Routines, Amazing But True, Describe Location

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Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9th 90 minutes
Learning situations
1. Routines ,Amazing but true, Describe location
-Out and about
-Travelling around the world though the diversity and
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student describes routines
2. The student participates in class discussions
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
 labels different free time activities Chores,free time,hang out,outgoing,
 identifies specific preferences Bilingual,ECLM,diversity
 listens attentively to a recorded material to extract specific information
 understands the content of a video
 talks about the importance of EDL
 highlights the usage of English on different perspectives of life
 collects information for the purpose of research.
 spots an opportunity and seizes it.
 takes a step back and puts things into perspective.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write daily routines on the board. Students
brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories
related to the topic.
daily routines

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim for gist, and then allow them to make
predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. They will work in pairs. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is
the key to the success of this activity.. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
 Post- reading activity
I invite students to think about the question in exercise1.a.. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises 3, 4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the right
answers to the class.


. Session 1 Presentation of the project and sharing groups.

Session Time Activities Basic description of activities
1.Introduction Short introduction of myself and a game .Hangman.
Assessme 2.Introducing the main Just skimming the outline on the posters of ECLM
nt goal and the outline of conference
Vs the whole session
3. Pair work In pairs participants tend to offer adv.or dis. Of each
situation given on the power point material
4. Interactions Three pairs go on groups of six participants and interact
on situations where the lack of L2 leads to confussions.
5 Empathia Three participants pay the role of getting lost and
asking for directions
6.Conluding Just skimming the advantages of English in everyday
7.End ups Questions and comments

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook – unit 1a

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