Moving Charges Final

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6. A current carrying power line carries current

C. U .Q from west to east .The direction of magnetic
field 1m above is
1) north to south 2) south to north
MAGNETIC FIELD DUE TO 3) east to west 4) west to east
STRAIGHT CONDUCTOR 7. Magnetic lines of force due to a straight
1. The work done in moving a unit n-pole round conductor carrying current are
a conductor carrying current in a circle of 1) Straight lines 2) Elliptical
radius 10cm is w. The work done in moving it 3) Circular 4) Parabolic
in a circle of radius 20cm is. 8. A current ‘i’ flows along an infinitely long
1) w 2) 2w 3) w/2 4) 4w straight conductor. If r is the perpendicular
2. A current I flows along an infinitely long distance of a point, very far from the ends of
straight thin walled tube. The magnetic the conductor then the magnetic induction B
induction at a point inside the tube at a is given by
distance r from its wall is
µ0 2i µ0 i
µ 2I 2I 1) B = 2) B =
1) Infinite 2) Zero 3) o . 4) 4π r 4π r
4π r r
3. A long straight thin conductor has a current µ0 π i µ 2π i
3) B = 4) B = 0
of ’i’ ampere. The magnetic induction B away 4π r 4π r
from the conductor at a distance ‘r’ from its 9. A current ‘i’ flows along an infinitely long
axis varies as shown in straight conductor. If ‘r’ is the perpendicular
B B distance of a point from the lower end of the
conductor, then the magnetic induction B is
given by
1) 2)
µ0 2i µ0 i
r r 1) B = 2) B =
(0, 0) (0, 0) 4π r 4π r
B B µ0 π i µ 2π i
3) B = 4) B = 0
4π r 4π r
10. A long straight wire of circular cross-section
3) 4)
r r carries a current along its length. On the axis
(0, 0) (0, 0) inside the wire, it follows that
4. A current carrying wire produces in the 1) strength of electric and magnetic fields are
neighbourhood zero
1) Electric and magnetic fields 2) strength of electric field is zero but magnetic
2) Electric field only field is non-zero
3) Magnetic field only 3) strength of electric and magnetic fields is non-
4) No field zero
5. A vertical straight conductor carries a 4) strength of electric field is non-zero but
current vertically upwards. A point P lies to magnetic field is zero
the east of it at a small distance and another BIOT-SAVART LAW AND ITS
point Q lies to the west at the same distance. APPLICATIONS
The magnetic field at P is 11. Magnetic field at a point on the line of current
1) Greater than at Q 2) Same as at Q carrying conductor is
3) Less than at Q 1) maximum 2) infinity
4) Greater or less than at Q depending upon the 3) zero 4) finite value
magnetic field of the current.

12. If a long hollow copper wire carries a current, 20. A length of wire carries a steady current. It is
then the magnetic field produced will be first bent to form a circular coil of one turn.
1) Inside the pipe only The same length is now bent more sharply to
2) Outside the pipe only
give a loop of two turns of smaller radius. The
3) Neither inside nor outside the pipe.
magnetic field at the centre caused by the
4) Both inside and outside the pipe.
same current now will be
13. The magnetic fielddB due to a small current 1) a quarter of its first value
element dl at a distance r and carrying 2) same as that of the first value
current ‘i’ is 3) four times the first value
4) double of its first value
µ0  dl × r  µ0 2  dl × r 
1) dB = i   2) dB = i   21. A charge ‘e’ moves round a circle of radius
4π  r  4π  r 2 
‘r’ with a uniform speed ‘v’. The magnitude

µ0 2 dl × r  
µ0 dl × r  of the magnetic induction at the centre of the
3) dB = 4π i  r  4) dB = 4π i  r 3  circle is
   
14. For a given distance from a current element, 1) µo ev/4 π r 2) µo ev/4 π r 2
the magnetic induction is maximum at an angle 3) µo ev/4 π r 3 4) µo er/4 π ν
measured with respect to axis of the current 22. An electron of charge e moves in a circular
carrying conductor. orbit of radius r round a nucleus the magnetic
1) 3π /4 2) π /4 3) π /2 4) 2π field due to orbit motion of the electron at
15. If we double the radius of a current carrying the site of the nucleus is B. The angular
coil keeping the current unchanged ,the velocity ω of the electron is
magnetic field at its centre
1) becomes four times 2) doubled µ eB µ eB
1) ω = 0 2) ω = 0
3) remains unchanged 4) halved 4π r πr
16. A current carrying coil is placed with its plane
in the magnetic meridian of the earth. When 4π rB 2π rB
3) ω= 4) ω=
seen from the east side a clockwise current is µ 0e µ 0e
set up in the coil.The magnetic field at its 23. A particle of charge q and mass m moves in a
centre will be directed towards
circular orbit of radius r with angular speed
1) north 2) south 3) west 4) east
17. A unit N-pole is placed on the axis of a circular ω .The ratio of the magnitude of its magnetic
coil carrying current in anti-clockwise moment to that of its angular momentum
direction. It experiences a force depends on
1) towards the coil 1) ω : q 2) ω q : m 3) q : 2m 4) ω : m
2) perpendicular to the coil 24. A loosely wound helix made of stiff wire is
3) inclined to axis mounted vertically with the lower end just
4) parallel to the coil. touching a dish of mercury when a current
18. If we double the radius of the coil keeping
from the battery is started in the coil through
the current through it unchanged,the magnetic
field on its axis at very very far away points the mercury
1) becomes four times 2) is doubled 1) the wire oscillates
3) remains unchanged 4) halved 2) the wire continues making contact
19. Two concentric circular loops of radii r1 and 3)the wire breaks contact just when the current
r2 carry clockwise and anticlockwise currents is passed
i1 and i2 . If the centre is a null point, i1 /i2 must 4) the mercury will expand by heating due to
be equal to passage of current
1) r2 /r1 2) r2 2 /r1 2 3) r1 2 /r2 2 4) r1 /r2

25. Two very thin metallic wires placed along X 28. Match the following and find the correct pairs.
and Y axes carry equal currents as shown AB List-I
and CD are lines at 450 with the axes having a) Fleming’s left hand rule
origin at O the magnetic field will be zero on b) Right hand thumb rule
the line c) Biot-Savart law
d) Fleming’s right hand rule
C B e) Direction of induced current
I f) Magnitude and direction of magnetic
x induction
O g) Direction of force due to magnetic
A induction
h) Direction of magnetic lines due to current
1) a-g, b-e, c-f, d-h
1) AB 2) CD
2) a-g, b-h, c-f, d-e
3) straight segment OB only of line AB
3) a-f, b-h, c-g, d-e
4) straight segment OC only of line CD
4) a-h, b-g, c-e, d-f
26. A positively charged particle enters at the
middle as shown in Fig. with speed 105 m/s will
29. The reduction factor of a tangent
bend galvanometer may be defined as the current
passing through it to produce a deflection of
1) 90° 2) 45° 3) 30° 4) 60°
30. A tangent galvanometer is taken from
3A 1A
equator to the north pole. During this the
sensitivity of the tangent galvanometer
a V 1) decreases because its reduction factor
d/2 d/2 decreases
2) increases because its reduction factor
1) towards 1 A wire
2) upwards the plane of wires
3) decreases because its reduction factor
3) towards 3 A wire
4) down wards the plane of wires
4) increases because its reduction factor
27. Net magnetic field at the center of the circle
o due to a current through loop ABC as shown
31. In a tangent galvanometer, the circular coil is
in figure is ( θ < 1800 )
unwound and rewound to have twice the
A previous radius. As a result of this the
reduction factor (K) of the tangent
galvanometer is
θ O
C 1) unaffected 2) doubled
3) quadrupled 4) halved
B 32. The sensitivity of a tangent galvanometer
1) zero 2) perpendicular to paper inwards increases if
3) perpendicular to paper outwards 1) number of turns decreases
4) perpendicular to the paper inwards if θ ≤ 900 2) number of turns increases
3) field increases
and perpendicular to paper outwards if
4) number of turns remains same.
900 ≤ θ ≤ 1800

33. The plane of the coil of tangent galvanometer 41. A charge moving with velocity V in X direction
is parallel to the magnetic meridian is subjected to a field of magnetic induction
1) to avoid the influence of earth’s magnetic in the negative X direction.As a result the
field. charge will
2) to increase the magnetic field due to the 1) remain unaffected
current in the coil. 2) start moving in a circular path in y-z plane
3) retard along X - axis
3) to make earth’s magnetic field perpendicular
4) move along a helical path around X - axis
to that due to the current in the coil.
42. The mono energetic beams of electrons
4) for some other reason. moving along +y direction enter a region of
34. The galvanometer constant of a tangent uniform electric and magnetic fields. If the
galvanometer depends upon beam goes straight through these
1) earth’s magnetic field simultaneously then field B and E are directed
2) current in the coil respectively along
3) magnetic field of the coil 1) -y axis and -z axis 2)+z axis and -x axis
4) deflection of the magnetic needle 3) + x axis and - x axis 4)-x axis and -y axis
35. The sensitiveness of tangent galvanometer 43. An α - particle moves from E to W in a
will be maximum if deflection in it is tending magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of
to .....and reading is accurate for θ = ...... the paper and into the paper. The particle is
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 deflected towards
1) 0 ,45 2) 30 , 0 3) 45 , 0 4) 60 ,45 1) East 2) West 3) South 4) North
36. A tangent galvanometer of reduction factor 44. A positively charged particle falls vertically
1A is placed with plane of its coil perpendicular downwards. The horizontal component of
to the magnetic meridian when a current of earth’s magnetic field will deflect it towards
1A is passed through it. The deflection 1) West 2) East 3) South 4) North
produced is 45. An electron and a proton enter a magnetic
1) 450 2) Zero 3) 300 4) 600 field with equal velocities. The particle that
FORCE ON A MOVING CHARGE experiences more force is
1) electron 2) proton
IN MAGNETIC FIELD 3) both experience same force
37. An electric charge in uniform motion produces 4) it cannot be predicted.
1) an electric field only 46. An electron and a proton enter a magnetic
2) a magnetic field only field at right angle to the field with same
3) both electric and magnetic fields. kinetic energy. The correct statement is
4) no such field at all 1) trajectory of electron is less curved
38. The force acting on a charge ‘q’ moving with 2) trajectory of proton is less curved
a velocity V in a magnetic field of induction 3) both are equally curved
B is given by 4) both move along straight line paths
47. A charged particle moving in a magnetic field
q Vx B ur ur experiences a resultant force
1) 2) 3) q ( Vx B) 4) (V . B )q 1) in the direction opposite to that of the field.
Vx B q
2) in the direction opposite to that of its velocity
39. A magnetic field exerts no force on
3) in the direction perpendicular to both field
1) a stream of electrons & its velocity
2) a stream of protons 4) in the direction parallel to the field
3) unmagnetised piece of iron 48. An electron of mass ‘m’ is accelerated
4) stationary charge. through a potential difference of V and then
40. If the direction of the initial velocity of a it enters a magnetic field of induction B.
charged particle is neither along nor normal to the lines of force. Then the radius
perpendicular to that of the magnetic field, of the circular path is
then the orbit will be
1) a straight line 2) an ellipse 2eV 2) 2Vm 2Vm 2Vm
1) 3) 4)
3) a circle 4) a helix. m eB 2 eB e2 B

49. Among the following, one characteristic is 57. A uniform electric field and a uniform
independent of the angle between V and B magnetic field exist in a region in the same
direction An electron is projected with
1) Momentum velocity pointed in the same direction the
2) Radius of helical path electron will
3) Angular speed 4) Both 1 and 2. 1) turn to its right 2) turn to its left
50. A charged particle enters into a uniform 3) keep moving in the same direction but its speed
magnetic field the parameter that remains will increase
constant is 4) keep moving in the same direction but its speed
1) velocity 2) momentum will decrease
3) kinetic energy 4) angular velocity 58. Imagine that you are seated in a room and
51. A free charged particle moves through a there is a uniform magnetic field pointing
magnetic field. The particle may undergo a vertically down wards in it at the centre of
change in the room an electron is projected horizontally
1) speed from left to right with a certain speed. Discuss
2) energy the speed and the path of the electron in this
3) direction of motion field
4) magnitude of the velocity 1) electron moves in anticlockwise path
52. An electron is projected parallel to electric 2) electron moves in clockwise path
and uniform magnetic fields acting 3) electron moves left wards
simultaneously in the same direction .The 4) electron moves right wards
electron 59. A charged particle with charge q enters a
1) gains kinetic energy region of constant uniform and mutually
→ →
2) loses kinetic energy orthogonal fields E a n d B with a velocity
3) moves along circular path → → →
4) moves along a parabolic path v perpendicular to both E a n d B and comes
53. A charged particle is moving with velocity ‘V’ out without any change in magnitude and
in a magnetic field of induction B. The force →
on the particle will be maximum when direction of v . Then
1) V and B are in the same direction →
→ → 2 →
→ → 2
2) V and B are in Opposite direction 1) v =  E × B  / B 2) v = B× E / B
3) V and B are perpendicular    
4) V and B are at an angle of 405 →
→ → 2 →
→ → 2
54. If electron velocity is 2i+4j and it is subjected 3) v =  E × B  / E 4) v = B× E / E
to magnetic field of 4k, then its    
1) speed will change 2) path will change 60. An electron of charge e, revolves round in an
3)velocity is Constant 4) momentum is Constant orbit of radius r with a uniform angular
55. A proton moving with a velocity V is acted velocity ω . The magnetic dipole moment of
the electron in the orbit is
upon by electric field E and magnetic field B.
The proton will move undeflected if 1) eω r / 2 2) eω r 2 / 2 3) eω 2 r / 2 4) eω 2r 2 / 2
1) E is perpendicular to B and E parallell to V 61. A proton and a deuteron are projected with
2) E is parallel toV and perpendicular to B same speeds normal to a uniform magnetic
3) E and B both are parallel to V field. Which of the following statements is/
4) E, V and B are mutually perpendicular and are true
V = E/B a) The ratio of their respective time periods
56. A proton and an alpha particle enter into a is 1 : 2
uniform magnetic field with the same b) The ratio of their respective angular
velocity.The period of rotation of the alpha momenta about the centres of their circular
particle will be path is 1 : 4
c) The ratio of their respective radii of their
1) four times that of proton
circular paths is 1 : 2
2) two times that of proton
1) only a 2) only c
3) three times that of proton 3) only a, b 4) All are true
4) same as that of proton

62. If a charged particle is projected perpendicular FORCE BETWEEN TWO PARALLEL

to a uniform magnetic field, then a) it CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS
revolves in circular path 67. Two coplanar circular coils of equal radius
b) its K.E. remains constant carrying currents i1 , i2 in opposite directions
c) its momentum remains constant are at a large distance ‘d’. The distance from
d) its path is spiral the first coil where the resultant magnetic
1) only a, b are correct 2) only a, c are correct induction is zero is
3) only b, d are correct 4) only a, d are correct
d d d
63. When a positively charged particle enters a d 1
uniform magnetic field with uniform velocity, 1) 1 + i2 2) 1 + i2 3) 1 +  i2  4) 1 +  i2 

its trajectory can be i1 i1  i1   i1 

a) a straight line b) a circle c) a helix
68. A rectangular loop carrying current I is
1) a only 2) a or b
located near an infinite long straight
3) a or c 4) any one of a, b and c conductor carrying current I as shown in the
FORCE ON A CURRENT figure. The loop,
64. A circular coil of wire carries a current. PQ is i
a part of very long wire carrying a current
and passing close to the circular coil. if the
directions of currents are those shown in 1) remain stationary
figure, then the direction of the force acting 2) is attracted towards the wire
on PQ is 3) is repelled away from the wire
4) will rotate about an axis parallel to the wire
69. Two streams of protons move parallel to each
other in the same direction. They will
1) attract each other 2) repel each other
3) neither attract nor repel 4) rotate
70. Two streams of electrons are moving parallel
1) parallel to PQ, towards p to each other in the same direction. They
2) parallel to PQ, towards Q 1) attract each other2) repel each other
3) at right angles to PQ, to the right 3) cancel the electric field of each other
4) at right angles to PQ, to the left 4) cancel the magnetic field of each other
65. A conductor AB of length l carrying a current 71. A light body is hanging at the lower end of a
i is placed perpendicular to a long straight vertical spring. On passing current in the
conductor XY carrying a current l, as shown. spring, the body
the force on AB will act 1) rises up 2) goes down
Y 3) no change 4) oscillates up & down
72. A current carrying wire is placed along east
A i B and west in a magnetic field directed north
wards. If the current in the wire is directed
l/2 east wards, the direction of force on the wire
X is
1) along x to y 2) along y to x 1) due west 2) due south
3) to the right 4) to the left 3) vertically upwards 4) vertically downwards
66. A conducting circular loop of radius r carries 73. Two parallel, long wires carry currents i1 &
a constant current I it is placed in a uniform i2 (i1 >i2 ) when the currents are in the same
magnetic field B such that B is perpendicular direction, the magnetic induction at a point
to the plane of the loop the magnetic force midway between the two wires is X. If the
acting on the loop is direction of i2 is reversed, the magnetic
1) B I R 2) 2π ( B I R ) induction becomes 2x, then i1 / i2 is
3) zero 4) π (B I R ) 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

74. Two straight long conductors AOB and COD 80. Tangent law is applicable to a dipole placed in
are perpendicular to each other and carry ur ur
two magnetic fields B and Bo when
currents i1 and i2 . The magnitude of magnetic ur ur
induction at a point P at a distance a from the 1) B = Bo
point O in the direction perpendicular to the ur
2) B and Bo are perpendicular to each other
plane ABCD is ur
3) B makes any angle with Bo
1) ( µ0 / 2π a) (i1 + i2 ) ur
4) B is directed opposite to Bo
2) ( µ0 / 2π a) (i1 - i2 ) 81. A magnetic dipole placed in two
3) ( µ0 / 2π a) (i1 2 + i2 2 )1/2 perpendicular magnetic fields B and B0 is in
4) ( µ0 / 2π a) [i1 i2 /( i1 +i2 )] equilibrium making an angle θ with B then.
75. Two parallel wires carrying current I and 2I 1) B = B0 2) B cos θ = Bo sinθ
in same direction have magnetic field B at the 3) B sin θ = Bo Cos θ 4) B = Bo tan θ
midpoint between them. If the current 2I is
82. A current loop placed in a magnetic field
switched off, the magnetic field at that point
behaves like a
will be
1) magnetic dipole
1) B/2 2) B 3) 2B 4) 3B
2) magnetic substance
76. Two long straight horizontal parallel wires
3) magnetic pole
one above the other are separated by a
4) non magnetic substance
distance ‘2a’. If the wires carry equal currents
83. Singly ionized helium (x), ionized deuteron(y),
in opposite directions, the magnitude of the
alpha(z) particles are projected into a uniform
magnetic induction in the plane of the wires magnetic field 3x 10-4 tesla with velocities
at a distance ‘a’ above the upper wire is
10 5 ms -1, 0.4 x 10 4 ms -1 and 2 x 10 3 ms - 1
µi µ i µi respectively. The correct relation between the
1) o 2) o + o
2π a 2π a 4π a ratio of the angular momentum to the
µ i µi µi magnetic moment of the particles is
3) o − o 4) o
2π a 4π a 3π a 1) x>y= z 2) x < y < z
77. Choose the correct statement. There will be 3) y < x < z 4) z > x > y
no force experienced if 84. A small coil of N turns has an area A and a
1) two parallel wires carry currents in the same current ‘i’ flows through it. The magnetic
direction dipole moment of the coil will be
2) two parallel wires carry currents in the 1) i NA 2) i2 NA 3) i N2 A 4) iN/A
opposite direction TORQUE ON CURRENT LOOP
3) a positive charge is projected between the
85. A straight horizontal conductor of length L
pole pieces of bar magnet meter and mass m kg carries a current ‘i’
4) a positive charge is projected along the axis
ampere. The minimum magnetic induction
of a solenoid carrying current which must exist in the region to balance its
DIPOLE 1) mg/iL 2) iL/mg 3) mgL/i 4) mL/ig
78. If the angular momentum of an electron 86. A current carrying loop in a uniform magnetic
revolving in a cirular orbit is L,then its field will experience
magnetic moment is 1) force only
1) eLm 2) eL/m 3) eL/2m 4) zero 2) torque only
79. The dipole moment of a current loop is 3) both torque and force
independent of 4) neither torque nor force
1) current in the loop 87. The torque acting on a magnetic dipole of
2) number of turns moment Pm when placed in a magnetic field
3) area of the loop is
4) magnetic field in which it is situated 1) PmB 2) Pm × B 3) Pm .B 4) Pm/B

88. A coil of area A, turns N and carrying current 94. Two circular coils carrying currents are of
i is placed with its face parallel to the lines of nearly same radius have common centre and
magnetic induction B. The work done in released from rest with their planes
rotating the coil through an angle of 1800 is perpenducular. Assuming that they can freely
1) iNAB 2) 2iNAB rotate about their diameters, select the wrong
3) iNAB/2 4) zero alternative
89. A conducting circular loop of radius ‘r’ carries
1) Each will exert a torque on the other
a constant current ‘i’. It is placed in a uniform
2) Through out their rotation, angular momentum
magnetic field B0 such that B0 is of the system is conserved
perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The 3) Angular momentum of system initially
magnetic force acting on the loop is increases and then decreases
1) i r Bo 2) 2π ri Bo 3) zero 4) π riBo 4) Potential energy of system first decreases
90. A current carrying loop is free to turn in a 95. A current carrying circular coil, suspended
uniform magnetic field. The loop will then freely in a uniform external magnetic field
come into equilibrium when its plane is inclined
orients to a position of stable equilibrium.In
this state:
1) 0 0 to the direction of the field.
1) the plane of the coil is normal to the external
2) 450 to the direction of the field. magnetic field
3) 900 to the direction of the field.
2) the plane of the coil is parallel to the external
4) 600 to the direction of the field.
91. When a current carrying coil is placed in a magnetic field
uniform magnetic field of induction B, then a 3) flux through the coil is minimum
torque τ acts on it. If I is the current, n is 4) torque on the coil is maximum
the number of turns and A is the face area of 96. A conducting wire of length l is turned in the
the coil and the normal to the coil makes an form of a circular coil and a current i is passed
angle θ with B, Then through it.For torque due to external uniform
1) τ = B I n A 2) τ = B I n A sinθ magnetic field to be maximum, the number of
3) τ = B I n A cos θ 4) τ = B I n A tanθ turns in the coil will be
92. A moving coil type of galvanometer is based 1) 1 2) 2 3) infinity 4)0
upon the principle that 97. When a current loop is placed in a uniform
1) a coil carrying current experiences a torque magnetic field
uur uur
in magnetic field. i) FR = 0 and τ ii) FR = 0 but τ ≠ 0
2) a coil carrying current produces a magnetic uur uur
field. iii) FR ≠ 0 but τ = 0 iv) FR ≠ 0 and τ ≠ 0
3) a coil carrying current experiences impulse 1) only i & ii are ture
in a magnetic field.
2) only ii & iii are true
4) a coil carrying current experiences a force in
magnetic field. 3) only iii & iv are true
93. Four wires each of length 2m are bent into 4) only i & iv are true
four loops P,Q,R, and S and then suspended 98. When a current carrying coil is situated in a
into a uniform magnetic field same current is uniform magnetic field with its magnetic
passed in each loop.The correct statement is moment antiparallel to the field
i) Torque on it is maximum
ii) Torque on it is minimum
P Q R S iii) PE of loop is maximum
iv) PE of loop is minimum
1) couple on loop P will be highest 1) only i and ii are true
2) couple on loop Q will be highest 2) only ii and iii are true
3) couple on loop R will be highest 3) only iii and iv are true
4) couple on loop S will be highest 4) only i, ii and iii are true

MOVING COIL GALVANOMETER 107. The purpose of soft iron cylinder between the
99. In a moving coil galvanometer a radial pole pieces of the horse-shoe magnet in a
magnetic field is applied with concave moving coil galvanometer is
magnetic poles, to have 1) to increase the magnetic induction in the polar
A) uniform magnetic field gap
B) the plane of the coil parallel to field 2) to evenly distribute the magnetic lines of force
1) A, B true 2) A,B false 3) to provide a radial magnetic field
3) A true , B false 4) A false B true 4) to reduce the magnetic flux leakage in the polar
100. A current carrying coil tends to set itself gap
1) parallel to an external magnetic field. 108. The radial magnetic field is used in a
2) parallel to its own magnetic field suspended coil galvanometer to provide
3) perpendicular to the external magnetic field. 1) a uniform torque on the coil
4) perpendicular to the geographic meridian 2) maximum torque on the coil in all positions
101. The restoring couple in the moving coil 3) a uniform and maximum torque in all positions
galvanometer is due to of the coil
1) current in the coil 4) a non uniform torque on the coil
2) magnetic field of the magnet. 109. Assertion (A): In M.C.G., the deflection 'θ '
3) material of the coil. is directly proportional to the strength of the
4) twist produced in the suspension wire. current
102. A wire of length ‘L’ is made in the form of a Reason (R): In M.C.G., the the torque
coil in a moving coil galvanometer. To have experienced by the loop is BiANcos θ
maximum sensitiveness the shape of the coil 1) Both A and R are correct , R is correct reason
is of A
1) circular 2) elliptical 2) Both are wrong
3) rectangular 4) square 3) Both A and R are correct and R is not the
103. The relation between voltage sensitivity σ V correct reason of A
4) A is correct, R is wrong
and the current sensitivity σ i of a moving
coil galvammeter is (Given that G is the
resistance of the galvanometer) AMMETER
110. To measure the resistance of a device using
1) σ V = Gσ i 2) σ V = σ i /G Ohm’s law the mode of connection used is
3) σ V σ i = G 4) σ V σ i = 1/G 1) ammeter in series, voltmeter in parallel
104. The resistance of an ideal voltmeter is 2) voltmeter in series, ammeter in parallel
1) zero 3) both ammeter and voltmeter in series
2) infinity 4) both ammeter and voltmeter in parallel
3) finite, very small 111. To increase the range of an ammeter, we need
4) finite and large to connect a suitable
105. The sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer 1) low resistance in parallel
increases with the decrease in 2) low resistance in series
1) number of turns 2) area of coil 3) high resistance in parallel
3) magnetic field 4) couple per unit twist 4) high resistance in series.
106. If a galvanometer is shunted then among the 112. An ammeter has a resistance of G ohm and a
following which statement is not true range of ‘i’ ampere. The value of resistance
1) effective range increases. used in parallel, to convert into an ammeter
2) equivalent resistance decreases. of range ‘ni’ ampere is
3) galvanometer becomes more sensitive 1) nG 2) (n-1)G
4) galvanometer becomes more protective. 3) G/n 4) G/n-1

CONVERSION OF MCG INTO 119. The resistance of an ideal voltmeter is

VOLTMETER 1) Zero 2) infinity
113. Among the following the false statement is
1) ammeter is connected in series and maximum 3) 1000 Ω 4) 10000 Ω
current flows through it 120. If G, rA and rV denote the internal resistances
2) voltmeter is connected in parallel and of a galvanometer, an ammeter and a
potential is maximum
3) ammeter is connected in series and current voltmeter among the following the correct
through it is negligible relationship is
4) voltmeter is connected in parallel and current 1) G < rA < rV 2) rA < rV < G
through it is negligible.
114. A voltmeter has a resistance of g ohm and 3) rA <G <rV 4)rV < rA < G
range of V volt. The value of resistance used 121. Among the following the true statement is,
in series to convert it into voltmeter of range
nV volt is 1) ammeter is a high resistance galvanometer
and voltmeter is a low resistance galvanometer
1) ng 2) g ( n -1) 3)
4) ( n -1) 2) ammeter is a low resistance galvanometer and
n voltmeter is a high resistance galvanometer.
115. In an electrical circuit containing a source of
emf and a load resistance, the voltmeter is 3) ammeter and voltmeter cannot be distinguished
connected by mistake in series with the load on the basis of their resistance.
across the source and ammeter is connected 4) ammeter and voltmeter have same resistance
parallel to the load. Then which meter burns
1) ammeter C. U. Q - KEY
2) voltmeter
3) both ammeter and voltmeter 1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3 5) 1 6) 1
4) neither ammeter nor voltmeter 7) 3 8) 1 9) 2 10) 1 11) 3 12) 2
116. If a voltmeter, in advertently mistaken for an 13) 4 14) 3 15) 4 16) 3 17) 3 18) 1
ammeter, were inserted into the circuit, the 19) 4 20) 3 21) 2 22) 3 23)3 24) 1
current 25)1 26)3 27) 3 28) 2 29) 2 30) 2
1) increases 2) remains same 31) 3 32) 2 33) 3 34) 1 35) 1 36) 2
3) decreases 4) becomes zero 37) 3 38) 3 39) 4 40) 4 41) 1 42) 2
117. An ammeter and a voltmeter of resistance R 43) 3 44) 2 45) 3 46) 2 47) 3 48) 2
are connected in series to an electric cell of 49) 3 50) 3 51) 3 52) 2 53) 3 54) 2
negligible internal resistance. Their readings 55) 4 56) 2 57) 4 58) 2 59) 1 60) 2
are A and V respectively. If another 61) 4 62) 1 63) 4 64) 4 65) 1 66) 3
resistance R is connected in parallel with the 67) 3 68) 2 69) 2 70) 2 71) 1 72) 3
voltmeter, then 73) 3 74) 3 75) 2 76) 4 77) 4 78) 3
1) Both A and V increases 79) 4 80) 2 81) 3 82) 1 83)1 84) 1
2) Both A and V decreases 85) 1 86) 2 87) 2 88) 2 89) 1 90) 3
3) A decreases but V increases 91) 2 92) 1 93) 4 94) 3 95) 1 96) 1
4) A increases but V decreases. 97) 2 98) 2 99) 1 100) 3 101) 4 102) 1
118. A moving coil voltmeter is generally used to
103)2 104)2 105) 4 106) 3 107) 1 108)1
measure the potential difference across a
109) 4 110) 1 111) 1 112) 4 113) 3 114) 2
conductor of resistance ‘r’ carrying a current
115) 4 116) 3 117) 4 118) 2 119) 2 120) 3
i. The resistance of voltmeter is R. For more
correct measurement of potential difference 121) 2
1) R = r 2) R>>r
3) R << r 4) R = 0
8. A circular coil of radius 25 cm, carries a
LEVEL - I ( C. W) current of 50 ampere. If it has 35 turns, the
flux density at the centre of the coil is
APPLICATIONS 1) π ×10 −3 2) 1.4π ×10 −3
1. A north pole of strengt π A m, is moved 3) 14π ×10 −3 4) 2π × 10−3
around a circle of radius 10 cm which lies 9. A circular coil of radius R carries a current i.
around a long straight conductor carrying a The magnetic field at its centre is B. The
current of 10 A. The work done is nearly distance from the centre on the axis of the
1) 4 µ J 2) 40 µ J 3) 400 µ J 4)0.4 µ J coil where the magnetic field will be B/8 is
2. There is 10 units of charge at the centre of a
1) 2R 2) 3R 3) 2R 4) 3R
circle of radius 10m. The workdone in moving
one unit of charge around the circle once is 10. Two circular coils are made of two identical
1) Zero 2) 10 units 3)100 units 4) 1unit wires of same length and carry same current.
1 If the number of turns of the two coils are 4
3. A current of 4π A is flowing in a long straight and 2, then the ratio of magnetic induction at
conductor. The line integral of magnetic the centres will be
induction around a closed path enclosing the 1) 2:1 2) 1:2 3) 1:1 4) 4:1
current carrying conductor is 11. Two circular coils have diameters 10cm and
1) 4π × 10 −7 Wb/m 2) 10 −7 Wb/m 20cm with same number of turns. The ratio
of the magnetic field induction produced at
3) 16π 2 × 10 −7 Wb/m 4) zero
the centre of the coils when connected in
4. A wire in the form of a square of side ‘2m’ series is
carries a current 2A. Then the magnetic 1) 1:2 2) 2:1 3) 4:1 4) 1:4
induction at the centre of the square wire is 12. A wire carrying a current of 4 A is in the form
(magnetic permeability of free space = µ 0 )
of a circle. It is necessary to have a magnetic
µ0 µ0 2 2 2µ 0 µ0 field of induction π × 10 - 5 T at the centre.
1) 2) 3) 4) The radius of the circle must be 1) 0.08 cm
2π π π 2π 2) 0.8 cm 3) 8 cm 4) 80 cm
5. An electric current passes through a long 13. Two concentric circular coils A and B have
straight wire. At a distance 5 cm from the radii 25 cm and 15 cm and carry currents 10A
wire, the magnetic field is B. The field at 20 and 15A respectively. A has 24 turns and B
cm from the wire would be. has 18 turns. The direction of currents are in
1) 2B 2) B/4 3) B/2 4) B opposite order. The magnetic induction at the
6. A current of one ampere is passed through a common centre of the coil is
straight wire of length 2 metre. The magnetic
field at a point in air at a distance of 3 m from 1) 120 µ0 T 2) 480 µ0 T 3) 420 µ0 T 4) µ0
one end of the wire but lying on the axis of 14. A wire carrying a current of 140 ampere is
the wire will be bent into the form of a circle of radius 6 cm.
1) µ0 / 2π 2) µ0 / 4π 3) µ0 / 8π 4) Zero The flux density at a distance of 8 cm on the
axis passing through the centre of the coil and
7. A straight vertical conductor carries a
current. At a point 5 cm due north of it, the perpendicular to its plane is
magnetic induction is found to be 20 µT due (inWb / m (approximately))

east. The magnetic induction at a point 10 1) π ×10 −4 2) 2π × 10−4

cm east of it will be
π −4 1 −4
1) 5µT north 2)10 µT north 3) ×10 4) ×10
3)5µTsouth 4)10µT south 2 π
15. The magnetic induction at a point at a large CURRENT LOOP AND MAGNETIC
JEE distance
MAINS -dVOL on the - VIII
axial line of circular coil of DIPOLE
small radius carrying current is 120 µ T. At
22. If an electron is revolving in a circular orbit
a distance 2d the magnetic induction would of radius 0.5 A0 with a velocity of 2.2 × 106 m/
be s. The magnetic dipole moment of the
1) 60 µ T 2) 30 µ T 3)15 µ T 4) 240 µ T revolving electron is
16. A particle having charge 100 times that of an 1) 8.8 × 10–24 Am 2) 8.8 × 10–23 Am
electron is revolving in a circular path of 3) 8.8 × 10–22 Am 4) 8.8 ×10−21 Am
radius 0.8m with one rotation per second.The
23. Magnetic induction at the centre of a circular
magnetic field produced at the centre is loop of area π square meter is 0.1 tesla. The
1) 10-7/ µ0 2)10-17 µ0 3)10-6 µ0 4)10-15 / µ0 magnetic moment of the loop is ( µ0 is
17. A battery is connected between two points A permeability of air)
and B on the circumference of a uniform
conducting ring of radius r and resitance R. 0.1π 0.2π 0.3π 0.4π
1) µ 2) µ 3) µ 4) µ
One of the arcs AB subtends an angle θ at 0 0 0 0

the centre. The value of the magnetic SOLENOID & TOROID

induction at the centre due to the current in 24. The length of a solenoid is 0.1 m and its
the ring diameter is very small. A wire is wound over
1) proportional to 2 (1800 – θ ) in two layers. The number of turns in the inner
2) Inversely proportional to r layer is 50 and that on the outer layer is 40.
3) zero only if θ =180 0 The strength of current flowing in two layers
in the same direction is 3 ampere. The
4) zero for all values of θ magnetic induction in the middle of the
18. A TG has 500 turns, each of radius 2π cm . If 1) 3.4 × 10−3T 2) 3.4 × 10−3 gauss
BH = 3.6 × 10−5 Wb / m 2 , The deflection due to 3) 3.4 × 103T 4) 3.4 × 103 gauss
7.2 mA current is 25. The magnetic induction at the centre of a
1) 60 0 2) 30 0 3) 450
4) Zero solenoid is B. If the length of the solenoid is
19. In a properly adjusted tangent galvanometer, reduced to half and the same wire is wound in
the deflection for 1 A current is found to be two layers the new magnetic induction is
30°. Now the coil is turned through 90° about 1) B 2) 2B 3) B/2 4) 4B
the vertical axis, the deflection for the same FORCE ACTING ON A MOVING
1) 60° 2) 30° 3) 90° 4) 0° 26. A proton is fired with a speed of 2 ×10 6 m / s
20. Two tangent galvanometers are connected in at an angle of 60° to the X- axis. If a uniform
series across a battery. The deflections in magnetic field of 0.1 tesla is applied along the
them are found to be 30° and 60° respectively. Y- axis, the force acting on the proton is
The ratio of their reduction factors is 1) 1.603 × 10-14 N 2) 1.6 × 10-14 N
1) 3:1 2) 1: 3 3) 3 : 1 4) 1 : 3 3) 3.203 × 10 N-14
4) 3.2 × 10-14 N
21. In a tangent galvanometer, the magnetic 27.(a). A closed circuit is in the form of a regular
induction produced by the coil of wire situated hexagon of side a . If the circuit carries a
in the magnetic meridian is found to be equal current I , what is magnetic induction at the
to the horizontal component of the earth’s centre of the hexagon?
magnetic field. The deflection produced in it 3µ 0 I 3µ 0 I 3µ 0 I 3µ 0 I
will be 1) 2) 3) 4)
4π a 2π a 3π a πa
1) 30° 2) 60° 3) 45° 4) 90°
28. A proton enters a magnetic field with a FORCE ON A CURRENT CARRYING
7 -1 0
velocity of 2.5X10ms making an angle 30 CONDUCTOR IN A MAGNETIC FIELD
with the magnetic field. The force on the 35. A straight wire (conductor) of length 10 cm is
proton is (B=25T) kept in a uniform magnetic field of induction
1)1. 25X10-11N 2) 2.5X10-11 N 0.02 T. The angle between the conductor and
3) 5.0X10-11N 4) 7.5X10-11N the field direction is 300 . A current of 5A is
29. A doubly ionised He +2 atom travels at right passed through the conductor. The force on
angles to a magnetic field of induction 0.4T
the conductor is (in N)
with a velocity of 105 ms -1 describing a circle
of radius r. A proton travelling with same 1) 4 ×10 2) 5 ×10 3) 6 ×10−3 4) 7 ×10−3
− 3 − 3

speed in same direction in the same field will 36 A circular coil of 20 turns and radius 10 cm is
describe a circle of radius placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.1 T
1) r/4 2) r/2 3) r 4) 2r normal to the plane of the coil .If the current
30. A proton is projected with a velocity 107 ms −1 , in the coil is 5.0 A what is the average force
on each electron in the coil due ot the
at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of
magnetic field (The coil is made of copper wire
induction 100 mT. The time (in seconds ) taken
of cross-sectional area 10−5 m 2 and the free
by the proton to traverse 900 arc is:(Mass of
electron density in copper is given to be about
proton =1.65 ×10−27 kg and charge of proton
1029 m −3 .)

= 1.6 ×10 C )
1) 2.5 ×10−25 N 2) 7.5 × 10−25 N
1) 0.81× 10−7 2) 1.62 ×10 −7
3) 5 ×10 −25 N 4) 10−25 N
3) 2.43 ×10 − 7 4) 3.24 × 10 − 7
37. A thin 50 cm long metal bar with mass 750 g
31. A 2MeV proton is moving perpendicular to rests on,but is not attached to , two metallic
a uniform magnetic field of 2.5 tesla. The force supports in a uniform 0.45T magnetic field as
on the proton is shown in Fig .A battery and a 25Ω resistor in
1) 2.5 X 10-10 newton 2) 8 X 10-11 newton series are connceted to the supports. The
3) 2.5 X 10-11 newton 4) 8 X 10-12 newton largest voltage the battery can have without
CYCLOTRON breaking the circuit at the supports (units are
32. A cyclotron in which protons are accelerated in”V”) is
has a flux density of 1.57T. The variation of B
frequency of electric field is (in Hz) 1) 817 2) 718
1) 4.8 ×108 2) 8.4 ×108 3) 827 4)837
3) 2.5 ×107 4) 4.8 ×106 FORCE BETWEEN TWO PARALLEL
33. Cyclotron is adjusted to give proton beam, CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS
magnetic induction is 0.15 wbm −2 and the 38. The magnitude of the force between a pair of
extreme radius is 1.5 m. The energy of conductors, each of length 110 cm, carrying a
emergent proton in MeV will be current of 10A and seperated by a distance
1) 34.2 2) 3.42 3) 2.43 4) 24.3 of 10 cm is
34 A cyclotron has an oscillator frequency 1) 55 ×10 −5 N 2) 44 ×10−5 N
12MHz and a dee of radius 50 cm. Calculate 3) 33 ×10 −5 N 4) 22 ×10−5 N
the magnetic induction needed to accelerate 39. Two parallel conductors A and B separated
deuterons of mass 3.3 ×10 −27 kg and charge by 5 cm carry electric current of 6 A and 2 A
−19 in the same direction. The point between A
1.6 ×10 C
and B where the field is zero at
1) 1.55wb / m 2 2) 2.55wb / m 2 1) 0.25 cm from B 2) 1 cm from B
3) 0.55 wb / m 2 4) 3.55wb / m 2 3) 1.25 cm from B 4) 3.75 cm from B
40. The distance between the wires of electric CONVERSION OF MCG INTO
JEE mains
is 12cm. - VIII wires exprience 4 mgwt AMMETER & VOLTMETER
per unit length. The value of current flowing
47. A galvanometer has a resistance of 400 Ω . The
in each wire will be if they carry current in
same direction value of shunt so that its sensitivity is
to be reduced by 1/50 times
1) 4.85 A 2) zero
1) 6.16 Ω 2) 7.16 Ω 3) 8.16 Ω 4) 9.16 Ω
3) 4.85 X 10−2 A 4) 8 5 X 1 0 − 4 A 48. A galvanometer of resistance 20 Ω is to be
41. Two long straight conductors are held shunted so that only 1% of the current passes
parallel to each other 7cm apart. The through it. Shunt connected is
conductors carry currents of 9A and 16A in 1) 99/20 Ω 2) 9/20 Ω 3) 20/99 Ω 4) 2/99 Ω
opposite directions. The distance of neutral 49. The resistance of a moving coil galvanometer
point from the conductor carrying 16A is 5 ohm. The maximum current it can
current is
measure is 0.015 A. To convert it into an
1) 9cm 2) 16cm 3) 25cm 4) 63/25cm
ammeter to meausre 1.5 A.
TORQUE ON CURRENT LOOP 1) connected 5/99 ohm in series
42. A rectangular coil of wire of 500 turns of area 2) connected 99/50 ohm in parallel
10 × 5 cm 2 carries a current of 2 A in a 3) connected 5/99 ohm in parallel
magnetic field of induction 2 ×10−3 T. If the 4) connected 99/50 ohm in series
plane of the coil is parallel to the field. The 50. A galvanometer of coil resistance 100 Ω is
torque on the coil is (in) Nm. connected to a shunt of resistance 10 Ω . The
1) 0.1 2) 0.01 3) 0.001 4) 1 current through the galvanometer is i1 , the
43. A coil of area 100 cm 2 having 500 turns current through the shunt is i2 and the total
carries a current of 1 m A. It is suspended in current into the combination is i3 , then the
a uniform magnetic field of induction ratio i 1 : i 2 : i 3 is
10−3 wb / m 2 . Its plane makes an angle of 600 1) 1 : 10 : 11 2) 10 : 1 : 11
with the lines of induction. The torque acting 3) 11 : 10 : 1 4) 10 : 11 : 1
on the coil is 51. The resistance of a galvanometer is 100 Ω.
1) 250 ×10 −8 Nm 2) 25 ×10 −8 Nm A shunt of 5 Ω is connected to it to convert it
into an ammeter. The internal resistance of
3) 2.5 ×10 −8 Nm 4) 0.2 ×10 −8 Nm
the ammeter is
44. A circular coil of 1 turn and area 0.01 m² 1) 5.2 Ω 2) 4.8 Ω 3) 4.6 Ω 4) 4.2 Ω
carries a current of 10 A. It is placed in a
52. A galvanometer of resistance 100 ohms is
uniform magnetic field of induction 0.1 tesla
such that the plane of the circle is shunted so that only 1/11 of the main current
perpendicular to the direction of the field, flows through the galvanometer. The
the torque acting on the coil is resistance of the shunt is
1) 0.1N m 2) 0.001Nm 3) 0.01N m 4) Zero 1) 1 ohm 2) 11 ohms 3) 10 ohms 4) 9 ohms
MOVING COIL GALVANOMETER 53. If a shunt is to be applied to a galvanometer
of resistance 50 Ω so that only 5% of total
45. A current of 10-5 A produces a deflection of
100 in a moving coil galvanometer. A current current passes through the galvanometer. The
of 10 -6 amp in the same galvanometer resistance of shunt should be
produces a deflection of 1) 1.63 Ω 2) 4.2 Ω 3) 3.5 Ω 4) 2.63 Ω
1) 10 2) 0.10 3) 100 4) (1/100)0 54. If only 2% of the main current is to be passed
46. The coils made of same material in two through a galvanometer of resistance G, then
moving coil galvanometers have their areas the resistance of the shunt will be
in the ratio of 2:3 and number of turns in the 1) G/50 2) G/49 3) 50G 4) 49 G
ratio 4:5. These two coils carry the same 55. A maximum current point 0.5 mA can be
current and are situated in the same field. passed through a galvanometer of resistance
The deflections produced by these two coils 20 Ω . The resistance to be connected in series
will be in the ratio of to convert it in to voltmeter of range 0-5V. is
1) 8:15 2) 15:8 3) 8:1 4) 1:4 1) 980 Ω 2) 9980 Ω 3) 990 Ω 4) 9990 Ω
56. The maximum potential that can be measured µ0 nir 2 1 µ ni
with a voltmeter of resistance 1000 Ω is 6V.. B= = × 0
2(r + x )
9. 2 2 8 2r
Resistance that must be connected to
measure a potential of 30V with it is µ0π n 2 i
10. B =
1) 4000 Ω in Series 2) 6000 Ω in Series l
3) 12000 Ω in Series 4) 2000 Ω in Series 1
57. A voltmeter has an internal resistance of 11. Bα
1000 Ω and gives full scale deflection when 2 µ ni
V is applied across the terminals. Now a 12. r = 0
resistance of 4000 Ω is connected in series 13. B = B1 : B2
with it. Then it gives full scale deflection with
µ0 nir 2
1) 8 V 2) 10 V 3) 6 V 4) 4 V B=
( )
58. To convert a voltmeter measuring 15 V into a 2 r 2 + x2
voltmeter measuring 150V, if the resistance 1
of the voltmeter is 1000 Ω , the resistance to 15. Bα 3
be connected is µ ne
1) 10,000 Ω in Series 2) 9,000 Ω in Series 16. B = 0 where n is the frequency
3) 11,000 Ω in Series 4) 8,000 Ω in Series
µ iθ
LEVEL - I (C. W ) - KEY 17. B = 0
4π r
1) 2 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) 2 6) 4 7) 4 2rBH
8) 2 9) 2 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3 13) 3 14) 1 18. I = µ n tan θ
15) 3 16) 2 17) 4 18) 3 19) 4 20) 3 21) 3
22) 1 23) 2 24) 1 25) 2 26) 2 27) 4 28) 3 19. B = BH Tanθ
29) 2 30) 2 31) 4 32) 3 33) 3 34) 1 35) 2 K1 tan θ 2
36) 3 37) 1 38) 4 39) 3 40) 1 41) 2 42) 2 20. K = tan θ
2 1
43) 1 44) 4 45) 1 46) 1 47) 3 48) 3 49) 3 21. B = BH Tanθ
50) 1 51) 2 52) 3 53) 4 54) 2 55) 2
56) 1 57) 2 58) 2 22. M = inAand i =
LEVEL - I ( C. W ) - HINTS
1. w = µ 0mni 23. M = inAand i =
2. w = µ 0mni 24. B = µ o ni
Electric field produced by stationary charge is
conservation. 25. B = µ o ni
3. W = µ0i 0 26. F = BqV sin θ
27. Magnetic field at O due to AB,i.e
B =8 2 0 µ I
B = 0 ( sin φ1 + sin φ 2 )
4π a
1 4π d
5. Bα 28. F = BqV sin θ
µi mv
6. B= 0 29. r =
2πr Bq
µi 2π m
7. B= 0 30. T =
2πr Bq
µ ni
8. B= 0 2 KE
2r 31. F = Bqv , v =

2π m GS
32. MAINS - VOL - VIII 51. Reff =
Bq G+S
mv G
33. r = ; KE = mv
1 2 S=
Bq 2 52. −1
Bq ig
34. n =
2π m G
35. F = BIl sin θ 53. S =
n −1
36. Force acting on each electron, i.e..,
Lorentz force, Fm = evd B G
 1  IB i
or Fm = e  B=
( asI = neAvd ) ig
 Ane  An
5 × 0.10 V 
or Fm = −5 N = 5 ×10−25 N R =  − G 
10 ×10 55. I

(as A = cross-sectional area of the wire  g 

= 10−5 m2 , n = free electron density = 10 −29 m −3 ) V 
R =  − G 
37 As F- mg when the bar is just ready to levitate, 56. I
 g 
mg 0.750 × 9.8
IIB = mg or I = = A = 32.67 A V 
lB 0.5 × 0.45 R =  − G  ; 58. R = G ( n −1)
57. I
ε = IR = ( 32.67 )( 25 ) V = 817V  g 
µ ii LEVEL - I ( H. W)
38. F = 2π0 1r 2 × l
39. i2
F µ 0i 2 1. A north pole of strength π A m, is moved
40. = around a circle or radius 10 cm which lies
l 2π d around a long straight conductor carrying a
d current of 10 A. The work done in moving it
i2 by 2 revolutions is
41. −1
i1 1) 4 µ J 2) 80 µ J 3) 400 µ J 4) 0.4 µ J
42. τ = BAIN cos θ 2. Two long straight conductors carry currents
43. τ = BAIN cos θ 4 A and 2 A into the plane of paper. A circular
path is imagined to be enclosing these
44. τ = BAIN cos θ
45. θαI currents. The value of Ñ∫ B.d l is
46. τ θ = BAIN 1) 6 µ0 2) 7 µ0 3) 5 µ0 4) 2 µ0
3. Three long straight conductors are kept
47. S = perpendicular to the plane of paper. Currents
n −1 2 A, 3 A are passing through the two
G conductors into the plane of paper in first two
S= conductors and 5 A current passes through
48. −1 third conductor, directed out of the paper. A
ig closed loop encloses the conductors, then the
G value of Ñ∫ B.d l over the closed loop is (assume
49. −1 current into the paper as negative and out of
ig the paper as positive)
S 1) 2µ0 2) zero 3) − µ0 4) + µ0
50. Ig = (I )
4. A long straight wire carries an electric current 12. A tangent galvanometer properly adjusted
of 2A. The magnetic induction at a gives a deflection of 30° when a certain current
perpendicular distance of 5 m from the wire is passed through it. When the current is
is ( µ0 =4 π x10-7 Hm–1) changed, then it gives a deflection of 45°. The
1) 4x10-8 T 2) 8x10-8 T 3)12x10-8T 4) 16x10-8T ratio of the currents in the two cases is
5. A current of 2 amperes is flowing through a 1) 2 : 3 2) 1: 2 3) 1: 3 4) 3:1
circular coil of radius 10 cm containing 100 13. In a tangent galvanometer a deflection of 30°
turns. The magneitc flux density at the centre is obtained with a certain current flowing
of the coil is (in wb / m 2 ) through the coil. If the current is tripled, the
1) 0.126 ×10−2 2) 1.26 ×10 −2 deflection obtained will be
1) 45° 2) 60° 3) 90° 4) 30°
3) 1.26 ×10−4 4) 1.26 ×10 −5
6. A coil of radius π meters, 100 turns carries CURRENT LOOP AND MAGNETIC
a current of 3A. The magnetic induction at DIPOLE
14. An electron of charge “e” has a time period of
a point on its axis at a distance equal to 3
revolution of “T” in a Bohr orbit of radius “r”.
times its radius from its centre is The dipole moment of the electron is 1) π r
1) 7.2X10-6wbm-2 2) 7.4X10-6wbm-2 2eT 2) π r 2e/T 3) π r 2T/e 4) T/ π r 2e
3) 7.5X10 wbm
-6 -2 4) 7.83X10-6wbm-2
15. A circular coil of wire of “n” turns has a radius
7. The coils A and B having the radii in the ratio
“r” and carries a current “i”. Its magnetic
1:2 carrying currents in the ratio 5:1 and have
dipole moment is “M”. Now the coil is
the number of turns in the ratio 1:5. The ratio
of magnetic inductions at their centres is unwound and again rewound in to a circular
1) 1:2 2) 2:1 3) 1:5 4) 5:1 coil of half the initial radius and the same
8. The intensity of magnetic induction at the current is passed through it, then the dipole
centre of a current-carrying circular coil is moment of this new coil is
B1 and at a point on its axis at a distance 1) M / 2 2) M / 4 3) M 4) 2 M
equal to its radius from the centre is SOLENOID & TOROID
B2,thenB 1/B2 is 16. A long solenoid has 200 turns per cm and
1 1 carries a current i. the magnetic field at its
1) 2 2 2) 3) 4) 2 centre is 6.28 ×10−2Wb / m 2 . another long
2 2 2
9. The magnetic induction at a point distance solenoid has 100 turns per cm and it carries a
‘X’ from the centre, on the axis of a circular current i/3. The value of the magnetic field at
current carrying coil is inversely proportional its centre is
to (if X>> radius of coil) 1) 1.05 ×10−4 Wb / m 2 2) 1.05 ×10−2 Wb / m 2
1) X 2) X2 3) X3 d. X3/2
3) 1.05 ×10−5Wb / m 2 4) 1.05 ×10−6 Wb / m 2
10. A circular coil of radius 5cm has 169 turns
carries a current of 2.6A. The magnetic FORCE ACTING ON A MOVING
induction at a point on the axis at a distance CHARGE IN MAGNETIC FIELD
of 12cm from the centre of the coil is 17. A proton and an α -particle enter a uniform
1) 2T 2) 4.2T magnetic field at right angles to the field with
3) 3.14X10-4T 4) 3.14X10-2T same speed. The ratio of the periods of α -
TANGENT GALVANOMETER particle and proton is
11. A TG has 50 turns each of diameter 15 cms. 1) 1:1 2) 1:4 3) 1:2 4) 2:1
When a certain current is passed through its 18. A proton takes 10 -12s to complete one
coil, the defleciton of the needle is 450 . If revolution in uniform magnetic field. The time
taken in another orbit of double the radius in
BH = 4π µT the value of current is the same field is
1) 77.44 mA 2) 44.77 mA 1) 0.5X10-12 sec 2) 2X10-12sec
3) 74.74 mA 4) 30mA 3) 4X10 sec
-12 4) 10-12sec
19. A charged particle, having charge q FORCE BETWEEN TWO PARALLEL
JEE accelerated
through a potential difference V CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS
enters a perpendicular magnetic field in which 26. Two parallel conductors carrying 5A each,
it experiences a force F. If V is increased to 5 repel with a force of 0.25Nm −1 . The distance
V,the particle will experience a force
between them is
1) F 2) 5 F 3) F/ 5 4) 5F 1) 4 ×10 −5 m 2) 3 ×10 −5 m
20. A proton moving with a velocity of 2 ×10 6 ms −1 3) 2 ×10 −5 m 4) 1×10 −5 m
describes a circle of radius R in a magnetic 27. Two straight parallel wires carry currents of
field. The speed of an α - particle to describe 200 mA and 1A in opposite directions. If the
a circle of same radius in the same magnetic wires are 20cm apart, the distance of the
field is neutral point from the 1A wire is (in cm)
1) 1X106m/s 3) 2X106m/s 1) 5 2) 15 3) 20 4) 25
3) 4X106m/s 4) 8X106m/s 28. Two long parallel copper wires carry currents
21. A particle of charge 16 ×10 −18 coulomb moving of 5A each in the opposite direction. If the
with velocity 10m/s along the x-axis enters a wires are seperated by a distance of 0.5 m,
region where a magnetic field of induction B is then the force between the two wires is
along the y-axis, and an electric field of 1) 10-5 N/m attractive
magnitude 10Vm −1 is along the negative Z-axis. 2) 10-5 N/m repulsive
3) 2x10-6 N/m attractive
If the charged particle continues moving along
4) 2x10-5 N/m repulsive.
the X-axis, the magnitude of B is
1) 1 Wb/m2 2) 105Wb / m 2 TORQUE ON CURRENT LOOP
29. A rectangular coil of wire of area 400 cm2
3) 106Wb / m 2 4) 10−3Wb / m 2
contains 500 turns. It is placed in a magnetic
22. A proton is rotating along a circular path with
field of induction 4 ×10−3 T and it makes an
kinetic energy K in a uniform magnetic field
B.If the magnetic field is made four times, the angle 60° with the field. A current of 0.2 A is
kinetic energy of rotation of proton is passed through it. The torque on the coil is
1) 16K 2) 8K 3) 4K 4) K 1) 8 3 × 10- 3 N m 2) 8 × 10- 3 N m
CYCLOTRON 3) 8 3 × 10- 4 N m 4) 8 × 10- 4 N m
23. In a cyclotron, if the frequency of proton is
30. A rectangular coil of wire carrying a current
5MHz, the magnetic field necessary for
is suspended in a uniform magnetic field. The
resonance is
plane of the coil is making an angle of 30°
1) 0.528T 2) 2.32T 3) 0.389T 4) 0.327T
with the direction of the field and the torque
24. A cyclotron’s oscillator frequency is 10 MHz.
The operating magnetic field for accelerating experienced by it is τ 1 and when the plane of
protons is the coil is making an angle of 60° with the
1) 0.66 T 2) 0.12 T 3) 1.67 T 4) 0.36 T direction of the field the torque experienced
FORCE ON A CURRENT CARRYING by it is τ 2 . Then the ratio τ1 : τ 2 is
CONDUCTOR IN A MAGNETIC FIELD 1) 1 : 3 2) 3 :1 3) 1 : 3 4) 3 : 1
25. A straight wire of length 0.5 metre and carrying 31. A vertical rectangular coil of sides 5cm x 2cm
a current of 1.2 ampere is placed in a uniform has 10turns and carries a current of 2A.The
magnetic field of induction 2 tesla. If the torque(couple) on the coil when it is placed in
magnetic field is perpendicular to the length a uniform horizontal magnetic field of 0.1T
of the wire, the force acting on the wire is with its plane perpendicular to the field is
1) 4X10-3N-m 2) Zero
1) 2.4 N 2) 1.2 N 3) 3.0 N 4) 2.0 N 3) 2X10 N-m
-3 4) 10-3N-m

MOVING COIL GALVANO METER 39. A galvanometer has a resistance of 49 Ω . If

32. The coil in a MCG has an area of 4 cm 2 and 2% of the main current is to be passed through
500 turns. The intensity of magnetic induction the meter, The value of the shunt will be
is 2T. When a current of 10−4 A is passed 1) 2 Ω 2) 1 Ω 3) 1/2 Ω 4) ¼ Ω
40. In a galvanometer 5% of the total current in
through it, the deflection is 200 . The couple
the circuit passes through it. If the resistance
per unit twist is (N-m)
of the galvanometer is G, the shunt resistance
1) 3 ×10−6 2) 2 ×10 −6 3) 4 ×10 −6 4) 5 ×10 −6
‘S’ connected to the galvanometer is
33. The area of the coil in a moving coil 1) 19G 2) G/19 3) 20G 4) G/20
galvanometer is 15 cm 2 and has 20 turns. The 41. A galvanometer of internal resistance 100 Ω
magnetic induction is 0.2T and the couple per has a full scale deflection current of 1mA.
unit twist of the suspended wire is 10−6 Nm To convert it into a voltmeter of range 0-10V,
per degree. If the deflection is 450 , the the resistance to be connected is
current passing through it is 1) 9000 Ω in Series
1) 75 ×10−4 A 2) 7.5 ×10−4 A 2) 10,000 Ω in Series
3) 9,900 Ω in Series
3) 0.75 ×10−4 A 4) 750 ×10 −4 A
4) 9,800 Ω in Series
CONVERSION OF MCG INTO 42. When a high resistance ‘R’ is connected in
series with a voltmeter of resistance G, the
34. The sensitivity of a galvanometer of range of the voltmeter increases 5 times.
resistance 990 Ω is increased by 10 times.
Then G:R will be
The shunt used is
1) 4:1 2) 1:2 3) 8:1 4) 1:4
1) 100 Ω 2) 120 Ω 3) 110 Ω 4) 50 Ω
35. A galvanometer of resistance 50 Ω gives full LEVEL-I ( H. W ) - KEY
scale defleciton when a current 10−3 A is 1) 22) 13) 24) 25) 1 6) 37) 2 8) 1 9) 3
passed through it converted into an ammeter 10) 3 11) 4 12) 3 13) 2 14) 2 15) 1 16) 2
to measure 0.5 A current. 17) 4 18) 4 19) 4 20) 1 21) 1 22) 4 23) 4
1) 50/499 Ω in parallel 24) 1 25) 2 26) 3 27) 4 28) 2 29) 2 30) 2
2) 9/20 Ω in parallel 31) 2 32) 2 33) 1 34) 3 35) 1 36) 2 37) 2
3) 2/99 Ω in parallel 38) 1 39) 2 40) 2 41) 3 42) 4
4) 20/99 Ω in parallel LEVEL - I (H. W ) - HINTS
36. A galvanometer of resistance 20 Ω is shunted
1. W = µ 0mni
by 2 Ω resister. The part of the main current
flows through the meter is 2. µ0 ∑ i
Ñ∫ B.d l = µ i
1) 1/10 part 2) 1/11 part
3. o
3) 1/12 part 4) 1/13 part
37. A galvanometer has a resistance 50 Ω and is µ0i
4. B=
shunted by a 0.5 Ω resistor. The fraction of 2π r
the main current that flows through the µ0 ni
galvanometer is 5. B =
1) 1/100 2) 1/101 3) 1/10 4) 1/11 µ0 nir 2
38. A galvanometer with a coil resistance of B=
( )
100 Ω gives a full scale deflection when a 2 r 2 + x2
current of 1 mA is passed through it. The ni
resistance of the shunt needed in ohm to 7. B∝
convert this galvanometer into an ammeter of µ 0 nir 2
range 10 A is nearly B= 3
2 ( x 2 + r 2 )2
1) 0.01 2) 0.001 3) 0.1 4) 0.099

1 G
9. MAINS 34. S = ( n − 1)
µ0 nir 2 G
( )
2 r 2 + x2
35. S = ( n − 1)

( 2r ) BH .tan θ iS
11. I= 36. ig =
µ 0n G+S
I1 tan θ1 iS
37. ig =
12. I = tan θ G+S
2 2
13. I = K tan θ 38. ig =
e e 2
14. M = iA = A = π r iS
T T 39. ig =
15. M = niA G+S
16. B = µ o ni iS
40. ig =
T1 m 1 q 2 G+S
17. T = m × q V
41. R = i − G
2 2 1

T1 m 1 q 2
18. T = m × q

2 2 1
42. S =
1 2 n −1
19. F = Bqv sin θ , mv = Vq
2 LEVEL - II (C. W)
V1 q 1 m2
2 2 1


Q2 B2 R2 1. A thin straight vertical conductor has 10amp
22. E = current flows vertically upwards. It is present
Bq at a place where BH = 4 ×10−6 T . Arrange the
23. f =
2π m net magnetic induction at the following points
Bq in ascending order
24. f =
2π m a) at 0.5m on south of conductor
25. F = Bqv b) at 0.5m on west of conductor
µ ii c) at 0.5m on east of conductor
26. F = 2π0 1r 2 × l d) at 0.5m on north-east of conductor
d 1) a,b,c,d 2) a,b,d,c 3) a,c,b,d 4) b,a,d,c
x= 2. A long straight wire carrying a current of 30A
27. −1
i1 is placed in an external uniform magnetic field
µ0 I1 I 2 of induction 4 ×10−4 T . The magnetic field is
28. F = l acting parallel. to the direction of current.
2π r
29. τ = BAIn cos θ The magnitude of the resultant magnetic
30. τ = BAIn cos θ induction in tesla at a point 2 cm away from
31. τ = BAIn cos θ the wire is [ µ 0 = 4π ×10 −7 Hm −1 ]
32. τ θ = BAIn 1) 10−4 2) 3 ×10−4 3) 5 ×10 −4 4) 6 ×10−4
33. τ θ = BAIn
3. A straight section PQ of a circuit lies along the 8. Figure shows a coil of radius 2 cm concentric
X axis from x = -a/ 2 to x = a/2 and carries a with a coil of radius 7 cm Each coil has 1000
steady current I .Then the magnetic field due turns with a current of 5 A. In larger coil, then
to the PQ section at a distance x = +a will be the current needed in the smaller coil to give
1) proportional to a 2) proportional to I/a the total magnetic field at the centre equal to
3) proportional to a 2 4) zero 2 mT is
4. ABCD is a square of side L. A very long
straight conductor carrying a current i passes
through the vertex A of the square and is 1) 1.49A 2) 1.84A 2cm

perpendicular to its plane. The minimum

magnetic induction at a vertex of the square 3) 2.88A 4) 3.4A
is 9. Two identical coils carry equal currents have
µ 2 2i µ 2i µ 4 2i µ 2i a common centre and their planes are at right
1) 0 2) 0 3) 0 4) 0
4π L 4π L 4π L 4π L angles to each other. The ratio of the
5. The magnetic field at the centre of circular magnitude of the resultant magnetic field at
loop in the circuit shown below is the centre and the field due to one coil is
1) 2 : 1 2) 1 : 2 3) 2 :14) 1: 2
10. A uniform wire of resistance 12 O is bent in
the form of a square. A cell of emf 6V having
negligible internal resistance connected across
the diagonal of the square. The magnetic
induction at its centre is (in tesla).
µ 0 2I µ 0 2I µ
1) 4π r (1 + π ) 2) 4π r (π − 1 ) 1) 0 2) 10-7 3) 5 x 10-7 4) 4π0 × 5 × 10 − 7

µ 0 2I µ 0 I 11. A wire of length 10 cm is bent into an arc of a

3) 4π r 4) (π + 1 ) circle such that it subtends an angle of 1 radian
4π r
at the centre. If a current of 1 A is passed
6. A current IA is flowing in the sides of through the wire, the magnetic induction at
equilateral triangle of side 4.5 ×10 −2 m .The the centre of the circle will be
magnetic induction at centroid of the traingle 1) 2 × 10-4 tesla 2) 1 × 10-6 tesla
is A 3) 1 × 10-4 tesla 4) 2 × 10-6 tesla
12. A circular coil of radius ‘r’ having ‘n’ turns
carries a current ‘i’. The magnetic induction
1) 4 ×10−5 T 2)40T
at the center of the coil is ‘B’. Now the coil is
unwound and rewound with half the original

3) 0.4 ×10 T 4) 4 ×10 T B
3 − 2
C radius. If the magnetic induction at the center
7. In the given figure the magnetic induction at of the coil is to be the same, the current that
the point O is A should be passed through the coil is
1) 2i 2) i 3) i/2 4) i/4
I A 13. Two wires A and B are of lengths 40cm and
B 30cm. A is bent into a circle of radius r and B
µI µI µI C into an arc of radius r. A current i1 is passed
1) 0 2) 0 + 0
4π r 4 r 2π r 90°
through A and i2 through B. To have the same
magnetic inductions at the centre, the ratio of
µ 0I µ 0 I µ0 I µ 0 I D I E
3) + 4) − i1 : i2 is
4 r 4π r 4 r 4π r
1) 3 : 4 2) 3 : 5 3) 2 : 3 4) 4 : 3

14. Two long straight conductors with currents I1 19. If B is the magnetic induction, at the centre of
JEE MAINS - VOL - VIII a circular coil of radius ‘r’ carrying a current
and I 2 are along X and Y axes. The equation is 1 T, then its value at a distance of 3r on
of locus of points of zero magentic induction the axis from the centre of the coil is
is Y [EAM- 2011]
1 1 1
I2 1) T 2) T 3) 8T 4) T
I2 X 8 16 4
1 (0, 0) I1
I1 X 20. A cell of negligible internal resistance is
3) Y = X 4) Y = connected to a tangent galvanometer and the
I2 I1I 2
deflection produced is 30°. If three such cells
15. Magnetic field induction at the center of a
are connected in series and the combination
circular coil of radius 5cm and carrying a
is connected to the same galvanometer, the
current 0.9 A is ( in S.I. units) (∈0 = absolute deflection will be
permittivity of air in S.I. units: velocity of light 1) 30° 2) 60° 3) 90° 4) 45°
= 3 ×108 ms −1 ) 21. The resistance of the coil of a tangent
galvanometer is 60 Ω . It is connected to a
1 1016 ∈ battery of negligible internal resistance. The
1) ∈ 1016 2) 3) 016 4) 1016 ∈0
0 ∈0 10 deflection is found to be 60°. Now a shunt
16. The magnetic induction at the centre of a resistanceof 30 Ω is connected across the coil
of the tangent galvanometer. The deflection
current carrying circular coil of radius 10 cm
produced will be
is 5 5 times the magnetic induction at a point 1) 30° 2) 45° 3) 60° 4) 37°
on its axis. The distance of the point from the CURRENT LOOP AND MAGNETIC
centre of the coil in cm is DIPOLE
1) 5 2) 10 3) 20 4) 25 22. Magnetic induction at the center of a circular
17. Same current ‘i’ is flowing in three infinitely loop carrying a current is ‘B’. If ‘A’ is the
long wire along positive x, y and z directions. area of the coil, the magnetic dipole moment
The magnetic field at a point (0,0-a) would be of the loop is
µ i µ i
1) 2π0a ( jˆ − iˆ ) 2) 2π0a ( iˆ + ˆj ) BA2 BA A BA A 2BA A
2)1) 3) 4)
µ op µo µo p µo p
µ0i µ 0i
2π a (
3) 2π a ( iˆ − ˆj ) 4) iˆ + jˆ + kˆ ) 23. A circular current loop of magnetic moment
M is in an arbitrary orientation in an external
18. Two long straight wires are connected by a ur
circular section which has a radius R .All the magnetic field B . The work done to rotate
three segments lie in the same plane and carry the loop by 300 about an axis perpendicular
a current I. The magnetic induction at the to its plane is :
centre O of the circular segments is MB MB
1) MB 2) 3 3) 4) zero
I D 2 2
C 24. A solenoid of length 20 cm and radius 2 cm is
α I closely wound with 200 turns. The magnetic
O I A field intensity at either end of the solenoid
when the current in the winding is 5 amp. is
µ0 I αµ0 I αµ0 I αµ0 I 1) 2500 Amp/m 2) 2000 Amp/m
1) 2) 3) 4) 3) 1750 Amp/m 4) 2940 Amp/m
4π R 4π R R 2π R
25. A solenoid of length 0.5 m has a radius of 1 cm 30. Two particles X and Y having equal charges,
and is made up of 500 turns. It carries a current after being accelerated through the same
of 5 A. The magnetic field inside the solenoid potential differences enter a region of
is uniform magnetic field and describe circular

1) 3.14 × 10 T 3 −
2) 6.28 × 10 T 3 paths of radii R1 and R2 respectively. The
3) 9.14 × 10−3 T 4) 1.68 ×10 −3 T ratio of the mass of X to that of Y is
1) (R1 /R2 )1/2 2) (R2 /R1 )
26. The length of a solenoid is 0.1m and its
3) (R1 /R2 )2 4) (R1 /R2 )
diameter is very small. A wire is wound over
31. A charged particle moving at right angles to
in two layers. The number of turns in the inner
a uniform magnetic field and starts moving
layer is 50 and that on the outer layer is 40.
along a circular arc of radius of curvature ‘r’.
The strength of current flowing in two layers
In the field it now penetrates a layer of lead
in the same direction is 3 ampere. The
and loses 3/4th of its initial kinetic energy.
magnetic induction in the middle of the
The radius of curvature of its path now will
solenoid will be
1) 3.4 × 10−3T 2) 3.4 × 10−3 gauss 1) 4r 2) 2r 3) r/4 4) r/2
3) 3.4 × 10 T
3 4) 3.4 × 10 gauss
3 32. Two particles having same charge and KE
27. A long solenoid has 200 turns per cm and enter at right angles into the same magnetic
carries a current i. The magnetic field at its field and travel in circular paths of radii 2 cm
and 3 cm respectively. The ratio of their
centre is 6.28 ×10−2Wb / m 2 . Another long
masses is.
solenoid has 100 turns per cm and it carries a 1) 2 : 3 2) 3 : 2 3) 4 : 9 4) 9 : 4
current i/3. The value of the magnetic field at 33. Two electrons move parallel to each other
its centre is (AIE-2006) with equal speed ‘V’ the ratio of magnetic &
1) 1.05 ×10−4 Wb / m2 electric force between them is
2) 1.05 ×10 Wb / m 2 1) V/C 2) C/V 3) V2 / C2 4) C2 / V2
34. A proton, a deuteron and an α particle are
3) 1.05 ×10 −5 Wb / m2 accelerated through same potential difference
4) 1.05 ×10 −4 Wb / m2 and then they enter a normal uniform
magnetic field, the ratio of their kinetic
28. A toroidal solenoid has 3000 turns and a mean
energies will be
radius of 10cm . It has a soft iron core of
1) 2:1:3 2)1:1:2 3) 1:1:1 4)1:2:4
relative permeability 2000. Find the magnetic
35. A proton of energy 8eV is moving in a circular
field in the core when a current of 1.0A is
path in a uniform magnetic field. The energy
passed through the solenoid .
1) 20T 2) 12T 3) 6T 4) 3T of an alpha particle moving in the same
magnetic field and along the same path will
CHARGE IN MAGNETIC FIELD 1) 4eV 2) 2eV 3) 8eV 4) 6eV
29. A particle of mass 1×10 −26 kg and charge 36. A charged particle of charge 10mC enters a
1.6 ×10 −19 C travelling with a velocity uniform magnetic field of induction
1.28 ×106 ms −1 along the positive X-axis enters B = 4i$ + y $j + z k$ tesla with a velocity

V = 2i$ + 3$j − 6 k$ m sec−1 . If the particle

a region in which a uniform electric field

E = −102.4 ×103 k NC −1 and magnetic field continues to move undeviated then the
strength of the magnetic field induction in
B = 8 ×10−2 jWbm−2 , the direction of motion of
the particles is: 1) 4 2) 8 3) 14 4) 30
1) x-axis 2) y-axis 3) z-axis 4) -x-axis
37. Magnetic induction field is existing along +Z 43. A beam of mixture of α particles and protons
JEE axis
in a region ≤ x ≤ a (a is positive). A point are accelerated through same potential
charge q is projected with a velocity ‘v’ at difference before entering into the magnetic
origin along positive x-axis, choose the correct field of strength B. If r1 = 5 cm, then r2 is
alternative regarding its deviation × × × ×
1) maximum deviation is π rad independent of ×
value of a × × r2× ×
2) maximum deviation is π / 2 rad independent 1) 5 cm 2) 5 2cm × × × ×
× × × ×
of value of a × × × ×
3) 10 2cm 4) 20 cm × × × ×
3) maximum deviation is π / 2 rad if a is greater
than its radius of curvature FORCE BETWEEN TWO PARALLEL
4) Maximum deviation is π / 2 rad only if a is CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS
equal to its radius of curvature 44. A horizontal wire of length 0.05m carries a
38. A proton moving with a velocity of current of 5A. If the mass of the wire is 10mg,
(6i + 8j) x 105 ms -1 enters uniform magnetic the minimum magnetic field required to
field of induction 5 x 10-3 k$ tesla. The support the weight of the wire is (g=10m/s 2 )
magnitude of the force acting on the proton 1) 4x10-4 T 2) 25x10-4T 3) 4x10-1 T 4) 25x10-1T
is (i, j and k are unit vectors along X, Y, Z 45. Currents of 10 A , 2 A are passed through two
directions respectively) parallel wires A and B respectively in opposite
1) zero 2) 8 × 10-16 N 3) 3 × 10-16 N 4)4 × 10-16 N directions. If the wire A is infinetely long and
39. A proton of energy 2 MeV is moving the length of the wire B is 2 metre, the force
perpendicular to uniform magnetic field of 2.5 on the conductor B, which is situated at 10cm
T. The force on the proton is (Mp = 1.6 x 10- distance from A will be
Kg and qp = e = 1.6x10-19C) 1) 8 x 10-5 newton 2) 5 x 10-5 newton
1) 2.5 x 10-16 N 2) 8 x 10-11 N 3) 8π x 10 newton 4) 4π x 10-7 newton

3) 2.5 x 10-11 N 4) 8 x 10-12 N 46. Two long parallel conductors carry currents I
40. Acceleration experienced by a particle with and 2I in the same direction. The magnetic
specific charge 1x10 7 C/kg when fired induction at a point exactly mid way between
perpendicular to a magnetic field of induction them is B. If the current in the first conductor
100 µT with a velocity 105 ms -1 is is reversed in direction, the magnetic induction
1) 108 ms-2 2) 10-6 ms-2 3) 1014 ms-2 4) 10-8 ms-2 at the same point will be
41. When two electrons enter into a magnetic 1) B / 3 2) 2B 3) 3B 4) B / 2
field with different velocities, they deflect in 47. A horizontal wire carries 200 amp current
different circular paths, in such a way that below which another wire of linear density
the radius of one path is double that of the 20x10-3 kgm–1 carrying a current is kept at 2
cm distance. If the wire kept below hangs in
other. 1X 107 ms −1 is the velocity of the
air. The current in this wire is
electron in smaller circle of radius 2 X 103 m . 1) 100A 2) 9.8 A 3) 98A 4) 48A
The velocity of electron in the other circular 48. Two long parallel conductors are placed at
path is : [EAM-2011] right angles to a metre scale at the 2cm and
1) 4 X 10 ms7 − 1 2) 4 X 10 ms − 1
6 6 cm marks, as shown in the figure
3) 2 X 107 ms −1 4) 2 X 106 ms − 1
42. A beam of charged particle, having kinetic 1A 3A

energy 103 eV , contains masses 8 X 10−27 kg

and 1.6 X 10 −26 kg emerge from the end of an
accelerator tube. There is a plate at distance O
2 cm 6 cm
10−2 m from the end of the tube and placed They carry currents of 1 A and 3 A
perpendicular to the beam. The magnitude of respectively. They will produce zero magnetic
the smallest magnetic field which can prevent field at the (ignore the earth’s magnetic field)
the beam from striking the plate is. 1) 5 cm mark 2) 3 cm mark
1) 1.414 T 2) 2.414 T 3) 3.414 T 4) 4.414 T 3) 1 cm mark 4) 8 cm mark

49. A rectangular loop of wire of size 4cm ×10cm MOVING COIL GALVANOMETER
carries a steady current of 2A. A straight long 53. A moving coil galvanometer A has 200 turns
wire carrying 5A current is kept near the loop and resistance 100 O . Another meter B has
(as shown in fig).If the loop and the wire are 100 turns and resistance 40 O . All the other
coplanar, find the net force on the loop quantities are same in both the cases. The
current sensistivity of
1) B is double as that of A 2) A is 2 times of B
3) A is 5 times of B 4) B is 5 times of A.
54. A rectangular coil of size 3x3 cm consisting
1) 3.2 × 10−5 N 2) 1.6 × 10−5 N 2A
of 100 turns caries 0.1 A. If it produces a
deflection 100 , in a field of induction 0.1T, the

3) 0.4 ×10 N 4) 4 ×10 N
5 − 5
1cm couple per unit twist is
50. Wire-1 in fig is oriented along the Y-axis 1) 9x10-2 N-m/Degree 2) 9x10-5 N-m/Degree
3) 9x10-5 N-m/rad 4) 0.9 N-m/Degree
and carries a steady current I1 A rectangular 55. To increase the current sensitivity of a moving
circuit located to the right of the wire carries a coil galvanometer by 50% ,its resistance is
current I 2 Find the force experienced by the increased so that the new resistance becomes
top of the horizontal wire ( wire-2) of the twice its initial resistance. By what factor
rectangular circuit. y does the voltage sensitivity change?
1) decreased by 75% 2) Increased by 75%
↑F 3) decreased by 25% 4) Increased by 25%
1)  02π1 2 ln 1 + a  ˆj wire1
  I1 56. A galvanometer of resistance 25 ohm is
I2 connected to a battery of 2 V along with a
 µII  b 
2)  02π1 2 ln  1 + a  ( − jˆ )  x
resistance in series. When the value of this
  a b resistance is 3000 Ω a full scale deflection
 µII  b    ∧
 µII  b    ∧ of 30 units is obtained in the galvanometer.
3)  02π1 2 ln  1 + a   − i   4)  02π1 2 ln 1 + a   i   In order to reduce this deflection to 20 units,
   
the resistance in series will be
TORQUE ON CURRENT LOOP 1)4513ohm 2)5413ohm 3)2000ohm 4)6000ohm.
51. A square loop of side L carries a current I. 57. A voltmeter has range 0 → V with a series
Another smaller square loop of side l ( l << L ) resistance R. With a series resistance 2R, the
range is 0 → V'. The correct relation
carrying a current i is placed inside the bigger
loop such that they are coplanar with their between v and v' is
1) v1 =2v 2) v1 >2v 3) v1 <2v 4) v1 >>2v
centres coinciding. If the currents in the loops
58. A 100 V voltmeter having an internal
are in the same direction, the magnitude of
the torque on the smaller loop is resistance of 20 K Ω when connected in series
with a large resistance R across a 110 V line
µ0 Iil 2 µ0 Iil 2 µ 0 Iil 2 reads 5 V. The magnitude of R is
1) 2) 3) 4) Zero 1) 210 K Ω 2) 315 K Ω 3) 420 K Ω 4) 440 K Ω
2π L 2π L 3π L
52. A coil in the shape of an equilateral triangle 59. A galvanometer has resistance G and Current
of side 0.02 m is suspended from a vertex such I g produces full scale deflection. S1 is the
that it is hanging in a vertical plane between value of the shunt which converts it into an
the pole pieces of a permanent magnet ammeter of range 0 - I and S2 is the value of
producing a horizontal fields of 5 ×10 −2T .
shunt for the range 0 - 2I. The ratio of S1 and
Find the couple acting on the coil when a
current of 0.1A is passed through it and the S2 is
magnetic field parallel its plane
1  I − Ig  2I − I g
1) 0.866 ×10 −6 N − M 2) 1.732 ×10 −4 N − M 1) 2  2 I − i  2) 3) 1/2 4) 2
  I − Ig
3) 0.422 ×10 −6 N − M 4) 0.866 ×10 −2 N − M g
60. The scale of a galvanometer is divided into 150 3. dl × r = 0
JEE equal
- VOL - TheVIII galvanometer has the
current sensitivity of 10 divisions per mA and 4. B = 0 . The maximum distance of a vertex
2π r
the voltage sensitivity of 2 divisions per mV . from the conductor is 2L
How the galvanometer can be designed to µi µi
read (a) 6A / division and (b) 1V / division ? 5. B1 = 0 B2 = 0 B = B1 − B2
2π r 2r
1) S = 8.3 × 10−5 Ω, R = 9995Ω µ0i
6. B= ( sin θ1 + sin θ 2 ) × 3
2) S = 8.3 × 10−2 Ω ,R = 995Ω 4π r
µ0 I µ0 I
3) S = 4.3 ×10 −5 Ω , R = 9950Ω 7. B = B1 + B2 ; B = +
4r 4π r
4) R = 8.3 × 10−5 Ω, S = 995Ω µi µi µ ni
8. B = B1 − B2 = 0 − 0 ; B = 0
2r1 2r2 2r
61. In a galvanometer 5% of the total current in 3
the circuit passes through it. If the resistance BC ( x + R )
2 2 2

of the galvanometer is G, the shunt resistance 9. = 3

Ba R
‘S’ connected to the galvanometer is
[EAM-2008] 10. B1 = 0 ( sin θ1 + sin θ 2 )
1) 19G 2) G/19 3) 20G 4) G/20 4π r
62. The sensitivity of a galvanometer is 60 µ 0i θ
11. B=
divisions/Amp. When a shunt is used, its 4πr
sensitivity becomes 10 divisions Amp. If the µ 0ni
galvanometer is of resistance 20Ω , the value
12. n1r1 = n2 r2 ; B =
of shunt used is: [EAM-2011] 13. B1 = B2
1) 4Ω 2) 5Ω 3) 20Ω 4) 2Ω µi µi
14. B = 0 ; 2πy = 2πx
0 1 0 2

63. The sensitivity of a galvanometer that

measures current is decreased by 1/40 times µ 0ni c = 1
by using shunt resistance of 10Ω . Then, value 15. B = ; µ 0 E0
of resistance of the galvanometer is
µ 0nir 2
[EAM- 2013] 16. B =
1) 400Ω 2) 410Ω 3) 30Ω 4) 390Ω (
2 r2 + x2 )

17. Magnetic field due to current along the

LEVEL-II (C. W ) - KEY z-axis is 0.
1) 4 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 5) 2 6) 1 7) 3 µ i
and due to rest two wires is 0
8) 1 9) 3 10) 1 11) 2 12) 4 13) 1 14) 3 2π a
; By = 2π0a ( −$i ) ; Bz = 0
15) 1 16) 3 17) 1 18) 2 19) 1 20) 2 21) 3 µ 0i $ µi
Bx = j
22) 4 23) 4 24) 1 25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 2 2πa
29) 1 30) 3 31) 4 32) 3 33) 3 34) 2 35) 3 µI θ
18. B = 0 ×
36) 3 37) 3 38) 2 39) 4 40) 1 41) 3 42) 1 R 4Π
43) 2 44) 1 45) 1 46) 3 47) 3 48) 2 49) 2 Ba R3
19. =
50) 1 51) 4 52) 1 53) 2 54) 2 55) 3 56) 1 Bc ( x 2 + R 2 ) 3/2
57) 3 58) 3 59) 2 60) 1 61) 2 62) 2 63) 4
I1 tan30 0
LEVEL-II ( C. W ) - HINTS 20. =
3I 1 tan θ 2
µ0i 21. i = k tan θ
1. B=
2π r µi
22. B = 0
2. B = B12 + B22 2r
23. No work is done to rotate the loop about an
uur 44. B =
axis perpendicular to its plane as M is di il
rected along the axis. Work is done only µ ii
when the planeof the loop rotates. 45. F = 2π0 1r 2 × l
B ni
24. H = µ = 2
46. In the first case the two fields are in opposite
directions and take the difference as the resultant
field. In the next case, the two fields are in the
25. B = µ0in same direction and add up
µi µ0 i1i 2 mg
26. B = 0 ( N1 + N2 ) 47. =
L 2π r l
B1 n1  i1  x=
27. B = n  i  48. i2
2 2  2  i1
µ Ni r r r r r
28. B= 49. As FAB = − FDC , FAB + FDC = 0
2π r
 2I I 
E FAD = km  1 2  ( AB )
29. V =  a 
mV (10 N / A) (2 × 5 A × 2 A )(10cm ) = 2 ×10− 5 N

30. r = =
Bq (1cm )
KE1 r1
31. KE = r 2 Similarly, FBC = 0.4 ×10 −5 N
Thus . Fnet = FAD − FBC = 1.6 ×10−5 N
2 2

mv 2 mk
32. r = = ( towards right)
Bq Bq  µ 0 I1I 2  b  ˆ 
Fm V 2
50.  In 1 +  j 
=  2π  a 
Fe C 2 r
34. Ek = qV ; EK ∝ q QV = constant ( )
Magnetic field B created by wire - I at a
q2 r 2B 2 distancex from it , i.e ..
r µI
mv p
35. Bqv = ; Bq = = ; Ek =
r r r 2m B = 0 1 ( −k )
E 2 2π x
2 qα mP
; E ∝ q2 × m
q kα Force acting on a small element dx of wire -
Ek ∝ 2, i.e
r ur ur
KP P d
uuur uur ur uuur uur  µ I
36. v // B y = 6 z = −12 B = 14 dF = I 2 dx × B or dF = I 2 dx × 
0 1
( −k ) 
 2π x 
mv r
37. r =
µ II
( )
= 0 1 2 dx iˆ × −kˆ 
2π x   ( asdx = dxiˆ )
38. F = q V × B )  µ 0 I1I 2  ˆ r r  µ0 I1 I 2 a+b 1 
 2π x
dx  j ;

F = ∫ dF = 
 2π ∫ x
dx 

2 KE 1
(Q mv 2 = KE )
39. F = Bqv = Bq
m 2 ˆj =  µ 0 I1I 2 In 1 + b   ˆj
40. F = qvB  2π  a 
qBr r
41. v = F point upward as indicated by ĵ
m 51. τ = BiAn cos900
mv 2mE 52. Here l = 0.02m , B = 5 ×10−2 T , I = 0.1A
42. r = =
qB qB Area of the triangular coil,
1 r r 1
mv 2mqv A = l × l = ( l × l sin60 0 )
43. r = = 2 2
qB qB

1 1 G 5Ω 5Ω
= l 2 sin60
- VOL ( 0.02m ) 2 ( 0.865)
= - VIII S= = ≈ = 8.3 ×10 −5 Ω
2 2 ( n − 1) ( 6 ×10 − 1) 6 × 10
4 4

= 1.732 ×10 m 2
(b) V ( voltage to be measured )
(as angle between the sides of an equilateral
 1V 
triangle is 600 ) =  (150 div ) = 150V
Couple acting on the coil, ; τ = IAB cos α  div 
= ( 0.1A) (1.732 × 10−4 m 2 )( 5 ×10 −2 T ) cos00
V 150V 150V
As n = V = 75mV = 75 ×10−3V = 2 ×10

= 0.866 × 10−6 N m

( α = 00 as magnetic field is parallel to the R = G ( n − 1) = 5Ω ( 2 ×103 − 1)

plane of the coil ) = 5Ω ( 2000 − 1) = 9995Ω
53. = G
i C 61. S =
n −1
54. cθ = NiAB G
55. Let CS and VS be the original current 62. S =
sensitivity and voltage sensitivity of MCG n −1
Changed current sensitivity G
63. S =
50 3 n −1
CS 1 = CS + CS = CS
100 2
Since VS =
changed voltage sensitivity, i.e., AMPERE’S CIRCUITAL LAW
VS 1 = =
3  CS  1. A current of 30A is flowing in a vertical
=   = 0.75VS = 75% = 75%VS
4 R  straight wire. If the horizontal component of
Thus, voltage sensitivity decreases by 25% earths magnetic field is 2 ×10−5 T, then the
V position of null point will be
56. R = −G
ig 1) 0.9m 2) 0.3mm 3) 0.3cm 4) 0.3m
57. R = ( n − 1) G 2. The magnetic field at the centre of the coil in
the figure shown below is (the wires crossing
58. V = iR
at P are insulated from each other)
59. S = (EAM-2009)
n −1
 1mA 
60. Here I g =   (150div ) = 15mA
 10div 
µ 0 2I µ 0 2I
 1mA  1) 4π r (1 + π ) 2) 4π r (π − 1)
Vg =   (150div ) = 75mV
 2div 
µ 0 2I µ 0 2π I P
3) 4π r (π + 1) 4) 4π
Vg 75mV
G= = = 5Ω r
I g 15mA
3. Due to a straight vertical current carrying
(a) I ( current to be measured)
conductor, a null point occurred at P on east
 6A 
=  (150div ) = 900 A
of the conductor. The net magnetic induction
 div  at a point ‘Q’ which is at same distance on
I 900 A 900 A north of the conductor is
As n = I = 15mA = 15 ×10−3 A = 6 ×10

g 1)0 2) 3BH 3) BH 4) 2 BH
4. The wire shown in figure carries a current of 10. Figure shows the cross-sectional view of the
40A. If r=3.14cm the magnetic field at point p hollow cylindrical conductor with inner radius
will be ‘R’ and outer radius ‘2R’. Cylinder is carrying
r r uniformly distributed current along it’s axis.
The magnetic induction at point ‘P’ at a
1) 1.6 × 10−3 T 2) 3.2 × 10−3 T 90° 3R
distance from the axis of the cylinder will
3) 6 × 10−4T 4) 4.8 × 10−3T 2
5. The magnetic field at the centre of semicircle be
o in the figure is
R 3R
O 5µ 0 i 2
r 1) Zero 2)
µi µi 72π R 2R

1) B = 0 2) 0 (1 + 2 π ) 7 µ i 5µ 0 i
4r 4r 3) 0
µi µi 18π R 36π R
3) 0 (π − 2) 4) 0 (π + 2) 11. In the following figure a wire bent in the form
4π r 4π r of a regular polygon of n sides is inscribed in
6. A cube made of wire of equal length is
connected to a battery as shown in the figure. a circle of radius a. Net magnetic field at
The magnetic field at the centre of the cube centre will be
↑ θ
µi π
12 µ 0I 6µ0 I
1) B = 0 tan
1) 2) ↓ 2π a n i
2 πL 2π L
+ − µ ni π
6µ I
3) π L0 2) B = 0 tan
4) zero 2π a n
7. In Bohr's model of hydrogen atom, the 2 µ ni π µ ni π
electron circulates round the nucleus in a path 3) B = 0 tan 4) B = 0 tan
of radius 5 x 10-11m at a frequency of 6.8x1015 πa n 2a n
revolutions per second. The value of magnetic 12. Two concentric coils of 10 turns each are
induction at the centre of the orbit is placed in the same plane. Their radii are 20cm
1) 12.27 T 2) 10.8 T 3) 13.2 T 4) 13.6T and 40cm and carry 0.2 and 0.3 amp. current
8. In the given loop the magneticfield at the centre respectively in opposite directions. The
O is r
magnetic induction (in Tesla) at the centre is
I O 3 5 7 9
1) µ 0 2) µ 0 3) µ 0 4) µ 0
r 1
4 4 4 4
1)   out of the page
4  r1r2  13. Two tangent galvanometers having coils of
µ 0I  r1 + r2  the same radius are connected in series. A
2)   into the page current flowing in them produces deflections
4  r1r2 
µ I  r −r  of 600 and 450 respectively. The ratio of the
3) 40  1r r 2  out of the page number of turns in the coils are respectively
 12 
µ 0I  r1 − r2  3 1 3 +1 1
4) 4  r r  into the page 1) 2) 3) 4)
 12  3 3 +1
9. The field normal to the plane of a coil ofn 1 1
turns and radius r which carries a current i is 14. A tangent galvanometer carrying a certain
measured on the axis of the coil at a small current gave a deflection of 30 . If the

distance h from the centre of the coil. This is glavanometer is taken to another location
smaller than the field at the centre by the where the earth’s horizontal component of
fraction magnetic induction is one third of the previous
2 2 2 2 value, the deflection for the same current will
3h 2h 3r 2r
1) 2) 3) 4) be
2 r2 3 r2 2 h2 3 h2 1) 600 2) 450 3) 900 4) 300
CURRENT LOOP AND MAGNETIC 22. A beam of protons enters a uniform magnetic
JEE MAINS - VOL - VIII DIPOLE field of 0.3 T with a velocity of 4 ×105 m /sec
15. A wire of length 6.28 m is bent into a circular in a direction making an angle of 600 with the
coil of 2 turns. If a current of 0.5A exists in direction of magnetic field, the pitch of the
the coil, the magnetic moment of the coil is, helix will be
in Am 2 : 1) 4.7m 2) 0.47m 3)0.047m 4) 0.0047 m
π 1 23. A uniform magnetic field B is acting from
1) 2) 3) π 4) 4π south to north and is of magnitude 1.5 Wb /
4 4
16. A wire of length 6.28 m is bent into a circular m2 . If a proton having mass = 1.7 × 10−27 kg and
coil of 2 turns. If a current of 0.5 A exists in charge = 1.6 ×10 −19 C moves in this field
the coil, the magnetic moment of the coil is, in vertically downwards with energy 5 MeV, then
A − m2 : [EAM-2010] the force acting unit will be
π 1 1) 7.4 ×1012 N 2) 7.4 ×10 −12 N
1) 2) 3) π 4) 4π
4 4 3) 7.4 ×1019 N 4) 7.4 ×10 −19 N
SOLENOID & TOROID 24. An electron travelling with a velocity
V = 10 7 i$ m / s enter a magnetic field of
17. A solenoid of 1000 turns is wound uniformly
on a glass tube 50 cm long and 10 cm diameter.
The strength of magnetic field at the centre of induction B = 2 j . The force on electron is
solenoid when a current of 0.1 A. flows through
it is 1) 1.6x10-12 j N 2) 3.2x10-12 k N
1) 100 A/m 2) 200 A/m 3) 400 A/m 4) 50 A/m 3) 6.4x10-12 k N 4) -3.2x10-12 k N
18. A long solenoid has 200 turns per cm and 25. A magnetic field
carries a current i.The magnetic field at its 4 X10 −3 KT
ˆ exerts a force
(4iˆ + 3 ˆj )× 10 N on a particle having a charge
−1 0

centre is 6.28 × 10−2 wb / m2 .Another long

10−9 C and going in the X-Y plane. The
solenoid has 100 turns per cm and it velocity of the particle is
carries a current i/3.The value of magnetic field
at its centre is 1) −75iˆ + 100 ˆj 2) 100iˆ + 75 ˆj
1) 1.05 ×10 −2 wb / m2 2) 1.05 ×10 −5 wb / m2 3) 75iˆ + 100 jˆ 4) 100iˆ − 75 jˆ
3) 1.05×10−3 wb / m2 4) 1.05×10−4 wb / m2 FORCE BETWEEN TWO PARALLEL
CHARGE IN MAGNETIC FIELD 26. A uniform conducting wire ABC has a mass
19. A proton moving in a perpendicular magnetic of 10g. A current of 2A flows through it. the
field possesses kinetic energy E. The wire is kept in a uniform magnetic field i.e., of
magnetic field is increased 8 times. But the induction to 2T, then acceleration is
× B× × ×
proton is constrained to move in the path of y
same radius. The kinetic energy will increase
1) 1/8 times 2) 8 times 3) 16 times 4) 64 times × × × × x
20. Electrons accelerated by a potential difference 4cm 5cm
V enter a uniform magnetic field of flux density × × × × z
B at right angles to the field. They describe a C
circular path of radius ‘r’. If now V is doubled × A × × ×
and B is also doubled, the radius of the new 1) Zero
circular path is 2) 12 ms -2 along y-axis
1) 4r 2) 2r 3) 2 2r 4) r / 2 3) 1.2 × 10−3 ms −2 along y-axis
21. An electron is shot in steady electric and 4) 0.6 ×10−3 ms −2 along y-axis
magnetic fields such that its velocity is V. 27. A straight conductor carrying a current is kept
Electric field E and magnetic field B are in a uniform magnetic field so as to experience
mutually perpendicular. The magnitude of E maximum force. If now the conductor is turned
is 1 volt/cm and that of B is 2 tesla. Now it in its own plane such that the force acting on
happens that the Lorentz (Magnetic) force it is half of the maximum force, then the angle
cancels with the electro static force on the made by the conductor in the final position
electron , then the velocity of the electron is with respect to the field is
1) 50 ms –1 2) 2 cms –1 3) 0.5 cms –1 4) 200ms –1 1) 60° 2) 45° 3) 30° 4) 90°
28. Two long parallel wires are separated by a CONVERSION OF MCG INTO AMMETER
distance of 2 m. They carry a current of 1A & VOLTMETER
each in opposite direction. The magnetic 34. The deflection in a moving coil galvanometer
induction at the midpoint of a straight line falls from 100 divisions to 20 divisions when a
connecting these two wires is shunt of 12Ω is used. The resistance of the
1) zero 2) 2x10-7 T 3) 4x10-5T 4) 4x10-7T galvanometer coil is
29. Three very long straight thin wires are 1) 3Ω 2) 12Ω 3) 48Ω 4) 4 8 / 5Ω
connected parallel to each other through a 35. A galvano metre required 10 µ A for one
battery of negligible internal resistance. The division of its scale. It is to be used to measure
resistance of the wires are 2 Ω,3Ω and 4Ω . a current of 1 amp to the full scale deflection.
The ratio of distances of middle wire from the The scale has 100 divisions. The value of
first and third wires if resultant magnetic shunt if the resistance of the galvanometer is
999 O
force on the middle wire is zero is
1) 2 O 2) 3 O 3) 1 O 4) 4 O
1) 2 : 1 2) 3 : 4 3) 2 : 3 4) 3 : 5
30. Three long straight conductors are arranged 36. The scale of a galvanometer of resistance 100
ohms contains 25 divisions. It gives a
parallel to each other in the same plane and deflection of one division on passing a current
carry currents of 1 A, 2 A and 3 A all in the of 4 x 10–4 amperes. The resistance in ohms
same direction. The distance between the to be added to it, so that it may become a
first two conductors is “x” and the distance voltmeter of range 2.5 volts is
between the second and third conductors is 1)100 2)150 3)250 4)300
“y”. If the middle conductor is in equilibrium, 37. A micro ammeter has a resistance of 100 Ω
the ratio x : y is and a full scale range of 50 µ A. It can be
1) 1 : 3 2) 3 : 1 3) 1 : 3 4) 3 : 1 used as a voltmeter or as a higher range
ammeter provided a resistance is added to it.
TORQUE ON CURRENT LOOP Pick the current range and resistance
31. A wire of length L is bent in the form of a combinations.
circular coil of some turns. A current I flows 1) 50 Volt range with 10 K Ω resitance in series
through the coil. The coil is placed in a uniform 2) 5 Volt range with 200K Ω resistance in series
magnetic field of induction B. The maximum 3) 5 mA range with 1 Ω resistance in parallel
torque on the coil can be 4)10 mA range with 1 Ω resistance in parallel
2 2 2 2
4π π 2π π 1) 4 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3 5) 4 6) 4 7) 4
MOVING COIL GALVANOMETER 8) 2 9) 1 10) 4 11) 2 12) 2 13) 1 14) 1
32. A moving coil galvanometer A has 100 turns 15) 1 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1 19) 4 20) 4 21) 1
and resistance 10 O . Another galvanometer B 22) 3 23) 2 24) 4 25) 1 26) 2 27) 3 28) 4
29) 1 30) 1 31) 1 32) 3 33) 4 34) 3 35) 3
has 50 turns and 5 O . The other quantities are 36) 2 37) 3
same in both the cases. Then the voltage
sensitivity of LEVEL-II ( H. W ) - HINTS
1) A is greater than that of B µi
2) B is greater than that of A 1. H = 0
2π r
3) A and B is Same
µ0 ni µ 0i
4) cannot be compared 2. B = B1 + B2 ; B1 = ; B2 =
33. The coil of a galvanometer consists of 100 turns 2r 2πr
and effective area 1cm .The restoring couple 3. R = B + BH = BH + BH = 2 BH
2 2 2 2 2

is 10−8 N − m / rad . The magnetic field between µ 0i 3  µ0 I 

the pole pieces is 5 tesla. The current 4. B = 4πr ( θ) ; B = 4  2 r 
sensitivity of the galvanometer will be µi µi µi
5. B = B + B + B = 0 + 0 + 0
1) 5 ×10 radian per micro ampere
4 1 2 3
4πr 4r 4πr
2) 5 × 10 radian per micro ampere
6 6. Magnetic field is zero at the centre due to
symmetrical current distribution
3) 2 ×10 −7 radian per micro ampere µ 0ne
4) 5 radian per micro ampere 7. B= where n is the frequency

µ i µ 0i µ I r +r  µo i1i2
B = B1 + B-2 VOL
= 0 +- VIII Btotal = 0  1 2  30. F = & f12 + f23 = 0 31. τ max = BINA
4r1 4r2 ; 4  r1r2  2π r
µ NI 32. = 33. =
9. Field at the centre B1 = 0 V CG i C
Field at distance h from the centre
G S= V
µ0 nir  h 
34. S = 35. i
−1 36. R = i − G
2 2
= B1 1 + 2 
 3h 2
n −1
B1 =  1 − 2 
ig g

2( r + h )
2 3/2 ;
 r   2r  G
37. i
µ 0i  r 2 − a 2  −1
10. B = 2π R  b 2 − a2  and r =
, a = R, b = 2 R LEVEL - III
  2
11. Magnetic field at the centre due to one side
B1 = 0 sin θ , where r = a cos θ 1. Two wires AO and OC carry currents i as
2π r shown in figure. One end of both the wires
µ0i µi extends to infinity ∠AOC = α , the magnitude
∴ B1 = sin θ = 0 tan θ ; ∴ Bnet = nB1
2π a cos θ 2π a of magnetic field at a point P on the bisector
nµ 0 i of the two wires at a distance r from O is
12. B =
2r A
2 BH r
13. I = K tan θ , K = µ n ; tan θ ∝ n α r
0 O p
14. If K is the reduction factor of the galvanometer, µ oi α  µ oi α 
1) cot   2) cot   C
2rBH 2 πr 2 4 πr 2
then K = µ n . As BH is reduced to 1/3rd , K  α
1 + cos 
µ oi  2 µ oi
 α
becomes K/3. Use i = K tan θ 3) 2 πr α  4) 4 πr
sin  
sin    2
15. M = NI π r 2 ; l = ( 2π r ) N 16. M = niA 2.
A current of 1A is flowing through a straight
B2 i2 n2 conductor of length 16cm. The magnetic
17. H = ni 18. B = i n induction (in tesla) at a point 10cm from the
1 1 1 either end of the wire is :
2m (K .E ) r1 v1 B22
8 −6
1) × 10 2)
× 10− 5 3)
× 10− 6 4) 3 × 10− 6
19. r = 20. r2
= ×
v 2 B12 3 6 2 6 3 6
Bq 3. Each of two long parallel wires carries a
mv 2πr constant current i along the same
21. r = Bq 22. p = v cos θ× T ; T =
v sin θ direction.The wires are separated by a
distance 2l.The magnitude of resultant
1 2 2 KE
23. F = Bqv and KE = mv ⇒ F = qB magnetic induction in the symmetric plane of
2 m this system located between the wires at a
24. F = q ( v × B ) distance R from each wire will be
25. F = q( v × B)
µi µ 0i µi l2
26. Force on the wire F = Bil = 2× 2× 3 × 10−2 1) 0 2) zero 3) 4) 0 1 − 2
πR π R −l πR
2 2
Fmax 1 4. A long straight wire of radius 'a' carries a
27. F= ; ∴ sin θ = 28. B = B1 + B2 steady current i.The current is uniformly
2 2
29. As the wires are parallel, distributed across section.The ratio of the
magnetic field at a / 2 and 2a is
1 1 1 1) 1/4 2) 4 3) 1 4) 1/2
I1 : I2 : I3 = : : = 6 : 4 : 3
2 3 4 5. PQ is a uniform rod of length l and mass m
Force between first second & second, third wires carrying current i and is suspended in uniform
are equal ur
magnetic field of induction B acting inward
F µ 0 I1I 2 as shown in figure. The tension in each string
l 2π r is
10. The figure shows a unifrom conducting
structure which carries current i with each small
square has side a. The structure is kept in a
i × × ×
uniform magnetic field B. Then the magnetic
P Q force on the structure will be
× × ×
mg − Bil mg + Bil
× × ×
1) mg − Bi l 2) mg + Bi l 3) 4) ×
2 2 × × ×
6. Wires 1 and 2 carrying currents i1 and i2 1) 2 2 iBa 2) 2 iBa E F
respectively are inclined at an angle θ to each O
× × ×
other. What is the force on a small element dl 3) 2 iBa 4) iBa B H C
of wire 2 at a distance of r from wire 1 (as
shown in figure) due to the magnetic field of 11. A current-carrying circular loop of radius R
wire 1 is placed in the XY-plane with centre at the
µ0 origin. Half of the loop with x>0 is now bent
1) i i dl tan θ i 1 so that it now lies in the YZ-plane.
2π r
1 2

i 1) The magnitude of magnetic moment now

2) i1 i2 dl sin θ r diminishes
2π r 2) The magnetic moment does not change
µ0 dl ur
3) i1 i2dl cos θ θ 3) The magnitude of B at ( 0,0,z) ,z >>R
2π r
µ0 increases
4) i i dl sin θ 4) The magnitude of B at ( 0,0,z),z >> R is
4π r

7. A current i = 2 A be flowing in each part of a unchanged

wire frame as shown in fig. The frame is a MAGNETIC INDUCTION FIELD DUE
combination of two equilateral triangles ACD TO CURRENT CARRYING CIRCULAR
and CDE of side 1m. It is placed in uniform COIL
magnetic field B=4T acting perpendicular to 12. The magnetic induction at O due to a current
the plane of frame. The magnitude of in conductor shaped as shown in fig. is
magnetic force acting on the frame is
µoi  3π 2
1) 4π  2a + b 
× × × × × ×
A i i
  b
× × × × × ×

µoi 3π 2
1) 24 N 2) Zero C D 2)  − 
4π  4a b 
× × × × × ×
a O
µoi  3π 1  µoi  1 1 
 + +
2b 
3) 16N 4) 8N × × 3) ×
× 4) × ×
2π  4a 4π a b 
8. A wire bent in the form a right angled triangle 13. A wire is bent in the form of a circular arc
PQR, carries a current 1 A. It is placed in a with a straight portion AB. If the current in
region of a uniform magnetic field B= 0.2T. If the wire is i, then the magnetic induction
i at O
PR = 1m, the net force on the wire is is
P µi µi
1) 0 (tan φ ) 2) 0 (π − φ )
2π r 2π r O
µ 0i r r
1)1.73N 2)3.46N B = 0.2T 3) (π − φ + tan φ )
2π r φ φ
3).2.732N 4) Zero 4) 0 (π − t an φ )
Q R 2π r A B

9. Two long parallel conductors carry currents 14. A wire of length ‘L’ is bent in to an arc of a
i1 = 3 A and i2 = 3 A both are directed into the circle and found to subtend and angle of ‘θ ’
radians at the center. If a current of ‘i’ is
plane of paper. The magnitude of resultant passed through it, the magnetic induction at
magnetic field at point ‘P; is 5cm P the center of the circle is
µo i θ 2 µ iθ2 µ iθ µo i θ
1) 2) o 3) o 4)
2πL 4πL 4πL 2πL

1) 12µT 2) 5µT 13cm 15. A wire of length L is shaped into a circle and
then bent in such a way that the two semi-
3) 13µT 4) 7 µ T circles are perpendicular. The magnetic
moment of the system when current I flows 22. Velocity and acceleration vectors of a charged
JEE through
MAINS -the
system particle moving in a magnetic field at some
2iL 2
3iL 2
instant are vr = 3ˆi + 4 ˆj and ar = 2iˆ + xjˆ . Select
1) 2) 3) 4)
8π 4π 4π 2π the wrong alternative
16. A square frame of side l carries a current 1) x = –1.5 2) x = 3
produces a field B at its centre. The same 3) magnetic field is along z-direction
current is passed through a circular loop 4) Kinetic energy of the particle is constant
having same perimeter as the square. The 23. A charged particle enters a magnetic field at
field at its centre is B′ , the ratio of B / B ' is right angles to the field. The field exists for a
length equal to 1.5 times the radius of circular
8 2 8 2 π2 path of particle. The particle will be deviated
1) 2 2) 2 3) 2 4) from its path by
π π π 8 2
17. A circular coil of 100 turns and effective 1) 90o 2) sin −1 ( 2 / 3) 3) 30o 4) 180o
diameter 20cm carries a current of 0.5 A. It is 24. A particle of mass m and charge q, moving
to be turned in a magnetic field of B = 2.0 T with velocity V enters Region II normal to
from a position in which the normal to the plane the boundary as shown in fig. Region II has a
of the coil makes an angle θ equals to zero uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the
to one in which θ equals to 180°. The work plane of the paper. The length of the Region
required in this process is II is l . Then : [IIT-JEE-2008]
1) π J 2) 2 π J 3) 4 π J 4) 8 π J Region I Region II Region III
18. A long solenoid has 200 turns per centimetre × ×
and carries a current i. The magnetic field at × ×
its centre is 6.28 X 10 −2Wb / m 2 . Another long × ×
solenoid has 100 turns per centimetre and it × ×
carries a current i/3. The value of the × ×
magnetic field at its centre is :
1) 1.05 X 10− 3Wb / m 2 2) 1.05 X 10− 4Wb / m 2 1) The particle enters Region III only if its

3) 1.05 X 10 Wb / m 4) 1.05 X 10 Wb / m
2 2 − 5 2
19. The magnetic induction at the point O, if the velocity V >
wire carrying current I is 2) Path length of the particle in region II is
µ I
µ I maximum when velocity V =
1) 0 2) 2π0R O m
3) Time spent in Region II is same for any
µ0 I ( π 2 + 4) µ0 I ( π 2 + 4 ) velocity
3) 4) I V as long as the particle returns to Region I.
4πR 4πR 4) All the above are correct
20. Two circular coils P and Q are made from 25. A proton accelerated by a pd V=500 KV
similar wire but radius of Q is twice that of P. moves through a transverse magnetic field
Relation between the values of potential B=0.51 T as shown in figure. Then the angle
difference across them so that the magnetic θ through which the proton deviates from the
induction at their centers may be the same is initial direction of its motion is
1) Vq = 2V p 2) Vq = 3V p 3) Vq = 4V p 4) Vq = 1 / 4V p (approximately) V
o o
21. A charged particle of charge 5mc and mass 5gm 1) 15 2) 30 O+e

is moving with a constant speed 5 m/s. in a

uniform magnetic field on a curve 3) 45o 4) 60o d = 10cm

x + y = 25 . Where x and y are in meter. The 26. Two identical charged particles enter a
2 2

value of magnetic filed required will be uniform magnetic field with same speed but
1) 1 Tesla 2) 1 T along z-axis at angles 300 and 600 with field. Let a, b and c
3) 5 KT along the x-axis be the ratio of their time periods, radii and
4) 1 KT along any line in the x-y plane pitches of the helical paths then:
1) abc =1 2) abc>1 3) abc<1 4) ac = b

27. An electron whose e/m is 1.76X1011 c/kg enter TORQUE ON A CURRENT CARRYING
a region where there is a uniform magnetic LOOP IN A MAGNETIC FIELD & MCG
field of induction 2 X 10−3 tesla with a velocity 32. A circular loop of radius 20cm is placed in a
of 3 X 106 m/sec in a direction making an angle uniform magnetic field B = 2T in X-Y plane.
of 450 with the field. The pitch of its helical the loop carries a current 1A in the direction
path in the region is shown in figure. The magnitude of torque
1) 1.5cm 2) 3.8cm 3) 5.36cm 4) 8.4cm acting on the loop is nearly Y
28. Two charged particles traverse identical
helical paths in a completely opposite sense B
in a uniform magnetic field B = B0 Kˆ 45

0.25 X
1) They have equal z-components of momenta. 1) 0.25 N-m 2) N-m
2) They must have equal charges 2
3) They necessarily represent a partical-antipar 0.75
ticle pair 3)0.75N-m 4) N-m
4) The charge to mass ratio satisfy: 2
33. A non conducting disc of radius R, charge q is
( e / m )1 + ( e / m) 2 = 0 rotating about an axis passing through its
FORCE BETWEEN PARALLEL centre and perpendicular to its plane with an
CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS angular velocity ω charge q is uniformly
29. Three very long straight conductors are distributed over its surface. The magnetic
arranged parallel to each other in a plane and moment of the disc is
have resistances in the ratio 1:2:3. They are 1 1 1
1) qω R 2) qω R 3) qω R 4) qω R
2 2
connected in parallel to a battery of negligible 4 2 2
internal resistance such that the currents in 34. A galvanometer of resistance 5 Ω is connected
all three wires are in the same direction. The
distance between the first two conductors is in series with a resistance of 0.2 Ω to a battery
x and the distance between the second and of negligible internal resistance. The
third conductors is y. If the middle conductor deflection is noted. If the 0.2 Ω resistance is
is in equilibrium, the ratio x : y is replaced by 2 Ω resistance, the value of shunt
1) 1 : 3 2) 3:1 3) 1: 3 4) 3:1 resistance to be connected to the
30. Two 1ong wires are placed parallel to each galvanometer to maintain the same deflection
other 10cm apart as shown in fig. The is
magnetic field at piont P is 1) 1 Ω 2) 8.9 Ω 3) 0.01 Ω 4) 10 Ω
35. A thin wire of length L is made of an insulat
1) 5/6 x 10–3 T directed ing material. The wire is bent to form a
perpendicular into the paper i =100 A i =100 A
circular loop, and a positive charge q is
distributed uniformly around the circumference
2) 1/3 x 10 T directed P
of the loop. The loop is then set into rotation
with angular speed ω around an axis through
perpendicular out of the paper its centre. If the loop is in the region where
10 cm r
3) 5/6 x 10–3 T directed perpendicular out of the paper there is a uniform magnetic field B directed
parallel to the plane of the loop, calculate the
4) 1/6 x 10–3 T directed perpendicular into the paper magnitude of the magnetic torque on the loop.
31. Two long parallel wires are at a distance 2d
apart. They carry steady equal currents qω L2 B qω L2 B qω L2 B qω L2 B
1) 2) 3) 4)
flowing out of the plane of the paper as shown. 8π 2 4π 2 2π 2 π2
The variation of the magnetic field B along 36. A rigid circular loop of radius r and mass m
the line XX 1 is given by (2010) lies in the XY- plane of a flat table and has a
current I flowing in it . At this particular
place. the Earth’s magnetic field
B = Bx i + Bz k . . The value of I so that the
loop starts tilting is :
mg mg mg mg
1) πr B + B
2 2 2) π rBx 3) π rBz 4) π r B B
x z x z
37. A hollow sphere has charge ‘q’ which is LEVEL-III - HINTS
JEE uniformly
MAINS - VOL - VIII over its surface and
µ0 I
rotationg about its diameter with angular 1. B=  sin ( 90 − θ / 2 ) + sin900  × 2
velocity ‘ω ’. The magnetic moment of the 4π a
sphere is µ I
2. B = o ( sin φ1 + sin φ2 )
qr 2ω qr 2ω qr 2ω 4π r
1) 2) 3) qr ω
4) µi µi
2 3 4 3. B1 = 0 ; B2 = 0
38. A loop carrying current I lies in the x-y plane 2π R 2π r
as shown in fig. The unit vector k$ is coming µ ir µ0 i
B1 = 0 1 B2 =
out of the plane of the paper. The magnetic 4. 2π R 2π r2
moment of the current loop is [IIT JEE 2012] 5. 2T = mg − Bil
y 6. Length of the component dl which is parallel to
wire (1) is dl cosθ , so force on it.
µ ii
 π  2 F = 0 1 2 ( dl cos θ )
1) a 2 I k$ 2)  2 + 1 a I k$ 2π r
  x
a 7. F = ilC D B
π  2
3) −  2 + 1 a I k$ 4) (2π + 1)a 2 I k$ 8. F = Bil sinθ and net force = F1 – F2
  µI
B= 0
39. Electric field strength E = E0iˆ and magnetic 9. 2π r
induction B = B0iˆ exists in a region. A charged B1 = B12 + B22 + 2B1B2 cos θ
particle ‘q’ is released from rest at origin. 10. F=ilB
Work done by both the fields is after certain Where l is effective length AC.
time is 11. The magnetic moment due to two halves of the
bent circular loop are at right angle to each other.
1) qEx 2) qEy 3) qEz 4) qE x 2 + y 2 If m is the magnetic moment of the unbent loop,
40. A long current carrying wire, carrying current then that of the bent loop is
such that it is flowing out from the plane of
paper, is placed at O. A steady state current ( m / 2) 2 + (m / 2 ) 2 =m / 2 <m
is flowing in the loop ABCD. Then[IIT-2006] µ oiφ µi
C 12. B1 = , B2 = o ( sin0° + sin45 °)
B 4π a 4π b
I2 ∴B = B1 + B2
1) the net force is zero O µ 0i µi
13. B = B1 + B2 ; = ( 2π − 2θ ) + 0 ( 2sin θ )
2) as seen from O, the loop 4π r 4π d
A where cos θ =d/r d = r cos θ
will rotate in clock wise µ iθ
direction along axis OO’. 14. B= o ; L = rθ
4π r
3) both 1 & 2 are correct. µ0 i φ
4) as seen from O,the loop will rotate in anticlock 15. B =
 µo µ ni
wise direction along axis OO’.
16. B = 4  ( sin θ1 + sin θ 2 )  , B = o
 4π r  2r
17. w = MB (1 − cos θ )
1) 3 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) 3 6) 3 7) 1 18. B = µ 0ni
8) 4 9) 3 10) 1 11) 1 12) 1 13) 3 14) 2
15) 1 16) 1 17) 2 18) 3 19) 3 20) 3 21) 2 µ i µi µi
19. B1 = 4π0R + 4π0R ; B2 = 0 ; B = B12 + B22
22) 2 23) 4 24) 4 25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 4 4R
29) 2 30) 4 31) 2 32) 1 33) 1 34) 2 35) 1 µ0 i V
36) 2 37) 2 38) 2 39) 1 40) 3 20. B = where i =
2r R

 qω   L  qω L2 B
21. r = Bq τ = =
  B
r  2π   4π 8π 2
22. F .vr = 0 
 µ 0I c 
36. For the point O B1 =  2 R 
23. If the length of the field is more than the radius
then the particle deviates by 1800  e
24. v ⊥ B in region II. Therefore, path of particle is (due to circular loop)
circle in region II. Particle enters in region III, µI 
B2 =  0 c  ( due to long straight wire )
mv  2π H  ⊗
if radius of circular path, r > l or >l uur uur
Bq Since B1 and B2 act in opposite direction for
Bql Bql mv resultant magnetic field to be zero B1 = B2
or v > ; If v = ,r = = l , particle
m m Bq I1R
will turn back and path length will be maximum. hence, H = I π
If particle returns to region 1, time spent in region
II will be 37. Select an annular ring of radius r sin θ and
T πm thickness rdθ . d µ is its magnetic moment.
t= = , which is independent of v
( r sinθ ) ωdq ; dq = q ( 2π r 2 sinθ dθ )
2 Bq
d µ =
4π r
mv 2 1 d 2
25. Bqv = ; mv2 = Vq and sin θ = π
r 2 r
2π m mv µ = ∫dµ
26. T = ; R = ⊥ pitch = T × cos45 0 0
qB qB 2
2π m a 
π  
27. T = 38. Area = a 2 + 4 ×  2  = a 2 + π a
28. Since the charged particles traverse identical 2 2
 π  2
A = 1 +  a k$ ; M = niA
helical paths in a completely opposite sense in
a uniform magnetic field B, their
 2
radii ( r = mv sin θ / eB ) and frequencies 39. cannot do any work. q will move only
( v = eB / 2π m ) must be equal For this along x-axis. Hence WE = qEx .
( e / m )1 = − ( e / m) 2 or ( e / m )1 + ( e / m )2 = 0 40. Net force on AB and CD will be zero because
magnetic field due to I1 is along these parts. Force
µ0i1 i2 l
29. F = on BC due to I1 will be outwards and on AB will
2π r
be inwards. This will provide clockwise torque as
µ0 I  1 1  seen from O.
30. B = 2 π  r − r 
 1 2
31. Bnet = B1 : B2
r uur ur
32. τ = M × B 1) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
q of A
33. M = ( I ω ) 2) A is true and R is true
2m 3) both A and R are false
34. To keep i same, R1 = R2 4) A and R are true and R is not a correct
35. τ = mB sin θ = IAB sinθ = IAB ; ( = ) 1. explanation of A
asθ 90
Assertion (A): The plane of the coil of tangent
q q qω galvanometer should be parallel to the
Further ,as I = = = ,
T 2π / ω 2π magnetic meridian
2 Reason (R): It makes the magnetic field of
 L  L2
A =πr =π 
 =
the coil perpendicular to the horizontal
 2π  4π component of earth’s magnetic field so that
tangent law can be applicable
2. Assertion (A) : For a charged particle 11. Assertion (A): The range of given voltmeter
JEE describing
MAINS - VOL circular
- VIII path in a uniform can be both increased and decreased.
transverse magnetic field, the kinetic energy Reason (R): By adjusting the value of
remain constant resistance in series with galvanometer the
Reason ( R) : The work done by the force due range of voltmeter can be adjusted.
to magnetic field on a moving charge is always 12. Consider the following statements:
zero A) Time period of a charged particle in
3. Assertion (A): If an electron is not deflected uniform magnetic field is independent of K.E
while passing through a certain region of of the particle
space, then only possibility is that there is no B) Time period of a charged particle in
magnetic field in this region. uniform magnetic field depends on the angle
Reason (R): Force on an electron moving in a between velocity and magnetic field
magnetic field is directly proportional to the C) Time period of a charged particle in
magnetic field applied. uniform magnetic field is inversely propor
4. Assertion (A): If a proton and an α -particle tional to specific charge
enter a uniform magnetic field 1) A, B are correct and C is wrong
perpendicularly, with the same speed, the time 2) A is correct, B and C are wrong
period of revolution of α -particle is double 3) A, C are correct and B is wrong
that of proton. 4) A,B& C are correct
Reason (R): In a magnetic field, the time 13. A proton, an alpha particle and an electron
period of revolution of a charged particle is are projected perpendicularly into uniform
inversely proportional its specific charge. transverse electric and magnetic fields. It is
5. Assertion (A): If an electron while coming observed that proton travels undeflected.
vertically from outerspace enter the earth’s Then
magnetic field, it is deflected towards west. a) deflection for alpha particle > deflection
Reason (R): Direction of force experienced for proton
by a charged particle in a magnetic field is b) alpha particle travels in clockwise, and
determined by flemings left hand rule.
6. Assertion (A): Torque on the coil is always electron in anti-clockwise directions.
maximum, when coil is suspended in a radial c) both alpha particle and electron travel
magnetic field. without deflection
Reason (R): Torque depends upon the d) alpha particle gets deflected but not
magnitude of the applied magnetic field. electron.
7. Assertion (A): Magnetic field interacts with 1) Only a is correct
a moving charge and not with a stationary 2) Only b, c are wrong
charge. 3) Only d is correct
Reason (R): Magnetic field will be produced 4) a, b, d are wrong
by a moving charge but not by a stationary 14. A flat circular coil carrying current has a
charge. magnetic moment µ .
8. Assertion (A): No net force acts on a a. µ has only magnitude, it does not have
rectangular coil carrying a steady current direction
when suspended freely in a uniform magnetic b. The direction of µ is along the normal to
field. the plane of the coil
Reason (R): Forces acting on each pair of the c. The direction of µ depends on the direction
opposite sides of the coil are equal and of current flow
opposite. d. The direction of µ does not change if
9. Assertion (A): Out of galvanometer, ammeter the current in the coil is reversed
and voltmeter, resistance of ammeter is lowest 1) only a is correct 2) b and c are correct
and resistance of voltmeter is highest. 3) only d is correct 4) b and d are correct
Reason (R): An ammeter is connected in series 15. If a current carrying loop is placed in non
and a voltmeter is connected in parallel, in a uniform magnetic field, then the loop
circuit. a) experiences a force
10. Assertion (A): In ammeter, current in shunt b) experiences a torque
is always greater than current in c) will develop induced current
galvanometer. d) oscillates
Reason (R): Value of shunt resistance is 1) a, c are correct 2) a, b, c are correct
smaller than galvanometer resistance and is 3) b,c,d are correct 4) a,b,d are correct
parallel to it.
16. Statement A : Ammeter reads more current 22. Which of the following statement (s) are true
than galvanometer i) Moving coil galvanometer can be used in
Statement B : Voltmeter reads less pd than mines
galvano meter ii) The coil of tangent galvanometer need not
1) A, B are true 2) A, B are false be arranged in magnetic meridian
3) A is true, B is false 4) A is false, B is true iii) The reduction factor of a tangent
17. An electron beam produces galvanometer varies from place to place
i) Electrical field around the beam iv) In tangent galvanometer, current is
ii) Magnetic field around the beam proportional to tangent of deflection
iii) Electric field is more stronger than the 1) i, ii and iii are correct
magnetic field 2) i, ii and iv are correct
iv) Electric and magnetic fields are not 3) i, ii and iv are correct
produced 4) i, iii and iv are correct
1) only i and ii are true 23. The correct option
2) only ii and iii are true a) Electric field and magnetic field are
3) only i, ii and iii are true basically independent
18. A charged particle is projected into a b) Electric field and magnetic field are to
transfers uniform magnetic field. The area aspects of the electro magnetic field
enclosed by its path c) Electric field and magnetic field may be
i) Directly proportional to its KE produced by charge at rest
ii) Inversely proportional to square of charge d) A moving charge produces both electric
iii) Directly proportional to velocity and magnetic fields
iv) inversely proportional to time 1) a and b are correct
1) only i and ii are true 2) b and d are correct
2) only ii and iii are true 3) b, c and d are correct
3) all are correct 4) i and iv are correct 4) a, c and d are correct
19. A charged particle goes undeflected in a 24. If a charged particle is projected
region containing electric and magnetic fields. perpendicular to uniform magnetic field, then
It is possible that a) force experienced will be perpendicular
i) E || B ;V || E to the magnetic field and initial velocity.
b) force experienced will be perpendicular
ii) E is perpendicular to B and both are to the magnetic field and instantaneous
perpendicular to V velocity.
iii) V || B but E is not parallel to B c) the work done by the magnetic field is zero.
d) the particle experiences both radial and
iv) E || B but V is not parallel to E tangential accelerations.
1) only i and ii are true 1) a, b, c are correct d is wrong
2) only ii and iii are true 2) all are correct
3) only iii and iv are true 3) a, b are correct, c, d are wrong
4) only i, ii & iii are true 4) a, b, c are wrong, d is correct
20. A charged particle describes a circle under 25. A proton is travelling due north. If a uniform
the influence of the magnetic field. The magnetic field is applied vertically down then
quantities that remain constant are the particle
i) KE ii) Velocity a) deflected towards west
iii) Time period iv) Momentum b) revolves in anti clock wise direction
1) only i and iii are true 2) only i and iv are true c) acquires acceleration
3) only i, ii and iii are true 4) all are true d) comes to rest
21. When a current loop is placed in a uniform 1) a, b, c are correct 2) a, d are wrong
magnetic field 3) b, d are wrong 4) b, c, d are correct
(i) FR = 0 and τ = 0 (ii) FR = 0 but τ ≠ 0 26. A charged particle is projected perpendicular
to a uniform magnetic field. Arrange the
(iii) FR ≠ 0 but τ = 0 (iv) FR ≠ 0 and τ ≠ 0 following in correct order
1) only (i) & (ii) are true A) The direction of momentum of the particle
2) only (ii) & (iii) are true changes
3) only (iii) & (iv) are true B) The particle experiences a force
4) only (i) & (iv) are true C) The particle revolves in a circular path.
1) A,B,C 2) B,A,C 3) C,B,A 4) C,A,B
27. Resistance of galvanometer and shunt are List-II
JEE given
below for-3VIII
ammeters A,B,C e) Uniform calibration of scale
A) 200 Ω and 50 Ω f) High resistance
B) 100 Ω and 20 Ω g) Reduction factor
C) 300 Ω and 50 Ω h) Low resistance
The increasing order of sensitivity of ammeter The correct match is
constructed is 1) a-h, b-g, c-f, d-e
1) A, B, C 2) A, C, B 2) a-g, b-e, c-h, d-f
3) C, B, A 4) C, A, B 3) a-h, b-e, c-f, d-g
28. A thin straight vertical conductor has 10 amp 4) a-h, b-g, c-e, d-f
current, vertically upwards. It is present at a 33. Charged particle projected into a transeverse
uniform magnetic field. Its
place where BH = 4 × 10−6 T . Arrange the net List-I
magnetic inductions at the following points in a) radius
ascending order b) Time period
a) at 0.5m on south of conductor c) Centripetal force
b) at 0.5m on west of conductor d) Angular frequency
c) at 0.5m on east of conductor List-II
d) at 0.5m on north-east of conductor e) Directly proportional to specific charge
1) a, b, c, d 2) b, a, c, d f) Component of velocity perpendicular to
3) a, d, c, b 4) b, a, d, c magnetic field
29. The following particles projected into a g) Independent of velocity
uniform transverse magnetic field with h) Directly proportional to square root of it
velocities v, 2v, 3v respectively. Then arrange KE
their time periods of revolutions in decreasing The correct match is
order 1) a-h, b-g, c-f, d-e 2) a-h, b-f, c-g, d-e
a) electron b) proton c) alpha particle 3) a-f, b-g, c-h, d-e 4) a-h, b-f, c-e, d-g
1) a, b, c 2) c, b, a 3) a, c, b 4) c, a, b 34. A particle of charge +q and mass m moving
30. Arrange the following in ascending order of under the influnce of a uniform electric field
their resistances ∧ ∧
a) Ammeter of range 10A E i and a uniform magnetic field B k follows
b) Ideal voltmeter trajectory from P to Q as shown in figure.
c) Voltmeter of range 100V ∧
d) Ammeter of range 1mA The velocities at P and Q v i∧ and −2v j
1) a, b, c, d 2) a, d, b, c 3) a, d, c, b 4) b, c, a, d respectively. Which of the following
r statement(s) is/are correct
31. In magnetic field B = (2iˆ + 3 ˆj )T , velocity of
a charged particle is given in table -1. Y
Corresponding magnetic force is given in table-
2. Match the two tables: 3 mv 2 V

Table - 1 Table - 2 1) E = E→
4 qa
A) (4i − 3 j ) m/ s
ˆ ˆ P) zero a

B) (4iˆ + 6 jˆ ) m/s Q) maximum 2) Rate of work done by

C) (6kˆ) m/s R) may be along 3 mv3

electric field at P is O 2a
positive z-direction 4 a
S) must be along 3) Rate of work done by electric field at P is zero
Positive z-direction 4) Rate of work done by both the fields at Q is zero
1. A-R, B-P, C-Q 35. Two coaxil solenoids 1 and 2 of the same length
2. A-P, B-R, C-Q are set so that one is inside the other. The
3. A-Q, B-R, C-P number of turns per unit length are n1 and n2 .
4. A-R, B-Q, C-P The currents i1 and i2 are flowing in opposite
32. List-I directions. The magnetic field inside the inner
a) Tangent galvanometer coil is zero. This is possible when
b) Radial magnetic field
c) Ammeter 1) i1 ≠ i2 and n1 = n2 2) i1 = i2 and n1 ≠ n2
d) Voltmeter 3) i1 = i2 and n1 = n2 4) i1n1 = i2 n2
36. Paragraph: A current loop ABCD is fix on the 3) It moves along helix with increasing pitch
plane of the paper as shown in the figure. The 4) It moves along helix with decreasing pithch
arcs BC (radius = b) and DA (radius = a) of LEVEL - IV - KEY
the loop are joined by two straight wires AB
and CD. A steady current I is flowing in the 1) 1 2) 1 3) 4 4) 1 5) 1 6) 3 7) 1
loop. Angle made by AB and CD at the origin 8) 1 9) 3 10) 1 11) 1 12) 4 13) 4 14) 2
O is 30 0 . Another straight thin wire with 15) 2 16) 3 17) 3 18) 1 19) 1 20) 1 21) 1
steady current I1 , flowing out of the plane of 22) 4 23) 2 24) 1 25) 1 26) 2 27) 3 28) 4
the paper is kept at the origin. 29) 2 30) 3 31) 1 32) 2 33) 1 34) 1,2,3
B 35) 3,4 36a) 3 36. b) 2 37) 1 38) 3

I1 O 30 0 I 33. = qvB
1 2
34. Kinetic energy of the particle at point P =
b mv
C 2
a) The magnitude of the magnetic field (B) due 1
to loop ABCD at the origin (O) is K.E. of the particle at point Q = m (2v) 2
µ (b − a)i µ0 I  b − a  3 2
1) zero 2) 0
4π  ab 
3) mv
Increase in K.E. =
24ab 2
µ 0I  π  It comes from the work done by the electric force
4)  2(b − a) + (a + b) qE on the particle as it covers a distance 2a along
4π  3  the x-axis.
b) Due to the presence of the current I1 at the
origin 3 2 3 mv 2
1) The forces on AB and DC are zero Thus mv = qE × 2 a ⇒ E = .
2 4 qa
2) The forces on AD and BC are zero The rate of work done by the electric field at
3) The magnitude of the net force on the loop is
3 mv 2
µ0 II1  π  P = F × v = qE × v =
 2(b − a ) + (a + b ) 
given by
4π  3  ur ur 4 a
4) The magnitude of the net force on the loop is At Q, F e = qE is along x-axis while velocity is
along negative y-axis. Hence reate of work done
µ0 II1  b − a  ur r
by electric field = F e ⋅ v = 0 (Qθ = 900 ) .
4π  ab 
given by
Similarly, according to equation
37. A current carrying loop is placed in the non- ur r ur ur
uniform magnetic field whose variation in F m = q( v × B) force F m is also perpendicular to
space is shown in figure. Direction of magnetic r
velocity vector v .
field is into the plane of paper. the magnetic Hence the rate of work done by the magnetic
force experienced by the loop is field = 0.
35. Bnet = B1 − B2 ⇒ B1 − B2 = 0 ⇒ B1 = B2
⇒ B ∝ ni. So n1 i1 = n2 i2 or n1 =n2 and i1 =i2
36 a. Net magnetic field due to loop ABCD
at O is B = BAB + BBC + BCD + BDA
µI π µI π
B = 0+ 0 × + 0− 0 ×
4π a 6 4π b 6
1) non-zero 2) zero 36b. The forces on AD and BC are zero because
3) cannot say anything 4) none of the above magnetic field due to a straight wire on AD and BC
38. Electric field strength E = E0iˆ and B = B0iˆ is parallel to elementary length of the loop.
exists in a region. A charge is projected with 37. Force due to non-uniform magnetic field
38. It moves along a circular path in YZ plane due
a velocity v = v0 ˆj at origin, then to B and along a straight line path due to E .
1) It moves along helix with constant pitch This combination is helix but with increasing
2) It moves along circular path in YZ plane pitch.

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