Aquasnap Product Data 30RA 3PD

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Product AquaSnap®

Data Air-Cooled Chillers
50/60 Hz
10 to 55 Nominal Tons
(25 to 200 kW)

AquaSnap chillers are simple and
economical to install in an all-in-one
package that delivers both quiet and
efficient operation. Value added fea-
tures include:
• Integrated pump package
• Accessory fluid storage tank
• Quiet AeroAcoustic™ fan system
with nighttime low sound operation
• Scroll compression
• Easy to use ComfortLink™ controls
• Low profile construction
AquaSnap chillers cost less to pur-
chase and install, then run quietly and
Leave it to Carrier to rethink chiller
design in ways noticed at the initial
purchase, through installation, and for
years afterward. Carrier’s new
AquaSnap chiller installs quickly and
easily on the ground, on the rooftop,
or on the factory floor to save money.
Then it will run so quietly that you'll
hardly know it's there. There is one
place, however, where you will defi-
nitely be aware of AquaSnap unit —
on your electric bill. AquaSnap unit’s
high efficiency keeps costs down.
Costs less right from the start
Only AquaSnap chillers feature a com-
pact, all-in-one package design. The
optional pump and hydronic compo-
nents are already built in, which costs
less than buying and installing the com-
ponents individually. You’ll save when
you install an AquaSnap chiller, too.
The chiller’s fully integrated and pre-
assembled hydronic system installs in
minutes. Simple water piping and
power wire connections make installa-
tion a SNAP. No other chiller in this

Copyright 2002 Carrier Corporation Form 30RA-3PD

class installs so easily and inexpensive- compressor wear. Unit sizes 032 and Benefits at a glance
ly. Use of the optional fluid storage up have two independent refrigerant For contractors:
tank reduces installation costs and circuits. Year-round operation is
ensures sufficient fluid volume is avail- standard, from –20 F (–29 C) (with • all-in-one package for quick and
easy installation
able for close-coupled and process optional cooler heater and low ambient
• costs less to buy and install
cooling applications. The preassem- control) to 125 F (52 C).
• easy to use controls — less training
bled and integrated hydronic module
utilizes top-quality components and ComfortLinkTM controls speak needed
pumps to ensure years of reliable your language • compact size/small footprint
Would you rather decipher blinking • highly reliable
LEDs and codes, or use controls that • callbacks for noise mitigation
AquaSnap® chillers make communicate in plain English, unlikely
noise in the marketplace, not Portuguese, Spanish or French? The • makes service calls more productive
the workplace. ComfortLink control system makes it For consulting engineers:
AquaSnap chillers are having a big im- as easy as possible to monitor and con- • high efficiency/low operating costs
pact, but they are doing it very quietly. trol each AquaSnap chiller while accu- • low sound levels mean satisfied
In fact, the AquaSnap chiller’s Aero- rately maintaining fluid temperatures. owners and neighbors
Acoustic™ fan is almost twice as quiet The large Scrolling Marquee display • compact size/small footprint
as the competition’s. Much of the re- acts as a window into the unit’s opera- • operates year-round, even in
duction is in frequencies where noise is tion, providing easy-to-read extreme temperatures
most annoying, which makes Aqua- information about chiller performance • costs less to buy and install
Snap chillers ideal for sound-sensitive and over 15 diagnostic functions. This • highly reliable
environments. When cooler tempera- intuitive interface greatly reduces start- • quick and easy installation means
tures allow part-load operation or dur- up and operator training time. faster start-up, so you'll get paid
ing scheduled nighttime operation, the Carrier’s exclusive remote, hand- sooner
fan operates at lower speeds and be- held diagnostic unit — the Navigator™ • common controls for all 30-series
comes even quieter. AquaSnap chillers module — provides expanded informa- units mean fewer specifications to
are quiet during the day and even tion on virtually every aspect of the write
quieter at night. AquaSnap chiller’s operation, helping For building owners:
The fan is mounted to an extremely technicians to quickly diagnose prob-
• costs less to buy and install
rigid tower, which further reduces lems and even prevent them from
• extremely quiet operation
vibrations and noise by preventing occurring. The Navigator provides con-
them from being amplified through the venience and powerful information in • lower energy, operating and main-
tenance costs
unit’s casing. the palm of your hand.
• highly reliable
The savings will continue to All AquaSnap units are ready to • easy to operate — less training
mount be used with the Carrier Comfort Net- needed
work (CCN). • compact size
Besides costing less to buy and install,
AquaSnap chillers are also more af- AquaSnap units minimize the • operates year-round, even in
fordable to operate. They are our most impact on your roofline, as extreme temperatures
efficient air-cooled models, with full- well as your bottom line For manufacturing processes:
load EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) up The AquaSnap chiller’s low profile — • high reliability maintains process
to 10.1. AquaSnap chillers use ultra- all models, is just 4'-4" (1321 mm) high consistency and minimizes
quiet, high-efficiency scroll compres- — means it won’t stand out if installed downtime
sors, operated in tandem for greater on the roof. The other dimensions are • operates year-round, even in
efficiency at partial loads. equally compact. The integrated hy- extreme temperatures
Proven reliability that’s built in dronics and the chilled fluid storage • all-in-one package for quick and
tank’s placement under the chiller fur- easy installation
Thousands of AquaSnap chillers are ther minimize the footprint, allowing • easy to operate controls — less
already in service around the world.
easy installation almost anywhere. training needed
This field-proven design is backed by a
• high efficiency/low operating costs
12-month warranty that includes the • costs less to buy and install
hydronic system. The compressors are
• compact size/small footprint
maintenance-free and protected by an
• extremely quiet operation
auto-adaptive control that minimizes

Features/Benefits (cont)


Run Status
Service Test 80
Setpoints 70
Inputs Alarm Status
Time Clock
Operating Modes
Alarms 50
25 40 63 130 168 250 400 630 1080 1600 2400 4000 6300 8000




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Le av
in g W
at er
4 4 . 0 Te m pe
°F ra tu

Run Ala rm
Status Sta tus
Opera ESC





Table of contents
Features/Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3
Model Number Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ARI Capacity Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-7
Options and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,9
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-18
Selection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-25
Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-29
Typical Piping and Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30,31
Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32-34
Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35,36
Control and Power Wiring Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37-39
Application Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40-43
Guide Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-48

Model number nomenclature
3 0 R A N 0 1 0 – – – 6 1 1 – –

38RA – Air-Cooled AquaSnap Chiller Factory-Installed Options (FIOP)

Compressor Start Option

N – Standard XL Start
1 – Standard Domestic (Coil Cover and
Nominal Sizes Bottom Skid)
010 025 040* 055* 3 – Standard Export with Coil Cover,
015 030* 042† Top and Bottom Skid & Shipping Bag
018 032† 045 4 – Full Export Crate
022 035 050* 5 – Option #1 with Factory-Installed Coil Grilles
7 – Option #3 with Factory-Installed Coil Grilles
Chilled Fluid Pump Options 8 – Option #4 with Factory-Installed Coil Grilles
– – No pump installed
A – Single Pump, 1.5 HP, 010-030 Sizes Only
B – Single Pump, 2 HP Low Head, All Sizes
C – Single Pump, 2 HP High Head, 010-030 Sizes Only Series – 1
D – Single Pump, 3 HP, All Sizes
E – Single Pump, 5 HP, 032-055 Sizes Only
F – Dual Pump, 1.5 HP, 010-030 Sizes Only
G – Dual Pump, 2 HP Low Head, All Sizes
H – Dual Pump, 2 HP High Head, 010-030 Sizes Only
J – Dual Pump, 3 HP, All Sizes
K – Dual Pump, 5 HP, 032-055 Sizes Only
Display, Energy Management, GFI Option EMM — Energy Management Module
– – Standard Scrolling Marquee (SM) Display GFI — Ground Fault Interrupting
E – SM + EMM XL — Across-the-Line
S – SM + EMM + GFI Convenience Outlet
(60 Hz, 120 Volt, 4 Amp) [1,4,5,6 Voltages Only) *60 Hz only.
†50 Hz only.
Condenser Coil Options
– – Standard Copper Tube/Aluminum Fin
C – Copper Tube/Copper Fin, Copper Tube Sheet/Mylar
Coil Separator
E – Copper Tube/Aluminum Fin with E-Coat
F – Copper Tube/Copper Fin, Copper Tube Sheet,
Mylar Separator with E-Coat
K – Copper Tube/Aluminum Fin Precoated

1 – 575-3-60
2 – 380-3-60
4 – 230-3-60
5 – 208/230-3-60
6 – 460-3-60
8 – 230-3-50
9 – 380/415-3-50

ARI capacity ratings

60 Hz 50 Hz
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
Tons kW GPM L/s Ft Water kPa EER COP EER COP Tons kW GPM L/s Ft Water kPa EER COP EER COP
010 9.6 33.8 9.7 1.9 22.9 1.4 5.6 16.8 9.8 2.87 12.87 3.77 010 9.9 34.8 10.7 1.1 23.7 1.5 6.0 18.0 9.9 2.90 12.96 3.80
015 13.7 48.2 14.8 1.9 33.0 2.1 6.8 20.3 9.8 2.87 12.75 3.73 015 13.1 46.1 14.8 1.1 31.4 2.0 6.2 18.5 9.8 2.87 14.35 4.20
018 15.9 55.9 18.0 1.9 38.1 2.4 7.5 22.4 9.6 2.81 13.43 3.93 018 14.9 52.4 17.9 1.1 35.9 2.3 6.7 20.0 9.4 2.75 14.01 4.10
022 21.6 76.0 23.8 1.7 51.8 3.3 10.2 30.5 10.1 2.96 14.35 4.20 022 19.9 70.0 22.3 1.0 47.8 3.0 8.8 26.3 10.2 2.99 14.80 4.33
025 23.8 83.7 27.9 1.7 57.1 3.6 10.8 32.3 9.6 2.81 13.93 4.08 025 22.8 80.2 27.7 1.0 54.0 3.4 9.9 29.6 9.5 2.78 14.83 4.34
030 27.2 95.7 31.7 1.7 65.3 4.1 12.6 37.7 9.8 2.87 13.99 4.10 032 29.5 103.8 30.8 2.1 70.7 4.5 5.6 16.8 10.7 3.13 15.79 4.62
035 34.8 122.4 37.8 3.6 83.2 5.2 7.7 23.0 10.0 2.93 14.49 4.24 035 34.3 120.6 40.1 2.1 82.3 5.2 7.5 22.4 9.7 2.84 14.35 4.20
040 37.7 132.6 42.8 3.6 90.6 5.7 8.2 24.5 9.7 2.84 13.56 3.97 042 39.6 139.3 44.4 2.0 94.9 6.0 9.5 28.4 10.2 2.99 15.06 4.41
045 43.1 151.6 47.5 3.3 103.4 6.5 11.2 33.5 10.1 2.96 15.15 4.44 045 44.7 157.2 54.9 2.0 107.2 6.8 12.1 36.2 9.4 2.75 14.83 4.34
050 47.4 166.7 55.8 3.3 113.8 7.2 12.2 36.5 9.6 2.81 14.09 4.13
055 54.3 191.0 63.4 3.3 130.4 8.2 14.4 43.1 9.7 2.84 14.13 4.14
COP — Coefficient of Performance
EER — Energy Efficiency Ratio

Physical data
UNIT 30RA 010 015 018 022 025 030 035 040 045 050 055
REFRIGERANT TYPE R-22, TXV Controlled System
Refrigerant Charge (lb) Ckt A/Ckt B 18/— 27/— 36/— 37/— 38/— 48/— 44/30 45/30 44/44 45/45 55/55
COMPRESSORS Scroll, Hermetic
Quantity 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
Speed (Rpm) 3500
(Qty) Ckt A (1) SM115, (1) SM115, (1) SM125,
(1) SM125 (1) SM185 (2) SM110 (2) SM160 (2) SM185 (1) SM160 (2) SM160 (2) SM160 (2) SM185
(1) SM160 (1) SM160
(Qty) Ckt B (1) SM125,
— — — — — — (1) SM185 (1) SM185 (2) SM160 (2) SM185
(1) SM160
Oil Charge (Compressor/Pt) SM110/5.7, SM115/6.7, SM125/6.7, SM160/7.0, SM185/11.6
No. Capacity Steps
Standard 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
Optional (Maximum) 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5
Minimum Capacity Step (%)
Standard 100 100 50 41 50 50 25 32 22 25 25
Optional 69 79 32 27 38 39 16 24 15 19 20
COOLER Welded, Direct-Expansion Plate Heat Exchanger
Net Fluid Volume (gal) 1.12 1.61 1.86 2.41 2.84 3.40 6.30 7.00 6.55 7.44 8.56
Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (psig) 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
Maximum Fluid Side Pressure 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Without Pump(s) (psig)
Maximum Fluid Side Pressure 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
With Pump(s) (psig)
Inlet and Outlet, FPT 2 2 2 2 2 2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2
Drain (NPT) 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Standard Low Noise Type
Fan Speed (Rpm) Standard/Low Noise 1140/570 1140/570 1140/570 —/850 —/850 —/850 —/850 —/850 —/850 —/850 —/850
No. Blades...Diameter (in.) Ckt A/Ckt B 11...30/ 11...30/ 11...30/ 11...30/ 11...30/
15...30/— 15...30/— 15...30/— 11...30/— 11...30/— 11...30/— 11...30 11...30 11...30 11...30 11...30
2...2.0 (A), 2...2.0 (A),
No. Fans...Total kW 1...1.8 1...1.8 1...1.8 2...2.0 2...2.0 2...2.0 4...4.0 4...4.0 4...4.0
1...1.8 (B) 1...1.8 (B)
Total Airflow (Cfm) 10,500 10,500 10,500 13,600 13,600 14,500 21,000 21,000 27,300 27,300 29,000
Quantity...No. Rows 1...2 1...3 1...3 1...3 1...3 1...3 2...3 2...3 2...3 2...3 2...3
Total Face Area (sq ft) 23 23 23 32 32 40 55 55 64 64 80
HYDRONIC MODULE (Optional)* Pump(s), Strainer W/Blowdown Valve, Expansion Tank, Pressure Gages, Drain and Vent Plugs, Flow Switch, and Balance Valve
Pump Single or Dual, Centrifugal Monocell Pump(s), 3500 Rpm
Expansion Tank Volume (gal) 4.4 10.3

UNIT 30RA 010 015 018 022 025 032 035 042 045
REFRIGERANT TYPE R-22, TXV Controlled System
Refrigerant Charge (lb) Ckt A/Ckt B 18/— 27/— 36/— 37/— 38/— 44/30 44/30 44/44 44/44
COMPRESSORS Scroll, Hermetic
Quantity 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
Speed (Rpm) 2900
(Qty) Ckt A (1) SM115,
(1) SM160 (2) SM110 (2) SM125 (2) SM160 (2) SM185 (2) SM185 (2) SM160 (2) SM185
(1) SM160
(Qty) Ckt B — — — — — (1) SM185 (1) SM185 (2) SM160 (2) SM185
Oil Charge (Compressor/Pt) SM110/5.7, SM115/6.7, SM125/6.7, SM160/7.0, SM185/11.6
No. Capacity Steps
Standard 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
Optional (Maximum) 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5
Minimum Capacity Step (%)
Standard 100 50 50 50 50 25 33 25 25
Optional 71 28 31 35 37 15 25 18 19
COOLER Welded, Direct-Expansion Plate Heat Exchanger
Net Fluid Volume (gal) 1.12 1.61 1.86 2.41 2.84 5.77 6.55 6.77 6.55
Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (psig) 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
Maximum Fluid Side Pressure 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Without Pump(s) (psig)
Maximum Fluid Side Pressure 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
With Pump(s) (psig)
Inlet and Outlet, FPT 2 2 2 2 2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2
Drain (NPT) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

Standard Low Noise Type
Fan Speed (Rpm) Standard/Low Noise 950/475 950/475 950/475 —/700 —/700 —/700 —/700 —/700 —/700
No. Blades...Diameter (in.) Ckt A/Ckt B 11...30/ 11...30/ 11...30/ 11...30/
15...30/— 15...30/— 15...30/— 11...30/— 11...30/— 11...30 11...30 11...30 11...30
2...2.0 (A), 2...2.0 (A),
No. Fans...Total kW 1...1.8 1...1.8 1...1.8 2...2.0 2...2.0 4...4.0 4...4.0
1...1.8 (B) 1...1.8 (B)
Total Airflow (Cfm) 8,750 8,750 8,750 11,330 11,330 17,500 17,500 22,750 22,750
Quantity...No. Rows 1...2 1...3 1...3 1...3 1...3 2...3 2...3 2...3 2...3
Total Face Area (sq ft) 23 23 23 32 32 55 55 64 64
HYDRONIC MODULE (Optional)* Pump(s), Strainer W/Blowdown Valve, Expansion Tank, Pressure Gages, Drain and Vent Plugs, Flow Switch, and Balance Valve
Pump Single or Dual, Centrifugal Monocell Pump(s), 3500 Rpm
Expansion Tank Volume (gal) 4.4 10.3

TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve

*Flow switch and strainer are standard on all units, with or without hydronic package.

Physical data (cont)
60 Hz SI
UNIT 30RA 010 015 018 022 025 030 035 040 045 050 055
REFRIGERANT TYPE R-22, TXV Controlled System
Refrigerant Charge (kg) Ckt A/Ckt B 8.2/— 12.2/— 16.3/— 16.8/— 17.2/— 21.8/— 20.0/13.6 20.4/13.6 20.0/20.0 20.4/20.4 25.0/25.0
COMPRESSORS Scroll, Hermetic
Quantity 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
Speed (r/s) 58.3
(Qty) Ckt A (1) SM115, (1) SM115, (1) SM125,
(1) SM125 (1) SM185 (2) SM110 (2) SM160 (2) SM185 (1) SM160 (2) SM160 (2) SM160 (2) SM185
(1) SM160 (1) SM160
(Qty) Ckt B (1) SM125,
— — — — — — (1) SM185 (1) SM185 (2) SM160 (2) SM185
(1) SM160
Oil Charge (Compressor/Pt) SM110/5.7, SM115/6.7, SM125/6.7, SM160/7.0, SM185/11.6
No. Capacity Steps
Standard 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
Optional (Maximum) 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5
Minimum Capacity Step (%)
Standard 100 100 50 42 50 50 25 32 22 25 25
Optional 69 79 32 27 38 39 16 24 15 19 20
COOLER Welded, Direct-Expansion Plate Heat Exchanger
Net Fluid Volume (L) 4.22 6.08 7.03 9.12 10.75 12.84 23.84 26.49 24.79 28.12 32.34
Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (kPa) 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103
Maximum Fluid Side Pressure 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034
Without Pump(s) (kPa)
Maximum Fluid Side Pressure 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034
With Pump(s) (kPa)
Inlet and Outlet, FPT 50.8 50.8 50.8 50.8 50.8 50.8 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5
Drain (NPT) 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7
Standard Low Noise Type
Fan Speed (r/s) Standard/Low Noise 19/9.5 19/9.5 19/9.5 —/14.2 —/14.2 —/14.2 —/14.2 —/14.2 —/14.2 —/14.2 —/14.2
No. Blades...Diameter (mm) Ckt A/Ckt B 11...762/ 11...762/ 11...762/ 11...762/ 11...762/
15...762/— 15...762/— 15...762/— 11...762/— 11...762/— 11...762/— 15...762 15...762 11...762 11...762 11...762
2...2.0 (A), 2...2.0 (A),
No. Fans...Total kW 1...1.8 1...1.8 1...1.8 2...2.0 2...2.0 2...2.0 4...4.0 4...4.0 4...4.0
1...1.8 (B) 1...1.8 (B)
Total Airflow (L/s) 4,955 4,955 4,955 6,419 6,419 6,843 9,595 9,595 12,884 12,884 13,687
Quantity...No. Rows 1...2 1...3 1...3 1...3 1...3 1...3 2...3 2...3 2...3 2...3 2...3
Total Face Area (sq m) 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.97 2.97 3.72 5.11 5.11 5.95 5.95 7.43
HYDRONIC MODULE (Optional)* Pump(s), Strainer W/Blowdown Valve, Expansion Tank, Pressure Gages, Drain and Vent Plugs, Flow Switch, and Balance Valve
Pump Single or Dual, Centrifugal Monocell Pump(s), 58.3 r/s
Expansion Tank Volume (L) 16.5 39

50 Hz SI
UNIT 30RA 010 015 018 022 025 032 035 042 045
REFRIGERANT TYPE R-22, TXV Controlled System
Refrigerant Charge (kg) Ckt A/Ckt B 8.2/— 12.2/— 16.3/— 16.8/— 17.2/— 20.0/13.6 20.0/13.6 20.0/20.0 20.0/20.0
COMPRESSORS Scroll, Hermetic
Quantity 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
Speed (r/s) 48.3
Quantity — Ckt A (1) SM115,
(1) SM160 (2) SM110 (2) SM125 (2) SM160 (2) SM185 (2) SM185 (2) SM160 (2) SM185
(1) SM160
Quantity — Ckt B — — — — — (1) SM185 (1) SM185 (2) SM160 (2) SM185
Oil Charge (Compressor/Pt) SM110/5.7, SM115/6.7, SM125/6.7, SM160/7.0, SM185/11.6
No. Capacity Steps
Standard 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
Optional (Maximum) 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5
Minimum Capacity Step (%)
Standard 100 50 50 50 50 25 33 25 25
Optional 71 28 31 35 37 15 25 18 19
COOLER Welded, Direct-Expansion Plate Heat Exchanger
Net Fluid Volume (L) 4.22 6.08 7.03 9.12 10.75 21.82 24.77 21.82 24.77
Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (kPa) 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103
Maximum Fluid Side Pressure 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034
Without Pump(s) (kPa)
Maximum Fluid Side Pressure 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034
With Pump(s) (kPa)
Inlet and Outlet, FPT 50.8 50.8 50.8 50.8 50.8 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5
Drain (NPT) 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7
Standard Low Noise Type
Fan Speed (r/s) Standard/Low Noise 15.8/7.9 15.8/7.9 15.8/7.9 —/11.7 —/11.7 —/11.7 —/11.7 —/11.7 —/11.7
No. Blades...Diameter (mm) Ckt A/Ckt B 11...762/ 11...762/ 11...762/ 11...762/
15...762/— 15...762/— 15...762/— 11...762/— 11...762/— 11...762 15...762 15...762 11...762
2...2.0 (A), 2...2.0 (A),
No. Fans...Total kW 1...1.8 1...1.8 1...1.8 2...2.0 2...2.0 4...4.0 4...4.0
1...1.8 (B) 1...1.8 (B)
Total Airflow (L/s) 4,130 4,130 4,130 5,349 5,349 7,995 7,995 10,737 10,737
Quantity...No. Rows 1...2 1...3 1...3 1...3 1...3 2...3 2...3 2...3 2...3
Total Face Area (sq m) 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.97 2.97 5.11 5.11 5.95 5.95
HYDRONIC MODULE (Optional)* Pump(s), Strainer W/Blowdown Valve, Expansion Tank, Pressure Gages, Drain and Vent Plugs, Flow Switch, and Balance Valve
Pump Single or Dual, Centrifugal Monocell Pump(s), 58.3 r/s
Expansion Tank Volume (L) 16.5 39

TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve

*Flow switch and strainer are standard on all units, with or without hydronic package.

60 Hz 50 Hz
30RA 30RA 30RA 30RA
SIZE Total SIZE Total SIZE Total SIZE Total
A B C D Weight A B C D Weight A B C D Weight A B C D Weight
010 182 210 255 299 946 010 194 231 274 326 1025 010 186 211 262 317 976 010 198 232 281 346 1057
015 197 245 291 335 1068 015 216 280 321 382 1199 015 190 242 456 304 1192 015 200 280 494 349 1323
018 206 268 377 358 1209 018 220 303 411 404 1338 018 205 268 378 358 1209 018 219 304 412 403 1338
022 336 451 381 355 1523 022 364 521 418 410 1713 022 340 453 388 374 1555 022 368 520 425 431 1744
025 350 464 395 380 1589 025 380 532 432 436 1780 025 354 468 410 398 1630 025 382 534 448 456 1820
030 378 518 409 400 1705 030 409 606 441 474 1930 032 746 641 604 848 2839 032 851 717 691 960 3219
035 748 642 604 850 2844 035 854 721 691 958 3224 035 768 652 620 911 2951 035 872 729 708 1022 3331
040 763 653 616 882 2914 040 869 731 702 992 3294 042 867 714 761 937 3279 042 968 795 851 1045 3659
045 860 709 746 903 3218 045 965 790 833 1011 3599 045 886 729 800 985 3400 045 1009 823 904 1115 3851
050 876 721 770 946 3313 050 978 805 859 1051 3693
055 977 753 831 954 3515 055 1096 857 931 1082 3966
30RA 30RA
SIZE Total SIZE Total
30RA 30RA
SIZE Total SIZE Total 84 96 119 144 443 90 105 127 157 479
A B C D Weight A B C D Weight 010 010
015 86 110 207 138 541 015 91 127 224 158 600
010 83 95 116 136 430 010 88 105 124 148 465 018 93 122 171 162 548 018 99 138 187 183 607
015 89 111 132 152 484 015 98 127 146 173 544 022 154 205 176 170 705 022 167 236 193 195 791
018 93 122 171 162 548 018 100 137 186 183 606 025 161 212 186 181 740 025 173 242 203 207 825
022 152 205 173 161 691 022 165 236 190 186 777 032 338 291 274 385 1288 032 386 325 313 435 1459
025 159 210 179 172 720 025 172 241 196 198 807 035 348 296 281 413 1338 035 396 331 321 464 1512
030 171 235 186 181 773 030 186 275 200 215 876 042 393 324 345 425 1487 042 439 361 386 474 1660
035 339 291 274 386 1290 035 387 327 313 435 1462 045 402 331 363 447 1543 045 458 373 410 506 1747
040 346 296 279 400 1321 040 394 332 318 450 1494
045 390 322 338 410 1460 045 438 358 378 459 1633
050 397 327 349 429 1502 050 444 365 390 477 1676 SINGLE PUMP UNITS
055 443 342 377 433 1595 055 497 389 422 491 1799
30RA 30RA
D Weight
POUNDS — ALUMINUM POUNDS — COPPER 010 213 241 300 362 1116 010 225 262 319 391 1197
30RA 30RA 015 212 270 510 340 1332 015 222 308 548 385 1463
SIZE Total SIZE Total 229 299 422 399 1349 243 335 456 444 1478
A B C D A B C D 018 018
Weight Weight 022 371 494 423 408 1695 022 399 561 460 465 1884
010 209 241 293 343 1086 010 221 262 312 370 1165 025 384 508 445 432 1770 025 412 574 483 490 1960
015 223 277 329 379 1208 015 242 312 359 426 1339 032 799 686 647 908 3039 032 904 762 734 1020 3419
018 230 299 421 399 1349 018 244 334 455 445 1478 035 820 696 662 973 3151 035 924 773 750 1084 3531
022 367 492 416 388 1663 022 395 562 453 443 1853 042 920 758 807 994 3479 042 1021 839 897 1102 3859
025 381 505 430 413 1729 025 411 573 467 469 1920 045 938 772 847 1043 3600 045 1061 866 951 1173 4051
030 409 561 443 433 1845 030 440 649 475 507 2070
035 801 687 646 910 3044 035 907 766 733 1018 3424
040 815 698 658 943 3114 040 921 776 744 1053 3494 KILOGRAMS — ALUMINUM KILOGRAMS — COPPER
30RA 30RA
045 913 753 792 959 3418 045 1018 834 879 1067 3799 SIZE Total SIZE Total
050 929 765 816 1003 3513 050 1031 849 905 1108 3893 A B C D Weight A B C D Weight
055 1033 796 878 1008 3715 055 1152 900 978 1136 4166
010 96 110 136 165 507 010 102 119 144 178 543
015 96 123 231 154 604 015 101 140 248 174 663
KILOGRAMS — ALUMINUM KILOGRAMS — COPPER 018 104 136 191 181 612 018 110 152 207 202 671
30RA 30RA 022 168 223 192 185 768 022 181 254 209 210 854
SIZE A Total SIZE A Total 175 230 202 197 804 187 260 219 223 889
B C D B C D 025 025
Weight Weight 362 311 293 412 1378 410 345 332 462 1549
032 032
010 95 109 133 156 493 010 108 129 152 181 570 035 372 316 300 441 1429 035 420 351 340 492 1603
015 101 126 149 172 548 015 117 151 174 206 648 042 417 344 366 451 1578 042 463 381 407 500 1751
018 104 136 191 181 612 018 117 161 218 215 711 045 426 350 384 473 1633 045 482 392 431 532 1837
022 166 224 189 176 755 022 187 268 215 211 881
025 173 229 195 187 784 025 194 272 221 224 911
030 185 254 201 196 836 030 208 308 224 241 981 DUAL PUMP UNITS
035 363 311 293 413 1380 035 422 356 341 474 1593
040 370 316 298 427 1411 040 429 361 346 490 1626 POUNDS — ALUMINUM POUNDS — COPPER
045 414 342 359 435 1550 045 473 387 408 496 1764 30RA 30RA
050 421 347 370 455 1593 050 479 394 421 514 1808 SIZE Total SIZE Total
055 468 361 398 458 1685 055 533 417 453 527 1930 Weight Weight
010 213 241 300 362 1116 010 241 282 342 421 1287
DUAL PUMP UNITS 015 212 270 510 340 1332 015 235 329 580 410 1553
018 229 299 422 399 1349 018 257 356 483 472 1568
022 371 494 423 408 1695 022 417 589 481 488 1974
POUNDS — ALUMINUM POUNDS — COPPER 025 384 508 445 432 1770 025 430 601 505 514 2050
30RA 30RA 032 799 686 647 908 3039 032 928 782 753 1046 3509
SIZE Total SIZE Total 820 696 662 973 3151 948 792 770 1111 3621
A B C D Weight A B C D Weight 035 035
042 920 758 807 994 3479 042 1045 858 918 1128 3949
010 226 262 316 372 1176 010 238 283 335 399 1255 045 938 772 847 1043 3600 045 1085 885 972 1199 4141
015 238 299 353 408 1298 015 257 334 383 455 1429
018 244 320 448 427 1439 018 258 355 482 473 1568
022 385 521 437 410 1753 022 413 591 474 465 1943 KILOGRAMS — ALUMINUM KILOGRAMS — COPPER
30RA 30RA
025 399 533 451 436 1819 025 429 601 488 492 2010 SIZE Total SIZE Total
030 427 590 462 456 1935 030 458 678 494 530 2160 A B C D Weight A B C D Weight
035 825 707 666 936 3134 035 931 786 753 1044 3514
040 840 717 678 969 3204 040 946 795 764 1079 3584 010 96 110 136 165 507 010 110 128 155 191 584
045 938 773 813 984 3508 045 1043 854 900 1092 3889 015 96 123 231 154 604 015 107 149 263 186 706
050 953 784 837 1029 3603 050 1055 868 926 1134 3983 018 104 136 191 181 612 018 116 162 219 214 711
055 1057 816 899 1033 3805 055 1176 920 999 1161 4256 022 168 223 192 185 768 022 189 267 218 221 895
025 175 230 202 197 804 025 195 273 229 233 930
032 362 311 293 412 1378 032 421 354 341 474 1590
KILOGRAMS — ALUMINUM KILOGRAMS — COPPER 035 372 316 300 441 1429 035 430 360 349 504 1643
30RA 30RA 042 417 344 366 451 1578 042 474 390 417 512 1793
SIZE Total SIZE Total 426 350 384 473 1633 492 401 441 544 1878
A B C D Weight A B C D Weight 045 045
010 103 119 144 169 535 010 108 129 152 181 570
015 108 135 160 185 588 015 117 151 174 206 648 B A
018 110 146 203 194 653 018 117 161 218 215 711
022 174 237 198 186 795 022 187 268 215 211 881
025 181 241 204 198 824 025 194 272 221 224 911
030 193 268 210 207 878 030 208 308 224 241 981
035 374 320 302 425 1421 035 422 356 341 474 1593 CONTROL
040 381 325 307 440 1453 040 429 361 346 490 1626 BOX END
045 425 351 368 447 1591 045 473 387 408 496 1764
050 432 356 380 466 1634 050 479 394 421 514 1808
055 479 370 408 469 1726 055 533 417 453 527 1930


Options and accessories
Hydronic Pump Package X
Enviro-Shield™ System Condenser Coil Coatings X
Copper Fins X
Aluminum Fins, E-coat X
Copper Fins, E-coat X
Aluminum Fins, Pre-coated X
Medium Temperature Brine, 15 F to 40 F LBT X
Non-Fused Disconnect X
Low-Ambient Protection Package X
Motormaster® V Low-Ambient Control X X
Minimum Load Control X X
Coil Protection Grilles X X
Hail Guards X
Navigator™ Hand Held Display X
Control Display Access Door X
Remote Enhanced Display X
Chillervisor System Manager III Multi-Unit Control X
GFI Convenience Outlet (60 Hz Only) X X
Energy Management Module X X
Vibration Isolation X
Chilled Water Storage Tank X
Remote Cooler Kit X
DataLINK™ Control X
DataPort™ Control X
BAClink Control X

GFI — Ground Fault Interrupter
LBT — Leaving Brine Temperature

Factory-installed options Non-fused disconnect — This option provides non-

Hydronic pump package — This option adds circulat- fused disconnect capability for power and control located
ing pumps, complete with controls, contactor, and insu- at the unit.
lated expansion tank. Available in single or dual (lead/lag Minimum load control — This option allows additional
controlled) cooler pump versions, with total dynamic head capacity reduction for unit operation below the minimum
external to the chiller from approximately 15 to 75 feet. step of unloading (down to 15% of the minimum unit
Low ambient protection package — Cooler heaters capacity, depending on unit size). Minimum load control is
provide protection from cooler freezeup to –20 F (–29 C). also available as a field-installed accessory.
Includes low ambient protection for optional hydronic Condenser coil options (Enviro-Shield™) — Several
package, when provided. options are available to match coil construction to the site
Energy Management Module — This module provides conditions for the best durability. Consult your Carrier rep-
energy management capabilities to minimize chiller energy resentative for further information.
consumption. Several features are provided with this mod- Coil protection grilles — One-in. by four-in. coated
ule including leaving fluid temperature reset, cooling set wire grille protects condenser coil from damage.
point reset or demand limit control from a 4 to 20 mA sig- Medium temperature brine — This option permits
nal, 2-point demand limit control (from 0 to 100%) acti- supply liquid temperatures to be set from 15 F (–9.4 C) to
vated by a remote contact closure, and discrete input for 40 F (4.4 C). Refrigeration circuit components, such as the
“Ice Done” indication for ice storage system interface. expansion device, are modified at the factory to adjust for
GFI convenience outlet — The factory installed con- lower refrigerant flow rates.
venience outlet includes 4-amp GFI (Ground Fault Inter-
rupter) receptacle with independent fuse protection. Field-installed accessories
Convenience outlet is 115-v female receptacle. Minimum load control — This option allows additional
capacity reduction for unit operation below the minimum
Low-ambient Motormaster® V control — This option
step of unloading (down to 15% of the minimum unit
permits operation of the 30RA units down to –20 F
(–29 C) outdoor ambient temperature. The control is also capacity). Minimum load control is also available as a
factory-installed option.
available as a field-installed accessory. Also requires field-
installed wind baffles.

Control display access door — This option provides activated by a remote contact closure; and discrete input
easy access to the unit control module through a for “Ice Done” indication for ice storage system interface.
see-through door without having to open the control box GFI convenience outlet — The field-installed conve-
panels. nience outlet includes 4-amp GFI (Ground Fault Inter-
Navigator™ display module — Provides a portable, rupter) receptacle with independent fuse protection.
hand held display module for convenient access to unit Convenience outlet is 115-v female receptacle.
status, operation, configuration and troubleshooting diag- Remote cooler kit — Allows remote installation of
nostics capability. The 4-line, 80-character LCD display cooler. Kit includes thermistor and transducer cable exten-
provides clear language information in English, French, sions, sheet metal panels for refrigerant pipe extensions
Spanish or Portuguese. The weatherproof enclosure and and instructions.
industrial grade extension cord makes the Navigator ideally
Chilled water storage tank — Provides additional loop
suited for outdoor applications. Magnets located on the
volume for improved temperature control and chilled water
back of the module allow attachment of any sheet metal
component for hands free operation. loop stability. Will provide up to 6 gallons per ton. Heater
supplied (additional field power supply required) to protect
Remote enhanced display — This accessory kit con- to –20 F (–29 C).
tains a remotely mounted 40-character per line, 16-line
display panel for unit diagnostics. Vibration isolation — The field-installed 1/4-in. neo-
prene isolator pads (24-in. x 3-in.) reduce vibration trans-
Chillervisor System Manager III multi-unit control mission from the compressor through the floor and into
— This accessory allows sequencing of between 2 and the conditioned space.
8 chillers in parallel or 2 chillers in series. Pump control is
DataPort™ control — DataPort control is an interface
also provided.
device that allows a non-Carrier device such as a personal
Hail guards — Sheet metal hood provides protection computer or non-Carrier controller to read values in sys-
against hail and flying debris damage. tem elements connected to the CCN Communication Bus
Coil protection grilles — One-in. x 4-in. coated wire using plain english ASCII over its RS-232 connection.
grille protects condenser coil from damage. DataLINK™ control — DataLINK control is an interface
Low ambient Motormaster® V head pressure con- device that allows a non-Carrier device such as a personal
trol — Permits starting and operating down to –20 F computer or non-Carrier controller to read and change
(–29 C) outside ambient temperature. Requires field- values in system elements connected to the CCN Commu-
installed wind baffles. nication Bus using plain English ASCII over its RS-232
Energy Management Module — This module provides connection.
energy management capabilities to minimize chiller energy BAClink control — BAClink control provides an inter-
consumption. Several features are provided with this mod- face between Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) and a
ule including leaving fluid temperature reset, cooling set BACnet Local Area network (LAN), i.e., Ethernet
point reset or demand limit control from a 4 to 20 mA (ISO8802-3).
signal; 2-point demand limit control (from 0 to 100%)


OPTION* Mild Moderate Severe Combined
Standard Industrial
Coastal Coastal Coastal Industrial/Coastal
AL Fins (Standard Coils) X
CU Fins X
AL Fins, E-coat X X
CU Fins, E-coat X
AL Fins, Precoated X
AL — Aluminum
CU — Copper
*See page 42 for further description, also see “Environmental Corrosion Protection” for more information (Publications 810-217 and 811-019).

Dimensions — 30RA010,015,018

Dimensions — 30RA022,025

Dimensions — 30RA030

Dimensions — 30RA032-040

Dimensions — 30RA042-050

Dimensions — 30RA055

Dimensions — storage tank 30RA010-018

Dimensions — storage tank 30RA022-030

Dimensions — storage tank 30RA032-055

Selection procedure
Carrier’s electronic catalog chiller selection program pro- SI (50 Hz)
vides quick, easy selection of Carrier chillers. The program I Determine unit size and operating conditions
considers specific temperature, fluid, and flow require- required to meet given capacity at given
ments and other factors, such as fouling and altitude conditions.
To select a 30RA chiller, use the electronic catalog or
Capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 kW
follow one of the procedures below.
Leaving Chilled Water Temp (LCWT) . . . . . . . 6 C
ENGLISH (60 Hz) Cooler Water Temp Rise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6° C
I Determine 30RA unit size and operating Condenser Entering Air Temp . . . . . . . . . . . 35 C
conditions required to meet given capacity at Fouling Factor (Cooler) . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.000018
given conditions. NOTE: For other than 6° C temperature rise, data
Given: corrections must be made using the chiller program
Capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Tons in the electronic catalog.
Leaving Chilled Water Temp (LCWT) . . . . . . .44 F II From Cooling Capacity table on page 29 and
Cooler Water Temp Rise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° F pressure drop curves on page 22, determine
Condenser Entering Air Temp . . . . . . . . . . . .95 F operating data for selected unit.
Fouling Factor (Cooler) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00010 Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30RA-025
NOTE: For other than 10° F temperature rise, data Capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78.5 kW
corrections must be made using the chiller program Compressor Motor Power Input . . . . . . . .28.5 kW
in the electronic catalog. On some units, a change Cooler Water Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.4 L/s
of controls is also necessary. Chiller Pressure Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.5 kPa
II From Chiller Ratings table on page 26 and III Pump selection. (See AquaSnap pump selec-
pressure drop curves on page 22, determine tion on page 20.)
operating data for selected unit. Required Flow
Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30RA-045 (from above) . . . . . . . . .3.4 x 3.6 = 12.2 m3/hr
Capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43.1 Tons Chiller Pressure Drop
Power Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.1 kW (from chart on page 22) . . . . . . . . . . . 24.5 kPa
Cooler Water Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.1 gpm Additional External System
Internal Pressure Drop. . . . . . . . . .11.2 ft of water Pressure Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 kPa
III Pump selection. (See AquaSnap® pump Add Chiller Pressure and External
selection on page 20.) Pressure Drop . . . . . .125 x .1018 = 12.7 m wg
Using 3.88″ Pump Curve (page 21)
Required GPM (from above) . . . . . . . . . 103.1 gpm
Select . . . Pump B @ 12.2 m3/hr and 12.7 m wg
Chiller Pressure Drop
HP = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.36
(from chart on page 23) . . . . . . . . . . 20.5 ft wg Max HP = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HP
Additional External System
Pressure Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ft wg Necessary hp does not exceed unit rating.
Add Chiller Pressure and External
Pressure Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.5 ft wg PUMP IMPELLER SIZES
Using Pump Curve on page 21 PUMP OPTION PUMP DIAMETER (in.)
Select . . . . . . . . . . . Pump E @ 103.1, 60 ft wg A,F 3/4AAB 4.25
To find pump HP, follow the 4.63″ impeller curve B,G 11/4AAB 3.88
for pump E on page 21. C,H 3/4AAB 4.75
HP: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 bhp D,J 11/4AAB 4.50
Max hp = 5 hp, therefore necessary hp does not ex- E,K 11/2AAB 4.63
ceed pump rating.

Selection procedure (cont)
1. Calculate the water flow rate (GPM) and the total
INHIBITED ETHYLENE GLYCOL PERFORMANCE water pressure drop of the system external to the
Correction factors apply to published chilled 2. Determine the internal pressure drop of the chiller
water performance ratings from 40 to 60 F hydronic package based on the design flow rate (refer
(4.4 to 15.6 C) LCWT
to internal Pressure Drop tables on page 22). Values
given in these charts are based on units with clean
strainers and circuit setter valve wide open.
NOTE: These pressure drops are for water. If glycol is
used, correct by multiplying by the factors below.
3. If an optional storage tank is used, determine the
internal pressure drop by referencing the internal
Pressure Drop tables on page 24.
NOTE: Note that these pressure drops are for water. If gly-
col is used, correct by multiplying by the factors below.
0 (Pure Water) 1 1
10 1.062 1.077
20 1.114 1.168
30 1.177 1.271
40 1.248 1.393
50 1.316 1.543

4. Add pressure drops found in Steps 1-3. This is the

total pressure drop and total head required by the
5. Use the pump envelope charts (page 25) to deter-
mine proper pump sizing. Plot water flow rate
(Step 1) and total head (Step 4), point on the chart.
The region containing the point corresponds to the
correct pump.
NOTE: Although pump bhp increases with glycol concen-
tration, pumps and pump overloads are selected such that
glycol concentrations up to 50% will not trip pump over-
loads if run within the recommended gpm ranges.
AquaSnap® pump selection Example: Required water flow rate for a 30RA018,
60 Hz chiller is 45 GPM. The pressure drop in feet for the
Several pump sizes are available for each AquaSnap chiller water system external to the chiller is 50 feet. The system
size to provide flexibility in matching water system require-
does not have an accessory storage tank. The single pump
ments. A dual pump option is also available for primary/
is needed. Select the pump.
standby operation. The Carrier E-Cat Chiller Selection
Program (version 2.50 or later) can be used for pump Since the flow rate and external head losses (Step 1) are
selection, or selection can be done manually. known, the internal losses in the hydronic package must be
found (Step 2). Using the pressure drop graphs (page 22)
Proper water system design is critical; cooling loads, for the 30RA018 units, the internal loss at 45 gpm is
water pressure drops and proper water line sizing must be
15 feet. Since no accessory storage tank is being used
accounted for in order to ensure proper system operation.
(Step 3), the pressure drop is 0 feet.
Incorrect or incomplete analysis/design of the water loop
could lead to low water flow, loss of water temperature Add all losses together (Step 4). The total pressure rise
control, and excessive cycling of chiller compressors. needed by the pump is 50 + 15 + 0 = 65 feet. The pump
selection becomes pump C.
The following are the steps for manual selection of water
pumps for the 30RA chillers (refer to Pump Curve tables).




Selection procedure (cont)
30RA010-030 30RA010-030

30RA032-055 30RA032-055

30RA010-030 30RA010-030

Use the following formula to convert Feet of water to psi: Use the following formula to convert psi to Feet of water:
Ft of water (.4335) = psi Psi (2.306) = Ft of water

1 — 30RA010 3 — 30RA018 5 — 30RA025 7 — 30RA032, 30RA035 9 — 30RA042, 30RA045 11 — 30RA055
2 — 30RA015 4 — 30RA022 6 — 30RA030 8 — 30RA040 10 — 30RA050

30RA032-055 30RA032-055

SIZES 30RA010-030 SIZES 30RA010-030

SIZES 30RA032-055 SIZES 30RA032-055

Use the following formula to convert Feet of water to psi: Use the following formula to convert psi to Feet of water:
Ft of water (.4335) = psi Psi (2.306) = Ft of water

1 — 30RA010 3 — 30RA018 5 — 30RA025 7 — 30RA032, 30RA035 9 — 30RA042, 30RA045 11 — 30RA055
2 — 30RA015 4 — 30RA022 6 — 30RA030 8 — 30RA040 10 — 30RA050

Selection procedure (cont)






1 10 100 1000






1.0 10.0

30RA010-030 60 Hz PUMP ENVELOPES 30RA035-055 60 Hz PUMP ENVELOPES

30RA010-030 50 Hz PUMP ENVELOPES 30RA032-045 50 Hz PUMP ENVELOPES

Head (ft)

B, G
D, J
A, F
C, H
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

NOTE: Refer to Position 9 in the unit’s model number for pump identification.

Expansion tank selection and filling the expansion tank will require additional air pressure
Expansion tanks are essential to the operation of any charge. The expansion tank must be pressurized to provide
closed, pressurized, hydronic system. They perform four at least 4 psi (28 kPa) of positive pressure at the highest
important functions: 1) provide for expansion of the liquid point in the hydronic piping system. This will also ensure
as the temperature in the system rises, 2) act as a pressure no air is drawn into the piping. The amount of charge
reference for the system, 3) supply sufficient pressure to pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) that is required in
prevent cavitation, 4) provide a location to charge the the expansion tank is equal to 4 psi (28 kPa) plus the
system. height (in feet) from the chiller to the highest point in the
hydronic system divided by 2.31.
The AquaSnap® optional hydronic package includes a
bladder-style expansion tank, pre-charged to 40 psi Example: 30RA AquaSnap elevation is 10 feet. The
(277 kPa) pressure and pre-selected for loop volumes up to hydronic system is piped to an air handler on the roof with
6 gallons per ton. If loop volumes in excess of 6 gallons an elevation of 100 feet. The total pressure required in the
per ton are required, then a field-installed expansion tank expansion tank is:
must be provided, and the expansion tank in AquaSnap 4 psi + (100 ft – 10 ft)/2.31 = 42.96 psi
hydronic package must be removed. For maximum loop The expansion tank will require an additional 3 psi
volumes see page 43. pressure.
If the top of the piping system (the highest point in the
hydronic piping) is more than 80 ft above the chiller, then

Performance data
85 95 105 115 120
(F) SIZE Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input
Flow Rate Flow Rate (Tons) Flow Rate (Tons) Flow Rate Flow Rate
(Tons) kW (Tons) kW kW kW (Tons) kW
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
30RA-010 9.4 10.5 22.4 8.9 11.5 21.4 8.5 12.7 20.2 8.0 14.0 19.0 7.7 14.7 18.4
30RA-015 13.4 15.1 32.1 12.8 16.5 30.6 12.1 18.1 28.9 11.4 19.8 27.2 11.0 20.7 26.3
30RA-018 15.6 17.8 37.4 14.8 19.6 35.5 14.0 21.6 33.4 13.1 23.8 31.3 12.6 25.1 30.2
30RA-022 21.2 22.8 50.7 20.2 25.1 48.3 19.1 27.7 45.7 17.9 30.5 42.8 17.2 32.0 41.2
30RA-025 23.4 26.6 56.0 22.3 29.1 53.2 21.0 31.8 50.1 19.5 34.8 46.7 18.7 36.4 44.8
40.00 30RA-030 26.7 29.8 63.7 25.4 32.8 60.6 24.0 36.1 57.3 22.5 39.8 53.8 11.8 19.2 28.3
30RA-035 34.1 37.2 81.5 32.5 40.8 77.6 30.7 44.8 73.5 28.8 49.3 68.9 27.8 51.7 66.5
30RA-040 37.1 41.8 88.6 35.2 45.6 84.2 33.3 49.9 79.5 31.1 54.7 74.3 29.9 57.2 71.6
30RA-045 42.3 45.5 101.0 40.3 50.1 96.3 38.1 55.2 91.0 35.6 60.9 85.2 34.3 63.9 82.1
30RA-050 46.6 53.1 111.5 44.3 58.1 105.9 41.7 63.5 99.7 38.9 69.5 92.9 37.3 72.7 89.2
30RA-055 53.2 59.7 127.2 50.6 65.5 120.9 47.8 72.1 114.3 44.9 79.5 107.4 23.6 38.3 56.4
30RA-010 9.7 10.6 23.2 9.2 11.6 22.1 8.8 12.7 21.0 8.2 14.1 19.7 8.0 14.8 19.1
30RA-015 13.9 15.3 33.3 13.3 16.7 31.7 12.5 18.2 30.0 11.8 20.0 28.2 11.4 20.9 27.3
30RA-018 16.2 18.0 38.8 15.4 19.8 36.8 14.5 21.8 34.7 13.6 24.0 32.5 13.1 25.3 31.4
30RA-022 21.9 23.0 52.5 20.9 25.3 50.0 19.8 27.9 47.3 18.5 30.8 44.3 17.9 32.3 42.7
30RA-025 24.2 26.9 58.0 23.0 29.4 55.1 21.7 32.1 51.9 20.2 35.2 48.3 19.4 36.8 46.4
42.00 30RA-030 27.6 30.2 66.1 26.3 33.1 62.9 24.9 36.5 59.5 23.3 40.2 55.9 12.3 19.3 29.4
30RA-035 35.3 37.5 84.4 33.6 41.1 80.4 31.8 45.2 76.1 29.9 49.7 71.5 28.8 52.1 69.0
30RA-040 38.3 42.2 91.7 36.5 46.1 87.3 34.4 50.4 82.4 32.2 55.2 77.1 31.0 57.8 74.2
30RA-045 43.7 46.0 104.5 41.7 50.6 99.7 39.4 55.7 94.2 36.9 61.4 88.3 35.6 64.5 85.1
30RA-050 48.2 53.7 115.4 45.8 58.7 109.7 43.2 64.2 103.3 40.2 70.3 96.2 38.6 73.5 92.4
30RA-055 55.1 60.3 131.9 52.4 66.3 125.5 49.6 72.9 118.6 46.6 80.3 111.5 24.5 38.5 58.7
30RA-010 10.0 10.6 24.0 9.6 11.7 22.9 9.1 12.8 21.7 8.5 14.1 20.4 8.3 14.8 19.8
30RA-015 14.4 15.4 34.5 13.7 16.8 32.9 13.0 18.4 31.1 12.2 20.1 29.3 11.8 21.1 28.3
30RA-018 16.8 18.2 40.2 15.9 20.0 38.2 15.0 22.0 36.0 14.1 24.2 33.7 13.6 25.5 32.6
30RA-022 22.7 23.3 54.3 21.6 25.6 51.8 20.5 28.2 49.0 19.2 31.0 45.9 18.5 32.6 44.3
30RA-025 25.0 27.2 60.0 23.8 29.7 57.0 22.4 32.5 53.7 20.9 35.5 50.1 11.6 16.9 27.8
44.00 30RA-030 28.6 30.5 68.5 27.2 33.5 65.2 25.8 36.8 61.7 24.2 40.6 58.0 12.8 19.4 30.5
30RA-035 36.5 37.9 87.3 34.8 41.5 83.2 32.9 45.6 78.8 30.9 50.1 74.0 29.9 52.5 71.5
30RA-040 39.7 42.7 95.0 37.7 46.6 90.3 35.6 50.9 85.3 33.3 55.7 79.8 23.7 38.2 56.8
30RA-045 45.2 46.5 108.1 43.1 51.1 103.1 40.7 56.3 97.6 38.2 62.0 91.4 36.8 65.0 88.2
30RA-050 49.9 54.3 119.4 47.4 59.4 113.5 44.7 64.9 106.9 41.6 71.0 99.6 23.1 33.9 55.3
30RA-055 57.1 61.0 136.7 54.3 67.0 130.1 51.4 73.7 123.1 48.3 81.2 115.7 25.5 38.8 61.0
30RA-010 10.2 10.7 24.4 9.7 11.7 23.3 9.2 12.9 22.1 8.7 14.2 20.8 8.4 14.9 20.1
30RA-015 14.7 15.5 35.1 14.0 16.9 33.5 13.2 18.5 31.7 12.5 20.2 29.8 12.0 21.2 28.9
30RA-018 17.1 18.2 40.9 16.2 20.0 38.8 15.3 22.1 36.7 14.3 24.3 34.4 13.9 25.6 33.2
30RA-022 23.1 23.4 55.2 22.0 25.7 52.7 20.8 28.3 49.8 19.5 31.2 46.7 18.8 32.7 45.1
30RA-025 25.5 27.4 61.0 24.2 29.9 58.0 22.8 32.7 54.6 21.3 35.7 50.9 11.8 17.0 28.3
45.00 30RA-030 29.1 30.7 69.7 27.7 33.7 66.4 26.2 37.0 62.8 24.6 40.8 59.0 13.0 19.4 31.1
30RA-035 37.1 38.1 88.8 35.4 41.7 84.7 33.5 45.8 80.2 31.5 50.3 75.3 30.4 52.7 72.8
30RA-040 40.3 42.9 96.6 38.4 46.8 91.9 36.2 51.2 86.8 33.9 56.0 81.2 24.2 38.3 57.9
30RA-045 45.9 46.7 110.0 43.8 51.4 104.9 41.4 56.5 99.2 38.9 62.3 93.0 37.5 65.3 89.7
30RA-050 50.7 54.7 121.4 48.2 59.7 115.4 45.4 65.3 108.7 42.3 71.3 101.4 23.5 34.0 56.4
30RA-055 58.1 61.4 139.2 55.3 67.4 132.4 52.3 74.1 125.3 49.2 81.6 117.8 26.0 38.9 62.2
30RA-010 10.3 10.7 24.8 9.9 11.7 23.7 9.4 12.9 22.5 8.8 14.2 21.2 8.6 14.9 20.5
30RA-015 14.9 15.6 35.8 14.2 17.0 34.1 13.5 18.5 32.3 12.7 20.3 30.4 12.3 21.3 29.4
30RA-018 17.4 18.3 41.6 16.5 20.1 39.5 15.6 22.2 37.3 14.6 24.4 35.0 14.1 25.7 33.8
30RA-022 23.4 23.5 56.1 22.3 25.8 53.5 21.2 28.4 50.7 19.8 31.3 47.5 19.1 32.9 45.9
30RA-025 25.9 27.5 62.0 24.6 30.1 59.0 23.2 32.9 55.5 21.6 35.9 51.8 12.0 17.0 28.8
46.00 30RA-030 29.6 30.8 71.0 28.2 33.9 67.5 26.7 37.2 63.9 25.1 41.0 60.1 13.2 19.5 31.7
30RA-035 37.7 38.3 90.3 35.9 41.9 86.1 34.0 46.0 81.6 32.0 50.5 76.6 30.9 53.0 74.1
30RA-040 41.0 43.1 98.2 39.0 47.1 93.5 36.9 51.5 88.3 34.5 56.3 82.6 24.6 38.4 58.9
30RA-045 46.7 46.9 111.8 44.5 51.6 106.6 42.1 56.8 100.9 39.5 62.5 94.6 38.1 65.6 91.3
30RA-050 51.5 55.0 123.5 49.0 60.1 117.4 46.2 65.6 110.6 43.0 71.7 103.1 24.0 34.1 57.4
30RA-055 59.1 61.7 141.6 56.3 67.8 134.8 53.2 74.5 127.5 50.1 82.0 119.9 26.4 39.0 63.3
30RA-010 10.7 10.8 25.6 10.2 11.8 24.4 9.7 13.0 23.2 9.1 14.3 21.9 8.8 15.0 21.2
30RA-015 15.4 15.7 37.0 14.7 17.1 35.3 13.9 18.7 33.4 13.1 20.5 31.5 12.7 21.4 30.5
30RA-018 18.0 18.5 43.1 17.1 20.3 41.0 16.1 22.4 38.7 15.1 24.6 36.3 14.6 25.9 35.0
30RA-022 24.2 23.7 58.0 23.1 26.1 55.3 21.9 28.7 52.4 20.5 31.6 49.2 19.8 33.2 47.4
30RA-025 26.7 27.9 64.1 25.4 30.4 60.9 24.0 33.2 57.4 22.3 36.3 53.6 12.5 17.2 29.9
48.00 30RA-030 30.7 31.2 73.5 29.2 34.3 69.9 27.6 37.7 66.2 26.0 41.4 62.3 13.7 19.6 32.9
30RA-035 38.9 38.6 93.3 37.1 42.3 89.0 35.2 46.4 84.4 33.1 51.0 79.3 32.0 53.4 76.6
30RA-040 42.4 43.6 101.6 40.3 47.6 96.7 38.1 52.0 91.3 35.7 56.8 85.5 25.5 38.7 61.1
30RA-045 48.2 47.4 115.5 46.0 52.1 110.2 43.5 57.3 104.3 40.8 63.1 97.9 39.4 66.2 94.5
30RA-050 53.3 55.6 127.6 50.6 60.7 121.3 47.7 66.4 114.3 44.5 72.5 106.6 24.8 34.3 59.5
30RA-055 61.2 62.4 146.6 58.2 68.5 139.6 55.1 75.3 132.1 51.9 82.9 124.3 27.4 39.3 65.7
30RA-010 11.0 10.8 26.4 10.5 11.9 25.2 10.0 13.0 24.0 9.4 14.3 22.6 9.1 15.1 21.9
30RA-015 16.0 15.8 38.3 15.2 17.3 36.5 14.4 18.9 34.6 13.6 20.7 32.6 13.2 21.6 31.5
30RA-018 18.6 18.7 44.6 17.7 20.5 42.4 16.7 22.5 40.0 15.7 24.8 37.6 15.1 26.1 36.3
30RA-022 25.0 24.0 59.9 23.8 26.4 57.1 22.6 29.0 54.1 21.2 31.9 50.8 20.5 33.5 49.0
30RA-025 27.6 28.2 66.2 26.2 30.8 62.9 24.7 33.6 59.3 23.1 36.7 55.4 12.9 17.3 31.0
50.00 30RA-030 31.7 31.6 76.0 30.2 34.6 72.4 28.6 38.1 68.5 26.9 41.9 64.5 14.2 19.7 34.1
30RA-035 40.2 39.0 96.4 38.4 42.7 92.0 36.4 46.8 87.2 34.2 51.4 82.0 33.1 53.9 79.3
30RA-040 43.8 44.1 104.9 41.7 48.1 99.9 39.4 52.5 94.4 36.9 57.4 88.4 26.4 39.0 63.3
30RA-045 49.7 47.9 119.3 47.5 52.7 113.8 44.9 57.9 107.8 42.2 63.7 101.2 40.7 66.8 97.7
30RA-050 55.0 56.3 131.8 52.3 61.5 125.3 49.3 67.1 118.1 46.0 73.2 110.2 25.7 34.5 61.7
30RA-055 63.3 63.2 151.7 60.2 69.3 144.5 57.1 76.2 136.8 53.7 83.8 128.7 28.4 39.5 68.2
30RA-010 11.9 11.0 28.5 11.4 12.0 27.3 10.8 13.2 26.0 10.2 14.5 24.5 9.9 15.2 23.8
30RA-015 17.4 16.2 41.6 16.5 17.7 39.7 15.7 19.3 37.7 14.8 21.1 35.5 14.3 22.1 34.4
30RA-018 20.2 19.2 48.5 19.2 21.0 46.1 18.2 23.1 43.6 17.0 25.4 40.9 16.5 26.6 39.5
30RA-022 27.0 24.6 64.7 25.7 27.0 61.8 24.4 29.7 58.6 22.9 32.6 55.0 22.2 34.2 53.2
30RA-025 29.8 29.1 71.6 28.4 31.7 68.1 26.7 34.5 64.2 25.0 37.7 59.9 13.9 17.5 33.2
55.00 30RA-030 34.4 32.5 82.6 32.8 35.7 78.7 31.1 39.2 74.6 29.3 43.0 70.3 15.2 20.0 36.6
30RA-035 43.5 40.0 104.3 41.5 43.8 99.6 39.4 47.9 94.5 37.1 52.6 88.9 35.8 55.0 86.0
30RA-040 47.3 45.3 113.6 45.1 49.4 108.2 42.6 53.9 102.3 40.0 58.9 95.9 28.5 39.7 68.3
30RA-045 53.7 49.2 128.9 51.3 54.0 123.0 48.6 59.3 116.6 45.7 65.1 109.6 44.1 68.3 105.9
30RA-050 59.4 58.0 142.6 56.5 63.3 135.6 53.3 69.0 127.8 49.7 75.2 119.4 27.6 34.9 66.2
30RA-055 68.7 65.1 164.9 65.5 71.4 157.1 62.0 78.4 148.9 58.4 86.1 140.2 30.4 40.0 73.1
30RA-010 12.3 11.1 29.5 11.7 12.1 28.2 11.1 13.3 26.8 10.5 14.6 25.2 10.2 15.3 24.4
30RA-015 18.2 16.5 43.6 17.2 17.9 41.4 16.3 19.5 39.1 15.3 21.3 36.7 14.8 22.3 35.4
30RA-018 21.2 19.5 51.0 20.1 21.3 48.2 18.9 23.3 45.3 17.6 25.6 42.3 9.0 12.3 21.6
30RA-022 28.3 25.1 68.0 26.9 27.5 64.6 25.4 30.1 60.9 23.7 33.0 56.9 22.8 34.5 54.8
30RA-025 31.4 29.7 75.4 29.7 32.2 71.3 27.8 35.1 66.8 25.8 38.1 61.9 13.9 17.5 33.3
60.00 30RA-030 36.5 33.3 87.8 34.6 36.4 83.1 32.6 39.8 78.3 30.5 43.6 73.3 15.2 20.0 36.6
30RA-035 45.2 40.5 108.6 43.0 44.2 103.2 40.5 48.4 97.4 37.9 52.9 91.2 36.6 55.4 87.9
30RA-040 49.5 46.2 118.9 46.9 50.2 112.6 44.0 54.6 105.8 41.0 59.4 98.5 28.6 39.8 68.7
30RA-045 56.3 50.1 135.4 53.5 54.8 128.6 50.5 60.0 121.3 47.2 65.8 113.3 45.4 68.9 109.2
30RA-050 62.5 59.3 150.2 59.1 64.4 141.9 55.4 70.0 133.0 51.4 76.1 123.4 27.6 34.9 66.2
30RA-055 73.0 66.6 175.4 69.1 72.8 166.1 65.1 79.7 156.4 60.9 87.3 146.3 30.4 40.0 73.1
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature

30 35 40 45 50
(C) SIZE Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input
Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate
(kW) kW (kW) kW (kW) kW (kW) kW (kW) kW
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
30RA-010 33.4 10.6 1.4 32.0 11.6 1.4 30.5 12.6 1.3 28.9 13.7 1.2 27.2 15.0 1.2
30RA-015 47.9 15.3 2.1 45.8 16.6 2.0 43.6 18.0 1.9 41.3 19.5 1.8 38.8 21.2 1.7
30RA-018 55.7 18.1 2.4 53.1 19.7 2.3 50.4 21.5 2.2 47.6 23.5 2.0 44.6 25.7 1.9
30RA-022 75.5 23.1 3.2 72.3 25.2 3.1 68.8 27.5 2.9 65.0 30.0 2.8 60.8 32.8 2.6
30RA-025 83.4 27.0 3.6 79.6 29.2 3.4 75.5 31.7 3.2 70.9 34.4 3.0 38.1 17.1 1.6
5.00 30RA-030 95.0 30.3 4.1 90.8 32.9 3.9 86.3 35.9 3.7 81.7 39.2 3.5 41.8 19.6 1.8
30RA-035 121.4 37.7 5.2 116.2 41.0 5.0 110.6 44.6 4.7 104.6 48.5 4.5 98.2 52.9 4.2
30RA-040 132.0 42.4 5.7 126.1 45.9 5.4 119.8 49.7 5.1 112.9 54.0 4.8 77.9 38.4 3.3
30RA-045 150.5 46.2 6.4 144.0 50.3 6.2 137.0 54.9 5.9 129.3 60.0 5.5 121.0 65.5 5.2
30RA-050 166.0 53.9 7.1 158.5 58.4 6.8 150.3 63.3 6.4 141.2 68.6 6.1 75.8 34.1 3.3
30RA-055 189.6 60.6 8.1 181.2 65.9 7.8 172.3 71.8 7.4 163.0 78.4 7.0 83.5 39.2 3.6
30RA-010 34.4 10.7 1.5 33.0 11.6 1.4 31.4 12.7 1.3 29.8 13.8 1.3 28.0 15.1 1.2
30RA-015 49.4 15.5 2.1 47.3 16.7 2.0 45.0 18.1 1.9 42.6 19.7 1.8 40.2 21.4 1.7
30RA-018 57.5 18.2 2.5 54.9 19.8 2.4 52.1 21.6 2.2 49.2 23.6 2.1 46.1 25.8 2.0
30RA-022 77.8 23.3 3.3 74.6 25.4 3.2 71.0 27.7 3.0 67.0 30.3 2.9 62.8 33.1 2.7
30RA-025 85.9 27.2 3.7 82.1 29.5 3.5 77.8 32.0 3.3 73.1 34.7 3.1 39.4 17.2 1.7
6.00 30RA-030 98.1 30.6 4.2 93.7 33.3 4.0 89.2 36.3 3.8 84.4 39.6 3.6 43.3 19.7 1.9
30RA-035 125.1 38.0 5.4 119.8 41.3 5.1 114.1 44.9 4.9 108.0 48.9 4.6 101.4 53.3 4.3
30RA-040 136.1 42.8 5.8 130.1 46.3 5.6 123.5 50.2 5.3 116.5 54.4 5.0 80.6 38.7 3.5
30RA-045 155.1 46.6 6.7 148.5 50.8 6.4 141.3 55.4 6.1 133.4 60.5 5.7 124.9 66.0 5.4
30RA-050 171.1 54.4 7.3 163.4 59.0 7.0 154.9 63.9 6.6 145.6 69.3 6.2 78.4 34.3 3.4
30RA-055 195.7 61.2 8.4 187.1 66.6 8.0 178.0 72.5 7.6 168.4 79.1 7.2 86.4 39.4 3.7
30RA-010 35.4 10.7 1.5 34.0 11.7 1.5 32.4 12.7 1.4 30.7 13.9 1.3 28.9 15.2 1.2
30RA-015 51.0 15.6 2.2 48.8 16.9 2.1 46.5 18.3 2.0 44.0 19.8 1.9 41.5 21.5 1.8
30RA-018 59.4 18.4 2.5 56.6 20.0 2.4 53.8 21.8 2.3 50.8 23.8 2.2 26.2 12.3 1.1
30RA-022 80.2 23.6 3.4 76.8 25.7 3.3 73.1 28.0 3.1 69.1 30.5 3.0 64.7 33.3 2.8
30RA-025 88.6 27.5 3.8 84.6 29.8 3.6 80.2 32.3 3.4 75.4 35.0 3.2 40.7 17.3 1.7
7.00 30RA-030 101.2 30.9 4.3 96.8 33.6 4.2 92.1 36.6 4.0 87.2 39.9 3.7 44.7 19.8 1.9
30RA-035 128.9 38.3 5.5 123.5 41.6 5.3 117.6 45.3 5.0 111.3 49.3 4.8 104.6 53.7 4.5
30RA-040 140.3 43.2 6.0 134.1 46.7 5.8 127.4 50.6 5.5 120.2 54.9 5.2 83.2 38.9 3.6
30RA-045 159.7 47.0 6.9 153.0 51.2 6.6 145.6 55.9 6.2 137.6 61.0 5.9 128.9 66.5 5.5
30RA-050 176.3 55.0 7.6 168.4 59.6 7.2 159.7 64.5 6.9 150.1 69.9 6.4 81.0 34.5 3.5
30RA-055 202.0 61.8 8.7 193.1 67.2 8.3 183.8 73.2 7.9 174.0 79.9 7.5 89.4 39.6 3.8
30RA-010 36.4 10.8 1.6 35.0 11.7 1.5 33.4 12.8 1.4 31.7 13.9 1.4 29.9 15.2 1.3
30RA-015 52.6 15.7 2.3 50.4 17.0 2.2 48.0 18.4 2.1 45.5 20.0 2.0 42.9 21.7 1.8
30RA-018 61.3 18.5 2.6 58.5 20.2 2.5 55.5 22.0 2.4 52.4 24.0 2.3 27.1 12.3 1.2
30RA-022 82.6 23.8 3.5 79.1 25.9 3.4 75.3 28.2 3.2 71.2 30.8 3.1 66.8 33.6 2.9
30RA-025 91.2 27.8 3.9 87.1 30.1 3.7 82.6 32.6 3.5 77.7 35.4 3.3 42.1 17.4 1.8
8.00 30RA-030 104.4 31.2 4.5 99.8 33.9 4.3 95.0 37.0 4.1 90.0 40.3 3.9 46.3 19.9 2.0
30RA-035 132.8 38.7 5.7 127.2 42.0 5.5 121.2 45.6 5.2 114.8 49.7 4.9 107.9 54.1 4.6
30RA-040 144.5 43.6 6.2 138.2 47.2 5.9 131.3 51.1 5.6 123.9 55.4 5.3 85.9 39.2 3.7
30RA-045 164.5 47.5 7.1 157.6 51.7 6.8 150.0 56.4 6.4 141.8 61.4 6.1 132.9 67.0 5.7
30RA-050 181.6 55.6 7.8 173.5 60.2 7.4 164.5 65.2 7.1 154.7 70.6 6.6 83.7 34.7 3.6
30RA-055 208.4 62.4 8.9 199.3 67.9 8.6 189.7 74.0 8.1 179.6 80.6 7.7 92.4 39.8 4.0
30RA-010 38.5 10.9 1.7 37.0 11.9 1.6 35.4 12.9 1.5 33.6 14.1 1.4 31.7 15.4 1.4
30RA-015 55.9 16.0 2.4 53.6 17.3 2.3 51.0 18.7 2.2 48.4 20.3 2.1 45.6 22.0 2.0
30RA-018 65.2 18.9 2.8 62.2 20.5 2.7 59.1 22.3 2.5 55.8 24.4 2.4 29.0 12.4 1.2
30RA-022 87.4 24.2 3.8 83.8 26.4 3.6 79.8 28.7 3.4 75.5 31.3 3.2 70.9 34.1 3.0
30RA-025 96.6 28.4 4.2 92.3 30.8 4.0 87.6 33.3 3.8 82.4 36.0 3.5 44.8 17.6 1.9
10.00 30RA-030 111.0 31.9 4.8 106.2 34.6 4.6 101.1 37.7 4.3 95.8 41.1 4.1 49.4 20.1 2.1
30RA-035 140.8 39.4 6.1 134.9 42.7 5.8 128.6 46.4 5.5 121.8 50.5 5.2 114.6 54.9 4.9
30RA-040 153.2 44.5 6.6 146.5 48.1 6.3 139.3 52.1 6.0 131.5 56.4 5.7 91.5 39.7 3.9
30RA-045 174.1 48.4 7.5 166.9 52.7 7.2 159.0 57.3 6.8 150.4 62.5 6.5 141.1 68.1 6.1
30RA-050 192.4 56.8 8.3 183.8 61.5 7.9 174.3 66.5 7.5 164.0 72.0 7.1 89.3 35.1 3.8
30RA-055 221.5 63.8 9.5 211.9 69.3 9.1 201.8 75.4 8.7 191.2 82.2 8.2 98.7 40.2 4.2

LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature

Performance data (cont)
85 95 105 115 120
(F) SIZE Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input
Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate
(Tons) kW (Tons) kW (Tons) kW (Tons) kW (Tons) kW
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
30RA-010 9.7 10.7 23.1 9.2 11.7 22.0 8.7 12.9 20.7 8.0 14.2 19.2 7.7 14.9 18.5
30RA-015 12.8 14.2 30.7 12.1 15.7 29.0 11.4 17.5 27.3 10.7 19.4 25.5 10.3 20.5 24.5
30RA-018 14.6 16.8 34.8 13.8 18.7 33.0 12.9 21.0 30.9 12.0 23.4 28.6 11.4 24.8 27.3
30RA-022 19.6 20.8 46.7 18.6 22.9 44.4 17.5 25.2 41.8 16.2 27.9 38.8 15.6 29.3 37.3
40.00 30RA-025 22.4 25.4 53.5 21.2 28.1 50.8 20.0 31.0 47.9 18.7 34.4 44.8 10.2 15.8 24.5
30RA-032 28.8 29.4 68.8 27.4 32.5 65.5 25.9 36.0 61.9 24.2 39.9 57.8 23.3 42.0 55.7
30RA-035 33.7 37.6 80.5 32.0 41.5 76.4 30.2 45.9 72.1 28.2 50.7 67.5 19.7 33.1 47.1
30RA-042 38.8 41.5 92.8 36.9 45.6 88.2 34.8 50.4 83.1 32.3 55.6 77.3 31.0 58.5 74.2
30RA-045 44.0 50.4 105.1 41.7 55.8 99.7 39.3 61.7 94.0 36.8 68.3 87.9 20.2 31.6 48.3
30RA-010 10.0 10.8 24.0 9.5 11.8 22.8 9.0 13.0 21.5 8.4 14.3 20.0 8.0 15.0 19.2
30RA-015 13.3 14.3 31.8 12.6 15.9 30.2 11.9 17.6 28.4 11.1 19.6 26.5 10.7 20.6 25.5
30RA-018 15.1 16.9 36.2 14.4 18.9 34.4 13.5 21.2 32.3 12.5 23.7 29.9 6.7 11.1 16.1
30RA-022 20.3 21.0 48.5 19.3 23.1 46.1 18.1 25.5 43.3 16.9 28.1 40.3 16.2 29.6 38.7
42.00 30RA-025 23.2 25.7 55.5 22.0 28.4 52.6 20.7 31.4 49.6 19.4 34.7 46.4 10.6 15.9 25.4
30RA-032 29.8 29.7 71.4 28.4 32.8 68.0 26.9 36.3 64.3 25.1 40.2 60.1 24.2 42.3 57.9
30RA-035 34.9 38.0 83.4 33.1 42.0 79.2 31.3 46.4 74.8 29.3 51.2 70.0 20.5 33.3 48.9
30RA-042 40.2 41.9 96.1 38.2 46.1 91.4 36.0 50.9 86.1 33.5 56.2 80.2 32.2 59.0 77.0
30RA-045 45.5 51.1 108.9 43.2 56.4 103.3 40.7 62.4 97.4 38.1 69.1 91.1 21.0 31.8 50.2
30RA-010 10.4 10.9 24.9 9.9 11.9 23.7 9.3 13.1 22.3 8.7 14.4 20.8 8.3 15.1 19.9
30RA-015 13.8 14.4 33.0 13.1 16.0 31.3 12.3 17.7 29.5 11.5 19.7 27.5 11.1 20.8 26.5
30RA-018 15.7 17.1 37.6 14.9 19.1 35.8 14.0 21.4 33.6 13.0 23.9 31.2 7.0 11.1 16.9
30RA-022 21.0 21.2 50.2 19.9 23.4 47.7 18.8 25.8 44.9 17.5 28.4 41.8 16.8 29.9 40.1
44.00 30RA-025 24.0 26.0 57.4 22.8 28.8 54.5 21.5 31.8 51.4 20.1 35.1 48.1 11.0 16.0 26.4
30RA-032 30.9 30.0 74.0 29.5 33.1 70.6 27.9 36.6 66.7 26.1 40.6 62.5 25.2 42.7 60.2
30RA-035 36.1 38.4 86.4 34.3 42.4 82.1 32.4 46.9 77.5 30.3 51.8 72.6 21.2 33.6 50.8
30RA-042 41.6 42.4 99.6 39.6 46.6 94.7 37.3 51.4 89.3 34.7 56.7 83.2 33.4 59.6 79.9
30RA-045 47.1 51.7 112.7 44.7 57.1 107.0 42.1 63.2 100.9 39.4 69.8 94.4 21.8 32.0 52.2
30RA-010 10.6 10.9 25.3 10.1 12.0 24.1 9.5 13.1 22.7 8.8 14.4 21.2 8.5 15.1 20.3
30RA-015 14.1 14.5 33.7 13.3 16.1 31.9 12.5 17.8 30.0 11.7 19.8 28.0 11.3 20.9 27.0
30RA-018 16.0 17.2 38.4 15.2 19.2 36.5 14.3 21.5 34.3 13.3 24.0 31.9 7.2 11.1 17.2
30RA-022 21.3 21.4 51.1 20.3 23.5 48.6 19.1 25.9 45.7 17.8 28.6 42.6 17.1 30.0 40.9
45.00 30RA-025 24.4 26.2 58.4 23.2 28.9 55.5 21.8 32.0 52.3 20.5 35.3 49.0 11.2 16.1 26.9
30RA-032 31.5 30.1 75.4 30.0 33.3 71.9 28.4 36.8 68.0 26.6 40.7 63.7 25.6 42.9 61.4
30RA-035 36.7 38.7 87.9 34.9 42.7 83.5 32.9 47.1 78.9 30.9 52.0 73.9 21.6 33.7 51.8
30RA-042 42.3 42.6 101.3 40.2 46.9 96.4 37.9 51.7 90.8 35.4 57.0 84.7 34.0 59.9 81.3
30RA-045 47.9 52.0 114.6 45.4 57.5 108.8 42.9 63.5 102.6 40.1 70.2 96.1 22.2 32.1 53.1
30RA-010 10.8 11.0 25.8 10.2 12.0 24.5 9.7 13.2 23.1 9.0 14.5 21.6 8.6 15.2 20.7
30RA-015 14.3 14.6 34.3 13.6 16.1 32.5 12.8 17.9 30.6 11.9 19.9 28.6 11.5 20.9 27.5
30RA-018 16.3 17.3 39.1 15.5 19.4 37.2 14.6 21.6 35.0 13.6 24.2 32.5 7.4 11.1 17.6
30RA-022 21.7 21.5 52.0 20.6 23.6 49.4 19.4 26.0 46.6 18.1 28.7 43.4 17.4 30.2 41.6
46.00 30RA-025 24.8 26.4 59.4 23.6 29.1 56.4 22.2 32.2 53.2 20.8 35.5 49.8 11.5 16.1 27.4
30RA-032 32.0 30.3 76.7 30.5 33.4 73.2 28.9 37.0 69.2 27.1 40.9 64.9 26.1 43.0 62.5
30RA-035 37.3 38.9 89.4 35.5 42.9 85.0 33.5 47.4 80.2 31.4 52.3 75.2 22.0 33.8 52.7
30RA-042 43.0 42.8 103.0 40.9 47.1 98.0 38.6 51.9 92.4 36.0 57.3 86.2 34.6 60.2 82.8
30RA-045 48.7 52.4 116.6 46.2 57.8 110.7 43.6 63.9 104.4 40.8 70.6 97.7 22.6 32.2 54.1
30RA-010 11.1 11.1 26.7 10.6 12.1 25.4 10.0 13.3 24.0 9.3 14.6 22.4 9.0 15.3 21.5
30RA-015 14.8 14.7 35.5 14.1 16.3 33.7 13.2 18.0 31.7 12.4 20.0 29.7 11.9 21.1 28.6
30RA-018 16.9 17.5 40.6 16.1 19.6 38.7 15.2 21.9 36.4 14.2 24.4 33.9 7.7 11.2 18.4
30RA-022 22.4 21.7 53.8 21.3 23.9 51.2 20.1 26.3 48.2 18.7 29.0 44.9 18.0 30.4 43.1
48.00 30RA-025 25.6 26.7 61.5 24.3 29.5 58.4 23.0 32.6 55.1 21.5 36.0 51.6 11.9 16.2 28.5
30RA-032 33.2 30.6 79.5 31.6 33.7 75.8 29.9 37.3 71.8 28.1 41.3 67.3 27.1 43.4 64.9
30RA-035 38.6 39.3 92.5 36.7 43.4 87.9 34.7 47.9 83.1 32.5 52.8 77.9 22.8 34.1 54.7
30RA-042 44.5 43.3 106.6 42.3 47.6 101.4 39.9 52.5 95.6 37.2 57.8 89.2 35.8 60.7 85.8
30RA-045 50.3 53.0 120.6 47.8 58.6 114.5 45.1 64.7 108.0 42.2 71.4 101.1 23.4 32.4 56.2
30RA-010 11.5 11.2 27.7 11.0 12.2 26.3 10.4 13.4 24.8 9.7 14.7 23.2 9.3 15.4 22.3
30RA-015 15.3 14.9 36.8 14.6 16.4 34.9 13.7 18.2 32.9 12.8 20.2 30.8 12.4 21.2 29.6
30RA-018 17.6 17.7 42.2 16.8 19.8 40.2 15.8 22.1 37.9 14.7 24.7 35.3 8.0 11.2 19.2
30RA-022 23.2 22.0 55.6 22.1 24.2 52.9 20.8 26.6 49.9 19.4 29.3 46.5 18.6 30.8 44.7
50.00 30RA-025 26.5 27.1 63.5 25.2 29.9 60.3 23.7 33.0 56.9 12.7 15.6 30.5 12.3 16.3 29.5
30RA-032 34.3 30.9 82.3 32.8 34.1 78.5 31.0 37.6 74.4 29.1 41.6 69.8 28.1 43.8 67.4
30RA-035 39.9 39.8 95.7 37.9 43.9 90.9 35.8 48.4 85.9 33.6 53.4 80.6 23.6 34.4 56.7
30RA-042 45.9 43.8 110.2 43.7 48.2 104.9 41.3 53.0 98.9 38.5 58.4 92.3 37.0 61.3 88.8
30RA-045 52.0 53.7 124.6 49.3 59.3 118.3 46.6 65.5 111.6 43.6 72.3 104.6 24.3 32.6 58.2
30RA-010 12.5 11.4 30.1 11.9 12.5 28.7 11.3 13.7 27.1 10.5 15.0 25.3 10.1 15.7 24.4
30RA-015 16.7 15.2 40.1 15.8 16.8 38.0 14.9 18.6 35.9 14.0 20.6 33.6 13.5 21.7 32.4
30RA-018 19.3 18.3 46.2 18.4 20.4 44.1 17.4 22.8 41.8 16.3 25.4 39.1 8.7 11.3 20.8
30RA-022 25.2 22.7 60.4 23.9 24.9 57.5 22.6 27.3 54.2 21.1 30.1 50.6 20.3 31.5 48.6
55.00 30RA-025 28.7 28.0 68.8 27.2 30.9 65.4 25.7 34.0 61.7 13.6 15.8 32.7 13.2 16.6 31.6
30RA-032 37.3 31.7 89.6 35.7 34.9 85.6 33.7 38.5 81.0 31.6 42.5 76.0 30.5 44.7 73.3
30RA-035 43.2 41.0 103.8 41.1 45.2 98.6 38.8 49.8 93.0 26.4 33.3 63.5 25.5 35.0 61.3
30RA-042 49.8 45.1 119.4 47.4 49.5 113.7 44.7 54.5 107.3 41.8 59.9 100.3 40.2 62.9 96.5
30RA-045 56.2 55.6 134.9 53.4 61.2 128.1 50.4 67.5 121.0 27.1 31.5 65.0 26.2 33.1 62.8
30RA-010 13.1 11.6 31.5 12.5 12.6 29.9 11.7 13.8 28.1 10.9 15.1 26.2 10.4 15.8 25.1
30RA-015 17.4 15.4 41.8 16.5 17.0 39.5 15.4 18.7 37.1 14.4 20.7 34.5 13.8 21.8 33.2
30RA-018 20.2 18.6 48.5 19.2 20.7 46.1 18.1 23.0 43.4 8.9 10.7 21.5 8.7 11.3 20.8
30RA-022 26.3 23.0 63.1 24.8 25.2 59.7 23.3 27.6 56.0 21.6 30.3 51.9 11.4 13.8 27.5
60.00 30RA-025 30.0 28.6 72.1 28.4 31.4 68.1 26.6 34.5 64.0 13.6 15.8 32.7 13.2 16.6 31.7
30RA-032 38.2 31.9 91.8 36.4 35.1 87.3 34.3 38.7 82.4 32.1 42.6 77.0 30.9 44.8 74.2
30RA-035 45.2 41.9 108.5 42.7 46.0 102.6 40.1 50.5 96.4 26.4 33.3 63.5 25.5 35.0 61.3
30RA-042 52.3 46.0 125.6 49.5 50.3 118.9 46.4 55.2 111.4 43.0 60.5 103.4 32.0 45.5 76.9
30RA-045 59.4 57.0 142.8 56.1 62.6 134.8 52.7 68.7 126.5 27.1 31.5 65.0 26.2 33.1 62.9

LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature

30 35 40 45 50
(C) SIZE Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input Cap. Input
Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate
(kW) kW (kW) kW (kW) kW (kW) kW (kW) kW
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
30RA-010 34.5 10.9 1.5 32.9 11.8 1.4 31.2 12.8 1.3 29.3 13.9 1.3 27.2 15.2 1.2
30RA-015 45.7 14.4 2.0 43.5 15.8 1.9 41.2 17.3 1.8 38.8 19.1 1.7 36.2 21.0 1.6
30RA-018 52.0 17.0 2.2 49.6 18.8 2.1 46.8 20.8 2.0 43.7 23.0 1.9 22.8 11.3 1.0
30RA-022 69.7 21.1 3.0 66.5 23.0 2.9 63.0 25.1 2.7 59.1 27.5 2.5 54.9 30.0 2.4
5.00 30RA-025 79.7 25.8 3.4 76.1 28.2 3.3 72.1 30.9 3.1 68.0 33.9 2.9 36.2 16.2 1.6
30RA-032 102.6 29.9 4.4 98.2 32.7 4.2 93.3 35.8 4.0 88.0 39.2 3.8 82.2 43.1 3.5
30RA-035 119.9 38.2 5.1 114.4 41.7 4.9 108.6 45.7 4.7 102.5 50.0 4.4 69.6 33.9 3.0
30RA-042 138.3 42.1 5.9 132.1 45.9 5.7 125.2 50.1 5.4 117.6 54.8 5.0 109.2 59.9 4.7
30RA-045 156.5 51.2 6.7 149.3 56.1 6.4 141.6 61.5 6.1 133.5 67.3 5.7 71.4 32.3 3.1
30RA-010 35.6 10.9 1.5 34.0 11.9 1.5 32.3 12.9 1.4 30.3 14.0 1.3 28.2 15.3 1.2
30RA-015 47.3 14.5 2.0 45.0 15.9 1.9 42.6 17.5 1.8 40.1 19.2 1.7 37.5 21.1 1.6
30RA-018 53.8 17.2 2.3 51.3 19.0 2.2 48.5 21.0 2.1 45.4 23.2 1.9 23.8 11.3 1.0
30RA-022 71.9 21.3 3.1 68.7 23.2 2.9 65.1 25.4 2.8 61.1 27.7 2.6 56.7 30.3 2.4
6.00 30RA-025 82.3 26.1 3.5 78.5 28.5 3.4 74.4 31.2 3.2 70.2 34.2 3.0 37.4 16.3 1.6
30RA-032 106.0 30.1 4.5 101.4 32.9 4.4 96.5 36.1 4.1 91.0 39.5 3.9 85.1 43.4 3.7
30RA-035 123.7 38.5 5.3 118.1 42.1 5.1 112.2 46.1 4.8 105.9 50.4 4.5 72.0 34.1 3.1
30RA-042 142.6 42.5 6.1 136.3 46.3 5.8 129.3 50.6 5.5 121.5 55.3 5.2 112.9 60.4 4.8
30RA-045 161.4 51.8 6.9 154.0 56.7 6.6 146.1 62.1 6.3 137.8 68.0 5.9 73.9 32.5 3.2
30RA-010 36.8 11.0 1.6 35.1 12.0 1.5 33.3 13.0 1.4 31.3 14.1 1.3 29.1 15.4 1.3
30RA-015 48.8 14.6 2.1 46.5 16.0 2.0 44.1 17.6 1.9 41.5 19.3 1.8 38.8 21.3 1.7
30RA-018 55.7 17.4 2.4 53.2 19.2 2.3 50.3 21.2 2.2 47.1 23.5 2.0 24.7 11.4 1.1
30RA-022 74.2 21.5 3.2 70.8 23.5 3.0 67.1 25.6 2.9 63.1 28.0 2.7 58.6 30.5 2.5
7.00 30RA-025 84.8 26.4 3.6 80.9 28.9 3.5 76.8 31.6 3.3 72.4 34.6 3.1 38.7 16.4 1.7
30RA-032 109.4 30.4 4.7 104.8 33.2 4.5 99.7 36.4 4.3 94.1 39.8 4.0 88.1 43.7 3.8
30RA-035 127.6 38.9 5.5 121.8 42.6 5.2 115.7 46.5 5.0 109.3 50.9 4.7 74.4 34.3 3.2
30RA-042 147.1 42.9 6.3 140.6 46.8 6.0 133.3 51.0 5.7 125.3 55.8 5.4 116.6 60.9 5.0
30RA-045 166.4 52.4 7.1 158.7 57.3 6.8 150.6 62.8 6.5 142.1 68.7 6.1 76.4 32.7 3.3
30RA-010 37.9 11.1 1.6 36.3 12.0 1.6 34.4 13.1 1.5 32.4 14.2 1.4 30.1 15.5 1.3
30RA-015 50.4 14.8 2.2 48.0 16.2 2.1 45.5 17.7 2.0 42.9 19.5 1.8 40.1 21.4 1.7
30RA-018 57.6 17.6 2.5 55.0 19.4 2.4 52.2 21.4 2.2 48.9 23.7 2.1 25.7 11.4 1.1
30RA-022 76.5 21.7 3.3 73.1 23.7 3.1 69.3 25.8 3.0 65.1 28.2 2.8 34.6 13.8 1.5
8.00 30RA-025 87.4 26.7 3.8 83.4 29.2 3.6 79.1 31.9 3.4 74.7 34.9 3.2 40.0 16.5 1.7
30RA-032 112.9 30.6 4.8 108.2 33.5 4.6 103.0 36.7 4.4 97.3 40.1 4.2 91.1 44.0 3.9
30RA-035 131.6 39.4 5.6 125.6 43.0 5.4 119.3 47.0 5.1 112.7 51.4 4.8 76.9 34.6 3.3
30RA-042 151.6 43.3 6.5 144.9 47.2 6.2 137.5 51.5 5.9 129.3 56.3 5.6 94.2 44.4 4.0
30RA-045 171.5 53.0 7.4 163.6 58.0 7.0 155.3 63.4 6.7 146.5 69.4 6.3 79.0 32.9 3.4
30RA-010 40.4 11.3 1.7 38.6 12.2 1.7 36.7 13.3 1.6 34.5 14.4 1.5 32.2 15.7 1.4
30RA-015 53.7 15.0 2.3 51.2 16.4 2.2 48.5 18.0 2.1 45.7 19.8 2.0 42.8 21.7 1.8
30RA-018 61.6 17.9 2.6 58.9 19.8 2.5 56.0 21.9 2.4 52.6 24.1 2.3 27.7 11.5 1.2
30RA-022 81.2 22.2 3.5 77.6 24.2 3.3 73.6 26.3 3.2 69.2 28.7 3.0 37.0 13.9 1.6
10.00 30RA-025 92.7 27.3 4.0 88.5 29.9 3.8 84.0 32.6 3.6 79.3 35.7 3.4 42.7 16.7 1.8
30RA-032 120.2 31.2 5.2 115.2 34.1 5.0 109.7 37.3 4.7 103.8 40.8 4.5 97.3 44.7 4.2
30RA-035 139.6 40.2 6.0 133.4 43.9 5.7 126.8 47.9 5.4 119.8 52.4 5.1 82.0 35.0 3.5
30RA-042 160.8 44.2 6.9 153.8 48.2 6.6 146.0 52.5 6.3 137.4 57.3 5.9 74.1 27.9 3.2
30RA-045 181.8 54.3 7.8 173.5 59.3 7.5 164.7 64.8 7.1 155.5 70.9 6.7 84.3 33.3 3.6

LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature

Typical piping and wiring



VALVES Airflow Through Condenser
Power Wiring
Chilled Water Piping
1. Chiller must be installed level to within 1/8 in. per foot (10.4 mm per meter) to maintain proper compressor oil return and hydraulics.
2. Wiring and piping shown are general points-of-connection guides only and are not intended for a specific installation. Wiring and piping shown are for a
quick overview of system and are not in accordance with recognized standards.
3. All wiring must comply with applicable local and national codes.
4. All piping must follow standard piping techniques. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or appropriate ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) handbook for details.





FLOW DRAIN Airflow Through Condenser

NOTE 5 Power Wiring
1. Chiller must be installed level to within 1/8 in. per foot (10.4 mm per meter) to maintain proper compressor oil return and hydraulics.
2. Wiring and piping shown are general points-of-connection guides only and are not intended for a specific installation. Wiring and piping shown are for a
quick overview of system and are not in accordance with recognized standards.
3. All wiring must comply with applicable local and national codes.
4. All piping must follow standard piping techniques. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or appropriate ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) handbook for details.
5. Air separator required as close to chiller as possible (except primary/secondary systems).


2 6
14 7

12 11 3



12 11 9 8


1 — Strainer/Blow-Down Valve 8 — Flow Switch
2 — Expansion Tank 9 — Balance Valve/Drain Plug
3 — Pump 10 — Pressure Relief
4 — Electric Heater 11 — Isolation Valves
5 — Air Vent Connection Port 12 — Flex Connections
6 — Pressure Gages/Petcocks 13 — Pressure Reducing/Fill Valve
7 — Heat Exchanger 14 — Air Separator and Vent

Electrical data
2.0/1.5 HP 2.0/1.5 HP
1.5/1.0 HP PUMP 3.0/2.0 HP PUMP 5.0/3.0 HP PUMP
Pump Options Pump Options
UNIT SUPPLY ‘A’ or ‘F’ ‘D’ or ‘J’ ‘E’ or ‘K’
‘B’ or ‘G’ ‘C’ or ‘H’
V-Hz Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse
Size Size Size Size Size Size
230-60 207 253 1 46.2 70 272.6 60 50.2 80 60 51.4 80 60 51.4 80 60 53.6 80 70 — — —
208/230-60 187 253 1 51.3 80 273.4 60 55.7 90 70 57.0 90 70 57.0 90 70 59.5 90 70 — — —
460-60 414 506 1 23.8 35 123.8 30 25.8 40 30 26.4 40 35 26.4 40 35 27.5 40 35 — — —
010 575-60 518 633 1 19.2 30 83.0 25 20.8 30 25 21.2 30 25 21.2 30 25 22.1 35 30 — — —
380-60 342 418 1 29.9 50 159.6 35 32.3 50 40 33.0 50 40 33.0 50 40 34.3 50 40 — — —
380/415-50 342 440 1 28.5 45 138.8 35 30.2 50 40 31.0 50 40 31.0 50 40 31.6 50 40 — — —
230-50 207 253 1 48.9 80 231.3 60 51.7 80 70 52.9 80 70 52.9 80 70 54.0 80 70 — — —
230-60 207 253 1 62.4 100 387.6 80 66.4 110 80 67.6 110 80 67.6 110 80 69.8 110 90 — — —
208/230-60 187 253 1 69.3 110 388.4 90 73.7 110 90 75.0 110 90 75.0 110 90 77.5 125 90 — — —
460-60 414 506 1 33.6 50 178.8 40 35.6 50 45 36.2 50 45 36.2 50 45 37.3 60 45 — — —
015 575-60 518 633 1 26.7 45 143.0 35 28.3 45 35 28.7 45 35 28.7 45 35 29.6 45 35 — — —
380-60 342 418 1 42.2 70 239.6 50 44.6 70 60 45.4 70 50 45.4 70 50 46.7 70 60 — — —
380/415-50 342 440 1 36.0 50 148.1 40 37.6 50 45 38.4 50 45 38.4 50 45 39.1 50 45 — — —
230-50 207 253 1 64.5 90 242.2 80 67.3 90 80 68.5 90 80 68.5 90 80 69.7 90 80 — — —
230-60 207 253 1 67.3 90 271.2 80 71.3 90 80 72.5 90 80 72.5 90 80 74.7 100 90 — — —
208/230-60 187 253 1 74.8 100 274.9 90 79.2 100 90 80.5 110 90 80.5 110 90 83.0 110 100 — — —
460-60 414 506 1 35.5 45 147.9 40 37.5 50 45 38.1 50 45 38.1 50 45 39.2 50 45 — — —
018 575-60 518 633 1 28.5 35 99.3 35 30.1 40 35 30.5 40 35 30.5 40 35 31.4 40 35 — — —
380-60 342 418 1 44.0 60 182.1 50 46.4 60 60 47.1 60 60 47.1 60 60 48.5 60 60 — — —
380/415-50 342 440 1 38.9 50 139.4 45 40.6 50 45 41.3 50 50 41.3 50 50 42.0 50 50 — — —
230-50 207 253 1 69.5 90 239.4 80 72.3 100 80 73.5 100 90 73.5 100 90 74.6 100 90 — — —
230-60 207 253 1 84.9 110 311.3 100 88.9 125 100 90.1 125 100 90.1 125 100 92.3 125 110 — — —
208/230-60 187 253 1 94.3 125 316.4 110 98.7 125 110 100.1 125 125 100.1 125 125 102.5 125 125 — — —
460-60 414 506 1 44.7 60 154.4 50 46.7 60 60 47.3 60 60 47.3 60 60 48.4 60 60 — — —
022 575-60 518 633 1 36.8 50 136.0 45 38.4 50 45 38.9 50 45 38.9 50 45 39.8 50 45 — — —
380-60 342 418 1 57.7 80 194.7 70 60.1 80 70 60.9 80 70 60.9 80 70 62.2 80 70 — — —
380/415-50 342 440 1 49.2 60 159.4 60 50.9 70 60 51.6 70 60 51.6 70 60 52.3 70 60 — — —
230-50 207 253 1 84.4 110 266.8 100 87.2 110 100 88.4 110 100 88.4 110 100 89.5 110 100 — — —
230-60 207 253 1 92.2 125 311.3 110 96.2 125 110 97.4 125 110 97.4 125 110 99.6 125 110 — — —
208/230-60 187 253 1 102.4 125 316.4 125 106.8 125 125 108.2 125 125 108.2 125 125 110.6 150 125 — — —
460-60 414 506 1 50.3 70 160.0 60 52.3 70 80 52.9 70 80 52.9 70 80 54.0 70 80 — — —
025 575-60 518 633 1 41.2 50 140.4 50 42.8 50 50 43.3 50 50 43.3 50 50 44.2 60 50 — — —
380-60 342 418 1 65.2 90 202.2 80 67.6 90 80 68.4 90 80 68.5 90 80 69.7 90 80 — — —
380/415-50 342 440 1 59.1 80 203.8 70 60.8 80 70 61.5 80 70 61.5 80 70 62.2 80 70 — — —
230-50 207 253 1 101.3 125 359.3 125 104.0 125 125 105.3 125 125 105.3 125 125 106.4 125 125 — — —
230-60 207 253 1 108.2 150 433.4 125 112.2 150 125 113.4 150 125 113.4 150 125 115.6 150 150 — — —
208/230-60 187 253 1 120.2 150 439.3 150 124.6 150 150 125.9 150 150 125.9 150 150 128.4 175 150 — — —
030 460-60 414 506 1 58.4 80 203.6 70 60.4 80 70 61.0 80 70 61.0 80 70 62.1 80 70 — — —
575-60 518 633 1 46.4 60 162.7 60 48.0 60 60 48.4 60 60 48.4 60 60 49.3 60 60 — — —
380-60 342 418 1 73.5 100 270.9 90 76.0 100 90 76.7 100 90 76.7 100 90 78.0 100 90 — — —
380/415-50 342 440 1 73.0 90 217.7 80 — — — 75.4 90 90 — — — 76.1 100 90 78.2 100 90
032 230-50 207 253 1 126.2 150 384.2 150 — — — 130.2 150 150 — — — 131.3 150 150 134.9 175 150
230-60 207 253 1 138.1 175 463.4 150 — — — 143.3 175 175 — — — 145.5 175 175 150.7 175 175
208/230-60 187 253 1 153.4 200 472.5 175 — — — 159.1 200 175 — — — 161.6 200 175 167.3 200 200
460-60 414 506 1 73.2 90 218.4 80 — — — 75.8 90 90 — — — 76.9 100 90 79.5 100 90
035 575-60 518 633 1 59.3 70 175.7 70 — — — 61.4 80 70 — — — 62.3 80 70 64.3 80 70
380-60 342 418 1 93.3 110 290.7 110 — — — 96.5 125 110 — — — 97.8 125 110 101.0 125 110
380/415-50 342 440 1 87.1 110 231.8 100 — — — 89.5 110 100 — — — 90.2 110 100 92.3 110 100
230-50 207 253 1 149.1 175 407.1 175 — — — 153.1 175 175 — — — 154.2 175 175 157.8 175 175
230-60 207 253 1 145.4 175 470.6 175 — — — 150.6 175 175 — — — 152.8 175 175 158.0 200 175
208/230-60 187 253 1 161.5 200 480.6 175 — — — 167.2 200 200 — — — 169.7 200 200 175.4 200 200
040 460-60 414 506 1 78.8 100 224.0 90 — — — 81.4 100 90 — — — 82.5 100 90 85.1 100 100
575-60 518 633 1 63.7 80 180.1 70 — — — 65.8 80 80 — — — 66.7 80 80 68.7 80 80
380-60 342 418 1 100.8 125 298.2 110 — — — 104.0 125 125 — — — 105.3 125 125 108.5 125 125
380/415-50 342 440 1 84.2 100 194.4 90 — — — 86.6 100 100 — — — 87.3 100 100 89.4 100 90
042 230-50 207 253 1 144.9 175 327.3 175 — — — 146.9 175 175 — — — 150.1 175 175 153.6 175 150
230-60 207 253 1 162.1 200 382.7 175 — — — 167.3 200 200 — — — 169.5 200 200 174.7 200 200
208/230-60 187 253 1 180.0 200 395.6 200 — — — 185.8 225 200 — — — 188.2 225 225 193.9 225 225
460-60 414 506 1 86.0 100 196.8 100 — — — 88.6 100 100 — — — 89.7 110 100 92.3 110 100
045 575-60 518 633 1 69.9 80 170.1 80 — — — 72.0 80 80 — — — 72.9 90 80 74.9 90 90
380-60 342 418 1 109.9 125 248.4 125 — — — 113.0 125 125 — — — 114.4 125 125 117.5 125 150
380/415-50 342 440 1 112.1 125 256.9 125 — — — 114.5 125 125 — — — 115.2 125 125 117.4 125 125
230-50 207 253 1 192.1 225 450.1 225 — — — 196.1 225 225 — — — 197.2 225 225 200.8 225 225
230-60 207 253 1 175.3 200 394.4 200 — — — 180.5 200 200 — — — 182.7 200 200 187.9 200 200
208/230-60 187 253 1 194.6 225 408.6 225 — — — 200.4 225 225 — — — 202.8 225 225 208.6 225 225
050 460-60 414 506 1 95.5 110 205.2 110 — — — 98.1 110 110 — — — 99.2 110 110 101.8 110 110
575-60 518 633 1 78.2 90 177.5 90 — — — 80.3 90 90 — — — 81.2 90 90 83.3 90 90
380-60 342 418 1 123.8 150 260.8 150 — — — 127.0 150 150 — — — 128.3 150 150 131.4 150 150
230-60 207 253 1 205.5 225 530.7 225 — — — 210.7 250 225 — — — 212.9 250 225 218.1 250 250
208/230-60 187 253 1 228.2 250 547.3 250 — — — 234.0 250 250 — — — 236.4 250 250 242.1 250 300
055 460-60 414 506 1 110.8 125 256.0 125 — — — 113.4 125 125 — — — 114.5 125 125 117.1 125 125
575-60 518 633 1 88.0 100 204.4 100 — — — 90.1 100 100 — — — 91.0 100 100 93.0 110 100
380-60 342 418 1 139.5 150 336.9 150 — — — 142.7 150 175 — — — 144.0 150 175 147.2 175 175
ICF — Instantaneous Current Flow MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection
MCA — Minimum Circuit Amps XL — Across-the-Line Start

1. Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage supplied to the unit terminals
is not below or above the listed minimum and maximum limits. Maximum allowable phase
imbalance is: voltage, 2%; amps 10%.
2. All units/modules have single point primary power connection. (Each unit/module requires
its own power supply.) Main power must be supplied from a field-supplied disconnect.
3. Cooler heater is wired into the control circuit so it is always operable as long as the power
supply disconnect is on, even if any safety device is open.
4. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil. 60 Hz only
5. Power draw control circuits include both crankcase heaters and cooler heaters (where
used). Each compressor has a crankcase heater which draws 180 watts of power.

30RA Circuit A FLA Circuit B FLA OPTION SIZE RPM V-Hz (3 Ph) (each) (each)
V-Hz (3 Ph)
Quantity (each) Quantity (each) 3500 230-60 4.0 32.0
230-60 1 7.6 — — 3500 208/230-60 4.4 36.0
208/230-60 1 8.4 — — 1.5 HP 3500 460-60 2.0 16.0
460-60 1 3.8 — — ‘A’ or ‘F’ 3500 575-60 1.6 14.4
010 575-60 1 3.0 — — 3500 380-60 2.4 21.8
380-60 1 4.6 — — 2925 380/415-50 1.7 16.0
380/415-50 1 3.8 — — 1.0 HP
2925 230-50 2.8 32.0
230-50 1 6.3 — —
3490 230-60 5.2 42.0
230-60 1 7.6 — — 3490 208/230-60 5.8 47.0
208/230-60 1 8.4 — — 2.0 HP 3490 460-60 2.6 21.0
460-60 1 3.8 — — ‘B’, ‘C’ 3490 575-60 2.1 18.8
015 575-60 1 3.0 — — ‘G’ or ‘H’ 3490 380-60 3.1 28.4
380-60 1 4.6 — —
380/415-50 1 3.8 — — 2910 380/415-50 2.4 21.5
1.5 HP 2910 230-50 4.0 42.0
230-50 1 6.3 — —
230-60 1 7.6 — — 3480 230-60 7.4 53.0
208/230-60 1 8.4 — — 3480 208/230-60 8.2 58.0
460-60 1 3.8 — — 3.0 HP 3480 460-60 3.7 26.5
018 575-60 1 3.0 — — ‘D’ or ‘J’ 3480 575-60 3.0 25.6
380-60 1 4.6 — — 3480 380-60 4.5 38.7
380/415-50 1 3.8 — — 2900 380/415-50 3.1 29.0
230-50 1 6.3 — — 2.0 HP
2900 230-50 5.1 53.0
230-60 2 4.8 — — 3450 230-60 12.6 126.0
208/230-60 2 5.3 — — 3450 208/230-60 13.9 136.8
460-60 2 2.4 — — 5.0 HP 3450 460-60 6.3 63.0
022 575-60 2 1.9 — — ‘E’ or ‘K’ 3450 575-60 5.0 55.4
380-60 2 2.9 — — 3450 380-60 7.6 83.9
380/415-50 2 2.3 — —
230-50 2 3.8 — — 3.0 HP 2850 380/415-50 5.3 68.0
2850 230-50 8.7 126.0
230-60 2 4.8 — —
208/230-60 2 5.3 — — LEGEND
460-60 2 2.4 — — FLA — Full Load Amps
025 575-60 2 1.9 — — LRA — Locked Rotor Amps
380-60 2 2.9 — —
380/415-50 2 2.3 — — NOTES:
230-50 2 3.8 — — 1. Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage supplied
230-60 2 4.8 — — to the unit terminals is not below or above the listed minimum and max-
208/230-60 2 5.3 — — imum limits. Maximum allowable phase imbalance is: voltage, 2%;
030 460-60 2 2.4 — — amps 10%.
575-60 2 1.9 — — 2. All units/modules have single point primary power connection. (Each
380-60 2 2.9 — — unit/module requires its own power supply.) Main power must be sup-
plied from a field-supplied disconnect.
380/415-50 2 2.3 1 3.8 3. The unit control circuit power transformer (24 v, single-phase for all
230-50 2 3.8 1 6.3 voltages) is factory supplied.
230-60 2 4.8 1 7.6 4. Cooler heaters are wired into the control circuit so they are always
208/230-60 2 5.3 1 8.4 operable as long as the control circuit power supply disconnect is on,
460-60 2 2.4 1 3.8 even if any safety device is open, and the unit ON/OFF switch is in the
035 575-60 2 1.9 1 3.0 OFF position.
380-60 2 2.9 1 4.6 5. Incoming wire size ranges are shown below:
380/415-50 2 2.3 1 3.8 a. Size 010-030 terminal block no. 8 - no. 2/0 AWG
230-50 2 3.8 1 6.3 b. Size 032-055 terminal block no. 6 - 350 kcmil
230-60 2 4.8 1 7.6 c. 60 and 100 amp non-fused disconnect option no. 6 - no. 1 AWG
208/230-60 2 5.3 1 8.4 d. 250 amp non-fused disconnect option no. 6 AWG - 350 kcmil
040 460-60 2 2.4 1 3.8
575-60 2 1.9 1 3.0
380/415-50 2 2.3 2 2.3
042 230-50 2 3.8 2 3.8 UNIT VOLTAGE POWER
230-60 2 4.8 2 4.8 30RA- SUPPLY
208/230-60 2 5.3 2 5.3 900--- V-Hz Supplied QTY. FLA MCA MOCP
460-60 2 2.4 2 2.4 (1-Ph) Min Max REQD.
045 575-60 2 1.9 2 1.9
380-60 2 2.9 2 2.9 001 230-50/60 207 253 1 14.1 17.6 30
380/415-50 2 2.3 2 2.3
230-50 2 3.8 2 3.8 009 230-50/60 207 253 1 14.1 17.6 30
230-60 2 4.8 2 4.8 010 230-50/60 207 253 1 28.2 35.3 60
208/230-60 2 5.3 2 5.3
050 460-60 2 2.4 2 2.4 LEGEND
575-60 2 1.9 2 1.9
380-60 2 2.9 2 2.9 FLA — Full Load Amp
230-60 2 4.8 2 4.8
MCA — Minimum Current Amp
208/230-60 2 5.3 2 5.3 MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection
055 460-60 2 2.4 2 2.4
575-60 2 1.9 2 1.9
380-60 2 2.9 2 2.9
FLA — Full Load Amps

Electrical data (cont)
A1 A2 B1 B2
30RA V-Hz (3 Ph)
230-60 30.9 265 — — — — — —
208/230-60 34.3 265 — — — — — —
460-60 16.0 120 — — — — — —
010 575-60 12.9 80 — — — — — —
380-60 20.2 155 — — — — — —
380/415-50 19.8 135 — — — — — —
230-50 34.1 225 — — — — — —
230-60 43.8 380 — — — — — —
208/230-60 48.7 380 — — — — — —
460-60 23.8 175 — — — — — —
015 575-60 18.9 140 — — — — — —
380-60 30.1 235 — — — — — —
380/415-50 14.3 130 14.3 130 — — — —
230-50 25.9 210 25.9 210 — — — —
230-60 26.6 237 26.6 237 — — — —
208/230-60 29.5 237 29.5 237 — — — —
460-60 14.1 130 14.1 130 — — — —
018 575-60 11.3 85 11.3 85 — — — —
380-60 17.5 160 17.5 160 — — — —
380/415-50 15.6 120 15.6 120 — — — —
230-50 28.1 205 28.1 205 — — — —
230-60 29.4 265 36.7 265 — — — —
208/230-60 32.7 265 40.8 265 — — — —
460-60 14.6 120 20.2 135 — — — —
022 575-60 12.2 80 16.6 120 — — — —
380-60 18.9 155 26.4 170 — — — —
380/415-50 19.8 135 19.8 135 — — — —
230-50 34.1 225 34.1 225 — — — —
230-60 36.7 265 36.7 265 — — — —
208/230-60 40.8 265 40.8 265 — — — —
460-60 20.2 135 20.2 135 — — — —
025 575-60 16.6 120 16.6 120 — — — —
380-60 26.4 170 26.4 170 — — — —
380/415-50 24.2 175 24.2 175 — — — —
230-50 41.6 310 41.6 310 — — — —
230-60 43.8 380 43.8 380 — — — —
208/230-60 48.7 380 48.7 380 — — — —
030 460-60 23.8 175 23.8 175 — — — —
575-60 18.9 140 18.9 140 — — — —
380-60 30.1 235 30.1 235 — — — —
380/415-50 14.5 120 19.8 135 24.2 175 — —
230-50 26.2 205 34.1 225 41.6 310 — —
230-60 29.4 265 36.7 265 43.8 380 — —
208/230-60 32.7 265 40.8 265 48.7 380 — —
460-60 14.6 120 20.2 135 23.8 175 — —
035 575-60 12.2 80 16.6 120 18.9 140 — —
380-60 18.9 155 26.4 170 30.1 235 — —
380/415-50 24.2 175 24.2 175 24.2 175 — —
230-50 41.6 310 41.6 310 41.6 310 — —
230-60 36.7 265 36.7 265 43.8 380 — —
208/230-60 40.8 265 40.8 265 48.7 380 — —
040 460-60 20.2 135 20.2 135 23.8 175 — —
575-60 16.6 120 16.6 120 18.9 140 — —
380-60 26.4 170 26.4 170 30.1 235 — —
380/415-50 19.8 135 19.8 135 19.8 135 19.8 135
230-50 34.1 225 34.1 225 34.1 225 34.1 225
230-60 30.9 265 36.7 265 30.9 265 36.7 265
208/230-60 34.3 265 40.8 265 34.3 265 40.8 265
460-60 16.0 120 20.2 135 16.0 120 20.2 135
045 575-60 12.9 80 16.6 120 12.9 80 16.6 120
380-60 20.2 155 26.4 170 20.2 155 26.4 170
380/415-50 24.2 175 24.2 175 24.2 175 24.2 175
230-50 41.6 310 41.6 310 41.6 310 41.6 310
230-60 36.7 265 36.7 265 36.7 265 36.7 265
208/230-60 40.8 265 40.8 265 40.8 265 40.8 265
050 460-60 20.2 135 20.2 135 20.2 135 20.2 135
575-60 16.6 120 16.6 120 16.6 120 16.6 120
380-60 26.4 170 26.4 170 26.4 170 26.4 170
230-60 43.8 380 43.8 380 43.8 380 43.8 380
208/230-60 48.7 380 48.7 380 48.7 380 48.7 380
055 460-60 23.8 175 23.8 175 23.8 175 23.8 175
575-60 18.9 140 18.9 140 18.9 140 18.9 140
380-60 30.1 235 30.1 235 30.1 235 30.1 235
LRA — Locked Rotor Amps
RLA — Rated Load Amps

Microprocessor — The ComfortLink™ microprocessor Two refrigerant pressure transducers are used in each
controls overall unit operation. Its central executive routine circuit for sensing suction and discharge pressure. The
controls a number of processes simultaneously. These microprocessor uses these inputs to control capacity and
include internal timers, reading inputs, analog to digital fan cycling.
conversions, fan control, display control, diagnostic con- • Saturated condensing temperature
trol, output relay control, demand limit, capacity control, • Cooler saturation temperature
head pressure control, and temperature reset. Some pro-
cesses are updated almost continuously, others every 2 to The microprocessor uses these temperatures and pres-
sures to control capacity and fan cycling.
3 seconds, and some every 30 seconds. The microproces-
sor routine is started by switching the Emergency ON-OFF Control sequence
switch to ON position. Pump control of external pumps Off cycle — If ambient temperature is below 36 F (2 C),
(where so configured) or optional internal pump, will cooler heaters (if equipped) are also energized.
energize the cooler pump to the internal (or CCN) time
schedule (or input occupied signal from external system). Start-up — After control circuit switches on, the prestart
process takes place, then microprocessor checks itself,
Where dual pumps are utilized, control will also stagger starts pump (if configured) and waits for temperature to
start of pumps based on last started. When the unit stabilize. The controlled pulldown feature limits compres-
receives a call for cooling (based on a deviation from chilled sor loading on start-up to reduce demand on start-up and
water set point), the unit stages up in capacity to maintain unnecessary compressor usage. The microprocessor limits
the cooler fluid set point. The first compressor starts 1 to supply-fluid temperature decrease (start-up only) to 1° F
3 minutes after the call for cooling. The ComfortLink (0.6° C) per minute.
microprocessor controls the capacity of the chiller by
cycling compressors at a rate to satisfy actual dynamic load Capacity control — On first call for cooling, micropro-
conditions. The control maintains leaving-fluid temperature cessor starts initial compressor and fan stage on lead
set point shown on the Scrolling Marquee display board circuit.
through intelligent cycling of unloaders. Accuracy depends As additional cooling is required, additional compressors
on loop volume, loop flow rate, load, outdoor-air tempera- are energized.
ture, number of stages, and particular stage being cycled Speed at which capacity is added or reduced is con-
off. No adjustment for cooling range or cooler flow rate is trolled by temperature deviation from set point and rate of
required, because the control automatically compensates temperature change of chilled fluid.
for cooling range by measuring both return-fluid tempera-
The Main Base Board (MBB) responds to temperature of
ture and leaving-fluid temperature. This is referred to as supply chilled water to cycle the compressor(s) and to con-
leaving-fluid temperature control with return-fluid tempera-
trol compressor unloading and loading to match cooling
ture compensation.
load requirements.
The basic logic for determining when to add or remove a Minimum Load control valve is energized by the MBB.
stage is a time band integration of deviation from set point
Valve allows hot gas to pass directly into the cooler circuit
plus rate of change of leaving-fluid temperature. When
on the final step of unloading, maintaining constant suc-
leaving-fluid temperature is close to set point and slowly tion pressure and permitting the unit to operate at lower
moving closer, logic prevents addition of another stage. If
loads with less compressor cycling.
leaving-fluid temperature is less than 34 F (1.1 C) for
water, or 6° F (3.3° C) below the set point for brine units,
the unit is shut off until the fluid temperature goes to 34 F
(1.1 C) or to 6° F (3.3° C) above the set point to protect UNIT STANDARD STANDARD
against freezing. CAPACITY STEPS (%) CAPACITY STEPS (%)
(60 Hz Models) (50 Hz Models)
If 1° F per minute (0.6° C per minute) pulldown control 010 0,100 0, 100
has been selected adjustable setting), no additional steps of 015 0,100 0, 50, 100
capacity are added as long as difference between leaving- 018 0, 50, 100 0, 50, 100
fluid temperature and set point is greater than 4° F (2.2° C) 022 0, 41, 100 0, 50, 100
and rate of change in leaving-fluid temperature is less than 025 0, 50, 100 0, 50, 100
1° F per minute (0.6° C per minute). If it has been less than 030 0, 50, 100 n/a
90 seconds since the last capacity change, compressors 032 n/a 0, 25, 60, 100
will continue to run unless a safety device trips. This 035 0, 25, 60, 100 0, 33, 67, 100
prevents rapid cycling and also helps return oil during short 040 0, 32, 63, 100 n/a
on periods. 042 n/a 0, 25, 50, 75, 100
Sensors — Three thermistors are used for temperature- 045 0, 22, 44, 72, 100 0, 25, 50, 75, 100
sensing inputs to microprocessor. Additional thermistor 050 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 n/a
sensors may be used as remote temperature sensors for 055 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 n/a
optional LCWT reset.
• Cooler leaving chilled fluid temperature (T1)
• Cooler entering fluid (return) temperature (T2)
• Outside air temperature (T9)

Controls (cont)
Standard ComfortLink™ controls with Scrolling space temperature reset is selected. The Energy Manage-
Marquee display module — A four-digit alphanumeric ment Module (EMM) is only required for temperature reset
display shows all of the ComfortLink control codes (with that is initiated by a 4 to 20 mA signal.
60 character expandable clear language), plus set points, Demand limit — If applied, limits the total power draw of
time of day, temperatures, pressures, and superheat. Addi- unit to selected point by controlling number of operational
tional information can be displayed all at once with the compressors during periods of peak electrical demand.
accessory Navigator™ display.
The Energy Management Module is required for either
Low-temperature override — This feature prevents 2-stage or 4 to 20 mA demand limit.
LCWT (leaving chilled fluid temperature) from overshoot-
ing the set point and possibly causing a nuisance trip-out Navigator display module — An optional 4-line,
20-character per line display an also available as a field-
by the freeze protection.
installed accessory.
High-temperature override — This feature allows
chiller to add capacity quickly during rapid load variations. Thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) — The TXV
controls refrigerant flow to the cooler for different operat-
Abnormal conditions — All control safeties in chiller ing conditions. An equalization line and temperature-
operate through compressor protection board or control controlled sensing bulb are used to maintain a fixed setting
relay and microprocessor. of super-heated refrigerant leaving the cooler.
Loss of feedback signal to the MBB will cause the com- Diagnostics — The microprocessor may be put through
pressor(s) to shut down. For other safeties, microprocessor a service test (see Controls, Start-Up, Operation, Service,
makes appropriate decision to shut down a compressor and Troubleshooting literature). Service test confirms
due to a safety trip or bad sensor reading and displays microprocessor is functional, informs observer through dis-
appropriate failure code on the display. Chiller holds in play the condition of each sensor and switch in chiller, and
safety mode until reset. It then reverts to normal control allows observer to check for proper operation of fans and
when unit is reset. compressors.
Low-pressure safety — Safety cuts out if system pres- Default settings — To facilitate quick start-ups, 30RA
sure drops below minimum. chillers with ComfortLink controls are pre-configured with
High-pressure cutout — Switch shuts down compres- a default setting that assumes stand-alone operation sup-
sors if compressor discharge pressure increases to plying 44 F (6.7 C) chilled water.
426 psig (2937 kPa). Configuration settings will be based on any options
Compressor anti-cycling — This feature limits com- or accessories included with the unit at the time of
pressor cycling. manufacturing.
Loss of flow protection — Proof of flow switches are Date and time are set to U.S.A. Central Time zone and
standard and installed on all 30RA chillers. will need reconfiguring based on location and local time
Sensor failures — Failures are detected by the zone. If operation based on occupancy scheduling is
microprocessor. desired, this will also need to be set during installation.
Dual chiller control — The ComfortLink controller Ice duty — ComfortLink controls have the capability of
allows 2 chillers (piped in parallel) to operate as a single reduced leaving fluid temperature operation for thermal
chilled water plant with standard control functions coordi- storage, or ice duty. The optional Energy Management
nated through the master chiller controller. This standard Module includes input contacts for the “ice done” signal
ComfortLink feature requires a communication link generated by the thermal storage control system. The ice
between the 2 chillers. duty feature may be configured to start on an external
input command or by the ComfortLink standard internal
Temperature reset — If applied, microprocessor com-
scheduling function. The ice duty function requires brine
pares either return fluid, space temperature, or outdoor-air
modification for leaving fluid temperatures below 40 F
temperature with the accessory board settings, and adjusts (4.4 C). Ice duty may be used in combination with any
LCWT appropriately. The Energy Management Module
other standard features offered by the Energy Management
can also be added for 4 to 20 mA reset.
Module and ComfortLink controls.
Accessory controls — Demand can be limited by con- The production of ice, which is stored for peak cooling
trolling the chiller capacity through the demand limit
demands, can significantly decrease energy costs. The unit
control (the Energy Management Module is required for
produces ice (normally at night) by supplying ice storage
this function). This FIOP/accessory interfaces with micro- tanks with low temperature cooling fluid. The chiller takes
processor to control unit so that chiller’s kW demand does
advantage of reduced ambient conditions at night for ice-
not exceed its setting. It is activated from an external
making mode, so the capacity suffers a lower penalty for
switch or a 4 to 20 mA signal. the low leaving fluid temperatures.
The standard ComfortLink control is programmed to
At peak cooling demands the chiller and the stored ice
accept various accessory temperature reset options (based
may share the cooling load to reduce operating costs. The
on outdoor-air temperature [std], return-fluid temperature, thermal storage system may potentially reduce the size of
or space temperature), that reset the LCWT. An accessory
the chiller plant required to meet demand loads.
thermistor (T10) is required if outdoor-air temperature or

Control and power wiring schematic, sizes 010-030

Control and power wiring schematic, sizes 032-055

Control and power wiring schematic, storage tank



Application data
Chiller location 15 F (3.3 to –9.4 C) range is possible by ordering the
Do not locate near sound sensitive areas without proper factory-installed ‘brine’ option.
acoustic consideration. Pad isolated from building rooftop NOTE: Water flowing through cooler should not exceed
mounting requires consideration for structure-borne trans- 100 F (38 C).
mission. Unit must be level within 1/8-in. per ft when
installed to ensure proper oil return to the compressors. Cooler flow/range
Clearances must be provided around chillers for airflow, Ratings and performance data in this publication are for a
service and local code requirements. See dimensional cooling temperature rise of 10° F (6° C), and are suitable
drawings for specific unit clearance requirements. Chiller for a range from 5 to 20 F (2.8 to 11.1 C) temperature rise
fan discharge must be at or above adjacent solid walls. without adjustment. The 30RA chillers may be operated
Installation in pits is not recommended. using a different temperature range, provided flow limits
are not exceeded. For minimum flow rates, see Minimum
Oversizing chillers and Maximum Cooler Flow Rates table. High flow rate is
Oversizing chillers by more than 15% at design conditions limited by pressure drop that can be tolerated. If another
must be avoided as the system operating efficiency is temperature range is used, apply LCWT correction as
adversely affected (resulting in greater or excessive electri- given in Selection Procedure example on page 19.
cal demand). When future expansion of equipment is
anticipated, install a single chiller to meet present load Minimum cooler flow (maximum cooler
requirements and add a second chiller to meet the addi- temperature range)
tional load demand. It is also recommended that 2 smaller The minimum cooler flow for standard units is shown in
chillers be installed where operation at minimum load is Minimum Cooler Fluid Flow Rates and Minimum Loop
critical. The operation of a smaller chiller loaded to a Volume table. When gpm (L/s) required is lower (or rise
greater percentage over minimum is preferred to operating higher) follow recommendations below:
a single chiller at or near its minimum recommended value. 1. Multiple smaller chillers may be applied in series, each
Minimum Load Control should not be used as a means to providing a portion of the design temperature rise.
allow oversizing chillers. Minimum Load Control should be 2. Cooler fluid may be recirculated to raise flow rate.
given consideration where substantial operating time is However, mixed temperature entering cooler must be
anticipated below the minimum unloading step. maintained a minimum of at least 5° F (2.8° C) above
Cooler fluid temperature the LCWT.
1. Maximum leaving chilled fluid temperature (LCWT) Maximum cooler flow
for unit is 70 F (21 C). Unit can start and pull down The maximum cooler flow (> 5 gpm/ton or < 5° F rise
with up to 95 F (35 C) entering-fluid temperature. It is [> 0.09 L/s ⋅ kW or < 2.7° C rise]) results in practical maxi-
recommended that entering-fluid temperature not mum pressure drop through cooler.
exceed 85 F (29.4 C). In process applications, return fluid may bypass the
2. Minimum LCWT for standard unit is 40 F (3.3 C). For cooler to keep pressure drop through cooler within accept-
leaving-fluid temperatures from 34 to 39.9 F (1° to able limits. This permits a higher temperature with lower
3.28 C) a 20% anti-freeze solution, or greater is fluid flow through cooler and mixing after the cooler.
required. Application of chiller within the 39.9 to


ENGLISH (60 Hz) SI (60 Hz)
010 12 46 40 010 0.76 2.90 151.20
015 16 66 55 015 1.01 4.16 207.90
018 19 76 48 018 1.20 4.79 181.44
022 26 104 65 022 1.64 6.55 245.70
025 29 114 71 025 1.83 7.18 268.38
030 33 131 82 030 2.08 8.25 309.96
035 42 167 104 035 2.65 10.52 393.12
040 45 181 113 040 2.84 11.40 427.14
045 52 206 129 045 3.28 12.98 487.62
050 57 227 142 050 3.59 14.30 536.76
055 65 260 163 055 4.10 16.38 616.14

ENGLISH (50 Hz) SI (50 Hz)

010 12 48 40 010 0.76 3.02 151.20
015 16 63 39 015 1.01 3.97 147.42
018 18 72 45 018 1.13 4.54 170.10
022 24 96 60 022 1.51 6.05 226.80
025 27 109 68 025 1.70 6.87 257.04
032 35 142 89 032 2.21 8.95 336.42
035 41 165 103 035 2.58 10.40 389.34
042 48 190 119 042 3.02 11.97 449.82
045 54 215 134 045 3.40 13.55 506.52

Variable cooler flow rates Cooler fouling factor
Variable rates may be applied to standard chiller. Unit will, The fouling factor used to calculate tabulated ratings was
however, attempt to maintain a constant leaving chilled 00010 ft2 ⋅ hr ⋅ °F/Btu (.000018 m2 ⋅ °C/W). As fouling
fluid temperature. In such cases, minimum flow must be in factor is increased, unit capacity decreases and compressor
excess of minimum flow given in Minimum Cooler Fluid power increases. Standard ratings should be corrected
Flow Rates and Minimum Loop Volume table, and flow using following multipliers:
rate must change in steps of less than 10% per minute. FOULING FACTORS
Apply 6 gal. per ton (6.5 L per kW) water loop volume
minimum if flow rate changes more rapidly. FOULING FOULING
Tank volume (English) (SI) MULTIPLIER
(ft2⋅hr⋅⋅F/Btu) (m2⋅C/kW
A properly baffled storage tank is available as an accessory. .00025 .000044 0.991 0.995
These tanks are designed to physically fit beneath the .00050 .000088 0.977 0.987
corresponding 30RA unit, taking up the same footprint. .00075 .000132 0.955 0.979
Available volume is as follows: .00175 .000308 0.910 0.952
30RA010-018 110 gallons
30RA022-030 152 gallons Cooler and hydronic system freeze protection
30RA032-055 305 gallons Protection against low ambient freeze-up is required for
Fluid loop volume unit operation in areas that experience temperatures below
32 F (0° C). Protection should be in the form of inhibited
The volume in circulation must equal or exceed 3 gal. per
nominal ton (3.25 L per kW) of cooling for temperature ethylene glycol or other suitable brine.
stability and accuracy in normal air conditioning applica- Even though unit cooler is equipped with insulation and
tions. In process cooling applications, or for operation at an electric heater that helps prevent freeze-up, it does not
ambient temperature below 32 F (0° C) with low loading protect fluid piping external to cooler or if there is a power
conditions, there should be from 6 to 10 gal. per ton (6.5 failure. Use only antifreeze solutions approved for heat
to 10.8 L per kW). To achieve this volume, it is often nec- exchanger duty. Use of automotive-type antifreezes is not
essary to install a tank in the loop. recommended because of the fouling that can occur once
their relatively short-lived inhibitor breaks down. Draining
Tank should be baffled to ensure there is no stratification
cooler and outdoor piping is recommended if system is not
and that water (or brine) entering tank is adequately mixed
with liquid in the tank. to be used during freezing weather conditions. See Low
Ambient Temperature Operation section.
High ambient temperature operation
TANK INSTALLATION High outdoor ambient chiller start-up and operation (fully
loaded) is possible for standard 30RA chillers at ambient
temperatures up to 120 F (50 C) at nominal voltage.
Low ambient temperature operation
Units will start and operate down to 45 F (7.2 C) (sizes
010-018) and 32 F (0° C) (sizes 022-055) as standard.
Operation to –20 F (–29 C) requires optional Motor-
BAD GOOD master® V condenser head pressure control as well as
wind baffles (field fabricated and installed to all units for
operation below 32 F [0° C] if wind velocity is anticipated
to be greater than 5 mph (8 km/h). Inhibited propylene
glycol or other suitable corrosion-resistant anti-freeze solu-
tion must be field supplied and installed in all units for unit
operation below 32 F (0° C). Solution must be added to
fluid loop to protect loop down to 15° F (8° C) below mini-
mum operating ambient temperature. Concentration
BAD GOOD should be based on expected minimum temperature and
either “Burst” or “Freeze” protection levels. At least 6 gal
per ton (6.5 L per kW) of fluid volume is the recommended
minimum for a moderate system load.

Application data (cont)
Altitude correction factors electrically disconnects the dissimilar metals to minimize
Correction factors must be applied to standard ratings the potential for galvanic corrosion. This economical
at altitudes above 2000 ft (610 m) using the following option provides substantial corrosion protection beyond
multipliers: the standard uncoated coil construction.
ALTITUDE CORRECTION FACTORS Copper-fin coils provide increased corrosion resistance
in moderate coastal environments where industrial air pol-
COMPRESSOR lution is not present. All copper coils eliminate bimetallic
MULTIPLIER construction to eliminate the potential for galvanic corro-
2,000 610 0.99 1.01 sion. Application in industrial environments is not recom-
4,000 1220 0.98 1.02 mended due to potential attack from sulfur, sulfur oxide,
6,000 1830 0.97 1.03 nitrogen oxides, carbon and several other industrial air-
8,000 2440 0.96 1.04 borne contaminants. In moderate seacoast environments,
10,000 3050 0.95 1.05 copper-fin coils have extended life compared to standard
or pre-coated aluminum-fin coils.
Freeze versus burst protection E-coated aluminum-fin coils have an extremely flexible
If chiller operation is not required during winter/off season, and durable epoxy coating uniformly applied to all coil sur-
lower glycol concentrations based on “burst” protection faces. Unlike brittle phenolic dip and bake coatings, E-coat
criteria should be considered. Often use of burst protection provides superior protection with unmatched flexibility,
results in lower fluid costs and has less impact on chiller edge coverage, metal adhesion, thermal performance and
cooler capacity and flow rate. Consult glycol fluid manufac- most importantly, corrosion resistance. E-coated coils pro-
turers for burst protection recommendations and fluid vide this protection since all coil surfaces are completely
specifications. encapsulated from environmental contamination. Specify
E-coated aluminum-fin coils for industrial environments
Multiple chillers with high levels of air pollution. This option also provides
Where chiller capacities greater than 55 tons (180 kW) are better protection compared to standard or pre-coated
required, or where standby capability is desired, chillers aluminum-fin coils in industrial environments.
may be installed in parallel. The flow must be balanced E-coated copper-fin coils have the same flexible and
according to the recommendations for each chiller. durable epoxy coating as E-coated aluminum-fin coils.
Where applied in parallel with optional hydronic pack- However, this option combines the natural salt and envi-
age, expansion tank must be disconnected and a single ronmental resistance of all-copper construction with the
expansion tank must be installed in the system. highest level of corrosion protection. Specify E-coated
Unit software is capable of controlling two units as a sin- copper-fin coils in the harshest combination of coastal and
gle plant. Refer to Controls, Start-Up, Operation, Service, industrial environments.
and Troubleshooting guide for further details. Hydronic Electrical/utility interests
pump package may not be applied in series applications.
Energy management — Use of energy management
Condenser coil protection (Enviro-Shield™) practices can significantly reduce operating costs, espe-
Pre-coated aluminum-fin coils have a durable epoxy- cially during off-peak modes of operation. Demand limiting
phenolic coating applied to the fin prior to the fin stamping and temperature reset are 2 techniques for accomplishing
process to provide protection in mildly corrosive coastal efficient energy management. See Demand Limiting (also
environments. Pre-coated coils have an inert barrier called load shedding) section on page 43 for further details.
between the aluminum fin and copper tube. This barrier










Demand limiting (load shedding) MAX LOOP VOLUME (gal)
When a utility’s demand for electricity exceeds a certain 30RA010-030 30RA032-055
level, loads are shed to keep electricity demand below a PURE WATER 310 725
prescribed maximum level. Typically, this happens on hot 10% EG 180 425
days when air conditioning is most needed. The Energy 20% EG 175 410
Management Module (EMM) can be added to accomplish 30% EG 155 370
this reduction. Demand may be limited on unit by resetting 40% EG 150 350
fluid temperature, or by unloading the chiller to a given 10% PG 175 410
predetermined percentage of the load. Demand limit may 20% PG 150 350
also be driven by an external 4 to 20 mA signal. These fea- 30% PG 128 300
tures require a signal from an intelligent central control. Do 40% PG 118 275
not cycle demand limiter for less than 10 minutes on and
5 minutes off. Duty cycling cycles electrical loads at regular
EG — Ethlyene Glycol
intervals regardless of need. This reduces the electrical PG — Propylene Glycol
operating costs of building by “fooling” demand indicating
NOTE: Max loop volume is based on typical system of 12 psi and 30 psi
devices. Duty cycling of compressors or fans is not recom- of min/max pressures, and 100 F mean temperature. If the volume in
mended since motor winding and bearing life will suffer the system is greater than the limits listed below, then extra expansion
from constant cycling. tank volume must be added to the system.

Remote on-off control Parallel chillers with hydronic packages require that
Remote on-off control may be applied by hard-wired con- pump inlets be equalized to prevent pump cavitation.
nection (see Controls and Troubleshooting literature) or by Pump expansion tanks must be removed and located
connection to a Carrier Comfort Network (CCN). together in the common pump suction header. All materi-
als needed for expansion tank relocation are field supplied.
Optional hydronic system selection Appropriate measures must be taken for freeze protection.
Select pump GPM from resulting chiller selection and total
pressure loss in the system plus the chiller internal pressure Air separation
loss. The 30RA AquaSnap® chiller will require a field-supplied
air separation device when the optional pumping package
NOTE: Maximum gpm (L/s), pressure and pump hp must
is provided.
not exceed maximum on pump curve.
Pump flow can be reduced using factory-supplied balanc- Air must be controlled in a hydronic system if it is to per-
form properly. Air can block the flow of chilled water to its
ing valve up to 10%. Beyond that, impeller trimming is rec-
destinations and can cause cavitation in the pump, which
ommended to reduce energy consumption. Contact your
Carrier representative for specific amount of trim required. will aerate the pump and potentially cause pump failure.
The air separator is sized according to the total flow
Expansion tank supplied will allow loop expansion due through the system. The air separator should be located
to ambient fluctuations for loop volumes of up to the values inside the building. There are several types of air separa-
in the table at the right. If loop volume exceeds that, a tors to choose from. For more information and product
larger expansion tank must be field supplied. selection contact your local manufacturer’s representative.
30RA010-030 4.4 total gal., 3.2 acceptance volume
30RA032-055 10.3 total gal., 10.3 acceptance volume

Guide specifications
Air-Cooled Liquid Chiller 3. Air shall be discharged vertically upward.
HVAC Guide Specifications 4. Fans shall be protected by coated steel wire
safety guards.
Size Range: 9.6 to 54.3 Tons
(25 to 200 kW) Nominal D. Compressors:
Carrier Model Number: 30RA 1. Fully hermetic scroll type compressors.
2. Direct drive, 3500 rpm (60 Hz) 2900 rpm
Part 1 — General (50 Hz), protected by either line break device or
1.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION discharge gas thermostat, depending on motor,
Microprocessor controlled, air-cooled liquid chiller suction gas cooled motor.
utilizing scroll compressors, low sound fans, optional 3. External vibration isolation - rubber in shear.
hydronic pump system and fluid storage tank. E. Cooler:
1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Cooler shall be rated for a refrigerant working-
A. Unit shall be rated in accordance with ARI Standard side pressure of 450 psig (3103 kPa) and shall
550/590, latest revision (U.S.A.). be tested for a maximum fluid-side pressure of
150 psig (1034 kPa) (in Canada, 250 psig
B. Unit construction shall comply with ASHRAE 15
Safety Code, NEC, and ASME applicable codes [1724 kPa] per Canadian National Registry
(U.S.A. codes).
2. Shall be single-pass, ANSI type 316 stainless
C. Unit shall be manufactured in a facility registered to
ISO 9002/BS5750, Part 2 Manufacturing Quality steel, brazed plate construction.
Standard. 3. Shell shall be insulated with 3/4-in. (19 mm)
closed-cell, polyvinyl-chloride foam with a maxi-
D. Unit shall be full load run tested at the factory.
mum K factor of 0.28.
4. Shall incorporate 2 independent refrigerant cir-
A. Unit controls shall be capable of withstanding cuits on sizes 032 to 055; sizes 010 to 030
150 F (66 C) storage temperatures in the control shall have one independent refrigerant circuit.
5. Cooler shall have an optional factory-installed
B. Unit shall be stored and handled per unit manufac- heater, to protect cooler from ambient tempera-
turer's recommendations. ture freeze down to –20 F (–29 C).
Part 2 — Products F. Condenser:
2.01 EQUIPMENT 1. Coil shall be air-cooled with integral subcooler,
A. General: and shall be constructed of aluminum fins
Factory assembled, single-piece chassis, air-cooled mechanically bonded to seamless copper tubes.
liquid chiller. Contained within the unit cabinet shall 2. Tubes shall be cleaned, dehydrated, and sealed.
be all factory wiring, piping, controls, refrigerant 3. Assembled condenser coils shall be leak tested
charge (R-22), and special features required prior to and pressure tested at 450 psig (3103 kPa).
field start-up.
G. Refrigeration Components:
B. Unit Cabinet:
Refrigerant circuit components shall include filter
1. Frame shall be of heavy-gage galvanized steel. drier, moisture indicating sight glass, thermal expan-
2. Cabinet shall be galvanized steel casing with a sion device, and complete operating charge of both
baked enamel powder or pre-painted finish. refrigerant R-22 and compressor oil.
3. Cabinet shall be capable of withstanding H. Controls, Safeties, and Diagnostics:
500-hour salt spray test in accordance with the 1. Controls:
ASTM (U.S.A.) B-117 standard.
a. Unit controls shall include the following min-
C. Fans: imum components:
1. Condenser fans shall be direct-driven, 11-blade b. Microprocessor with non-volatile memory.
airfoil cross-section, reinforced polymer con- Battery backup system shall not be accepted.
struction, shrouded-axial type, and shall be stat-
c. Single terminal block for power and
ically and dynamically balanced with inherent
corrosion resistance.
2. Two-speed or single fan operation shall allow d. Control transformer to serve all controllers,
relays, and control components.
reduced sound levels during scheduled unoccu-
pied operating periods. Manufacturers without e. ON/OFF control switch.
unoccupied reduced sound capability shall sub- f. Replaceable solid-state relay panels and
mit 1/3 octave band data and sound power data controllers.
as measured by ARI 370 as confirmation of
unit sound characteristics.

g. Pressure sensors installed to measure cooler 8) Time of day:
entering and leaving saturated temperatures a) Display module, in conjunction with
and outside air temperature. Thermistors the microprocessor, must also be
installed to measure cooler entering and capable of displaying the output
leaving fluid temperatures. Provision for field (results) of a service test. Service test
installation of accessory sensor to measure shall verify operation of every switch,
compressor return gas temperature. thermistor, fan, and compressor
2. Unit controls shall include the following functions. before chiller is started.
b) Diagnostics shall include the ability to
a. Automatic circuit lead/lag for dual circuit
review a list of the 20 most recent
chillers. alarms with clear language descrip-
b. Capacity control based on leaving chilled tions of the alarm event. Display of
fluid temperature and compensated by rate alarm codes without the ability for
of change of return-fluid temperature with clear language descriptions shall be
temperature set point accuracy to 0.1° F prohibited.
(0.06° C). c) An alarm history buffer shall allow the
c. Limiting the chilled fluid temperature pull- user to store no less than 20 alarm
down rate at start-up to an adjustable range events with clear language descrip-
of 0.2° F to 2° F (0.11° C to 1.1° C) per tions, time and date stamp event
minute to prevent excessive demand spikes entry.
at start-up. d) The chiller controller shall include
d. Seven-day time schedule. multiple connection ports for com-
municating with the local equipment
e. Leaving chilled fluid temperature reset from network, the Carrier Comfort Net-
return fluid. work (CCN) and the ability to access
f. Chilled water pump start/stop control and all chiller control functions from any
primary/standby sequencing to ensure equal point on the chiller.
pump run time. e) The control system shall allow soft-
g. Dual chiller control for parallel chiller appli- ware upgrade without the need for
cations without addition of hardware mod- new hardware modules.
ules, control panels, thermometer wells. 4. Safeties:
h. Unoccupied low sound operation to a. Unit shall be equipped with thermistors and
limit condenser fan sound during scheduled all necessary components in conjunction
periods. with the control system to provide the unit
i. Timed maintenance scheduling to signal with the following protections:
maintenance activities for pumps, condenser 1) Loss of refrigerant charge.
coil cleaning, strainer maintenance and user- 2) Reverse rotation.
defined maintenance activities. 3) Low chilled fluid temperature.
j. Boiler enable signal to initiate system heat- 4) Thermal overload.
ing mode. 5) High pressure.
6) Electrical overload.
k. Low ambient protection to energize cooler
7) Loss of phase.
and hydronic system heaters.
l. Periodic pump start to ensure pump seals b. Condenser fan and factory pump motors
shall have external overcurrent protection.
are properly maintained during off-season
periods. I. Operating Characteristics:
3. Diagnostics: 1. Unit shall be capable of starting and running at
outdoor ambient temperatures from 45 F (7 C)
a. The control panel shall include, as standard,
to 120 F (50 C) for sizes 010-018 or 32 F to
a Scrolling Marquee display capable of indi-
cating the safety lockout condition by dis- 120 F (0° to 52 C) for sizes 022-055.
playing a code for which an explanation may 2. Unit shall be capable of starting up with 95 F
be scrolled at the display. (35 C) entering fluid temperature to the cooler.
b. Information included for display shall be: J. Motors:
1) Compressor lockout. Condenser fan motors shall be totally enclosed
2) Loss of charge. single speed, 3-phase type with permanently lubri-
3) Low fluid flow. cated bearings and Class F insulation (except Motor-
4) Cooler freeze protection. master® V control motors which shall be open type
5) Thermistor malfunction. and shall have Class B insulation).
6) Entering and leaving-fluid temperature.
7) Evaporator and condenser pressure.

Guide specifications (cont)
K. Electrical Requirements: 8. Hydronic assembly shall have factory supplied
1. Unit primary electrical power supply shall enter electric freeze protection to –20 F (–29 C).
the unit at a single location (some units have 9. Piping shall be type-L seamless copper tubing.
multiple poles). 10. Copper body strainer with 20 mesh screen and
2. Primary electrical power supply shall be rated to ball type blow down.
withstand 120 F (50 C) operating ambient. M. Special Features:
3. Unit shall operate on 3-phase power at the volt- Certain standard features are not applicable when
age shown in the equipment schedule. the features designated by * are specified. For assis-
4. Control points shall be accessed through termi- tance in amending the specifications, contact your
nal block. Carrier representative.
5. Unit shall be shipped with factory control and * 1. Low-Ambient Operation:
power wiring installed. a. Unit shall be capable of starting and running
6. Accessory storage tank cooler heater requires a at outdoor ambient temperatures down to
separate power source. –20 F (–29 C) with the addition of antifreeze
L. Hydronic System: in the cooler circuit, wind baffles, and field-
or factory-installed low-ambient kit (cooler
1. Field pipe connections shall be copper NPT and heater).
shall be extended to the outside of the unit
chassis. b. Unit shall be capable of operating down
to –20 F (–29 C) with the addition of
2. Optional single or primary/stand-by operation the field- or factory-installed solid-state
pump systems. Dual pump systems shall have
Motormaster® V control with condenser coil
pump discharge check valves.
temperature sensor. In addition, adequate
3. Pumps shall be single stage design, for installa- field-supplied antifreeze with suitable corro-
tion in vertical or horizontal position and capa- sion inhibitor protection shall be field-
ble of being serviced without disturbing piping installed in the evaporator circuit — and
connections. where wind velocity greater than 5 mph
a. Pump casing shall be of class 30 cast iron. (8 km/h) is anticipated, field-fabricated and
b. The impeller shall be of cast bronze, closed installed wind baffles shall be required.
type, dynamically balanced, keyed to the 2. Non-Fused Disconnect:
shaft and secured by locking cap screw. Unit shall be supplied with factory-installed,
c. The liquid cavity shall be sealed off at the non-fused electrical disconnect for main power
motor shaft by an internally flushed mechan- supply.
ical seal with ceramic seal seat an carbon 3. Optional Condenser Coil Materials:
seal ring.
a. Pre-coated aluminum fin coils:
d. Pump shall be rated for 150 psig working Shall have a durable epoxy-phenolic coating
to provide protection in mildly corrosive
e. The pump case shall have gauge tappings at coastal environments. Coating shall be
the suction and discharge nozzles and applied to the aluminum fin stock prior to
include drain ports. the fin stamping process to create an inert
f. Motors shall totally enclosed 3-phase type barrier between the aluminum fin and cop-
with grease lubricated ball bearings. per tube. Epoxy-phenolic barrier shall mini-
g. Each pump shall be factory tested per mize galvanic action between dissimilar
Hydraulic Institute Standards. metals.
4. Fluid expansion tank shall be factory installed b. Copper-fin coils:
within the chiller cabinet insulates, pre-charged Shall be constructed of copper fins mechani-
and rated for a maximum working pressure of cally bonded to copper tubes and copper
150 psig. tube sheets. Galvanized steel tube sheets
5. Water pressure gages (2) shall be factory shall not be acceptable. A polymer strip shall
installed across the cooler and rated for prevent coil assembly from contacting sheet
150 psig. metal coil pan to minimize potential for gal-
vanic corrosion between the coil and pan.
6. Proof-of-flow switch shall be factory installed All copper construction shall provide protec-
and rated for 150 psig. tion in moderate coastal applications.
7. Balancing valve shall be factory installed to set
flow gage ports shall be factory installed and
rated for 300 psig.

c. E-Coated aluminum-fin coils: 6. Chillervisor System Manager Multi-Unit
Shall have a flexible epoxy polymer coating Control:
uniformly applied to all coil surface areas Field-installed control shall sequence between 2
without material bridging between fins. and 8 chillers in parallel in a single system.
Coating process shall ensure complete coil System shall control chilled and water pumps.
encapsulation. Color shall be high gloss 7. Minimum Load Control:
black with gloss — 60° of 65-90% per
ASTM ID523-89. Uniform dry film thick- Unit shall be equipped with factory (or field)
installed, microprocessor-controlled, minimum-
ness from 0.8 to 1.2 mil on all surface areas
load control that shall permit unit operation
including fin edges. Superior hardness char-
acteristics of 2H per ASTM D3363-92A down to a minimum of 15% capacity (varies
with unit size).
and cross hatch adhesion of 4B-5B per
ASTM D3359-93. Impact resistance shall be 8. Energy Management Control Module:
up to 160 in./lbs (ASTM D2794-93). A factory or field-installed module shall provide
Humidity and water immersion resistance the following energy management capabilities:
shall be up to minimum 1000 and 4 to 20 mA signals for leaving fluid temperature
250 hours respectively (ASTM D2247-92 reset, cooling set point reset or demand limit
and ASTM D870-92). Corrosion durability control; 2-point demand limit control (from
shall be confirmed through testing to no less 15% to 100%) activated by a remote contact
than 3000 hours salt spray per ASTM closure; and discrete input for “Ice Done” indi-
B117-90. Coil construction shall be alumi- cation for ice storage system interface.
num fins mechanically bonded to copper 9. Coil Protection Grilles:
Unit shall be supplied with factory (or field)
d. E-Coated copper-fin coils: installed, PVC-coated grilles to protect the con-
Shall have a flexible epoxy polymer coating denser coil from physical damage.
uniformly applied to all coil surface areas 10. Hail Guards/Security Grille:
without material bridging between fins.
Coating process shall ensure complete coil Field-installed accessory kit shall include set of
encapsulation. Color shall be high gloss metal grilles for the protection of the condens-
black with gloss — 60° of 65-90% per ing coils, coils from damage including hail.
ASTM D523-89. Uniform dry film thickness 11. Vibration Isolation:
from 0.8 to 1.2 mil on all surface areas Vibration isolation pads shall be supplied for
including fin edges. Superior hardness char- field installation at unit mounting points. Pads
acteristics of 2H per ASTM D3363-92A shall help to reduce vibration transmission into
and cross hatch adhesion of 4B-5B per the occupied space.
ASTM D3359-93. Impact resistance shall be
12. Control Display Access Door:
up to 160 in./lbs (ASTM D2794-93).
Humidity and water immersion resistance Unit shall be provided with a transparent con-
shall be up to minimum 1000 and trol box door that allows see-through viewing of
250 hours respectively (ASTM D2247-92 control display without opening the control
and ASTM D870-92). Corrosion durability box.
shall be confirmed through testing to no less 13. Chilled Water Storage Tank:
than 3000 hours salt spray per ASTM a. Fluid storage tank shall be rated for a maxi-
B117-90. Coil construction shall be copper- mum of 150 psig.
fins mechanically bonded to copper tube
b. Shall provide a minimum 6 gallon per ton
sheets. Galvanized steel tube sheets shall not
be acceptable. A polymer strip shall prevent fluid storage capacity.
coil assembly from contacting sheet metal c. Shall fit under the chiller to minimize system
coil pan to maintain coating integrity and footprint requirements. Tanks fitted out-
minimize corrosion potential between the side of the chiller footprint shall not be
coil and pan. acceptable.
4. Remote Enhanced Display: d. Tank shall be constructed a cold rolled car-
Unit shall be supplied with indoor-mounted, bon steel shell.
remote, 40-character per line, 16-line display e. Tank shall be insulated with 3/4-in. (19 mm)
panel for field installation. closed-cell, polyvinyl-chloride foam with a
5. Medium Temperature Brine: maximum K factor of 0.28.
f. Tank shall be baffled to prevent temperature
Unit shall be factory modified to start and oper-
ate at leaving chilled fluid temperatures between
15 F (–9 C) and 40 F (4.4 C). g. Tank shall have NPT threaded connections.

Guide specifications (cont)
h. Tank shall have vent and drain plugs acces- line, or clear English, Spanish, Portuguese
sible from outside tank enclosure. or French language.
i. Internal heaters shall provide freeze protec- b. Display menus shall provide clear language
tion to –20 F (–29 C). descriptions of all menu items, operating
14. DataPort™ control: modes, configuration points and alarm
diagnostics. Reference to factory codes
Unit shall be supplied with field-installed inter- shall not be accepted.
face device that allows a non-Carrier device
such as a personal computer or non-Carrier c. RJ-14 connection plug shall allow display
controller to read values in system elements module to be connected to factory-installed
connected to the CCN Communication Bus receptacle.
using plain english ASCII over its RS-232 d. Industrial grade coiled extension cord shall
connection. allow the display module to be moved
15. DataLINK™ control: around the chiller.
Unit shall be supplied with field installed inter- e. Magnets shall hold the display module to
face device that allows a non-Carrier device any sheet metal panel to allow hands-free
such as a personal computer or non-Carrier operation.
controller to read and change values in f. Display module shall have NEMA 4x hous-
system elements connected to the CCN Com- ing suitable for use in outdoor environments.
munication Bus using plain english ASCII over g. Display shall have back light and contrast
its RS-232 connection. adjustment for easy viewing in bright sun-
16. BAClink control: light or night conditions.
Unit shall be supplied with field-installed inter- h. Raised surface buttons with positive tactile
face between Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) response.
and a BACnet Local Area network (LAN, 18. Leaving chilled fluid temperature reset from
i.e., Ethernet (ISO8802-3). return fluid, outdoor air temperature, space
17. Navigator™ Hand Held Display Module: temperature or 4 to 20 mA input.
a. Portable hand held display module with a
minimum of 4 lines and 20 characters per

Carrier Corporation • Syracuse, New York 13221 11-02

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 2 New Book 3 Pg 48 Catalog No. 523-074 Printed in U.S.A. PC 903 Form 30RA-3PD
Tab 5c New Tab SC3 Replaces: 30RA-2PD

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