ESB Level 2 Certificate in ESOL) : Trang1

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Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII

I. LISTENING. (1 pt)
Part 1: You will hear an interview between Charlotte Jessop, the tour guide and Simon Fox, a
reporter from a local newspaper. For questions 1 -5, choose the correct answer.
1. Simon maintains that Shevron Hall ____________.
A. has a significance beyond the historic sites B. may become a major tourist attraction
C. has a minimal impact on the local community D.has attracted a few visitors
2. Charlotte states that the Buckhurst family ____________.
A. were reluctant to open their house to the public B. decided to sell some of their land
C. felt inadequate in the face of competition D. were not in an amateurish way
3. Charlotte’s responsibilities are ____________.
A. to focus on guided tours of the house B. wide-ranging
C. togive her time to pursue her own hobbies D. to organize Christmas concerts
4. Charlotte feels ____________.
A.that she would like to get married at Shevron Hall B. surprised at showing visitors around
C. personally committed to Shevron Hall D.overwhelmed by the number of visitors
5. Charlotte’s attitude to Annabelle can best be summed up as ____________.
A. detached B. sympathetic C. indulgent D. anxious
(Adapted from ESB Level 2 Certificate in ESOL)

Part 2: You will hear a talk about the HISTORY OF SURFING. Complete the sentences with NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS and /or A NUMBER in each gap.
It is now generally agreed that surfing started about (1) ___________________ ago in Western Polynesia.
In ancient Hawaii, the best surfers came from the (2) ____________________ social class.
The person making a board would leave fish as a (3) ____________________ to the gods of the tree he
had dug up.
The type of surfboard used by children was called a (4) ____________________ board.
Modern surfboards vary in (5) _____________________ and shape, but all have three fins and are made
of fiberglass.
(Adapted from Complete CAE - Workbook)
II. CIRCLE the word or phrase that best completes each of the sentences. (1.5 pts)
1. Although the journey was ______ with danger, it turned out to be a rewarding experience for everyone.
A. fraught B. covered C. full D. littered
2. Marie lifted the phone receiver, ______ slightly.
A. her hands trembling B. her hands were trembling
C. her hands trembled D. with her hands trembled
3. The music teacher made sure that ______ child had a chance to sing a solo.
A. every and each B. each of all C. each and every D. every and all
4. Angus suddenly saw Sue ______ the room. He pushed his way ______ the crowd of people to get to
A. across / through B. over/ through C. over / along D. across / across
5. The tennis tournament ______ held at the sports center but at the last minute the venue changed.
A. has been B. would be C. was going to be D. is to be
6. The growth rate of Vietnam has been ______ that of other comparable countries in the ASEAN in the
last few years.
A. twice faster than B. twice as fast as C. as twice fast as D. faster twice than
7. In a report submitted to the government, a number of architects ______ that the demolition of Bui Chu
Cathedral be stopped.
A. banned B. complained C. said D. recommended
8. Unsalted butter is the best for this recipe, but ______ that, margarine will do.
A. except B. failing C. provided D. given
9. Catherine Rhodes is considered to be one of the big ______ in the fashion industry.
A. rifles B. guns C. pistols D. weapons
10. My friends offered to ______ the next time I was in Da Lat so that I wouldn’t have to pay for the
A. bring me up B. put me up C. back me up D. turn me up
11. Let’s make a dash for the train now, as the rain seems to be ______ off.
A. easing B. slowing C. reducing D. running
12. I feel ______ to inform the committee that a number of members are dissatisfied with the decision.
A. my duty B. it my duty C. this my duty D. that my duty
13. Rock music originated as ______ country music and the rhythm and blues that was popular among
______ Black musicians during ______ early 1950’s.
A. a/the/ ∅ B. the/∅/ the C. ∅/ ∅/ the D. a/∅/the
14. Emily: I would like to invite you to my graduation ceremony this Saturday morning.
Kevin: ______
A. Thank you for your request, but I’m sorry I can’t really come.
B. I would love to come but I have prior commitments. I’m sorry.
C. I’m sorry. Can you come to my place?
D. How about going to the cinema?
15.Which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined?
My classmates didn’t know that the location of the farewell party had been changed. I think we should
have put them in the picture.
A. shown them B. taken their photo C. explained to them D. informed them

III. IDENTIFY the underlined word(s) that is wrong and CORRECT it. (1 pt)

Example: 0. The purpose of traveler’s checks is to protect travelers from theft and accidental lost
of money.

1. A change in the direction of the monsoon winds result from the differences between the heating
orcooling of landmasses and that of oceans.
2. The building blocks of the proteins necessary for life are amino acids, much of which cannot be
synthesized by the body and must be included in the diet.
3. All the candidates for the scholarship will be equally treated regarding of their sex, age, or
4. If my father took the job he was offered last month, he would be earningmuch more than
he is now.
5.Google Inc. is an American multinational technology company that specializes inInternet-relating
services and products.

Answer: 0. ___D___→ ___loss____

1. _______ → ________________________________
2. _______ →________________________________
3. _______ →________________________________
4. _______ →________________________________
5. _______ →________________________________

IV. Supply the appropriate forms of the words in brackets. (0.5 pt)

People lie all the time. They lie to get things that they are not supposed to get. Some people lie that
they are ( ____________________ strapped to get welfare benefits. Undercover detectives lie
about their identities to get information from criminals.
However, people who lie can be (2. legitimacy) ____________________ punished in the courts.
Whatever one says in court is sworn to be the truth. Otherwise, the judge would not be able to make a
fair assessment of the case. The (3. object) ____________________ third party judging the case had not
been present when the crime happened. So, the best alternative is for the crime and events leading up to
it to be enacted through truthful accounts of everyone involved. As such, lying in court is considered illegal
and strictly forbidden. This is because one is swearing falsely and hindering the course of justice. This is
committing perjury and is (4. punish) ____________________ by law.
The courts have to take a serious stand against perjury to deter anyone from obstructing justice. Apart
from a punishment meted out, committing perjury is serious because it is damaging to one’s reputation.
People are less likely to believe a convicted (5. lie) ____________________. It sure does not pay to lie in
court due to possible repercussions one may face.
(Adapted from English Examination Practice by Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd)

V. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. (1 pt)

When a conversation doesn’t go well at work, one of two things has usually happened. You may not
have thought an issue through very well, and in the middle of the conversation, this can become all too
apparent. It may cause no lasting damage, other than embarrassment, as you scramble to retrieve
something of value from the conversation (1) ____________________ losing any more face than you
already have. If you choose the unfortunate strategy of continuing to talk until you can think of something
to say, you may end up just digging yourself into a deeper hole.
The other way a conversation might not go well is much more hazardous to relationships and credibility.
However emotional you may feel about an issue, it is important not to let your emotions get the (2)
____________________ of you. Some people may be able to think clearly in the heat of anger, but many
people find that they cannot. You may start out with the intention of discussing an issue professionally, but
if emotions rise, you can soon find yourself saying unnecessary and possibly hurtful things and the
communication will eventually (3) ____________________ down.
When you go to bed at night, of course, and replay these conversations over in your mind, they may
seem totally different. Rather than responding impulsively to something, you may imagine (4)
____________________ a calm, collected response to a difficult question and, in return, receiving praise
from your colleagues for the insight you have shown. Such imaginary conversations go exactly the way
you (5) ____________________ like to see them go. Unfortunately, it is then far too late to change
(Adapted from Proficiency Practice Tests Plus)

VI. Read the passage below, and the CIRCLE the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each
numbered blank. (0.5 pt)

Home Security
Home: it’s one of the most emotive words in any language. The place itself has (1) ______ people with
privacy and security ever since individual dwellings first appeared nearly two million years ago. But
nowadays, that sense of security has a twist. (2) ______ safe people feel at home, when they are away,
they worry their home will be broken into. What’s more, this fear is far from (3) ______. In spite of falling
burglary rates in the UK, a recent survey found that a house left unoccupied for a month a year is 43
percent more likely to be burgled than an identical one that is never empty at night. Having someone (4)
______ during the day is no deterrent either about 55 percent of domestic burglaries happen between 6
p.m. and 6 a.m. At the same time, people are spending longer away, on business and on holiday. Many
are, therefore, prepared to (5) ______ a little privacy, employing professional housesitters to live in their
homes in their absence.
(Adapted from Proficiency Practice Tests Plus)
1. A. produced B. offered C. provided D. donated
2. A. Regardless B. Nonetheless C. However D. Albeit
3. A. groundless B. aimless C. faultless D. clueless
4. A. look over B. pop in C. call on D. check out
5. A. withhold B. refrain C. deny D. sacrifice

VII. Read the passage, and the CIRCLE the correct answer to each question. (1 pt)

The Hydrologic Cycle

Water makes up seventy percent of the Earth’s surface, and people rely on it to sustain life. Rainfall
nurtures crops and restores water supplies. The amount of water on the Earth is constant, meaning that
we can neither create more water, nor get rid of it. We can, however, interfere with the water cycle. Water
has several forms – liquid, vapor, and ice – and is constantly changing and being recycled through a
process known as the hydrologic cycle.
The hydrologic cycle involves inflows, outflows, and storage. When water moves from the ground, for
example, into a river, it is called an outflow for the ground and an inflow for the river. When the river
reaches the sea, it is an outflow for the river and an inflow for the sea. Water is stored when it rests
somewhere with relatively little movement.
There are six components to the hydrologic cycle: evapotranspiration, condensation, precipitation,
run-off, infiltration, and percolation. Evapotranspiration is the combination of evaporation and
transpiration. Evaporation occurs when the sun warms surface water and transforms it into water vapor.
Transpiration is the same thing, but involves plants. Plants soak water up from the ground and then return
it to the cycle via the pores in their leaves. Once again, the sun turns this water into vapor. Once the water
has been evaporated, it rises into the atmosphere. As the air gets colder at higher altitudes, the water
vapor condenses and clings to particles in the air. This is called condensation and is how clouds are
formed. When the clouds get too heavy, droplets fall back to the earth through a process called
Now that the water has been returned to the earth, it can either be intercepted by a water source, or it
can land on the ground. For the water that lands on the ground, one of several things can happen. If there
has been a heavy rain, or if it has rained for a long time, a lot of the water will return to the streams,
lakes, and oceans as run-off. Run-off also depends on the slope of the ground. A steep slope will cause
more movement of water. Conversely, if water movement is minimized, much of the water will infiltrate
the soil. Gravity forces the water lower and lower into the ground through a process called percolation.
The permeability of the soil determines the rate at which percolation occurs. If the soil is very dense, it will
hold less water. If it is porous, on the other hand, it will store more water. The amount of water that can
be held in the soil is called its porosity.
The water will continue to move downward until it reaches saturated soil. This means that there is
already so much water in the soil that it can’t hold any more. An aquifer is any geologic material that can
hold water or allow water to transmit through it. Even solid rock can be an aquifer because water can
move through its cracks and pores.
Ground water is returned to the earth via vegetation. Plants soak up water through their roots and, as
mentioned, return the water to the atmosphere. Outflows also occur naturally via springs. Human can
extract ground water using wells. Ground water mining can cause problems for the water table, which is
the measure of water in the ground. Taking too much water not only reduces the water supply, but it
affects the soil. When water is withdrawn, the pores that hold water collapse, altering the make-up of the
soil. Further, contamination from landfills and septic systems cause serious problems for the soil and for
the plants that rely on it.
(Adapted from Mastering Skills for TOEFL IBT- Advanced)
1. According to paragraph 1, why doesn’t the Earth run out of water?
A. Water gets recycled. B.We get plenty of rain.
C. We have plenty of sources of water. D. When we run out, we can melt ice.
2. Which of the following is CLOSEST in meaning to “infiltrate’ in paragraph 4?
A. pass through B. close down C. push up D. bring on
3. According to the passage, what is “percolation”?
A. The process of water seeping into the soil B.The process of water turning to vapor
C. The process of water vapor forming clouds D. The process of water falling to the Earth
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. The world’s water supply is diminishing. B. Plants are involved in the hydrologic cycle.
C. People should be careful not to damage the soil. D. Solid rock can be on aquifer.
5. According to the passage, it can be inferred that ______.
A. there is an unlimited amount of water available
B. porous soil stores less water
C. human interference can affect the stability of the soil
D. water continues to move downward after it reaches saturated soil


A. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets without changing the original
meaning. DO NOT change the words given. You must use between three and seven words.
(1.5 pts)

1. Robert started talking to the man sitting next to him on the train. (into)
→ Robert _______________________________________________________ the man sitting next to him
on the train.
2. It was obvious that Andrew was completely unaware of what was happening. (idea)
→ Andrew obviously __________________________________________________________________ on.
3. It was wrong of you to take no notice of what the teacher said during the lesson. (paid)
→ You ought _____________________________________________________________ what the teacher
said during the lesson.
4. Penny Stone has become really self-important since she was promoted. (head)
→ Getting a ___________________________________________________________________________.
5. It was not until five years had elapsed that the truth was revealed. (come)

→ Not for another ___________________________________________________________________ out.

B. Do you think doing project work or presentation is a good way of assessing students?
Express your opinion in about 100 words. (1 pt)


















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