Unit 2 G 11 Free Sharing Day 1

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Daw Yee Yee

M.A (English)
Dip.in TESOL (LTTC) England
Cert. in Teacher Development Training
Homerton College, Cambridge U.K
Cert.in TKT Cambridge U.K
TOT Trainer , (ELT) British Council
Zoom Meeting Ethics
1. Turn off your microphone and turn it on only
when you need to talk and turn off once you
have finished
2. Always turn on your camera for your sake.
3. Pls choose quiet environment .( Noisy
environment will distract participants as well as
trainers )
4. Stay active to participate in discussion sessions .

1993 - B.A ( English Mandalay University Myanmar

1996 - M. A English Mandalay University, Myanmar
2007 - Dip. in TESOL (LTTC) London, U.K
2019- Dip. in ECCD ( LEB )Trinity College London

1997 - Cert. in Business English , Cambridge University

2008 - Cert. in T. K. T (Teaching Knowledge Test)
Cambridge University ESOL Examination
2009 - Cert. in Cambridge ESOL Examinations
2017 - Cert. in 'Principal Management' at SIM
(Singapore Institute of Management)
2018 - Cert. in Leadership Gold John Maxwell Team
certified Member
2018 - Cert. in Teacher Development Training
Bell Teacher Campus, Homerton College
Cambridge, U.K.

2018 - Cert. in "Cambridge Assessment" British Council,

2018 – Cert.in Cambridge Workshop ( Consideration for teaching
young learners )
2019 – Cert. in MSEA [ Myanmar Special Educational Needs ]
1993 – 1995 Part Time Tutor, English
Department Mandalay University
1999 – 2005 Freelance English Instructor
2005 – 2014 Head of "Smart Learners’
Centre" English Proficiency Classes
2012 – 2016 TOT Trainer at (E.L.T Conference ,
Mandalay, British Council)
2014 – 2020 TOT Trainer & Founder and
Principal of “The School of Smart Learners”
SSL Private High School Mandalay.
At the end of this free sharing seminar ,
❑ Trs will understand overall about G 11 new syllabus
❑ Trs will have knowledge on
1. Teachers’ Role ( in 21st century Teaching )
2. How and what to prepare your lesson
3. Effective Teaching Methods for Four skills ( in general)
4. Teaching grammar from unit 2
5. How to teach Reading Unit 2
6. How to teach writing ( Writing about a report )
How to Teach
❑ Students' engagement (I ntroduction)

❑ Teaching Methods (T eaching)

❑ Practice Session (P ractice) Using

5 cs
❑ (Grammar, Vocab,four skills )

❑ Review for one session (R eview)

5 Cs
1 Collaboration

2 Communication

3 Critical Thinking

4 Creativity

5 Citizenship
The Current interest
Introduction Subject matter knowledge

Memorable Familiar
events environment
How to Start your lesson

I ntroduction ( Different ways to start)

❑ Asking questions to get the students
thinking about the topic of the lesson. 5 cs
❑ Showing pictures that relate to the lesson
topic and let sts engage in discussion
How to Start your lesson

I ntroduction ( Different ways to start)

❑Telling a story ( created or based on your
experience to show the importance
5 cs
of the topic.)
❑Bringing in "realia" (real objects) related to
the lesson.
❑How to explain the context in accordance
with students’ age level (CCA & TCA)

❑Deductive approach Vs Inductive approach

❖Work Sheets
❖ Project
❖Interaction (Pair work)
❖Group Discussion
❑ Overall explanation
❑ Let students discuss the key points
❑ One Minute Questions / paper
❑ Repeating Main Points
❑ Taking out main points
ITPR with 6 Cs
❑ Communication
❑ Collaboration
❑ Creative Thinking
❑ Critical Thinking
❑ Citizenship
❑ Care = Love
Overall Survey
G 11 new syllabus

CEFR B1 & B1 + Level

What is CEFR ?
Common European Framework of Reference ( CEFR )
The Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing
language ability. It describes language ability on a six-point
scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have
mastered a language.
7/20/2022 SSL Private School 26
Grade Expected level of Competence

Grade 6 CEFR A1 Mover

Grade 7 CEFR A2 Flyer
Grade 8 CEFR A2+ KET
Grade 9 CEFR B1 PET
Expected level of
Grade Competence to CEFR
Student’s Age

Grade 10 B1 15

Grade 11 B1 & B1 + 16

Grade 12 B1 + & B 2 17
(1) To solidate basic skills studied in primary and
secondary levels
(2) To improve more in listening , speaking,
reading and writing.
(3) To enrich vocabularies
(4) To be fluent in language use or Grammar.
(5) To have sufficient practice in 4 skills.
(6) To be able to apply language skills in their life.
(7) To develop creative thinking and analytical skill.
Learning Field

(1) To be able to read books on knowledge and

fiction in Eng.
(2) To be able to speak and write in English

(3) To explore the world.

(4) To be able to describe own culture / custom using English.
(5) To be able to communicate with others with different
(6) To have the knowledge on environmental study , update
trend , psychology, scientific research, globalization,
travelling , anatomy, literature and catastrophe.
Learning Fields and Sub Learning Fields

(1) Receptive skills ( reading and listening skills)

(2) Productive skills ( speaking and writing )
(3) Grammar ( structure & function )
(4) Lexis ( vocabulary )

In every lesson, a teacher should teach integrated

skill (4 skills mixed)
Teachers' Role
(1) Manager (Lesson preparation)
(2) Instructor (To instruct clearly)
(3) Administrator (To administer teaching environment.
Teaching data / facts / Time / grouping)
(4) Supervisor (touring round the class and making
survey whether students cooperate or not)
(5) Participant (involvement in activities)
(6) Mentor (To mentor students’ difficulties
(7) Resource Person (To guide or help students about subject
content )
(8) Facilitator(To provide assistance activities / discussion)
(9) Observer (To observe students’ activities or what they are
discussing )
(10) Judge (To judge students’ learning)
What to Prepare?
Within Classroom
❑ Worksheets / Realias / flashcards
❑ DVD Player for listening and pronunciation practice
❑ Room Preparation (seating arrangement)
How to group the students?
❖ Pair work ( With Whom and Whom? )
❖ GP work ( number of students eg. 3 or 4.)
Ways to group?
❖ According to numbers / alphabets
❖ Initial letter of Name / Birthday / Height
Giving Instructions for activities

(1) Get students ‘ Attention first

(2) Give Short and clear instruction
(3) Use pictures/ Realias/ gesture/ giving clues
Teacher's talk and Student's talk
T-T → Presentation / Explanation / Checking /
Demonstration / Review or Revision
For Activity → Preparing for activity
Giving instruction/ Giving Feedback
ST → Let them talk / involve in conversation , discussion
as much as possible.
American psychologist David Pearson said that

Learning is a process of building bridges

between what we already know
what we need to learn.
How to start your lesson
(1) Try to elicit Students’ prior knowledge
(2) Get his or her idea / opinion by asking questions
(3) Connect Students' background knowledge and the
lessons to be taught
(4) Arouse Students' interest
(5) Let sts have self-awarness ; they are responsible for
Four kinds of Practice
(1) Controlled or Limited practice
E.g. (1) Conversation in Text, Listen and repeat
(2) Guided Practice
Eg. Tr. gives structure or pattern or Vocab and let them
practice speaking and writing . ( Guided practice )
3.Creative and free practice
E.g. (3) Students collaborate and try to finish the task assigned
(they can create freely) ( for communication as well as
creative thinking and writing practice )
4. Interactive practice
eg. Pair work speaking practice ( role play)
Group work presentation.
❑ How students practice or perform the task.
❑ To assess students' strengths/ weaknesses
❑ Tr. facilitates the class and help the students where
❑ Give feedback after every activity
❑ Limit Time for every activity.
❑ Building good practice to facilitate Teaching
❑ What Kind of Assignment should be given after each
Example of teaching reading
Learner Centered Approach
Teaching Reading Method 1.
Group in 3
❖ Let sts do silent reading for respective paragraphs and discuss the
main points
❖ Let the group present what they have read ( para 1)
❖ Question and Answer Section and tr facilitates the activity
❖ Exchange the information among them ( Who have read different
paragraphs )
Teaching Reading Method 2 .
Reading Procedures
1. Predict what the passage is about ( confirm or reject
someone’s prediction)
2. Clarify the words or phrases learner’s find confusing
3. Questioning on the passage ( specific questions )
4. Summarizing the passage
Let them do worksheets or exercises or assign them some
projects on that
Let them write down the target language or
Key points or the most important points about the title

Unit 2: ONLINE SHOPPING: Pros and Cons

Unit 2: ONLINE SHOPPING: Pros and Cons
Students should be able to
❖ outline facts and ideas from a reading passage.
❖ interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words, referring to the
❖ Respond to questions appropriately. Apply words and
expressions related to shopping in different contexts correctly.
Unit 2: ONLINE SHOPPING: Pros and Cons

❖ use the present simple, present continuous, present perfect

simple, present perfect continuous and apply them in different
contexts appropriately. use the correct forms of ‘must’ and ‘have
to’ in appropriate contexts. ( Grammar )
❖ listen for main ideas and for detailed information from
dialogues. ( Listening )
Unit 2: ONLINE SHOPPING: Pros and Cons

❖ role-play a dialogue (with a friend) on what he/she usually does

on the net with reasons, applying given ideas and sample
language use. ( Speaking Practice )
❖ write a review about something (film, book, restaurant) using the
points given. ( Writing Practice )
❖ Reading- Reading about online shopping

❖ Vocabulary - Expressions related to shopping

❖ Grammar
➢ Present simple
➢ Present continuous
➢ Present perfect simple
➢ Present perfect continuous
➢ ‘Must’ and ‘have to’
❖ Listening and Speaking-
➢ Listening to what you do on the net
➢ Talking about what you usually do on the net
❖ Writing - Writing a review
The Current interest
Introduction Subject matter knowledge

Memorable Familiar
events environment
Asking questions
❖ Tr to sts individually or sts to sts - pairwork
❖ Eg do you love surfing internet ?
❖ What do you usually do ?
❖ What sort of websites do you usually use and why ?
What activities can you do on the internet ?
2A Reading

1. Have you ever bought anything online?
2. Do you like online shopping? Why or why not?
3. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of online
What to teach?
❖ How to read correctly ( focus on pronunciation)
❖ How to skim / (reading for overall information)
❖ How to scan (reading for detailed information)
❖ Structure
❖ Vocabulary
❖ Collocation
❖ Good phrases
Eg. How the sentences are constructed?
Which vocabularies might your students not know?
What are collocations and phrases to note down ?
(Help your students find them out)
Reading Skill
Practice ( while reading )
Asking students
❖ To give a title
❖ To guess what the passage is about
❖ To describe about the General idea or
❖ To find out the topic Sentence and supporting ideas
❖ To find Specific datas or facts (answer the
Note Never use grammar translation method in
teaching reading comprehension

Only if necessary, translate some new vocabularies or

explain the meaning in simple Eng. (So, tr should
prepare English to English meaning for the new words.)
Switch over - to stop doing or using one thing and start another
Mode - a way or manner in which something occurs
Conduct - organize and carry out
Marketers - a person or company that advertises or promotes
E- retailers- Retailers who operate their business solely on the
Retailer- a person or business that sells goods to the public in
small quantities for use or consumption rather than for
Appealing - attractive or interesting:
Fussy - (of a person) fastidious about one's needs or
requirements; hard to please:
Attendant - a person employed to provide a service to the
public in a particular place:
Drawback- a disadvantage or problem
reluctant -unwilling and hesitant; disinclined:
Frustrate- feeling or expressing distress and annoyance,
especially because of inability to change or achieve
constraints - a limitation or restriction:

Secure- fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become

loose, or be lost:

Unrealiable - not able to be relied upon:

Client - a person or organization using the services of a

lawyer or other professional person or company:

Smart- having or showing a quick-witted intelligence

Cybercrimes - criminal activities carried out by means

of computers or the internet.

Credit card - a small plastic card issued by a bank,

business,etc.,allowing the holder to

purchase goods or services on credit:

Compete - strive to gain or win something by defeating or
establishing superiority over others who are
trying to do the same:
Potentially - with the capacity to develop or happen in the
Negotiation - discussion aimed at reaching an agreement:
Representative - a person chosen or appointed to act or
speak for another or others:
Hinder- create difficulties for (someone or something),
resulting in delay or obstruction
Hack- to get into someone else’s computer or phone system
without permission in order to find out information or do

something illegal:
Read the passage.
Owing to the rapid advancement of technology,
today’s buying and selling process has switched
over from the traditional mode to the electronic
Read the passage.

The electronic mode of shopping means online

shopping that uses the internet as the main
vehicle to conduct a commercial business.
Conduct- organize and carry out
Online shopping provides a quick and easy way for the
buying and selling process. For buyers, they can
shop over the internet without leaving their home
or office.
They can save time and effort as they can purchase
items from their own homes or workplace. Shopping
is always available as the mail is usually open 24/7
throughout the year. So, time and place do not act as
a hindrance.
It is also easy to shop for things online since they can
look for the products they want by entering the
keywords, using a search engine. They can also cancel
the transaction if they do not want the product for any
In addition, customers can get discounts or can buy things at
lower prices. E-retailers and marketers offer attractive
discounts to the customers because through online shopping,
they can reduce the money spent on maintaining their shops
or stores.
The fact that makes online shopping more appealing is
that customers can get detailed information about a
product easily. It helps fussy buyers to purchase a
product after a good search.
They can also compare various models, brands, and prices.
Shoppers can make a good comparison of the things they
want to buy because companies display the whole range of
products in order to attract customers with different tastes
and needs.
Sometimes price comparisons are also available online. Large
online shopping sites usually offer store comparisons.
Through online tracking, online customers can check the
order status and the quality of the products.
Moreover, online shopping does not put much pressure
on customers because when people go shopping, they
may face such problems as sales attendants trying to
influence them to buy the products.
Attendant- a person employed to provide a service to the public in a particular place:
Another advantage is that customers do not have to
stand in queues at checkouts to pay for the products
they have bought.
Attendant- a person employed to provide a service to the public in a particular place:
For sellers, on the other hand, it is easy to start
their online business as it only needs an email
account to communicate with clients, customers, and
Client - a person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other
professional person or company:
Offering services online, sellers can allow customers
to make reservations or appointments online, and
manage finances such as online banking, tax, and
employee pay.
They can display a wide variety of products on
websites as online stores do not have space
constraints - a limitation or restriction:
Online shopping can save cost and reduce paper waste.
In addition, online shop owners can research their
competitors and other businesses that use online tools.
They can get customers’ feedback on their business,
It is convenient to buy and sell products online;
however, online shopping has some drawbacks.
There are several reasons that make people
reluctant to buy things online.
Drawback- a disadvantage or problem
reluctant-unwilling and hesitant; disinclined:
The major reason is that shopping online is not as
quick as it is thought to be. The delivery of the
product to the customer’s doorstep can sometimes
be delayed. This frustrates the customers and
prevents them from shopping online.
Frustrate- feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability
to change or achieve something:
Another significant reason is that online shopping
lacks a touch-feel-try process. Online shopping
cannot offer customers the opportunity to try on the
clothes they buy.
Therefore, a customer has to buy a product without
close examination, that is, without having a chance
to check it as we do in traditional stores.
The electronic images of a product are sometimes
misleading. The colour and appearance, in reality,
may not be the same as the electronic images.
One serious drawback of online shopping is that it is
unreliable. Sometimes, there is disappearance of
shopping itself and online payments are not secure.
Secure- fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost:

Unrealiable - not able to be relied upon:

The rate of cybercrimes has been increasing and the
customers’ credit card details and bank details have
often been hacked. Customers have to be careful in
revealing their personal information.
Cybercrimes- criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet.

Credit card - a small plastic card issued by a bank, business, etc., allowing the holder to
purchase goods or services on credit:
Moreover, online shopping does not allow price
negotiation between buyers and sellers. In stores and
supermarkets, sales attendants provide attention to
customers and help them in buying goods.
Negotiation - discussion aimed at reaching an agreement:
Only a few online shopping marts provide a service for
customers to talk to a sales representative.
Representative - a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others:
This lack of oral interaction makes online shopping less
popular among shoppers. Some prefer traditional
shopping to online shopping as traditional stores
can provide enjoyable shopping experiences like fun,
scent, and sounds.
By going out shopping, they can have lots of fun,
experiencing a showroom atmosphere, seeing smart
sales attendants, and meeting other shoppers of various
Smart- having or showing a quick-witted intelligence
Online shop owners can have more complaints than
traditional shopkeepers when there is delay or
damage during delivery and they may experience
product returns, which can affect their profits .
Complaint- a statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable:

make (someone or something) late or slow:

Delivery- the action of delivering letters, packages, or ordered goods:

Moreover, as online shopping is a global business,
online shop owners must compete with potentially
thousands of other online shop owners that offer
similar products and services.
Compete - strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over
others who are trying to do the same:

Potentially- with the capacity to develop or happen in the future:

Despite some disadvantages, the growth of online
shopping will not be hindered as long as it brings
benefits to both buyers and sellers.
Hinder- create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction
Reading Comprehension Activity

❑ Information gap.

❑ Reading quiz(Questions & Answers)

Reading Comprehension Activity

❑ Short reading and multiple choice exercises

❑ Determine the main idea

❑ Sequencing
Reading Comprehension Activity

❑ Identifying cause and effect

❑ understanding vocab in context

❑ Making inferences (conclusions)

❑ Following directions.
Reading Comprehension Activity

❑ Making predictions.

❑ Sorting and classifying

❑ Project assignment
Reading Comprehension Activity
❑ Asking questions ( orally ) before, during & after reading
❑ Closed procedure (To highlight the most important facts of
❑ Story retelling (To summarize / predict what will happen
A. Put the following in the correct column of advantages
and disadvantages of online shopping.
Buying and selling online is quick and easy.

A comparison of the items we want to buy can be

Shopping can be done from home or workplace.

❑ Delivery of the product can be delayed.
❑ Shopping is available anytime.
❑ Shopping lacks interactivity.
❑ Buying and selling online is quick and easy.

❑ A comparison of the items we want to buy can be

❑ Shopping can be done from home or workplace.

❑ Delivery of the product can be delayed.

❑ Shopping is available anytime.

❑ Shopping lacks interactivity.

❑ A close investigation of the product we want to buy

cannot be made.
❑ Things can be bought at lower prices or with attractive

❑ Enjoyable shopping experience can be lost.

❑ Negotiations between buyers and sellers cannot be


❑ Our personal information can be insecure.

❑ Customers do not need to queue at the checkouts.

Advantages of online Disadvantages of online
shopping shopping
A comparison of the items Delivery of the product can
we want to buy can be be delayed.
A. Give a full-sentence answer to each question below.

1. What is online shopping?

2. How can we buy and sell things over the internet?

3. Where can customers see the products in online

4. Why do online sellers give discounts to their customers?

5. What is ‘touch-feel-try process’?

6. What happens when cybercrimes occur?

7. How can we have fun by going shopping?

8. What mode do you like to use to buy things you want –

traditional or electronic? Why?
9. Among the disadvantages of online shopping mentioned
in the passage, which do you think is the most serious?
10. Do you think online shopping will completely replace
traditional shopping in the future? Why?
2B Vocabulary
Expressions Related to Shopping
In pairs, complete the following sentences with the words
given below.
customers finances negotiation services
discounts appointment problems transaction
customers finances negotiation services
discounts appointment problems transaction
1. Online-- is a payment method in which the transfer
of money happens online.

2. The boss made a / an -------with his business partners to

talk about a new product.
customers finances negotiation services
discounts appointment problems transaction
3. Customers who buy things for fifty thousand kyats and
above will get special .

4. A friendly atmosphere and personal service offered by

the hotel attract .
customers finances negotiation services
discounts appointment problems transaction
5. One of the common of online shopping is that
consumers do not know how to make the payment.
6. Our company offers excellent to all customers.
7. Prices of goods sold in supermarkets are fixed. They
do not allow price .

8. Nowadays, large companies use an online system to

manage their .
For teaching Grammar

❑ Form / Pattern /Structure

❑ Meaning and Use ( where / why )
2C Grammar
❑ Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present
Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Simple Tense is used to speak or write

❖ general truths.

e.g.1. Gases expand when they are heated.

2.The moon does not shine by itself; it reflects the light from
the sun.

3.What temperature does water boil at?

❖ habitual activities of the present.

e.g.1. Grandpa usually goes for a walk in the evenings.

2. Our family doesn’t often go out for meal.

3. Do your friends usually go to concerts?

❖ states or conditions at the present time.

e.g.1. My brother plays for Yangon United FC.

2.His duties do not include answering phone calls.

3 . Does this coat belong to you?

❖ events which are part of a timetable, a regular schedule or
something similar.

e.g.1. The train leaves at 6 a.m. tomorrow.

2.When does the train leave for Mandalay?
The Present Continuous Tense is used when we wish to speak o
write about:
❖ actions that are going on at the moment of speaking.

e.g.1. Look! The sun is shining.

2.He is talking to his friend; he isn’t listening to the teacher.

3. Why are you making so much noise?

❖ repeated actions (with adverbs like ‘always’) that are
e.g.1. Pa Pa is always asking silly questions.
Eg.2. Why are they always coming around here to borrow
❖ actions that will happen in the near future or
future arrangements.

e.g. 1. We are spending next summer in Kalaw.

2. Kyaw Thet is not coming home this week.

3. When are you leaving the hotel?

❖ repeated actions (with adverbs like ‘always’) that are

e.g.1. Pa Pa is always asking silly questions.

2.Why are they always coming around here to borrow things?

The Present Perfect Tense is used to speak or write about:

❖ completion of an activity.

e.g.1. I have read three books so far this month.

2. She has not sent the parcel yet.

❖ experience having had at the moment of expression.

e.g.1. I have been to Thailand twice.

2. She has never tried a seafood cocktail.

3. Have you ever sailed across the Andaman Sea?

❖ continuity of an activity which began sometime in the past
but continues up to the moment of expression.
e.g 1. I have lived in Yangon for more than 15 years.

2. The two friends have not talked to each other since

their quarrel.

3. How long has Uncle Zaw been in that job?

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to speak or
write about:
❖ something that has been in progress throughout a period.

e.g 1. Mom is still in the kitchen; she has been cooking

all morning.

2. What have you been doing these days?

❖ continuity of an activity (which began sometime in the
past but continues up to the present).

e.g.1 U Min Maung has been working at that

company since 2010.

2. How long have you been sitting here?

• Some verbs like ‘learn’, ‘lie’, ‘live’, ‘rain’, ‘sit’, ‘sleep’,
‘stand’, ‘study’, ‘wait’, etc. naturally suggest continuity.
❖ The Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous
are different in meaning.

e.g. 1. I have painted this room. Doesn’t it look better?

(The task is definitely finished.)

2. I have been painting this room. It will look good

when it is finished. (The task is unfinished.)
Grammar Rules
Ref: Round up
Simple present is used :
❖ For Permanent situations or states
Eg. He works in a hospital .
❖ For general truths and laws of nature
Eg. Water boils at 100 degree Celsius .
❖ For repeated / habitual actions ( especially with adverbs of
frequency: often , usually , always , etc
Eg. He always does his homework .
(Here always means everyday )
❖ For reviews / sports commentaries/ narrations
Eg. Jose Carreras sings wonderfully in this recording .
Commentary - an expression of opinions or offering of explanations about an event or
❖ For timetables / programmes ( future meaning )
Eg. The race starts at 3:00 pm .
❖ In exclamatory sentences .
Eg. Here comes the bride .
Present continuous is used :
❖ For temporary situations
Eg. She is working in Paris this week .
❖ Changing or developing situations
Eg. Johnny is getting taller and taller .
❖ Frequently repeated actions with always constantly
continually .etc, expressing annoyance or criticism .
Present continuous is used :
❖ Frequently repeated actions with always constantly
continually .etc, expressing annoyance or criticism .
Eg. He’s always asking stupid questions .
( Here always means constantly)
Present continuous is used :
❖ Actions happening at or around the moment of speaking .
Eg. The baby is sleeping at the moment.
❖ Fixed arrangements in the near future.
Eg. I am seeing Rachel.
Present perfect is used :
❖ Recently completed actions and whose results are visible in
the present.
Eg. He has cut the grass . ( we can see the grass is now cut )
Present perfect is used :
❖ Actions that started in the past and continue up to the
present with stative verbs such as be , have , like, know, etc.
In this case we often use for or since .
Eg.Mr. Jones has been a secretaryfor ten years .
❖ Experiences
Eg. She has tried wind surfing .
Present perfect is used :
❖ Actions which happened within a specific time period which
is not over at the time of speaking .
We use expressions such as today , this morning /evening/
week/ month, etc.
Eg. He has read three novels this week . ( the time period – this
week- is not over yet . He may read another. )
Present perfect continuous is used :
❖ For actions that started in the past and continue up to the
Eg . He has been washing his bike for an hour ago and he’s still
washing it.
Present perfect continuous is used :
❖ For past actions of certain duration having visible results or
effects in the present .
Eg. He has been fighting . That’s why he has got a black eye .
Present perfect continuous is used :
❖ To express anger , irritation , annoyance .
Eg. Someone has been using my laptop. ( annoyance )
PPC is normally used with for, since or how long to put
emphasis on duration .
Eg. She has been waiting since 4’ o clock .
Stative Verbs
Stative Verbs express a permanent state and don’t usually have
continuous forms. These are :
❖ Verbs of the senses ( to express involuntary actions )
Eg. Feel, hear, see , smell etc.
( can and could are often used with these verbs . )
Eg. Turn the radio down ,please . I cant hear you.
Stative Verbs
❖ Look , watch and listen express deliberate actions and can be
used in continuous forms.
Eg. John is watching a football match on TV.
❖ Feel and hurt can be used in either continuous or simple
forms .
Eg. John feels / is feeling worse today .
Stative Verbs
Verbs of feelings and emotions : adore , appreciate , (= value ),
detest , dislike, enjoy, forgive, hate, like, loathe, etc.
Eg. He hates the show they are watching on TV now. ( Not: He is
hating )
Stative Verbs
❖ Verbs of opinion : agree, believe, expect ( = think ) see ( =
understand ) suppose , understand etc.
Eg. I believe he is innocent. ( NOT : I am believing )
Stative Verbs
❖ Other verbs : appear ( = seem ) , belong , concern , contain ,
depend , fit ( = be the right shape and size for sth ) , have ( =
possess ) , know, mean, owe, own, possess, need, prefer,
require, want, weigh, ( = have the weight of ), wish , keep ( =
continue) , seem,etc .
Eg. He wants some more biscuits . ( NOT: He is wanting )
Some Stative Verbs have continuous forms but with a
difference in meaning :
State Action
He thinks he’s really clever. I’ m thinking about his offer. (
I’m considering)
This tastes salty. ( = it has the Why is he tasting the soup?( =
flavor) testing the flavor)
He has two houses . (= he owns She is having lunch .( = she’s
; he possesses) eating )
State Action
The silk shirt feels soft.(= it has Ann is feeling the cat’s fur . (=
a soft texture) She’s touching)
Do you see what I mean ? (= I am seeing Paula tonight. ( = I
understand ) ‘m meeting )
Your perfume smells of apples. She is smelling the rose.( =
( = it has the smell ) she’s sniffing . )
State Action
I love/ enjoy good films . The singer is appearing on
stage tonight . (= he’s
He appears to be working . (= I am seeing Paula tonight. ( = I
he seems to be ) ‘m meeting )
The box is heavy. It weighs a He is weighing the potatoes. (
lot. (= has the weight of ) = is measuring the weight of )
❖ Certain adjectives can be used with be in the continuous
form to express a temporary characteristic.
These are : careful , foolish , kind, lazy, nice, impatient
impolite, rude, silly etc.
Eg. John is usually careful , but today he’s being careless.
Eg. You ‘re being very foolish . ( normally used as a warning )
A. Complete each blank with the correct present tense of
the verb given in brackets.
1. How many glasses of water (you, drink) a day?
2. _________ (you, take) any vitamins at the moment?
3. Po Thar Htoo is tired now; he (dig) in the garden all
4. My uncle is working at a foreign company. Up to now, he
(visit) twenty countries.
Must’ and ‘Have to’
From text book
‘Must’ and ‘Have to’

❖ ‘Must’ and ‘have to’ are used to speak or write about

what is necessary for someone to do.
❖ ‘Must’ can refer to the present or the future.
‘Must’ and ‘Have to’
❖ ‘Must’ and ‘have to’ can be used in place of each other
but ‘have to’ is often used to refer to outside authority.
❖ The past tense of ‘have to’ is ‘had to’.

1.All visitors must report to reception on arrival.

2. You mustn’t stay out late.

3. We have to obey school rules.

4. You don’t have to wear casual clothes on special


5. Does everyone have to come to the assembly?

6. Knowing that she had diabetes, she had to change her
lifestyle and eating habits.

7. My father did not have to take the university entrance

examination when he went to university.
8. Did she have to wear a uniform at her previous job?
A. Write ‘must’, ‘mustn’t’, ‘have to’, ‘had to’, ‘don’t have
to’, or ‘didn’t have to’.
1. It is necessary to do this.………………..
2. It isn’t necessary (but you can do this if you want).
3. It was necessary to do that. ………………..
4. It wasn’t necessary to do that. ………………..
5. Don’t do this. It is forbidden. ………………..
A. Rewrite the following with the correct form of ‘must’, or
‘have to’. Use the negative form where necessary.
1. You work hard if you want to succeed.

2. You carry a mobile phone at all times.

3. The immigration officers speak many languages.

4. You go to the boat club every Sunday last year?
5. She have a computer at home?
6. I take a taxi this morning because the school bus
was late.
7. I leave now; I have an important appointment.
8. Dad go to work these days; he works from home.
9. Ni Ni submit assignments weekly.
10. When we grow up, our mother do much housework.
11. Mum says that I clean my room before I go out.
12. We go through the customs at the airport.
13. We really do something about paying tax.
14. You slam the door when you come in.
15. We go through the customs at the airport.
Must’ and ‘Have to’
Ref: Round up
Advanced Learners’ Grammar

Present Past Future

Positive must Had to Must
Negative Must not / Didn’t have to Must not/ mustn’t

Question must + subject Did + subject Must + subject

+ have to

Present Past Future

Positive Has/have ( got ) to Had ( got )to Will have to
Negative Do/does not have Didn’t have to Will not / won’t
to Hadn’t got to have to
Has/have not got
Question do/does + Did + subject Will + subject+
subject+ have to + have to have to
Difference between must and have to
Must Have to
❖ Obligation imposed by the ❖ Obligation we see as
speaker outside our control (eg.
Eg. 1. I must buy a new jacket . ( I Rules imposed by
say so) authority)
Eg. I have to buy a new
jacket. ( school rules
More examples
I must lose weight.( I say so)
I will have to lose some weight . ( the doctor says so , he
decides for me )
Meaning and use
Must is commonly used for the following situations.
❖ To give a strong personal opinion or strong
recommendation and advice
Eg. I believe everyone must obey the rules .
You really must read books on management.( heavily
stressed in must )
Meaning and use
Must is commonly used for the following situations.
❖ To impose an obligation on oneself
Eg. I must lose weight .
❖ To give instructions ( used with passive voice )
Eg. The electricity must always be switched off before
repairs are attempted.
❖ For Logical assumption/deduction –
Eg. Present tense - She must be working . ( 90% certain –
positive I am sure she is working )
Past tense – She must have been working . ( positive : I am sure
she was working )
❖ For Prohibition –
Eg. you mustn’t smoke there. ( it’s forbidden )
Have to is used for Necessity
3. We have to put some petrol in the car . ( necessity coming
from outside the speaker)
4. Since his car was being repaired , he had to go to Yangon by
Negative –
Present tense - They don’t have to /don’t need to come if they
don’t want to.( it isn’t necessary – absence of necessity )
Past tense - She didn’t have to/didn’t need to buy any apples .
( it wasn’t necessary )
Note1 – Must is a modal verb unlike have to. It does not change
form in the present tense nor do they have a past tense or future
form will. Nor infinitive or participle forms. When we can’t use
must (eg. to refer to the past). We usually use past form of have to
Eg. The staff and students at the university had to evacuate the
The council must/ will have to find ways of cutting costs next year.
Infinitive – It’s difficult to have to stand by and watch you in
Participle – Having to listen to hip-hop music all evenings is my
idea of torture.
Note 2 – Must expresses strong obligation and we do not often
it in face to face conversations as it can seem impolite and
often inappropriate.
As an alternative use ‘should’
Eg. You should treat your neighbours with more respect.

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