T4 - Benefits of Strategic Management
T4 - Benefits of Strategic Management
T4 - Benefits of Strategic Management
Historically, the principal benefit of strategic management has been to help organizations
formulate better strategies through the use of a more systematic, logical and rational approach
to strategic choice. This certainly continues to be a major benefit of strategic management,
but research studies now indicate that the process, rather than the decision or document, is the
more important contribution of strategic management. Communication is a key to successful
strategic management. Through involvement in the process, on other words, through
dialogue and participation, managers and employees become committed to supporting the
organization. Figure 1-2 illustrates this intrinsic benefit of a firm engaging in strategic
The manner in which strategic management is carried out is thus exceptionally important. A
major aim of the process is to achieve the understanding of and commitment from all
managers and employees. Understanding may be the most important benefits of strategic
management, followed by commitment. When managers and employees understand what the
organization is doing and why, they often feel they are a part of the firm and become
committed to assisting it. This is especially true when employees also understand linkages
between their own compensation and organizational performance. Manager and employees
become surprisingly creative and innovative when they understand and support the firm’s
mission, objectives and strategies. A great benefit of strategic management is the opportunity
that the process provides to empower individuals. Empowerment is the act of strengthening
employees’ sense of effectiveness by encouraging them to participate in decision making and
to exercise initiative and imagination and rewarding them for doing so.
Strategic planning is learning, helping, educating and supporting process not merely a paper-
shuffling activity among top executives. Strategic-management dialogue is more important
than a nicely bound strategic-management document. The worst thing strategists can do is
develop strategic plans themselves and the present them to operating managers to execute.
Through involvement in the process, line managers become “owners” of the strategy.
Although making good strategic decisions is the major responsibility of an organization’s
owner or chief executive officer, both managers and employees must also be involved in
strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation activities. Participation is a key to
gaining commitment for needed changes.
Strategic Management © KOLEJ TEKNOLOGI YPC-iTWEB
Financial Benefits
Research indicates that organizations that use strategic-management concepts are more
profitable and successful than those that do not. Business using strategic-management
concepts show significant improvement in sales, profitability and productivity compared to
firms without systematic planning activities. High-performing firms tend to do systematic
planning to prepare for future fluctuations in their external and internal environments. Firms
with planning systems more closely resembling strategic-management theory generally
exhibit superior long-term financial performance relative to the industry.
High-performing firms seem to make more informed decisions with good anticipation of both
short- and long-term consequences. In contrast, firms that perform poorly often engage in
activities that are shortsighted and do not reflect good forecasting of future conditions.
Strategists of low-performing organizations are often preoccupied with solving internal
problems and meeting paperwork deadlines. They typically underestimate their competitors’
strengths and overestimate their own firm’s strengths. They often attribute weak
performance to uncontrollable factors such as poor economy, technological change or foreign
competition. More than 100,000 businesses in the United States fail annually. Business
failure include bankruptcies, foreclosures, liquidations and court-mandated receiverships.
Nonfinancial Benefits
Besides helping firms avoid financial demise, strategic management offers other tangible
benefits, such as an enhanced awareness of external threats, an improved understanding of
competitors’ strategies, increased employee productivity, reduced resistance to change and
clearer understanding of performance-reward relationships. Strategic management enhances
the problem-prevention capabilities of organizations because it promotes interaction among
managers at all divisional and functional levels. Firms that have nurtured their managers and
employees, shared organizational objectives with them, empowered them to help improve the
product or service and recognized their contributions can turn to them for help in a pinch
because of this interaction.
In addition to empowering managers and employees, strategic management often brings order
and discipline to an otherwise floundering firm. It can be the beginning of an efficient and
effective managerial system. Strategic management may renew confidence in the current
business strategy or point to the need for corrective actions. The strategic-management
process provides a basis for identifying and rationalizing the need for change to all managers
and employees of a firm; it helps them view change as an opportunity rather than as a threat.
Some firms do not engage in strategic planning and some firms do strategic planning but
receive no support from managers and employees. Some reasons for poor or no strategic
planning are as follows:
Strategic planning is an involved, intricate and complex process that takes an organization
into uncharted territory. If does not provide a ready-to-use prescription for success; instead,
it takes the organization through a journey and offers a framework for addressing questions
and solving problems. Being aware of potential pitfalls and being prepared to address them is
essential to success.
Some pitfalls to watch for and avoid in strategic planning are these: