Starter Achievement Test 2 (Units 3-4) : Listening Grammar

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Starter Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

Listening Grammar
1 Recording 3 Listen and number the topics (a–g) 4 Complete the gaps with the words in the box.
in the order Hayley and Reese talk about them.
do doesn’t don’t like that these
One topic is not needed.
This those What Where work
a) Nationality __1_
b) Where they live _4__ 1 A: Terry, is     that     your son over there?
c) Family _6__ B: Yes, it is.
d) Friends _5__ 2 A: Hi. this is Jade. She’s from China.
e) Study subject _2__ B: Hi Jade. Nice to meet you.
f) Sport __7__ 3 A: What are those called in English?
g) Place of study _3__ B: They’re keys.
4 A: What’s in these boxes over there?
5 B: Books.
5 A: Do you have a computer?
2 Recording 4 Listen and underline the correct B: Yes, I do.
6 A: Where do you study?
answer, a, b or c.
B: At Boston University.
1 Where is Carl? 7 A: Where’s John’s car?
a) at home B: He doesn’t have a car.
b) at school 8 A: Do you like chocolate?
c) in an office B: No, I don’t.
2 It’s … dictionary. 9 A: What do you study?
a) Betty’s B: I study English.
b) Nisha’s 10 A: I don’t live in a house. I live in a flat.
c) Haroun’s B: Me too.
3 Darren lives in … 11 A: I work in an office.
a) a big house. B: I don’t. I work in a school.
b) a flat.
c) his friend Sam’s house. 10
4 What time is it now?
a) 1.30
5 Underline the correct word in the questions.
b) 1.45
c) 2.15 1 Do you have/has a car?
5 How much is an egg sandwich? 2 Where/What do you live?
a) 3.40 3 What/Do you like basketball?
b) 4.30 4 Is those/this Lee’s bag?
c) 4.40 5 What do/does you study?
6 How much is the old Japanese box? 6 Is/Are those Sue’s pens?
a) £40
b) £50 5
c) £90

6 Correct the underlined words.
1 Where are you work?        do         
3 Recording 4 Listen again and write true (T) or 2 That’s Nick shirt.       Nick’s    
false (F). 3 It don’t cost a lot of money.      Doesn’t   
4 This are my new sunglasses.      These        
1 Carl’s lesson is in room twenty-eight. T 5 Chinn doesn’t speaks English.      speak      
2 Haroun’s book is heavy.   F  6 Eli study two hours a day.      studies     
3 Darren and Sam both play the guitar.  T   
4 The match is at 2.45.   F   5
5 Three coffees cost £7.75.   T  
6 The new box from Japan costs £40.    F 

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Starter Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

Vocabulary Function
7 Add one word from the box to each group. 10 Write the prices and times in words.
books festival green Prices
sandwich sweater Tuesday 1 €4.25 four euros twenty-five____________
2 €6.50 six euros fifty
1 Sunday Monday Friday Tuesday 3 €8.75 eight euros seventy-five
2 red brown blue green 4 €12.99 twelve euros ninety-nine
3 film concert party festival
4 notebook pen tablet books Times
5 cake coffee tea sandwich 5 2.40 twenty to three__________________
6 jacket shoes hat sweater 6 5.05 five past five___________________
7 9.45 quarter to eleven_________________
5 8 11.00 eleven o’clock_________________

8 Underline the correct answer, a, b, or c.
1 I do sport      b      Sundays. 11 Complete the conversations with the words
a) at b) on c) in and phrases in the boxes.
2 He plays football ___c__ day.
a) on b) at c) every 1
3 We never go out __a___ the evening. Anything help much one Still
a) in b) on c) at
4 I go to a café __b___ the weekend. Waiter: Good evening. Can I 1     help      you?
a) every b) in c) at Ali: Hello. Can I have a mineral water, please?
5 I study English _b__ day. Waiter: 2Still or sparkling?
a) at b) every c) in Ali: Sparkling, please.
6 We don’t study _c___ Wednesday afternoons. Waiter: 3Anything else?
a) every b) at c) on Ali: No, thanks.
7 They don’t work __b__ night. Waiter: Anything else?
a) at b) on c) in Ken: Yes, can I have 4one of those chocolate cakes,
8 I have a French class _b___ a minute. please?
a) on b) at c) in Waiter: Of course.
Ken: How 5much is that?
7 Waiter: Six fifty, please.

9 Cross out the wrong word or phrase in each
Half is it Let’s At thirty time
1 work in an office / to room six / in a hotel Dan: What 6  time       ’s the concert?
2 be a student / French / a mineral water Bel: 7At eight o’clock.
3 have a husband / a phone / sport Dan: What time 8is it now?
4 drive your homework / a taxi / to work Bel: 9Half past seven.
5 go to Italy / Exercise 2a / to room six Dan: Sorry? What time?
6 do your homework / a car / Exercise 2a Bel: Seven 10thirty.
7 like cake / in an office / football Dan: 11Let’s get a taxi.
8 live a match / with my husband / in Rome Bel: Good idea.
9 study ten hours a week / Russian / to Spain

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Starter Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

13 Read the article again. Underline True (T) or
12 Read the article and correct the sentences False (F).
1 Jenny has blue eyes but Leonie has
Twins – the same … but different, too. green eyes. T/F
Twenty-year-old Jenny and Leonie Bosman have 2 Leonie thinks Jenny likes her job. T/F
the same birthday, the same parents and the same 3 Leonie studies fifty hours a week. T/F
blue eyes. They’re twin sisters. 4 Jenny goes to parties with her friends. T/F
5 Leonie’s sister likes running. T/F
‘Jenny works in an office and I think her work is
important to her, but I don’t have a job,’ says 8
Leonie. ‘I’m a student. I study about fifteen hours a
week. The rest of the time I go out with my friends
and listen to music. Jenny likes music, too, but she
doesn’t go to parties or concerts. She plays the Writing
guitar at home.’ 14 Underline the correct alternatives.

‘These are Jenny’s clothes – they’re all black and I live in a flat in Amsterdam 1and/but I work in an
white. Mine are blue and red. These are Jenny’s office in the city centre. I live with my parents
running shoes. She goes running every evening with
and/because flats are expensive and I don’t have
her boyfriend, Perry. He’s a football player. I don’t a lot of money.
like sport at all.’ I work six days a week in an office in the city centre
because/and I’m often tired. The work isn’t bad,
Jenny says, ‘Leonie’s a student but she doesn’t
and/but I want to find a new job.
study much. In the evening she sits at her computer, I like films 5and/but I like music. I like the cinema at
but she doesn’t do any work.’ Westerpark in Amsterdam 6because/but it has a
good café!
1 Jenny and Leonie are twin brothers.
Jenny and Leonie are twin sisters. 5
2 They are twenty-one years old.
They are twenty years old. 15 Write a blog entry about a market that you
3 Leonie plays the guitar. know. Write about where it is, when it is open
Jenny e plays the guitar. and what it sells. Write 50–70 words.
4 Perry has blue and red clothes.
Leonie has blue and red clothes.  in the new supply market they sell vegetables,
5 Jenny goes running every morning. meats, cheese, fruits, it is a large market where you
Jenny goes running every night. find wholesale and minor products. it is located in
6 Leonie plays football. the eighth double ring via and santo dumont mocu.
Perry plays football. My family likes to go to that market to buy
7 Perry is Leonie’s boyfriend. vegetables, meat and fruit. It is a large market that
Perry is Jenny’s boyfriend. has a variety of products.
8 Leonie studies hard. Total: 100
Leonie doesn’t study hard.

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