Students Book A1.3

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1. Let's go camping tonight.

2. Why dont we drink a cup of coffe

Student’s Book A1.3

• Recite the alphabet. • Understand personal information • Describe daily activities. • Understand dialogues related to
• Ask and give the time. questions. • Talk about preferences related to food, sports, people’s routines.
• Introduce oneself. • Understand greetings and farewells. drinks, music and sports. • Understand physical descriptions.
• Greet people and say goodbye. • Understand spelled words. • Express quantity. • Identify different prepositions of place.
• Ask and give basic information. • Identify family members, occupations • Describe physical appearance.
• Talk about peoples’ nationality. and characteristics. • Refer to people’s possessions.


• Write personal information. • Verb to Be. Affirmative, negative
• Write short texts about daily activities. • Simple present. Affirmative, negative
• Write about people characteristics. and interrogative
• Use there is/are according to the and interrogative.
• Describe peoples’ general location. • Prepositions of time
context. • Possessive adjectives.
• Identify and use time prepositions. • Wh- questions.
• Use different pronouns and adjectives • Prepositions of place.
in a text. • Quantifiers.
• Write a composition about one’s • There is / are.
house using vocabulary and locating



• Recognize personal pronouns in a
text. • Family members
• Numbers • Locate objects, people’s in different • Frequency adverbs
• Understand the congugation of the • House elements.
verb to Be. • Days, months. places in a text.
• Occupations. • Understand short paragraphs about • Physical characteristics.
• Understand information about • Sports and musical instruments.
peoples’ occupations and • Places around the city. everyday actions.
• Understand information presented in • Ordinal numbers
short ads.
• Identify verbs in a text used in simple

A1.1 A1.2
A1.3 A1 A1.4


• Ask about places in a city. • Accept and decline invitations. • Talk about talents and abilities. LISTENING
• Ask for and give directions. • Identify object pronouns in small • Make polite requests.
• Make and accept invitations. dialogues. • Make suggestions and • Understand basic conversations on the
• Describe and give opinion about the • Understand instructions and directions recommendations. phone.
• Understand modal verbs in everyday
weather. on how to get to places. • Express obligation. dialogues and their contexts.
• Ask about prices when going shopping. • Understand opinions about the weather. • Make predictions about the future
and plans.


• Describe what people are wearing. • Quantifiers.
• Modal verbs. Can, Could, Would
• Write a letter to describe current actions that • Object pronouns. • Write short and simple texts Should, Must, Have to, Will and May.
are happening. • Imperatives. about one’s obligations, plans, • Be going to.
• Write a short composition about the most • Present progressive. activities and predictions. Affirmative, negative and interrogative.
popular places in a city.


• Understand information presented • Understand basic rules at one’s • Workplace vocabulary

• Adverbs of place.
about prices and items at a store. workplace. • Adverbs of manner.
• Some and Any.
• Can infer meaning from texts related to • Understand predictions of the • Horoscope.
• Clothing.
weather conditions. horoscope. • Abilities.
• Weather.
• Understand texts about clothing items, • Identify one’s abilities in a written • Ailments
• Cities.
weather conditions and activities context.
perfomed in several places. • Understand polite and impolite
expressions in a paragraph.
• Infer duties from a job description.
Student’s Book A1.3 Living in the city

A1: A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4

A A2: A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4

M . C. E .
Marco Común Europeo
B1: B1.1 B1.2 B1.3 B1.4

B B2: B2.1 B2.2 B2.3 B2.4


Meet me there!: Lesson 1 & 2 4-6

Describe locations and sites of the city using adverbs of place -
Describir la ubicación de sitios de la ciudad usando adverbios de lugar.

Talk about quantities using ‘Some’ and ‘Any’ -

Habla acerca de cantidades usando ‘Some’ y ‘Any’.

Follow me!: Lesson 3 & 4 8 - 10

Indicate location of common places in the city -
Indicar la posición de lugares comunes en la ciudad.

Ask for & give directions in the city using imperatives -

Pedir y dar indicaciones en la ciudad usando imperativos.

Let’s go out!: Lesson 5 & 6 12 - 14

Make and accept invitations by using the expression ‘let’s’ -
Hacer y aceptar invitaciones usando la expresión ‘let’s’.

Refer to people by using object pronouns -

Referirse a personas usando los pronombres objetivos.

Review & Progress Assessment 16

Raining cats and dogs: Lesson 7 & 8 18 - 20

Describe the weather using common adjectives -
Describir el clima usando adjetivos comunes.

Express opinions about weather conditions using the intensifier ‘Too’ -

Expresar opiniones acerca de las condiciones climáticas usando el intensificador ‘Too’.

Put it on!: Lesson 9 & 10 22 - 24

Describe what people are wearing by using common clothing vocabulary -
Describir lo que la gente lleva puesto usando vocabulario de vestimenta común.

Talk about situations that are in progress at a particular moment using the present continuous -
Hablar acerca de situaciones que están en progreso en un momento particular usando el presente

It fits you!: Lesson 11 & 12 26 - 28

Talk about quantities using ‘how much’ and ‘how many’ -
Hablar acerca de cantidades usando ‘How much’ y ‘How many’.

Talk about prices when going shopping -

Hablar acerca de precios cuando se va de compras.

Review & Progress Assessment 30

Hoy inicia tu experiencia como estudiante de una segunda lengua,
la más importante de todas: ¡El Inglés!

Académica, profesional y personalmente estás dando un gran paso.

El bilingüismo te transformará poco a poco en un ciudadano del
mundo, incrementará tus oportunidades y facilitará que alcances esas
metas que tanto has perseguido.

Skool English Institute ha desarrollado este programa de enseñanza

especialmente para personas emprendedoras como tú, teniendo como
base el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia y aplicando principios de
programación neurolingüística (PNL) en su metodología. Un programa,
que fortalecido con el uso de la tecnología y el aprendizaje
significativo, te permitirá, además de vivir una experiencia única y
enriquecedora, aprender más fácil y rápidamente el idioma Inglés.


Juan Guillermo Ochoa Alarcón


Skool English Institute

Lesson1 Objectives

I will be able to - Seré capaz de:

Meet me there!
• Describe locations of parts of the city using adverbs of place -
Describir la ubicación de partes de la ciudad usando adverbios de lugar.
• Talk about quantities using ‘Some’ and ‘Any’ -
Habla acerca de cantidades usando ‘Some’ y ‘Any’.

Word Bank
(To) Stay - Quedarse (To) Arrive - Llegar (To) Walk - Caminar (To) Wait - Esperar

Up - Arriba Street - Calle Place - Lugar

Down - Abajo Square - Plaza Open - Abierto/a
Among - Entre Station - Estación Closed - Cerrado/a
Around - Alrededor Zoo - Zoológico Clean - Limpio/a
Across from - Al otro lado de Building - Edificio Dirty - Sucio/a

On the corner - En la esquina On the right - A la derecha

In the middle of - En medio de On the left - A la izquierda
Language Focus Man - Men
Woman - Women
Determiners ‘Some’ and ‘Any’ - Determinantes Some y Any. Child - Children
Some y Any hacen referencia a cantidades indefinidas y se podrían traducir como:
alguno / alguna; algunos / algunas.

Es posible usar some en
Se utiliza en frases afirmativas, una pregunta cuando se
delante de un sustantivo: hace un ofrecimiento.

• Contable en plural: Do you want some water?

I have some friends. Do you want some more sugar?
• Incontable (singular):
I have some time.

Se utiliza en frases interrogativas y negativas, delante de un

• Contable en plural:
Do you have any questions? No, I don’t have any questions.
• Incontable (singular):
Do you have any money? No, I don’t have any money.

In Context
1. I need to buy some books at that bookstore - Yo necesito compara unos libros en esa librería.
2. They work in that place - Ellos trabajan en ese lugar.
3. They don’t have any money today - Ellos no tiene nada de dinero hoy.
4. Jane sells houses in her office at the mall - Jane vende casas en su oficina en el centro comercial.
5. Marcus isn’t around here, he’s at the police station - Marcus no está por aquí, él está en la estación de policía.
6. The zoo is closed this weekend - El zoológico está cerrado este fin de semana.
7. She waits for me at the bus station every morning - Ella me espera en la estación de buses todas las mañanas.
8. We like to walk around the park in the mornings - A nosotros nos gusta caminar alrededor del parque en las mañanas.
9. They work on the corner and I work here - Ellos trabajan en la esquina y yo trabajo aquí.
10.We need to stay on the main street - Necesitamos quedarnos en la calle principal.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
A Night Walk (Chronicle)
Tonight, I want to take a look at my city while people sleep, so I go down the street for a walk. I don’t have any time
during the day, so I decide to do it after midnight, plus, I don’t need any money for this!
Streets are empty and silent. I want to see the big buildings when they are closed, I see the museum, it looks so
impressive at this time, some watchmen are standing outside, I wave ‘hello’ and they respond with a smile. Next stop;
the zoo. It looks very dark and I can hear some of the animals, it’s a bit scary. I wonder what’s next. I pass by a
mini-market; it’s still open but I can’t see any sign of activity. I think I like this tour! It’s 3 am now, I go back home, I have
a class tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.

Mark True (T) or False (F) according to what you hear - What words or expressions from the text mean -
Marque verdadero (T) o falso (F) de acuerdo a lo que escuche. Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:
1. The watchem are next to the zoo ( F) Scary
Aterrador - ____________________________________
2. The man is probably a teacher (T ) Go back home
Ir de regreso a casa - _________________________
3. The man needs to pay for his night tour (F ) To get some sleep
Dormir un poco - _____________________________
4. There are a lot people in the mini market (F ) Saludar con la mano - Wave "hello"

Write the sentences that you hear - Escriba las oraciones que escuche.
1. There aren't any stores open tonight.
2. She likes to walk with her dogs.
3. We want to go to the square tomorrow morning.
4. Julio doesn't like to wait at the bus station.
5. This building is very clean. I like clean places.

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.
Lesson2 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
“Some succeed because they are
destined. Some succeed because
they are determined.” – Unknown

• Describe locations of parts of the city using adverbs of place -

Describir la ubicación de partes de la ciudad usando adverbios de lugar.
• Talk about quantities using ‘Some’ and ‘Any’ -
Habla acerca de cantidades usando ‘Some’ y ‘Any’.

Language Practice
Circle the correct option: Some or Any -
Encierre en un círculo la respuesta correcta.

1. There are (Some/Any) hotels near the town square. 5. Is there (Some/Any) ice in the fridge?
2. Maribel doesn’t have (Some/Any) relatives in this city. 6. Patty needs (Some/Any) more time to think.
3. Do you have (Some/Any) money to buy it for me? 7. I don’t have (Some/Any) time to do it today.
4. Are there (Some/Any) kids in your apartment building? 8. There are (Some/Any) stations around here.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.

1. Hay algunos edificios abiertos en la noche - There are some open buildings in the night

The streets are very clean today

2. Las calles están muy limpias hoy - ____________________________________________________________________

I need to wait the bus on the corner

3. Yo necesito esperar el bus en la esquina - _____________________________________________________________

Why there is a car in the middle of the street?

4. ¿Por qué hay un carro en el medio de la calle? - _______________________________________________________

5. El zoológico está al otro lado de la estación de policía - The zoo is across from the police station

Are they some restaurants in this place?

6. ¿Hay algunos restaurantes en ese lugar? - _____________________________________________________________

Is there a hospital among the buildings?

7. ¿Hay un hospital entre los edificios? - __________________________________________________________________

8. ¿Tú esperas a tu novio en la estación de buses? - Do you wait your boyfriend at the bus station?

There isn't any place dirty in this town

9. No hay ningún lugar sucio en este pueblo - ___________________________________________________________

We want to stay home the weekend

10. Nosotros queremos quedarnos en casa el fin de semana - ___________________________________________
B. Autonomous Practice
Mention some of the most popular places in your city and say the ones you
like the most - Mencione algunos de los lugares más populares en su ciudad y
diga cuáles le gustan más.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
In smalls groups discuss the following questions:

1. Do you live near that building?

2. Are there any people across from the bus station?
3. Do you like to study at night?
4. What places are open in the evening?
5. Are there any malls around here?

B. Autonomous Practice
Pair work: Ask your partner questions to discover the location of the missing
places on your map.

Student A Student B

Train Station Office
Green Street Green Street
Pet Shop Bank Pet Shop
Italian Italian
restaurant restaurant
Black Street

Black Street

Library Restaurant Library Museum Bookstore

Yellow Street Yellow Street

Travel Travel
Blue Street

Blue Street

Agent Store

High School

Red Street Red Street

Coffee Fish Hospital Coffee Fish Hospital
Shop Shop Shop Shop

Hotel Home Home

Start Start

Post office / Supermarket / bookstore / Bank / High school / Department store /

Museum / Chinese restaurant Hotel / Train station

Listen to the sentences and change them into questions.

1. Do you need some money to buy a new apartment?

2. Do they have any cars in the garage?
3. Does she has any money to go to the zoo with the kids?
4. In the evening, do you work with any nice people?
5. Does Marcela study with any other cousins?
Lesson3 Input

I will be able to - Yo seré capaz de:
• Indicate location of common places in the city -
Follow me!

Indicar la posición de lugares comunes en la ciudad.

• Ask for & give directions in the city using imperatives -
Pedir y dar indicaciones en la ciudad usando imperativos.

Word Bank
(To) Turn – Girar, voltear (To) Come - Venir (To) Drive - Conducir (To) Cross - Cruzar

Block - Cuadra Bridge - Puente Over - Sobre

Avenue - Avenida Traffic light - Semáforo Almost - Casi
Highway - Autopista Parking lot - Estacionamiento Then - Entonces
Entrance - Entrada Sidewalk - Acera Next - Próximo / siguiente
Exit - Salida Pedestrian - Peatón Last - Último

Go straight - Vaya derecho Turn right / left – Girar, voltear a la derecha / izquierda
Go back / Come back - Regresar Turn around - Hacer un giro completo
To get to - Llegar a Walk up / down the street - Subir / bajar por la calle

Language Focus
Imperatives - Imperativos

Usamos los Imperativos para dar órdenes, indicaciones, consejos, ofrecimientos y advertencias.
Para usar los imperativos debemos emplear la forma básica del verbo. Si el imperativo es negativo,
anteponemos Don’t.

Be careful! - ¡Tenga cuidado! Don’t go there! - No vaya allá.

Turn left - Gire a la izquierda. Don’t be late, please! - No llegue tarde, por favor.

In Context
1. Come over here. I need to ask you something - Ven aquí. Necesito preguntarte algo.
2. Walk up two blocks, and then turn left - Camine dos cuadras y luego voltee a la izquierda.
3. Excuse me. How do I get to the library from here? - Disculpe ¿Cómo llego a la biblioteca desde aquí?
4. Drive straight three blocks and turn right - Conduzca derecho tres cuadras y gire a la derecha.
5. We have to go back, the station is right there - Tenemos que regresar, la estación está justo ahí.
6. We need to take the next entrance to the highway - Necesitamos tomar la próxima entrada a la autopista.
7. Cross the pedestrian bridge to get there - Cruce el puente peatonal para llegar allá.
8. Stay here with your mom. Don’t go out alone - Quédate aquí con tu mamá. No salgas solo.
9. Be careful. There’s an accident at the traffic light - Tenga cuidado. Hay un accidente en el semáforo.
10. Park your car in that parking lot over there - Estacione su carro en ese estacionamiento de allá.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
A: Excuse me. Is there a library around here? I’m a little lost!
B: Yes. There’s one not far from here I think...yeah, it’s near, about three or four blocks away from here.
A: How do I get there?
B: Let me see. Do you see that traffic light over there? Turn left and go straight about two blocks. It’s on the right side.
It’s a really big building. You can’t miss it.
A: Great! Got it. Thank you so much.
B: You’re welcome. Good luck!

Answer the questions according to the text - What words or expressions from the text mean -
Responda las preguntas según el texto. Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:

1. Why is the woman confused? About

Aproximadamente - ____________________________
Because, she's a little lot.
A little lost
Un poco perdido - _____________________________
2. How far is the library from the traffic light?
About two blocks.
___________________________________________________ Got it
Lo entendí / Entendido - ________________________
3. Why is it easy to see the building? Buena suerte - Good luck
Because the building is very big.

Write the sentences that you hear - Escriba las oraciones que escuche.

1. Turn arround, we need to go back two blocks.

2. Stop! the hotel is rigth there.
3. You need to turn left and them cross the street.
4. Don't stay home, come with me.
5. Go straight and turn on right to the trafic light

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions -
Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.
Lesson 4 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
• Indicate location of common places in the city -
Indicar la ubicación de lugares en la ciudad.
“Fall down seven times,

• Ask for & give directions in the city using imperatives -

get up eight.”
Japanese Proverb

Pedir y dar indicaciones en la ciudad usando imperativos.

Language Practice
Complete with the proper verb - Complete con el verbo adecuado.

Turn - Be - Ask - Close - Take - Park - Come - Cross

1. ___________ the window please. It’s very cold. Come
5. ___________ with me. I don’t want to be there alone.
2. ___________ left on the next corner. Ask
6. ___________ somebody for directions. We’re lost.
3. ___________ your motorcycle here. Cross
7. ___________ the street on the corner at the traffic light.
4. ___________ quiet, please. I need to sleep. Take
8. ___________ the next exit on Highway 96.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.
1. Voltee a la izquierda en la esquina. Mi apartamento está al lado de la librería -
Turn left on the corner. My apartment is next to the library.

2. Vaya al parqueadero en el segundo piso y luego venga aquí -

Go to the parking lot in the second floor and then come here.

3. Mi casa es la ultima a la izquierda -

My house is the last of the left.

4. Yo pienso que soy un buen peatón -

I think I'm a good pedestrian.

5. Ellos necesitan llegar a la Avenida Lincoln. Yo pienso que es cerca -

They need to get to Lincoln Avenue. I think it's near.

6. Tim y Joseph estan perdidos. Ellos no conocen la calle principal -

Tim and Joseph are lost. They don't know the main street.

7. Disculpe, señor ¿Cómo llego al hospital desde aquí? -

Excuse me, Mr. How do I go to the hospital from here?

8. Vaya derecho casi ocho cuadras. Mi casa está al otro lado del parque -
Go straight almost eight blocks. My house is acroos from the park.

9. Regrese tres cuadras y estacione su carro en el centro comercial -

Go back three blocks and park your car at the mall.
10 10. Necesito llegar a la universidad al mediodía -
I need to get to the university at noon.
B. Autonomous Practice 11
Write a message to a friend giving directions on how to get to
your house from the nearest bus stop -
Escriba un mensaje a un/a amigo/a dándo indicaciones de cómo
llegar a su casa desde la parada de bus más cercana a tu casa.
Walk to the traffic light and turn right, go straight about one block
and turn right in the corner. Then, go straight about two blocks and
turn left in the corner. My apartment is the left side and in front of the
chesse and meat store.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
Ask these questions to a classmate who will answer with a complete sentence -
Haga estas preguntas a un compañero de clase, quién responderá con una oración completa.

1. Is there a bookstore near your home / church / parking lot?

2. How do I get to the library from here / bookstore / supermarket?
3. How do you get to school from home / the bus station / work?
4. Where is there a hospital / bridge / emergency exit?
5. Are there any schools in your neighborhood / malls / libraries?

B. Autonomous Practice
Pair work: Look at the map. Take turns asking your partner for directions to get from
one place to the other -
Miren el mapa. Tomen turnos para preguntar a su compañero/a por indicaciones de
cómo llegar de un lugar a otro.

Ex: - How do I get to the post office from the department store?

Office Train Station
Green Street
Pet Shop Bank

A Italian
restaurant B
From: Home Chinese From: Bank
Black Street

Restaurant Library Museum Bookstore

To: Museum To: Hotel
From: Coffee shop Yellow Street
Travel From: Post office
Blue Street

To: Italian restaurant department

Agent To: Department store
From: _________ (your own idea) Store
To: ____________ (your own idea) From: _________ (your own idea)
High School To: ____________ (your own idea)
Red Street
Coffee Fish Hospital
Shop Shop

Hotel Supermarket Home


Complete the conversation with the directions you hear -

Complete la conversación con las indicaciones que escuche.

Bruce: Excuse me I need to get to the University of Alabama.

Alan: Well, let me see. _______________
Walk up turn right
five blocks, and then ______________. wait
Oh no, _______________!
I think I’m wrong.Yes, ________________________________________then,
go about two blocks ____________________
turn left It’s very near here.
It is right next to a Chinese restaurant.
Bruce: Thanks a lot.
Lesson 5 Input

I will be able to - Yo seré capaz de:
Let’s go out!

• Make and accept invitations by using the expression ‘let’s’ -

Hacer y aceptar invitaciones usando la expresión ‘let’s’.
• Refer to people by using object pronouns -
Referirse a personas usando los pronombres objetivos.

Word Bank
(To) Invite - Invitar (To) Ask - Preguntar (To) Start - Empezar (To) Finish - Terminar

Party - Fiesta Ask for - Pedir (To) go swimming - Ir a nadar

Concert - Concierto Sure - Seguro (To) go camping - Ir a acampar
Show - Espectáculo, programa Maybe - Tal vez (To) go dancing - Ir a bailar
Barbecue - Parrillada / Asado Busy - Ocupado/a (To) go shopping - Ir de compras
Date - Fecha / Cita romántica Fun - Divertido

Why don’t we...? - ¿Por qué (nosotros) no ...? Sounds great - Suena genial
Let’s - (Expresión para convidar a hacer algo) Why not? - ¿Por qué no?
I’m sorry - Perdón / Lo siento Of course - Por supuesto

Language Focus
Object pronouns - Pronombres objetivos.
Los empleamos para referimos a personas o cosas como el objeto de la frase, es decir sobre
quien recae la acción. Se usan generalmente después de un verbo o una preposición.

Subject Object
Pronouns Pronouns
I Me
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
We Us
They Them

• I love my mom - I love her.

• Ask Ryan and Dylan - Ask them.
• Drink your coffee - Drink it.
• Dad loves my brother and me - Dad loves us.
• Go with your dad - Go with him.

In Context
1. I want to invite her to my birthday party - Yo quiero invitarla a mi fiesta de cumpleaños.
2. Ask them when they want to go to the zoo - Pregúntales cuándo quieren ir al zoológico.
3. Erik calls me every weekend to go out together - Erik me llama cada fin de semana para salir juntos.
4. Do you want to go to the barbecue with him? - ¿Quieres ir a la parrillada con él?
5. Katherine usually goes camping with us - Katherine generalmente va a acampar con nosotros.
6. Let’s go swimming with them next weekend - Vamos a nadar con ellas el próximo fin de semana.
7. Does Karol have a date with you tonight? - ¿Karol tiene una cita contigo esta noche?
8. We don’t have the tickets. We need to buy them - No tenemos los boletos. Tenemos que comprarlos.
9. Why don’t we call Jim and ask him about it? - ¿Por qué no llamamos a Jim y preguntale al respecto?
10. Sounds great but I’m busy that day. Sorry - Suena genial pero estoy ocupado ese día. Lo siento.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
Hanging Out with Friends
Jordan: Hey Sophie, there’s a great rock concert tonight. Do you want to go with me?
Sophie: Tonight? Oh, I’m sorry. No way.
Jordan: Oh, really? Why not?
Sophie: I am very busy. My uncle is coming from England. My mother and I have to pick him up at the airport at
around 8 p.m.
Jordan: Oh, that’s too bad! - well, not that your uncle is coming, of course - maybe some other time?
Sophie: Yeah, sure. Why don’t we go to a barbecue or something next week?
Jordan: Sounds great! Do you want me to call you on Thursday or Friday so we can plan something?
Sophie: Absolutely! Call me on Friday. On Thursdays I’m really busy. Oh, but wait a minute, I have a new cell
phone number, I don’t think you have it. It’s 9519987675.
Jordan: OK. Let me add it to my contact list. Alright, let’s talk on Friday, then. See you.
Sophie: Why don’t you call Jane, too? I’m sure she wants to come with us.

Answer the following questions using information from the text - What words or expressions from the text mean -
Conteste las siguientes preguntas usando la informacion del texto: Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:
1. What invitation does Jordan make? No way
De ninguna manera - _________________________
Jordan invites Sophie to a great rock concert tonight. Pick him up
Recogerlo - ___________________________________
2. Who comes from England?
Sophie's uncle. Some other time
En algún otro momento - ______________________
3. Are they going to a rock concert next week?
That's too bad
¡Qué mal! - ___________________________________
No, the next week, they go to a barbecue.
4. When does Jordan plan to call her?
Jordan plans to call her on Friday.

Write the invitation you hear and complete accordingly with the expressions
the people use to accept or decline -
Escriba la invitación que escuche y complete como corresponda con las
expresiones que las personas usan para aceptar o rechazar la invitación.


1. Go to a concert tonight.
No way.

2. Go to a barbecue. Of course that's a great ideal.

3. Go camping. Go dancing. Ok, that's sound fun. I don't really like camping.

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor(a).
Lesson6 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
“All progress takes place
outside the comfort zone.”

• Make and accept invitations by using the expression ‘let’s’ -

Hacer y aceptar invitaciones usando la expresión ‘let’s’.
• Refer to people by using object pronouns -
Michael John Bobak

Referirse a las personas utilizando los pronombres objetivos.

Language Practice
Choose a suitable option to replace the underlined words -
Escoja la opción adecuada para reemplazar las palabras subrayadas.

1. Pedro calls his girlfriend everyday. 4. When does Alfred do homework?

A. He / her B. Him / she C. He / it A. He / it B. It / he C. He / her
2. My friend and I want to go with her cousins. 5. Give the cellphone to your mom.
A. Me / her B. We / her C. We / them A. It / her B. It / you C. Him / her
3.The teacher’s dog eats vegetables. 6. Do Kelly and Stacy eat pasta?
A. He / it B. It / it C. It / them A. She / it B. They / it C. Them / it

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.

Let's go to Justin's house tomorrow morning.

1. Vamos a la casa de Justin mañana por la mañana -___________________________________________________

Let's have lunch in this restaurant. It's very good.

2. Almorcemos en este restaurante. Es muy bueno -______________________________________________________

Why don't we finish this right now?

3. ¿Por qué no terminamos esto ahora mismo? - _________________________________________________________

When do you want to go shopping with us?

4. ¿Cuándo quieres ir de compras con nosotros? - _______________________________________________________

We should go to concert tonight.

5. Deberíamos ir al concierto esta noche -_______________________________________________________________

Let's drink something, I'm very thirsty.

6. Bebamos algo, estoy muy sediento - __________________________________________________________________

Do you want to go out with our friends?

7. ¿Quiere usted salir con nuestros amigos? -_____________________________________________________________

Why don't you invite your boss to come with us?

8. ¿Por qué no invitas a tu jefe a venir con nosotros? -_____________________________________________________

Let's start this meeting. It's late.

9. Empecemos esta reunión . Es tarde -__________________________________________________________________

14 Let's watch the game in my house. / Sounds great!

10. Veamos el partido en mi casa. / ¡Suena genial! - _____________________________________________________

B. Autonomous Practice
Write a conversation inviting a friend to some activity that you consider fun -
Escriba una conversación invitando a un amigo/a a alguna actividad que considere divertida.
Hello, my friend. Do you want to go with me to a young's meeting this Saturday at night?
The young's meeting is in my church. It's veru fun. There are music, games and a word of blessing
for your life.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
1. There’s a great concert. Do you want to go? / movie / party
2. Why don’t we go shopping on the weekend? / camping / swimming
3. Let’s meet in front of the cinema at 7p.m. / cafeteria / library
4. What time does your class start? / finish / continue
5. Let’s not have dinner at that restaurant. / lunch / breakfast
6. Why don’t you invite your sister to the party? / mom / husband

B. Autonomous Practice
Look at the posters for the different events in the city. Invite your friend to go
with you to some events. Your friend may accept or decline the invitations -
Mire los afiches de los distintos eventos en la ciudad. Invite a su amigo/a a
algunos eventos. Su amigo/a puede aceptar o rechazar las invitaciones.

Choose the best responses for the invitations that you hear -
Seleccione las mejores respuestas para las invitaciones que escuche.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
a. Yes, tomorrow is OK. a. Sure, I have some a. That sounds fun! a. Yes, now. a. No, they don’t.
b. At 3 O’clock. minutes now. b. No, he doesn’t. b. No, I don’t like movies. b. No, it’s late.
c. Of course not. b. Yes, I play tennis. c. Bread and cheese. c. In about ten minutes. c. Yes, I’m sorry.
c. I call him everyday.
Review & Progress Assessment Part 1

(30 Minutes)
In pairs remember the topics you have studied from lesson 1 through 6 and fill in the chart -
En parejas, recuerde los temas que ha estudiado desde la lección 1 hasta la 6 y llene el cuadro.

Lessons 1 & 2 Lessons 3 & 4 Lessons 5 & 6

Topic: Topic: Topic:

Language focus: Language focus: Language focus:

Example: Example: Example:

Challenging Vocabulary: Challenging Vocabulary: Challenging Vocabulary:

(10 Minutes)
Individually, reflect on your own process and do a self-evaluation about each one of the
objectives of the lessons, marking in front of each competence if you comply or need
reinforcement -
De manera individual, reflexione acerca de su propio proceso y haga una autoevaluación
acerca de cada uno de los objetivos de las lecciones, marcando en frente de cada
competencia si cumple o necesita refuerzo.

Competences Complies
Describe locations of sites in the city using
adverbs of place.

Talk about quantities using ‘Some’ and ‘Any’.

Indicate location of common places in the city.

Ask for and gives directions in the city using imperatives.

Make and accepts invitations by using the

expression ‘let’s’.

Refer to people by using object pronouns.

(20 Minutes)
Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.

Output Lesson Check Lesson 2 Lesson 4 Lesson 6

Autonomous writing.

Listening comprehension.

Performance Assessment
(30 Minutes)
Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.

Listening comprehension 20


(30 Minutes)
Your teacher will provide you with some feedback of your learning process so far, for you to consider and apply
his/her advices -
El/La profesor/a le dará retroalimentación de su proceso de aprendizaje hasta ahora, para que usted considere y
aplique sus sugerencias.

Student’s signature ________________________________ Teacher’s signature __________________________

Lesson7 Input

I will be able to - Seré capaz de:
• Describe the weather using common adjectives -
Describir el clima usando adjetivos comunes.
Raining cats and dogs

• Express opinions about weather conditions using the intensifier ‘Too’ -

Expresar opiniones acerca de las condiciones climáticas usando el intensificador ‘Too’.

Word Bank
(To) Feel - Sentir (To) Smell - Oler (To) See - Ver (To) Hear - Oír

Weather - Clima Dry - Seco Winter - Invierno

Sun - Sol Wet - Húmedo, mojado Spring - Primavera
Rain - Lluvia Warm - Cálido, tibio Summer - Verano
Wind - Viento Awful - Espantoso Fall / Autumn - Otoño
Cloud - Nube Umbrella - Paraguas Before - Antes
Snow - Nieve Season - Estación After - Después

Rainy - Lluvioso Cloudy - Nuboso,cubierto de nubes

Sunny - Soleado Snowy - Nevado, nevoso, con nieve
Windy - Ventoso / con viento

Language Focus
Intensifier ‘Too’ + Adjective - Intensificador “Too” + Adjetivo.
Usamos “Too” antes de adjetivos para intensificar su significado.

It’s too cold to go out today - Está haciendo demasiado frío para salir hoy.
This season is too hot - Esta estación es demasiado calurosa.

Very y Too: Ambos son intensificadores pero hay una diferencia:

Very + Adjective
(Very puede tener una connotación positiva o negativa)

Too + Adjective
(Too siempre tiene una connotación negativa)

The weather is very cold but we can go out -

El clima está muy frío pero podemos salir.
(It is possible to go out)

The weather is too cold so we can’t go out -

El clima está demasiado frío así que no podemos salir.
(It is not possible to go out)
1. Let's go camping tonight.
2. Why don't we drink a cup of coffe
In Context 19
1. We feel too tired to go out tonight - Nos sentimos demasiado cansados para salir esta noche.
2. My mom wants to go to Toronto in the fall - Mi mamá quiere ir a Toronto en el otoño.
3. I feel really cold tonight. Do you have a jacket? - Tengo mucho frío esta noche. ¿Tienes una chaqueta?
4. Do you prefer a cold or a hot drink? - ¿Prefieres una bebida fría o caliente?
5. Summer is our favorite season. We like to feel warm - El verano es nuestra estación favorita. Nos gusta sentirnos cálidos.
6. Does you girlfriend like sunny days? - ¿A tu novia le gustan los días soleados?
7. Take an umbrella with you. The weather is awful - Lleva una sombrilla contigo. El clima está espantoso.
8. Look at those clouds! Let’s go home before it rains - ¡Mira esas nubes! Vayamos a casa antes que llueva.
9. Let’s stay inside. It’s too sunny outside - Quedémonos adentro. Está demasiado soleado afuera.
10. Where do you want to go on vacation next spring? - ¿A dónde quieres ir de vacaciones la próxima primavera?

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
Match the images with the descriptions on the right -
Relacione las imagenes con las descripciones a la derecha.

A. B. C.
A This is the big star in the center of our solar system.
C It is water that falls from the sky.
SUN WIND RAIN D A formation of condensed water that floats in the sky.
D. E. F.
F You use this to cover your head from the rain or the sun.
B The natural movement of air in the form of a current.
CLOUD DRY UMBRELLA E Free from moisture or humidity; not wet or moist.
G. H. I. H A time of the year when old leaves fall from the trees.
I A cold season when snow falls in some places.


G The intensity of heat shown by a thermometer.

Mark True (T) or False (F) according to what you hear - What words or expressions from the text mean -
Marque verdadero (T) o falso (F) de acuerdo a lo que escuche. Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:
1. A cloud is in the center of the solar system. (F ) Sky
Cielo - _________________________________________
2. Winter is very cold. (T ) Floats
Flotar - ________________________________________
3. Snow falls in the summer. (F) Humidity
Humedad -____________________________________
4. The sun is a big star. (T ) Leaves
Hojas - ________________________________________

Listen to the sentences and mark the correct answer according to the images -
Escuche las oraciones y marque la respuesta correcta de acuerdo a las imágenes.

1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4.

A. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C.

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.
Lesson8 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
• Describe the weather using common adjectives -
Describir el clima usando adjetivos comunes.
“You are never too old to set
another goal or to dream a
new dream.” - Les Brown

• Express opinions about weather conditions using the intensifier ‘Too’ -

Expresar opiniones acerca de las condiciones climáticas usando el intensificador ‘Too’.

Language Practice
Write a sentence about the situations given using “Too” as an intensifier -
Escriba una oración acerca de las situaciones dadas usando “Too” como intensificador.
Anne lives alone. Her house has 8 bedrooms and 3 baths. Anne’s house is too big for her.
1. My husband is size XL. This jacket is size M. This jacket is too small.
2. It’s 43° C°! It is impossible to go outside. This weather is too hot to go outside.
3. The temperature is extremely low to go swimming today. This weather is too cold to go swimming today.
4. My daughter is 9, and she wants to drive a car. She's too young to drive a car.
5. Jacky’s office is enormous. It looks empty with her small desk. Jacky's office is too enormous.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.

1. El clima en mi ciudad está muy frío esta semana -

The weather in my city is very cold this week.

2. Mi estación favorita es el invierno -

My favorite season is the winter.

3. Quiero ir de vacaciones en el verano -

I want to go on vacation in the summer.

4. Esta semana estoy demasiado ocupado -

This week I'm too busy.

5. Este café esta demasiado frio ¿Lo quieres caliente? -

This coffee is too cold. Do you want it hot?

6. El verano es usualmente muy seco en esta región -

The summer is usually very dry in this region.

7. Este paraguas es demasiado pequeño. Necesitamos uno grande -

This umbrella is too small. We need a big one.

8. Hoy es un día muy nublado ¿Prefieres ir mañana? -

Today is a day very cloudy. Do you prefer to go tomorrow?

9. A mis hijas les gusta oler las flores en la primavera -

My daughters like to smell the flowers in the spring.
10. Esta temporada es muy bonita. Nosotros siempre invitamos a nuestra familia -
This season is very pretty. We always invite to our family.

B. Autonomous Practice
Write a short letter to a friend describing the weather in your city in different times of the year -
Escriba una carta corta a un/a amigo/a describiendo el clima en su ciudad en distintas épocas del año.

The Cali's weather is very irregular. But usually it's too warm. The summer it combines with the spring and
sometimes the warm is awful. The autum it combines with the winter and its a season very nice,
in my opinion, the rainy days are the best.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
Ask these questions to a classmate who will answer with a complete sentence -
Haga estas preguntas a un compañero, quien responderá con una oración completa.

1. Do you want to go camping with me next summer / winter / spring?

2. Do you prefer your tea hot / warm / cold?
3. What do you like to do on sunny days / rainy / windy?
4. How is the weather in your city in August / November / March?
5. What is your favorite time of the year? Why? / month / season
6. Do you think we need to take out an umbrella / hat / jacket?

B. Autonomous Practice
Say as much as you can about the pictures using too+adjective -
Diga cuanto pueda acerca de las imágenes usando too+adjetivo.

Write the definition for each season according to what you hear -
Escriba la definición para cada temporada de acuerdo a lo que escuche.

1. Winter: This season is cold and sometimes snowy, people like to stay home.
2. Summer: This time of the year is very hot, people usually go on vacation.
3. Fall: This is a beautiful season, when old leaves fall from trees.
4. Spring: This time of the year new flowers come out.

I will be able to - Yo seré capaz de:

Put it on!

• Describe what people are wearing by using common clothing vocabulary -

Describir lo que la gente lleva puesto usando vocabulario de vestimenta común.
• Talk about situations that are in progress at a particular moment using the present continuous -
Hablar acerca de situaciones que están en progreso en un momento particular usando el
presente continuo.

Word Bank
(To) Wear - Llevar puesto, usar (To) Put on - Ponerse (To) Take off - Quitarse (To) Cover - Cubrir

Clothes - Ropa Dress - Vestido Underwear - Ropa interior

Shirt - Camisa Suit - Traje Hat - Sombrero
T-shirt - Camiseta Shoes - Zapatos Tie - Corbata
Blouse - Blusa Boots - Botas Watch - Reloj
Jacket - Chaqueta Sneakers - Zapatos deportivos Both - Ambos
Pants - Pantalones Sandals – Sandalias Comfortable - Cómodo
Skirt - Falda Socks - Medias Uncomfortable - Incómodo

To get dressed - Vestirse A pair of - Un par de Singular Plural

Near This (Este / Esta) These (Estos / Estas)

Cool - Genial, chévere, fresco Far That (Ese / Esa) Those (Esos / Esas)

Language Focus
Present progressive - Presente progresivo.

Para referirnos a cosas que están sucediendo

al momento de hablar, usamos una forma
del verbo To Be y la terminación –ing (ando,
endo). A esta estructura se le denomina
presente progresivo o continuo.

I am
He is
She is She is selling clothes.
It is ing She is not selling clothes.
We are verb
Is she selling clothes?
You are
They are

In Context
1. I don’t like these pants. They’re too big - No me gustan estos pantalones. Son demasiado grandes.
2. We like those white sneakers. They’re cool - Nos gustan esos zapatos deportivos. Son geniales.
3. Take off your jacket. It’s hot in here - Quítate la chaqueta. Hace calor aquí.
4. He always wears a suit and a tie to work - Él siempre usa un traje y una corbata para el trabajo.
5. Do you want to buy this watch or that one? - ¿Quiere comprar este reloj o ese?
6. What are they wearing right now? - ¿Qué llevan ellos puesto justo ahora?
7. Shelly isn’t wearing a long skirt - Shelly no está usando una falda larga.
8. Mark and Tom are wearing hats because it’s sunny - Mark y Tom están usando sombreros porque está soleado.
9. Wait a minute, please. I am getting dressed - Espera un minuto, por favor. Me estoy vistiendo.
10. I love both dresses. They look great on you - Me encantan ambos vestidos. Se te ven muy bien.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
A trip to Europe

My name is Cindy Williams, and I am a model and a fashion designer. I usually travel a lot because I attend many
conferences about fashion trends. This year, Milan is my destination! Today it’s warm here in Miami but it’s wintertime in
Europe. I’m wearing a nice, light blue blouse, a pair of jeans and boots. I’m also taking a warm coat for when I arrive there.
además llegar
I like to use a small suitcase just for a few clothes. I always take a handbag with me where I put all my stuff, like my makeup
maleta sólo poco bolso cosas
and credit cards. I don’t like to carry too many things when I travel because it’s very uncomfortable.

Answer the questions according to the text - What words or expressions from the text mean -
Responda las preguntas según el texto. Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:

1. Why is she traveling to Europe? Fashion designer

Diseñador/a de modas - _______________________
Because she attends a conference about fashion trends.
__________________________________________ Attend
Asistir - _________________________________________
2. Why is she taking a warm coat? Trends
Tendencia - ____________________________________
Because in Europe it's wintertime
Cosas (Informal) - ______________________________
3. Why doesn’t Cindy carry a big suitcase?
Because it's very umcomfortable.
__________________________________________ Suitcase
Maleta - _______________________________________
4. How do you like to dress when you travel?
I like to dress comfortably

Write the answer that you hear for these questions -
Escriba las respuesta que escuche para estas preguntas.

1. Is he sleeping in his room? 1. No, he's not sleeping in his bedroom.

2. What are you doing? 2. I'm doing my homework right now.
3. What is she buying? 3. She's buying her new dress for the party.
4. What are those kids wearing? 4. Those kids are wearing sneakers.
5. Who are you having dinner with? 5. He's having dinner with his parents.

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions -
Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/ a.
Now I can - Ahora puedo:

• Describe what people are wearing by using common clothing vocabulary -

“Those who wish to sing,

Describir lo que la gente lleva puesto, usando vocabulario común de vestimenta.

always find a song.”
Swedish Proverb

• Talk about actions that are in progress at a particular moment using the present continuous -
Hablar acerca de acciones que están en progreso en un momento en particular usando el presente continuo.

Language Practice
Fill in with the verbs in brakets using the proper tense (present simple and present progressive) -
Completa con los verbos en paréntesis usando el tiempo gramatical adecuado (presente simple y presente progresivo):
1. My father-in-law usually ____________ is
basketball, but today he ____ playing tennis. (to play)

2. They __________
speak are
three different languages. They ________ speaking
____________ Japanese now. (to speak)
3. I usually____________ to work. Be careful, you____ driving
are ____________ too fast. (to drive)
are _________
4. What is the name of the fruit you _____ eating eat
now? Do you ____________ fruit everyday? (to eat)

5. She usually _________

wears is
t-shirts, but today it’s a rainy day and she _____ wearing
_________ a raincoat. (to wear)
6. We _______ watching TV today, but we ______
____________ don't watch
__________ TV everyday. (watch / not watch)

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.
1. Mis hijos llevan puesto un uniforme azul hoy -
My children wear a blue uniform today.
2. Ella está trabajando en la tienda con su esposo -
She's working in the store with her husband.
3. Necesito un nuevo par de zapatos. Estos están demasiado viejos -
I need new a pair of shoes. These are too old.
4. Espera un minuto por favor. Me estoy vistiendo -
Wait a minute, please. I'm getting dressed.
5. César y Jhon no están viajando. Ellos están trabajando -
Cesar and John aren't traveling. They're working.
6. ¿Dónde estás trabajando? ¿Qué estás haciendo ahora? -
Where are you working? What are you doing now?
7. Estos zapatos son muy incómodos. Quiero comprar unas sandalias -
These shoes are very uncomfortable. I want to buy sandals.
8. Paula está comprando un nuevo vestido para su viaje -
Paula is buying a new dress for her travel.
9. ¿Por qué estás viviendo en Polonia? -
Why are you living in Poland?
24 10. ¿Están ellos vistiéndose para mi fiesta de cumpleaños? -
Are they getting dressed for my birthday party?

B. Autonomous Practice
With your partners, go out of the classroom and walk around to take notes on what people are
doing and wearing. Come back to the classroom and compare your sentences with a classmate -
Con tus compañeros, salgan del salón y hagan un recorrido tomando nota acerca de lo que
la gente está haciendo y vistiendo. Regrese al salón y compare sus oraciones con un compañero.


A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
Ask these questions to a classmate who will answer with a complete sentence -
Haga estas preguntas a un compañero quien contestará usando una oración completa.

1. Where do you like to buy your clothes / shoes / accessories?

2. Do you like to wear sneakers / sandals / dresses?
3. What do you usually wear when it is hot / cold / rainy?
4. Where are you living / studying / wearing?
5. Do you have to wear a uniform at work / tie / skirt?

B. Autonomous Practice
Group work: Fashion show.
Choose two representatives to be your “models”, they will walk down the “catwalk” while the rest of the
group describes the clothing and accessories they are wearing as if they were presenting a fashion show -
Escojan dos representantes para ser sus “modelos”, ellos caminarán por la “pasarela” mientras el resto del
grupo describe la ropa y accesorios que ellos están usando como si estuvieran en un show de modas.

Write what you hear based on the following pictures.

1. Brandi is buying a new shirt at the mall.

2. Sara is speaking with her mom on the phone.
3. My little sister is eating salad for lunch.
4. She's swimming right now.
5. They're playing volleyball in the court.
Lesson11 Input

I will be able to - Seré capaz de:
It suits you!

• Talk about quantities using ‘how much’ and ‘how many’ -

Hablar acerca de cantidades usando ‘How much’ y ‘How many’.
• Talk about prices when going shopping -
Hablar acerca de precios cuando se va de compras.

Word Bank
(To) Spend - Gastar (To) Change - Cambiar (To) Cost - Costar (To) Pay - Pagar

Cap - Gorra Money - Dinero

Belt - Correa Cash - Dinero en efectivo
Scarf - Bufanda Credit card - Tarjeta de crédito
Wallet - Billetera Client - Cliente
Purse - Cartera Salesperson - Vendedor/a
Gloves - Guantes Fashion - Moda

To try on - Probarse (una prenda) To stand in line - Hacer fila Window shopping - Vitrinear
To look for - Buscar To be on sale - Estar en promoción To buy online - Comprar en linea

Language Focus
Much vs Many.

Much - Mucho Many - Muchos

I don’t have much time today - She has many friends in school -
Yo no tengo mucho tiempo hoy. Ella tiene muchas amigas en la escuela.

How much - ¿Cuánto? How many - ¿Cuántos?

Usamos “How much” para preguntar por la Usamos “How many” para preguntar por una
cantidad o precio de sustantivos no contables cantidad de sustantivos contables (objetos,
(sólidos, líquidos, Tiempo, dinero, abstractos. etc.) . unidades de medida, etc.).

How much money do you need? - How many pairs of shoes do you have? -
¿Cuánto dinero necesitas? ¿Cuántos pares de zapatos tienes?

In Context
1. I usally go shopping on weekends - Yo usualemente voy de compras los fines de semana.
2. Excuse me, how much is that suit? - Disculpe ¿Cuánto cuesta ese traje?
3. I’m sorry. This is not what I’m looking for - Lo siento. Esto no es lo que estoy buscando.
4. Do you think this wallet is too expensive? - ¿Tú crees que esta billetera es demasiado costosa?
5. How many pairs of socks do you want to buy? - ¿Cuántos pares de medias quieres comprar?
6. Lilly loves to buy her clothes online - A Lilly le encanta comprar su ropa en línea.
7. He doesn’t like to spend a lot of money on clothes - A él no le gusta gastar mucho dinero en ropa.
8. Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card? - ¿Quiere pagar en efectivo o con tarjeta de crédito?
9. Why don’t you try on this shirt ? What’s your size? - ¿Por qué no te pruebas esta camisa? ¿Cuál es tu talla?
10. We prefer to go to another store. Thanks - Preferimos ir a otra tienda. Gracias.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
Fashion Crazy
Anthony is a 29 year old guy who loves going shopping on weekends. He works
as a manager at a very luxurious hotel in town and has contact with many clients
como lujoso
everyday. That’s why he always wants to be neat and look his best. He’s obsessed
estar pulcro
with colorful ties and modern clothes. Sometimes his family thinks he has too
many suits and that he spends too much money shopping. “If it is nice and comfy,
I just take it. I don’t care about the price!”, he says.
solo lo tomo precio

Mark True (T) or False (F) according to the text -

Marque Verdadero o Falso según el texto.
1. Anthony is a salesman at a hotel. ( F)
2. Anthony loves to spend a lot of money on clothes. (T )
3. His family thinks he has good spending habits. (F )
4. He has a lot of suits. (T )
What words or expressions from the text mean -
Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:

Lujoso - ________________________________________
Pulcro - ________________________________________
Colorido - ______________________________________
Cómodo - _____________________________________

Write the sentences that you hear - Escriba las oraciones que escuche.

1. I need to change these boots, they're too small.

2. I like that scarf. It looks great on you.
3. How much are these jeans?
4. He spends too much money on his clothes
5. How many clients are there in the shop today?

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions -
Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/ a.
Lesson12 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
“The only people who achieve their
dreams are the ones that go after
their dreams and don’t take ‘No’ for
an answer.” - Nick Cannon

• Talk about quantities using ‘how much’ and ‘how many’ -

Hablar acerca de cantidades usando ‘How much’ y ‘How many’.
• Talk about prices when going shopping -
Hablar acerca de precios cuando se va de compras.

Language Practice
Complete with: many / much / how much / how many.

1. ________ many friends do you have on facebook?
________ How
5. ________ many
________books are you reading now?

2. ________ much money do you need for the party?
________ Many people are standing in line to pay.
6. ________

many shoes in my closet.

3. I don’t have ________ How
7. ________ much
________time do they have to go shopping?

much water in the morning.

4. She doesn’t drink ________ much
8. We don’t have ________money to go out this weekend.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.

1. ¿Cuántos pares de zapatos tienes en tu closet? -

How many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet?

2. Él no conoce muchas tiendas en esta ciudad ¿Y tú? -

He doesn't know many stores in this city. Do you?

3. ¿Prefieres el bolso rojo o el blanco? -

Do you prefer the red or the white purse? Do you prefer the red bag or the write one?

4. ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para comprar ese vestido? -

How much money do you need to buy that dress?

5. Ella necesita comprar un par de guantes para su viaje a Rusia -

She needs to buy a pair of gloves for her trip to Russia.

6. Nosotros usualmente vamos de compras cuando tenemos dinero -

We usually go shopping when we have money.

7. Mi hija quiere cambiar sus zapatos porque estos no son su talla -

My daughter wants to change her shoes because these aren't her size.

8. No cambies tu gorra. Yo pienso que es muy bonita y colorida -

Don't change your cap. I think (that) it's very pretty and colorful.

9. Paguemos con tu tarjeta de crédito porque yo no tengo tengo efectivo -

Let's pay with your credit card because i don't have much cash.
10. Disculpe ¿Es usted el vendedor? Quiero probarme esos zapatos -
Excuse me. Are you the salesperson? I want to try on those shoes.

B. Autonomous Practice
Write a paragraph about the stores you go to and the type of clothing you usually buy -
Escriba un párrafo acerca de los almacenes a los que usted va y el tipo de ropa que
generalmente compra.
I usually go to the UNICO mall, i like its shops and its prices. Also i like to go to the CHIPICHAPE mall because it's very
beautiful and comfy. I usually buy clothes comfortable and pretty, although I try not to be it very expensive.
I like the clothes good, pretty and cheap.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
Ask these questions to a classmate who will answer with a complete sentence.

1. How much is a good computer? / cellphone / motorcycle.

2. How many students are there in the classroom now? / chairs / women.
3. Do you try on the jeans before you buy them? / shoes / t-shirts.
4. Do you usually pay in cash? / credit card / debit card.
5. When do you buy clothes? / shoes / a cellphone.
6. How many pairs of pants do you have? / sneakers / sandals.

B. Autonomous Practice
Role play!
Group work: One person is the
salesperson and two are the clients. The
clients want to buy different items, the
salesperson gives all the information
necessary. Include vocabulary and
expressions from the lesson -
Trabajo en grupo: Una persona es el /
vendedor/a y dos son los clientes. Los
clientes quieren comprar diferentes
artículos, el vendedor da toda la
información necesaria. Incluyan
vocabulario y expresiones del la lección.

Answer the questions that you hear - Responda las preguntas que escuche.

1. Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card? I want to pay in cash, i don't have credit card.

2. What it your shoes size? My shoes size is 38 or 39, depends on the store.
3. Where do you usually go shopping for clothes? I usually go shopping my clothes at the Unico mall or Chipichape mall.
4. How many pairs of shoes do you have? I have 13 pairs of shoes.
5. How much money do you need to buy clothes? Depends that i need in that moment, but about two hundred thousand pesos.
Review & Progress Assessment Part 2

(30 Minutes)
In pairs remember the topics you have studied from lesson 7 through 12 and fill in the chart -
En parejas, recuerde los temas que ha estudiado desde la lección 7 hasta la 12 y llene el cuadro.

Lessons 7 & 8 Lessons 9 & 10 Lessons 11 & 12

Topic: Topic: Topic:

Language focus: Language focus: Language focus:

Example: Example: Example:

Challenging Vocabulary: Challenging Vocabulary: Challenging Vocabulary:

(10 Minutes)
Individually, reflect on your own process and do a self-evaluation about each one of the
objectives of the lessons, marking in front of each competence if you comply or need
reinforcement -
De manera individual, reflexione acerca de su propio proceso y haga una autoevaluación
acerca de cada uno de los objetivos de las lecciones, marcando en frente de cada
competencia si cumple o necesita refuerzo.

Competences Complies

Describe the weather using common adjectives.

Express opinions about weather conditions using

the intensifier ‘Too’.

Describe what people are wearing by using common

clothing vocabulary.

Talk about situations that are in progress at a particular

moment using the present continuous.

Talk about quantities using ‘how much’ and ‘how many’.

Talk about prices when going shopping.

(20 Minutes)
Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.

Output Lesson Check Lesson 8 Lesson 10 Lesson 12

Autonomous writing.

Listening comprehension.

Performance Assessment:
(30 Minutes)
Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.

Listening comprehension


(30 Minutes)
Your teacher will provide you with some feedback of your learning process so far, for you to consider and apply
his/her advice -
El/La profesor/a le dará retroalimentación de su proceso de aprendizaje hasta ahora, para que usted considere y
aplique sus sugerencias.

Student’s signature ________________________________ Teacher’s signature __________________________



Verb Translation Verb Translation
Be (am, are, is) Ser, estar Light Encender, alumbrar, iluminar
Beat Golpear, vencer, ganarle a Lose Perder, extraviar
Become Llegar a ser, convertirse en Make Hacer, fabricar
Begin Comenzar, empezar Mean Significar
Bet Apostar Meet Conocerse, encontrarse
Bite Morder Pay Pagar
Bleed Sangrar Put Poner, colocar
Blow Soplar Read Leer
Break Romper, partir quebrar Ring Sonar, tocar
Bring Traer Rise Elevarse, levantarse
Build Construir, edificar Run Correr
Burn Quemar, arder, incendiar Say Decir
Buy Comprar See Ver
Catch Coger, agarrar, atrapar Seek Buscar
Come Venir Sell Vender
Cost Costar Send Enviar
Cut Cortar, Set Poner, colocar
Choose Elegir, escoger Sew Coser (una prenda de vestir)
Deal Tratar, acordar Shake Agitar, sacudir
Dig Cavar Shine Brillar
Do (does) Hacer, preparar Shoot Disparar
Draw Dibujar, pintar, trazar Show Mostrar, enseñar
Dream Soñar Sing Cantar
Drink Beber Sink Hundirse
Drive Conducir Sit Sentarse
Eat Comer Sleep Dormir
Feed Alimentar Slide Deslizar, resbalar
Feel Sentir Smell Olfatear, oler
Fight Pelear, luchar Speak Hablar
Fly Volar Spend Gastar
Forbid Prohibir Spread Extender, desplegar
Forget Olvidar Stand Estar de pie
Forgive Perdonar, disculpar Steal Robar, hurtar
Freeze Helar, congelar Stick Adherir, pegar, engomar
Get Conseguir, obtener, lograr Sting Picar (aguijón)
Give Dar Stink Apestar, heder
Go (goes) Ir Swear Jurar
Have Tener, haber, poseer Sweat Sudar
Hear Escuchar, oír Swim Nadar
Hide Esconder, esconderse Swing Balancear, columpiar
Hit Golpear Take Tomar, coger
Hold Sujetar, agarrar Teach Educar, enseñar
Hurt Herir, lesionar, dañar Tear Romper, rasgar
Keep Guardar, mantener Tell Decir, contar
Know Saber, conocer Think Pensar
Lead Dirigir, guiar Throw Lanzar, aventar, arrojar, tirar
Learn Aprender Understand Entender, comprender
Leave Dejar (abandonar) Wake Despertar, despertarse
Lend Prestar Wear Llevar puesto, usar
Let Dejar, permitir Win Ganar
Lie Tenderse (acostarse) Write Escribir
Segunda publicación 2017
Publicado por Organización Colombia Bilingüe S.A.S
bajo la marca skooL®, Skool Centro de Formación®,
English skooL® y/o skooL English Institute®
© Copyright 2014 Organización Colombia Bilingüe S.A.S.
Todos los derechos reservados.

Dirección de Proyecto: Juan Guillermo Ochoa Alarcón

Dirección de Desarrollo: Lina Giraldo Gálvez
Coordinación de Proyecto: María del Carmen Arellano
Elaboración de contenidos:
Carlos Arturo Giraldo Ramírez, Daniel Eduardo Moreno Llanos,
Elizabeth Novoa Hidalgo, Germán Andrés Sánchez Betancourt.
Edición: Carlos Arturo Giraldo Ramírez
Diseño y diagramación: Mario Andrés Gómez Morales

Ninguna de las partes de esta publicación o su totalidad podrá ser resproducida,

archivada en sistema de recuperación digital o transmitida de cualquier forma o por
cualquier medio electrónico, mecánico, fotocopiado, fotografiado, grabado o cualquier
otro, sin previa autorización de Organización Colombia Bilingüe S.A.S., titular de los
derechos de la marca Skool y sus productos. Ley 23 de 1982.
• Express one’s mood. • Understand and respond yes/no • Give instructions according to the context. • Understand instructions.
• Talk about criminal investigation. questions. • Discuss hygiene habbits. • Accept invitations.
• Talk about one’s chores. • Understand short stories and fairy tales. • Ask for and give permission. • Understand spoken dialogues at different
• Ask information questions. • Understands commands, orders and • Make a reservation at a resutaurant. places.
• Pronunce regular verbs in the past. instructions. • Talk about healthy and unhealthy habbits. • Make deductions according to a given


• Write short and simple texts in the past • Regular verbs in the past (ed). • Write short texts about recipes. • Zero conditional.
about: what they were doing, nice • Simple past. • Write paragraphs about their lifestyles. • Modal verbs (May-Might).
moments, information questions. • Past progressive. • Wries information about restaurants and • Imperatives.
places in a city. • Expressing quantity.
• Participle adjectives.

• Food-related vocabulary.
• Understand main details of short • Time expressions in the past. • Understand information presented on • Kitchen utensils.
paragraphs according to the • Mood- realated vocabulary. menus, recipes and manuals. • Personal-care related
context. • Daily activities. • Understand short texts about personal vocabulary.
• Analyze and understand the • Media- related vocabulary. care routines. • Feelings and emotions.
difference between simple past and • Crime-related vocabulary. • Understand a medical prescription. • Common illnesses and
past progressive in short texts. symptoms.

A2.1 A2.2
A2.3 A2 A2.4


• Talk about childhood memories. • Understand details about future • Talk about natural disasters. • Understand details about.
• Discuss college life. arrengements. • Make comparisons. • Understand the difference between
• Express future events. • Identify the main ideas of services • Give relevant information. comparatives and superlative
• Talk about one’s belongings. provided at universities, banks and • Ask for information about schedules adjectives.
• Discuss future consequences. offices. and prices. • Understand information at termials
• Infer about information regarding • Talk about holiday traditions. and airports.
internet services.


• Suffixes.
• Write paragraph about one’s memories. • Used to – There used to be. • Write about a future vacation.
• Comparatives and superlatives.
• Write about future plans. • First conditional. • Write about one’s favorite hobbies.
• Defining relative clauses.
• Write a list of office supplies. • Present progressive for the future. • Write about one’s culture traditions.
• Reflexive pronouns.
• Future in the past. • Make a written composition about
• Definite article. The. one’s trip.
• Possessive pronouns.


• Understand traffic signs. • University and college. • Read information written at • Natural phenomena.
• Understand information about online • Childhood-realated vocabulary. airports and terminals. • Linkers of cause.
safety. • Office supplies. • Comprehend information • Transportation.
• Identify the main idea in a paragraph • Traffic related vocabulary. presented at resorts and hotels. • Holidays.
taking into account verb tenses. • Banking related vocabulary. • Understand written information • Recycling.
about recycling.
in the

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