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As 3600 2018 One Way Slab End Span

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DESIGN CODE AS 3600 : 2018

Input / Defaults
TypeOfSlab ≔ 1 ----------- 1- One way, 2 Two way
Subtype ≔ 2 ----------- 1- SS, 2-End Span,3-Next to End,4-Interior
f'c ≔ 20 MPa ----------- Grade of Concrete (Cylindrical Strength)
fsy ≔ 500 MPa ----------- Grade of Reinforcement
Cc ≔ 20 mm ----------- Nominal Cover to slab Tension Reinforcement
Ly ≔ 8 m ----------- Long Span,Ly
Lx ≔ 5.710 m ----------- Short Span,Lx
B ≔ 1000 mm ----------- Slab Width for Design
D ≔ 245 mm ----------- Slab Thickness
ImposedLoad ≔ 2 kPa ----------- Imposed Load on slab
LiveLoad ≔ 3 kPa ----------- Live Load on slab

ConcreteDensity ≔ 25 ―― ----------- Unit Weight of concrete
DLFactor ≔ 1.2 ----------- Dead Load Factor
LLFactor ≔ 1.5 ----------- Live Load Factor
Dia ≔ 10 mm ----------- Diameter of main reinforcement assumed
εcu ≔ 0.003 ----------- Permissible Strain in Concrete
Es ≔ 200000 MPa ----------- Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement
ptmin ≔ 0.12 ----------- Minimum % reinforcement
ϕshear ≔ 0.75 ----------- Capacity reduction factor for Shear and torsion
ptnominal ≔ 0.12 ----------- Nominal % reinforcement

Loading Calculations
SWSlab ≔ ConcreteDensity ⋅ D = 6.125 kPa ----------- Slab Self Weight

TotalDL ≔ DLFactor ⋅ SWSlab + DLFactor ⋅ ImposedLoad = 9.75 kPa

----------- Total Factored Dead load on slab

TotalLL ≔ LLFactor ⋅ LiveLoad = 4.5 kPa ----------- Total Factored Live load on slab

Fd ≔ TotalDL + TotalLL = 14.25 kPa ----------- Total Factored load on slab

Deffx ≔ D - Cc - ―― = 220 mm ----------- Effective Depth Along Lx
Design Moments
Short Span Positive Moment at Mid Span
M1 ≔ ― = 0.091 ----------- Moment Co-efficient - Clause
BM_1 ≔ M1 ⋅ m ⋅ Fd ⋅ Lx 2 = 42.237 kN·m ----------- Ultimate moment
Check for Singly Reinforced Section
do ≔ Deffx = 220 mm ----------- Effective Depth of the Section

kuo ≔ ――――― = 0.545 ----------- Constant for the balanced section
⎛ ⎛ fsy ⎞⎞
⎜εcu + ⎜―― ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ Es ⎠⎠
ϕBMbal ≔ 0.65 ----------- Capacity Reduction factor (Tension reinforcement)

NAbal ≔ kuo ⋅ do = 120 mm ----------- Neutral Axis depth for Balanced section

⎛ f'c ⎞
α2 ≔ max ⎜0.67 , ((0.85)) - 0.0015 ⋅ ――⎟ = 0.82
⎝ MPa ⎠
----------- Constant used for calculation of stress in concrete
for rectangular stress block. Clause 8.1.3
⎛ f'c ⎞
γ ≔ max ⎜0.67 , ((0.97)) - 0.0025 ⋅ ――⎟ = 0.92
⎝ MPa ⎠
----------- The ratio of the depth of the assumed rectangular
compressive stress block to kuo. Clause 8.1.3
C ≔ γ ⋅ α2 ⋅ B ⋅ f'c ⋅ NAbal = ⎛⎝1.811 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ kN
----------- Compressive force for rectangular stress block

⎛ NAbal ⋅ γ ⎞
ϕMuo ≔ C ⋅ ϕBMbal ⋅ ⎜do - ―――⎟ = 193.947 kN·m
⎝ 2 ⎠
----------- Moment capacity for Balanced section

Check ≔ ‖ if ϕMuo ≥ BM_1 | | = “SinglyReinforced”

‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ “SinglyReinforced” | |
‖ else || ----------- Check for Singly or Doubly Reinforced Section
‖ ‖ ||
‖‖ ‖ “DoublyReinforced” | ||


Design of Tension Reinforcement ----------- Neutral axis parameter being the ratio,at ultimate
ku ≔ 0.07032 strength under any combination of bending and
compression, of the depth to the neutral axis
from the extreme compressive fiber to do
As per Table 2.2.2 of AS 3600:2018, the strength reduction factor for Bending Moment (ØBM), is
dependent on the location of Neutral axis. Hence, to calculation tensile reinforcement for a given
Bending Moment (M), the depth of neutral axis is calculated iteratively to check the capacity of the
section. The reduction factor ØBM, ranges between from 0.65 to 0.85. Maximum possible value of
kuo depends on strain in steel and concrete. For the maximum possible value of kuo, ØBM would be
0.65. For in between values of kuo, the ØBM value is calculated.
‖ ⎛ ⎛ ku ⎞⎞ ||
ϕBM ≔ ‖ if 0.85 ≤ ⎜1.24 - ⎜13 ⋅ ―⎟⎟ | | = 0.85
‖ ⎝ ⎝ 12 ⎠⎠ ||
‖ ‖ 0.85 | | -----------
‖ ‖ ||
Strength Reduction factor for Bending
‖ else Moment
‖ ‖ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ku ⎞⎞⎞ | |
‖ ‖ max ⎜0.65 , ⎜1.24 - ⎜13 ⋅ ―⎟⎟⎟ | |
‖ ‖ ⎝ ⎝ ⎝ 12 ⎠⎠⎠ | |
‖ ‖ |

kud ≔ ku ⋅ do = 15.47 mm ----------- Depth of Neutral Axis

f'ct.f ≔ 0.6 ⋅ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

f'c ⋅ MPa = 2.683 MPa ----------- Characteristic Uniaxial Tensile Strength of
Concrete - Clause
⎛ D ⎞ 2 f'ct.f
Astmin ≔ 0.2 ⋅ ⎜―⎟ ⋅ ――⋅ B ⋅ do = 292.844 mm 2
⎝ do ⎠ fsy ----------- Minimum area of tension Reinforcement as per
Astmin_Userdefined ≔ ptmin ⋅ B ⋅ ―― = 264 mm 2
----------- User Defined Minimum area of Tension
γ ⋅ α2 ⋅ B ⋅ f'c ⋅ kud
AstBM ≔ ―――――― = 466.835 mm 2
fsy ----------- Area of Tension Reinforcement Required for M

Astreq_1 ≔ max ((Astmin , Astmin_Userdefined , AstBM)) = 466.835 mm 2

----------- Final Area of Tension Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided
ϕ1 ≔ 10 mm ----------- Diameter of Tension Reinforcement
Sp1 ≔ 165 ----------- No of Rebar at Bottom most Layer

π ⋅ ϕ1 2 B ⋅ 1000
Ast_1 ≔ ――― ⋅ ―――= 475.999 mm 2 ----------- Area of Tension Reinforcement
4 Sp1 ⋅ m Provided

Short Span Negative Moment at Continuous Support

M ≔ ―= 0.111 ----------- Moment Co-efficient - Clause
BM_2 ≔ M ⋅ m ⋅ Fd ⋅ Lx 2 = 51.623 kN·m ----------- Ultimate moment

Check for Singly Reinforced Section

do ≔ Deffx = 220 mm ----------- Effective Depth of the Section
kuo ≔ ――――― = 0.545 ----------- Constant for the balanced section
⎛ ⎛ fsy ⎞⎞
⎜εcu + ⎜―― ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ Es ⎠⎠
ϕBMbal ≔ 0.65 ----------- Capacity Reduction factor (Tension reinforcement)

NAbal ≔ kuo ⋅ do = 120 mm ----------- Neutral Axis depth for Balanced section

C ≔ γ ⋅ α2 ⋅ B ⋅ f'c ⋅ NAbal = ⎛⎝1.811 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ kN

----------- Compressive force for rectangular stress block

⎛ NAbal ⋅ γ ⎞
ϕMuo ≔ C ⋅ ϕBMbal ⋅ ⎜do - ―――⎟ = 193.947 kN·m
⎝ 2 ⎠
----------- Moment capacity for Balanced section

Check ≔ ‖ if ϕMuo ≥ BM_2 | | = “SinglyReinforced”

‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ “SinglyReinforced” | |
‖ else || ----------- Check for Singly or Doubly Reinforced Section
‖ ‖ ||
‖‖ ‖ “DoublyReinforced” | ||

Design of Tension Reinforcement ----------- Neutral axis parameter being the ratio,at ultimate
ku ≔ 0.0866177 strength under any combination of bending and
compression, of the depth to the neutral axis
from the extreme compressive fiber to do

‖ ⎛ ⎛ ku ⎞⎞ ||
ϕBM ≔ ‖ if 0.85 ≤ ⎜1.24 - ⎜13 ⋅ ―⎟⎟ | | = 0.85
‖ ⎝ ⎝ 12 ⎠⎠ ||
‖ ‖ 0.85 | | -----------
‖ ‖ ||
Strength Reduction factor for Bending
‖ else Moment
‖ ‖ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ku ⎞⎞⎞ | |
‖ ‖ max ⎜0.65 , ⎜1.24 - ⎜13 ⋅ ―⎟⎟⎟ | |
‖ ‖ ⎝ ⎝ ⎝ 12 ⎠⎠⎠ | |
‖ ‖ |
kud ≔ ku ⋅ do = 19.056 mm ----------- Depth of Neutral Axis

⎛ D ⎞ 2 f'ct.f
Astmin ≔ 0.2 ⋅ ⎜―⎟ ⋅ ――⋅ B ⋅ do = 292.844 mm 2
⎝ do ⎠ fsy ----------- Minimum area of tension Reinforcement as per
Astmin_Userdefined ≔ ptmin ⋅ B ⋅ ―― = 264 mm 2
----------- User Defined Minimum area of Tension
γ ⋅ α2 ⋅ B ⋅ f'c ⋅ kud
AstBM ≔ ―――――― = 575.031 mm 2
fsy ----------- Area of Tension Reinforcement Required for M

Astreq_2 ≔ max ((Astmin , Astmin_Userdefined , AstBM)) = 575.031 mm 2

----------- Final Area of Tension Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided
ϕ1 ≔ 10 mm ----------- Diameter of Tension Reinforcement
Sp1 ≔ 135 ----------- No of Rebar at Bottom most Layer

π ⋅ ϕ1 2 B ⋅ 1000
Ast_2 ≔ ――― ⋅ ―――= 581.776 mm 2 ----------- Area of Tension Reinforcement
4 Sp1 ⋅ m Provided
All Other Sections provide Minimum Steel
Astreq ≔ ptnominal ⋅ B ⋅ ―― = 264 mm 2
Reinforcement Provided
ϕ1 ≔ 8 mm ----------- Diameter of Tension Reinforcement
Sp1 ≔ 195 ----------- No of Rebar at Bottom most Layer

π ⋅ ϕ1 2 B ⋅ 1000
Ast ≔ ――― ⋅ ―――= 257.772 mm 2 ----------- Area of Reinforcement Provided
4 Sp1 ⋅ m
Shear Check
Shear Check at Continuous Support
SF1 ≔ ―― = 0.575 ----------- Shear Co-efficient - Clause
V ≔ SF1 ⋅ Fd ⋅ Lx ⋅ m = 46.786 kN ----------- Ultimate Shear force at section considered

bv ≔ B = ⎛⎝1 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ mm ----------- Effective width of a web for shear. Clause

Mshear ≔ BM_2 = 51.623 kN·m ----------- Design Bending Moment at cross section
related to Shear force considered
dv ≔ max ((0.72 ⋅ D , 0.9 ⋅ do)) = 198 mm ----------- Effective depth to be considered for
shear check
Astreq_2 = 575.031 mm 2 ----------- Area of Tension Reinforcement Considered
for Shear check

Mshear V
εx ≔ ――――――― + ―――――= 0.001 ----------- Longitudinal strain in concrete
2 ⋅ Astreq_2 ⋅ Es ⋅ dv 2 ⋅ Astreq_2 ⋅ Es formula

εxfinal ≔ ‖ if εx ≤ 0| | = 0.001
‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖0 ----------- Longitudinal strain in concrete
|| formula
‖ else ||
‖ ‖ ||
‖‖ ‖ εx | ||

kv ≔ ―――――― = 0.133 ----------- Constant for calculation of concrete section
((1 + 1500 ⋅ εxfinal)) capacity Eq.

θv ≔ 29 + 7000 ⋅ εxfinal = 38.358 ----------- Angle of inclination of the compression strut

αv ≔ 90 ----------- Angle between the inclined shear
reinforcement and the longitudinal tensile
reinforcement Clause
----------- Angle between the inclined shear
reinforcement and the longitudinal tensile
reinforcement Clause
⎛ π ⎞
cotθv ≔ cot ⎜θv ⋅ ―― ⎟ = 1.264 ----------- Clause
⎝ 180 ⎠

⎛ π ⎞ -17
cotαv ≔ cot ⎜αv ⋅ ―― ⎟ = 6.123 ⋅ 10 ----------- Clause
⎝ 180 ⎠

⎛ ((cotθv + cotαv)) ⎞
Vumax ≔ 0.55 ⋅ ⎜f'c ⋅ bv ⋅ dv ⋅ ――――― 2⎞ ⎟
= ⎛⎝1.06 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ kN
⎝ ⎛
⎝1 + cotθv ⎠ ⎠
----------- Ultimate shear strength limited by web
crushing failure Clause
ϕVumax ≔ ϕshear ⋅ Vumax = 794.899 kN
----------- Shear strength limited by web crushing failure

⎛ V ⎞2
StressV ≔ ⎜――― ⎟ = 0.236 MPa ----------- Combined stress due to Shear and
⎝ bv ⋅ dv ⎠ torsion. Eq. (3)

stressϕVumax ≔ ――― = 4.015 MPa ----------- Maximum permissible stress due to shear
bv ⋅ dv and torsion. Eq. (3)

check4 ≔ ‖ if StressV ≤ stressϕVumax| | = “Ok”

‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ “Ok” ||
‖ else || ----------- Check for Cross section capacity
‖ ‖ | |
‖‖ ‖ “Revise Section” | ||

f'cshear ≔ ‖ if f'c ≤ 64 MPa | | = 20 MPa

‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ f'c ----------- Maximum Allowed Concrete grade
|| for shear Clause
‖ else ||
‖ ‖ ||
‖‖ ‖ 64 | ||

ϕVuc ≔ ϕshear ⋅ kv ⋅ bv ⋅ dv ⋅ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

f'c ⋅ MPa = 88.39 kN
----------- Ultimate Concrete shear strength excluding shear
reinforcement Clause

check ≔ ‖ if V ≤ ϕVuc | | = “Slab Is Safe In Shear”

‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ “Slab Is Safe In Shear” | |
‖ else || ----------- Check for Shear Reinforcement
‖ ‖ ||
‖‖ ‖ “Revise” | ||

Shear Check at End Support

SF1 ≔ ―= 0.5 ----------- Shear Co-efficient - Clause
V ≔ SF1 ⋅ Fd ⋅ Lx ⋅ m = 40.684 kN ----------- Ultimate Shear force at section considered
bv ≔ B = ⎛⎝1 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ mm ----------- Effective width of a web for shear. Clause

Mshear ≔ BM_1 = 42.237 kN·m ----------- Design Bending Moment at cross section
related to Shear force considered
dv ≔ max ((0.72 ⋅ D , 0.9 ⋅ do)) = 198 mm ----------- Effective depth to be considered for
shear check
Astreq_1 = 466.835 mm 2 ----------- Area of Tension Reinforcement Considered
for Shear check

Mshear V
εx ≔ ――――――― + ―――――= 0.001 ----------- Longitudinal strain in concrete
2 ⋅ Astreq_1 ⋅ Es ⋅ dv 2 ⋅ Astreq_1 ⋅ Es formula

εxfinal ≔ ‖ if εx ≤ 0| | = 0.001
‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖0 ----------- Longitudinal strain in concrete
|| formula
‖ else ||
‖ ‖ ||
‖‖ ‖ εx | ||

kv ≔ ―――――― = 0.132 ----------- Constant for calculation of concrete section
((1 + 1500 ⋅ εxfinal)) capacity Eq.

θv ≔ 29 + 7000 ⋅ εxfinal = 38.522 ----------- Angle of inclination of the compression strut

αv ≔ 90 ----------- Angle between the inclined shear
reinforcement and the longitudinal tensile
reinforcement Clause
⎛ π ⎞
cotθv ≔ cot ⎜θv ⋅ ―― ⎟ = 1.256 ----------- Clause
⎝ 180 ⎠

⎛ π ⎞ -17
cotαv ≔ cot ⎜αv ⋅ ―― ⎟ = 6.123 ⋅ 10 ----------- Clause
⎝ 180 ⎠

⎛ ((cotθv + cotαv)) ⎞
Vumax ≔ 0.55 ⋅ ⎜f'c ⋅ bv ⋅ dv ⋅ ――――― ⎟ = ⎛⎝1.061 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ kN
⎝ ⎛⎝1 + cotθv ⎞⎠ ⎠

----------- Ultimate shear strength limited by web

crushing failure Clause
ϕVumax ≔ ϕshear ⋅ Vumax = 795.955 kN
----------- Shear strength limited by web crushing failure

⎛ V ⎞2
StressV ≔ ⎜――― ⎟ = 0.205 MPa ----------- Combined stress due to Shear and
⎝ bv ⋅ dv ⎠ torsion. Eq. (3)

stressϕVumax ≔ ――― = 4.02 MPa ----------- Maximum permissible stress due to shear
bv ⋅ dv and torsion. Eq. (3)
check4 ≔ ‖ if StressV ≤ stressϕVumax| | = “Ok”
‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ “Ok” ||
‖ else || ----------- Check for Cross section capacity
‖ ‖ | |
‖‖ ‖ “Revise Section” | ||

f'cshear ≔ ‖ if f'c ≤ 64 MPa | | = 20 MPa

‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ f'c ----------- Maximum Allowed Concrete grade
|| for shear Clause
‖ else ||
‖ ‖ | |
‖‖ ‖ 64 | ||
ϕVuc ≔ ϕshear ⋅ kv ⋅ bv ⋅ dv ⋅ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
f'c ⋅ MPa = 87.373 kN
----------- Ultimate Concrete shear strength excluding shear
reinforcement Clause
check ≔ ‖ if V ≤ ϕVuc | | = “Slab Is Safe In Shear”
‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ “Slab Is Safe In Shear” | |
‖ else || ----------- Check for Shear Reinforcement
‖ ‖ ||
‖‖ ‖ “Revise” | ||
Deflection Check
ActualRatio ≔ ――― = 25.955 ----------- Actual Lx / deff Ratio
k3 ≔ 1 ----------- for One way slab Clause
k4 ≔ 1.75 ----------- for End Span Clause

ΔbyLef ≔ ―― = 0.004 ----------- Assumed permissible Deflection
250 Clause 2.3.2
Lef ≔ Lx = ⎛⎝5.71 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ mm ----------- Short Span of Slab
ρ ≔ 2400 ----------- Plain Concrete Density in kg/cum
fcm ≔ 25 MPa ----------- Mean value of cylinder strength - Table 3.1.2
fcmi ≔ 22 MPa ----------- Mean value of the in site compressive strength
of concrete at Relevant age - Table 3.1.2

Ecj ≔ ‖ if f'c ≤ 40 MPa | | = ⎛⎝2.371 ⋅ 10 4 ⎞⎠ MPa

‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ ρ 1.5 ⋅ 0.043 ⋅ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
fcmi ⋅ MPa ||
‖ | | ----------- Modulus of elasticity
‖ else || of concrete Clause 3.1.2
‖ ‖ 1.5 ⎛ ⎞ | |
‖‖ ‖ ρ ⋅ ⎝0.024 ⋅ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
fcmi ⋅ MPa + 0.12 MPa ⎠ | |
ψs ≔ 0.7 ----------- Short term combination factors from AS 1170.0 Table 4.1
ψ1 ≔ 0.4 ----------- Long term combination factors from AS 1170.0 Table 4.1

Ast_1 = 475.999 mm 2 ----------- Area of Tension Reinforcement Provided

Asc ≔ 0 mm 2 ----------- Area of Compression Reinforcement
―― = 0 ----------- Ratio of Compression Reinf and Tension Reinf.
‖ Asc ||
kcs ≔ ‖ if 2 - 1.2 ⋅ ―― > 0.8| | = 2
‖ Ast_1 || ----------- Constant multiplier to Short term deflection
‖ ‖ Asc || due to creep and Shrinkage- Clause
‖ ‖ 2 - 1.2 ⋅ ―― ||
‖ ‖‖ Ast_1 ||
‖ else ||
‖ ‖ ||
‖‖ ‖ 0.8 | ||

TotalDL TotalLL kN
Fdef ≔ ((1 + kcs)) ⋅ ―――― + ((ψs + kcs ⋅ ψ1)) ⋅ ―――― = 28.875 ――
DLFactor LLFactor m2
----------- Effective design Service load

k4 ⎛ ((ΔbyLef ⋅ 1000 ⋅ Ecj)) ⎞
AllowableRatio ≔ k3 ⋅ ― ⋅ ⎜――――――― ⎟ = 26.015
10 ⎝ Fdef ⎠ ----------- Allowable Lx/deff ratio-Eq

Check ≔ ‖ if AllowableRatio > ActualRatio| | = “Slab Is Safe In Deflection”

‖ ‖ ||
‖ ‖ “Slab Is Safe In Deflection” | |
‖ else || ----------- Check for Deflection
‖ ‖ | |
‖‖ ‖ “Revise” | ||

RCDC Output - Design Calculation Report

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