and decide on a way to correct this: increase the water amount by nearly +3.2443 ml
and the ToniMIX EXPERT is adjusted.
H2O factor:
After the change you have to check the water
System constant for adjusting accuracy with
amount again.
proportional properties (any change has an impact
on the quantities of water depending upon the
quantity of water) Changes in the H2O factor or Offset
(tick) value have an effect on standards.
Offset (tick):
Be careful and check all changes.
Linear offset for all quantities of water (any change
has an equally large impact on the quantities of
water). Offset (tick)
The Offset(tick) value is measured in ticks (one tick H2O Factor
is a specific quantity of water that can transport the
Take the H2O Properties Factors table, go into iP Water Feeding variable). One tick equals 0.45 ml. If
mode and the Parameters menu (figure below), you increase the Offset(tick) value by 2, each
here is the H2O factor located. quantity of water is increased 0.9 ml; 50 ml is 50.9
ml and 350 ml equals approximately 350.9 ml).

This is only advisable for routines that

always require the same quantity of
To adjust the H2O Factor of the ToniMIX EXPERT
you have to run the water in-let of EN196-1 with

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4.2. The User Carrying out Cleaning

The mixing bowl holder has to be kept clean on its
guide surface and should be kept greased with the
brass rails functioning as friction bearings.
Beyond this, please ensure that the flange of the
mixing bowl, the tension flange of the bowl holder
and the tension ring of the agitator (especially on
the transition to the shaft) are free of old cement

4.3. The User Carrying out Maintenance

The mixing gap between the agitator and bowl
should be checked in conformity with EN 196 T1
and adjusted with the bowl holder (use the 1551.48
structural shape test set).
If this is no longer possible or if the gap is uneven,
call customer service. This problem is normally due
to wear and tear on the:
• agitator
• bowl
• planet wheel shaft
• adapter sleeve
• guide strips

4.3.1 Filter Check

Check filter soiling every time the tank

is filled. Change the filter if it changes
its colour (original white) or if you can
see suspended particles.

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5. Customer Service
All work for maintaining functionality and keeping
ToniMIX EXPERT in conformity with standards
should be carried out based on a service check-list
(page 29). Please get in contact with our service
department if you have problems or questions:
Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
Berlin, Germany 13355
phone: +49-30/46 40 39 23
fax: +49-30/46 40 39 24

Please get in contact with us if you have questions

on ToniMIX EXPERT (for instance, when ordering
component parts). We always need the structural
shape number (6215) and serial number (refer to

5.1. Maintenance Cycles

The three-phase current motor and planet gear
have a grease filling sufficient for many years of
operation. The gearbox should be thoroughly
cleaned after several years of operation (5,000-
6,000 hours of operation) and it should be refilled
with gearbox grease.

We recommend our maintenance service

for this work.

5.2. Calibrating Cycles

The water accuracy of ToniMIX EXPERT has to be
checked after longer downtimes. Reject the initial
measurement and start by matching from the
second. Water accuracy should also be checked
when the installation location is changed or the filter
is cleaned.
The intervals for checking whether ToniMIX
EXPERT is in conformity with the standard are
defined in conformity with application standards.

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6. Table of Spare Parts

(Refer to the component part diagram on page 31 for identifying the items)

item spare parts structural shape

1 agitator EN 1551.31
1 agitator ASTM 1551.32
2 mixing bowl 1551.18
- water filter 429.071
3 lifting device 6214.50
- frequency converter (Siemens) 709.338
- PLC (Siemens) + battery module 709.340 + 709.501
4 display (Siemens) 709.344
5 toothed belt 111.305
- membrane liquid pump 715.000
- flowthrough measurement transducer 715.004
6 protective shield -
7 sand tank EN 196 / ASTM C109 (6 cubes) 6214.96
7 sand tank 2 x EN 6214.97
7 sand tank ASTM C 109 (9 cubes) 6214.98

712.079 (T3 ;15 A)

- fuses
712.070 (T2 ; 5 A)

- motor 714.056
- membrane pulsation damper 715.001
- membrane pressure keeping valve 715.003
- pressure switch 715.006
- 3/2-way distribution valve 715.007
- return valve without spring 715.008
- manometer 500.013
- automatic sand feed device 6214.20
8 adapter sleeve 1551-15.09/C
- planet wheel shaft 1551-15.05
9 bowl holder 1551-16.03
10 2 x guide strips 6214-04.04
- water tank (tank + lid + level switch) 6215-46
11 bearing component 1551-16.04

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7. Conformity Declarations
7.1. CE Declaration

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7.2. EN196-1 Conformity Declaration

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7.3. ASTM C305 Conformity Declaration

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8. Appendix

8.1. MiXpert Menu Structure

0. EN480-1
1. EN196-1
2. EN196-3
3. EN 4 (empty)
4. EN 5 (empty)

5. C305 6c
6. C305 9c Name Speed: 0
7. C305 Paste xxxx Time: 0
8. C359
9. C451

10. ISO 679
11. other 2 (empty)
12. other 3 (empty)
13. other 4 (empty)
14. other 5 (empty)
Main Menu
MiXpert Own Programs
15. free 1 free 1 Speed: 0
EN ... H2O 0 Time: 0
ASTM 19. free 5
Own programs
Manual (20.) Speed: 0
xxxx Time: 0

Speed 1 : 50
Speed 2 : 100
Default menu : 0
Language : 0
H2O factor : 0.0000
Siemens Service Offset(tick) : 0.00
Menu -------------------------------------------
Water correction: 1 0 = inactive
1 = active
DIAGNOSTIC MENU password : 1000
copy : Pr.START
0 ==> 15

* * V 3.3 * C 8.7 *

INDEX language
0 English
1 German
2 French
3 Spanish
4 Italian
5 Portuguese
6 Polish
7 Czech

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8.2. Action Table

no more than 25 program lines

available per procedure
parallel utilisation possible

action ends with …

with other actions

parameter (value)
action number


1 speed 1 yes motor off waiting period can be changed under parameters without keying in password
2 speed 2 yes motor off waiting period can be changed under parameters without keying in password
3 waiting no - duration a single wait command (such as partial program stop)
4 signal 1 no - duration fast audio signal
5 signal 2 no - duration slow audio signal
6 motor off yes - no effect this stops the motor if running
7 light on yes light off no effect turns light on
8 light off yes - no effect turns light off
9 flashing no - duration lamp flashes to indicate something
quantity of * this command requires a W.WATER command subsequently
10 water yes -
water or water is inlet at the same time as next step
11 sand yes 45 seconds waiting period sand valve is always open 45 seconds
13 end yes - no effect exits the entire program
wait for start
14 ** start button no effect ** waits until START is pressed
15 nop no - no effect idling (the next step is directly executed)
*** W.WATER should only be set after a WATER command,
wait for water W.WATER ends when the water is ready.
16 *** water ready no effect
(W.WATER) If there is no WATER command in advance, command waits 10
the parameter is speed instead of waiting period -
17 speed yes motor off speed
therefore a WAIT command might have to follow

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8.3. Maintenance Check List

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8.4. Electrical Diagram



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8.5. Component Part Diagram

(refer to Table of Spare Parts on page 23 to identify the item numbers)




9 10

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Program No. : 0 EN480-1 2006

Start Water feeding

M ixer Power on

ac oustical signal (Beep2) 3x

8.6. Routine Diagrams

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ac oustical signal (Beep1) 3x

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH

blinking lamp (1. interval) 30s 30s

blinking lamp (2. interval)

Pumping Water (Option)

Version 15.04.09
Automatic Water feeding (Option)

Automatic Sand feeding (Option)

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc

Motor Fast (130 rpm )* 60s

Motor Slow (65rpm)* 120s

M otor Stop (wait) 30s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 S

0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 St e f f enhag en

page 32 of 41
Specification for Operation Program
*Planet gear speed Total : 210 s Mortar Mi xer Toni MIX Expert Model 6215

ToniM IX Expert

date written: 20.06.2008

Building Materials Testing
Program No. :1 EN196-T1

St art W ater feeding " +H2O" / " -H 2O "

Mixer Power on

acoustical signal (beep2) 3x

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acous tical signal (beep1) 4x

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH

blinking lamp (1. interval) 30s

blinking lamp (2. interval)

Pumping water (functional chec k) 120s

Version 15.04.09
Autom atic water feeding 225 ml (option) # 20s

A utomatic sand feeding (option) 45s

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc

Motor fast (130 rpm)* 30s 60s

Motor s low (65 rpm)* 60s

Motor stop (wait) 90s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 S

Total : 240 s 0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 St ef f e nhag en

page 33 of 41
* Planet gear speed Specification for Operation Program
Mortar Mi xer ToniMIX Expert Model 6215

# bei "+H2O" = Zugabe 225ml ToniMIX Expert

date written: 20.06.2008

bei "-H2O" = kein Wasser
Building Materials Testing
Program No. : 2 EN196 Teil 3

Start Water feeding

Mixer Power on

acoustical signal (Beep2) 4x

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 ⋅ D-13355 Berlin

acoustical signal (Beep1) 3x

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH

blinking lamp (1. interval)

blinking lamp (2. interval) 30s

Pumping Water (Option)

Version 15.04.09
Automatic Water feeding (Option)

Automatic Sand feeding (Option)

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc

Motor Fast (130 rpm)*

Motor Slow (65rpm)* 90s 90s

Motor Stop (wait) 30s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 S

page 34 of 41
0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 St ef f en hagen Specification for Operation Program
*Planet gear speed Total : 210 s Mortar Mi xer ToniMIX Expert Model 6215

ToniMIX Expert

date written: 20.06.2008

Building Materials Testing
Program No. :5 ASTM C 305 6 cubes

St art W at er feeding "+H2O" / " -H2O"

Mixer Power on

acoustical signal (beep2) 3x

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 ⋅ D-13355 Berlin

acoustical signal (beep1) 4x

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH

blinking lamp (1. interval) 30s

blinking lamp (2. interval)

P umping water (functional check) 120s

Version 15.04.09
Automatic water feeding 242 ml (option) # 20s

Automatic sand feeding (option) 45s

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc

Motor fast (130 rpm) * 30s 60s

Motor slow (65 rpm)* 60s

Motor stop (wait) 90s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 S

Total : 240 s 0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 S t ef fe nhage n

page 35 of 41
* Planet gear speed Specification for Operation Program
Mortar Mixer ToniMIX Expert Model 6215

# bei "+H2O" = Zugabe 242ml ToniMI X Expert

date written: 20.06.2008

bei "-H2O" = kein Wasser
Building Materials Testing
Program No. :6 ASTM C 305 9 cubes

Start Water feeding "+H2O" / "-H2O"

M ixer Power on

acoustical signal (beep2) 3x

acoustical signal (beep1)

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 ⋅ D-13355 Berlin


Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH

blinking lamp (1. interval) 30s

blinking lamp (2. interval)

Pumping water (functional check) 120s

Version 15.04.09
A utomatic water feeding 359 m l (option) # 20s

A utomatic sand feeding (option) 45s

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc

M ot or f ast ( 130 r pm )* 30s 60s

Motor slow (65 rpm)* 60s

Motor stop (wait) 90s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 S

* Planet gear speed Total : 240 s 0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 St ef f en hagen Specifi cation for Operation Program

page 36 of 41
Mortar Mixer ToniMIX Expert Model 6215

# bei "+H2O" = Zugabe 359ml ToniMIX Expert

date written: 20.06.2008

bei "-H2O" = kein Wasser
Building Materials Testing
Program No. : 7 ASTM C305 "Paste"

Start Water feeding

Mixer Power on

acoustical signal (Beep2) 4x

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 ⋅ D-13355 Berlin

acoustical signal (Beep1) 3x

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH

blinking lamp (1. interval)

blinking lamp (2. interval) 15s

P um ping Water (Option)

Version 15.04.09
Autom atic Water feeding (Option)

Automatic Sand feeding (Option)

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc

Motor Fast (130 rpm)* 60s

Motor Slow (65rpm)* 30s

Motor Stop (wait) 30s 15s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 S

page 37 of 41
0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 St e f f enhag en Spe cific ation for Operation Program
*Planet gear speed Total : 135 s Mortar Mixer ToniMIX Expert Model 6215

ToniMIX Expert

date written: 20.06.2008

Building Materials Testing
Program No. :8 ASTM C359

Start Water feeding

Mixer Power on

acoustical signal (Beep2) 4x

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 ⋅ D-13355 Berlin

acoustical signal (Beep1) 3x

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH

blinking lamp (1. interval) 30s 15s

blinking lamp (2. interval)

Pumping Water (Option)

Version 15.04.09
Automatic W ater feeding (Option)

Automatic Sand feeding (Option)

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc

Motor Fa st (13 0 rpm)* 60s 60s

Motor Slow (65rpm)* 15s 15s

Motor Stop (wait) 45s 690s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 S

page 38 of 41
0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 S teffe nha ge n Specification for Operation Program
*Planet gear speed Total : 947 s Mortar Mi xer ToniMIX Expert Model 62 15

ToniMIX Expert

date written: 20.06.2008

Building Materials Testing
Program No. : 9 ASTM C451

Start Water feeding

Mixer Power on

acoustical signal (Beep2)

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 ⋅ D-13355 Berlin

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH
acoustical signal (Beep1) 3x 4x

blinking lamp (1. interval) 15s 15s

blinking lamp (2. interval)

Pumping Water (Option)

Version 15.04.09
Automatic Water feeding (Option)

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc

Automatic Sand feeding (Option)

Motor Fast (130 rpm)* 150s 60s

Motor Slow (65rpm)* 30s

Motor Stop (wait) 30s 15s 345s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 S

page 39 of 41
0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 S te ff en ha g en Specification for Operation Program
*Planet gear speed Total : 618 s Mortar Mixer ToniMIX Expert Model 6215

date written: 20.06.2008

ToniMIX Expert
Building Materials Testing
Program No. :10 ISO 679

Start Water feeding "+H2O" / "-H2O"

Mixer Power on

acoustical signal (beep2) 3x

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 ⋅ D-13355 Berlin

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH
acoustical signal (beep1) 4x

blinking lamp (1. interval) 30s

blinking lamp (2. interval)

Pumping water (functional check) 120s

Version 15.04.09
Automatic water feeding 225 ml (option) # 20s

Automatic sand feeding (option)

6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc


Motor fast (130 rpm)* 30s 60s

Motor slow (65 rpm)* 60s

Motor stop (wait) 90s

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 S

page 40 of 41
* Planet gear speed Total : 240 s 0 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 S te ffe nh a ge n Sp ec i fi ca ti on fo r Ope rat io n Progra m
Mortar Mixer ToniMIX Expert Model 6215


date written: 20.06.2008

# bei "+H2O" = Zugabe 225ml ToniMIX Expert
bei "-H2O" = kein Wasser
Building Materials Testing
Building Materials Testing

Notes on service
The manufacturer carries out start-up, service, training, calibrating ToniMIX EXPERT and
making reference measurements:

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
Berlin, Germany
phone: + 49 30 46 40 39-23
fax: + 49 30 46 40 39-24
eMail: [email protected]

Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme GmbH 6215 BDA eng_10_2009.doc page 41 of 41

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 ⋅ D-13355 Berlin Version 15.04.09 date written: 20.06.2008

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