ABIS HSE L4 F 01 Risk Assessment Form
ABIS HSE L4 F 01 Risk Assessment Form
ABIS HSE L4 F 01 Risk Assessment Form
NO OR MINIMAL CONSEQUENCES: No environmental impact-contained within the premises.
Small spill less than 5 litres contained on impervious surface and readily cleaned up.
MINOR IMPACT: Minor environmental impact, but no long-term effect.
Spill greater than 5 litres, but below statutory or other prescribed limits on impervious surface and readily cleaned up.
Spill less than 5 litres on non-impervious surface and able to be completely removed and disposed of with small quantity of
surface media less than 1 cubic metre.
Complaints from up to 10 individuals such as odour, noise, etc.
MODERATE IMPACT: Limited environmental impact that will persist.
Spill onto non-impervious surface that requires removal and disposal of a large quantity of surface media.
Exceedence of statutory or other prescribed limit.
Complaints from community organisations (or more than 10 complaints from individuals).
MAJOR IMPACT: Severe environmental impact that requires extensive measures to restore use of the environment.
On-site groundwater contamination.
Extended exceedence of statutory or other prescribed limits with potential long-term impact.
Observed environmental effects or damage such as damaged vegetation, fish kill, etc.
Multiple complaints from community organisations or local authorities.
MASSIVE IMPACT: Persistent environmental impact that leads to loss of commercial or recreational use or loss of natural
resources over a wide area.
Spill causing pollution of a large part of a river estuary, extensive clean-up, and remediation activities.
Off-site groundwater contamination.
OI-L4-MAN-01 REV. 00 06/2012 PAGE 3 OF 61
Minor injury or
2 Minor health effect
Minor effect Minor damage Minor impact LOW LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM
4 Major Total Disability Major effect Major damage Major impact LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH
Initial risk classification is based on actual incidents. Identify potential consequences that could develop from an incident based on your experience. Risk levels can only be
increased and never be down-graded.
For definitions of industry, organisation, location refer to the Risk Assessment Matrix Guide.
Impact to People
1 Slight injury or health effect Not affecting work performance and not affecting daily life activities.
First Aid Cases (FAC)
Illnesses that result in noticeable discomfort, minor irritation or transient effects that are reversible after exposure stops.
2 Minor injury or health effect Affecting work performance, such as restriction to work activities or need to take up to 5 days to recover. Or affecting daily life
activities for up to 5 days or reversible health effects.
Medical Treatment Cases (MTC)
Restricted Workday Cases (RWDC) or Lost Workday Cases (LWDC) resulting in up to 5 calendar days away from work.
Illnesses with reversible health effects such as food poisoning or dermatitis.
3 Major injury or health effect Affecting work performance in the longer term, such as absence from work for more than 5 days or irreversible damage to
Restricted Workday Cases (RWDC) or Lost Workday Cases (LWDC) exceeding 5 calendar days away from work.
Illnesses with irreversible health effects such as sensitization, noise induced hearing loss, chronic back injury or repetitive strain injury.
Mental illness due to stress with reversible health effects.
Impact to Environment
1 No or minimal consequences Slight environmental damage-contained within the premises. <5 liters
Small spill in truck loading area or tank farm area that readily evaporates.
3 Moderate effect Limited environmental damage that will persist or require clean-up.
Spill from a rail loading process onto soil/sand that requires removal and disposal of a large quantity of soil/sand.
Frequent exceedence of statutory or other prescribed limit, with potential for long-term impact.
Complaints from community organizations (or more than 10 complaints from individuals).
4 Major effect Severe environmental impact that requires extensive measures to restore use of the environment.
On-site groundwater contamination.
Extended exceedances of statutory or other prescribed limits, with potential long-term impact.
Observed off-site effects or damage (e.g. damaged vegetation, fish kill).
Several complaints from community organizations or local authorities.
5 Catastrophic effect Persistent environmental damage that leads to loss of commercial, recreational use or loss of natural resources over a wide area.
Spill of crude oil or chemical causing pollution of a large part of a river estuary, extensive clean-up and remediation activities.
Off-site groundwater contamination.
Off-site groundwater contamination over an extensive area.
Several complaints from community organizations or local authorities.
5 Catastrophic effect Persistent environmental damage that leads to loss of commercial, recreational use or loss of natural resources over a wide area.
Spill of crude oil or chemical causing pollution of a large part of a river estuary, extensive clean-up and remediation activities. OI-L4-MAN-01 REV. 00 06/2012 PAGE 4 OF 61
Off-site groundwater contamination.
Off-site groundwater contamination over an extensive area.
Impact to Assets
1 Slight damage Costs less than 10,000 CHF
No operational disruption.
Impact on Reputation
1 Slight impact
Local public awareness with no concerns.
No media coverage.
2 Minor impact
Local public concern.
Local media coverage.
Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy Isolation (LOTO) __Lifting Operation __Other
Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Task/Process: ________________________________
List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the Could there be a release to Provide details of existing controls. Consider P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R
perform the task/process in the classification inventory hazards with potential to the air, soil, or water? Will Risk Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all reduce the risk to ALARP.
sequence they are carried out. (further details on health cause harm to people, a waste be generated? barriers applicable for each risk. For example, NOTE: If further barriers have
(Per geographical area and
hazards can be found in the environment, assets and/or if PPE is used as a barrier, it must be been identified, these additional
Health Hazard Inventory) reputation when the task is specifically described. All barriers must be resources/actions must be
performed? valid in that they reduce likelihood, severity, or realistic and achievable. If no
Ergonomic Hazards NA NA
1.Chairs are too unstable. An
Hazards associated appropriate stepladder will be
4 Work at height Personnel Injury bought and staff shown how to use it 3C 0 2C 2D
with differences in
height NA safely. NA
ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 8 OF 61
Electricity NA NA
1.Staff write visit details in office
diary and give a contact number.
2.Staff not returning to the office
after a visit call in to report this.
3.Security staff check all areas,
Lone working,visiting including toilets, before locking up at
6 Personnel injury,death. 1A 0 1A 2D
clients. night.
4.Whereabouts of staff ‘out of the
office’ to be monitored by office-
based staff.
Dynamic Situation
Hazards NA NA
Were actions reviewed and agreed upon by all participants? __Yes __No If 'No', please explain _____________________________________________________________
ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 10 OF 61
ABIS-HSE-L4-F-01 REV. 01 08 2021 PAGE 11 OF 61
Date of Assessment: __________________________________________ Date for Review: __________________________________________
Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy Isolation (LOTO) __Lifting Operation __Othe
Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Task/Process: _______________________________
List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the hazards with Could there be a release to
perform the task/process in the classification inventory (further potential to cause harm to people, the air, soil, or water? Will a
sequence they are carried out. details on health hazards can environment, assets and/or reputation waste be generated?
(Per geographical area and
Spark, open flame Explosion
Burns & injuries
Gas leakage from Injury due to sudden pressure
cylinder release
Dropping of melted metal
Personal Injuries
/ cut piece
Cylinder may explode,
Fall of Gas Cylinder
Personal injuries NA
Loss of consciousness
Toxic fumes inhalation
Noise Frequent Headaches
Flammable gases
Lack of judgment,
Uncertified riggers. Poor supervision,
Uncontrolled activity.
Uncontrolled movement of
Uncertified operator crane,
Crane may fall,fatality
Serious incidents,
Personal injuries,
Load may fall
Property damage.
Personnel movement
inside the barricaded Personal injury.
Transportation of
Radioactive Source
3 Radiographic testing
Storage of Radioactive
Exposure to
Unauthorized person
Improper lighting
Hydro-jetting / High
Pressure Water Jetting
Hydro-jetting / High
Pressure Water Jetting
Electrical & Electric Shock, Electric Burns,
5 Sharp edges
instrumentation works personal injuries
Substandard Scaffolding
Scaffolding may collapse
Accidental pressure
release due to Personal Injuries
pressurized equipment
Serious Injuries
High pressure line burst First Aid Cases / Medical
Treatment Cases
Personal Injury,
Fire and explosion
Personal Injury,
Fall Personal Injuries
12 Working at height
Permanent Disabilities
Noise ,Dust,Prolong
Use of Jack vibration,Electricity,Oper
Hammer/Compactor ating in wet
areas.Manual handling,
Presence of Flammable /
Fire and Explosion
ToxicVapor or Liquid
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Provide details of existing controls. Consider Risk Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all barriers applicable for each P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R Y/N
risk. For example, if PPE is used as a barrier, it must be specifically described. All barriers must be valid in that they reduce the risk to ALARP.
reduce likelihood, severity, or both. NOTE: Existing barriers may be adequate in reducing the risk NOTE: If further barriers have
to ALARP. been identified, these additional
resources/actions must be
realistic and achievable. If no
further barriers have been
identified, enter N/A.
1. Check all the hoses and their connections, keep the hoses away from
the hot surface/ do not light with lighter, use spark lighter to light
2. Check pins and whip checks are fitted across all connections 3C 2A 3C 3C
1. Check flash back arrestor and non-return valve are fitted correctly
1. Ensure the lifting gears has been inspected before start of the job by
a competent rigger/inspector.
2. Do not use any lifting gear in case of any signs of deformation
3. All lifting gears available on site must have valid third party
inspection tag/certificate.
4. Lifting gears should have SWL marked on it.
5. Color coding shall be used to distinguish between damaged and
undamaged lifting gears.
1. Crane operator must have valid driving license & third party
2. Crane daily inspection checklist should be maintained by operator.
3. Crane SWL should be marked on appropriate and visible place.
3C 0 3C 3C
1. Only competent riggers should be assigned to carry out the activity.
2. Only one competent rigger to give signals to crane operator.
3. Two tag lines shall be used on all lifts.
4. Barricade the area and install the warning signs.
3C 0 3C 3C
5. Area must be clear of persons under the suspended load.
6. Flag man should be provided to control the vehicle movement.
7. Weight to be lifted must be less the SWL.
8. Conduct tool box meeting with workers before starting job.
1. Hand and other parts of the body must be placed safely prior to give
signal for lifting the object.
2. Use leather gloves for rigging.
3. Follow safe work practices.
3A 0 3B 2A
1. Hoses extending from the equipment to blasting area shall be
surrounded by barricading tape and warning signs.
2. It is not possible to isolate the area, study barriers/panels shall be
placed / erected to shield operations.
3. Suctions hoses must be continuously monitored throughout uplift 3A 0 3B 2A
4. Obtain
1. The hoses shall be work
appropriate protected
permitform damage
before start by anywork.
of the means.
2. No
orientation movement
and training shallbefore
be located towork
start of minimize the length
and daily of
tool box
talk required.
prior to start work.
6. All
3. considerations
high pressure shall be given
cleaning to the will
activities distance
involvefrom operatingof two
a minimum
7. Operators
4. select a location that does
must wear not require
full Personal runningEquipment
Protective hoses through an
i.e. PVC
coverallsaccess way or
& gloves, work area.
protective headwear complete with visor & hearing
8. Hoses shallsafety
protection, be protected
footwear. from damage by vehicular traffic, hot lines/
5. Tanker or external
operative abrasion.
& assistant must wear hearing protection whilst
9. Hoses
workingshall be inspected
in close proximitybefore each use.
to the tanker unit, and in any high noise
Whip Chicks / restrainer must be installed with all hose
6. Primary operator handling cleaning device must have control of water
7. The second operator shall observe the operation from a safe distance
as possible at least 12 feet.
8. The second operator shall use a foot control gun connected in series
with the primary operator’s gun so the system pressure can be
1. Ensure in case of emergency.
activity is authorized by relevant area authority before
9. Pressure
start work. safety valve/ rupture disc capable of rapidly relieving the full
capacity of the pump
2. Properly isolate the energizedshall be installed on pumping
system prior unit.work.
to start the
10. Hoses shall be inspected
3. Use Lock Out Tag Out system. before each use. 3C 0 0 2A
11. Whipauthorized
4. Only chicks / restrainer
employees must beperform
shall installedthe
all hose connections.
12. Minimum
5. Follow Safelength
Work of shot gun barrel shall be 1.2 Meters.
13. Shot
6. Use guns shall
insulated be equipped with a single hand trigger switch as a
minimum and double triggers as required.
1. The doublematerial
action switches shall be positioned
must be inspected so that person
by a competent both thebefore
use hand are required to initiate high pressure water flow and
/ mobilization.
hence water
2. Damaged pressure
material shouldwillbe
drop off andfrom
removed flowthe
either switch is
released. material should be used as per OSHA standard.
3. Scaffolding
15. Mechanical anti withdrawal devices shall be used for cleaning.
3C 0 2A 2A
1. Scaffolding erection must be supervised by certified scaffolding
supervisor and must be inspect by third party certified scaffold
2. Scaffolding erectors shall be trained employee
3. Scaffolding ladder must be inspected and color coded.
4. Scaffolding plat form shall be consist of minimum three scaffold
5. All the material including scaffolding planks on platform must be 3C 0 2A 2A
properly secured.
6. Scaffold log system should be in place.
7. Excessive material should not be stored at scaffold.
8. Scaffold material should not be throw up/down on the platform, it
should be transferred by crane of wheel arrangement.
1. Barricade the area properly and place the safety sign to protect other
2. The area must be clear of scaffolding material stacking.
1. Proper illumination
2. Use only 24 Volt lights inside confined space.
3C 0 2A 3C
1.Technical Inspection -Locate and Identify all underground utility lines. 2. Excavation
Permit-Deep more than 1.2 meters,obtain confined space permit.
3.Barricade aroumd excavation area
1.5 meters away from dge of the excavation.
4. slop as per soil catogery.If slop is not fiseable install shoring
system 5. Install sighn board and Install flash light in night time.
6. Dewatering system required in case of water accumulation. 7. In
trenching 1.2 meters (4 feet) or more in depth, ladders, steps, ramps or other safe means of
access and egress shall be provided and located at intervals of 7.5 meters (25 feet) or less
lateral travel. If a ladder is used, the ladder will extend 1 meter (3 feet) above the original
surface of the ground and must be secured. 3C 0 2A 2A
1.Isolate the noise from workers or wear hearing protection;
2. Wear a dust mask or half or full face respirator
3.Before starting to break, chip, or drill into a wall, floor or ceiling, thoroughly confirm that such
items as electrical cables or conduits are not buried inside.
4.Check machine is switched off before plugging into the wall and machine should have proper
earthing connection.
5.Disconnect from the wall before changing accessories.
6.Make sure work area is ventilated to avoid dust accumulation.
7.Keep the power cord away from the bit.
8.Keep hands and feet away from all moving parts.
9.Make sure the bit has cooled down before touching it. The bit becomes very hot during
operation and could cause serious burns.
10.Make sure there are no flammable liquids or gases nearby; 11.Well trained
operator only to be operated the equipment. 12.Sufficient helpers should
provided to move the equipment from one place to another place
2A 0 2A 1A
1. Ensure the hydraulic cold cutting machine is and hand tools are inspected and free from
2.Do not touch the position of being cut.
3.Use suitable hand gloves.
4.Stop the cold cutting immediately in case of leak / spill from the pipe being cut.
1-Do not touch the portion Bieng Cut and only authorised employee should operate the
machine 2- Keep cutting 3C 0 3B 3C
location cooled.3-Proper PPE including hand gloves should use.
3C 0 3B 3C
1-Stop the cold cutting immediately in case of leak / spill from thepipe being cut.
2-Check isolation valve
integrity and continue flushing / purgingthe line during cold cut activity.
3-Barricade the area and only authorised persons
allowed to work area.
1-Use properly insulated & suitably rated cables & extension wirefor powered tools.
2-Ensure the proper
grounding for powered tools. 3-Isolate the power supply when
tools not in use.Do not leave the power tools in unattended condition
4. Ensure that activity is authorized by relevant area authority
start work.
5-Properly isolate the energized system prior to start the work. 6-Use Lock Out
Tag Out system.
7. Only authorized employees shall perform the job.
8. Follow Safe Work Practices.
9. Use insulated gloves.
Date of Assessment: __________________________________________ Date for Review: _________________
Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy
Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Tas
List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the Could there be a release to
perform the task/process in the classification inventory hazards with potential to the air, soil, or water? Will
sequence they are carried out. (further details on health cause harm to people, a waste be generated?
(Per geographical area and
Over speed/Driving in
summer season/driving Accident,Personnel
in winter season/Driving injury,fatality
in night and day
work materials,
equipment, work
poor work design or Personnel injury,
exposure to harmful Chronic disease.
agents such as
chemicals, noise or
Overhead obstructions
on site, such as
Accident, Personnel
electrical cables or
pipes, could a vehicle
hit these.
Take account of certain
periods of the day when
the number of vehicles
and pedestrians moving
along routes changes
such as shift changes
or delivery times.
Were actions reviewed and agreed upon by all participants? __Yes __No If 'No', please explain _______________
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Other (Technical Specialsts as required)
Approved by (site manager)
iew: __________________________________________
nit: ___________________________________________
Provide details of existing controls. Consider Risk P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R Y/N
Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all barriers reduce the risk to ALARP.
applicable for each risk. For example, if PPE is NOTE: If further barriers have
used as a barrier, it must be specifically described. been identified, these additional
All barriers must be valid in that they reduce resources/actions must be
likelihood, severity, or both. realistic and achievable. If no
NOTE: Existing barriers may be adequate in further barriers have been
reducing the risk to ALARP. identified, enter N/A.
1-Train & instruct all employees about
the dangers of workplace transport.
2-Provide High Visibility clothing and
equipment and instruct and train
employees about the care and use of
such equipment . Y
3-Timely should do the maintenance
work /service of the vehicle.
4-When transporting hazardous goods
always use TREM card and MSDS.
1-Timely should do the service and
maintenance of the vehicle
2-Proper type of inspected fire
extinguisher always available in the
Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy
Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Tas
List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the Could there be a release to
perform the task/process in the classification inventory hazards with potential to the air, soil, or water? Will
sequence they are carried out. (further details on health cause harm to people, a waste be generated?
(Per geographical area and
Non-Compliance with
Enforecement bodies
2 policy and legal
Implementing Change
Lack of clarity of job Work Stress and
rules Tension
Change Outcome
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Other (Technical Specialsts as required)
Approved by (site manager)
iew: __________________________________________
nit: ___________________________________________
Provide details of existing controls. Consider Risk P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R Y/N
Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all barriers reduce the risk to ALARP.
applicable for each risk. For example, if PPE is NOTE: If further barriers have
used as a barrier, it must be specifically described. been identified, these additional
All barriers must be valid in that they reduce resources/actions must be
likelihood, severity, or both. realistic and achievable. If no
NOTE: Existing barriers may be adequate in further barriers have been
reducing the risk to ALARP. identified, enter N/A.
Permit(s) Required: __No Permit Required __Hot Work __Ground Disturbance __Confined Space __Energy
Does the task/process require multiple participants? __Yes __No Name of Person in Charge of Tas
List the activities required to Pick one hazard from the Against each task, list the Could there be a release to
perform the task/process in the classification inventory hazards with potential to the air, soil, or water? Will
sequence they are carried out. (further details on health cause harm to people, a waste be generated?
(Per geographical area and
Use of flammable
Fire, Explosion.
Flammable and
poisonous atmosphere
Were actions reviewed and agreed upon by all participants? __Yes __No If 'No', please explain _______________
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Name of the Risk Assesser team member
Other (Technical Specialsts as required)
Approved by (site manager)
view: __________________________________________
nit: ___________________________________________
Provide details of existing controls. Consider P E A R Detail barriers required to P E A R Y/N
Risk Mitigation Hierarchy and describe fully all reduce the risk to ALARP.
barriers applicable for each risk. For example, NOTE: If further barriers have
if PPE is used as a barrier, it must be been identified, these additional
specifically described. All barriers must be resources/actions must be
valid in that they reduce likelihood, severity, or realistic and achievable. If no
both. NOTE: Existing further barriers have been
barriers may be adequate in reducing the risk identified, enter N/A.