Developing Tactic Quizzes

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Unit Quiz Instructions
The Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quizzes are Giving the Quiz
designed for unit-by-unit evaluation of students’ Before the students arrive, teachers should
mastery of the Student Book. (Midterm and Final photocopy quiz sheets for themselves and all of
tests are available separately.) The quizzes may be their students. When the class has started, teachers
given in a regular classroom with a CD player, and distribute the quiz sheets and have the students
they are easily administered to large or small write their names and the date on them. Teachers
groups of students. Teachers may use the quizzes then read aloud the instructions for the first section
to assign grades or to identify areas in which and play the CD. (They may wish to play each
students need additional assistance. recording twice.) Before playing the second section,
The quiz items are based on the listening activities teachers should go over the instructions and make
presented in the Student Book. To assess students’ sure students understand them.
speaking ability, teachers may use the interviews, When the quiz is finished, teachers collect the quiz
role plays, and other speaking activities in the sheets from the class. They should check to make
Conversation Corner sections of the Student Book. sure they receive one quiz sheet from each student
and that each quiz sheet has the correct name
The Quizzes written on it.
Each unit quiz is divided into two sections and is
worth a total of 10 points. This format was chosen Scoring
to make it easier for teachers of large classes to Space is provided at the end of each section to
administer and score their students’ quizzes. write the students’ scores for that section. In
The quizzes can be adapted according to the needs addition, space is provided at the top of the quiz
of the teacher and students. Teachers may wish to sheet to write the students’ total score. A scale of
use only certain sections of a quiz because of time 10 points is used to make it easy to convert the
constraints. It may also be appropriate in some scores to grades.
cases to play one part of a quiz twice, depending Teachers may wish to go over the quiz in class so
on the students’ level and the intended use of the that students can see their errors and review any
quiz results. difficult areas. The quiz results can help teachers
determine where additional practice is needed.
Timing When assigning grades, it is most beneficial to use
Each unit quiz is about five minutes long. Actual the quiz results in conjunction with other types of
administration time, including set-up and collection assessment, such as the speaking activities in the
of materials at the end of the quiz, may run ten Conversation Corner sections of the Student Book.
minutes longer. A wide variety of assessments will give teachers a
fuller picture of their students’ skills and strengths.

Unit Quiz Instructions

Unit 1 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 2

People are talking about their weekends. What did each person NOT do over the weekend? Listen and
circle the correct answer.
1. Desmond . 4. Erica .
a. played soccer a. went rollerblading in the park
b. watched TV b. went shopping
c. played computer games c. went out to dinner

2. Yolanda . 5. Gary .
a. went to the theater a. visited his sister
b. went to history class b. went to see a film
c. went out to dinner c. went out to dinner

3. Chuck .
a. played soccer
b. hung out with friends
c. caught up on schoolwork

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 3

Brad is telling his friend about his weekend. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False
1. He had a pretty exciting weekend.
2. His girlfriend got sick.
3. He rented some videos—it was really great.
4. On Sunday, he wanted to play tennis with his brother.
5. He watched videos with his brother instead.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 2 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 4

Mr. McCabe is calling to reserve a taxi. What information does he give and receive? Listen and write the
correct answer.
1. Flight time:
2. Pick-up time:
3. Pick-up address: West Oak
4. Taxi number:
5. Fare: $

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 5

A TV reporter is interviewing people about taxi service in different cities in the United States. What is
the taxi service like in each city? Listen and check (✓) the correct answer.

Good Okay Not good

1. Bloomington
2. Amherst
3. New York
4. Honolulu
5. San Francisco

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Unit 3 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 6

People are talking about their neighbors. Listen and circle the best description of the neighbor.
1. a. easygoing 4. a. unkind
b. busy b. responsible
c. kind c. cheap
d. talkative d. generous

2. a. lazy 5. a. unfriendly
b. energetic b. shy
c. rude c. talkative
d. shy d. hardworking

3. a. quiet
b. fun
c. inconsiderate
d. nosy

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 7

People are talking to their neighbors. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False
1. Mrs. Johnson is inviting her neighbor to dinner.
2. Marcia will be going away the same week as
Mrs. Perry.
3. Patrick will remove his bike from the hallway.
4. Lisa borrowed a book from Chris that she has
to return.
5. Bill can’t concentrate on studying for his test
because of the loud music.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 4 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 8

People are inviting friends to an event. What kind of event is each invitation for? Listen and write the
correct letter.
1. a. a buffet
2. b. a barbecue
3. c. a birthday party
4. d. a surprise party
5. e. a potluck dinner

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 9

People are describing parties they gave recently. What happened at each party? Listen and circle the
correct answer.
1. People . 4. People .
a. ate lots of food a. played party games
b. listened to music b. ate lots of food
c. played party games c. danced

2. People . 5. People .
a. ate lots of food a. ate lots of food
b. danced b. danced
c. chatted c. chatted

3. People .
a. sang
b. ate pizza
c. listened to music

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Unit 5 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 10

People are talking about meals they ate in restaurants recently. Did each person like the food at the
restaurants? Listen and check (✓) the correct answer.
1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. yes 5. yes
no no no no no

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 11

A restaurant critic is reviewing a new restaurant. Are these statements true or false? Listen and
check (✓) the correct answer.

True False
1. It has a good location.
2. It is unpleasant inside.
3. The critic recommends the octopus salad.
4. Overall, the critic liked the restaurant.
5. The prices are very reasonable.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 6 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 12

People are discussing what gifts to buy. What gift does the person decide to buy? Listen and write the
correct letter.
1. a. jacket
2. b. book
3. c. shirt
4. d. earrings
5. e. coffee machine

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 13

A salesperson is suggesting gifts in a store. Listen and circle the correct statement.
1. a. The headphones are poor quality.
b. The headphones are very expensive.
c. The headphones block out surrounding sounds.

2. a. The necklace is beautiful.

b. The necklace can only be worn with casual clothes.
c. The necklace is colorful.

3. a. The book is about college life.

b. It is really informative.
c. The book is written by one author.

4. a. The notebook planner is good for Father’s Day.

b. The notebook planner is confusing.
c. The notebook planner is not simple.

5. a. The chocolates were made in a factory.

b. The taste is forgettable.
c. The ingredients are fresh. 5

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Unit 7 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 14

A flight attendant is making announcements. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓)
the correct answer.

True False

1. It will take twelve hours for the flight to get to New York.
2. Passengers don’t have their headphones yet.
3. The list of beverages and movies can both be found
in the entertainment guide.
4. After dinner, people will receive customs forms.
5. The seatbelt sign is off right now.

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 15

Fred had a terrible flight. What happened? Listen and circle the correct answer.
1. a. The airport was closed. 4. a. The video was boring.
b. The weather was fine. b. The music was okay.
c. The plane was late taking off. c. The video system was broken.

2. a. The flight was bumpy. 5. a. There weren’t any magazines.

b. The seatbelts didn’t work. b. The snacks were awful.
c. The seats were uncomfortable. c. His book wasn’t very interesting.

3. a. The food was bad.

b. No food or drinks were served.
c. The flight attendants were rude.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 8 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 16

A woman is talking about her mishap. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False

1. The mishap happened in an office.

2. Her roommate had been working on her final research
paper for months.
3. Her roommate was angry when she found out about
the spill.
4. Her roommate helped her clean up the mess.
5. The research paper was also saved on her computer.

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 17
Elizabeth is telling a friend about her week filled with mishaps. Listen and circle the correct answer.
1. How was her week? 4. What happened in the middle of the week?
a. great a. her computer crashed
b. boring b. she lost her wallet
c. terrible c. she forgot to go to a meeting

2. What day did her mishaps start? 5. What was the last mishap?
a. Monday a. she spilled coffee on her shirt
b. middle of the week b. she fell down
c. Friday c. she lost her keys

3. What happened first?

a. she woke up late
b. her car wouldn’t start
c. the bus was thirty minutes late 5

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Unit 9 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 18

People are talking about their jobs. What is each person’s job? Listen and write the correct letter.
1. Sharon a. a waiter
2. Tom b. a photographer
3. Nina c. a bellhop
4. Bruce d. a chef
5. Laura e. a writer

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 19

Listen to a teacher talking about his job. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False
1. He has been a teacher at Hudson Elementary School for twelve years.
2. He has a vacation every summer.
3. He spends lots of time thinking of boring activities for his students.
4. He thinks being a teacher is a quiet, relaxing job.
5. He enjoys the variety that teaching offers.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 10 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 20

People are talking about exercise. What phrase completes each statement? Listen and write the correct
1. Jim is lifting weights a. to get some fresh air.
2. George is walking b. to lose weight.
3. Phyllis is swimming c. to reduce stress.
4. Ted is playing tennis d. to be strong and flexible.
5. Brenda is doing yoga e. to have a healthy heart.

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 21

JoAnn is talking about her exercise habits. Check (✓) the activities she likes or doesn’t like.

Likes Doesn’t like

1. soccer
2. jogging
3. tennis
4. lifting weights
5. swimming

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Unit 11 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 22

Listen to invitations left on Nick’s voicemail. What phrase completes each statement? Write the correct
1. Denise is inviting Nick to a. dinner.
2. Ray is inviting Nick to come over and b. the beach.
3. Nick’s mother is inviting him for c. listen to a band.
4. Lauren is inviting Nick to d. watch the game on TV.
5. Steve is inviting Nick to e. a movie.

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 23

Paula is inviting her friends to go out. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False
1. Debbie would love to go to dinner, but she has to study.
2. Dennis thinks he’s a terrible bowler.
3. Carlos can’t go because he has plans with his sister who
doesn’t like movies.
4. Marlene can’t go because she has to stay home.
5. Mike can’t go because he has tickets to a concert.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 12 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 24

Students are discussing campus life. What is the problem? Listen and circle the correct answer.
1. a. The student needs a new room.
b. The student can’t get into her dorm building.
c. The student lost her ID card.

2. a. Paul doesn’t understand the assignment.

b. Paul doesn’t like the professor.
c. Paul needs to improve his grade.

3. a. The student needs a parking space.

b. The student’s car was stolen.
c. The student can’t find her way to the cafeteria.

4. a. The student’s room is too messy.

b. The student’s roommate is too loud.
c. The student’s room is too small.

5. a. The student’s classes are difficult.

b. The student doesn’t like his classes.
c. The student has too many classes.

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 25

A student is talking about his campus. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False
1. The buildings are old and difficult to access.
2. There are buses on campus that bring students
to different buildings.
3. There is a large park on the campus with
few trees.
4. There aren’t many things to do on campus.
5. There are centers for students to meet and
hang out on campus.

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Unit 13 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 26

Ralph is talking about his hobbies. Listen and check (✓) the activities he does or does not do now.

Does Doesn’t do
1. play video games
2. play in a band
3. hike
4. ski
5. surf the Internet

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 27

People are talking about their interests. What hobby would NOT be suitable for each person? Listen
and circle the correct answer.
1. John 4. Russell
a. gardening a. going shopping
b. playing music b. reading books
c. singing c. surfing the Internet

2. Mary 5. Nancy
a. birdwatching a. playing computer games
b. hiking b. painting pictures
c. reading the newspaper c. taking photos

3. Wendy
a. watching videos
b. playing board games
c. gardening

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 14 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 28

Customers are describing a problem. What phrase completes each statement? Listen and write the
correct letter.
1. The microwave a. didn’t work.
2. The shoes b. were poorly made.
3. The sweater c. was the wrong size.
4. The watch d. was broken.
5. The CD player e. was the wrong color.

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 29

A customer is describing a problem. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the correct

True False
1. They are in a jewelry store.
2. The man bought a toy for his grandson.
3. The toy had a missing part.
4. The man wants his money back.
5. The man cannot get his money back without a receipt.

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Unit 15 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 30

People are making calls from their hotel rooms. What do they want? Listen and circle the correct
1. a. to go fishing 4. a. new clothes
b. to order dinner b. clothes washed and ironed
c. to cook dinner c. a laundry bag

2. a. to check in 5. a. an address
b. someone to check the flight time b. a phone number
c. someone to carry his bags c. a guest’s name

3. a. to see if a fax has come

b. to call Japan
c. to send a fax

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 31

Keith is talking about the hotel he is staying in. What is he pleased or not pleased about? Listen and
check (✓) the correct answer.

Pleased Not pleased

1. location
2. service
3. room
4. restaurants
5. overall

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 16 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 32

People are calling for information about movies. What type of movie is it? Listen and circle the correct
1. a. musical 3. a. comedy 5. a. action
b. romance b. romance b. science fiction
c. comedy c. action c. western

2. a. western 4. a. horror
b. science fiction b. comedy
c. horror c. musical

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 33

People are talking about movies they saw. What did each person like the most about the movie? Listen
and write the correct letter.
1. Shane a. the story
2. Monica b. the actors
3. Annie c. the ending
4. Dustin d. the special effects
5. Hanna e. the music

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Unit 17 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 34

People are talking about fears. What caused each person to have the fear? Listen and circle the correct
1. a. She had a pet spider. 4. a. She had a pet rattlesnake.
b. She was bit by a spider. b. She saw a rattlesnake in a zoo.
c. She grew up with lots of spiders. c. She was almost bit by a rattlesnake.

2. a. She often swam in the ocean. 5. a. He was attacked by a lizard.

b. She taught swimming lessons. b. He lived in a city.
c. She sank to the bottom of the pool. c. He was surrounded by water.

3. a. He was silly.
b. He saw a movie.
c. He went to the zoo.

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 35

A man is talking about his fear. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the correct

True False
1. He is afraid of small spaces.
2. His fear started when he was a child.
3. He went camping and got lost in the woods.
4. His mother had to pull him out of his sleeping bag.
5. He told his mother the truth.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 18 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 36

Hannah is listening to messages on her voicemail. Why is each person calling? Listen and circle the
correct answer.
1. a. to remind her about a dental appointment 4. a. to copy her homework
b. to cancel a dental appointment b. to chat with her about friends
c. to remind her about a business meeting c. to ask for help with her homework

2. a. to tell her about a restaurant 5. a. to say she won’t be in class tomorrow

b. to invite her to a movie b. to change the date they’ll play tennis
c. to cancel plans c. to tell her that the car is fixed

3. a. to tell her the book has not arrived

b. to tell her the book has arrived
c. to tell her the book can’t be ordered

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 37

Listen to the message. Complete the information.

Message for:

Name of caller:

Telephone number:

Best time to call: between and

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Unit 19 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 38

A tour guide is describing her city. Listen and number the items in the tour from 1 to 5 in the order they
will take place.
On today’s tour, we’ll…
eat lunch near the river
spend time at the art museum
go shopping at the mall
go to the top of the tallest building
go to the gift shop

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 39

A woman is talking about a tour she took. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False
1. She took an evening tour of the city.
2. She visited a small art museum.
3. The tour was not very expensive.
4. She didn’t want to try the local food.
5. The tour guide was helpful.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 20 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 40

People are asking questions in an airport. Where does each person need to go? Listen and circle the
correct answer.
1. a. the restroom 3. a. the arrivals area 5. a. the souvenir shop
b. the bookstore b. the departure gate b. the newsstand
c. the shuttle bus stop c. the shuttle bus stop c. the shuttle bus stop

2. a. the departure gate 4. a. the currency exchange

b. the currency exchange b. the souvenir shop
c. the baggage-claim area c. the restroom

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 41

Samantha is talking about the new airport in her city. What is she pleased or not pleased about? Listen
and check (✓) the correct answer.

Pleased Not pleased

1. the location
2. the building
3. the facilities
4. the check-in
5. the parking

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Unit 21 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Name: Date: ­­­­­­­ Total Score 10

Listening 1 Quiz Audio 42

People are checking into a hotel. What do they have to do? Listen and circle the correct answer.
1. a. show a credit card 4. a. show a passport
b. fill out a registration form b. show a driver’s license
c. show a driver’s license c. show an airline ticket

2. a. show a passport 5. a. show a credit card

b. show a company ID b. give a confirmation number
c. show a credit card c. show a passport

3. a. give the confirmation number

b. leave a deposit
c. spell his last name

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 43

Sofia is talking about her hotel room. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False
1. She reserved a deluxe room.
2. She has three rooms.
3. The living room has a couch and a big TV.
4. The bathroom is small but very clean.
5. The view is of the highway.

Developing Tactics for Listening Unit Quiz © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 22 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

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Listening 1 Quiz Audio 44

People are making announcements about traffic conditions. What traffic problem are they describing?
Listen and write the correct letter.
1. a. a head-on collision
2. b. heavy congestion
3. c. road closed for repairs
4. d. an overturned vehicle
5. e. broken traffic lights

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 45

People are talking about how they get to work everyday. How does each person get to work now?
Listen and circle the correct answer.
1. a. by car 3. a. by subway 5. a. by subway
b. by bicycle b. by ferry b. by bus
c. by subway c. on foot c. on foot

2. a. on foot 4. a. by car
b. by bicycle b. by jogging
c. by taxi c. on foot

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Unit 23 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

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Listening 1 Quiz Audio 46

People are describing their roommates. Listen and circle the word that best describes each person.
1. Ross 3. Henry 5. Fred
a. messy a. lazy a. messy
b. neat b. sociable b. considerate
c. inconsiderate c. studious c. helpful

2. Annette 4. Teresa
a. sociable a. bad-tempered
b. unfriendly b. generous
c. quiet c. unreliable

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 47

People left voicemails for their roommates. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False

1. Tony can’t get his notebook himself because he has to talk to

his professor.
2. Tanya didn’t buy the snacks because she didn’t have enough money.
3. Steve will be in class until 8:00.
4. Pam is going to study at home in the afternoon.
5. Justin needs to borrow a shirt because all of his clothes are dirty.

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Unit 24 Quiz Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

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Listening 1 Quiz Audio 48

Frank is telling Lisa about his vacation. Listen and number the events from 1 to 5 in the order they took
He was in an accident.
He lost his wallet.
His bags didn’t arrive.
He missed his flight.
He got sick.

Listening 2 Quiz Audio 49

Courtney is describing her recent trip. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the
correct answer.

True False
1. She went to New York by herself.
2. She had been to New York before.
3. She thought New York would be dangerous.
4. They ate ethnic food.
5. She thought New York was very expensive.

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Answer Key Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Unit 1 Quiz Unit 6 Quiz Unit 11 Quiz

Listening 1 Listening 1 Listening 1
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c 1. b 2. d 3. e 4. c 5. a 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c

Listening 2 Listening 2 Listening 2

1. False 4. True 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c 1. True 4. False
2. True 5. False 2. True 5. False
3. False Unit 7 Quiz 3. True

Listening 1
Unit 2 Quiz 1. True 4. False
Unit 12 Quiz
Listening 1 2. False 5. False Listening 1
1. 8:40 4. 90 3. True 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c
2. 6:30 5. $25
Listening 2 Listening 2
3. 343 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 1. False 4. False
Listening 2 2. True 5. True
1. Okay 4. Not good Unit 8 Quiz 3. False
2. Good 5. Good
Listening 1
3. Not good
1. False 4. True
Unit 13 Quiz
2. True 5. True Listening 1
Unit 3 Quiz 3. False 1. Doesn’t do 4. Does
Listening 1 2. Doesn’t do 5. Does
Listening 2
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b 3. Does

Listening 2 Listening 2
1. True 4. False Unit 9 Quiz 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. a
2. False 5. True
Listening 1
3. True
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. e
Unit 14 Quiz

Listening 2 Listening 1
Unit 4 Quiz 1. c 2. b 3. e 4. d 5. a
1. False 4. False
Listening 1 2. True 5. True Listening 2
1. b 2. d 3. e 4. c 5. a 3. False 1. False 4. True
Listening 2 2. False 5. True
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. b Unit 10 Quiz 3. True

Listening 1
Unit 5 Quiz 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. a 5. d
Unit 15 Quiz
Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 1
1. no 4. no 1. Likes 4. Likes 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. b
2. yes 5. yes 2. Doesn’t like 5. Likes Listening 2
3. yes 3. Doesn’t like 1. Pleased 4. Not pleased
Listening 2 2. Pleased 5. Pleased
1. True 4. True 3. Pleased
2. False 5. False
3. False

Quiz Answer Key

Unit 16 Quiz Unit 21 Quiz
Listening 1 Listening 1
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b

Listening 2 Listening 2
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. e 1. False 4. False
2. True 5. True
Unit 17 Quiz 3. True

Listening 1
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a
Unit 22 Quiz

Listening 2 Listening 1
1. True 4. True 1. b 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. d
2. True 5. False Listening 2
3. False 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b

Unit 18 Quiz Unit 23 Quiz

Listening 1 Listening 1
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a

Listening 2 Listening 2
Message for: Bill 1. True 4. False
Name of caller: Mary 2. False 5. True
Telephone number: 654-9389 3. True
Best time: 5:00; 6:00
Unit 24 Quiz
Unit 19 Quiz
Listening 1
Listening 1 5 4 2 1 3
4 1 5 3 2
Listening 2
Listening 2 1. False 4. True
1. False 4. False 2. False 5. True
2. False 5. True 3. True
3. True

Unit 20 Quiz
Listening 1
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c

Listening 2
1. Pleased 4. Not pleased
2. Pleased 5. Not pleased
3. Pleased

Quiz Answer Key

Audio Script Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

Unit 1 Quiz A: Oh, well, I hope next weekend is A: That’s good to hear. And now we
more exciting. go to Ahmed in New York City.
Listening 1 Quiz Audio 2 B: Thanks. Me, too. B: The situation with taxis here in
1. New York is not so good. The fares
I watched TV and played computer Unit 2 Quiz are high, so I can’t take a taxi very
games all weekend. I had a great time often. And the cars are old and
because there was a big soccer match Listening 1 Quiz Audio 4 some of them don’t have air
on the Spanish channel. It was really A: Good afternoon. City Taxis. conditioning. The drivers are
exciting. I just love soccer. And my B: Hello. This is Thomas McCabe. I’d generally good, but they don’t
new computer game was fun. It’s very like to reserve a taxi to the airport understand English very well,
challenging. for tomorrow morning. which is a problem sometimes.
There’s definitely room for
2. A: Certainly, Mr. McCabe. Is that for
I had a terrific weekend. I went out to Midway Airport or O’Hare?
A: Thank you, Ahmed. And now we
dinner with Rob—you know, the guy B: Midway.
go to Larry in Honolulu. How are
in history class. We went to the theater A: Okay, and what time is your flight? the taxis out in Hawaii?
and saw a play. It was a lot of fun! B: It’s at 8:40. B: Awful. I mean, the drivers are not
3. A: Okay…so, we will be picking you careful at all, and the fares are
Well, I was going to catch up on my up at 6:30 in the morning. Where really high. Sometimes I think the
schoolwork, but I spent most of the will you be? drivers add a little bit to the
weekend playing soccer. I play with a B: Here, at my house, that’s 343 West fare…that’s not right.
neighborhood team. The rest of the Oak. A: Hmm…I see. Finally, we go to
weekend I just hung out with my A: Okay. We’ll send taxi number 90 to Patricia in San Francisco. What’s
friends. your house at 6:30. the situation there?
4. B: Oh! How much is the fare? B: The cars are comfortable and
Well, my friends and I were going to A: It’s $25.00. We take cash or credit usually clean. And most of the
go rollerblading™ in the park, but the cards. drivers are friendly and helpful. I
weather was bad. So we went to the haven’t ever had a bad taxi
B: Okay. Thank you.
shopping mall instead. I got this jacket. experience here.
Isn’t it great? Then we went out for A: Thank you. Good-bye.
A: Well, I’m glad to hear that. Thanks
dinner. Listening 2 Quiz Audio 5 to all of you.
5. A: Today, we are asking people all
I visited my sister and her family. We over the U.S. how they feel about Unit 3 Quiz
had a great home-cooked dinner. Then the taxi service in their city. First
I took the kids to see the new we go to Ray in Bloomington, Listening 1 Quiz Audio 6
animation film. We all loved it. Indiana. What do you think of the 1.
taxi service in Bloomington, Ray? I just moved into my new apartment,
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 3 B: Well, it’s not bad. I don’t use taxis so I don’t know much about my
A: Hi, Brad. How was your weekend? very often, but if I have to go to the neighbor next door. I saw him only a
B: It was pretty disappointing. I airport or something, they’re few times. I tried to talk to him, but he
wanted to go to a movie on always on time and the drivers are always seems busy. In the mornings,
Saturday night with my girlfriend, careful and polite. The only he always runs out of his apartment,
but she got sick, so I rented some problem is that they are expensive. carrying a briefcase. Besides the
videos and watched them at In general, though, the taxi service mornings, I don’t see him often.
home—it was really boring. is okay.
A: That’s too bad. What did you do on A: Now we go to Maureen in Amherst, The house next to mine was just sold
Sunday? Massachusetts. How do you feel to a young family. I talked to the
B: Well, I wanted to play tennis with about the taxis in Amherst? family when they were looking at the
my brother. But as soon as we got B: I’ve taken taxis in a lot of different house. They were really friendly and
ready to go, it started to rain. We cities, so I know that the taxis here energetic. The children were also well
didn’t want to play tennis in the are very good. The cars are often behaved. I think they will fit in nicely
rain, so we stayed home and new, and they’re always very clean. in my neighborhood.
played computer games instead. The drivers are polite, and they
A: That sounds okay. drive carefully. I always feel safe
when I’m in a taxi here. I haven’t been sleeping very well. A
B: Not really. I hate computer games.
new neighbor moved into the
I think they’re boring.
apartment upstairs from me. She plays

Quiz Audio Script

loud music every single night. I B: I noticed that you’ve been leaving 2.
should probably say something to her. your bicycle in the hallway. A: Hi, Mike. I’m calling to invite you
She isn’t very considerate. A: Yes, I have. I just bought it and I to a party for my parents next
4. don’t want to leave it outside. Saturday. Can you come?
One of the reasons that I really like my B: Well, you know I have a five year B: Let’s see…next Saturday…yeah, I
apartment is my neighbor. She is an old child who likes to run around. can make it. What kind of party is
old lady who has been living in the I’m just worried she might get hurt it?
same apartment for a very long time. while playing in the hallway. A: Well, it’s their 30th wedding
She bakes me cookies and sometimes A: Oh, I haven’t thought about that. anniversary. They think that I’ve
even cakes. She is very generous and I’ll move my bicycle right away. forgotten about it, but I haven’t.
kind. B: Thanks, Patrick. I really appreciate I’m going to throw them a big
5. it. party. Just don’t forget…if you see
them before the party, don’t say
The woman, who lives across the 4. anything about it.
street, is moving. I wish I got to know A: Lisa!
her better. I invited her over to dinner 3.
B: Hi, Chris.
parties with other neighbors, but she A: Hi, Alice. Would you like to come
never accepted the invitations. I tried A: I’ve been looking for you. over for dinner on Sunday? It’s
talking to her a few times, but she B: What’s up? going to be very casual—we’re just
barely responded. I hope the next A: Remember a week ago, I let you asking everyone to bring their
person who moves in is friendlier. borrow that movie? favorite dish.
B: Oh, right. I haven’t even had the B: Wow, that sounds wonderful. I’d
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 7
time to watch it yet. love to come. I’ll make my famous
1. brownies.
A: Well, my friends are coming over
A: Hello? tonight for dinner and I was A: Sounds great! See you on Sunday.
B: Yes. Who is it? hoping to watch the movie with 4.
A: It’s Mrs. Johnson. I just came over them. Do you think you could
A: Hi, Jim! It’s Dana.
to ask you if you were free tonight. bring it back to me?
B: Hi, Dana.
B: Yes, I don’t have any plans at the B: Yes, of course. Sorry about that.
moment. A: Listen, can you come to Carla’s
A: Don’t worry. I’ll lend it to you
party tonight? She’s turning 30,
A: Well, a few of the neighbors are again when I’m finished with it.
you know, so we’re getting her a
coming over for dinner and I was 5. big cake with 30 candles on it.
wondering if you wanted to join
A: How can I help you? B: Dana, I’m sorry, I don’t feel too
B: Do you think you can turn down well. I have the flu.
B: That sounds really nice. Thank you
the music? A: Oh, that’s too bad. You should stay
for the invitation. Should I bring
anything? A: Oh sure! Is it really loud? home and get some rest, then.
A: No, you don’t have to bring B: Yes, I'm afraid it is. Usually, I 5.
anything. There will be lots of wouldn’t mind, but I have a test A: Hi, Becky. Can you come to a party
food, so make sure you don’t eat tomorrow. I can’t concentrate with at my place on Saturday?
too much. the music playing.
B: Sure, what kind of party?
A: My apologies. I’ll be more
2. A: Oh, nothing special. I just feel like
A: Hi, Marcia. getting some people together. I’ll
B: Oh, hi, Mrs. Perry. make the food ahead of time and
Unit 4 Quiz set it out on my big dining room
A: Bob and I are going away for the
table, and everyone can just eat
week and we were wondering if Listening 1 Quiz Audio 8 whatever they want, whenever
you will be around. 1. they want.
B: I won’t be going away anytime A: Hey, Kira. Are you free tomorrow B: That sounds great. Thanks for
soon. I am very busy with work. afternoon? inviting me.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. We have B: Yes, why?
important mail we are expecting. Listening 2 Quiz Audio 9
A: Well, I’m having a few friends
Would you be able to pick up our 1.
over. The weather is great now, so
mail while we're away? I had a surprise party for my
we’re going to grill some steaks in
B: Sure, Mrs. Perry. It won’t be a the backyard. girlfriend’s 25th birthday last week. I
problem. invited her friends from work and the
B: Oh, that sounds like fun. What
3. time? gym. Sue loves music, so we listened
A: Hello, Mrs. Wilson. to lots of different music all night. I
A: Anytime after 1:00 would be fine.
don’t cook so there wasn’t much food!
B: Patrick, how are you? See you then.
I did make her birthday cake,
A: I’m doing well, thank you. though—chocolate with chocolate

 Quiz Audio Script

frosting—her favorite. We didn’t play 2. table. It’s fun to watch! The dessert of
any party games because she hates that A: How was your dinner at that new green tea ice cream was the perfect
stuff. Italian restaurant yesterday? way to end my meal. Overall, it’s a
2. B: Oh, it was really nice. I had the good place, but the prices are very
shrimp cocktail and the spaghetti. high. It’s too expensive to eat there
I gave a party last month that started
The spaghetti was fantastic. It often, but it’s good for a special
out terribly. It was an outdoor
tasted homemade! It was yummy. occasion.
barbecue, but it started to rain and all
the food got wet. I had to order pizzas A: It sounds great. I’ll have to try it.
instead. Well, I didn’t order enough, so Unit 6 Quiz
everyone was hungry! I was so upset,
A: I went to Chicken King for lunch Listening 1 Quiz Audio 12
but we all laughed about it later. We
had a good time as we chatted all 1.
night. We didn’t dance, thank B: I thought you didn’t like chicken. A: Did you know Michelle’s birthday
goodness! I’m a really terrible dancer. A: Well, I don’t usually like it, but it’s is this Friday?
really good at Chicken King. I had B: No, I had no idea! What are you
their fried chicken. It wasn’t oily going to get her, Carla?
I organized a goodbye party for my like it is at other fast-food
boss at work. At the last minute my A: I am getting her this scarf that she
restaurants. The french fries were
officemate forgot to order pizza, so we really wanted. What about you?
good, too—really crispy and hot.
all bought snacks from the vending B: She mentioned that she really liked
B: Oh. Maybe I’ll have lunch there
machines. We went into his office and reading books. I think I’ll get her a
sang “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” really good book to read.
Then we just sat around and chatted 4. A: That sounds like a good idea.
for a while. It won’t be the same A: I went to the new vegetarian
around here without him. restaurant on South Street about 2.
two weeks ago. A: I don’t know what to get my mom
4. for Mother’s Day.
I had a potluck party last week. I love B: Did you like it?
B: Have you thought about getting
hosting potluck dinners because I don’t A: Well, the restaurant is very cozy
her flowers?
have to cook! Instead everyone brings and the service is great, but the
their favorite dish and gets to eat lots food is so-so. A: Yeah, I sent her flowers last year. I
of great food. There wasn’t any wanted to do something special
B: Oh, that’s too bad. What did you
dancing or party games because I think this year.
the best party is one where there is just B: What about jewelry?
A: I had the tofu and vegetable stir
good people and great food. fry. It was overcooked and A: Well, she does really like earrings. I
5. tasteless. And the tomato soup I guess I can get her a pair that are
had was too spicy. not too expensive, but nice.
My roommate and I gave a party for
our friends last night. It was a lot of B: Yuck! It sounds awful! B: I’m sure you can find something
fun. We listened to a lot of great music that’s exactly right.
and danced all night. People seemed to 3.
A: Have you been to that new Korean
really enjoy it, even though there A: Are you looking for something in
place yet?
wasn’t much to eat. People didn’t talk particular?
too much, either. They just enjoyed the B: Yes, a friend and I went there last
week. B: Yes. My friend is getting married
dancing. and I need to buy him a gift.
A: How was it?
A: Ah, I see. Well, does your friend
Unit 5 Quiz B: I thought it was great. The food
like to drink coffee?
was very fresh and they let you
Listening 1 Quiz Audio 10 cook pieces of meat on a grill right B: He does. He drinks it every
at your table. It was a lot of fun, morning before work.
and really tasty. A: This is one of our most popular
A: Where did you go for dinner last
coffee machines. I’m sure your
night? Listening 2 Quiz Audio 11 friend would really appreciate it.
B: I went to the Apple Pie Restaurant Last weekend, I ate at that new B: Great, thanks.
on Smith Street—by the Post Office. Japanese restaurant downtown called
A: Oh, I know where that is. What did Wasabi. It has a great location near the 4.
you have? main train station. It is beautiful A: Do you think Jennifer would like
inside, and the traditional Japanese this skirt?
B: I had a small salad and a
hamburger. music is calming. Most of the food was B: I don’t know. She usually does
good. The sushi was very fresh and wear skirts.
A: How was it?
delicious, but the octopus salad did A: I just don’t know what to get her.
B: Not great. The salad was really not have much taste. I don’t
small and the hamburger was cold. B: Why don’t you pick something that
recommend it. However, the main dish isn’t so colorful? She always wears
A: Oh, yuck! was excellent—Japanese grilled steak a lot of white.
and lobster. They cook it right at your

Quiz Audio Script

A: Okay, this white shirt is nice. And 5. So, you need an anniversary gift over my roommate’s papers. I
white is a good idea because she for your parents? Hmm… What looked at the pages carefully and
can wear it with anything. about this box of chocolates? These they were for her final research
5. chocolates were each made paper! She had been working on
individually. All the ingredients the paper for months. All the
A: My sister is graduating from
are fresh and high-quality. They changes she made on the pages
college and she really wants a new
are a bit expensive, but the taste is were hard to see. My roommate
unforgettable. Your parents will came home and saw the mess I
B: A new outfit! That’s going to be definitely appreciate this gift. made. I thought she was going to
really expensive. be mad, but she helped me clean
A: I know. I don’t want to spend a Unit 7 Quiz up everything and told me that it
couple of hundred dollars. She was okay. She had already made
does need a new jacket. Listening 1 Quiz Audio 14 the changes on her computer and
B: You can definitely find a jacket Welcome aboard Goldstar Airlines saved the file.
during sale season. If your sister is flight 67 with nonstop service to New
willing to wait a little bit, you can Listening 2 Quiz Audio 17
York. Because this flight is twelve
find her a jacket before she goes to hours long, we will be showing four 1.
school. movies today. Those movies are listed A: How was your week, Elizabeth?
A: I should talk to her. She may not in the entertainment guide in the seat B: Oh, it was just awful!
like it. pocket in front of you. You can use the A: Why what happened?
B: I’m sure she will be fine with it. headphones in the seat pocket to listen B: It was just one thing after another.
to the movie and many kinds of music. They weren’t huge problems, but
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 13 In a few minutes, we will be serving all these small incidents made it
1. These headphones are the perfect you beverages. A list of those just a bad week.
gift for anyone who likes listening beverages can be found at the back of
to music. They provide excellent A: Sounds like you had a lot of
the entertainment guide. Also, we will
sound quality and block out mishaps.
be passing out the customs forms
surrounding sound. You don’t before dinner. One form must be B: Yes. On Monday, I woke up early
have to worry about sounds from completed for each family. If you need to go to work and I got all ready,
the streets or people’s voices help with anything on today’s flight, but the bus was 30 minutes late!
interrupting your music. But the please ask a flight attendant. The Not only was I late to work, but I
best thing about these headphones seatbelt sign is on right now, but as missed an important meeting.
is that they are affordable. They’re soon as we turn it off, you can walk A: Oh, no. But the bus being late is
a great deal. freely about the airplane… not your fault.
2. This necklace is really popular B: I know, but then in the middle of
among older women. For Mother’s Listening 2 Quiz Audio 15 the week, I was working on my
Day, this necklace would be a great This was one of the worst flights I’ve computer when it completely
gift. It’s really simple and ever been on. First of all, the plane crashed!
beautiful. Women like this item took off 3 hours late because of snow. I
A: Were you able to fix it?
because it can be worn with any had to wait in the airport that whole
time. Then, the flight itself was so B: No, but most of my files were
type of outfit from casual to already saved. I just lost this
formal. It looks really expensive, bumpy that the pilot made us wear
our seat belts the entire flight. They important file I was working on.
but it’s on sale, so the price has
were so uncomfortable! And because A: How was the end of your week?
been lowered.
the weather was so rough, the flight B: Not any better. I fell while walking
3. This book is a good gift for any
attendants couldn’t serve us meals or up the stairs and tore my pants. It
college graduate. It tells you all
drinks or anything. The flight was not only painful, but really
about getting a job and what to
attendants did their best to make us embarrassing! It was right in front
expect after graduation. Most
feel comfortable, but I was so thirsty of my neighbors!
students are unprepared to face the
and hungry. And to make matters A: I’m sorry to hear that you had such
real world, but this book is really
even worse, the video system was a terrible week! Hopefully, the next
informative because it wasn’t
broken so we couldn’t even watch a one will be better!
written by one author, but many.
movie. There wasn’t any music, either.
This allows the reader to read B: I hope so!
Also, there were no magazines to read.
about a wide range of experiences.
There was nothing to do but think
4. Most working fathers are really about what a terrible flight it was.
Unit 9 Quiz
busy balancing their time. This Next time I fly, I’ll make sure I take a
notebook planner can help your book and some snacks. Listening 1 Quiz Audio 18
father keep track of all his 1.
responsibilities. The notebook is Unit 8 Quiz A: Where do you work, Sharon?
simple and well organized, so it B: I work at a French restaurant on
won’t be confusing to use. With Listening 1 Quiz Audio 16 Park Street.
Father’s Day around the corner,
1. I had a little mishap today. I was A: Oh, what do you do there?
you should think about getting this
drinking coffee when I spilled it all
 Quiz Audio Script
B: Well, I plan the menus and cook B: I’m walking to the park. 2.
the meals. A: But why are you walking so fast? Hey, Nick. This is Ray. I was
2. B: Well, my doctor says to have a wondering if you want to come over
A: So, where are you working now, healthy heart, I need to take a long, and watch the game tonight? All of our
Tom? fast walk five days a week. So, friends will be here. I’m going to order
that’s what I’m doing. pizza for us. Oh, if you can come,
B: Right now I’m working at the Oak
could you bring some soda? Give me a
Tree Hotel. 3. call back, okay? Bye.
A: What do you do? A: It’s good to see you, Phyllis. How
are you doing? 3.
B: Well, I carry bags to people’s rooms.
Hello, Nick. It’s Mom. Your Aunt
3. B: Terrific. I’m swimming every day
Helen and Uncle Walter are coming for
after work and it really calms me
A: Where do you work, Nina? dinner on Friday. They’d love to see
B: I work for Better Gardens and you, so I hope you can join us. Call me
A: Yes, I’ve heard swimming can back as soon as you can! Bye-bye!
Flowers magazine.
really reduce stress.
A: Really? Are you a writer? 4.
B: That’s right.
B: No, I take photos. Hi, Nick. This is Lauren. Sorry I
4. missed you. Would you like to go to a
A: Where are you going, Ted? movie after school Monday? There’s a
A: What do you do, Bruce?
B: To play tennis in the park. new action movie playing at the
B: I work downtown at City Hotel. Galleria Cinema. I’m going shopping
A: Why do you go there instead of
A: Are you a bellhop? going to the health club? with my sister now, so I’ll call you
B: Oh no, I’m a waiter in the B: After being in the office all day, I back tomorrow. Bye.
restaurant there. really need to get some fresh air. 5.
5. 5. Hey, this is Steve. There’s a really great
A: Where do you work, Laura? A: What are you doing, Brenda? band at Club Z downtown this
B: I work for the local newspaper. Saturday. Want to go? Give me a call.
B: I’m practicing for my yoga class.
A: What do you do there? A: Yoga? I didn’t know you did yoga. Listening 2 Quiz Audio 23
B: I’m a staff writer. I write all kinds B: I just started. It’s supposed to make 1.
of news stories. you stronger and more flexible. You A: Hey, let’s do something fun this
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 19 should try it! weekend. How about if we all have
I’ve been a third-grade teacher at dinner together? I know a great
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 21 restaurant. What do you think,
Hudson Elementary School for ten I’ve always been a very active person.
years now. A lot of people think being Debbie?
I’ve been playing soccer since high
a teacher is easy because you get the B: Oh, I’d love to, but I really have to
school—I guess that means I’ve been
whole summer off for vacation, but study. I’ve got tests coming up next
playing for about twelve years now.
teachers work very hard during the week, and I need to pass them.
It’s so much fun. My friends and I play
school year. I spend a lot of time every Sunday in the park. I watch A: Oh. That’s too bad.
thinking of interesting activities for my people jog and play tennis in the park, 2.
students. I want to make sure that they but I think jogging and tennis are A: Dennis, would you like to go
are never bored in my class. Most of boring. Soccer is much more exciting. bowling?
the time the children are easygoing, During the week, I go to the health
but sometimes they can be loud and B: Sorry.
club about three times. I usually lift
difficult. Teaching is not a quiet, A: Oh, are you busy?
weights for 30 minutes. I enjoy keeping
relaxing job, but I really enjoy the my muscles strong. When I finish B: No, but I’m a terrible bowler, Paula,
variety that it offers. lifting weights, I go swimming in the you know that.
pool for another 30 minutes. It’s so A: That’s not true, Dennis. We’d love
Unit 10 Quiz relaxing. The cool water always feels to go bowling with you, and you
good when I’m hot. can get better with practice!
Listening 1 Quiz Audio 20
1. Unit 11 Quiz A: Well, what about you, Carlos? I
A: What are you doing here, Jim? know that you love to see movies.
B: Well, I need to lose some weight, so Listening 1 Quiz Audio 22 B: Sorry. I have plans with my sister.
I’ve started lifting weights here. 1. A: Sister? You have a sister?
A: That’s great. I’ve been a member at Hi, Nick. This is Denise. Since the
B: Yeah. She’s in town for the week,
this health club for two years, and I weather is going to be great tomorrow,
and we’re going out to a fancy
love it. I hope you enjoy it, too. some of us are going to the beach.
dinner on Friday.
B: I’m sure I will. Thanks. We’d love for you to come. You don’t
have to call back. I’ll call you again A: Well, bring her to the movies
2. afterwards.
later. Bye!
A: You’re walking so fast, George. B: No, she doesn’t like movies.
Where are you going?

Quiz Audio Script

4. B: It’s right by the main cafeteria. Listening 2 Quiz Audio 27
A: Everyone is so boring! Marlene, I Once you fill out paperwork, they 1.
can always count on you. You can can help you. When I was a kid, I was outside all the
go out with me, right? A: Thank you! time, playing and hiking and helping
B: Not this time, I’m afraid. I’m going 4. my mother in the garden. I developed
on a vacation, and I’m leaving A: My roommate is really loud. I can’t allergies when I got older, though. So,
tonight. study with him around. I can’t be outside much anymore.
A: Really? Where are you going? Music is one of my main interests
B: Did you try talking to him?
B: Buenos Aires. I’m going to do now. I’m taking piano lessons and
A: Yes, but he isn’t very considerate. singing in the church choir.
some serious relaxing.
B: Why don’t you go to the Housing
A: I see. 2.
Office and ask them to change
5. your room? I had a back injury a few years ago, so
I’m not as active as I used to be. Most
A: Can you come to a play with me, A: Hmm, I think I will.
of my interests are things I can do at
Mike? Please!
5. home, like reading books or the
B: Well, I’ve got tickets to a concert A: I have too many classes this newspaper. I also like birdwatching—
this Saturday, but Friday? Yes, I’d semester! but only from my front porch.
love to.
B: Why don’t you drop a class? 3.
A: But…?
A: I can’t. The classes are all required. I don’t really enjoy being outdoors—
B: But what?
B: You should speak with your it’s usually too hot or too cold for me.
A: Don’t you have some excuse? professors and ask them for What I love to do is spend time with
B: Nope. I’d love to go to the theater. extensions on some of your work. my family and friends. We do fun
I’ll meet you at 8:00 on Friday, A: I don’t know if they would do that, things like watch videos or play board
okay? but I’ll talk to them. games.
A: Great! I can’t wait. 4.
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 25
I find shopping malls and movie
Unit 12 Quiz 1. I really like my campus. The
theaters too crowded and noisy. I like
buildings are all new and modern
quiet activities. I don’t mind spending
Listening 1 Quiz Audio 24 and they are easy to access. There
my free time alone reading or surfing
is a small park on my campus with
1. the Internet.
lots of trees, so students can take a
A: I’m having a problem getting into 5.
nice break while enjoying the
my dorm building. I hate using computers. I’m pretty
scenery. Getting around campus is
B: Did you try swiping your ID card? easy. There are buses that go back good with my hands, though. My
A: Yes, but it’s not working. and forth from the buildings on a friends tell me I’m artistic and
B: Did you update your card for the regular basis. There are also many creative. What I really like is painting
new semester? things to do on my campus. pictures and giving them to friends. I
A: No, I didn’t know I had to do that. There’s a student center and a also enjoy taking photos. I have a
recreation center where students really cool camera.
B: Once, you update your ID card,
can meet and hang out.
you should be able to get in.
Unit 14 Quiz
2. Unit 13 Quiz
A: Hi, Professor Martin. Do you have Listening 1 Quiz Audio 28
a moment? Listening 1 Quiz Audio 26 1.
B: Yes, Paul. How can I help you? I played a lot of video games when I I ordered a new microwave oven for
A: I did really poorly on the last exam was a student in high school, but I lost my kitchen. When I got it, I saw that it
and I was wondering if there was interest in them a while ago. I got was way too big to fit over my stove. I
any way to improve my grade. bored playing them over and over. In checked the order form, and even
B: Well, there is an extra credit college, I played in a band every though I had ordered a small one,
assignment you could do. Would Friday and Saturday night. It was a lot they sent a large one.
you be interested? of fun, but then two of the band
members moved away, so we stopped
A: Yes, definitely. I ordered a very expensive pair of
playing. Now I prefer hiking in the
3. summer and skiing in the winter. It’s a shoes. When I got them, I saw
A: I was wondering how I can get a great way to keep fit and to enjoy immediately that they were poorly
parking spot on campus. nature. When I’m not outdoors, I love made. The first time I wore them, the
surfing the Internet. I can find out bottom started coming loose. The next
B: You have to go to the Security
about all kinds of things. It’s one of time, the heel fell off. After three days,
Office for that.
my favorite things to do. they had fallen apart completely.
A: Can you tell me where the office is

 Quiz Audio Script

3. A: I’m sorry, we’re very busy right Unit 16 Quiz
I ordered a wool sweater—a pink one, now. But, I’ll see what I can do.
since pink is my favorite color. I was so B: No, no, that’s okay. I’ll carry the Listening 1 Quiz Audio 32
surprised when I got a light green bags myself. 1.
sweater. I hate light green!
3. Thank you for calling MegaMovie
4. A: Hello. Front desk. Ciniplex. In Cinema 1 today is Flowers
I ordered a watch as a present for my B: Hi, this is Julie Hunt in room 538. I for Joanna, an old-fashioned love story
daughter. When I got it, the glass was, am expecting a fax from Japan. starring Gwen Pitt. She falls in love
broken. They did not pack it well, and with the handsome Brian Jeffrey
A: Oh, hello, Ms. Hunt. Hold on a
it broke in the mail. and…you’ll have to come and see
minute, and let me check if the fax
5. what happens. Today’s showtimes are
is here. Yes, we have it.
5:30, 7:40, and 9:50.
I ordered a CD player, because it was B: Wonderful. Do you want me to
really cheap. It looked great, too. When come down for it? 2.
I plugged it in, nothing happened, A: No, Ms. Hunt. I’ll have someone The movie today in Cinema 2 is the
though. Nothing at all! bring it up to you right away. exciting Montana Sky, set in the
beautiful mountains of Montana. There
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 29 B: Thank you so much!
are cowboys and gun fights—a lot of
A: Can I help you? 4. excitement. This movie is showing at
B: Yes. Last week, I bought this toy for A: Hello, how may I help you? 3:45, 5:45, and 9:30.
my son’s third birthday, but I’d like B: Hi, this is room 824. I’d like to have 3.
to return it. some pants and a shirt washed and Playing in Cinema 3 today is Trapped.
A: Of course. What’s the problem? ironed. This tense, fast-moving story will have
B: Well, I put the toy together A: When do you need them? you on the edge of your seat with car
according to the instructions, and B: I need them by eight o’clock chases, street fights, and much more.
when I was done, I realized there tomorrow morning. Is that The show times for today are 5:15,
was a part missing. Look! It doesn’t possible? 7:35, and 9:40.
move correctly. Can I get my
A: No problem. Please leave them in 4.
money back? I paid $50 for this.
the laundry bag outside your door. In Cinema 4 today is a very funny film
A: Hmmm. Well, I can give you your I’ll send someone up to get them called Five Days in Los Angeles. Chris
money back if you have the right away. Foster and Jennifer Lee will have you
receipt. Do you have it?
B: Great. Thank you. laughing so hard that your sides will
B: Um, no, I don’t. Does it matter? hurt. This movie plays at 4:45, 8:10,
A: Yes, it does. You’ll need to come and 9:50.
A: Good evening. Front desk.
back with your receipt.
B: Hello, this is room 421. Could you 5.
tell me the phone number of In Cinema 5, is an almost forgotten
Unit 15 Quiz film from twenty years ago. It’s about
another guest, Mr. Jacob Smith?
A: Is that Jake Smith? a monster from outer space who lands
Listening 1 Quiz Audio 30 on earth and destroys a town. It is not
1. B: Yes, that’s him.
to be missed. Playing today at 5:00,
A: Hello. How can I help you? A: You can dial 634 to reach him. 6:45, and 8:00. Thank you for calling
B: Hello, I’d like to order the fish and B: Thank you. MegaMovie for all your movie needs.
a salad, please.
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 31 Listening 2 Quiz Audio 33
A: I’m sorry, but we don’t have fish I’m having a great time here. I’m
tonight. We do have a nice pasta 1.
staying in a brand new hotel, very This science fiction movie takes place
and chicken dish, though. modern and clean—and the best thing 300 years in the future and is full of
B: Oh…I really wanted fish. I guess is, it’s right on the beach. It’s really wonderful special effects. The actors
I’ll go to a restaurant for dinner. amazing. I go outside and walk about weren’t great. While the story was
Thanks anyway. 10 steps and I’m there. The staff is good for the most part, the ending was
2. helpful, and the service is wonderful. disappointing. I definitely wouldn’t
A: Hello, can I help you? When I asked for an extra bed so my recommend seeing it.
friend David could stay here, too,
B: Yes, I’m ready to check out. Can 2.
housekeeping brought one right away.
you send someone to my room to I don’t usually care for musicals, but I
The room is large and clean, and the
help me with my bags? really enjoyed the one I saw today,
beds are comfortable. There are two
A: Yes, I can send someone to your restaurants—a fancy one inside the because the actors were wonderful,
room in about 25 minutes. hotel and a more casual one by the especially the lead actress. She was
B: Twenty-five minutes? But my flight pool. They’re both pretty expensive, beautiful and a great actor, singer and
leaves in two hours. and the food isn’t that great. Overall, dancer. The music was a little
though, this place is wonderful, and disappointing, though. It was too loud
I’m having a relaxing vacation. in some parts. All in all, this movie is
worth seeing. Don’t miss it!

Quiz Audio Script

3. bottom, and the instructor had to Ever since then, really small, tight
If you’re a fan of horror movies, you rescue me. It was so embarrassing spaces really frighten me.
should really go see the one playing and terrifying that I never tried
right now. The special effects aren’t again. Unit 18 Quiz
really that great, but the ending was A: Wow, you really do have a serious
fantastic. I was completely surprised. I problem. Listening 1 Quiz Audio 36
want to go back and see the movie 1.
again. Hi, Hannah. This is Sandra at Dr.
A: I know you’ll think this is silly, but
4. the one thing that really frightens Kelly’s office. We’re calling to remind
My girlfriend made me take her to see me is bats. I saw a movie once you about your dental appointment
Love Story Revisited. I thought I was where bats attacked people at on Wednesday at 3:45. Please call us
going to hate it because it featured night. back at 883-5493 before 5:00 to let us
some really bad actors, but the story B: No, it’s not silly. I used to be afraid know if you can still make the
was so good that I really didn’t notice of bats. appointment.
the bad acting or the awful music. 2.
A: Really?
Whoever wrote the story really knew Hi, Hannah. It’s Jeff calling. There’s a
what they were doing. I highly B: Yeah, when I was a kid, but then I
saw them asleep at the zoo, and new science fiction movie playing at
recommend it. Ciniplex 18 this weekend. I was
they looked kind of cute.
5. wondering if you’d like to go with me.
A: Really? Will you take me to the
I went to see a film about the famous We could go out for dinner afterwards.
singer Tina Learner. The acting was Give me a call back at 572-3986.
okay, but what I really liked was the 4.
music. It was so powerful—and the A: Oh my goodness, what was that?
Hello. I’m calling for Hannah. This is
singers and musicians were so B: Just a garter snake. They’re Campo’s Bookstore. The book you
amazing. I went straight to the music harmless. Since when have you ordered has arrived. Please call me
store afterward and bought the been afraid of snakes? back at 441-9924.
soundtrack. If you like great music, A: Since I almost got bit by a
you should see this movie. 4.
rattlesnake in the Grand Canyon.
Oh, I’m so scared! I need to sit Hey, Hannah. This is Kate calling. I
Unit 17 Quiz down. need some help with the English
homework. I can’t think of anything to
B: Here you go. Take it easy now.
Listening 1 Quiz Audio 34 write. Can you call me back tonight? I
5. really need your help. I’m sure you
A: I’ve never been afraid of anything. know my number, but, just in case, it’s
A: What’s that thing on the wall? Is it Not mice or snakes, or spiders or 385-2118.
a spider? anything. Not until I lived on a 5.
B: It sure looks like one. Why? little island in the Pacific. There
Hi, Hannah. It’s Cheri. Too bad I
A: I hate spiders. When I was growing were so many lizards.
missed you in class today. I can’t play
up, our house was full of spiders. B: Really? tennis with you tomorrow because my
They got in my hair, in my shoes, A: Really! And they attacked people! car is being fixed and it won’t be
in everything. They would crawl into people’s ready for another three days. Call me
B: They’re not dangerous, you know. houses, especially at night. One at 729-3579 so we can set another date.
In fact, most are very helpful. They time, I was sleeping and a lizard… Next week is good for me. Bye.
eat annoying insects. B: Stop it! That’s disgusting…You’re
A: I don’t care. I can’t stand them. not serious! Are you? Listening 2 Quiz Audio 37
Could you kill it please? Hello. This is Mary from Country
B: No, but I’ll put it outside so it Listening 2 Quiz Audio 35 Farm Insurance, leaving a message for
won’t bother you. There you go, I know this is really strange, but I have Bill. I have the price for your car
little fella. a fear of being in small places. I think insurance. Give me a call at 654-9389
it came from one time when I was a between 5:00 and 6:00 this evening.
2. little kid. I was camping with my Again, that’s 654-9389.
A: Are you going to Trent’s pool family and somehow, during the night,
party? I got turned around in my sleeping Unit 19
B: Yes, but I won’t go near the water. bag. I woke up in this hot, dark, small
A: Why not? space and started trying to find the Listening 1 Quiz Audio 38
B: I can’t swim. Water makes me opening. No matter which way I went, Today’s bus tour will take us all over
really nervous. I couldn’t find it. I got really scared this great city. First, we’ll go to the art
and started crying. Then my Mom museum, which has an impressive
A: Why don’t you take swimming
reached in and pulled me out of the collection of modern paintings. Before
lessons? Then, you would be less
bottom of the sleeping bag. She we leave, you’ll have a chance to buy
thought I just had a bad dream. I was some postcards and art books at the
B: I tried that once, but as soon as I too embarrassed to tell her the truth. gift shop. Then we’ll take an elevator
got in the pool, I sank to the

 Quiz Audio Script

to the top of the city’s tallest building. minute taxi ride. Or, if you’re staying 4.
You’ll have an amazing view of the in a hotel, you can take a free shuttle A: Hi, do you have a reservation for
entire city. Be sure to bring your bus. The building is very modern, with me? My name is Sara Hogan.
cameras. Afterwards, we’ll have a lots of glass everywhere. It is very B: Let me check the computer. Yes,
light lunch at a restaurant near the exciting just to stand inside this huge Ms. Hogan. Here you are. You’ll be
river. The tour will end at the city mall, building and watch airplanes take off staying with us for six nights, is
which is full of wonderful stores and and touch down all around you. And that right?
little cafes. I highly recommend buying they have lots of cafes and restaurants
A: Yes, that’s right. Could I pay $200
pottery and jewelry there. It is some of and bookstores. And restrooms, too.
cash and the rest with my credit
the finest in the world. You never have to wait in line to use
the restroom. Check-in still takes a
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 39 while. I guess it does everywhere. You B: Certainly. Could I see your passport
A: What did you do today? do have to stand in line and wait for first, please?
B: We took a wonderful tour of the them to check your bags and look at A: Sure. Here you go.
city this morning. We visited a lot your boarding pass. There are never 5.
of different places—the city zoo, enough people working at the check-in A: Hello, I’m Matt Peterson.
the waterfront, and a small history counters. And parking is still a
B: Hello Mr. Peterson. Do you have a
museum. I’m really tired now, but problem. There aren’t enough spaces,
I’m glad I went. All the places we and it’s very expensive. It’s better to
visited were interesting. just take a taxi or a bus to the airport A: Yes. I think so.
A: Wow. That’s quite a tour! Was it and leave your car at home. B: I don’t see it here. Do you have a
expensive? confirmation number?
B: No, it wasn’t. Unit 21 Quiz A: Yes, it’s 77249. Do you need my
credit card?
A: Did you eat on the trip?
Listening 1 Quiz Audio 42 B: No, this will be fine. Oh yes, here it
B: Yes, we did. Actually, the food was
1. is. Matthew Peterson. Three nights.
the only thing I really didn’t like. I
wanted to go to a restaurant to try A: Hi, my name is Sue Thompson. I’d A: That’s right.
local food, but they took us to a like to check in.
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 43
fast-food restaurant. B: Thompson…Yes, here’s your
A: How’s your room, Sofia?
A: That’s too bad. Was the tour guide reservation. You paid for the room
in advance, right? B: It’s fantastic. I reserved a standard
room, but when I checked in, there
B: Yes, very. She told us about some A: Yes, I paid for it last week when I
weren’t any of those rooms left, so
great places to buy souvenirs and made the reservation. Do you need
I got a deluxe room for the same
gave us really interesting historical to see my credit card?
information about all the places we B: No, that’s fine. Could you just fill
A: A deluxe room! Great! What’s it
visited. out this registration form for me?
A: Sure.
B: Well, it’s actually a three room
Unit 20 Quiz 2. suite—one large bedroom and a
A: Hi, my name is Phil Mason. I’d large living room with a couch and
Listening 1 Quiz Audio 40
like to check in. a large screen TV with a DVD
1. player. It’s great!
B: Just a minute, please. Ah, yes,
Excuse me, do you know where I can you’re with the computer A: Sounds wonderful. Is the bathroom
buy some magazines? conference, aren’t you? nice, too?
2. A: Yes, I am. B: Oh, yes. The bathroom is huge, and
Can you tell me where I can pick up B: Could you show me your company it’s very clean.
my suitcases? ID, please? A: How’s the view?
3. A: Sure. Here it is. B: Well, the view is pretty
Excuse me. Where can I meet someone 3. disappointing, actually. All I can
who is arriving on flight 66? see is the highway. But I can just
A: Hi, I’d like a room, please.
4. close the curtains, and I’m in my
B: Do you have a reservation? own world.
I need some help. Can you tell me A: No, I don’t. Is that a problem?
where I can change some money? A: Sounds fantastic!
B: No, not at all. Can I have your
5. name, please? Unit 22 Quiz
I’m in the wrong terminal. How do I A: Yes, it’s Mark McLean.
get to the International Terminal? Listening 1 Quiz Audio 44
B: Can you spell your last name for
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 41 me? 1.
Our new airport just opened and it’s A: It’s capital M-C capital L-E-A-N. There are a lot of cars on the road
really wonderful. It’s very close to B: Okay. Wait a moment while I find a today because of the championship
town, which is great. It’s about a 15- room for you.

Quiz Audio Script

football game. So, leave early, because blocks down the street and get on floor, he never cleans his dishes, and
it’ll take you twice as long to get a boat and cross the river. his room is a complete disaster.
wherever you’re going. A: That sounds like a fun way to
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 47
2. commute.
We just had a report that a north-bound B: It really is.
Hey, Matt. This is Tony. Could you do
and a south-bound car ran into each 4. me a big favor? I left my history
other on Highway 24, just west of A: I used to drive, just like everyone notebook on my desk. Can you bring
Eureka. If you’re in that area, slow else. But then I realized I could kill it to class with you? I have to talk to
down because emergency vehicles will two birds with one stone. my professor before class, so I can’t
be coming through. It sounds like a
B: What do you mean? get back to the room to get it myself.
very bad accident.
A: Well, I used to drive to work and Thanks!
3. then drive to the health club and 2.
And there’s been an accident exercise for an hour before going Hi, Allison. This is Tanya. I have a
downtown at Oak and Washington home. I figured if I jogged to work favor to ask you. Can you buy some
streets. A driver ran into a traffic light and back, I wouldn’t have to go to snacks for our French Club meeting
pole. Now, all the traffic lights in that the health club, and I also wouldn’t this afternoon? I was supposed to buy
area are broken. If you can avoid the get stuck in traffic. them, but I forgot. Thanks so much.
area around Oak and Washington,
B: How’s it working out?
please do so. 3.
A: So far, so good. Hi, Will. This is Steve. Listen, I’ve
5. invited Ted and Luke to come over
Meanwhile, a section of Interstate 55 is
A: I used to be a subway rider, but I and watch the game on TV tonight.
closed today for repairs. Please use
had a bad fall down the steps one They’re going to arrive around 8:30.
Highway 23 instead.
day. Can you order two pizzas? I’ll be in
5. class until 8:00, so I won’t have time to
B: How do you get to work now?
Route 17 has been very icy, and we order them. Thanks a lot.
A: I take the bus. It takes the same
just had a report of a car that is
amount of time, and I get to look 4.
overturned. If you’re driving on Route
out the window. It’s much more Hi, Pam. This is Lydia. I need to ask a
17, please be very careful. The icy
interesting than the subway. favor. Can I borrow your leather coat
conditions will continue throughout
tonight? I have a date with Justin—
the day.
Unit 23 Quiz you know, that cute guy in my biology
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 45 class. I know you’re going to the
1. Listening 1 Quiz Audio 46 library to study this afternoon, so I
1. wanted to catch you before you left.
A: How do you get to work, Joe?
B: Well, I used to drive my car every Ross is not bad as a roommate. The
day, but the roads were so best thing about him is how he always 5.
congested that I was always late washes the dishes and sweeps the Hi, Gerald, this is Justin. You know
for work. I could have made it to floor and generally keeps things really that great shirt you bought last week. I
work faster on a bicycle! But I clean and orderly. wondered if it would be okay if I
don’t have a bicycle, so I started 2. borrowed it tonight. I have a date with
taking the subway—I’ve been Lydia, that really cute girl in our
Annette is a really fun roommate. She
riding it for about two years now. biology class. All my clothes are dirty
has lots of friends and is always
A: The subway? Do you like it? and I don’t have time to wash them. If
inviting them over to watch a video or
you let me borrow your shirt, I
B: Yeah, it’s all right. I always get a have dinner.
promise I’ll dry clean it and give it
seat, and it only takes 20 minutes 3. back to you just like new. Thanks. Talk
to get from my house to work. Henry…well I don’t know him very to you later.
2. well yet. He pretty much keeps to
A: How do you get to work, Robin? himself. I know he studies a lot and Unit 24 Quiz
B: On foot. It only takes about 30 does well in his classes. I hope to get
minutes. to know him better as time goes on. Listening 1 Quiz Audio 48
A: Have you always walked to work? 4. A: How was your trip to Miami?
B: No, I started about four months Teresa is an ideal roommate. If I ever B: Well, it could have been better.
ago, because my doctor told me I need help with my school work, or A: Really? What happened?
needed to get more exercise. someone to loan me a few dollars, or B: Well, first, I missed my flight. I
someone to just listen to my problems, had to wait five hours for the next
she is always there. flight. I was so angry.
A: How do you get to work, Ellen?
B: Well, I used to always take the 5. A: But you made it to Miami safely?
subway, but recently they started a Well, I can’t say Fred is the best B: Yes, I made it to Miami, but my
ferry service across the South roommate in the world. He leaves his bags didn’t arrive. I got them back
River. So now, I just walk a few dirty clothes all over the bathroom four days later.

 Quiz Audio Script

A: That’s too bad. Did you spend any
time at the beach?
B: Yes, I went to the beach on Monday,
and I lay in the sun all day. And
then, I got sick. Sunstroke! I was in
bed for three days.
A: Oh, no! Was the rest of your
vacation any better?
B: Not really. After I felt better, I went
sightseeing in South Beach, but, I
lost my wallet that day. I’m sure it
was stolen.
A: Oh, Frank. What else happened?
B: You’re not going to believe this, but
on my way back to the airport, my
taxi was in an accident.
A: Were you okay?
B: Yes, I was fine. And I didn’t miss
my flight back home. I was so
Listening 2 Quiz Audio 49
Well, last year I took my family on a
trip to New York City for the first time.
We were a little nervous, because we
thought that the city would be really
dangerous, but it was actually quite
safe. We went all over the city and
never felt scared. We got to see New
York’s skyscrapers, museums, and
stores, and eat ethnic food in several
great restaurants. The people were so
nice and helpful everywhere we went.
We were really glad we decided to go,
because we ended up having a great
time. But, yes, everything in New York
City is very expensive.

Quiz Audio Script

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