Vra Kiamba
Vra Kiamba
Vra Kiamba
• Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas especially proximal to Badtasan
River, Tual River and Suawag Creek is highly recommended.
• Installation of riverbank protection/ engineering measures for actively eroding banks of Badtasan River, and
Tual River.
• Residents should also observed for saturated ground and/or displaced road surfaces and report to the
• Install signages on actively eroding ground/areas.
• Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence
of landslide.
• Awareness campaigns to the residents should be conducted. Community-based landslide early warning and
evacuation protocol should be established by activating the BDRRMC.
• Community-based landslide early warning and evacuation protocol should be established by activating the
Barangay DRRM Council.
• Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas especially proximal to Tual River, Kling River and
unnamed creeks is recommended.
• Prohibition of additional settlements in areas identified to be landslide prone areas should be considered.
• Municipal and barangay authorities should be more aware and monitor the rapid increase of floodwater level and turbidity
(soil content and other debris materials) from the Tual River as this may indicate an impending flashfloods.
• Installation of rivrerbank protection/ engineering measures on actively eroding banks of Tual River and Kling River should
be considered
• Residents should also observed for saturated ground and/or displaced road surfaces and report to the
• Install signages on actively eroding ground/area.
• Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence of landslide.
• Awareness campaigns to the residents should be conducted. Community-based landslide early warning and evacuation
protocol should be established by activating the BDRRMC.
• Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Immediate relocation of human settlements in Puroks Lao, Salvan, Lehek, Kawayan, Kapanal (near Kling River), and Purok
Macao (near Kling River).
• Prohibition of human settlements along low-lying areas near Kling River, Lao Creek, Tangkuhan Creek, Salvan Creek, and
other unnamed local creeks and rivers.
• Pre-emptive evacuation of settlers near Kling River, Lao Creek, Tangkuhan Creek, Salvan Creek, and other unnamed local
creeks and rivers, especially during incessant heavy rains within the barangay or on the upstream areas of Kling River;
• Prohibition of human settlements along steep to very steep sloping terrain;
• Installation of early warning devices (e.g. signage) on areas that are susceptible to flooding and landslide;
• Activation of BDRRMC is highly recommended;
• Observe for and monitor the presence of ground cracks and report to MDRRMC or MGB;
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Immediate relocation of human settlements especially in Puroks Tiboli 1 (near Tambilil River) and Maligaya (near Tambilil
River and along the shoreline).
• Prohibition of human settlements along low-lying areas near Kuluwang/Kapate River, Tambilil River, and Bo-e River.
• Pre-emptive evacuation of settlers near Kuluwang/Kapate River, Tambilil River, Bo-e River, and other unnamed local creeks
and rivers, especially during incessant heavy rains within the barangay or on the upstream areas of the said rivers.
• Prohibition of human settlements along steep to very steep sloping terrain;
• Installation of early warning devices (e.g. signage) on areas that are susceptible to flooding and landslide;
• Activation of BDRRMC is highly recommended;
• Observe for and monitor the presence of ground cracks and report to MDRRMC or MGB;
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Immediate relocation of human settlements especially in Puroks 1-A (near Taluk River), Purok 7 (near Kitagas River), Purok
6- Lower Kitagas(near Kitagas River),Purok 4-Lanao and Purok 5-Lower Maglangit (those near Maglangit Creek and along
the coast).
• Prohibition of human settlements along near Taluk River, Kitagas River, Maglangit Creek, and near the shoreline.
• Pre-emptive evacuation of settlers near Taluk River, Kitagas River, Maglangit Creek, and other unnamed local creeks and
rivers, especially during incessant heavy rains within the barangay or on the upstream areas of the said rivers.
• Prohibition of human settlements along steep to very steep sloping terrain;
• Installation of early warning devices (e.g. signage) on areas that are susceptible to flooding and landslide;
• Activation of BDRRMC is highly recommended;
• Observe for and monitor the presence of ground cracks and report to MDRRMC or MGB;
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas especially proximal to Maligang River and other
unnamed creeks is recommended.
• Installation of riverbank protection/ engineering measures for actively eroding banks of Maligang River.
• Residents should also observed for saturated ground and/or displaced road surfaces and report to the
• Install signages on actively eroding ground/areas.
• Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence of landslide.
• Awareness campaigns to the residents should be conducted. Community-based landslide early warning and evacuation
protocol should be established by activating the BDRRMC.
• Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas especially proximal to Kling River and unnamed
creeks is recommended.
• Installation of riverbank protection/ engineering measures for actively eroding banks of Kling River.
• Residents should also observed for saturated ground and/or displaced road surfaces and report to the
• Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence of landslide.
• Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas especially proximal to Pangi River is highly
• Installation of riverbank protection/ engineering measures for actively eroding banks of Pangi River.
• Residents should also observed for saturated ground and/or displaced road surfaces and report to the
• Install signages on actively eroding ground/areas.
• Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence of landslide.
• Awareness campaigns to the residents should be conducted. Community-based landslide early warning and evacuation
protocol should be established by activating the BDRRMC.
• Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas speficically proximal to rivers of Matablao, Mabla,
Lomutan and unnamed these creeks is recommended.
• Installation of river protection/ engineering measures on actively eroding banks of Lumotan, Matablao River, Kiblis River
and Mabla River should be considered.
• Residents should also observed for saturated ground and/or displaced road surfaces and report to the
• Install signages on actively eroding ground/areas.
• Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence of landslide.
• Awareness campaigns to the residents should be conducted. Community-based landslide early warning and evacuation
protocol should be established by activating the BDRRMC.
• Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas especially proximal to Pangi River is highly
• Installation of riverbank protection engineering measures on actively eroding banks of Pangi River.
• Residents should also observed for saturated ground and/or displaced road surfaces and report to the
• Install signages on actively eroding ground/areas.
• Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence of landslide.
• Awareness campaigns to the residents should be conducted. Community-based landslide early warning and evacuation
protocol should be established by activating the BDRRMC.
• Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Built up areas in Purok 6-Nap is established on an old course of the Maligang River as indicated by several boulder size
rocks. Possibility of the river to return to its old track is expected. Therefore affecting the existing houses and infrastructures
in the area. Relocation of the residents in the area is highly recommended.
• Avoid settlements to be established on steep slopes and near active channels
• Provision of bridge and culverts on access roads traversed by creeks should be considered. This is to promote good
accessibility and evacuation route in the barangay.
• Improvement and rehabilitation of existing culvert/bridge connecting Purok 4-Malayo and Purok 3-Kalamunding is highly
• Implement easements especially on areas/puroks near the observed creeks and rivers in the barangay. It should be based
from existing Water Code of the Philippines.
• Prohibit conversion of steep slope areas into corn fields is highly recommended.
• Signages should be put up in areas with identified and observed landslide to inform the residents to practice extreme
caution during heavy rainfall in the area.
• Ripraps and other landslide mitigating measures may be installed on areas with active landslides.
• Evacuation protocol, information and its dissemination should be made known by the residents living in areas identified as
geohazard prone areas.
• Preparedness and awareness should be practiced at all times.
• Immediate relocation of human settlements away from Nalus and Sawagen River; near the shoreline;
• Prohibition of human settlements along low-lying areas near Nalus River, Sawagen River, and other unnamed local creeks
and rivers;
• Pre-emptive evacuation of settlers near Nalus and Sawagen Rivers especially if there’s continuous heavy rainfall;
• Prohibition of human settlements along steep to very steep sloping terrain especially along the areas going to Sitio Green
• Provision of additional wide and deep drainage canals especially on areas that are frequently affected by flooding;
• Installation of early warning devices (e.g. signage) on areas that are susceptible to flooding and landslide;
• Activation of BDRRMC is highly recommended;
• Observe for and monitor the presence of ground cracks and report to MDRRMC or MGB;
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Relocation of houses and implementation of easement should be considered by the LGU especially on houses built near
Tual River.
• If relocation is impossible, immediate installation/completion of existing protective dike should be prioritized. Extension of
the said structure covering all riverbank erosion affected puroks should be considered.
• Easement should also be implemented along the coastal area to avoid the ill-effects of coastal geohazards and processes.
Also, construction of any shoreline protection should also be considered.
• Improvement of existing drainage canals should also be considered. This is to accommodate surface run-off and prevent
the streets from being flooded.
• Areas with no existing proper drainage systems should also be prioritized. Putting up effective drainage systems in the area
will prevent flooding during continuous and heavy rainfall.
• Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas especially proximal to Kansan River and
unnamed creeks in the barangay.
• Installation of riverbank protection/ engineering measures on actively eroding banks of Kansan River.
• Install signages on actively eroding ground/areas.
• Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence of landslide.
• Awareness campaigns to the residents should be conducted. Community-based landslide early warning and evacuation
protocol should be established by activating the BDRRMC.
• Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
Flooding is also one of the perennial problems of the barangay. Its area is often
affected by high surface run-offs especially those puroks adjacent to mountainous
areas; fluvial flooding brought by the existing rivers and creeks within the barangay
and the effects of coastal processes (wave actions and tides) usually lead to coastal
flooding along the beach area of the barangay. Active channels of El Gandang
Creek, Bui Creek and Kapate River are usual sources of floods within the low lying
areas of the barangay. Maximum of 2-3 days flood is experienced in Puroks
Mabuhay 1 and 2 wherein every time that high tide occurs and it coincided with the
strong water flows from the mentioned bodies of water in the barangay usual flood is
experienced. Portions of Lower and Upper Sampaguita are often affected by El
Gandang Creek and other unnamed creeks/tributaries in the area. Often affected
are trails and roads compromising good evacuation route prior to a disaster. These
creeks are narrow and are usually the areas where flashflood/s occur. Flooding due
to overflowing of rivers and creeks, which usually being intercepted by high tide. It is
observable and experienced in Purok San Jose,
Mabuhay 1 and Mabuhay 2. Existing crops in the area is usually affected by river
water and seawater flooding leading to crop failures. Moreover, ineffective drainage
canals, culverts and other structures unable to accommodate big volume of water
leading to overflowing to adjacent areas of flood affected puroks in the barangay.
Repair, rehabilitation and improvement of these structures are highly recommended.
High flooding is usually experienced several meters along coastline (high tide area),
those areas along and at the mouths of existing rivers and creeks. Observable in
Puroks San Jose, Mabuhay 1 and Mabuhay 2. Upper Sampaguita and Lower
Sampaguita are at risk being affected by low moderate flood brought by high surface
run-offs from elevated areas concentrated at the north.
• Relocation of houses built near/adjacent to areas with active landslides (and history of landslides), immediate channels prone flashfloods, at the
mouths of rivers/creeks and those that situated few meters from shoreline and other water bodies in the barangay is highly recommended.
• Avoid and/or prohibit additional settlements (and those planning to build) especially on areas identified as moderate to highly susceptible areas;
and areas where levels of flood are experienced. This is to prevent further casualties and damage properties from a future inevitable disaster that
the barangay may experience.
• Setbacks should be considered in planning to establish settlement areas/zones and is highly recommended. Buffer zones of several meters from
a slope area and/or easements of a specific distance from an active riverbank/channel should be implemented.
• Slope areas should not be considered as area for settlements and agricultural zone. Retain their used as forestland. Reforestation of these areas
should be considered.
• Observe for any rapid flow and rise of river water (including seawater) in the identified flood affected areas of the barangay; and evacuate the
area as needed or as per advised by the local DRRM.
• Evacuation route/protocol should be made aware and accessible to residents living in areas identified as landslide and/or flood prone areas.
• Activate/promote and strengthen the BDRRM; the barangay’s coordination with the LDRRM-Kiamba and other national agencies should be
• Improvement of existing road networks promote good evacuation route should also be considered by the concerned BLGU and MLGU.
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Immediate relocation of human settlements in Puroks Bannawag, Pag-asa, and Kabatuan, especially those settlers near
Pangi River.
• Possible relocation of human settlements in Purok Madpok near Tablaubong Creek.
• Prohibition of human settlements along low-lying areas near Pangi River, Tablaubong Creek, and other local creeks;
• Pre-emptive evacuation of settlers near Pangi River, Tablaubong Creek, and other local creeks and rivers, especially during
incessant heavy rains within the barangay or on the upstream areas of Pangi River;
• Prohibition of human settlements along steep to very steep sloping terrain;
• Installation of early warning devices (e.g. signage) on areas that are susceptible to flooding and landslide;
• Activation of BDRRMC is highly recommended;
• Observe for and monitor the presence of ground cracks and report to MDRRMC or MGB;
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
Prohibition of additional settlements along or near flood susceptible areas especially proximal to Tual River is highly
Installation of riverbank protection/ engineering measures on actively eroding banks of Tual River.
Observed for and/or monitor for presence of mass movement (landslide, tension cracks, soil creeps displaced road
surfaces, seepage) and report to the MGB/Municipal Authorities (MDRRMO).
Observed for saturated ground or seeps and sunken or displaced road surfaces and report to the MGB/Municipal
Authorities (MDRRMO).
Install signages on actively eroding ground/areas.
Extra vigilance should be practiced by residents during events of heavy rainfall due to the possible occurrence of landslide.
Awareness campaigns to the residents should be conducted. Community-based landslide early warning and evacuation
protocol should be established by activating the BDRRMC.
Coordination of the barangay with the municipal government should be strengthened.
Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.
• Immediate relocation of human settlements away from Tambilil River and those dwelling near the coast;
• Prohibition of human settlements along low-lying areas near Tambilil River and near the coast;
• Pre-emptive evacuation of settlers near Tambilil especially if there’s continuous heavy rainfall;
• Prohibition of human settlements along steep to very steep sloping terrain especially along the areas going to Matingao I;
• Provision of additional wide and deep drainage canals especially on areas that are frequently affected by flooding;
• Installation of early warning devices (e.g. signage) on areas that are susceptible to flooding and landslide;
• Activation of BDRRMC is highly recommended;
• Observe for and monitor the presence of ground cracks and report to MDRRMC or MGB;
• Awareness and preparedness should be practiced at all times.