ATC-38 Postearthquake Building Performance Assessment Form Surveyor Instructions

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This form should be filled out as completely as possible by the surveyor(s). Do not leave blank spaces; use UNK for Unknown, NA for Not Applicable, or None when appropriate. Talk with the owner to obtain as much information as possible. Assure him/her that detailed name and address information will not be released to the public. Photos should be taken of each exterior building elevation, and of any locations where significant damage is visible. For each strong motion site, obtain or sketch a map of the block or blocks surveyed to identify the locations of each building relative to the strong motion instrument. Distances from the buildings to the instrument should be determined wherever possible. The ATC-38 Postearthquake Building Assessment Form includes 11 sections as listed below. Refer to the Glossary of Terms and Codes for classifications and codes that should be used on the form. The form is intended to be self-explanatory; however, some clarifying comments are included here for each of the 11 sections. In all cases, write down as much information as possible, and state any assumptions you need to make about the building and/or its performance. Too much or repeated information is always better than incomplete information. 1. Building Site Information. For Building ID#, use the following notation: station owner, last 3 digits of station number, initials of surveyor, and sequential number. (For example: CDMG386-ER-01.) Be sure to include the Building ID number on each page and indicate the number of pages. For Photo ID#s, make sure to note the number(s) on the film roll that were taken of the given building. When the film is developed, write the same numbers on the back of each photo so they will be matched to the proper building. Building Construction Data. If possible, indicate design date and construction date by year, not decade. Model Building Type. If the building has different model building types in different directions or on different floors, describe in the space provided. Performance Modifiers. In this section, describe any other vertical or plan irregularities that are not listed on the form, including unusual pre-earthquake building conditions. Plan Sketch of Building. Provide a sketch of the building footprint. Annotate the sketch as appropriate. Note on the sketch the assumed east-west and north-south directions if they are used in other sections of the form, and include a north arrow. Surveyors should carry a compass. Nonstructural Elements. Refer to the Glossary for codes to be used for cladding and partition types. General Damage. This section should be descriptive as well as quantitative. Indicate the General Damage Classification that corresponds to the worst damage to any specific element. (This should be the same General Damage Classification as that checked in Section 1.) Estimate the ATC-13 damage state as defined in the Glossary for each building area as shown (for residences, consider chimneys and veneer to be nonstructural and water heaters to be equipment). In the space provided for comments, include possible reasons for damage if appropriate. For buildings with General Damage Classification of M or H, fill out the 2-page Detailed Damage Description as described below.

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

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8. 9. 10.

Nonstructural Damage. Indicate damage to partitions, lights, ceilings, and contents in terms of General Damage Classification as defined in the Glossary. Injuries or Fatalities. Include comments where appropriate, such as unusual reasons for casualties. Functionality. Indicate percentage of space that can be used for the buildings original pre-earthquake function for the various time periods listed, as well as the amount of time needed to restore the building to its full pre-earthquake functionality. In the comments section, include any reasons for closure and note if the building can only be accessed for clean-up. Geotechnical Failures. In this section, describe any other geotechnical failures or unusual features that are not listed on the form.


After the 11 main sections of the form, space is provided for additional comments pertaining to any section of the form. Attach additional sheets if necessary, making sure to label each sheet with the Building ID number. For buildings with General Damage Classification of M or H, fill out the 2-page Detailed Damage Description as briefly described below. Detailed Damage Description. This part of the form should be filled out as completely as possible for any buildings with General Damage Classification of M or H. It includes sections for Vertical Elements, Horizontal Elements, Connections, Foundations, and Equipment and Systems. In each case the damage should be described in terms of the General Damage Classification defined in the Glossary. Make sure to use NA or UNK as appropriate. Use the notes section to include additional information about the building and the damage, such as differences by direction or floor level in damage or model building type. The notes section may also be used to indicate the location (i.e., ground floor or top story) of extensive damage to equipment and systems. Add extra pages if necessary, making sure to label each one with the Building ID number.

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Note: DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANK SPACES! Indicate Unknown (UNK), Not Applicable (NA), or None if necessary.

Building Site Information [1]

Inspector(s): Address: Type of Survey: Interior Only Red Exterior and Interior Yellow Green None Date: Bldg. ID#: Building Name: Recording Station ID: Photo ID#s: Phone: Phone: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) Page __ of __

Existing Posting Placard:

Building Owner/Manager Contact Name: Civil/Structural Engineer for Repair Name: General Damage Classification (see Glossary):

[Note: For M or H classification, fill out Detailed Damage Description Section]

Building Construction Data [2]

Construction Date: Number of Stories Above Ground: Number of Living Units: Plan Width (ft): Occupancy Type (see Glossary): Foundation Type: Plan Length (ft): Approximate Building Area (sq.ft.): Occupied Prior to Earthquake: Yes No UNK Design Date: Sloped Site: Yes No

Number of Basement Levels:

Model Building Type [3]

Predominant Model Building Type (see Glossary): Describe Building if More Than One Model Building Type Present: Seismic Retrofit: Yes No UNK

Describe Retrofit if Present:

Page 3

Performance Modifiers [4]

Discontinuous Columns: Pounding Potential: Open Front Plan: Plan Irregularities: Y Y Y N N Y N N UNK UNK UNK Yes UNK NA NA NA No UNK NA

Bldg. ID#: Facade Setbacks: Seismic Expansion Joints: Other Torsional Imbalance: Deterioration of Structure: NA Y Y Y Y N N N N UNK UNK UNK UNK

Page __ of __ NA NA NA NA

Previous Earthquake Damage:

Describe Other Vertical Conditions:

Describe Other Plan Vulnerabilities:

Describe Other Pre-Earthquake Building Conditions:

Plan Sketch of Building [5]

Nonstructural Elements [6]

Exterior Cladding/Glazing Code (see Glossary): Partitions Code (see Glossary): Ceilings Code (see Glossary): Fire Protection: Elevators: Chimneys: Yes Yes Yes No No No UNK UNK UNK NA NA Yes NA

Standard Plumbing, Electrical, Lighting, HVAC: No UNK NA Describe Major Fixed Equipment:

Describe Unusual Contents:

[Note: Include North arrow]

Page 4

General Damage [7]

Bldg. ID#:

Page __ of __

General Damage Classification (repeated from Section [1] on page 1): None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) [Note: See Glossary for ATC-13 Damage State Definitions] ATC-13 Damage State, Structural: ATC-13 Damage State, Equipment: Percent of Floor Area Collapsed: ___% Building off Foundation: Y N UNK Y N NA N UNK NA UNK NA UNK NA NA Story out of Plumb: Hazmat: Chimney Damage: Y Y Y N N Y N UNK UNK UNK N NA NA NA UNK NA ATC-13 Damage State, Nonstructural: ATC-13 Damage State, Contents:

Damage to Structural Members: Parapet Damage: Y N


Exterior Non-building Damage:

Pounding Damage:

Comments about General Damage:

Nonstructural Damage [8]

Cladding Separation or Damage: ___% of wall area Partitions Damage: None (N) Insignificant (I) UNK NA Moderate (M) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) Heavy (H) UNK UNK NA NA UNK NA Heavy (H) UNK NA

Moderate (M)

Windows Damage: ___% of windows Lights and Ceilings Damage: Buildings Contents Damage:

None (N) None (N)

Insignificant (I) Insignificant (I)

Comments about Nonstructural Damage:

Injuries or Fatalities [9]

No. of Minor Injuries: ___ UNK No. of Major Injuries: ___ UNK No. of Fatalities: ___ UNK

Comments about Injuries or Fatalities:

Page 5

Functionality [10]
Percent Usable Space Immediately: ___% Percent Usable Space within 1 Week: ___% Percent Usable Space in 1-6 Months: ___% Comments about Functionality: UNK UNK UNK

Bldg. ID#:

Page __ of __ UNK UNK NA

Percent Usable Space in 1-3 Days: ___% Percent Usable Space within 1 Mo.: ___% Time Until Full Occupancy: ______ UNK

Geotechnical Failures [11]

Lateral Ground Movement: Ground Settlement: Y N Y N UNK UNK NA Y N NA Buckled Sidewalks: Liquefaction Indicators: UNK NA Y Y N N UNK UNK NA NA

Separation Between Building and Ground: Comments about Geotechnical Features:

Additional Comments
Additional Comments Pertaining to Any Section of Survey Form (use additional pages if necessary):

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Bldg. ID#: Page __ of __

Vertical Elements
Racking of Main Walls: Racking of Cripple Walls: None (N) None (N) Insignificant (I) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) Heavy (H) UNK UNK NA NA

Buckling, Crippling, Tearing of Steel Beams, Columns, or Braces: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) UNK Spalling or Cracking of Concrete Columns or Beams: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H)




Column Crushing Due to Overturning or Discontinuous Lateral Resisting Elements: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) UNK NA Shear Cracking in Columns: Cracked Shear Walls: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) UNK UNK NA NA

None (N)

Insignificant (I)

Moderate (M) NA Moderate (M)

Heavy (H)

Percentage of Shear Walls with Cracks: ___ % Rocking of Shear Walls: None (N)


Insignificant (I)

Heavy (H)



Damage to Shear Wall Boundary Elements: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Damage to Shear Wall Coupling Beams: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M)

Heavy (H)



Heavy (H)



# / % of Tiltup Wall Panels Leaning or Fallen Out: ___ / ___ % Infill Walls Damaged or Fallen Out: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M)

Heavy (H)



Horizontal Elements
Roof Collapse: ___ % of Diaphragm UNK NA Floor Collapse: ___ % of Diaphragm UNK NA UNK NA UNK UNK UNK NA NA NA UNK NA

Loss of Vertical Roof Support: ___ % of Roof Area Affected

Tearing of Diaphragms at Other Points of High Stress: ___ % of Diaphragm Damage at Re-entrant Corners: Damage to Collectors at Walls: None (N) None (N) Insignificant (I) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Moderate (M)

Heavy (H) Heavy (H)

Cross Grain Bending Damage at Roof-to-Wall Connections: ___ % of Connection Length

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Bldg. ID#: Page __ of __

Girder-Column Connection Damage Including Panel Zones: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) Column Splice Damage: None (N) Insignificant (I)


NA Heavy (H) UNK NA NA

Moderate (M)

Damage to Brace Connections:

None (N)

Insignificant (I)

Moderate (M)

Heavy (H)


Damage to Column-to-Foundation Connections: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M)

Heavy (H)



Damage to Connections of Precast Elements that are Part of the Lateral Force Resisting System: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) UNK NA

Foundations Cracked or Otherwise Damaged: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M)

Heavy (H)



Slabs-on-Grade Cracked or Otherwise Damaged: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H)



Equipment and Systems

Electrical Equipment Damage Including Backup Generators: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) Damage to Boilers, Chillers, Tanks, etc.: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) HVAC Damage (Fans, Ducts): None (N)



Heavy (H)


NA Heavy (H) UNK NA

Insignificant (I)

Moderate (M)

Damage to Water and Sprinkler Lines and Fire Pumps: None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H)



Elevator Equipment Damage (Car and Counterweight Rails, Cars, Penthouse Equipment): None (N) Insignificant (I) Moderate (M) Heavy (H) UNK NA Additional Comments (use additional pages if necessary:

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ATC-38 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND CODES General Damage Classification:

Code N I Description None. No damage is visible, either structural or nonstructural. Insignificant. Damage requires no more than cosmetic repair. No structural repairs are necessary. For nonstructural elements this would include spackling partition cracks, picking up spilled contents, putting back fallen ceiling tiles, and righting equipment. Moderate. Repairable structural damage has occurred. The existing elements can be repaired in place, without substantial demolition or replacement or elements. For nonstructural elements this would include minor replacement of damaged partitions, ceilings, contents, or equipment. Heavy. Damage is so extensive that repair of elements is either not feasible or requires major demolition or replacement. For nonstructural elements this would include major or complete replacement of damaged partitions, ceilings, contents, or equipment.

Occupancy Type:
Occupancy Type Apartment Auto Repair Church Dwelling Data Center Garage Code A AR C D DC G Gas Station Government Hospital Hotel Manufacturing Office Restaurant GS GV H HL M O R Retail School Theater Utility Warehouse Other Unknown RS S T U W OTH UNK

Model Building Type: Framing System

Steel Moment Frame Steel Braced Frame Steel Light Frame Steel Frame w/ Concrete Shear Walls Steel Frame w/ Infill Masonry Shear Walls Concrete Moment Frame Concrete Shear Wall Building Concrete Frame w/ Infill Masonry Shear Walls Reinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Precast/Tiltup Concrete Shear Walls Precast Concrete Frame w/ Conc. Shear Walls Wood Light Frame Commercial or Long-Span Wood Frame

Reference Codes and Diaphragm Types

S1 - Stiff Diaphragms; S1A - Flexible Diaphragms S2 - Stiff Diaphragms ; S2A - Flexible Diaphragms S3 S4 - Stiff Diaphragms; S4A - Flexible Diaphragms S5 - Stiff Diaphragms; S5A - Flexible Diaphragms C1 - Stiff Diaphragms; C1A - Flexible Diaphragms C2 - Stiff Diaphragms; C2A - Flexible Diaphragms C3 - Stiff Diaphragms ; C3A - Flexible Diaphragms RM1 - Flexible Diaphragms; RM2 - Stiff Diaphragms URM - Flexible Diaphragm; URMA - Stiff Diaphragm PC1 - Flexible Diaphragms; PC1A - Stiff Diaphragms PC2 W1 W2

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Exterior Cladding/Glazing Codes: Cladding/Glazing Type Stucco Wood Product Curtain Wall Brick Glass Concrete Metal Exposed Structure Window Wall Pre-cast Panels PC Fascia Stone Marble URM Masonry Ceramic Tiles Code S W C B G O M E I P F N R U Y T Partitions Codes: Partition Type Gypsum Board Plaster Wood Lath URM Metal Concrete Brick Marble Masonry Ceilings Codes: Ceiling Type Gypsum Board Suspended Tile Plaster Exposed Slab Metal Wood Glued Tiles T-Bar Acoustic Code G S P E M W T B A Code G P W U M C B R Y

ATC-13 Damage State Definitions: Damage State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 None Slight Light Moderate Heavy Major Destroyed Percent Damage (damaged value replacement value) 0% 0% - 1% 1% - 10% 10% - 30% 30% - 60% 60% - 100% 100%

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