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ABIS HSE L4 F 01 Risk Assessment Form

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NO OR MINIMAL CONSEQUENCES: No environmental impact-contained within the premises.
Small spill less than 5 litres contained on impervious surface and readily cleaned up.
MINOR IMPACT: Minor environmental impact, but no long-term effect.

Spill greater than 5 litres, but below statutory or other prescribed limits on impervious surface and readily cleaned up.
Spill less than 5 litres on non-impervious surface and able to be completely removed and disposed of with small quantity of
surface media less than 1 cubic metre.
Complaints from up to 10 individuals such as odour, noise, etc.
MODERATE IMPACT: Limited environmental impact that will persist.
Spill onto non-impervious surface that requires removal and disposal of a large quantity of surface media.
Exceedence of statutory or other prescribed limit.
Complaints from community organisations (or more than 10 complaints from individuals).

MAJOR IMPACT: Severe environmental impact that requires extensive measures to restore use of the environment.
On-site groundwater contamination.
Extended exceedence of statutory or other prescribed limits with potential long-term impact.
Observed environmental effects or damage such as damaged vegetation, fish kill, etc.
Multiple complaints from community organisations or local authorities.
MASSIVE IMPACT: Persistent environmental impact that leads to loss of commercial or recreational use or loss of natural
resources over a wide area.
Spill causing pollution of a large part of a river estuary, extensive clean-up, and remediation activities.
Off-site groundwater contamination.
OI-L4-MAN-01 REV. 00 06/2012 PAGE 3 OF 61


E e n s e
Rare Unlikely Possible Likely certain
V o v s p
E p i e u Has Has
R l r t t happened happened Has
I e o s a in the at the happened
T n t Never
Heard of organisation location or more than
Y m i heard of in
in industry or more more than once per
e o industry
V than once once per year in the
V n n per year in year in the location
V t industry organisation

Slight injury or No or minimal

1 Slight Slight damage Slight Impact LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW
health effect consequences

Minor injury or
2 Minor health effect
Minor effect Minor damage Minor impact LOW LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM

Major injury or Moderate Moderate

3 Moderate Moderate effect LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH
health effect damage impact

4 Major Total Disability Major effect Major damage Major impact LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH

One or more Massive

5 Catastrophic fatalities
Massive effect

Initial risk classification is based on actual incidents. Identify potential consequences that could develop from an incident based on your experience. Risk levels can only be
increased and never be down-graded.
For definitions of industry, organisation, location refer to the Risk Assessment Matrix Guide.

Impact to People
1 Slight injury or health effect Not affecting work performance and not affecting daily life activities.
First Aid Cases (FAC)
Illnesses that result in noticeable discomfort, minor irritation or transient effects that are reversible after exposure stops.

2 Minor injury or health effect Affecting work performance, such as restriction to work activities or need to take up to 5 days to recover. Or affecting daily life
activities for up to 5 days or reversible health effects.
Medical Treatment Cases (MTC)
Restricted Workday Cases (RWDC) or Lost Workday Cases (LWDC) resulting in up to 5 calendar days away from work.
Illnesses with reversible health effects such as food poisoning or dermatitis.

3 Major injury or health effect Affecting work performance in the longer term, such as absence from work for more than 5 days or irreversible damage to
Restricted Workday Cases (RWDC) or Lost Workday Cases (LWDC) exceeding 5 calendar days away from work.
Illnesses with irreversible health effects such as sensitization, noise induced hearing loss, chronic back injury or repetitive strain injury.
Mental illness due to stress with reversible health effects.

4 Permanent Total Disability (PTD) Resulting from injury or occupational illness.

Illnesses such as asbestosis, silicosis, cancer.
Mental illness due to stress with irreversible health effects.

5 One or more fatalities (F) Resulting from injury or occupational illness.

Multiple silicosis cases resulting from an identified exposure scenario.
Cancer to a large exposed population.
Car accident resulting in one or more Fatalities (F).
Fire or explosion resulting in one or more Fatalities (F).

Impact to Environment
1 No or minimal consequences Slight environmental damage-contained within the premises. <5 liters
Small spill in truck loading area or tank farm area that readily evaporates.

2 Minor effect Minor environmental damage, but no long-term effect.>5 liters

Small spill in truck loading area or tank farm area that readily evaporates.
Small spill off-site that seeps into the ground.
Single exceedence of statutory or other prescribed limit.
Complaints from up to 10 individuals.

3 Moderate effect Limited environmental damage that will persist or require clean-up.
Spill from a rail loading process onto soil/sand that requires removal and disposal of a large quantity of soil/sand.
Frequent exceedence of statutory or other prescribed limit, with potential for long-term impact.
Complaints from community organizations (or more than 10 complaints from individuals).

4 Major effect Severe environmental impact that requires extensive measures to restore use of the environment.
On-site groundwater contamination.
Extended exceedances of statutory or other prescribed limits, with potential long-term impact.
Observed off-site effects or damage (e.g. damaged vegetation, fish kill).
Several complaints from community organizations or local authorities.

5 Catastrophic effect Persistent environmental damage that leads to loss of commercial, recreational use or loss of natural resources over a wide area.
Spill of crude oil or chemical causing pollution of a large part of a river estuary, extensive clean-up and remediation activities.
Off-site groundwater contamination.
Off-site groundwater contamination over an extensive area.
Several complaints from community organizations or local authorities.

5 Catastrophic effect Persistent environmental damage that leads to loss of commercial, recreational use or loss of natural resources over a wide area.
Spill of crude oil or chemical causing pollution of a large part of a river estuary, extensive clean-up and remediation activities. OI-L4-MAN-01 REV. 00 06/2012 PAGE 4 OF 61
Off-site groundwater contamination.
Off-site groundwater contamination over an extensive area.

Impact to Assets
1 Slight damage Costs less than 10,000 CHF
No operational disruption.

2 Minor damage Costs between 10,000 and 100,000 CHF

Short term interruption of operations.

3 Moderate damage Costs between 100,000 and 1 million CHF

Partial shutdown of work/operations.

4 Major damage Costs between 1 and 10 million CHF

Loss of a lab due to fire.

5 Catastrophic damage Costs in excess of >10 million CHF

Substantial or total loss of operations
Includes immediate costs, secondary costs, direct costs and indirect costs.

Impact on Reputation
1 Slight impact
Local public awareness with no concerns.
No media coverage.

2 Minor impact
Local public concern.
Local media coverage.

3 Moderate impact Notable impact in region or country.

Regional/country public concern.
Local community, industry, government are aware.
Extensive coverage in local media. Some regional or national media attention.

4 Major impact may escalate and impact Group reputation

National public concern.
Impact on local community and national stakeholder relations. National government involvement with potential for international action.
Extensive coverage in national media. Some international attention.
Potential for regulatory action resulting in restricted operations or impact on license to operate.

5 Massive impact Extensive impact on Group reputation.

International public concern.
High level of interest amongst governments and action by international organizations.
International media focus.
High potential for effect on national/international policies with impact on access to new areas, grants of licenses and/or tax legislation.
H-01 Acids/Bases
H-02 Hydrocarbons
H-03 Other Chemicals
H-04 Explosives
H-05 Pressure Hazards
H-06 Hazards associated with differences in height
H-07 Objects under induced stress
H-08 Dynamic Situation Hazards
H-09 Physical Environment Hazards (Heat Stress/Cold
H-10 Hot Surfaces
H-11 Hot Fluids
H-12 Cold Surfaces
H-13 Cold Fluids
H-14 Open Flame
H-15 Electricity
H-16 Electromagnetic Radiation
H-17 Ionizing Radiation – Open Source
H-18 Ionizing Radiation – Closed Source
H-19 Asphyxiants
H-20 Toxic Gases
H-21 Toxic Liquid
H-22 Toxic Solids
H-23 Corrosive Substances
H-24 Biological Hazards
H-25 Ergonomic Hazards
H-26 Physical Agents
H-28 Psychological Hazards
H-29 Hazardous Goods
H-30 Emergency Response/HAZmat


ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 6 OF 61
Date of Assessment: __________________________________________ Date for Review: __________________________________________

Name of Person Completing Form: _______________________________ Business Unit: ___________________________________________

Location: _____________________________ Task/Process: ____________________________________________

Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy Isolation (LOTO) __Lifting Operation __Other

Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Task/Process: ________________________________

List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the Could there be a release to Provide details of existing controls. Consider P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R
perform the task/process in the classification inventory hazards with potential to the air, soil, or water? Will Risk Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all reduce the risk to ALARP.
sequence they are carried out. (further details on health cause harm to people, a waste be generated? barriers applicable for each risk. For example, NOTE: If further barriers have
(Per geographical area and

hazards can be found in the environment, assets and/or if PPE is used as a barrier, it must be been identified, these additional
Health Hazard Inventory) reputation when the task is specifically described. All barriers must be resources/actions must be
performed? valid in that they reduce likelihood, severity, or realistic and achievable. If no

both. NOTE: Existing further barriers have been

barriers may be adequate in reducing the risk identified, enter N/A.
Reference Number

1. General good house keeping

2. All areas well it, including stairs

3. No trailing leads or cable
4. Staff keep work area clear ,eg no
Hazards associated
boxes left in walkways, delivery
1 Walking /stepping on stairs with differences in Slips and Trips 3C 0 3B 1E
stored immediately
5. Offices cleaned every evening.

6.Better housekeeping i staff kitchen

needed eg on spills

1.Trolly used to transport the boxes

of paper and other heavy items
Manual handling of paper, Personnel injury/Back when collecting deliveries etc.
2 3C 0 2B 1d
office equipment etc. Pain

2.High shelves and light objects only

Physical Agents NA NA
ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 7 OF 61
1.Supervisors to monitor to ensure
staff continue to get breaks away
from the computer.
2.Check that identified actions from
self assessments are followed up

3. Staff that they are to inform their

Manager of any pain they have that
may be linked to computer use
4. Remind laptop users to carry out
regular DSE assessment to avoid
problems and identify any issues.
pain, discomfort or
injuries, eg to their 5.Remind laptop users to carry out
Display screen equipment hands/arms, Headaches
3 regular DSE assessment to avoid 1D 0 0 1A
operating or sore eyes can also problems and identify any issues.
6.Workstation and equipment set to
ensure good posture and to avoid
glare and reflections on the screen.
7.Lighting and temperature suitably
8.Adjustable blinds at window to
control natural light on screen
9.Noise levels controlled.
10.Eye tests provided for those who
need them, duty holder to pay for
basic spectacles specific for VDU
use (or portion of cost in other

Ergonomic Hazards NA NA
1.Chairs are too unstable. An
Hazards associated appropriate stepladder will be
4 Work at height Personnel Injury bought and staff shown how to use it 3C 0 2C 2D
with differences in
height NA safely. NA
ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 8 OF 61

1.Staff trained to spot and report (to

office administrator) any defective
plugs, discoloured sockets or
damaged cable/equipment.
2.Defective equipment taken out of
use safely and promptly replaced.
Personnel 3.Staff told not to bring in their own
5 Using electrical equipment 3D 0 3C 1E
injury,Burn,Electricution, appliances, toasters, fans etc
4.Confirm with landlord the system
for making safe any damage to
building installation electrics, eg
broken light switches or sockets.
5.Timely mock drill to be done for
escape in case of emergency.

Electricity NA NA
1.Staff write visit details in office
diary and give a contact number.
2.Staff not returning to the office
after a visit call in to report this.
3.Security staff check all areas,
Lone working,visiting including toilets, before locking up at
6 Personnel injury,death. 1A 0 1A 2D
clients. night.
4.Whereabouts of staff ‘out of the
office’ to be monitored by office-
based staff.
Dynamic Situation
Hazards NA NA

Were actions reviewed and agreed upon by all participants? __Yes __No If 'No', please explain _____________________________________________________________


Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Other (Technical Specialsts as required)
Approved by (site manager)
ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 9 OF 61




ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 10 OF 61

ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 11 OF 61

Date of Assessment: __________________________________________ Date for Review: __________________________________________

Name of Person Completing Form: _______________________________ Business Unit: ___________________________________________

Location: _____________________________ Task/Process: ____________________________________________

Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy Isolation (LOTO) __Lifting Operation __Othe

Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Task/Process: _______________________________



List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the hazards with Could there be a release to
perform the task/process in the classification inventory (further potential to cause harm to people, the air, soil, or water? Will a
sequence they are carried out. details on health hazards can environment, assets and/or reputation waste be generated?
(Per geographical area and

be found in the Health Hazard when the task is performed?

Reference Number

Spark, open flame Explosion
Burns & injuries
Gas leakage from Injury due to sudden pressure
cylinder release
Dropping of melted metal
Personal Injuries
/ cut piece

Damaged tools/ grinders Personal Injuries

Cylinder may explode,
Fall of Gas Cylinder
Personal injuries NA

Pressure Hose failure Personal Injuries

1 Fabrication and Welding

Flash Back of Flame Explosion, personnel injuries

Electric Shock, Electric Burns,

personal injuries

Loss of consciousness
Toxic fumes inhalation
Noise Frequent Headaches
Flammable gases

Lack of judgment,
Uncertified riggers. Poor supervision,
Uncontrolled activity.

Damaged / Uninspected Load may fall, Serious injury,

Lifting Gears Fatality.

Uncontrolled movement of
Uncertified operator crane,
Crane may fall,fatality

Crane may collapse,

Crane hydraulic system Personal injuries,
failure Property Damage.Fatality

Crane Operation and

Load may hit or fall,
Crane Operation and Uncontrolled movement
2 Personal injury,
Rigging of load
Property damage,Fatality

Serious incidents,
Personal injuries,
Load may fall
Property damage.

Personnel movement
inside the barricaded Personal injury.

Trap hand in between

Serious hand injury
the object and the sling

Strike of boom on nearby Personal injury,

equipment Property Damage.

Heavy Wind or Storm Crane may collapse

Incompetent RT
Over Exposure of RT

Increase the risk of developing

Headaches, eye discomfort,
facial redness, fatigue,
dizziness, sleep disturbances,
irregular heartbeat, high blood-

Transportation of
Radioactive Source

3 Radiographic testing

Storage of Radioactive

Exposure to
Unauthorized person

Nausea, pain in the joints and

muscles, difficulty in
concentrating, memory
difficulties, immune system
abnormalities, asthma,
allergies, interfere with the
reproductive cycle
Nausea, pain in the joints and
muscles, difficulty in
concentrating, memory
difficulties, immune system
Lost or stuck radiography abnormalities, asthma,
source or emergency allergies, interfere with the
reproductive cycle

Improper lighting

High pressure equipment Personal Injury due to sudden

malfunctioning pressure release

Hydro-jetting / High
Pressure Water Jetting
Hydro-jetting / High
Pressure Water Jetting

Personal Injury due to

Pressurized hoses
uncontrolled pressure release

Personnel injury due to high

High pressure burst pressure (cut off limbs or

Electrical & Electric Shock, Electric Burns,
5 Sharp edges
instrumentation works personal injuries

Substandard Scaffolding
Scaffolding may collapse

Erection & dismantling of

Scaffolding may collapse,
Substandard erection
Erection & dismantling of personal injuries

Entry of other person into

Personal Injury
the area.

Uncertified scaffolds Scaffold Collapse,Fatality

Use of flammable liquids Fire, Explosion.

Inhalation of fumes Loss of Consciousness

Skin contact of Coating
Irritation & itching
Inadequate posture for
7 Painting & Coating works Personal injury

Ignition source may Fire

present near storage of (Burns, Injuries, Medical
flammable material Treatment Cases)

Injury due to sharp edge

Personal Injuries
Exposure to insulation Serious Health Effect on
particles prolong exposure
8 Insulation works
8 Insulation works
Storage of insulation
Exposure other workers
material at site

Accidental pressure
release due to Personal Injuries
pressurized equipment

Pipe Fitting (Unbolting/

9 bolting of flanges, pipes
etc.) Hazardous gases Severe health effects
exposure Fatality

Severe Skin Burns

Hazardous chemicals Itching
splash Irritation

Personnel injury due to

Personal Injuries
breakage of tools
Accidental breaking of
Personal Injuries
hydro test assembly

Hydro testing of pipe


Serious Injuries
High pressure line burst First Aid Cases / Medical
Treatment Cases

Slip, trap or fall in access

Personal Injuries
/ egress
Flammable and
poisonous atmosphere

May cause lack of immediate

Unattended person
emergency response, resulting
inside confined space
11 Working in confined space minor injury into major injury

Low illumination Slip, trip & falls

Improper arrangement lack of judgment may occur
for work due to low illumination

Personal Injury,
Fire and explosion

Personal Injury,
Fall Personal Injuries
12 Working at height
Permanent Disabilities

Toxic gas release, Live

13 Excavation/Trenching. lines,Cave-in,O2 Personnel Injury,Fatality.
Hearing damage,Lung
injury, Electricution,Injury to
back and joints.

Noise ,Dust,Prolong
Use of Jack vibration,Electricity,Oper
Hammer/Compactor ating in wet
areas.Manual handling,

Presence of Flammable /
Fire and Explosion
ToxicVapor or Liquid

Defective Tools Hand Injury

Flying Particles /Metal

Eye Injury
Exposure to harmul dust Health Injury

15 Cold Cutting Rotating of sharp objects Cut or burn of body

15 Cold Cutting

Leakage and spill. slip,Personnel injury.

Electric Shock, Electric Burns,

personal injuries

Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member

Other (Technical Specialsts as required)

Approved by (site manager)



Space __Energy Isolation (LOTO) __Lifting Operation __Other

son in Charge of Task/Process: ________________________________

Provide details of existing controls. Consider Risk Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all barriers applicable for each P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R Y/N
risk. For example, if PPE is used as a barrier, it must be specifically described. All barriers must be valid in that they reduce the risk to ALARP.
reduce likelihood, severity, or both. NOTE: Existing barriers may be adequate in reducing the risk NOTE: If further barriers have
to ALARP. been identified, these additional
resources/actions must be
realistic and achievable. If no
further barriers have been
identified, enter N/A.

1. Follow Permit to Work procedure and its requirements.

2. 3rd Party certified or client approved Fire watch and fire extinguisher must be at site allsit the
3.A fire watch remain at site for 30mins after finishing the hot job.
4. All the flammable material must be removed from the area.
5. Use fire retardant coveralls
6. Area must be covered with fire blanket, keep the fire blanket wet all
the time while hot work.
1. Inspect Cylinders with proper connections & hoses. Y

1. Safe work practices shall be adopted with appropriate PPEs. Y


1. Inspect all tools prior to start the work

2. Full PPEs must be used, welding gloves, double eye protection with welding helmet (proper Y
grade of filter plate)

1. Tie-up all gas cylinders with chain Y


1. Check all the hoses and their connections, keep the hoses away from
the hot surface/ do not light with lighter, use spark lighter to light
2. Check pins and whip checks are fitted across all connections 3C 2A 3C 3C

1. Check flash back arrestor and non-return valve are fitted correctly

1. Use electric gloves

2. Jewelry must not be used while work
3. Welder should be insulated from live electrical parts and dry and do
not weld when wet.
4. Housekeeping should be maintained, spent electrodes stubs and
grinding discs must be kept in bins.
5. Ensure the equipment is inspected and certified.
6. Ensure the grounding of the equipment.
7. Ensure all the electrical cables are properly insulated and free of
damage with proper connectors/receptacles.
8. Ensure electrical source has GFCI and in function.
9. Stand by man must be with the welding machine to monitor the condition.

Use cartridge mask

Wear hearing protection (ear plugs, ear muffs)

Conduct gas test before start work and continuous gas testing should be conducted.

1. All riggers must have valid third party certificate.

2. Tool box talk shall be conducted before start of lifting activity.
3. Responsibilities has to be clearly defined to every rigger while doing
the lifting activity.
4. Only required numbers of riggers will be involves in the lifting, no
unnecessary persons/riggers will be on the job.

1. Ensure the lifting gears has been inspected before start of the job by
a competent rigger/inspector.
2. Do not use any lifting gear in case of any signs of deformation
3. All lifting gears available on site must have valid third party
inspection tag/certificate.
4. Lifting gears should have SWL marked on it.
5. Color coding shall be used to distinguish between damaged and
undamaged lifting gears.

1. Crane operator must have valid driving license & third party
2. Crane daily inspection checklist should be maintained by operator.
3. Crane SWL should be marked on appropriate and visible place.

1. Crane should have valid third party certificate.

2. Weight to be lifted must be less than SWL .
3. Ensure the crane is grounded .
4. Out rigger fully extended and provide appropriate matting under it
while fully extended.
5. Check the ground level and stability before placing the crane.

3C 0 3C 3C
1. Only competent riggers should be assigned to carry out the activity.
2. Only one competent rigger to give signals to crane operator.
3. Two tag lines shall be used on all lifts.
4. Barricade the area and install the warning signs.
3C 0 3C 3C
5. Area must be clear of persons under the suspended load.
6. Flag man should be provided to control the vehicle movement.
7. Weight to be lifted must be less the SWL.
8. Conduct tool box meeting with workers before starting job.

1. All lifting activities shall be carried out under PTW.

2. Conduct Risk assessment prior to start the activity
3. Follow guidelines of Risk assessment
4. Conduct tool box talk with all team members of the activity
5. Only competent operators and riggers will perform the job
6. Lifting plan will be required for heavy loads (e.g. columns, vessels)
7. Consider potential change of environment (e.g. heavy wind, storm, gas
release etc.)

1. Barricade the area and place the sign boards

2. No people allowed entering the barricaded area

1. Hand and other parts of the body must be placed safely prior to give
signal for lifting the object.
2. Use leather gloves for rigging.
3. Follow safe work practices.

1. Level certification is necessary for Riggers in order to lift considerable

loads (e.g. vessels, columns etc.)
2. Competent rigger shall be assigned to guide the crane to work
3. Slings should be secured properly to the material to avoid the fall to
the existing system.
4. Rigging supervisor to control the lifting job to avoid for hitting the
existing pipe line.

1. Ensure the wind speed is in acceptable limits.

2. All lifting operations should be suspended in case of wind speed
increased beyond 32 km/hr.
1. Ensure that all radiographic activities are carried out under PTW.
2. Ensure that activity is authorized by relevant area authority before
start work.
2. Only classified radiographers wearing film badges and pocket
dosimeters shall perform radiographic testing activity.
3. Identify radiation exposure intensity in micro savart.
4. Collimeter should be used to control radiation exposure to
5. Survey meter should be used to identify hazardous/radiation exposed 0
6. Provide proper communication between the parties on the
programmed operation.
7. Conduct awareness to the workers by tool box talk and inform concern
parties including those at adjacent areas, prior to work starts.
8. All RT technician to be certified.
9. All dosimeters, survey meters and collimeters must have valid
calibration certificate.

1. Truck must not be left unattended when carrying source.

2. Adequate fuel for journey must be available when moving source, i.e.
no filling station stops.
3. Amber warning lamp and placards to be displayed in the front, rear
and both side of the vehicle when carrying source.
4. Only classified radiographers wearing film badges and pocket
dosimeters shall transport the radioactive materials.
5. Source transferred to storage when not in use, not held in truck. 2A 1A 1A

1. All sources to be kept in the pit until permit is issued.

2. Source to be released just before operation starts and source to be
returned to pit as soon as possible after completion.
1. The area must be barricaded at safe distance with meshed warning
tape 1 meter high should be posed no entry signs.
2. Yellow warning flash lights to be used at night.
3. Radiography /X-ray signs to be installed.
4. Four stand by personnel to monitor barricaded area.
5. Radiography should be planned at night for minimum exposure to
1. Stop work immediately
2. Announce emergency
3. Follow source recovery procedures
4. Recovery equipment as per procedure to be available
5. Make sure the emergency tools such as tongs & cutters are available
at site

1. Sufficient/alternate lighting shall be arranged at site with qualified

2. Proper supervision shall be provided.
3. Clear safety Goggles shall be provided for all night work employees
involved in the task.

1. Thorough inspection of all components of hydro jetting equipment

shall be carried out by the competent operator prior to use.
2. Equipment shall not be taken into service if any item is in suspect
3. The hydro jetting equipment area shall be barricaded using red &
black barricading tape.
4. Daily inspection checklist of equipment to be maintained for
hydro jetting machine/equipment.
5. Only certified crew to operate hydrohetting equipment.
6. All highlighted faults has to be rectified before start of the activity.

3A 0 3B 2A
1. Hoses extending from the equipment to blasting area shall be
surrounded by barricading tape and warning signs.
2. It is not possible to isolate the area, study barriers/panels shall be
placed / erected to shield operations.
3. Suctions hoses must be continuously monitored throughout uplift 3A 0 3B 2A
4. Obtain
1. The hoses shall be work
appropriate protected
permitform damage
before start by anywork.
of the means.
2. No
orientation movement
and training shallbefore
be located towork
start of minimize the length
and daily of
tool box
talk required.
prior to start work.
6. All
3. considerations
high pressure shall be given
cleaning to the will
activities distance
involvefrom operatingof two
a minimum
7. Operators
4. select a location that does
must wear not require
full Personal runningEquipment
Protective hoses through an
i.e. PVC
coverallsaccess way or
& gloves, work area.
protective headwear complete with visor & hearing
8. Hoses shallsafety
protection, be protected
footwear. from damage by vehicular traffic, hot lines/
5. Tanker or external
operative abrasion.
& assistant must wear hearing protection whilst
9. Hoses
workingshall be inspected
in close proximitybefore each use.
to the tanker unit, and in any high noise
Whip Chicks / restrainer must be installed with all hose
6. Primary operator handling cleaning device must have control of water
7. The second operator shall observe the operation from a safe distance
as possible at least 12 feet.
8. The second operator shall use a foot control gun connected in series
with the primary operator’s gun so the system pressure can be
1. Ensure in case of emergency.
activity is authorized by relevant area authority before
9. Pressure
start work. safety valve/ rupture disc capable of rapidly relieving the full
capacity of the pump
2. Properly isolate the energizedshall be installed on pumping
system prior unit.work.
to start the
10. Hoses shall be inspected
3. Use Lock Out Tag Out system. before each use. 3C 0 0 2A
11. Whipauthorized
4. Only chicks / restrainer
employees must beperform
shall installedthe
all hose connections.
12. Minimum
5. Follow Safelength
Work of shot gun barrel shall be 1.2 Meters.
13. Shot
6. Use guns shall
insulated be equipped with a single hand trigger switch as a
minimum and double triggers as required.
1. The doublematerial
action switches shall be positioned
must be inspected so that person
by a competent both thebefore
use hand are required to initiate high pressure water flow and
/ mobilization.
hence water
2. Damaged pressure
material shouldwillbe
drop off andfrom
removed flowthe
either switch is
released. material should be used as per OSHA standard.
3. Scaffolding
15. Mechanical anti withdrawal devices shall be used for cleaning.

3C 0 2A 2A
1. Scaffolding erection must be supervised by certified scaffolding
supervisor and must be inspect by third party certified scaffold
2. Scaffolding erectors shall be trained employee
3. Scaffolding ladder must be inspected and color coded.
4. Scaffolding plat form shall be consist of minimum three scaffold
5. All the material including scaffolding planks on platform must be 3C 0 2A 2A
properly secured.
6. Scaffold log system should be in place.
7. Excessive material should not be stored at scaffold.
8. Scaffold material should not be throw up/down on the platform, it
should be transferred by crane of wheel arrangement.

1. Barricade the area properly and place the safety sign to protect other
2. The area must be clear of scaffolding material stacking.

1. Scaffolders should be third party certified.

1. MSDS shall be used

2. All ignition sources, flamable material should be removed from
1. Use organic mask while painting
1. PVC gloves shall be used for painting

1. Follow safe work practices 3C 2A 2A 3C

1. All paint shall be stored away from process area

2. Warning signs must be installed while painting & near storage
3. Use liner to store paint bottles
4. Bund wall has to be made for large quantities
5. Follow MSDS guidelines for storage of paint
6. Ensure proper ventilation of the storage area

1. Use leather gloves for handling of sharp edges

1. Use Face Mask during insulation works

2B 0 1A 2A
2B 0 1A 2A
1. Cover the insulation material properly at designated place.
2. Install proper signage for unauthorized persons to avoid contact with
insulation material.

1. Equipment should be de-pressurized, drained & purged completely.

2. Read Pressure gauges installed on equipment.
3. Work has to be done under permit to work.
4. Ensure proper isolation has been applied.
5. Work has to be authorized by relevant area authority/
6. Trained & skilled employees to carry out the task.
7. Employees to work with complete PPEs i.e. hard hat, coveralls, safety
shoes, safety glasses, face shield etc.
8. Work area to be barricaded with warning tapes & necessary warning
signs shall be posted. .
9. Close supervision by competent supervisor.

1. Gas mask or SCBA to be used to avoid exposure of hazardous 2A 1A 2A 2A

chemicals/ gases.
2. Gas test has to be conducted during whole job duration for presence
of hazardous gases.

1. Use appropriate PPEs (face shield) if there is potential of chemical

2. PVC coverall with face shields has to be used.

1. Employees to use leather gloves for all manual handling jobs.

2. Double eye protection to be used i.e. face shield to be used over
safety glasses.
1. Hydro testing assembly has to be inspected by competent supervisor
prior to start the work.
2. Work has to be done under permit to work.
3. Work has to be authorized by relevant area authority.
4. Quality Control representative should be available on site to ensure
the exact rating of pipes / flanges / gauges.
5. All connection shall be rechecked prior to start the work.
6. Inspect all the tools before start work.
7. Inspect the hydro testing equipment and ensure all the hoses
connections are secured by whip check.
8. Ensure proper tightening of all the spools and bolts and leakages
must be check prior to pressurizing the line.
9. Use all the PPE, hand gloves, safety glasses must be wear all the time
on job. 1A 0 2A 1A

1. Work has to be done by obtaining permit to work.

2. Pressure safety valve (PSV) must be installed on both headers.
3. Close monitoring of the pressure.
4. Close monitoring for any leakage.
5. In case of any unusual condition immediately vent the pressure.
6. Qualified fitters in place, Spanners and tools shall visually checked.
7. Proper tool box and JSA briefing at job site.
8. Only necessary people will be in barricaded area.
9. Qualified supervisor/work under supervision.
10. Careful working near pressurized line.
11. No hammering on pressurized line.

1. Work has to be done by obtaining permit to work.

2. Make sure the access and exit is proper, provide the proper access
and exit free from the obstructions
3. Access/Egress should be adequate enough to rescue a person in case
of emergency
1. Ensure that the system is properly isolated.
2. Ensure the gas testing before entering into the confined space,
continuous gas testing should be conducted.
3. Check the oxygen level continuously.
4. Take periodic rest after 30 minutes of work.
5. PPEs must be used all the time at work.
6. Respiratory mask should be used to work inside the space.
7. Confined Space should be isolated, cleaned and purged of any
hazardous material.

1. Trained and competent stand by man must be present at the entrance

of confined space; he shall maintain the communication with the
person inside and shall maintain the log sheet for entrants, in case
of any emergency he will communicate for the rescue.
2. Rescue equipment must be present at site.
3C 0 2A 3C
3. Rescue Plan shall be made for all confined space entries.
4. Discuss JSA & conduct TBT with all workers to make sure that rescue
plan has been understood by all team members

1. Proper illumination
2. Use only 24 Volt lights inside confined space.

1. Special arrangements should be made for any hot work inside

confined space (e.g. pressurized water hose inside the space,
availability of fire extinguisher inside the confined space etc.)
2. Gas Cylinders should not be allow inside ocnfined space.
3. Pneumatic tools should be used inside confined space.

1. Ensure the confined space is free of engulfment hazard.

1. Check the plate form before start working on height.
2. Inspect and ladder and condition of platform.
3. Three point contacts must be maintained while climbing ladder.
4. Ensure the platform is properly inspected by the inspector and tagged.
5. Use the full body safety harness with double lanyard, and anchor the
harness properly while working on height of 1.8 m or above.
6. Use the tool basket to shift hand tools to the platform.
7. Safe work procedure should be followed while shifting raising or
lowering the material.
8. Material should not be thrown from the height to the ground.
9. Keep the material secure from falling and ensure the placement of
material beside the toe board.
10. Only competent person are allowed to modify or alter the platform,
during modification or alteration no body should be at scaffolding
platform except scaffolders. 11.
Tag system should be in place.
12. Employees should be trained on work at height.
13. Safe access and egress should be provided to the platform.
14. Chin straps should be used to avoid falling of helmet from height.

3C 0 2A 3C
1.Technical Inspection -Locate and Identify all underground utility lines. 2. Excavation
Permit-Deep more than 1.2 meters,obtain confined space permit.
3.Barricade aroumd excavation area
1.5 meters away from dge of the excavation.
4. slop as per soil catogery.If slop is not fiseable install shoring
system 5. Install sighn board and Install flash light in night time.
6. Dewatering system required in case of water accumulation. 7. In
trenching 1.2 meters (4 feet) or more in depth, ladders, steps, ramps or other safe means of
access and egress shall be provided and located at intervals of 7.5 meters (25 feet) or less
lateral travel. If a ladder is used, the ladder will extend 1 meter (3 feet) above the original
surface of the ground and must be secured. 3C 0 2A 2A
1.Isolate the noise from workers or wear hearing protection;
2. Wear a dust mask or half or full face respirator
3.Before starting to break, chip, or drill into a wall, floor or ceiling, thoroughly confirm that such
items as electrical cables or conduits are not buried inside.
4.Check machine is switched off before plugging into the wall and machine should have proper
earthing connection.
5.Disconnect from the wall before changing accessories.
6.Make sure work area is ventilated to avoid dust accumulation.
7.Keep the power cord away from the bit.
8.Keep hands and feet away from all moving parts.
9.Make sure the bit has cooled down before touching it. The bit becomes very hot during
operation and could cause serious burns.
10.Make sure there are no flammable liquids or gases nearby; 11.Well trained
operator only to be operated the equipment. 12.Sufficient helpers should
provided to move the equipment from one place to another place
2A 0 2A 1A

1. A inspected fire extinguisher must be avilable at working site

2. Baloons must be inserted with sand paste at the both ends of the pipe.
3. A certfied and a qualified fire watch is present always at the site
4. The equipment must be isolated either positve isolation or other operational isolation.
5. Confirm Zero Energy before start of the job.
6. Ensure LEL reading is zero before startup of the job & monitor the gas continually

1. Ensure the hydraulic cold cutting machine is and hand tools are inspected and free from
2.Do not touch the position of being cut.
3.Use suitable hand gloves.
4.Stop the cold cutting immediately in case of leak / spill from the pipe being cut.

1-Wear proper safety goggle or face shield 2-Area

should barricaded and unauthourised entry should restricted.
1-Wear suitable rapiratory protrction like cartridge mask 2-Area should

1-Do not touch the portion Bieng Cut and only authorised employee should operate the
machine 2- Keep cutting 3C 0 3B 3C
location cooled.3-Proper PPE including hand gloves should use.
3C 0 3B 3C

1-Stop the cold cutting immediately in case of leak / spill from thepipe being cut.
2-Check isolation valve
integrity and continue flushing / purgingthe line during cold cut activity.
3-Barricade the area and only authorised persons
allowed to work area.
1-Use properly insulated & suitably rated cables & extension wirefor powered tools.
2-Ensure the proper
grounding for powered tools. 3-Isolate the power supply when
tools not in use.Do not leave the power tools in unattended condition
4. Ensure that activity is authorized by relevant area authority
start work.
5-Properly isolate the energized system prior to start the work. 6-Use Lock Out
Tag Out system.
7. Only authorized employees shall perform the job.
8. Follow Safe Work Practices.
9. Use insulated gloves.
Date of Assessment: __________________________________________ Date for Review: _________________

Name of Person Completing Form: _______________________________ Business Unit: __________________

Location: _____________________________ Task/Process: ___________________________________

Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy

Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Tas



List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the Could there be a release to
perform the task/process in the classification inventory hazards with potential to the air, soil, or water? Will
sequence they are carried out. (further details on health cause harm to people, a waste be generated?
(Per geographical area and

hazards can be found in the environment, assets and/or

Health Hazard Inventory) reputation when the task is
Reference Number

Over speed/Driving in
summer season/driving Accident,Personnel
in winter season/Driving injury,fatality
in night and day

work materials,
equipment, work
poor work design or Personnel injury,
exposure to harmful Chronic disease.
agents such as
chemicals, noise or

Mechanical Accident, Personnel

breakdown/Fire injury, fatality.


People work around

moving vehicles or Accident, Personnel
Types of vehicles that uses work at height on injury, fatality.
as employees’ cars, forklift vehicles.
trucks, security vehicles,
delivery vans, postal vans,
large Transportation
Driving on
highway/Inside the palnt

Work activities such as

loading and unloading,
Personnel injury/Back
and uncoupling and
load securing activities.

Overhead obstructions
on site, such as
Accident, Personnel
electrical cables or
pipes, could a vehicle
hit these.
Take account of certain
periods of the day when
the number of vehicles
and pedestrians moving
along routes changes
such as shift changes
or delivery times.

Were actions reviewed and agreed upon by all participants? __Yes __No If 'No', please explain _______________

Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Other (Technical Specialsts as required)
Approved by (site manager)
iew: __________________________________________

nit: ___________________________________________


nfined Space __Energy Isolation (LOTO) __Lifting Operation __Other

of Person in Charge of Task/Process: ________________________________

Provide details of existing controls. Consider Risk P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R Y/N
Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all barriers reduce the risk to ALARP.
applicable for each risk. For example, if PPE is NOTE: If further barriers have
used as a barrier, it must be specifically described. been identified, these additional
All barriers must be valid in that they reduce resources/actions must be
likelihood, severity, or both. realistic and achievable. If no
NOTE: Existing barriers may be adequate in further barriers have been
reducing the risk to ALARP. identified, enter N/A.

1-Maintain the vehicle.

2-Ensure that drivers are appropriately
trained and competent and where
applicable have the correct licence/card
for the vehicle being driven.
3-Provide the right vehicle for the right
job.Ensure that the vehicle and the
driver are compatible.
4-The driver has good all round visibility.
5-The vehicle is ergonomically suitable Y
for the driver.
6-The driver is not put under
unnecessary pressure or time
constraints to
complete tasks.

1-Train & instruct all employees about
the dangers of workplace transport.
2-Provide High Visibility clothing and
equipment and instruct and train
employees about the care and use of
such equipment . Y
3-Timely should do the maintenance
work /service of the vehicle.
4-When transporting hazardous goods
always use TREM card and MSDS.
1-Timely should do the service and
maintenance of the vehicle
2-Proper type of inspected fire
extinguisher always available in the

1-Ensure that drivers are appropriately

trained and competent and where
applicable have the correct license/card
for the vehicle being driven.
2-reverse alarm Should be in operating
condition. Segregate vehicles and
pedestrians as soon as they enter your Y
3- Well trained employees only to be
used to loading and unloading the
material 3C 0 3B 3B

1-Replace unsafe vehicles, loading

facilities, road signage, surfaces or
systems of work with safer ones.
2- Well trained employees only to be
used to loading and unloading the
material and coupling and uncoupling
the material.
3-Mechanical equipment should be used Y
for loading and unloading the material
and fork lift operator should have TUV
4-Driver should trained in the loading
securing .

1-Ensure all obstructions (overhead and

ground level) are clearly visible.
If you have a small site consider do you
need to restrict the size of vehicles
entering your site.
2-In the plant flag man should available. Y

3- Inside the plant vehical movement

permit should obtained.
1-Stop vehicle movements on your
premises or in areas where pedestrians
2-reverse alarm Should be in operating
condition.Segregate vehicles and
pedestrians as soon as they enter your
3-Make pedestrian only or vehicle only
4-Change the layout of the workplace,
consider putting in a one way traffic
system and remove the need for
5-For instance, install pedestrian
barriers, handrails, separate access
for pedestrians and vehicles

ase explain _____________________________________________________________


Date of Assessment: __________________________________________ Date for Review: _________________

Name of Person Completing Form: _______________________________ Business Unit: __________________

Location: _____________________________ Task/Process: ___________________________________

Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy

Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Tas



List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the Could there be a release to
perform the task/process in the classification inventory hazards with potential to the air, soil, or water? Will
sequence they are carried out. (further details on health cause harm to people, a waste be generated?
(Per geographical area and

hazards can be found in the environment, assets and/or

Health Hazard Inventory) reputation when the task is
Reference Number

Lack of skill for new Personl injury due to

1 Impact of Change
task lack of knowledge


Non-Compliance with
Enforecement bodies
2 policy and legal

Implementing Change
Lack of clarity of job Work Stress and
rules Tension

Change Outcome

Inedequate staff Productin Losses

Were actions reviewed and agreed upon by all participants? __Yes __No If 'No', please explain _______________

Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Other (Technical Specialsts as required)
Approved by (site manager)
iew: __________________________________________

nit: ___________________________________________


nfined Space __Energy Isolation (LOTO) __Lifting Operation __Other

of Person in Charge of Task/Process: ________________________________

Provide details of existing controls. Consider Risk P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R Y/N
Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all barriers reduce the risk to ALARP.
applicable for each risk. For example, if PPE is NOTE: If further barriers have
used as a barrier, it must be specifically described. been identified, these additional
All barriers must be valid in that they reduce resources/actions must be
likelihood, severity, or both. realistic and achievable. If no
NOTE: Existing barriers may be adequate in further barriers have been
reducing the risk to ALARP. identified, enter N/A.

1. Recruit the qualified staff for the new

2. Keep the new employees under
3C 0 3B 1E NA Y
3. Give awareness to the employees
with the proper training.

1. Ensure that the legal and other

compliance procedure should be
2A 0 1A 2B NA
2. Every change should be according to
company policy and procedures
3. All the change should be as per ISO
45001:2018 standard.
1. Ensure they are aware of their role
within their immediate work team
2. Develop and maintain a working
environment where workers are
consulted and can provide feedback on
changes impacting on their job tasks.
3. Implement a performance feedback
system, where workers receive regular
feedback on jobs well done and any
areas for improvement.
4. Encourage workers to talk to their
supervisor or manager early if they are
unclear about the scope and/or 2A 0 2C 2D NA
responsibilities of their role
5. Ensure workers have an up to date
role or position description, which
includes the role purpose, reporting
relationships and the key duties
expected of them.
6. Ensure that management structures
across the organisation and reporting
lines within work teams are clear.
7. Provide an organisational chart that
gives a clear view of the organisational
structure and communication channels.

1.Ensure all workers receive suitable

training for their jobs.
2. Assist workers to develop personal
work plans that clearly define task
objectives and expected outputs.
ase explain _____________________________________________________________


Date of Assessment: __________________________________________ Date for Review: _________________

Name of Person Completing Form: _______________________________ Business Unit: __________________

Location: _____________________________ Task/Process: ___________________________________

Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy

Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Tas



List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the Could there be a release to
perform the task/process in the classification inventory hazards with potential to the air, soil, or water? Will
sequence they are carried out. (further details on health cause harm to people, a waste be generated?
(Per geographical area and

hazards can be found in the environment, assets and/or

Health Hazard Inventory) reputation when the task is
Reference Number

Use of flammable
Fire, Explosion.

Skin contact of Coating

Irritation & itching
Inadequate posture for
Personal injury

Painting & Coating works

Ignition source may Fire

present near storage (Burns, Injuries, Medical
of flammable material Treatment Cases)
Slip, trap or fall in
2 Personal Injuries
access / egress

Flammable and
poisonous atmosphere

Working in confined space

May cause lack of

immediate emergency
Unattended person
response, resulting
inside confined space
minor injury into major

Slip, trip & falls

Low illumination
lack of judgment may
Improper arrangement
occur due to low
for work
Personal Injury,
Fire and explosion
Personal Injury,

Were actions reviewed and agreed upon by all participants? __Yes __No If 'No', please explain _______________

Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Other (Technical Specialsts as required)
Approved by (site manager)
view: __________________________________________

nit: ___________________________________________


onfined Space __Energy Isolation (LOTO) __Lifting Operation __Other

e of Person in Charge of Task/Process: ________________________________

Provide details of existing controls. Consider P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R Y/N
Risk Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all reduce the risk to ALARP.
barriers applicable for each risk. For example, NOTE: If further barriers have
if PPE is used as a barrier, it must be been identified, these additional
specifically described. All barriers must be resources/actions must be
valid in that they reduce likelihood, severity, or realistic and achievable. If no
both. NOTE: Existing further barriers have been
barriers may be adequate in reducing the risk identified, enter N/A.

1. MSDS shall be used

2. All ignition sources, flamable
3C 0 3B 1E NA Y
material should be removed from

1. PVC gloves shall be used for


1. Follow safe work practices

1. All paint shall be stored away from

process area
2. Warning signs must be installed
while painting & near storage
3. Use liner to store paint bottles
4. Bund wall has to be made for large
5. Follow MSDS guidelines for
storage of paint
6. Ensure proper ventilation of the
storage area
1. Work has to be done by obtaining
permit to work.
2. Make sure the access and exit is
proper, provide the proper access
and exit free from the obstructions
3. Access/Egress should be
adequate enough to rescue a person
in case
of emergency

1. Ensure that the system is properly

2. Ensure the gas testing before
entering into the confined space,
continuous gas testing should be
3. Check the oxygen level
4. Take periodic rest after 30 minutes
of work.
5. PPEs must be used all the time at
6. Respiratory mask should be used
to work inside the space.
7. Confined Space should be
isolated, cleaned and purged of any
hazardous material.

1. Trained and competent stand by

man must be present at the entrance
of confined space; he shall
maintain the communication with the
person inside and shall maintain
the log sheet for entrants, in case
of any emergency he will
communicate for the rescue.
2. Rescue equipment must be
present at site.
3. Rescue Plan shall be made for all
confined space entries.
4. Discuss JSA & conduct TBT with
all workers to make sure that rescue
plan has been understood by all
team members

1. Special arrangements should be

made for any
1. Proper hot work inside
2. Use only space
24 Volt(e.g. pressurized
lights inside
water hose
confined inside the space,
availability of fire extinguisher
inside the confined space etc.)
2. Gas Cylinders should not be allow
1. Ensure the confined space is free
inside ocnfined space.
of engulfment hazard.
3. Pneumatic tools should be used
inside confined space.

ase explain _____________________________________________________________


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