Icon 51

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Dear Friends,

I feel like the release of Icon Magazine #50 was just

a few weeks ago... Wait, that was last month! Didn’t I
tell you that we would work hard and get the whole
thing back on track? As you can see, that was not a
false promise!

Now, just stop reading for a minute and check the left
page: Yes, Madonna’s letter is back!! Our girl took some
time out of her hectic schedule to share her thoughts
and discuss some of her upcoming projects! But wait,
there’s even more: the one and only Liz «Validator»
Rosenberg made it big for all of us by bringing her Icon
column back and provided us with a very special extra:
An exclusive interview with Madonna!

If that wasn’t enough, make sure to read all of the

amazing 2008 tour stories submitted by felllow Iconers
who have won our ‘Time To Confess’ contest earlier
this year. The 20 of them are included in this issue,
so get ready for a special trip back to memory lane
while preparing for the 2009 leg of Madonna’s ‘Sticky
& Sweet’ Tour!

Last, but not least, I’m happy to announce that a brand

new ‘Fan Profusion’ profile is also featured in this issue.
Check it out and let Corrinne tell you more about her
passion for the Queen...


ICON MAGAZINE #51 - Quarterly publication of The Official

Madonna Fan Club - Web: www.madonna.com - Honorary
Madonna - Edited by Johann Delebarre - Assistant Editor
David Marion - Additional contributions by Madonna and
Liz Rosenberg - Art direction, layout & design Johann De-
lebarre & David Marion - Photo Credits Steven Klein, Frank
Micelotta, Kevin Mazur, Shavawn Rissman and Josh Baisley -
The usual suspects Madonna, Guy Oseary, Liz Rosenberg, Sara
Zambreno, Arman Austria, Christophe Caron, Magali Dever-
nay, Bibi & Krys, Théo, Lola and all Madonna fans around the
world... - This issue is dedicated to the «Young girl with eyes
like the desert». Thank you for being who you are. Don’t ever
change a thing! Copyright © 2009 Boy Toy, Inc. All rights reser-
ved. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited.
She is back, Iconers. Who? The one and only Validator! We’ve all been
missing her, and no need to say that she’s been missing you all too. Rea-
dy for some inside scoops as well as an exclusive Madonna interview?
Here she comes! Ladies and Gentlemen, Miss Liz Rosenberg...

Be still my heart and be still your own hearts..your beloved Validator has returned... Seeker of
truth....Guardian of all things Madonna...Protector against sticks, stones and other sharp or dull
objects thrown her Madgesty’s way (henceforth the armour).... Separator of fact from fiction...
Well, I actually haven’t really been away. Just not as in close contact as I’d like to be..Yet, des-
pite that, it’s comforting that I continue to be stopped at airports, Stevie NIcks instores, in the
middle of my root canal and other odd places where total strangers walk up to me and say,
«Aren’t you the Validator?» I’m back and will be reporting to you, the Icon members my up close
observations in the world of our Madonna.. Even better, I got Madonna to sit down and answer
questions that only Iconers get to read about while others can only guess about things like the
kind of toothpaste Lady M uses.

I know that Iconers understand that they can’t believe everything they making this up), enjoying living in New York City again, riding horses,
read and hear about Madonna although plenty of you seem to know working out with her trainer, Tracy Anderson, listening to music. ea-
even before me what restaurant she’s having dinner at tomorrow ni- ting chocolate layer cake now and then, continuing to study Kabbalah,
ght..That’s the level of devotion and grateful as I am, I do like to set the hanging out with friends, writing a screenplay about the Dutchess of
record straight now and then. Windsor, reading and even twittering now and then. Madonna will be
covering some of these subjects in her letter to you.
On the truth front, by now, you’ve heard that Madonna was recently
challenged by the Mayor of Pacentro, Italy to help out the people As for your Validator, in my spare time fencing with the press about Ma-
affected by the devastation of the earthquake. Pacentro is the ho- donna, I’m also currently representing Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac
meland of Madonna’s paternal grandparents before l9l9 when they (checkout Stevie’s new dvd ‘LIVE IN CHICAGO, her live cd ‘THE SOUNDS-
moved to America.. Madonna visited there several years ago and has TAGE SESSIONS’ and The Mac’s current tour), Chris Isaak (amazing new
of course a soft spot in her heart for the people of the region.. Ma- cd MR. LUCKY and an upcoming tour), Michael Buble’ (more shameless
donna answered the call and made a very generous donation. Once plugging - live dvd MICHAEL BUBLE MEETS MADISON SQUARE GAR-
an Italian, always an Italian. Madonna’s manager guru Guy Oseary
DEN), Renee Olstead (SKYLARK), Katherine Jenkins - big star in the UK
spoke with Pacentro’s Mayor, Fernando Caparso, and was told that
and Charice, the phenomenal young singer that Oprah’s always raving
the donation should be made to the Red Cross. Done and Done...
Long time Madonna fans might want to think back to the classic
about - new cd in the fall). I still have my four doggies, chew lots of
photo of Madonna from her Papa Don’t Preach video where Madon- bubble gum, love Gossip Girl... and most imporantly remain with each
na’s shirt said, «Italians Do It Better».. This is Madonna’s big bacci to and every one of you, the biggest Madonna fan in the world.
her ancestors.
Special shout out to Icon member John Lee for his encouragement in
Madonna’s is continuing her deep and abiding commitment to the bringing you the information you need to know.
children of Malawi by providing health care, food and many programs
that have been ongoing for the last few years. The building of a girl’s Thank you everyone for your continuous devotion to one of the grea-
academy is well underway and Madonna’s involved on every level. On test performers in the world who reminds us daily that our dreams can
the other end of the spectrum, she is going into the studio to record come true; we are entitled to express ourselves and the world is our
some new cuts for her greatest hits album scheduled for a Fall release, dance floor. She inspires me every day.. Long live our Queen Madonna
editing a dvd of her show, getting ready to start rehearsals to perfect Louise Veronica Ciccone.
her already perfect «Sticky and Sweet» Tour Part 2 which kicks off in
London on July 4th. Oh yes, also taking care of her kids, helping them And now.... drum roll.... The Validator interviews Madonna:
with homework, vacuuming (well you saw the You Tube video, I’m not

ICON 51 - 5
Left & Page 7: Madonna gets ready for her Oscar party in Los Angeles

What did u have for breakfast? What candy do you currently like? No they just speak french and i dont
Scrambled eggs, hot cereal, strong Jelly beans understand what they are saying
coffee and shu uemura eyemask - the
last one I don’t actually eat. Do you have a uniform (something What’s your dream dinner meal?
you wear all the time)? Pan fried steak-medium rare-sliced
Do you help the kids get ready for My Juicy track suit bottoms and Bodas thin, extra crispy french fries, salad with
school? t-shirts cucumber and avocado and a glass of
No, they help me get ready for the day. delicious Barolo
Thankfully they have all learned to get Do u take bubble baths?
dressed themselves. They come into my No, soap is too drying on the skin How many pillows do you sleep on?
room and we say prayers together One under my head and one to put my
What books have you read recently arms around
When do u usually work out with that you like?
your trainer? The Elegance of the Hedgehog by How often do you practice your
In the mornning after i go through the Muriel Barbery guitar?
daily schedule with my staff Not enough
How many emails on average do u
Do u work out at gym or home? send every day? Are you and Sean Penn friends?
Still bikeride? Do pilates? Yoga? Too many to count Yes!
i have a gym in my home. I train with Seen any fab movies lately? How was your Oscar party?
Tracy Anderson or one of her highly Yes, «Rocco and his Brothers», an old So much fun- my feet hurt from dancing
trained staff. Lucino Visconti film, seen it a hundred all night
times, one of my favourites
Do you wear slippers? Did u drink apple martinis or
Of course, i am from Michigan. We don’t Speaking of collaborating, did you champagne?
like cold feet. and Steven Meisel love doing the Neither- red wine
beautiful Vuitton ad?
Do u ever have breakfast in bed? Yes, i adore Steven. I always look forward Are you still collecting art and
God forbid, i dont want crumbs in my to working with him. photos?
bed Yesssssssssss
Speaking of photographers, can
What kind of toothpaste do you you elaborate on working with Tom What painting do you wish was in
use? Munro vs. Steven Klein? your living room?
Cinnamon No, just love them both, very talented A John Currin nude
Do you floss? Do you go out dancing with friends?
Absolutely Are you excited about getting back Sometimes
on the road with Sticky + Sweet?
Use a water pick? Still recovering from the last leg but yes Do you care when the press makes
Too bourgeois excited to see my fans this summer. up stories about you?
Yes unfortunately
What’s the hardest part of the Are u making any changes to the
morning for you? show? Do your kids fight with eachother?
Getting out of bed A few, dont ask, its a secret Yes unfortunately
Do u sleep better these days? Do u watch American Idol? Will u ever marry again?
Yes, thanks to my sound machine No TV Yes unfortunately - just kidding
How do you get news on what’s If you could meet anyone, who What comedian makes you laugh?
going on in the world? would it be? Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld
I get news via the internet and talk to OBAMA!!!
my very intelligent and wordly friends Have u ever considered painting or
Can u put on false eyelashes by drawing?
Do you like Pres Obama? yourself? No - I suck at it
I am in love with him No
How’s your father’s winery?
Do you follow stories on state of Do you pray before you go to sleep? Very well thanks
economy? Yes
Sometimes. Too depressing Do you drink his wine sometime?
What does studying Kabbalah do for Yes
Are you more careful as far as you?
spending money? Oh dear, thats a novel. A lot Last question from Validator: Can I
Yes ask you about your romantic life?
Do the kids speak French with
Do you buy your own candy? eachother really fast so you can’t Last response from Madonna: Can I ask
No understand what they’re saying? you to shut up and it’s none of your

6 - ICON 51
Name: Iconermadonna During You Must Love Me she was very emotional and
Country: UK I could see tears in her eyes. And finally, during Give It
Shows: Cardiff, London, Zurich, Paris Sept 20 & 21 To Me, M did give us the mike... it was a very long reach
as the stage was high but she knelt down and kept lea-
It all started early in 2008... when tickets went on sale for ning and leaning forward, laughing and trying to reach
the Sticky and Sweet tour. Nervous energy, churning sto- us. Then it was over, so back to the pub in the rain with
mach and spending hours buying tickets, booking flights Iconers to chat and share our stories.
and chatting online with other Iconers to plan our time
ahead. 30 August - In Zurich, it was very hot and sunny. We met
up with Parakeet from Norway, the other Icon ticket win-
I bought tickets for Cardiff, London and the two dates in ner. We queued again for many hours and again when the
Paris, but it wasn’t enough! So I created a T-shirt and en- gates opened I ran, dragging my sister to reach the stage.
tered the first Icon contest to win front row tickets and I NeilC was a bit ahead and we all managed to get centre,
was so amazed and happy to win them for Zurich on 30 end of catwalk again - yay! We had heard the soundcheck
August. from outside and once inside a few people were still on
the stage.. I looked up and said Hey That’s Madonna in the
Burnt up some energy by going to the fan party on 18 green tracksuit! We were so lucky to be able to watch
August in London to celebrate the tour and Madonna’s the rest of the sound check...and see Madonna in broad
birthday... the excitement was building. daylight. M was in good spirts and chatted and joked
with us. Again she came to end of catwalk and when
23 August - Opening night Cardiff! Met up with some she paused there was no background sound so we knew
new Icon friends the night before for a quick drink and she could hear us, shouting out messages to her. I could
then up at the crack of dawn to get in the Hot Ticket hear her quietly saying things like ‘too loud’ while she was
queue. Planned to queue all day on my own but not for singing for the soundcheck. The show was fantastic again
long as I met many fans and I made new friends. With and Madonna was appeared to be even more relaxed and
various queues opening and closing and a bit of luck I enjoying herself. I jumped, screamed and sang along
managed to be at the front of the queue for the gate and and in turn M gave me lots of eye contact and smiles. I
with hot tickets we were going to be let in early! Izzie will always remember it.. thanks Icon for the tickets.
from Australia filmed Giovi and me for his European tour
video and then we saw Madonna’s car arrive ....Madonna London was spent dancing at the back of the gold circle
is in the building. When we were let into a holding area with AndIfeel and loads of other Iconers. Everyone in the
in the stadium where we had to wait for 30 minutes, we stadium was jumping for Ray of Light, a great crowd and
could not see the stage as doorways were blacked out it reminded me of the Live Earth concert at Wembley. We
but we did hear Madonna sing You Must Love Me for the requested Gambler by holding up signs but M said that
soundcheck. We cheered and clapped at the end and she couldn’t remember the words of all the old ones. In
hope that she heard us. A mad, panic rush to get in but Paris, we watched the show from the side of the stage
managed to get front row, centre, end of catwalk. Guy with Iconers Michelle and Dave. I could see the whole
Oseary walked around and we had our picture taken with stage and catwalk really well so a great view of Madonna
him and he said he liked my T-shirt and took a picture of and the big dance numbers, especially for Into the
me. He also said that this was the best spot to see the Groove and Music. My last concert in Paris again
show - cooool! was near the end of catwalk a few rows back, a great
show again...but sad it was the last one.
My body was shaking with an overload of adrenaline and
excitement and after a long wait the show began. Wow!
A rush of so much coming towards me, it was non-stop, The whole experience of Sticky and Sweet was so
awesome. The special times for me were when Madonna much fun and happy times. When Madonna looks
was at the end of the catwalk. It did feel like a personal you in the eye or smiles at you it is a special expe-
concert as she sang to us, smiled and winked. During Hu- rience and I was so lucky to be in the front row for
man Nature, I sang the wrong verse and made an oops two shows. I have made so many new friends from
type expression and she saw me and laughed. I loved all over the world who I am keeping in touch with
Like a Prayer and Vogue ‘mash ups’. She’s Not Me was was and it won’t be long until we meet up again..... Music
fun and Devil Wouldn’t Recognise Me worked as we were and Madonna brings the people together :)
close we could see M looking at us through the ‘dome’.

ICON 51 - 11

Name: Jerr78 sounded amazing and I was in heaven. It was truly ‘like a
Country: USA prayer’. Then came request time and she slowly made it
Show: November 27th, 2008, United Center, Chicago over our way and I thought, oh shit here she comes. She
is looking at me. What am I gonna request? Delusional, a
My brother and I have been going to Madonna concerts few hours before, I was thinking to myself, what would I
since we were kids. First was Blond Ambition, fifth row, request? As I heard she took a few requests in the past
which was actually my brother Patricks first concert. Our shows. I thought Angel would be good but now it was
parents took us for my birthday since I seemed to be ob- really happening and Angel would not keep with the
sessed with the woman. Anyway, our family was going time or work and OMG I blurted, «DRESS YOU UP!» She
through some troubled times, trying to keep it together said «Can you handle that baby?» Then the next thing I
and thank God Madonna was there to show us how. knew the arena and Madonna were singing the whole
song. It was spectacular! A classic Madonna moment,
I missed Drowned World Tour and ended up crying my- more powerful then any I had seen. She was really pum-
self to sleep at home (I know, pretty pathetic) but the next ped up. She sounded incredible. Then she came back and
time our Queen came around for Reinvention I was there asked me, «whats your name?» We shouted, «Jerry!» then
to see, in the top balcony, practically back row. What a she said, «Jerry this next song you don’t get to sing. I’m
nightmare those seats were, young daughters with their in charge. I am still in charge in case you were wonde-
mothers, threatening lesbians to guard the mothers and ring but I still need you to sing along. So express yourself
daughters if we so much broke out in a little dance and freely, land of the free home of the brave, let’s go!».
had some fun. The next time around I was not going to
put up with it. Patrick and I decided to shell out the dou- Wow! After the show I was famous! Everyone knew who I
gh for good seats. It was well worth it. Confessions turned was, how weird. I can’t beleive it to this day. I am so grate-
out to be amazing, genius! I was mesmerized. I had a spi- ful to whoever moved us from our section, Thankyou! The
ritual, cathartic experience. next day I found the whole experience on You Tube and
was able to share it with my friends.
That brings us to the present, Sticky and Sweet, and I was
preparing myself for another dampering experince in the Name: tsimioni
nose bleeds but it was my Madonna, so needless to say, I Country: Canada
was still excited. We headed downtown, then did some Show: 22-Oct - Montreal Bell Centre
shopping and went for sushi. It was now time to head
to the venue to get sticky and sweet. We headed to our I’ve been a Madonna fan, for as far back as I can remem-
seats, seat 6, row 8, section 314, in a galaxy far, far away! ber. I must have been almost 9 years old when I caught
I knew I shouldn’t be complaining. My brother was kind my first glimpse of her, on American bandstand. I was
enough to get me a ticket as I had some financial troubles mesmerized. Here we are almost 25 years later, and guess
recently. So there we were looking down just wishing what? Yup, that’s right...i’m still a fan, and i’m still mesme-
we could be a little closer. Then this girl came up to us rized by her every time I watch her perform.
whom was wearing a laminent! She asked us, «do you like
your seats?» and we replied, «um no, are you ca-razy!». I’ve seen Madonna at every concert she’s given in Montreal.
Then she said « well, will you promise to dance and sing, My goal was always to have «better tickets next time». On
scream and yell, and get up and do your thing if I give you her last tour «Confessions», I joined the Madonna fan club
better seats? « «Yes!» we said, kind of confused, I have in hopes of having access to pre-sale tickets, but to my
to admit. disappointment, I missed the cut off date by a day or two.
Well...this year was going to be different! I renewed my
Next thing I knew we were racing to the front row screa- membership as soon as I knew there were talks of a pos-
ming OMG, OMG. I yelled to Pat, « stop running! I can’t sible tour. To my excitement, they finally announced the
breathe, I am gonna faint!» Well, I didn’t, and we made it. pre-sale dates for her Montreal show for May 20th, 2008.
I still could not believe it. I was shaking and excited. The OH OH....I was going to be 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant
lights dimmed, the audience roared and there she came by this date, meaning there were very good chances of
upon the stage. being in a delivery room at the same time as ticket sales!!!
The panic, what would I do? Who could I trust to be sit-
It was so surreal. Madonna was giving it her all and so ting by the computer for me if I was in labour??? I went
was I. Singing and dancing our hearts out, I didn’t care so far as to asking an employee of the hospital if I could
what anyone thought. I was just gonna let it rip. Madonna have access to the internet from my hospital room. The

12 - ICON 51
response??? THEY LAUGHED IN MY FACE, obviously they all this excitement wouldn’t send her into pre-mature la-
didn’t know what the concert meant to me. bour!

So, I began to calculate in my mind...if I deliver on May Name: sonyahardy

18th, they’ll keep me over night, and then possibly one Country: Canada
more night in the hospital...RIGHT?!?! SO IT MEANS I’LL BE Shows: Oct 18, Toronto - Nov 18, Detroit
OUT ON TIME???? WROOOONG!!!! My due date came...
and then went, and no sign of baby. So here I was 40 Madonna gave it to «us» in such an amazing way, we will
weeks pregnant, tired, fed up with a sore everything, and always cherish the memories! The first show I went to was
wanting this baby OUT! Friends told me that I should in Toronto, Canada on Oct/18th. The 2nd show was in her
try some «home remedies « to provoke labour. Soooo...I hometown of Detroit on Nov/18th. Both shows so incre-
scrubbed the floors on my hands and knees, ran up and dible I could watch them over and over again.
down the stairs, ate spicy, you name it, but nope, no baby.
Frustrated, I turned to a friend, who explained to me that This tour was extra special too because I was able to share
many times a woman is late at delivering because sub- my Madonna experience with my 9yr old daughter who
consciously, there is something holding her back, a worry, was in awww the whole time. We were very fortunate
a stress, some sort of unfinished business.... hmmmmm... to have awesome seats to both shows and able to feel
I thought about it, what could be stressing me out so the power of Madonna’s stare burn into the depths of our
much? eyes!!

On the night of May 19th, I began having some weird On Oct/18th we were standing in front of our seats, (who
sensations in my stomach. I literally felt my baby descend, ever heard of sitting at a Madonna concert) 2nd row with
and thought I heard something go POP. OH GOD I thou- only 3 seats between us and the cat walk. As the lights
gh, the baby is coming, just my luck...I’ll never get those dimmed I felt my heart pounding in my chest and the
tickets now!!! I stayed up all night, waiting for something very near presence of my Queen. This is all a very familiar
to happen. The next morning I WAS EXHAUSTED, but emotion to me as I feel these sensations before every Ma-
no contractions. At about 6:00 am, I decided to take a donna concert I have ever been to. Tears were streaming
nap (towards the end of the pregnancy, sleeping was an down my face as other fans looked on anticipating her
impossibility, I was uncomfortable, and had to pee every grand entrance. Finally there she was, the woman of the
hour!). Remembering that it was May 20th, I set my alarm hour, I have been waiting for since I purchased my tickets
on my phone. So, I guess you’re saying to yourself...»her back in May!! It was like an orgasm, that build up after
alarm never went off..» Of course it did!!! AND I GOT MY all those months was released right there just a few feet
TICKETS, and they were FABULOUS tickets. I forgot about away from my #1 Lady!
all that discomfort, and was ecstatic!!! Ahhhh...I breathed
a sigh of relief! My daughter had her own moment where Madonna
croutched down and sang a few lines to her pointing
The next morning, I woke up with little contractions. I right at her and looking into her eyes! It was from the
figured it would be another scare like the night before, song «Into the Groove.» After we looked at each other like
so I went on with my day like every other day. That night ....»Did that just happen!!!!» I loved watching my daughter
they got worse, and so off to the hospital I went. After 18 sing and dance to everyone of Madonna’s songs, with so
hours of labour, my daughter was born. much energy. I watched as she too herself got lost in the
music and went into a sort of trance.
Afterwards, I thought to myself about my friends words
about something holding me back from going into la- There was a few powerful moments that my eyes locked
bour. I guess that subconsciously, I really wanted those with Madonna’s and words can not describe the rush it
tickets, and didn’t let anything get in the way, not even gave me. This was such a beautiful experience that I will
childbirth! carry the memories a life time.

The concert was on October 22nd, exactly 5 months after For the Detroit show on Nov/18th we had front row from
my daughter was born. After having found my awesome stage. We arrived early enough to catch one of Madonna’s
seats (thank you fan club!), I looked over and saw a girl dancers chillin in the audience and her manager hanging
who was VERY pregnant. I just HAD to walk over and tell out.
her my story! She laughed, and said that she hoped that

ICON 51 - 15

The absolute moment that made this show complete for her latest album, Madonna being on top form delivering
us was when Madonna’s security guard came up to my such great moves, such a great choreography, the won-
daughter and gave her the guitar pic Madonna played derful crowd, the people I met in the gold circle, and the
with! My daughter told me she was shocked and sur- fact of being close up made it a night to remember. What
prised to receive such a wonderful token to remember images could I remember from this dazzling show? The
her Madonna experience by. We will always keep this ma- moment when she enters the stage on her throne? The
gical pic as a token and a fond memory of the great mo- beautiful and numerous costumes? Her performance on
ther daughter bonding time we shared with the Queen! Vogue, one of my favorite songs? The brilliant twists she
gave to Like a Prayer and Borderline? The emotion every-
Madonna you never fail to amaze me! You will forever ins- body felt during You must love me? Of course Madonna,
pire me to be all I can be! we all love you.

Name: Noreuh What a night to remember. What a great show, full of

Country: France emotions. Thank you Madonna.
Shows: Sept 4, Dusseldorf, Germany - Sept 14, Lisbon,
Portugal Name: Enzidott
Country: Canada
This time I was lucky enough (thanks to Icon presales) I Show: Oct 19, Toronto , Air Canada Centre
attended two shows on this tour. I went to Dusseldorf,
Germany and Lisbon, Portugal. I loved both shows of I have a tale to tell and oh what a tale it is and not be-
course, but I will focus on the second show in Portugal. I cause it happened to me but because other Iconers can
managed to get the special package which enabled me appreciate the story and realize too that dreams do come
to get into the gold circle. I still can’t believe I managed true indeed!. So here goes to best describe the events
to be that close, I was front row for the first time!! I re- that occurred on Sunday October 19 2008 at the at Air
member that when we were queuing up, we could hear Canada Centre.
the rehearsals and people just sang along and clapped at
the end of each song Madonna would rehearse. Then the So through a series of unfortunate events that fateful day,
doors finally opened. And I also remember that before that resulted in me leaving my home rather late,I found
the show, every time there was a plane flying over our myself speeding down one of Toronto»s busiest Hi-
heads, people would scream and applaud. The excitation ghway... The 401 to get to the Sticky and Sweet show on
was growing up. Time goes by so slowly for those who Time. Show Time was 8pm. My friend’s who are also going
wait… to the show are trying to calm me down by telling me
«Don’t worry the show probably won’t begin until 9pm
Then when the letters H-A-R-D C-A-N-D-Y appeared on you know how concerts are. « It’s 845 as we arrive into
the screens, I started to have goose pumps because it the Air Canada Centre. Still a little frazzled, I quickly give
meant that Madonna was about to appear on stage. Even my ticket to the person at the front door who proceeds
though it was not the first time I saw her on stage, it was to scan my ticket. Well, all of a sudden my ticket beeps
the first I was that close to her. She has such an incredible and I think «what now» «Do I have a fake Ticket! « The
magnetism and such a great stage presence. There’s no lady who scanned my ticket tells me to proceed to Fan
wonder she’s a superstar. I didn’t have the feeling that the services.
shows lasted for two hours. I would say that Time goes
by so quickly when it comes to a Madonna concert! I When I arrive at fan services (confused and more frazzled
jumped, danced, sung, sweat for two hours and on top as ever) a gentleman proceeds to explain to me that my
of that, Madonna looked at me and smiled at me. It was seat is in an obstructed view and that my ticket has been
like I was touched for the very first time. I can’t describe upgraded. When does The Air Canada Centre ever give
with words what it feels like having an ‘eye contact’ with people upgraded tickets I thought So he then gives me
Madonna. This is pure magic. I could feel tears coming up another ticket , almost a regal looking ticket in black and
and yet I do not cry easily, but with Madonna, this is dif- gold. I stare at a it for a few moments and don’t know
ferent. I respect her so much as an artist and as a person. what to say.
Time has stopped for me. I was telling myself that’s her, I then blurt out ‘»Well what about my friend’s they are sit-
she’s right here, I’m not watching a DVD, this is real life. ting next to me, do they also get an upgraded ticket as
well?» . He quickly says «No, the upgrade is just for you».
The choice of songs, a mix of oldies and new songs from

16 - ICON 51
I think to myself «oh well» and proceed to walk into the hours later due to the huge demand.That was at 2 a.m
auditorium. As I approach the auditorium I hear «Human but I was glad I could charge all my info.However,things
Nature being sung, and I think» CRAP!!!». I’ m actually late would be really hard.First,I did not have access to presale
for the concert.» But my shock of missing two songs sud- tickets because I had enrolled like in June ,then I did not
denly disappears as I realize`where my upgraded ticket have the credit card whose clients had exclusive access
actually is. It’s in the 4 row seat 31 right by the catwalk. I’m to the first tickets.The day the tickets went on sale for the
thinking to myself ‘Is this for real» No It cant be, I’m right Dec 6th. show was really crazy.I was ready on my compu-
by the stage. Of course I was totally elated at this point. ter at the set time but I failed again and again to enter the
site.It was completely congested.When I went to work in
But wait the story gets better!. So Madonna is singing Into a state of grief I spent the whole day ringing.But the line
the groove and I notice`she is coming towards me as she was always busy.By midday I was in total desperation to
singing . She suddenly stops in front of me, looks right at hear the first show was sold out.
me and say’s «Ok I’m going to dance and you are going to
sing and suddenly the microphone is handed to me and December 7th. was soon added.I called my husband who
I’m singing Into the groove while Madonna is dancing. works two blocks from the ticket office to go and buy them
At that moment I’m so excited that I scream «I love you personally.He did, but there was a five block queue.I got
Madonna!!!» and as I say that I look up to see a huge smile to contact Ticketek by five and they only had tickets but in
on her face. Boy did that make up for missing the first two the furthest places from the stage.I felt the need,I felt I had
songs of the show. to be close to her.At least once in my life.I had been her
fan for 22 years and I felt I deserved to see her close.I lon-
After the show I was approached by several people, in- ged for a ticket in the vip sector,next to the stage.I spent
cluding people who I had known and not seen for years the whole week after that very low,disappointed,with very
who had witnessed my performance on the big screens little hope of attending the show.I had seen her in 2003
at the show. but I had to be there again.The sale for the third show
was announced.My husband who definetely loves me a
What a thrill I tell you, and to top it off there were several lot started queuing up 18 hours before they started.I was
Iconers who had taken pictures of the actual event and in high spirits again but the things on that day were not
one person who caught the entire thing on her cell pho- any better.In spite of queing up for so long by the time he
ne and uploaded it on «You tube» That of course made got to the ticket window there were very few tickets and
my day that I was able to show my friends and family quite far but still he bought us 2.Added to this I had been
what transpired that evening. able to contact them by phone but in the middle of the
conversation I had no more credit and it was interrupted.I
So you know what’s really strange about this experience?. went in shock.Tears started rolling down my cheeks and I
Well remember my friends that I went to the concert with. told my workmates:»I guess Maonna doesn´t want me in
They both told me after the show that my original seat her shows»
was not obstructed and someone was sitting in it. Hmm I
guess it was meant to be. I was meant to be right up front When I learnt Leandro had the tickets I somewhat felt
by the catwalk and it was meant to be that Madonna relieved.I tried to contempt myself with at least being in
choose me to sing with her. So that’s why I say to my the stadium because in spite of my efforts and his help
fellow Iconers that «Dreams due Come True and perhaps I still couldn´t get better tickets.By that that time the re-
one of You will have that same opportunity to sing to and sale for vip tickets was about $3000.Things changed a
with Madonna. little bit the day the 4th. show was announced,for it was
really unexpected to all of us.The phone sale started at
Name: lorena dupuy 9 but I was at work and told my students I had to make
Country: Argentina an important call.They understood and by 8:55 I started
Show: Dec 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina pushing the cell button on and on.By 9:15 I got through
but big was my disappointment when the operator told
Here´s my story which is quite unbeliavable but has defi- me there were no more vip tickets (how could it be?).Still
netely taught me a lesson for life. I bought two tickets in the official box.I was much hap-
As soon as Madonna´s visit to Argentina was confirmed I pier and hang up after asking for the authorization num-
searched in every paper for info about the tickets.I firstly ber and other details.Two weeks later I phoned again to
read about a preregistration process.At the exact time this confirm when to pick up the tickets and I will never forget
was to start I was ready to go.I was able to register two the horror and desperation I felt when the operator told

ICON 51 - 17

me:»Sorry but you cancelled the operation and the tickets Name: TracyCarl3
were sold to someone else»I did not understand a thing. Country: USA
Me?cancelled a ticket to a Madonna show?That was im- Shows: Oct 4, East Rutherford, Oct 11&12, NY, Nov 22,
possible.Not me.I had a crisis on that night.I couldn´t be Atlantic City
so unlucky.After all I had been through to get the tickets
and now this.A huge lie.On the next Monday I e-mailed My 22nd Madonna concert was the most memorable to
a complaint letter with all the data I had.Obviously the date thanks to Madonna and ICON. I was one of the lucky
had made a mistake and finally five days later offered me winners of the 2008 Tickets Giveaway T-shirt Contest. My
tickets in the same sector but in the opposite row.I imme- simple, but to the point shirt – an I LOVE NEW YORK shirt
diately agreed and picked up the tickets the same after- with a big lollipop glued over the heart – won me the
noon just in case anything else was to happen to me. coveted prize.

After that I took part in two contest but I did not win in I’ve been a fan since I was 8 years old (1983), a Like a Fan
one and in the other which was carried out by the cell Club member and ICONER since day one. I’ve had ama-
company I had I did not qualify for not having a new zing concert experiences before – my first concert on
phone. At this point I had lost all hope for being close to June 20, 1990 in East Rutherford, on July 3, 2006 when
her,once.I spent a whole weekend designing and making it felt like the MSG building was shaking and October 11,
a t-shirt for your contest.You were my last chance but af- 2008 with Pharell and Kelly Ripa – but my first row expe-
ter my experience in the past months I felt I didn´t have rience on October 12, 2008, the final night in New York,
much hope.Still,I did my best and sent the picture of it.On would top them all.
Tuesday December 2nd.I received one of the most awar-
ding and gratifying mails of my life.I had won the contest.I Just before heading to the show Sunday evening, I deci-
WAS going to be close to her.The day of the concert was ded I wanted to make signs for the request section and
out of this world.I couldn´t believe I was there.When I to show my love and appreciation for Monte. I created
stood one meter from the stage I couldn´t stop crying. some very simple signs stating – I LOVE NEW YORK and I
All the effort,the bad moments,the disappointment had HEART MONTE. I never thought my signs would be seen.
paid off.I was there thanks to you.I´m very short and the The seats were absolutely unbelievable. My virgin first
boys in front were too tall and people kept pushing but row experience. Meeting my fellow ICONER and winner,
God it was one of the happiest moments of my life.I jum- Eurogirl_sk, and sharing the night with her was fantastic.
ped up and down the whole time.I lost my voice because Her energy was inspiring.
we all sang along with her.I was quite close and she´s soo
beautiful just like we see her on a screen or in a mag. Down come the lights and up comes the Sweet Machine
opening, then the Queen appears on her throne. I could
She was so warm.I felt she looked at each one of us.When not believe how close I was to her. She made eye contact
she sang Don´t cry for me Argentina,the stadium seemed with me an uncountable amount of times. We sang to-
to fall down.We were all in ecstasy and I touched heaven gether. We danced together. I rocked with Monte. In my
with my hands.I don´t think there was a happier person twenty-five years of being a fan, I never felt so connected
and more cheerful in the crowd than me.She gave us all with M.
and I gave her all I had.She was there,she was real.She´s
so human.I got to be close to the person I had amired And then to top it all off, the request section came. I held
and supported for so long.I´m much prouder of being her my sign as high as I could. M walked to the one side of
fan.The show was first quality and all the comments were the stage and rejected their requests, then she walked to
more than positive.She deserves it.It was clear she had our side, looked around and saw my sign and gave me a
worked too hard. nod. She picked my song – I Love New York. The perfect
song for the final night in New York – and it came from
I will never be able to express my grattitude to you Icon me!
for helping me make my dream come true.I owe it you.
And if there was a lesson to learn after all was to follow The rest of the evening was a blur. I was on cloud-nine for
your dreams however hard they may look.Never give up the next week. I continue to treasure memories from that
hope and fight till the very last for what you want.I´ve night and relive it through others lenses via You Tube.
learnt this for life.Thank you all Icon (also Jack Hunter) and
Madonna but helping me BELIEVE I can. Madonna and ICON – you have my sincerest gratitude for
lifelong memory you have made – thank you!

20 - ICON 51

Name: MelanieMadonna who wanted the glasses as much as me…well, maybe

Country: USA not as much me since I’m the one who came out victo-
Shows: Oct 11 & 12, NY - Nov 8 & 9, Las Vegas rious! I was in a serious state of shock and didn’t get back
to reality for quite a bit after that moment. It’s incredible
I will always remember 2008 as the year of Madonna’s to think that I own something that was on Madonna’s
‘Sticky and Sweet’ Tour. I was fortunate enough to see this face.
tour four times, twice in NYC and twice in Las Vegas. After
seeing the October 11th and 12th shows in NYC, I didn’t So, while I didn’t win any money during my weekend in
think my experiences could get any better; NYC was ama- Vegas, I certainly won the Madonna jackpot and, unlike
zing! However, I was proven wrong in Vegas. The ‘Sticky money, the memories from this tour will last me a lifetime.
and Sweet’ Tour was the third Madonna tour I have seen This experience was literally a dream come true and I will
in Vegas and knew I was in for a great time. never forget it. Thanks, Madonna, for the best tour expe-
rience ever!!!
On November 8th, I was patiently waiting for the show to
begin. Then, to my surprise, Madonna’s drummer approa- Name: kevinpatosky
ched me. I had no idea what to think, so I just let him do Country: USA
all the talking! Long story short, he asked if I would switch Show:: Nov 22, Atlantic City
seats with his girlfriend, who was in the 2nd row, so she
would be able to see him on the stage better. Of course, My Sticky and Sweet tour experience was once again
I took his offer and moved up to the 2nd row. I got to shared with my wonderful wife, Jen. We took a road trip
enjoy the show up close and personal…there’s nothing from Pittsburgh, PA to Atlantic City to see our Queen of
like seeing Madonna right in front of your face! I was so the dance floor once again. Our prior travels to see Ma-
excited to be there that I danced and jumped around for donna started in 2001 where we saw the DWT in Oakland,
the entire concert. Knowing that Madonna saw me and CA. Our second experience was the RIT in Ft. Lauderdale,
recognized my enthusiasm made my experience so to- FL where we our dream came true and won pit passes.
tally amazing! Our third experience was in Atlantic City for CT and once
again for Sticky and Sweet.
At this point, I couldn’t believe my luck…in Vegas no less!
Needless to say, I was hoping my luck would continue for Our road trip was generally uneventful except for some
the concert on the 9th as well. Unfortunately, I was be- snow on the way through the mountains. It certainly hel-
ginning to lose hope when I could not get a good ticket ped that we listened to Madonna the whole way there
for the show. I usually wait till the day of the show in order (KUNT....all Madonna, all the time!) We got to Atlantic City
to score a great seat, but this time I was having no luck. I the day before the show and had some fun gambling.
hounded the box office every half hour and was turned The day of the show, we met up for dinner with one of
away empty handed each time. Shortly before 4:00 in the our fellow Madonna friends, Will. We met will during a
afternoon, I decided to try my luck one last time. Finally!!! pre-show party for the CT show and have kept in touch
A ticket on the outside aisle of the 18th row popped up. ever since. We also met up with another Madonna friend
I’m convinced it was meant for me to have this ticket, es- from the CT tour, Stacey. Plus we met some new Ma-
pecially after coming up empty handed so many times donna friends at a bar called Game On. One thing I can
prior to that moment. say about Madonna fans....they sure are a good group of
people. We have yet to come across a true Madonna fan
Once I made my way into the arena, I was very happy with who isn’t nice. I still keep in touch with other Madonna
the view from my seat. The vantage point from this loca- friends I met from prior tours.
tion was great; I was able to have a full view of both the
end stage and the main stage. The concert finally started Getting to the Boardwalk Hall started the butterflies in my
and M made her grand entrance. I knew this was my last stomach. OMG! We are finally here! After waiting nearly
time seeing this tour and I wanted to make every mo- 6 months from ticket purchase to day of the show, it was
ment last forever. Then, during the “She’s Not Me” per- a great feeling. Congregating with other Madonna fans
formance, something occurred that would only happen and talking about Madonna constantly makes the time
in my dreams……I CAUGHT MADONNA’S SUNGLASSES!!! before the show fun, fun, fun! It is great to be able to
She literally threw them right in my direction…it really freely speak about Madonna without getting the usual
was meant for me to get that ticket! Of course, nothing is looks, stares, and unapproving body language one can
ever easy and I had to wrestle someone a few seats away get from others who just don’t understand.

22 - ICON 51
Then it came time to go to our seats. We knew we would Name: Drowned_boi
be at the end of the cat walk, but didn’t know exactly Country: Canada
how many rows back we would be. Then we got the- Show: Oct 18, Toronto
re......5 rows back! WOW! Thank you ICON presale for
these primo seats! Our friend Will is right behind us and Sticky & Sweet was my fourth Madonna tour and my fa-
we are surrounded by fellow ICONERS. We definitely do it vourite to date. Don’t get me wrong I have loved every
better!!! My wife and I are wearing our «losing» tee shirts concert experience. Drowned World was a present from
from the font row contests proudly. (Maybe Madonna will my best friend and my first M concert, Re-Invention was
recognize them during the show???) We meet and greet the first tour I saw with my partner, Confessions was my
those who are around us. We also met fellow ICONER ke- first trip to NYC and what better place to hear “I Love New
nyon and his partner Ernie. Thank you guys for letting us York”, but Sticky & Sweet had something different to of-
move over a seat towards the middle! It was a wonderful fer, Madonna seemed to be the happiest I have ever seen
gesture (and you were able to sit/stand together for the her in concert! My partner and I went to Toronto for this
show.) concert, although we knew M would and has never di-
sappointed, we were worried as the concert was just days
Then the lights went down! Aaaahhhhhh! It’s her! There after the divorce was announced.
she is! Yes, I am glad I came to the Candy Shop today!
Awesome show. Her voice sounded great. Loved the We had been looking forward to this concert since I got
screens. The car coming down the cat walk. The end the tickets through ICON’s pre-sale (thanks ICON for the
stage elevating Madonna throughout the show. Such a amazing seats). This was concert was already set to be
marvel of blending technology, dance, music together. memorable, it was our first time on the floor, and we were
The production of her shows set the bar high for other 3rd row no less. Madonna was on her game that night,
performers. it was like a huge weight was lifted from her and she was
free to sing, dance and give it her all! The entire concert
Then the ultimate moment came during Ray of Light. just felt like a huge party and all eyes were on her. I have
Thankfully I am tall (6’ 3») which helps me stand out of never danced so much and sang along, loudly I might add
the crowd....literally! About the middle of the song..... (although I can’t sing) to every song. To say that there was
Madonna looked right at me and made eye contact.....3 one special moment is difficult, there were so many, from
different times!!!!!! Oh, I am melting just thinking about it! the moment she came out owning her well deserved
Plus I wonder if she recognized the tee shirt??? Oh well! throne and the stage in Candy Shop, to riding down the
We locked eyes and for those moments....nothing really catwalk in the back of car, to Vogue (those moves were
mattered to me except to live in that moment! unbelievable), to Heartbeat, Borderline, Into The Groove
(a 20 year old would have a hard time keeping up!), Like A
The rest of the show continued to dazzle and entertain. Prayer (please release that version J Hot! Hot! Hot!), to the
NO! Give it to Me is starting! It can’t be the last song! But finale with Give It 2 Me.
I made sure I jumped and sang and threw my right arm
up in the air along with Madonna and her dancers. Game Her voice was incredible, I have never heard her sing
over. so well live before, and You Must Love Me and Devil
Wouldn’t Recognize You were absolutely brilliant. I know
Then our little group of Madonna friends hung out and there were some people complaining online prior to
talked even more about our Queen: our experiences of the start of the concert about the set list, but the set list
getting close to Madonna, favorite songs/movies/videos/ could not have been more perfect, it was M at her best.
albums/etc. Again, you can’t complain about hanging Always better with age and experience (and defying age
out with people who have the same love of Madonna!!! in every way, WOW!!!). I can’t wait for the next tour! 2
hours never feels like enough, time does not go by slowly
What an exhilarating experience and worth every cent at her concerts! To top off the night I was able to take
we spent for the weekend, hotel, tickets, etc. We can re- some of the highest quality photos I have ever seen in
live the experience via you tube, since our friend Will put concert using a new camera that we bought just for that
his video’s of some of the songs he took on the site. I concert (I tried to be discrete and didn’t use the flash so
can see me and my wife at times and it is great to see that I did not distract M). The CEO of the company I work
the same view we had. Thanks Will! Now we just have for went to the concert the following night (her first M
to wait for the tour DVD and we can live in that moment concert, and from what I hear will not be her last, she had
once again. a blast and loves Madonna even more now!). And to this

ICON 51 - 23
day when she passes by my office she breaks out and sy section. Seeing and hearing the revised version of La
starts singing “Give It 2 Me, Yeah, Nothin’s Gonna Stop Me, Isla Bonita was amazing, truly something to experience! I
Now!”. With that I have a constant reminder, and of course was row 16, left floor, close to the end of the small stage
the plethora of HQ photos of this incredible night, one I and the seat was perfect! It was great to see the entire
will definitely not forget. I think some will become wall show as this was something not to be missed.
art in my house, especially the one where she laid down
on the stage in her heart shaped glasses and was looking At the end of the night, I met up with some awesome
right at us. Thank you Madonna! fellow ICONERs and then returned to find David waiting
for me outside the ACC. We waited a bit, watching the
Name: Queeny crowds pour out and again I asked that never ending
Country: Canada question and again the answer was no. We left the ACC,
Show: Oct 19, Toronto me full of excitement, I couldn’t stop talking about the
show, how amazing it was, how beautiful she looked, the
The weekend of October 19, 2008 turned out to be one costumes, the performers, everything. We ended up back
hell of a weekend! My boyfriend David surprised me with at the hotel where I showed him all the photos I took.
a trip to Toronto back in August. This was the weekend I was so excited I couldn’t sit still. Then only to realize
the Sticky & Sweet tour was to stop there so at first I thou- Monday would be our last day in Toronto so again I as-
ght something might be up with this surprise trip. We’ve ked just one more time... «Is there anything you wanted
been together 7 years now and have been talking about to do before we leave here tomorrow?» But this time, his
married. answer was different, he asked ME if there was something
I wanted him to do before we left... and before I knew it,
The girls at work said the first clue if he’s up to something he stood up, took the ring out of his pocket, got down on
will be if he doesn’t end up in the same security check-in one knee... at this point I was screaming in excitement as
line at the airport, then he must have the ring on him. So soon as I saw the ring!! I thought at fist he was joking until
off to the airport we went that Friday morning and sure I saw the ring so the rest is a bit of a blur lol. I remember
enough, we ended up in separate lines. I gave him a puzz- he teared up slightly, he told me he loved me very much
led look and he returned it with a mischievous grin. Of and then asked me to marry him. The answer was a very
course I was too busy with the officer who insisted I take excited yes!!
my belt off, I didn’t even notice what David was doing.
There I was, desperate to keep my pants from falling It was the perfect ending to a perfect evening in a perfect
down while David quickly moved through his line. So we weekend. I couldn’t have asked for anything more that ni-
made it through and now onto Toronto. The show I was ght. It was truly a night I will never forget!
attending was on Sunday so we had a couple of days to
kill before show time. We enjoyed a beautiful tour of the Name: Pit92
CN Tower that Friday night. That’s when the running joke Country: Italy
started - «Is there anything you wanted to do before we Show: Sept 6, Rome
leave here?» and of course the answer was no. We spent
Saturday shopping, exploring the city and visiting family. It’s strange when you wait for something, looking forward
On Sunday, we walked around downtown Toronto and to it with such anticipation it almost hurts. It’s strange be-
ended up at the Harbour Front. It was a very peaceful set- cause when that moment finally arrives, you can barely
ting so again I asked - «Is there anything you wanted to believe it’s really happening. For sure, that’s what hap-
do before we leave here?» His reply was again no. So I pened to me, waiting to see my first Madonna concert,
thought, maybe he would do it before the show at the last 6th September, in Rome. I’d spent the whole summer
ACC? thinking about it, all my thoughts focused towards that
day, that moment when I would see Madonna live.
So we headed to the arena and I waited with him before
show time as he was not actually attending the show with The difference between waiting for just “something” and
me. So before I went in I said again, «Are you sure, is there waiting for a Madge concert is that when the moment of
anything you wanted to do before I go in?» and again his such eager anticipation finally comes, it dissolves and di-
reply was no. So I took my seat, convinced myself this was sappears, leaving you with a nostalgic memory to cherish.
not the weekend he was going to propose and focused In fact, when the day of the Madonna concert finally co-
my attention on the brilliance that is Madonna. The show mes, you experience a roller-coaster of emotions, a buzz
was non-stop excitement! My favourite part was the Gyp- like never before, emotions that Madge gives us all every

ICON 51 - 25
time, like the first and best time. And when the concert in Rio who were forming a group of 13 people to start
is over, you’re not left with just a memory, but with great camping in the queue. We developed a shift schedule in
feelings that you can relive whenever you want to. which little groups of 3 changed turns, so that we would
all be full of energy when the show starts. We faced sun
Rome, 6th September, 2008 and rain, hungry and fatigue, just for the sake of seeing
It was a hot, sticky and magical day; the day one of my the Queen the closest as possible ! Madonna arrived in
greatest dreams came true. I didn’t know what to think or Rio at december 12th, 5:40AM. By 6:40AM she arrived on
how to feel, whether to feel on top of the world because Copacabana Palace Hotel receiving flowers. Her $17000
the moment I’d been waiting for had come at long last per night suite was decorated with the finest arts, exotic
or whether to feel kind of strange, because it was finally carpets and french-made furniture, and the view was the
time, after months of waiting, and I couldn’t believe it. best in town: Copacabana beach. Just by the end of the
The stadium was packed, I don’t I think I’ve never seen afternoon Madonna, Lourdes, Rocco and David would
so many people in one place united by the same exci- take a look outside the window, a beautiful image that
tement, the same passion, we were moved by love, and can be easily found on youtube.
that was one of the best feelings of my life.
Soon I was on the plane, it was december 12th... I was
The moment the lights dimmed, I felt something strange leaving my hometown, Fortaleza, to go to Rio de Janeiro,
and beautiful inside, the adrenaline started rushing throu- 1750 miles away. My fligh had a connection and stayed all
gh my veins, I couldn’t believe it was truly happening. The night in Salvador’s airport, I couldn’t sleep, even though
concert was awesome, Madonna was sensational and I’ve tried. I just couldn’t think of anything else besides the
poured out all the love that we give her every day, liste- show. In the morning of december 13th I arrived in Rio de
ning to her music, believing in what she does, loving her. Janeiro, went to the hotel, took a fast shower, put on my
Every time I think about the concert, I relive the incredible Brazilian Madonna T-Shirt and went to Maracana !! It was
buzz, I picture Madonna and hear the music that rocked my turn on the shift schedule. As I arrived there on the
us again and again. That night she left me something im- queue, I could see far more than 10 fan tents already there,
portant, something I’ll always carry with me, something each one sheltering about 5-10 fans !!! Oh, my !! How can
that can’t be conveyed through words, but which I’d des- this woman create such a revolution in people’s hearts?
cribe as «love». Yes, be sure she can ! People were missing jobs, leaving
children at home, forgetting all about «administration,
Because love is what we have to trust in, love is what we bills and loans» (as our very Queen said in the opening of
need, love is what makes the world go round. last tour) just to see her live. The brazilian press and
I don’t think I’ll ever stop thanking Madonna for all she the TV news were broadcasting all of this, and every
does, for giving me wonderful moments that I’ll treasure day we had exclusive news on tv, interviews with
for the rest of my life. fans, images from Maracana and so much more ! All
the country had their eyes focused on Madonna.
Name: nobreciccone1
Country: Brazil
Show: Dec 14, Rio De Janeiro The night of December 13th was long, my friends would
stay all night awake singing and dancing. No one could
The revolution started when the official announcement sleep at all. But soon the 14th came, and then the crowd
was made: Madonna was finnaly coming back to Brazil was absurd !! We could see people in Like a Virgin, Blond
after 15 years. Soon the TV was full of specials, videos, past Ambition and She’s Not Me outfits performing their par-
interviews, fans interviews and more. All the country was ticular show on the sidewalks, along with our claps and
talking about the Queen. screams. Everything was so exciting! I have already gone
to some shows in Europe, for the Re-Invention Tour back
After the hard time buying the tickets for the most awai- in 2004 and for this tour particularly, but neither had such
ted show of all times in Brazil, I could calm down and energy like Brazil, I felt like it was the very first time I would
fell happy for fulfilling my dream... but not for long. TV watch a Madonna concert. Madonna arrived at Maracana
programs were showing fans camping one week before at around 3:30PM.Seemed like all butterflies of the world
the show. When I saw this on the news I started to get were in my belly ! We could hear some sound coming
desperate thinking I would not manage to be in the very from inside... our Queen was closest to us than we could
front line of VIP area, as my plane would arrive in Rio just imagine !! But this time, she didn’t allow us to see the re-
the day before the show. So I contacted some friends hearsal, like she did 15 years ago during The Girlie Show
in Rio.

26 - ICON 51

At around 5:40 PM the gates were open, we were all run- !!!» All the 70 thousand people in the audience screamed
ning like crazies pass the gates to our sanctuary. Unfor- at one time. The ground was shaking.
tunately, the sky was gray and there was a sign of rain to
come. We were all praying it woudn’t rain... a helicopter As the next section begins, the Get Stupid video reminds
was shooting Maracana from up above, broadcasting live. me of the tragedy which occurred a few days ago in the
At round 8:30 PM, after Paul Oakenfold’s performance, the south part of Brazil, in which the rain and flood made
rain started. Even so, it didn’t make the crowd less excited, many victims and left many people homeless. It also made
but yet even more ! Some crew people were getting on me wonder about the hunger and poverty that devasta-
stage to dry the place, and I was praying «please, let no- tes my state, Ceara, in the northeast. Yes, the show has
thing happen to Madonna or her dancers!» also a moment to open our minds to what’s happening
in the world !!! Madonna is a little late and the first line of
At 8:40PM the big «M» appeared on the screens ! The show 4 minutes is sung in backstage. No problem at all ! All was
had started ! 70 thousand people were screaming so hard perfect for us. Just after Hung Up, Madonna creates a little
that we almost could not hear the music. No one felt the song and asks us to sing along with her: «Fuck the rain / it
rain. No one felt tired, despite all the days camping... Eve- has to go». «But if it won’t go / then I’ll have to stay». She
rybody felt so alive and happy and turned on !! She gave engaged in much conversation with her fans... and then
us fever !! During «Candy Shop» she was wearing a tail asked somebody to choose a song. The fan suggested
coat, different from other presentations. As soon as The «Everybody», but she declined... she asked another fan
Beat Goes On starts, she goes «All right, Rio de Janeiro» and then sang «Express Yourself».
and the public was delirious ! Crew people would still dry
the far end of the catwalk, and Human Nature was sung The show was almost ending... but not the emotion !!
under an umbrella ! She seemed to have started the show During Give it To Me, the rain ironically stops. The Queen
a little tense, but as the third song went by she just gave gets down the stage to walk closer to the fans, just by the
it up and started to smile and seemed more happy than right side of the catwalk. «C’mon Brazil, this is your last
ever with the wild audience. The show goes by despite chance» !! Two dancers get a brazilian flag that people on
the hard rain, and during She’s Not Me, Madonna took the audience were holding and start to dance with it ! Ma-
a spill and fell down flat on her ass ! She raised without donna finishes the perfect night saying «Thank you, Rio»
anybody’s help and continued to her french kiss on Like a as the Game Over sign is shown... Madonna, you truly left
Virgin bride. The crowd cheered ! During Music, she chan- an emotional and powerful memory for us Brazilians. And
ged the «never gonna stop» part for «FUCKING STOP», I know you were also touched by our warmth and our
looking at the sky. excitement. Aren’t we the best audience? Don’t you think
we deserve a DVD Live in Brazil, maybe next tour? I’m sure
During Spanish Lesson she said «All right Brazil, hablas deep down in your heart, you do. WE LOVE YOU !
espanol ?» She was also wearing different long boots
this time !! Singing Miles Away under an umbrella, Ma- I send you, Madonna, and all the ICONERS and Icon Staff,
donna asks «away, away, just go away». During Doli Doli my best wishes. A big and friendly hug to all !! May 2009
the Queen herself used a floorcloth to dry the place. She and all upcoming years be revealing and blessed to all
was very outgoing, giving kisses and showing her tongue, humans. Peace and love !
smiling a lot and even making gestures telling the people
to look at the dancer instead of looking at her !! She was Name: maddyannodam
like our childhood friend... And she felt like she’d just got- Country: Canada
ten home !! :) Shows: Oct 18 & 19, Toronto

But the most exciting and emotional part of the show My partner and I ran out to purchase tickets 4 hours be-
was yet to come. Just before You Must Love Me, Madonna fore ticketmaster openend only to find by the time they
took a time to talk to the crowd, saying it was great to opened they were not on a first come first serve basis.
come back after 15 years, and saying she was sorry for They gave us all numbers and drew the first number after
taking such a long time !! She was smiling truly and her that we all went in order. So we ended up to be eighth
eyes were sparkling. The audience screams «Madonna, in line. By the time we got to the counter there were no
Madonna...» In the end of this song, she sings «You must... floor seats available so we ended up getting four tickets
love... …» and she asks «who? who?» All the crowd shout the best were offered at the time. As we were paying for
«YOU !! YOU !!» and then she ended with different lyrics, them, OUR LADY, announced another show so right after
making her own declaration: «I MUST LOVE...... YOUUUU we puchased the origional four, we told her to give us 2

28 - ICON 51
more of the best seats available for the second show. We stage, It’s not even about what I felt when she made eye
ended up with centre floor row 21. contact with me, or when I blew her kisses every time she
was right in front of me… It’s all about how much Ma-
So we went to the first show on October 18th and took donna shines on me!
both our kids with us. We were pretty far away but it was
well worth the money. We all had a blast. The following It all started on June 17th, When trough the ICON pre sale,
night, Guy and I got ready to go oursselves. We went to I got my ticket, OMG It was second row! And all the rush
a restaraunt near the venue and of course there was all began. Now, if you ask anybody who knows me, they su-
Madonna songs being played and it just pumped us up. rely can tell, how much I talked about being so close to
It was so great. So when we get to the venue, I purchased her. I hoped she would see me, or touch me, or sweat on
a program and decided to go to our seats. me (that was too much to ask for!) I kept on telling them,
and they even got exited about it. You’re gonna die, they
Remember we have row 21. I have had row 23 at Madon- said, others said I was crazy, but Madonna was in every
na’s Re-Invention Tour...(which was totally awsome) but it interaction I had with my friends, they were exited about
was a distance away still. But anyway, when we walked it too. I couldn’t avoid not seeing the concert footage sin-
out to our floor seats, I instantly noticed there was a ca- ce the August 23rd; I even learned some of the choreo-
twalk coming out from the main stage and as we were graphy, and as the time passed I got even more exited. I
walking toward our seat I was more and more in disbeleif planned my Madonna weekend in Mexico City, I got hotel
because it turned out that row 21 centre floor was fourth reservations, and everything was ready, but, was I? At that
row centre to the catwalk and seeing the concert the ni- point I believed I was. I knew since then that the concert
ght before, I knew she did most of her concert there. was going to be amazing, but I didn’t know how amazing
it could be.
I went weak in the knees, and I was like nautious. My par-
tner was like....whats wrong? These are awsome seats!!! I Saturday night, awful traffic, radio stations played Madon-
am like I know, I know. He said why are you going to be na all the time, everybody seemed to know everything
sick? I was like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD she is going to be about Madonna, and everybody was talking about her,
able to make eye contact with me.!!!!! I was soooooo ner- even the taxi driver. I felt so proud of it, finally she is in my
vous. Keep in mind I am one of the biggest MADONNA country, and I wasn’t the only one exited about it. Finally,
fans in the world. I have a tattoo of her on my back, from the Foro sol, the stage, my seat!! OMG, I was so close to
the video BORDERLINE, which was a great treat that she the stage, I was so close to her. For a strange reason, eve-
sang that song. Both my dogs are Maddy, and Annodam, rything seemed so familiar to me, the dancers, people I
which is Madonna backwards. So just to give you an idea have seen in the DVD’s; I was calm, trying not to loose
how much of a fan I really am. control. Suddenly everything went dark, my heart was
pounding so fast, and two big M’s appeared in the cube
So for the hour before she came out I was in great disbe- in the center of the stage, tick-tack, tick-tack, and I lost
leif that I was actually going to see Madonna very very control. I started screaming and jumping like there’s no
close up and that she was going to see me as well. She tomorrow, C-A-N-D-Y and there’s she is, Madonna shining,
finally came out, the show was awsome. We made eye smiling, in my country, right in front of me.
contact alot.....she smiled at us a few times, but here is the
KICKER.........at one point she was looking at me and I blew I didn’t see the backdrop videos, nor the dancers, nor the
her a kiss, she gave me a BIG smile and winked at me. band, just Madonna, and her amazing presence. I said to
How special was that????? After the concert, i turned to myself, Dam! She is so beautiful, so pretty, and such ama-
my partner and I said...........» I can die now» HAHAHAHA. zing eyes! I was hysterical, just staring at her, watching tho-
Dream come true. Thank You Madonna :) se familiar movements, recognizing her smile; my whole
world was just her. I didn’t care about anything else. All
Name: fdo_tellez was right in time, synchronized. And I felt so grateful, and
Country: Mexico lucky to be there, because I have waited my whole life
Shows: Nov 29 & 30, Mexico City to be there in that exact place in that exact time. It was
meant to be like that. And I enjoyed every single second
Where to begin? Should I star telling when I first got my of it, until I saw her disappearing into that cube.
2nd row ticket? Or Should I star were she changed my Thank you Madonna, Everybody started crying her name,
life? It’s not about the place were I was seating, It’s not as Mexicans we are used to encores, but we had it all,
about the euphoria that I felt when she first appeared on more than I could have ever expected. And I left the Foro

ICON 51 - 29
Sol in the night of November 29th dancing and singing came to my eye. It was thrilling. So needless to say the
to holiday. I still close my eyes, and I see her looking at me night was off to a good start! We immediatly headed to
for a moment, and that thrill comes back to me, and I pray the seats. The girls were not near as anxious as I was. I had
to have the opportunity to see her again. I will keep that been on the boards for weeks trying to figure out where
moment in my heart forever. What I have left, and what my seats were and how many rows from the catwalk they
I will always have, is what I have learned from Madonna, were. I was sure I had figured out that I was about 5 rows
and all the happiness she brings into my life. She shines from the end of the walk and most likely the isle near the
on me, and I shine even more. She has brought light in boards of the rink far from the stage. I was ok with that as
my life. That is all about, all about her, all about me. The she would still be close but not as excited as some of the
only request that I have for my next life, is a Madonna in other iconers.
my life!
We got to the floor and had to be walked to our seats by
Name: Jacklyn55 an usher as I did not realize you need to show your ticket
Country: Canada again to get to where we were. I was following behind
Shows: Oct 18, Toronto them all taking it all in and not paying attention. When
the usher swung a left at the break in the floor instead
I am going to «Confess» about my night on October 18th of heading straight I caught my breath. He then stopped
2008. This was the night I saw Madonna’s «Sticky & Sweet» and showed the girls our seats. 3 rows from the catwalk
tour in the Air Canada Centre in Toronto Ontario Canada. end, inside isle seat for me. It took me a second to rea-
On October 15th I turned 30 years old. To celebrate the lize I was about 10 feet from the stage and being on the
event I was treating myself for the first time to top price isle, I would be right in her eyeline. Now if anyone knows
tickets to a Madonna show. I have seen her twice in the me they know I do not like to be the centre of attention
past (DWT and RIT) and always had the cheap seats. This or noticed at all really, well that night I did not care and
time I was going all out and getting the best I could. 2 began to jump, scream and shake making all around me
of my oldest friends decided to make the trip here from stare lol. It was almost too much to take in. The usher lo-
Edmonton Alberta to celebrate my birthday and see the ved my reaction and he asked if I was ok. I said I will be
Queen with me. and asked if she was in the building. He said she had been
for soundcheck but was not there yet for the show. I pro-
I stayed home the day of the Icon presale from work and ceeded to probe him for info on the soundcheck and if he
anxiously awaited 10am to come, so I could get my tic- saw it. He said to get comfortable as well as she would be
kets. I was so nervous as I knew what I wanted but had no more than an hour late.
idea what kind of seats Icon would provide, not to men-
tion the pressure of buying for 2 other people that were DJ Enferno came out and spun some tracks which was
counting on me to get good seats. Once 10am hit, the awesome. I sat and just people watched, I noticed a fa-
race was on and I took the 1st set of three that popped miliar face walk by to talk to someone in 1st row many ti-
up not knowing anything about stage set up, catwalks mes. Turns out it was Guy Oseary, I freaked and my friends
etc. I took Right Floor row 22 seats and just prayed Icon thought I was crazy. I said a small hi and got a smile. Turns
would come through in their promise of the best seats out he was talking to Nelly Furtado and her husband who
for the fans. That night took forever to come. We headed were sitting only 2 rows in front of us... very cool!! 9:20
downtown with the Immaculate Collection on in the car. came and the lights finally went down. I truly thought I
I knew I was in trouble when «Cherish» came on in the would pass out. When she came out I knew that she did
restaurant we ate at and I burst into tears. It all just hit not come down the catwalk until the 2nd song so I just
me at that moment. I finally had floor seats to an M show, tried to keep calm. There were a lot of exec types around
something I waited 20 years for and dreamed about while us and not super fans but I did not care that night, I dan-
growing up in Alberta. ced and screamed and jumped like there was no tomor-
We got to the arena at about 7pm and immediately went
and bought our souvieniers. This was also a huge deal When she made her way down that cat walk and I saw
for me. Over the past year I have lost over 100 lbs and her up close for the 1st time it was so cool. She was there,
to do that I worked out to Madonna music everyday. The Madonna! An icon, someone you never really think will be
day had finally come that I could buy a Madonna tshirt! I right in front of you, it was surreal. She did all the songs
was so excited and got the black and rainbow tour shirt I love most, Like a Prayer was always my favorite and the
and... the track jacket! When I zipped up that jacket a tear new version was awesome. Devil Wouldn’t recognize you

ICON 51 - 31

was so beautifal as well! What made this night the best of I couldn’t get the time off work in a new job to see her
my life to date was in the 2nd half. She was not making concert.
much eye contact with anyone around us and I was ok
with that. I mentioned before losing a large amount of In the past, I had never paid more than $150 for a ticket
weight this year. I spent my whole life being fat and this and after seeing her Re-Invention Tour, I knew the next
year I finally changed that and Madonna’s dedication to time I saw her I had to pay full price so that I could be as
her health was a big inspiration to me. I was singing and close as possible to Madonna. Imagine my surprise earlier
dancing at a concert that a year ago I would have just this year when I found out she would be in Vancouver on
stood and tried to hide. My family lives with my blaring October 30th, which is a 90 minute plane ride from where
music everynight coming out of the basement while I I live. I knew when the tickets were released, that I would
work out so they all know «Hard Candy» by heart and the get one for myself since most of my other friends would
Live Earth version of «La Isla Bonita» that I dance to over think I was crazy spending so much money on one ticket.
and over. When the tickets were released to the general public on
May 24th(remember non ICON at the time), I was at my
What no one knew was that my personal anthem was computer an hour beforehand to make sure my ticket-
Ray of Light, I would listen to that song everyday to keep master account was logged into, my contact information
going. During the show I was thrilled that she was per- was up to date and that I was on the ticket page ready
forming it at the end of the catwalk. I was so excited to to go. What happened next is something that I wouldn’t
hear it and be up close for it that I danced and jumped wish on anyone but I know some of you have had it hap-
my butt off, and she noticed because low and behold I pen to you. I kept re-freshing my internet explorer page
got a look from her and a big smile right eye to eye!!!! about 2 minutes before 10am to make sure I got in as
Any other song and I would have been thrilled, but for it soon as the «Find Tickets» icon became active.
to have been during ROL it was surreal. It was a moment
that meant so much just because I have been a fan for 20 To my horror, as soon as 10am rolled around, my account
years and that this was the end of a big year of my life and was locked out because I had hit the refresh key too many
the begining of a new me in my thrities. It was perfect, times. I started to panic and stress out like you wouldn’t
she has no idea how much that meant to me, and how believe. I immediately went and deleted my cookies and
much it inspired me to keep going! internet history and by the time that happened, it was
already 10:10am. As soon as I was able to get back on the
We got home that night too pumped to sleep and loo- ticket page, I put in my request for one ticket and imme-
ked at the amazing pictures I took over and over. I wear diately bought the 1st $350 ticket that came up, which
my tshirt and jacket out as much as I can and love when was an aisle seat(closer to the $165 A1 section) in Section
people ask about the show so I can tell the story about A2, Row 14. About 2 weeks before the concert I decided
the best night of my life! to go on the internet to see what kind of seats were being
offered and luckily I found one being sold for cost in Sec-
Name: Stutay tion A4, Row 21 from an ICON member whose friend had
Country: Canada dropped out at the last minute. I knew I was in for a good
Show: Oct 30, Vancouver seat when I got the ticket and it had the code «FAN» in
the upper right hand corner vs. the «ADULT» that was on
Well, where do I begin? Forgive me ICON for I have sin- my initial ticket.
ned, I have only been an ICON member since Novem-
ber of 2008 and that was after I saw Madge in concert I had heard rumors about the catwalk stage and how far
in Vancouver, BC on October 30th. I have been a fan of it came out from the main stage, but this had only been
Madonna for quite a while, starting back in the 80’s when reports from people who had seen Madonna in a smaller
I was a teenager. I’ve always liked her music and her chan- arena, vs. the 60,000 person capacity BC Place stadium.
ging styles, and I always thought I would love to see her I flew to Vancouver on the afternoon of October 30th
in concert if she ever came my way to Western Canada. and at least 1/2 the passengers on the plane were going
In 2001, I decided that I had to fly somewhere to see her to the concert, and I checked into my hotel. I was only
live for the 1st time, and I did so with the Drowned World about 10 blocks away from BC Place so I decided to walk
Tour in Las Vegas during the Labor Day weekend. I got as there were many people doing the same thing. You
hooked and went to see her Re-Invention Tour in Los An- could feel the electricity in the air walking up to BC Place.
geles in 2004 with my sister and her best friend. I was mad People were lining up to get in, bars around the stadium
at myself in 2006 when she did her Confessions Tour and were blasting out Madonna’s music and they had even

32 - ICON 51

setup outdoor screens that were playing her videos. Once eyes vs. binoculars (which I’ve had to use in past concerts
through the doors, I knew before I went to my seat, I had because I was so far away from the stage). She was defi-
to buy my concert merchandise. You would have thought nitely having a fun night because she was smiling all over
with the crowds of people and everyone pushing their the place and the audience gave her all they had. It felt
way to the front of the line, that Madonna herself was sel- like she was on stage for 30 minutes because everything
ling the merchandise. After 20 minutes of trying to fight was moving so quickly and I just couldn’t believe it was
off the crowds, I finally got my t-shirt and headed to my all over when she was singing «Give It To Me» and then
seat. The stadium staff were very disorganized and I had she left the stage and the words «Game Over» came on
3 of them telling me something different of how I was the screen. I think this was the 1st concert where I didn’t
supposed to get down to the floor section. After about sit down once for the entire 2 hours and I think there was
15 minutes of passing by the same exit to go downstairs, I so much adrenaline pumping through my body that my
was finally on the floor walking out to my seat. legs didn’t feel sore until I got back to my hotel room. It
took a while to walk from one end of the stadium on the
By this time, the DJ on the stage was just finishing his set floor to get back outside and by the time I got back to
but a lot of people weren’t really paying attention to him. my hotel room, it was close to midnight. As you can ima-
I finally got to my Section (A4) and felt weak at the knees gine, I didn’t sleep much that night and I had to get to the
when I saw the stage and where Row 21 was. I almost airport for an 9am flight home the next morning.
started to cry when I realized that this row was the front
row of the catwalk and I was 8 seats away from the center I feel very fortunate to have been so close to Madonna
of the stage. There were 2 girls already sitting beside me as I know not many people get an opportunity like this.
and one of them happened to be the ICONER who sold I hope that she will continue performing and touring
me the seat. There were so many words that I wanted to because it doesn’t matter how old she is, her shows are
say to her but I think the look on my face said it all and always a visual spectacle and she puts 110% effort into
she said, «I know exactly how you feel». I was able to meet her performances. Lastly, I would have to say a big thank
with the other people around me who were also ICON you to my fellow ICONERS for being so nice and fun at
members and couldn’t believe what great seats they the concert. Because of the experience I had, I am now a
had. proud member of ICON since November 1st, 2008.

By this time, it was about 7:40pm and people were still Name: shanejeff
walking around, taking pictures, etc. and not too much Country: Canada
was happening. By 8:30pm, the majority of people were Show: Oct 30, Vancouver
in their seats and the crowd excitement was at a fever
pitch. Being that close to the stage we could see the floor Seeing Madonna in Vancouver was one of the most ma-
managers walking around, cameramen taking their posi- gical experiences of my life. It was great to see her in my
tion and the anticipation was killing me. I think I counted own country, I live in Calgary AB, but flew out to Vancou-
about 3 times that the group around us stood up from ver with my boyfriend for the event. This was the 4th time
our seats because we thought we saw something that I have seen Madonna live, I was fortunate to be able to
meant the concert was going to start but it was always a see one show on each of the last 4 tours. Each concert ex-
false alarm. You could hear the stadium getting impatient perience is special to me for different reasons. For Sticky
as well, cheering, calling out Madonna’s name and then & Sweet, never before were so many of my friends able
finally it happened. to get tickets and share the experience with me. Sticky &
Sweet was also special because of the great seats I obtai-
At approximately 9:25pm, the lights went down and the ned through the ICON pre-sales. I was with my boyfriend
volume went up. It had finally happened, the concert was and 2 friends, on the floor, in section B2 so close to the
starting and we all leapt to our seats as the stage turned stage!
around and there was Madonna, draped over the throne
to the 1st couple of beats of Candy Shop. I won’t bore you The city was alive with excitement over Madonna’s visit, it
with every song she sung because if you were at any of was her first visit to the city of Vancouver. As we walked
her concerts, you know what she did. to the venue, the streets were filled with people on their
What I will say is that at the times when she was at the way to the show. My friend Charles dressed up in full Like
front of the catwalk, I had to stop dancing because I was A Virgin drag, later we saw footage of him on the evening
just in awe of how close I was to the stage, how close she news. As we made our way through the doors into the
was to me and how beautiful she looked with my own venue, I teared up, I was overwhelmed with a happiness

34 - ICON 51
and joy that only Madonna can stir up in me. We headed being transferred from the stage to the audience and vice
to the merchandise booth. The selection of souvenirs for versa. It was a room filled with light and love. When it
this show was so fun, I really enjoyed the candy theme. was all over my voice was hoarse and my body was wet
There were special t-shirts for this show that read: Madon- with sweat, I was satisfied. Madonna gave another thril-
na Gives It 2 Vancouver, of course I had to have one. It’s ling show and I had been a part of it. Nothing can take
my favorite shirt now and I wear it with pride. that away from me. It will be a cherished memory for the
rest of my life. Thank you Madonna!
We made our way to our seats, and again I teared up a
little, I could not believe how close I was to the stage. We Name: froste
got water and settled into our spots, then began talking Country: Denmark
to all the people around us. Everyone wanted to take Shows: Aug 23, Cardiff - Sept 11, London - Sept 20 & 21,
Charles picture, and he of course was loving that. Guy Paris
Oseary walked right by us, I was frozen for a second, he
was only 5 feet from me! I took a quick snapshot and then Madonna sings ‘time goes by so slowly for those who
he was gone. There was an energy in the air, an electri- wait’ (in not 1, but 2 songs!), but never has the opposite of
city of excitement, and I felt it running through my body. that phrase been so true also! The Sticky & Sweet Tour has
When the lights went off and the show began the arena whizzed by so quickly for me, both from actually atten-
erupted in cheers. I was screaming and cheering, eyes ding 4 European shows, and also following the Tour via
glued to the stage. Then she was there! She was on her ICON and the web. I can’t believe it is nearly over, because
throne, looking and sounding amazing. in my mind, it has only just begun, and my own personal
experiences feel like only yesterday!
I love the Hard Candy album, and was so excited to see
the songs being performed. The dancing was so fresh My experiences on the Sticky & Sweet Tour have far
and fun. The cheekiness of Candy Shop was a thrill. When outweighed my memories of previous Madonna Tours (I
Madonna started into Human Nature, rocking out on her have seen all since The Girlie Show). Why? Well this sum-
guitar I was in heaven! It’s a great song, and she is just so mer’s Tour has been a rich tapestry of life-changing ex-
punk rock. When Madonna is on stage, my eyes are on her. periences and it is thanks to Madonna, her creative team,
I cannot look away, she is so beautiful. I think Madonna Live Nation & ICON that this has been the case. That is not
is at her best on stage, and seeing her do what she does to belittle previous tours, hell no! I was fortunate to get
best is like nothing else on this earth. She can command ‘Hot Ticket’ passes to the opening night in Cardiff and the
her audience like no other performer. She had us singing Wembley show. The excitement building up to the ope-
along, jumping up and down, dancing and cheering. She ning night was over-whelming. I felt like a kid waiting for
owned us for those 2 hours, she was our queen, we were Santa Claus coming.....and sharing my mutual excitement
her loyal subjects and we loved it. with people from far and wide on ICON not only made
the anticipation for this show more electric, but finally I
The song selection for this show was impeccable, the mix was relating with like-minded followers of Madonna’s
of classic songs with the new were perfect. I felt like each music. These are people who appreciate Madonna’s crea-
section worked so well, each one was so different, it was tivity, her vision and her sheer talent as much as I do.
like seeing several shows in one. Madonna took us to her
candy shop, to old school new york, to a gypsy village The night before Cardiff many ICONers met up, and we
and to a rave. For the request section of the show Ma- had a blast...exchanging stories over drinks, discussing
donna asked us what we wanted to sing. Everyone was rumours of what was going to happen in the show...and
shouting something. I shouted Dress You Up! She heard how much we were going to spend on merchandise!!
Like A Virgin from a girl at the front and was into that. So That night, it was like countdown (tick-tock-tick-tock) to
she sang the first line and we sang the next. I got goo- the big event. A 34 year old man lying in bed, unable
sebumps hearing 50 thousand people singing along. We to sleep.....waiting...anticipating.....and I could not wait
were singing with Madonna! Even though I was amongst forever! And then THE DAY ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!! I threw back
the crowd, it felt like such an intimate moment. Only Ma- the covers with excitement, could barely shave without
donna can do that. I was up on my feet the whole time, cutting myself, and raced to the ticket offices to get my
when Give It 2 Me started I was wet with sweat. That song Hot Ticket passes. There in the queue several hundred
gets me pumped up every time. It was so great live, be- fans from far & wide waited....I came from Denmark, but
coming an anthem for all of us. Madonna was giving it there were Australians, Italians, Hispanics, Americans..........
to us and we were giving it right back to her. Energy was indeed, every nation had come together! The excitement

ICON 51 - 35
was frenetic and we could not believe the opening night time to songs that feel more familiar than my own self?
was here....and we were going to witness it. The first in This was the ‘sweet’ part....the fans were being treated to a
the world to do so...what a privilege! celebratory journey through Madonna’s career.

That entire day brought out so many experiences - the Yet there it was...each song – devastatingly forceful, intri-
excitement of getting the merchandise before the show cate and the roars of the fellow fans around me showed
(and boy, did I buy merchandise!), the set-list on the Pro- without question that the person performing in front of
gramme letting us know what ‘treats’ were in store in us had truly earned her right to be on that stage and to
Madonna’s musical Candy Store, meeting many ICONers be the most famous face on the planet. I could wax lyrical
who I only knew through cyberspace (and making true about the show all day....and I do with my friends. But
friendships in those hours of waiting) Finally shortly af- hearing Like A Prayer in all its might and force, I think it
ter 4pm, it was time for the Hot Ticket attendees were let was one of those most perfect musical moments ever. It
in. YAYYYYYYYYYYY.....as we made our way in we were felt pure and compelling. The urgent messages on the
stopped.....Madonna was rehearsing Ray Of Light. We screens, the intense dancing......it just locked me.
went willlllllllllllllldddd!! Singing along, listening intently
and dying to see through those black curtains, but no, The ‘Game Over’, I stood there.....did I just see what I saw?
we had to wait....as all good children must! The she sang Was Like A Prayer really that amazing? Did Get Stupid
You Must Love Me.....not many dry eyes around me. Was really affect me the way it did? And who the hell was so
it hearing such a poignant song from the emotive climax creative to take lyrics from a fun album and turn them
of Evita? Was it the fact we knew we were close to Ma- into a hard-hitting political message??!! I suddenly ‘got’
donna? Who can say...it meant different things for diffe- the meaning of Hard Candy....it did kick me in the ass. It
rent people....but the one common denominator was.....a took me days to come down from my euphoria and what
lot of love was there, and we were united because of that made it more special was that I was able to share my ex-
exquisite voice. periences with my fellow ICONers. Moreover, I had the
excitement of London (where again I got to meet more
Then after what seemed like an eternity, we were let ICONers and got a front row place) and laughed with Ma-
in! OMG.....the excitement of racing towards the front.... donna as she forgot words to songs and then reacted to
of being at the front...of knowing in a matter of hours I a fan request for Gambler saying ‘’honey I can’t remember
was going to be close to Madonna! Before the show Guy the words to that one....hell I can’t even remember the
O’Seary walked by and we got chatting. I told him I was lyrics to my songs tonight!’’. Hilarious, and she showed
attending 4 shows and he thanked me for my support. such great humour. In Paris, in the Pelouse Or I never saw
He seemed genuinely appreciative o my loyalty, my love Madonna look so happy to be on stage. By the end of
of the new Confessions book......I felt as if this alone has my 4th show I was feeling deflated...my sugar rush was
made the day worthwhile!!!!!!!!!!!. Then the show...........it over for another Tour, and I had this lingering feeling that
passed by like a ray of light, but yet every minute seems the best of the Sticky & Sweet Tour had not even been
slowed down. Paradox, yet it makes such sense to me. realised. How I yearned for more!
There Madonna was on stage....magnificent, luminous...
and in control. I couldn’t believe I was there in front of The overall experience for me was so much more sweet
my idol....the closest I had ever been. And as Candy Shop than sticky. Not only have I witnessed my musical ICON at
kicked in, I felt a wave of anxious release come over me. her creative prime, but I have made so many great friends
All those months of countdown finally here.....and I could travelling down this road with whom I can look back on
relax and enjoy myself. My journey from Copenhagen to this Tour and share my memories. It is thanks to ICON
Cardiff - to the front row....a trek, a sabbatical, a religious I have virtually been to every show, and I have smiled
experience. It was all those things for me and more. with relish as I shared with other fans their experiences
at shows, of Madonna speaking to them, of audiences
I felt a shiver on my back and water in my eyes. I was showing their love. What magic.
home. So much has been said about the show already,
and I don’t want to appraise each and every song more Thank you Madonna, and thank you ICONers for making
than what has already been said. The creative structure of this Tour the sweetest yet!
show just smacked me in the face.....a song representing
each era of Madonna’s musical career, such innovative
and fresh musical arrangements – how can Madonna and
her team keep re-creating something more fresh each

ICON 51 - 37

How long have you been in love with Madonna?

What is your favourite Madonna memory?

Favourite items in your collection?

How important is Madonna in your alldays life?

would they be?

If Madonna would grant you 3 wishes, which ones

Time for you to leave Madonna a personal message:

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