A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

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7– EMERALD: 8:30 – 9:30

A. Content Standards:
The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s global
village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and contextual clues to
understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.

B. Performance Standards:
The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s global
village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and contextual clues to
understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.

C. Learning Competencies:
Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique identity and to better understand other people
Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, and other factors

At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:

1. Share your personal opinion about the pictures showed.

2. Distinguish the Elements of the story
3. Comprehend each story through the use of graphic organizers.
4. Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group activity.


1. Topic: Elements of the Story
2. Reference: Elements of the Story. English 7 Teacher’s Guide. pp. 356- 363
3. Strategies: Observation, Simple Role Playing, Making Conversation, Creative Dramatics
4. Method: Inductive Method and Grammar in Situational Context.
5. Materials: Pictures of objects, Posters for discussion, , Task Envelopes for practice, Projector,
Laptop and Speaker.
6. Skills:
Listening: Remembering facts and sequence of the story
Reading: Analyzing a vocabulary word using context clues
Speaking: Discussing of ideas, pronouncing words and names correctly
Writing: Describing a concept or entity
Values: Cooperation, self-confidence, collaboration, valuing the life at present, honesty,



Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Greetings and Prayer

Teacher: Good Morning Grade 7 Knowledge! “Good Morning Ma’am Carla!”

Teacher: Please arrange your chairs properly and pick up the (Students arrange their chairs properly and they pick
pieces of paper under your chair. up the pieces of paper under their chairs.)

Teacher: Let us pray … (Students will pray.)

Attendance and Classroom Management

Teacher: Please sit. I will check your attendance and say (Students will raise their hand and say present as the
present if you hear your name. teacher calls their name)

Teacher: There is no absent in your class today. So, let us give (Students are very happy as they clap their hands)
each other around of applause.
(Students pass their assignment.)
Teacher: Kindly pass your assignment.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Teacher: Now, who can still remember the lesson we have (Students raise their hands)
learned last meeting? “Our lesson last meeting was all about the short
story .”
Teacher: Yes, May.
(short story)
Teacher: Very good May. Class, again, what is short story?
Yes Liza.

Teacher: Very good! Is there any other question regarding “None Ma’am”

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Teacher: Let’s move on to our new lesson. For this morning,
our discussion will be in relation to ourselves. But before that,
we will divide your class into 5 groups. “Yes Ma’am”

Teacher: These boxes correspond to your seat and each box has (The class will be divided into 5group and
color. Now all same box color is the group mates. Then stick they will stick together for the whole
with your group mates for the whole discussion. discussion.)

Teacher: I will give each group an envelope that contains puzzle

pieces to be arranged and afterwards, you are going to post it on Student 1: Yes Ma’am!
the board. Kindly assign a representative from each group to
give an idea about the image formed out if the puzzle pieces.
There are only 3 minutes for you to do the activity.

Teacher: Are you ready class? You timer starts now! “Yes Ma’am!”

Teacher: Now let us see your work. As you present your work,
all group members must proceed in front. Group 1 will present (The students will perform the task)
first. Followed by group 2, group 3 the group 4 and then the last
presenter is group 5. (Each group will present their work.)

(answer may vary)

Teacher: Good Job class! Now let us try to analyze and answer “I have observed that we have different
the following questions. What have you noticed with all your pictures each group and we come up with

answers? Yes Mica. informative explanations.

(answer may vary)

Teacher: Very good answer Mica. What do you think is the For me, it is like a story of a woman seeking
connection of pictures to each other? May we hear your answer of help from a friend and her friend is open
Owen? arms to help the woman without any doubt
from her heart.

(answer may vary)

Teacher: Anyone who can relate from our pictures: Always Ma’am. I came from a poor family
Thank you for volunteering Ysa! and my parents can’t provide all the needs
and we don’t have enough money for our
allowance. I am glad that I have my friends
who are always there to help me and sharing
their food every break time.

Teacher: Thank you for your inspiring stories Ysa! I am

grateful in your section. Always help each other because inside
this 4 corners room, you are brothers and sisters and we are
family. Don’t let someone left alone with nothing. If you have (Students are very happy as they clap their
spare foods; try to share and we can’t say, that person that you hands)
are helping during your high school is the person that will send a
big miracle to your life in the future.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Presentation of the Lesson
Highlighting the Form (Students will raise their hand)
Teacher: Class, can someone describe our first set of pictures? (answer may vary)
“From the pictures, they are all actors/actress
Yes John! and those pictures are based on each character
they play. We have…

Teacher: Very good! John, from your own words, what do you (answer may vary)
mean by character? “The characters are the persons in the story.
They are the “who” of the story.
Teacher: Correct! Who wants to add something?
(Students raise their hands to answer the
teacher’s question)
“ We have two kinds of character; the
protagonist which is the lead of the story and the
antagonist which is actively opposing the
Teacher: That’s correct Rigor. !?

Teacher: Just like in food, characters are the main ingredients

of the dish. Without this, our food or the story will never be
that tasty because characters are giving life in every story, they
are the one who makes the story move and to catch more
viewers or readers.

Teacher: How about the second set of pictures?

Yes Nash! (answer may vary)

“ They are all places and where all the story

Teacher: Yes correct!
“We construct present real conditionals in two
Teacher: Exactly. Present Real Conditional is used to talk about ways.
what you normally do in real-life situations. 1. [If / When...+S+.. Simple Present ... , ..S+….
Simple Present ...] or
2. [S+... Simple Present ... if / when .S+.. Simple
 If I go to a friend's house for dinner, I usually take a Present ...]”
bottle of wine or some flowers.
 When I have a day off from work, I often go to the
 If the weather is nice, she walks to work.
 I read if there is nothing on TV.
“Jerry helps me with my homework when he has
Teacher: But how do we construct present real conditionals? time.”
Yes Jane?

“Using "if" suggests that something happens less

Teacher: Very good Jane! There are two ways on how to frequently while using "when" suggests that
construct present real conditionals. something happens regularly.”
1. [If / When...+S+.. Simple Present ... , ..S+…. Simple
Present ...] or
2. [S+... Simple Present ... if / when .S+.. Simple Present ...]

Teacher: Who can give an example? Yes Donna.

Teacher: Correct Donna. We must also be aware on using “if”

and “when” in the present real conditionals. Class, when do we
use “if” and “when”? Yes John.
“Yes Ma’am”

Teacher: Very good John! Using "if" suggests that something “Present Unreal conditionals talk
happens less frequently while using "when" suggests that
about hypothetical or imaginary situations,
something happens regularly.
Examples: Present Unreal Conditional used to talk about
 When I have a day off from work, I usually go to the what you would generally do in imaginary
beach. I REGULARLY HAVE DAYS OFF FROM situations.”
 If I have a day off from work, I usually go to the beach.
Teacher: Did you understand class?

Teacher: Now, how about the Present Unreal Conditionals?

Hanna, can you share with us your idea?
“We follow two forms in constructing the
present unreal conditionals, these are:
Teacher: Exactly! Present Unreal conditionals talk 1. [If …+S+.. Simple Past ... , .+S+.. would +
about hypothetical or imaginary situations, it is use to talk about verb ...]
what you would generally do in imaginary situations. 2. [..S+... would + verb ... if ….+S+. Simple Past
Examples: ...]”
 If I owned a car, I would drive to work. But I don't own
a car.
 She would travel around the world if she had more
money. But she doesn't have much money.

Teacher: How do we form the present unreal conditionals? Yes “Mary would move to Japan if she spoke
Allen. Japanese.”

Teacher: Correct Allen. In constructing the present unreal

conditionals we must follow these two ways:
1. [If …+S+.. Simple Past ..., .+S+.. would + verb ...] “No Ma’am”
2. [..S+... would + verb ..., if ….+S+. Simple Past ...]
 If she had money, she would travel around the world. “We couldn’t use when in present unreal
But she doesn't have much money. conditionals, only the word "if" is used with the

 I would read more if I didn't watch so much TV. Present Unreal Conditional because you are
Teacher: Will you give us example Jerrymie? discussing imaginary situations. "When" cannot
be used”

Teacher: Very good Jerrymie.

Teacher: Could we use both “if” and “when” in the present
unreal conditionals?

Teacher: Why Liza?

Teacher: You answered correctly Liza. Only the word "if" is

used with the Present Unreal Conditional because you are “If she were rich, she would buy a yacht.”
discussing imaginary situations. "When" cannot be used. Let us
also remember that there are some exceptions in constructing “I would play basketball if I were taller.”
Present Unreal conditionals. In the Present Unreal Conditional,
the form "was" is not considered grammatically correct. In “Thank you Ma’am!”
written English or in testing situations, you should always use
“Yes Ma’am!”
 If he were French, he would live in Paris.
 I would buy that computer if it were cheaper.
Kindly give us an example, Renzo.

Teacher: Wonderful! Another example Dan.

Teacher: Very good Dan. I think class, you made an advanced

research about our lesson for today and I really like it. Good job,
Teacher: Did you understand class about the Present Real and
Unreal Conditionals? Any questions? Are these clear to you?

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Teacher: Now class, let us listen and remember this.
(video clip) “Yes Ma’am!”
Teacher: Did you understand the video clip that you watched? “Yes Ma’am!”

Controlled Practice 1 (The students listen to Kuya’s voice)

Teacher: Very good! Now let us see if you really understand
the Present Conditionals. Bu before that, let us listen to what
Big Brother has to say and let us hear the advice of Kuya.

Kuya’s Voice: “Housemates, how are the tasks so far? Always (The student will read the task.)
remember, it’s not enough to just recognize, but it pays a lot to
use what you have learned so you’d be prepared for real world DEAL OR NO DEAL?
tasks. I know it’s getting tougher. But always remember, Have a representative for each group to go in
cooperation, creativity and perseverance are the names of the front. Pick the number of the briefcase you want.
game. Housemate Class President, please go to the confession Each briefcase contains a level of difficulty of
room for task 2.” the task that you will do. Decide whether you
will do it or pass it to other groups because a
wrong answer will deduct 2 points from your
total score. You have 30 second to answer the

Teacher: Are you ready for the task class? Yes Ma’am!

Teacher: So, is it a deal or a no deal? Go! (Each group will pick their briefcase and then
they will answer the questions behind each

Briefcase #1 - Easy
Determine which verb tense can complete the
1. If we moved the restaurant downtown,
a. we will have more customers.
b. we would have more customers.
c. we would have had more customers.
2. If we used more local farm produce,
a. we could improve our menu.
b. we could improved our menu.
c. we can improve our menu.

Briefcase #2 Easy
Give one line or sentence from the following
songs that shows present real or unreal
1. If I Were A Boy (Beyonce)
2. Hero (Enrique Iglesias)

Briefcase # 3 Difficult
In two sentences, tell a chain story using the
present real and unreal conditionals.
If I drink coffee, I’ll stay awake tonight
If I stay awake tonight, I’ll fall asleep in the
And if I fall asleep in the morning, my teacher
will be very angry.
Briefcase #4 Average
Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the correct
tense used in the first conditional.
1. If Mary ___has__ (have) enough
money, she'll come with us on vacation.
2. If you __work___ (work) hard, you'll
finish the project in time.

Briefcase #5 Average
Select the letter with correct verb tense that can
complete the statement.
1. We could fit more customers in the restaurant
a. if we changed the tables into booths.
b. if we changing the tables into booths.
2. We get more reservations
a. if we use an Internet booking service
like OpenTable.com.
b. if we may use an Internet booking
service like OpenTable.com.

Teacher: You all did a great job. Let us all clap our hands. (The students answered all the questions
(The students clap their hands.)


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

Controlled Practice 2
Teacher: Now for you final task, let us listen again to Big
(The students will listen to big brother.)
Kuya’s Voice: “Congratulations housemates! You are about
to complete successfully your weekly tasks. But for your last
challenge, your class should be divided into two. This is to test
your cooperation with the other groups. Groups 1 and 2 will
Team 1
be merged with the half of group 3; groups 4 and 5 will be
Two students taking about their plans for
fused with the half of group 3. Each group will make a simple
roleplay about what they will do in the given situation by using
conditionals to describe specific objects or person that they
Team 2
will include in their sentences. Your roleplay will be 3 minutes
Election day is nearly approaching, two
only. Highlight the conditionals that you used.
aspiring candidates will be having a speech in
front of the voters.

“Yes Ma’am!”
Teacher: You have five minutes to prepare your presentation
and then afterwards I will call each group to present their
work. Did you understand?
(After five minutes, the students will present
their role play.)
Teacher: Let us start your presentation with group 5 to group

Teacher: That was a very good presentation!! I and Kuya from

the Pinoy Big Brother house are happy that you were able to (The students happily clap their hands)
finish all the given task to you. Let give each other a happy


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

Teacher: In 5 minutes, kindly answer this on a ¼ sheet of
paper answer the following. “Yes Ma’am!”

Write the correct verb tense to use in each number.

1. If she knows the time, she _____ (come) to the meeting.
2. She _____ (attend) the meeting if she had the time.
3. Peter _____ (say) yes if you ask him.
4. Unless he _____ (finish) soon, we won't be able to come.
5. If he _____ (be) president, he would invest more in education.
6. If you ____ (be) president, I would promote world peace.
7. If I ____ (own) a car, I would drive to work. But I don't own a car.
8. If I _____ (think) I could do it, I would do it!
9. Alan would invite Mary if it _____ (be) his party.
10. She won't marry Peter if he _____ (ask) her.
Teacher: Are you done with your work? Let’s answer your
work. “Yes Ma’am”
1. Comes
2. Attended
3. Says
4. Finished
5. Were
6. Were
7. Owned
8. Think
9. Were
10. Asked
Teacher: Most of you got a perfect score. I am very glad you

have understand our lesson today. The students will check their answers and counts
the correct answers they had.
Teacher: Now, do you wish to ask something about the lesson
that we have today?

“No Ma’am.”

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Teacher: For your assignment.

 Make a story slideshow of pictures with sentences using the present real and present unreal conditionals.
Do it by group. Make sure that the conditionals used are emphasized. Submit it on an .avi or .mp4 file
type. The story might be fictional or factual.

Teacher: Did you understand what you are going to do in “Yes Ma’am”
your assignment?
Teacher: If you do not have questions to ask, that’s all for
our today’s lesson.
Teacher: Let us all stand and pray. (The students will pray together with their

Teacher: Good bye class. All students: Thank you and goodbye Ma’am

Prepared by:


Noted by:
Head Teacher III

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